Arch Stanton said on 21/May/20
Got a good look at him again in a 1930s film and if anything the 1/2 inch is generous. He wore lifts yet still looked dead short, most male co stars are 6-8 inches taller. 163cm seems about right.
Tall Sam said on 4/May/20
He wasn't generally reputed to be an aggressive fellow off-screen but generally quiet, bookish, artsy, his growing up as a small immigrant kid in NYC probably contributing to his reticence and ability to play a lot of characters with an angry, resentful demeanor.
Len Blake said on 3/May/20
Edward G. Robinson, was able to project his image as a tough guy in many of his parts.
Robinson, had a medium build, a few extra pounds and an aggressive manner, allowing
him to play a variety of roles. Robinson, without lifts might have been around 5ft2in tall,
not really an issue for him.
Arch Stanton said on 12/Mar/16
Rob, is it just me or to they look like big lifts? You can pause it just as he's knocked down and his leg is in the air. They look like munsters to me. Still looked really short in the film, a few of the actors looked almost a foot taller at times! There's the possibility he was shorter than this but we'll give him the benefit of the doubt. By the 1960s he was looking more 5'3 range but I think he's lost a bit by then. Need to see more of his films, there's a heck of a lot I've not seen, I've probably seen a dozen.

Editor Rob
it was tough to tell from him falling down, I really couldn't see if they were big shoes.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Mar/16
Click Here click direct download link. Pause at 1 hr 46 seconds. Just as Edward G is struck down his leg is in the air and you could see he is wearing massive lifts. I noticed it even in normal running. When I paused it right at the moment you can see the hideous things he was wearing, almost like Gothic platform type shoes or is it just me and the light?
Sam said on 23/Jul/15
Definitely an actor who wore lifts in his leading roles, at times Robinson could pass 5'6" thanks to generous footwear. When he's a secondary (but significant) character, like in Double Indemnity or Key Largo, or maybe he wouldn't dare try lifts around scathing witted directors like Wilder or Huston.
Smudge said on 22/Jun/15
Just seen the film 'Destroyer'. Was intrigued by both EGR and Leo Gorsey looking the same height. Further being that height myself I wondered id they had the same difficulties I had. I had always to prove myself twice to be noticed. People were picked for roles I n life simply because of their height not for their ability.
Smudge said on 22/Jun/15
Just seen the film 'Destroyer'. Was intrigued by both EGR and Leo Gorsey looking the same height.
Sam said on 17/Jun/15
Rob, could you add Scarlet Street and The Sea Wolf to his credits?
Sam said on 9/Jan/15
Yeah, but I see a maximum of a half-inch between Cagney and Robinson and in several stills they look dead-on equal.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Jan/15
By his 60s films could look as low as 5 ft 3. I think 5'4 range peak you're definitely more accurate. I think 5'5 or 5'6" is genuine but what he measured in dress shoes, so in between at 5'5.5 in shoes makes sense to me.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Jan/15
Cagney edged him out I think Sam.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Jan/15
Finally LOL!!
Sam said on 6/Jan/15
I think it's possible that Robinson was something like 5'4.5". If you g image search them together in an early movie called Smart Money, he looks pretty much the same height as James Cagney.
I would say he's a guy who measured 5'6" or near it in shoes and started claiming it as his height.

Editor Rob
5ft 4.5 might be more on the money, it is hard with some of these actors who may have worn a lift in some films.
Parker said on 4/Jan/15
Looks 2 inches shorter than Ladd in this pic,but not sure what either man has in terms of footwear.
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 2/Jan/15
Rob did you have time to look into it? Sam and I think 5'4" range!!
Arch Stanton said on 2/Dec/14
Rob have a look in the commons
Click Here there's some better images in there of him standing up with co stars. He looks taller than you'd expect next to Victor!
Arch Stanton said on 19/Nov/14
Rob is there any change of a tweak to 5'4.5 and adding a photo?. I've seen a ton of his movies now and even in Little Caesar period he's struggling with that 5 ft 5 mark really, I watched it again the other day. I think his 5 ft 5 or 5 ft 6 is in shoes as Sam says. I can imagine him getting measured at 5'5.5" in normal shoes. Cagney edged him out in Smart Money
Click Here and he made Sinatra look tall!!
Click Here By his 60s films he was struggling with 5 ft 4 I think, but peak it's difficult to quite see the full 5'5 a lot of the time.

Editor Rob
I'll have a think on that
wishbone said on 13/Nov/14
I'm 5'7". Edward G. Robinson was also 5'7". While he mostly did great WB crime dramas like Brother Orchid and Little Caesar,Edward could (and did) work other movie genres. He was funny in Robin And The 7 Hoods and as Carl Schurz,Secreatary Of The Interior in the 1870's,signed the peace treaty at the end of Cheyenne Autumn,enabling the Cheyenne Indian tribe to return to their reservation on the Canada/Montana border. Many people sadly these days do not watch the classics from 1920-1970,but take time sometime to watch Kid Galahad or A Dispatch From Reuters to see "quality" acting like Edward G. Robinson made. (I'm going to land Brother Orchid,Quo Vadis,and other "quality" classic DVD's soon. These were "quality" movies studios hardly make now!)
Sam said on 11/Aug/14
I agree, he was a questionable 5'5". He looked more a solid 11 inches shorter than Fred MacMurray in Double Indemnity, so 5'4" range...that was my favorite Robinson role, he was a very good villain but even cooler as relative good guys, basically moral bulldogs in Indemnity, also in Orson Welles's The Stranger.
Arch Stanton said on 25/Jul/14
@Sam In Cheyenne Autumn he looked nearer 5 ft 3 than 5 ft 5!! He'd have been in his early 70s by then. He'd lost height definitely by that film. I mean he was a questionable 5 ft 5 peak.
Sam said on 1/Jul/14
I always pictured Robinson as a tad shorter than James Cagney, but they really looked to have been quite close in height.
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 5/Jun/14
Wearing really big gangster shoes too and still looked really short!
Arch Stanton said on 5/Jun/14
Yeah 5'5 looks about right in Little Caesar.
Arch Stanton said on 2/May/14
He looks really short in Scarlet Street (correction), doesn't look anything more than this.
Arch Stanton said on 2/May/14
He looks really short in The Scarlet Letter, doesn't look anything more than this.
Arch Stanton said on 1/May/14
I can't remember Sam! I was too engrossed in the plot when I saw it to notice his height in it!
Sam said on 24/Apr/14
Arch, don't you think at times that there seems like almost a foot between Robinson and Fred MacMurray in Double Indemnity or at least 10 inches difference even sounds a little conservative? I think his quote about 5'5" or 5'6" could be his height in shoes.
Arch Stanton said on 8/Mar/14
Rob can you add The Stranger, Little Caesar, Double Indemnity, Kid Galahad and Hell on Frisco Bay? Yeah he easily looks this short in The Stranger.
BUTCHIE said on 22/Dec/13
Doubted. said on 16/Dec/13
Probably closer to 5'2". If he is claiming to be 5'5" you can be sure he has added 2" or 3".
Sam said on 13/Dec/11
Robinson's character in Double Indemnity makes a big deal about Fred MacMurray's 6'3" stature. However, Robinson (while much shorter) never looks more than a foot shorter than MacMurray. He may have fudged his height up a bit from 5'4" or something but I doubt Robinson was as small as 5'1"
PAUL M. said on 12/Dec/11
No way is EGB 5'5 he is probably closer to 5'1 at his best. I watched a bunch of his films and you could see how they had to change things in order for him to look taller especially by surounding him with shorter actors just like they did for Alan Ladd. If you look at them while they stand next to a door you should be able to see that the top of a wall is around eight feet (tie beem)and then minus another foot to the top of the door.Even when he wore top hats it just made him look smaller.At least Prince admits to 5'1 so should the late EGR.
Mr. Kaplan said on 11/Jul/11
He's small than that. He and Frank Sinatra made a Frank Capra picture together called "A Hole in the Head". Well, Frank towers him by a good three inches.