Sandy Cowell said on 29/Apr/23
James was a dashing chap and very good looking. Being short certainly didn’t have a bad effect on his career.
Duffer 5ft 11 said on 19/Oct/21
What Lyn paul said back in Feb 2019 - Oh and I strongly believe he was 5ft 5" tall or a smidge over in his "Public Enemy" days - Perhaps down to 5ft 4" into his 80s. But, his presence on the screen was unmistakable. One of the best. Never a hedonist, always unselfish and generous.
Ian C. said on 30/May/21
I smell a height liar. He insisted that the actors he fought in his movies were taller than he was? Oh. That's why he looked so short. It was on purpose, and in the service of his art. He didn't know how tall he was and didn't care? Sure, shrimpie. And his wife was five foot one, and he was seven inches taller? It's almost as if he were claiming to be five foot eight.
Leon Gelernter said on 19/Jan/21
Barely above 5"4- not the height is listed here
Len Blake said on 10/May/20
James Cagney, was one of the most talented actors of all time.
Cagney could do it all, sing, dance and project a larger than life
presence. Cagney was a Judo expert. Whether Cagney was 5ft8in tall
or 5ft6in tall is really a minor fact compared On the basis of talent
Cagney was 7ft. tall.
Lyn paul said on 10/Feb/19
Jimmy Cagney NEVER pretended to be anything other than what he was and that included his height!!
He was one of the best actors, kind, thoughtful to his fellow workers and incredibly professional.
John Schuh said on 2/Nov/18
About Cagney’s height. Keep in mind that Audey Murphy was only about 5’6” and much slighter than Cagney. Yet a friend of his, an actor stunt man, said he had the fastest reflexes he ever saw. That’s how he stayed alive in combat although he did almost incredible things.
greg lehmann said on 19/Oct/18
James Cagney was MUCH more than just a great gangster movie actor! True,some of Cagney's best movies were gangster classics like White Heat Angels With Dirty Faces and The Roaring Twenties,but 5'7" Cagney's Best Actor Oscar came in 1942 for Yankee Doodle Dandy. Then trying his luck at MGM,he and 5'7" Doris Day did superb jobs in Love Me Or Leave Me. Then who could forget how at the end of One Two Three when Cagney tried to buy a bottle of Coca Cola in the end,he got a bottle of 7 Up instead! Directed one movie and even in 1964 narrated a childrens special about Smokey Bear! And he also in The Oklahoma Kid showed he could do westerns! And NOBODY who ever saw The Fighting 69th can ever forget Cagney yelling "5 will get you 10 in the Kraut Army!" Another CLASS QUALITY actor not seen much now!
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Aug/18
Why do little guys like him, who say that size is nothing, always claim they're 5ft8? Never do they go for a slightly more convincing 5ft7, and as for a believable 5ft6 or 6.5, perish the thought! No, forgot these lower options, it has to be 5ft8!
Well I think he was 5ft5 in heels, so he gets 5ft4! And what happened to his pale white eyebrows? Make-up department see to them? There's nothing wrong with pale colouring! I used to admire my friend Sue's pale eyebrows and eyelashes! She was often asked by men if she had everything to match! Instead of telling them where to go, she'd come out with a meek "yes!" Ah! I told her to tell them to mind their own...!
Terence robinson said on 18/Nov/17
When he danced and sang yanky doodle dandy looked like he was wearing high heal shoes.
Dana said on 26/Aug/17
Just saw the Cohan movie starring James Cagney and he appeared much shorter than 5'8"......I'd say 5'6" at the most.....
Arch Stanton said on 2/Mar/17
Cagney claiming 5 ft 8 would be like Big G claiming "almost 5 ft 10" LOL!!
Arch Stanton said on 2/Mar/17
His 5 ft 8 claim though is astonishing LOL.

Editor Rob
Arch, it's dispresctful to honest 5ft 8 men like Big G Rob
Arch Stanton said on 2/Mar/17
Cagney could look 5 ft 6 in some of his 50s western but then he was wearing cowboy boots.
James said on 22/Jan/17
Cagney was 5'5". He was good, although his style of acting was not a realistic one.
Greeneyes2 said on 7/Dec/16
Cagney is my favorite actor. Followed by Steve McQueen. Both are mesmerizing. Size does not matter. When Cagney or McQueen entered a room, everyone else faded into the periphery.
Powerhouse said on 16/Aug/16
You know whats interesting about Cagney? He was well was known for being a short guy even back then, and in a time were 5'8 was comfortably average i cant believe he would have the guts to try to claim that. I mean he didn't even look close to that, he looks absolutely tiny. I'd be surprised if he was even 5'5, that is the absolute max he could have been.
Steve j said on 3/Jul/16
Small in stature very tall in achievements, a genuine all American boy,one of my favourite actors of all time .
Robby D. said on 10/May/16
@Aussie Jack - In that scene you mentioned in "Public Enemy" when Cagney was being measured for a suit they also said his inside leg measurement was 33 inches, which I found hilarious.
Aussie Jack said on 22/Apr/16
Don' t you love hollywood in the 1931 film"Public Enemy" James Cagney was being measured for a new suite the gentleman declared 31inch waste and a 42 inch chest(not expanded) i nearly fell off my chair he sure was Yankee Doodle Dandy as a tough guy they had to make him larger than life to add to his image.
charlie said on 12/Apr/16
Roaring twenties Cagney did appear 5' 5" inches in shoes. without shoes I would say 5' 4" Humphrey Bogart was another short actor too most likely Bogey was 5' 6". Bogart and Cagney were the same height in the Roaring Twenties.
Sam said on 12/Jun/15
Rob, reupping my credits suggestions: Footlight Parade, The Strawberry Blonde, 13 Rue Madeleine, Mister Roberts & One, Two, Three.
Powerhouse said on 10/Jun/15
He appeared 5'4.5 - 5'5, always looked noticeably short, even for his time. His claims are ridiculous. Great actor though.
Sam said on 6/May/15
Both quotes were to interviewers after Cagney retired, he was a height exaggerator on his own.
Rjslade said on 3/May/15
I know the studio made claims and told actors to stick with those fake measurements. They claimed Cagney was 5'8 and Bogie 5'10 1/2. Cagney was likely 5'6 and Bogie, who hated the lifts and thought lying was stupid was never affairs to admit he was 5'8 1/2.
Sam said on 30/Dec/14
Agree, he deserves a full 10 films to be listed. Rob, could you add the following to his credits?:
Footlight Parade, The Strawberry Blonde, 13 Rue Madeleine, Mister Roberts & One, Two, Three.
Gonzalo said on 22/Dec/14
Sam said on 19/Nov/14
Rob, could you add his claim of "five feet seven and a half inches in height" to the top as well? This is from his biography.
Click Here
Mel John said on 6/Nov/14
Here is the dance from Seven Little Foys with Bob Hope, who is listed here at 5'10". I certainly can't see 5" between then - a couple of inches at best:
Phil said on 21/Oct/14
I could believe Cagney wears lifts, just look at how he compares with 5'8" listed Humphrey Bogart (who himself wears pretty hefty footwear too):
Click Here Cagney was 5'5", but with the right footwear, he could have been 5'8".
Arch Stanton said on 7/Aug/14
Can look 5'4" range in Footlight Parade. For a little fella his confidence was huge!!
KateD said on 17/Jul/14
He was often shown to be equal in height to Gloria Stewart in "Here Comes the Navy" but in different scenes he was shorter than she. So I think the director changed his mind about what looked best. In one scene Cagney is nose to nose with Pat O'Brien and then Pat is shown at least 3-4 inches taller than Gloria! But Cagney was so good that details like this didnt matter and they don't matter now. And he was a regular guy temper tantrums of star attitude for him.
Surfdancer said on 5/Jul/14
Why's everyone so obsessed with his and other's actors' heights??? Give or take an inch or 5, does it even really matter??? James Cagney was an amazing talent, an amazing human being, so proud he was an American Legend, whatever the heck his height was!
Arch Stanton said on 11/May/14
The funny thing is that Cagney was only about 1.5-2 inches shorter than Edward Woods in The Public Enemy who I think claimed 5 ft 10!!! LMAO!! In reality Woods was 5'7" max!!
Arch Stanton said on 11/May/14
Rob can you add White Heat and The Public Enemy? Two classic gangster films. Watching the latter now.
Realist said on 1/May/14
Looks more 5'4 range. Those guys were bigger liars than the ones today.
Arch Stanton said on 30/Apr/14
He could look 5'6 at times. He looked that in White Heat, a terrific classic gangster crime film, one of his best films. 5'7.5" or 5'8" is a joke though and clearly impossible. If he was with MJ Fox he's have been old by then so could have been more 5'4". Cagney at 5 ft 8 is sort of like Mickey Rooney at 5 ft 5, or erm G at 5 ft 10 LOL.
Sam said on 17/Feb/14
A biography I read of Cagney did claim a shoed Cagney could measure 5'7.5" but I was some thing hosted by Michael J. Fox a while back in which Fox claimed he and Cagney were the same height, both being under 5'5".
Arch Stanton said on 17/Feb/14
Looking at the form again it says
Height: 5-3
Weight: 112 lbs
Age: 15
It's possible they made it up for the film. I don't think he looked that low but it's interesting that they did document his height as 5'3" as even at 15 that would be very short, and according to him he was 5 ft 8!
Arch Stanton said on 16/Feb/14
Doesn't look quite three inches between him and Bogart but they can't both be 5 ft 8 :-]
Arch Stanton said on 16/Feb/14
Rob have you seen Angels With Dirty Faces? In his juvenile delinquency report "Warrington Reform School" he's written down as 5-3 and 112 lbs, although it says age 13. Makes you wonder why they wrote down 5'3", I doubt he'd have been that tall at 13...

Editor Rob
can't remember much of it
Robby D said on 15/Feb/14
Since my last post I have just seen a rerun of the film, "Love Me or Leave Me" and at the beginning, James Cagney enters Doris Day's dressing room, He is wearing dress shoes (not sure is they were elevated) and a hat and she has just taken her shoes off. Even barefoot Day is taller than Cagney with his shoes and hat on and she is listed as 5'6" on this site and 5'7" on other sites. That confirms to me that he was not over 5'5" he may have even been under!
Robby D said on 15/Jan/14
In the movie, "13 Rue Madeleine" James Cagney played "Bob Sharkey" and espionage instructor who was sent on a mission. On his credentials his height was stated as 165cm and that was on the character he wss playing. If he wanted to get away with being 5'8" that was the time to do it. Rob has his height spot on at 5'5" in my opinion.
James Crowley Meridius said on 19/Nov/13
Rob he claimed 5ft 8in in a interveiw is it possible he lifts too boost his height by 3 inches.

Editor Rob
he does seem a kind of guy who would have worn lifts in that era.
Arch Stanton said on 9/Sep/13
He actually resembles a young David Jason facially and in stature doesn't he?
Arch Stanton said on 9/Sep/13
Nah, he's in stacked heels that's why I thought he seemed a bit taller. In jockey boots in YD Dandy he looks 5'5" max. Looks very convincing as a little jockey. 5 ft 8 LOL!!! Worse than G!!
Arch Stanton said on 9/Sep/13
He looks 5'6" ish in Yankee Doodle Dandy
HappyLass said on 3/Aug/13
I've never understood the obsession people seem to have with height in our society. Here's my Cagney story. My dad was a physician who practiced in L.A. From the early 30s till 1961. When Mr. Cagney & Spencer Tracy were starting out, they were both patients of my dad. I helped out in the office during school vacations. By then, both actors were successful, but both of them stuck with my dad & drove across L.A. When they could have switched doctors for convenience sake. Dad told me that in the beginning, when they were a couple of broke actors, they'd stop into his office & pay $5 a week till the bill was paid. When I was 13, Mr. Cagney invited me to the studio to see him film "Love Me or Leave Me" with Doris Day. He was so kind to me & made sure I got the royal treatment -- what a day! It never occurred to me to check his height.
Kelly said on 31/Jul/13
In his biography, Cagney By Cagney, he talks about his height in relation to other actors. He requested and, I'm sure, eventually contracted that male actors he was scripted to belt were to be taller than himself. He was keenly aware of his strong screen presence and physicality and therefore wanted to fight taller actors so as not to appear to be taking advantage. In my book, Cagney stood head and shoulders above the crowd no matter what his exact actual height. Not only a spellbinding performer but a superb human being. Long live his memory and God rest his spirit.
greg lehmann said on 21/Jul/13
Closer to my 5'7" height. (I remember that when James Cagney was What's My Line? mystery guest in 1960,after Bennett Cerf guessed James,Cagney told host John Daly he was 5'7",my height.)
Sam said on 15/Mar/13
Saw parts of 13 Rue Madeline last night and Sam Jaffe, who was not a large man, was clearly taller but some margin, in some shots it looked like he had a 3 inch height advantage over Cagney. I don't know if Cagney was ever a lift-wearer but he certainly didn't seem to be wearing them in this movie.
Sydney Simon said on 26/Feb/13
James Cagney was easily one of the greatest actors Hollywood ever saw. "Mr.Roberts"; "Yankee Doodle Dandy"; "White Heat"...the list goes on.He truly was by today's standards, a short man (I don't count Basketball players and no one should as they are an extreme minority). One thing about James Cagney was his clear potential for menace, he really was a wonderful person and dearly loved by all who knew him, but he was no shrinking violet. He was powerfully built for a small man, with a thick chest and strong solid arms and legs. His dancing in Yankee Doodle Dandy left no misinterpretations, he was a strong and dynamic Man.he harnesed his full potential as an actor and used his stiff and jerky style to wonderful effect. Unique and Dearly missed.
Adrian said on 23/Feb/13
First off, I'll thoroughly agree with Patrick. In all particulars. ( No I don't need a monicker. ) Funny that after a while I actually forget about somebody like Mr. Cagney and how good of an actor he was. I'll ascribe it to an information glut. I'll agree he was about five - five. I'll also agree he wasn't sensitive about his height which is a plus. You can gauge by the players around him in his films. Hollywood seems to have a predilection for tall actors because they photograph better. Os such is the prevailing wisdom. If you ever ran into Martin Balsam ( I did once ) I doubt he measured a full five feet. He wasn't a dwarf, it just wasn't unusual in New York City to see people who were very short. Mr. Cagney had what they called ' heart. ' He transcended whatever perceived 'lack' he may've had. Steve McQueen was in fact sensitive about his height. I think because it was the end of the studio system. He could only count on himself and very conscious of the fact he had to present a flawless image to the public. You can see clips of 'The Blob' online giving you and idea just how much taller the supporitng players may've been. Maybe Mr. Cagmey felt a little more confident being in the structure of the studio system knowing he had a job to go to every day which is how he saw it. A job. Regardless, he was unique. All the flaws he might've thought he had, we, as television kids growing up in the fifies and sixties were oblivious to when our attention perked up on these really old reruns. We didn't have color TV as yet. But there was something about this particular guy that made you sit up and take notice whether he played a hood, a song and dance man, or a cowboy. Patrick, you not only hit it on the head but you smashed the hammer in the process. Today's players would have a hard time trying to keep up with that kind of intangible persona Mr. Cagney possessed. ( No spell check on this thing. Sorry if I muffed it. )
Mammal X said on 3/Jan/13
Cagney was EIGHTY years old when he made the "I was (WAS, mind you) 5-foot-8) comment, so let's give him a break here. Possibly he once measured 5'8", in shoes, but his real height must have been closer to 5'6". He was a FANTASTIC actor, and his presence was that of a six-footer. I agree with some of the others posters here who said "come back fifty years from now, and see how many of today's stars are still remembered". Read up some time how the old-school actors had do do it; work their way up the ladder, learn to sing and dance, learn to ride horses and do stunts. Most actors did 3, 4, sometimes FIVE movies per year! The delicate daisy's of today's Hollywood would run screaming if forced to work like the oldtimers did!
rafa said on 17/Aug/12
I dont remember to have seen a movie with him. Any recommendations Rob?

Editor Rob
I gave my dad a boxset I had of some of his best - Angels with Dirty Faces, White Heat, The Roaring Twenties
Bubba said on 29/Jul/12
He was about 5'6" and Bogart was the same or slightly taller.
i0hn said on 14/Jun/12
I am a big cagney fan. He was actually 3ft 4 inches very short indeed but a great actor
linke said on 9/Feb/12
Rob,i would have guessed 5'6 but 3 inch exaggeration?????
Sam said on 8/Feb/12
Of course 5'8" is ridiculous. Rob, is there a possibility that he was closer to 5'6"? I read his biography a while back and I thought they claimed 5'7.5" in boots but I'd have to go find it again to verify.
RisingForce said on 8/Feb/12
Great find. Wow...5'8"? That may be one of the most exaggerated claims I've seen. Always looked really short, even for his generation. This listing seems accurate to me, so that'd be a 3 inch exaggeration.
jtm said on 7/Feb/12
he was definitely not 5'8.
Editor Rob said on 6/Feb/12
I found what Cagney said his height was - he claimed to be 5ft 8!
Patrick said on 1/Feb/12
Rob, I agree with you and see what you mean. I think that if past stars get now much less comment it is due to the fact they actually don’t know them. Not knowing Frankie – Sinatra – is just unbelievable! James Cagney was not known for his height as well as Bogart and even much taller actors. At the time, they were renowned for their incredible human and talented abilities to play. Johnny Depp playing tough guys as John Dillinger is just a joke but not funny for example. John Wayne is an exception because he conveys something different as he used to do when acting, while being “the” star. Cagney is kind of short John Wayne in a way as Spencer Tracy was who could embody gentle everyman as well as very tough guys (from Father of the bride to Bad day at Black Rock). Even wonderful actor as Tom Hanks could not do it. Jeff Bridges can but he is NO Cagney or Stewart or Wayne for all that and I love him.
As for what will remain tomorrow as real “stars”, no doubt the old ones will regain some splendor if only because the current ones won’t go the distance! Real strong and even tough guys now are rare; it is not enough to do “one’s own stunt” as allegedly do many actors like Cruise or Pitt to be “mature” men. At 50 those actors would have been considered as kids facing old stars when they were 30! It is needed to air a maximum of old good movies as TCM does to help people not to loose their treasure, i.e. their memory.
And BTW, Mindy, James Cagney didn’t need having “short actor” around him not to look too short. He was tall inside and was much more impressive than
Henri Fonda, Stephen McNally, 6’3 Dan Dailey, Raymond Massey, Ward Bond, Steve Cochran, Walter Huston, Dennis Morgan, George Brent etc. all were minimum 6’ and often taller!

Editor Rob
if this site is still around 40 years, there might be another 10,000 additions, but a lot of the current hollywood actors talked about today, will barely get a comment in the future.
Mindy said on 2/Jan/12
His supporting cast was usually on the short side.
Patrick said on 25/Nov/11
One of the greatest actors ever if not taller. Rob, why great stars like him and so many others are now entitled to figure here over a few comments? Those guys will be remembered far longer and after wrestlers or so-called singers listed here fallen in a right oblivion.

Editor Rob
those who remember or watched films with Cagney don't comment as much as the visitors who know of the Bieber's or
Matt Damon's, the current celebrities.
It will be interesting if this site is still around in someone elses hands in 50 years how names of today will be viewed. Will they even get anymore comments. Cagney doesn't get much over the years, maybe guys like Wayne have gotten more.
Sinatra? My niece never heard of him, which is sad...
Petrus said on 19/Nov/11
5'7" I guess as he got older he shrunk or stooped. He always looked about 8" taller than Jean Harlow at 5'2"
Parker said on 24/Apr/11
guyfrommars says on 23/Apr/11
He looked about an inch taller than Virginia Mayo in White Heat, probably they gave low heels to her and lifts to Cagney.
She actually told Alan Ladd's biographer that Cagney was 'much shorter' than her,and that Alan,despite the myth,was actually an inch taller than her 5'5.5 inch frame. I reckon Cagney was around 5'4.
guyfrommars said on 23/Apr/11
He looked about an inch taller than Virginia Mayo in White Heat, probably they gave low heels to her and lifts to Cagney.
SonnyboySlim said on 29/Oct/10
In Michael J. Fox's biography, he mentions his favourite actor was Cagney and that he wanted to meet him before he (Cagney) died. At the meeting, he noted they were almost exactly the same height (Fox is listed at 5'4 and change and Cagney would have been well into his 80s at the time).
Dean said on 21/Apr/09
Cagney was 5'5" and approx. 5" shorter than Gable who stood 5'10" ( Army Induction Record ) with out his high heeled shoes .
Josh said on 16/Apr/09
I have seen James Cagney appear on "What's my line" (a TV show from the 50's) and he is asked by the blindfolded panel if he is over 6' tall, at which he and the audience laugh out loudly. He is then asked if he is over 5' at which he responds: "a whisker." You can watch the clip on YouTube.
adam said on 21/Dec/08
One of the greatest actors of all time. Around 5-5 is correct.
Ed T. said on 20/Nov/08
Patrick , you are correct. Although small in height, Cagney controlled the screen no matter who he was with,including Bogart. One of the "giant" actors of all time.
Jacob64 said on 10/Nov/08
Undoubtedly he was short, 5'5" or so. you don't have too many people as coordinated as he was much over that height. sorry tall people, but you're not really all that graceful...
Patrick said on 8/Oct/08
Anyway, he was also "larger than life" and looked "taller" than many others who were 5 inches over him. He was "taller" than 5'5 (great also) "Seinfeld's Jason Alexander!
Ed T. said on 7/Sep/08
5'5" or 5'5-1/2"was probably the correct height for Cagney, although I could see him being 5'6". I thought the height difference between Cagney and Bogart was more like two inches rather than three inches.
One actor who Cagney was significantly taller than was the great Leo Gorcey. If I remember correctly, I think that Cagney had about three inches on Gorcey in "Angels with Dirty Faces".
Parker said on 1/Sep/08
I wonder if he even made 5'5. Seen a quote from Virginia Mayo that Cagney was 'much shorter' than her 5'5 and 1/2, whereas Alan Ladd was about an inch taller. Bogart was significantly taller(2 to 3 ins) than Cagney in every film they appeared together. Bogart's character descibed him as a 'squirt' in the Okalahoma kid.
Frank2 said on 31/Aug/08
Trust me. Cagney was never more than 5'5". My father was about 5'9" and his driver's license read 5'10-1/2". People fudge when it comes to height, especially on driver's licenses. And especially men.
Beverly said on 30/Aug/08
On his driver's license it has his height at 5'7" at his prime. Now of course as he aged he properly shrunk to 5'5" or 5'4". I know in his book Cagney by Cagney he had to stand on a box to be a little taller than the leading lady. There is a picture of him in Oklahoma Kid where he is standing on a box. His wife Billie was possibly 5'1" to 5'2" and would have to look up to him.
Frank2 said on 3/Aug/08
A.C. Lyles who I've known since I was a wee lad and was good friends with Cagney told me he was about 5'5".
AG, NYC said on 1/Aug/08
Watch Cagney in 'Angels With Dirty Faces' in scenes with Bogie (who was 5'8") and Bogie towers over him. Cagney was about 5'6".
Frank2 said on 31/Jul/08
Nope. Cagney was at best 5'5".
john o'neill said on 30/Jul/08
at his prime james cagney stood 5'8,according to ralph bellamy.he also said that cagney would look like a giant compared to most of the stars today.he seemed shorter in his day because leading men like gable,cooper,stewart,wayne,bellamy,etc all were several inches over 6'with gable being the shortest at 6'2.
BREWZER said on 10/Jul/08
JOSH said on 15/Jun/08
Richard harris said he was only 5ft 5-6 when he starred with him in an irish film.
Aimie said on 31/May/08
Actually that is considered short today but I read that back in the 70's the average height for the American male was 5'6'' to 5'7''. Back in the 30's when this fine actor was in his prime, he probably was just considered of average height. He certainly is one of the actors with the strongest presences on screen. I love him.
glenn said on 16/Apr/08
wow.had no clue on this guy.i wouldve guessed 5-8.and i think i read that too.then again,when i think about it,he did look shorter at times.
Manitobaboy said on 15/Apr/08
Michael J. Fox once said his favourite actor was Cagney and he wanted to meet him before he (Cagney) died. By then Cagney was 86 but Fox said they were pretty much the same height then. If Fox was 5'4.5" in 1986, Cagney could have been 5'5" - 5'6" in his prime.
Seb said on 5/Feb/08
In his autobiography 'Cagney on Cagney' (1976) he talks about how other people were always asking about his height. He reckoned that his wife had to look up to him and that he was at least 5'8". I was not convinced then nor am I now of that height. But there's where they got that height from. 5'5" sound right to me. Pleasant enought book though.
Mr. T said on 17/Jul/07
Yeah, he was small-shouldered and rarely ever close to his co-stars in height. Still a tough **** and a great actor.
patrick said on 13/Feb/07
Small but not "short" which is pelorative in my opinion; J. Cagney was "giant" and much tougher than so many biger guys above all, from today!
Like E.G Robinson or even UNDERATED Alan Ladd, J. Cagney was able to act anything and ALWAYS more than credible.
He didn't need to be "a standard" nor being handsome or tall or this or that to be what he was: one of the greatest actor (and man) ever!
Frank P said on 6/Apr/06
Seen everyone of his old films. Loved his movies. At the MOST I would estimate 5"5. I would even agree to 5"4. Face it he was pretty small. No way on the 5"7 guys.
Frank2 said on 30/Mar/06
Check out the shoes on Cagney!:
Click HereMy wife has a similar pair! By the way, that's Doris Day next to him. She was a solid 5'6" and I'm sure she's wearing falts when standing next to Cagney.
Cagney was about 5'5". Bogart was 5'7" and Raft was 5'6".

Editor Rob
they look like old style elevators
Frank2 said on 3/Mar/06
If it was true that he was 5ft 8.5 then co-stars like Bogart and Raft were giants! My best guess is that Cagney was around five five, no more.
sam said on 15/Aug/05
I read in his biography that he was once listed as 5'6 1/2" and once measured as 5'8 1/2", and they were both exactly one inch off: that he was 5'7 1/2". Don't know if this is true.