Ian555 said on 15/Jul/18
Hey Rob could Trump possibly be 6’1.25 as his current? He and Obama look about the same height to me. Could it be a possibility his peak height is 6’3”? I feel like he was probably that tall in his prime but he’s obviously lost some inches.
Unsub 5'10 said on 15/Jul/18
He is 72, I don't think he's Lost 1.5", so, I guess He must be 6'1"
Lamont Cranston said on 13/Jul/18
Check out recent pictures with PM Theresa May
She has modest heels on (2 3/4” types) and is just barely shorter than trump.
This site lists her as 5’7.75”...
At this point I definitely think trump is (just) under 6’...
Afka9 said on 12/Jul/18
Turkey president Erdoğan's peak height is 6'1 ft now 6 ft. He look same height with Donald Trump. So Donald Trump's height is sonewhere between 6 ft and 6'1 ft
Pat Collins said on 11/Jul/18
Trump even lies about how tall he is, or Jen's Stoltenberg who claims to be 6'2" is lying and is really 6'4" or more. Because Trump standing next to him is visibly at least 2"s shorter than Stoltenberg. That make Trump about 6ft. Trump is 72 yrs old. People do lose height as they age. And have a tendency to gain weight - to be heavier than they were in their prime years.
Kevin Bg said on 10/Jul/18
Trump's head seems to be pretty short at least in comparison to other men. What do you estimate his head length to be?
Click Here

Editor Rob
I think Arnie might be slightly closer, but Trump doesn't have a 10 inch head for sure. Nearer 9 flat than 9.5
rj said on 5/Jul/18
someone in the media when asking trump questions should ask him to take off his shoes.I would love to hear his "FAKE" answer
Rory said on 5/Jul/18
There's zero chance he was 6ft3 peak. 6ft3 30 seconds out of bed ? Quite possibly but 6ft2.25 is the most one could argue for a 1980s Trump in the evening. In his youth looked like a typical lean 6ft2 man. Today he looks around 184 but I wouldn't be surprised at all if he could still stretch up and hit 185cm.
Canson said on 5/Jul/18
I agree with Robby Harris
Lamont Cranston said on 4/Jul/18
If you zoom in on this picture, you can clearly see 5 separate 1/4" layers to Trumps heel, thus equaling at LEAST 1.25 inch heel. The 1/4 per leather layer (one of the layers is the 1/4" rubber) on this type of dress shoe is pretty standard, I measured mine, and I have several. What varies is the NUMBER of layers...penny loafers may have 3, some dress brogues up to six..
Add an insole layer (standard for the "corking", etc,) and you are up to 1.5"
Click Here
Click Here
Jayofficial said on 4/Jul/18
He was an inch taller than vince mcmahon
Robby Harris said on 2/Jul/18
I'd say there's a higher chance Trump was slightly above 6'2" than slightly below it. He consistently looked a solid 188 cm range in the 80's and 90's, and at times could look 189 cm. I wouldn't doubt 6'3" out of bed on his best days. Today however, he isn't going to be much taller than 6'1" out of bed, at best, imo. I doubt he drops much below 6'0.5" in the evening, if he were to stand better.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Jul/18
187cm is too low for his prime. More likely a strong 188cm, maybe a weak 189cm (and 190-191cm out of bed)
Lapinux said on 2/Jul/18
He was never 6'3"...
Although maybe on his absolutely best day ever, in his prime out of bed, Donald could have stood 6'3" for a few seconds.
Robby Harris said on 1/Jul/18
He certainly wasn't anything below 187 at his peak. I'd say 188 cm in his prime is as close as you can get. However, today he could be heading towards a flat 6'. I'd say 184 cm is more likely than 183 or 185, considering he doesn't look a full inch shorter than Obama, when stood with better posture. His posture is absolutely AWFUL though!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Jun/18
Slickwillie, he looks taller than usual with Clinton in that photo but there are other photos of them where the difference is hardly noticeable. Remember, they’re the same age.
But could Trump have once stood 6ft3? It’s been argued here for years. I personally wouldn’t rule it out as being totally impossible peak.
slickWillie said on 28/Jun/18
Could peak height have been 6'3 ?
Here's a pic with a younger Bill Clinton standing tall at (according to WH measurements) 6'2:
Click Here

Editor Rob
Strange thing about Clinton, he claimed he has only lost half an inch.
Maybe he did get measured in shoes over 6ft 1 and is a guy who slouches more and can actually stand tall for a measurement.
Spencer said on 27/Jun/18
6'2.25" peak.
6'1" today.
viper said on 26/Jun/18
Give him a downgrade to 6-0 flat

Editor Rob
Today I still think he can clear 6ft.
bronty said on 26/Jun/18
give him an upgrade 6ft 1 6ft 2.25 peek
Darkpower72 said on 25/Jun/18
He always looks like a tall and imposing figure, but man his posture is bad. I guess he was so used to being tall when younger that he just got into the habit of constantly slouching. He really does look around Obama's height, who I'd argue as a strong 6'1", and place Trump at 6'0.75" tall. He was probably 6'2"-6'2.5" in his younger days but he's definitely lost height due to his terrible diet, older age and no penchant and value for exercising. There's certainly no point arguing under 6'0" for the man at any point during the day. The lowest he could reach is 184cm during the day.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Jun/18
Rob, how tall do you think Sheriff David Clarke is?
I think 6ft2-3 personally but I think he’s been listed 6ft4

Editor Rob
6ft 3 maybe, though Clarke claimed to be 6ft 4 and 205 pounds.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Jun/18
Can’t see this guy measuring under 6ft0½
YL07 said on 22/Jun/18
Hey Rob, do you have an idea what do you think the average length for human hands are (maybe depends on gender). Since you estimate Trump to be 6'2" at his peak, it is said his hands are measured to be 7 1/4" long which is probably proportionally pretty small for a 6'2" guy I assume. Do you think that is pretty small for a 6'2" guy?

Editor Rob
Close to average length but less for a 6ft 2 man...but his hand breadth looks quite wide, greater than average.
Lamont Cranston said on 21/Jun/18
Trump with 1 1/2" heels
Click Here
Click Here
I place trump at 5'11'-6'0'' these days

Editor Rob
I'm not sure Trump has anywhere near a 1.5 inch heel. If I see an actor with a shoe like that I'm classing them as 1 inch range.
This heel is closer to giving 1.5.
Rourke said on 20/Jun/18
I’ll give him 6’0.75” to 6’1” now, absolutely no more than that. He was at least an inch shorter than Justin Trudeau and doesn’t look particularly tall amongst his peers on TV or during diplomacy abroad. 6’2” at very peak in his youth, absolutely fair. Claiming 6’3” is just too ridiculous, and is clearly him bigging himself up for Presidency.
Lamont Cranston said on 20/Jun/18
I am new to this (although I have been a reading, not commenting fan for years) and I have noticed somethings particularly on this thread...(but also on others).
Those that try to "downgrade" a celebs' height, more often use pictures/age, and other "evidence" to back up with facts, what they are stating.
Those who try to support/maintain/upgrade a celebs' height more often (but not always) simply state their impression and leave it at that .. as seen here:
Chaplin Ng said on 31/May/18
He's definitely more than 190cm.
Thats' it?
If they use evidence, old pictures are trotted out, avoiding the fact that 20 years (particularly if it spans "middle age") can see someone lose some serious height.
There is also a poor debating technique, of deflecting to the poster they disagree with, and saying that they are "degrading" their subject, simply because they disagree with what they feel is the celebrity's true height...Still, that does not address the evidence that is in front of us via current pictures. etc.
The fact is, without a barefoot measurement, using a calibrated scale, everything from where their eyes are (relative to the nearby observer), hair height, etc., can cause a 2-3 inch difference in estimate. And that is without taking into account shoes.
Another thing - in looking at the G-7 pictures of the leaders, one is reminded of the different proportions people have. Trump and Trudeau's shoulders are about level, but Trudeau's head/neck length is easily 1/4 to 1/3 longer than Trumps'...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Jun/18
Rob, is it possible to get surgery to straighten the spine?

Editor Rob
Surgery might help, especially if it reaches a stage which the kyphosis looks to be irreversible through exercise routines.
Leno179 said on 14/Jun/18
I don't think he really lost height,like, he has bad posture due to being overweight, Wich makes he be pretty hunched over. I think he would get back to 6'2 or close to it, if he lost weight and started exercising. Do you agree Rob ?

Editor Rob
For me he looks taller in 80's and 90's than in last 5 years.
Some people lose height through spine curvature in upper back which others might think is poor posture - it's simply the spine has curved and they are now unable to straighten it.
abcde said on 14/Jun/18
Lamont Cranston that is a picture of Trump from the 1997, when i look at Hetfield
Canson said on 13/Jun/18
@fexgvbiy: I agree with you to an extent but it’s not belittling someone to say or suspect if the person doesn’t look as tall as they claim. The problem is that this happens more often than you may think. People claim shoes or some fake height and feel insulted when people call them on it yet it’s warranted. I rarely see people call someone out if they actually are the height they claim. It’s usually that they are called or attempted to be called out on being taller than they claim
And the problem is Trump really isn’t 6’2” barefoot like he claims so it’s not belittling him nor would it be anyone else that claims a height that they don’t measure. At his peak maybe he was (maybe) but today he’s similar height with Ray Lewis in the pics who is 6’0” and change. He measured 6’0.75 in college and that was likely early in the day. The other side of the coin is that Celebheights is based on Afternoon heights which are the ones you measure for the majority of the day. Are you saying that it’s belittling a person to say they’re shorter than they claim or than they actually are? If it’s shorter than they claim, that’s a whole different story. The Rock claims 6’5 and he’s 6’2”
fexgvbiy said on 12/Jun/18
Lamont Cranston: I used the word horizon incorrectly, which is why I said floor level in my second comment. And Melania is also wearing 3-4 inch heels. You guys can try to say how much shorter he is from his youth, some even saying he's below 6 ft. I thought the photos I provided were better reference photos than all the ones I've seen so far.
Canson: It is belittling to state a man isn't as tall as he (actually) is. I have no problem with facts at all. What celebheights is trying to do is noble, and making people aware of the 1-2 inch discrepancy in Hollywood is good. But it would be good to leave personal bias and politics out.
I guess I just wanted to bring a bit more objectivity back to the discussion, since this page has got down the drain since Trump's winning in 2016.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 12/Jun/18
Trump's 6'2" "measurement" by his doctor was either fabricated, or measured in shoes and rounded up. He obviously isn't 6'2" today.
Lamont Cranston said on 12/Jun/18
@fexgviby: quoting his doctors’ height measurement?????
Please.... both his height statement, as well weight were derided as in accurate, and specificly tailored to keep trumps BMI (body mass index) below the obese number of ‘30’..
Trumps drivers’ license (which merely relies on the persons’ Say so) has him listed at 6’2” - and that was given years ago..
Given trumps exaggeration on just about anything I am almost certain he now barely scrapes 6’0”.
Rob : is there any research you are aware of that charts average/expected height loss by decade?
As well, why is peak height featured relative to current in the heading? I could see it being relevant to perhaps an actor who was most famous in the 1950’s, and died in the 1980’s - yes list their height in the movies we are most likely to see them in...but not someone who is at their peak fame now?
Trumps current height should be on the marquee
Canson said on 11/Jun/18
@fexgvbiy: how is stating a man is not as tall as he is belittling him especially if it’s a fact? It’s no different than telling someone that they are “taller” than they are just to make oneself or someone else taller.
187.5 cm said on 11/Jun/18
Out of bed : 185.5 - 186 cm
Before bed : 184 - 184.5 cm
Lamont Cranston said on 11/Jun/18
abcde: that is a fantastic picture of Trump from the 1980's....are there any pictures of him that are more recent?
fexgvby: have just complete a 3hr credit full semester course in photoshop, and learning all about rotation, and credit, I could easily make Macron the tallest, and it would look great.
The horizon is disingenuous here and not relevant. The key thing is that they were all standing in a market line, equidistant from the camera (you can tell by looking at their feet, and how far they were from the various cement podium(s. Of course, one would have to assume 1. the camera was set up to provide the most accurate, even distance from the line in total; 2. the ground itself was ultimately level.
The horizon you see, is easily a fact of the curve of the shoreline, relative to the edge of the hill, the water, etc.
Short (pun intended) answer - my original post still stands. Cancel out all the mens' shoes as being probably similar in adding height, take the base height of the tallest person their, and measure against the rest.
However, given trump and his efforts in deception on hair (no man, and I mean NO MAN who has hair up top, parts it one inch above their ear, I would not be surprised that Trump is using lifts.
The picture up top with Melania has her doing the classic tall-girl bent knee dip, so as to not equal, or over-shadow the man she is with.
Longlimbs said on 11/Jun/18
Trump is 184 cm before bed, no more no less
fexgvbiy said on 10/Jun/18
Lamont, your photo shows Trudeau is closer to the camera, as Rob would often point out.
Click Here
Posture, camera distance, camera angle, floor level, hairstyle, shoes, all play an important role in how two people compare in height in a photo. It's often hard to know where the floor is, but in the two photos above we know exactly where it is (the line between the grass and where they are standing). And the camera is positioned at about the same distance from the two subjects. Trudeau and Trump appear to have the same height, once all the other factors are accounted. It's not reliable to show photos of people in motion, or with different posture, or not knowing how the floor is relative to the camera.
At the end of the day, Trump's doctor provided an objective measurement of his height recently. Rather than looking at a photo like this
Click Here (given by Rob at the top), where there are numerous unknowns (floor, shoes, not full body view, whether camera is tilted, etc), it is only reasonable to infer Trump's height is still 6-2 or ever slightly below as Trudeau.
abcde said on 10/Jun/18
Click Here with James Hetfield
fexgvbiy said on 10/Jun/18
Click Here
Here's another photo. A slight slope.
I have rotated both of two photos to make the horizon line up with the photo (without other changes), and they appear to be the same height (both with good posture).
Click Here
It would be really childish to belittle another man by stating he's not as tall as he is. It's apparent that he has hardly lost much height from his peak.
fexgvbiy said on 10/Jun/18
Click Here
This is from the latest G7 meeting (June 2018). Either Justin Trudeau is
Lamont Cranston said on 9/Jun/18
Recent G-7 pictures from Quebec had Trudeau, who is listed in 6'1" range, easily, and noticeably taller than Trump.
I would guess today Trump is sub-6', perhaps not by much, but the man is not known to exercise, is obese and has poor posture.
To assume he would maintain his peak young-adult height is nonsensical.
Click Here
Lamont Cranston said on 9/Jun/18
Recent G-7 pictures from Quebec had Trudeau, who is listed in 6'1" range, easily, and noticeably taller than Trump.
I would guess today Trump is sub-6', perhaps not by much, but the man is not known to exercise, is obese and has poor posture.
To assume he would maintain his peak young-adult height is nonsensical.
Bolton said on 9/Jun/18
Next to Justin Trudeau at G7 conference he looks under 6ft and would take Trudeau's official height of 6ft 2 to be broadly accurate as he is a young man but rounded up slightly.
Cam Williams said on 7/Jun/18
I've seen him in a picture with Justin Trudeau. Justin is 6'2 and Trump is shorter than he is.
6ftMedium said on 4/Jun/18
6'1 now
6'2 peak
Gracian said on 3/Jun/18
Rob, I think Trump should be listed a quarter of an inch higher, both his peak height and his current height. He really looks more like 6'0.75" today, just look at him next to Sebastian Gorka, Kanye West, Pope Francis and Barack Obama:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Rob, what better prospects for him, on peak height 6'2.25" for Trump or today on 6'0.75"?

Editor Rob
There's many who would estimate those figures. Personally I still think he is about 184 range today (no less) and can see how 6ft 2 and a little bit isn't impossible for a peak...though 6ft 2.5-3 seems too much for a peak Trump.
Leno179 said on 2/Jun/18
I think he is just under 6'2 today, cause of bad posture of course, as he is not much of a phisical active kind of man.
Chaplin Ng said on 31/May/18
He's definitely more than 190cm.
Canson said on 29/May/18
Only way he would measure 192cm is in the morning with shoes in his peak
alex lee said on 27/May/18
Robby Harris said on 24/May/18
Trump doesn't look below six foot. I'd say 184 is the most he could be today though, unless his posture is worse than I thought. Clearly not quite Obama's height, but likely measured a solid 6'2" with ease at his peak. His current height is still desirable and considered tall, so I'm not quite getting the whole complex he has. Posture is certainly TERRIBLE though! But I think it would be fair to say Peak-Trump hovered near 6'3" straight outta bed.
His complex over his age-related (and life-style related) height loss is very telling. I'm surprised he doesn't wear lifts. Not a very smart guy after all, ay?
Canson said on 22/May/18
I think 186 out of bed and 184 at a low.
Peak 189.5-190 out of bed and 187.5-188 at a low. Good enough for 6’2 then
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/May/18
Still looks comfortably over 6ft, I wouldn’t argue less than a solid 184cm. Peak could have been near 189cm
AndrewVittayanunt said on 21/May/18
Trump was probably a strong 6'2" at his peak. Terrible diet, obesity, and lack of exercise has caused him to shrink quite a bit. I give him a strong 6 foot today; 185cm in the morning and 183cm at his low.
Still a tall man, but nowhere near 6'3" nowadays given that Obama is 6'1". For more proof, just look up pictures of Trump with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, a measured 183cm man.
Khaled Taban said on 14/May/18
Peak: 6'2"
Current: 6'0.5"
Canson said on 13/May/18
At his peak, I could buy 6’2” but today he’s 6’0-6’1 range.
Scoobydoo said on 11/May/18
@Christian sorry but is only my opinion and it is based in my point of view and after seeing some pictures about their ( Macron and Trump) . Could be 11 cm could be 13 cm of difference we don't know exactly exactly but to me Trump is at least 13 cm taller than Macron.
Andrea said on 11/May/18
With Shawne Merriman here
Click Here he can look more 5'11-6', considering that Shawne himself could be more 6'3-6'4 than the full 6'4, and that I see a good 4 inch difference between the two if Merriman stood straight... 😊
Don Juan said on 10/May/18
184 cm lol he is at least 187 cm.
Obama 187 cm, Trudeau 188 cm Trump somewhere between, more like 187 cm, or 186 cm.
People are voting low height because they dislike him.
Laura Bogart said on 9/May/18
Why does Donald Trump's height all want to be six three?
Alexhunter2004 said on 9/May/18
At least 190.
haxxx said on 4/May/18
Rob what height do you think he will be at the end of two terms? (if he sits that long)

Editor Rob
He might get cocky and add half inch and start telling people he's 6ft 3 and a half ;)
But I think in 7 years time he will be lucky to see over 5ft 11.5.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/May/18
Baron Trump has a good chance of hitting 6ft6
Vin said on 1/May/18
A little over 6'0
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Apr/18
His height is looking all over the place today. Sometimes barely over 6ft other times over 6ft1!
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 26/Apr/18
Macron doesn't quite look 13cm shorter than Trump
Click Here it's more like 11cm or so.
MrFish said on 26/Apr/18
Rob, how tall does South Korean President Moon Jae In look with Trump?

Editor Rob
Considering Trump is officially 6ft 3, he is entitled to call himself 5ft 9 by comparison.
Of course he's more like 5ft 6-7 range.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 26/Apr/18
Macron doesn't quite look 13cm shorter than Trump
Click Here it's more like 11cm or so.
Scoobydoo said on 25/Apr/18
Well, recently we has seen Trump next to President Macron in Washington to me Trump seems between 186 /187 cm and I think Macron is not taller than 174 cm barefoot. Trump is more or less 13 cm taller than Macron. So if Macron is listed here in this web site like 173 cm, my opinion is good.
What do you think Rob???? Do you see 13 cm of difference?

Editor Rob
I am not sure I can see 13cm between them, though some people might manage to see it.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 25/Apr/18
Especially for a woman that's insane. Women aren't usually that self-conscious about their height compared to men. I've seen a 5'9" girl listed 6'0" on her basketball roster at my college but I don't know if she ever claimed that height herself.
cmillzz said on 23/Apr/18
Barron will be 5'10 soon if he isn't already. Crazy tall for a kid his age.
Heighster said on 23/Apr/18
5' 11" now same height assuming same shoe heels as Jimmy Fallon (in bald cap):
Click Here Perhaps 6 foot in prime, bare foot.
Canson said on 23/Apr/18
@Christian: I’ve seen a lady claiming 3” taller once. She is 5’6 and claimed 5’9”. The ironic thing is my wife at 5’7.75 called her on it lol
haxxx said on 23/Apr/18
@Christian-6'5 3/8
Very ridiculous. I know Donald is claiming 6'3 because of that obesity thing, but he still a tall man. 6.0'5 is a good 3 inches above average.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 22/Apr/18
I've seen a few 5'5" guys claiming 5'8" before. Even for being short that's still ridiculous.
Jug said on 21/Apr/18
Rob is dead on here. He was 6'2 at peak. 6'0.5" now in his 70s. Obama edges him out slightly. (Like Reagan, who was 6'1 when he was an actor and about 5'11 as president when he was a much older man.)
haxxx said on 20/Apr/18
6'0.5 now. That 6'3 claim is a big joke. Almost like a guy who was 5'5 would claim 5'8 lol
James L. said on 19/Apr/18
Idk what RC is smoking. Hes clearly at least 6 feet and a little more. 5ft 10.5 is a complete joke.
RC said on 15/Apr/18
Standing next to athletes with registered heights, there is not way he is above 6ft 1 inch. Especially when he is clearly smaller than Obama (185cm), about 5ft 10.5 seems right.
Canson said on 15/Apr/18
He’s no longer 6’2. 6’0.5 max today
Mike O said on 14/Apr/18
I don't like Trump in any way, shape or form but it's so funny how people make him out to be 5' tall just because they don't like him. He's basically just a 6'2" guy who angles for 6'3". No more, no less.
HollywoodFan said on 13/Apr/18
if Trump was 6'3" (which the WH physician obviously lied about), then just how tall is Jared Kushner, 6'7"? Seriously, potys is no more than sn even 6', perhaps half an inch taller with shoes...
6footTom said on 11/Apr/18
@Hunter Obama edges him out most of the time.
viper said on 11/Apr/18
Trump is over an inch shorter than 6-1.25.
He's 5-11.75
MJKoP said on 10/Apr/18
Hunter said on 8/Apr/18
Donald Trump is at least 6ft 1.25 in (186 cm). A bit taller than Obama.
Not anymore.
Hunter said on 8/Apr/18
Donald Trump is at least 6ft 1.25 in (186 cm). A bit taller than Obama.
MildBill said on 8/Apr/18
In this news footage of Trump meeting Obama they appear equal in height even though Trump stand totally erect.
Click Here
181 said on 7/Apr/18
Rob, how tall is Barron Trump? He looks super tall for his age(10)....

Editor Rob
Well, he's 12 now and 5ft 9.
HonestSlovene said on 5/Apr/18
@Jimmywell Bale is 182 cm and he looks a lot taller, my guess is this was during the filming of American Psycho? (around 2000 ?). Still Trump isn't under 183 cm today.
Jimmywell said on 3/Apr/18
I don't see how he could be as shot as 185 cm according to this photo with a Christian Bale listed at 183 cm
Click Here
Canson said on 29/Mar/18
As listed peak and today
MrFish said on 29/Mar/18
Rob, how tall does Chinese President Xi Jinping look with Trump and Obama?

Editor Rob
Jiping is potentially 179cm
Guanzo said on 27/Mar/18
6'2" 1/4 peak
6' 3/4 now
Canson said on 26/Mar/18
@Rob: only problem is then he would have to inflate his son to get by. He may have been 6’2 prime
Car said on 26/Mar/18
I've been at events next to him.
He's BARELY 6'-0" tall. BARELY.
Mr. FiveEight said on 26/Mar/18
Strong 6' 2" peak. Strong 6' now. He appears to have lost a good 2" over the years. I wonder what Obama’s reaction to Trump’s White House medical was! 😂 Doubt he’s complaining as he’s technically able to look a good 6' 3.5" to 6' 4" with the supposed 6-3 current-day-Trump!
Hank917 said on 25/Mar/18
It would not shock me if he claims 6ft4 next year if he gains more weight.

Editor Rob
Trump might do an Obama...shoot up half an inch to 6ft 3 and a half!
Dercos said on 24/Mar/18
184 cm now
Canson said on 23/Mar/18
@Marcus: Obama’s taller at times than trump. If anything they’re too close to call with Barack getting the edge most likely
M58 said on 22/Mar/18
His posture doesn’t look as good as Gorka’s to me viper, but to each his own. I’ll admit there’s a high chance present-day-Trump doesn’t surpass any more than a flat 6'1" out of bed, which makes his persistent claim of 6'3" all the more laughable at this point! 😆😂 but then again, what do we expect from a guy like Trump? ...
Of course he knows he’s lost height! If he wants to convince people he’s as tall as he says he is, he should resort to lifts! But I’d still say Rob’s listings for peak and current seem accurate enough, though a chance of a 1/4" drop in height in the last year or so.
viper said on 21/Mar/18
Trump's posture is perfect and he looks no more than a flat 6-0. He's nowhere close to 6-1
You could actually argue 5-11.5 with Gorka
viper said on 21/Mar/18
I love Trump's policies, but I just shake my head when he talks. Lying about his height and weight, going on and on about how his innaguration was the biggest crowd, congratulating Putin on his election!
And then the stupid Twitter rants. If he doesn't make it the the full 4 years it wouldn't be bad as the good stuff will be in place and we can install somebody a bit more stable. Pence may be too right wing but he's a very likable guy.
Trump can be great but he is his own worst enemy so much
Gracian said on 21/Mar/18
In my opinion, both the peak height and the current height Trump looks a bit low. Personally, I believe that Trump could measure 6'3" in his prime, out of bed. Rob, could you give Trump upgrade peak height up to 6'2.25" and current height up to 6'0.75"?
M58 said on 21/Mar/18
Yeah, the most one could concoct an argument for Trump beside Gorka is 6'1"...Trump is a heavy sloucher and perhaps could look as low as a flat 6' at times based on that. His stance is a little looser than Gorka’s in that pic (sans Gorka’s legs being set wide apart)... How old is that photo Rob?

Editor Rob
I'm not sure but not years old or anything.
MJKoP said on 20/Mar/18
Editor Rob said on 20/Mar/18
Worth reminding ourselves of how someone like 6ft 3 Gorka (at least Gorka claims to be it) looked beside '6ft 3' Trump:
Click Here
And Gorka might be loose in his left knee too.
For those who love to cry "political biases": I've made my opinions on man more than evident, but I really don't see any remote chance of Gorka being 6'3"....it'd made Donald a weak 5'11" tops(if not less), which I see as simply impossible.
Perhaps Gorka's claim was the result of a faulty Metric conversion(being a native Hungarian)?

Editor Rob
He's a smart guy (but then so is Dolph and he came out with all sorts of heights!).
I think it's arguable 6ft 3 1/8th as he said just over 6ft 3.
Editor Rob said on 20/Mar/18
Worth reminding ourselves of how someone like 6ft 3 Gorka (at least Gorka claims to be it) looked beside '6ft 3' Trump:
Click Here
And Gorka might be loose in his left knee too.
Sean73 said on 18/Mar/18
6'.05" now and 260+lbs. 6'2" peak. I've seen pics of him looking as low as 185lbs in the 70's and 80's.
Canson said on 17/Mar/18
I can agree that he’s easily 265 lbs today. He’s clearly not as tall as he was at his peak but Rob has both accurately listed imho. He looked about 6’2” in his prime
Warren said on 17/Mar/18
Rob, I know of he's a tiny hands for his height but his shoe size are US12 according to the google. It's weird, isn't he?

Editor Rob
Hand and feet size has some variety...but there is some correlation.
If Trump's hand size is 7.25 inches, then that is more towards a 5ft 6-8 man's average length.
But I'm sure 99% of men who were shorter than Trump but possessed larger hands, would happily trade places with him to become over 6 feet (but then have smaller hands).
Danimal said on 16/Mar/18
Editor Rob
I wonder what the lightest weight Mr Trump has been during his 50 years of being an adult...I'm sure for some periods in his earlier years he must have been under 200 pounds.
His lowest weight might have been 215 pounds. He was a tall man and was never thin. My step father was 6'1 3/4" and is 6'0 5/8" today at 66 years old. I've seen him weigh as low as 215 pounds and as high as 310 pounds. He has a very similar build as Trump. I GUARANTEE you Trump is nothing less than 265 pounds today and probably more.
Danimal said on 16/Mar/18
Josh9 said on 1/Mar/18
6’3 239 pounds is the biggest joke. His max height was 6’2 (he’s not even 6’1 these days) and you would have to go back years for him to be under 240... who are they trying to fool in all honesty?
Trump is bare minimum 265 pounds, but more likely 285-290 pounds. I wouldn't even be surprised if he was over 300 pounds.
Danimal said on 16/Mar/18
marcus said on 12/Mar/18
Trump towers over Obama, yet his height is listed shorter.
Uhhhhhh....no, he does not tower over Obama. Obama is legitimately taller than Trump today. As for Trump is his prime, he could have had 1-1.5" on Obama.
Canson said on 16/Mar/18
He was probably as close to a legit 6’2 as you could ask for (somewhere 6’1.75-6’2 is as low as he’d be at his prime height) but today he’s clearly lost 1.5” or very near it. He’s not over what Rob lists him today if even that
MJKoP said on 16/Mar/18
Trump towers over Obama.......horizontally! :D
VoicelessDentalFricative said on 16/Mar/18
Rob, you gonna add this page to the Popular Pages sidebar?

Editor Rob
I'm not sure about that.
Jessman said on 15/Mar/18
Have a look at some images of Trump with Irish PM, Leo Varadkar. LV is 6'2/6'3 (max). Trump was not hugely shorter, maybe 2 inches in some pics. Not sure about footwear. 6'0.5 seems correct as current height and supports a peak of 6'2.
MJKoP said on 15/Mar/18
Neil basically said on 14/Mar/18
Rob, you're so shameless and biased because Barack Hussein Obama totally wears lifts because of how so very insecure Barack HUSSEIN Obama has always been, so that must be why he wears lifts when he's really just a strong six footer and it must be the only reason why he appeared to edge out Trump at the inauguration.
Rob's gotta be one of them insufferable democrats because Barack HUSSEIN HUSSEIN HUSSEIN Obama is listed as 6'1", yet our fearless patriotic leader Donald Trump(I think he has a middle name, too, but I somehow forgot it) is listed as a whole one half of an inch shorter as a 71-year-old man.
I got mes some proof of this but, like, computers stuff is real hard, dude.
Tall Sam said on 15/Mar/18
@marcus/Neil, Trump only towers Obama in your delusional imagination. Clearly, Trump is to you a strapping giant alongside your other calendar hunks, Richard Spencer and Adolph Hitler.
Neil said on 14/Mar/18
This is the single most biased and shameless height on this website.
Rob Paul the owner off the website is surely a democrat because 6ft 0.25 Barack Hussein Obama is listed as 6'1/ While a easy 6'2 Trump with Peak 6"3 is listed as 6 and 1/2. What joke.
Check out pictures from Trump's inauguration, Hussein Obama is clearly wearing 1.5 inch lifts. Insecure Obama has been wearing lifts since before his first election and during his debates with Romney, meeting with India's modi and Putin etc.
I would have uploaded the relevant crystal clear pictures if I was able to.

Editor Rob
Now I live in Scotland and have no real interest in politics...but whether I like or dislike someone has no bearing on what they are listed at.
One things for sure - lying about your height is usually a sign of height insecurity...releasing that lie in the form of a governmental medical report just reinforces the fact.
It might be wrong, but it's just my own guess that Trump's current height is 6ft 1/2 inch.
Canson said on 14/Mar/18
marcus said on 12/Mar/18
Trump towers over Obama, yet his height is listed shorter.
MJKoP said on 6/Mar/18
Canson said on 4/Mar/18
He’s lost about 1.5” over his lifetime and won’t admit it
Nonsense. He always admits to the truth, especially when it's right in front of our eyes. :P
Canson said on 4/Mar/18
He’s lost about 1.5” over his lifetime and won’t admit it
wileyhemi said on 3/Mar/18
The picture with the athlete is useless because looking at their feet it is obvious the athlete is closer to the camera, causing him to appear taller.

Editor Rob
Yuval said on 3/Mar/18
Rob can you tell me how tall do you think is Benjamin Netaniyau prime minister of israel? There are plenty of pictures of him with Trump and Obama. I suspect he his 177 cm tall

Editor Rob
He could have lost an inch by now, so have been in 5ft 10 range, maybe under it now..
Josh9 said on 1/Mar/18
6’3 239 pounds is the biggest joke. His max height was 6’2 (he’s not even 6’1 these days) and you would have to go back years for him to be under 240... who are they trying to fool in all honesty?
Warren said on 28/Feb/18
As listed by Rob. 187 or 188 are his peak height and him and Obama both of them are exactly the same 6’0.5"/184cm now
BilboBaggins said on 25/Feb/18
Rob, that link above to a photo of Trump apparently standing next to a 6' 2" measured athlete doesn't seem to be working.

Editor Rob
There's 2 links that should work now.
Johnson said on 19/Feb/18
Rob you should add the 2018 medical test at top

Editor Rob
"I told the president if he'd had better diet over the last 20 years he could have lived to 200 years old"
I hope Dr. Jackson was joking!
God gave Trump incredible genes for sure. He is the only man in existence who at age 65 grew over 2 inches to measure 6ft 3 at age 71.
Canson said on 18/Feb/18
@M58: that’s a “peak” height in a shoe. He was likely 6’2” or close to it at his peak. He’s not over 6’0.5 today like Rob has him listed
M58 said on 16/Feb/18
Perhaps a shoe morning height (with a possible sneaky lift maybe)? Regardless, I believe he may actually weigh 239...unless it was self-reported, but why would the White House allow him to simply just tell them his height/weight? They wouldn’t have done that for the other tests in the examination for instance, as they would have needed to do some psychical examining.
Jordan87 said on 14/Feb/18
"He was "weighed" this year just like he was "measured". ;)
If he was 239 pounds he would have to be literally all fat. His height? No Way is he even 6'1 nowadays.
People get shocked when A guy like Trump inflates his height?
MJKoP said on 13/Feb/18
VoicelessDentalFricative said on 11/Feb/18
Hmmm, Does his medical mandate he'll get weighed next year as well?
He was "weighed" this year just like he was "measured". ;)
VoicelessDentalFricative said on 11/Feb/18
Hmmm, Does his medical mandate he'll get weighed next year as well?
Tides said on 10/Feb/18
Trump ain't more than 6' Obama at 6'1" is clearly taller.
JJStyles said on 9/Feb/18
Rob it says donald trump is 6'3 now is that true?

Editor Rob
It's rather unlikely.
5'12 said on 9/Feb/18
Peak: 6’2”
Current: 6’1”
MJKoP said on 5/Feb/18
5'12 said on 4/Feb/18
“Look at this bloke 6ft 1 270.
You can bet your bitcoins Trump isn't less than 270.“
Rob, that guy looks much thicker than Trump.
Weigh can be hard to guess; I have a friend who is around 6’3” or 6’4” and every bit as girthy as Trump, who only weighs 103kg (just under 227lbs)
Go see current candid shots of Donald(where he can't conceal his girth via draping overcoats and form-complimenting suits), and tell me he looks "much thinner" than that guy.
The Shredder said on 5/Feb/18
It all comes down to Trump not being anywhere close to 6'3" and even at 239 he'd be obese.
He might not be 270 , but he does look over 239 , which at 6'1 ( if that ) he'd be obese and yes I do think his bmi is more than mine.
5'12 said on 4/Feb/18
“Look at this bloke 6ft 1 270.
You can bet your bitcoins Trump isn't less than 270.“
Rob, that guy looks much thicker than Trump.
Weigh can be hard to guess; I have a friend who is around 6’3” or 6’4” and every bit as girthy as Trump, who only weighs 103kg (just under 227lbs)
Junior Hernandez said on 4/Feb/18
I rule out 183.7cm for Trump. Obama flat 185cm. Could see half inch on them.
MJKoP said on 3/Feb/18
Hey, Donald, I heard that if God forbid anything were to happen to you, Rob, would gladly allow for a 6'3" listing in your honor. Just think - a full two inches taller than Barry, and he hasn't even shrunk yet! ;)
Rising - 174 cm said on 3/Feb/18
@MJKoP: I'd say I'm strong pound for pound, though arthritis can limit me some days. As for Trump, you're right about suits, but if you look at these 1980 pics, I'd think probably under 200:
Click Here Click Here Btw, the angle in that first pic really is unfortunte. It makes him look like a kid who snuck into Fred Trump's office with a big head and small hands, sad! But in all seriousness, even with the suit, he doesn't look like a big guy there outside of us knowing he's a tall man.
M58: Yeah, I was 140 about a year ago. The highest I've ever been is 147-150 range. My goal is 160-165 while staying as lean as I am now. I was surprised that my waist now measures less than 25" because even when I was lighter than I am now, I don't think that was ever the case. But given the fact that I have increasing problems with my joints and I believe my testosterone levels are considerably lower than they otherwise would have been, I'm strongly considering taking something like a few 100 mg of Deca-Durabolin(Nandrolone). I think my bones are probably somewhere between small to medium. I'll have to measure my body fat, but considering I'm vascular(even in my stomach) and do have a six pack, but at the same time you can see all of my ribs, I'd say I'd have to have pretty minimal BF at the moment. In fact, there have been times I've weighed less than I do now in my adult life, but wasn't as lean as I currently am. I am gradually getting stronger as well even as I'm gradually getting lighter it seems, so at least in terms of strength and fitness, I'm heading in the right direction, though I certainly shouldn't be losing anything. There are quite a few obstacles to me gaining anything, though, such as a bad stomach and insomnia.
MJKoP said on 2/Feb/18
@M58 I mean, yeah, upon any inspection people I would know or meet might tell me to eat a sandwich(shop). But some people are so unhealthy and/or abnormal-looking that they simple can't go unnoticed. Google 'Lizzie Velasquez', a woman whom I have immense respect and admiration for.
Jordan87 said on 2/Feb/18
I am well aware of Mr. Prowse history, both in acting and his bodybuilding career. You missed my Point. My Point was weight is harder to guess thant height.
This is what Prowse looked like when he played Darth Vader. He did not look 280 pounds, as he stated his was. Anthony Joshua ( 250 pounds), who is of a similar height, looked broader and thicker than Prowse ( At the time of this picture, when he played Vader and said he was 280 pounds while doing so). There is now way in hell there is 30 pounds between Joshua and Prowse ( Pictured again while he did Star Wars Below)
Click Here
My Point, was Guessing weights is harder than Heights. Not sure what being a prolific bodybuilder has to do with anything.
The Shredder said on 2/Feb/18
I don't think I have the right built for 128 lbs but 145 might be better.
MJKoP said on 1/Feb/18
@Jordan87 - Prowse was a prolific bodybuilder.
M58 said on 1/Feb/18
I’ve been 103 lbs at 5 foot 8 and there was no way I could pass on the street as being even a somewhat normal weight by people at the time. 128 lbs at 5 foot 8.5 is obviously on the thinner side, but it’s not an unhealthy weight, though @RisingForce you could do with trying to get to at least 140, if not more actually. It depends on whether your small, medium or big-boned and your muscle ratio imo. I’m in the mid 130’s right now and still look very skinny but barely have any fat on me at all. Some people are just naturally thin though and that might apply in our cases.
@MJKoP: Here’s Trump in ‘91 looking quite slim:
Click Here (not skinny of course, but definitely on the more toned side with a healthy slimmer build)...now whether he was under 200 lbs back then...i’m not sure. Here’s another pic of a 44-year old Trump:
Click Here I think it’s arguable he was below 200 lbs there...albeit not by a lot.
Jordan87 said on 1/Feb/18
@ The Shredder,
Trump could perhaps be one of those people that have very little muscle mass. I mean, IDK what to make of him. Weights are harder than guessing heights.
Dave Prowse claimed he was 280 pounds when he played Darth Vader in 1977. He was around Anthony Joshua's height and actually looked lighter than Joshua who weighs around 250, yet Prowse is claiming 280 pounds so if this is true, it makes me less confident about guessing weight.
MJKoP said on 1/Feb/18
@Rising - 174: Are you a strong guy? Like you, said, you could be a slightly taller and less bulky version of Bruce Lee. 128 lbs at 5'8.5" may not be desirable for certain vanity(though many women LOVE the super-lean hipster look) purposes, but it's not unhealthy either. I was sub 100 at 5'7", and was told to gain....yet I still could wear T-shirts and shorts and wasn't gawked at on a city street like some freak of nature - like you'd see with those bulimics/anorexics on Dr. Phil or whatnot. Now *that's* thin!
And as for Trump, I'd have to see some 1980s photos to buy an under 200 lbs weight for him back then. He was tall(even taller then, obviously), and always wore black, form-fitting, and likely custom-made overcoats to give the illusion of being far more slender than he actually was. Are there any bathing suit photos of him from that time period? No?? Oh, thank goodness! :D
Rising - 174 cm said on 1/Feb/18
@MJKoP: I know that, you know that and most site regulars know that, but there's the occasional commentator that seems unaware of this so consider it a [probably vain] attempt on my part to preempt the predictable objections. While I'd say that Trump deserves to be called on his height claim more than most due to his habitual short jokes, there'd be nothing to call him on if he claimed a somewhat believable height.
@Shredder: Yeah, although seeing how many women outweigh me makes me feel quite skinny at times, same thing when I took chest/arm/waist measurements a month ago. But I am small, but pretty shredded at this weight. Bruce Lee was only 7 pounds heavier at an inch shorter, though he had bigger measurements all around than me, especially chest, but it does go to show you won't always look that bad at a low weight even though I'm much lighter than I'd like to be. You do look like you've lost weight from how I remember you at some point and yeah, that sounds like a good plan to start off with easier goals and then the more distant ones will get closer and closer. I plan on doing something similar in the other direction.
@Rob: Yeah, I'd say Trump was definitely under 200 at times even into the 80's.
The Shredder said on 1/Feb/18
128 lbs at 5'8 or 5'9 is the bottom end of normal.
The Shredder said on 1/Feb/18
@ Rising and MJKoP, I personally do want to lose weight , I don't know how I'd look at 128 lbs , but 140 might not be too bad as I'm medium boned , I'd slowly want to get to it though and not lose it overnight. Like shoot for 175 first than like 160 than maybe lower as I should weight 150's max going by BMI?
@ Jordan , lol I don't know what to make out of your comment , but you are right that it's all in my mid-section , but I really doubt my BMI is as high or higher than his ( realistic ) one.

Editor Rob
I wonder what the lightest weight Mr Trump has been during his 50 years of being an adult...I'm sure for some periods in his earlier years he must have been under 200 pounds.
Jordan87 said on 31/Jan/18
@ Rising 174 cm,
You are 128 pounds at 5'8-5'9? That would be underweight, no?
MJKoP said on 31/Jan/18
@Rising: Yeah, a lot of celebs and politicians take extreme liberties with their heights. Stating what is clearly the truth isn't picking on someone. Pointing out an endless stream of confirmed lies and instances of unwarranted personal attacks AND irrational thought patterns isn't 'picking on someone' either - it's simply informing people of the realities. Trump's attitude towards his height and weight isn't by any means a deal breaker nor is it of any significant consequence to who he is or isn't as a human being or President. Of course, there are unstable megalomaniacs who are quite up front and honest about their physical dimensions and there are otherwise very humble and decent public figures who tell some pretty tall tales(pun intended). But there's definitely a certain correlation in play...arguing against that would be dishonest.
Jordan87 said on 31/Jan/18
I would say you look "Fatter" As you put it than Trump. Similar build but you have it more in your mid section.
I still do not believe trump is only 239. Again, I would have pegged him for something like 250-255.
The Shredder said on 31/Jan/18
I was actually as big as 215 lbs before about 6 years ago , I was drinking a lot. I don't smoke or drink anymore.
My current BMI is 30.9 ... 191.5 at 5'6 , I was pretty similar in those pics , about 190 - 193.
Rising - 174 cm said on 30/Jan/18
@Shredder: You really don't stand out to me as noticeably fat or anything like that and this is even coming from someone like myself who weighed in at just 128 as of Christmas(down from 140ish) while I'd guess Trump at much closer to 250-260 at a real height of 6'1" max, very likely under as Rob lists him. At minimum, I'd guess him upwards of 240 and in Trump's case, due to him openly disliking exercise beyond golf, it shows as he's never been muscular at all so that figure is worse than it would be for someone more active as it's undoubtedly almost all fat. And I'm not saying this to pick on Trump in anyway, it's just what I honestly see. His 6'3" claim is the bigger joke, though, especially after seeing him side by side with 6'3" Jeb Bush, but I'm sure Trump would say Jeb is a low energy 6'5". I don't doubt Trump was around 6'2" in his prime and naturally around 6'3" in shoes, but claiming his prime shoe height now just looks ridiculous. I think it's partially not wanting to admit he's shrunk an inch or more as many men are reluctant to because it shows they're aging and I doubt Trump likes being reminded that he's over 70.
Here's Trump and Alex Rodriguez back in 2004 making Trump no older than 58:
Click Here
A-Rod was listed at 6'3", but is about 6'2" at most. You can see this as he looked only slightly taller than a solid 6'1" Barry Bonds and was always shorter than Derek Jeter, who was also listed 6'3", but probably not the full 6'3". 6'4 3/8" measured Tom Brady also had a couple of inches on Alex even when Brady slouched so that also confirms A-Rod is closer to 6'2".
Canson said on 29/Jan/18
Lol I’m shocked that they don’t mandate the president to disclose his barefoot height to the public
MJKoP said on 29/Jan/18
The Shredder said on 28/Jan/18
LOL , I have no butt ...
Click Here
Have you see that "rear-view" helicopter shot with the wind blowing? DJT's got enough meat on his 'junk in the trunk' to feed an enitre s***hole country(though I'm sure they rather continue to starve).
If you're clinically obese at 30.9 while looking barely even chubby(not sure what your muscle index is, though), Donny is likely 40+. He's......okay, here it comes..............weight for it........YUUUUUUUGE!!!!!!!
And with normal-sized hands and his BMI might be approaching 50. :D
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 28/Jan/18
@Shredder, why aren't you wearing your charlie puth t-shirt? 😂
you're slimmer than trump btw.
Canson said on 28/Jan/18
@M58: at his peak that’s possible but I think that’s his shoe height as A young man
The Shredder said on 28/Jan/18
LOL , I have no butt ...
Click Here
MJKoP said on 27/Jan/18
The Shredder said on 27/Jan/18
My BMI is 30.9 going by height and weight ... Do I look fatter than Trump? I'm the short guy in the pic with Jamie Kennedy.
Click Here
Even if your butt would put Kardashian's to shame, you'd still be like a twig compared to him.
M58 said on 27/Jan/18
I wonder if Trump really believes he’s 6’3”...🤔 after all, in fairness, he could have measured it out of bed as a younger man...
Canson said on 27/Jan/18
@MJKOP: he also inflates his sons height and has called him 6’6” or 6’5” before his son also lies tho too.
tree said on 27/Jan/18
Trump is obese but no way he is Obese grade 2 does no look THAT fat
The Shredder said on 27/Jan/18
My BMI is 30.9 going by height and weight ... Do I look fatter than Trump? I'm the short guy in the pic with Jamie Kennedy.
Click Here
MJKoP said on 26/Jan/18
The Shredder said on 26/Jan/18
I'm waiting for Rob to give Obama 6'3 1/2
That'll only happen when Rob gives Donald 6'3" as a current height....in other words, never. :D
@James R. Strickley - No, he's overweight by even his own admission. A 30 on the BMI chart is the threshold for "obese". At 6'3" and 239 lbs, Trump would literally be 29.9 - as close to obese as possible without medically qualifying. A mere inch shorter(as per his DL), and the BMI shoots up to 30.7. I think the only real question is whether or not his real weight and height would classify him as "morbidly obese", which I suspect it would(35 BMI and up).
The Shredder said on 26/Jan/18
I'm waiting for Rob to give Obama 6'3 1/2
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 25/Jan/18
thanks m58, it turns out i have longer and thicker hands than donald!!!! lmao.
i wonder where i would stand next to peak trump though.... he strikes me more as 187 tbh.

Editor Rob
Trump's hands used to be longer, but he suffers from Del Dito Bendato Syndrome, so can't exactly extend his fingers as long as he'd like.
James R. Strickley said on 25/Jan/18
VoicelessDentalFricative said on 25/Jan/18
Click Here
Looking fairly tall with Piers morgan

Editor Rob
MJKoP said on 24/Jan/18
Donald John Trump is six foot, three inches.
Only problem for him is that I'm referring to two separate measurements there.
MJKoP said on 24/Jan/18
Shredder, yeah...they were being a bit careless on that one, very true. And I didn't even need to click either links, because I had already seen both videos. I would say Trump flat-out refused to be weighed or measured, and provided the doctor with such info....how could Dr. Jackson say 'no' to The President? He was probably dark red and sweating profusely because he KNEW it was all BS and was super nervous about having to address the media about it. I'd be extremely nervous too if I knew I had to sell a lie that conflicted with my professional opinions.
The Shredder said on 23/Jan/18
MJKoP , I get what you mean and I agree , but what I meant was that Cenk ( and Ana ) would think we are all crazy because they believe the measurements and actually think the Doctor is legit. In this case they are being kind of closed minded.
Cenk at 2:40 in this video even says it could be the angle to why Trump looks shorter than Obama ...
Click Here
At least David Pakman believes that Trump is 6'1 to 6'1.5 ( at best ) and believes Trump is more than 239 lbs ... check out the first 4 mins of this video.
Click Here
David even admits he lied about being 5'9 himself on his DL.
BTW , this isn't about politics or how I personally feel about them , it's just that Cenk and Ana actually believe the lies and they think everybody that doesn't believe the Doctor is a nut case. While on the other hand David sees right through the BS.
The Shredder said on 23/Jan/18
If they can lie about his height and weight on the exam , they can lie about the whole thing.
Alex Reynolds said on 22/Jan/18
He’s 5’11.75 and 270 lbs.
John Manna said on 21/Jan/18
His license says 6'2", which would be left over from his peak height, so he's a little less now. Why would he allow his license to say 6'2", if he was 6'3"?
John Hunter said on 21/Jan/18
No way is he 6' 3". He's barely six feet, maybe 6' 0.5" at most. As far as weight, I'm 245 at 5 feet 10 and I'm built much like him, so he's probably a little heavier than me, maybe 260.
MJKoP said on 21/Jan/18
The Shredder said on 21/Jan/18
What sad is that Cenk Uyger actually believes the 6'3" 239 lbs.
That just adds to my point when I surmised that Cenk really doesn't obsess over height or other superficial factors of a person, and instead focuses on what really matters. Which is also why I thought(and still think) that he could be a legit 5'9" or perhaps just a tiny fraction under, hence why his own claim seemed uncertain(he didn't want it to appear as though he was lying).
The Shredder said on 21/Jan/18
What sad is that Cenk Uyger actually believes the 6'3" 239 lbs.
MJKoP said on 20/Jan/18
The Shredder said on 19/Jan/18
LOL there is a " Girther Movement " going on now and the internet is comparing him to guys of 6'3 with the same weight.
Yeah, Trump is unquestionably horrible in almost if not every way imaginable, but it's not remotely fair to use athletes/body builders to draw a fair comparison...due to the tired, old - but very true - muscle outweighing fat to skewer the BMI results argument.
That being said, the 6'1/270 guy Rob posted below proves that the 6'3/239 is a big, (morbidly?)obese lie....but you can of course still weigh less than someone of the same height and be unanimously seen as 'fatter', if the heavier person's muscle index eclipses their body fat percentage.
The Shredder said on 19/Jan/18
Obama is 6'3 1/2 and 140 lbs
M58 said on 19/Jan/18
Any idea on Trump’s eye-level, Rob?

Editor Rob
Very average, I doubt much over 4.5 inches.
The Shredder said on 19/Jan/18
LOL there is a " Girther Movement " going on now and the internet is comparing him to guys of 6'3 with the same weight.
MJKoP said on 19/Jan/18
AKK said on 19/Jan/18
His numbers are too fudgy.
He makes the "fuzzy math" of G. Dubya appear in perfectly sharp focus by comparison. :D
M58 said on 19/Jan/18
@Rob: Isn’t It funny we were waiting a whole year to see what the White House measurement would come out to, just to hear the same old self-reported 6-3 nonsense! 😐

Editor Rob
It's unfortunate President Trump didn't follow through with releasing his actual barefoot height and weight.
Jake94 (5'9 said on 19/Jan/18
@Concerned 182 cm Obama clearly edges Trump out these days. By about half an inch.
Canson said on 19/Jan/18
@Concerned182cm: 6’3 is probably his shoe height when he was at his peak. Then I could buy him as a full 6’2 if not at least mid to upper 6’1 range at a low
Jordan87 said on 19/Jan/18
Trump is around 6'0.5" Now at best It would seem. 239 Pounds IDK he would literally not have alot much muscle to his frame and would have a high body fat percentage. Then again he is 70 years old, but I was going to put him at around 255-265 Myself assuming he is a tad over 6'0 tall still at his " Advanced" Age.
AKK said on 19/Jan/18
His numbers are too fudgy.
Concerned 182 cm said on 19/Jan/18
Rob, I've been looking at pics of him next to confirmed 6'1 Obama, and these really don't support the claim that he's even 6'1 nowadays. 6'1.5 is an overestimation imo. This one is particularly telling. It's the two men in a full body shot, legs visible, footwear visible (and very similar), on the same elevation, standing right next to each other. They're almost the exact same height. Obama might actually edge him out comparing eye level. It seems pretty undeniable.
Click Here
Also, I love that political debates are suspended and instead someone becomes irredeemable if they lie about their height by more than an inch. This is why celebheights is a magical place. :) Will Trump be the new Big G? Can he stand a chance against the uncontested reign of that one Twilight guy who claimed to be 6'2 while being 5'11.5?

Editor Rob
Well his current listing on here is 6ft ½ inch, for over a year now, although I think I understand how people give him 6ft ¾ inch as an estimate too.
The Shredder said on 18/Jan/18
I'm calling it now , around 6'1 and 275 lbs.

Editor Rob
Look at this bloke
6ft 1 270.
You can bet your bitcoins Trump isn't less than 270.
just because said on 18/Jan/18
he was taller than stonecold and vince mcmahon 6ft2 seems right
Canson said on 18/Jan/18
@The Shredder: Obama would be a string bean 😂
Canson said on 18/Jan/18
@Rampage: I think he was a solid 6’2 188 peak. Today looks similar to Ray Lewis 6’0.6 measured could be 6’0.5. Trump looks at best weak 6’1 or strong 6’0” today
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Jan/18
Agree. Solid 6ft2 with a decent enough at 189cm
Tall Sam said on 18/Jan/18
If the doctor took this measurement personally, he is lying. Furthermore, this doctor claimed Trump to be in perfect health, which a majority of Americans (even right wingers) are not really buying. Seriously, speaking as a proud American, Trump is a corrupting presence to anyone around him IMO, even the majority of other Republican politicians and their older, conservative constituents probably personally dislike/hate him but he gets all of them backing him up in his lying, hateful ways. Any mockery or insult to Trump is a good one, especially if it gets under his skin.
If the doctor took his self-reported height claim, one would be lucky he didn't claim 6'5" as in his narcissistic view, greatness has caused his spine to increase in length. I'm sure the only measurement of his that he decreases and doesn't falsely inflate is his belly girth.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Jan/18
Maybe he could still make it to 6ft1 if it was a 9:00am appointment. It's probably just a case of he still thinks he's at his peak.
Rob, which is more likely peak 187cm or 189cm?

Editor Rob
I wouldn't go as low as 187 for Trump's peak...I think he was a solid enough 6ft 2 guy
Don Julio said on 18/Jan/18
Strong 188 cm at his prime, I think possibly 188.5cm or 6'2 1/4" was good match, but when you become spoiled and sit around, gain weight and play golf, you just lose that height. He is a solid 184 now. If he lives 15-20 years longer, he will likely fall below 6 feet, I could see him at 90 trying to say claim 6'2" when he is barely even 5'11"
MJKoP said on 18/Jan/18
Bruno said on 17/Jan/18
What's all this anti Trump garbage, including your good self Rob. He is POTUS, now get on with it.
Editor Rob
It's some humour at the absurdity of the Whitehouse and Trump claiming to still be 6ft 3...
He's not Rob's President(I mean, literally). :P
The Shredder said on 18/Jan/18
I'm going to say this much , could he actually be 6'1?

Editor Rob
It's not an impossibility. It's far more believable than 6ft 3 though.
TobiasE said on 18/Jan/18
Does his weight and height be considered fake news...?
The Shredder said on 18/Jan/18
Obama is 6'3 1/2 140 lbs than
C: TheHeightAnalyzer said on 18/Jan/18
I knew he was 6'3''. I guess the haters are convinced that he was examined by a Russian doctor.
Fair Guy said on 18/Jan/18
We all know the truth. He's way shorter than A-Rod, the same height as Obama.
So either he was measured as 6.0 feet three times
He was measured wearing shoes.
About 184 cm is correct.
:) said on 18/Jan/18
What do you think his son barron's hight would be? he seems tall for his age.

Editor Rob
Baron Trump is now over 5ft 8 and knockin on 5ft 9 ¼
Canson said on 17/Jan/18
@Hanburger: negligence on doctors part
Canson said on 17/Jan/18
@Grizz: my father is almost 70 and he is still just about 6’4” at his low. Worst case 6’3.75-.875 as he’s half inch shorter than me back to back. Not sure how much over 6’4” he was peak but I remember he was like 6’4- 4 1/4 according to him and don’t even know if that was a low Not sure if it was a bit higher before. I know he was a solid 6’4 in his 40s
M58 said on 17/Jan/18
Guys, Trump IS 6’3”! He just has poor posture! You think he’d get away with lying for the OFFICIAL White House medical? I mean...it’s pretty well known Trump is an honest man. Perhaps EVERYONE around him just wears 2-2.5” lifts to push this ridiculous conspiracy against Mr. Donald “Honest 6-3” Trump!🤥😜
richinkle said on 17/Jan/18
One more piece of evidence that Trump is a compulsive, pathological liar is his boneheaded insistence that he is 6'-3", despite all the evidence that, at age 71, he doesn't even hit 6'-1".
To be fair, however, many non-pathological liars fib about their height.

Editor Rob
On a serious note, I think the Whitehouse should have specified that Trump supplied a self-reported height and weight.
MJKoP said on 17/Jan/18
MJKoP said on 15/Jan/18
It could very well come out to six foot three.
Seb said on 17/Jan/18
Apparently, after his latest medical, i.e. this week reported, he comes in at just 6ft (183cm).
omar said on 17/Jan/18
Doctor said ge was 6'3". Must be lying about his health as well.
DruceLee said on 17/Jan/18
In recent medicals 190,5cm and 108kg.
Bruno said on 17/Jan/18
What's all this anti Trump garbage, including your good self Rob. He is POTUS, now get on with it.

Editor Rob
It's some humour at the absurdity of the Whitehouse and Trump claiming to still be 6ft 3...
The Shredder said on 17/Jan/18
Even Big Cenk looks like he doesn't believe the 6'3" 239 lbs.
Click Here
The Shredder said on 17/Jan/18
TobiasE said on 17/Jan/18
If a president can lie about all kinds of stuff, he certainly can lie about height & weight.
To me it's unreal USA has this president. And he was elected...only 25% Americans voted for him. 0% from rest of the world, even if it was allowed.
1. He won the GOP because his supporters have exactly the same mind set he does ( and they hated Obama , for obvious reasons).
2. He won the General Election because the Electoral College wasn't going to have a woman in office after a minority.
Hungarian said on 17/Jan/18
I think he was strong 6ft2 in prime.Today he is a bit bellow that but don't believe he lost as much as Arnold or Clint Eastwood for example,he still looks taller than listed here.
TobiasE I think it's the his truth,not lies that hurts some people's irrational feelings.Keep discussion about height not politics.
Peter175 said on 17/Jan/18
Barron Trump is at least 5'9" now. He's close height to his mother
I think he's going to hit 6'7"
hambubger said on 17/Jan/18
The 6'3" was arrived at in 1.5" heeled shoes and rounding up, that's my guess. It's clear Trump is the exact same height as Obama. Something also to keep in mind is that Trump is much heavier than Obama, and I'm willing to bet out of bed, he's marginally taller. A heavier guy shrinks slightly more, and loses the 2cm or so that you lose by lunchtime, whereas a slim guy like Obama would lose height much more gradually over the course of the day.
Truth is, it's irrelevant really for your physical whether you are 1 or 2 inches off your real measurement, which is why the doctor signed off on it. It's funny though watching this page explode in outrage, almost as funny as watching the media explode on a daily basis every time the president sneezes.
To be honest I am disappointed in Trump. Arnold has admitted he's lost height multiple times. Trump could have said, well look at that, I'm 71 and I've lost 2 inches. But if he was measured in shoes and rounded up as I'm guessing, it could also be the doctor's fault.
Bart said on 17/Jan/18
Rob, what percentage of people have some form of degenerative disc disease that contributes to height loss by 70? Its gotta be pretty high, as its natural to lose a few inches from cartilage breakdown in the joints throughout the body. Trump still claiming full height seems almost sad. Dude, its ok to be old. No one thinks less of you for slightly shrinking due to age (is what I want to tell him.)

Editor Rob
Ageing itself is a battle with Discs, worth reading
This article.
TobiasE said on 17/Jan/18
If a president can lie about all kinds of stuff, he certainly can lie about height & weight.
To me it's unreal USA has this president. And he was elected...only 25% Americans voted for him. 0% from rest of the world, even if it was allowed.
tree said on 17/Jan/18
If i would be a reporter i would ask than why were you listed 6ft2 in your driving license??
I hope he shrunk under 6ft soon.
tree said on 17/Jan/18
He is still listed at 6ft3 in his Physicall :O
Dude you were not taller than Obama-_-
Rory said on 17/Jan/18
The 6ft3 declaration is disappointing but predictable. It's funny because he's still considered overweight for his false height of 6ft3, regardless of 6ft0.5/0.75 his actual height.
Johnson said on 17/Jan/18
6'3??? What a joke
Whitebeard said on 17/Jan/18
6ft 3 lol.Jeb Bush towers over him in pictures.
Click Here
Mark29 said on 17/Jan/18
Here you can see the official physical examination. No word if his height and weight were measured/self reported or with/without shoes.
Click Here

Editor Rob
That there is #HeightFraud
This is a man that when even when presented with a camera advantage beside a
measured 6ft 2 man, still manages to look shorter.
jessman said on 17/Jan/18
Could this mean that he was 6'4 in his younger days, when you add back an inch lost through advancing years? Or maybe a bit over 6'4 when you factor in the effect his extra weight might have had?? He must have understated when he said 6'2 for his DL. Joking obviously. We will find out if the measurement was verbal, with shoes, etc., in thirty years when official records are released. Can't wait. Lots of comments to be had in the meanwhile 😃
grizz said on 17/Jan/18
This is getting ridiculous. Apart from obvious lying, no man can hold the same height he had as a youngster, he's in his 70s for crying out loud.
The Shredder said on 16/Jan/18
This might be the biggest height crime in world history and the Doctor should be fired.
The Shredder said on 16/Jan/18
Oh yeah Trump really is 6'3 and 239 lbs , yeah and G is 5'8.25 and 120lbs.
Matt said on 16/Jan/18
6'3, per official medical measurement Rear Admiral Dr. Ronny Jackson.
Click Here
CovfefedUp said on 16/Jan/18
Trump was not measured 6'3. He was measured 6' 3 times! He would never lie or inflate anything about himself, especially his height, weight, and nuclear button size!
Rifle said on 16/Jan/18
Dear Rob,
As per White House physician, Rear Admiral Jackson, Trump is 6'3" tall and weighs 239 lbs. :)
Click Here
MAD SAM said on 16/Jan/18
187 cm at his peak ; 183 cm now
Dillon said on 16/Jan/18
Still says he’s 6’3 and 239 pounds. I don’t know if they are just making it up or what.
Doink said on 16/Jan/18
Seems pretty clear from the reported height measurement and several things that what was reported on the medical check-up was only slightly more honest than Trump's quack personal doctor.
I'm guessing the military doctor had orders direct from the WH. Obviously you're not going to say Trump is deathly ill publicly, but this one was such a joke that nobody's going to take it seriously.
Christopher Wood said on 16/Jan/18
I'd guess that Trump is now under 6"1. The reason is that he wasn't overweight when willing to give his height on the NY state driver's license.
I was 6"2 all my adult life until recently. At my recent physical physical, at age 66, that I am now 6"1 (without shoes). My doctor assured that I did not have scoliosis, but that gravity has taken its toll over five decades.
Last year, his "doctor" offered that Trump was 6'3" because seeing him on the golf course, it's obvious he is overweight, and they wanted to make his 71 year old size/weight isn't so bad.
Brandon said on 16/Jan/18
so the results from Trump's physical are out and they have him at 6ft 3..... what a load of bull! even with shoes no way. how do they come out with a result like that?!?
MrFish said on 16/Jan/18
Rob, White House doctor says 6ft 3in. I don't see how this is possible! Maybe the doctor didn't measure, just asked him for a height.

Editor Rob
Falsifying government documents is a federal offence. 😱
Gotcha Trump! 😼 Impeach and Lock 'em up 😾
John said on 16/Jan/18
That White House doctor (Jackson) either did not measure Trump or is fudging his height to prevent the President from being classified as obese. Trump is not 75" (6'3") as the doctor reported; there is no way. There are too many pics of him that show him standing next to people who are legit 6'2"-6'3" and he is shorter than they are are. President Obama who is probably a legit 6'1" is slightly taller than Trump who is probably in the 6'0.5" to 6'0.75" range.
Paul NS (6ft0.5) said on 16/Jan/18
Click Here
"Doctor Ronny Jackson reports Trump is 75" tall, 239 pounds.
Resting heart rate: 68.
Blood pressure is 122/74."
6'3!!! Rest assured that if I was on my phone right now, I'd be including several laughing emojis.
Paul NS (6ft0.5) said on 16/Jan/18
"Jackson acknowledges that Trump's given weight, 239 pounds, is one pound from a classification as obese. Says Trump knows he should lose weight."
Click Here
A BMI for someone that's 6ft 3 and 239 is 29.9, so I guess that's what they listed him as. The "given weight" thing probably means it came from Trump directly, so he probably gave 6ft 3 as his height as well.

Editor Rob
Looks like Trump never agreed to release his true height and weight.
Seems more like self-reported stats than real ones, because I'm sure neither the Doctor or Trump would ever falsify Government documents with false information 🤔🤥
Bobby48 said on 16/Jan/18
I wouldn't be surprised if Trumps height becomes the next White House scandal.
I think he will be measured in shoes, it seems awkward to ask the president to take off his shoes. Obamas weight was stated including his shoes if Obama was measured without shoes they would have stated it. Shoes add weight even if it is a very small amount. So if they don't care to ask him to take off his shoes, they wouldn't ask him during his height measurement either.

Editor Rob
Let me measure Trump...the colour will drain so fast from his face, they'll think a Ghost is haunting the Oval Office.
tree said on 16/Jan/18
I hope his measurement goes like this:Trump measures 6ft2 in shoes he is delighted than the doctor says okay now lets take than inch off that your shoes give..Trump:you're fired..