How tall is Donald Trump - Page 9

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Average Guess (1092 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 2.01in (188cm)
Current: 6ft 0.58in (184.4cm)
RisingForce said on 14/Jul/17
@Mark: There have only been 3(technically 4 if you count the very end of Clinton's presidency) American presidents in the 21st century. Best to avoid politics on this site, though. He was easily taller than Obama at his peak, but now possibly a bit shorter, though not much.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 13/Jul/17
He's taller than Obama peak. He's currently shorter than Obama.

Also, this is just my opinion (come at me weird supporters), but Trump is the sh!t'est president of America of the 21th century.
piwo81 said on 13/Jul/17
Needs upgrade. Was at least 4 cm taller than 182 cm President of Poland Andrzej Duda.
Peter175 said on 13/Jul/17
Obama edged him but Trump still looks like a tall guy even at his age. Taller than 90% of the people I see around him
RisingForce said on 12/Jul/17
@Danimal: Michael Douglas was never more than 5'9" without his elevator shoes, just like his father. These days, he's not even 5'8".

@MJKoP: I think Trump actually sued a writer for saying his net worth isn't as high as he claims it is, but somehow did manage to avoid proving it in court, though, of course, he claimed to have the proof! That would probably be the type of thing that would unfold. "I COULD step onto this stadiometer right now and show you I'm 6-foot-3, believe me! But I won't." And you're right, great publicity for Rob and almost nobody would possibly defend Trump in such an instance. He SHOULD let MANY things drop, but can't. I actually thought that was going to be the difference and the reason he lost. Not being able to help himself and keeping stories alive that everyone else would be glad just to have people forget.
Marcus said on 12/Jul/17
Donald's 6'1 now 6'2.25 in his prime.
big john said on 12/Jul/17
peak: 191cm

today: 188cm
Alex said on 12/Jul/17
Now:188cm, peak:192cm
Canson said on 11/Jul/17
6'2" peak looks right. He was always mentioned as that and looked it. He was taller than Obama peak I think
Im 171CM said on 11/Jul/17
6"-6'1" looks about right for him
HonestSlovene said on 11/Jul/17
@Danimal Looks around 6'2" so as listed peak.
Canson said on 10/Jul/17
@Danimal: Flutie wasn't that tall I don't think. He was supposedly only 5'8" barefoot and was listed 5'9"
Taco said on 10/Jul/17
6'1 if he is well-rested
Danimal said on 10/Jul/17
Donald next to 6'1" Herschel Walker in the 1980's (which is what he'd look like next to Barack Obama had he stood next to him 30 years ago):

Click Here
Danimal said on 10/Jul/17
Donald next to 5'9.5"-5'10" Boston College quarterback Doug Flutie in 1985:

Click Here
Click Here
Danimal said on 10/Jul/17
Donald next to 5'10" Michael Douglas in 1988:

Click Here
Danimal said on 10/Jul/17
Donald next to 5'10" Mike Tyson in the late 80's. Trump had at least 4" on Tyson 30 years ago:

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
avi said on 9/Jul/17
Most people would rather be 6'2 than 6'3 but i think Trump is around 6'1 maybe weak 6'2 peak.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 9/Jul/17
187-188 peak, 183-184 nowadays
MJKoP said on 8/Jul/17
RisingForce said on 7/Jul/17
@MJKoP "This Rob must be jealous cause I have very, very many twitter followers, much more than Rob. I call him Little Rob! He has Pence at 5'9", can ya believe it? Pence is 5'11", believe me. He's 4 inches shorter than 6'3" Trump, so 5-feet-11. I build big, beautiful buildings and can look down on the top of them."

Actually, considering Trump threatened Bill Maher with a lawsuit for the orangutan lovechild joke, I wouldn't be too surprised if Trump's lawyers requested Rob upgrade Trump to 6'3" or shut down his page. Of course, that'd be a bad move for Trump since Rob's defense could demand Trump prove he was 6'3" in bare feet.

"Threatened" being the keyword. If it were up to him, he'd go after everyone who spoke even slightly ill about him, but I'm sure some of his behind-the-scenes men regularly pull him aside to verbally discipline him with "Don, you just need to leave this one the **** alone". Trump's representatives contacting Rob would be practically the best thing that could happen to this site. Rob would almost drown in support and admiration, being crowned a true hero. He might literally become a millionaire overnight, depending on how his ad revenue is set up. And it might even help with those who still believe Trump is only 99% off of his rocker. :P
RisingForce said on 7/Jul/17
@MJKoP "This Rob must be jealous cause I have very, very many twitter followers, much more than Rob. I call him Little Rob! He has Pence at 5'9", can ya believe it? Pence is 5'11", believe me. He's 4 inches shorter than 6'3" Trump, so 5-feet-11. I build big, beautiful buildings and can look down on the top of them."

Actually, considering Trump threatened Bill Maher with a lawsuit for the orangutan lovechild joke, I wouldn't be too surprised if Trump's lawyers requested Rob upgrade Trump to 6'3" or shut down his page. Of course, that'd be a bad move for Trump since Rob's defense could demand Trump prove he was 6'3" in bare feet.
karen said on 7/Jul/17
If you look at all pics of Trump standing next to Obama (who is 6'1") they look the same height, yet Obama has close cut hair and Trump pouffed up hair (which should make him look taller). So I would say you have this pegged about right at 6.0'.5"
Me said on 7/Jul/17
He still seems to be at least a solid 6'1. He never looks anything below that.
Canson said on 6/Jul/17
184/185 tops
HonestSlovene said on 6/Jul/17
Looks similar next to the slovene president Borut Pahor, who is about 185 cm tall. 184 cm IMHO.

Click Here
MJKoP said on 6/Jul/17
@RisingForce: "The only man taller than me in the entire world is Vladimir Putin. Dude is seriously yuuuge!! The fake media outlets call him a shorty and that horrible site deprives him of his truly towering, vertically-dominating stature. That website is run by a dude name Rob which is an appropriate name because he ROBS both me and Vlad of so much height! Pathetic. Loser."
Polish guy said on 6/Jul/17
Rob, how much taller looks Donald next to polish president? Andrzej Duda has his height declared at 182cm, but when I was next to him, I was definitely taller (me 183-185). Click Here
Editor Rob
big Trump could seem an inch taller than him.
Spencer said on 5/Jul/17
189 peak 186 now . I still think he's as tall as Obama . He slouches .
Canson said on 4/Jul/17
@Rising Force: LMFAO!!!
RisingForce said on 3/Jul/17
@Canson: "Must be low IQ people, like the Washington Post. I haven't shrunk. I'm so tall, I'm getting tired of being tall, believe me! Watch me go back to back with low energy Jeb Bush. I'll tower him, big league!"
BillisaLefty said on 30/Jun/17
He has bad posture, so he could indeed be 6'2''. Peak, 6'21/2''.
Canson said on 30/Jun/17
@Rising Force: "you say im not 6'3"!!! You're Fired!!
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 28/Jun/17
Anywhere from 6'1.75" to 6'2.25" is possible, although I'm more inclined towards the former.
Canson said on 28/Jun/17
@Rampage: yea he could look on the strong side of it. My guess would be that his normal low is 6'2" flat making prob 6'2.75 out of bed. But the possibilry is open for him to have been 6'3 out of bed 6'2.25. He just never struck me as that tall tho I guess because I saw him next to Rodman in his later years and wasn't close to 6'2" at that point.
RisingForce said on 28/Jun/17
Trump and Morgan Freeman back in the 80s would also be interesting to see side by side.
RisingForce said on 28/Jun/17
I agree Rampage. 187 range would seem low for peak as it probably wasn't that long ago he could still look that. It would be good to establish when Trump actually started shrinking. It seems mostly the last 10 years.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Jun/17
@RisingForce: True, a real 6ft2 guy will look tall just about all scenarios. I think there's a better chance he was 6ft2ΒΌ than 6ft1ΒΎ at peak.
Spencer said on 28/Jun/17
May have been close to 6'3 when he was younger . He still looks 6'1
RisingForce said on 27/Jun/17
MJKoP, way to convince me I was off base saying you act like a child. You weren't done so it doesn't matter what you said. I really couldn't be called a conservative since probably the Goldwater days either, at least not what's commonly considered one, but if it makes you feel better to call me one, then knock yourself out. As for BMI, you agreed they can lead to wild results. In this case, I think you put it fairly well as a rough guideline, but a good doctor isn't likely to classify a patient as overweight based purely or primarily on that without examining the patient. So what are you even arguing about? Trump's height is the ONLY relevant issue here. I didn't use the word impossible either, but I said it's far more likely Trump wrote that height himself. The grudge theory sounds truly absurd. The illegible one more plausible, but far less likely than Trump writing his own height. If Trump was looking more 6'3" than 2" in comparisons in his 30s and 40s then I'd say there was a better chance, but it's difficult for me to imagine him not measuring somewhere from 6'1.75" to 6'2.25" peak in the afternoon/evening.

I think we're pretty much on the same exact page for Trump's peak height, Canson. It's a shame we don't have better pictures of Trump and George H.W. Bush. That'd be a very interesting comparison to see who was the more solid 6'2". Bush maintained his height better than Trump, though. Btw, I'll say that I've always disliked Pence more than Trump. Not for any reason stated here, mind you. As you say, politics is touchy and I can't state my reason without risking derailing this again, but I'm not much fonder of most of Trump's cabinet.
debabrata said on 27/Jun/17
Donald trump was a little taller than vince on 2002 who was 6ft at that time
MJKoP said on 27/Jun/17
RisingForce said on 27/Jun/17
MJKoP, you apparently can't handle reading because I said I'm done with this.

I said *I* was done with this first, but you felt the need to come back and throw some addition mud on my name. Typical reply from someone trying to weasel around what is real. You fit in quite nicely with the "Alt-Right/Alt-Fact" conservative brand of hypocrisy.

RisingForce said on 27/Jun/17
Shredder, no. I don't consider them much.

Wow...what a shocker! You rejecting a method commonly accepted and utilizing by almost every certified doctor and caregiver in the medical field. I thought *I* was supposed to be the crazy one here.

And back to the all-but-irrelevant issue of Donald's height; if you look at Rob's own words verbatim at the top it says "Trump's own Driving License listed him as 6ft 2". It does NOT say Trump listed HIMSELF as that figure, it simply states that that is what appears to be displayed on his form of identification. Which harkens back to my theories on why it doesn't automatically make over 6'2" an impossibility.
Canson said on 27/Jun/17
@MJKOP: Yea that was very benign. It's peanuts compared to what he's done in the last 5 months or so. I mean he has not only burned any currency with most of his supporters he initially had but he is going to make his life after his term even worse with this. but I only used that because I know that politics can be touchy here and don't know how many people are Trump supporters here. I tried to walk the straighter line lol.
Canson said on 27/Jun/17
@Rising Force: Agreed!
Canson said on 27/Jun/17
he has always been listed 6'2. I can buy that and maybe he dipped below at night or stayed at. But today at 70 with poor posture and weight he definitely looks to have lost height. I totally do not believe he is 6'3 tho. never
Canson said on 27/Jun/17
@MJKOP: and I agree on your views on Trump as well. You said your post very eloquently and said a lot that many haven't even considered. It sounded very intelligent and I actually thought a lot when you mentioned the portion about the VP. it's all very true! I mean I look at his prior engagement and transgressions. Nobody is perfect but like I mentioned to Rising Force, Trump does certain things to people he feels are different like Khloe but because Rodman was his buddy and is a supporter he looked the other way. That was even before the nonsense that he is getting into now LOL. To me he insults women and minorities and people he feels aren't on his level.
RisingForce said on 27/Jun/17
Shredder, no. I don't consider them much. It leads to some pretty wild results. I haven't looked at them much in years, though so maybe they've gotten better, but it's still obvious to me that the individual's build and body type will play a major role in what their ideal weight is anyway. I have a target weight I'd like to reach, but not just for the sake of reaching a number. I only want to reach it if I'm as lean as I am right now.

MJKoP, you apparently can't handle reading because I said I'm done with this. You're right this is nuts - you're still going! If you want to continue arguing Trump was near 6'3", we can continue that.

Rampage, I think a legit 6'2" really can look quite noticeable. I mean if we look at some 6'2" guys on this site and include 6'2.25" in the mix, I think you may see what I mean. Especially 40 years ago in the 70s.

Btw, Canson, I think it's natural in a sense to behave in a way you wouldn't on the internet at times even without realizing it because it's much less personal, especially the more anonymous the site. But once you take note of this, it's an easy enough problem to correct. After all, how many people regularly insult people they interact with in person? Sure it happens on occasion, but not nearly as often as on the internet. As for Obama, I haven't doubted his 6'1" much, but he can look under it assuming Jordan and Kobe are at least around the height commonly believed without shoes. The "roughly" part is interesting because at the very least, it suggests he may not be a flat 6'1" regardless of whether he's a small fraction under or over it.
MJKoP said on 27/Jun/17
The shredder said on 27/Jun/17
does anybody here believe the BMI Charts in general?

It can be used as a very rough guideline. My 5'2" ex did a couple fitness competitions, was by no means overly muscular, but afterwards she still maintained a rather thin and slender appearance....yet she registered as a whopping 29 on the BMI scale, just one point away from being classified as "obese". Nobody in their right mind would ever call her "fat" or even "chubby" - even if they saw her in a bikini. Since muscle weighs more than fat, the BMI system is notoriously flawed. Lots of examples can be found online of two same-heighted people with one looking WAAAYYY fatter and out of shape than the other yet still having a lower BMI. And the higher BMI person, while very much in shape, isn't at all one of those super-duper inflated body builders with biceps resembling perfect round globes. :)
The shredder said on 27/Jun/17
does anybody here believe the BMI Charts in general?
MJKoP said on 26/Jun/17
This is nuts, you think I *want* the most powerful person alive to be an evil monster? Do you honestly believe I have some burning desire to portray Trump as worse than he actually is?? Apparently you do. Either you can't handle the facts, or you don't want to handle the facts. Statistically speaking, there is a better chance of Glenn measuring six foot nine barefoot on a flat surface at night then any reasonable or sensible person agreeing with you.

Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jun/17
I'm beginning to wonder if he actually was close to his claim at some point in the past, like in the 70's. In old photos his height is noticeable and he's usually the tallest. Granted he was much slimmer...
Canson said on 26/Jun/17
Rampage said it best LOL! This oaf in the White House l!!!
Canson said on 26/Jun/17
@Sam: Christian has a point. Obama's measurement was "roughly 6'1" by his staff. Yea he can look it to me and most but that doesn't mean he did measure bang on. About can mean 6'0 7/8 or maybe 6'0.75 or in between. And we Don't know what time it was. It also says that he was 179.9 lbs in clothes as well as shoes so we don't know if he took them off to be measured. As far as the next he measured 6'1.5 as well. My guess is that he's roughly 6'1" barefoot and as far as 6'1.5 that is puzzling because although he is well proportioned and tall he can look strong 6'1" in his appearance and with other celebs can look a weak 6'1 at times. Thing with comparing him to other celebs is the gray area. If someone claims to be 6'2 etc and is really 6'1.25-.5 and was just a morning height maybe rounded up to 6'2" from 187cm or 186.5 it throws it off.
RisingForce said on 26/Jun/17
Thank you, Canson and I don't disagree with anything you've said. I never liked Trump personally long before he was president because of his long time habit of stiffing people who work for him like contractors. In addition to all the lawsuits over the years, I worked for somebody who was stiffed by Trump(their story was credible), but of course, I'm not taking MJKoP's bait to respond again. He can't help himself(allegedly done multiple posts ago), but I'm not responding to a word in it that isn't height related. If I address everything I disagree with, he'll reply again and so on. And yes, disagreements are not only fine, but necessary as long as they're respectful, I think we can all get carried away and forget that what we're talking about is an inch difference on somebody we don't even know. Of course, it's possible Trump was never over a strong 6'2". Trump and Hogan at separate events: Click Here Click Here Trump and Doug Flutie who nobody I know actually believed was his listed 5'10": Click Here 5'10" Mike Tyson without much hair reaches above Trump's eyebrows: Click Here Both leaning here: Click Here Postures aren't good here, but I'll let you guys decide if Trump would have about 5" on Iron Mike in this full photo: Click Here I don't even see it including Trump's hair transplanted comb over. 6'2" peak is plausible. 6'3" is Trump's ego talking. Not the most outrageous 6'3" claim I've heard, but if he was then Hulk could actually be 6'7".
Canson said on 26/Jun/17
@Rising Force: we both get passionate but I honestly do respect you because even when you disagree after interacting with you more you are at least very respectful in doing so. As for the Trunp thing we all know he doesn't play with a full deck. I agree with you and your view is reasonable. I don't take anything he says seriously even his height LOL! I mean even beside his presidency I can go back to his time on Celebrity Apprentice when he had Rodman and Khloe K he didn't "know" Khloe had a dui and when he found out fired her but Rodman was well known to have had prior to being on the show and he didn't do anything until he was forced
Canson said on 26/Jun/17
@Rising Force: we both get passionate but I honestly do respect you because even when you disagree after interacting with you more you are at least very respectful in doing so. As for the Trunp thing we all know he doesn't play with a full deck. I don't take anything he says seriously even his height LOL!
IndianFactmachine said on 26/Jun/17
@Rob Today our beloved and HUGELY POPULAR PRIME MINISTER ( Narendra Modi ) is meeting Trump , can you pls look out for their images together ( while handshake etc) and estimate Modi's height.... and if you have Indian section here then you got to have Modi's height here because by a mile he is the most popular celebrity in guess is, he is between 5 ft 7.5 to 5 ft 8 the pics with Salman Khan, they look of similar heights... !
MJKoP said on 26/Jun/17
You are proving yourself wrong yet again, Rising....if I'm 'bordering on delusional', you have gone WAAAYYY past that borderline. On a website where some think Cruise is 5'2" and one apparently thought John Wayne was 5'8", you still manage to hold the most misinformed viewpoints.

I suppose Trump never having been over a strong 6'2" is a possibility. But do you know what is NOT a possibility? Answer: Your political assessments of Trump, in addition to other Oval Office occupants.

I'm not exactly a "far lefter" by any means...I thought Johnny Depp's recent joke about assassinating Trump was in very poor taste and not at all the proper way to get across almost everyone's palpable disdain for the President. However, every time something like this happens(Madonna, Kathy Griffin, et al) the right wingers always prove themselves to be so much more insufferable and hypocritical. Where were they condemning Nugent when he made far more serious threats against Hillary and Obama?

Since you want to talk about actual facts, then I'm all game. You cite different things past Presidents have done in a vain effort to put Trump more or less on the same levels, if not higher. Instead of comparing apples and oranges, why don't we look at what Trump has done so far in terms of depriving those in need of medical care proper coverage, tearing down other life-saving policies in actions tantamount to signing the death warrants on many innocent American lives, and do I even need to get started on that little thing called the environment? I guess climate change is just a liberal hoax, right?

How about selecting a creationist VP who literally wants to electrocute homosexuals until they are straight, the appointment of complete and utter idiot to Secretary of HUD(Carson) who fails to comprehend even the most fundamental aspects of his own job. Do we even need to mention white supremacist Bannon as his top adviser? And his slimy son-in-law Kushner who can be trusted about as far as a gnat could throw Chris Christie? And these are hardly exceptions to his team of low-life deplorables. These people are just plain old bad apples, there's no other way about it.

And I know you can't always judge someone by who supports them, but why are some of the most heinous people imaginable rooting for him? David Duke, Richard Spencer, and the maniac of maniacs known as Alex Jones(who has inexplicably received certified press credentials to the WH)'s also barely a coincidence that the KKK released a flyer pledging their allegiance to Donald. For someone who's just another evil leader, albeit slightly BETTER than Hillary according to you, he's sure garnering a pretty repulsive following.

Rising: Don't bother me again until you wake up and realize that Trump has, is, and will continue to monumentally screw everybody over unless he believes they can boost his shattered ego and/or line his pockets.

RisingForce said on 26/Jun/17
Shredder, maybe even the 265 I suggested as a max is too high, but I do think 260 at times is within the possible range, but it fluctuates. I agree he's not 280+. He's overweight and flabby, but not so much that he can't mask it effectively at times. It's more evident in casual clothes, but he's clearly nowhere near John Goodman territory.

And MJKop, apparently I have to teach you a lot of basics. The simplest answer is usually the correct one. What's more likely? That Trump was unable to write a legible 3? A DMV employee carried out a grudge against Trump by shaving off a measly inch? Or that Trump actually wrote his height and it got printed like millions of others.

Btw, as for the rest, none of your sources back up your main point. All will dislike at least half my views, but all know the difference between objective and subjective. Beyond that, I can't see any point in me continuing with you this arrogant and/or this deluded. Do you have any idea how you sound? "I'm right, you're wrong" "This is beyond debate" "I don't have to answer your points." No wonder you've gone around this site like a bratty child acting as a self-appointed authority figure with a pathological need to correct people. Also not surprising you turned down my invitation when you clearly weren't done - you need validation. In reality, the only thing most seeing this back and forth will be thinking is "shut up both of you about politics, this is a height forum" and I can't blame them. Don't act like I somehow forced you to post again either considering you started this whole off topic waste of time. Take responsibility for your own act. I admit I shouldn't be baited by the likes of you. I was very tempted to point out a few more ironies and inconsistencies in your posts, but this has to end.

I apologize to Rob and every other poster for my part in interrupting the topic.
RisingForce said on 25/Jun/17
MJKOP, apparently, Rob finds the 6'2" on his DL pretty noteworthy as do others. You calling me narrow minded when you can't accept other people's preferences is too ironic.

Thank you, Canson. Me saying I don't dislike one more than the other is just an opinion, no different than our disagreement on Barkley's height. As for Trump's height it's obvious enough he was more than 3" shorter than Hulk Hogan. Certainly not 2" range. Plenty of photos and videos of Trump with athletes and other tall men to show this. 6'3" in shoes sure.

As for the rest, I was hoping this was done. Unless you can point out one of my alleged fallacies it's meaningless and convenient for you to say you don't have to. Your main argument is something you can't win. But no its you who need to learn objective and subjective. There's no scientific measure of a worse or better political candidate, it all comes down to preference, this fact that's so difficult for you to grasp is why you started this. My priorities are limited, decentralized government, hard money, non-interventionism, constitutional originalism etc. so for my priorities Hillary was worse. Given your left wing politics, Trump is worse for you, this isn't difficult to understand. Why would I prefer a candidate who was worse on the key issues to me? In fact, why would I even bother supporting either in a non-swing state(Hillary won in a landslide btw) when neither will further and will only damage my goals? Answer that one question? Having established my principles I would be an idiot to support someone who is even farther away from them. On the thing you've hinged your entire post, you are demonstrably wrong and arrogant to say you can tell me who I should or shouldn't dislike more. That's not a fact up for discussion nor was it an invitation to have a political debate. It's simply preference. It would be like me telling you it's wrong to dislike Mel Gibson or you telling Frank2 it's wrong to dislike Michael Jackson.

That IS what it's about. Otherwise, they wouldn't have had an election. You're bordering on delusional with this. Your preferred news sources thinking Trump was worse doesn't make it an objective fact. As for independent? None of those 3 you mention hide that they're progressive, bit that's besides the point. Trump would be worse from their standpoint. If "only a few kooks" agree Hillary was worse than Trump wouldn't have gotten 63 million votes. But I don't need validation to kmow that what I'm saying is true - there is no proveable objective universally better candidate for everyone. Better by what scientific measure? And I never made a blanket statement "Trump is better." I just said I hold no more contempt for Trump in a response to an allegation of leftist bias. That's what spurred your temper tantrum. I really can't believe how childish and delusional you're being. If you want certainly and objectivity then stick to the natural sciences.
Hijopotamus said on 25/Jun/17
MJKoP, you are a very sensitive .
Ok...stick to height issues, will you?
184 for Trump.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 25/Jun/17

He looked 3.5" taller than Darius Rucker who's 5'9". I met him before and he's for certain 5'9", no more. Obama's 6'1" measurement likely took place very early in the day.
Nik said on 25/Jun/17
I think 6'0" - 6'0.5" is the sensible guess.
MJKoP said on 25/Jun/17
I said I was finished with this, but it appears RisingForce's self-proclaimed ego got the better of him, and has made false accusations about me. Rising - You are projecting the MASSIVE fallacy that our "views" are just that - a matter of opinion, i.e. the color magenta vs. the color turquoise. It doesn't boil down to different perceptions, or being preferential to one thing or's actually a case of incorrect(you) against correct(me). Some things are just not open for a serious debate no matter how much some people such as yourself want them to be.

I barely even know who O'Donnell or Maddow are, but I get my facts, numbers, statistics and information from independent and reputable news sources such as TYT, Secular Talk, Pakman, etc. They back their editorials with citations and links to verify their reports and findings. I don't have to read any of the historical examples you've listed to back up your silly hypotheses. It was the end of the ballgame when you stated that Trump was no worse than any other politician and that you actually preferred Trump over Clinton. Only a few of your fellow kooks are going to take you even remotely seriously with that kind of nonsense, but here on planet earth most of us see things for what they are. I'm sure you're just going to scoff at my sources with "FAKE NEWS", "FAKE MEDIA", "LEFTIST LIBERAL PROPAGANDA", "QUACKITY QUACK QUACK QUACK"....but most reading your words will immediately know how incredibly oblivious you are to what the truth is.

And back to the height: I'm actually positive I wrote 5'7" on the form, and I remember being so perplexed and angry way back when that they downgraded me to 5'5". And you pretty much answered your own question about the Drivers Licence debacle. I would almost bet the farm that Donald didn't put in his own handwriting a clear 6'2". It's possible that the employee responsible for entering the data made a typo. Or that they misread his sloppy handwriting. OR that they did it out of spite, because he already had quite the negative reputation back then. You seeing a scan of 6'2" printed on a plastic card as proof positive that he could never have been taller than that shows a rather narrow-minded approach. Which should hardly come as a surprise at this point. ;)
Shredder said on 24/Jun/17
Trump is a fat f*** but 280 , 300 lbs? He is 250's at most. This is not fat shaming , I'm a fat f*** myself ;).
Hans Meiser said on 24/Jun/17
Definitely still gives of a taller than 6 foot impression. Next to Pence he def. looks 184cm.
Sam said on 24/Jun/17
Christian, how is Obama 6'0.5...he was literally measured 6'1. He easily looks 6'1 too.
Canson said on 23/Jun/17
He was never 6'3. He has an ego remember that.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 23/Jun/17
Trump isn't any taller than 6'0.5" for sure, since Obama's 6'0.5" and has often edged out Trump a bit. So Trump at 6'0.25" is my best estimate.
Canson said on 23/Jun/17
Rising Force nothing wrong with what you said. That's your view on it and it's fair
RisingForce said on 23/Jun/17
If Trump does wear lifts, there's no shortage of shots of him sitting with his shoes and ankle visible, so it should be easy enough to prove: Click Here Click Here Click Here

Those were three taken at random. But also, if Trump was wearing lifts, then what would be the basis for assuming this huge height loss anyway? Wouldn't you have had every reason to think he was still at least 6'1" if he were wearing lifts? I still think 6'1" is possible seeing him with Obama and if Mike Pence is about 5'9". 6'0.5" is equally possible. Btw, not only does near 6'3" look impossible back in '88 with Hulk Hogan, but if Jesse Ventura is only 6'3" himself, then Trump would have had to have lost unusual height by early 50s(Ventura was a better candidate for early height loss) to have ever been nearer 6'3" as Ventura was clearly an inch or so taller when they were appearing together from '98-'00. Even Jesse's bald head edged out that thing on Trump's head. Trump honestly doesn't really look like he had lost that much until the past decade or so.
Danimal said on 23/Jun/17
I highly doubt Trump will take off his shoes when he gets measured. I'm sure in his younger days he was at least 6'2" barefoot. Today he's 6'0.5"-6'0.75" max barefoot and can appear to be 5'11"-6'0" range at times. As for his weight, my stepdad is the same height as Trump is today (he's lost a full 1") and is 65 years old. He weighs 310 pounds and looks about as large as Trump. Trump is bare minimum 265 pounds, but imo he's closer to 280-290 pound range. As for his height loss, just look at Bill Clinton. They are the same age and Clinton used to be a legit 6'2"-6'2.5" and has lost several inches as well. Then we have Arnold S. who has also lost several inches and is the same age. Some men just lose a lot more height than the average man their age does. Fact of life.
Danimal said on 23/Jun/17
MJKoP said on 22/Jun/17
Rising: You............

Are you submitting this as your dissertation for grad school? Talk about being long-winded.
Canson said on 22/Jun/17
@MJKOP: Rising Force is entitled to his opinion honestly. I agree with some of what he said about Trumps ego. Maybe he feels 6'3" at his age after admitting 6'2" during his life because of his money and his own perception of success. Yes Trump is full of himself and largely full of **** tho lol
RisingForce said on 22/Jun/17
Rob, of course shrinking is natural and nothing to be ashamed of. My father has always admitted it and actually sometimes exaggerated how much he's shrunk! Arnold and Hulk Hogan have admitted it as well, even though they exaggerate their current heights, but it is a sign of getting older. Judging by Trump's hair transplant comb over, the bad spray tans and ridiculous hair color, I really don't think he's someone who would like to admit he shrunk that much regardless of his current or peak height. How many celebrities have we seen claim their peak heights when they're well past it? But whatever the height and weight listing is will surely be one of the more interesting things on this site in a very well long time.

MJKoP, it's not impossible when you're dealing with someone who is so adamant about an inflated height claim, but there's also been no proof whatsoever of it. There's many people you wouldn't be surprised wear lifts, but it's erroneous to assume it without any signs of it such as a bulge in the shoes, unusually high ankle position or unnaturally high knees or long lower legs. I wrote down 5'8" at the DMV and that's what's still on there to my knowledge, though I regretted not writing at least 5'9". You said you could have sworn, which means with more than a dozen years passing, your memory could be off. In Trump's case, let's think about this logically. If he was really "easily" over 6'2.5", I'm guessing you think he was 190 cm, then how many times is somebody really going to question someone with a quarter inch round up? Usually, most won't question even a shoe height. That doesn't really make sense, and furthermore, in the 1980s, what kind of DMV employee is going to round down Donald J. Trump, real estate tycoon and huge celebrity by 3/4" in the 1980s? It just doesn't make sense. Trump may have been measured in shoes and really thought he was 6'3". More than likely, Trump was more honest or thought his DL would not be seen and so he put down a pretty honest barefoot height. His ego grew as his fame grew. We've seen numerous celebrities increase their claims over time.

As for the rest this comes down to you not being able to stand that I don't share your views. Learn what facts are because political preference are NOT facts. For you to call me stupid and not even know the difference between objective and subjective is really astonishing. The reason I reminded you I'm not a Trump supporter is because you keep ranting about Trump supporters rather than addressing MY points. I never said I didn't vote either, although it's childish to think that's going to do much. Elections won't fix anything and you can't change Washington from the inside. If you want to know why I found Hillary more unacceptable. From a pragmatic standpoint, supreme court vacancies made it essential Hillary not pick since she'd have picked one of those judges like Ginzburg who legislate and don't even pretend to follow the constitution. The Republicans haven't truly been originalists either(Florida recount in 2000 is one example), but superior. Of course, because I know my American history, I know the supreme court was never intended to have nearly as much power or final say like it does now anyway, but you have to play the hand you're dealt. Moreover, I really didn't care until Hillary said The Fed was off limits from discussion or criticism. That was the most despicable comment and alone disqualified her, but then with her campaign that completely repudiated the constitution, personal responsibility like her insulting proposal to make everyone else bail out college kids for THEIR bad investments despite no constitutional authority for such a proposal and got more and more socialistic all the while she was calling for more interventions and war-mongering like the insane no fly zones in Syria(how does WW3 sound?), I couldn't support her with a gun to my head. This is a woman who wound up saying she'd support a $15 dollar federal minimum wage. Which is not only completely unconstitutional, but probably the most idiotic policy I've heard proposed from an economic standpoint with an arbitrary number, guaranteed institutional unemployment and a continuation of the assault on freedom and slide towards nanny state. My candidate was actually Rand Paul. I would have much preferred his father again, but I could have lived with Rand and supported him. Predictable, you get your opinions from the news and media? I was half-joking about the Maddow/O'Donnell comment, but appears I was right on the money. You realize how laughable you sound? You rely on others for your opinions and just parrot what they say. Figures you'd be such a collectivist and individualism would mean nothing to you. Of course, you also decide who is reputable. And you don't speak for my country. I'm one of the few left who takes the vision of Jefferson and the founders seriously. Small, decentralized, self-government while staying out of other countries affairs. Have you even read the constitution ONCE, MJKoP? And no, I'm not going to taunt you for declining my offer or make assumptions. Frankly, it's not my idea of a good time either, but if you still need to have your say, that's where to do it rather than here. Despite being about the same age as I am, I really think you need to grow up because you can't handle other views.
MJKoP said on 22/Jun/17
I think he's 100% over 6'0" and under 6'1" today. And peak I'd say 100% over 6'2" with a very good chance of being weak a 6'3". Solid 2 inch height loss is not out of the question at his age and considering his life-long habits of poor diet, lack of exercise, and an otherwise rather unhealthy daily regimen. I'm willing to wager that as soon as he noticed any drop he invested in the best pair of lifted business shoes money could buy. In fact, he might've appeared taller than he used to for some time, because you can't add a few mm worth of wedge inserts. :) And fwiw, he's 71 now....not 70.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Jun/17
I could see the possibility of him losing 2in but it would mean he was 6ft2Β½ peak because he's not just 6ft flat today.
MJKoP said on 22/Jun/17
Rising: You said you disagree with 6'0.75" as being his max for today...I honestly think he's taken to wearing lifts at some point. He's probably the celeb most likely to have resorted to sneaky footwear. He has the means, the motive, and the apparent height complex. Almost everyone can agree that he's shrunken to some extent, but since he so adamantly claimed 6'3"(an article from last year even mentioned his frustration at being cited as only 6'2" instead of an inch taller), it's hard to imagine he willing would have put that on his DL. When I was 16, I could've sworn I wrote 5'7"(I was struggling with 5'6" at the time, and had a horrible slouch on top of that), but the card came back with 5'5" printed on it. So, perhaps some DMV centers do NOT just go with whatever the applicant gives them if they believe they are lying. I've heard him described as 6'4", which doesn't seem at all likely....but I think he was easily over 6'2.5" in his heyday.

And when did I call you a Trump supporter? Don't put words in my mouth. However when we are dealing with someone of Trump's caliber, passiveness is just as big of a crime. All of the so-called "political agnostics" who spout nonsense like 'they both suck, so I'm not voting' have the same amount of blood on their hands as those with the similarly-colored MAGA hats. To take a back seat and not do everything within your power to ensure Trump isn't elected is nothing short of unconscionable...and all of that is basically irrelevant since you even admitted that you preferred Trump over Hillary. So much for "they're all equally bad".

I don't need to rebut any of your talking points. As soon as you said on the 20th "Aside from the crude rhetoric, there is no difference", you lost all credibility with anyone who subscribes to basic logic and reality.

And I'd like to formally retract the "ignorant" label I mistakenly bestowed upon you. 'Ignorance' stems from not knowing any better, or at least not having the available resources to know any better. You've proven that you have spent years teaching yourself about various facets of government, history, and politics and you have also proven that such an endeavor has been a complete and utter waste when you are trying to argue against established facts(errr...'alternative' facts AMIRITE?). So it goes beyond plain ignorance. It goes into either sheer stupidity or delusion. Likely a combination of both.

Rising - may I ask what your credentials are? What your level of education is? What accomplishments you have to your name that make you so correct and immune to buying into any fallacies? I'll admit that I'm not the brightest guy in the world, but I'm basing my information on what I see and hear with my own eyes. I *do* look at both sides of the equation. And pretty much ever reputable, respected, and honorable news and media personality is in direct opposition to Donald Trump. Those with high IQs, accomplished academic scholars all telling how dreadfully horrendous Trump is and then backing those statements up with facts(including the full context rather than half truths and misleading tidbits). I guess they're all just stupid idiots, compared to the almighty RisingForce, living in a crusty attic and pouring over literature and documents.

You can try to warp, twist and skewer things however you want. It all boils down to you not seeing or not wanting to see the big picture, whether that be a conscious or subconscious maneuver on your behalf.

I'm done debating with you here. I don't want to take it to social media or elsewhere. I'm sure you're going to pipe up and say "Ooooh it's because he's afraid he'll lose and appear dumb and clueless with all of this rock solid evidence I'm presenting". But yeah, if you want to see this as a concession, fine, if it makes you feel better. Truth is, there would be no point in dragging this out any further. Both of us are at a standstill when it comes to our talking points. It's clear as day neither of us is going to successfully convince the other. You proclaim I 'insulted' you, but your inactivity and fantastical stances are the ultimate insult to our country and the entire world. I'm not trying to convince you of this, because I know it is futile, but I encourage any outsider reading the entirety of all of our posts to go out and do their own research with independent non-biased news outlets, keeping a very vigilant eye on what to take with a boulder-sized grain of salt.
RisingForce said on 22/Jun/17
Thank you Rob and you're righy. I really hated going that much into a political discussion as I know the rules and think they're good rules, but I'm flawed as I said with my ego. I had avoided it to that point, but being repeatedly insulted and told what I should think for what was an innocuous, pretty apolitical comment, which anyone can go back and look at, it would have bugged me a bit not to respond. As I said I do appreciate the latitude you gave me with replies fir that reason. I think many either hate Trump too much or love him too much to post on this page.

The measurement will be very interesting. I have to wonder how accurate those things are, though. I mean, Trump has staked a lot on his 6'3" claim, what is to stop him from falsifying another measurement as he did during the campaign? We've seen admitted 5'11" George W. Bush at 5'11.5" and 11.75" plus Clinton at 6'2.5". In Trump's case, maybe he'll do a morning shoe height! But I'm skeptical it will be a real measurement because if many are right that Trump weighs well more than 236, I'm not convinced he'll allow that revealed to the world if he's 250+.
Editor Rob
I would be pleasantly surprised if his true weight and height was revealed.

There's no shame in shrinking, he could even make a bit of humour out of the situation.
Canson said on 21/Jun/17
It's hard to tell some days he looks Obama's height or a hair taller other times he looks shorter. I'd say Obama is near 6'1" at his lowest 6'0.75-6'1 and Trump may just be 6'0.75
SS said on 21/Jun/17
Stop talking about politics or your political opinion. In this website you only discuss their height, nothing more
HonestSlovene said on 21/Jun/17
@RisingForce I agree, he seems also 6'2" peak to me and 6'0.75" as of today. About average loss for a 70 y.o..
RisingForce said on 21/Jun/17
Considering posture, it's really tough to see much of a difference between Trump and Obama on the video side by side: Click Here

Arguable range seems to be 6'2" give or take a 1/4" peak, but wider now. Maybe from 184-186 cm is arguable for current height. Pretty normal for a 70 year old.

Also, in case my last post isn't approved, I will say responding to the insult in a non-political way it's beyond presumptuous to tell me I should dislike someone more than someone else (whom I also dislike). And to erroneously insult me as "profoundly ignorant" for what at that point amounted to me personal likes/dislikes is highly inappropriate of you look up the definition of ignorant. Having read hundreds of books relating to economics (including advanced 900 page treatises), history, philosophy and politics, it simply can't be said that I lack the pertinent knowledge to form my own views. A highly insulting comment from someone who has never once had a political discussion with me.
RisingForce said on 20/Jun/17
I can't see Trump ever being close to 6'3" if he's not much over 6 feet. How would he lose that much? I don't give him anything over 6'2" because he wrote that height himself on his driver's license. That means he's lost a much more typical 1"-1.5". I really don't see Trump's posture as bad for his age either. Some 70 year olds are almost permanently bent forward.

Really, this isn't the place to discuss politics because inevitably the discussion will get cut off and someone won't be able to have their say. But I hope having not begun this and being called "profoundly ignorant" that I'm allowed at least a little latitude with one response.

Aside from the crude rhetoric, there is no difference. What are our problems today? A bankrupt country running half a trillion dollar deficits and 20 trillion in debt. An overextended American military that is fueling blowback in the form of terrorism. A complete disregard of constitutional restraints, which makes it so the 10th amendment is an afterthought and the 4th amendment is going the same way with the mass-Orwellian surveillance. A unprecedented inflationist Federal Reserve policy that fuels the boom-bust phase of the business cycle while The Fed has less oversight than the C.I.A, which incidentally is also a dangerous part of America's downfall. A stunning lack of sovereignty that gets us dragged into any number of unconstitutional, undeclared wars where American interests are in no possible way threatened. Taxes that extort a majority of many people's earnings. Civil asset forfeiture that completely undermines property rights and makes people without the means guilty until proven innocent - the federal government seizes 5 billion a year this way. All this and they still can't pay for their extravagant, irresponsible and unconstitutional activities. Meanwhile, we continue to needlessly escalate tensions with Russia despite 90% of the world's nuclear arsenal between the two countries. Symbolic of how any growth in government never reverts is how NATO was an alliance with a specific purpose - to counter the Soviet Union - has outlived it's purpose by a quarter century and become a sacred cow, with a majority to ignorant to even question it. Just look at how Trump backpeddled with his tail between his legs after he was criticized for the weakest of criticisms.

That describes every recent president, Trump included. I can't think of one of Trump's predecessors who wasn't treasonous by my standards(and Thomas Jefferson's), morally bankrupt, completely without ethics and principles. That's why we're at the point where despite all the credit expansion and inflation in the world, we no longer even have the illusion of prosperity, like we did during the late 90s. The fact that so many continue to focus on these trifling issues, distinctions without differences and continue in the dark on history and economics, continue to ask politicians for things that aren't theirs to give, then this downward spiral will continue. In fact, there's almost surely no way out of this, except collapse, similar to Germany after WW1, but on a much larger scale.

Btw, in terms of what the average person would consider treasonous, Nixon sabotaging one of the most polarizing, bloody American wars to secure the election over Humphrey better qualifies than anything Trump has done. If you can't acknowledge that then you really need to brush up on your Vietnam-era history, or you're hopelessly blinded by hate for an individual. In fact, so few people even realize is that Trump's real problem with Russia is only that he's fallen into the same indefensible, hostile policy that all the other powerful politicians have and continue to support. Just look at how the necons and Hillary Democrats crawled out of their holes to applaud Trump attacking Syria when America wasn't threatened in the least. Trump's warmongering with Iran is no worse, in fact, not even as bad as Cheney who wanted to strike them in 2006, despite more false intelligence.

This is not the forum for me to adequately describe my views - I wasn't expecting I'd have to for such an innocuous comment merely responding to those who accuse everyone who questions Trump's size of leftist bias - but in short, Trump, supports the welfare-warfare state and has no concept of constitutional restraint. Broadly speaking, THAT's the problem. Whether we're going to have government extort 35% or 40% isn't a choice, but that's the index card of allowable opinion so many have brainwashed into following. I didn't vote for either Trump or Hillary. I preferred Trump out of the two for reasons that ultimately won't matter much in the long run, but his crude speaking and tweets has only brought the image of the presidency down to a level that matches the reality of it. I told Republicans these same things when they criticized Obama for doing largely what they looked the other way when Bush did it and then invented other things. It's the same thing here. Btw, politicians in general are more likely to have sociopathic or even psychopathic tendencies. Narcissism is almost a given. The cult of the presidency is a larger problem than any one individual.
abcd said on 20/Jun/17
with James Hetfield 20 years ago he looks 2 cm less than him
MJKoP said on 20/Jun/17
@RisingForce Not to consciously delve back into politics, but saying Trump is 'just another' corrupt political figure in a long assembly line of them is profoundly ignorant. His unmatched lack of ethics, gross incompetence, and just sheer stupidity, is far, far beyond any other even remotely prominent elected official we've ever seen anywhere EVER(or at least as of yet). I voted for Hillary, not because I was head-over-heels in love with her, but simply because she is unquestionably the way better alternative. Those saying "HILLARY CLINTON IS A CRIMINAL, LOCK HER UP" fail to understand that even if her 'criminal activity' amounted to stealing a candy bar from a supermarket, Donald J. Trump would still qualify as a James Bond villain.....and then some. No comparison whatsoever. And quite possibly a full 6'3" in his younger years, but still comfortably over the six foot mark today(albeit not by much).
Rick said on 18/Jun/17
On a serious note, he's got to be at least 6'1.5".
RisingForce said on 17/Jun/17
As I said, I don't dislike Trump more than any other politician or world leader and I certainly don't like any of the left wingers, but Trump has to be at least somewhere between 240-260 and he's not taller than about 6'1" these days. Whether you do like Trump should have nothing to do with how tall he is or how much he weighs. Trump is still a pretty tall man, comfortably above average, so it wouldn't even be an issue if not for Trump calling a shoe height to begin with and then refusing to accept he's lost at least an inch, which isn't uncommon for his age.
Liberty183.3 said on 17/Jun/17
His peak could be close to 6'3''. He always stands with poor posture, and so he could be 6'2'' still.
Canson said on 17/Jun/17
@Rick: you're hilarious. Why does someone upgrading his weight or downgrading his height have to do with disliking him?
Rick said on 17/Jun/17
Lol at you liberals trying to upgrade his weight.
JM said on 16/Jun/17
Trump appears over an inch taller than 6'1 Obama when they stand side by side and slightly taller than 6'2 Mitt Romney. But Trump wears very flat shoes and slouches. If he stood straight and stretched his neck up he would reach close to 6'3.
James said on 16/Jun/17
His real weight is about 300 lbs.
MJKoP said on 16/Jun/17
His waistline is increasing at about the same rate his approval scores are dropping. :D
RP said on 15/Jun/17
Trump was 236 lbs fully clothed & with shoes on back in January...
Danimal said on 15/Jun/17
MrFish said on 15/Jun/17
Rob, what would you guess his weight at?

I'm not Rob, but he's easily 285-290 pounds. His suits hide his ever increasing girth.
TJE said on 15/Jun/17
Nah, he'd be closer to 270 than 230.
MrFish said on 15/Jun/17
Rob, what would you guess his weight at?
Editor Rob
225 pounds on the hacked Whitehouse measuring scales.
Travis said on 14/Jun/17
He struggles to dwarf his own daughter. He's a solid 6'0" at best. I reckon he'll be at 5'11.75" by the time he's dead.
Nick92 said on 13/Jun/17
Rob have you seen recent pics of barron trump with his parents Donald and Melania I think he has now touches 6ft on the nose
Editor Rob
I doubt he's quite that high.
James said on 12/Jun/17
Jeb Bush is 6'3".
ANF said on 12/Jun/17
He's still really look like 6ft
TruthBtold said on 10/Jun/17
He is NOT 6'3" Jeb Bush is 6'4" and he TOWERS over trump.
donald trump would be lucky if he is 6'2"
Google the "debate at Reagan Library" and see for yourself. Trump standing next to Jeb Bush- no way trump is telling the truth.
He can't even tell the truth about his height- has to exaggerate everything about himself. pathetic.
Spencer said on 10/Jun/17
He still looks 6'1
James said on 10/Jun/17
Trump is exactly six feet tall.
Tunman said on 9/Jun/17
Any opinion about his son height?from recent pics he could look anywhere from 5'8-9 I guess.Only 11 years old,very strong chances he'll end up in the 6'7+ range.Wonder what these youngsters eat to reach these marks.
Editor Rob
could be now 5ft 8.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jun/17
At least 6ft2 in the 80's…
jake12 said on 7/Jun/17
he looks same height as erdogan who is 183cm tall
Sam said on 5/Jun/17
@Arch, yeah, that character does share a broad number of characteristics with Trump, considering that version Biff in that is a exaggerated, grotesque comic creation, it's awfully unnerving to have a real version of him in charge of your country.
Finn said on 5/Jun/17
Looked slightly shorter than 187cm Jens Stoltenberg. No doubt he is 183-184cm. 188cm when he was young.
Sam said on 4/Jun/17
Bryant, if you saw the pictures of him with Obama you'd see that they're essentially the same exact height, if anything Obama edging him out. Trump was never 6'3 and is a shade under 6'1 now, and that has nothing to do with media or liberals, it's just facts that you cannot accept.
Betsey said on 4/Jun/17
At 6'3", he's either at or over 300lbs. Get real here people. 185 when he was a teenager, maybe.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Jun/17
So we're not expecting Mr Trump to be tying himself to a tree anytime soon LOL. We may as well have $$ Biff from Back to the Future II as president!
Shane said on 1/Jun/17
I'm not sure of Trump's height, but the photo with Sanchez isn't a very good barometer imo, being that Sanchez is clearly closer to the camera and the photo is from up high rather than at eye level.
Matthew Robinson said on 31/May/17
I think Rob pretty much has him right on the money. When I saw him near Trudeau recently I was thinking he could be 185, but considering the Mark Sanchez picture perhaps it's that Trump is currently 184 and Trudeau is more 186 - 186.5 kinda range.
pol_clemente said on 31/May/17
Trump was 6'2.5" or so in his youth, scraping in at 6'1" now, a hair taller than Obama but with worse posture. His 6'3" claim is obviously just an older man's refusal to admit he's lost height, he would still be close to that in shoes even though his dress shoes are very flat.

Jeb is taller than 6'3", I wouldn't say it is modesty that he gives 6'3", he was probably teased for being tall and lanky when younger and might even be embarrassed about it. I think he could be 6'4.5".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/May/17
Rob, could you add Jared Kushner?

I think close to 6ft3 for him...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/May/17
Today: 184.8cm
Peak: 188.6cm

Easily a big 6ft2 ranger in the 70's-80's...
Mark(5'9.25 said on 30/May/17
Rob, out of curiosity, how would John Cena, Henry Cavill, and Venus Williams compare to Donald Trump now?

I know they probably won't give a crap about politics!
Editor Rob
They all might seem a bit taller, but you never know, Trump Busting a Gut could always still creep over 184 himself!
RisingForce said on 30/May/17
I'm a libertarian so I don't like any of these guys and feel no more contempt for Trump than any other world leader or politician, but I remember how funny I found it during the debates that Trump and Jeb Bush claimed the same height. Even with Jeb's low self-esteem posture, it was striking how noticeable the height difference was - always at least a couple inches. That makes Trump's insistence he's 6'3" all the more unbelievable. Based on how he looks these days, I'd take 6'2" if I were him! I know a lot of people don't seem aware they've lost height or don't want to admit it as its a sign of aging, but what's Trump gonna say? Jeb is 6'5"? I wouldn't be too surprised if he was still near 6'1", though seeing him with Obama. Those two look very close in height.
World Citizen said on 29/May/17
Hey Rob can you add Rodrigo Duterte, the president of the Philippines?
RichardSpain said on 29/May/17
Trump is a solid 186cm nowadays. Here Click Here you can see him with spanish president Mariano Rajoy who is a perfect 186cm barefoot.

Maybe Trump when he was Young was 188 cm. Today he hasn't good posture because he walks as an old man.

Trump President: 186cm nowadays 188 cm young

I have seen many pictures about Obama and Trump and Trump seems 1 cm taller than Obama.
Nik said on 29/May/17

Believe you me there are far worse people about than Donald Trump. I am not saying he is a good person, or a bad person and it wouldn't be fair for me to say one way or another. In terms of his height, I would say he is 6'0" - 6'0.5"!
Nik said on 28/May/17
@ Sandy Cowell

Sandy Cowell said on 28/May/17
MJKoP - πŸ‘
Johnson said on 26/May/17
He looks slightly taller than 186 cm Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy

Yes guys, Rajoy is as tall as Obama... there are pics of them
Nik said on 26/May/17
@ Sandy Cowell

Duffer 5ft 11 said on 26/May/17
I would say that nowadays the Don is a flat 6', maybe a smidge over that in the AM. 6'1 peak definitely.
John said on 26/May/17
Looked 2 inches shorter than Jens Stoltenberg. He's really
5-11.5 nothing more. Might have been 6-2 in his
Sandy Cowell said on 26/May/17
@ Nik - Absolutely! πŸ‘
Richard said on 26/May/17
Hi Rob, how tall is Italian Prime Minister Gentiloni compared to Trump and Putin?

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Editor Rob
could be near 5ft 9
Finn said on 26/May/17
Looked considerably shorter than 187cm Jens Stoltenberg. Could be pushing 184cm standing straight.
Johan said on 25/May/17
He is a weird one, the people who think he is 6 foot flat are wrong though. When he stands straight he easily looks 6'1". Today he met the prime minister of Belgium and the royals. The Queen is at least 5'9" and with heels he was still taller and easily close to 2 inches on the King.

King Filip was taller than Melania as well. I think for one her 5'9.5" listing seems shaky she was no way taller than Queen Mathilde.

My guesses are Mathilde 175-176 cm reaching 183-184cm in heels. She likes to wear 7cm + solid 3 inchers.

Filip is 180-181 cm getting to 182-183 in dress shoes.

Melania reaches 5'10" with shoes with a small heel. She is 175 cm tops.

So that left Trump standing at 187-188 cm in shoes. No idea if he was wearing something special for the occasion but he was ramrod straight and thats what he came out as. So 184 cm with a thick 3cm dress shoe is the lowest really.
Frank Stallone said on 25/May/17
I think he is a solid 6'1''. However, I doubt Melania is 5'11''. She looks about 5'9''.
Richard said on 25/May/17
Hi Rob, how tall is Italian Prime Minister Gentiloni compared to Trump and Putin?

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Nik said on 25/May/17
@ Sandy Cowell

I totally agree with you in that the vast majority of people are good people. Also like you said we should all stick together at times like this.
Jug said on 25/May/17
I think 6'0.5 is spot on for Trump. He was 6'1.5 or 6'2 in his prime. Will Smith edged him out a little on Fresh Prince but Smith was probably wearing thick sneakers.
Sandy Cowell said on 24/May/17
@ Nik - I totally agree. In times of crisis humanity has to stick together. The vast majority of us ARE good.
Im 171CM said on 24/May/17
He looks in the 6'1" range...
Nik said on 23/May/17
@ Sandy Cowell

My thoughts and prayers are with all the people who lost their lives In Manchester, Donald Trump has shown the calibre of man that he really is after those tragic events.
James said on 22/May/17
I can believe he was a tall 6'2 in his prime. But he doesn't workout (he believes it is pointless, he has bad posture) and doesn't eat healthy those are all a recipe for not properly strengthening the back and letting the muscles and spine weaken. So yeah he definitely isn't 6'2 anymore or close to 6'3. But a tall 6'0 is possible I wouldn't put him at age 70 anything below 6'0.
Peterson188cm said on 18/May/17
Donald Trump and Tiger Woods: Click Here
BillisaLefty said on 16/May/17
He's Obama's height, 184 or 185. He's claimed his height was 6'3'' and his driver's license says 6'2''. So I'm guessing he was probably a strong 6'2'', like 189 or 190. Most people lose about 5 or 6 cm, so 185 is probably a good guess.
Im 171CM said on 13/May/17
Trump in the 6 foot range nowadays..
James said on 13/May/17
Don King isn't 6'2".
Danimal said on 13/May/17
Chris said on 28/Mar/17
You've got to remember he's not only 70 years old, but he's also quite overweight. If you're still 6 foot+ when you're 70, you should be delighted I assuree you! My dad was 6 foot + when I was a kid, and now he's about 5'9 now, aged 70 - as an example.

3" height loss for a 70 year old man is A LOT. My dad is 70 and he went from 5'7.5" to 5'5.5". My uncle on the other had is also 70 and he used to be 6'1.5" and is now 5'11". Trump is overweight (by a good 40 pounds) and has poor posture. During his prime he could easily pass for 6'2"-6'3". Today he is under 6'1" (2" height loss imo).
MrFish said on 12/May/17
Rob, what would the height difference between Trump and I look like?
Editor Rob
you probably would look around his eyebrow range.
Nuno said on 12/May/17
Of course I won't and couldn't say he's 6'3 or even 6'2 present day, I'd just say 6'1 on the dot. Accounting for the fact Trump doesn't stand with his head as straight as Obama, the two look equal in this photo nonetheless:
Click Here
Trump looking taller than Bill Clinton (6'0)
Click Here

Now comparing Trump to other people, here's Don King who was measured as 6'2 (by LE believe) appearing the same height as Trump who was also measured at 6'2 on his NY license.
Click Here

And Don King looks at least 1" shorter than Ali who was 6'2.5 or so.
Click Here
Click Here

Now Don King next to Michael Jackson who was 5'9:
Click Here

Trump next to MJ:
Click Here
Click Here

Now going off this chart Don King is roughly 1" shorter than Ali and 4in or 10~11cm taller than MJ, putting Trump (who's the same height as him) at 6'1.
Click Here

As for Mark Sanchez, it's well known that in the NFL they measure athletes barefoot, which could account for the clear 2" difference in that photo of Trump and Sanchez (as it goes without saying Trump likely measures with shoes on).
Pauline said on 11/May/17
Both Lester Holt and Donald Trump are quoted at being 6 foot 2 inches tall and looking at the recent news interview with them both standing side by side shows there's no way Trump can be the same height as Lester Holt who is at least three or more inches taller than Donald Trump.
Thomas Thomas said on 11/May/17
Click Here

A good picture of Donald with Dennis Rodman
Urbanite said on 10/May/17
The real reason why Trump sacked Comey: "He's too tall, he makes me look like a short guy."
John said on 9/May/17
It seems that in most photos with Trump standing next to Obama, he looks slightly shorter, like an inch or a little more. I think its mostly due to his weight, heavier people tend to have more curved spines and poor posture. So an overweight or obese person can appear shorter than they really are, in reality Trump is probably 6'0.5" but appears to be 6 feet or 5'11.5" because of his excess weight and posture. When the two are standing together you notice Trump's head is slightly forward, while Obama's is not.
RisingForce said on 9/May/17
Yeah, Rob, that's definitely true. I'm unfortunately quite opinionated politically. I don't watch the cable news or anything like that, but I can even feel how having strong opinions politically makes me a more stressed and frustrated individual than I would be otherwise, which is actually another quality of this site since it's not something to be taken as seriously. lol, that wasn't quite my intention, Shredder, but if Rob knocks Cruise down to 5'5"(for Valkyrie) and Pitt down to 5'9"(Inglourious Basterds) then maybe we should be worried! Other than that, short of Rob's fashion sense changing to a mustache and postman's cap, the image should die down soon enough.
Shredder said on 8/May/17
RisingForce , I don't know why but your post made me laugh really hard. Now I can't unsee " Rob The National Socialist" lol.
Rhonda said on 5/May/17
on Fresh Prince he is about the same height as Will Smith. he is 70 so may be losing some height, I would guess 6ft 1 he always looks tall.
berta said on 4/May/17
by the way Rob maybe you should give this james guy a warning.all his comments on everybody is that they are 2 inches shorter and always wear lifts :P
Editor Rob
he's already on a warning.
berta said on 4/May/17
i still believe he could have been about 188,7 in peak. close to 189 and today not really under 185.obama is 186 in my eyes.
Gwynbleidd said on 3/May/17
Donald Trump, a classic example of how not maintaining a decent posture through life can lead to misconceptions. At his peak, he was a very strong 6' 2"; his peak being 6' 2.5" for me. As for currently, he's probably 186 cm, so around 6' 1.25". But because of his bad posture, he can look 183-186 cm (yes, reducing his height an inch and a quarter) - I'm almost echoing what @Richardspain has said.
Nuno said on 3/May/17
I agree with lasla, peak height he'd probably be a 6'2 guy, present day he's closer 6'1. He held his own in pics with Obama so I don't know why this outdated listing is still kept up, considering that Mark Sanchez pic doesn't prove very much. It disappoints me that I thought Rob would know better than to post pictures with obviously misleading angles and positioning. Political biases shouldn't get in the way of facts here.
lasla said on 2/May/17
At least 6'2 at his peak and 6'1 by now.

And rob, why you didn't put an page to Shinzo Abe on celebheights? He is the prime minister of japan that is a very developed country and the third biggest world economy.
James said on 30/Apr/17
He also has bad posture due to obesity, not just old age.
Richardspain said on 30/Apr/17
I agree with you @Johnson, Trump now is 187cm. The problem he hasn't good posture because he is seventy-one years old. So for this reason Trump looks 184-186cm.
James said on 29/Apr/17
Trump has always worn lifts. He used to be six foot at his peak but he's barely 5'11" now.
James said on 28/Apr/17
In his prime he likely was very close to 6'3. He always claimed that height I doubt he lied for all those years about that and it seems to ring true given his constant appearances among people of different heights. Now i'd say with age, not working out, poor posture at times etc he is likely 6'1 flat maybe a hair under 6'0ft
Johnson said on 27/Apr/17
@Richardspain the expert of heights in Spain "taturas" gave 1.87 for Trump on the net. I think it can be close.
brandonknight said on 27/Apr/17
Trump lies about his height? Big surprise.

"I am 6'3"'s a tremendous height. I am very tall. Bigly tall. Short people are low energy. But I'm 6'3". And my hands are huge. Believe me."
sumdude said on 26/Apr/17
I'd say 184-184.5 cm(at night) after a long day worth of work. Seems like it in pictures aswell where he isnt slouching(usually forward slouch). Probably wakes up very close to 187 cm. I'd also say a 188-190 peak is very likely, he certainly looked it in older pictures.
grizz said on 26/Apr/17
@Rob, I totally missed that - was he measured at the White Office or not?
Editor Rob
no grizz, Trump is drafting a Presidential Order so that he doesn't need to get measured.

He'll be clinging to that 6ft 3 measurement (in shoes) he had 15 years ago till the day he leaves the Whitehouse.
Richardspain said on 25/Apr/17
Today he is a bit taller than Obama. If Obama is a strong 185cm, Trump maybe 186cm is very possible, Rob.

I think Trump is as taller than our spanish president Mariano Rajoy. I hope pics of their together soon!
RisingForce said on 23/Apr/17
Shredder said on 24/Mar/17
American politics in general are a joke and I'm from the USA.

I don't think it's just an American thing, it's politics in general. Just look at what a politician's job depends on as opposed to virtually every other profession where you at least have to produce some good or service someone else wants to voluntary exchange. I believe the American political system was unprecedented I'm history for the first century, maybe century and a half, but ever since has fallen into the same trap as most others. Back to height, Trump can still look a tall 6'1" at times to me, he seemed at least similar to Lorenzo Lamas, but you look at Trump and he's always a good 2" shorter than Jeb Bush who has worse posture, making it ridiculous both still claim 6'3". So 184 cm is probably right for current height, but I have no idea about peak. He still seems to have pretty good posture compared to some who lose a lot so I'm surprised he's lost this much. Back when Trump campaigned for the Reform Party Presidential nomination in 2000, he could measure up pretty well to 6'3"(?) Jesse Ventura and sometimes looked at least 6'2" with a 6'5.5" Hulk Hogan, but he was towered at other times. Maybe Hulk was wearing thick boots. I think a good 187 cm or weak 6'2" peak.
Nik said on 22/Apr/17
Yeah I thought some of the Barron estimates on here were too high.
Johan said on 22/Apr/17
I think people are getting a bit carried away with Barron. My brother was also tall at a young age and everyone thought he would be a giant he topped off at 6'5".

In 4 years or so we will see if he will grow to be huge but I doubt it. I would be surprised however if he didn't reach at least 6'3"-6'4".
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 21/Apr/17
Jonny Perry said on 18/Apr/17
Melania is about 5'10-5'11. In heels where she gets a lift of atleast 3 inches and he is taller still by a couple inches atleast. I'd say a solid 188 for him. You Rob?


She's listed as 5ft9.5 on this site, do you not see her page?
Arthur said on 21/Apr/17
Rob, how tall would you roughly estimate Barron right now?
Editor Rob
might be similar to Justin Bieber.
HonestSlovene said on 20/Apr/17
For the last time Barron looks about 5'7" at best next to his father and also looks older than his rael age . With a 6'2" peak father and 5'9.5" mother his most likely height is about 6'3" for his peak. Plenty of kids grow alot between 11-14 y.o. and then nothing after 15.
Matthew Robinson said on 19/Apr/17
Hans Meiser said on 14/Apr/17
@Arch Stanton
Yeah, it's almost unreal how tall Barron is. I think I've never seen a 10-11 year old this tall. He looks between 5'8 and 5'9 and he could grow to 6'9 or even 6'10.


He is exceptionally tall for his age, but odds are Baron doesn't reach 6'9" - 6'10". A height like 6'6" or maybe 6'7" might be a LOT more likely than just a few inches higher.
Jonny Perry said on 18/Apr/17
Melania is about 5'10-5'11. In heels where she gets a lift of atleast 3 inches and he is taller still by a couple inches atleast. I'd say a solid 188 for him. You Rob?
Hans Meiser said on 14/Apr/17
@Arch Stanton
Yeah, it's almost unreal how tall Barron is. I think I've never seen a 10-11 year old this tall. He looks between 5'8 and 5'9 and he could grow to 6'9 or even 6'10.
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Apr/17
He has a DUCK'S name!
(Just as well I didn't make a typing error, though that might be appropriate too!)

Arch Stanton said on 14/Apr/17
Based on current growth his son could quite possibly end up like 6 ft 8. Melania is from Slovenia I think and Croatia and countries like that often have some very tall guys, possible she has very tall men in her family. He might be one of those early bloomers though who finish growing at 14. But he looks like he'll definitely end up no less than 195cm.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Apr/17
Yes his son Barron looks unusually tall, a recent photo of him walking around the White House grounds with his father he doesn't look that much shorter now and he's just turned 11. Funny thing is that despite only being 10 or 11 he already looks every inch the young, slick, tough aspiring businessman, with a mind way beyond his years. Average height for an 11 year old is like 4 ft 9 or 10 from what I remember, well he's approaching a foot taller than the average.
Nemo said on 13/Apr/17
If you look at the coverage of his meeting with Xi you can see he is wearing shoes with 1 1/2 -2'' heels also the extra long tie and jackets make him appear taller, it's just an intimidation and ego tactic typical of a narcissist.
Dan said on 13/Apr/17
His son Barron is gonna become huge. At only 10 years old he already looks around 173 cm! This guy could easily reach 195 cm in my opinion.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 10/Apr/17
187.5cm peak
194cm(Korean) said on 10/Apr/17
183.8 i guess
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Apr/17
189cm peak
Thomas Veil said on 9/Apr/17
Trump was 6'2, probably closer to 6 foot now maybe a hair over
HonestSlovene said on 7/Apr/17
@TMI Doubt that, not everyone that is already extremely tall for their age grow up to be extremely tall adults. Some are just early bloomers. He looks roughly 13-14 in terms of age, his father also looks to be at least 75 years old (ignore the weird hairdoo :D).
Junior31 said on 7/Apr/17
There is a video of wrestler stone cold Steve Austin in the ring doing a segment with Donald trump. Stone cold was listed at 6'2 and many believe he was in the mid 6'1 range. Trump EASILY had an inch on him. I believe peak he was every bit 6'2.5. Check it out.
John said on 3/Apr/17
Peak: 6'2.25
Now: 6'1.5
TMI said on 3/Apr/17
That son of his is already like 5'7" at 11. He's gonna be 6'5" or more for sure.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 2/Apr/17
S.J.H said on 27/Mar/17
Trump is 6'0 (6'1.25 peak)
Obama 6'0.5 (6'0.75 peak)
George W Bush 5'9.75 (5'10.5 peak)
Bill Clinton 5'11.25 (6'1 peak)
Jeb Bush 6'2.5 (6'3 peak)
John Kerry 6'2.25 (6'3 peak)
Hillary Rodham Clinton 5'4 (5'4.5 peak)


I would disagree. Bill Clinton and Trump in their prime were taller than your estimation, my opinion. It's unlikely they were under 187cm peak. And Obama doesn't seem to have lost any height, he's always been a decent 6ft1. Everything else I agree with you.
James said on 31/Mar/17
Don King is 5'11".
Brian said on 29/Mar/17
@Chris nah, man, don king is no 6'2 look at the picture of him with 5'9 michael jackson. I'd call him a weak 6 footer.
S.J.H said on 28/Mar/17
My grandfather at 85 look 5'7-5'8 when standing with oldman hunches but he still get measure at 5'9 when standing straight and he only lost an inch since young at 5'10 , worst thing he only lost posture more than height. I don't see donald trump as a hunchy old man and he still look pretty healthy despite he is overweight. At peak he is max 186cm and 183cm nowadays
Chris said on 28/Mar/17
As for Trump at his peak, he's obviously taller than he is now. I just looked at a picture of him with Don King (6'2) in the 1980s, and Trump was noticeably taller.

Trump was at least 6'2 in the 1980s. He looks 6'3 to me.
Chris said on 28/Mar/17
You've got to remember he's not only 70 years old, but he's also quite overweight. If you're still 6 foot+ when you're 70, you should be delighted I assuree you! My dad was 6 foot + when I was a kid, and now he's about 5'9 now, aged 70 - as an example.

You have to take into account he's old, and definitely has very bad posture, and a curved spine. He hunches over a lot. And hunching also makes a huge difference. A friend of mine hunches a lot, and literally goes from 5'11 to 6'2 when he straightens his back!

So, all in all, when you remove the medical issues age brings, he probably was a few inches taller in his youth, and probably is about 6 foot tall now.

But believe me, Trump hunches a lot. He has awful posture. You need to take that into account
S.J.H said on 27/Mar/17
Trump is 6'0 (6'1.25 peak)
Obama 6'0.5 (6'0.75 peak)
George W Bush 5'9.75 (5'10.5 peak)
Bill Clinton 5'11.25 (6'1 peak)
Jeb Bush 6'2.5 (6'3 peak)
John Kerry 6'2.25 (6'3 peak)
Hillary Rodham Clinton 5'4 (5'4.5 peak)
Brian said on 27/Mar/17
My dad is a solid 6'2-3, and met him in the 80s. He told me he remembered being taller than Trump. Of course Trump would round up nearly 3 inches xD
Johan said on 25/Mar/17
Gunnar said on 24/Mar/17
"When photographed with a 6ft 2 measured Athlete, that claim seems unbelievable." Trump is clearly taller than Obama, who claims to be 6'1". So if Obama is 6'1" and Trump is taller, why is it so hard to believe that Trump is 6'2" or 6'3"? Maybe your politics are getting in the way of reason.

I wouldn't say he was taller than Obama, remember he does have hair advantage but again there wasn't much in it. The current listing is minimum imo.
He held his own with the canadian prime minister as well with less shoes and that guy claims 6'2".
Johnny said on 25/Mar/17
Johnson said on 12/Mar/17
2010. Taller than Sean Connery. Close to 6'2 nowadays

Click Here

I wouldn't say he looks taller. They are very close in that photo, also the footwear is not known.
Cameron said on 24/Mar/17
Barren could be an early bloomer, considering he look around 13 despite only being 11. Wouldn't surprised me if he's finishes growing around 14-15.
John said on 24/Mar/17
has he already been officially measured as president?
Editor Rob
no, he will have a medical at some point.

Here's what will happen...the time for Trump's measurement will arrive. As the Doctor puts the stadiometer just onto his head, Trump will look at the door and say 'Hey, what's Bill Clinton doing here!'.

Then as the Doctor wheels around, Trump nudges the bar up a bit, moves off the stadiometer and points with glee "Told you I was Six Three!"
Shredder said on 24/Mar/17
American politics in general are a joke and I'm from the USA.
Gunnar said on 24/Mar/17
"When photographed with a 6ft 2 measured Athlete, that claim seems unbelievable." Trump is clearly taller than Obama, who claims to be 6'1". So if Obama is 6'1" and Trump is taller, why is it so hard to believe that Trump is 6'2" or 6'3"? Maybe your politics are getting in the way of reason.
Editor Rob
not convinced that Trump looked taller than Obama. As for Politics, when it comes to guessing height, it is irrelevant. In any case, I'm Scottish and have more limited exposure to American Politics πŸ™Œ
Ly said on 23/Mar/17
Barren is gonna be a giant isnt he Rob
John said on 22/Mar/17
Barren will at least 6'6" when he's fully grown.
HonestSlovene said on 21/Mar/17
@cgf Barron looks about 5'7"-5'8" as of today. My guess would be 5'10" at 13, 6'1" at 15 and 6'3" at 18.
cgf said on 20/Mar/17
Click Here

I think "little" Barron could be up to 5 10 at eleven years old.
vaiski said on 20/Mar/17
Listing seems about right, looks a hair shorter than 6'1 Fred Williamson here.

Click Here
John said on 18/Mar/17
Looks more like 6'1-6'1.25. I think it's time for an upgrade.
Johan said on 18/Mar/17
Well, Connery was still at least 6'0.5" -184 cm in 2012 next to 6'2" Andy Murray, so Trump was at least 6'1" still in 2010 then.

Trump started to gain weight and lose height/posture just after 2000-2001.
Phil said on 18/Mar/17
Long live 5 foot 5 Angela Merkel. We need a Merkel celebheights page.
Alex said on 17/Mar/17
dginzu, Sean Connery is listed as 6 ft 2 on this site, not 6 ft 1. And there is NO WAY IN HELL that Trump is under 6 ft. It's just so stupid to think he's under 6 ft. My guess is he's about 6 ft 1.
RP said on 17/Mar/17
Trump & Connery looked the exact same height in 2010, IMO!
Johno said on 13/Mar/17
Darryl178 said on 11/Mar/17
Rob, how much do you think Trump will shrink by the time he leaves office?!
Editor Rob: another half inch in 4 years.


I see what you did there Rob.
dginzu said on 12/Mar/17
6'1 Connery is taller than Trump in that pic.

Amazing with all the evidence we have with 6'2 measured athletes having 2 inches on him, Jeb owning him by over 3 inches consistently, and others that some still want this guy taller than 6'0.

Im a big Trump fan, but I see hes 6'0 at the very most. Could be 5'11.5-5'11.75
Johnson said on 12/Mar/17
2010. Taller than Sean Connery. Close to 6'2 nowadays

Click Here
Darryl178 said on 11/Mar/17
Rob, how much do you think Trump will shrink by the time he leaves office?!
Editor Rob
another half inch in 4 years.
Rkm said on 8/Mar/17
There's Trump's pic with Herschel Walker when both of them were young... And Herschel was listed at 185cms. That too when he birth of them were young... So his peak was also 6ft 1 or maybe a shade above that
Occultristia said on 7/Mar/17
Looks way taller most of the time.
Sam said on 7/Mar/17
If he's 187 cm nowadays, President Obama must be near 190 cm, which he isn't.
HonestSlovene said on 7/Mar/17
@coolman He is one of the rare super confident guys that are the last ones that I would imagine wearing lifts.
Canson said on 6/Mar/17
If he's 6'3 with shoes means he's taller than Obama I see them as the same height max. He doesn't look over 6'1" either
Jeff Enslin said on 6/Mar/17
He is 6'3 in shoes. I met him a few years ago. This question is not debateable.
Johnson said on 5/Mar/17
He is 187 cm nowadays, and the picture with Mark Sanchez does not prove anything in my opinion, as Sanchez is close to camera and Trump in the background behind him
Harris said on 4/Mar/17
@coolman, Its very well-known that Trump has small hands: Click Here
coolman said on 3/Mar/17
Weak 6'1" imo. He's an example of a "tall" 6'1" guy, similar to James Gandolfini. Massive bideltoid breadth, big hands and wrists, robust bones. He no doubt wears shoe lifts to important events to reach 6'2".
seventh phoenix said on 3/Mar/17
If Obama is 6ft 1 Trump was visibly slightly taller side by side therefore 6ft 2 is about correct, bear in mind as people age their originsl height shrinks by an inch or two and he is in his 70s now.
Omar said on 2/Mar/17
I hope to god I don't shrink that much.
Free said on 28/Feb/17
He's a flat 6-0 whether you want to admit or not.

Seeing him with measured athletes confirms that.

He could be as low as 5-11.5-5-11.75
HonestSlovene said on 25/Feb/17
@Johan Just what I have thought Johan. He was an easy 6'2" peak. His wife is at least around 5'9.5" and before he started shrinking in the 2000s at least 2 inches on her in height while she was wearing 4 inch heels and was in the 6'1 range in them. Even today looks near 6'1". The 6'0" or less comments are absurd. 6'2" peak, 6'0.75" today.
Arthur said on 23/Feb/17

I hadn't noticed either, but if you go through all the comments on this page you will find out that James has been leaving almost the exact same comment every other week or so. There's like 10 entries from James with the exact same content: ''Trump was 6 foot at his peak and 5'11 now. He always wears lifts'' That's actually borderline spamming
berta said on 23/Feb/17
he still come across as a big guy today. i think he was 6 foot 2 and maybe couple mm and today he is close to 6 foot 1. the listing is good. but i think a couple mm over on both peak and current. he is the listed height or little taller not shorter. i think the current gerneal vote is pretty spot on.
Free said on 20/Feb/17
Trump is 5-11.75-6-0
Johan said on 20/Feb/17
Click Here

From 2000 , 6ft peak?? haha. Compare with the above pic.
Johan said on 20/Feb/17
I was looking earlier at pics of his erm wife and several included Trump himself. He didn't start dropping height till after 2001. In many of the pics he is slimmer and looks alot better compared to even 5-6 years later.

He easily had 3.5 inches on her and yes she was in heels, the present day pics show that to be anywhere between 1.5-2 inches with her in heels ofc.

So the man lost at least 1.5 inches from his peak so going back the current listing he was 6'2" peak.
Canson said on 20/Feb/17
Danimal I agree with you Obama is an inch taller than him today. I think Trump would be a bit taller than he is now prime however 6'1 or 6'2"
6 foot 17 yrs still growing said on 19/Feb/17
Trump got downgraded to 1.88 m by Google .. they also changed the picture to a not very good one. Sad!
Editor Rob
that picture choice is clearly a liberal attempt at trolling πŸ˜† πŸ˜…
Johnson said on 19/Feb/17
What happened with James? Why do people ask for his ban? I am not aware of that
Editor Rob
the comments are a place to read and contribute to discussion...some people do step over the mark with political/critical and 'half of hollywood wears lifts' comments.
Finn said on 19/Feb/17
Actually he can be 6'1" max because stands about the same height as Obama (if no lifts). He's in his 70's so could lost an inch or more easy.
RP said on 18/Feb/17
When Linda, Vince & the family visited the White House on February 15, 2017...there are multiple pics of them all many angles most pics from that day, Trump looked 0.25" to 0.50" taller than Vince. Trump looked 1" to 1.25" shorter than HHH. FYI.. Vince & Trump are almost the exact same age. I think both men have lost 1" to 1.25" off of their peak heights...IMO
Yes yes said on 18/Feb/17
Christian, Trump slouches a little bit while Vince seems to stand at his tallest.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 18/Feb/17
Click Here In this recent photo, Trump looks no taller than 6ft Vince Mcmahon. It's pretty unlikely that Trump is only a flat 6ft as well, so he may just had a slight footwear disadvantage. Still, I don't think he's over 6ft0.25-6ft0.5 today.
Free said on 17/Feb/17
He's barely 6-0 with 6-2 measured Sanchez, 6-2 measured Merriman, 6-1 measured Steve Nash, 6-3 Jeb Bush.

6-0.5 is way too much for him.
James said on 17/Feb/17
Trump was six foot at his peak. He's 5'11" today (without lifts).
Danimal said on 17/Feb/17
Trump clearly lost serious height in recent years. Here he was in 2011 next to a shrinking Vince McMahon (who was taller than stone Cold in the late 90's, but the same height as him in 2007). Donald clearly looks significantly taller than both of them. He probably had a hip replacement, or back surgery (that we don't know of) in the last 10 years. This pic should NOT be ignored. He WAS at least 6'2" at that time and has lost serious height since then.

Trump in 2007: Click Here
Danimal said on 17/Feb/17
Drew jackson said on 12/Feb/17
Are you guys dumb? Have you not seen him in pictures with obama?? He's clearly an inch taller than obama, obama being 6'1.

No, he's clearly shorter than Obama. Btw, calling people dumb is not a very intelligent thing to do, unless of course you're 13 years old.
Phil said on 16/Feb/17
You're bang on with this one. Standing beside 6"2" Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Trump is clearly shorter in every video and picture
Ilyathe2nd said on 16/Feb/17
The Don seems closer to 6ft than 6'1. Maybe he has shrunk a bit, which is very common for a 70-year old, but 2-3'' from the peak claim seems like he was inflating his height in his prime, or including shoes in the measurement.

Maybe a solid 6'1'' barefoot in his prime, that is between 186-187cm? With formal dress shoes that would be 6'2''-6'3''.
Allie said on 16/Feb/17
Ya know, I think for the Next 4 years, given his controversy, Trump may stay in the Top 50 most viewed heights!

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.