How tall is Donald Trump - Page 5

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Average Guess (1092 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 2.01in (188cm)
Current: 6ft 0.58in (184.4cm)
Canson said on 24/Feb/20
Lol the doctor who gave him the 6’3 at his indoctrination physical should be examined himself
viper said on 21/Feb/20
Where was the 6-0.75 for Ray
Eric C said on 20/Feb/20

How much do you think Trump weights in reality?
Editor Rob
Might be 20 pounds more than he claims.
Arch Stanton said on 20/Feb/20
Can you start a page for Barron Rob, half the comments now are about him, he'll probably get some people looking for his height! In the plane shot he's clearly at least 6'3 now, he seems to be growing an inch every month or two!
Editor Rob
His height is searched for a fair amount, but I generally wait till guys are near 16 before considering a page.
viper said on 20/Feb/20
Maybe 6-3 in that latest video.

6-4-6-5? Lol nice troll
Canson said on 19/Feb/20
@Viper: there’s always a possibility of Ray being 6’0.25”. His combine was 6’0 3/8 and he shows a 6’0.75 along the way
Nicolas said on 19/Feb/20
Next to 184-185 cm president Obama, he looks 2 cm shorter so about 182 cm at most. And next to 172 cm Emmanuel Macron he's 4 inch taller than him. 188 cm at peak seems a lot to me. I will say 185 cm at the peak
MapMan said on 19/Feb/20
Click Here

Barron looks at least 6’4 coming out of the airplane, probably 6’5. 6’2 is a bit too low
tree said on 19/Feb/20
Baron was 6ft4 a couple of weeks ago thats not a difference around 2 inch Click Here
What is worng with some people like viper?
In december he looked 6ft2.5-6ft3 Click Here
viper said on 17/Feb/20
Agreed Barron is 6-2. People want to make him taller for some reason
viper said on 17/Feb/20
Ray Lewis is absolutely no more than 6-0
TheBat said on 16/Feb/20
Trump's 6'0" flat today, he's lost exactly 2 inches. His son Barron is probably 6'2.25"-6'2.5" as of now.
Canson said on 15/Feb/20
How is he still a solid 6’2 when he’s the same height as 6’0-6’0.5 Ray Lewis and shorter than 6’2 Mark Sanchez and 6’2 Justin Trudeau as well as 6’1 Obama being slightly taller than him
Meade said on 14/Feb/20
Trump is solid 6'2. Peak he was probably an inch taller.
David O said on 13/Feb/20
There are alot of pictures of Trump next to Australian PM Scott Morrison. Morrison is 5'11.5" and Trump has about 1'' on him consistently.So 6'1/2" is spot on for me.
FiveEightJake said on 12/Feb/20
Rob any idea how tall “Mini” Mike Bloomberg is, listed 5’8, looks like a peak height. Could be good addition as a lot of people will be looking up his height.

Trump once again using his height as a weapon, what a joke of a man he is.
Editor Rob
Well he was never over 5ft 7, maybe 5ft 6-7 range and now 5ft 5.

But imagine a President tweeting about 5ft 4 Mini Mike...
Nicholas Clifford said on 11/Feb/20
he might be 6'5 as of February Click Here
Eric C. said on 5/Feb/20
I predict that Barron will grow to 6'5 - 6'8 range. And I think Trump is around 6ft tall.
Ethan Larsem said on 2/Feb/20
6'1.5" peak height. He would Would just be over 6'0" now most likely. No way Trump is 6'3" when Trudeau has like two inches on him. Ridiculous claim by him!
tree said on 1/Feb/20
Wonder how tall Baron would like to be
Charlie said on 27/Jan/20
"Lol Barron isn't hitting 7-0.

He would need to be 6-8 already."

There is no "he would need to be" here, its way to early to call his future height.
The destroyer said on 24/Jan/20
Peak height 188cm 6ft 2
Now possibly even shorter at 183cm now barely taller than melenia who is 5 11 180 cm in heels
So trump probably now is 1cm shorter than last year(184cm)
the thing said on 23/Jan/20
Click Here two 6ft 3 men standing together
the thing said on 22/Jan/20
Click Here hes says he is 6'3
Editor Rob
Trump says a lot of things he later regrets.

He's said 6ft 3 on Twitter too

"No, large man 6'3". Large ego!"
Raveen said on 22/Jan/20
Trump is 100% below 6,1 because in most recent picture with nechirvan barzani who my father 6ft max morning height took a picture with him they were both close and in their conference photo they look about the same despite nechirvan barzani standing a little further behind.
tree said on 21/Jan/20
Looks 6ft4 now and he is not even 14 years old Click Here
viper said on 17/Jan/20
Barron looks nowhere close to 6-4.

He looks between 6-2 and 6-3
viper said on 17/Jan/20
Lol Barron isn't hitting 7-0.

He would need to be 6-8 already.
viper said on 17/Jan/20
On the flip side Barron might only grow a couple of more inches and just top out at 6-5.

I was just reading an old high school basketball recruit article on how this player was 6-3 at 12 years old and yet only grew 2 more inches to 6-5 for his final height.
Peter175 said on 11/Jan/20
Melania is tall but not super tall. Her male equal is around 6'1-2.

Trump is 6'2" or thereabouts when young so they roughly have the same height for their gender.

However Barron looks like he could hit near 7ft.

That's super rare even with both parents being 95% ile height
Peter175 said on 11/Jan/20
I know a guy who's parents heights combined are shorter than mine by quite a bit but he's 6'4" and I'm 5'9.

Height can seem random. I'm 4 inches shorter than my dad and 8 inches taller than my mom
Alex Katch said on 11/Jan/20
Kyriakos mitsotakis is taller than trump and he's 6ft 2½in tall
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Jan/20
Barron looks like he might actually be 6ft4 now
Editor Rob
That's what happens when you accidentally wear your Father's shoes for the day.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Jan/20
Also I just saw a photo of Trumps parents, they were average
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Jan/20
A 6ft father and a 5ft7 mother can easily produce a 6ft2-6ft5 range son. It’s not always directly passed down. Other tall family members aswell. Ireland Baldwin’s parents aren’t particularly tall themselves.

I’m surprised Don Jr didn’t end up 6ft4 range like Eric
Canson said on 9/Jan/20
@Rampage: he could end up somewhere 6’5-6’7 because of how tall Melania is especially for a female
Arch Stanton said on 8/Jan/20
Bobby Brown said on 6/Jan/20

I doubt 6’7-6’8 can happen especially since his fathers peak height was 6’2-6’3 so maybe his peak range will be 6’3-6’5 range also boys can stop growing at one point they don’t all grow until 21

Neil Fingletons father was 6ft, 6'7 is certainly possible with 6'2 and 5'9 parents, two sets of solid tall genes can exaggerate.
Arch Stanton said on 8/Jan/20
Yes a 6'7 guy I know was 6 ft 2 at 13..
Arch Stanton said on 8/Jan/20
We could have a page for Barron, he seems to get a lot of traffic about his height. Well, Brosnan was 6ft at 11. Some people stop early. Looking at Barron's legs though possible he could end up 6ft 7-8. Melania is Slavic, that region often has some super tall guys.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jan/20
His son could end up 6ft7 range
berta said on 7/Jan/20
his son is 13 and atleast 190 cm, he is going to be atleast 2 m, could get to 202 range
Editor Rob
I'm sure I read once Wilt Chamberlain saying he was 6ft 3-4 at age 13...

will be interesting what Baron ends up in 5 years.
viper said on 6/Jan/20
I had a 13 year old classmate who was
6-3 and he grew to over 6-7
Bobby Brown said on 6/Jan/20

I doubt 6’7-6’8 can happen especially since his fathers peak height was 6’2-6’3 so maybe his peak range will be 6’3-6’5 range also boys can stop growing at one point they don’t all grow until 21
Emil said on 6/Jan/20
Barron Trump is huge for his age, holy moly.

I can definitely see him reach 6'7-6'8 as his final height
Jack Smith said on 2/Jan/20
Rob, what do you think about Barron Trump's height?
In my home country, his height is listed as either 196cm (6'5) or 198cm (6'6), but I don't think he is that tall.
Editor Rob
Barron Trump's Height in 2020 could be 6ft 3 range, but not 6ft 5.
Myself said on 30/Dec/19
I can easily see Barron reaching 2 meters
cmillz said on 28/Dec/19
Barron doesn’t need to grow anymore, lol. He’s already plenty tall
cmillz said on 28/Dec/19
6’0 max these days. Wonder when he’ll be down to 5’11 range?
tree said on 26/Dec/19
Rob would u say Barron looks 191cm since Trump is a bit closer to the cam? Click Here
Editor Rob
This month he is looking like he might be 6ft 3. Of course Trump will probably inflate him to 6ft 6 to make his own claim 'add up'
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Dec/19
Tunman 15-16? Don’t think so
Alex Katch said on 23/Dec/19
Trump he was 6ft 2in barefoot or with his shoes?
Editor Rob
Barefoot I doubt trump was shorter than 6ft 2 range peak
Tunman said on 23/Dec/19
6'3 at 13(in fact close to 14) is very impressive but the odds are that he won't grow up until 18 but probably will stop around 15-16 imo,we will see.One of my former classmates reached 200cm(tallest person I knew in person) by 15 and never gained anything later.Also there is a boy aged 15and change who comes often to my shop who's now like 186-7 but seems to give signals that his growth won't go too much beyond that,with no really perceivable difference during the last 6 months,like he perhaps could squeeze a little fraction by not much more,certainly not 3"+anyways
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Dec/19
I hope so, lol. I get that Barron's a very tall kid, but some people are making him out to be the next Robert Wadlow.
viper said on 22/Dec/19
Woman from the famous Access Hollywood video said on a talk show that Trump is 6-4, lol

Trump was maybe 6-1 then
Lkkss said on 22/Dec/19
Now : 6'0
Peak: Solid 6'1 (maybe on the stronger side)
Unanimous said on 21/Dec/19
@Christian 6'5 3/8"
I’m pretty sure he’s being hyperbolic there...
Peter175 said on 21/Dec/19
Wow! Barron looks huge. Bigger than his Dad's peak at only 13.
I think he'll reach 6'6" at least.
6'3'' Peterson said on 20/Dec/19
Rob, How tall is Barron Trump?? Click Here
Editor Rob
I think barron trump's height at age 13 look near 6ft 3, the same as yourself...what his final height ends up being is anybody's guess.
Spencer said on 17/Dec/19
Trump with Obama looks more like a half an inch shorter at most. Obama still looks 6'1". Trump still looks 6'0.5" 6'0.75" 188.5 cm peak.
Johan 185 cm said on 16/Dec/19
TheBat said on 15/Dec/19
Wouldn't be surprised if he's actually 6'0" flat today.


I would be surprised if being measured he was only 6' flat. I bet walking around though he looks it.
Tony M said on 16/Dec/19
Trump is clearly an inch shorter than Obama in most pics
and since Obama is a legit 6’1” Trump is 6’ tops
TheBat said on 15/Dec/19
Wouldn't be surprised if he's actually 6'0" flat today.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 7/Dec/19
He's very tall for his age, but certainly not the tallest on the planet. That's a gross exaggeration. I'm sure there are a few 7'0"+ 13 year olds in the world.
Finn said on 4/Dec/19
Seems to be 183-184cm even with 186-187cm Jens Stoltenberg. Strong an inch smaller than Stoltenberg.
Canson said on 2/Dec/19
LEROY said on 25/Nov/19

He never looked 6’3” even in his prime. However he didn’t look as low as 6’1” either like another poster said. I think Rob has him pegged. 6’2” peak height and probably 183-184 today.

Here he is with a weak 6’2” guy in Mark Sanchez (6’2 1/8 early morning height)

Click Here
Yuval said on 2/Dec/19
His son is the tallest 13 year old on the planet, I mean Shaq at 13 was 195 cm tall, Baron is 188 cm, he can reach 2 meters
Nik Ashton said on 2/Dec/19
@ Sandy Cowell - I just imagine they are silent ‘uns! If you squeeze the rest of him the dangly thing on the @rse expands, yeah you can blame it on Don! I wonder if there will be a demand for Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbin keyrings, the mind boggles!

I bet Don would think I am a “5 10” guy, the mind boggles!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Nov/19
@ Nik - You can always squeeze his dangly thing and fart yourself! Then you can blame it on Donald....

🔑🛎️...🤣💨...🗣️"You dirty rat!"😷🐀
Nik Ashton said on 29/Nov/19
@ Sandy Cowell - As you know my Don Trump keyring arrived a few days ago and mine doesn’t fart either! Many thanks for this silent keyring!

I wonder if he would claim 6’5” for his peak height!
Nik Ashton said on 28/Nov/19
@ LEROY - He doesn’t!
Farrel Irawan 6'1 said on 27/Nov/19
Click Here

Rob how tall do you think Barron Trump is based on the picture of him here ?
Editor Rob
I've not seen any posed photos last few months, but he could be 6ft 2 now.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Nov/19
Probably not, he was likely to have been up to an inch more than what I stated in his young days. Cheers Christian! 😉👍
LEROY said on 25/Nov/19
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Nov/19
Are you sure that Trump's peak was only 6'1"?
Unanimous said on 22/Nov/19
Honestly seemed just as tall as Obama before the Inauguration if you factor in his poorer posture.
ken6-3 said on 21/Nov/19
Baron looks 6'3" this days

Big kid
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Nov/19
I sent away for a couple of Donald Trump comedy keyrings, one for myself and one for Nik.

Mine arrived this morning, but it doesn't live up to what it's supposed to do. It has a squidgy thing dangling from its @rse, which when you pull, is supposed to let rip! A Donald that doesn't Trump? I'm going to complain bitterly to the makers, of that I can assure you!

Peak - 6ft1
Now - 6ft
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Nov/19
Sorry I meant Clint Eastwood
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Nov/19
He’s miles from 6ft2 now obviously but peak I’m of the opinion he’d get away with claiming 6ft3. First thing out of bed he may well have got it. Looked noticeably taller than 6ft and 6ft1 dudes in the 80’s. In shoes he was probably clearing 6ft3.

Today obviously he’s miles from that and does look ridiculous to claim...but peak not as bad considering his ego. Colin Eastwood at almost 90 probably still claims 6ft4!
Ethan Larsen said on 5/Nov/19
Most likely 6'1'' in his peak but probably 6ft 3/4 now.
Canson said on 5/Nov/19
@Viper: 6’1.75 or 6’2 peak. He’s lost a lot of height
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Nov/19
Lol his son is at least 6ft2 now
Canson said on 5/Nov/19
@Rampage: he would probably be close to 6’3 out of bed in his prime. Meaning 6’2.5 or max .75. An hour after waking perhaps 6’2 1/8-1/2. I could see the 6’3” claim on both fronts. Early morning barefoot and In shoes peak height. 6’2” is outrageous today let alone 6’3” but he probably doesn’t realize he’s shrunken. He may just believe others are taller than they really are
cmillz said on 3/Nov/19
Trump isn’t 6’1 either
cmillz said on 3/Nov/19
Lol what? Barron is easily 2 inches taller than Donald, probably not under 6’2 now.
viper said on 3/Nov/19
Way better chance he was 6-1.5 peak
Nik Ashton said on 3/Nov/19
I wonder how tall he would claim I am!
Tarinator 6'1.5" or 187 cm said on 2/Nov/19
I believe he was 6’2.5” in his prime and 6’1” as his current height. He still probably lost 1.5” though. His son Barron looks 5’11.5”-6’0”.
guillervigo said on 2/Nov/19
Pedro Sanchez PM of Spain is 1.90cm, Obama is 1,85
My guess for Trump is 1.87
Click Here
Click Here
TheBat said on 31/Oct/19
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he is 6'0" flat now. No denying Trump has terrible posture.
Nik said on 21/Oct/19
He comes from a very tall family!

I am delighted to give Donald Trump his 2121st Comment!
Nik said on 21/Oct/19
It's amazing he is taller than his son Donald Trump Jr!
Nik said on 19/Oct/19
@ Johan 185 cm - Too true!
Nik said on 17/Oct/19
@ Rampage(-_-_-)Clover - Grand idea!
Pierre said on 17/Oct/19
Click Here =here in 2017 from 0:16 to 0:29 he looks around an inch shorter than

Barack(6"0.75')that means he's around 5"11.75' imo
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Oct/19
30 years ago he probably was close to his claim if measured early morning

I’m surprised he doesn’t say 6ft4
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Oct/19
Rob, could you add Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner?
Myself said on 5/Oct/19
Yeah I don't know what my father claims. I see him very rarely.
It's dumb...but I don't really know much from personal experience. I've been measured by a doctor when I was 14-15 (no idea on the exact age, but not over 15 for sure) last time...I believe he said I was 186 cm, but I have no idea if I had footwear on or if he counted my hair.
Johan 185 cm said on 4/Oct/19
Myself said on 30/Sep/19
Yeah, my dad had 185 cm in his ID, but some years ago he put 183 cm. I still wonder how tall he is/was, since he has terrible posture and is older than 60 yo (and also had some bad accidents).


Doctors don't seem to have a problem nowadays with counting footwear, its very strange.
frank burjan said on 3/Oct/19
Asdf1234. Thanks for posting the pictures. It seems like you agree with me on trumps height. Around 6'0.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Oct/19
How tall did he claim to be though? My dad is a hair under 5'11" (5'10 7/8" to be exact), but he's pretty much always been honest at claiming 5'11", including on his ID and license, although there were a few times where he claimed 5'11.5". He could've easily claimed 6'0" and gotten away with it, but he doesn't.
asdf1234 said on 30/Sep/19
@frank burjan

I've seen the Greek PM in person, looked solid 6'1 range to me, could be flat 6'0 barefoot but no way he is shorter imo. Take it with a grain of salt as im not the best judge of heights but he is def above average height with a good margin.

Also the Australian PM looks same height as Trump in a lot of pictures.
Click Here
Click Here

Point is that most of the times lifts or no lifts Trump seems to hold his own against legit 6'0-6'1"
Myself said on 30/Sep/19
Yeah, my dad had 185 cm in his ID, but some years ago he put 183 cm. I still wonder how tall he is/was, since he has terrible posture and is older than 60 yo (and also had some bad accidents).
viper said on 30/Sep/19
Doctor office is crap.

I've been measured inches under and over.

Only been measured accurately once.
Editor Rob

As the Doctor said, Trump dictated what was on the form.

I doubt now he was even measured...
Johan 185 cm said on 30/Sep/19
Plenty of old men still claim their peak though. Arnie still used to say he was 6'2" up until a few years ago when it became obvious he was nowhere near it. Stallone still claims 5'10", I even read Clint eastwood saying 6'4" and he is struggling with 6' nowadays. Dolph Lundgren etc etc the list goes on and on.

Noone wants to know they have shrunk. My father claims 6'1" now as the doctor told him he was 185 cm at a medical. I looked at him confused and said;but I am 185 cm and you were always 183 cm ( He claimed this for over 40 years!). Doctor said it though….so must be true.
Roderick said on 29/Sep/19
I'd say he was barely 6'2" at his peak and is now currently 6'0". This listing is pretty accurate honestly.

Baron Trump could be 5'11.5", he looks a little shorter than Trump. Honestly, in person I bet he wouldn't look as tall as you'd think. This generation is insane with tall kids nowadays.
Canson said on 29/Sep/19
@Rising: 😂 😂 😂

That was priceless! I can totally see that happening with him! Going under oath and getting caught up in Height Gate lol
frank burjan said on 28/Sep/19
The greek prime minister looks the same height as scott morrison the australian prime minister. So the greek prime minister is not 6'1 but 5'11.5.
Rising174cm said on 28/Sep/19
@Rob: True. While the general reason I've worn lifts is to appear taller, a specific reason is also that I've found my posture is better with them. Of course, I've seen no evidence Trump wears lifts. While not unheard of, lifts are rare for men 6 feet or over for obvious reasons with the exception of wrestling, I wouldn't have been surprised if Trump did wear lifts due to his ego, but aside from the fact we should assume someone isn't wearing lifts in the absence of any evidence, but there are also numerous occasions where we've been able to see Trump's ankle position and pretty confidently establish that he hasn't worn lifts on a number of occasions and I haven't noticed him looking shorter on these occasions than he has in general. Granted, Trump's height has appeared to fluctuate a fair amount such as occasions in the 80's and 90's where he looked a legit 6'2", but others where he looked closer to 6'1" and then Trump looking noticeably shorter than a likely 187 cm range Alex Rodriguez in 2004, but looking 6'1"+ with Vince McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin as late as 2007-2009, but then struggling with 184 cm next to Mark Sanchez in 2012 despite looking about the same height as Mitt Romney(who edged out Obama) that same year, though he now appears shorter than Romney despite being just a year older. But I doubt this fluctuation is due to lifts. Posture is more likely and then perhaps some normal variation in footwear.

@Canson: Imagine if Trump claimed to be 6'3" under oath and got impeached for perjuring himself. Granted, it'd be more likely he'd perjure himself on the subject of his net worth, but his 6'3" claim went from common for the 6'2" man he use to be to downright laughable now that he continues to claim it when he's probably not even 6'1" anymore and can appear 6'0".
Canson said on 28/Sep/19
@Edwards: prob 6’2 range
Nik Ashton said on 27/Sep/19
The average guess for his current height is 6’0.69” and the average guess for his peak height is 6’2.05”! There have been 669 votes and 2099 comments!
Nik Ashton said on 27/Sep/19
@ Rob - How tall is Donald Trump Jr?
Editor Rob
Possibly nearer 6ft than 6ft 1 claim
edwards said on 27/Sep/19
no way in hell is baron trump 6’3,he is very lanky that may help him in appearing taller than mr trump.
shameka easley said on 27/Sep/19
He don't look no 6'3 he looks shorter
Canson said on 26/Sep/19
He looks around 184 with the PM assuming he’s 6’1” like he’s listed. Wonder if his “true height” will come out during this latest saga lol
asdf1234 said on 25/Sep/19
With 6'1" Greek PM

Click Here
Johan 185 cm said on 25/Sep/19
Thats absurd. Even as a young guy he slouched all the time hence his weird posture at times. He doesn't wear lifts, most of the time its 2cm dress shoes.

IF he was wearing lifts his knees would be higher not lower as it makes your lower leg look longer not shorter.

Lifts also force you to stand better not the way Trump walks/stands.

I still think he is 184 cm when straight down from 188 cm peak.
frank burjan said on 21/Sep/19
Are you americans watching donald trump standing next to scott morrison? Morrison is taller now than their last meeting. Which means either donald trump is wearing lifts or donald trump has shrunk. Scott morrison is reported to be 5'11.5 and that looks highly accurate next to other australian politicians. He now edges donald trump in height
Tom Zou said on 20/Sep/19
I think he is shrinks a lot, he is an inch taller than me
cmillz said on 18/Sep/19
yeah, I’m convinced he’s absolutely no taller than 6’0 now.
Public Enemy said on 14/Sep/19
Click Here

Think he wears lifts. Current 183 cm. Peak 188 cm.
Editor Rob
"His added 2.5–3.5 inch heel-height" is a bit of fake news from that Medium contributor 😁

But you never know, maybe Donald is getting a bit self-conscious about his son now standing taller than him and has been colluding with the Russians (i.e. Putin) over the best lifts to fight back 😼
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Sep/19
That all depends on what his growth patterns are. Rob stopped completely at 14 and Jdubbz grew nearly 4cm in his early 20's.
avi said on 11/Sep/19
@tree said on 11/Sep/19

Not necessarily. Some boys stop at 13-15 range or slow dramatically. It depends where you are in terms of puberty. Stopping at 13 isn't so common but 15-16 is. A lot of tall guys already close to adult height by 15.

@ Canson

I agree. He seems about an inch maybe 1.5 taller than Trump.
I'm not interested in pictures of him walking on the grass or pavements. That's bs way to judge.
I think 6'4 maybe weak 6'5 is where he may end up. Melania is probably 5'9 zone. Trump was probably 6'1 and change zone peak.
tree said on 11/Sep/19
by 14 he shuld be around 6ft4 if he is now 189.
tree said on 11/Sep/19
Normally should be around 2 meter,could be as tall as 6ft8.
If he ends up at 6ft4 then its wierd and rare to stop around 14.
Canson said on 10/Sep/19
Yea he looks at least 1.5” if not 2” taller than he is. 6’2” is a good possibility so Is 6’2.25”. But Melania being that tall, he may end up the tallest in the family. My guess is minimum a legit 6’4” if he ends the spurt early
Canson said on 9/Sep/19
Yea Baron is prob 6’2”ish
tree said on 9/Sep/19
Around 189cm Click Here Click Here
Jackson said on 7/Sep/19
Baron only being 6’1.5” is nonsense. Looks way taller
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 5/Sep/19
I doubt Barron's only 6'1.5" these days, but 6'2" is possible. No way 6'3" though.
Questioner said on 3/Sep/19
uh you know thats not a 2 inch difference right thats 1.5 max and while its hard to judge barrons shoes look thicker I know what a 2 inch difference looks like as im almost 2 inches taller than my dad and that definitely doesnt look like the difference I have with my dad. still convinced hes 6'1" maybe 1.25" but no more
Questioner said on 3/Sep/19
@christian baron isnt 6'3" obviously hes 6'1.5" max
chicagoan said on 3/Sep/19
Rob, thanks for the reply to my post about Imran khan's height, two requests
1) could you please create a page for Imran Khan? I think we will get a ton of responses.

2) Do you think Imran's height is right around 5 11 these days? In pictures with Trump he is wearing traditional Pakistani shoes, I can the sole on those shoes is pretty substantial.

Thank you
Editor Rob
It's a possibility, I think he could have lost 1-1.5 inches as it's right that nowadays he looks at most 6ft, maybe 5ft 11.5
chicagoan said on 2/Sep/19
Rob, what do you think of Pakistani prime minister's height? here he is with Trump
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Editor Rob
Imran could have gone from a 6ft 1 range cricketeer to nowadays not over 6ft leader.
cmillz said on 31/Aug/19
Barron could stop growing right now and he’d already be at a very good, solid height. I think he’ll be easily 6’6+ by the time he finishes growing.
tree said on 30/Aug/19
Here the ground is flat,he is 6ft2 or a bit more now Click Here
tree said on 30/Aug/19
6ft2 now,he grows pretty fast i think he started his grow spurt in Januray Click Here
6'1 dude 2004 said on 29/Aug/19
Donald roughly is the same height as me and Barron looks taller than 6’2 today! Just my opinion.
cmillzz said on 27/Aug/19
Barron may be near 6’2 now.
Jackson said on 26/Aug/19
He seems extremely close in height to Justin Trudeau.

Click Here
Wayne B said on 26/Aug/19
There's a recent photo of Boris and Trump pictured side by side and to me looks like only a 2 inch difference between them!
Canson said on 23/Aug/19
@Viper: guess we need to blame the Doctor who “measured” him at 6’3” on his physical after he came into office. He claims 6’3” just like he claims anything else. He has an ego
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Aug/19
Barron isn't 6'3", at least not yet.
viper said on 22/Aug/19
"To still claim 6'3" is absurd!"

This Donald Trump we are talking about.

If he stated his true height it would be weird. He's all about exaggeration.

He's like a wrestler
frank burjan said on 22/Aug/19
Melania aint taller than 5'7. She puts on those silly heals. Why? By the way do any of you yanks know where slovenia is? My late mums home country. Ill give you guys a clue. Since you aint very good in geography. Its not in the americas.
Questioner said on 21/Aug/19
@ken6-3 yeah no his son wears some pretty monstrous footwear and doesnt even look 2 inches taller than trump who I think is overlisted on here I have trump at 6'0.25" max and maybe the flat 6 foot I think his son might be in the 6'1" range or just squeezing 6'2"
ajax509 said on 21/Aug/19
Barron's almost 13.5y/o, and yeah he could be a tad taller than Donald. Click Here
ken6-3 said on 20/Aug/19
His son Barron looks to be 6'3" and he is 15
Robby Harris said on 21/Aug/19
Trump with legit 6'1" Evander Holyfield in 1991:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Not the best pic, but here's Trump with 5'9.25" Eddie Murphy:
Click Here

I'll settle on 187.5 to 188 max for his peak. Today however, he could be heading toward 6' flat. 6'0.5" is definitely the absolute most he could possibly be today. To still claim 6'3" is absurd!
aal01 said on 20/Aug/19
Barron looks 6'3 and is 13 actually. He's going to be a giant if he keeps growing.
viper said on 20/Aug/19
Lol he's 12
ken6-3 said on 20/Aug/19
His son Barron looks to be 6'3" and he is 15
frank burjan said on 19/Aug/19
Did anyone read my comment about scott morrison being 5'11.5"?
That is the most accurate measurement for trump where trump is perhaps 0.5" taller than prime minister of australia scott morrison. Dont you yanks know anyone if they aint american?
edwards said on 9/Aug/19
6 feet flat from me to our 45th president.
cmillzz said on 5/Aug/19
Although he was around 6’2/188cm peak, he is without a doubt shorter than 6’1-6’2 today. Best case really is what Rob has him listed as, but he can even look as low as 6’0 flat sometimes.
Frederiq said on 4/Aug/19
He's still a tall guy, but he's definitely shrunk at least an inch over the years. However, he is a sloucher, so although it might not always look it, he's most likely somewhere between 6ft 1 and 6ft 2.
Charlie said on 31/Jul/19
Do they? More like he WAS taller.
Johan 185 cm said on 30/Jul/19
@ Mercury

Erdogan is down as 5'11" I thought in public records?

Robby Harris said on 17/Jul/19
He looked near enough 6'2" with 6'5" Howard Stern in 1993:
Click Here

I'd stick with 187.5-188 peak. He'd edge out peak Clinton.


Thats a great pic with 6'5" Stern as well. I agree around 6'2" flat peak.
Canson said on 30/Jul/19
@Christian: I don’t rule out Stern being 6’5.5 perhaps peak.

@Viper: in his prime he was taller than today
viper said on 29/Jul/19
People want to make Trump taller, which is interesting
Canson said on 22/Jul/19
@Christian: right!
Robby Harris said on 21/Jul/19
He looked taller than 6'1.5" David Letterman when they shook hands in this 1987 clip: Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Jul/19
Stern has admitted many times that he's 6'5".
Canson said on 20/Jul/19
And he came out again somewhere and said 6’3” SMH
Spencer Dobkin said on 19/Jul/19
Stern was about 6'6" peak. Trump looks over 6'2" there
Johan 185 cm said on 19/Jul/19
Robby Harris said on 17/Jul/19
Trump pulled off looking arguably over 6'2" in some pics with 5'10" range Sean Combs in 1998:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

But a year earlier, the difference did not look more than 3.5" to me:
Click Here
Click Here

This has got me thinking either Trump wore lifts at times or Diddy might have...


Well first series is angles and camera advantage. Your second series is far better for height as they are equal distance. Thats some great pics showing him 6'2" next to a 5'10" guy.

I think give or take a 1/4 that Rob's listings are spot on.
Mercury said on 19/Jul/19
Click Here

Do you think 6ft is reasonable for Erdogan?
Editor Rob
Trump seems like he's the taller of the two, maybe an inch or so
Canson said on 18/Jul/19
@Robbe: I agree with both of Rob’s listings for him. If they’re off it’s by about 1/4” max. He was about 6’2” peak height or very close maybe 187-188. Today if he’s not 6’0.5 he’s about 6’0.25-.5 range probably. 73 years old 1.5” height loss or even two for someone with his body doesn’t surprise me
Robby Harris said on 17/Jul/19
He looked near enough 6'2" with 6'5" Howard Stern in 1993:
Click Here

I'd stick with 187.5-188 peak. He'd edge out peak Clinton.
Robby Harris said on 17/Jul/19
Trump pulled off looking arguably over 6'2" in some pics with 5'10" range Sean Combs in 1998:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

But a year earlier, the difference did not look more than 3.5" to me:
Click Here
Click Here

This has got me thinking either Trump wore lifts at times or Diddy might have...
viper said on 16/Jul/19
Austin has never been taller than 6-0
viper said on 16/Jul/19
187cm peak

He only looked 6-1 on video with 6-3 measured Cris Collinsworth
Spencer Dobkin said on 15/Jul/19
189 cm peak.
Johan 185 cm said on 14/Jul/19
Click Here

Taller than Bill Clinton who i think was solid 6'1" range at peak.

Click Here

Taller than 6'1" Steve Austin in ring gear.
factabse said on 12/Jul/19
How much does he loses due to slouching Rob? Click Here
Editor Rob
many people have upper curvature (kyphosis) as they get old. Trump looks to have lost height in that area, but it an be mistaken for slouching when it's the back that has become more curved.
avi said on 11/Jul/19
Was he really much taller than 6'1 peak?

He's probably not much shorter now than at peak.

Maybe strong 6'0 at low now and when younger strongish 6'1.
Johan 185 cm said on 3/Jul/19
Click Here

Trump feeling hungry, interesting how Shinzo Abe looks at least 4 inches shorter in my pic ,since they are side by side.

Click Here 6'1" Obama and Shinzo although he is losing a bit there with the lean.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 2/Jul/19
Rob, do you think Trump is more like 0.25" or 0.5" taller than 6'0 singapore PM Lee Click Here ?
Editor Rob
Would have thought he still seemed 184 there.
Lamont Cranston said on 1/Jul/19
This stream is a fascinating example of how people simply do not read what has gone before when they want to post something.....and then take under consideration what they see, and think..."maybe I should re - consider what I am going to post, based upon what some others are saying here...(assuming it is backed up by more than just the posters opinion)"

On another note, those posters that claim they looked at trumps' shoes and do not see any excessive heels, do not know anything about men's "lifts". The entire predication of men's height boosting footwear, is to bury the "heel" on the "inside."

Most of the elevator shoes have extra tall "vamps" - almost as if they were boots. An examination of most of trumps shoes show exactly that - many more rows of laces than typical dress shoes, as well as the vamp heading up his ankle. (just look at the ads for these elevator shoes on the side of the page here, and compare them to regular dress shoes).

Most regular dress shoes, will have the side "exposing" the bone protrusion of the ankle (such that new shoes can "cut" into the skin.) Serious sock is visible. Not so with trump shoes - they always go over his ankle bone... A sure sign he is wearing elevator shoes.
cmillzz said on 1/Jul/19
Trump does look 6’0 flat a lot, but his posture isn’t always the best. Maybe possibly near 184cm still if he stands tall?
Lamont Cranston said on 1/Jul/19
Shinzo Abe (5'8") needs a serious upgrade, or trump needs a serious downgrade.

Click Here

Abe is in fact slightly in front of trump in this picture, yet doesn't seem to suffer from the parallax effect.

More proof that trump is 5'9" and wears lifts. Rob, you need to seriously expand the best guess options for trump....downward.
viper said on 30/Jun/19
Trump looks 6-0 MAX next to 6-3 Jared Kushner
frank burjan said on 29/Jun/19
It appears the most accurate assessment of donald trumps height is standing next to australian prime minister scott morrison. Scott is listed as 5'11.5" and donald is ever so slightly taller. Making him around 6'0 on the nose. Now scott appears 5'11.5. The two previous prime ministers of australia were malcolm turnbull at about 5'10 and tony abbott at 5'9. You can check them both standing next to donald trump and all their heights line up. So donald trump is around 6'0 on the dot. I rest my case.
viper said on 27/Jun/19
His rape accuser said he's 6-3, I looked it up lol
Johan 185 cm said on 27/Jun/19
Click Here

Bad posture in this one as he stands alot, look at the difference.
Johan 185 cm said on 27/Jun/19
Click Here

Close up with Trudeau

Click Here

Footwear looks equal /flat ground.

Now I used these pics to argue my 6'1.5" for Trudeau since he looks that max with Prince Harry as well but as you can see, when Trump really straightens out he can still pull off 6'1".

On the one hand I get this listing for his current height but I still believe that he has some height in reserve he never has been a guy to stand his tallest, even at peak he could look 6'1.5" alot because of slouching.
Bolton said on 26/Jun/19
@secondrowback we are dancing on pinheads to some degree but allowing for the content of this site where the president of the US may be overstating his height by up to 3 inches trying to 'nail' the height of other well known people he meets is no bad thing. You initially suggested that Varadaker may be up to 6ft 2 1/2 or 1m 89.25 cm. I've suggested he is at most 6ft 2, or 1m 87.95cm and may in fact be a half inch smaller at 1m 86.7 cm. You now say Varadkar is at least 188/189cm as he's just about level with your 189cm friend. Assuming your friends height is 100% accurate then someone just about level with them isn't usually seen as being exactly the same height. Just about for now without seeing a photo perhaps has us in within a 1/4-1/2 an inch or 0.6cm to 1.2cm. On that basis you are saying on the 1/4 inch basis that Varadker is at the higher end of the range between 6ft 1 1/2inches to 6ft 2 and at a point where most people self describing themselves on a form would round up the tenth or whatever of an inch and say 6ft 2. As a result this doesn't change my idea that the Irish Prime Minister is at most 6ft 2 and at that a 'weak' 6ft 2. I think as he's a well built man his height has been very much over stated and as per initial post there have been silly suggestions he's 6ft 3 or 6ft 4. This in part has been as the person making the esimate does not really care, may well be a journalist of whatver set between 5ft 2 and 5ft 9 and not very good at guessing height and also because they have been thrown by him being a broad well built man. He hit about 250-260 ibs in the not too distant past and is now around 200 ibs give or take.
Alan Walker said on 24/Jun/19
Calm down Canson lol.
viper said on 23/Jun/19
I watched a Miami game when he sacked a quarterback and the announcer described him as 6-5. Pretty wild
Canson said on 22/Jun/19
@Johan185: he may be 6’2” in shoes in the early morning meaning around an hour out of bed. I think at a low he’s no taller than Rob lists him probably 1/4” less and To be fair, I can see Viper’s argument for a solid 6’0” as Trump was at least 1.5” shorter than 6’2 1/8 (morning measured) Mark Sanchez. Sanchez would come out at a weak 6’2” himself measuring that. Probably 6’1.75 a best case.maybe even 6’1.5 (I don’t rule out) or 6’1 5/8 as some guys measure 1/2” or more below the combine measurement in the afternoon. I would argue Trump at a weak 184cm or 6’0.25 at a low. He may still get 6’1” out of bed though. I think his peak height however was close to 6’2 if not bang on as he was taller than Will Smith who is a legit 6’1” guy. That also explains why President Obama is slightly taller than him. I have Obama as a hair under 6’1” today and a full 6’1” peak height. Trump really can look just a solid 6’0” at times
Canson said on 22/Jun/19
@Johan185: he may be 6’2” in shoes in the early morning meaning around an hour out of bed. I think at a low he’s no taller than Rob lists him probably 1/4” less and To be fair, I can see Viper’s argument for a solid 6’0” as Trump was at least 1.5” shorter than 6’2 1/8 (morning measured) Mark Sanchez. Sanchez would come out at a weak 6’2” himself measuring that. Probably 6’1.75 best case. Worst case 6’1 5/8 as some guys measure 1/2” or more below the combine measurement in the afternoon. I would argue Trump at a weak 184cm or 6’0.25 at a low. He may still get 6’1” out of bed though. I think his peak height however was close to 6’2 if not bang on as he was taller than Will Smith who is a legit 6’1” guy.
Canson said on 22/Jun/19
@Johan185: he may be 6’2” in shoes in the early morning meaning around an hour out of bed. I think at a low he’s no taller than Rob lists him. To be fair, I can see Viper’s argument as Trump was at least 1.5” shorter than 6’2 1/8 (morning measured) Mark Sanchez. Sanchez would come out at a weak 6’2” himself measuring that. Probably 6’1.75 best case. I would argue Trump at a weak 184cm or 6’0.25 at a low. He may still get 6’1” out of bed though
viper said on 21/Jun/19
He's not that tall Johan.

6-1 in shoes
Johan 185 cm said on 20/Jun/19
There are alot of old guys who still claim their peak height, he is just one of many and nowadays many nurses don't even ask you to remove your shoes. I could still see him getting near 6'2" in shoes when he stands at his tallest. Factor in a morning measurement and he is maybe 6'2.5" in thick dress shoes.
Mambo said on 19/Jun/19
Quote from Trump about his height on the Howard Stern: "You know what? I have like a tremendous height. I'm like a big guy, you know. I'm 6ft3. Much taller than most guys. Even my daughter. She's like this really, really tall woman. People don't believe me when I say I'm like at least 6ft3. Believe me. I'm at buisness meeting with very rich guys. And I just tower over everybody."
rando182 said on 17/Jun/19
Trump isn't close to 6'2 or 6'3 today. He looks a tad shorter than 6'1 Obama and is clearly much shorter than 6'2 Mark Sanchez. Dunno about his peak but 6'0.5 is spot on for him now.
cmillzz said on 13/Jun/19
Saying he was strong 6’3 peak and 6’2 3/4 now is definitely fake news, lol.
Johan 185 cm said on 12/Jun/19
Mambo said on 10/Jun/19
Believe me, Trump looks enormous. Definitely a strong 6ft3 in his younger years. Don't think he shrank much. The lowest I'd go for him is 6ft2 3/4. Maybe the doctor rounded up when he measured him at 6ft3.


6ft 3 in shoes at peak. He definetly has shrunk partly because of slouching and not holding good posture in his younger years. I still thought he was a solid 6'1" not many years ago ( barefoot).
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Jun/19
Varadkar looks 6ft3 w/h Trump
Mambo said on 10/Jun/19
Believe me, Trump looks enormous. Definitely a strong 6ft3 in his younger years. Don't think he shrank much. The lowest I'd go for him is 6ft2 3/4. Maybe the doctor rounded up when he measured him at 6ft3.
secondrowback said on 9/Jun/19
There is a pic online (Google images) of Trump stepping off the plane in Ireland to meet Irish PM. The wind catches Trumps trouser leg a d lifts it a little. You can see a serious pair of lifts.
Jackson said on 8/Jun/19
Every picture I’ve ever seen or trump since being president, doesn’t look like he’s wearing lifts. Not at all. Not even close. When he sits in photos I’ve zoomed in on his dress shoes and his heel isn’t higher than normal. He definitely is not wearing lifts these days.
secondrowback said on 8/Jun/19
I'm confident that Varadkar is 188/189cms. Saw a pic of him with a friend who is 189cm and Varadkar is just about level with my friend. I'm aware of 6'4 descriptions for Varadkar. Some pics from this week show two inches difference with Trump. TV footage of them meeting as Trump got off the plane showed two+ inches.
Spencer said on 8/Jun/19
Bill to me looks a little taller in 2000. Clinton was 6'2" peak so Trump may have lost a cm by 2000. Don't think Trump was over 6'2" peak.
Canson said on 7/Jun/19
Agree with Robby Harris. Tyson looks what Rob lists him in person. He’s 5’10”
Bolton said on 7/Jun/19
Secondrowback is wrong about Irish prime minister- he is at the very most 6ft 2 and if that a 'weak' 6ft 2. Soft colour pieces in Ireland have frequently described him as 6ft 4 and less often placed him at 6ft 3 but when pictured in Dublin next to Justin Trudeau they looked as good as identical height wise. On this site Trudeau's 'offical' height of 6ft 2 is trimmed by 1/2 inch. Placing Varadaker as a large man, in last 5 years weighed up to 260ins albeit good bit slimmer now, who is a 'tall' 6ft 1 1/2inch he then looks around an inch taller than Trump. Can't see any pictures where Trump is 2 inches smaller than Varadkar. Trump at very slightly over 6ft seems right. That said life is too short to be looking at photos of his shoes as obviously he has the personality to wear lifts.
Jackson said on 6/Jun/19
I see places listing Leo as a 6’4” guy

Click Here
Canson said on 5/Jun/19
@Cmillz: I wouldn’t rule that out. He has major back issues and has had surgeries on his back. Even tiger in his 40s may have lost some
secondrowback said on 5/Jun/19
Interesting images of Trump meeting Ireland PM, Leo Varadkar, today. Varadkar is a decent 6'2, maybe half inch more, and he looked a minimum of two inches taller. Is it possible Trump could be 6 flat? When they met in the US previously, the difference was not ad much.
Robby Harris said on 5/Jun/19
Trump with 6'1.5" Bill Clinton in 2000:
Click Here Click Here
Click Here Click Here
Click Here Click Here
Click Here Click Here
Click Here Click Here

He likely hadn't lost any height by 2000 since he had an edge on Clinton, but 6'2" flat peak would have to be his max since he looked under it with Hogan. Hogan was probably never 6'6" in his prime.

With 6'1" range or 186-186.5 Will Smith and 6'4.5" James Avery on FPOBA in 1994:
Click Here

187.5 to 188 seems the most probable for a peak, with 183.5 to maybe 184 seeming to be on the money today. 184 might be a push since Obama could have lost a small fraction himself. 183 flat is a little low, but his loose posture can definitely make him look no taller than that at times.
Robby Harris said on 5/Jun/19
Trump with legit 5'10" Mike Tyson in 1989:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

He was definitely nothing over 6'2" flat peak, but his posture might have made him look shorter sometimes. 6'2.5"+ is clearly impossible. He's not over 6'0.25" today, imo. 187.5 or 188 peak seems close enough and 183.5 today.
Warren said on 4/Jun/19
Do you think his laterlife would be shorter than Trump? Trump seems to have already got 3-4cm or so shrink, so what would you say about Obama's laterheight? Let me hear your opinion :)
Editor Rob
Trump's managed to stabilise his height loss the last few years.

Obama might be entering that stage of 55-60 in which some men find they lose a fraction or cm.
cmillzz said on 4/Jun/19
And there’s people who upgrade his height for political reasons, or just because they think “he’s the man” or they like him. In fact, I see more people inflating his height than deflating.
cmillzz said on 4/Jun/19
Woods hasn’t lost any height imo
Robby Harris said on 1/Jun/19
Do you think there's a chance peak Trump was under 6'2", Rob?
Editor Rob
No, I wouldn't guess him under that mark for a peak.
viper said on 1/Jun/19
Trump is not any taller than 6-0.

He's 250 pounds at least.

I voted for the guy but let's be real
Warren said on 30/May/19
I've got one question. If Obama got shrink in the future, would be shorter than Trump?
Johan 185 cm said on 30/May/19
Click Here

Hard to argue under 6'2" peak he still looked close not that many years ago.
Jackson said on 28/May/19
Donald is still 6’0.5” some people definitely downvote his height for political reasons and just don’t like the guy. Pretty obvious to see he is a tall guy even today.
Lamont Cranston said on 27/May/19
There is a shot when trump in slippers, has to step on the sumo mat. Shinzo Abe is at one point equidistant from the camera, and appears to be the same height as trump.

Click Here

Abe is listed as 5'8' on this website...adding more evidence that trump wears lifts (3"+) and is around 6'0" in dress shoes...
James G. said on 27/May/19
6’2.25” peak, 6’0.75” today. Looks exactly like that.
viper said on 26/May/19
Oh come on. Woods is 43, not 73
viper said on 23/May/19
Trump with 6-8 listed Brad Parscale.

Click Here
Spencer Dobkin said on 23/May/19
Woods looks 5'11.5" may have lost a little by now.
Canson said on 21/May/19
Peak height 6’2”
Today 6’0.25 or 6’0.5
Canson said on 21/May/19
@Rising: I think for a mid day height 184 if he stands straight. At a low probably not much less than that 183.5-184 range still. I think Obama these days Is prob 185ish solid 6’1 in his prime though
Robby Harris said on 20/May/19
@Rising: I agree he looked under 6'2" with Flutie and Jackson. In fact, Trump didn't look much taller beside Jackson than Reagan did. He didn't really look over 6'1.5" to me with Mike Tyson around that time either. It's arguable he might have been losing more height with his modest posture, but it still makes a full 188 questionable. 187 could be closer to the truth. Same thing with Hogan, but he did look a full 6'2" with Clinton and arguably Will Smith on FPOBA, though it's more difficult to say there since his posture varied. Seems more a weak 6'2" than a solid one. We might need to give his peak height a closer look, imo. That's more interesting than his current height to me.
viper said on 20/May/19
Trump looked no more than 6-1 back in the early 90s with 6-3 Chris Collinsworth
Rising174cm said on 18/May/19
I can't buy less than 184 cm myself, though it can look very likely he's not over that and I won't dispute he can look a flat 6' on occasion, which I think is due to posture. I would guess Obama edges him, but just barely as it often seemed by just the difference between their hair and Obama generally has very good posture while Trump usually has poor posture yet could look as tall as Obama in some shots. I still have a really hard time pinning down when Trump has lost height with certainty. If we agree Trump was 6'2" flat peak, then he still looked about that height in '99-'00 with a weak 6'2" Bill Clinton and 6'3.5" Jesse Ventura, but by 2004, he was very clearly shorter than Alex Rodriguez, whom we know is nothing over 6'2" and very likely around 6'1.5" yet Trump was looking taller than Vince McMahon and Steve Austin around 2007-2009, but then looks not a mm over 6'0.5" with Mark Sanchez in 2012. You'd think Trump barely lost height by 2009 with McMahon and Austin, but that can't be the case seeing him with Rodriguez 5 years earlier and you'd think Trump was already his current height by 2012 with Sanchez yet he looked at least as tall as Mitt Romney that same year. It's weird, much like Trump looking only 6'1" range peak with Michael Jackson and Doug Flutie, neither of whom were over 5'9".
avi said on 15/May/19
Barron looks he's really skinny so may be under 6'0 still.
There are a lot of tall men who grow all at once then just stop.
Even you had stopped at 14 or so I believe.

Do you think he will be 6'3 to 6'4 area maybe similar to Eric Trump?
Editor Rob
It will be interesting to see his final height, he looks like he's not far off his Father just now.
Canson said on 14/May/19
@Viper: 183 is the minimum he is
viper said on 12/May/19
183cm tops
Canson said on 11/May/19
He can’t be more than 184 today. He’s shorter than President Obama who may not even be a solid 6’1 anymore. I wouldn’t rule out Obama having lost 1/4”
viper said on 11/May/19
With measured athletes he looks 6-0 max.

With 6-3 Jeb Bush he always looks 6-0 max.

He ain't no 6-1, certainly no 6-2
SnerhagAip7777 said on 10/May/19
Would you agree that he has a very high eye level? Would it be longer than 4.5 inches?
DonFan said on 10/May/19
If he's only 184 why is he always towering his daughter (Ivanka) when she's wearing heels ? He's clearly some cm more, at least 186 but I'd give him 188
tree said on 8/May/19
With 6ft woods Click Here
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 7/May/19
I strongly doubt he is anything less than 6'1 when standing straight to be honest.

At some point, at the press conference with Tiger Woods yesterday , he postured up and looked taller than Tiger
Spencer said on 5/May/19
He still looks about 6'1" to me. He slouches a lot.
viper said on 1/May/19
I wonder how tall Brad Parscale really is.
viper said on 26/Apr/19
Better chance he was 6-1.5 peak
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Apr/19
I can see a case for 6ft2½ peak
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Apr/19
Johan, Trudeau is 6ft1½
Canson said on 20/Apr/19
With Trudeau, Max I see is 6’0.25 but maybe 6’0” flat minimum. With President Obama who I would guess as sub 6’1” today, he looks shorter. Obama’s measurement when elected said “roughly” 6’1” so no guarantee he was even a full 6’1” then. Maybe his peak height would’ve been 6’1” though as he could definitely look it when he was younger
Johan 185 cm said on 20/Apr/19
Click Here

So how tall is Trudeau then?
Jackson said on 19/Apr/19
He looked 6’2” with Christian Bale.
viper said on 16/Apr/19
He looks nothing more than a flat 6-0 with Trudeau
AndrewV said on 15/Apr/19
Why all the low estimates for Trump? He's a tall guy and looks consistently over 6ft/183cm.

This listing is perfect for Trump, he's probably no shorter than 183.5 at his lowest.
Ian555 said on 14/Apr/19
Rob, why do you have Trump a half inch shorter than Obama for his current height? I barely see a difference between the two. Based on the photos I've seen of them together, Obama still looks like he might ever so slightly be taller than Trump but I don't see a half inch. Could 6' 0 3/4" be possible for Trump's current height?
Editor Rob
There's not really much between them, but Obama could be a little under 6ft 1 in 2018, and I don't think his hairstyle (3mm) is as much as Trump's, which might be a 1/4 to 1/3rd inch more thick.
Canson said on 13/Apr/19
@Viper: I doubt he’s less than 6’0” either. More likely a hair over the mark than right at or under
Damon Blank said on 13/Apr/19
Trump is not 6 ft 3. Peak I'd say was more 6 ft 2. Considering he's in his 70s, he would be about about 6 ft 1/2 in now.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.