The Exorcist said on 10/Nov/12
Looks 5'11.
Dmeyer said on 30/Oct/12
I think Bruce is 5'11-11.25 today same as Harrison ford not taller
James said on 29/Oct/12
Ford today would have 1.5 in bruce
berta said on 29/Oct/12
if bruce willis stood back to back with harrison ford i think bruce would be 1 cm taler. Bruce willis peak 183 and now maybe 182,5. Harrison ford peak 184,7 (close to 185 but a little under) and now a weak 182, maybe 181
Silent d said on 28/Oct/12
Someone exaggerated on john malkovich. I was looking at another page and it said he was 6 foot 1. Sorry for my mistake. Bruce looked close to 6 foot in cop out next to sean william scott and tracy morgan. 180cm.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Oct/12
He lookef 3in shorter than Kutcher, maybe 3.5in at most.
But I think it could be a case of Kutcher being 6ft2.75(190cm) and Willis being 5ft11.25(181cm), worst case scenario.
In shoes Willis would Be at 6ft
Dmeyer said on 28/Oct/12
5'11.75-6'0.5 in shoes depending thin trainer or boot
Aragorn 5'11 said on 25/Oct/12
He was 5'11.5 or 6'0 in his youthhood. But nowadays he's more a solid 5'11. In shoes however, he look 6' feet or a little more.
dmeyer said on 25/Oct/12
still 180-180.5cm was near 182cm like 181.5cm
Chameleon said on 25/Oct/12
5'10 max look at him with Kutcher.
James said on 24/Oct/12
Around 179cm still, min 178cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Oct/12
Around 182cm still, min 181cm
Dmeyer said on 17/Oct/12
I am 230 in the pic With stiller i am 240 and when up as High as 300 i would like to be 200
Dmeyer said on 17/Oct/12
Some site have him 202-210 i think hé was never more than 195-200 and many Times in the 180-190
Dmeyer said on 17/Oct/12
Hé looks taller than 5'10 girlfriend hé looks barely shorter than 5'11.75 Norton a smidge taller than malkovich noticably taller than 5'9.5 Levitt 2-2.5 in over 5'9 long barely shorter than arnie , the Guy is at worst 5'10.75-11
James said on 17/Oct/12
At worst 178cm today
Dmeyer said on 15/Oct/12
I agree today hé is at worst 180cm
Jack said on 15/Oct/12
still looks 182 cm to me.
James said on 13/Oct/12
John was never 6'1
RisingForce said on 13/Oct/12
Under 5'11" is a joke for Bruce at any time of the day. Look at him with Joseph Gordon-Levitt in premiere pics, he has a good 2 inches on him. Shaun's post is yet another example. It's not a full body shot with Malcovich and we can't see the ground, but Bruce does look comfortably taller.
Silent d said on 12/Oct/12
180cm. I heard john malkovich is 6 foot 1 on another page.
James said on 12/Oct/12
the shredder says on 12/Oct/12
He is 6'2 listen to G
not even in elevator shoes
James said on 11/Oct/12
yeah shaun but john is wearing converse isn't he? I bet as well in some of those pics willis has pavement advantage. plus in one of those pics when they are walking down the road john has poor posture compared too bruce.
in my opinon bruce could be 179cm these days. i bet as well if you met john malkovich in person he would look no taller than 5'11 beause of the way he carries himself.
Shaun said on 11/Oct/12
Click Here
I mean with John Malkovich, Willis is clearly taller.
Shaun said on 11/Oct/12
James says on 10/Oct/12
He's under 5'11 these days
He can look 5 ft 10 a lot but he was taller than John Cusack in recent pics.
James said on 10/Oct/12
He's under 5'11 these days
Dmeyer said on 7/Oct/12
181.5 peak 180.5 now legit 5'11 today peak a Lidl more , if i meet him do you think i will be a hair taller
Dmeyer said on 7/Oct/12
Hé CAN look 3-3.5 under Kutcher wish means 5'11-11.5 hé never looks 4 in shorter
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Oct/12
He'd hit 6ft out of bed, surely
Chameleon said on 4/Oct/12
Solid 180? Sure dude, just look at him with Kutcher -_-'
Ajax said on 2/Oct/12
I would say he's a solid 5'11" today though this when he's younger.
Candyman said on 29/Sep/12
This looks right
Dmeyer said on 29/Sep/12
Defenetly 181-2cm peak and pulled off 183-4cm on occasion today hé look 180-1cm 1cm loss by mid to Late 50s is normal
Frankie Eyes said on 26/Sep/12
In Die Hard 2 He Towered Over Everyone, Including Dennis Franz Who Is 5'9", So HE Must Have Either Worn Lifts, Or His Peak Height Was 6'1" , Or The Camera Just Did Some Tricks.
Silent d said on 26/Sep/12
182cm is too much. 180cm is about right. Still pretty cool.
Dmeyer said on 24/Sep/12
At peak hé looks barely shorter than denzel 6 ft hé looks 1.5-2 in over than 5'9.5-10 damon 3.5 in over Cruise 1.5 in over farell 2 in under arnie a hair shorter than travolta not dwarfed by 6'2 Jackson similar to Perry all évidence indicate 5'11.25-11.5 peak today CAN look 5'10.75-11.25 His peak height is near 5'11 and now near 5'11 the Guy is not 5'10 or 6 ft
RisingForce said on 22/Sep/12
I really wouldn't even call 5'10" possible. I guess anything within reason is possible for a man I haven't met, but I really see nothing to suggest he's under 5'11", much less 5'10" flat. Look at him next to
Matt Damon in Oceans 12, he was a good 2 inches taller. Damon himself may be 5'10", though I think he's a bit below, maybe 5'9.5". As far as height loss for Bruce? An inch would be on the high end for his age. Average would be closer to a half inch. An inch is average for a 65 year old. It is possible for a man Bruce's age to lose that much, but I 'm not sure he's lost anything worth discussing.
Alex 6'0-6'0.75 said on 20/Sep/12
Hes 57 years old now so an inch loss is very possible. His peak 180-181cm but today he could be as low as 178cm
Dmeyer said on 18/Sep/12
At his âge 1cm loss is normal 5'11 solid Like 180.5cm i dont think hé is à full 181 nowadays
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Sep/12
I personally think he's still around this height. No need to change it.
Dmeyer said on 15/Sep/12
181cm peak for Willis possible ? Waking at 6'0-0.25

Editor Rob
today it might be
Dmeyer said on 13/Sep/12
Hé defenetly didnt Lose more than 1-1.2cm and hé looks legit 180cm so 181-181.5 peak 5'11.5 peak 5'11 now
RisingForce said on 9/Sep/12
I see a surprising amount of estimates of 5'10" here. It's just not realistic to me, he's looking a lot closer to Arnold's height than he did a few years ago, they look very close in height lately. Anything under 5'11" isn't worth discussing, imo. He can look 5'11" flat, but also around the 6 feet he apparently claimed so Rob's listing seems to make the most sense. He doesn't seem to care much about his height having appeared in public both bare foot and in sandals while also not forcing his posture. He doesn't look like he's lost much, if anything either.
Dejavu said on 8/Sep/12
5'11 on the dot today with Edward Norton. He appears to be an inch shorter.
Dmeyer said on 6/Sep/12
To me hé dosnt look under 180cm today by Late 50s defenetly droped a faction 0.25-0.5 in , hé holds himself well near strong 182 Guy like arnie and norton , and usualy looks 2-2.5 in over 5'9 guys like Justin long and tracy morgan to me this Guy dont drop under 180 at night
Todd W said on 3/Sep/12
In the movie "Blind Date" there is a scene where he is walking out of a police station shoulder to shoulder with Phil Hartman (5ft 10in, according to this site). It is a full body shot and they are about the same height. Willis maybe had a half inch on Hartman in similair footwear. So, unless Hartman was wearing ridiculously high lifts, I would venture to say Willis is no more than 5ft 10.5in.
Alex said on 31/Aug/12
180-182cm peak for Willis though. Today I can see him at 178cm
Dmeyer said on 30/Aug/12
Is 6'0-0.25 out of bed and 5'11.25 dinner peak possible for him , today hé does look a legit 180cm guy
Ka said on 24/Aug/12
Ok Andrea then other actors and actresses, including Arnie, got their height slash by 3 inches. I think the fluctuation of height in pic and video is due to SLOUCHING. Most people don't stand tall most of the time, except guys like Stallone
Chameleon said on 24/Aug/12
Like I said Willis is 5'10 maximum.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 23/Aug/12
Next to Gabriel Aubry, he does look about 4 inches shorter. Gabriel Aubry looks max 185-186 next to Welling, that's supposed to be 190, so Willis would be 175-176?
Ace said on 19/Aug/12
I have no idea what footwear Bruce was wearing in Expendables 2, but I must say, he and Arnold looked pretty eye-to-eye. Although i am not entirely convinced that barefoot, if they stood together, that this would be the case.
Alex said on 19/Aug/12
I can see 5'10 for Willis today but he looked more 5'11 at his peak. at least 5'10.5
RisingForce said on 19/Aug/12
Rob or shredder, do you have a link to the Letterman claim of 6 foot?
As far as the 6'1" claim on his site years ago, it actually looked more like a listing than a direct claim from what I remember.
Dmeyer said on 16/Aug/12
It possible hé measured 6'1 in 1.3 in shoes by noon
the shredder said on 15/Aug/12
He is 6'1 ... G says lol .
Dmeyer said on 14/Aug/12
Whi dont you give him peak height 5'11.5 now 5'11
Dmeyer said on 13/Aug/12
Peak 5'11.5 seems Right , today could be legit 5'11 , Rob is 180 cm or 181cm more likely today

Editor Rob
yeah a 5ft 11 today on the nose might be right
bodwaya said on 9/Aug/12
in this picture his 5 foot 10 wife is in 2 inches heels and is 6 foot in them. In this picture she is taller then bruce by an inch. There fore case closed bruce is 5 foot 11 in shoes.
the shredder said on 7/Aug/12
Oh ok , I was not sure to trust his " Official " Site .
Hob said on 7/Aug/12
he is 3" shorter than 186cm ashton kutcher. 5'10 to argue with
the shredder said on 7/Aug/12
Why is the false 6'1 claim still here ? He said 6 ft on David ...

Editor Rob
it's not false as it was on his official site, although I added the 6ft mention aswell now.
bodwaya said on 7/Aug/12
in armageddna he was 3 inches shorter then 6 foot 2 affleck
Alex said on 6/Aug/12
I always thought he had looked 5'11ish in the Die Hard movies but who knows
Chameleon said on 5/Aug/12
Click Here Many years ago, even with his wig adventage, 5'10
Click Here these days, still 5'10 maximum seriously.
Chameleon said on 4/Aug/12
Yeah he does look 5'10 with Kutcher aswell lol he could be 5'10..
bodwaya said on 4/Aug/12
he was 3 inches shortenr 6 foot 1 alan rickmand and same 3 inches shorter then l jackson in unbreakable hes got to be 5 foot 10 barefoot
Alex said on 2/Aug/12
Ok I actually was watching The Siege with him and Bruce Willis from back in 1998. Denzel did look to have a like an inch on Willis. If Denzel was 6'0 that puts Willis no more than 5'11 at his peak.
Dmeyer said on 30/Jul/12
Willis weight 210-215 in website , i think hé was never more than 195-200 and now about 185 pounds wath do you think Rob , they have Clooney at 211 , i think 170-180 is Mush closer

Editor Rob
in Syriana Clooney had more bulk, but normally he looks a trim guy, I think nearer 160 range.
Dmeyer said on 29/Jul/12
Today hé is not under 180-180.5cm at peak 180.5 181 and 182cm are arguable ,at peak 5 ft11-11.75 is possible , today 5ft 11-11.25
Chameleon said on 29/Jul/12
He has never ever been over 180cm if not less. Even years ago during that 70s show, 6'2 MAX Kutcher towerd him. And look at the pic nice guy posted.
Dmeyer said on 29/Jul/12
Looking at the pics Willis 5'11-11.25 Norton 5'11.75-6 ft and Murray legit 6 ft 1 how come hé dosnt shrink
Dmeyer said on 28/Jul/12
Bruce CAN look very close in height With 182-183cm Norton Bruce is still ní´ less than 181cm maybe hé lost ní´ more than 0.5-1cm
Ace said on 26/Jul/12
Edward Norton looked a solid inch taller than him throughout Moonrise Kingdom:
Click Here
It should be noted that in this shot, Bill Murray looks the similar in height to Willis. In the prior scene, Bill Murray had flung his shoes at Norton, explaining why he looks comparatively short.
Dmeyer said on 23/Jul/12
In top cops hé look 2-2.5 in over 5 ft 9 Morgan and close in height With s.w Scott so about 5'11
Dmeyer said on 8/Feb/12
A weak 5'11.5 means hé could be 5'11.25 lowest and strong 5'11 is that he never diPs under 180.3cm , today strong 180 is liklyer than 181cm
Dmeyer said on 7/Feb/12
Rob its very likely Bruce was no more than peak 6 ft morning 5'11.25 night or do you think 5'11.5 is his very low

Editor Rob
today he is maybe a weak 5ft 11.5 guy, or a strong 5ft 11, he's got to be somewhere in the range.
Silent d said on 6/Feb/12
Thanks for the tip rob! Sit up straight and sleep straight too keep in good shape. 180cm.
dmeyer said on 31/Jan/12
a guy who drink alchool and lifts weight all the time could drop more height willis realy looks 5 ft 11.5 while he looks raughly 5 ft 11 now
carnegie said on 30/Jan/12
i doubt about what people say that hes 5ft10 in lucky number slevin or in recently films he does look tall but not huge ibelieve hes around 5ft11 5ft10.75
nice guy said on 30/Jan/12
Click Here
178/179cm morning height
James said on 29/Jan/12
he's fit and in good shape which is why he only lost a fraction from his peak of 5'11 (180cm) not 5'11.5.
Dmeyer said on 28/Jan/12
So by 50 people could drop anywere 0 to 1.3cm depending on Many conditions nutrition posture activity a Guy like sly who through enormous physical activity injuries runing jumping weight lifting hasnt lost much by mid 60s unilike Willis who shiped a good 1cm

Editor Rob
as we age our discs do lose water content. Disc degeneration could be more prone in some families than in others. Injuries to our discs can lead to some loss earlier aswell.
this site is not really the place to go into long medical research etc, but my own things to do/avoid:
avoid smoking altogether. Throw those nasty things in the bin.
avoid excessive or heavy lifting that puts lots of pressure on spine which increases the risk to potential damage to the discs.
eat well balanced diet and do some moderate exercise, including light stretches that help muscles overall to help your posture as you age.
Dmeyer said on 27/Jan/12
So by mid 50s a fit Guy CAN drop 0.5 in

Editor Rob
I put a quote up not long ago from a boxer claiming at 40 to have lost height.
it depends on the wear/tear to joints.
dmeyer said on 26/Jan/12
rob do you agree willis is the type of guy who shipped 1cm by early 50s and not 1-2mm of wear and tear and could drop 2cm by 60 , he is a pretty fit guy , he shouldnt have lost that mush or maybe was never taller than 181cm and now is 180cm , the guy does look about 182cm and about 180cm now , is it possible bruce shiped as much as 1.5cm 0.6 in , i could see him 5 ft 11.5 peak now 5 ft 10 7/8 180cm flat

Editor Rob
a fit guy can still lose height by mid 50's like that if they have more wear & tear on their bodies through physical activity
nice guy said on 19/Jan/12
I watched his Die Hard films again and my opinion on his height did not change...his 6'1 (185cm) claim is crap of course ..classic 2 inch hollywood lie :)but I dont blame him tho since every actor does that...
i think he is around 5'11.5 in shoes..I estimate his peak height barefoot was 179cm maybe 5'11 180cm in the morning and nowadays 5'10 ( 178cm ) out of bed...wearing 1.5 inch shoes puts him at 181-182cm (weak 6ft range) rough guess for him in the morning: 5'10 minimum - 5'11 maximum
Dmeyer said on 19/Jan/12
Today hé mostly looks 180er Max 1 cm loss at his í¢ge
Silent d said on 17/Jan/12
He looked 6 foot next to 187cm damon wayans in last boy scout. Probably lifts but he looks like a solid 180cm guy. He is an awesome action hero. I love his one liners. Even if the movie is terrible, it is still worth watching for bruce willis.
Chris said on 17/Jan/12
Peak 5'11.25
Today 5'10.75
James said on 16/Jan/12
179cm is likely these days
TruebloodFan said on 15/Jan/12
lol guys. Bruce Willis has always been around 5'11. even today.
steven said on 14/Jan/12
i don't trust 6'2 for above 'uncle bashir' , mamun 5'8 and he only look 5'10 with him. max 5'10.5
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 12/Jan/12
5'10.5" (179cm) MAX.
Dmeyer said on 11/Jan/12
Rob Willis seems like a Guy who shiped 1-1.5 cm by mid 50s some people at that í¢ge drop just MM. Cruise and Pitt seems to have not lost height by 49-50
James said on 6/Jan/12
no i am sure he was over 5'11 out of bed at his peak
nice guy said on 5/Jan/12
classic weak 5'11 guy out of bed
James said on 4/Jan/12
2.5 inches shorter than jonathan ross way back in 2006 and some think jonathan ross is not even 187cm. 181cm is not impossible at his peak but i don't think he was ever truely 182cm.
maybe he might have been a solid 5'11 1/2 in the morning in the 1980's?
i think the 5'11.5 listing for bruce willis is exzaggerated because he looks more like a 5'11 guy too me even though he does look 182cm with mamaun and bashir.
the dude said on 31/Dec/11
He's no shorter than 5'10.5" and as tall as 5'11.25" w/o shoes. That makes him about 6 foot with shoes on.
James said on 19/Dec/11
179cm before bed these days. 5'11 peak.
maio said on 16/Dec/11
5 ft 11 in/180 cm at his peak (in the pics he probably had 1-2 cm advantage). Today i think he lost a good 0,25 in/0,6 cm...
jake, 1.82 m- 1.83 m said on 14/Dec/11
Agree with Dmeyer, Peak Height: 5ft 11.25in (1.81 m), Current Height: 5 ft 11 in (1.80 m).
Dmeyer said on 12/Dec/11
Considering hé has more shoes than mamun 5'11-11.25 peak is possible 181 peak 180 now
the shredder said on 6/Dec/11
Well 6'1 can be thrown in the trash as he said 6' on late night
Silent d said on 5/Dec/11
I was talking about willis. 6 foot 1 is a stretch for bruce. 180cm seems right.
Shaun said on 4/Dec/11
Looks a solid 5 ft 11 to me. I think this was his peak.
Sean73 said on 25/Nov/11
Then that means his claim of 5-11.50 is a half inch shorter than nick nolte.I think not!180 to 181cm looks more like it.
Rob G said on 24/Nov/11
Silent d says on 16/Nov/11
Rob g brad pitt is a solid 180cm guy. I watched friends again and he looks 180cm. No way he is 6 foot 1. A little shorter than 6 foot 1 ross. 180cm now.
Well, I don't think Schwimmer is a solid 6'1" either. You may want to check out his page here for more info.
I wouldsay that Willis is around 5'11" and was back in the day, Pitt is 5'10"ish and Schwimmer is a strong 6footer, max 6'0.5".
Tadaa said on 20/Nov/11
He's 5'11"
Silent d said on 16/Nov/11
Rob g brad pitt is a solid 180cm guy. I watched friends again and he looks 180cm. No way he is 6 foot 1. A little shorter than 6 foot 1 ross. 180cm now.
rick said on 14/Nov/11
5ft11.55 peak
today 5ft11 5ft10.5
Tom101 said on 13/Nov/11
5-11" looks right to 6-2" here
dmeyer said on 12/Nov/11
1-1.5cm loss by 56 is very normal so 5 ft 11.5-181.5cm peak now 180cm
dmeyer said on 11/Nov/11
he does look 5 ft 11.5 near 182cm peak , rob wath is more likely nowadays 180cm or 181cm for bruce please answer

Editor Rob
maybe a fraction less today is possible, he can sure look 5ft 11 a lot now.
LAN Jiao said on 10/Nov/11
lol atually "uncle bashir" look younger than mamun..
nice guy said on 9/Nov/11
he kinda looks like weak 5'10/ strong 5'9 next to 'uncle bashir'.. seeing his footwear would be interesting to mamun strong 5' i'll give him 5'10 flat in the morning his younger yrs maybe a very weak 5'11 out of bed
robert said on 7/Nov/11
Click Here
LAN Jiao said on 4/Nov/11
let alone others height. bruce is 5'10.75 today
ANDREA[ITA] said on 27/Oct/11
Lan, i am the first saying that gabriel aubrey looked more than 6'2 next to Bruce Willis, like 189-190. Also next to halle berry he looks more than 6'2! But then i saw pics with tom welling and there are a lot of them and there's no one where tom looks less than 2 inches taller than him! In some photos he looks solid 3 inches taller! That's when i started to think that tom is clearly more than 6'2.5 flat! All the witnesses of ppl that worked with him every day, also the tall ones, make a sense, they all say he's huge! Justin in a Dvd extra said that tom makes him look like Lana. And justin is no less than 6'2! He's not 6'4 because he's shorter than Jared but no more than 3 cms shorter!
Rob G said on 27/Oct/11
Silent d says on 26/Oct/11
This page is about bruce willis not tom welling. Stay on topic! That smallville guy is really tall. Willis is a solid 180cm. Someone said he was taller than 180cm brad pitt.
Willis IS taller than Pitt, it's clear. But Pitt isn't 180cm, more like 178cm so 5'10"ish.
LAN Jiao said on 27/Oct/11
andrea, atually you does comments like you assume welling is over 6'4 you just could't deny it. since willis is not what he claim 6'1 but he is at least 5'11 or 5'10.5 while he does look 9cm near 10cm shorter than gabriel aubry listed 6'2 that puts right on aubry he looks it taller than 187ish ashton kutcher. so i would prefer to see picture of bruce willis next to tom welling that would sort out all tales of willis 5'10.5 lowest and gabriel aubry 6'2 real or fraud.. sometimes judge by frames we can tell better of a person height. for i think welling can look 190cm and as low as he slouch he look 6'1 sometimes.
@Silent d says on 26/Oct/11
This page is about bruce willis not tom welling. Stay on topic! That smallville guy is really tall. Willis is a solid 180cm. Someone said he was taller than 180cm brad pitt. -
silent d, bruce willis is not over 3cm taller than 5'9 justin long not pointing willis under 179cm but could be justin long at 5'9.25 while willis really look merely under 5'11 this days so willis over 180cm is no way and brad pitt is't over 5'9.75 for bunch of evidence go to brad pitt page here you were knew it.
dmeyer said on 27/Oct/11
is 5 ft 11 peak for bruce possible like 180-80.5cm dinner time , i believe he does look 5 ft 11.5 peak
ANDREA[ITA] said on 27/Oct/11
Yeah, not tom's page but tom would be around 15 cms taller judging the photos! And tom is listed at "only" 190! Dunno! I agree with 181 at peak and 179-80 now! Btw, brad pitt is not 5'11!
Silent d said on 26/Oct/11
This page is about bruce willis not tom welling. Stay on topic! That smallville guy is really tall. Willis is a solid 180cm. Someone said he was taller than 180cm brad pitt.
jake, 1.82 m said on 26/Oct/11
5' 11.25" (1.81 m) peak and now 5' 11" (1.80 m) flat.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 26/Oct/11
Hey, lan i dont talk without proofs! Tom has 2 inches (minimum) on gabriel! Pics tell it clear! I dont care how tall tom is but he looks over 190 in lots of photos (also those where he has shoe disadvantage)!
LAN Jiao said on 26/Oct/11
andrea, stop fight for tom be 6'4ish next to legit 6'2 former model gabriel aubry. tom welling max 190 , bruce willis is not under 179cm which i think 178.5cm min.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 25/Oct/11
No lan! There are too many pics showing tom at least 2 inches taller than gabriel! No excuses! With camera tricks, he can look even 3-3.5 inches taller but maybe its only the camera tricks! Anyway, he has at least 2 inches! I thought too he was at least 188 both with halle berry and bruce! I thought he was close to 6'3, like 190! But tom owns him and if tom is only 190, hesnmax 185! You say tom is 190 in the morning? I think he could be 190 before bed! With james marsters, that is no less than 175, he looks at least 15-16 cms taller and he has shoes DISADVANTAGE! Tom is a house next to him!
Silent D said on 24/Oct/11
In the above two photos he looks 180cm. No way bruce willis is 174cm andrea. That is impossible! I think he is 180cm. I can live with that. Don't care about the morning, night height.
Rob G said on 24/Oct/11
He was 5'11" peak, and possibly still that height.
LAN Jiao said on 24/Oct/11
Andrea, Gabriel Aubry look near 4inch on willis and listed 6'2. willis only look max 3.2(8cm) shorter than ashton kutcher whom me and many fight he is 187 on dot , my point Gabriel Aubry was right at 6'2. i saw the full frame picture tom welling and Gabriel Aubry , welling is nearer the camera look 5cm top but that is a half picture welling still near the camera had 4cm on Gabriel Aubry we can see Aubry stand on a leg tune turn his head on welling. i suppose Gabriel Aubry is at least 188cm tom had no more than 2cm under welling if you know the camera tricks , just check Gabriel Aubry frame don tell me he is only 6'1 which he could't be under 187 at worst min. speak by honesty*
celebrity height listing its a big mess up on internet. we can best judge by their physical and full frame would be accurate than just believe what they claim and their shoe problem we suspect.
alright on tom welling his believe not under 190 morning so welling is solid 189cm that is fair enough.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 21/Oct/11
No lian i know he's at least 178... I'm not saying he's really only 175 but according to this site's heights he's no more than that! With Gabriel Aubry he looks no less than 10 cms shorter! The same Gabriel is at least 2 inches shorter than "only" 190 tom welling! So he should be 15 cms shorter than tom welling, listed here at 190! Go and see the pics, im not kidding! There are a lot showing what i say. Lol if he's 182, tom is about 197 which is clearly impossible!
LAN Jiao said on 19/Oct/11
Lol.. andrea(ita).. you were a little
trolling. Willis min 178cm i"ll buy. 174 is too low..
ANDREA[ITA] said on 19/Oct/11
Bruce looks 4 inches shorter than max 6'0.75 gabriel aubrey! He should be 5'8.75!
LAN Jiao said on 14/Oct/11
I would be great to argue willis down 5'10.5 since he was 3cm taller than justin long suppose to be 5'9.3 but listed 5'8-5'9 .
Mathew said on 12/Oct/11
Alex says on 5/Oct/11
I could agree on 5'11 peak and 5'10.5 today
Yes, 5'11" peak is correct.
tell-em said on 11/Oct/11
simmons is about 5'10". willis is 5'10.5" these days.
Ace said on 9/Oct/11
He looks the same height as Russell Simmons, and their footwear is comparable.
Click Here
jake, 1.82 m said on 7/Oct/11
5ft 11.25in (181 cm) peak.
5ft 10.75in (180 cm) now.
James said on 6/Oct/11
5'10.5 is not impossible today
Alex said on 5/Oct/11
I could agree on 5'11 peak and 5'10.5 today
ANDREA[ITA] said on 4/Oct/11
Gabriel Aubry, listed at 6'2 but at the same time at least 1.5 inch shorter than 6'2.5 listed tom welling so more like 6'0.5, is solid 4 inches taller than bruce! Hes gotta be around 174 today! Pics tell it clear!
me said on 2/Oct/11
5ft10.5 this days on his good days 5ft11.5
dmeyer said on 2/Oct/11
i think about willis he oftenly wears 0.75 in type shoes
Syed said on 1/Oct/11
Who is Mamun and who is uncle Bashir and how can they have pictures with so many people, how come even with some south asian actors?
James said on 30/Sep/11
anything over 5'11 peak for bruce willis is a joke.
5'11.5 out off bed in the 90's maybe?
LAN Jiao said on 30/Sep/11
i roughly make a willis height estimate:
out of bed 5'11,5
morning 5'11,25
noon 5'11
evening night 5'10.75(179.5cm)
this could explain why he never look same 6" as Timothy Olyphant(182-183).
Chameleon said on 28/Sep/11
Ashton Kutcher pics? I saw a vid of Kutcher next to Willis in a behind the scenes of that 70s show, and Kutcher towerd him, this guy was never over 180cm.
dmeyer said on 27/Sep/11
in whole nine yards he can look 5 ft 11.75 near perry so 5 ft 11.5 peak seems right now near 5 ft 11
lorne said on 27/Sep/11
He doesn't look more than 2 inches shorter than uncle bashir...
I don't really know what all the fuss is about. He was clearly a strong 5ft'11 guy at peak, could look close to 6ft on occasion, and was almost certainly 6ft out of bed(though 6ft1 is a joke).At 56 years old, he's dropped at least a cm, now 5'11 flat.
And as for the ashton kutcher pics...Notice how he can look 189-190cm one day, and a flat 6ft1 the next???
jake, 1.82 m said on 26/Sep/11
He's not over 180 cm today. At peak I believe he was 181 cm but no more.
pin pointer said on 22/Sep/11
i met him years ago at venice beach
i walked past him but not like a stocker
just to say hi and hey YOUR BRUCE WILLIS
he was wearing sanadals
iam 5 foot 10 and half
and he was clearly 1 cm shorter
or exactly the same
had a bigger than average head but he was
deffinitely 5 foot 11 in those sandles
but no way is he 6 feet in shoes
maybe 180 when was young but at the time
he just wasnt 6 foot in sandals with
a good heal
James said on 19/Sep/11
peak i think potentially 180-181cm range
today 179-180cm range.
dmeyer said on 19/Sep/11
even thaugh he is in great shape 0.4 in loss is normal at 56 years old ,
jake, 1.82 m said on 18/Sep/11
I don't think he's lost more than a quarter of an inch.
James said on 18/Sep/11
5'11.25 peak is not impossible.
Dmeyer said on 17/Sep/11
5'11.25 peak 5'10.75 now is possible
James said on 17/Sep/11
of course alex because he was muscular
jake, 1.82 m said on 16/Sep/11
He peaked at 181 cm and is now 180 cm.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 15/Sep/11
Rob, how tall do you think Edoardo Costa is? He's the man on the right! I found 187 for him! Do you think 187 is possible?
Click Here
here a photo with Bruce!

Editor Rob
yeah it can be possible
Chameleon said on 13/Sep/11
180 max peak
Alex said on 13/Sep/11
James, if you watch him in movies like Die hard when he was younger he can give a 5'11.5-6'0 impression
James said on 11/Sep/11
5'11 (180cm) peak
5'10.5 (179cm) now
James said on 11/Sep/11
today maybing dipping below 5'11.
5'11 peak and no more
jake said on 11/Sep/11
5ft11.25 (181 cm) peak.
5ft11 (180 cm) now.
He's only 56 so can't have lost much height if any.
Alex said on 10/Sep/11
Could have been 5'11.5 peak. Today no more than 5'11
Chameleon said on 10/Sep/11
O yeah, Truthman also posted a pic where Gabriel Aubrey dwarfed Bruce, dont be ignorant like I said.
Chameleon said on 10/Sep/11
Maxwell dont be ignorant, watch him in videos with Kutcher(that 70s show) and Schwimmer(in friends episode), thats more accurate than this pic, this guy was never 182cm........
Maxwell said on 10/Sep/11
oh dear, Chameleon strikes again! trying to claim someone is 180cm peak when he has incontrivertible visual evidence that they were 182 as listed right in front of him..... truly he has hit a new low. guess we better downgrade Mamun to 5'7" then!
James said on 8/Sep/11
there looks 4 inches between him and kutcher
ANDREA[ITA] said on 8/Sep/11
He's at least 6 inches shorter than Tom Welling! If tom is 6'2.5, Bruce is max 5'8.5 today!
Chameleon said on 8/Sep/11
180 peak, Ashton and Schwimmer own him.
James said on 7/Sep/11
hmmmmmmm well if you all had equal footware then bruce does look 5'11.5 in the photos. i suppouse photos are not always 100 percent accurate.
dmeyer said on 7/Sep/11
to me willis looks about 5 ft 11 can look near 6 ft at peak but also 5 ft 11 so 5 ft 11.5 peak seems correct ,when both in flats he looks taller than 5 ft 10 girlfriend so about 5 ft 11 today , for some reason 2 friend of mine whe met him say that they thaught he was near 5 ft 10.5
lan jiao said on 7/Sep/11
at prime he does't look 6ft at all. all the while in film he was spot on the very 5ft11 doted line. 5ft11 is fair. from low to max 179-181cm willis apear. i don think he lost a cm at all. my dad still hover at 5ft10.25 age56 same age as uncle willis.
Legend said on 7/Sep/11
James says on 6/Sep/11
He was never 5'11.5.
I agree.
Mamun said on 6/Sep/11
My friends , the three of us all had equal amount of Footwear ! Thuis I remember for a fact !
James said on 6/Sep/11
He was never 5'11.5.
Larc 6 ft 1.75 in said on 6/Sep/11
There's a good change that he is 5'11 flat today.
He was for sure 5'11.5 at his peak.
Chameleon said on 6/Sep/11
180 maximum peak, he cant hold his own next to Kutcher and was dwarfed by Gabriel Aubry.
lan jiao said on 6/Sep/11
i sure willis had on thick heeled shoe above. im not sure this uncle bashir 6ft2 real not. but mamun was a strong 5ft8. look from willis slight tip up head his eye level only had 2inch on mamun. so 178cm. but he had bigger head so 179cm, willis did't stand really straight that account in 2cm on 181cm. but after advantage shoe which i assume it. so barefoot willis 179-180cm. remember willis is a bit closer camera than supermamun!
Dmeyer said on 5/Sep/11
If hé has more shoes than mamun hé is 5'11
James said on 5/Sep/11
almost 4 inches shorter than kutcher
Chameleon said on 5/Sep/11
Never been over 180cm.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Sep/11
183cm out of bed. Looks 3in shorter than Kuthcer. Looks 1.5-2in under Affleck but is wearing a cap.
James said on 4/Sep/11
Rampage Arnie and Sly are probably wearing big lifts.
He looks 2 inches shorter than firth but the camera angle is all weird.
And Rampage you do realise that matt damon is 5'8 right?
this should put anything over 5'11 too rest
With 6'2.5-6'3 Ashton Kutcher
Click Here
With 6'2 or 6'2.5 Ben Afflick
Click Here
He was really quite an average height guy at his peak and would only measure at 6ft in a pair of shoes. 181-182cm out out of bed.
Dmeyer said on 2/Sep/11
Rob CAN you do stadiometer comparaison between Willis and mamun bashir

Editor Rob
I need dimensions of Mamun Face to do that, if Mamun can measure to the tip of his chin it would give a better idea of head length for him.
James said on 30/Aug/11
Reality says on 29/Aug/11
Come on James there are two excellent prooves that he's 182.
181cm maybe but i don't buy 182cm.
Legend said on 30/Aug/11
180cm max today. 6'1 is ridiculous.
Chameleon said on 30/Aug/11
If hes 182, how come he is way shorter than Kutcher and David Schwimmer in videos?
180 max.
Reality said on 29/Aug/11
Come on James there are two excellent prooves that he's 182.
Chameleon said on 28/Aug/11
No he was never over 180cm.
Alex said on 26/Aug/11
He was at least 182cm peak. Today 180cm
Legend said on 26/Aug/11
He claimed 6'1? Haha! More like 5'10.75 max...
carnegie said on 24/Aug/11
in die hard 4 he looked 5ft 11 next to olypahnt whos a solid 6ft
Terryman said on 24/Aug/11
1,82m peak and not less than 1,80m today
Chameleon said on 24/Aug/11
Indeed Legend..
dmeyer said on 24/Aug/11
anywere 5 ft 11.2-11.7 if i meet him at peak or now we can be close
dmeyer said on 24/Aug/11
looks about 3 in over mamun so 5 ft 11.25 11.5 and looks 3 in under bashir so 5 ft 11 to 5 ft 11.5 peak 180.5 181.5 peak , he dosnt look as high as 5 ft 11.75 or as low as 5 ft 10.75 , slightly above 5 ft 11 peak fits him perfect now about 5 ft 11
Legend said on 23/Aug/11
Doesn't look over 5'10.5
James said on 23/Aug/11
180-181cm peak
dmeyer said on 19/Aug/11
by 60 he could drop 0.75-1 in
dmeyer said on 19/Aug/11
5 ft 11.25 peak 5 ft 10.75 -11 now is possible , he is in great shape he shouldnt have droped over 0.5-1cm
James said on 19/Aug/11
dmeyer says on 18/Aug/11
Nah Bruce is in good shape for his age so i doubt he was 5'11.5 in the 90's and i think he always been 5'11 flat. today maybe 5'10.5-5'10.75. He never looked 182cm with 189-190cm Ashton Kutcher.
At best 181cm peak.
Dominic 176cm said on 19/Aug/11
Rob needs to swap his height with Matt Perry. Bruce 181. Perry 182
dmeyer said on 18/Aug/11
Hansen said on 15/Aug/11
i only see bruce willis 6-7cm measure a line taller on mamun, shoe wise unknown(probably willis had an edge.). if according to mamun solid 173 then 5ft11 was a dead meat on willis height. **180cm**
Legend said on 14/Aug/11
5'10.75 peak
James said on 12/Aug/11
dmeyer says on 11/Aug/11
bruce is 1 in taller than clooney , he looks like brad looks near clooneywhile bruce has normal 1 in shoes oposite pitt 1.5-2 in shoes , bruce is defenetly taller than brad pitt by 2cm
Bruce Willis 5'11 (180cm)
George Clooney 5'10 (178cm) or 5'9.5 (177cm) not sure which one?
Brad Pitt 5'10 (178cm)
dmeyer said on 11/Aug/11
bruce is 1 in taller than clooney , he looks like brad looks near clooneywhile bruce has normal 1 in shoes oposite pitt 1.5-2 in shoes , bruce is defenetly taller than brad pitt by 2cm
James said on 7/Aug/11
Yeah i think no taller than 181cm mark peak jake and today for sure not over 180cm. might even be 179cm now. who knows?
he might have just been 5'11 flat all along though and 5'10 1/2 now.
jake said on 5/Aug/11
@James, so you like me are suggesting his peak height was 5ft11.25 (181 cm)? That would account for him being 6ft in shoes at peak.
James said on 2/Aug/11
In shoes he might have been 6'0 at his peak?
Alex said on 1/Aug/11
5'11 today but possibly 6'0 for his peak though.
James said on 28/Jul/11
nothing below 182m out of bed at his peak more like.
Terryman said on 28/Jul/11
nothing below 1,82m at peak
James said on 22/Jul/11
never taller than 5'11
jake said on 22/Jul/11
To me, he is 5ft11 now. At his peak he was a centimetre taller, 5ft11.25.
SAK said on 20/Jul/11
He is 180cm/a weak 5ft11, no higher
James said on 19/Jul/11
5'10.5 now and 5'11 flat peak
dmeyer said on 19/Jul/11
peak i can buy 5 ft 11-11.75 now 5 ft 10.5-11
Bon_ said on 19/Jul/11
Legend_ says on 15/Jul/11
Shut up.
can't resist the power of arguments lol
James said on 18/Jul/11
was never over 5'11
Legend said on 17/Jul/11
Bon_ says on 15/Jul/11
Don't chat too much guys.
Shut up.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Jul/11
Next to Mamun he looks 179.5cm or 5ft10.75. Against Uncle Bashir he looks a solid 5ft11.5 with the lean, so upstraight he'd look 6ft0.25/183.5cm
About said on 16/Jul/11
bruce was nearly the same as Ben Afflec in Armegedon so I put him around 6'1. Bruce looks much taller then 5'11.
Chameleon said on 16/Jul/11
No, Bruce Willis height: 180cm or lower..
Bon_ said on 15/Jul/11
Don't chat too much guys.
Bruce Willis height : 5'11.75 or 6'0
Chameleon said on 11/Jul/11
LOOL tell-em :) XD
tell-em said on 10/Jul/11
james, you also forgot sean penn
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Jul/11
Terry Crews, John Cena, Liam Neeson and Bill Goldberg cannot be excluded from that list. Guys like Ross Kemp and Vinnie Jones are just wannabe tough guys.
Chameleon said on 8/Jul/11
LOL James u forgot Dwayne.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jul/11
James, most of the guys on that list you wouldn't want get on the wrong side of. Except for Vince Vaughn, Ross Kemp and Penn Jillete
James said on 7/Jul/11
Forgot to include Hugh Jackman on the list :)
PatB said on 3/Jul/11
Bruce Willis always struck me a a small guy doomed to play big guys in the movies. He was after all a light comedian on TV when he was cast against type in Die hard. The joke was this small unassuming wise-cracking guy would turn into a one man army. Early in the movie no one notices him. They seem to think he's an accountant or some other harmless kind of person. But when the crisis comes he is a killing machine. The exact same theme is used for Reginal VelJohnson - a mild mannered short chubby cop afraid of his own gun - transforms into a cool as ice killer.
The previous poster thought he looked brawny. Wrong. In 'The Whole Nine Yards' its Michael Clarke Duncan who looks brawny not Willis. Willis is a fine actor so he can play big and tough but he always looks improbable to me.
His fellow restaurantuers, Schwartzenegger and Stalone, are indeed brawy guys. But not Bruce. He has the muscle tone and physique of an accountant.
I've never met him in person but since I'm almost exactly the same size as Michael Clarke Duncan I can well imagine what he would look like in person.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Jul/11
His weight? I'd guess 200lbs or so...looks quite brawny. Not a guy you'd like to get on the wrong side of
lambert said on 1/Jul/11
he was absolute 6.0 bcoz he was above 180 cm which was 6 feet mentioned in above the picture
James said on 1/Jul/11
Bruce looks close to 4 inches shorter than Kutcher at times.
the shredder said on 1/Jul/11
Rob , what would you guess his weight ? He looks about 185 or 190 in Die hard .

Editor Rob
that's probably pretty close I think.
Chameleon said on 30/Jun/11
He has never been 6' range as Kutcher towers him.
Bon_ said on 30/Jun/11
What is funny in reality Willis has always been legit 6' range guy and Arnold was never much over 5'11.
James said on 29/Jun/11
He didn't really look 182cm back in 06 next to 6'1-6'2 Will Smith.
TruebloodFan said on 28/Jun/11
he's been 5ft11 for the last 35 years.
Bon_ said on 27/Jun/11
Definitely closer to 6' than 5'11.
burby said on 26/Jun/11
He was shorter than weak 6' Bakula in Color of Night, Willis is 5'11"
udre said on 26/Jun/11
next to david morse(6ft4) he looked like 5ft11.5
Dmeyer said on 26/Jun/11
If you pay attention to footwear Willis at peak was ní´ more than 5 cm under arnie if arnie was 185-6cm thén Willis 180-1 cm if 186-7 thén 181-2 cm
Dmeyer said on 26/Jun/11
You could argue 5 ft 11 to 5 ft 11.5 from thé pics with bashir and mamun
Legend said on 26/Jun/11
Wrong again.
James said on 25/Jun/11
Ka says on 24/Jun/11
James I have to disagree on this one. Bruce at peak was near 6 ft, looked every bit of it next to Arnie in the 80s & 90s. Even on the biggest footwear, Stallone only scrap eye to eye with him. This listing is fine on his peak. The question is Bruce is still at peak or is 5'11 now, no lower though. The reason is at the Expendable events, and w/ Colin Firth, he looks the listed height. But with Kutcher and Justin Long, he looks 5'11 flat. He can walk shorter than 5'11, but I think he's 5'11 range, pick 182, 181, or 180.
'physically' he did not look a 6ft guy even in his old films like Pulp Fiction and in the tv series Moonlighting looked more 5'11.