dmeyer said on 4/Dec/06
he is true he looked a legit 6 feet 1 inch in the last boyscoot maybe lifts
Height Tracker said on 3/Dec/06
I have watched the Last Boy Scout many times (one of my favorite films), and in the movie Willis really did only "appear" about an inch or so shorter than Wayans. I have no idea about lifts, camera angles,etc, but there was not much of a height difference between the two throughout the movie. In addition, Willis was not wearing any type of boots and his shoes looked normal to me.
Brad said on 2/Dec/06
Frank2 saw him way too much at 5' 11". The "no shoes" 5' 8" Cybill with Willis says Frank2 was correct.
Viper652 said on 1/Dec/06
Brad Pitt really is around 5-10-5-10 1/2.
Glenn said on 1/Dec/06
Im probably the only one that thinks he could be 6-1.thanks Horse for backing me that he is close to that.
The Horse of FUNK said on 30/Nov/06
Always figured him for 6'.05 and just likes to round up for that extra inch. I mean for the amount of roles he stars with tall guys, 6'1+, he is always capable of easily holding his own. And the only thing that anybody ever has to back up their claims of 5'11 for Bruno are the 'funny picture' comments that are usually tagged along by the 'magic shoes' comments. Everything else says he's at least 6' and no less.
Oh, and judging by Twelve Monkeys, if Bruce is 5'11 then Pitt needs to be downgraded even further to something like 5'10 or 5'10.5, which is verging towards ridiculous.
Brad said on 20/Nov/06
Frank2 was right: 5' 11". He's just over Cybill's 5' 8" and she probably wore no shoes in most shots.
The Judge said on 19/Nov/06
I think Mr.Willis is 5'11.5" next to Mr.Clooney who's probably 5'10.5".
Alex said on 16/Nov/06
I think he was 6'0 perhaps when he was younger but today no more than 5'11.
Height Tracker said on 11/Nov/06
Even though I also believe Willis is a solid 5'11", that picture does not prove anything. Either of them could be wearing elevators, we don't see how they're standing, and we don't know Clooney's height for certain. It is in no way conclusive.
dmeyer said on 29/Oct/06
even thaugh bruce apear 6'1 on occasion barefeet he is 5'10 to 6 ft
Glenn said on 29/Oct/06
I dont think he is 6-1,but 6ft.6-1 is possible.5-11 more possible.but 6ft is on the money.
Spence said on 28/Oct/06
Glenn I can tell by looking at him thats hes not 6'1. a 6'1 guy looks 6'1 and he doesnt
Glenn said on 27/Oct/06
How is it ridiculous Spence? you ever met him? I see him once or twice or month.thank you Dr.Flem.
dmeyer said on 27/Oct/06
if he was 6 feet 1 he will have look close to 6'1.5 arnie
Dr. Flem said on 27/Oct/06
I did a recent check up on Bruce, watching all of his die-hard movies, and my diagnosis is that he is 6ft1 inch tall. Standing next to Samuel Jackson, there seemed little height difference despite Bruce having slightly more hair than Samuel. He also appeared taller than Alan Rickman, however there was only one conclusive shot of the 2 of them standing near each other, so that may have been inaccurate.
Spence said on 26/Oct/06
He is nothing more than 5'11 could be just under. 6'1 is rediculous
Glenn said on 25/Oct/06
He is 6ft at the least.footwear all over the place.I keep repeating the same story where he gave me the strange illusion of looking 6-2 in sneakers,low cut,in shorts,ankels showing in shorts!
mike said on 24/Oct/06
yeh bruce is hard to tell, hes got to be (5'11 to 6) hey glenn hows bruce's footwear usually (if you notice it), maybe he should start wearing bigger boots or something, im guessing he doesnt wear that big of shoes/boots, his footwear seems very normal, or hed be taller then sly all the time and closer to arnold
Gonzalo said on 24/Oct/06
I don´t think he is over 5`11. Watch the pic of Bruce next to Arnold or gorgeous Petra Nemcova. My brother and another friend of mine saw him in Madrid and they both said he was short. I am not saying I believe them but I doubt he is 6`1 as Glenn says. I always take Glenn´s comments with the highest respect and attention, but this time I don´t agree with him. However I must admit he looked tall next to Harnett in Slevin, which surprised me.
The debate continues...
anonymous2 said on 13/Oct/06
Petra isn't standing straight in that pic, making Bruce appear taller
mike said on 13/Oct/06
i agree frank was very good but alil off on some people, colin farrell isnt 5'8, but hes nowhwere near 6 even, prolly meaing hes 5'9 to 5'10 like stallone IN MY OPINION only, otheres may/prolly disagree, willis i can see min 5'11 MAX 6 even hes DEF somewhere in between, hes def not 6'1 otherwise on this site hed be atleast 6 even, not 5'11.5, arnold always has him by at least 2 if not 3, and hes always been close to 6'2 to 6 evem
Anthony said on 12/Oct/06
What I find funny is, he looks only 5'10 next to Arnold in flip flops, and then looks 5'11-6'0 next to 5'10 Petra Nencova. It's insane. Does he wear enhanced feet?
Viper652 said on 12/Oct/06
Bruce only looks 5-10 in the picture I just linked, wearing flip flops. I figure he wears enhanced footwear when Glenn sees him.
Glenn said on 12/Oct/06
Frank was good enough.but on some big names he was way wrong.
dmeyer said on 11/Oct/06
arnie was 187 at this time but since converse have not mush heels so bruce alwais apear 2 to 3 inches smaller so 5'11 to 6 bruice might only be 5'11 but sometimes apear 6'1
Anonymous said on 11/Oct/06
nice pic viper. lol there goes your 5"11.5 unless Arnie is taller then his posted height. I would say 5"10-5"10.5.
Anthony said on 10/Oct/06
I'd say Willis was about 6' on a good day during the "Die Hard" years (his peak), maybe just a tad under today. I can't see him as anything less than 5'11, though.
dmeyer said on 10/Oct/06
anything fron 180 to 184 is believble for bruce but for some reason he looks 5'10 to my friends that met him
dmeyer said on 10/Oct/06
glenn you are right frank might see thenm smaaler than they are
anonymous2 said on 9/Oct/06
In the pic Viper posted he looks 5-10 to me
xaoxio said on 9/Oct/06
I still believe that Bruce Willis can be a 6'0"-footer. I wouldn't rule out a possibility for this guy to be only 5'11" also.
But as high as 6'1" barefoot? Never, IMHO.
Glenn said on 6/Oct/06
Fair enough Mike.I respect that.
MOF said on 6/Oct/06
No Willis was at least two inches under Wayans the whole film.
Viper652 said on 6/Oct/06
Bruce looks well under 6-0 here with Arnold wearing converse shoes it looks like.
Click Here
mike said on 6/Oct/06
i'll believe willis is even with frank, only because frank said they were eye to eye exactly or maybe frank is closer to 6 even, but i agree with glenn in that sly's a good 5'9 maybe 5'9.5 when he was younger, i sincerely doubt 5'7,
Paul said on 5/Oct/06
No way that Damon Wayans is just 6'1. He is at least 188 cm tall and Bruce was just slighty shorter in Last Boy Scout.
Glenn said on 4/Oct/06
Bruce usually looks 6-1 to me.once 6-2 in low cut sneakers and shorts,ankles in place.twice in the last 7 months he appeared 5-11.75.I dont know which are illusions and trickery.the man must be 6ft at least.Frank also said Colin Farrel was 5-8 and Sly was 5-7 which is absurd.
dmeyer said on 3/Oct/06
in the pic he looks the same as the 5'10 girl maybe 0.5 inches taller but maybe she is taller than she says
dmeyer said on 3/Oct/06
so bruce looked barely 6 foot to you glenn
mike said on 2/Oct/06
in that willis pic he looks 2 inches taller then that 5'10 chick making him 6 even, but id say hes 5'11 or just under 6 even, no way he's 6'1, frank said their the same height at 5'11
anonymous2 said on 28/Sep/06
Actually, I've read that people don't begin to Iose height untiI age 50. maybe some do before then, but I doubt Willis is one of them because he's in such good shape physically.
The Judge said on 28/Sep/06
If Mr.Willis is 5'11.5" these days, he may have lost 1 cm max cause he's 51 years old, but no more...Personally, I think he's around 6 ft or just under that.
Paul said on 26/Sep/06
Interesting picture, ed. Bruce looks no taller than 5'11'' here.
ed said on 24/Sep/06
Click Here this picture willis looks as tall as petra nencova.. and she is 5 10..
Glenn said on 21/Sep/06
Bumped into Bruce again last night.second short sighting by me.5-11.5 this time.height is hard to gauge sometimes,even from 10 feet away and if they are walking with a slouch.maybe Im wrong about this guy.maybe Im right.I have a friend who is 6-1 and now 31,that appears 5-11ish to me now.looked a geniune 6-1 years ago.Bruce had boots on with a surprising only one inch heel.
Glenn said on 20/Sep/06
I never met Affleck,Jackson or Hayden.height is mysterious with alot of names.the reason for this site.
Anonymous said on 19/Sep/06
it is true in some movies he does apear near 6 feet1 like in armagedon 2 inches taller than thornton and isaacs only 2 inches shorter than jacson
Ed said on 19/Sep/06
Glenn, what I can't figure out is how Samuel L. can look almost the same height as Hayden Christensen(6ft0.5)Star Wars, the same height as LL Cool J(6ft1.5)Swat,and the same height as Affleck(6ft2.5)Changing Lanes. How does he do it? His height is all over the place. Affleck claims he's 6ft3.5, People magazine had him at 6ft2, Rob has him at 6ft2.5, and others on this site that have met him spectulate he's more like 6ft1 plus. He's obviously shorter than Hartnett listed at 6ft3, seen in Pearl Harbor. What I said was Willis favors big boots. He does, look at countless photos of him where he's wearing motorcylce boots and cowboy boots. Put those on at 5ft11.5, and your near 6ft1.5. If Affleck and Samuel L. are near 6ft2 or are 6ft2, with shoes are now near 6ft3. A difference of an inch to an inch and a half. Rob, he looked at times the same height as Fichtner and then smaller than him, and the same for Billy Bob.
Glenn said on 19/Sep/06
Thats PATHETIC.downplaying an actors height to your favor.both Affleck and Samual are over 6-2.6-3 if you ask some.I saw Willis yet again the other night.he almost always appears a shocking 6-1.I accept no smaller than 6ft on this guy.
Ed said on 19/Sep/06
Zach, I agree they did look only an inch plus taller than Willis in those films, but in my opinion that proves Affleck and Jackson are not 6ft2.5, but more like 6ft1.5. Plus Willis favors cowboy boots and motorcycle boots with bigger heels which could put him near 6ft1 plus. I can't remember his footwear for DHWAV, but I'm pretty sure in Armageddon he wore boots. PLus, Hartnett towered over Willis in Slevin, and I think he's about 6ft2plus, definitely taller than Affleck in Pearl Harbor.

Editor Rob
did you see the 'full frame' head to shoe shot in armageddon when he didn't wear boots, wasn't he shorter than 184cm willy fichtner?
Zach said on 18/Sep/06
Bruce was very close in height to
Ben Affleck in Armageddon. And just watched Die Hard, he seemed only a couple of inches shorter than Samuel Jackson.
dmeyer said on 17/Sep/06
he did look a hair shorter than denzel in the siege so bruce isnt over 6 feet maybe even less like 181 182
dmeyer said on 17/Sep/06
bruce looks 183 cm most of the time
anonymous2 said on 15/Sep/06
The pic that anonymous posted on 20/May/06 of a barefoot Willis with 178/179cm Petra Nemcova kind of cinches it for me. 179cm or 5.10.5 max barefoot.
ed said on 11/Sep/06
went to a basketball game with Bruce stood and sat right next to him put my arm around his shoulder took a picture with him i am 6ft in bare feet 6ft 1 in shoes Bruce was about 2 inches shorter than me 5 ft 11 in shoes 5 10 barefoot
chris said on 8/Sep/06
I won't stop believing that Bruce is 6'1. He does look just 2 inches shorter than Damon Wayans (6'3) in The Last Boy Scout and also does look 2 inches taller than Billy Bob Thornton (5'11) in Bandits. Everything under 5'11.5 would be ridiculous. Willis is a tall guy and I bet that he doesn't wear lifts ever.
mike said on 31/Aug/06
wow chris i guess willis is getting the arnold and sly treatment now.. if people are saying he's 5'10, i think he's 5'11 and change not the full 6, def not 6'1 but wouldnt be surprised if he OCCASIONALLY looked it, he's still 2 inches shorter in all arnold pics (excluding the digging one), i noticed the thing with willis is it seems he looks taller compared to 5'8 to 5'11 guys but shorter compared to 6'0 to 6'4 guys
Chris said on 30/Aug/06
Some sources say he is as low as 5'10'', he must be around 6'.
Click Here
Aussie Bloke said on 30/Aug/06
The Picture with Hartnett was enough to convince me he is clearly in the 5ft11 range, but not the 6 foot he claims. In "Die Hard" he appeared around the 6ft mark, essentially because he had hair then. THe now Bald Willis would be right on 180cm in my opinion, no taller and no shorter.
Glenn said on 25/Aug/06
Thanks Mike.Im not going anywhere.
mike said on 25/Aug/06
Very true glenn, i didnt realize most of ur pics were outside, good luck dude ur the man for for meeting/getting pics with these celebs, and dont leave this website unless someone really pisses u off..... thanx
Glenn said on 25/Aug/06
Willis hates posing for fans or have to get him at an event.inside the event.not in street,which is where 75% of my photos are taken.he does it on occasion.Ill get other thorn is Brad Pitt.he is real nice now.except I havnt seen him in 10 years.
DMeyer said on 24/Aug/06
i dont think he is 6 feet 1 but he can look it
mike said on 24/Aug/06
hey glenn, how come u don't have a willis picture, is he hard to get ahold of or stubborn to take a pic with u??? (Maybe he's afraid of having his pic on this website...jk/lol) If u get him ur collection of famous celebs is almost complete, i do recall u've seen him alot of times i think u said
Glenn said on 24/Aug/06
I agree with you John Doe.
Anonymous said on 18/Aug/06
my dad thought of him being around 5`10 but usually whenever I see him in his movies i can picture him being around 5`11
John Doe said on 16/Aug/06
I think he is 6-1.
dmeyer said on 7/Aug/06
hey rob waths you email adress i got the picture
Glenn said on 28/Jul/06
Well he aint 5-10,5-11 or even 5-9 that some people say here.Ill settle for 6ft.
dmeyer said on 28/Jul/06
i watch 40 minutes of 16 bloks and bruce looks 1.5 to 2.5 in taller than mos 177 def so bruce is about 180 182 these days maybe 183 184 at peak i dont see 4 inches om def i see more 4 to 6 cm 6 ft is possible in that movie he is wearing low cut 1.25 dress shoes rob your right he is in the 5 11 6 ft range
scott said on 25/Jul/06
bruce willis is 6ft. i asked him just to be cool when i met him. and i think he knows.
Glenn said on 24/Jul/06
Dmeyer,I took down your # can call me too at 917-449 7125.maybe youll hit up NYC one day.Rob sure needs to.we need to see who is taller in the photo department.did your sister make out fine here Rob?

Editor Rob
she ditched the new york trip, and is going to milan instead...the flights in august were going to be too expensive
dmeyer said on 23/Jul/06
hey glenn i just got to l.a we could meet sometimes you can call me 562 556 8738 same thing for rob i would like to know you guys

Editor Rob
glenn's in NY, Mr. R is in LA I think, not seen him around here for a while...I'm still here in scotland though
Anonymous said on 20/Jul/06
I saw him appear on letterman one time and they both shook hands & I saw letterman with a good 5 inch height advantage over him.
Jack said on 7/Jul/06
Bruce is a solid 6 ft. And the Jack below me isn't me.
Sarah said on 6/Jul/06
My dad see's Bruce all the time since he lives in Sun Valley, ID and said that he's a "shiny little s*it" (in his words). My dad is maybe only 5'11 (was 6ft in his prime; he's in his late 60's now). Perhaps he's bringing Bruce down to compensate for his own insecurities and hight loss? I still think Bruce is at least 5'11. He said he's also seen Tom Hanks there a lot too and claims he's short as well. Dad's eyes are probably going LOL :-)
Glenn said on 5/Jul/06
5-9,5-10 is a joke.the man is no smaller than 5-11,looking 6ft,6-1 every at least once a month I see him.AGAIN FOR THE 4TH TIME,how is he 3-4 inches taller than near 5-10 Mos Def in 16 blocks? please.cause the man is realistically 6ft,possibly 5-11,or 6-1.
Jack said on 2/Jul/06
I was standing right behind him today at a gig for around 2 hours. He is no taller than 5'10" - my guess would be 5'9"
He was arms distance from me for almost the entire time, and my buddy Nick (6'1") towered over him as he walked past. I'm quite short (5'8") and he didn't have much on me.
People have to remember that it isn't hard to make actors look taller on film - especially when they have the presence of Willis. 'Hero' roles instantly make a characted seem bigger also. This is why judgements should be made my people that have stood with the person in question for some time.
5'9" - 5'10" = spot on.
6'1" = a joke.
kenji toyokawa said on 1/Jul/06
this guy is no way 182cm tall.. Nowadays he looks more to be 179-181cm range of height..
dmeyer said on 28/Jun/06
even thaugh in most films he apears near 6'1" but in slevin he looks 3 to 4 inches smaller than hartnet so 5'11.5" seems right i alwais picture him taller maybe he forgot his lifts becuse he looks taller near 6'3" guy's
Glenn said on 27/Jun/06
Yeah,I noticed 3 inches at least on willis with Morse,which again leaves him at 6-1.I didnt see 4 inches.I did see 4 inches with Mos.Willis like I said,you didnt read carefully,is most likely 6ft.5-11 and 6-1 are still possibilities.he can look really tall in public.I KNOW what a 5-11 guy looks like,and he almost never look that when I see him.
xaoxio said on 27/Jun/06
by the way Glenn, Willis has been half a head shorter than 6'4" David Morse in "16 Blocks", if not more(about 10-12cms). For sure! Have you seen that? Any explanations? To be honest enough Willis has looked taller than Mos Def(about 3 inches, not 4). Consider postures and footwear. It may sound weird but I have never thought that Willis is taller than 5'11" until I've seen his listing and have looked at the photos. I'm not telling that you are wrong but this guy can be 5'11" or 6'0" but I can't see him a 6'1"-footer.
Glenn said on 26/Jun/06
Willis MIGHT be 5-11,even though he was 4 inches taller than 5-9.5 Mos Def,but no way in hell is stallone 5-7,5-8.even 5-10 seems small for Sly.but in reality Sly is probably 5-9.
Glenn said on 26/Jun/06
Not true Alex or Rob.I see him once a month.while he might be 5-11 barefoot,he looks a surprising 6-1 in person.and does very much so look it in 16 blocks which people on this site turned a blind eye on,when I mentioned he towered near 5-10 Mos Def.believe what you want,but I see these celebs current and often.not 20 year old stories of DVD veiwing.and most of you,by human nature shave off 2 inches off of everyone.its more fun I guess.youd be dissapointed that your hero wasnt your height,or that you didnt tower Sly.I read some of this stuff and sigh in disbelief.this has nothing to do with you Alex,but I think you shave Harrison Ford once.I even stand by the possibility of Willis being 6-1.he sure looked it to me barefoot with that model.everyones perception on that had me amazed.Im pretty accurate,but you guys may never realise it.Im also wrong sometimes.but never on names like Sly and least what Willis looks like in street.maybe its boots and lifts,but I wasnt hallucinating when I saw Willis
Frank2 said on 26/Jun/06
Willis is only 51 so I doubt he's already lost an inch in height. When I saw him back in the 1980's when he was co-starring in Moonlighting he was 5'11" and he's still 5'11".
Alex said on 25/Jun/06
Bruce Willis looked a good 6'0 guy when he was younger but over the last years he only looks 5'11 and no more than that.

Editor Rob
maybe his body has taken the harrison ford route and lost a acm, more than normal, but maybe as Frank2 has said, he's always looked 5ft 11 to him, but bigger heels and impeccable posture made him look big 6ft guy.
Frank2 said on 25/Jun/06
I've never seen Willis look anywhere close to being 6'1" and I've seen him many times. I've stood right next to him. I even watched him when he was filming a scene for Moonlighting. The head of transportation and I had a bet as to how tall he was. I said 5'11" and he claimed Willis was only 5'10". FYI I won the bet.
E said on 25/Jun/06
I was handling security for a private party back in 96. Bruce Willis walked right past me in his bare feet. He was basically eye level with me and Im 5.9 and a half. I had regular shoes on so that would make me about 5.10 putting Bruce right about the same. Cindy Crawford was taller than Bruce at the party. Wesley Snipes was about the same and of course Charlie Sheen was much shorter.
Glenn said on 20/Jun/06
I never asked Willis.though,whenever I see him he looks 6ft,6-1.
The Truth said on 19/Jun/06
He's 5'11" max. He's taller than
Matt Damon but only by an inch.
N3vermind said on 18/Jun/06
Bruce Willis seems exactly this height. He might have been a solid 6'0 back in the day, especially when he's next to then-6' Alan Rickman.
Frank2 said on 18/Jun/06
Like I've repeatedly stated, Bruce is 5'11".
Anonymous said on 18/Jun/06
Click HereArnold is regarded as 6'0" or 6'1" at the most, yet he's easily got 2 inches on Willis here (disregard lift-boosted Sly around the same height as Willis). I'd say Willis is 5'10", 5'11" maximum.
dmeyer said on 5/Jun/06
i have a friend call regis that met bruce twice and he told me he is 5'9 and then met this year and told me 5"10 and a friend caled frank that met him twice and told me 5'9 10 range and another friend that met him on a set and told me 5'11 all the people that met him are sayng 5'9 to 5'11 thats weird since he seems 6'1" in fims but the same friend tells me that costner is 188 and clooney 183
MarkO said on 4/Jun/06
I've been reading alot of height comments on various people...and whatever heights people actually are, everyone who posts here seems to believe that it's quite normal to shrink up to 3 inches by the time you're in you're early 50's, like Willis. Is this true??lol...I mean...I'm 6 feet, at 40....will I be 5'10 in 10 years??
Frank2 said on 1/Jun/06
If I wore lifts that boosted me by two inches, I'd look at least 6'1".
dmeyer said on 1/Jun/06
actor can look 2 inchestaller than their height with good posture good footwear and angles
dmeyer said on 1/Jun/06
hey frank2 so you'r sayng that hanks is is barely 6 feet or slightly less and all pitt clooney and willis are just shy of 6 feet i thaught they were taller than me 5'11.5" thanks frank2 for your answers but they sure apear taller in lifts like close to 6'1"
Larry said on 1/Jun/06
As I think I posted earlier (meds???): my daughter saw BOTH Mr. Clooney and Mr. Pitt up close at a premiere and said they BOTH looked 5'11". This jives with what Frank2 saw. She saw Johnny Depp 2 years ago (at the same theater) & I'll ask her about her "take" on him.
Frank2 said on 31/May/06
When I saw Hanks he was my height. Same goes for Clooney, Pitt and Willis. With Willis I'm positive since I saw him in sandals, in shoes and on many occasions walking around the Fox lot. Hanks didn't appear to be wearing lifts. As for Clooney and Pitt, they could have been wearing height-increasing footware, but nothing that really stood out. They ran a clip of Hanks on the old Merve Griffin TV Show. Back then Griffin was roughly 5'9". Hanks was two inches taller when they stood next to each other before sitting down. Today Griffin who looks like a short Orson Welles has lost a couple of inches. I guess it's all due to the good life.
dmeyer said on 30/May/06
hey frank2 you say that you are the same height as willis, clooney,pitt,and hanks so are you saying their all the same height as you like 5'11 something its weird but its possible but i dont think hanks is less than 6'
Frank2 said on 29/May/06
He stood right next to me in the men's room at the Shrine Auditorium and no way is he 6'. We were the exact, same height. Then when I saw him and spoke with him at Fox about his cherry Shelby Mustang, he was still my height. He wore a pair of sandals while I wore my usual loafers with one-inch heels. I also saw him several times back when he was doing the series Moonlighting and he looked 5'11".
Willis and Cybill:
Click HereNotice she's barefoot which was usually the case when they were filming. Number one she hated shoe, especially high heels and number two being about 5'8" she was too tall to wear high heels and not make Bruce look short. For a few long shots she wore lower heels. Then when they weren't showing her feet she went back to being barefoot or wearing sneakers.
Bruce and Cybill:
Click HereI can almost guarantee you that she was barefoot in this photo.
Here's a poster made from the previous photo where they added pointy-toed high heel pumps to Cybill's feet. She never wore shoes like that. She hated them. I would mostly see her walking around the lot in sneakers or running shoes. She even wore a pair to the Emmys which looked silly under her expensive gown.
Glenn said on 29/May/06
I agree on 6ft with this guy,nothing me the strange optical illusion of looking 6-2 in shorts and ankles popping.
Larry said on 29/May/06
Hard guy to pin down, but wearing "lifts" in action movies. I know about stuntmen (my cousin stunted in several horror movies), but how CAN anyone RUN in lifts!!! :-) I've seen Willis in quite a few movies & his height listed here looks right (182 cms). Glenn seems to have a good "eye" for size to me, but closer to 6'0" for Mr. Willis, not 6'2". How tall is Josh Hartnett? Willis looked 2.5 inches or so less than him in "Lucky Number Sleven" (sp?).
dmeyer said on 23/May/06
he struggels to have an inch on her he mighgt be closer to 5'11 these days
Vince said on 22/May/06
You can see that Petra is slouching while Bruce is standing straight. Standing up, I would say Petra is taller. If she is 5"10, which is what almost every site lists then Bruce is at best equal to that height. You guys have to put this guy at 5"10.5 at least but he should be probably 5"10 cause I don't think you can find any better evidence then this picture. I think Bruce is an awesome actor, I'm not hating on him at all, I just think actors shouldn't boost their height in order to feel superior.
Glenn said on 21/May/06
Saw a better pic in the paper,same session.Willis looks close to 6-1,which is what he claims,if she is I said all along.most people in general always downplay someones height.caught,barefoot,and people still see 5-9,5-11.I dont know man.this is getting silly.the smallest this guy is,is 6ft if you go by these pics.
Anonymous said on 21/May/06
Hey Glen, Petra is slouching big time in that pic. Willis looks 5' 10" at best. Definitely not 6' to 6' 2" he looks to you in "normal" shoes when you see him.
With all due respsct, I can't but help but wonder why you are usually so reluctant to downgrade a height below Rob's listing...even when there is pretty legitimate proof to do so. I guess if you usually exagerate celeb's height (and your own), they will be more inclined to let you take more pics with them. You're practically famous now yourself, why would you risk your cred with celebs by calling out those who are really shorter than their listing? Alot of these guys recognize you and would be thrilled to pose with you if you were shorter than your listing as well.
Glenn said on 21/May/06
You were looking at that photo wrong.not 5-9,but 6ft.
Height Tracker said on 21/May/06
Petra Nemcova's listed height on almost every website is 5'10". In those barefoot pictures, Bruce looks about an inch taller. This puts him at a solid 5'11" just like Frank said.
dmeyer said on 21/May/06
hey glenn if you say that bruce loks 6'2" with sneakers it means he is aleast 185 and many friends tell me 5'10 so i dont know who to believe in movie he apear 6 to 6'1"
anonymous said on 20/May/06
he is 5'9, if not shorter. I have proof:
Click HereClick HereI think Petra is 5'9 and they seem to be the same height without shoes on!
Jason said on 20/May/06
Lebron James' measured height is 6'7 1/4''. Jackson looks 6 inches shorter than him.
Glenn said on 19/May/06
I see the guy all the time.he looks tall 99% of the time.ranges from 6ft to 6-2.even in sneakers and shorts,no ankles popping,I thought 6-2.he says 6-1.the guy is no smaller than 5-11.5,like Rob says.
Anonymous said on 16/May/06
it is funny a friend of mine who is 5'7.75" met bruce a few times and also last week and told me that bruce ins not tall at all and it is not the first time that people tell me he is average 5'9 or 10 and my friend consider men over 5'10 as tall like me 5'11.5" he consider me tall i dont know how is it possible since in most fims he looks near 6'1" maybe he is wearing 5" heels
frank p said on 11/May/06
You know when we debate heights for a one inch variance? That inch really does make a big difference. I have a pair of casual shoes that give me about an inch. Last week because of pain in my arches I picked up a pair of Dr. Shoals foam arch supports, which I know give me another half inch. Well I can honestly say, yes, next to people I see everyday? That 1 1/2 inch makes a noticable difference. That makes me half an inch under 6"0. So you can imagine celebrities who have egos and all want to seem bigger than life are doing inside their shoes.
Anonymous said on 4/May/06
That's right guys! Teach that liar Colin Farrel a lesson. No more celebrities playing dumb with us about their height!
Frank2 said on 3/May/06
Then both Colin and Al were on their tiptoes. That or on apple crates. Or perhaps a phone book. I actually saw that happen at the Emmys when some short actor was being photographed. Someone, maybe his press agent ran out and grabbed a phonebook and shoved it under him. I can't remember who the actor was. Some TV guy who's vanished by now.
Frank2 said on 2/May/06
Ferrall may look 5'11" to some, but to me and to anyone who realizes how tall people actually are he's no more than 5'9" and that's on a good day.
I was once friends with actor Don Dubbins who always claimed he was 6'. In fact he was about 5'10". I once asked him why if he was 6' was he so short next to 6'2" Joseph Cotten and 6'3" George Sanders in the film From the Earth to the Moon. He said that both men were 6'5"!
Glenn said on 1/May/06
Colin lives here now to film a movie.I know and see the guy once a week.a true gentleman.what do you make of my first photo with him Frank? he clearly looks 5-11 there.and he was wearing normal, flat,casual shoes.
Frank2 said on 1/May/06
Willis looks about four inches shorter than Fahey so that makes sense. The top of his head would be about two and half inches shorter than the top of his silly hat. I doubt he's wearing shoes designed to make him appear taller. When I spoke with Willis he was wearing leather sandals and he was about my height. He's certainly not 5'10" as some people seem to believe.
Frank2 said on 1/May/06
I've seen Farrell and he's no more than 5'8.5". He's quite small boned as well. I doubt he weighs any more than 150 lbs. Willis and I are much bigger guys. I weigh almost 190 lbs. and I think Willis weighs just as much. He has much of his weight in muscles while I have mine in flab!
Glenn said on 1/May/06
Just cause Im shorter doesnt mean I cant tell 5-10 to 6ft.shortening someone to 5-8.5 from 5-11 to make Willis appear 5-10,when he looks 6-2 in that picture with Colin should have you questioning things.but no,it doesnt.most of you have one sided veiws.
Height Tracker said on 1/May/06
I wasn't insulting anyone's intelligence Glenn; you need to chill out dude. Just because I agree with Frank, doesn't mean I'm insulting anyone or trying to for that matter. You just need to stop taking things so seriously; not everybody on this site is here to be mean to you or be rude. Some of us just view this as a fun little hobby, and we have as much right to express our opinions as you do, even if we haven't met as many people. Peace.
Glenn said on 30/Apr/06
I guess you met him HEIGHT TRACKER.I saw him in shorts,exposed legs and ankles not popping,look 6-2.I give him no less than 6ft.Frank shortened Colin by saying that pic,Willis looks the 6-2 I say next to 5-11 Colin.dont insult my intelligence HEIGHT TRACKER.
Height Tracker said on 30/Apr/06
For what it's worth Frank, I am in complete agreement with you on Willis. He seems like a solid 5'11" guy to me who can look over the six foot mark with special shoes and through the sightings of shorter people. Later.
Frank2 said on 30/Apr/06
Here's how Colin would look standing next to me:
Click HereAnd trust me people. Willis is exactly 5'11" barefoot. One day when I spoke with him he was wearing sandals. What does it take to sink in?
Viper652 said on 30/Apr/06
Collin has always looked short in movies to me. Ive always thought he was 5-8
Glenn said on 30/Apr/06
and then like the Beckham shot,as with some others,its hard to proove.Colin isnt standing straight,we dont know ground level or footwear.
Glenn said on 30/Apr/06
now this is too much now.Colin Farrel 5-8.5? now your pushing it.Colin is 5-10 min,5-11 max.and always looks 5-11.which means my Willis sightings at 6ft+ makes sense.Willis can look 6-1,6-2 EVEN IN he really that tall? no.he is 6 even tops.5-11.5 min.LIKE ROB SAYS.
frank p said on 28/Apr/06
Don't get me wrong Frank2, I've obviously never met him like yourself. I'm just going by appearance in movies and TV. I think he appears as I said 5"10 Max. When I say Max, I'm saying he looks shorter to me, but I'll go along with 5"10.
Frank2 said on 28/Apr/06
Add a half an inch and you've hit it right on the mark. Then if he wears shoes that boost him by a couple of inches he can appear to be over 6'.
Ken said on 27/Apr/06
Now bruce willis always looked a bit shorter to me. I would say 5'10.5 is more like it.
SAZ said on 27/Apr/06
I literally ran into Willis when he was filming 16 Blocks in NYC last summer. I'm 5'/6" and he wasn't more than a few inches taller than me(no more than 5'/10"). As a matter of fact, the first thought that came to mind was that he was much shorter than I thought. Actors lie about their height and age all the time.
Anonymous said on 26/Apr/06
Let's put it this way, actors exaggerate their height because in Hollywood there's pressure to be tall because it always seems like people have to be tall to them. It making it too much that average man's height is 6' and average woman's height is 5'9". What is this? Let's watch more of the celebrities caught off guard because average man's height is really 5'9" and woman's is 5'4"
frank p said on 24/Apr/06
Frank says on 16/Mar/06
"Damon Wayans is at least 6'1" possibly 6'2". No way is Willis as tall without the aid of special height-increasing shoes."
I agree completely. I too thought that while seeing that film. Funny, I never thought of Bruce as near 6"0 at all as many of the posters below have said. I thought he appeared somewhat short to me in movies and TV. At the most 5"10.
Glenn said on 23/Apr/06
Thank you dmeyer.
dmeyer said on 23/Apr/06
in movies he alwais look 6'1" mark
Glenn said on 23/Apr/06
Is it a possibility he's 5-10,5-11 and wears lifts? I believe you Frank.but believe me he can look 6-1.
Glenn said on 22/Apr/06
THANK YOU JOJO.NOW PEOPLE SEE IM NOT NUTS.Im glad Frank saw that.yes,he can look between 6ft and 6-2.once 6-2 in sneakers! looked smaller a month ago,slighly under 6ft,but it was from a distance and maybe a slouch was in there.I though he was truly 6ft bare foot.but 6-1 might be true.I use to read 5-10 yeras ago.
Frank2 said on 21/Apr/06
Then I'm 6'2". Even nicer to know I gained three inches!
JoJo said on 20/Apr/06
In 1996, Bruce came in to record a voiceover at a recording studio where I was the assistant manager. I'm 5'11. I met him at the door. I was wearing 1 1/2" heels, so that would make me a little over 6 feet tall. The man towered over me as he shook my hand (and as my knees shook when meeting one my all time heartthrobs!). In the movies, he had always seemed to be no taller than 5'9" and somewhat stocky, but I can personally vouch, after that face-to-face encounter, that he's AT LEAST 6'2 and quite slender but muscular. Maybe he was wearing lifts or custom boots - who knows. Keep in mind, that in the first Die Hard movie, the bad guys were played by Germans and Scandinavians, and were much taller, thus making him seem smaller in comparison. In his first breakout TV role, he played opposite Cybil Shepard, who's at least 5'9. He had always been cast with tall people so you it was hard to get an idea of how tall he really is. Being a freakish tall chick all my life, and then having him look down at me - in heels! - was, all in all, a pleasant surprise!

Editor Rob
remember, his claim is 6ft 1...and sometimes as Glenn would back you up I'm sure, can look it...
Frank2 said on 15/Apr/06
Then I guess I'm 6'. Glad to know I gained an inch, thanks to you. At my age you start losing inches. (in height!)
Glenn said on 14/Apr/06
sorry chris.he looks 6 ft to me.everytime I see colin he looks 5-11 to me.
André said on 14/Apr/06
I suggest you people watch the season 1 episode o Fmiami Vice where Willis participates, he looks very tall compared with Dj and PMT. I had never seen MV before and I was already a big "Moonlighting" fan bit in Monnlighting he seemed tall but not very tall, it seemed the "goons" (Brian Thompson from "Cobra") were always much bigger but in MV he definitely seems very tall, he makes DJ and PMT look 5.9 and he looks 6.0 or 6.1 back in 1984.
Chris said on 13/Apr/06
Bruce Willis clearly looks taller than 5'10'' Colin Farrell.
Click Here
Frank2 said on 7/Apr/06
Not looking short in this photo:
Click Here
Frank2 said on 7/Apr/06
John Larroquette is 6'4". Willis is 5'11" so there would have been a five inch difference. That is, unless Willis wore big shoes.
In Armageddon, Willis is only two inches shorter than 6'2" Ben Afleck. Willis looked to have special boots that boosted him by a couple of inches. And he was a lot taller that Wilson and Buschemi. I just watched the film.
Alex said on 5/Apr/06
TNTinca, I think Willis was def 6'0 when he was younger and I agree hes about 5'11 today and thats it. If you compare his new movies to his older ones you can see hes a little shorter today.
TNTinCA said on 2/Apr/06
Saw a rerun of that movie Armageddon the other night. Willis was in numerous scenes with people like Steve Buschemi and Owen Wilson. He certainly didnt tower over these folks. Looked to be no more than an inch taller than Wilson.
Perhaps Willis was 6 foot in his prime. Although I actually think he was a tad under 6 foot and is closer to 5'11" nowadays.
Alex said on 1/Apr/06
Glenn, I believe Willis was 6'0 when he was younger but now is more 5'10-5'11.
Glenn said on 25/Mar/06
Bumped into Willis tonight again.twice in a getting shorter.looked 5-11.
Glenn said on 20/Mar/06
He always looked 6 to 6-2 to me in boots and I guess lifts.
Frank2 said on 19/Mar/06
I met Willis while I was working at Fox Studios. I'd say I met and spoke with him about 5 years ago. I also stood right next to him in the men's room at the Shrine Auditorium when we were both there for the Emmys. That was about eight years ago. Willis cracked a joke which at the time was very funny and unfortunately I can't repeat on this forum. I also saw him many times when he was co-starring with Cybill Shepherd in Moonlighting which was filmed on the Fox lot. Each time he looked a solid 5'11". And when I saw him at the Emmys as well as when I chatted with him at Fox he wasn't wearing any lifts or shoes with big heels. I believe I've already related on another celebs listing that he joked with me about his car which was a gorgeous classic Shelby Mustang as being the only thing that Demi Moore left him in their divorce settlement.
Brett said on 19/Mar/06
If Rebecca is 6'4", then Willis really cannot be anywhere near 6'0" tall, are you sure she is only 6'4"? my close friend whom I play rugby with is 198-99cm tall and my head ends inline with his eyes. Bruces head ends well below her eyeline and shes only 6'4", making him like 6 inches or more shorter then her atleast, so its impossible for him to be near 6'0", must be a man who likes to wear lifts.

Editor Rob
How tall are you?
From this interviewRebecca: I'm 6'4".
I've no idea about footwear, I tried to find bigger pic but couldn't, so if in heels he could still be strong 6ft? Although if you're that tall, are you gonna wear massive heels?
I just thought it was one of the few pics you'll see of bruce looking uncomfortably short next to a woman :=)
Height Tracker said on 17/Mar/06
When was it that you met Bruce? I'm not trying to say you're lying or anything, I'm just curious as to what year you talked to him in. I agree though; Willis is probably about 5'11" and he may have been around 6'0" as a young man.
Frank said on 16/Mar/06
Damon Wayans is at least 6'1" possibly 6'2". No way is Willis as tall without the aid of special height-increasing shoes. As I said earlier, he's my height or 5'11". I stood right next to him and at that time he was wearing shoes with low heels. We were discussing his absolutely cherry classic Shelby Mustang parked outside my office at Fox which he joked was the only thing Demi didn't take away from him during their divorce settlement.
Height Tracker said on 16/Mar/06
If you watch him in the Last Boy Scout, he looks very similiar in height to Damon Wayans. I'm not sure how tall Wayans is; I'm guessing he's in the 6'1"-6'2" range.
dmeyer said on 16/Mar/06
bruce realy looks 6'1" in movies like unbreakable he looks realy close to sam jacson height or armaggedon he looks 2 inhes taller than thornton he apears many times 6'1"
sal said on 3/Mar/06
as i said in a e-mail i sent,i was standing behine bruce willis and i am 6 foot. he is 2 to3 inches shorter than i am. no question.
Tubbs said on 2/Mar/06
Quote from the Big Issue Feb28-March6 2005..."His celebrity capital has faded a touch. He still looks good though. Six foot of Mr Hollywood greets me at the door of a metropolitan hotel room".....The talk of him being down at 5'7 has to be a joke surely.
Height Detective said on 27/Feb/06
Colin seems to wear Boots not all the time thats why he is so confusing , sometimes he looks tall and others short besides the same person!
Height Detective said on 27/Feb/06
Look at this photo
Cowboy boots you say ?
Sean said on 24/Feb/06
I just saw Bruce Willis from about 25 feet away and he looked taller than I am. I'm almost 6'2''. Then again, who knows what kind of shoes he was wearing. Either way he looked cool!
Anonymous said on 15/Feb/06
Those pics are on with Farrell and Willis, standing next to each other.
I do remember watching 'Moonlighting' and in one scene in one of the shows, Cybill Shepherd and Bruce Willis were both barefoot walking in the office, they were the exact same height!! if Cybill is 5'8 i am sure Bruce is 5'8 barefoot!!
He does wear cowboy boots, and most likely lifts, so making him about 5'11!!..with his slim build it can make him appear taller!
Height Tracker said on 14/Feb/06
KP and Karen, I have seen numerous pics with Farrel and Bruce. In each one, Willis is taller by about 1 or 2". I don't know where you're getting all these pictures and where you're getting 5'8" for his height, because that is ridiculous. Willis has never looked 5-8 in any of his movies, and his footwear is usually not chunky or lifted. I'd say he's about 5'11".
KP said on 14/Feb/06
There are several pics of Willis standing next to Colin Farrell and show them to be exactly the same height! bothe around 5-10 in cowboy boots!!....Willis is no more than 5-8!! (was described as being as short as 5-7 once!) would explain why some people think Farrell does look 5-8!
Both use enhanced footwear to increase their height!!
TJ said on 13/Feb/06
Anonymous. The top of Bruce's head is about level with her eyes - maybe just under. Have you ever heard of anyone who has a distance of 8-9 inches between their eyes and the top of their head??? She's about 5 inches taller.
Karen said on 13/Feb/06
The pic with Colin Farrell shows Bruce to be the same height as Colin!...they are both dressed in jeans, casual clothes and i think both are wearing cowboy boots to give them height! (pics are at That would make Bruce about 5'9.5 in boots!!
and there is a picture with Ashton Kutcher, the height difference is at least 5 inches or if not more height difference between Ashton and Bruce! what do you think Rob?....
Anonymous said on 11/Feb/06
i think the height difference is more like 8 - 9 inches!! between Willis and 6'4 Rebecca!!....i think she is probably wearing flats, especially at her height!!...This would make Bruce about 5'7 to 5'8!!
I do remember watching a film with Willis and Paul Newman (seen him at 5'6, 5'7 ) and Bruce was the same height, or a tad taller as/than Newman!!...don't remember the name of the film!!...probably wears lifts as well!!

Editor Rob
you're taking that a bit far ;-)
visually, and discounting any photographic effects, her head looks 1.15 times that of Willis.
CoolJ said on 10/Feb/06
Thanks to the longest head in terms of height that I have ever seen.. if she doesn't have heels on, she's got 7" on Willis.
Height Tracker said on 9/Feb/06
Do you think she is wearing heels in that picture?
Height Tracker said on 7/Feb/06
Yeah Rob; I could agree with the 6 ft. Actually, if you go to and type in Bruce Willis and Damien Fahey you'll be able to see the pics and see what I'm talking about. He also looked to be wearing normal trainers.
Height Tracker said on 6/Feb/06
Here is Bruce Willis on TRL with Damien Fahey. Everyone seems to agree that Fahey is about 6'2". And although Fahey isn't standing up totally straight, it is apparent from this photo that Willis looks no shorter than 5'11" next to him.

Editor Rob
the url was busted...but actually looks 6ft in the pics I think from memory
Anonymous said on 4/Feb/06
In The Whole Nine Yards he looked to be about 5`10.5"
goonie said on 20/Jan/06
Go back and watch an episode of Moonlighting. Pilot episode he is running around in "Burt Reynolds" high-heeled boots to make him seem much taller than Cybil Sheperd. Didn't really work. The boots are not normal cowboy/motorcycle boot heels. Paul Newman wore the same type in many movies. Burt Reynolds wore them in Gator, White Lightning and even in the working in the mud scene in the original Longest Yard. My estimation for Bruce....5'10" on a good day.
Height Tracker said on 19/Jan/06
That article from Enquirer is obviously made up.
Willis Fan said on 19/Jan/06
I remember reading an Enquirer magazine many years ago and the article was about how short men should that article, it listed Bruce as 5'7"...what do you guys think?
Height Tracker said on 18/Jan/06
I watched Pulp Fiction just recently. There was not one scene in the movie where Travolta and Willis stood up straight next to each other. Therefore, it would be very hard to say whether or not Travolta was taller than Willis.
Anonymous said on 18/Jan/06
John Travolta is six feet tall and Bruce was shorter than him in Pulp Fiction.
Height Tracker said on 17/Jan/06
I haven't seen the Whole Nine Yards in a while, but I do agree that in the second film Willis seemed to be shorter than Perry. Is it possible that he just lost some height over the years? If you look at the first two Die Hards and other films from his early career, Willis looks at least a solid 5'11" and possibly even 6'0".
TJ said on 17/Jan/06
Good pic heighttracker. Perry sure doesn't look taller than Bruce there, but I would say his stance is a little more relaxed - possibly aided by Bruce having his arm around him. But, in the two films, Perry is noticeably an inch or so taller in every scene and in many other pics I've seen. My guess is that Bruce is wearing lifts in that pic. It could be argued that Perry was wearing lifts in the two films, but if he was, I can't imagine him wearing them and Bruce not evening it up by doing the same. Can you?
dmeyer said on 17/Jan/06
enev thaugh i think willis is in the 182 184 cm range but i have a few friends that met him in canne and also in a bar on sunset and they both told me he is 5'10 at best
Anonymous said on 16/Jan/06
Willis was the same height, or shorter, than Paul Reiser(5.10) in an episode of Mad About You (the TV series) were Willis plays a mad man. Also Reiser was the same height or shorter than Eddie Murphy(5.10) in Beverly Hills Cop. So Bruce can,t be more than 5.10.
dmeyer said on 16/Jan/06
i agree with tj that perry always look taller than willis by 1 inch
TJ said on 15/Jan/06
Brett, how can you say Bruce is a little taller than Matthew Perry when in every scene in The Whole Nine Yards and every pic of them together Perry is taller than him?
Glenn said on 15/Jan/06
Ive seen him look 6 feet,6-1!
Jason said on 14/Jan/06
He's never looked tall to me. 5'10'' - 5'11'' I'd say.
Mike said on 13/Jan/06
When Bruce Willis was in Unbreakable, there was a clear shot of him standing from the floor up next to Samuel L Jackson who is 6'3" tall, Sam had at least five inches on Bruce. He can't be bigger than 5'10" max.
Brett said on 7/Dec/05
I think Bruce could be around 183-184cm, he is taller then supposed 6'1" Chris Tucker in the fifth element ( quite noticably too), and he is slightly taller then Matthew Perry, whom I have met ( who I say is around the 6'0" or 5'11.5" mark) , so I really do think he is a 6 footer?
dmeyer said on 2/Dec/05
i watched a lot o pics of bruce and i think his shoes are not suspicius

Editor Rob
I don't think he's any shorter than 182cm...but sometimes he can look taller...
Glenn said on 1/Dec/05
I met willis many times and he can lokk 6 feet or 6-1.serious.the guy can look tall.another lifts guy?
Height Tracker said on 1/Dec/05
Perry is definetely not 6'. He is a solid 5'11". Willis seems almost exactly the same height as him. I think the reason Perry looked taller in the Whole Ten Yards was because of lifts.
dmeyer said on 1/Dec/05
after watching getty images even that he looks the samme as perry you can tell that perry is 1 or 2 cm taller so i think you should upgreat perry to aleast 6'
Anonymous said on 1/Dec/05
Most People say 6 but he is really 5'11 1/2"
Joe said on 30/Nov/05
There is a shot within the first few min. of Sin City when Madsen and Willis are on the dock and it appears to me that Madsen has about four inches on Willis. It is kind of a long shot and Madsen is standing in back of Willis and he appeared to be about three to four inches taller.
dmeyer said on 30/Nov/05
after watching getty images of willis compare to jean reno who is around 6'2" bruce may steel be 6' nowadays
G said on 5/Nov/05
i have always thouht that bruce willis is 6'0 tall.But in this photo he is the same height with george w.bush.Can Bush be taller than willis?
funkymonk said on 9/Jun/05
In the film "12 angry monkeys" Willis looked about the same height or marginally shorter than Brad Pitt(listed as 5'11" here)
ojomle said on 29/May/05
a friend spotted him at sasafraz in toronto yesterday, bruce's height was around 5 ft 11.5'ish same height as my friend.. slighty shorter
Scott said on 22/May/05
Just watched the Fifth Element and he looked a solid 3-4 inches taller than the very attractive 5'9 Mila Jovovich ...
Anonymous said on 3/May/05
I think he is shorter. on hostage movie he was 15 cm taller than michelle horn who i think is 160 cm
dmeyer said on 20/Apr/05
from pictures i have seen from willis and fox who is 177 cm i met him on colateral he was wearing puma shoes so bruce willis is 183 185 cm taller than i thaught
JUSTMATT said on 20/Apr/05
My hairdresser that now works for italian television in the past worked in Los Angeles for a famous stars hairdresser. he told me that he did streakes to Brad Pitt for Legend of the fall so I asked him how tall Brad is. "He's taller than me, more or less 5 cm taller". Now my hairdresser is 183 cm so....Anyway than he told me that he was really disappointed when met Bruce Willis. "He's really short, is no more than 178 cm max!!". Now there's something wrong I think: or my dresser lies (and is possible!) or to me Brad and Bruce seems more or less the same height!
Big Dave said on 20/Apr/05
He certainly looks to be in the region of 180-183cm tall. It's very hard to pin him down exactly. In Die Hard 3 Bruce actually looked about 6'1 when compared to Samuel L Jackson. Jackson certainly wasn't more than 2.5 inches taller than Willis in that film. He also looked about 3cm taller than B.B Thornton in their to movies together. However, he doesn't appear to be any taller than 6ft Mathuew Perry in their movies together. I think that his 6'1 appearance in the past was down to his footwear. I think that he was 183cm in the past and about 180cm nowadays. He has definitely lost about an inch in height over the past few years.
Ricardo said on 3/Apr/05
Yeah i have a feeling bruce might have been around just under six feet in his prime years, but nowadays is probably around 5'10 1/2" if you watch ocean's twelve you'll realise he and matt damon come up close to the same height height.
Smoke said on 2/Apr/05
I definately don't know what the deal is with Hank's height, why can't people accept the fact that the guy is just not 5'11"? I'm not sure as to his footwear, but he's always looked a strong 6'1" to me. Willis is lucky if he's 181 cm, though he did look almost 3 inches taller than the supposedly 5'9" Monica Bellucci. Bellucci being listed at 5'10" is as funny as Willis listing himself at 6'1".
Anonymous said on 29/Mar/05
Bruce and Perry were about the same height in The Whole Nine Yards.Bruce just shrunk.
Big Dave said on 14/Mar/05
The editor is definitly right. I saw The Whole Ten Yards recently and Bruce looks and inch shorter than Perry.
m 605 said on 6/Mar/05
He's max. 178cm (5.10).
Palladium said on 3/Mar/05
Editor, I think you are right here. I didn't believe that he's 6ft. I had him at 5.10 or so.