Andrea said on 27/Aug/21
She claims 5'10:
Click Here

Editor Rob
Thanks for linking to it!
Tall Sam said on 11/May/20
I do think she can seem taller than this, if not over 5'10", she can seem comfortably over the 5'9" I believe.
In Silence of the Lambs, since she spends most of it in a dungeon well, it's hard to tell that she's tall.
ADStrings said on 12/Apr/09
Sara Ramirez is 5'9" exactly, and Brooke is 5'10 and 1/4.
Anonymous said on 25/Jul/08
her resume has her as 5'10.5! i think she should at least be upgraded an inch
SM said on 23/Mar/08
I would say she is somewhere between 5'8 and 5'9, cos when she played the medical examinar on Crossing Jordan you could see she was the same height as the actress playing Jordan herselv, and she is about 5'9! So I would say 5'9 tops for Brooke Smith!
Yaspaa said on 12/Jan/08
Looks taller than 5'8.5" Sara Ramirez in Greys Anatomy,I could buy 5'10.5
paleface said on 30/Nov/06
She towers over the women in the Grey's Anatomy cast, with the one exception of Kate Walsh. They look about the same height. I'd say she's closer to 5'9 than 5'7.
Adam said on 11/Nov/06
She towers over Chloe Sevigny and Radha Mitchell in Melinda and Melinda, and she towered over Kathryn Erbe in Criminal Intent.