How tall is Brock Lesnar - Page 4

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Average Guess (749 Votes)
6ft 2.23in (188.6cm)
randomdude200200 said on 11/Oct/19
point number 1.
Judging from this picture which you provided - Click Here . It looks like Lesnar clearly has the footwear advantage, you have to be blind to think otherwise from that photo.

point number 2.

Holly who is 6'1 (max) looks at most an inch shorter than Brock maybe less in the picture you provided, seems like you are the one who is making excuses ( Brock is not standing straight lol he clearly is ) - Click Here

point number 4.
Mark Henry's and Lesnar's in ring boots look similar to me.

no evidence you have provided proves to me that Brock is over 6'2 in the evening

also why is Brock a full inch shorter than 6'3 Wiz Khalifa? ( what excuse will you come up with this time ) facts.

just because you fail to convince me Brock is anything more than 6'2 at night doesn't mean you have to revert to insults. As mentioned Brock was measured at 6'2 3/8ths late morning height so by the end of the day he was probably down to 6'2. It's highly unlikely he didn't lose at least another 1/4 to 1/2 inch by the evening , use common sense.
Demon87 said on 11/Oct/19
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Lesnar Was taller.
This was the boots
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The footwear look almost identical for you? You are crazy 😂😂
Xpac99 said on 11/Oct/19
Is the same type of boots that cena and brock lesnar wore in the staredown. The same. even the design of the boots Is the same. The boot sole is the same.
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even a child could see it
Lesnar Was near 2 inches taller.
When brock face off Hardcore holly not standing straight in that moment and you took that picture to cheat.
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Lesnar was taller than 6ft2 again
I repeat you goldberg is listed 6ft2 by nfl and rob listed him 6ft2 1/2.
Nathan jones is listed in pride 6ft9 and rob listed him 6ft10.
Tyson fury was billed 6ft7 and rob give him a 6ft7 1/2 list
and you keep talking about Lesnar that even in his time the link wasn't sent about the misuration .
Mark Henry always wore big boots. In the pic i posted you can see clearly, but if you are not convinced look at other matches of that period. You are the only

start saying sane things and stop making excuses ;)
randomdude200200 said on 10/Oct/19

you like to mention footwear advantages a lot so I decided to take that into account so I could be as fair as possible,

The picture you posted below is nonsense , they are not the same wrestling low top sneakers Cena is wearing in the picture where I said Lesnar had the footwear advantage - Click Here - just look at the heels it's pretty obvious. so taking into account footwear Lesnar looks 1.25 - 1.5 inches taller than Cena

also the picture you posted with Vince looks about 1.5 inches in the difference but let's not forget that is not peak Vince, Vince probably had lost about an inch back then as he was pushing 60 years old. peak Vince would be in his 20's,30's and maybe 40's.

@demon87 the problem with the second picture which you posted is that Lesnar is slightly standing on one foot which will add a little bit of height, also the footwear looks almost identical to me, I would like to call on any other users on here to tell me their opinion on the apparent footwear advantage Henry has - Click Here. Many people who have met Mark Henry also argue he is under 6'2.

also yes Lesnar is 6'2.25 - he was measured at 6'2 3/8ths by the NFL combine, if we are going to go by late morning/early afternoon height he is indeed 6'2.25 . now if we are to go by evening height it is not physically possible Lesnar is 6'2.25 as he will lose some of that height throughout the day, so his night height is in and around the 6'2 mark in my opinion.

here is some counter proof to show you Lesnar is 6'2 but unlikely above it

here is Lesnar in 2003 with 6'0 - 6'1 (absolute max ) Hardcore Holly - Click Here
here is Lesnar with 5'11 - 6'0(max) Piers Morgan - Click Here - note Lesnar isn't standing fully straight here but neither is Piers
here is Lesnar with 6'3 Wiz Khalifa - Click Here

sorry but I can't see Lesnar being anything over 6'2 max at night.
juggernaut said on 10/Oct/19
viper said on 8/Oct/19
Lesnar probably measured 6-1 3/8
Lesnar being measured at this height is impossible, He cant be lower than a flat 6'2' at worst
Xpac99 said on 10/Oct/19
Yes lesnar was about 2 inches taller than cena in the same footwear. In another staredown i posted lesnar looks only 1,5 inch difference because he was in shoes, but in the same type of boots lesnar was about 2 inches taller or near that.
Rob an upgrade is necessary, today 188 cm is fair but not when he was young. He was taller than mark henry and he was 2 inches or near that taller than cena. He was even taller than triple h. you should have seen enough for an upgrade
Xpac99 said on 10/Oct/19
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Lesnar was in footwear advantage.. yes, but only for you 😂😂
Lesnar was 6ft2 1/4 and cena 6ft 1/2. and I can bring you any proof unlike you that say random things
Demon87 said on 10/Oct/19
I repeat you mark henry was in clearly footwear advantage and he was short than lesnar
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Lesnar was taller than 6ft2 listed henry.
juggernaut said on 10/Oct/19
Brock Lesnar is 6'2'25 he was never shorter than Dwayne Johnson than half an inch.. Same with Hogan at most Hogan would be 0.75 taller than Lesnar.. Lesnar is taller than Cena, Rollins, Triple H.. taller than Goldberg, mark Henry today..similar to Batista and Reigns
juggernaut said on 10/Oct/19
Xpac99 said on 9/Oct/19
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In my opinion lesnar was near 2 inches taller than cena
Yes, Lesnar looks 2 inches taller than Cena.. but I don't think there's much of a footwear advantage..
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Oct/19
Actually, standing only on one foot makes you a bit taller. Try measuring your height with both feet on the floor and then with one foot, and see the difference.
Xpac99 said on 9/Oct/19
Rob you said that hogan was an inch taller than brock back 2003, but i’m wrong hogan was taller than 6ft3 in 2003.
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With 6ft3 the rock he was taller.
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6ft3 peak height The rock he wasn’t 1 inch taller than lesnar. Do you agree?
Matthew86 said on 9/Oct/19
In this video with the 6’4 Randy Orton, for me there are 2” of difference between them
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Matthew86 said on 9/Oct/19
I think 188 cm is correct , if you take a look at the picture below, I think their height is very similar. Brock’s right foot doesn’t touch the ground. He stands on one feet. So he doesn’t have an advantage.
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Xpac99 said on 9/Oct/19
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And again it is hard to believe that lesnar was only 6ft2 if vince mccmahon peak height was 6ft1 1/2
Wrestling Fan said on 9/Oct/19
Can't see the footwear advantage in any of the pics.
Rob will never list a 6'4½" guy at 6'6".
The least I can argue for Gene is 6'5½" but no less than that.

Here's him with 6'3" Batista who's having footwear advantage
Scroll to 3:11 or 3:12
Click Here
Other than that here's him with Heidenreich who's exactly the same as Gene in height
Click Here
Or you can see this picture but Heidenreich is slouching a little bit here
Click Here
Now to see how tall is Heidenreich see this video
Here's him with the The Undertaker
Scroll to 3:48
Click Here

Here's Gene with 6'4" Goldust
Click Here
If they both stand straight Gene will be taller upto 2 inches

Gene claimed himself as 6'7" which is neither his billed height in any of the wrestling promotions he ever wrestled in nor it is an overexaggeration because no 6'4½" guy will ever ever claim himself to be 6'7" especially when its not his listed height.
randomdude200200 said on 9/Oct/19

Henry "clearly" did not have the footwear advantage in that video,both are wearing equally padded wrestling boots ( watch again )

@Xpac Lesnar has the footwear advantage no doubt in that picture but does look about 2 inches.
Xpac99 said on 9/Oct/19
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In my opinion lesnar was near 2 inches taller than cena
Demon87 said on 9/Oct/19
Mark henry was in clearly footwear advantage. Brock lesnar was taller, yes not by much but he was taller and Rob said in mark henry’s page that would be a surprise if he was only 187 cm.
the only surprise is lesnar 6ft2 if henry is 6ft2.
it does not make any sense
viper said on 8/Oct/19
Lesnar probably measured 6-1 3/8
viper said on 8/Oct/19
Also Reigns did measure at 6'2 5/8ths and Lesnar at 6'2 3/8ths,

Lol Lesnar did not measure that
viper said on 8/Oct/19
Max Starks is 6-7
randomdude200200 said on 8/Oct/19

but re watching the video, they look very similar in height. Lesnar may be a hair taller but barely.
randomdude200200 said on 8/Oct/19

yes slightly, I don't think Henry is a full 6'2 though to be honest.
Demon87 said on 8/Oct/19
I only have a question. In the pic i posted when lesnar confronts mark henry in 2002, lesnar was clearly taller.
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This is the video
•Why are both listed 6ft2???????????????
Xpac99 said on 8/Oct/19
If roman reigns is listed 6ft2 1/4 and the difference is about 1/8 of an inch, lesnar today in your opinion is 6ft2 1/8 following to the list made by Rob. If today they are very close, for sure back 2002,2003,2004 lesnar wasn’t short than today. He doesn’t drop much height, but a few mm at least. Do you agree with me if roman is listed 6ft2 1/4, lesnar could be considered 6ft2 1/4 back then
Sotiris Gravas said on 8/Oct/19
Gene Snitsky w/ maybe 6'4.5" (listed 6'5") Ben Roesthlisberger and listed 6'8" Max Starks:
Click Here

W/ listed 6'8" Dennis Kelly... Click Here

W/ listed 6'8" Jordan Mailata... Click Here

Snitsky (billed 6'8") was never 6'6".

Snitsky w/ Mick Foley (2016)... Click Here
6'5" Howard Stern w/ Foley... (2017) Click Here , (1999) Click Here
Foley/Regal (1993)... Click Here
Stern w/ 6'2" Eric Gordan and maybe 6'8" Ryan Anderson (2013)... Click Here
randomdude200200 said on 7/Oct/19

well then a lot of people must be gods lol.

None of those injuries you mentioned should prevent someone from standing up straight,and if so please explain the science of it to me , the only injury you mentioned that would have a small affect was the bruised pelvis but his combine measurement was 3-4 weeks (as far as I know ) before the accident and a bruise even a severe one would be healed by then. Again he was medically cleared by the NFL vikings doctors.

also if Lesnar could run a 40-yard dash in 4.7 seconds and couldn't even stand up straight that would be unbelievable hence I doubt it affected his measurement.

Also Reigns did measure at 6'2 5/8ths and Lesnar at 6'2 3/8ths, that is only 1/4 of an inch difference, a lot of factors affect this. Reigns could have possibly measured in at an earlier time than Lesnar or was out of bed less time than Brock giving a higher measure, 2/8ths of an inch is too insignificant to make a proper judgement on, many variables could be at play.

Lesnar and Reigns are very close in height, it's hard to say who is taller if I was to take a shot in the dark I would say Reigns is a fraction taller but a mere 1/8th of an inch at most.
Demon87 said on 7/Oct/19
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It’s hard to see orton 2 inches taller than the rock. 1 inch is fair
Xpac99 said on 7/Oct/19
Lesnar as tall as reigns or near that today. If reigns measured at nfl combine 6ft2 5/8 how do you think it was measured 6ft2 1/4 when he was young? Lesnar was measured after motorcycle crash. In the accident lesnar has reported: broken jaw, a broken left hand, a bruised pelvis and a severely pulled groin. If you meausure the same height after this, you are a god
Space said on 7/Oct/19
@ demen87

If rock was 6’3” for a low then Orton was like 6’5” in their stare down in 2004. Orton was never over 6’4” or even a complete 6’4”.. how could the Rock be 6’3”? lol
Wrestling Fan said on 7/Oct/19
There are some unlucky cases everywhere.
Even in NBA Durrant is given only 6'9" when in reality he must be given atleast 6'10"
Bob Sapp is pretty much over 6'4" but he was given 6'4" listing in nfl

Now let's talk the same in pro wrestling:-
1)Gene Snitsky who's around 6'6" was once given 6'4" billing in WWE.
Funny right?
Thank god he went to indies and got billed at 6'8"
2)Hardcore Holly who's pretty much 6'1" is given 6'0" billing in WWE.
3)Billy Gunn is about 6'4" got billed from 6'3" to only 6'4".
4)William Regal is 6'2" and got billed at only 6'2"
5)6'2" Mark Henry was for a while billed at only 6'1" by WWE
6)6'3" Mick Foley was billed at only 6'2" for his whole career

Roman is not at all taller than Lesnar and whoever says otherwise is wrong.
And guess what?
You'll never know it either!
Because you'll never see Reigns in Running Shoes inside the ring.Or you'll never see Lesnar wearing combat boots in the ring

Lesnar's boots:-
Click Here

Reigns's boots:-
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 6/Oct/19
That's obviously not a 2" difference between Lesnar and Cena. Accounting for footwear, it's 1.5" max.
randomdude200200 said on 6/Oct/19
@Xpac99 you agree with him because it's you haha, it's quite obvious :)

anyway Lesnar measured at 6'2 1/4 ( slightly over it) at his peak height at 27 years old, do you think you don't lose any height from the morning to the evening? doesn't seem impossible to me or science.

let's say Lesnar's measurement was a late morning height ( which the NFL combines measurements are ) he would have been measured at 11:00 am - 12:00 pm . so if we are going by evening height he would have lost at least another 1/4 inch by the evening, so lets say 8pm he would probably be down to around 6'2, as most people go by evening height that would make him 6'2.

If you are going to go by his late morning height/ early afternoon yes then he is 6'2 1/4 but Brock like every other human on the planet is susceptible to gravity.

Yes Lesnar was measured after a motorcycle crash but he was healed enough to do an NFL training camp so yes he was medically cleared, this does not take anything from his height, unless he had major spinal damage which he did not, it was more so a concussion. Again If he could get cleared medically to do training for an NFL combine he could stand up straight so that doesn't come into the equation in my opinion.
Xpac99 said on 6/Oct/19
By the way i repeat you i’m agree with demon. Goldberg was measured by nfl 6ft2 and listed by rob 6ft2 1/2, nathan jones was meausered in pride 6ft9 and listed by rob 6ft10. If the meausarament from nfl and K1 don’t lie, you should turn down Goldberg and do not talk about lesnar. If goldberg was meausered 6ft2 and listed 6ft2 1/2 I don't see the problem of putting lesnar 6ft2 1/4. Remember lesnar was measured after the motorcycle crash. Today as tall as roman reigns (nfl measurament: 6ft2 5/8) i doubt he was under 6ft2 1/4 in peak, indeed it seems impossible
Xpac99 said on 6/Oct/19
I don’t say that the difference between cena and lesnar was over 2 inches. I said was near 2 inches, maybe 1,75 inches. Remeber the sneakers give 2-3 cm, but the wrestling boots always give more. The distance between the eyes and the nose is about 5cm and lesnar and cena’s forehead is pretty much the same. Brock looked near 6ft2 1/2 but 6ft2 1/4 seems fair. it is impossible that if you ask rob he will only see 4 cm or even 3 cm. Rob don’t change the list because today 6ft2 is fair, but he knows that as a peak height he could list lesnar 6ft2 1/4 without problems
randomdude200200 said on 5/Oct/19
@Xpac99 No, Cena also seems to be wearing pretty flat wrestling boots much like the ones Lesnar wears today, he may have a slight footwear advantage yes but only slight maybe 1/8th - 1/4 of an inch, but I'm sorry that is no where near 2 inches in the difference, anyone with good common sense will tell you there is about 1.25 - 1.5 inches in the difference max

if it was over 2 inches it would be more significant than that. Also Lesnar looked at least an inch shorter than 6'3 Wiz Khalifa - Click Here

Also only looked 2cm max taller than 186cm Min Soo Kim - Click Here starting at 2:25

Lesnar is 6'2 I do believe that but he is 6'2 max evening height. Also the measurements from K1 and NFL don't lie
Roderick said on 5/Oct/19
He's starting to look 6'1" range a lot
Xpac99 said on 5/Oct/19
By the way cena didn’t look an inch short than lesnar. Cena with wrestling boots looked near 2 inches short and lesnar was in sneakers.
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Lesnar sometimes looks near 6ft2 1/2, but i definitly think 6ft2 1/4 was fair
Demon87 said on 5/Oct/19
Goldberg is one wrestler with permanently hunched posture. I can see why many folk have him at just over six two peak because most of the time he didn’t look near a full six three

Yes Rob i agree, but however looks taller than guy like triple h listed by you 6ft2.
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Lesnar always give a taller impression if you see the statedowns with goldberg. In every pic poster in this page lesnar edge out every superstar listed 6ft2, mark henry and triple h. it seems impossible with all the photos and videos sent that you have not put lesnar a touch over 6ft2. I can't find a superstar listed by you 6ft2 as tall as brock lesnar. I don't think it's a case
Demon87 said on 5/Oct/19
Sorry but i don’t know who is fred.. maybe this guy agrees with me.
If rock was 6ft2 1/2, lesnar was 6ft2... but the rock was 6ft3 in my opinion and rob listed him 6ft3, for this lesnar wasn’t a full inch shorter than rock. Max 2 cm. Lesnar peak height 6ft2 1/4 or 3/8.
randomdude20020 said on 4/Oct/19
@demon87 and @fred please choose one name and stick to it, it's kind of hard to reply to you under two different handles ( just a friendly tip ) using different names to post different pieces of evidence is pretty much similar to spamming, I'm sure Rob will agree.

thanks :)
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Oct/19
Lifts are seemingly only worn by very tall wrestlers, such as Kane, Undertaker, Big Show, and other guys that height. Sheamus may be the only exception. I can't see Lesnar, Goldberg or Bautista ever wearing lifts though.
Yuri99 said on 4/Oct/19
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The same footwear.. if lesnar stood straight, i didn’t see only 4 inches on kurt angle (5ft 10 peak height)
Space said on 4/Oct/19
Lesnar was shorter than 6’2.5” Rock in the early 2000s. 6’2” at the most for Lesnar is accurate.

Lesnar HHH Goldberg were 6’2” range at the most in the early 2000s. Rock was 6’2.5”. Orton was 6’3.75”.
Canson said on 4/Oct/19
@Christian: only thing is Reigns has thick hair which may have given him some boost. At times they can appear the same or maybe up to 1cm. My guess would be both would be 187cm range at lows and Rock 188. Rock and Reigns look the same at times
viper said on 3/Oct/19
Peak Rock looked shorter than 6-2.5 Eddie George.

Only in his wildest dreams was he ever 6-3 or even a crazier 6-3.5
viper said on 3/Oct/19
Everyone thought Shannon Sharpe was 6-2.

Until it was revealed he measured 6-1.
randomdude20020 said on 3/Oct/19
prime Brock was in and around 6'2 yes shade over it or shade under, but Brock still is close to his peak height imo,

also yes Christian that is right, legit 186cm Min Soo Kim he looked about 1 - 2cm taller.

it's hard to argue with a measurement and even though some don't believe it took place, it did ( it sucks that it's almost impossible to get a hold of ) Lesnar measured at 6'2 3/8ths at the combine and and probably lost another 1/4 to 1/2(most) inch going into the evening putting him around the 6'2 mark.

the pictures in the WWE are not great to go by,as Brock was billed as a monstrous heel and "the next big thing" at the time so I wouldn't be surprised if he was wearing huge lifts in his wrestling boots ( which many of the big stars do ) to maximise the portrayal of an unstoppable monster. Goldberg probably also got the same treatment and other stars like Kane,The Undertaker,Batista and Sheamus ( Sheamus and Kane are 100% confirmed )

of course these days I don't think Brock wears much lifts in his wrestling sneakers just by looking at them.

I remember in 2003 Lensar and Cena were both wearing pretty flat sneakers in one segment and Lesnar looked 1.5 inches at the absolute max over 6'0 1/2 John Cena.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 3/Oct/19
I'll say that the 6'2 3/8" lines up closer to Reigns' 6'2 5/8", since they're no more than 1/4" apart, and at times can they look the exact same.
fred rosser said on 3/Oct/19
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HHH then was 6'1.5. or probably 6'1.75. Brock here looks huge (massive long arms, big chest and big head). But here he looks taller than HHH. O don't know how tall Brock here is but he doesn't look less than 6'2 here.

I think this segment is from 2015 raw , I could be wrong.
Demon87 said on 3/Oct/19
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Vince macmahon peak height was 6ft1 1/2.. lesnar 6ft2 flat again is complitly ridicolous
fred rosser said on 3/Oct/19
My bro has measured many people, he's the best at measuring at height. Many people are shocked after he measures them. Some are shocked that their much shorter than what they thought they were. Some were shocked that they were taller than what they thought or even what we thought. Some people just look short but when they stand properly fully attached out and have perfect posture come out as taller than expected.

Yes. I remember, when in 2002 king of the ring - Brock stood face to face in front of Andrew Martin (aka Test) and both were around same age (Test is only two years older), test was 27 and Brock was 25 then. Test is a big dude a 6'5. Brock looked shorter but no less than 3 inches. That makes Brock at least 6'2 flat. He may have been anywhere from 6'2-6'2.5 (6'2 lowest figure, and 6'2 highest possible figure.). And wresting matches happen when during night.

And RVD is legit 5'11 , Rob (owner of this site ) had confirmed this. Preak rvd may have been 1/2 taller or even more. And I remember seeing Brock wrestling rvd in 2002 , he Def did not look 6'1, he looked 6'2 flat or taller (but not less than 6'2).

And that picture with the rock ws from 2002. I remember when rock and hh fueded with Rock, saw a couple of clips of him with rock in the ring in matches and segments he didn't look less than 6'2.
That picture below which Somone posted I saw that smackdown. The Rock was tilting his head up and even lifted his shoes on his tiptoe with one leg slightly ahead of the other leg. So the height difference looks even greater.

And dlo brown was 6'2 (in his prime at least if not now). Rob has met and dlo and put him at 6'2 (he has a big head). But back in mid to late 90's D'Lo brown next to the rock looked shorter. I don't how much shorter but no less than 1 inch , looked 1.5 inches taller than D'Lo. That puts prime young Rock at no less than 6'3 flat, so between 6'3 and 6'3.5 , but not under 6'3 flat.

Reigns was 6'2 5/8th in NFL I think. Brock didn't look shorter than Roman from wwe 2012 to now .

Brock lifted weights and trained like an animal since he was a kid, that probably combined with him doing pro wrestling (from 2000-2004) getting thrown around, slammed, doing shooting Star presses, having many injuries (broken ribs, blew his knee etc. In pro wrestling), terrible injury accident right before his NFL combine) and his old age knocked some height off him.

I don't know how tall Brock is now. But prime young Lesnar was no less 6'2 flat. Anything from 6'2 flat to 6'2.5 is my guess.

Here's Brock talk about pro wrestling :

Click Here
Demon87 said on 3/Oct/19
Ok Rob mark Henry is listed 6ft2.
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With hhh both 6ft2 range, but this is with lesnar
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And henry was in big boots.
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If you see this and don’t put lesnar over 6ft2, i don’t say anything, because it would be ridiculous to bring other evidence
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Oct/19
I remember seeing a clip where Lesnar looked no taller than his 186cm listed Korean opponent on K1 though. Best case Lesnar may have been 1cm taller, but the difference was very minimal.
Canson said on 2/Oct/19
@Christian: so we’re back to square 1 probably. Even after all of that there is still no proof that he measured 6’2 3/8”. I saw 6’2.25 once too
Canson said on 2/Oct/19
randomdude20020 said on 1/Oct/19

the measurement was taken and the full details of his combine including all his measurement and numbers were posted on pro wrestling insider( which the page has been taken down ) by Dave Meltzer, who is one of the leading journalists not just in pro wrestling but in all of combat sports, Brock was measured at 6'2 3/8ths , he was also listed as 6'2 by K1 in his MMA debut, K1 generally are more accurate and don't fudge or inflate their fighters stats as much as the UFC is known to do. so he was probably measured at 6'2 by the K1 or slightly above it and was rounded down to 6'2. Brock in my opinion is 6'2 in the evening or maybe 6'1.75 at his lowest.
Editor Rob

On June 10th he did a Tryout/Workout for the Vikings.

He ran 4.75 second 40 yard dash. I haven't yet seen any specific mention of a measurement, but the fact the Vikings put him at 6ft 2 rather than 6ft 3 does lend some credence to the idea he was measured, but it would have been under 6ft 2.5.

If he got 6ft 2.5 or over he'd have been down as 6ft 3...

@Rob: that’s true for most but not all. Some players do get rounded down. An example is Matt Schaub. 6’5 5/8 is his supposed measurement and he’s listed 6’5”. Then you have Mike Glennon 6’7 1/8 is his supposed and he’s listed 6’6”. He’s probably more 6’6.5 range tho at a low which is why he did that. But then you get players who measure 6’2.25 and get 6’3” listings
Editor Rob
In Brock's case, given he has claimed 6ft 3 I'm sure he'd have insisted...I also saw some articles describing him as a 'shade over' 6ft 3...I've no idea how that originated, maybe the journalist was given it, but it surely wasn't a measurement.
Xpac99 said on 2/Oct/19
with all due respect, if you see an inch between hogan and lesnar is the smallest 1 inch i ever seen
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randomdude20020 said on 2/Oct/19
xpac99 and heightpic, clearly the same guy judging by your typing and spelling and grammar, so please pick one name and stick with it.
randomdude20020 said on 2/Oct/19

to the contrary actually, I'm advocating that Brock is quite a strong 6'2 and possibly holds 6'2 by the evening, some people on here are estimating him at 6'1 which I don't agree with. I'm just working with the facts and evidence I'm giving, if anything it seems like you are over estimating his height with the evidence pointing in my favour.

If you would have read carefully. I did say that the picture is a bad picture because Hogan is closer to the camera hence giving Hogan the advantage but to say Lesnar looks identical in height to Hogan in that picture is outright ludicrous, Hogan was clearly an inch taller( again not a great picture to go by ) plus Hogan was not in a good posture. Also the picture you showed with peak HHH and peak Lesnar, HHH looks slightly taller in that picture also.

If you know anything about height, you should know you are about 2-3 cm taller in the morning than you are in the evening, the NFL combine measures their athletes in the late morning meaning Brock did measure at 6'2 3/8ths. After a couple of hours out, by the evening time he would have probably( approx 95% chance ) lost any where from another 1/2 to possibly more, putting him at 6'2 evening height ( I'm not ruling out 6'1.75 on a very bad day, at an absolute low)

all the proof is not pointing toward Lesnar being over 6'2 evening height just by his measurement it proves he is likely 6'2 at night.

note* Lesnar is still at his peak height in my opinion, possibly could have lost a couple of mm but he seems to still be a solid 6'2 today, while other guys who are older such as Goldberg Triple H and Batista have certainly lost some height, Lesnar today is taller than HHH and Goldberg.

Reigns is also in the 6'2 range, probably a couple mm taller than Brock but there is very little in it, I would put Reigns at a fraction over 6'2 night height and I mean a fraction maybe 1/8th.
Xpac99 said on 2/Oct/19
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Demon87 said on 2/Oct/19
Nathan jones was listes 6ft9 by k1 but Rob listed him 6ft10. Even goldberg was listed 6ft2 by the nfl expansion but rob listed him 6ft2 1/2. it depends on what he did during the day, from what he rested and other 1000 consideration. it does not mean anything.
Rob i have a question. where did you see goldberg taller than lesnar by 1/2 an inch?
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Editor Rob

Goldberg is one wrestler with permanently hunched posture. I can see why many folk have him at just over six two peak because most of the time he didn’t look near a full six three
Heightpic said on 2/Oct/19
Another proof is when he had a staredown vs wrester test. Test was a legit 6ft5, taller than randy orton and the same height of jbl..
Click Here
Brock lesnar looks over 2 inches shorter, but not a full 3 inches shorter. Maybe 2 1/2 inches or 3/4 max. Lesnar even in my opinion 6ft2 flat was too short at peak.. Rob upgrade lesnar peak height
Xpac99 said on 2/Oct/19
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This is the position when lesnar face off hogan in 2002. Hogan in this position is 6ft3 the same as the rock, not complitly straight but hogan in 2000’s always had this posture, otherwise he was taller than 6ft3. Rob you have all the proofs that lesnar was more than 6ft2 peak height. Could you put a peak height? Today looks as tall as roman reigns (6ft2 5/8 measurament) listed 6ft2 1/4 and lesnar over 10 years of fighting, inevitably lost a fraction
randomdude20020 said on 1/Oct/19

the measurement was taken and the full details of his combine including all his measurement and numbers were posted on pro wrestling insider( which the page has been taken down ) by Dave Meltzer, who is one of the leading journalists not just in pro wrestling but in all of combat sports, Brock was measured at 6'2 3/8ths , he was also listed as 6'2 by K1 in his MMA debut, K1 generally are more accurate and don't fudge or inflate their fighters stats as much as the UFC is known to do. so he was probably measured at 6'2 by the K1 or slightly above it and was rounded down to 6'2. Brock in my opinion is 6'2 in the evening or maybe 6'1.75 at his lowest.
Editor Rob

On June 10th he did a Tryout/Workout for the Vikings.

He ran 4.75 second 40 yard dash. I haven't yet seen any specific mention of a measurement, but the fact the Vikings put him at 6ft 2 rather than 6ft 3 does lend some credence to the idea he was measured, but it would have been under 6ft 2.5.

If he got 6ft 2.5 or over he'd have been down as 6ft 3...
Xpac99 said on 1/Oct/19
You constantly downgrade lesnar without reasons and proof. Lesnar was over 6ft2 in prime. Legit 6ft2 like triple h, mark henry looked shorter than lesnar. With 6ft3 guy doesn’t look an inch shorter. you don't know how to judge heights, even rob paul said lesnar and hogan was close in height in the pic and you is the only one who sees more than an inch. Every pic has a problem for you. Lesnar was over 6ft2 peak height like it or not. bring evidence that he is 6ft2 flat or shut up,thanks.
fred rosser said on 1/Oct/19
@Xpac1999. That picture with Lesnar in front of hogan is NOT from 2003, that picture is from 2002 smackdown.

So Lesnar is standing in front of a 2002 hulk Hogan.
Demon87 said on 1/Oct/19
I strongly believe he was taller than a legit 6ft2 guy like triple h. 6ft2 is correct today, but peak height is too low
Click Here
fred rosser said on 1/Oct/19
@Xpac1999. That picture with Lesnar in front of hogan is NOT from 2003, that picture is from 2002 smackdown.

So Lesnar is standing in front of a 2002 hulk Hogan.
randomdude20020 said on 1/Oct/19
@xpac99 again not a great image to go by as Hogan looks slightly closer to the camera , as I said hard to judge by the angles but Hogan looks over an inch taller( where the top of the heads meet ), Lesnar eyes and shoulders are above Hogans eyes and shoulders making him look similar in height, but Hogans forehead is much longer than Brocks, also Hogan doesn't appear to be standing with great posture.
Xpac99 said on 1/Oct/19
Click Here
Click Here
Even with rock and edge (both 6ft3) he doesn’t looks an inch short guy... maybe 2 cm shorter but not much in my opinion.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 1/Oct/19
Where's the proof that he measured 6'2 3/8"?
Xpac99 said on 1/Oct/19
Click Here
This is right before the staredown i posted. Yes both was in identical posture. Hogan in this position as tall as the rock (6ft 3). Ok he doesn’t was in straight legs but in 2000’s hogan was 6ft 3 in this position, otherwise he would have been taller. Even lesnar wasn’t in perfect straight legs. I think 1 inch is too much.. Rob what do you think
Editor Rob
I can't see Hogan any less than an inch taller
Canson said on 30/Sep/19
No one knows the measurement is valid but he was only listed at 6’2” in the NFL so he’s not taller than that. If anything he’s less
Canson said on 30/Sep/19
@Randomdude20020: that’s about how I am. Lose half inch in 2 hours and 3/4” to 2cm in a full day for my normal low and on a rare occasion extreme low is 1” below
viper said on 30/Sep/19
Lesnar measured 6-1.

I have just as much proof as the people who say he measured 6-2
randomdude20020 said on 30/Sep/19

that is correct Lesnar was involved in a motorcycle crash ( Harley I think ) the month before he was due for the combine, he did have multiple injuries including fractures but this wouldn't have affected his height, although not 100%,he was still healed enough and given medical clearance by the doctors so he probably wasn't back to his full strength but wouldn't really have made him lose any height.

and that is also correct he measured just over 6'2 1/4 or 6'2 and 3/8ths by the combine but at the end of the day he probably would have dropped to 6'2 or just slightly below 6'2

Brock probably wakes up in the 6'2 1/2 - 3/4s range but by night he probably drops to 6'1.75 - 6'2
Xpac99 said on 30/Sep/19
Click Here
Rob nothing to say when lesnar confronts hogan back 2003? Hogan (6ft 3)standing straight and lesnar doesn’t look much shorter
Editor Rob
They don't look far apart that moment, whether both are identical posture is unknown.
randomdude20020 said on 30/Sep/19

prime Lesnar measured at 6'2 1/4 late morning so, no prime Lesnar was never 6'2 1/2

prime Lesnar was 6'2 and in my opinion is still 6'2, I personally don't think he has lost any height, he looks just as tall today as he did 10+ years ago.


for me I wake up at about 6'1, 2 hours out of bed I lose almost half an inch down to 6'0 1/2, and by night I'm 6'0 to 6'0 1/4 - depending on how much activity I do throughout the day ( how much stress I've put on my spine ) but I lose around or very close to a full inch on a busy day ( I have a very long torso though which is why I may lose more than the average person :/ )
Demon87 said on 30/Sep/19
Triple h looked shorter than lesnar in the pic, even when both face off the rock. Lesnar was close to goldberg than other 6ft2 guy did. Today 6ft2 is ok, he isn’t taller than that and he isn’t shorter than that.. today he is very close to roman (6ft2 5/8 at nfl combine) listed 6ft2 1/4. sometimes looks exactly the same height.
Click Here
from this you understand that lesnar could not be measured 6ft2 1/4 by the nfl when he was young and second back 2000’s lesnar at 6ft2 1/4 or over that was very possible range. I think is arguable for young lesnar I'd like to know rob what he thinks
viper said on 30/Sep/19
I'm willing to pay money to anyone who can show he got measured at 6-2 at this point
fred rosser said on 29/Sep/19
@ ROB. PLEASE add Nate Diaz to your website. He deserves it. ufc say he's 6ft. absolute certain he's no less than 6ft. he can look 6'1. he might be one of those few examples where he's downgraded.
fred rosser said on 29/Sep/19
young prime Brock, low - 188.5-189cm
now - 188
Brock was 6'2 3/8 in nfl. he also had a terrible accident injury right before his combine.
sometimes a person can look short (there are many different factors), but once measures he can come out taller than expected.

The Man is strong af, has massive hands, long arms (81 inch wingspan). had he started mma since he was a kid or teenager or even right after college, didn't have terrible stomach disease that nearly killed him (he had three surgeries while in ufc), had world class trainers - he would have been much better.

he could do shooting star presses when he was young and he was 300 lbs! He's also very fast for his size. My Favorite fighter is Nate Diaz. Nate is underrated. He is real
fred rosser said on 29/Sep/19
young prime Brock - 6'2 1/4-1/2 at low fully stretched out.
now - 6'2
fred rosser said on 29/Sep/19
6'2 now
prime young lesnar at low - 6'2 1/4-1/2 fully stretched out
Canson said on 29/Sep/19
@Randomdude2020: people don’t lose 1/2” from late morning to early afternoon. Maybe 1/8” or max 1/4” but Lesnar measures that at the combine it’s likely about an hour after waking meaning 6’1 3/4” would be afternoon and lunchtime 6’1 7/8 or 6’2 tops. Usually it’s the heavier or more active guys who lose more after they have been awake 5 hours (assuming normal activity for those first 5 hours and not less than normal). If less than normal that may be a precursor for losing more after lunch. I know in my case if I measure after 5 hours I tend to lose 2-3 mm more for the day or if I hit the gym or am on my feet maybe another 1-2mm. I’m not on my feet the entire day but for good parts I am as I walk some in my profession being a Facilities and Ground Director
Yuri99 said on 29/Sep/19
We don’t know the nfl measurament. No one reports it. even big rob said that he hasn’t seen any newspaper mention of it. in the past a guy said this news but anybody seen this article. So you keep making mistakes, this thing is wrong
randomdude20020 said on 29/Sep/19

but peak Triple H actually looks taller in that picture? so if Triple H is 6'2 peak how would Lesnar be over 6'2 peak?

also with the picture of Rock and Brock 6'2 1/2 - 6'3 peak Rock visibly looks an inch or very close to it taller than Brock.
randomdude20020 said on 29/Sep/19
@yuri99 I agree he is 6'2 1/4 late morning/early afternoon height, but if we are going by evening height ( which most people consider your true height) he is not 6'2 1/4, he is in the 6'1.75 - 6'2 range , if he is 6'2 1/4 late morning it's extremely unlikely that he is 6'2 1/4 in the evening.
Heightpic said on 29/Sep/19
Today he looks 6ft2 but is very close to 6ft2 1/4 roman. Still looks a legit 6ft2. I have a question that nobody asked you.. back 2002/2003 when he was young in your opinion it was arguable 6ft2 1/4 or even 6ft2 1/2 (6ft2 - 6ft2 1/2 range) or this guy never looks over 6ft2 ?
I think it's an interesting question, I hope you can answer me
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 28/Sep/19
I don't get why some people are trying to diminish the difference in that pic between Lesnar and Gunn. Worst case it looks 2.5" visually.
Yuri99 said on 28/Sep/19
I don’t say that lesnar is taller than goldberg, i said lesnar was 6ft2 1/4 in my opinion and goldberg 6ft 2 1/2. Lesnar was close to goldberg than others legit 6ft2 did (ex. Triple h)
Click Here
6ft2 1/4 isn’t a bad listing for sure
Demon87 said on 28/Sep/19
Click Here
Click Here
With 6ft2 peak triple h... i think he looks slighty taller than 6ft2 in prime
Randomdude2020 said on 27/Sep/19
@Yuri99 also that is a horrible image to go by, Lesnar is again closer to the camera

here is a better angle when both mean are same distance from the camera and nose to nose - Click Here -starting from 7:32

Goldberg was clearly the taller of the two back then.
Randomdude2020 said on 27/Sep/19
@Yuri99 who I also think is xpac99

if you look at the wrestlemania 20 staredown between Brock and Goldberg, Goldberg was about a 1/2 inch taller, the latest staredown Lesnar looked a hair taller.

Lesnar was at his peak height when he was measured by the NFL, he was only 27. and if he was 6'2 1/4 in the morning it's extremely unlikely he was that at night so no I don't think 6'2 1/4 at night is possible for him in his peak. but if you go by morning to early afternoon height yes 6'2 1/4 is very possible and likely as reflected by his measurement.
Yuri99 said on 27/Sep/19
Brock lesnar can looks 6ft2 1/4. Triple h in prime was a legit 6ft2 but i think if lesnar and triple h were face to face, lesnar was taller..
Click Here
Click Here
You said in the past that lesnar and goldberg were about the same height like 189 cm. Goldberg at 6ft2 1/2 is ok, but don’t you think that lesnar was 6ft2 1/4? An upgrade is possible or 188 is ok in your opinion?
Xpac99 said on 26/Sep/19
Click Here
How is the difference in this staredown?
Demon87 said on 25/Sep/19
In my personal opinion he was 6ft2 1/4 in peak height. Today looks about the same height of roman, and when he was young looks about 2 cm on vince (6ft1 1/2 peak height)
Click Here
Can you see lesnar at 6ft2 1/4?
Space said on 24/Sep/19
Peak height for Lesnar could have been 6’2.25”-6’1.5” range is what the nfl was saying back then. However I think he was 6’1.75”-6’1.25” back then. And more 6’1.5”-6’1” today.
Demon87 said on 24/Sep/19
Rob he really measured 6ft2 1/4 by the nfl combine? Because everyone said that, but You don’t mention... in my opinion he looks 6ft2 1/4 in prime
Editor Rob
I haven't seen any newspaper mention of it yet.
Xpac99 said on 24/Sep/19
Sorry but the guy with rob have 3 inches on him.. why did you see 3 inches on lesnar by gunn?
Click Here
Xpac99 said on 24/Sep/19
Click Here
How tall is lesnar next to cena
Roderick said on 23/Sep/19
It is SAID (Said means that that's what people say, not from me, take notes specific posters...) that Lesnar measured 6'2.25" in the NFL. So if that was in the morning, wouldn't that mean Lesnar is max 6'1.75"?
Space said on 23/Sep/19
I think the picture with 6’3.5” Bill Gunn just adds to the point that Lesnar Reigns Rock Batista are all somewhere in the 6’1.75”-6’0.75” range for a low.
Randomdude2020 said on 23/Sep/19

clearly looks like 3 inches to me, but not a great picture to go by as both men are not side by side and Lesnar is not standing straight, also we can't tell what footwear they have on,

but it clearly looks like 3 inches
viper said on 22/Sep/19
Lesnar was never measured.

Nobody can show any proof.

Most fakest of fake news
Xpac99 said on 22/Sep/19
Why did you see 3 inches on lesnar by gunn? I see 2 inches not much, maybe even less in the pic. 3 inches is complitly ridiculos based on the pic
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Sep/19
Canson said on 21/Sep/19
@Creeper: Christian didn’t say that. He said that he “looks 6’1” if Gunn is really 6’4” and that’s based off that picture he’s referring to. As for Lesnar, I do agree under 6’1” is crazy but anything over 6’2” also is. Some guys that have met him in person here on this site have said he looked 6’1” range in person
Randomdude2020 said on 21/Sep/19
@Johan also that picture with Lesnar and Overeem is not a good basis to go by, Lesnar is much closer to the camera than Overeem which will give a taller illusion, the weigh ins had a better one, Overeem was standing flat footed and Lesnar was posting on one foot ( which gives about 1/2 inch) and Overeem still edged him. Cain and Brock seem to be about the same distance to the camera so that is probably a better one to go by( but still not great as one could still closer )
Randomdude2020 said on 21/Sep/19
@creeper Lesnar was measured at 6'2 1/4 by the NFL and is probably 6'1.75 (lowest ) - 6'2 at night

Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Sep/19
Lol, when did I ever say that Lesnar's only 6'0.5"? I only said that he can LOOK 6'0.5" in the pic with Billy Gunn, assuming Gunn's 6'3.5", since there's a 3 inch difference in the pic. Pay attention to my comment and try not to jump to conclusions.

@Wrestling Fan
True, but the difference shouldn't be looking that big, regardless. No way should Lesnar be looking 3" shorter than Gunn.
Josue said on 19/Sep/19
Click Here
Not shorter than 6'2 3/4 Overeem but looks 6'2" next to former ufc heavyweight champ Cain Velazquez listed at 6'1".
Wrestling Fan said on 18/Sep/19
@Christian 6'5⅜"
That picture of Brock with Billy is ambiguous
We can't see their footwears.
Creeper said on 18/Sep/19
Christian lmao 6'0.5 dude no offense but that's the worse guess on here nothing personal or anything but dude Lesnar with good posture is minimum 6'2 there is not a chance hes under 6'1 literally zero he had minimum 1 inch on Seth Rollins more like 1.5 which would mean Rollins is 5'11 lmao dude cmon you are better than this
edwards said on 18/Sep/19

i agre with everythings you said
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 16/Sep/19
Then please show us a pic or a clip where Rollins is an inch taller.

No way it's only 1.5", it's 2.5" at the very least. Gunn's leaning in.
edwards said on 15/Sep/19

dude,i agree with you.
Wrestling Fan said on 15/Sep/19
Post one picture or video with straight camera angle and clear all the doubts
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Sep/19
I agree, anywhere between 6'1"-6'1.5" for Goldberg today.
Roderick said on 14/Sep/19
@Christian That does not look like a 3" difference to me. Camera angle to Billy. I see a 1.5" difference there. It looks like 6'3.5" vs 6'2"
Riccardo 5'7" said on 14/Sep/19

I think that Gunn is shorter than 6'4" and if Lesnar would stand more closer to the camera, side by side with Gunn, he would look 6'1.5 in my opinion wich I believe is his height. Gunn in my opinion is less than 2 inches taller.
juggernaut said on 14/Sep/19
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Sep/19
Lol, Rollins isn't nowhere near a full inch taller than Cena. It's more like 1/2".
I've seen them face off multiple times and I thought they were an inch apart..I can't see Rollins anything below 6'1'
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Sep/19
Looks around 6'1" next to 6'4" listed Billy Gunn for some odd reason. Click Here If Gunn's 6'3.5", that makes Lesnar look only 6'0.5"
Roderick said on 12/Sep/19
@Christian I think Goldberg is max 6'1.5" now, definitely not 6'2" anymore. He might just be 6'1" now.
Xpac99 said on 11/Sep/19
Goldberg was list at 6ft2 andai think he looks 6ft2 the same of lesnar. But if you see the footwear i think goldberg is in footwear advantage.. Goldberg at 6ft1 3/4 seems very possible
Click Here
miko said on 4/Sep/19
I'd certainly be surprised if Reigns was anything under 6'2

Its about half an inch between Rollins & Cena although Rollins has fantastic posture.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Sep/19
Lol, Rollins isn't nowhere near a full inch taller than Cena. It's more like 1/2".
edwards said on 3/Sep/19
still looks 6'2 with good posture.he maybe187 or 187.5 at worst.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Sep/19
What about 6'1.75" for Reigns? I can see him being that but no less.
juggernaut said on 2/Sep/19
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 29/Aug/19
I've never seen Rollins being any taller than Lashley, and Lashley doesn't even look a full 6'1" next to Rob mind you. Rollins edged Cena but Cena's more 6'0".
I saw Lashley and Rollins in a face off and Rollins clearly had the edge.. Lashley would be close to 6'1' though but not 6'1', Rollins is an inch taller than Cena no doubt.. an inch shorter than Lesnar again who I've at a solid 6'2'1/4
Roderick said on 2/Sep/19
@miko He is not over 6'2". I personally have him at a max height of 6'2" with a good chance of 6'1.75".

@Vegas Goldberg looks almost as tall as Roman and his posture is horrible there. He looks 6'1"-6-1.5" nowadays
Roderick said on 2/Sep/19
@Wrestling Fan Dude I've posted something like that before and dude I completely agree. But remember not every wrestler claims their billed height. Kane claims 6'8", Daniel Bryan claims 5'8", John Cena claims 6'0", etc.

I think John Cena is the only 100% honest wrestler.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Sep/19
I agree, 6'1" is too low. Worst case for him is 187 but I put him at around 187.5
miko said on 1/Sep/19
We all know Reigns is 6'2 or over but as certain posters need to downgrade others (not sure if its an inferiority complex) it wouldn't add up for them.
Vegas' said on 1/Sep/19
Considering Reigns consistently has mainevented Raw at 11pm and mainevented Wrestlemania 33 which finished after 12am he should be at his low quite often on TV.

If low is 6'1 like Space claims then a guy like Goldberg is how short these days? Click Here
Wrestling Fan said on 31/Aug/19
I don't really understand that why people behave so immature when a professional wrestler is given a height more than his real height.

Professional Wrestling revolves around kayfabe and characterisation.

That's what happens in pro wrestling business.
Pro-Wrestlers have to claim their listed attributes to be real otherwise the business will get exposed and they are not supposed to let that happen.
They are not supposed to kill kayfabe in the public like "Hey My Name is not HHH,actually my name is Paul Levesque and I was never 6'4",I'm barely 6'2" "
Do you really expect a pro-wrestler to be that way?

I frequently see people here writing down comments like "LOL,this wrestler claims to be 6'2" when he's only 6'0" " or "It's a shame that this fellow 6'2" wrestler claims himself to be 6'4" and giving legit 6'4" guys a bad name".Comments like these are nothing but utter nonsense and stupidity.Because when you already know that how pro-wrestling works then why have to write such comments?
randomdude20019 said on 31/Aug/19

he is saying at a low, but to be honest 6'1 for Lesnar at night height is too low in my opinion, he measured at 6'2 1/4 by the NFL note this is probably a late morning height, so I could buy Lesnar dropping to 6'1.75 by the end of the day on a busy day at an absolute low. I think Lesnar's night height is between 6'1.75 - 6'2
Hooter said on 31/Aug/19
Tazz once wrote that Brock was 6-5 in wwe magazine. When he debuted he was mentioned as 6-3 and 6-3.5 by JR. He later was consistently billed as 6-4 and then 6-3 when returned in 2012 which was what he was billed in the UFC. He was listed as 6-2 during his short time in the NFL and when he made his MMA debut. Back during his first stint in wwe I thought he was really 186cm or a strong 6-1
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 30/Aug/19
How can they only be 6'1" when they measured over 6'2" in football?
Space said on 30/Aug/19
@ jack

No I don’t think lesnar and reigns dip to 184cm that’s under 6’0.5”... I believe they are legit 6’1” for a low.
Johan 185 cm said on 30/Aug/19
Hopping hopper said on 30/Aug/19
Billed at 6-5 at one point hahaha


When was that? I always remember him getting billed 6'4" or even 6'3" in WWE
Hopping hopper said on 30/Aug/19
Billed at 6-5 at one point hahaha
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 29/Aug/19
I've never seen Rollins being any taller than Lashley, and Lashley doesn't even look a full 6'1" next to Rob mind you. Rollins edged Cena but Cena's more 6'0".
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 28/Aug/19
If Reigns and Lesnar are only 6'1"-6'1 5/8" range, then their respective 6'2 5/8" and 6'2.25" football measurements would have to been errors.
Jack strong 175cm said on 28/Aug/19
Today 184 185cm
juggernaut said on 27/Aug/19
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Aug/19
Seth is said to be 6'1" by who? I don't think he's quite a solid 6'1", as he's more than just an inch shorter than 6'2" Roman Reigns. More like a 1.5" difference.
Rollins is 6'1' there is no doubt.. he is even listed the same here, dude is taller than Lashley and Cena by atleast half an inch..
miko said on 27/Aug/19
My personal view on some of these guys (I've met/seen a few in recent years). I'll put a star by the ones I've seen up close at some point.

Orton: 6'4/6'4.25 *
Jinder Mahal: 6'3.5 *
Cesaro: 6'3.5 *
Rock: 6'3 peak, (6'2.5 today)
Batista: 6'2.75 peak (6'2.5 today)
Goldberg: 6'2.5 peak (6'1.75 today)
Sheamus: 6'2.5 (big boots so looked 6'3.5) *
Roman Reigns: 6'2-6'2.25 *
Brock Lesnar: 6'2
Triple H: 6'2 peak (6'1.5/6'1.75 today)
Shane McMahon: 6'1/6'1.25
Ryback: 6'1 *
Rollins: 6'1 *
Dean Ambrose: 6'0.75 *
Cena: 6'0.5 *
Miz: 6'0 *
CM Punk: 5'11.75 *

I'm 6'0.25 and wear 1.25' Nike Shox, so a pretty useful height to judge the guys I've seen up close, luckily most I've met have been around my height, although I could be out on some of them as you never know what could be inside someones boots, Sheamus is the only one I've seen in bulky footwear.
Space said on 27/Aug/19
6’1 5/8 - 6’1” range for Lesnar and Reigns is more like it.
Johan 185 cm said on 27/Aug/19
If he is under 6'2" then its a fraction at most 6'1.75" at a low.

I have met Alistair Overeem in person and he was his 190 claim just under 6'3". Brock held up well next to him in their staredown .
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 26/Aug/19
Maybe, but losing 3/4" from a combine measurement is rarer than the typical 3/8" or 1/2". I can see a 3/4" loss in tall guys with long spines. Here's my theory, if you lose a full inch throughout the day, then you can potentially measure 3/4" higher than your low. If you lose only 3/4" like the average guy, then 1/2" or 3/8" is more probable.
Creeper said on 25/Aug/19
Ya same i doubt 6'1 but 6'2 is his height
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Aug/19
Any idea on how tall Goldberg is today? I have him at 6'1.25" like HHH.
Canson said on 25/Aug/19
I agree with Roderick and Christian both

@Christian: 6’1.5” is possible for him if he measured 6’2.25 in the early morning. Assuming maybe it was not a full 1/4” over 6’2 and was rounded up, and considering that some players do lose 3/4” from their combine height to afternoon
Wrestling Fan said on 25/Aug/19
@Christian 6'5⅜"
My Estimates:-

Brock Lesnar:-6'2"-6'2¼"(no way under 6'2")

Roman Reigns:-same as Rob listed him

The Rock:-same as Rob listed him(he'll be for sure taller than Roman even if it's just by ¼ inch)

Triple H:-6'1½"

Batista:-(atleast 6'2½",can't guess exact height but definitely under 6'3" at present)

Rollins:-same as you said

I really feel that Rob needs to meet either Rollins or Ambrose in person.Because then and only then we can know the real height of any of them.
Ambrose and Rollins are equal in height as much as I've observed.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 25/Aug/19

Wgat a perfect estimates, I agree with all 6 of them.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Aug/19
There's a poster on CH long time who claimed to have met Lesnar and said he looked just 6'1". And according to Danimal's friends, they met Lesnar and said he looked around 6'1.5". I seriously doubt he's low as 6'1" but weak 6'2" is very possible.
Roderick said on 24/Aug/19
My current day estimates are
Lesnar: 6'1.5"
Reigns: 6'1.75"
Rock: 6'2"
HHH: 6'1.25"
Batista: 6'2.25"
Rollins: 6'0.5"

We pretty much agree Christian
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Aug/19
My estimates
Lesnar 6'1.75"
Reigns 6'1.75"-6'2"
Rock 6'2"
HHH 6'1.25"
Bautista 6'2"-6'2.25"
Rollins 6'0.5"-6'0.75"
Creeper said on 23/Aug/19
Someone I was playing Ps4 with actually seen Lesnar in person and said he looked 6'3. So take away the shoes and you get 6'2.5 for Lesnar. Maybe just only 6'2
Wrestling Fan said on 22/Aug/19
I had one question to ask.
Why we cannot put the morning peak on the list?
Because in the end that's what the actual length of a particular person's body is.
Replies are welcomed,please give me your opinions
Space said on 20/Aug/19
@ Christian
The only correction I would make to those estimates I have are Batista at maybe 6’1.75” instead of 6’1.5”, and HHH at maybe 6’0.75” instead of 6’0.5”. I think reigns at 6’1.5” is fair.
Roderick said on 20/Aug/19
Brock Lesnar might be down to 6'1.5" today. 6'2" prime
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Aug/19
Seth is said to be 6'1" by who? I don't think he's quite a solid 6'1", as he's more than just an inch shorter than 6'2" Roman Reigns. More like a 1.5" difference.
randomdude9991 said on 19/Aug/19
Rock was easily half an inch taller at least than Brock at their summerslam 2002 staredown

Rock is about 6'2 1/2
juggernaut said on 18/Aug/19
Brock Lesnar was about an inch taller than Seth Rollins in their match..Seth is said to be 6'1' so Brock is very much a solid 6'2', I'd say Roman is exactly the same as Brock and both Dwayne and Roman would have only a hair difference in height..
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Aug/19

Those estimates are a bit low IMO, especially Reigns, Bautista and HHH. Reigns could maybe be 6'1.75" worst case, but Bautista and HHH are at least a half inch taller than your estimates IMO.
Space said on 8/Aug/19
6’1.5” 265lbs Lesnar
6’1.5” 230lbs reigns
6’1.75” 245lb Rock
6’1” 245lb Goldberg
6’1.5” 245lb Batista
6’0.5” 235lb HHH
Roderick said on 4/Aug/19
@viper It's really hard to tell but he looks like a weak 6'1" to me. So like 6'0.5"
Roderick said on 3/Aug/19
@edwards Well guess what, I do. It's only by like a quarter inch though, they're pretty much the same height.
viper said on 3/Aug/19
Roderick, how tall do you think Montez Ford is.
Canson said on 2/Aug/19
@Edwards: hell no. Kane is taller than Strowman even today. Strowman May be 6’6.5 max Kane 6’7” max. There’s a chance at 6’6.75 for Kane today but no less
edwards said on 1/Aug/19
I dont think kane is shorter than strowman lol
Roderick said on 27/Jul/19
The list for me goes: All current heights

John Cena: 6'0" MAX

Roman Reigns: 6'2"

Sheamus: 6'2.5" (I hear he's shorter, but I haven't looked into too much.)

Cesaro: No idea, 6'3"ish?

Batista: 6'2.25"

Triple H: 6'1.25" MAX

Brock Lesnar: 6'1.5"

The Rock: 6'2" MAX

Randy Orton: 6'3.75"

Bobby Lashley: A VERY questionable 6'1"

Braun Strowman: 6'6.5"

Big Show: 6'10.25"

Kane: 6'6.25"

Undertaker: 6'5.5"

Drew McIntyre: 6'4.75"

Shane McMahon: 6'1"

Seth Rollins: 6'0.25"-6'0.5"
juggernaut said on 26/Jul/19
Brock and Roman are the same in height, Dwayne only a cm taller at most or 1/2 more..6'2' for both men and Dwayne 6'2'1/2
maa said on 25/Jul/19
John Cena- 6'05'
Roman Reigns-6'2'
Dave Bautista-6'2'25
Triple H- 6'1'5
Brock Lesnar-6'2'
Dwayne Johnson-6'2'5
Randy Orton-6'3'75
Bobby Lashley-6'0'75
Braun Strowman-6'6'25
Drew Mcintyre-6'4'5
Shane O mac-6'1'
seth rollins-6'1'
viper said on 25/Jul/19
Anyone have any opinion on Montez Ford?
Yomama said on 24/Jul/19
Overeem was 6’2”-6’2.25” when he fought 6’1.5”-6’1.75” Lesnar in 2011-2012

They were both early 30s then and peak height.
juggernaut said on 24/Jul/19
According to my estimation these are the heights of these wwe stars today-
John Cena- 6'05'
Roman Reigns-6'2'25
Dave Bautista-6'2'25
Triple H- 6'1'5
Brock Lesnar-6'2'25
Dwayne Johnson-6'2'5
Randy Orton-6'3'5-6'4'
Bobby Lashley-6'0'75
Braun Strowman-6'6'5
Drew Mcintyre-6'4'5
Shane O mac-6'1'
R truth-6'0'
seth rollins-6'1'
Big dave said on 21/Jul/19
Looked slightly shorter than peak 191 cm Dwayne Johnson, I can see 189cm for peak lesnar
Roderick said on 15/Jul/19
It is said that he got measured at 6'2.25" in the NFL so that would make his actual height 6'1.5"-6'1.75".
viper said on 11/Jul/19
Is Montez Ford a legit 6-1?
juggernaut said on 11/Jul/19
I'd still day 6'3' for Dwayne Johnson in his prime, he was taller than Lesnar by almost an inch.. He was taller than Goldberg similarly, he looked same height as Batista and obviously an inch taller than Triple H..
Canson said on 5/Jul/19
Rock doesn’t look over 188
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Jul/19
I mean The Rock was always 2cm taller than Lesnar.
Alex 6'3.25 said on 3/Jul/19
I'd say 186 cm max
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 2/Jul/19
Didn't The Rock always had Lesner by cm from past. I don't think Brock Lesnar is solid 6'2 more chance he is strong 6'1 1/2 than over it. 187cm tops. The Rock is a bit under 189cm now.
juggernaut said on 26/Jun/19
Great khali uploaded a pic of him and Lesnar, and Lesnar doesn't look any less than 6'2' with khali..
BrockPartyDayz said on 26/Jun/19
6’1” max Lesnar
Canson said on 16/Jun/19
6’1.5-.75 peak
Johan 185 cm said on 7/Jun/19
Click Here

Reigns and Lesnar are almost identical. Both around the 6'2" flat mark.
Vegas' said on 6/Jun/19
Why are people comparing photos of Shaq with Curry (is there even a decent one out there) with Brock and Shaq and Rock and Shaq?

Try something a little closer. Jimmy Fallon is a good one; with Brock skip to near end Click Here
With curry 1:30 minute mark Click Here
Blahhh said on 6/Jun/19
@ canson
Ok so 6’1.5” curry is nonetheless slightly taller than Lesnar.
Canson said on 5/Jun/19
Curry isn’t a full 6’2” in the afternoon. He’s max 6’1.5. The 6’2” was early morning for him which is evidenced
Blahhh said on 4/Jun/19
@KA 188
Lesnar still doesn’t look over 6’2” even if Shaqs sneakers give him an extra 1/2”

6’2” Steph Curry looks slightly taller next to Shaq, compared to Lesnar next to Shaq. That’s what I’m saying.

6’1.75” max height for lesnar, and probably dips to 6’1.25”-6’1” range by the end of the day.
K.A 188 said on 3/Jun/19
@BLAHHH honestly anybody would look small close to a 7footer not just in height but proportion wise to...
So you comparing or trying to guess his height with a 7footer is not really fair, btw. .. I wouldn't be suprise if Shaq's shoes a close to 2inches maybe 3-4 cm because their custode made shoes for a 7footer.
Blahhh said on 31/May/19
Click Here

7’0” Shaq with Lesnar.
Lesnar is not over 6’2” by any stretch of the imagination.

6’1.75” morning measurement Lesnar
6’1” evening measurement Lesnar
Randomdude9999 said on 30/May/19
@Juggernaut Cena is more than likely 6'0 flat, also agreed though I do think Lesnar is taller than 6'1, could he be 6'1.75 by the end of the day? I wouldn't rule it out but I doubt anything lower, he was measured at 6'2 .25 by the NFL which was an early day mesaurement, so night height he is probably around 6'2 flat
juggernaut said on 28/May/19
Brock Lesnar being 6'1' is an absolute joke, even today on RAW he looked a solid inch taller than 6'1' Rollins.. both he and Reigns would be the same height.. Bobby Lashley is shorter than Rollins at 6'0'75 probably.. Cena at 6'0'5 Lesnar was always almost 2 inches over Cena..Lesnar is 6'2'-6'2'25
viper said on 23/May/19
6-1 Lesnar is only an inch taller than 6-0 Cena
Space said on 22/May/19
Look at pics of 6’1.5” StephCurry and Shaq together, there’s less of a height difference between them than compared to The Rock and Shaq. I personally look more of Steph Curry’s height next to a 7footer.
Also, the picture of 6’2” Lesnar and Shaq has more of a height difference than Curry and Shaq together.

If you think curry is taller than 6’1.5” look at pictures of him with 6’1” Obama.
Space said on 21/May/19
I have a friend who’s legit 7’0” barefoot, as tall as Shaquille O’Neal (maybe a half inch shorter than Shaq). When I stand next to my 7’0” friend I come up to the bottom of his chin. I’m only 6’1.5”.

When The Rock stands next to legit 7’0.5” Shaq in that picture, The Rock only comes up to Shaq’s shoulder. Rock only looks 6’0” at the most in that photo, as does he in a lot of recent photos/videos. I’ll give the Rock the benefit of the doubt and say he’s 6’1.5”, which would make Lesnar and Reigns 6’1.25”...
juggernaut said on 21/May/19
Heisenberg89 said on 18/May/19
Lesnar 186cm
The rock 187.5 cm
Reigns 187cm

if Brock Lesnar is actually as low as 6'1' then Cena isn't even 6 foot, and Taker cant be more than 6'5'..Lesnar is nothing short than 6'2' he is always an inch taller than 6'1' seth, Triple h might be 186 cm
Canson said on 21/May/19
The Rock can have poor posture at times but I think he’s an honest 6’2” today. 6’2.5 peak
Heisenberg89 said on 18/May/19
Lesnar 186cm
The rock 187.5 cm
Reigns 187cm

juggernaut said on 18/May/19
I don't think The Rock is 6'2' barefoot, I think he is still 6'2'5 he has a poor posture and for Lesnar he is 6'2' no doubt.. nothing more, there are chances the Rock is no more than 6'2' due to heavy amount of lifting he has done throughout the year..I really wanna see Rock, Brock and Reigns barefoot together..
Canson said on 17/May/19
@Rampage: I remember 6’4 but I can’t recall him getting 6’5 listings
Space said on 16/May/19
If Brock is 6’2” barefoot then The Rock is like 6’2.5” which is off. The rock is maybe 6’2” barefoot. Brock at 6’1.75” barefoot max.
Space said on 16/May/19
How can lesnar be 6’2” barefoot when he’s 1/4” shorter than The Rock who isn’t even a full 6’2”. Lesnar is 6’1.75” at the very most barefoot.
Ironman092289 said on 14/May/19
6'2" barefoot.
Space said on 14/May/19
He’s 6’1.75”
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/May/19
WWE gave Lesnar 6ft4 when he first broke in and I vaguely remember reading 6ft5 somewhere aswell. They also did that to Goldberg and Triple H...I believed it wholeheartedly until I saw them up close and was stunned to be looking at them...serious width on them though...for those three guys their mass will stand out more than their height. 6ft2 in wrestling is mid-range stuff
Canson said on 11/May/19
Lesnar is max 6’2 not 6’3
juggernaut said on 10/May/19
Brock Lesnar is a guy who may look shorter than he is due to his build,but this same build of a short torso, broad shoulders and long legs would make him look taller than the average 6'2'.. Lesnar I believe wakes up at 6'2'25 and remains a flat 6'2' throughout the day..
Manpreet Singh Virk said on 9/May/19
Lesnar billed height in wwe as 6'4, real height is 6'3.
maa said on 7/May/19
Shane Carwin, billed at 6 ft 5, showed, in the staredown with Mir, that he prefers to cut height rather than weight like many other UFC figheters do.
He decided to cut 5 inches to his height to be ok at the weight in.
maa said on 7/May/19

Adding 1 in to your lowest height is not a complete filthy claim I said, even if is not fair. Adding 1.25 in and over is a complete filthy claim for me.

You could claim whatever you want, does change how really short/tall you are; if I was you and I was in WWE, I would claim 6 ft 6, as I would be similar to 6 ft 6 Batista
Space said on 6/May/19
@ maa
A filthy claim is adding 2 inches to your height as far as I’m concerned. If that’s not a filthy claim then I’m saying I’m 6’3.5” instead of 6’1.5”, which is by the way pretty accurate as most people I look eye to eye with claim 6’3 or so.

Lesnar looks 6’1.75”
Randomdude9999 said on 4/May/19

I think Lesnars build actually makes him look taller than he actually is

long legs short torso, long arms, traps and shoulders are very high( a lot higher than the average 6'2 guys ) and very large head.
Annonymous said on 2/May/19
Well his stature and frame is also impressive, he has an 81 inch reach, which is truly other world territory.
maa said on 2/May/19
If you met Lesnar you would't be surprised by his stature, but by his massive built. He claims 6 ft 3, which is probably his closest height out of bed. Not complete filthy claim, like guys that add 2 in to their height.
The man can hover at 280 pounds and 6 ft 2
maa said on 2/May/19
If you met Lesnar you would't be surprised by his stature, but by his massive built. He claims 6 ft 3, which is probably his closest height out of bed. Not complete filthy claim, like guys that add 2 in to their height.
The man can hover at 280 pounds and 6 ft 2
Terry said on 2/May/19
He is chunky which makes himself look shorter.
Johan 185 cm said on 20/Apr/19

Actually he now gives his height as 6'4" since moving to the US. The 190 claim was on dutch tv and he never was a guy who cared about height more about weight. 115-116 kilo at his best not the 120 on UFC records.

I agree with Reigns and Lesnar being very close in height both guys around 6'2". 188

The Ufc now has him at 6'5" lol.

He was asked about the fight with Lesnar and he said that he was an imposing figure but that he wasn't very impressed by that :) So Lesnar is a big guy.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Apr/19
I'm not sure if he has lost any height or not. The full 6'2" at peak wouldn't surprise me.
James Brett 172cm said on 19/Apr/19
Rob the majority of votes have Brock at 6’2.25

Do you think it’s a possibility he is that tall?
Editor Rob
Of course there is a chance of it, but I cannot see 6ft 3 as being possible.
James Brett 172cm said on 18/Apr/19
Nah Reigns edges out Lesnar there
Randomdude0000 said on 18/Apr/19

watch the weigh ins between Lesnar and Overeem Lesnar is standing with one foot posted which can give half an inch to an inch in height (Rob did a video on this before proving it can give you extra height)

Overeem is about 189 cm

Click Here

If I was to guess Reigns and Lesnar are very similar in height sometimes Lesnar looks taller sometimes Roman does, I think Roman is probably slightly taller than Lesnar maybe 1/4 inch
Johan 185 cm said on 18/Apr/19
Click Here

Nothing in it with Roman Reigns, who is a clear 6'2
Johan 185 cm said on 18/Apr/19
Click Here

Can't believe people are arguing 6'1 for this guy. Here he is next to my countryman 190 cm measured Alistair Overeem. UFC gives him 6'4 but on dutch tv he claimed 190.
Crane said on 16/Apr/19
Lesnar is one of those very few guys in Pro-Wresting Verse that can hold his height through out many years no matter how heavy he's been lifting, how hard he's been working and training.

He still managed to hold the 6'1.6/6'1.75 187 cm of his every bit intact.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Apr/19
Nah, Lesnar's definitely taller than Rollins. He has around an inch on him.
rawdshaq said on 13/Apr/19
I think Brock Lesnar might be under 6'2" now. He isn't taller than 6'2" but I believe he is similar in height to 6'1" Seth Rollins
Canson said on 12/Apr/19
@Christian: the worst thing is when some of these posters call others trolls particularly those who tend to estimate lower and only slightly lower. Then they are the ones who regularly suggest that a person is taller than their listing
Canson said on 12/Apr/19
@Space: a legit 6’1” means they don’t dip under the mark at all. I could say 6’0 7/8 at a low is still a textbook 6’1” but the former would wake up 6’1.5-.75 more toward the top of that range
Space said on 11/Apr/19
I don’t hit 6’1” or 6’0 7/8 until the evening. I’m basically downgrading myself all day by saying I’m 6’1” during the day.

I’d categorize 6’1” as someone who’s 6’1 1/4 in the morning and drops to 6’0.75” in the evening. Especially considering most people who say their legit 6’1” usually only hit 6’1” flat in the morning.
K.A 188 said on 10/Apr/19
188.5 peak and 187 today, back in early 2000s he looked similar to goldberg who was 189.
Canson said on 9/Apr/19
@Rampage: I think textbook 6’1” fits him. Like in your case 6’3 7/8 at a low is a textbook 6’4”
Canson said on 9/Apr/19
@RP: do you measure that out of bed or is that an hour out of bed? That seems very minimal. I ask because I remember you mentioned once that you measured some time after waking. I lose probably 1/4” just in the first 30 minutes. Never really measured within but I lose .9cm sometimes a full cm or as low as .8 after a full hour. Usually .9 tho. I would’ve pegged you at minimum between 5’11.25-.5 directly out of bed if you came out at 5’10.75
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Apr/19
If they're purposefully upgrading celebs by several inches, then many of them might be trolls, but most who tend to "upgrade" by like a fraction of an inch, aren't. Same goes for "downgrading". We all should be careful when to call someone a "troll", since that word is often very misused.
juggernaut said on 9/Apr/19
That pic of Lesnar with The Rock was when The Rock was raising up his chin as much as possible, Rock has always been only half an inch taller than Lesnar nothing more. Lesnar is 6'2' and Rock 6'2'5..
rawdshaq said on 8/Apr/19
Last night at WM 35 he looked 6'2" range. He looks 4-5 inches taller than Paul Heyman, who I believe is about 5'9" or 5'10"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Apr/19
Space, it sounds like you’re a textbook 6ft1. However if you also measured 6ft1¼ you’ve every right to claim that aswell
RP said on 8/Apr/19
Space, I say yes...take the average ...IMO,
If you’re 6’1.5” early morning height & 6’1” late evening height...then I would give my exact height @ 6’1.25”

Example: my morning barefoot height is always either 5’11-1/4” or 5’11-1/8”...depending on whether or not I got a full night’s sleep vs a short poor night’s sleep. And my late evening height is always either 5’10-7/8” or 5’10-3/4...depending on whether or not it’s a long hard work day or a heavy leg day @ the gym. And I always give my barefoot height @ 5’11”. I’m 43 years old now, and have had these exact same height measurements since age 17. Though, I have noticed since entering my 40’s...I know longer hold my peak morning height as long as I used to. I used to hold 5’11-1/4” to 5’11-1/8” from 7am all the way up to around 3pm-4pm...and I wouldn’t actually dip below 5’11” typically until after 7pm-8pm, and then I’d bottom out at 5’10-7/8 to 5’10-3/4” around 10pm-11pm. Now, in my 40’s...I’m now dipping under 5’11” & hitting 5’10-7/8” by 1pm-2pm...and I’m typically bottoming out @ 5’10-3/4” now around 5pm-6pm.
Canson said on 7/Apr/19
@Space: at that stage, a solid 6’1” around lunch which would be his average.
viper said on 7/Apr/19
I've called others trolls for what I have perceived as "upgrading", especially If it's more than what Rob had them at.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Apr/19
Space, I think 6ft1 on the nose is your legit height if those are your morning and evening figures.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 6/Apr/19
You're averaging out your morning and evening heights, but by CH standards, we don't do that. By CH standards, you'd be considered 6'0 7/8" or maybe 6'1" at the most, but not 6'1.25"

That's very true
Annonymous said on 6/Apr/19
Someone thinks lesnar is a hair under 6'1 evening but now? Lol lol.
viper said on 6/Apr/19
Heck Paul Walker was listed at 6-1 in the first fast and furious movie

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.