Tribal Chief said on 4/Nov/21
I've screen shots of his shoes from there second face off.. But I can't upload it here.... I'll clear all your doubts
Tribal Chief said on 4/Nov/21
Watch this.. His Summerslam boots
Click Here
GET wider no 2 said on 3/Nov/21
Awesome 6"2 The Beast
berta said on 30/Oct/21
just over 6´2. not shorter than ben affleck. i would bever bet money on brock lendar be shorter than ben affleck.
juggernaut said on 29/Oct/21
Click Here
Footwear difference for Lesnar and Reigns at WWE crown jewel,Reigns clearly has more footwear thah Brock.
juggernaut said on 29/Oct/21
Tribal Chief said on 28/Oct/21
@Juggernaut : Well said... I'll give it to you. But you're slightly off regarding your observation considering the two aforementioned atheletes. When you're saying that both of these guys look the same at times and at times edge each other out, you have to take into consideration thier footwear and their respective postures... You might've noticed that Brock is always standing erect, like a Show Stallion or always shuffling (which is done using one's anterior portion of the foot or in a layman's term on one's toes, which gives a false impression of height) whenever he's facing Joe. But if you observe closely he dips down a hair under Joe when he settles to a normal posture after a minute or two. Not to mention he's always having footwear advantage. CLEAR advantage. Their match at Crown Jewel is proof enough of him using footwear antics, as he was for the first time using custom in ring wrestling boots (inside scoop) which he has never used before. WWE is doing everything they can to pitch them at the same height.. Lol.. But once or twice it goes a little hither or tither..
Well, I've seen the footwear of both Reigns and Lesnar and Reigns has a little more bigger sole. When Lesnar and Reigns stood straight the second time they met, Lesnar clearly edged out Reigns and there he had his in-ring boots( now I don't if it has inner lifts which I don't think it has). Reigns edged out Lesnar when Lesnar had more mass back in 2015,16,17 but Lesnar now lost some of it and clearly looks the same as Reigns if not more and I didn't notice tip toeing yet in any of the confrontations..yeah I've seen Reigns edge out Lesnar only once for a split second but I've seen Lesnar edge him out..the first time they met Lesnar edged Reigns out but Reigns retained his height for rest of the segment..I don't see Reigns even a hair above 6'2'25 as he is shorter than 6'2'5 The Rock..WWE has billed both Reigns and Lesnar at 6'3' and I won't blame them cos they are identical. Even Roman Reigns stated in an interview that Brock is the same height as him i.e 6'3' so it ain't not easy to come to a conclusion. Sometimes Reigns looked taller, the other times Brock..I am unbiased in this but in crown jewel Reigns had more footwear, I can provide the pics for evidence too.
juggernaut said on 29/Oct/21
Tribal Chief said on 28/Oct/21
This is their real height
1) Lesnar 6'2.3 "
2) Reigns 6'2.7
Not old but these are their current stats if one is to be believed (Legit inside scoop).Though it's not know when (the time of the day) and how these measurements were taken.
Very well might be, this is why I said Lesnar is not taller than Reigns..they are identical.
Tribal Chief said on 28/Oct/21
@Juggernaut : Not really!
Lesnar had bigger footwear.. Watch that match again. I'm sure you'll find it (if you're willing to) if you carefully observe...
And it's not just about the Crown Jewel match. Reigns was edging him out there. I'm talking about their first face off ( Summer Slam) wherein Brock was wearing cow boy boots and some latter ones in which he clearly had footwear advantage
juggernaut said on 28/Oct/21
Fun fact: Roman Reigns had more footwear than Brock in their crown jewel match.
Tribal Chief said on 28/Oct/21
This is their real height
1) Lesnar 6'2.3 "
2) Reigns 6'2.7
Not old but these are their current stats if one is to be believed (Legit inside scoop).Though it's not know when (the time of the day) and how these measurements were taken.
Tribal Chief said on 28/Oct/21
@Juggernaut : Well said... I'll give it to you. But you're slightly off regarding your observation considering the two aforementioned atheletes. When you're saying that both of these guys look the same at times and at times edge each other out, you have to take into consideration thier footwear and their respective postures... You might've noticed that Brock is always standing erect, like a Show Stallion or always shuffling (which is done using one's anterior portion of the foot or in a layman's term on one's toes, which gives a false impression of height) whenever he's facing Joe. But if you observe closely he dips down a hair under Joe when he settles to a normal posture after a minute or two. Not to mention he's always having footwear advantage. CLEAR advantage. Their match at Crown Jewel is proof enough of him using footwear antics, as he was for the first time using custom in ring wrestling boots (inside scoop) which he has never used before. WWE is doing everything they can to pitch them at the same height.. Lol.. But once or twice it goes a little hither or tither..
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Oct/21
Yeah berta, somewhere within the 188-189cm range is perfect.
juggernaut said on 23/Oct/21
Tribal Chief said on 23/Oct/21
Stop being blinded in fandom. Tough he is bigger than Reigns doesn't necessarily means he's taller. If you Watch the recent YT uploads on the WWE channel you can clearly see that Reigns stands taller... In the thumbnails and/or in the video (it's tough to see it in the vids)
Better watch the bleacher report video
Click Here
You absolutely make no sense, at times Reigns looked taller than times Lesnar looks taller. Lesnar edged out Reigns twice since being back yet I don't think he's taller than Reigns at all. I'd say both are equal in height and it's too close to call. No one is blinded in fandom lol, it's a debate section regarding height.. you may disagree with opinions but don't call someone out.
juggernaut said on 23/Oct/21
Tribal Chief said on 23/Oct/21
Juggernaut is a hardcore Lesnar fan.
I hope you are not trolling but your name is literally the tribal talk about being a hardcore fan lol
berta said on 23/Oct/21
never under 188 and never over 189. I think 188,5 cm.
juggernaut said on 23/Oct/21
Looked the same as Roman Reigns during their faceoff in their match, I don't see any of them shorter than the other barefoot.. though Brock looks taller at times due to him being leaner than before, he's probably like 275+ or 270 at the least.
Tribal Chief said on 23/Oct/21
Stop being blinded in fandom. Tough he is bigger than Reigns doesn't necessarily means he's taller. If you Watch the recent YT uploads on the WWE channel you can clearly see that Reigns stands taller... In the thumbnails and/or in the video (it's tough to see it in the vids)
Better watch the bleacher report video
Click Here
Tribal Chief said on 23/Oct/21
Juggernaut is a hardcore Lesnar fan.
Space said on 22/Oct/21
6’1”-6’1.75” 260-285 has been his range over the years.
Cold Water said on 21/Oct/21
Overeem: 190.1 cm
Brock Lesnar: 185.0 cm
Click Here
juggernaut said on 19/Oct/21
Baines said on 16/Oct/21
Miko no offense but lesnar had really thick boots on in your photo. Folks look at them behind the wrestling scenes. Reigns easily has n inch on lesnar. Both impressively big men.
No, Lesnar had his ring boots during that promo with Reigns..he wore cowboy boots only in the most recent episode, Lesnar looked taller but they are identical
juggernaut said on 19/Oct/21
Baines said on 16/Oct/21
Wrestlers tend to wear thick boots occassionally. Lesnar is a big guy. Although he's only slightly taller than reigns with those big boots he had on. The first meeting he had at least 3 inch heel boots. Reigns is easily n inch taller in real life.
Lesnar had his in ring boots when he edged out Reigns, He wore cowboy boots only in the latest segment on Friday but I do believe they are equal in height
Baines said on 16/Oct/21
Wrestlers tend to wear thick boots occassionally. Lesnar is a big guy. Although he's only slightly taller than reigns with those big boots he had on. The first meeting he had at least 3 inch heel boots. Reigns is easily n inch taller in real life.
Baines said on 16/Oct/21
Miko no offense but lesnar had really thick boots on in your photo. Folks look at them behind the wrestling scenes. Reigns easily has n inch on lesnar. Both impressively big men.
Space said on 16/Oct/21
@ juggernaut
The reason why Lesnar edges out Goldberg & Triple H today is because Goldberg and Triple H shrunk considerably. Goldberg edged out Lesnar in 2003-2004 and Triple H was the same height as Lesnar in 2003-2004.
In regards to The Rock, he edges out Lesnar still. I don’t see Lesnar over 6’2”.
juggernaut said on 15/Oct/21
I don't see Lesnar anything below 6'2' not even by a hair, he has edged out Reigns, Goldberg, Triple H, Mark Henry and might be same as Dwayne today.. though Dwayne was definitely at least 1/2 inch taller in his prime. said on 14/Oct/21
Reigns and Lesnar are the exact same height they are both 6’1”.
Slim 6'1.75 said on 11/Oct/21
Guys lesnar is 6’1 not 6’2
And yep he’s even bigger than the rock
Canson said on 7/Oct/21
@Juggernaut: 188 is fair for both possibly although I’d have reigns slightly taller if anything
Public Enemy said on 7/Oct/21
That’s an excellent pic. Both Lesnar and Reigns out of gear. Yep Lesnar looks taller there even accounting for Reigns slightly looser posture
juggernaut said on 5/Oct/21
randomdude2021 said on 4/Oct/21
@Miko I don't agree, they look indentical, and actually Reigns looked slightly taller when the camera was up close to them.
They are within a couple of mm of each other, no where near an inch.
Brock looked taller than Reigns in all their recent staredowns, even if for a cm..when they stood straight, Brock not only looked bigger but looked taller too. But I'd say they are identical in height. Lesnar is easily 188 cm
ChaosControl 189.3cm said on 5/Oct/21
miko said on 2/Oct/21
Both men face to face, feet flat on the ground, Lesnar has what looks to be close to an inch on him, certainly somewhere around 0.75/1'.
Click Here
Roman is slouching a bit
Slim 6'1.75 said on 4/Oct/21
Oberlisted he’s closer to 6’1 than 6’2 like
188 in the mornings
randomdude2021 said on 4/Oct/21
@Miko I don't agree, they look indentical, and actually Reigns looked slightly taller when the camera was up close to them.
They are within a couple of mm of each other, no where near an inch.
Alex 6'0 said on 2/Oct/21
Brock looked his 295 billed weight or close in 02-03
miko said on 2/Oct/21
Both men face to face, feet flat on the ground, Lesnar has what looks to be close to an inch on him, certainly somewhere around 0.75/1'.
Click Here
randomdude2021 said on 2/Oct/21
Reigns looked slightly talller than Brock last night on smackdown which is weird because a couple of weeks ago Brock looked taller, these guys are almost identical in height.
juggernaut said on 2/Oct/21
Reigns and Lesnar face to face again, they look equal in height but Brock slightly edges Reigns out. Brock actually has a bigger head than Reigns
juggernaut said on 2/Oct/21
Space said on 1/Oct/21
@ juggernaut
You really think he was 285lbs in that match with Goldberg in 2004?
Yeah cos in the 2004 match, Lesnar actually lost some mass in his farewell match in the WWE..he'd be 280bs+ there
Space said on 1/Oct/21
I could see Lesnar at 285lbs in his 2017 stent with Goldberg.
Space said on 1/Oct/21
@ juggernaut
You really think he was 285lbs in that match with Goldberg in 2004?
juggernaut said on 25/Sep/21
Space said on 23/Sep/21
His shoulders weren’t that wide against Goldberg in 2004. I’d say mine were wider than his. But his chest traps and arms were absolutely massive.
Yeah Lesnar isn't that wide physique wise, Goldberg was wider than Lesnar in 2004 and Batista was even wider than Goldberg..but Lesnar was really big at 284lbs around at that time, huge chest, traps, arms..
Space said on 23/Sep/21
His shoulders weren’t that wide against Goldberg in 2004. I’d say mine were wider than his. But his chest traps and arms were absolutely massive.
Slim 6'1.75 said on 21/Sep/21
188 out of bed*
Slim 6'1.75 said on 21/Sep/21
He’s got a good build like a gorilla
I wonder what he eats everyday
juggernaut said on 19/Sep/21
Johnny Paker said on 17/Sep/21
I really don't understand why people are saying Brock looked taller in his staredown with Reigns. He was clearly shorter in the beginning of the staredown then went on one leg to look taller than reigns Click Here check the 3.05 mark then take a look at Brocks left leg , it clearly rises up when he notices Reigns is taller and then notice after the Usos interfere that Reigns looks taller again you guys missed the obvious trick by Brock
I've watched the entire segment more than three times and Lesnar looked taller than Reigns in the beginning by an inch then slowly they begin to look the same, there are fan footages of this video from higher angles and Lesnar didn't raise his leg at all.. surprisingly, Reigns never looked taller than Lesnar at any point of time in the segment, he was either shorter or of the same height.
Edward Mullen said on 18/Sep/21
@Johnnyparker -
Click Here Feet look completely planted here to me pal , And Lesnar isn’t exactly shorter lol
SeanR said on 17/Sep/21
Hi Rob,
Brock Lesnar is in sneakers with this face off with A-Train(Matt Bloom) from 2003.
Click Here
Lesnar is about 6’3” there. What would that put bloom at 6’8”/6’9” in big wrestling boots?
Bloom at the most at his peak was 6’6 1/2” barefoot right?
Here he is looking only an inch shorter that 6’8” barefoot range Matt Morgan. Morgan is about 6’10” in wrestling boots.
Click Here

Editor Rob
Could be 6ft 7 there
Cansont said on 17/Sep/21
i think 189.5 for him, or even 190.
Johnny Paker said on 17/Sep/21
I really don't understand why people are saying Brock looked taller in his staredown with Reigns. He was clearly shorter in the beginning of the staredown then went on one leg to look taller than reigns
Click Here check the 3.05 mark then take a look at Brocks left leg , it clearly rises up when he notices Reigns is taller and then notice after the Usos interfere that Reigns looks taller again you guys missed the obvious trick by Brock
Space said on 17/Sep/21
He was literally the same height as 6’1” Vince in 2003. Maybe a hair taller. 6’2.5” peak is too high.
viper said on 15/Sep/21
DOB: 12-07-1977. POB: Webster, South Dakota, U.S.
He's 44 now. Peak young lesnar (aged 20-25) was 188-189cm. He looked taller in 2000-
Last time I checked he's 43
And he's 6-1.5
MichaelMyers said on 13/Sep/21
6'2.5" peak, 6'2" as of 2021.
Zeusinator said on 12/Sep/21
In every single staredown Reigns and Lesnar, has ever had Brock has been slightly taller
juggernaut said on 12/Sep/21
Stood face to face with Reigns this Friday and looked taller for some moments, initially they looked the same in height. I do think both men are of the same length, Lesnar is just bigger than Reigns. But these athletes who could give a taller impression to people based on their size
Edward Mullen said on 11/Sep/21
Seemed taller than reigns on FNS
randomdude2021 said on 11/Sep/21
@originalAnon He was standing on one foot in his staredown with Overeem which probably made him about 3/4 of an inch taller than if he was standing flat footed on both feet. Overeem was standing flat footed, and Overeem still edged him slightly.
OriginalAnon said on 8/Sep/21
I thought that he could be just over 6'2''. He looked it next to Overeem when they went head to head bare foot a couple of times. Overeem is grossly over listed and i have noticed Rob has him down as 6'2.75" which is an excellent listing. Most fans I hear refer to him as 6'4'' and 6'5'' which is just ludicrous. I think Lesnar could be 6'2.25" and I used to think he could be a bit over that.
Football fan said on 7/Sep/21
DOB: 12-07-1977. POB: Webster, South Dakota, U.S.
He's 44 now. Peak young lesnar (aged 20-25) was 188-189cm. He looked taller in 2000-2002
Alex 6'0 said on 6/Sep/21
Chaos, yea nfl listed him 286 close to his 295 wwe billed weight. Id say he was his billed weight or close to it. Easily 280 plus in his wwe days
ChaosControl said on 3/Sep/21
Daniel Hammad said on 2/Sep/21
Link Click Here here’s the link rob
Editor Rob
I think somebody just added the mugshot to the background there ;)
You can tell it’s fake cause that is a BS height on there
Daniel Hammad said on 2/Sep/21
Click Here here’s the link rob

Editor Rob
I think somebody just added the mugshot to the background there ;)
Canson said on 2/Sep/21
@Randomdude: 6’2 3/8 would be his morning
randomdude2021 said on 2/Sep/21
can you link me to the source? I do not recall this to be true,
If I can remember correctly there was only one measurement done and he measured in at 6'2 3/8ths (afternoon), I have never heard of any NFL teams or the combine taking two measurements (before and after)
Zeusinator said on 1/Sep/21
When brock was in the NFL he was measured in the morning to be 6'2 3/4, back in 2004, they later did another measurement, this time after practice and he was 6'2 1/4
ChaosControl said on 1/Sep/21
@Slim yeah despite them pushing Brock as a monster his height and weight were never really inflated I’ve seen articles say he walks around at 286lbs and his NFL stats have him at 284, so he is probably around there
RL said on 31/Aug/21
Does anyone think Brock really has an 81 inch reach/armspan? His commonly billed height of 6'3" may possibly be his legit height after a good sleep. I wonder if his billed reach is inflated to make his stats look freakish or if it is his real reach...
Slim 6'1.5" said on 30/Aug/21
I take that back
juggernaut said on 30/Aug/21
Cena in early 2000's was definitely close to 6'1' and Brock looked 1.5 inches taller than him, even Dwayne looked barely taller than Lesnar in their faceoffs.. I really doubt rock to be the full 6'3' in his prime
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Aug/21
Goldberg - weak 6ft3
Lesnar - strong 6ft2
Space said on 30/Aug/21
Lesnar Goldberg and Triple H were all a legit 6’2” back in the early 2000s.
As for today Lesnar looks about 6’1.75” Goldberg looks 6’1.25” and Triple H looks 6’1”
Slim 6'1.5" said on 29/Aug/21
Good build makes him look taller but nah he’s not the full 6’2”
Daniel Hammad said on 28/Aug/21
Rob there’s a picture of Brock in front of a height chart where Brock looks about 6’4

Editor Rob
Link to it again if you can.
juggernaut said on 28/Aug/21
I'd say Lesnar has a bigger head than Reigns but they are both 6'2' 1/4 give or take, Lesnar is at the very least 188 cm.. don't see him anything less than that, then The Rock never looked half an inch taller than him..the only thing that ever surprised me is how Goldberg looked half an inch taller than Brock in 2004, the same Goldberg who was shorter than Rock and same as Triple h.. wouldn't be surprised if he was using lifts in that particular match w Brock..even in backstage segments w Lesnar in 04, Goldberg looked equal in height to Lesnar and not taller.. nonetheless Goldberg's 6'1'5 today and I'd say 6'2'25 in his prime
ChaosControl said on 27/Aug/21
He’s only 120kg after serious weight cutting. He walks around at 130kg. When WWE announcers call him 285 pounds they’re not exaggerating. Pretty much all MMA fighters dehydrate. Lesnar is only ever 120kg at UFC weigh-ins. He does seem a believable 6’2 or at least 6’1.75
Slim 6'1.5" said on 27/Aug/21
Dingus said on 25/Aug/21
Solid 6'02" and overall massive physique. Hands, wrists, shoulder width, ankles, weight etc.
FMExTREME said on 25/Aug/21
If Lesnar is only 6'1 1/2 as some like to claim then look at the pictures with McIntyre again, there seems only 1.5 inches difference, 2 max, so McIntyre is 6'3? HHH is 6'0 1/2? If anything the summerslam takedown with Reigns showed Lesnar having a slight edge, so Reigns 6'1 1/4? Cena 5'11 3/4? I don't know man I'd still give Lesnar 189cm 6"2 1/3 in late morning.
Slim 6'1.5" said on 24/Aug/21
186 before bed, 188 out of bed
He’s 120kg of muscle, and a steroid user like a lot of wrestlers are
Michael Vardy said on 23/Aug/21
Lesnar was clearly the taller of the two in the staredown but he was in boots so likely had a footwear advantage.
Barefoot they are both pretty much 6'2.
Rounak Singh said on 23/Aug/21
Lesnar has bigger head than Roman he looked a bit taller than him.
juggernaut said on 23/Aug/21
Brock returned back last night, Stared down with Roman Reigns and they both looked the same in height. But I'd say Lesnar looked bigger than Reigns there, he is naturally bigger though.
Edward Mullen said on 22/Aug/21
6’2.5 Viking
Daniel Hammad said on 22/Aug/21
Rob I watched summer slam yesterday and when Brock and Roman went face to face Brock looked taller.
Alex 6'0 said on 21/Aug/21
James B 171.5cm said on 6/Jun/2
Yeah 6’2 is solid tall but not as impressive as say 6’5 guy can look
Yea 6'2 ill still see plenty but 6'5 is more seldom. That 3 inch difference is big
Alex 6'0 said on 21/Aug/21
Lesnar could have gotten a solid 6'2 measurement in the late morning. By afternoon to evening hed be 6'1.75. I don't see him less than that really
randomdude2021 said on 19/Aug/21
@juggernaut I just can't see it, the only way I would think Brock would be a little over 6'2 would be if he measured taller in his late morning measurement with the Vikings but he would have to be about 6'2 1/2 by late morning, I think he is spot on 6'2 maybe even a hair under by night
As far as Goldberg, he definitely has lost height and was evidently taller than Brock back in 2004 albeit not by much.
As far as Lashley, he is barely taller than 6'0 and maybe a little bit Cena
I'd peg Lashley at about 6'0 1/2 max
juggernaut said on 17/Aug/21
Daniel Hammad said on 16/Aug/21
Rob if goldberg is 6’2 nowadays than how come brock looks taller than 6’2 and looks more like 6’2.5 with Goldberg
Editor Rob
How good is Goldberg's posture though. Generally looks worse than a guy like Brock.
I've seen Goldberg's posture today as he stood with Lashley, he stood straight and looked an inch taller than Lashley. He stood in the same posture with Lesnar back in 2016 but still looked a little shorter which means either Goldberg is 6'1'5 or Brock is a little above 6'2'
Daniel Hammad said on 16/Aug/21
Rob if goldberg is 6’2 nowadays than how come brock looks taller than 6’2 and looks more like 6’2.5 with Goldberg

Editor Rob
How good is Goldberg's posture though. Generally looks worse than a guy like Brock.
juggernaut said on 13/Aug/21
ChaosControl said on 12/Aug/21
Brock is stood in front of Khali
Not by much, they are quite close and not very far from each other.. Brock does look 6'2' here to me near the mass of khali
ChaosControl said on 12/Aug/21
Brock is stood in front of Khali
juggernaut said on 12/Aug/21
I'd say Lesnar looks a solid 6'2' with the 7 foot Khali here, the pic is probably from 2012 or 2013..
Click Here
Edward Mullen said on 10/Aug/21
Hi rob , just a quick question. What height should somebody claim if they are around the 186cm mark at 2300 after a full day manual labour.

Editor Rob
6ft 1.5 or 187 would be appropriate. Nobody is really going to be under guessing you.
Alex 6'0 said on 3/Aug/21
Cena was is really 6'0-6'0.25. Lesnar was 6'2 if that. Possibly near 6'1.5
miko said on 2/Aug/21
At that point Cena was a very solid 6'0.5, maybe a hair over that at his tallest, and Lesnar has always seemed a flat 6'2. Would like to see a more up to date staredown but doubt that will ever happen.
Alex 6'0 said on 29/Jul/21
03 it looked barely 1.5 inches
juggernaut said on 29/Jul/21
Looked a solid 6'2' maybe slight above that with John Cena in a 2003 match, he looked comfortably taller than Cena there..can't find a good picture of them together in that segment but Lesnar seemed a good 1.5-1.75 inches taller than cena
Alex 6'0 said on 25/Jul/21
For lesnar to get a 6'2 listing in nfl he'd had to measure minimum 6'1.5 or they'd round down to 6'1. Would be interesting to see his combine height but its nowhere to be found. Lesnar still 6'2 tops. No less than 6'1.5
Matt logan said on 25/Jul/21
juggernaut said on 14/Jul/21
If Lesnar and Henry were to measure against each other, Lesnar would definitely be the taller of the two. Also I'd say Bobby lashley and Cena are identical in height with lashley being a hair taller than cena
randomdude2021 said on 3/Jul/21
@Edward Lesnar does edge Henry in that match for sure by the looks of things but Mark also has a much more relaxed posture than Brock, both standing straight as possible I reckon they are within a 1/4 inch of one another, I do believe if we were to pinpoint it Brock would be slightly taller, maybe 1/4 inch.
I think that would put Henry at 6'1 3/4 if Brock is 6'2 at night, if Brock is 6'1 3/4 at night(possible) then Henry is 6'1 1/2
juggernaut said on 3/Jul/21
Mark Henry and Lesnar did look identical if they stood face to face, same with Henry/ Batista in 07 and 08, but both Batista and Lesnar do edge out Henry even if by a little, I do think that Henry's ring gear has a little more footwear than average to make him look closer to his 6'4' billed height
Edward Mullen said on 2/Jul/21
@randomdude2021 Mark is also going up on one foot there too ?
Edward Mullen said on 2/Jul/21
@randomdude2021 Ok thanks for the info. This is the image I was talking about. Lesnar does look taller than Mark who is atleast 187cm.
Click Here
randomdude2021 said on 2/Jul/21
I think this is the segment you're talking about(
Click Here ) certainly isn't an inch difference between them, they look almost identical in height, Brock may edge him by 1/4 of an inch, putting Mark Henry at 6'1 3/4.
Henry was never measured officially by something like an NFL combine, Lesnar actually was and came in at just over 6'2 (afternoon/morning measurement)/ 6'2 night
This also lines up with Goldberg's measurement who also was measured at just over 6'2, Goldberg was the slightly taller man in 2004 putting Goldberg at about 6'2.5 and Brock at 6'2.
Edward Mullen said on 29/Jun/21
There is a standoff between lesnar and mark henry in 2002. Just before Lesnar clotheslines mark. In this standoff Lesnar Looks at least 0.75-1 inch taller than a 188cm Peak mark Henry. Given Lesnar was only 25 at the time.
juggernaut said on 29/Jun/21
Saw a Lesnar Cena backstage segment from 2003, Lesnar looked 1.5 inches taller...I'd say both had the same footwear, it's possible Cena was closer to 6'1' he was wearing his cap but Lesnar still was a good 4 to 5 cm taller than him.. Lesnar is a solid 6'2'
Alex 6'0 said on 28/Jun/21
No way 6'2.5. 6'1.5 minimum, 6'2 maximum.
viper said on 23/Jun/21
Much more likely he's 6-1.5
shweta said on 20/Jun/21
juggernaut said on 16/Jun/21
I agree that when Lesnar returned in 2012 his first night on RAW he looked 2 inches taller than Cena but next week, he once again looked 1.5 inches taller at most..the person who stands on the left usually looks taller(gains more height) than the one standing on the right, it probably is like an illusion
Alex 6'0 said on 12/Jun/21
That face-off i knew right away was fishy because no way was it 3 inches apart of their billed heights were. It was 1.5
juggernaut said on 12/Jun/21
randomdude2021 said on 9/Jun/21
Brock has never looked 190 barefoot, even back in 2002 he looked a good 2 inches shorter than legit 6'4 Randy Orton.
Cena isn't known to wear thick heeled wrestling boots either, so the footwear advantage would be minimal.
Here is a staredown from 2003 where both men are wearing similar footwear - Click Here, looks about 1.5 inches difference and note that Cena is looking down slightly.
Cena is about 6'0 1/2, Brock is 6'2.
Here Brock is with 6'3 Wiz Khalifa - Click Here , there is more than an inch height difference in that picture but I will add that the footwear isn't known and also Brock is not standing as straight as Wiz but even at that, if Brock was 190cm despite footwear or leaning he would be a lot closer in height to Wiz.
Brock got measured at just slightly over 6'2 by the vikings training camp (more than likely an afternoon measurement) so by night he would be at most 6'2, and that's what he is.
Absolutely agree with this
randomdude2021 said on 9/Jun/21
Brock has never looked 190 barefoot, even back in 2002 he looked a good 2 inches shorter than legit 6'4 Randy Orton.
Cena isn't known to wear thick heeled wrestling boots either, so the footwear advantage would be minimal.
Here is a staredown from 2003 where both men are wearing similar footwear -
Click Here, looks about 1.5 inches difference and note that Cena is looking down slightly.
Cena is about 6'0 1/2, Brock is 6'2.
Here Brock is with 6'3 Wiz Khalifa -
Click Here , there is more than an inch height difference in that picture but I will add that the footwear isn't known and also Brock is not standing as straight as Wiz but even at that, if Brock was 190cm despite footwear or leaning he would be a lot closer in height to Wiz.
Brock got measured at just slightly over 6'2 by the vikings training camp (more than likely an afternoon measurement) so by night he would be at most 6'2, and that's what he is.
Edward Mullen said on 8/Jun/21
This guy has looked 188cm and also 190.5cm barefoot. Look at his standoff with cena when he returned in 2012. Cena in sneakers and a hat is at least 6’1.5. Lesnar looked 2.5 inches over this. That’s 6’4 In shoes and 6’3 without.
James B 171.5cm said on 6/Jun/21
Alex 6'0 said on 6/Jun/21
James b, 6'2 prob is right or could be little under it. On tv guys will appear taller. 6'2 in person is a solid tall dude
Yeah 6’2 is solid tall but not as impressive as say 6’5 guy can look
Alex 6'0 said on 6/Jun/21
James b, 6'2 prob is right or could be little under it. On tv guys will appear taller. 6'2 in person is a solid tall dude
randomdude2021 said on 5/Jun/21
Can't be 189.5 peak because he was measured at just over 6'2 peak by the Vikings training camp,
also that was a morning measurement, so he is realistically between 6'1.75 - 6'2 peak night height. 187.5 - 188 peak
Edward Mullen said on 4/Jun/21
189.5cm peak for this guy period.
James B 171.5 said on 31/May/21
Alex-I am not sure if he was more than 6'2?
Alex 6'0 said on 28/May/21
James B you think he was more?
viper said on 24/May/21
Both Lesnar and Goldberg are 6-1 range
randomdude2021 said on 23/May/21
@James I would surmise that it was probably an afternoon or late morning measurement, unlikely evening and certainly not night.
James B 171.5cm said on 20/May/21
Rob do you think his 6’2 football measurement could have been in the morning?

Editor Rob
is unclear
juggernaut said on 20/May/21
If Bill Goldberg was really a little taller than Lesnar at 6'2'5 or 6'2'25 in his prime then he was a little shorter than Dwayne which would put the Rock at 6'3' if indeed Bill was 6'2'5 Lesnar is easily 6'2' though
James B 171.5cm said on 19/May/21
Alex-I am not sure about 6’2.5 peak for the rock since he could look only slightly shorter than billy Gunn.
Alex 6'0 said on 17/May/21
Rock 6'2.5 prime wouldn't rule out but 6'2 more likely putting brock at no more than 6'1.5
Alex 6'0 said on 17/May/21
Randomdude, no never met brock. Would be an interesting pic. I do measure 6'0 flat
viper said on 14/May/21
Dwayne in "his prime" was edged out by 6-2 Eddie George and 6-2.5 Brandon Routh. He was never 6-3
Lesnar being 6-2 is very debatable. Think he's 6-1.5 absolute maximum
QM6'1.5"QM said on 13/May/21
Alex 6'0 said on 9/May/21
viper said on 10/May/21
Average guess is his afternoon/ before the bed he's definitely strong 6'2".
Taller than prime height of Triple H and probably 1/4 under The Rock.
juggernaut said on 11/May/21
Alex 6'0 said on 9/May/21
Juggernaut, those 2002 face-offs are the best we have of the 2 to compare. Assuming boots are equal it does look an inch.
That's true but it doesn't look a full inch to me, I think Dwayne was closer to 6'3' in his prime if he wasn't a full 6'3'. Lesnar 6'2' easily..
viper said on 10/May/21
The Rock & Lesnar 2002 looking almost similar in height though Dwayne is a little taller of the two
Just more evidence that Rock has always been 6-2
randomdude2021 said on 10/May/21
Mike Goldberg is around 175cm
randomdude2021 said on 10/May/21
@Alex I know you got a pic with Kurt but did you ever meet Brock and get a pic?
Danimal 176.7cm said on 10/May/21
Lava said on 6/May/21
185,2 cm. with 166-170 cm. Mike Goldberg Click Here
Is that a joke? Mike Goldberg is not 166cm-170cm. Here is Mike next to Joe Rogan from back in the day:
Click Here
And here is a recent pic of Mike next to Big John McCarthy:
Click Here
Alex 6'0 said on 9/May/21
Juggernaut, those 2002 face-offs are the best we have of the 2 to compare. Assuming boots are equal it does look an inch.
juggernaut said on 6/May/21
The Rock & Lesnar 2002 looking almost similar in height though Dwayne is a little taller of the two
Click Here
Lava said on 6/May/21
185,2 cm. with 166-170 cm. Mike Goldberg
Click Here
Space said on 4/May/21
If The Rock is 277lbs, then Lesnar is 300lbs... The Rock isn’t anything over 265 at his absolute biggest which was probably his Pain n Gain movie in 2013.
juggernaut said on 26/Apr/21
randomdude2021 said on 21/Apr/21
Goldberg was clearly the taller man to me back in 2004 - by about half an inch or maybe just under half an inch - Click Here
Now a days Brock has about half an inch on him, crazy how that works.
Not going to lie, Goldberg looked a little taller than Lesnar inside the squared circle but the same Goldberg didn't look taller than 6'2' Triple H in all their faceoffs. Yet in a RAW episode, Lesnar edged out Triple H in an in-ring segment. I'd say difference is mostly due to size of boots,all three men are clearly same in height give or take a cm or two
randomdude2021 said on 21/Apr/21
Goldberg was clearly the taller man to me back in 2004 - by about half an inch or maybe just under half an inch -
Click Here
Now a days Brock has about half an inch on him, crazy how that works.
juggernaut said on 21/Apr/21
There was a backstage segment in WWE during January 2004, Lesnar & Goldberg had an interview and Bill looked taller during the beginning due to being closer to the camera but when they came nose to nose they looked EQUAL in height. In fact, Lesnar looked anything if not a hair taller than Bill in that segment
Canson said on 5/Apr/21
@Christian: not to mention mistakes do happen. Shawne Merriman “measured” 6’4 3/8”. No chance
Alex 6'0 said on 3/Apr/21
Brock looked 6'2 with Kurt angle maybe bit under. Lowest hed be is 6'1.75.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 3/Apr/21
I wish someone would've archived it. It is what it is though.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Apr/21
I've heard reports of either 6'2.25" or 6'2 3/8". Either way, it's unlikely that he was anything over 6'2" back then, because combine takes place very early in the day, sometimes early morning.
randomdude2021 said on 2/Apr/21
The measurement and all of his official stats(from the combine) were posted on PWInsider but they were taken down years ago, maybe to save memory on the web server? who knows
but he measured in at 6'2 and 3/8s so yeah a little over 6'2 1/4 and the measurement was in the late morning/early afternoon so it's safe to say he would be down to 6'2 by evening possibly less on a bad day.
Alex 6'0 said on 1/Apr/21
What was brock measured at nfl combine i wonder?

Editor Rob
I did try to look into that a while ago. I previously mentioned
"On June 10th he did a Tryout/Workout for the Vikings.
He ran 4.75 second 40 yard dash. I haven't yet seen any specific mention of a measurement, but the fact the Vikings put him at 6ft 2 rather than 6ft 3 does lend some credence to the idea he was measured, but it would have been under 6ft 2.5."
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 1/Apr/21
Sheamus may be a bit too low and Strowman a bit too high, but other than that, I agree with the rest within 1/4".
Alex 6'0 said on 28/Mar/21
In 2002 Rock was slightly taller than brock. 6'2 rock puts brock at 6'1.5
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 17/Mar/21
@juggernaut give Orton the full 6’4 and give Triple H an extra quarter and I’ll agree
juggernaut said on 16/Mar/21
My updated height list of WWE stars-
Cena- 6'0'5
Lashley- 6'0'3/4/ 6'1'
Drew McIntyre- 6'4'5
Orton- 6'3'3/4/ 6'4'
Lesnar- 6'2'
Samoa Joe- 5'10'5/5'11'
Triple h-6'1'
juggernaut said on 14/Mar/21
randomdude2021 said on 6/Mar/21
Sheamus is about 6'2.25, and in my opinion edges Lesnar slightly, show me a picture where Lesnar is taller
There is no picture of Sheamus & Lesnar together,if there was in the wwe Sheamus would look taller anyways due to the lifts he wears. I don't think Sheamus is 6'2'25 cos he is shorter barefoot than Batista, Edge, he looks 1.5 inches taller than 5'11' Samoa Joe barefeet..I think Sheamus is 6'1'3/4 barefoot, he looked an inch shorter than 6'2'5 Bautista barefoot.
Htet aung said on 13/Mar/21
6 ft 1
randomdude2021 said on 6/Mar/21
Triple H is about 6'1 1/2
Rollins is about 6'1
Cena is about 6'0 - 6'0 1/2
Lashley is about 6'0.5 - 6'1 max
Sheamus is about 6'2.25, and in my opinion edges Lesnar slightly, show me a picture where Lesnar is taller
Lesnar is about 6'2 at night or maybe a hair under, but I do agree that he is taller than a flat 6'1 at night, he is a pretty decent 6'2, I say he wakes up at almost 6'2.75 and drops to just a shade under 6'2 at night
juggernaut said on 5/Mar/21
It is possible that John Cena was closer to 6'1'in the early 2000's, in a segment with Lesnar he only looked 1.5 inches shorter.. however, all these years of heavy lifting might've put him to a flat 6 foot or 6'0'5. Lesnar is easily 6'2' and looked almost 2 inches taller than Cena since Lesnar's return in 2012.. Lesnar is taller than the likes of Triple H, Rollins, lashley and even Sheamus..
Sheamus looks much shorter barefoot than he is with lifts..
Annonymous said on 4/Mar/21
6'1 is rubbish.
slim 6'1 said on 19/Feb/21
Good build probably makes him look even taller
slim 6'1 said on 19/Feb/21
Strong 6’1”
miko said on 16/Feb/21
He's just a flat 6'2. Can look a bit over it in staredowns when he goes up onto one foot.
randomdude2021 said on 16/Feb/21
always looked 188/189 afternoon.
187-188 evening.
Annonymous said on 13/Feb/21
Rob he always looks 188.5-189 CM evening.
randomdude2021 said on 6/Feb/21
@Pierre_Littbarski No he looks over 6 foot to me, he was measured at about 6'2 1/4 by the NFL combine you can't get any more legit than that.
strong 6'2? NO I would also rule that out too, if he measured in at 6'2 1/4 in the afternoon/late morning then he would be down to 187-188 at night, if he was a strong 6'2 he would have to clear 6'2 at night which I doubt he does considering his afternoon measurement.
He looked 6'2 next to 6'4-1/2 Drew McIntyre and other people like Randy Orton, in short he is every bit of 187-188cm
juggernaut said on 4/Feb/21
Always looked close to 6'3' at times near the likes of Strowman, Bigshow and Undertaker. When he cut weight, he looked closer to 6'3' than 6'2'.. 6'2' a strong one
Pierre_Littbarski said on 3/Feb/21
Six foot 2 listed Wiz Khalifa looms over him quite heavily on an insta photo. Seems dumb but can’t see brock over 6ft
slim 6'1 said on 31/Jan/21
I think 187 over 189
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Jan/21
Rob, 189cm peak?

Editor Rob
highest I'd ever go
randomdude2021 said on 21/Jan/21
from what I have seen from photos and videos, Reigns edged Lesnar but then again he may have a footwear advantage, in my opinion they are both around the 188cm mark evening height.
Sneha Pahadi said on 20/Jan/21
He is almost a quarter inches taller than Roman Reigns.
Luci paura said on 18/Jan/21
189 cm guy.
Mike Sui said on 11/Jan/21
He IS 6'2. he looked 4cms taller than Cena when they were fighting and Cena is 184cms or 6'0.5, Cena doesn't lie* about his height but this guy ain't 6'3, he's 6'2 and morning height aswell.
Mike Sui said on 11/Jan/21
He IS 6'2. he looked 4cms taller than Cena when they were fighting and Cena is 184cms or 6'0.5, Cena doesn't like about his height but this guy ain't 6'3, he's 6'2 and morning height aswell.
ALEXIZ/180cm said on 9/Jan/21
185 cm max.
slim 6'1 said on 5/Jan/21
More 186-187cm
Space said on 1/Jan/21
Lesnar is not 6’2” +. 6’1.5” at best.
The Rock , Lesnar, Roman Reigns, triple H, Goldberg etc. are not as tall as you think.
miko said on 28/Dec/20
Slater is similar to Cena, a 6'0.5/6'0.75 range guy.
Dred_ said on 26/Dec/20
Editor Rob
Heath claimed 6ft 3...he doesn't look as tall as Brock there, here is the clip. 6ft 1 maybe
Is it only an inch ? I have to say a bit over an inch, probably a full 3 cm

Editor Rob
roughly an inch from what I saw
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Dec/20
I have Slater at around 6'0.5", but his 6'3" claim is too high, even by wrestling standards.
James B 172cm said on 23/Dec/20
looks 6'2 legit
LeoP said on 22/Dec/20
188 peak
186,5 now
Dred_ said on 20/Dec/20
How tall do you think is heat Slater ?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Heath claimed 6ft 3...he doesn't look as tall as Brock there, here is the
clip. 6ft 1 maybe
griana arande said on 19/Dec/20
where can i see him listed 6ft 2?

Editor Rob
on his old football card you can
see him down as 6ft 2.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 7/Dec/20
Anywhere between a 2-2.5cm loss is reasonable.
Rosie Park said on 7/Dec/20
I think that brock Lesnar is 188 cm peak and he is currently 185 cm
Canson said on 3/Dec/20
@Christian: yea at 188, he’d be bare minimum 190 out of bed being how heavy he is maybe a tad higher. I can even see 187.5 at a low and 190ish out of bed
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 29/Nov/20
He'd be more than just 188.5/189 out of bed, if his low's 188. No adult loses only 0.5-1cm, let alone someone his size.
juggernaut said on 29/Nov/20
Brock Lesnar has short torso and long legs, he needed to cut weight to 265lbs during his mma days. He probably walks in at 280lbs and might've been 290lbs in his heaviest.
He looks a little over 6'2', he does look 6'1' as well with poor posture.. I'd say he is 6'2' throughout the night and wakes up probably at 188.5 or 189cm.
Canson said on 28/Nov/20
@QM: but to be fair I’d buy him as being a hair under 6’2 before I bought the Rock being it
QM6'1QM said on 26/Nov/20
J2Frenzy said on 25/Nov/20
He's taller than Triple H 6'1.25".
He's taller than Seth Rollins 6'0.75-1".
He's taller than John Cena 6'0.25 (6'0 ??!).
He's about the same height as The Rock;
They're too tall to be under 6'2.
They're too short to be over 6'3 (right now).
Current list by Rob at 6'2.25" is honest thing to be!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 26/Nov/20
So did you meet Lesnar in person?
He actually has a short torso for his height.
J2Frenzy said on 25/Nov/20
QM6’1QM where would you put Reigns?
Canson said on 25/Nov/20
@Vincent: well said! Take note of Hulk Hogan’s page and the comment about 6’8 9/16 and the bad picture that makes him tower over Trump in exaggerated fashion. I posted a more accurate reflection of the difference which aligns more closely with their actual difference 3.25-3.5”. Yet other posters (some recently departed) only attack the ones who guess under Rob’s listing and dismiss the posts where the person wildly exceeds Rob. Notice how the squeaky 6’1” Christopher Reeve wheel got the “grease” yet the 6’8 9/16 (it was initially 6’9.25) for Hogan gets ignored along with the bad picture. Said estimate 6’8 9/16 has reappeared at least 6 times there if not more
QM6'1QM said on 25/Nov/20
BDV said on 13/Nov/20 and other users
Guys, just trust, I'm 186 cm range and Brock still looking taller than me.
He's easily around flat 188 cm.
The lowest is 6'1.75 and 188.5 cm is the most highest mark.
Lesnar, The Rock, Goldberg, Batista are kinda twins of height.
J2Frenzy said on 24/Nov/20
@houss plus he’s got big traps that make his neck look shorter
houss said on 24/Nov/20
The thing about this guy that makes him sometimes looks like a 6'1 guy it's that hi has longer torso with long arms compared to his legs
Vincent Caleb said on 23/Nov/20
It seems downgraders are almost as relevant as upgraders on this site. Difference is that upgraders get almost no backlash, except for a couple posters.
Canson said on 19/Nov/20
Wow. I’ve never been able to see him only being 6’0”. That’s different for sure
J2Frenzy said on 19/Nov/20
@Annonymous the funny thing is if one was true the other probably would be (even though they’re both insane)
Annonymous said on 18/Nov/20
Lesnar being 6'0" is crazier than Big SHow at 6 '8.
juggernaut said on 15/Nov/20
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 13/Nov/20
But the Rock was peak 6'2.75" IMO though. Now a full 6'3" is possible, but I'm leaning more towards the former. He may have even lost a bit by the early/mid 2000's.
You got a point, maybe Dwayne did lose some height but I still think he was a full 6'3' at that point of time..he was an inch taller than Triple h even then. I think Lesnar was and still is 6'2'1/8 today..maybe he'll start to lose it in his 50s like triple H and Goldberg..
Batista was also a little taller than Lesnar in their OVW match though it was barely a fraction difference at most..
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Nov/20
Brock at 6'0" is pure comedy, even worse than the 6'1" guesses that some posters made. He's nothing under 187cm.
J2Frenzy said on 15/Nov/20
@BDV if Brock is 6’0 max then Angle is 5’8 max
BDV said on 13/Nov/20
Brock is not taller than 6ft. Watch him face to face with Angle.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 13/Nov/20
But the Rock was peak 6'2.75" IMO though. Now a full 6'3" is possible, but I'm leaning more towards the former. He may have even lost a bit by the early/mid 2000's.
juggernaut said on 13/Nov/20
Here is the Brock Lesnar/ Rock pic of 2002, Lesnar looks 6'2'5 if Rock was 6'3' I'd say in boots Lesnar was easily 6'3' and the rock a little above that
Click Here
The previous link led to a suspended account
juggernaut said on 13/Nov/20
I don't see Lesnar anything below 6'2'(188cm) evening height, he probably wakes up at 6'2'2.5 , the man has a short torso and long legs. I think the fact he is such a huge guy, many may estimate him to be shorter than he actually is..
Like this 2002 pic with the Rock who I believe was 6'3' at thar point of time
Lesnar looks half an inch shorter than him at most
Click Here
Lesnar is 6'2' easily
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Nov/20
Very beliveable estimate
Vincent Caleb said on 10/Nov/20
6’1 7/8” for Lesnar.
Canson said on 5/Nov/20
@Christian: yea if that were me I would claim 6’3” but I remember him saying he mismeasured and is closer to 6’2”. I may have done the same when I first started here as I thought I was 194-195 when in reality im 193-194 so closer to 6’4 than 6’5”. What it may have been for me is sitting on a couch if even slightly reclined which I’ve noticed can increase it slightly (coupled with hair and possible small fraction of height loss).
Canson said on 5/Nov/20
@Christian: yea if that were me I would claim 6’3” but I remember him saying he mismeasured and is closer to 6’2”
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Nov/20
But aren't you like 6'2.75" at your low though? That's clearly tall enough for a 6'3" claim. But you have a right to claim anything you want, of course.
Canson said on 15/Oct/20
@Christian: true
6'3 Julian said on 15/Oct/20
@Christian I normally claim 6’2 cause my posture isn’t great and I wear thin shoes.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Oct/20
TBH, the "almost" part isn't really necessary I feel, especially if she's only 1/4" below it and not something like 5/8" or lower. 1/4" can easily be rounded up. Some posters were giving 5'9.75" Bobby hell for claiming 5'10", and I thought that was very petty. I could claim "a bit over 6'5"" if I wanted to, but I just stick with 6'5.5" because I'm closer to that than flat 6'5". If I was 6'5 1/8" for example, I'd just stick to a simple 6'5" claim and not add something like "a bit over" or a "a hair over".
Canson said on 10/Oct/20
@Christian: she’s not as strict as I am in some cases but others she is or more. She refers to me as 6’4 and herself 5’8” but she was just saying she wasn’t quite legit 5’8”. That may be more because I say she’s almost 5’8” sometimes
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Oct/20
She's pretty strict, lol. Iknow that if I was 5'7.75" and someone told me I was 5'8", I wouldn't bat an eye at all.
Canson said on 7/Oct/20
@Christian: my wife claims about Or almost 5’8” and has always claimed that or 5’8”. But she was correcting the person because she told them that she was about 5’7.75 or almost then the person called her legit. She was just saying that under the Mark isn’t legit and calling out the person’s inflation
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 6/Oct/20
Don't worry, you'll get used to it soon or later. I was the same way when I first got here.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 5/Oct/20
By the general population's standards, 5'7.75" is no different than 5'8", but us "height nerds" think otherwise, lol. Speaking about your wife, my ex-girlfriend's also a hair under a mark, although she's more 1/8" below it rather than 1/4" (5'6 7/8" when I measured her afternoon). She used to claim 5'8" before, but now mostly sticks with just 5'7". The funny thing is, she gueseed me as 6'7" when we first met, but I corrected her and told her I was 6'6", even though that was before I joined Celebheights and wasn't height aware all that much, so I was claiming 6'6" back then.
6'3 Julian said on 5/Oct/20
You guys are confusing me. I need a celebheights dictionary
Canson said on 5/Oct/20
@Christian: that’s a good way to put it. I can go with legit for a person around what Rampage is but when it gets to 7/8 or less maybe it’s textbook. It’s funny though because one day this came up in my inner circle and my wife’s height was the topic. We both said she’s 5’7.75 when someone asked and she said not a legit 5’8” where someone else had already said she Was. She’s technically not. By The site’s definition she would be weak being she’s a mm under that 3/4” mark. This person was someone who was very optimistic with height and would routinely give someone 1/2” though.
Canson said on 5/Oct/20
@Christian: that’s a good way to put it. I can go with legit for a person around what Rampage is but when it gets to 7/8 or less maybe it’s textbook
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Oct/20
Forgot to mention "solid" too. Some posters use "solid" and "strong" interchangeably, but I think "strong" should have a bigger emphasis. The minimum reqirement of being "strong" is never dipping below 1/4" at your usual low, while you can be 1/8" or even 0 and still be "solid", just not anything below 0. So I'd classify you, me and Greg as strong, while Rob's solid, and Rampage textbook/legit.
Canson said on 4/Oct/20
@Christian: mine is very similar to yours. Maybe a legit would be never dipping under 6’4”. 192.9 is very close but it’s under. I agree with you about textbook being the proper term for a 6’3 7/8 range guy or a 6’3.75-6’4 range guy then strong being someone in our range of 1/4”-3/8”. Then again the half falls into there as someone like you or Greg (i in the past) Would fall to 3/8”. That could be considered half. Now Rob has weak as 2/3-3/4 or 5/8-3/4 range. I think if someone doesn’t fall under say 6’3.5 Afternoon/evening (except at AJ extreme low) that they’re A weak 6’4”. So 6’3.5-.75 range. Now if they fell lower than strong 6’3”. But I could accept 6’3.25 to 3/8 if it’s a rare case of an extreme low that doesn’t occur much. That’s the only time i would consider weak territory to fall that low
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Oct/20
Everyone had different definitions of "height lingos" as Rob would call it, but what's your definition of "legit"? I'd say it's no different than "textbook" or "spot on" or "proper".
Canson said on 3/Oct/20
@Christian: I could go with legit at that stage. If it’s 7/8 then textbook. The 1/16 is not discernible even though 7/8 isn’t either but 1/16 under and 1/4 over look the same as it’s tough to see
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 3/Oct/20
Rampage's a textbook 6'4" for sure, especially if he's more 6'3 15/16" rather than 7/8".
Canson said on 2/Oct/20
He looks shorter than Reigns
@Christian: not to mention that’s late at night when he measured if I remember. I remember his normal low being 192.9. I’m sure there are times that if Rampage and I stood back to back especially if I went to the gym and got to 193.5 let alone My extreme low of 193.1 or .2 thst we would look identical. It would literally take stacking coins on his head or my head to tell. I consider him a textbook 6’4” at worst whereas I consider myself a strong 6’4” but peak maybe 6’4 1/2” if I really I was more (6’4 3/8) 194cm peak as I remember being. Im still unsure but it’s looking more likely being I’ve gotten 6’4.25” the last two times I’ve measured and not on gym days. I need to check my out of bed height as that can vary from as low as 195.4 some days on less sleep to 196 on days when I’ve had maybe 10-12 which is rare for me. I also remember being up to 6’5.25” once out of bed Back 4-5 years ago but that could’ve been extra sleep Coupled with height loss being I measured 195.9 at one stage
Canson said on 2/Oct/20
He looks shorter than Reigns
@Christian: not to mention that’s late at night when he measured if I remember. I remember his normal low being 192.9. I’m sure there are times that if Rampage and I stood back to back especially if I went to the gym and got to 193.5 let alone My extreme low of 193.1 or .2 thst we would look identical. It would literally take stacking coins on his head or my head to tell
mmaFan2020 said on 2/Oct/20
@Scott 5'6
that 6'2.25 measurement was a morning measurement,
so he is probably 6'2 tops at night, and Reigns is in and around the same
Scott 5'6 said on 1/Oct/20
He is 6’2.25 as he’s around the same height as roman reigns
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 30/Sep/20
That's only 1/8" below it. No one can tell Rampage apart from a flat 6'4" guy visually, if they saw him in person.
Canson said on 30/Sep/20
@James B: maybe if it’s an extreme low. That is legit imho. I’d even give the Bennie to a guy who is 6’4 5/8 out of bed and 6’3 7/8 at an afternoon low. Now I’d tell a 1 cm difference with the latter but I know that if that were me I would still claim 6’4” flat. If I dipped to 6 3.75 at a normal low then I’d go with 6’3 3/4” or about 6’4” in some convos though
6'3 Julian said on 29/Sep/20
So he was looking 2 inches down his nose at Lesnar, Helmsley and Goldberg! That’s an amusing image in my head that Rampage looks down at a guy like Lesnar and thinks “hmm, 6’2”
James B 172cm said on 29/Sep/20
6ft3 7/8 I don’t think is a legit 6’4
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 28/Sep/20
Rampage mentioned before that he's 6'3 7/8" at night, so that's essentially 6'4".
6'3 Julian said on 28/Sep/20
@Rampage how tall are you if you were looking down at them?
Canson said on 27/Sep/20
@Rampage: interesting. I know Danimal and Viper have mentioned people meeting Lesnar and being only 6’1”. How tall would you say he looked? I would’ve pegged him 187ish purely off pictures but maybe I’m wrong. What about the others?
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Sep/20
Wow, that's insanely long. Mine's only 6'4"-6'5" at my height, which is barely average.
Cool, didn't know that you met all those guys. How tall did each look?
Annonymous said on 24/Sep/20
Heyman's 5'9.5 and Lesnar is 6'2 and 3/8 (his rumoured measurement is exactly what he looks. Morning at least).
6'3 Julian said on 23/Sep/20
@Seth I have quite broad shoulders and my arms pan is 7’1. It’s not impossible for a tall broad guy to have a disproportionate span
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Sep/20
Guys like Lesnar, Goldberg, Triple H and Batista are surprisingly shorter in person than many would expect due to the ridiculous WWE stats. I’ve seen all of them up close and each time was stunned to be looking down at them
Seth Gecko said on 22/Sep/20
if he really is 6'2" his 81" reach is even more crazy. +7 Ape Index
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 22/Sep/20
Heyman looked 6.5"-7" shorter than
Michael Jordan, who was measured at 6'4 7/8" likely earlier in the day.
Click Here
6'3 Julian said on 22/Sep/20
Yep. Lesnar is 6’2, Heyman is 4 inches shorter. Works with me
TheBat said on 20/Sep/20
I’m certainly fine with Brock being listed at 6’2”. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a bit below that.
I agree with that estimate for Paul Heyman. He always looked like he’s a weak 5’10”.
miko said on 20/Sep/20
I've always had Heyman at a flat 5'10.
I think anywhere from 5'9.5 to 5'10.5 is his arguable range.
Could he have lost a fraction at 55 given his weight issues and taking some big ECW bumps? It's not impossible.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Sep/20
Maybe between 5'9.5" to 5'10". I'd like to see him added here.