How tall is Brock Lesnar - Page 18

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Average Guess (749 Votes)
6ft 2.23in (188.6cm)
Viper652 said on 21/Jul/06
Yep, that staerdown is great evidence that Lesnar is no more than 6-1 Mac.
Alex said on 20/Jul/06
Cena is a solid 6'0 guy I am sure of so that pic with Lesnar makes Lesnar look over 6'1 but not 6'2 though. 6'1.5 he looks there. Cena could be wearing a little something in those sneakers.
Danimal said on 20/Jul/06
I've seen Cena at 6'0" even as well.
Anonymous said on 20/Jul/06
lesnar is 6ft 2 in

cena is 6ft 1 in

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Alex said on 19/Jul/06
Test looks 6'5 at least, he may not be as tall as 6'6, but def a solid 6'5 guy.

I know that just because Lesnar was listed at 6'2 doesn't mean for a fact hes that height but he does look it to me. But considering he was billed at 6'4 in WWE and even 6'3 at times then listing him at 6'2 would seem more legit as they could have just listed him at 6'3-6'4 like he is almost anywhere.
Viper652 said on 17/Jul/06
Ive always pegged Test at 6-4.
Danimal said on 16/Jul/06
Oh sorry Alex, forget my last post. When I read Test, I was really thinking about Edge. No, Test is tall. He is definitely over 6'5". Sorry about that.
Danimal said on 16/Jul/06
Test is below 6'5" Alex/ He is also below 6'4". Don't forget that Hogan was taller than him by about an inch when he straightened out and Hogan is no longer anywhere near 6'5". Test is 6'3" IMO.
Viper652 said on 16/Jul/06
Just because the NFL bills Lesnar at 6-2 still doesnt mean anything. True that NFL doesnt fudge as many heights as the other sports, but they still do to some of their players. I think Lesnar is really 6-1.
Alex said on 15/Jul/06
Test wasn't more than 4 inches taller than Lesnar. Well it looked more like 2-3 inches but I say this because I strongly believe Lesnar had lifts on in that match while Test had standard boots on because I can't see Test below 6'5.
Halb said on 5/Jul/06
The NFL have Brock at 188cm, so that's whay he must be. The NFL isn't the WWE. I would also add that the 21inches is prolly flexed.
Adam said on 28/Jun/06
Look at him againist Test at King Of the Ring 2002, Test was towering over him by 4-5 inches.

Brock's a solid 6'2 I reckon.
TheMan said on 20/May/06
Yeah the rock is about an inch taller than brock. But also remember shoes Brock is wearing lifts probably to make him appear taller. Barefoot rock would probably look more clearly taller. On most face off not all some wrestlers look taller than ones near each other. But the rock does generally have about an inch on brock. The ring has that effect.
Alex said on 15/May/06
Got a question on Brock's arms now. I read they were 21 inches from his NFL measurements? I'd assume thats unflexed if you check out the guys arms I wouldn't doubt 21 unflexed, plus I've read somewhere else they were 23 so he probably goes from 21 unflexed to 23 flexed.
Alex said on 15/May/06
The 6'3 and 6'4 listings for Brock are bunk, but honestly he does look 6'2. The Rock is taller than Brock by about an inch though. You can't go by that picture at all as Brock is too much closer to the camera.
Jason said on 14/May/06
It's just the angle of the shot. You'll get that effect with the Rock being further back like that.
Viper652 said on 14/May/06
Aaron, thats an insane picture. Ive always pegged Brock in the 6-1 range. And he looks taller then the Rock. Even the NFL only listed Brock at 6-2 though, so he couldnt be any taller then that anyway.
Aaron said on 13/May/06
I saw a picture of The Rock and Brock lesnar Standing infront of each other and it looks like Brock is taller. I reckon his 6'3.5+
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Alex said on 1/Apr/06
Marc, Usman is probably messing around. The Rock can't be as low as 6'1. Hes a minimum of 6'2.5 but I'd estimate him at 6'3. But yea 6'2 for Brock looks very legit.
Marc said on 28/Mar/06
Usman, but don't you think that Rock looks taller than 6'1 ? I think this can't be true because 6'1 is not very tall. He looks like 190-192cm. 188 cm for brock seems to be right in my opinion
Usman said on 28/Mar/06
Let me tell you something, go to kazaa, ares or a p2p client, try downloading stone cold and the rock sing, look at the rocks height in comparison to stone cold, theres about an inch difference, stone colds listed as 6 2 whilst rock is 6 4/ 6 5. I say rock is really 6 1 and a bit because ive seen him come on to the uk mtv trl and he stood next to the main presenter, presenter and him were same height, i reckon hes 6 1 without shoes.
Alex said on 14/Mar/06
Danimal, I'll watch and look more closer but it looked the same height exactly.
Danimal said on 13/Mar/06
Brock was shorter than goldberg. Watch the 2004 Wrestlemania, before their match and you can clearly see that Goldberg has some height on Brock.
Anonymous said on 12/Mar/06
Brock is the same height as Bill Goldberg who is 6 ft 3.
TheMan said on 23/Feb/06
Yeah ive actually paused the footage they have it on the here comes the pain DVD. It's between a 2 inches and 1.5 inches. But i do think lesnar is just about 6,2 deffently high 6,1 at times. He's probaly between 6,2 and half and like 1 quater over and at times 6,1.
Alex said on 22/Feb/06
Ok, I just looked my Backlash 2003 tape with Cena vs Lesnar. Before the match they showed the history of the feud and Brock and Cena were face to face and it only was 1 inch, 1.5 inches TOPS, but in the match they went face to face and it was more about 2 inches difference. For all we know the Cena myspace page could be fake and hes a bit over 6'0, like 6'0.5.
Jason said on 22/Feb/06
Hmmm, Brock only looked an inch taller than Cena from memory.
Alex said on 21/Feb/06
I remember when Lesnar was face to face with Cena, he had about 2 inches on Cena. I'll go to that match and check again. So Cena is 6'0 putting Brock at about 6'2. He says theres no way hes over 6'1 but could be underestimating him. Lesnar looks 6'2 and I can't see him under that. Even Rob says hes looks a legit 6'2 guy.
TheMan said on 17/Feb/06
He's deffently not over 6,2 though thats for sure.
Jason said on 15/Feb/06
meathead320 (who posted a while back on the Big Show board) told me sees Brock Lesnar all the time (he's from Minnesota, too) and there's no way he's anything over 6'1''. He said Lesnar owns a shop that puts grip flooring on the beds of trucks.
175cm16andgrowing said on 6/Jan/06
Brock is too heavy, way too heavy and just no 6'2''...
Shawn Michaels looked taller than the 6'2''-listed Jeff Hardy who looks taller than the 6'2''-listed Matt Hardy... magical shoes, hum? 5'11'' for Michaels seems about right.
Jason said on 5/Jan/06
I've seen Lesnar in person as I said further down. He appeared to be in 6'1 1/2'' - 6'2'' range.
Danimal said on 5/Jan/06
Shawn Michaels is 5'11", not 6'1". He was the exact same height as Bret Hart.
316 said on 4/Jan/06
There was 1 instance on WWE RAW, where brock lesnar barges inside the locker room of the NWO wrestlers, and stands face to face with Shawn Michaels, kevin nash and the big show. Leaving show n nash aside, I noticed that Shawn michaels(listed at 6'1 on most of the sites) luked clearly 1-1.5" shorter than lesnar. So i guess 6'2 is just about right for brock, might even be 6'2.5.
TheMan said on 31/Dec/05
Lesnar is 100% 6,2 good call saw the nfl list him as that aswell. He's billed aslike 6,4 but i saw him face up to the what i belive 6,1 stone cold once and he appeared to be the exact same height not taller like the rock or even HHH had. I wonder if he could be shorter than 6,2 even but i doubt it. I also saw him face up to John Cena and he was atleast 1,5 or a full 2 inches taller than him but i don't know how tall Cena is. I know he was listed as 6,1 but i think he's just about 6,0. But i do think lesnar is 6,2 though.
Viper652 said on 11/Nov/05
Nah, Obsessedwithwwe is fairly correct.
obsessedwithwwe said on 8/Nov/05
The Rock Is 6'2" 3/4 (190cm) ... Thats 1 ... Brock Lesnar Is 6'1" 1/2 (186-187cm) ... Thats 2 ... And Stone Cold Is 6ish (182-183cm) ... THats 3 ... Would You Believe The Truth... Go on austin section of this website no1 will ever say hes 6'1 nore 6'2 and he sure as hell doesnt look it ...
Viper652 said on 7/Nov/05
Stone Cold is 6-0 at best.
A.D said on 7/Nov/05
how can the rock be 6-2 when he stood head to head with stone cold in wrestlemania and was taller than him. and they say stone cold is 6-2.and if brock isn't 6-4 he has to be at least 6-3
Viper652 said on 6/Nov/05
Brock's real height is in the 6-1 range. Rocks real height is 6-2.
A.D said on 6/Nov/05
people really think brock is 6'2" when he really is 6'4".he is one inch shorter than the rock who is 6'5".
MEK said on 5/Nov/05
He is solid 6'1" (186cm) believe me.
Hate the guy much since his feud with the undertaker.
An interesting picture of Lasner with Vince McMahon.
Jason said on 28/Oct/05
I don't think the NFL would have rounded down...
Cobra said on 28/Oct/05
Believe in 189 cm, a shade over 6ft2. Looked about one inch smaller than The Rock.
The man has an extreme massive built.
Anshelm said on 27/Oct/05
I remeber guessing him at 188 cm too, though back then I thought Kurt Angle was 180 cm/5'11" (I find his Olympic listing of 178 cm/5'10" most reliable). But from all the "official" height listings the Vikings certaily are the closest to the truth. He could be this, I'd put him in 186
Bleemo said on 27/Oct/05
With his shoulders as big as they are he may well 6ft2 squared!
Jason said on 27/Oct/05
I agree with this one. Seen him in person and that is about right. He looked a tall 6'1 1/2'' to 6'2''. Even I would give him the benefit of the doubt and give him 6'2'', though ... as he probably was. One hell of a big bloke.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.