Canson said on 16/Sep/18
@Brad: 2.5”? I don’t know. He’s genuinely just a weak 5’11” guy barefoot
Rising - 174 cm said on 14/Sep/18
There's no way shoes like this:
Click Here give anywhere near 2.5". Or these:
Click Here Click Here These lace up Oxfords with 1.3" stacked heel are close to what Pitt has worn at some red carpets:
Click Here Some of these do have an insole so along with the 1.2"-1.3" heels, he'll have a good advantage over many shoes or perhaps even most at these events. He might even put in a little extra lift, but those boots and shoes would look far different close up if they were giving him near 2.5". The boots he wore in Spy Game would give 1.8"-2" and the Guidi boots will be pretty close so merely a decent internal lift could get close to 2.5" in those, but the Chelsea boots, Oxfords etc. he wears to red carpets would require a Robert Downey Jr. lift to get near 2.5".
Pierre said on 14/Sep/18
@Rising=i really doubt his shoes are always only 1.8.Maybe sometimes but the others times they 're looking more than this imo.Just wearing shoes a little bit generous and a seconde insole you can gain around 1.8 inch then with elevator shoes with discreet technology 1.8 seems to me very low.In this site,in the page"elevator shoes"there are brown shoes wich are looking classic shoes,with only a classic external heel and the gain is around 2.3 inch,with a external heel or internal heel(or both) a little bit thicker the gain will be logically more than 2.3 inches.In the picture before/after=Rob next to Jenny,this shoes give 2.4 inches but are looking very classic in the picture.With more expensive luxury shoes /custom made shoes with a little bit more sophisticated technology i can imagine even bigger gains.
Bradley said on 14/Sep/18
Redford was 5' 10.5" 1 foot from me on the big stage at Universal in 1986 filming Legal Eagles. 5-10 today, same as Pitt but Pitt wears the wedged customs cause he wants to be 6 feet, irritating to other actors.
Rising - 174 cm said on 13/Sep/18
@Pierre: Actually, 1.8"-2" of actual height gained is the range many celebrities seem to prefer for formal events as they'll look like a pretty normal style to most. Most elevator shoe manufacturers advertise the highest point at the back of the heel and lift rather than the actual height gained compared to your barefoot height. The marginal height gained also gets smaller the bigger the heel or lift. For example, all things being equaled, the difference in actual height between a 1" and 1.8" heel will be greater than the difference in actual height between a 2" and 2.8" heel. Of course, the actual height you'll get will vary somewhat depending on the quality, design etc. But in Pitt's case, I'm not talking about elevator shoes. He's favored designer
Chelsea Boots with what look to be 1.2" stacked heels for many red carpets over the years. But I won't have an idea of how much height those boots give without knowing the height of the insole too. Even then, it'd be very difficult to tell if Pitt had a small lift in there because
Chelsea Boots often have an angle so a small lift might not look much different than a chelsea boot without one.
@Hijo: As for Redford, he looks 5'9" more recently as you can see from the photo at the top of Shia Labeouf's page. He might have still been closer to 5'10" when Spy Game was made. How much did Redford's boots add in the film, about 1"? And yes, I remember Geena Davis taller in flats than Pitt in cowboy boots. I could swear there was also a scene to compare Pitt to Michael Madsen, but I can't remember if it was a deleted scene. Assuming she has a regular twitter account, someone should ask Geena how tall she thought Pitt was.
Bradley said on 13/Sep/18
He's pounding 2.5" easy additional in the custom dress boots.
Pierre said on 12/Sep/18
@Rising=There is shoes(or boots) in web which give you easily more than 1,8 inch and they re looking like classic shoes or boots.Search"luxury elevator boots men".1.8 inch seems to me very low for elevator shoes,i personnally bought classic shoes with classic external heels,there are not elevator shoes,so without shoe technology to gain height,and this shoes give me 1.26 inch.
Rising - 174 cm said on 11/Sep/18
@Rob: I'm gonna watch that soon actually. I'm not saying your listing is impossible either, nor am I arguing he's 5'10" flat. As I said, he can look 5'11.5"-6'0", but I just wouldn't go as far as saying he ALWAYS looks tall. For instance, I wouldn't describe him as looking tall next to David Duchovny in Kalifornia.
Hijoputamos said on 11/Sep/18
Rising, a 5ft11 guy wearing 2 inch heels SHOULD be WAAAY taller than a 5ft9 guy in flats.
Don’t forget he wore cowboys beside Geena Davis in flats and she was taller.
Brad cannot be anything near 5ft11
Rising - 174 cm said on 10/Sep/18
I wouldn't say Pitt "never fails to look tall." He can look 5'11.5"-6'0", but he doesn't always look that. For instance, if Rick Schroder was already the 5'9.5" Rob lists him at 19 then I'd say Pitt looked 5'10.5" in Across the Tracks, maybe just under 5'11" all things being equal. But I don't know whether Pitt had an advantage for the scenes he wasn't wearing Converse and whether Schroder is/was more 5'9" flat. He didn't look particularly tall in Thelma and Louise or at the True Romance premiere considering he had cowboy boots for both and there have been the odd occasions(e.g., Burn After Reading Venice photocall, Inglourious Basterds Berlin photocall) where he hasn't looked that tall with a recent example being events for Fury where Jon Bernthal was generally taller and Logan Lerman looked about 3" shorter. He did look tall in Meet Joe Black even if Anthony Hopkins had shrunk to 5'8.5" by 60 and tall in The Devil's Own assuming Ford was still at least close to 6'0".
I remember Pitt clearly taller than Redford in Spy Game, but he only looks slightly taller in those behind the scenes pics even though they're in costume. I don't think Redford was ever taller than 5'10" flat, but he could have still been near that at 64 while 5'9" is more like his current height. According to this article on Frye Campus boots, the vintage 70's boots came with 2.4" heels while the boots made since the 80's have 2" heels:
Click Here There's a comparison between the two at the bottom of the page and this article includes a measuring tape next to the heels:
Click Here Fwiw, the events in the film take place in 1985 and I'd have thought Pitt's boots had about 2" heels, but that doesn't rule out the 2.4" either. Either way, a 2" heel is very large by today's standards and that's one film where Pitt's footwear was in
Vin Diesel territory. Not unlike the Guidi boots he wears nowadays, which are advertised as having a 2" heel and a thick sole.
Here's pretty much what Pitt likes to wear to red carpets:
Click Here Thanks agzin to Daniel Alvarez for the info Pitt wears Tom Ford. I can't find any info on the insole. Because a Chelsea boot covers your ankle and has somewhat of an angle, it'd be virtually impossible to tell if Pitt slips a small lift in or not. Here's what basically the same boot looks like with a 1.8" western heel(i.e., cowboy heel):
Click Here I don't think Pitt wears an external heel that big to red carpets, but that's just my opinion. He might have on some occasions or had heels made bigger than 1.2", but smaller than 1.8". All of those red carpet photos I posted a while back are from 2012(Golden Globes, SAG awards, Cannes Killing Them Softly premiere).

Editor Rob
Pitt can hold up well in some films, I think if anybody catches World War Z, do see the scene near the end, he is with Peter Capaldi and, well I certainly wouldn't argue Pitt looks 5ft 10 in it!
Animus said on 7/Sep/18
There are plenty of photos where Pitt is taller than Redford. You suffer from selection bias.
Hijoputamos said on 5/Sep/18
Animus, that doesn’t make sense. Brad is 5’11 on his shoes. He wore MASSIVE heels beside Redford in Spy Game and was barely taller than 5ft9 ish Robert.
Bradley said on 4/Sep/18
He looks 6 foot or more with footwear in every movie cept running with the Trojan Army.
Original said on 4/Sep/18
5'10 barefoot, maybe 5'10.25" at his 20s-30s. Slim, good proportions and of course lifts and he could appear even 6'0.
Pierre said on 3/Sep/18
Imo not 5"11' next to Rick Schroder in "Across the Tracks".I see Rick as a weak 5"9' and i see Brad at maximum one inch taller than him(by considering Rick wear lots of time slim heels in this movie like Converse shoes).My guess=176/177
Animus said on 2/Sep/18
Never fails to look tall. I just saw “Meet Joe Black” and he looked above-average. Zero chance he is 179cm, in my opinion.
Rising - 174 cm said on 29/Aug/18
@MJKoP: Yeah, I don't look anything like my brother either. He's also 4" taller than me. Pitt and Redford were even likely within an inch of each other's heights or a half inch going by Rob's listings.
MJKoP said on 26/Aug/18
Rising - 174 cm said on 19/Aug/18
@MJKoP: My oddly-structured sentence was probably so specific because quite a few people have argued with me when I've compared the two. The resemblance has been striking since Moneyball and never more than the new film. I thought they looked like father and son in Spy Game.
Well, let me put it this way: Redford and Pitt can pass for blood relatives a heck of a lot easier than me and my own biological brother. 😁
Bradley said on 20/Aug/18
He did look like Robert Redford Jr. in "Spy Game".
Film Fan said on 19/Aug/18
This is another one of those controversial celebrities when it comes to their height. It is difficult to say if he falls closer to 5’ 10” or 5’ 11,” we may never know.
Rising - 174 cm said on 19/Aug/18
@MJKoP: My oddly-structured sentence was probably so specific because quite a few people have argued with me when I've compared the two. The resemblance has been striking since Moneyball and never more than the new film. I thought they looked like father and son in Spy Game.
Bradley said on 14/Aug/18
He looks exactly like Redford '79 in the Tarantino film filming right now.
MJKoP said on 12/Aug/18
Rising - 174 cm said on 4/Aug/18
He looks a bit like Robert Redford to me in costume for the new Tarantino film.
You could've just ended that sentence after 'Redford', if you were to ask me. :D
HonestSlovene said on 9/Aug/18
@Gracian I'd say he's a typical 179-180 cm guy, just like Beckham.
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Aug/18
⭐️ Hans Landa is spelt like so, and not the way I spelt it! 😜
⭐️ Furthermore, it is 'INGLOURIOUS Basterds', and not 'Inglorious'. So there you go! 😉
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Aug/18
I have just found out that the new Quentin Tarantino film starring Brad Pitt is called 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood'.
It doesn't get released until next year! 😭😭😭
Rising - 174 cm said on 4/Aug/18
He looks a bit like Robert Redford to me in costume for the new Tarantino film.
viper said on 1/Aug/18
He looks awesome in the new Tarantino movie
Daniel Alvarez said on 31/Jul/18
@mikes. Thanks for posting that. I’ve never learned to post videos or pics on here. I’ve seen that video. You can see that his walk is pretty strange. It’s super obvious that he’s wearing inserts or they’re custom shoes. If you see his stride, you’ll see it’s high stride. Super awkward. And look at where his knee is. No way his leg is that long from his knee to ankle. You can clearly see his knee when he’s walking. He can pull it off when standing but once you see that knee poking out when he walks, it’s obvious his leg is way too long, especially considering those Native American 60’s moccasin booties things are completely flat with no heel or even a sole.
Rising - 174 cm said on 30/Jul/18
And Pitt isn't 181 cm. He's clearly shorter than Jimmy Fallon:
Click Here Not a lot shorter, but definitely shorter back to back. And he had a bigger heel than Gosling at the Golden Globes.
Pierre said on 30/Jul/18
@CDS= Imo the reality is =Laurence Fishburne by all the pics looks about 1 inch taller than
Matt Damon who looks maybe one inch taller than James Corden by some pics in web....
@Rising 174= Imo Orlando Bloom looks a strong 5"10' if James Corden is a strong 5"8'...
mikes said on 29/Jul/18
him on set recently, for the new tarantino movie:
Click Here
CDS said on 27/Jul/18
@Pierre. I missed your earlier comment. Maybe this should go on fishburne s page, but he has terrible posture. See the movie, "last flag flying" where 5'10" Bryan Cranston pretty much is even with him, most of the movie. That is, until near the end, when the 2 are in military uniform, with appropriate posture. And the closer I look at these pics. Reeves does look a tad taller than Pitt, if you even out the horizon in the background. A lot if the angles are slanted. If Pitt was a true 5'11" guy, especially in those thick heeled boots, he could easily edge out Reeves , or any solid 6 footer. But instead, in spite of all that, Reeves still comes in a little taller, and that's even with Pitt having a little better posture...
Rising - 174 cm said on 26/Jul/18
@Daniel Alvarez: Great posts, you really did your homework on this! This is the most details I can remember on Pitt's footwear. I've done a few quick searches on Tom Ford boots and found a few similar to what Pitt has worn. The Campus style boots do look like the Spy Game boots. He may not need any lift to look taller with boots like those, especially co-starring with an aging 5'10" Robert Redford. Those have a 2" heel, but are a bit thicker all around than say a 2" Cuban heel boot, so he'll likely get a bit more height. Brad certainly doesn't spare any expenses on his footwear either! I'm not convinced Brad wears lifts as most here are, but Meet Joe Black was one film I thought he might have worn them in because he could really look about 6' with Anthony Hopkins. I wouldn't doubt it in a film like Troy either so he could seem more larger than life as Achilles. Pitt also had his most impressive physique in that film as he weighed about 180 and was still pretty lean. It is worth noting that Pitt wore normal dress shoes while promoting the film on Conan O'Brien's show:
Click Here As you can see, ankles are in a normal position. You can at least roughly compare his height in shoes to Conan in socks in this video:
Click Here I think Conan is more 6'3.5" barefoot rather than 6'4", but Pitt should look 6' compared to him with Conan in socks, though I'm not sure he does.
And I do actually agree with Pierre on Orlando Bloom. He looks more 5'10" flat to me, maybe a fraction over.
Pierre said on 26/Jul/18
I like this instructive and entertaining site.
Daniel Alvarez said on 25/Jul/18
The boots he’s wearing in the pic above with Claudia Schiffer are Guidi front zip boots in Cordovan leather from the 2009 a/w season. They don’t give much lift, so I’m sure he’s probably got a small lift inside. He wore those many times in 2009 and they were the boots he was wearing when he crashed his motorcycle in LA in 2009. Just google brad Pitt motorcycle accident.
Daniel Alvarez said on 25/Jul/18
Excellent post, rising. You’re spot on. The boots you think are Guidi are in fact, guidis. The red carpet shiny shoes are almost definitely Tom Ford dress boots. Ford also makes shoes/boots with big heels. The boots in spy game are 1970’s CAMPUS boots. The style is called CAMPUS. and yes, they’re huge. Although those may be just regular boots in spy game, there is no doubt that he does wear custom shoes/boots for certain films. Especially for Troy, basterds, meet joe black, and I’m sure for moneyball and Benjamin button.
Daniel Alvarez said on 25/Jul/18
@cds. Agreed. What I mean by them being very high end boots is that Guidi uses leathers from Horse, buffalo, cow, and even donkey. Yea, those are some pretty rare leathers that not everyone uses.
CDS said on 24/Jul/18
@gracian, all your pics are 2000s to the present. Go back and check out pics of brad measuring up to other actors, say pre-1996, prior to when the "heightening" began, and you'll see he's all of a sudden had a growth his thirties! And he's had several 5'10" listings, again early in his career, including himself putting that down, as this page clearly states.
Pierre said on 24/Jul/18
@Gracian=Orlando Bloom next to James Corden looks about 2 inches taller than him by some pics in web.Eric Bana looks lots of time the same range height as Karl Urban(listed 6"0.5') or Chris Pine(listed 6"0.5') in some pics(in some others pics he wears some times shoes which are looking advantageous shoes).
@CDS@Daniel Alvarez@Frankie=Keanu Reeves (pictures event 2017 John Wick Chapter 2) looks maybe 1.5 inches taller than Laurence Fishburne who looks maybe one inch taller than
Matt Damon (pictures event Venise 2011)...
Dmeyer said on 23/Jul/18
If you look well Pitt and Reeves are similar in similar angle Reeves could look 1cm of course Pitt Can look taller in better angle , Reeves is 6'0,5 today plus 2cm fiotwear about 186cm Pitt seems about 185cm in shoes that gives no more than 4cm and could give 3,5cm wich is already thick , i dont think he lifts inside of course near 1,5in fiotwear and excellent posture he could look near 1in taller than his Real height he has to be about 5'11 as he Can look over it in shoes that dont even give 2in ,
Rising - 174 cm said on 22/Jul/18
@Daniel Alvarez: I agree with you on style. I prefer boots and also don't any own sandals, moccasins or ankle socks. And good post identifying another pair of boots Brad wears and I'm going to go out on a limb and say not many posters here besides yourself own a pair and could tell how much height they add. It looks like he might be wearing Guidi boots here as well:
Click Here But just because Brad is wearing a biker-style boot there, it doesn't mean he never wears boots that could be described as "cuban-type heels". In fact, Brad looks to have typical Cubans in this photo:
Click Here It looks like he wore Cuban heels more recently to the Allied UK premiere:
Click Here Obviously Brad has worn many different types of boots. He's also worn Palladium boots a few times in recent years:
Click Here and Blundstones:
Click Here
But "cuban-type heels" is generally used to refer to Brad's footwear at red carpet events where he wears dress boots with heels a bit bigger than the standard 2-3 cm range. Here are a few examples with the last two closeups:
Click Here I don't know if those actually are Cuban heels, but I think it's a decent enough description and gets across the important point, which is that Brad gains an advantage from 1.5" dress boots. Interestingly, in the photo I posted of his Spy Game boots on July 14th, the front looks sort of similar to the Guidi boots in the closeup on the left. I don't know what kind of boots those were in the film except that they're thick with a raised heel about 2". Probably custom made for Brad to wear in the film and probably worn in part to look a little taller, though I don't believe he has an extra lift inside.
Gracian said on 22/Jul/18
I do not understand people who want to argue that Pitt has 5'10" or at best 5'10.5". In my opinion, the range of 178-9 cm is too low for him! For me, Brad looks like a typical 181 cm guy. Here are some arguments:
Next to Orlando Bloom and Eric Bana:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Next to Jimmy Fallon:
Click Here
Next to Ryan Gosling:
Click Here
Click Here
Rob, or 5'11.25" is possible for him?

Editor Rob
Pitt at times over the years has pulled off looking comfortably over 5ft 11...but a genuine 5ft 11 guy can look tallish at times. The right photos, the right posture and footwear can help Pitt.
I think his own 5ft 11 early claim is quite reasonable. Many people would guess him over 5ft 11, but a big chunk think he's 5ft 10.75 too....
CDS said on 20/Jul/18
@Daniel Alvarez. I googled the Guido 788v boots and checked in images like you said, but all I could see was pic after pic of , well, boots.?? 😂
With that being said, however, those are some pretty darn thick heels , so stands to reason why Pitt was close height wise to Keanu Reeves. However the poster below said Reeves was 6'1", whereas I would say he's that height in shoes, a solid 6' barefoot. So if Pitt edged him out, all that says is he edged out a legitimate 6 footer, not terribly difficult to do for a solid 5'10" guy wearing ridiculous thick heeled footwear...
Pierre said on 19/Jul/18
Now remember once again that James Corden on tiptoe is nearly the same height as Rob feetflat next to Samuel Anderson.Look at in web the picture "Jonah hill James Corden".Then look at the picture here Brad/Jonah...Do the maths again
Daniel Alvarez said on 19/Jul/18
@frankie. Those boots he’s wearing are very high end Italian leather boots made by Guidi. He’s been wearing the brand for a decade. Those just happen to have the chunky Vibram soles cause that’s what they put out that season. He’s worn the same designer with super short soles. In about 2012 they started putting out designs with double midsoles and stacked heels. It’s no different than those rockabilly guys who wear the huge double midsole engineer/biker boots. As far as his facial lifting goes, I don’t know about that. He’s looking pretty saggy in recent years.
As far as the boots go, what you consider embarrassing and height conscious, I actually consider normal. I like that kind of style. I don’t do sandals, don’t do moccasins with no socks, don’t do the whole trainers with ankle socks. It’s more of a style choice.
I’ve ownwd a pair of Guidi boots in the past and trust me, they’re the most comfortable high quality boots you can wear. The construction is incredible. It’s like you’re wearing leather socks.
The thing with keanu is that he has very long proportions with very relaxed posture. Of course pitt with big boots is gonna be 6-1.
Frankie said on 18/Jul/18
@Daniel Alvarez
Funny enough, those Le Mans photos proved how ridiculous Brad Pitt is with his height related paranoia.
He is indeed way much close to Keanu Reeves than he should, considering he is AT BEST 180 cms and Keanu is 6'1.
Those boots Pitt was wearing was absolutely embarassing.
Statham, despite being not even half as blessed as Pitt in terms of aesthetic, turned out to be far more attractive, because he is CONFIDENT.
Little Pitt, with his facial lifting and massive boots, has plenty to learn.
178 cms. Not a hair taller.
Rising - 174 cm said on 18/Jul/18
@Hijoputamus: No, I mean he's probably 5'10.5" or a bit under 5'11"(5'10.75"), but I can see why Rob keeps him 5'11" and doesn't agree with me on 5'10.5".
Daniel Agami said on 17/Jul/18
I believe that B.Pitt is 181cm flat, but with shoes he is 182-184 cm. And when he wears elevator/high thick soles he becomes 187-188 cm.
Hijoputamus said on 16/Jul/18
@Rising 174 cm, so you mean he is 5ft10 ok
Monkey knees said on 15/Jul/18
Not a full 5'11 at all. Always in lifts to bring him above 6ft. 5'10.5 morning height.
Daniel Alvarez said on 15/Jul/18
So here’s the deal. I’m sure none of you will do this, but if you google Guidi 788V boots and look in images, you will see the guidi boots brad was wearing when he went to Le Mans in 2016. While wearing the boots at Le Mans, he was photographed next to
Jason Statham, Patrick Dempsey and Keanu Reeves. The boots have a 1.75” - 2” heel and have a thick, chunky mid-sole with Vibram soles. They’re not Cuban heels, as so many love to comment. They’re thick soled, biker style boots. While wearing the boots, Pitt was 2.5” taller than Statham, 1.5” taller than Dempsey and the same height, or maybe 1” taller than Reeves. I think Reeves was in trainers though. I’m sure That Pitt could’ve had a very small lift insert inside, about 1” Max, because that’s all the boots will allow. You do the math. You can youtube Brad Pitt Le Mans and see the video.
Rising - 174 cm said on 14/Jul/18
The point that a legit 5'11" will usually claim 6' is a valid one, especially since Brad lied about his age on that same questionnaire. He also looked shorter in his early career since he was only about an inch taller than Rick Schroder in Across The Tracks, 1.5" tops in some scenes and he didn't look nearly 6'1" in cowboy boots in Thelma and Louise. He also looks a bit shorter than 5'11" Jon Bernthal and looked under 5'11" at a few events for Fury. There have also been rumors/reports he's only 5'10" since at least 1995 and he was still getting listed only 5'11" until around the mid 90's when he was already a pretty big star.
With that said, 5'11" seems a plausible guess when you remember honest 5'11" men do exist and you look at how he looks over his entire career rather than just the early part. The pics with Cumberbatch don't surprise me that much considering we can't see their feet and these were their shoes:
Click Here Click Here Pitt seems to have his usual decent-sized heel, perhaps close to 1.5" while Cumberbatch has thin dress shoes with only a small heel so they might only add 2 cm. On top of that, Cumberbatch is a guy Rob has confirmed can look shorter than he is or barely 5'11" while we all know Pitt can look taller than he is and pass for about 182 cm or around 6'0". I'd guess Benedict is 181 cm while I suspect Brad is about 5'10.5", but he could be anywhere in the 179-180 cm range. For Brad to be 5'10" flat or less, he'd not only have to wear lifts, but constantly wear particularly big lifts/elevators adding 2.5" or more. I just don't see much evidence of this and I think he usually just wears heels a bit bigger than average giving him close to 1.5". He's worn cowboy boots that add a bit more as well, especially in the early 90's and on a few occasions closer to 2" Cubans and whatever his Spy Game boots were:
Click Here those look closer to 2".
HonestSlovene said on 9/Jul/18
Gwyneth is around 5'8.5" and Pitt around 5'10.5". That barefoot pic by the pool was the only one he ever came close to looking 178 cm, and even then he doesn't look under the mark.
Bradley said on 7/Jul/18
Brad wants that Armani suit Brad wears with Bendedict.
Pierre said on 5/Jul/18
Gwyneth is the same range height as James Corden(toddlerography dance);James Corden on tiptoe(picture premiere of 'History Boys')next to Samuel Anderson look max the same height as Rob next to Samuel Anderson (Samuel straighter in the picture with Rob). Brad barefoot don't look two full inches taller than Gwyneth.Then make the maths
Original said on 3/Jul/18
Not really hippoputamus, Gwyneth's 5'8.75" and BP 5'10 - 5'10.25"; Rob 5'8.25" and this man I would say 5'11, the difference between Paltrow and Pitt is about 3 or 4cm while in this pic (w/ Rob) more about 7cm.
Hijoputamus said on 3/Jul/18
Rob, come on, barefoot they look the exact same.
Can’t believe you complicate things. So what about Pitt’s lifts?

Editor Rob
I don't know if any of those old pool shots were showing the real difference like they would up close and posed side by side. Some shots certainly can enhance one and reduce the other like
Pitt with Benedict
Dingus said on 2/Jul/18
Brad Pitt is 5'10.50"-5'11.125". If Jonah Hill is as short as 5'06.00" Brad would have about 4.5-5 inches on him. Both are wearing dress shoes and on even ground. Unless Brad Pitt has been wearing lifts everywhere since his rise to fame at all times its really unlikely he's under 5'10.50". Is he tall? No. He's a little above average in height. But he probably knows his sex symbol/celebrity status demands he live up to his larger than life presence so he's always in shoes that push him to 6ft.
Hijoputamus said on 2/Jul/18
Click Here
That’s how Brad Pitt and Gwyneth would look together IF Brad was 5ft10.5
And OBVIOUSLY Brad looks same height as Gwyneth.
Rob, what do you think?

Editor Rob
In heels sometimes gwyneth looked very similar to pitt.
Robby Harris said on 1/Jul/18
@Rob: Do you consider 5'10" a possibility for Pitt?

Editor Rob
I wouldn't bet on it.
MrTBlack said on 30/Jun/18
I can see anything from 5’10-11” but yeah definitely not over 5’11”.
Mister lennon said on 30/Jun/18
Strong 5'10, as always.
Canson said on 30/Jun/18
I doubt he’s under 5’10”. Maybe even 5’10.25
Alex Houlton said on 30/Jun/18
If George Clooney thinks Brad Pitt is 6'1, I'd guess there's at least an inch and a half between them, I'd put George Clooney at 5'10-5'10.5 and Brad Pitt 5'11.5-6'
Jtm said on 30/Jun/18
not under 5'9 but definitely not 5'11.
Bradley said on 29/Jun/18
He's 5-10 flat. Ramped and well heeled custom dress boots are his vice when he wants the six and change.
Canson said on 28/Jun/18
He’s prob 5’10 and change. Not under 5’9”
Daniel Alvarez said on 28/Jun/18
No surprise there. Dicaprio has always been taller than Pitt. So of course if Dicaprio is in cowboy boots and Pitt in flat Native American moccasins, Dicaprio is gonna look a good 2 -3 inches taller. Dicaprio has always looked like a barefoot 5-11
Jtm said on 28/Jun/18
CDS said on 27/Jun/18
A lot of debate about who's taller, Pitt or
Leonardo DiCaprio. I think this may have answered that, and further evidence brad is closer to 5'10" than 5'11". Check out his flat shoes, not the usual Cubans or mega lifts?
Click Here
i cant' wait to see the diaprio fanboys post that picture on his page to prove he 's really 6'0 lol.
sowhat said on 28/Jun/18
Rob, could 1.80 be his morning height? because to me, during the day he looks 1.78.5 to 1.79?

Editor Rob
I struggle to see Pitt as 179cm flat.
QM6'1QM said on 28/Jun/18
As i said Burt Reynolds: “Lady, no actor is five eleven. There's not an actor in the world who isn't ever 6 feet. - New York Times, 1972”.
If Pitt were 5'11", he would simply claim 6'0, like
Leonardo DiCaprio. Of course, he is in the 5'10 range. About 178.5 cm / 5'10.25" is my opinion.
Daniel Alvarez said on 27/Jun/18
Very strong 5-9.5 - 5-10. Nothing under 5-9.5”. NEVER EVER. with his proportions and muscles he can easily pass for 5-11 when wearing small lifts or boots. The only time he hits 6’ plus is when he’s wearing lifts in his boots or when he wears special shoes for movies like Inglorious Basterds.
Dukecrund said on 27/Jun/18
weak 5'10 guy just lwatch his first movies please. You can clearly see he is average. somewhere 177.5 range
Dukecrund said on 27/Jun/18
argh said on 24/Jun/18Ç
You said it all. Because he was never 5'11 not even 5'10.5. He was 5'9.75 max
Bradley said on 27/Jun/18
He's getting eaten up by Leonardo by at least two inches in a Q.T. production shot.
CDS said on 27/Jun/18
A lot of debate about who's taller, Pitt or
Leonardo DiCaprio. I think this may have answered that, and further evidence brad is closer to 5'10" than 5'11". Check out his flat shoes, not the usual Cubans or mega lifts?
Click Here
Hijoputamus said on 25/Jun/18
@argh, John Wayne was 6’4 ish and wore lifts
argh said on 24/Jun/18
why does a 5'11 man wear lifts?
Hijoputamus said on 22/Jun/18
Lads, If Brad was 179 he would clearly be taller than 5’8 ish Gwyneth and both would stand as Rob beside Trevor Francis (go check his listing pic with Rob)
...and clearly Brad wasn’t this tall beside Gwyneth as Trevor with Rob.
Thank you all
Pierre said on 18/Jun/18
@HonestSlovene = no sorry but you maybe...
HonestSlovene said on 16/Jun/18
@Pierre We know that's your other account on an another pc so. :) But Pitt can be anywhere 178-180 cm IMO.
Mister lennon said on 13/Jun/18
I dont think think in 177 for him. He is mninimum in the 178-179 range.
Mijony180 said on 10/Jun/18
I meant David Duchovny 2 inches on him
Mijony180 said on 10/Jun/18
He always looked beteween 5'9.75 and 5'10.25 barefoot. Kalifornia looks 5'10 at best. Duchovsky has 2 inches on him
Pierre said on 8/Jun/18
I agree with Hijo,177 seem to be a better guess.180 peak seem to be too high for him.Old pictures/movies inwhich he was barefoot or in classic shoes are showing he's between 5"9' and 5"10',a strong 5"9' or a weak 5"10'.He look tall because he wear sometimes good shoes and because he's standing in a good posture, because he has an athletic body.
Hijoputamus said on 7/Jun/18
Achilles, Pitt stands 6ft with 5 cm help which is 2 inches and not 3 as you said wrong. Do the math.
177 plus heel of the shoe between 2-3 cm makes him 5’11 plus lnsoles or little lift adds an extra inch which makes him stand 6ft plus being skinny languid straight military posture and his whole presence makes him even look taller than the 6ft he reaches.
We all can try it and prove you don’t need huge lifts or monster shoes to be 2 inches taller. Just shoes plus a lift. AND Pitt wears high heel shoes that even adds a little more height.
Barefoot we all have seen him same height as 5-9 Gwyneth Paltrow and 5-9 is being generous.
177 cm for Brad.
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jun/18
@ 6ftMedium - Cheers for that! 👍 I am in the process right now of watching the film 'Kalifornia', in which he stars alongside David Duchovny. David's hair is bouncy in the film, but no way does he strike me as someone dependent on hair to add the odd bit of height, either in this or in the 'X' Files! Brad's hair is flat and lank in the film, but he is truly powerfully built! I have always disputed that Duchovny is a flat 6ft, and in this, I would say he is nearer 6ft1 and Brad 5ft11. This is the very film which states his height, should you be interested, and it is also a fantastic watch and desperately under rated!
Pierre said on 6/Jun/18
not 2 inches taller than Rick Schroder in "Across The Tracks" imo.I can see 1 inch difference,by considering Rick was wearing Converse shoes lots of time and had flat hairs in this movie.Rick Schroder in 'Too Young The Hero' is standing next to a height gauge in a scene,his posture is very straight,the peak of his hairs is 5"9'
RNP492 said on 6/Jun/18
I agree with @Original. 5'10 (178 cm).
Male said on 6/Jun/18
He is Only 5ft 11 (180cm)
Bradley said on 5/Jun/18
Duece in the heel, 1.5" wedge. Easy 6 footer.
Original said on 5/Jun/18
My conclusion after more than 10 years of CelebHeights:
He is probably around 178 - as you can see in older movies - with some elevators and special shoes he reaches 184/185 that gives him often a strong 181-182 impression. That's why you have bad pictures of him where he passes by a 177 guy and others where he appears to be around 183. Again he is probably around 178 and lifts put him to be a 181/strong 181 often. It is not far from that.
Achilles-178 said on 2/Jun/18
Bradley said on 31/May/18
5-10 for decades. Rocks over 6' with ease in his custom boots, dress or cycle. Doesn't look his age, all Brad's don't.
He would need a 3 inch lift to appear 6 feet if he's "only" 5-10.
I've never seen him in such monsters.
MJKoP said on 1/Jun/18
Bradley said on 31/May/18
5-10 for decades. Rocks over 6' with ease in his custom boots, dress or cycle. Doesn't look his age, all Brad's don't.
Think you might be *slightly* biased with that last statement! ;)
6ftMedium said on 1/Jun/18
@Sandy Cowell
I agree,he is 5'11 if not 5'10 3/4"
Sandy Cowell said on 31/May/18
I really enjoyed Brad Pitt's performance in 'Inglorious Basterds', which I saw yesterday on Channel 5! For a Tarantino film, this one is sorely lacking in laughs, except for Brad's mouthy character Aldo Rain*! Also, Brad looks tall and fit next to Christoph Waltz and various other actors, including one who Christoph's character refers to as 'The Little Man', trying to wind him up, and succeeding in no uncertain terms!
Standing with much shorter actors, Brad indeed has an unfair advantage, but I am still going to give him the full 5ft11. He doesn't look any less in height than he did in the film 'Kalifornia', when that was the description given out for him when he was being tracked down - for various killings! 😨
* I can't guarantee that this is the correct spelling!
Bradley said on 31/May/18
5-10 for decades. Rocks over 6' with ease in his custom boots, dress or cycle. Doesn't look his age, all Brad's don't.
Daniel Alvarez said on 29/May/18
Totally impossible for this guy to be 5-8. Impossible. You’d have to downgrade every actor ever. That would mean he’d have to be cramming three inch lifts into normal vans shoes. That would mean that he would have to be using two inch lifts in his guidi boots, which is impossible. You guys think it’s just easy to use lifts but you don’t seem to understand that big lifts don’t work in regular shoes or regular boots. BRAD PITT DOES NOT WEAR TRICKY OR SECRET SHOES. almost every shoe he wears from day to day can be identified as normal designer or branded footwear. He wears vans, he wears guidi boots, he wears Martin margiela boots, he wears tod’s Footwear. Go online and google Merrell spirit moc. Pitt wore those shoes many times in 2007 and 2008. Its IMPOSSIBLE TO throw a lift in them that’s any bigger than 1.5”. The guy is obviously 5-10 with posture or 5-9.5” minimum. With lifts and boots he hits 6-0. A 5-8 reaching 6-0 would look like he’s on stilts. How do you explain Pitt looking 5-11 while jogging in short shorts in WAR MACHINE? So those low cut trainers he was running in had 3” lifts in them? Yet his body magically still looks proportional? I call BS on anything under a strong 5-9.5
MJKoP said on 28/May/18
TheMethod said on 28/May/18
Watch Johnny Suede....look at the naked pictures of him and Gwenyth (herself strong 5'8 no can see that Brad is 5'8 at BEST. Its ridiculous that this is still argued...yes Brad Pitt is short, I know, unfathomable in the context of white male masculinity and what must be upheld as such. Sheesh.
Ah, every so often....I think we were overdue. :P
TheMethod said on 28/May/18
Watch Johnny Suede....look at the naked pictures of him and Gwenyth (herself strong 5'8 no can see that Brad is 5'8 at BEST. Its ridiculous that this is still argued...yes Brad Pitt is short, I know, unfathomable in the context of white male masculinity and what must be upheld as such. Sheesh.
Emil said on 25/May/18
He's at least 5'11 out of bed, but he certainly doesn't sustain it throughout the day. 5'10.5 is my guess for Mr. Pitt
RNP492 said on 24/May/18
In "Hellbound" (1994) Calvin Levels is shorter than 5'8 Chuck Norris, but in "Johnny Suede" (1991) Calvin Levels and Brad Pitt have the same height. I think Brad is not more than 5'9 even if he claims 5'11 or 6' and even if we can think he is almost 5'10.
Hijoputamos said on 23/May/18
@HaderJo, and you think Brads shoes weren’t tricky or he wasn’t wearing lifts? I know people that met him in the 90s and my friend is 181cm and described him as shorter than him. He also met Kevin Costner who I used to think he was around 5ft11 and my friend told me he was big and tall...
HaderJo said on 20/May/18
Rob good page but bad guesser. 5'11 is ridiculous I certainly know he is 1'78. My friend who is 6' met him last year and told me he is bot even 5'11 he looked down to him and my friend has casual footwear while Brad was in shoes.
JimmyChew said on 20/May/18
You guys who put down 1/8th inch differences are ****in obsessive,you're not gonna notice that kind of difference so give it a rest. Anyone can stretch a whole 2" more if they stand up straight enough
Jtm said on 19/May/18
go watch johnny suede. if he's 5'11 then i'm donald trump.
HonestSlovene said on 15/May/18
@Peter175 I'd say it's a toss up between 5'10.5", 5'10.75" and 5'11". But height that is that close is really hard to tell. One think I'm certain is that he isn't under a strong 5'10" or over a flat 5'11", otherwise he wouldn't pull off being 6'0.5" + on red carpet events.
CDS said on 14/May/18
@ dan180, I get ya, but Rob and the guys on here are that good!?? The best I can do usually is estimate within an inch or so, but the guys on here I think really can close in to a quarter inch. Have made me rethink my own estimates actually! Lol
Original said on 12/May/18
Peak at 178/178.5
Dan1980 said on 11/May/18
I get a laugh when I see people give estimations with a difference of 1/4”. Like if you would ever be able to see that difference
Peter175 said on 11/May/18
He's a weak 5'11", just has good posture and footware. I was fooled into think he was 181 but hes clearly not. He a cointoss bewteen 5'10.75 and 5'11"
CDS said on 10/May/18
Yes, l did hear about the 5'10" body double from someone at an online database. That was also his height listing in a magazine (movieline I think?) In the 90s which featured the heights claimed by all the big stars at the time, as well as a best guess as to what they really measure at. For Pitt it said, "who cares, he's perfect" lol
Heighliker said on 10/May/18
Rob just watched Kalifornia what a good movie and funny Pitt. He was described as 5'11 in the movie when police is looking around.
How ever in the movie looks a 178 guy. 180 is the high you could argue to list him and that's 5'10.75. On the other hand Pitt claimed in his early years for a casting he was 5'10, but in the magacine Rob mention claimed 5'11. I say he is in the 5'10 range. He always give me a 178 guy impression. With his good posture and heels makes a 181 impression
Heighliker said on 10/May/18
I like this comment and I agree this guy. Makes a lot of sense and 80% of the population would do the same:
EltonAs said on 4/May/18
A guy like Pitt would claim 6 foot if he were a legit 5'11. Don't you guys agree? 5'10.25/5'10.5 is his real height
CDS said on 9/May/18
I noticed there have been comments about Pitt never having claimed 6 ft, only 5'10" and 5'11", however I thought I'd point out that around 10 yrs ago or so, there was a segment on 20/20 or Dateline that said he was 6' tall. But keep in mind, this was not him claiming so, just the narrator of the news story, that could have come from his publicist or press agent, etc.. Ftr, I still maintain , again keeping an eye on his earlier films, tv shows, etc..AND what he himself has claimed, that he's in the 5'10" region barefoot, and in the 5'11" zone in basic shoes, and of course with the special footwear he's been spotted wearing on countless occasions, 6 foot plus...

Editor Rob
There was something I haven't found again, and didn't note down, but I remember in one magazine I think 90's movie type, there was a little bit mentioning they wanted a body double for Pitt and actually that was one instance I believe it mentioned around 5ft 10 for the double!
Vibram said on 9/May/18
Peak 5'10 midday.
Pierre said on 8/May/18
Imo around 177 in his prime(and around 5"11' in classic shoes) now around 176(and a good 5"11' in advantageous shoes)
Heighliker said on 7/May/18
Rob list what he thinks no matter what we think or guess. So Rob Congrats.

Editor Rob
And you estimate what you think...
Ultimately I'm trying to be objective about the heights. If I think another mark could be closer, I will alter listings...
Ruben Bosco said on 6/May/18
Rob there are a lot of guess claiming he's 5,10 1/2. Do you think this measure could be possibile for him ?
Micky said on 4/May/18
Pitt has never been over 5'10.5". He's got great posture and wears big footwear, but he's never been more than 5'10.5" at most.
EltonAs said on 4/May/18
A guy like Pitt would claim 6 foot if he were a legit 5'11. Don't you guys agree? 5'10.25/5'10.5 is his real height
Hijoputamos said on 4/May/18
177 plus shoes and a small lift makes him stand 6 around 6 ft.
Case closed
C-Mo said on 3/May/18
he is 5'6
come on guys while we are at it ...
MAD SAM said on 3/May/18
This guy is 175-177 cm actually, he always wears those massive boots to look close to 6 footer though
HonestSlovene said on 1/May/18
I think the now stabilized 5'10.5-6 guess for his height is spot on. I'd say he wakes up a bit over 5'11".
Pierre said on 1/May/18
he's just a little bit taller than Rick Schroder in "Accross the Tracks"(Rick wear lots of time disadvantageous very flat shoes in this movie).Rick Schroder in "too young the Hero" was measured 5"9'at the peak of his hairs in a very straight posture in a scene.
EltonAs said on 29/Apr/18
EthanCouch said on 27/Apr/18
LOL. I think you wanted to asked if he really is under 5'11?
Man.. Brad Pitt is a strong 5'10 guy trust me.
Matt Bomer said on 28/Apr/18
5ft 10.5 at the most.
EthanCouch said on 27/Apr/18
Hey Rob since i love asking you height questions. Is Brad Pitt definitely under 6'?

Editor Rob
Overall I'd say the odds were that he was. Most people estimate him close to 5ft 10.5-11.
Dan1980 said on 26/Apr/18
Has anyone had any issues ordering shoes from Don’s? I ordered three pairs of shoes from him, all in a men’s size US 10. I received two of them and they’re 100% a size 9 and neither have a size marking. I emailed him about it, asking if I can exchange for a bigger size and the exact response I got was, “ thing is, these shoes will stretch significantly “. There’s no way in hell these shoes will stretch to a size bigger. They’re 100% a size 9 and are unwearable. Basically, they hurt. I wear a size 9.5 - 10 in all shoes. In Tod’s I wear a U.K. 9 which is their US 10. In Cole Haan I wear a 10, but with lifts I can get away with a 10.5
EltonAs said on 25/Apr/18
Real heights are very different from guesses. I'm 177 cm barefoot at a medical check and I promise the worst guess they say to me is 178 but they usually guess my height beteween 178-180cm.
I'm sure Rob would list me here at 5'10'5. I'm slim with a model body type. Nobody would guess my real 177 cm height!
Canson said on 25/Apr/18
Weak 5’11. He may clear it out of bed but he’s not higher than 5’10.5ish at a low
Crypto139 said on 24/Apr/18
Honestly the only one of the main celebs I think he is overrating is Tom Cruise tbh, and even then it is only by a tad bit. I can believe 180 cm for Brad Pitt tbh. With thousands of celebs here it only makes sense a few or many are off by a tad. I don' think many are off by more than a half an inch though.
AdyEli said on 24/Apr/18
But you have to agree that Dicaprio is not 5'11.25 and Brad Pitt 5'11. You should downgrade them same as Eastwood and Arnold. I guarantee this 4 ones are average 0'5 inch peak upgrade at least
AdyEli said on 23/Apr/18
Rob why you overrated all this actors. All or at least 80% of these actors real heights are 1 to 2 cm shorter.
I think you perfect guess at similar to your height but over 5'9.5 height actors you start to mistake.

Editor Rob
I'd never say such a thing, it implies you somehow know what people are measured at.
It's all just guessing in 99.8% of cases :) Even the tiny percentage who have a measured height, there's still not going to be total agreement.
Frankie said on 21/Apr/18
Funny how, as the time goes by, a lot of people recognise he couldn't be the full 5'11 he claims.
Average guess is every day lower than the previous day! LOL
hoverrover said on 20/Apr/18
He is in the 5'10 zone 5'10.5 max
joe### said on 19/Apr/18
I seem to look at the maximum 178 barefoot, over 6'0 in their lifts lol
HonestSlovene said on 18/Apr/18
@heightguessinggame Highly dependent on which ethnicity though. He's average for a Scandinavian.
Dracula said on 18/Apr/18
Yeah, except he has lifts in ALL of his shoes, and he looks tall only beside George Clooney, whose height is also a big mystery. And in some pics he looks 2 inches taller than him, but in some he looks the same height as him and in some he looks shorter than him. In this pic he is the same height as
Matt Damon, who is 5'9", despite standing closer to camera. He never looks 6'1, 6'1 in Hollywood is a REALLY TALL height. Obama is legit 6'1 and you can compare his height and George Clooney.
1) Brad Pitt the same height as
Matt Damon:
Click Here
2) Obama and George Clooney:
Click Here
3) Brad Pitt in lifts with military posture and and George Clooney
Click Here
Brad Pitt NEVER looks over 6ft. 5'9.5" is a good listing for him, cause he can sometimes look 6' when in mega lifts with military posture, but most of the time walks around at 5'10-5'11 in lifts.
I think George Clooney is legit 5'10 and he looks that height next to Obama, and
Matt Damon is 5'9"-5'9.5".
heightguessinggame said on 17/Apr/18
He's bang-on average for a white American (5'11)
c-mo said on 16/Apr/18
just google for pics with him and jon bernthal . they are both the same height give or take a fraction. jon is 5'11 . rob met him .
and dont come with the shoe lifts argument . when pitt wears lifts he actually looks 6'1 or so and is noticably taller than men like clooney when he wears them . on the pics with bernthal he doesnt seem to wear any lifts otherwise he would be strikingly taller than bernthal . unless of course you say that pitt is 5'7 and has heels inside his shoes on the pics . lmao I actually wouldnt be surprised if some of you will say such idiotic stuff . there was a guy here if I remember right who said pitt must be 5'8 . yeah ...right ...
get over it already the guy is 5'10 minimum and seems to be more in the 5'11 range . the only question is if he is a weak or strong 5'11 . anything below a very strong 5'10 at night is not even possible for him . if he was below 5'10 it would have been obvious by now after all the years and would have shown itself in different ways . he basically would have been "exposed" already . but he always looks minimum 5'10 no matter what
you can also compare him to edward norton who is 5'11-6'0 if you want . lol dudes stop your bitterness and stop trying to downgrade everybody . you do it with pitt only because you see him as a good looking and sucessful person . it is basically just jealousy nothing more . change your alltitude because it is not a noble behaviour at all
out of bed = 181-181.5cm
noon-afternoon = solid 180cm or slightly more
night = 179-179.5cm
thats my guess for pitt and if not and the absolute minimum he could be imo is :
out of bed : 180cm
noon-afternoon : 179cm
night : 178cm
anything less than 178cm or more than 181cm at night seems impossible
Original said on 16/Apr/18
178 range peak / 177 range now.
dmeyer said on 11/Apr/18
he smokes and drinks alcool and he didnt loose height in 50s
Tomm said on 10/Apr/18
handsome average height guy
Hijoputamos said on 9/Apr/18
Tom Cruise stands 5ft10 with his tricks and doesn’t look ridiculous as Robert D Jr or Al Pacino.
And Brad stands 2 inches taller of his real height when wearing shoes.
Barefoot he is same height or a tad bit taller than 5ft9 Gwyneth Paltrow.
Also remember he wore cowboys and was shorter than Geena Davis on flats. This kills any discussion about Brad being over 5ft10.
Dracula said on 9/Apr/18
5'9.5" with excellent posture and good lifts. Has insoles in almost all of his shoes, cuban heels add like 2 inches of height. And also 1-2in insole. So that puts him on the same level as 5'11-6' guys. Rarely looks taller than that, except when in mega lifts. 5'9.5" is not short by any means, it's average, lifts can make him look tallish.
Kevin said on 8/Apr/18
he's not over 5'10.5 not even in his 20s. A downgrade is long, long overdue.
samuelgoup said on 3/Apr/18
A 5'10 guy with good posture and being heel user woul pass as a "legit 5'11' to all. More knowing people usually add 1 inch and lie on heights
Dave618 said on 2/Apr/18
Rob do you think brad has a bigger head than Ian Somerhalder? You mentioned on Ian’s page an estimate of 9.2 - 9.4 " . Is brad’s head similar or bigger?

Editor Rob
Both probably will be a bit shy of 9.5
Bradly said on 1/Apr/18
In custom ramped dress boots in the Oceans films he easily got over the six.
OP180 said on 1/Apr/18
Get over it people. He's enough of a legit 5'11er with impeccable posture.
HonestSlovene said on 1/Apr/18
@The Shredder That is an exaggeration, but opposite to jtm claims. :) He looked a decent 5'11" (181-182 cm) in Ocean's films, 1 inch taller than Clooney (5'10" range) and 2 inches taller than Damon (5'9" range). I'd still say he's 179 cm since earlier in his career he managed to look more 178-179 cm but after he got famous 180 cm +, unless you think he grew in his 40s XD.
Disi said on 30/Mar/18
He is 177-178 but with lifts he gets 181-182
The Shredder said on 30/Mar/18
He can pull off about 6 ft or over , I just watched the Ocean's films and he really did look that range.
even said on 29/Mar/18
at least in the morning he is a legitimate one hundred and eighty centimeters . after a long day and working real hard he can not go under 5 foot 10 trust me
HonestSlovene said on 26/Mar/18
@Andy6footer A fraction is 0.25-0.5 or 0.5-1 cm and goes unnoticed to the untrained eye. So he's likely 5'10.5-5'10.75" or 179 cm range which I always had him at. A legit 5'10" or 177-8 cm man would look noticably, but not substantially shorter.
Andy6footer said on 24/Mar/18
The guy who met him was 5'11 and said he was a fraction shorter being 5'10 I believe he is 178 range
jtm said on 24/Mar/18
Animus said on 20/Mar/18
He basically never looks 5'10½. It seems a lot of people hold a grudge against him. Stands up well to six-footers and this is not wholly due to footwear. 5'11 is an entirely appropriate listing for Pitt.
he didn't even look a full 5'10 with paltrow or duchovny but believe what you want.
Micky said on 23/Mar/18
5'10.5" barefoot. He's never been over that.
Animus said on 23/Mar/18
Nearly as tall as DiCaprio and Jimmy Fallon.
c-mo said on 22/Mar/18
look for pics where he stands together with jon bernthal and you will see that they are almost exactly the same height . pitt is easily 179-180cm . anything below 178cm at nighttime is impossible . you annoying downgraders with it
Dave5ft9 said on 20/Mar/18
Knowing Leonardo Dicaprio is 5'10 1/2 confirms Brad Pitt is max 5'10 1/2
Hkdaniels said on 12/Mar/18
From all these pages I'm seeing most of actors and famous people are a bit upgrade. I've met some and of them like Dicaprio. He is listed here at 5'11.25 and he is over 5'10 about 5'10.5. I believe a 6 footer can adjust heights better than a 5'8 Rob
Animus said on 20/Mar/18
He basically never looks 5'10½. It seems a lot of people hold a grudge against him. Stands up well to six-footers and this is not wholly due to footwear. 5'11 is an entirely appropriate listing for Pitt.
MaleAlpha said on 19/Mar/18
He is only 5ft 11 (180cm)
Dmeyer said on 17/Mar/18
nearer 179cm with damon in this one pic pitt can look anywere 1-6cm over damon but considering everything usualy near 3cm between them
brandon schecker said on 16/Mar/18
I'll say 5-10.75 in this photo.
Click Here
Kev said on 15/Mar/18
5'10 at the shortest, 5'11 at the highest
amazing that he wears 2 or 3 inch lifts despite being average in height
HonestSlovene said on 13/Mar/18
@Thunderfin Not entirely disregarding it, just saying it's not the only reason he can sometimes look a decent 5'11" or more.
Thunderfin said on 13/Mar/18
@HonestSlovene standing closer to the camera. It's all about angles. Also, don't know why you're disregarding the lift argument, as it's very valid.
Hkdaniels said on 12/Mar/18
From all these pages I'm seeing most of actors and famous people are a bit upgrade. I've met some and of them like Dicaprio. He is listed here at 5'11.25 and he is over 5'10 about 5'10.5. I believe a 6 footer can adjust heights better than a 5'8 Rob
mickey said on 11/Mar/18
agree honestslovene... especially considering he has the curved leg. absolutely no less than 178.
Benph said on 11/Mar/18
Yeah as Clooney said, he wears the Cuban heels. I'm usually saying these celebs are taller than what is listed however Brad is no way above 5ft10.1 (178) Height needs to be adjusted down for sure but remember this site is just a bit of fun and guess work so can't be right on all and is fun discussing.
HonestSlovene said on 5/Mar/18
Strong 178 cm bare minimum, if not then please someone explain the middle pic with Jonah Hill without the overbeaten lift argument.
Macsanmichel said on 3/Mar/18
Rob any chance you downgrade him? I think there's a lot of evidence he was a strong 5'10 guy at most.

Editor Rob
I'm struggling to imagine Pitt being 5ft 10.25.
paulzc said on 28/Feb/18
177-178 5'9.75/5'10 clearly not 5'11
MarcusTheSwede said on 28/Feb/18
He is definately not talet then 177-178cm without shors
Bradly said on 28/Feb/18
He can be over 6 foot in customs easy 24/7 and 365 and a decade too. George irked.
Dave618 said on 26/Feb/18
I personally thought he’d have a 9.5 inch head at max maybe 9.6 really pushing it
QM6'1QM said on 25/Feb/18
Guys, if Pitt were 5'11" (evening, barefoot), then he definitely would be 6 ft.
I think, 90% of people will agree with this.
To be honest, I do not see Brad Pitt in the range of 180+, rather about 179 cm. This is the most plausible.
Why? Because the real present is 5'11" barefoot, he would claim 6 feet.
End of history!
Dave618 said on 25/Feb/18
Rob Does he have a 9 inch head or closer to 9.5 ? His head seems very perfect sized for his body like in those golden ratio proportions they teach you in art class

Editor Rob
Not 10 inch, but only 9 flat? I'm not sure I guessed it that small.
El Capitan America said on 22/Feb/18
I think 5'10" is the real height maybe half inch up and down can also be the real height. I am reading the posts and press agents come here to trick people about the height? This makes a lot of sense because some of the postings are so unreal in their heights that only a tree would believe it. No wonder some of the postings go crazy on you when you say something close to the real height.
Johno said on 21/Feb/18
Oddly enough, i remember a Dailymail average height article about the height change of an British male, a few years back, where it described Pitt as 5'9, 2-inches taller than Brando who they put at 5'7 to show as an example of an average 2-inch height gain in the past fifty year even though they both Pitt and Brando are American.
The article is still available online.
Pierre said on 21/Feb/18
Psychedelic Earth said on 28/01/18= "brad look 187 cm next to Nicole Kidman in Vampire Premiere"
Hum...And then Tom Cruise would look 180 next to her...
James B 170.8cm said on 20/Feb/18
no less than 5'11 with fallon
Click Here
Kate said on 20/Feb/18
Angelina Jolie is about 5"6, even in his cubin heels he doesn't look that much taller than her. Even when he was with Aniston who is 5"4, he didn't tower over her. I give him 5"9 or 5"9 1/9 tops.
Frankie said on 16/Feb/18
Apparently, a lot of people seem to gather around the 5'10/178 opinion..
Thunderfin said on 11/Feb/18
@Kate I'm a true 5'11 (wake up 5'11.75 go to bed at 5'11) and I would wear lifts if I had them. Hate walking down the street and feeling smaller than 6'1+ guys.
AlexanderVon said on 10/Feb/18
He is not over 178 cm
Emil said on 10/Feb/18
He has always striked me as a weak 5'11 - 5'10.5-5'10.75 would be my guess
Kate said on 10/Feb/18
5"9 1/2. There's allot of photos online that confirm his height as this. Paltrow is a well known solid 5"9. While dating many photos captured them both in sneakers. And looking near, if not the same height. You can look at him and tell he's a smaller man. Saying he's 5"11 is flattering him. No man at a true 5"11 would wear lifts as he does. Lifts that even Clooney gave reference too.
Bradly said on 9/Feb/18
Clooney doesn't wear built ups or dress boots...edge Pitt.
Dmeyer said on 9/Feb/18
To the untrained eye of course Pitt can look 1,5-2in on Clooney but if you look well at posture footwear and angle they Can look almost identical height so 5'10,5-10,75 for Clooney 5'10,75-11 for pitt
James B 170.8cm said on 8/Feb/18
Yes brad defnintly does have a 5ft10 vibe about him.
HonestSlovene said on 8/Feb/18
He is 185 cm in lifts at premieres, 181-182 cm in normal shoes and 179-180 cm barefoot.
MJKoP said on 7/Feb/18
Oh, lord have mercy...I *think* I once jokingly surmised that G might be one of those 'flat-earthers' in the past, but just when I think he can't amuse/amaze me any more....and yes, the currently playing video was on that playlist, too. I could've pulled CGI of that caliber from out of my backside within twenty minutes tops.
His 5'8" claim, paradoxically, might actually be one of the most believable statements ever to come out of his mouth!!
Click Here
MJKoP said on 7/Feb/18
Bradly said on 6/Feb/18
Restaurant workers and airport workers are the worst celeb outters. G I'm sure is told so and so is coming off flight 363 from L.A. at JFK, bring stuff by the Where-man's of NYC.
Can only imagine the looks he's gotten with his pickup line, "I can tell you the top-secret truth about Bigfoot, JFK, and 9/11 in exchange for some juicy details that you may or may not know..."
Bradly said on 6/Feb/18
Restaurant workers and airport workers are the worst celeb outters. G I'm sure is told so and so is coming off flight 363 from L.A. at JFK, bring stuff by the Where-man's of NYC.
MJKoP said on 3/Feb/18
Bradly said on 2/Feb/18
The real Brad is 5' 10". At the Burbank FedEx they have computers (Pass Avenue just up from Warner Bros.). I used to see actors using the computers to email as their union credit union was next to it. I don't doubt they send hot emails from FedEx screens.
No, that's pretty unlikely...they've been captured on surveillance footage, so it only takes one rogue Fed-soon-to-be-Ex-employee breaking an exclusive to TMZ.
Mr5'11 said on 2/Feb/18
that's a hoax for sure. In the 90's Pitt just stated his height at 5'11 at magacine for teens. But I dont care he has a 5'10 look never looked over 178 to me

Editor Rob
It's just a repost by MJK from a 2010 joke post he had put up.
Bradly said on 2/Feb/18
The real Brad is 5' 10". At the Burbank FedEx they have computers (Pass Avenue just up from Warner Bros.). I used to see actors using the computers to email as their union credit union was next to it. I don't doubt they send hot emails from FedEx screens.

Editor Rob
Someone had got to the old 'brad' name before you, unfortunately I can't give you the old name as they are unique Bradly is the old Brad we all know.
mickey said on 2/Feb/18
brad pitt is factually 5ft10.53in.
had to...
CDS said on 2/Feb/18
You know what's funny -- if MJKoP's "real Brad Pitt" hoax was actually the real guy, since he never stated whether that 5'11" doctor/physical measurement was in barefeet or shoes, it would once again mean what we've been arguing on here this whole time -- that he's either 5'10" or 5'11".... BAWWWhahahaaaaa
MJKoP said on 2/Feb/18
@Rob - Yeah, I regret not having cached the page from back then(y u exclude celeb heights from archive dot org, Rob?!?!?!?), but I have an almost photographic memory about a number of yeah, my recollection of what the comments were is 100% accurate. Can only imagine how the most (G)ullible one of all would've received it, had he not be banished less than a year prior. :P

Editor Rob
Their bot was too intensive.
CDS said on 2/Feb/18
Okay, I do admit I was fooled (maybe not 100%) if for a brief time by the message below. I do have to say -- very well-written; bravo. And you have to keep in mind that if the real Mr. Pitt is indeed a lift-wearer (which most seem to suspect he is), there is little likelihood he would post anything like this about his own height...LOL
MJKoP said on 2/Feb/18
the real Brad Pitt says on 17/Mar/10
I have been monitoring this forum for over a year now after it was brought to my attention by George Clooney- who himself had heard about it in a magazine interview (I forget which one).
I never intended to post on here, but the comment on March 15 was a bit over the top as it appears someone has stooped as low as to impersonate me.
I honestly don't care how tall/short people think I am and I also don't care whether you believe I am who I say I am. I've gotten a good many laughs over how passionate the folks here can and will get over something as trivial as celebrity heights. I'm also quite amused at how convinced some are that I have some sort of Napoleon complex and how I'm constantly trying to conceal the terrible "truth" of me being only 5'9 or 5'10 by wearing elevator shoes or lifts 24/7.
I can tell you that I have been measured at five feet and eleven inches at every single physical or doctor's visit I've attended since I've finished growing. Yes, I was two inches shorter (as was brought up some time ago) during my senior year of high school. I was one of, if not the shortest guy in my 10th grade class. I grew late, maxing out at the age of 19. Not horrifically abnormal, but I'm aware that most men stop at 16 so I was just a bit behind. And for those who are saying I've already shrunk....well, I can categorically tell you this is not the case. I have yet to be measured at anything under 5'11, though I'll admit I've never been measured much past noonish (for those who are talking about morning vs. evening height).
I do believe it is safe to say that I qualify as a "legitimate" 5'11 person so in my eyes, Rob has me advertised correctly. The same can't be said about every other height published here, but I'll let whichever actor/singer/director etc. speak up for him or herself, at their own discretion.
Not to imply my saying any of this will make one bit of difference for those who already think I'm 1-2 inches shorter. Yes, there are photos where I might look shorter than I am. If you have literally tens of thousands of photos of yourself circulating around the net, chances are you won't always look your tallest/thinnest/youngest........
Even for the guy who saw me in person at 5'10 and a half- are you really able to distinguish one half of an inch with your naked eye? Please.
One thing for certain is that I won't be losing sleep over what a few of you guys happen to believe- and with such a strong conviction, I may observe. The recent Joe Blow post was beyond ridiculous.
This will be the only post I contribute here, so please don't start begging for proof of my identity/height or for me to respond to whatever you may have to say. Even writing this statement out is going against the very strong advice of my friends and colleagues. The debate will continue until doomsday, with or without me. Quite silly, to be frank, but so be it.
Oh, and one last thing. I assume Rob, the site's owner, can track computers' IP addresses and in case he decides to share my "location" in an attempt to validify my identity claims....don't bother. Just like every other celebrity I know of, I use a proxy anonymizer....for security purposes, obviously. So don't waste your time trying to say "Brad Pitt isn't currently in Japan/Ireland/Russia, so it can't be the real him!" :)
I hope I've cleared a few things up, but my better judgment tells me I probably have not.
Best of wishes to everyone.
-Brad Pitt
MJKoP said on 2/Feb/18
Okay, guys....since Rob has recently instated a system requiring a valid/approved e-mail address in order to post comments, I feel fairly comfortable with coming clean about a little prank I pulled almost EIGHT years ago(my, how time flies!).
Someone had posted as username 'Brad Pitt' saying he(er, "I") was only 5'10", if I recall correctly. So immediately I typed this up and entered it(with a fake IP address via proxies, obviously). Hilarity ensued. Shredder asked Rob if that was really the real Brad Pitt....and Rob mused that whomever it was had a great sense of humor!
For the next several days users speculated over the authenticity, with one guy even saying that the verbal patterns were eerily close to Mr. Pitt from hearing him in interviews, especially when he, er I, said "...naked eye? Please." Some offered that it was too eloquently constructed from listening to Brad speak, but this was rebutted by still others who pointed out that typing up a letter will almost always sound far more articulate than when someone is talking 'off the cuff'.
Brad(the user here, that is), was convinced that the message was concocted by a press agent because it was just too perfect(later reiterating that sentiment with "purrrfect"), and yet others were convinced it was a flat-out phony. I piped in at one point, totally playing the devil's advocate and ending with "now people are probably going to accuse ME of being 'the real Brad Pitt'", to which I was immediately told that nobody would ever suspect me because I never sounded anywhere near that intelligent. Classic!
If need be, I can upload the .rtf file I saved it under so you observe the last modification date(though I suppose I could've saved it back then and kept it all these years, just to make a claim to fame now)....wish I had added the proxy I had used in the text document, as that would've been the ultimate proof(provided Rob can dig back that far).
Well, without further ado, my celebheights hoax(and I swear to Bigfoot that I'm NOT the ultimate A-Hole, Rob!!!!):

Editor Rob
You could probably count on one hand the number of actual posts from an actor on this site. I vaguely remember that post, although can't remember if anybody actually thought it might be Brad, but then people still think Miracle Growth is real, so anything is possible.
There definitely have been some, a few got pi$$ed off about some comments that slipped through and emailed me about it 😨
People are always able to leave me a message saying Private: or something to notify me of any comments that go too far, or corrections etc to pages.
Junior Hernandez said on 1/Feb/18
Some say Pitt wear lifts or always put on 0.75" extra soles in shoes. That seem believable he can look 182cm next to 180cm Jon Bernthal. 5'11 will be max.
sad said on 31/Jan/18
I need to believe he is 1,80. Been feeding this height for an entire life. Its like saying London is no longer in Europe.Things like this should never have to change
Mr5'11 said on 31/Jan/18
Well I find pretty interesting what Charlyman said on 11/Jan/18
My thoughts are he is is 177 range not over 178. He looks a classic 5'10 never over in movies. With heels looks 5'11 5'11.25 one more reason to believe he is max 178 cm. Eyes don't lie and he always looked 177-178 cm
Mr5'11 said on 31/Jan/18
Charlyman said on 11/Jan/18
I met Brad Pitt in France 6 years ago at a magazine comercial and I can tell you all he is 177 cm at most 5'9.75 (U.S. height) . I'm happy this page exist. Well It was an event and he was just barefoot a few meters from me. I had casual sneakers (footwear 0.75 inch) and I tower him at least 2 inches. I'm an exact 5'11 guy in USA and here in Europe I'm over 180 cm to be exact 180,4 cm. He is 177 cm max, he really is not over the mark. I was shock because I thought he was my height but I could perfect see I was nearly 2 inches on him I just had 0'75 inch advantage )
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 31/Jan/18
Pierre said on 27/Oct/17
My guess=
Rob 173.5 want to say James Corden ~ 171.5 next to Samuel Anderson
want to say Gwyneth ~172.5 next to James
want to say Brad ~176 next to Gwyneth
want to say Luke Wilson ~ 180.5 next to Gwyneth
want to say Georges Clooney 178 peak now 176
Matt Damon 174.5 next to James Corden
all this guess barefoot without lifts :)
Don’t despair French guy, you were only 3-5cm off his real height 😂 😆 🤭
Hijoputamos said on 30/Jan/18
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 13/Jan/18
Hijopotomus, I couldn’t care less about pitt’s height. Yes they were from the same playgirl magazine taken at a different angle.
You couldn’t care less? Well, it seems right the opposite!
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 28/Jan/18
guys, now google "brad pitt nicole kidman". especially at the interview with the vampire premiere, he reached 187cm in his boots.
im thinking 181cm is possible but im not sure if its just a lunchtime height.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 25/Jan/18
Hippo, have you taken Rising174’s advice and actually found proof that brad wears lifts?
Here’s some advice from me: compare brad next to female celebrities wearing high heels.
Proof? Well you said Pitt reaches the 1.87 mark, so I guess you also think he wears lifts or elevators because 181 with regular shoes never reaches 1.87.
Keep contradicting yourself so we can have a laugh
Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 30/Jan/18
he looks under 5'11 with Schiffer and with Paltrow barefoot. Stands well and has suspicious footwear
Pierre said on 29/Jan/18
@HonestSlovene=say on 25/Jan/18= "Tom Hanks doesn't look more than 1 inch taller than
Jude Law"=It depends what pictures you look at in google.Also take in consideration Jude is lots of time closer to the camera than Tom
Rising - 174 cm said on 29/Jan/18
He really didn't look that tall next to Statham in Snatch, imo, considering Statham is only about 5'8.5" or so. I didn't see more than 2" between them, though it's not that far-fetched Statham would be sometimes made taller for movies.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 28/Jan/18
guys, now google "brad pitt nicole kidman". especially at the interview with the vampire premiere, he reached 187cm in his boots.
im thinking 181cm is possible but im not sure if its just a lunchtime height.
HonestSlovene said on 25/Jan/18
@Pierre 5ft 10.17in (178.2cm)is a guess for Law (99 votes), if we want to based it votes now. Hanks doesn't look more than 1 inch taller than him, and he could be 5'11.5"-5'11.75" still today.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 25/Jan/18
Hippo, have you taken Rising174’s advice and actually found proof that brad wears lifts?
Here’s some advice from me: compare brad next to female celebrities wearing high heels.
Hijoputamus said on 23/Jan/18
Animus, it’s called lifts and elevators.
Easy one.
Animus said on 21/Jan/18
He always looks tall. Rob, how do you account for this? Does he have exceptional proportions or what is it?

Editor Rob
5ft 11 is above average, and he's got a confident posture most of the time...
Pierre said on 19/Jan/18
@ Psychedelic earth 187
@ HonestSlovene
what height is looking
Jude Law next to 5"11.5' Tom Hanks in google"road to perdition premiere"?Always 5"11'?(71 votes are giving 5"11.35' for Tom)
HonestSlovene said on 16/Jan/18
@Psychedelic Earth 187 Wow, he looks like a genuine 5'11" guy there.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 15/Jan/18
Lmao this is better!
Hippo. Google “road to perdition premiere”.
Hijopotamus said on 14/Jan/18
HonestSlovene, watch here
Click Here
HonestSlovene said on 14/Jan/18
Click Here:
Law easily edges out Craig, who is 177 cm range (5'9.75"-5'10") at best.
HonestSlovene said on 14/Jan/18
@I'd said 179 cm for Law, which is 5'10.5" and Pitt is the same height. As for the 3 inch boots stuff: LOL, those can maybe give 2 maximum in the best case scenario, but most likely 1 inch or so. Claudia is 181 cm but slouching 179 cm ish or so. Pitt lets for arguments sake say that he has there 2 inches and he looks 2.5 inches or 6 cm taller than slouching Claudia in the photo. So that would make him 185 cm and 180 cm without the lifts. He actually looks like a legit 5'11"/180 cm in the photo, looks more 5'10" flat with Paltrow so I guess 5'10.5"/180cm would be a nice compromise however I wouldn't rule out both 180 cm and 178 cm as he looked those 2 heights throughout his career as well.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 13/Jan/18
Hijopotomus, I couldn’t care less about pitt’s height. Yes they were from the same playgirl magazine taken at a different angle.
Kate said on 13/Jan/18
HonestSlovene you asked me a question I will answer it. In the photo above with Brad Pitt and Claudia. She is wearing flats and slouching, he is wearing 3 inch boots and standing tall. Claudia is 5"11, Brad with his lifts and boots is not. You also mentioned
Jude Law being 5"11. This incorrect. You can easily find his height online by photos with him next to Daniel Craig who towers over him. I give
Jude Law 5"8.
Hijopotamus said on 12/Jan/18
Psychedelic Earth 187, were both barefoot?
Leno said on 12/Jan/18
I think he is 5'11
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 11/Jan/18
RedNeckCvel, it seems like you’re cherrypicking a single group of photos where pitt looks short. In @originals photos on the 29th December, Pitt has Paltrow by 5-7cm.
Charlyman said on 11/Jan/18
I met Brad Pitt in France 6 years ago at a magazine comercial and I can tell you all he is 177 cm at most 5'9.75 (U.S. height) . I'm happy this page exist. Well It was an event and he was just barefoot a few meters from me. I had casual sneakers (footwear 0.75 inch) and I tower him at least 2 inches. I'm an exact 5'11 guy in USA and here in Europe I'm over 180 cm to be exact 180,4 cm. He is 177 cm max, he really is not over the mark. I was shock because I thought he was my height but I could perfect see I was nearly 2 inches on him I just had 0'75 inch advantage )
RedNeckCvel said on 11/Jan/18
I think there really is no question about Brad Pitt´s height, there is a photograph taken many years ago, where he and Gwyneth Paltrow are naked, barefeet and exactaly the same height. No room for guessing, no shoes, just them both. So, if Gwyneth is 5'8, so is Brad Pitt.
HonestSlovene said on 10/Jan/18
@Katie They look the same height in the top pic? Won't even comment. He's 179 cm, same as Law and Fassbender.
Katie said on 9/Jan/18
5"9 1/2 next to 5"6 Jolie there's not a great deal of height difference. A 5"11 man would tower over a woman 5"6. He just doesn't.
Bwk said on 9/Jan/18
Most people here seem to think he's around 5'10.5" to 5'11". I think 5'10.75" is the perfect listing for Brad.
Brad said on 8/Jan/18
T/HS & P are correct. Dress boots are the norm, not Springsteen cycle jobs or combat ready jobs.
Tonyx said on 5/Jan/18
I still think Brad Pitt is 5ft10in-5ft10.25in.
Knowing what he wears and how he acts. Still.
HonestSlovene said on 4/Jan/18
@Brad he is 5'10" and a few fractions, hence will be seen as a legit 5'11"-6'0" in H'wood, just like Clooney.
Pierre said on 4/Jan/18
James Corden 171.5 Gwyneth 172.5 Brad 176.5
Original said on 4/Jan/18
He is around 5'10" at night.
Brad said on 2/Jan/18
5-10 in '18 and '17 and '16........
Katie said on 2/Jan/18
I agree with Pierre. Brad Pitt is around 5"9. He is ALWAYS in either Cuban heels or combat boots. I'm only 5"8 and if I wear combat boots I look 5"11. The most convincing photo to prove Pitts height is right here on the website. He's standing next to Claudia. Claudia is an obvious 5"11 and shown in slippers. Brad is in 2 inch combat boots yet they appear to be the same height. Claudia isn't really even standing up straight either.
Pierre said on 2/Jan/18
Original,i don't know for Annie Lennox's height.Gwyneth in the video and pictures is looking about the same height as James Corden.James Corden on tiptoe look max the same height than 5"8 1/8' Rob next to Samuel Anderson
Click Here Click Here .Even if she's a fraction taller than James how is the probability she's 5"9' range barefoot in the middle of the day?I want to say full 5"9' barefoot in the middle of the day is very debatable imo. For Brad and Gwyneth there is not only a question of angle of pictures imo.The angle of the pictures i post is not bad.Imo the reality is = Brad is around the same height as Gwyneth.In the second pic you post on 01/Jan/18 the neck of gwyneth is so brocken and her head tilt a lot, she slouch more than Brad here and the angle of the picture isn't very good imo=then you say i'm cherrypicking,i can say the same thing to you Original.In my pictures generally the angle is not bad imo and i think the postures too=If not i can give you this too...=
Click Here .... Rick Schroder a full 5"9'?Why not.The mugshot show us only his hairs are 5"9' so if the mugshot is good he's more 5"8.25/5"8.5' than 5"9',and i would not bet one dollar he's 175.5 by Dany Trejo. Dany by the scale seem to be a little bit under 5"5.75'
Click Here and he had a fraction more sneakers than Rob and Jenny this day... Estimations are only estimations,if not we would not be there discussing
Original said on 1/Jan/18
Pierre, Annie Lennox is very probably 171 (even if she is listed as 173 here), Ludacris 172.5, DeJoria 177 (Dejoria is slouching too much in that comparation and still is taller than Rob and of course taller than Jenny), Rick Schroder 175/175.5 (at max 2cm shorter than DeJoria), Brad Pitt 178.5. Most of guesses for these people are correct, they are also listed here. Also Gyneth is listed as 175'5 here (and the average guess is the 175'5 as well). You are cherrypicking and chosing the most favorable angles to your point, but in many other pics Brad looks taller, and also face-to-face, Pitt looks some 3-5cm taller than Paltrow. Also is many of those pics Gwyneth is close to the camera.
Click Here
Click Here
Katie said on 1/Jan/18
There are photos where Brad is neck and neck with Paltrow. She slouches allot. But if you look there are photos of them together both in sneakers and their the same height. He wears I believe what they call Cuban heels which adds about three inches. Flat foot I give him 5"9 1/2
Pierre said on 31/Dec/17
but we doesn't know the real height of Annie Lennox.Dany Trejo is next to Rob and Jenny so the comparison seem better imo
Pierre said on 31/Dec/17
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Curiously when the photographer centres more or less all their body with sometimes the floor and their feet =their shoulders are the same height.Random?In the last picture of Original i think Gwyneth is in very very poor posture.