How tall is Brad Pitt - Page 6

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Average Guess (1435 Votes)
5ft 10.62in (179.4cm)
Peter175 said on 8/Sep/19
The more I see of Brad the more I think he's a weak 5'11 rather than a comfortable one. No doubt in my mind he's probably taller than clooney but he has seemed more a 5'10.5 range guy in the last 10 years. I do not think he's shrunken either but maybe his posture and footware was stronger??

Without lifts he looks AT MOST 5'11. Gosling seemed to be around 4-5 cm taller than him

Early in his career he seemed to be a good 5'11" height but now I'm siding more with 5'10.75, not just him with Leo
Pierre said on 3/Sep/19
Lol Dicaprio never looks only 1.5 cm shorter than 50 Cent 182 cm next to Prince Albert

Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here

Click Here Click Here

No bad angle here !

5"10' max for Leonardo!
Original said on 3/Sep/19
Obama 185
Di Caprio 180.5
Beckham 180
Pitt 177.5
viper said on 2/Sep/19
Brad is 5-10, so the guy who guessed him at 5-9 isnt too far off.
Pierre said on 1/Sep/19
ajax509 said on 30/Aug/19
I don't know how many times we have to do this, but it's pointed out that the pics of Obama/Leo are useless for a reasonable height estimate! Uneven ground, deceiving angles, unknown footwear, raised eye-levels etc.

Bad angles?!

Then =

Comparisons Leonardo /Prince Albert /50 Cent 182 =

50 Cent next to 192.5 Snoop Dog = Click Here
Click Here

182cm 50 Cent and Prince Albert = Click Here
Click Here

Leonardo and Prince Albert = Click Here
Click Here
(take in consideration the hairs)

Prince Albert Barack 6"0.75' = Click Here

=Leonardo by this new comparisons always under 5"11' here and 5"10' max.
Brad with same shoes as Leonardo is shorter than Leonardo .
Do the maths again ....
Dmeyer said on 30/Aug/19
Brad wearing a flat shoes and the foot pose seems regular so even with a small lift he will still get 2-2,25in less shoes than the 3-3,25 177cm liv wears ans yet look similar height , no 5'10 flat men Can Do this so still near 5'11
ajax509 said on 30/Aug/19
I don't know how many times we have to do this, but it's pointed out that the pics of Obama/Leo are useless for a reasonable height estimate! Uneven ground, deceiving angles, unknown footwear, raised eye-levels etc.

@Editor Rob
What is your opinion about the photos?
Pierre said on 30/Aug/19
@c-mo Then i think you have to watch again all the pics /comparisons of last month(s)
Pierre said on 30/Aug/19
c-mo said on 29/Aug/19

your pics prove that brad is 180cm actually

james looks 5'8 . gynewth looks 5'9 next to him and brad looks 2 inches taller than gwyneth . the floor is uneven on the pic with brad and gwyneth even ...I dont know if you see it but brad stands lower than gwyneth and yet he is still clearly taller than her

brad is around 179cm at night with a possibility of 180cm and leo is around 181cm at night but I think he is rather 182cm tbh

@c-mo Then i think you have to watch again all the pics /comparisons of last month(s)
stylus said on 29/Aug/19
c-mo said on 28/Aug/19
lol 182 Leo? Good joke. He maybe is 180 on his best day. More a solid 179sh guy
ajax509 said on 29/Aug/19
Out of bed-normal low
Leo: 181-179
Pitt: 180-178
Obama: 186-184
Beckham: 180-178

Pitt is taller than Beckham (fraction).
c-mo said on 29/Aug/19

your pics prove that brad is 180cm actually

james looks 5'8 . gynewth looks 5'9 next to him and brad looks 2 inches taller than gwyneth . the floor is uneven on the pic with brad and gwyneth even ...I dont know if you see it but brad stands lower than gwyneth and yet he is still clearly taller than her

brad is around 179cm at night with a possibility of 180cm and leo is around 181cm at night but I think he is rather 182cm tbh
Pierre said on 29/Aug/19
Mister lennon said on 29/Aug/19
Leo: 181-182
Pitt: 178-179
Obama: 185-186
Beckham: 180-181

@Mr Lennon =maybe some good pics to argue your guesses ?
Mister lennon said on 29/Aug/19
Leo: 181-182
Pitt: 178-179
Obama: 185-186
Beckham: 180-181
Pierre said on 29/Aug/19
Leo 181/182 .... and Barack?....188/189 ?
Brad 180/181 .... and Robbie Williams? ....185/186 ? David Beckam ?... 185/186 too?
and Rick Shroder?....179 ?
And James Corden?.... 175/176 ? Michael Douglas....= 178?
c-mo said on 28/Aug/19
lol at some people here claiming leo would be 178-179cm . you downgraders are so weird . he cant be anything below 180cm and even 180cm would be a big stretch . what are you smoking

Pitt - 179 - 180cm

Leo - 181 - 182cm
Pierre said on 28/Aug/19
Lol Leonardo 180 cm= probability= 0%

5"10' range
andrew jones said on 27/Aug/19
An old co worker thought he was 6’2! Not sure why
viper said on 27/Aug/19
Brad hasn't lost any height.

Maybe when he's 70 we can discuss that
ajax509 said on 27/Aug/19
I thought a bit over 5ft 10?
Greg said on 25/Aug/19
@Hijoputamus Can couch I’ve been guessed at 6’2 before by really short girls, I’m a bit under 5’11 lol.
Original said on 26/Aug/19

Good post. (Btw, I like to see your honesty using photos where the two are demonstrably in the same plane and at the same angle)

To me Di Caprio's 180.5 (181 is still a possiblity in my mind), Pitt's 177.5. Now I think Brad lost some height already, at 55 it is more than possible. So I'm going with 178-178.5 peak for Pitt and 177.5 now. Of course sometimes they can look the same height because lifts etc.
Doubter said on 25/Aug/19
Hey Brad do you think Pitt would be scared to take a picture with Brady
Hijoputamus said on 24/Aug/19
@Editor Rob Can you please explain it to the Frenchman, he doesn't seem to no a $hit!!
Girl, don’t act like a kid. Pierre is just giving his points with good arguments.
I noticed most women are not very good at spotting height and especially of men that are their idols. There are so many young girls that think Justin Bieber is 6ft that is not even funny! Ajax, if Leo is not as tall as you would like you shouldn’t worry some people in here are just downgrading him less than an inch! Not a big deal. And btw, this is or should be a fun site, just relax.
Pierre said on 24/Aug/19
ajax509 a dit le 22 / Août / 19
La photo, cliquez ici est prise d'en bas pour que l'objet lointain, ou dans ce cas Obama, paraisse plus grand (en comparaison). @ Editeur Rob Pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît expliquer au Français, il ne semble pas être un hit $ !!

Funny the next time with "the bad angle of the camera" Ajax will explain Leonardo is around the same range height as Barack and Brad around 6"0'
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here = here in bad posture here too = Click Here
Pierre said on 23/Aug/19
Brad /Gwyneth = Click Here

Gwyneth /James Corden = Click Here

5"8' Michael Douglas /James Corden = Click Here

James Corden tiptoeing next to Samuel Anderson in relaxed posture = Click Here Rob next to Samuel in good posture = Click Here
Pierre said on 22/Aug/19
@stylus= Imo you should rather place the comment of your interlocutor first and after your comment=example=your last comment=
ajax509 said on 20/Aug/19
Leo is looking 5'10 on his bad posture and probably 5'10.5 full streche these days. I could say 5'10.75 in his best day

And second =your comment= You are wrong. If Leo is 5'10.75 then Obama is 6'2.
= it’s more understandable to read imo

I agree with you stylus, the difference between Leo and Barack is bigger than only 2 inches by all the pics in web.
ajax509 said on 22/Aug/19
The pic Click Here is taken from below so the distant object, or in this case Obama, appears taller (in comparison). @Editor Rob Can you please explain it to the Frenchman, he doesn't seem to no a $hit!!
Pierre said on 21/Aug/19
ajax509 said on 20/Aug/19
Here Click Here it could be even a 3in difference. As I've comment before, you will find the height difference varying between 1.5-3in. The mean is 2.25" so Leo got to be at least 5ft 10.75. Case closed. All the rest is height blindness. There's a reason for Rob's 5ft 11.25 listing!
stylus said on 20/Aug/19

But here there is easily more than 3 inches = Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here if i can post this pic = Click Here = Leonardo a lot closer to the camera but ...Case no closed
stylus said on 21/Aug/19
ajax509 said on 20/Aug/19
You are wrong. If Leo is 5'10.75 then Obama is 6'2.
Leo is looking 5'10 on his bad posture and probably 5'10.5 full streche these days. I could say 5'10.75 in his best day
TheOne said on 21/Aug/19
New photo of Brad and Leo: Click Here

Based on that photo alone, if Leo is 181cm then Pitt is 179 max, probably somewhere between 178 and 179cm but this is assuming that they have similar shoes in terms of height and no lift advantage for one of them.

Another photo, both in dress-shoes but Brad has perhaps a 1 cm heel advantage: Click Here

Assuming no lifts on any of them and that Leo is 181 cm, then Brad is close to 178 cm or 5'10 inches. Based on the slight advantage for Brad Pitt on perhaps both photos in terms of footwear and from what we can see from an outside perspective (heel), then there is no question to me or Rob or anyone else with eyes that Brad is shorter than the listing of 180 cm, this is a fact.

I am myself a bit surprised at this but these photos and countless others with Leonardo DiCaprio is a proof of that he is at least (!) 2 cm shorter than Leo, possibly even a bit shorter than that.

Now this is of course assuming that none of them uses lifts. But I think based on prior discussions on here, it seems more likely for Brad to be the one using the lifts.

To me, the possibility of Pitt being as "short" as 5'10 or even 5'9.5 suddenly became plausible. Hard to believe he lost any height either. Yes he is 55 years old but always been in more or less great shape though maybe he could have lost a few mm recently, I don't know.

Let me hear your opinions on this. I think we can pretty safely assume that Brad is under 5'11 at this point. Any other opinion would be strange considering these photos. It is definitely more than just 1 cm difference between Leo and Brad.
stylus said on 21/Aug/19
@Pierre said on 20/Aug/19
My guess is:
Dicaprio solid 179 cm guy at worst 178.5 in 2019
Pitt solid 178 or 178.5 and 177.5 in 2019
stylus said on 21/Aug/19
@Pierre said on 20/Aug/19
7 cm the most I could see not sure. But clearly 6 cm
stylus said on 21/Aug/19
@Pierre said on 20/Aug/19
I agree man. I can see 6 cm not sure 7 bu of course more than 4 or 5 cm.
ajax509 said on 21/Aug/19
@Hijo Wilhelmina LOL that gave me a big smile! Means Leo's 177 in the afternoon?
Hijoputamus said on 16/Aug/19
@ajax509, Subtle *wink wink*
Leo 179
Georges 178
Bradley 177

Hijoputamus said on 19/Aug/19
@ajax509, yes, 2 cm difference is not a big deal, right?
Rob had him at 6ft and now at 5ft11. The funny thing is that Brad COULD be some height after waking up and 2cm shorter at night after a hard day. So my estimations are not that crazy.
Pierre said on 21/Aug/19
ajax509 said on 20/Aug/19
Here Click Here it could be even a 3in difference. As I've comment before, you will find the height difference varying between 1.5-3in. The mean is 2.25" so Leo got to be at least 5ft 10.75. Case closed. All the rest is height blindness. There's a reason for Rob's 5ft 11.25 listing!
stylus said on 20/Aug/19

But here there is easily more than 3 inches = Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here if i can post this pic = Click Here = Leonardo a lot closer to the camera but ...Case no closed
Pierre said on 20/Aug/19
@Original = yes i continue to guess 7 cm of difference=
In your pics,that are in reality imo the same pic,the camera is imo advantageous for Leo = the camera is low and Leo a little bit closer to the camera.....In all the pics i posted with a more neutral angle of the camera you can see easily a bigger difference.
When they walk i think Barack is standing in a poor posture that explain the difference of height is slimer than in the pics i posted
ajax509 said on 20/Aug/19
Here Click Here it could be even a 3in difference. As I've comment before, you will find the height difference varying between 1.5-3in. The mean is 2.25" so Leo got to be at least 5ft 10.75. Case closed. All the rest is height blindness. There's a reason for Rob's 5ft 11.25 listing!
stylus said on 20/Aug/19
Original said on 19/Aug/19
I see at least 5.5 cm and 6 at most.
Hijoputamus said on 19/Aug/19
@ajax509, yes, 2 cm difference is not a big deal, right?
Rob had him at 6ft and now at 5ft11. The funny thing is that Brad COULD be some height after waking up and 2cm shorter at night after a hard day. So my estimations are not that crazy.
Pierre said on 19/Aug/19
@ajax =I know this pic ,in this pic Leo is standing closer to the camera and Barack walk with a relaxed posture then of course the difference between them look slim.I have never see Barack with other shoes than classic shoes very low the probability he was wearing elevator shoes is very very slim. Click Here = here probably the same pic as yours but we can see Barack's shoes Click Here Click Here = here you can see the floor that is looking very regular,both standing the same distance to the camera this time,Barack slouching a lot but always looking two inches taller than Leonardo in this posture....
Click Here here they are very probably standing always on the same floor but Barack standing straighter(not perfectly straight )and the difference is the same than other pics in web =around a forehead... Here Leonardo with Sean Penn in 1997 so Leo in his 23 Click Here =around the same height of shoulders=Leo and Sean shoes = Click Here Don't know exactly Sean's shoes but....Leo's shoes have a comfortable heel then even if Sean had some good shoes....The pic is inclined here and give an advantage to watch my comment on 08/august/19 with comparisons Sean Penn/Madonna/and 5"10' Georges Harrison .
Original said on 19/Aug/19
Where you can see 7 cm between Leo and Obama, Pierre?
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

I think you have a wrong idea of ​​what is 7cm apart. Just think, listen I'm not offending you. lol
Dmeyer said on 18/Aug/19
Its safe to Say Léo IS about 1,5cm taller than Pitt considering everything footwear posture angle hair , if Léo IS Indeed 181 then 179,5 IS likely for Pitt about 5'10,75 enaugh to claim 5'11 but if Léo IS 180ish as he Can look with Obama and damon ... Then Pitt us 178,5-179cm 5'10,5 and likely 5'10,75 Peak
ajax509 said on 18/Aug/19
Yeah, in some pics one could argue there's a 7cm difference but then again there's a tilt in Barack's favour and we dunno about footwear and also the ground in front of oval office is uneven.
Here a pic Click Here favouring Leo, still looks 4cm shorter, okay, so let's establish the mean a 5.5cm difference. If Barack's 6ft 1, that would make Leo just over 5ft 10.75.
Pierre said on 16/Aug/19
@Original= Leonardo is 181 like Barack is 188.....Leonardo 5"10' Brad 5"9.25'
@ajax=Very interesting have you some arguments?

@Hijoputamus One day you claim Brad is 5ft 9, then out of nowhere 177 (almost 5ft 9.75). You seem pretty much undecisive! 5ft 10 is really the lowest a poster could argue.
Hijoputamus said on 16/Aug/19
@ajax509, Subtle *wink wink*
Leo 179
Georges 178
Bradley 177
Pierre said on 16/Aug/19
@Original= Leonardo is 181 like Barack is 188.....Leonardo 5"10' Brad 5"9.25'
@ajax=Very interesting have you some arguments?
ajax509 said on 15/Aug/19
@Hijoputamus Nobody takes you serious!
ajax509 said on 15/Aug/19
@Hijoputamus How tall do you think is Leo?
Original said on 14/Aug/19
Di Caprio peak 5'11 1/4 (181)
Pitt peak 5'10 1/4 (178.5), in 2019 = 5'9 3/4 - 5'10 (177 range)
Hijoputamus said on 14/Aug/19
Some of the posts are too funny! This is an example:
“Brad stands 5ft10 barefoot BUT his perfect military posture makes him reach 5ft10.5 or even 5ft10.75 if he lost weight and had a good yoga session right after waking up. With shoes he’s clearly 6ft and with a little lift he pulls off the 6ft1 mark so I’d say he’s a weak 5ft11 or let’s say 5ft11.25 with his hair. So yes, he could pass for a 6ft guy because of his body type”
Why not rounding down? Brad could reach 5ft10 on a good day and after a tough working day he can be only 5ft9.5 and taking into account he’s over 55 he might have lost a few mm so let’s put him as a strong 5ft9 barefoot.
viper said on 14/Aug/19
He's 5-10, not 5-10.5
CDS said on 13/Aug/19
@peterp: regardless who's taller, Leo or brad, they're certainly very close, but per those pics you posted. They are both clearly wearing height-boosting footwear. Its pretty obvious. Look at the extended foot, and look at how the back heel kinda just goes straight up. Again, I really couldn't imagine either of these guys were gonna appear in public together without a little extra, "height help"?😂
Pierre said on 13/Aug/19
Click Here =Even when Leonardo is just wearing sneakers he can look taller than Brad...I doubt Leo is the shortest guy here

Others Leo in sneakers = Click Here Click Here
Brad imo is the tallest only when he wear famous sophisticated shoes hidden by long pants ,like in the Chinese Theater event or others

Click Here here you can see a little bit the shoes and you can see each time Leo's shoes are looking very flat slim and low compared to Brad's shoes.Imo the guy who wear the most advantageous shoes is not Leo then Leo is not the shortest in reality Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here
James G. said on 11/Aug/19
Early on, Pitt listed his own height a few times as 5’10.”
It seems like he is about 5’10.5” and wears footwear that makes him look easily in the 5’11” range. I feel as though he loses that tall vibe when he is seen in flatter footwear.
It wouldn’t make sense to me that he is over 5’10.5” based on these few reasons.
Pierre said on 10/Aug/19
@CDS =i don't exclue a late growth for Leonardo.Leonardo had sometimes generous external heels.You can see his shoes when you search in google pics = "John Sykes Sean Penn 1997"=Leonardo appears in some pics and you can see his shoes(he's standing behind Sean on the left side of the pic)=this is the same famous event inwhich he's in the pics i posted Leonardo/Sean Penn( Click Here i don't know exactly Sean's heels) .i go trying to post a pic but i don't know if it's ok = Click Here Click Here .Leonardo imo was not really shorter than Brad,in the pic i posted he's not standing very straight and is more distant to the camera Click Here Another= Click Here
Pierre said on 10/Aug/19
Peterp said on 9/Aug/19
Pierre said on 8/Aug/19
Click Here = Gwyneth in flip flops next to Brad .Gwyneth in massive heels next to Robbie Williams wearing an inch sneakers = Click Here Gwyneth's shoes = Click Here Click Here.53 votes give 5"11.5' to Robbie Williams at his page

Those are not normal flip flops and the ground was in Gwyneth Paltrow's favour. Brad pitt was actually taller than Leo at Cannes film festival. Look at this pic ( zoom in on their ears ), i would say 2 cm difference. Click Here

Even if Gwyneth has a little bit the advantage of the ground the ground will never replace his massive heels next to Robbie.She has always around two inches more advantage.Curiously in this pic the season seem hot,with nice sunshine,girls in flip-flops, but Brad's shoes are looking big winter shoes.Maybe they give him more help than Robbie's shoes...
Next to Leonardo Brad can look taller but in the pics inwhich he wear a hat he looks shorter.Maybe in the first case he had the same type of shoes than his shoes in Chinese Theater....
CDS said on 10/Aug/19
@peterp: per the Cannes pics, besides the one pic you pointed out, in pretty much all the others, I'm seeing Leo having the slight edge over brad. And you can tell by the footwear, they're both wearing the kind with the lifts built in, especially brads.
Hijoputamus said on 9/Aug/19
@Pierre, Robbie must be wearing lifts on those pics with Gwyneth because here we have Robbie and 5ft9 Goldie.
Robbie is barefoot and goldie on football boots which doesn’t give you a 2 inch boost and especially in the field.
Also here we have Robbie and David Beckham who is 180 both barefoot or maybe he really isn’t (?)
Click Here

Now, lads, once again have a look at Brad In thick shoes and I’m sure some lift with Angelina in flats while having a walk. Don’t tell me she’s closer to the camera or don’t tell me he is walking or slouching because she is walking too and both straight. Is our man 10 cm taller than her? I think not....or maybe she’s taller than listed.
Click Here

Now, who is gonna still argue he is not 5ft11??
CDS said on 9/Aug/19
@Pierre: do you think Leo has grown after age 22-23? That's about the only way I can justify how brad looked taller back then, unless Leo has the better lifts, than brad even! Now THAT's saying a LOT!😂
Peterp said on 9/Aug/19
Brad and leo are about the same height. Brad sometimes does wear lifts and now people are just assuming that he always has lifts. In photos Brad looks shorter BUT he slouches a lot when standing beside Leo. With the same posture and footwear i would say Brad should be as tall as leo.
Pierre said on 9/Aug/19
Dmeyer said on 8/Aug/19
Even if Pitt has 1in lifts inside wich give near 0,6in extra the heel IS so flat that total they will give 1-1,2in max so less shoes than Léo has near 1.7 ,also the foot pose will indicate maybe less than 1in lift maybe 0,75 wich give nearer 0,5in

Click Here = this type of shoes are looking very classic and give no less than 2.3 inches ...Click Here Click Here = here are Brad's shoes at Chinese Theater that give = Click Here And when more classic shoes = Click Here .This is not a story of only 1.2 inches shoes here....1/1.2 inches shoes are very classic shoes you can buy in a supermarket
Johan 185 cm said on 9/Aug/19
Greg said on 5/Aug/19
@Johan 185 cm lol Pitt and Yoga practice I just almost bursted out laughing who comes up with this stuff? Personally I think 5’10.75” or 5’11 peak was fine for Clooney he is now probably 5’10.25-5’10.5”, Pitt nearer 5’11 Demeyer is a weak 6 footer I believe, technically more strong 5’11 since he hits 5’11.5 at his low. He’s met many celebrities in person and said they where close to his height like Fassbender and someone else I forget. Mr.R who’s also 5’11 range met Fassbender and said he edged him out.


Well Dmeyer would know, he was an extra I believe in the past? I don't believe that Clooney or Pitt were ever the full 5'11". Probably more 5'10.5" for George and Pitt with a better chance of 5'10.75".

My memory might be foggy but I am pretty sure that Dmeyer fell to 5'11 3/8 's at a low. I never had issues with him being upgraded to 5'11.5" on user heights but thats not what i class as a weak 6'. More a very solid 5'11".

I remember him meeting Garret Hedlund and a few others but Mr R did meet Fassbender and he didn't look over 5'10.75" and he had a boot.
Pierre said on 9/Aug/19
Comparisons Brad /Leonardo
Click Here Click Here A young Leonardo (22/23 years old) with Sean Penn slouching his right shoulder.I know the angle isn't the best but watch their shoulders. Click Here now Leonardo closer to the camera Sean slouching a little bit more than Leonardo.
Click Here Click Here Leonardo in 1995 (20/21 years old) with Brad
Click Here = Sean Penn and 5"10' Georges Harrison (Georges Harrison /Madonna = Click Here Click Here Sean Penn/Madonna = Click Here Click Here
Dmeyer said on 8/Aug/19
Click Here , Pitt IS easy 1cm taller than leo and his shoes are low cut 1,2in type he has to be near enaugh 5'11 to pull that off
Dmeyer said on 8/Aug/19
Even if Pitt has 1in lifts inside wich give near 0,6in extra the heel IS so flat that total they will give 1-1,2in max so less shoes than Léo has near 1.7 ,also the foot pose will indicate maybe less than 1in lift maybe 0,75 wich give nearer 0,5in
MarcusTheSwede said on 8/Aug/19
@Greg: Youre so wrong. Hijppotamus is correct. You all Google Brad Pitt Lift Heel in Google Pictures. He is at best without massive boots heels insoles maximum 1cm taller then Matt Damon at best. Not a centimeter taller. This talk about Brad being 6.0” is ridicilous. Lack of research. 176cm give take 1cm maximum barefeet Thanks Regards
MarcusTheSwede said on 8/Aug/19
@Greg: Youre so wrong. Hijppotamus is correct. You all Google Brad Pitt Lift Heel in Google Pictures. He is at best without massive boots heels insoles maximum 1cm taller then Matt Damon at best. Not a centimeter taller. This talk about Brad being 6.0” is ridicilous. Lack of research. 176cm give take 1cm maximum barefeet Thanks Regards
Pierre said on 8/Aug/19
Click Here = Gwyneth in flip flops next to Brad .Gwyneth in massive heels next to Robbie Williams wearing an inch sneakers = Click Here Gwyneth's shoes = Click Here Click Here .53 votes give 5"11.5' to Robbie Williams at his page
CDS said on 7/Aug/19
@Dmeyer: do you seriously think pitt doesn't have internal lifts in those brown moccasins style boots in "once upon a time in hw"? Looking closely at them, I think its pretty obvious, and there are some good close up shots, where you can see the heel protruding a little where the internal lift sits. Now I think Leo's boots have a little internal boost as well, but his has a much thicker exterior heel, hence the drastic height edge he has over brad most of the film. Don't get me wrong, I still think Leo is taller, just not as much as we're seeing in about the 1st half the film. Notice, the gap between them narrows the 2nd half, when Leo is wearing normal shoes. But the key, as I said earlier. Check out the edge, 5'11.75" (listed here) timothy olyphant has over Leo?
viper said on 6/Aug/19
No taller than 5-10
Dmeyer said on 6/Aug/19
I never met fassbender , but i did meet many celebs
Pierre said on 6/Aug/19
Leo 5"11.5'?! Woaow! and Barack ? around 6"3' ?
Dmeyer said on 5/Aug/19
Pitt flat Brown Boots in the movie if looking at foot pose Can give anywere 0,5-1,2in the front IS thin and the angle isnt high so max 1in total so defenetly has footwear disadvantage to leo 1,6-1.7in cowboy , also Can look similar to Léo when in just 1/3in more shoes so Pitt isnt less than weak 5'11 5'10,5-10.75 today and Peak 0.5cm taller
Pierre said on 5/Aug/19
Generally people who have not solid arguments to answer to argued comments are the same people who answer with big words like "haters","propaganda",etc etc...
Hijoputamus said on 5/Aug/19
@Dmeyere, malevolent propaganda was when long time ago Pitt was 6feet (Oprah, celebheights, etc) when he wasn’t even 5ft10. That’s not good for the man. Puts pressure on him. George joked about it saying that he was even taller than that, like 6ft1!
....and then we all saw the Gwyneth pictures....
Mark Wahlberg is 5ft10 and Mario Lopez “admitted” being 5ft11. Arnold was 6ft2. The list is too long. This is Hollywood and nothing wrong with it. It’s not illegal faking your height. Why fake teeth, Botox, nose jobs etc are ok but wigs and lifts aren’t? I
Johan 185 cm said on 4/Aug/19
Dmeyere said on 3/Aug/19
It is a simple matter of deductive scrutiny and logic. Pay good attention and you will see Pitt in all regular shots with no standard deviation is statistically 2-4cm over Clooney and 6-8cm over Damon. It is also false accusations and malevolent propaganda to attribute his higher standing exclusively to lifts when his physical enhancement do not dépasse réguliarly 1,5cm normal heel no platform edge so my honest and unbiased éstimation is 5'11 and 3ç4 in the morning and 5'11 evening reign thanks to his yoga practivce


Can sometimes look very close with Clooney though. And George doesn't look more than 5'10.5". I think something between 5'10.5-5'11" is good for him but definetly not a solid 5'11" guy like you Dmeyer.
Canson said on 4/Aug/19
5’11” is too high. But a strong 5’10/weak 5’11” is about right
Pierre said on 4/Aug/19
Dmeyere said on 3/Aug/19
It is a simple matter of deductive scrutiny and logic. Pay good attention and you will see Pitt in all regular shots with no standard deviation is statistically 2-4cm over Clooney and 6-8cm over Damon. It is also false accusations and malevolent propaganda to attribute his higher standing exclusively to lifts when his physical enhancement do not dépasse réguliarly 1,5cm normal heel no platform edge so my honest and unbiased éstimation is 5'11 and 3ç4 in the morning and 5'11 evening reign thanks to his yoga practivce

@ Dmeyere Malevolent ropaganda?!I personally just talk about what i see and give precize arguments to argue my guess and post pics....Then with your reasonning i can say about you =you make malevolent propaganda to try to make Brad easily taller than the others celebrities next to him....6/8 cm on Matt Damon?Yes= when good shoes....You forget Brad has 6/8 cm on Matt when Brad has 2/4 cm on Georges.... Click Here Click Here =here this is not around 2/4 cm difference with Georges....but more around -2/-4 cm ...And here when Brad tower Georges then he curiously tower Matt = Click Here .... Even Georges looks surprised....
Dmeyere said on 3/Aug/19
It is a simple matter of deductive scrutiny and logic. Pay good attention and you will see Pitt in all regular shots with no standard deviation is statistically 2-4cm over Clooney and 6-8cm over Damon. It is also false accusations and malevolent propaganda to attribute his higher standing exclusively to lifts when his physical enhancement do not dépasse réguliarly 1,5cm normal heel no platform edge so my honest and unbiased éstimation is 5'11 and 3ç4 in the morning and 5'11 evening reign thanks to his yoga practivce
Pierre said on 2/Aug/19
Joe Joe said on 31/Jul/19
the low 5'11/high 5'10 makes sense for pitt. always where slightly suspect shoes to measure up to slightly taller co stars

Click Here

Imo Brad wear massive heel here,the angle of the laces is very hard here and his shoes are high.This is not a model of shoes inwhich you can place your ankle inside,then this means his ankles are somewhere above his shoes....Imo they give him no less than 2.5 inches = Click Here =this shoes that are looking very classic with a softer angle of laces give 2.3/2.4 inches....
Hijoputamus said on 1/Aug/19
Well spotted, Pierre!
In economic terms there seems to be an indirect relationship “hat-lifts” in Brad. The bigger the hat the smaller the lifts. We’ve seen it many times. Lifts plus hat would be too much. This is all very well calculated.
Good job, man!
Ps- downgrading doesn’t necessarily mean hating. I don’t think there’s any hate on this site.
Joe Joe said on 31/Jul/19
the low 5'11/high 5'10 makes sense for pitt. always where slightly suspect shoes to measure up to slightly taller co stars

Click Here
Jmaurice said on 31/Jul/19
Leo did look like he had half an inch or 3/4 of an inch more on Pitt in the movie "Once upon a time in Hollywood..."
Tall Sam said on 31/Jul/19
There's lots of premiere shots, Pitt either looks similar height or maybe a cm shorter than Leonardo DiCaprio.
Click Here
Pierre said on 30/Jul/19
@Viper="haters" is what they always answer to try to counter the constructive comments when they have not good arguments 🙂

Leonardo and 6"0.75'Barack = Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here
Brad and Leonardo = Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here The day he wears a hat i think Brad has more classic shoes because he always looks a little bit shorter than Leonardo = Click Here
CDS said on 30/Jul/19
@dmeyer: that pic of Pitt and docovny is a recent pic, you can't go by that with , what I'm sure the lifts Pitt is wearing. Go back and watch, "California", and you'll see, easily 2 inches between them.
Hijoputamus said on 30/Jul/19
@Dmeyer, any pic of Brad with shoes on is irrelevant.
Barefoot is what counts and he’s not much taller than 5ft8ish Gwyneth. This is the only real relevant source we got.
Pierre said on 30/Jul/19
Dmeyer said on 29/Jul/19
Click Here , Pitt holding his own with 6'0,25 Peak duchovny who fulled me in person for 6'0,75 , Pitt has 0,5in more shoes
In this pic the angle is special ,and David Duchovny slouch his head on his right side and so logically lose height.And David Duchovny looks 6"0' max next to Mitch Pileggi listed 6"1' peak = Click Here =here Mitch in 2012 with around 0.7 inch heels more than Rob.Mitch and David Mitch breaking a little bit his posture to talk to David(hairs don't count of course )= Click Here = David is max 6"0' imo ( And it was an event Brad shoes had very probably more than 0.5 inch heel on David's shoes)
viper said on 29/Jul/19
Brad wrote down 5-10 on an audition form.

I guess hes hating himself!!!!!
kate123 said on 29/Jul/19
i think he is around 6ft tall
Lamont Cranston said on 29/Jul/19
Not sure what to make of this site listing him the same height as Leonardo DiCaprio....

In almost all scenes and pictures of ‘once upon a time...’, Leo consistently looks taller than Mr. Pitt...
Petre said on 28/Jul/19
You people can stop hating. Brad and Leo are about the same height. So 5'11 is a great listing!
triplemagnum said on 26/Jul/19
@Rob wait Rob you thinnk Brad is just 0'6 cm shorter than Leo?. If Leo is 181 Brad is 179-179.25 cm. About 1.5 between them. Downgrade 5'10.5 so Brad is far of a 5'11 guy
cmillzz said on 26/Jul/19
This was his original comment: “Clearly 6ft1 range w/h Claudia Schiffer..5ft10 doesn’t make sense at all”

How is that not trolling?
Pierre said on 25/Jul/19
@CDS= By considering Dennis Franz (since 1998 and after) and Rick Schroder have about the same height ,imagine David Caruso ,imo a real 5"11'range, next to Rick in "Across The Tracks"(and so with advantageous sneakers)= he would edge him out too =Brad in advantageous sneakers next to Rick Schroder looks maybe a fraction more higher than him when Rick is standing straight....5"9.5' is a better list for him to my eyes,by considering some possibly mistakes of myself like David Caruso maybe more 5"11.5' than 5"11' and Rick maybe a fraction higher than Dennis...For me Brad is "around" 5"9.5' but nothing over this mark.Shoes make the rest = Click Here Click Here
Click Here Click Here = here with very probably only a slim lift in his beige shoes. Click Here Click Here = and here a little bit more ...
Johan 185 cm said on 25/Jul/19
5'10.5"-5'10.75" max.
Importer said on 24/Jul/19
@Canson same I didn't think he was joking.
Pierre said on 24/Jul/19
He's 5"11' when 1.5 inches shoes :)
CDS said on 24/Jul/19
Thanks for the pics, Pierre of Rick Schroeder, Dennis Franz, and David Caruso. That actually clears up some things for me. I would've always pegged Caruso at closer to a flat 5'11", rather than 5'11.5", this site's listing, and he has Franz by a good 3" at least...
Peter175 said on 23/Jul/19
Hes shorter than Leo for sure
Pierre said on 23/Jul/19
@CDS = Rick Schroder was in NYPD Blue since only 1998.Dennis Franz who has not a slim body had maybe lost some height, he was easily over his 50 since 1998. Click Here Click Here Here next to David Caruso listed 5"11.5' here(12 votes are giving David 5"10.85), he can look more than 2 inches shorter next to him like here = Click Here (David isn't perfectly straight watch his legs etc..).Here in around the same posture = Click Here Click Here David edge him out.In some pics like here= Click Here they are standing very close one to the other = Dennis has the poorer posture and looks just a fraction shorter than Rick in this posture.Here Dennis closer to the camera = Click Here Click Here . Click Here = here Dennis breaking his posture .Here Rick closer to the camera and Dennis slouching on him = Click Here .Dennis has lots of time a poor posture next to him = Click Here
Pierre said on 23/Jul/19
Original said on 23/Jul/19
Rick is slouching in this pic plus with converse and still managed to pass an image as tall or taller than Rob... This angle is fairer in comparison === Click Here

Particularly I believe that Rick could be very well a legit, solid 5'9". That makes Pitt at least 5'10", with a good chances of being 5'10.25"/5'10.5. For example, I have peak Pitt as 178 range at his minimum = Solid 5'10 (5'10.25").
But Rick is standing straight here Rob next to Erin is not perfectly straight he slouch a little bit with neck and back
Hijoputamus said on 23/Jul/19
Rob, does anyone still believe a 5ft11 barefoot Brad?
Editor Rob
Yes, many still estimate him him at that mark, and a fair proportion 5ft 10.5 to 10.75. Far fewer give him 5ft 11.5-6ft nowadays.
Original said on 23/Jul/19
Rick is slouching in this pic plus with converse and still managed to pass an image as tall or taller than Rob... This angle is fairer in comparison === Click Here

Particularly I believe that Rick could be very well a legit, solid 5'9". That makes Pitt at least 5'10", with a good chances of being 5'10.25"/5'10.5. For example, I have peak Pitt as 178 range at his minimum = Solid 5'10 (5'10.25").
CDS said on 22/Jul/19
@Pierre: that honestly would not surprise me. How would you justify him (Rick Schroeder) looking taller than Dennis Franz on, "nypd blue", just out of curiosity?
alexandermiranda said on 21/Jul/19
Schroeder 175-176 cm Pitt 178-178.5 cm
alexandermiranda said on 21/Jul/19
Original said on 20/Jul/19
I'd say a full inch or 3 cm. 4 cm is too much
Smitty said on 21/Jul/19
To me, the man is 5'9.5, a height in Hollywood that would be called 5'11. Footwear and camera angles help Pitt out a lot. He wears 1-1.5 inch lifts, I'll even go as far to say, that is what caused his ankle injury on the set of Troy. The only actor in boots, he had to look taller than the rest of the cast.
Pierre said on 20/Jul/19
@CDS = only his hairs are in the 5"9' mark in "Too Young The Hero = Click Here i doubt he was taller later because next to Erin Gray he does not look really taller than Rob(i found him even a little bit shorter but...this is only one pic...) = Click Here Click Here Click Here of course we don't know Erin shoes...=Her look/style is very clossic then i doubt she wear truly different heels from one event to another...
Original said on 20/Jul/19
I think Pitt could be around 4cm taller than Schroeder.
CDS said on 20/Jul/19
@Pierre: from those pics you posted awhile back of rick Schroeder with his former "silver spoons" cast mates, you could very well be right, that maybe he's not even quite 5'9". The only reasons I seem to think he's that is due to where he hits the height chart in the 1988 tv movie "too young the hero" (right at the 5'9" mark), and he's only 18 there, so possibly could've grown more since. But if course, we can't see his feet, so possible he could have shoes in there. The other reason I seem to think he's at least 5'9", was how he looked a little taller consistently than his "nypd blue" costar, Dennis Franz, who I thought had to be at least 5'8", especially since he himself claimed 5'10"? Of course, this should all probably go in the Rick Schroeder thread, but many have used that early 90s film, "across the tracks" to guesstimate brad Pitts real height, sizing him up to rick Schroeder in that film. Maybe what it comes down to, Pitt-- end of day, barefoot, 5'9.75", and Schroeder-- end of day, barefoot, 5'8.75", making brad around 5'11" in shoes, and Rick , around 5'10" in shoes, both of their consistent official height listings...
CDS said on 20/Jul/19
@Pierre: from those pics you posted awhile back of rick Schroeder with his former "silver spoons" cast mates, you could very well be right, that maybe he's not even quite 5'9". The only reasons I seem to think he's that is due to where he hits the height chart in the 1988 tv movie "too young the hero" (right at the 5'9" mark), and he's only 18 there, so possibly could've grown more since. But if course, we can't see his feet, so possible he could have shoes in there. The other reason I seem to think he's at least 5'9", was how he looked a little taller consistently than his "nypd blue" costar, Dennis Franz, who I thought had to be at least 5'8", especially since he himself claimed 5'8"? Of course, this should all probably go in the Rick Schroeder thread, but many have used that early 90s film, "across the tracks" to guesstimate brad Pitts real height, sizing him up to rick Schroeder in that film. Maybe what it comes down to, Pitt-- end of day, barefoot, 5'9.75", and Schroeder-- end of day, barefoot, 5'8.75", making brad around 5'11" in shoes, and Rick , around 5'10" in shoes, both of their consistent official height listings...
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 19/Jul/19
i think Pitt always had at least 1" hidden heels under his feet in shoes, which means a near 2" lift maybe at times he get tire of wearing big lift he switch to 1.5" heels which look 1" from outside.
Original said on 19/Jul/19
Solid 5'10 at his peak (5'10.25")
Pierre said on 18/Jul/19
@CDS =CDS, Watch again eventually my comments/pics on Rick Schroder's height on 21/June.Imo 5"9' for him is even probably always a list a little bit generous.Brad in the movie Across The Tracks is the older brother of Rick.Random?=he wear nearly always comfortable sneakers and Rick always Converse so poor heels (except when he run of course and even sometimes he wear converse to run = Click Here )= Click Here = here at around 18:09 you can see Brad's heels that give him a good advantage on Rick's Converses.Rick a long time in the movie break more or less his neck and his back like he had to make Brad a taller man than him (remember Brad is the older brother in the movie) like here = Click Here (inwhich you can see the shoes too in this) or again here = Click Here Click Here Click Here You can see lots of time Rick break more or less his neck/back like he had to look smaller than his real height ,but in short times in the video he's sometimes standing really straight= example at around 17:21 in the movie(remember he's always in converse here...).And then the difference(if there is a difference...)is very slim.The rest of the time the different angles of the camera make the rest...
Canson said on 18/Jul/19
@Cmillz: I’m not seeing where he trolled
Pierre said on 17/Jul/19
This shoes = Click Here that are looking very classic with not even a massive external heel =they give you 2.3 /2.4inches.....
cmillzz said on 16/Jul/19
I’m surprised to see Rampage troll like that. That’s uncharacteristic of him.
CDS said on 16/Jul/19
@Pierre: probably belongs in the Rick Schroeder thread, but I've always seen him as your classic, 5'9" guy barefoot, 5'10" in shoes, and hence, claims 5'10". In fact, I'd say he is typically what society sees as a 5'10" guy since most claim an in-shoes height...
CDS said on 16/Jul/19
@Greg: I've posted this before in other threads, but it is indeed quite possible for a 5'9" guy to hit 6' in lifts, and I'm not talking platforms or anything. I can speak with experience -- I'm 5'11.5" barefoot, out of bed, dip down to about 5'11" mid morning, end of day, 5'10.75", and can dip as low as 5'10.5" after heavy activity. I have been wearing undetectable footwear with the lifts built in for more than a decade now, much more effective I've found than the lifts or wedges you insert. And I have seen myself in photos looking as tall as my 6'3" cousin! Believe me, they ARE that effective! Now I don't believe brad is as low as 5'9", but do believe from his past work, lets say, pre-1996, that he could be as low as, a little under 5'10". And from experience, I have recognized him wearing similar footwear to mine, only a wearer of such footwear would recognize. He is one of the masters of the trade, ill give him that!
Hijoputamus said on 16/Jul/19
Greg, a 177cm guy that wears a shoe with a high heel 4 cm and an inch help inside becomes a 6 footer and hard to spot. Easy as that. Brads heels when shooting the spy game movie with Redford were no less than 5cm (2 inches) and Pitt wasn’t taller than 5ft9ish Redford.
Pitt is not much taller than 5ft8ish Gwyneth. Watch him beside Sir Anthony Hopkins in that Legends movie scene and see how Pitt wasn’t much taller when he should be if he was 5ft11. Btw, Stallone can stand over 5ft10 with some help and still can walk run act etc no problem.
Pierre said on 15/Jul/19
5"9.5' is only an official height for Rick Schroder i posted recently some pics that can really question this height(21/jun)
HonestSlovene said on 15/Jul/19
Overall he seems 179-180 cm or 5'10.5-5'11 range. There are instances, where he's looked more or less but this is the range he seems to fall into in 90%+ cases. Looked an inch taller than 5'9.5" Schroder btw.
Tunman said on 14/Jul/19
Always achance for 5'10.75,and Angelina more like 5'6 flat.He rather looked a weak 5'11 with a girl like Geena Davis but I doubt much less,likely in that 179,5-80 range.Clooney may well have been only 5'10.5
Johan 185 cm said on 14/Jul/19
Dmeyer said on 10/Jul/19
I agréé with rob 180 IS likely but today 179 IS Closer maybe 179,2-179,5


Agreed, just not sure if he was a full 5'11" or not. I still tend to lean towards 5'10.5" / 5'10.75" even for peak.
Importer said on 14/Jul/19
Relax guys I think he just meant to say he look 6'1 range in that particular photo above, putting aside footwear of course.
Pierre said on 13/Jul/19
no he's under 179 next to Rick Schroder in Across the Tracks,177 max and shoes make the rest
Animus said on 13/Jul/19
Almost everyone on this site is obsessed with this man's height. I think it's pretty simple. There is not a chance in hell he is below 5'10½. Anyone suggesting anything below that are kidding themselves. We also know that he can't really be much above 5'11, from how he stacks up against DiCaprio, who is comfortably 181cm.

So that's the range he's looked throughout the course of his public life, anywhere from 179cm to 181cm. Personally, I think he's managed to look 180-181cm the most often. It helps he is broad-shouldered and lean and that he generally maintains good posture. That, combined with sometimes wearing thicker than average footwear, has facilitated him looking taller than he likely is, i.e. he's looked in the 6'0-range from time to time. But's it's pretty clear he is within a small fraction of 5'11 and I urge anyone unwilling to accept this to start looking at the evidence with a fresh and unbiased perspective.
CDS said on 12/Jul/19
In that photo with Claudia schiffer and brad... First off, she has flat flats on, barely any heel on that I was surprised actually. Secondly, brad you can clearly tell his wearing boots with the lifts built in. And third, she is doing that little trick tall actresses do, when standing next to leading men. Nicole Kidman actually demonstrated this with George Clooney, on the old Rosie O'Donnell show back in the 90s, where they'll do a little twist with the leg, to bring them down a little. Again, wow, rampage.. Get a clue...?? LOL
Mr.heighty said on 11/Jul/19
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Jul/19
Wrong dude 6'1 range is too tall. With Claudia Schiffer 6'0 range at most but remember he is wearing lifts. He is 5'11 max barefoot I still say he is 179 cm or 5'10.5
Hijoputamus said on 11/Jul/19
Rampage, stop the trolling, mate
Pierre said on 11/Jul/19
Claudia Schiffer is standing in a terrible posture here and Brad wear probably some helps here and her soles are so slim.Some visitors here doubt she's exactly 5"11' barefoot.It seems to me lots of people rounded up a little bit their height to 5"11'.I have an anecdot=recently i wanted to sell my bicycle,then i posted an ad in the web.A guy call me and ask me why i wanted to sell this bicycle,i answer him the bicycle is too small for me.He said "How tall are you ?Me="i'm around 180"(i'm nearly 6"0' after bed and around 5"11.25' during the day).He said="It's all right for me i'm 180 too and i know very well this model of bicycle my son has the same i know it's good for me".I was thinking this guy go to make me lose my time,but he was looking very sure of himself...The guy ring my doorbell,i open him...My first though when i saw him was =this is not the guy for my bicycle=i was clearly edge him out...He was nearly one forehead shorter than me.Then he has buy my bicycle and finally i have not lose my time🙂
Dmeyer said on 11/Jul/19
If you look well at all shots Pitt isnt more than 1-2cm over Claudia but i believe he has no lifts just 1,5cm shoes advantage so about 5'11 peak
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Jul/19
Clearly 6ft1 range w/h Claudia Schiffer..5ft10 doesn’t make sense at all
Dmeyer said on 10/Jul/19
I agréé with rob 180 IS likely but today 179 IS Closer maybe 179,2-179,5
CDS said on 10/Jul/19
@Greg: I could be wrong, but if you go back to the late 90s, and size up Leo with other actors like, Kenneth branagh (5'9"), for instance, you'll see what I mean. Leo was mid 20s by then, so little chance he's grown since.
Mr.heighty said on 9/Jul/19
@Rob thanks for answering. Yes maybe you are right but I'd go better with 179. I've learnt a 179 guy barefoot is tall or tallish and more than people think. Average Guess is fine.
Mr.heighty said on 8/Jul/19
@Rob do you really think Pitt is 180.34 cm at night or 5'11? I honestly think this listing is too tall.
Pitt has always looked a typical 179 guy or 178 at night. 5'11 barefoot is a joke.
Editor Rob
179 would be the lowest I'd go, 178 seems hard to believe. I'm ok with 5ft 11 for him, though you never know!
Pierre said on 6/Jul/19
Click Here Click Here Click Here =Try to guess who wear the biggest shoes here...hum very difficult :)
Johan 185 cm said on 5/Jul/19
Mr.heighty said on 3/Jul/19
Johan 185 cm said on 3/Jul/19
You sound you like to defende upgraded actors. ON the pic clearly all those guys are 5'8 range 5'9. Pitt looks 5'10


The editor of the site Rob has met Jon Bernthal and gave him 5'11" so no I strongly disagree with you.
Pierre said on 4/Jul/19
Comparisons Jimmy Fallon/Brad= now Jimmy/Stephen Colbert = Click Here Click Here = very similar imo(Jimmy has a little bit more heels imo here).now Stephen Colbert/6"0.75' Barack = Click Here Click Here =For me Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon(who wear imo sometimes more advantageous shoes than in the pics next to Stephen) are clearly under 5"11' and not just a fraction.Then Brad too.
Hijoputamus said on 4/Jul/19
@Johan 185 cm, this is about barefoot height. Just saying...;)
Arslan 6'10 210 CM said on 4/Jul/19
5’10 I give him
Mr.heighty said on 3/Jul/19
Johan 185 cm said on 3/Jul/19
You sound you like to defende upgraded actors. ON the pic clearly all those guys are 5'8 range 5'9. Pitt looks 5'10
Johan 185 cm said on 3/Jul/19
Yes 5'11" is taller than most people think but then everyone who meets him says he is 5'11" -6'. He looks very similar to Jon Bernthal who is at least 5'10.75".

Click Here

Click Here

Also very similar to 5'11 Jimmy Fallon.

Between 5'10.5"-5'11"
Pierre said on 2/Jul/19
@Rism 90 @Pauly =And Brad had an advantage of heel next to Rick schroder in Accross The Tracks....
Pierre said on 2/Jul/19
Arnold 6"0.5' give Lou 6"3.5' by good pics of both barefoot; Lou is clearly shorter than John Larroquette listed 6"4', guys listed 6"5.5' ,6"6'(Dick Durock,Ralf Moeller) towered him.His stunt double Manny Perry listed 6"2' looks approximatively the same height as him in this famous picture....My guess is Lou was "around" 6"3' and Arnold "around" 6"0'...Nothing over that
pauly e said on 1/Jul/19
rism90 said on 29/Jun/19
Rob 5'11 barefoot is pretty tall.. People don't know how tall is a legit 5'11 guy and If they see a 5'11 guy they guess he is 6'0. Brad is 5'10.25 10.5 tops. Watch Acroos the Tracks or Kalifornia where you can see Brad without heels and regular sneakers.. Strong 5'10

I agree with this. 5'11 flat barefoot is taller than most people think. Most guys I've encountered who claim 5'11 are really 5'9-ish. Not saying Brad is that height but I'd guess he's more 5'10.25, 5'10.5.
Canson said on 29/Jun/19
@Viper: I’d lean toward Pitt being 5’10 and change before being sub 5’10
rism90 said on 29/Jun/19
Rob 5'11 barefoot is pretty tall.. People don't know how tall is a legit 5'11 guy and If they see a 5'11 guy they guess he is 6'0. Brad is 5'10.25 10.5 tops. Watch Acroos the Tracks or Kalifornia where you can see Brad without heels and regular sneakers.. Strong 5'10
Pierre said on 28/Jun/19
5"10.5' with very massive socks.
rism90 said on 28/Jun/19
Rob have you thought to downgrade him? I think is fair to list him at 5'10.5 being the most honestly.. I was watching this evening Across the tracks and Brad look on the 5'10 zone but far to be 5'11 barefoot. I've learnt how tall is a legt 5'11 guy barefoot more than people think..
Editor Rob
10.75 is arguable at times, 5ft 10-10.5 I struggle to imagine him being.
TheBat said on 28/Jun/19
I actually now think that Brad's 5'10.5" barefoot instead of 5'10.75"
viper said on 27/Jun/19
I'd be surprised If he's under 5-10
Pierre said on 27/Jun/19
Rick Schroder around 5"8.5' demonstrate Brad is absolute max 5"9.5'
viper said on 24/Jun/19
I give Leo 5-10.5 and Brad 5-10
CDS said on 23/Jun/19
@Pierre: I completely agree about Leo being closer to 5'10" than 5'11", for a long time now. He's admitted to wearing lifts, something brad has never done. I would give Leo 5'10.25", and brad , 5'9.75".
Pierre said on 22/Jun/19
@CDS = Leo next to 6"0.75' Barack = Click Here = make a pause at 2:38.And the camera is low here then the real difference between them is probably bigger.Leo is under 5"11' for me probably a little bit closer to 5"10' than to 5"11'
CDS said on 21/Jun/19
@keribomba: I forgot to add, "that's assuming he did in fact write down 5'10" on that audition form". I disagree about him being 5'11" though still. Those pics with him and Stallone posted below have convinced me even more so he's no more than a barefoot 5'10", absolute max. And now the recent images of DiCaprio edging him out. Remember, tom hanks edged out a 27 yr old Leo in the film, "catch me if you can".
Pierre said on 21/Jun/19
In addition to my comment = Click Here watch from 17:13 to 17:23 = at the end Rick Schroder is standing straighter ....
Pierre said on 21/Jun/19
Brad Pitt in training shoes (around on inch) and Rick Schroder in Converse(0.6 inch) = Click Here Click Here .Rick Schroder and Erin Gray = Click Here Click Here Erin and Rob = Click Here .Rick's height chart = Click Here = 5"9' at the top of his hairs(not the top of his head) then Brad 5"11' ....
Johan 185 cm said on 21/Jun/19
CDS said on 19/Jun/19
I'm sorry, but no 5'10.5" guy (barefoot) rounds his height down to 5'10" flat. If he really did put that down on his audition form, he's no more than that, absolute max, I guarantee you…


Maybe because he didn't want to write down fractions? He was not famous back then and I can understand that he started rounding up, he would be 5'11" easy straight out of bed.

I still don't see him over 5'10.5", yes he did look similar to Leo at Cannes but he had thicker footwear.
Pierre said on 21/Jun/19
@Keribomba=in the event Chinese Theater Brad's shoes are looking completely classic too = Click Here Click Here but = Click Here Click Here Click Here ....
Hijoputamus said on 21/Jun/19
@Keribomba, and why are you assuming Sly stands what? 5ft10? 6ft?? First of all I don’t think Sly is standing with a 4 inch help. I’d say Sly stands 5ft10 is that pic and Brad probably same height....IN SHOES. And we don’t know if Vibrams inside or a little lift.
Have a look at Brad with 5ft8ish Gwyneth both barefoot or that pic with Angelina both walking, her on flats and Brad with thick soles and he wasn’t much taller.
Brad stands 5ft10 absolutely max after a good night sleep. I have a friend who stands 181cm and met him and talked to him in the 90s. He said he was “short” skinny and had a bad acné and a very very cool down to earth charismatic guy.
Keribomba said on 21/Jun/19
I don’t see any helps, his footwear looks completely normal. He looks more casual and relaxed than usual. In the past I also thought he was 5’9.5-5’10. But seeing him without lifts, even in that Paltrow picture I can see him being weak 5’11.
Pierre said on 21/Jun/19
But Brad next to Sly wear probably some little helps in his shoes even if Sly's helps are very probably bigger
Keribomba said on 21/Jun/19
Somebody quoted that he did that. You know how that works. My grandma has seen a guy who has seen Brad Pitt and they were the same height.

Brad Pitt is 5’11. I had doubts before, because he is a religious lift wearer, but after seeing him in normal boots with Stallone, and Stallone in huge lifts, and then seeing him next to Leo... 5’11 - nothing less.
Hijoputamus said on 20/Jun/19
@Original, you must be the only one that sees Brad taller than Sly in that pic. Very original lol
CDS said on 19/Jun/19
I'm sorry, but no 5'10.5" guy (barefoot) rounds his height down to 5'10" flat. If he really did put that down on his audition form, he's no more than that, absolute max, I guarantee you...
Original said on 18/Jun/19
Stallone 5'11 in his mega boots and still looks shorter than BP (eyes level).
Pierre said on 18/Jun/19
Comparisons Brad/Sylvester Stallone.Now Pelé and 5"9' Eusebio = Click Here Click Here Click Here .Now Pelé and Sylvester (young) = Click Here Click Here Click Here
Bradley said on 17/Jun/19
Sly in Munsters...destroying a 5' 10.25" Brad with ease. Fonz: Woah!
Johan 185 cm said on 17/Jun/19
viper said on 14/Jun/19
If Pitt is that tall why would he write down 5-10 on an audition form


Thats why I don't think he was 5'11". My guess is 5'10.5" and he rounded then and now. He still looks that with 5'11.25" Leo DiCaprio.
viper said on 17/Jun/19
Brad really doesn't look any taller than 5-10 there
Hijoputamus said on 17/Jun/19
@Elo, how tall can Sly stand there? If he is 5ft8 he can’t have a 4 inch help, can he? How could you even walk with that? And this assuming Brad stands 6ft there according to some people.
Elo said on 16/Jun/19
Brad Pitt finally exposed by Mr. Heightstone himself lol

Click Here
Shortkid said on 16/Jun/19
5'10 3/4 - 5'11
Pierre said on 14/Jun/19
For me 5"10' was even very probably his height rounded up= if you make statistics with the official heights and the real heights of celebrities,how many are really exactly as tall as their official heights....I go with a strong 5"10' early in the morning and 5"9.5' during the day .
viper said on 14/Jun/19
If Pitt is that tall why would he write down 5-10 on an audition form
cmillzz said on 14/Jun/19
I’ve read articles before stating that Clooney had worn lifts a few times, with even some photographic evidence of it. Obviously not to the extent of Pitt, but it really wouldn’t surprise me if he has worn lifts before.
Crab said on 13/Jun/19
Those photos with Leo just show Rob's listing is pretty much spot on, 5'10.5" - 5'11" is the height range he falls into in my opinion, closer to the latter. Over 5'11" in the morning for sure. Any sub 5'10" guess is honestly not giving him enough credit.

I'd put Leo somewhere in the 5'10.75 - 5'11.5" range, can look average sometimes kinda tall others. Probably around 6ft in the morning.
Johan 185 cm said on 13/Jun/19
Hijoputamus said on 10/Jun/19
@Johan 185cm, Gwyneth is 5ft8.5 max, have a look at the pics with James Corden.


Wouldn't add up, I don't see Chris martin under 6'1". She probably slouched next to Corden like she does with all short guys.

Chris only had 4" on her in equal footwear.
cmillzz said on 13/Jun/19
Possible he’s 5’10.25” and just rounded down to 5’10. But I’m thinking my 5’10.5” estimate for him might be a bit high now.
Bradley said on 11/Jun/19
Clooney is the slouch king. Lifts for George? Nope. Brad: 5' 10 and 1/4.
Hijoputamus said on 10/Jun/19
@Johan 185cm, Gwyneth is 5ft8.5 max, have a look at the pics with James Corden.
viper said on 9/Jun/19
He wrote down his real height of 5-10 on an audition form.

Nothing under or over
Johan 185 cm said on 7/Jun/19
cmillzz said on 6/Jun/19
Clooney definitely has worn lifts.


Clooney has never wore lifts, would bet my house on it. He doesn't even stand up straight and slouches all the time.
As for Pitt it does make you wonder about his height in comparison to 5'9" Paltrow. At times he could look easily taller by a couple of inches and equal her height when she had a heel but then you find pics like this where they had most likely similar footwear or even no shoes. Looks 1-1.5inches taller tops so around 5'10.5" max.

Click Here
CDS said on 7/Jun/19
I think I may have mentioned this before, but I never thought George Clooney wore lifts either, that is, until I saw those recent pics of him and brad pitt, with George looking a tad taller. Clooneys legs looked particularly longer, and the pant legs conveniently covered up his heels, while brad too I think had lifts, more the Cuban style ones. I would have to concur, that the 2 men are indeed about the same height, just that brad has been the more consistent lift wearer, and has better posture.
cmillzz said on 6/Jun/19
Clooney definitely has worn lifts.
HonestSlovene said on 6/Jun/19
@cmillzz Exactly, I alway thought Pitt was a weak 5'11" guy that wears lifts so he appears 6'0"-6'1" on red carpet events. Clooney is around the same height but doesn't wear lifts.
cmillzz said on 4/Jun/19
definitely. Many men are noticeably balding by age 38.
cmillzz said on 4/Jun/19
No offense but I think people on here exaggerate height loss. Plenty of people don’t lose any height in their 50s, and it wouldn’t surprise me if all those guys haven’t lost any noticeable height.
Hijoputamus said on 4/Jun/19
@Hernandez, those 4 wear tricky shoes.
Tom really doesn’t care much as he’s been barefoot with a lot of people around in shoes. I don’t think he has issues with height.
Reeves wears thick shoes even tho he’s a strong 6ft guy. Maybe just love thick sole boots comfortable shoes which is what it seems because we’ve seen him barefoot no problem.
Depp has issues with height but also loves big shoes and wears lifts regularly
Pitt is the tricky one. We’ve seen him way taller that 5ft11 David Beckham but also shorter that 5ft10ish Clooney or slightly taller that 5ft8 Anthony Hopkins or 5ft8ish or same height as Redford even tho Pitt was wearing a massive heel. Don’t forget the 5ft8ish Gwyneth Paltrow case. Never barefoot except for those stolen pics where we can see his REAL height.
Some people seem to forget any pic of Brad with shoes is as doubtful as a politician promise.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Jun/19
Rob, i'm wondering this four bigger names A lister in their 50s who do you think had higher chance already lost a 1/2 inch mark?

A. Tom Cruise
B. Brad Pitt
C. Johnny Depp
D. Keanu Reeves
Editor Rob
Tom, Keanu and Pitt probably did more physical roles and their own stunts, but Cruise/Reeves may well have a greater chance as they've probably done more roles that put their bodies through the ringer.
viper said on 2/Jun/19
Rob could you do the same thing with a measuring tape. Thanks
viper said on 2/Jun/19
My hair has gotten thicker with age at 38.

Am I one of the lucky ones
viper said on 2/Jun/19
Rob, test it with a tape measure. Thanks
Pierre said on 31/May/19
Sophisticated shoes make the difference = Click Here Click Here Click Here . I give him max 5"9.75' peak barefoot
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/May/19
Yeah Leo is probably the stronger 5ft11
Dmeyer said on 30/May/19
Pitt IS very likely 5 FT 10,75-11 Peak so 5 FT 10,75 IS defenetly possibly Peak at his âge 1/4 loss IS likely so 5'10,5 , Léo IS at an age were still Peak height so near enaugh 181cm so Pitt just about 179 and leo just about 181
Dmeyer said on 29/May/19
At the black tie Pitt has a 3cm shoes leo nearer 2cm
Baltomire5'9.5 said on 29/May/19
Next to Leo Dicaprio:
Leo at 44 years old (1974)and Brad 55 years old (1963)
Click Here
Baltomire5'9.5 said on 29/May/19
Dmeyer said on 28/May/19
I'm sure Brad is still as tall as he was in his 20's. He has great genetics. He is a strong 5'10 and probably closer to 5'11 than 5'10 like 5'10.25.5'10.5. I've noticed he has great hair at 55 in terms of density and quality just amazing and even better than me being much younger
viper said on 28/May/19
Rob, do you get 5-8 when you put your finger on top of your head next to the tape measure
Editor Rob
Well I tested it just now on the stadiometer and got right around 5ft 8 using a finger on crown and moving it to the stadiometer slowly, but I think there's much greater room for 1/4 to 1/2 inch errors with doing that yourself.
viper said on 28/May/19
Would say the tip of your finger is better. When I barely lift my finger above my head it's perpendicular to 6-4
Editor Rob
If there's no objects to put on head, then the palm of your hand might be better, but I still think there should be some object in your home that could give a better reading than using a hand.

You could eyeball someone's height beside a tape if their hair is quite flat to a reasonable figure I feel, like if you held a tape in the way I'm doing with jenny In this old video...even that type of measurement should get you within a small fraction as long as the ruler looked level.
Dmeyer said on 28/May/19
Rob wath do you think , leo IS just 0,25in taller than Pitt today
Editor Rob
I still would say Leo has the better chance of measuring taller than Pitt much is debatable.
viper said on 27/May/19
Rob, With a tape measure next to me when I put my finger perpendicular to 6-0 It touches the middle of my forehead. When I put it on top of my head I get 6-3.

Isn't that fairly accurate
Editor Rob
If you are careful you might get close enough, but I have seen people doing hand on head measurements and it could easily be 1/2 to an inch off.
Dmeyer said on 27/May/19
Depending on the angle either Can look 2-3cm under each other
Dmeyer said on 27/May/19
Évidence shows leo 2-2,5cm taller even considering haïr footwear posture angle
Johan 185 cm said on 27/May/19
Yes anyone who pays attention to footwear can see that Brad miraculously grows a 1/2- 1 inch leading up to the black tie event. Look how chunky those heels are, then look at Leo's shoes which are normal.
Dan man said on 25/May/19
Leo 5-11, Brad 5-10. Leo has poor posture and isn’t fit, Brad has great posture and is super fit.
Adrian 184 said on 24/May/19
@ORPHEUS. The platform of Brad’s shoes looks noticeably chunkier than Leo’s, maybe by upto a cm. I wouldn’t dismiss the chance Brad might also have a slight internal lift based on the shape of his shoe near the laces.

With Leo’s 181 listing, I’d put Brad around 2cm shorter at a solid 179cm. Maybe 179.5cm
CDS said on 24/May/19
Can anyone explain why most of the recent photos of brad and Leo at Cannes, promoting, "once upon a time in Hollywood", have Leo with the edge over brad, yet, if you look at the pics from the 90s , we're taliking around 1996, when Leo would have been 22 years old, likely fully grown, had brad with the slight edge over Leo? I'm looking at the footwear, in the Cannes pics, and the poster below is right, they're both wearing similar elevator footwear.
Pierre said on 24/May/19
Leonardo and 6"0.75' Barack = Click Here Click Here Leonardo 5"11'?Hum...Brad's shoes are looking higher than Leonardo's shoes in the pic of Orpheus.What's the matter here? = Click Here Click Here Click Here even with his cap Brad looks shorter than Leonardo ...
viper said on 23/May/19
Rob, What's this measuring technique with a thumb?
Editor Rob
I don't know exactly, but I'm assuming roughly guessing in a similar way as putting your hand on your head and then onto the tape to get an idea of height - it might be bit erroneous.
Hijoputamus said on 23/May/19
@vtec, Brad looks same height as Leo and 6ft1 Quentin Tarantino all pictured together.
@Antonia111, I think Brad is 5ft9ish but it’s interesting what you say about that machine.
Millano182 said on 23/May/19
One more:
Click Here
Millano182 said on 23/May/19
Rob here's another clip of Leo with Brad. Rob they look to be around 180 cm or weak 5'11 guys max. Watch full clip and last minutes. They have proportions of weak 5'11 guys and maybe 5'10.5. Just Brad is using heels
Click Here
Johan 185 cm said on 23/May/19
Click Here

Same event , Brad wasn't letting Leo show him up this time.
Johan 185 cm said on 23/May/19
Click Here

Probably about the shortest I have seen him look. Leo makes him look 5'10.25"
ORPHEUS said on 23/May/19
5'11 for Brad and 5'11.25 for Leo is pretty accurate based on recent photos from Cannes.
Both wearing similar footwear.
Click Here
Loeparn said on 23/May/19
There are now numerous pictures on the net of Brad and DiCpario beside each other. I think DiCaprio overall looks to be the taller of the two, but he also has camera advantage in many of the pictures. I think DiCaprio has 1-1.5 cm on Pitt.
Vtec said on 22/May/19
Looks 5'10 next to leo
Antonia111 said on 21/May/19
All of Brad's shoes are really good elevators because it's made with his exact dimensions to make it as sleek as possible.

Brad is only barefoot 175.0-176.0cm or solid 5'9. Based on with gwyneth paltrow barefoot too.

Although it is highly possible for him to have gone and stretched his body with monkey bar or that japanese height increasing machine. He could be solid 178cm 5'10 today.

In hollywood 5cm bump is a normal thing and with Brad wearing sleek lifted shoes, he's simply rated 180cm.

I would rate him today 178cm 5'10 barefoot. Although he was 5'9 for sure with gwyneth paltrow.
Phrygian said on 20/May/19
How big of a boost does he actually get from wearing the cuban heels? I've seen him in some photos with 6'1 Tarantino, where they looked the same range
Johnnie said on 20/May/19
Funnily enough, people who claimed 5'11 for Brad argue that "they can't see anything below that mark for Braddy".
There are PHOTOS, people.
Some of them barefeet with Gwyneth Paltrow. Start to look at real evidence, instead of guessing.
Pierre said on 18/May/19
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here =James on Tiptoe Click Here
viper said on 17/May/19
What's this measuring technique with a thumb?
Original said on 17/May/19
The minimum I can see is 5'10.5" and at night 5'9.75". I just can't see him in the 176 range. He is at least 177, probably 178 or almost 179 (peak). 5'10 fits very well in his case.
viper said on 16/May/19
he said no way, you are taller than me.
I said did you measure yourself or someone else did it for you
He said - I did, took out the measuring tape in front of me, with my thumb over it.

moral of the story - that is an incorrect way to measure yourself.

What do you mean by "thumb over it" ?
Original said on 15/May/19
5'11 out of bed, 5'10.25 at night. PEAK
now 0.5' shorter maybe, at least 0.25".
So now he is a flat 5'10 at night or even a weak 5'10 like 5'9.75".
Pierre said on 15/May/19
@John Wilson = I think Brad is around 5"11' when he measure his height with the same technique as your 184 guy.
John wilson s. said on 12/May/19
Once in the gym, I started talking with 1 guy about weight and height.
he was shorter than me.

He claimed to be 184
Asked me about my height - I said 181.

he said no way, you are taller than me.
I said did you measure yourself or someone else did it for you
He said - I did, took out the measuring tape in front of me, with my thumb over it.

moral of the story - that is an incorrect way to measure yourself.
Original said on 11/May/19
176 is almost imposible, 177 few chances, imo he is either flat 178 or 178 range (178,9 at night for example)... imo 178.5 at night. His built is def not of one 5-9 guy. he is at least 178.
Bradley said on 7/May/19
Five Ten and a quarter.
Pierre said on 6/May/19
@Jay Ong= If all the height were good we would not be here to discuss about celebrities heights.Brad looks just a little bit taller than Rick Schroder in "Accross The Tracks" and in this movie he always wear running shoes with comfortable soles and Rick wear poor soles(type Converse).Rick Schroder,by this mugshot = Click Here =is 5"9' at the top of his hairs .Here next to Erin Gray = Click Here Erin Gray and Rob = Click Here .He's probably in the same range height as Rob or maybe a fraction more.It never gives 5"11' or even a full 5"10' to Brad to my eyes
Dmeyer said on 6/May/19
Actualy in the shots were Clooney looks Taller , his Boots arnt as Big as i thaught more 1,1in oposite 0,9in barely any différence
Hijoputamus said on 6/May/19
@Jay ONG, Pierre like myself has seen the pics with 5ft8ish Gwyneth Paltrow both barefoot. Brad is half inch taller. That ends the discussion. If he was 5ft10 he would be 5ft11 with regular shoes.Have a look at the pics with Sly Stallone or Matt Damon when Brad forgot his tricky shoes. Sly is under 5ft9 and even with lifts he wouldn’t reach an over 5ft11 mark.
Watch the scene with Sir Anthony Hopkins (Legends of the Fall) where Brad is barely taller...
Too much evidence. The guy is under 5ft10.
Jay Ong said on 4/May/19
@Pierre = Why do you downgrade so much ones person's height? Very impossible for Brad to be at only 5'9" range. He is atleast 5'10". Fact that he is at 5'10 1/2". That is why he rounded it up to 5'11".
Pierre said on 3/May/19
@Jay Ong = my guess is around 5"9.25'/5"9.5'.
TheBat said on 2/May/19
5'10.75" in my opinion. Brad is easily the most discreet lift wearer.
Jay Ong said on 2/May/19
@Pierre = What is your guess height of Brad Pitt? I see brad at 5'10.5" guy. Maybe 5'10" to 5'10.25" as his shortest. I don't see him a full 5'11" because in his old movies you can see that he wears massuve lifts to look 6' tall or more. Just looking at him next to Robert Redford in Spy Game and next to David Duchovney in Kalifornia. I'm assuming a 3" difference between Pitt and Cruise height.
Pierre said on 30/Apr/19
@Greg=Brad taller than Georges = Yeah....When he wear some very advantageous shoes= Click Here Click Here Click Here .If only classic lifts = Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here In this pic Georges slouching a lot = Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here
CDS said on 30/Apr/19
I'm really starting to wonder if , in recent times, in light of the photos we've seen of brad not looking so tall next to people like, sly Stallone or George Clooney, who he almost seemed to tower over at times, back in the 2000s, if Pitt was given strict orders by a doctor, to stop wearing the lifts, maybe due to problems it may have been causing his Achilles tendon or joints in general? I mean the guy is like 56 now? What do other celebheighters think of this theory?
Johan 185 cm said on 30/Apr/19
Greg said on 29/Apr/19
@Johan he’s comfortably taller than Kevin Bacon in that photo and seems to be standing closer to the camera then Clooney but I think Brad is a bit taller than Clooney.

1 inch taller than Kevin with more footwear, not taller than Clooney at all. The only time Pitt has ever looked taller is when he has more footwear/lifts.

Click Here

Click Here

What you need to know about Pitt is that he is very aware of the camera. He always angles himself and trys to get an advantage when getting pics with other men. He is very height aware which is weird since he is minimum 179cm.
179cm guy said on 26/Apr/19
Rob, what's the absolute highest that you would ever guess Brad at?
Editor Rob
Today I would still say I won't really go above 5ft 11, but wouldn't go much under it either, 5ft 10.75 is of course something I wouldn't rule out. Can the same be said for 11.25 nowadays...maybe the odds are much less for that one.
Hijoputamus said on 24/Apr/19
@theknife and everyone, my bad, mea culpa.
But that guy is same height as Brad imho
theknife said on 23/Apr/19
@Laws & Hijoputamus
You can believe anything you want about Brad Pitt's height but in that photo it's not him with Jennifer Aniston on the beach. It is Justin Theroux, 5'9'' according to Celebheights.
Pierre said on 21/Apr/19
This is not Brad in the pic with Jennifer,he does not wear shoes
Johan 185 cm said on 20/Apr/19
Click Here

Bringing this one back, barely taller than 5'10" Kevin Bacon and Clooney is at least as tall.
Hijoputamus said on 20/Apr/19
@Laws, that pic is gold but the barefoot pics or pics where Pitt looks short are bad camera angles or just not valid ..erm...(ironic)
I wonder what excuse the fan lovers gonna give now.
Too much evidence
My bet is under 5ft10 but now with a bigger margin.
Laws said on 19/Apr/19
Hahaahaahaa Pitt is a SHRIMP in reality. MASSIVE booties the phony ass. He is 5'7.5. Lying sack of .....

He is 3" taller tha Jenn what a JOKE!!! Click Here
ulaix said on 18/Apr/19
@Rob you can see Pitt is 5'10 guy. He uses tricks to be taller as a 5'11 guy but I think his real height is 5'10. In all pics looks just 1 taller than Damon or 1/2 inch
Click Here

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.