Canson said on 23/Feb/20
@RP: yikes!
Robbe said on 23/Feb/20
These pics has been posted earlier by Sotiris, but here they are together. Same guy with Khali, Big Show, and Kane. Show looking 2in taller than Kane, while Khali towers over both of them.
Click Here
Show does look only 2in taller than Kane nowadays. Im not so sure if he hits the 6'9 mark even standing straight.
Sotiris Gravas said on 21/Feb/20
Great Nash/Khali pic!
6'6" Baron Corbin w/ listed 6'10" Aron Baynes...
Click Here
Corbin w/ 6'8" Nash...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Corbin w/ maybe 6'7.5" Big Cass...
Click Here
Nash is around 6'8", Khali around 6'10", thanks to bad knees, and Big Show is around 6'9" IMHO...
Something I've been saying here before anyone else...
How tall is Baynes really...? Here it says he and Corbin (and Braun Strowman) are all 6'8", lol:
Click Here
James B 172c, said on 21/Feb/20
Rob in Chris pic if Nash is 6’8.75 I’d say Khali looks 6’10.75.
Chris 5 4 said on 20/Feb/20
My first comment here. Great new pic of Nash and Khali.
Click Here
I’m gonna post it here cause I’m more invested in Show’s height. I’m thinking 6’9 flat at this point, maybe dipping under in the evening, maybe wakes up 6’9.5. The evidence is too strong at this point. If Nash is 6,8 which he may not be, Khali is hovering around 6,10, and Show 6’9, maybe slightly under by mid day. I’m a big fan of Big Show but I’ve noticed his height situation for a while. He’s noticed as well, he made a comment to Undertaker recently on a pic that shows this.
As for peak height, I think he’s lost a lot of height, but he probably wasn’t 7. At the most 6,11. About that I think. Love this site by the way!
Canson said on 20/Feb/20
@Edwards: agreed. I’ve had several times where I’ve stood up for someone or myself here. You get posters like that who will feel they “wasted their time” trying to sway you in one direction and they resort to pettiness when you don’t agree with them. And then you get the posters who will pick on someone like him but you get the occasional “troll” comment or thoughtless comment where Rob lists a celeb like Conan 6’4” and they would say he’s 6’5” or 6’6” when he’s never claimed either and of course there are no pics to back it up. I used that because Conan likely hasn’t lost height from his peak. But nothing is said to those comments (at least not by the people who will say something to Sotiris). Instead Sotiris will receive that backlash for his comments where he is showing evidence in the form of pics and videos, and they criticize his evidence and him as a person and sometimes the comments are very insulting. I remember once i asked 2 separate posters that (I called them out) as to why they don’t make those types of comments to people who guess above Rob’s listing consistently. I called one out because he ignored a comment about 5 comments before and the other who I was a bit more aggressive toward because he was constantly upgraded celebs even more than the first poster. Only the one who upgraded came back to me with a response and it was a lazy excuse that was consistent with his own beliefs and principles and I doubt he actually believed what he said. But That’s why I respect you Christian Roderick Riccardo and Sotiris a lot along with some others because you all stand up for others. You all stood up for Sotiris too and I respect Sotiris for being strong and doing what he does because I know with me I would dish it back and be rude back with them as I don’t back down from something like that. A lot of people I feel act that way toward other posters in attempts to get them to stop posting on the site because they don’t like their content and because Rob (wisely) doesn’t tell them to stop being this is a free site. I don’t see what else they seem to gain doing that. It’s that or them being childish and selfish because they “don’t like the poster or what they have to say” which is silly being it’s a public site where Sotiris hasn’t done anything wrong nor did he say anything disrespectful
RP said on 20/Feb/20
@ Canson...Ric is now 5’8.5”...5’8.75” (MAX)!! That was the 3rd time I’ve met Ric during my life. He’s lost a bunch of height since the 1990’s !!! Dates I’ve met Ric.
1997: 5’11” to 5’11.25”
2009: 5’10” to 5’10.25”
2019: 5’8.5” to 5’8.85”
All assuming Ric never was using any footwear tricks.
Riccardo5'7 said on 19/Feb/20
I was a bit impressed from the picture with Christian, and yeah also from others. Even with his 6'2.5 friends he does look 5'11" range. And I don't mean 5'11.75.
Said that I don't see why someone should lie about his height, in the moment that on this site people like Ben "use" their height to help us to understand how tall is a celebrity and not for hang out with a girl so they shouldn't have reason to lie.
But of course sometimes still some doubt, and people who measure them self can always make a mistake in both directions
edwards said on 18/Feb/20
@ canson
dude,fully agreed with everything you said.i too downgrade under rob’s estimation.i dont mind standing with the poster who gets attacked and call out for no reason.i love too and i will always stand by them nomatter what untill i stay in this too dude,you always had back of the posters who gets called out and gets attacked for no reason.if sotiris estimation was say as high as 6’6.25 for taker and 6’7 for kane then i’ll bet that sotiris wouldn’t get attacked nor gets called out and it will be a different story.what is wrong with sticking with personal opinion? you,me and christian probably have same estimation and infact every body has different estimation and i dont see any reason to attack on basics of estimation.i see those people who are attacking sotiris are same people who got no evidence to back his/her claim.i have single question with the poster who attacks sotiris or calls him out “if they got any problem with sotiris and his estimation then don’t interact with or otherwise”.sotiris havent said anyone to not post their estimation on height”.if anybody dont want to agree with the guy then stop agreeing or don’t interact or atleast show respect to the guy.yeah,dude you said everything i wanted to say.Amen.
@ editor rob
yes,it would be interesting if Ben posted some sort of instagram clip or photo beside a tape measure or a stadiometer then that would be interesting.

Editor Rob
If you are showing other people photos of yourself and celebs, I think it can useful to show your height, because it can remove doubt and unnecessary arguments.
Riccardo5'7 said on 18/Feb/20
Ben Bell
Ben was clearly shorter than wwe ex superstar Christian, and not only by an inch.
Ben is a couple of inches shorter next to 6 footers. Judging by the pictures of course.

Editor Rob
He also was close to guys like Karl Urban and not much less than Weathers, so sometimes he can seem near his claim too.
Canson said on 18/Feb/20
@RP: how tall would you say Flair was?
RP said on 18/Feb/20
@ Sotiris & @ Ben Bell
The pic with Ben & Ric Flair is very telling & proves Sotiris’s point. There is no way Ben is 6’0 1/4” barefoot if that’s how he stacks up to Ric Flair. You all have seen my pics with Ric Flair from a few months ago. Sotiris even posted them off of my FB page to prove our points. I’m 5’11” barefoot... To be exact, I’m 5’11 1/8” mid morning a few hours out of bed & 5’10 3/4” late evening (8pm-9pm) and compare me vs Ric Flair to Ben vs Ric Flair, LOL! I’ll give Ben this...we do not know Ric Flair’s footwear that day he met Ben. My latest encounter with Ric that I posted, he was wearing what looked like custom made 1.25” black & purple dress shoes. I had on 1.5” footwear. I had about a 0.25” footwear advantage on Ric. Pics were taken @ approximately 7pm.
Canson said on 17/Feb/20
edwards said on 16/Feb/20
i have to come up for sotiris defense,i dont know how tall ben is but i have seen from the very beginning that people who has estimation under rob’s listing gets called out or gets attacked.atleast sotiris got a evidence to prove his claim.i doubt he was 7 feet at peak might be slightly lower.
Amen Edwards! And I have no issue with Ben either. Seems like a decent guy. But in general in Sotiris’s case on other pages and celebs it’s the same. it’s also people who offer a strong opinion like That that get that treatment. But I would say to people that if they have a problem with Sotiris (when he estimates low or they don’t like his comments) to take it up with Rob lol! Most people give him Or anyone else grief thinking they are going to change the way he is or that maybe they’ll tire him out or insult him so badly to where he would want to leave. But of course The only person that can make him leave is Rob which people need to remember. A lot will gripe like that as if it’s there place to tell someone who is a reasonable guy from my interactions with him that he’s a bad person is what I’ve seen. And I don’t like how it’s always about him being “rude”. There are many of us such as both of us Riccardo Christian etc who have never experienced that with him. He is “rude” because he posts a lot and because people don’t agree with his estimates. I bet if he did the status quo or estimated above Rob that he would be ignored if people didn’t agree with him instead of chastised like he is now. People take exception and call him a
troll when he estimates below Rob. And I love (I’ve been called a downgrader too) when it’s always an attack which the ones who don’t do that rarely get. They get left alone regardless of how silly it sounds for someone to upgrade
Sotiris Gravas said on 17/Feb/20
Ben Bell said his friend was the same height as Eddie Hall (same footwear):
Click Here (Ben said Eddie was 6'3", but he's not -- he's 6'1.5".)
Ben w/ this friend...
Click Here ,
Click Here (w/ Papa Shango)
Ben friend w/ 5'10.5" Henry Thomas...
Click Here
5'11" Michael Rosenbaum w/ Hulk Hogan...
Click Here
Ben Bell w/ Hogan...
Click Here
So, I'm supposed to believe that Ben Bell is really 6'0.25"...? Not a chance in hell.
He's around 5'11". MAX 5'11.25". That's not me
trolling or being a downgrader, lol. It's me having eyes.
So, it makes perfect sense that he would think Big Show would be an inch taller than he really is when meeting him if Ben Bell didn't realize he was 1 inch shorter.
Roderick said on 16/Feb/20
@Paddy 6'10" flat is too low for Big Shows peak. There was more than 1 inch between him and Kevin Nash, and Nash was 6'9" peak range.
Sotiris Gravas said on 16/Feb/20
Editor Rob
I don't think Ben is lying about losing some height or not standing tall in some of his photos. I doubt he's as short as 5ft 11.
W/ all due respect, compare you w/ Kevin Nash vs. Ben Bell w/ Nash...
Click Here
Look at where the 5'10" height line falls on Nash in both pics. Now look at the 6'0" line.
In no way on God's green earth is this guy the height he claims.
Seriously, Rob, Todd Gurley TOWERED over Ric Flair. ZERO chance he and Ben Bell are the same height, lol.
@Dan Trojan Here's Ben w/ 6'1.5" Eddie Hall (2018)...
Click Here
And Ben w/ MAX 6'1.5" Sting...
Click Here
In no way is Ben Bell his claim of 6'0.25".
It's worth noting that Ben thought Eddie Hall was 6'3", lol. Obviously, he thinks Big Show is 6'10", and not 6'9"... Also, the pics of Ben w/ Hall and Sting were taken from a low angle... If the camera was higher up, Ben would look even shorter.
One thing I like seeing is that more and more ppl are beginning to see the light and are agreeing w/ me, so that when a guy like Ben Bell tries to manipulate others, it goes nowhere.

Editor Rob
Some photos he doesn't look his claim, others I think he can look near it.
Now if Ben posted some sort of instagram clip or photo beside a tape measure, that would be interesting.
edwards said on 16/Feb/20
i have to come up for sotiris defense,i dont know how tall ben is but i have seen from the very beginning that people who has estimation under rob’s listing gets called out or gets attacked.atleast sotiris got a evidence to prove his claim.i doubt he was 7 feet at peak might be slightly lower.
Canson said on 16/Feb/20
@Paddy: I could see him having been 6’11 peak but not 7’0”. With Shaq in the ring that only looked a 1.5” difference in reality
Paddy said on 15/Feb/20
He was never 7'0" tall, he was 6'10" MAX...He's gone down to like 6'8" now...Andre was 7'0" in his prime and went down to 6'10" or maybe under...Shaquille O'Neal was 7'0" peak and is like 6'11" now, hasn't lost much.
Dan Trojan said on 15/Feb/20
I have to defend the ben here because i have seen photos of him looking the height he claims i found a picture of him with sting and he looks no around an inch shorter and most people on here can agree he's 6'1.5" it goes to show that camera angles can be tricky btw sotiris i didn't post this to rile you up or anything just stating my opinion
Canson said on 15/Feb/20
Thanks Sotiris!
Canson said on 15/Feb/20
@roderick: I could buy a 6’11” peak Andre but no higher. He was not a 7’0 guy in his life with the exception of maybe waking up to it. He was max 6’10 when he died
Canson said on 15/Feb/20
@roderick: I could buy a 6’11” Andre but no higher. He was not a 7’0 guy in his life with the exception of maybe waking up to it. He was 6’10 when he died
Sotiris Gravas said on 14/Feb/20
The Ben said on 13/Feb/20
I see Sotoris is back with his usual put downs, don't believe a word as he says as he says I'm 5'10.
I'll be at the liverpool comic con and for the love of wrestling getting actual real estimates, happy to be measured.
Big Show looks around 6'10 today. Could have been around the 7ft mark at his peak. He's definitely lost height and his posture is really suffering with age.
I saw him fairly close up in 03 and I didnt think he was 7ft back then.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHA! You slay me, dude. You're a small child who thinks calling me "Sotoris" will somehow get under me skin... LOL, little man.
First of all...
Click Here
Secondly, while I doubt I ever said you're 5'10" -- pretty sure those are YOUR words... this is you, "The Ben," aka "Ben Bell," not sure how many other names you go by, w/ maybe 5'8.5" Ric Flair, keeping in mind that you claim you're 6'0.25" (2017)...
Click Here
Now, compare that w/ 6'0.25" (listed 6'1") Todd Gurley w/ Flair (2018)...
Click Here ,
Or here...
Click Here ,
Click Here
You're a sad fraud. If you're really 6'0.25, then I'm the Queen of England. Next time you're in Liverpool, make sure you wear some internal lifts that'll make Big Show proud. Stop embarrassing yourself, B-B-B-Bennie (and The Jets). No way in hell is Show 6'10" now and NO way you're the height you claim.
@Editor Rob Please enlighten us. Who's really 6'0.25", Gurley or this ridiculous joke...? (I love how Google has Flair as 6'1", lol.) I "love" the way punks like Bennie come out of semi-retirement just to rail against me the second they see me on here. Pathetic. Love is definitely in the air. It's Valentine's Day, after all.
@ken6-3 Gee, I wonder if this is really our good friend, Ben... Try crawling back under your rock, louse.
@RP You said it, brother!

Editor Rob
I don't think Ben is lying about losing some height or not standing tall in some of his photos. I doubt he's as short as 5ft 11.
Canson said on 14/Feb/20
ken6-3 said on 13/Feb/20
Being Big Show has had hip and knee replacement. Well duh, of course he has lost height.
I see the king of bad angles has returned and you guessed it. With more bad angle pics. lmfao
Yes and all of the bigger wrestlers such as Taker Show and Hogan have poor posture. A peak Show was 6’11 imho or a bit over and 6’9-6’10 today
miko said on 14/Feb/20
I agree Ben, it's very tiresome. The good guys of this site have got your back though.
Roderick said on 13/Feb/20
@Sotiris I agree Andre was max 6'10.5" but I can believe Big Show was 7'0".
ken6-3 said on 13/Feb/20
Being Big Show has had hip and knee replacement. Well duh, of course he has lost height.
I see the king of bad angles has returned and you guessed it. With more bad angle pics. lmfao
The Ben said on 13/Feb/20
I see Sotoris is back with his usual put downs, don't believe a word as he says as he says I'm 5'10.
I'll be at the liverpool comic con and for the love of wrestling getting actual real estimates, happy to be measured.
Big Show looks around 6'10 today. Could have been around the 7ft mark at his peak. He's definitely lost height and his posture is really suffering with age.
I saw him fairly close up in 03 and I didnt think he was 7ft back then.
Deathvalley99 said on 13/Feb/20
How tall was big show back 2005? He was closer to his peak mark or he lost a bit of height? How tall is akebono next to him?
Click Here

Editor Rob
He might have been 6ft 11 range then
Danimal 5'9 5/8" said on 12/Feb/20
Robbe said on 9/Jan/20
This is how Big Show would look next to Joonas Suotamo. Big Show with 187cm Triple H, Joonas Suotamo with 191cm Arttu Harkki.
Click Here
Here Big Show with 191cm Hulk Hogan, and Suotamo with 191cm Arttu Harkki.
Hogan is not 6'3" anymore. He's at best 6'2" today:
Click Here
Danimal 5'9 5/8" said on 12/Feb/20
Robbe said on 17/Jan/20
Cmon guys, this is not 2in difference. Show is closer to the camera most of the time in this video, but here they are on even distance.
Click Here
Really, you dont talk to anybody like this if your 2in taller/shorter than your opponent.
Click Here
Show is minimum 3in shorter than 6'11.5 Shag. Probably a bit more.
Agree. Show has lost an incredible amount of height due to a complete hip replacement and back surgeries. When he was in the WCW back in the mid-late 90's he was between 7'0" and 7'1". Today he's lucky if he's a full 6'8". Someone people on here are beyond obsessed with being in denial and subjective is their middle name.
Danimal 5'9 5/8 said on 12/Feb/20
Mikey97 said on 19/Jan/20
Its funny how with all this evidence of Show looking 6'7", also goes with the fan that claimed he's 6'7" in the infobox.
Maybe that special fan got access to a medical measurment of Shows. An actual 6'10" guy wouldn't look that short next to Shaq. Just no way.
@Rob You should really downgrade him to 6'9". There is no way he's 6'10", it's simply impossible.
Agreed. Rob takes years to downgrade people, even with a lot of solid pictures and videos that disprove the current height listing. Even if Shaq is only 7'0" flat, he still has minimum 3" on Big Show today, if not a full 4"+... Btw, I think Big Show was OVER 7'0" in his WCW days.

Editor Rob
If I see enough to go with another figure I will, I have seen a fair bit of Show looking sub 6ft 10...enough to say 6ft 9.5 today? It's possible.
Riccardo 5'7 said on 12/Feb/20
I think not above 6'11" at his peak, today 6'9.5
Robbe said on 12/Feb/20
Show needs a downgrade. If he is really 6'10, he should look like this with 200cm guys. Here Show with 198cm Kane, compared to legit 6'10 guys standing next to 200cm fellas.
Click Here
Is there any recent pics of Show looking like this with 200cm guys? And i mean outside the ring, with normal footwear. I haven't seen any. In the newest pic Show looked max 2in taller than 6'5.5 Undertaker.
Nik Ashton said on 12/Feb/20
@ Roderick - He could be close, the average guess is 6’10.66” and there have been 461 voters!
It’s interesting that someone claimed he was 6’7”!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Feb/20
@ Roderick - I'll take your word for it! I know little, if anything, about these wrestlers.
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/Feb/20
@Canson Thanks for the welcome wagon, dude! You're a mainstay of this site. It wouldn't be the same w/o you.
@Roderick I doubt Show was ever more than 6'11". Andre was never more than 6'10.5" IMO.
@edwards The fact that they look so "short" now might mean that it's not all height loss. Maybe they did wear internal lifts...
Public Enemy said on 11/Feb/20
I think Show is standing on his toes to reduce the pressure on his damaged right leg which looks pretty damaged . Sure there is a heel on his right boot but is that representative entirely due to lifts ?.... always a possibility.
Today I give him 6’10 max If standing for a measurement.
RP said on 11/Feb/20
@ Sotiris,
The pic with Big Show, Braun Strowman & Michael Hayes. Look how much Big Show’s left bootless foot his having to tip toe, to line up & level out with his right foot, which is still wearing his wrestling boot & is flat on the floor. This photo proves that Big Show wears 3” lifted wrestling boots!! 2” inch heels + a 1” lift insert. BAM!!!
Canson said on 10/Feb/20
@Roderick: I think 6’11 range peak but not 7’
Roderick said on 10/Feb/20
@Miss Sandy There is zero chance Show is 6'11" today. Shaq is max 7'0", and there is clearly more than 1 inch between the two.
Duhon said on 10/Feb/20
Show looking 6'10"+ with Strowman
Click Here
miko said on 10/Feb/20
Show is looking 6'10+ with ease with 6'4.5/6'5 Paunovic, that's over 5 inches and he is nowhere near standing straight, but since when has posture ever mattered..
Roderick said on 9/Feb/20
@Sotiris That photo looks like it was in the late 90s.
Do you think Show had a chance of measuring 7'0" at some point? His basketball photos make him look like an actual giant.
Canson said on 9/Feb/20
@Sotiris: holy cow! Welcome back my man!
edwards said on 9/Feb/20
@ sotiris gravas
dude,do you think like taker and big show wears lifts ?
Sotiris Gravas said on 9/Feb/20
Big Show w/ Aleks Paunovic...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Editor Rob has Paunovic at 6'5", which I doubt.
Paunovic w/ maybe 6'3.5" height-loss Dennis Haysbert...
Click Here
Haysbert w/ maybe 6'4" Henry Simmons (2017)...
Click Here
Haysbert w/ 6'7" Tyler Mane (and Cena)...
Click Here
Haysbert w/ 6'7" Stephen Merchant...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Paunovic w/ 6'4" Jared Padalecki...
Click Here
Don't worry, I won't be posting again for a good, looooong time.
Sotiris Gravas said on 8/Feb/20
Big Show w/ Richard Stark (2011)...
Click Here , (2013)
Click Here
Max 6'9.5" Kevin Durant (not standing straight) w/ Stark (2015)...
Click Here
Stark w/ listed 5'8.5" Pharrell Williams (2011)...
Click Here
Stark w/ listed 5'8.5" Lenny Kravitz (2015)...
Click Here
Click Here
Big Show w/ Kravitz (2015)...
Click Here
Ppl who base the height of Show off of this pic w/ Durant make me laugh...
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 8/Feb/20
Thanks to the distinguished gentlemen (you know who you are) who had some nice things to say about moi. Much obliged and... ditto.
I'M BACK, (BLEEP)!!! Just kidding. I won't be posting like I used to; my gift to the fanboys on this site.
@Editor Rob Thanks for plugging my Twitter, lol. (The faint of heart should avoid it.)
@BendyUK Great photo! It's a kayfabe wake-up call to all the fanboys out there, lol.
Here are some pics for everyone save for ken6-3, lol:
Machete-loving 5'5" Danny Trejo w/ 6'9" BIG SHOW...
Click Here
W/ 6'8" Kevin Nash...
Click Here
W/ 6'8" Nathan Jones...
Click Here
W/ 6'7" Tyler Mane...
Click Here
W/ around 6'7" Ike Catcher...
Click Here
W/ max 6'6.5" Aaron Judge...
Click Here
W/ listed 6'5" Tony Gonzalez...
Click Here
This was Big Show w/ then 5'6" Henry Winkler back in 1990, I believe...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Click Here
miko said on 8/Feb/20
I'd be shocked if he measured under 6'10 in military posture.
As for the Strowman photo, hes leaning to the left and his boot is off, of course his foot isn't going to be flat on the floor.
He is still at least 3.5/4" taller than Strowman in ring staredowns.
Lyle said on 8/Feb/20
Not over 6'10, great photo by @BendyUK, he looks about 6'10 in fact in that photo and it just shows how much his lifts give him, also that recent photo on Takers Instagram. I can't say 6'8 because that would make Kane like 6'5 but more like 6'9 tops with Kane around 6'6.
Roderick said on 8/Feb/20
@Murtuza I agree he could have reached 7'0" at his peak but I can't buy higher.
6'9.5" today maybe?
BendyUK said on 8/Feb/20
A good indication to how big the lifts are in Show's wrestling boots, he's on tip toes here to compensate the lift height in his right boot. I'd be surprised if he measured 6'9" barefoot nowadays.
Click Here
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Feb/20
💪🎂🎁 Happy Birthday Big Show! 🎁🎂💪
Here's wishing wrestler Big Show a fabulous 48th! I knew that I'd find the Star on the Top 50 listings, and sure enough, he was there - in at number 14 this week!
A huge 7ft peak height;
An almost-as-huge 6ft11 today. 😁🥚🥛
Murtuza said on 7/Feb/20
Haha really funny that people are saying big show is 6’8” or 6’9” like get a brain he’s 6’10” flat today and 7’0.25”
Roderick said on 5/Feb/20
@Canson I understand.
Canson said on 1/Feb/20
@Roderick: some people have their preferences as far as who they like as posters. In many cases, someone who underestimates is seen as the problem here whereas a person who always guesses above Rob’s listing very little is said. Then the in between where someone simply guesses At his listings all the time which takes little efforts. Miko doesn’t strike me as any of that though so it’s possible that he just had a personal issue with Sotiris’s posts. But it is a free site
The Ben said on 29/Jan/20
He really looks to have lost some height.
6'10 today would be the highest I would go.
Roderick said on 28/Jan/20
Lol Big Show commented "dead man you look really tall, I think I'm shrinking" lol.
I think you should lower Show Rob
edwards said on 28/Jan/20
hope sotiris gravas will be back sooner than later.he was one of the few poster’s who underestimated celebs under rob’s listing.
@ sotiris gravas
you’re being missed man.hope to see you comment on this site later
Roderick said on 27/Jan/20
@Rob.. Big Show looks max 6'5" in a recent photo with Undertaker. You should downgrade him to 6'9" range.
@Miko Why is it good he is gone?
Canson said on 27/Jan/20
Robbe said on 25/Jan/20
Sotiris indeed was (and still is) good at guessing heights. He said ages ago Show is not over 6'9. He also said Richters is not over 7ft, which is also true.
Beats me though how Show can be 6'9 if he is at least 3in shorter than Shaq, who has revealed he is only 6'11? Well, i have always been bad at math lol :D
Editor Rob
Shaq was playing with his height.
I don't take the 6ft 11 claim as literal.
@Robbe: shaq doesn’t have 3” on Big Show. That’s more like 1.5” in the pics years ago. Not sure if Show has lost More height today. Show can look closer to 6’9” at times but then again can look 6’10” at times
@Editor Rob: while I doubt 6’11” flat for Shaq, 6’11.5-7’0 range has always been a possibility talking about an afternoon height
Vegas' said on 27/Jan/20
Robbe we can't see feet, ground or stance in those outside shots with Shaq.
I was at Wrestlemania 32 and Show/Shaq did not look 3-4 inches apart in-ring and that was same year as the espy outside video. So either Wight lost a dramatic amount of height between April and July of 2016 or Wights wrestling boots gave him 2-3 inches over Shaqs basketball boots (which themselves give minimum 1.5 inches over barefoot most likely) or Shaq is on higher ground/not level/Wight has terrible posture
That's Wight and Shaq at Wrestlemania in April 16. The soles of their boots look similar enough
Click Here
Geoffrey White said on 27/Jan/20
miko said on 25/Jan/20
Thank goodness he's gone for a while ;)
As for weird photos, take a look on The Undertakers Instagram. A weird angle makes Undertaker look well over 6'10!
Just shows you not to trust every photo you see, as in reality it's about 4 inches between them.
BendyUK said on 25/Jan/20
Can't see footwear or floor level but Show is really struggling to look 6'8" here with Taker.
Click Here
Robbe said on 25/Jan/20
Sotiris indeed was (and still is) good at guessing heights. He said ages ago Show is not over 6'9. He also said Richters is not over 7ft, which is also true.
Beats me though how Show can be 6'9 if he is at least 3in shorter than Shaq, who has revealed he is only 6'11? Well, i have always been bad at math lol :D

Editor Rob
Shaq was playing with his height.
I don't take the 6ft 11 claim as literal.
Canson said on 24/Jan/20
Thisismoe said on 23/Jan/20
@Canson - nobody cares
@Thisismoe: stop posting under multiple usernames. Just use one. Also you must have an obsession with me. I’ve already confirmed that you are Melosucks, Druss, and Frederick Holier. You’re a
@Editor Rob: why do you continue to let him post under multiple usernames. Pretty obvious when he reappears on this site under his name on a different page And both posts on the same day after the hiatus he took previously. He’s not fooling anyone

Editor Rob
If folk repeatedly do it, then I would hope they stop and stick with the one name...
Canson said on 24/Jan/20
Thisismoe said on 23/Jan/20
@Canson - nobody cares
@Thisismoe: stop posting under multiple usernames. Just use one. Also you must have an obsession with me. I’ve already confirmed that you are Melosucks, Druss, and Frederick Holier
Frederick holier said on 23/Jan/20
@Canson - nobody cares
Christian 6'5" 3/8" said on 22/Jan/20
Sotiris might just be taking a break from CH, but he might be back soon or later. I've taken a break a few times myself, although not as long as Sotiris.
Roderick said on 21/Jan/20
@Canson It's funny because his estimates were really good. I used to think Kane was 6'6.5", but when I seen stuff Sotiris was posting, I quickly went down to 6'6". He was good at guessing heights.

Editor Rob
You could always follow
Gravas on Twitter, although I would caution he might be more than PG-13.
Roderick said on 20/Jan/20
@Mikey97 I agree, but I think 6'9.5" is a better downgrade than 6'9". Show can still look close to 6'10".
Canson said on 20/Jan/20
@Roderick: I miss interacting with him too. And that post is another example of the abuse someone who estimates below Rob’s listing like he does, receives here on Celebheights. I rarely see posters here (and there are a bunch) who estimate above Rob’s listing get called out in posts about their pictures or their estimates. You have been here long enough to see some of them and It’s ridiculous because they just get ignored yet With someone like Sotiris, posters would go out of their way to bash him for no reason
Mikey97 said on 19/Jan/20
Its funny how with all this evidence of Show looking 6'7", also goes with the fan that claimed he's 6'7" in the infobox.
Maybe that special fan got access to a medical measurment of Shows. An actual 6'10" guy wouldn't look that short next to Shaq. Just no way.
@Rob You should really downgrade him to 6'9". There is no way he's 6'10", it's simply impossible.
Murtuza said on 17/Jan/20
@Deep Purple no at his peak if he stood straight he was easily over 7 feet
Taryn said on 17/Jan/20
Even in his prime he wore big boots putting an inch and a half on him and kanes lifts put 2 inches and a bit on him so if kane was 6,9 peak with 7ft show then this picture which shows them eye to eye in those lifts Kanes 6,11 and Show is 7,1 which makes perfect sense given you can see barely barely 2 inches probably half an inch less in this picture from 98 or 99
Click Here
Canson said on 17/Jan/20
Dion Dawkins measured 6’3 7/8. Whether that is his afternoon height is a different question
Robbe said on 17/Jan/20
Cmon guys, this is not 2in difference. Show is closer to the camera most of the time in this video, but here they are on even distance.
Click Here
Really, you dont talk to anybody like this if your 2in taller/shorter than your opponent.
Click Here
Show is minimum 3in shorter than 6'11.5 Shag. Probably a bit more.
Deep Purple said on 16/Jan/20
There is no way that he was a bit over 7'0. Maybe if he took a breath with his giant acromegalic chest.
Roderick said on 16/Jan/20
@Dan Trojan Personally, I feel like Show has good posture. Although he sometimes leans in photos which create bad illusions, his actual posture is fine.
It's possible Big Show can lose more height during the day than the average person due to his size. I believe Show is around 370 today, which is HUGE. He could wake up at 6 AM at 6'10.5", and maybe drop to 6'9" by night?
That would put his afternoon height at around 6'9.25"-6'9.5" I'd say.
The lowest I'd go for Show is 6'9". The way some people stand, and walk, and the height they measure, can be completely different. I've seen people who look like they are 5'8" measure 5'10" before. In Show's case, maybe he might surprise people and be 6'9.5", or even 6'10".
6'10" is not impossible, but I like to hover in the mid 6'9" range a bit more.
I mean, I genuinely believe he could have been 7'0".
Robbe said on 16/Jan/20
@Vegas, Show is way closer to the camera with Kane, compared to the pic i posted. Same goes with the Richter pic with Suotamo. Camera angle favours Richter heavily there. Also, Show is closer to the camera with Ricters, so it doesn,tell the truth either.
Shaq was wearing "shoes" with practically no heals, and was 2.5in taller than Show, who was wearing his 2in wrestling boots, so it,s quote clear Show is barefoot at least 3in shorter than Shaq. Probably close to 4in, like seen in the video out in the street, where Show was not wearing his boosted wrestling boots. Shaq dwarfs him totally,as we have seen.
Dan Trojan said on 16/Jan/20
Murtuza hey man i wouldn't go that far it's ok to disagree with people but calling them idiots that's not cool man be respectful about it
Murtuza said on 15/Jan/20
Yeah to all the idiots that are saying he’s 6’8 or 6’9 you need to get brain he’s not. He’s prob 6’10” flat today and in his peak he was a bit over 7’0”
Vegas' said on 15/Jan/20
Robbe there is video of Kane, Miz and Show at that NYSE bell ringing, you claim Kane is 6'6 3/4 which makes Wight more than 6'10...
Click Here
Photo comparisons can be used the opposite way; Suotamo and Oliver Richters
Click Here Wight with Richters
Click Here
Dion Dawkins is listed 6'5 by NFL
Click Here
Dan Trojan said on 15/Jan/20
Roderick i agree but i definitely think it's to do with posture someone of the big show's size would rarely stand straight
Roderick said on 14/Jan/20
@Dan Trojan I can see why people guess him at 6'8" to be honest, but I personally feel like that's too low.
Maybe he drops to 6'8.75" at night
Robbe said on 14/Jan/20
@Roderick, i found only one pic with KD and Show, are you talking bout this one?
Click Here
You can't possible say which one is taller, KD is leaning backwards. Also, it looks like the picture is heavily tilted, just look at the wall behind KD. This might be better. Suddenly KD looks way taller.
Click Here
LeBron James here with Show. LeBron is leaning on Show, and standing very relaxed, while Show is standing tall. Yet Show looks only 1.5in taller. Standing tall, Lebron would be about an inch shorter
Click Here
Robbe said on 13/Jan/20
Morgan's posture is terrible in that pic. Really, a legit 6'10 guy doesn't look like this with 6'3, and 6'2.5 fellas.
Click Here
Or like this with 6'6.75 Kane, although Kane is a bit closer to the camera.
Click Here
Just to compare, Suotamo with 6'8 Marko Anttila
Click Here
Roderick said on 12/Jan/20
@Robbe Actually KD and Big Show have a photo together and if one was taller it was Big Show.
Dan Trojan said on 12/Jan/20
Omg now people are saying big show is 6'8" lmfao this is why i don't comment on here anymore because of some people's absurd comments it's getting quite laughable
Vegas' said on 11/Jan/20
When someone (a much shorter man) has a bigger head than an acromegalic giant in a photo/screenshoot it should be obvious that person is much closer to the camera..
There are plenty of comparisons where Wight and another tall guy are standing next to the same person and we can see feet
Rob has Piers Morgan at 6 foot (claims 6'1 himself). Morgan is on his tip toes there but we will ignore that, Wights head is approx 12 inches long
Click Here
Morgan with 6'10 1/4 barefoot measured Chris Bosh, Bosh has a small head (probably 8.5-9 inches) for his height
Click Here
Martin 6'1" said on 11/Jan/20
It's funny, all the different pics and footage that show us varying answers.
Because let's just assume for a second that the Big Show is 6'9" this would then put kane down to around 6'6" max, probably less... Having said that actually, if you look at Kane with 6'5" Vince Vaughan, Kane does look about 6'6"...what is going on? Haha, everyone's getting shorter.
Robbe said on 11/Jan/20
Kevin Durant is listed as 6'9.5 and looks easily 1.5in taller than Big Show. Rock is an inch taller than HHH, once again, do the math.
Click Here
Big Show is around 6'8 today. Maybe 6'8.5 in a good day.
Roderick said on 10/Jan/20
@Robbe Show is barefoot so that tall guy light be getting a small boost there but Show still looks max 6'8" there.
Riccardo 5'7 said on 9/Jan/20
Mikey97 said on 6/Jan/20
I say 6'9" because if you look at him barefoot with Jon Jones he is only around 5.5" taller and Jones is max 6'3.5". There is no way he's 6'10" based off of that. Even with Orton and Sheamus in recent years he looks absolutely all of 6'9". The photos with him and Shaq at the ESPN awards is the cherry on top.
Man I'd say 6'8.5" but I would get chewed out so I will stick with 6'9".
I agree man
Robbe said on 9/Jan/20
This is how Big Show would look next to Joonas Suotamo. Big Show with 187cm Triple H, Joonas Suotamo with 191cm Arttu Harkki.
Click Here
Here Big Show with 191cm Hulk Hogan, and Suotamo with 191cm Arttu Harkki.
Click Here
Big Show with 187cm Triple H, and Suotamo with 188cm Sami Kuronen.
Click Here
Rob lists both Suotamo and Big Show 6'10. That cant be right.
Robbe said on 9/Jan/20
This guy is nowhere near 6'10 barefoot. Just compare him to 6'10 listed Joonas Suotamo. The guy with Joonas is 6'3, same height as Jon Jones. Do the math folks
Click Here
Oz said on 8/Jan/20
No way that Samoa is taller than 179 cm, Big Show is back for shrink his height to 6'4"
Creeper said on 8/Jan/20
On Raw still looked 6'10 next to 5'11 Someoa Joe(sorry if i spelled that wrong). Easily 11 inches between the two
Mikey97 said on 7/Jan/20
He looked amazing yesterday. It's awesome to see Show still out there putting on a show (no pun intended).
Mikey97 said on 6/Jan/20
I say 6'9" because if you look at him barefoot with Jon Jones he is only around 5.5" taller and Jones is max 6'3.5". There is no way he's 6'10" based off of that. Even with Orton and Sheamus in recent years he looks absolutely all of 6'9". The photos with him and Shaq at the ESPN awards is the cherry on top.
Man I'd say 6'8.5" but I would get chewed out so I will stick with 6'9".
Alex Katch said on 6/Jan/20
Paul wight was 7ft on WCW, then he billed 7ft 4in as nickname the giant.
Roderick said on 6/Jan/20
@ken6 Lol that post was 2018
@Canson Yeah, sucks because I really enjoyed interacting with that dude.
Canson said on 5/Jan/20
@Ken6’3: I haven’t seen Sotiris post for quote some time. At least a few months
SeanR said on 4/Jan/20
Hi Rob,
Do you think Nathan Jones could edge out Big Show these days, or do you think Show can still have an inch or 2 advantage?

Editor Rob
Visually I can see them at times appearing roughly similar range, but I still feel if measured Show has an edge
ken6-3 said on 2/Jan/20
do you pick the pictures with the worst angles on purpose to make wrestlers seem shorter?
Sotiris Gravas said on 23/Dec/18
@Canson We both think Alonzo Mourning is around 6'8" and that Wade is around 6'3". Here they are together w/ height lines... Click Here , Click Here , Click Here Wade is slouching in all pics.
Compare again w/ Boomer(standing straight) and Show... Click Here
Boomer (not slouching like Wade) and Mourning... Click Here
Boomer and 6'0" Joe Montana... Click Here
Montana and 6'2" Tim Tebow... Click Here
6'3.5" Snoop and Tebow... Click Here
Roderick said on 30/Dec/19
Truthfully, he did look max 6'9" with Shaq at the ESPN awards back in 2016 I believe. He might be 6'9.5" but that's the most
Canson said on 29/Dec/19
6’9” looks too low. Maybe 207 range but I doubt less. Remember he has poor posture at times and guys that size after enduring the toll on their bodies will not be as tall as they once were and won’t even walk as tall as they could potentially without the same past lifestyle
Guy who is really worried about his heig said on 27/Dec/19
Even if he was 7 feet he is nowhere close to the "largest athlete" as was claims him to be . Mohammad Mortaza is over 8 feet is the world's largest athlete.
Roderick said on 27/Dec/19
Shaq IMO is still 7'0" when measuring and he is at least 2.5" taller than Big Show.
Riccardo 5'7 said on 25/Dec/19
There is a simple fact, he is shorter than Shaq and not by an inch.
Shaq is probably 6'11.5 barefoot.
Big show looks to me 6'9" range today, barefoot. Probably 6'9.5.
6'11 peak.
Mikey97 said on 22/Dec/19
Big Show is MAX 6'9" now
Roderick said on 21/Dec/19
@edwards I'd say he usually looks 6'7" give or take half an inch. So that's a good guess too.
edwards said on 20/Dec/19
@ roderick
agreed ike is likely 6'7 but max 6'7.5
edwards said on 20/Dec/19
@ creeper
ike catcher is nowhere near his listed is exaggerated by google tho.he is 6'7-6'8 in real life tho imho.
Roderick said on 19/Dec/19
@Creeper Ike is 6'6.5"-6'7", not 6'9".
James B 172c, said on 19/Dec/19
Rob is a peak of 6’11.5 still a possibility?

Editor Rob
It wouldn't be impossible, but I don't buy just 6ft 11 peak for Big Show, I find it harder to believe he'd only measure that in his early 20's.
Creeper said on 17/Dec/19
Big Show is over 6'9. He met Ike Catcher who says he is 6'9 and Big Show looked much taller. Big Show is at least 6'10
Roderick said on 16/Dec/19
What if Big Show loses more height during the day than the average human and actually still measures 6'10" in the afternoon?
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Dec/19
I think a 1.5"-2" loss is the most realistic. 6'11.5" peak and 6'9.5"-6'10" today IMO.
Roderick said on 12/Dec/19
Maybe Big Show's excess weight really did take off a good chunk of height at such a young age.
I'd say he did hit 7'0" and now he's 6'9". 3 inches, wow.
Pierre said on 11/Dec/19
Big Show and Shaquille O'Neal(7"0.25') Big Show this time without wrestling boots then probably around the same heel =
Click Here
Public Enemy said on 9/Dec/19
Almost a 5cm loss from peak!
Roderick said on 8/Dec/19
What if Big Show was 6'11" peak and dropped to 6'10" today. That's not my estimate but just thoughts?
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 7/Dec/19
Roderick meant that Big Show's 6'9" today, not when he played basketball in his younger days.
Mikey97 said on 7/Dec/19
Big Show was probably 6'11" range at peak and is now MAAAAAYBE 6'9.5"...
Canson said on 6/Dec/19
@Viper: I’ve seen a 6’9” range guy on more than one occasion listed at 7’ so it’s not unfathomable. Hakeem Olajuwon who Mario Ellie said is closer to 6’9” and looked it with Robert Horry and Patrick Ewing who was probably more 6’9.75 but still. Then There have been 6’8 guys listed 6’11 and 6’7 guys at 6’10”.
tree said on 3/Dec/19
SeanR said on 2/Dec/19
Hi Rob, in your opinion what is more logical for Big Show:
Peak 6’11.75” or 7’0.15”?
Current: 6’9.75” or 6’10.25”?
Easily 7’0” range in his early days of wrestling.
Nowadays I think he can still squeak out 6’10.5”.
He once said over 7ft a bit only morning is possible for Big show so as afternoon i think he would go with rather 6ft11.75
viper said on 3/Dec/19
It's possible they could list a 6-10 guy at 7-1 but I've never seen it
viper said on 3/Dec/19
Roderick, the basketball photo proves he was near 7-0 I'd say. Not a lift wearer then.
And they wouldn't list a 6-9 range guy at 7-1
SeanR said on 2/Dec/19
Hi Rob, in your opinion what is more logical for Big Show:
Peak 6’11.75” or 7’0.15”?
Current: 6’9.75” or 6’10.25”?
Easily 7’0” range in his early days of wrestling.
Nowadays I think he can still squeak out 6’10.5”.
tree said on 2/Dec/19
I dont buy that he lost 1 inch by 36
In 2006 same situation at just 34 lol
Click Here
TallFriq said on 2/Dec/19
@Chris Junior Hernandez 1990
When he met Shaq the first time he has already passed his peak.
His prime years was before 2006. In 2006 he ballooned up to over 500lbs and was never that tall again.
Roderick said on 2/Dec/19
Personally I feel like there is 3" between Show and Kane today. Kane at 6'6" and Show at 6'9"
Vegas' said on 30/Nov/19
Mikey97, there is no platform on the NYSE balcony
Click Here
There is actually at least 6 inches difference in photo but that photo the street slopes upwards towards Wight it seems
Click Here
I saw Show and Kane standing together in a hotel lobby out of gear circa 2009-10 and there being approx 4 inches between them so why is it not realistic? That was also the difference when they tagged in 2006 and 2011.
Regardless it's obviously more than 2.5 inches between them based on that video. A 6'9 max Wight would mean Kane is 6'5 range.
Mikey97 said on 29/Nov/19
Big Show probably measured somewhere in the 6'11" range and got listed 7'1". That's my bet.
No way in hell is he over 6'9" now
tree said on 29/Nov/19
His encounter with 214cn shaq puts him under 7ft too at just 37
Click Here
tree said on 29/Nov/19
And at age of 36 again the one having thicker Boots is Show with max 7ft1 Khali
Click Here
He was for sure under 7ft tall by mid 30's not sure exactly how tall
tree said on 29/Nov/19
And i am not sure how straight Orton stood maybe his legs were bent a bit
Click Here
tree said on 29/Nov/19
Rob how tall you think he looked around 37 considering his boots gave a bit more that 6ft4 Ortons,and if randys head is 25cm,Shows would be 30?From the top of shoes head till his mouth theres place for one head of orton lol
Click Here
Thicker boots with 6ft2 hhh too
Click Here
Peak looked taller with 6ft1 Rikishi
Click Here and maybe the type of boots Rikishi is wearing give less then 1 inch?Wouldnt that make show under 7ft there
Click Here

Editor Rob
Arguably 6ft 11 if measured, but looks 6ft 10-10.5 with Randy
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 29/Nov/19
@184guy2 You forgotten those thick wrestling boots on WCW days and in WWE most of the time he wear. He isn't over 6'11 if the max he got up a measurement. Go search around how a 7'0 Shaq edge out Big Show a decade ago. Big Show did not lost much height back there at most a fraction in his late 30s for wrestling injuries to be rule out. Andre the Giant get described by Big Show 7'1-7'2 in fact Andre is only 7'0 peak that shows an inflation of at least 1-1.5" from Big Show. 6'10.5-6'11 peak claim 7'0 wasn't that bad.
TheBat said on 28/Nov/19
7'0"peak, 6'9.75" now.
Mikey97 said on 28/Nov/19
Actually, now that I take a second look, Big Show only looks 4 inches taller bc he's way closer to the camera, may not be a platform
Mikey97 said on 28/Nov/19
@Vegas Big Show was def on a platform there. Big Show looks like he's 4 inches taller than Kane there, which isn't realistic.
Kane looks 6'6.5"-6'6.75" next to Miz there
In that second photo you posted, Kane actually looks taller thanks to a camera angle advantage
Vegas' said on 28/Nov/19
Or maybe he isn't as low as 6'9 these days..
Nobody who is 6'9 shoot height is going to get listed at 7'1 in college. As my research from past 5 years of tallest college basketball measured players (6'5 barefoot and over) showed:
155 players, only 2 measured as much as 2.5 inches over their college listing and one measured 2.75 inch. Nobody measuring full 3 inches over listing.
184guy2 said on 27/Nov/19
@Chris Junior
As far I know , you aren't a downgrader but a peak 6'10.5 is too low . He looked at least 6'11 in his WCW days . He could look 6'11-7' with guys like DDP ( 6'4 ) and Scott Hall ( 6'5 ) . 6'10.5 he looked in 2011-2016 . Nowdays 6'10 seems OK
Roderick said on 26/Nov/19
Are you talking about the one when he's standing in the middle of all those guys in a group shot for his college team?
I have always said Big Show had a chance of 7'0" peak height, since I first came onto here.
Rob, do you think adding that he was listed at 7'1" in college BB is a good add? Some people still aren't aware.
I just can't get my head around how he could have went from 7'0" to 6'9", at the age of, I think, 47. Maybe his excess weight on his spine for 20+ years? Could be some unheard injury? It's not natural to lose 3" at such a young age. It seems like since age 43ish he dropped to 6'9" range.
Maybe he's always been a 6'9" range guy who just stopped wearing lifts as he grew older? Idk
Vegas' said on 25/Nov/19
Mikey97 said on 20/Nov/19
Big Show is no way over 6'9" now
Mikey97 said on 20/Nov/19
(Kane) Not lower than 6'6.5"
There certainly was more than 2.5 inches between those two on video out of gear three years ago..
Click Here
Click Here
viper said on 25/Nov/19
I agree he's 6-9 today but I can buy 7-0 for his peak.
That basketball photo of him is unreal.
Roderick said on 24/Nov/19
Big Show has looked 6'6" before which bothers me. I know people are gonna freak out now but I still think he's 6'9"
Caldonio said on 22/Nov/19
6-11 peak. Now 6-9.5.
Mikey97 said on 20/Nov/19
Big Show is no way over 6'9" now. Honestly, he can seem 6'8" range as well Roderick, but he still looked 6'9" with Big Cass when he has perfect posture.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 20/Nov/19
I think that if he edges someone like Kanter he does by max 0.25, just a sensation.
He is already sub 6'10"
Chris Watson said on 19/Nov/19
Rob I think there is enough evidence to drop his height to 6’9 3/4
You dropped kane a 1/4 inch so big show should also be dropped the same since they are almost exactly 3 inches apart
Roderick said on 16/Nov/19
I thought Big Show looked max 6'8" with Jones honestly.
Mikey97 said on 12/Nov/19
Looked 5.5" taller than 6'3.5" Jon Jones while both men were barefoot. 6'9" for Show today.
Josue said on 6/Nov/19
Big Show with his favorite footwear. 6'9"-6'9.5" seems more of a case for Show.
Click Here
Roderick said on 4/Nov/19
Probably 6'9.5" today
Roderick said on 1/Nov/19
It's funny how I think Shaq, Khali, and Show were all around 6'11.5" peak (Maybe Shaq was 7'0") and all got 7'1" listings in a professional sport.
I think Shaq was 7'0"
Show was 6'11.5"
Khai was 6'11 7/8"
ETLS said on 28/Oct/19
Nowadays 6'9-6'9.5
Roderick said on 24/Oct/19
@miko I met Khali too last year and had guessed minimum 7'0" as well, but he was wearing giant shoes. Truth is that he may be max 6'11" now.
miko said on 23/Oct/19
I saw Khali up close in 2012 at a house show in Nottingham. I was with my 6'8 best friend of many years (my other mate there was 5'4!!) , and as Khali walked past to the ring he towered him. He was bare minimum 7'0 at that point, and likely still close to his 7'1 peak.
Today now that he is having serious leg bowing issues, plus he's older he may be 7'0 or slightly under.
A 6'10/6'11 peak Khali is just another sign of the hilarity on this place in the last 6 months regarding taller people. That would put the likes of Batista at 6 foot tall as Khali had around 10 inches on him, and we all know Batista is 6'2.5/6'3 range.
And we can't use the 'lifts' excuse for Khali either, his footwear was the flattest of the flat. Any lifts and he would have fallen over.
jron said on 23/Oct/19
i put guess height 6'11 1/2 and peak height 7'1 1/4
Roderick said on 23/Oct/19
Regarding Khali's height, I have actually met him. Now I know that I'm an inch shorter than I thought, that would mean he's 6'10.5" rather than the 6'11.5" I had orginally guessed.
I would say max 6'11" for Khali.
Kane Fan said on 21/Oct/19
Sotiris Gravas Khali aint 6'10 though
Sotiris Gravas said on 19/Oct/19
6'9" Big Show w/ 6'10" Khali (2015)...
Click Here
I added more pics of Khali on his page to back up what I'm saying... Go check it out.
Roderick said on 19/Oct/19
@Mikey I honestly feel 6'9.5" is more likely
Sotiris Gravas said on 19/Oct/19
6'1" Ryback w/ Big Show and Kane...
Click Here , w/ just Show
Click Here
W/ Wade Barrett and Drew McIntyre...
Click Here
Roderick said on 9/Oct/19
6'9"-6'9.5" range now. He was still 6'10" until 2015 IMO.
edwards said on 5/Oct/19
the lowest he can be is 6'9.5 but 6'10 is still possible.
viper said on 5/Oct/19
Gaspard looks just 6-4 a lot of the time
SeanR said on 2/Oct/19
The pic w/ Nathan Jones and Shad Gaspard looks to be a 4.5 inch difference. If Gaspard is 6’5” that puts Jones at 6’9.5” which I don’t buy.
Gaspard: 6’4.5”
Jones 6’9”
Sotiris Gravas said on 2/Oct/19
Shad Gaspard w/ Big Show (Editor Rob lists him as 6'5")...
Click Here
W/ Shaq and
Mark Henry...
Click Here
W/ Khali...
Click Here
W/ Jackson Andrews...
Click Here , (and Aaron Reed)
Click Here ,
Click Here
W/ Conan Stevens...
Click Here , (and Sam J Jones)
Click Here
W/ Nathan Jones...
Click Here
W/ Emmanuel Yarborough...
Click Here ,
Click Here
W/ Kevin Nash...
Click Here , (and Aaron Reed)
Click Here
W/ Ike Catcher... (2015)
Click Here , (2014)
Click Here
W/ Magic...
Click Here
W/ Quinton Aaron and James Preston Rogers...
Click Here
W/ Aaron and Craig Robinson...
Click Here
W/ Deontay Wilder...
Click Here
W/ Lindsay Kay Hayward in heels (2014)...
Click Here
W/ Aaron Reed...
Click Here
W/ Travis Browne...
Click Here
W/ Rico Verhoeven...
Click Here
W/ Brock O'Hurn...
Click Here ,
Click Here
W/ Joe Manganiello...
Click Here ,
Click Here
W/ Lennox Lewis...
Click Here
Gaspard claims to have been 6'3" when he was 17...
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Editor Rob
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miko said on 1/Oct/19
Show is looking well over 6'10 with Dawkins, easy.
Canson said on 30/Sep/19
@RP and Vegas: 6’3.5 or 6’3 3/8 worst case. 3/8 is good to round to half
viper said on 30/Sep/19
Big Show is looking near 6-11 with Dawkins.
I see 7 inches. Strange
RP said on 30/Sep/19
@ Vegas
Dion Dawkins has a NFL Combine morning barefoot measurement of 6’3 7/8”....
Going by this site’s standards, he’d be listed likely @ 6’3 1/2” ...? Correct, Rob?
Paul the Puppeteer said on 29/Sep/19
Big Show was every bit of 7 feet in his basketball years if not in WCW. People say that it's not possible to lose 2-3 inches as you age but let's not forget Big Show is a giant human being who hovered around more or less 500 pounds from 2000-2006 and he's had multiple injuries (several herniated discs included) during his 2006 indefinite leave that according to him, "would've crippled an ordinary man". So my guess is that he is a little over 6'9 but wakes up to 6'10.
Canson said on 29/Sep/19
@Viper: I’d lean more toward 6’9.5” these days as opposed to a flat 6’9”. He may even still hit 6’10” if he stands straight. His case may be similar to Hogan or Taker in that they all have poor posture. A few years back he was still taller than Kevin Durant so he had to have been at least 6’10” back then.
Vegas' said on 29/Sep/19
Rob what is your estimate on this Catcher chap. Looking at some photos he does look ~6'7 but others he looks at least 6'8
Looks like he might edge Nathan Jones
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Looks ~3.5 inches shorter than Olivier Richters with around half inch footwear disadvantage in those vans (step may not be level of course)
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With 6'7 Aaron Reed (probably under that) and pro volleyball player Robbie Page who is listed 7 foot
Click Here Page's listing
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Vegas' said on 29/Sep/19
Viper what height is Dion Dawkins?
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viper said on 29/Sep/19
Big Show really isn't looking more than a flat 6-9 today
Roderick said on 28/Sep/19
I suppose 6'9.5" is reasonable..... I do agree that especially this year he is struggling a lot to look as listed...I wouldn't be surprised if he looked the same height as Kevin Durant if they ever took a picture together.
Canson said on 28/Sep/19
@Viper: 6’11 range peak 6’9.5 or 6’10 today would be the lowest I’d give him
viper said on 27/Sep/19
Yeah I think Big Show could be just 6-11 peak as well.
Even so, how has he shrunk 2-3 inches?
Sotiris Gravas said on 26/Sep/19
Great pic! Ike's max 6'7" (looking under it w/ others). Also, it looks like Show is tippy-toeing it there based on the shadows under his feet. For all we know, he may even be wearing lifts, as demonstrated w/ listed 6'5" Dion Dawkins...
Click Here As compared to Show w/ listed 5'11" Jarvis Landry...
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Ike Catcher w/ listed 6'5" JJ Watt....
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W/ 6'4.5" Zlatan Ibrahimovic...
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Zlatan w/ 6'5.75" Anthony Joshua in socks...
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Zlatan w/ maybe 6'6.5" Luke Walton...
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Show looks to be 6'9" and was never 7 feet tall. He was happy to take a pic w/ Ike b/c he saw that he wasn't really 6'9". Editor Rob should downgrade Show to max 6'9.5".
Josue said on 26/Sep/19
With bodybuilder Ike Catcher that claims 6'9" but most likely 6'7" barefoot.
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Today Big Show is only 6'9". @Rob.
cmillz said on 26/Sep/19
Would be ridiculous if he’s shrunk 3 inches already, but I have to agree that he does look 6’9 a lot.
Sotiris Gravas said on 26/Sep/19
Undertaker next to top rope (4'6" off the mat) in 1999...
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Taker from same event next to Big Show (no huge heels)...
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Riccardo 5'7" said on 24/Sep/19
viper said on 23/Sep/19
He looks crazy tall in that basketball photo. 7-0 is believable.
Now he only looks 6-9
I think he had a different body type in his 20s, probably because of that.
To be honest I really don't know how much height he lost. I believe 1.5 inches at most? If he ever looked 7 foot or over it, it was only because of footwear and WWE "inceptions" received during the years( with McMahon instead of Di Caprio). Personally I think 6'11" peak, something below but not above. Same for André
miko said on 24/Sep/19
Big Show, Strowman, Kane... none of them have ever wrestled in lifts. It would be pure stupidity and asking for a broken ankle.
Now they have wrestled in boots with thick soles, but that offers more stability for the foot. Remember the average wrestling boot is just over 1 inch thick, even if Show/Kane were in 2 inch boots, it only offers maybe 0.75 advantage over any other wrestler.
The talk of them being in 3 or 4 inch footwear is madness. That is woman heel height.
JT said on 24/Sep/19
This guy looks 6’2”-6’3” range.
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Most of the pics look to be from the mid 1990s
Click Here Not sure who the guy is in three of the pics but he’s likely over 6’0”
viper said on 23/Sep/19
He looks crazy tall in that basketball photo. 7-0 is believable.
Now he only looks 6-9
Riccardo 5'7" said on 23/Sep/19
Sotiris gravas
Sheamus tryes everything for look taller eh? Look those hair ahahaha.
Btw I think Jones /Big Show is an other kind of smoking gun picture, both barefoot big show looks right in the middle of a 6'8" range guy. I still think he is more like 6'9"1/4 1/2.
Roderick said on 22/Sep/19
@Riccardo I think 6'11" flat for his peak is too low. He looked a solid 7'0" in WCW and in his early WWF days. I don't think he was even a nanometer over 7'0", but he couldn't have been much less. Maybe 6'11.75" peak but that's the lowest I'd go.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 18/Sep/19
Click Here
Big Show and Billy Gunn
Canson said on 17/Sep/19
@Roderick: agreed
Riccardo 5'7" said on 17/Sep/19
No I haven't proves of it, but for me this guy is no more than 6'6.25. And every time he has Kane or Show next to him he always looks equal with Kane who wears big boots or enough close to Big Show like in that staredown.
Both Show and Kane had footwear advantage apparently on him, in this case Big Show
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So I think that when he works for wwe he could wears lifts, maybe I'm wrong.
Roderick said on 15/Sep/19
6'9.5" is more of a minimum than a max for me. He could still be 6'10" with good posture.
Henry said on 15/Sep/19
Rob, it's time to upgrade Paul's peak height. He looks a solid 4.5" taller than Kevin Nash.Paul even has a wider stance.
Start watching at 20 seconds in pause at 27 seconds in when they're both standing straight before the head butts.
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Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Sep/19
What makes you think that Strowman wears lifts?
Riccardo 5'7" said on 12/Sep/19
Worrying heels for Big Show there, but Strowman I think is someone who wears lifts.
Btw I see him 6'9.5 today max. 6'11" max at his peak.
tree said on 11/Sep/19
Wesley Holleman said on 2/Sep/19
He was measured at 7'1 in 1995 and he's over 7'0
with shoes likely he said he was always a little over 7ft,never claimed 7ft1
If he was that tall he would have said 7ft1
rawdshaq said on 10/Sep/19
I can't see Big Show shrinking a full 3" at 47. He doesn't even look old and he's in good shape right now, and I don't remember any major injuries he's had.
He honestly did look 7'0" in WCW and hell, he looks 6'9" range at times today, I completely agree. But there is no way he's lost a full 3". It's rather we are underestimating his current or overestimating his peak. It could be both. Maybe he was 6'10.5" peak and shrunk to 6'9.75" today? I don't know honestly
Roderick said on 8/Sep/19
@cmillzz Height-loss is scary, man. I'm not ruling out 6'9.5" for Big Show, but I doubt he's as low as 6'9"
cmillzz said on 7/Sep/19
Big Show did look around 7’0 in WCW to me, and he may only be 6’9 range now? wow
Roderick said on 4/Sep/19
@Wesley He was listed at 7'1", not measured. Big Show above 7'0" at his peak is impossible.
Wesley Holleman said on 2/Sep/19
He was measured at 7'1 in 1995 and he's over 7'0
Canson said on 2/Sep/19
@Christian: well said
edwards said on 31/Aug/19
you said what i was going to say.agreed dude
Roderick said on 31/Aug/19
@Christian He is slender and I understand 7'1" guesses but 7'4" is def insane. It's usually girls.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 30/Aug/19
Wow, never heard a 6'10" guy getting guessed as 7'4". I guess people see you as being taller than you are if you're super tall, and shorter if you're super short. That explains why many people think
Kevin Hart's under 5'0". I've also seen 5'2" women guessed at 5'0" plenty of times.
Sotiris Gravas said on 29/Aug/19
Big Show w/ listed 5'6.5" Melora Hardin (in heels, I'm assuming) and Bobb'e J Thompson (2010):
Click Here Does Show look 6'10" next to her? Not IMO. Not sure how tall Hardin really is. Google say 5'5".
Show w/ maybe 5'11" Caleb AkA StuntMan (2010)...
Click Here
Looks similar to listed 5'11" Jarvis Landry (2016)...
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Maybe 5'9" Travis Barker w/ StuntMan (2013)
Click Here (2014)
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W/ max 5'11" Chris Paul (2014)...
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W/ maybe 5'10.75" Jimmy Kimmel (2017)...
Click Here
Roderick said on 27/Aug/19
I personally think 6'11" flat is too low, I can see Big Show hitting the full 7'0" in WCW.
edwards said on 27/Aug/19
He quite didn't looked full 7 feet at peak but ofcource with boot he was iver it.6’10 seems to be reasonable today maybe at worst 6’9.75is likely
Johan 185 cm said on 27/Aug/19
Can't see Show under 6'11.5" peak. He had at least 2" on Nash back in WcW.
rawdshaq said on 26/Aug/19
Wow @Vegas that would make Brodus's 6'9" billing insane. It was lowered to 6'7" but that's still absurd. I've always wondered what the billing process is like.
I think for shorter guys, they just add 1-2 inches, sometimes just round up to the nearest inch. FYI, by "shorter guys", I mean guys who aren't like in that sub-7 foot range, Lol.
For tall guys, it's probably a bit different. Most 6'5"-6'6" guys get a boost to 6'8", 6'7" and up will get 7'0". It's honestly ridiculous, inflation is pointless in 2019. I understand back in the day if you seen a poster for Andre being a 7'4" 450lb giant, it would make you wanna go see Andre, but we live a new area where talent is way different and not a lot of people care about wrestler size anymore. Most of them aren't even small anyway, why not just give them their real height. It's more professional to start. Most people other than us height-obsessed nerds don't even check billed heights anyway. Inflation is 100% pointless.
Canson said on 25/Aug/19
@Roderick and Christian: my guess is prob 6’11-6’11.5 peak
Roderick said on 24/Aug/19
@Dan Trojan It's all good. 6'11.5"-7'0" is my estimation for Big Shows peak. My friend actually is legitimately 6'10" afternoon height and he gets insane guesses like 7'4" sometimes! Most of the time it's 7'1"-7'2", but he's just 6'10". I'm 5'11" and lots of people say 6'1" for me. It's crazy. I wish I could tell them, "yeah, 6'1"" but most of the time I will just say 5'11", or if it's a girl I like, I'll say 6 feet.
Vegas' said on 24/Aug/19
I met Brodus Clay out of gear in 2013. I was behind a velvet rope but it was inside hotel lobby and he was only a foot or two away from me. He didn't look taller than 6'3 at approx 5pm.
Maybe it was bad posture or something but nevertheless he wasn't in same ball park height wise to Big Show (2001-10) in person
Mo Obeidallah said on 24/Aug/19
Whats your guesstimate on Big Show's weight during 2002-2003?
Canson said on 23/Aug/19
@Dan Trojan: well guessing a 6’10” guy at 6’11” from a 5’6” guy’s vantage point is not that bad. That’s essentially a foot and a half difference between the two of you
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Aug/19
I'm not sure if he was as low as 6'11" peak, but 7'0" was too high for him IMO too.
Creeper said on 23/Aug/19
Actually Big Show was listed at 7'1 in college so that makes his peak height just over 7'0 probably.
I wonder if he still stands straight if he still measures 7'0.
Some people dont literally shrink and measure lower but instead get worse posture over time but technically remain the same height. Also Big Show isnt even that old, hes 47. 47 year olds dont shrink 2 inches
Riccardo 5'7" said on 22/Aug/19
In the Brodus Clay - Fan- Big Show comparison i see Show 2.5 taller than Brodus Clay.
Brodus Clay looks to me 6'6. 5/6'6" with that 6'9.5 guy.
I have no idea about their real height, but the gap between them seems that one.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 22/Aug/19
Barefoot this man was never 7'. I have him 6'9.25 today and really close to 6'11" at his peak. Very similar to Andre'.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 21/Aug/19
You got a good point.
I don't mean that guys like Dan Trojan can't guess heights of tall people, but it's hard. At least if you don't know already someone in that range to make a comparison with.
1 foot is about 30 cm right? Well I could guess someone 1 foot taller then me even if he actually is 26-27-28 cm taller. I'm a bad heights judger? Probably, but i think it's easy mistake 2 cm or 3.
Dan Trojan said on 20/Aug/19
Roderick Maybe i came on a little harsh with what i said so i'll come at it a little calmer honestly you would be surprised how good i am at guessing heights usually when i do i'm not off by more than an inch and yes sometimes i get heights mixed up like 6'4" and 6'5" or 6'7" and 6'8" hell i have a co worker which i guessed at 6'11" and he told me he was 6'10" so yeah i may not be 100% accurate but for a 5'6" guy being off by an inch is pretty good maybe i was wrong and big show was 6'10" and maybe hr is 6'9" now i mean i doubt it but i could've been wrong didn't mean to be a dick about it i respect your opinion just like everyone else on here
Dan Trojan said on 20/Aug/19
Roderick say what you will i have 6'7" friends and big show made them look small you think my height has anything to do with not accurately guessing people's heights whatever think what you want i know what i saw and like i said it was 2003 obviously he's lost height since then
SeanR said on 19/Aug/19
419 voters here have Big Show peak at nearly 7’0.25”, interesting...
I’m gonna say peak easily 7’0”, current 6’10.5” as his height is better after the weight loss.
Roderick said on 18/Aug/19
@Dan Trojan If you're 5'6".... then dude there is no way you could accurately guess a guy like Big Shows height. Especially at a house show.
I'm honestly really starting to question Big Show's height. Maybe Sotiris is right and he is 6'9" max. Not the 6'10.25" I orginally guessed.
Lanky said on 18/Aug/19
I’ve just been looking back at some photos of Big Show in the late 90s/very early 2000s and he was a true freak of nature. Not only was he a legit ~7ft tall, but even more impressively he actually had an extremely muscular build, despite being as immensely heavy as he was.
I wonder how that ‘peak’ Big show would compare to someone like Thor Bjornsson. Not just in terms of height, because we all know who would win there - I mean more in terms of how imposing their overall build is.
Big Show was a really, really scary dude.
Canson said on 16/Aug/19
@Dan Trojan: likely because guys that height and weight have worse posture than average. I know a couple of guys one is probably 6’2.5 maybe 6’2.25 and walks around looking 6’1” tops the other 6’4” walks around at 6’2 or 6’3 because both have long torsos with short legs and are heavy
Sotiris Gravas said on 15/Aug/19
Maybe 6'9.5" Winston James Francis w/ Brodus Clay...
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Brodus Clay and a fan...
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Same fan w/ Big Show...
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Dan Trojan said on 15/Aug/19
Viper well this guy is mistaken 6'7" i'm sorry is a joke either that or he's a
troll i'm not trying to bash anyone i'm just going from personal experience i seen the big show at a house show back in 2003 and i swear he was every bit of 6'11" i've seen people who are 6'7" and the big show made them look small in comparison i agree he's lost height so it's possible he could be under 6'10" now
viper said on 15/Aug/19
Jason who use to post here said Big Show looked 6-7 to him at a wrestling show.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 14/Aug/19
In that video he looks more then 6'7", wich i don't think was ever his real height.
I believe he is just 6'9", 6'10.5 is possible for his peak.
And this is about his real life.
WWE is fake, on every single point of view. But he is taller then 6'7",obviously
Canson said on 14/Aug/19
@Christian: that’s exactly how tall the Admiral is about 6’11 or 6’11.25 imho
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Aug/19
David Robinson's around 6'11"-6'11.5". I know this because my 6'2.25" friend met him and took a pic with him and he looked 9 inches taller. That was back in 2015 I believe.
Roderick said on 13/Aug/19
@Dan Trojan I'm not saying Big Show measures 6'6", all I'm saying is that he can certainly look it at times. Tell me he looks taller than 6'7" next to Jon Jones. You can't, because he doesn't.
edwards said on 13/Aug/19
I noticed quite a long tome ago that everyone who estimates over rob’s listing dosent get called up and there veryone who estimates under mr rob listing gets called up.smh,this is free height forum and anybody can express their personal opinion about height freely without getting in fear or getting bashed.