Pierre said on 1/Feb/21
Apparently Vincent Caleb does not like very much my pics....that was predictable 🙂
Vincent Caleb said on 1/Feb/21
New challenge:
Take a shot every time Pierre posts that picture of
Hafthor and Triple H, or every time he posts the picture of Kane and Vince Vaughn.
JayHay said on 20/Jan/21
I think at his peak he was maybe 7’0 1/4 at a low, normally speaking at his current age he would have shrunk a tad to maybe 6’11 3/4, but his hip replacement might have altered his height a bit more and it’s hard to tell from their height in the ring since he probably wears boots.
Bensim1993 said on 12/Jan/21
So the picture with big show and omos is big show wearing slightly bigger sneakers or after his knee surgery could he have be back to roughly 7ft ish or is omos really 7ft 2 or is show slightly in front of omos
J.b said on 12/Jan/21
Hitting his 50’s and having a hip replaced he has lost height - which I say is good for him it will make life a little easy. Big show is looking a lot shorter I say his 6’9 max.
Pierre said on 11/Jan/21
JT said on 10/Jan/21
With Cena from 2003
Click Here
With Strowman from a few years ago
Click Here
Re: Shaq and Big Show from 2016, this is their heights from the top of the foot up. Click Here As they measure up just about the same as in their footwear, there’s zero chance of Big Show wearing lifts (or if he wore lifts, Shaq was wearing the same size lifts).
Here is Big Show without his wrestler shoes next to Shaq,with a very low angle of camera that reduce their real height difference =
Click Here Then Big Show had very probably advantageous shoes on ring,because here Shaq simply dwarfs him...
Remember =
Click Here Click Here ....
Vinny Feraca said on 11/Jan/21
@James Hendrix
I disagree. I think your peak barefoot heights for Show are more likely his in-ring gear height. He was for sure a 7 footer with boots on, maybe a hair more.
That said, I don't think he was ever 7 foot barefoot in his life. Highest I'd say is 6'11" in the 90's.
JT said on 10/Jan/21
With Cena from 2003
Click Here
With Strowman from a few years ago
Click Here
Re: Shaq and Big Show from 2016, this is their heights from the top of the foot up.
Click Here As they measure up just about the same as in their footwear, there’s zero chance of Big Show wearing lifts (or if he wore lifts, Shaq was wearing the same size lifts).
Canson said on 9/Jan/21
RP said on 4/Jan/21
@ Vegas,
Anthony Becht’s official NFL combine measurements were 6’5.75” & 270 lbs. Becht is now 43 years old. Good chance he’s only 6’5.5” now. IMO, Paul Wight looks exactly 6’9.75” in that photo. If footwear is somewhat equal to Anthony’s ?
I doubt you lose height at 43. Some do but most don’t. I could see maybe a couple mm but the vast majority unless a major injury has affected them don’t. In reality, the combine is held early morning so that would be around what he is (6’5.25-.5) in the afternoon
Canson said on 9/Jan/21
RP said on 4/Jan/21
@ Vegas,
Anthony Becht’s official NFL combine measurements were 6’5.75” & 270 lbs. Becht is now 43 years old. Good chance he’s only 6’5.5” now. IMO, Paul Wight looks exactly 6’9.75” in that photo. If footwear is somewhat equal to Anthony’s ?
I doubt you lose height at 43. In reality, the combine is held early morning so that would be around what he is (6’5.25-.5) in the afternoon
Pierre said on 9/Jan/21
Click Here here Big Show without advantageous wrestler shoes /Braun Strowman
Hafthor 6"7.5' in relaxed posture next to Braun wearing a cap(
Hafthor maybe 1cm more shoe),
Hafthor still looks higher than Braun's cap =
Click Here
Both guys are very close in height.
6'8.5" to me no more.
Hafthor /Triple H =
Click Here
Big Show standing in better posture than
Hafthor /Triple H =
Click Here
Vegas' said on 8/Jan/21
Frank taller than Shaq. Shaqs not going to have that much height on Nash, that's more than Kareem had on him even taking into account potential Nash height loss
Click Here
James Hendrix said on 8/Jan/21
In the picture with Big Show and Jordan O. Big Show is definitely wearing lifts, If show is 6'9, there is no way he would measure up that close to someone who is 7'1, Jordan is most likely no longer in his in-ring footwear, Big Show still is. Jordan is most likely 7'2 barefoot, Big Show looks to be rockin a 2 inch lift if his feet are flat on the ground.
184guy2 said on 8/Jan/21
Show is also toeing a bit
Duhon said on 7/Jan/21
@JT Funny enough without context to Big Show being closer to the camera, I could see how people would believe Show is still 7' there with the 7'3" listed Omogehin
miko said on 7/Jan/21
Show is holding up very well with 7'2 Jordan there, great posture. Taking things into account I suspect there would be a solid 3 inch gap between them in a staredown.
If Show is 6'9 as some keep saying these days, Jordan should be able to look over the top of his head with ease.
Undertaker Frank said on 7/Jan/21
Jordan looks about 7ft to 7ft 1 looks about Shaq's Height Tatanka is about 5ft 10 I met him in person
James Hendrix said on 7/Jan/21
@ChaosControl 6'2.5
I understand why you may put his peak at 7 foot, but 6'11.75 is more realistic, Him losing 4 or 3.5 inches over the time span of his career, just does not sit right with me. During his WCW days, He looks 7 foot max in wrestling boots, and 6'11.75 outside the ring. He maybe can wake up a 7 footer but his posture isn't definitely not A1, he would most likely be 7 foot for an hour or 2 at most.
JT said on 6/Jan/21
Big Show, Jordan Omogbehin and some other wrestlers
Click Here Big Show is closer to the camera than Jordan.
James Hendrix said on 6/Jan/21
@ChaosControl 6'2.5 I personally just do not see a 7 footer, I see a straight and narrow, 6'11.75, I can see him being 7 foot early in the morning, before his regular posture takes a hold of him.
But as far as replacing 6'11.75, with 7'0, that can maybe seem a little bit of stretch. Big Show being 7'0 for maybe 2 or 3 hours before dropping down to 6'11.75 is maybe realistic, but as far as him losing height, him being 6'11.75 is way more realistic then him dropping 4 or 3 inches from 7 foot, in nearly 20 years.
Duhon said on 5/Jan/21
All 7 footers according to the WWE
Click Here
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 5/Jan/21
@James I agree except I would put his peak at 7’0
Hill 1968 said on 5/Jan/21
7ft barefoot peak now around 6ft9.5 hip replacement and injurys have made him shrink a large amount around 2.5inches
James Hendrix said on 4/Jan/21
Big Show is a very easy. 1990s Big Show in WCW or WWE is 6'11.75, Seeing that he had the same features of Andre the Giant is what gave him his debut name "The Giant". Now, knowing that in ring he Wears a 1 inch boot lift, He would easily be 7 foot, Now let's say he gains weight around 1997, during the Attitude Era he was roughly down to 6'11, with that being said He was no longer as slim as he was giving that 7 foot and over illusion that some of us see, with Andre The Giant, and The Great Khali.
2002, Big Show was roughly 300 plus pounds, and also taking some agile moves at the time, with wrestling and weight, and his most of the time slouching posture His height could vary from 6'11 to 6'10.75. Big Show's girth at this time would give the same illusion his slimness would, Him gaining weight would add to his height so to speak as far as illusion. Big Show would lose his first inch, at 2009, where he was roughly his heaviest, and he may have hit the 380+ plus pound mark. He also began to lean on his right leg more often which can make you lose an inch or so.
From 2009 to 2011, Big Show was at his heaviest, losing maybe an inch and a half throughout the day, So I would say 6'11 range down to 6'10.5 due to girth, weight and continus back curves, and in ring moves.
During the 2013-2016 easily 3 years, He could have made his weight transformation, But due to all that weight he was carrying and Deterioration in his legs, and a hip surgery if I'm correct, can drop him down to 6'10 to 6'9.5 range. The compression on his spine and wrestling can take a toll on his size as you can see how he began to lose height throughout those years.
From 2016 to 2020, Big Show is a leaner person due to losing weight, Big Show's toll of slams, and weight took a toll on his height also. Big Show can now be seen from 6'10, maybe lasting about 3 or 4 hours before gravity and his frame drop him down to 6'9.5
With all that being said here are my guesses with barefoot and ring gear.
Peak barefoot:
Morning 7'0 (6:00am to 10:00am)
Evening 6'11.75 (12:ooam to 3:00pm)
Noon: 6'11 (6:00pm to 9:30pm)
Peak/In-Ring Gear:
Morning 7'1
Evening 7'0
Night 6'11.75
Middle Aged Height (30 to 40):
Morning 6'11
Evening 6'10.25
Night 6'10
Upper Middle Age (40 to 48)
Morning 6'10.25
Evening 6'10
Night 6'9.5
RP said on 4/Jan/21
@ Vegas,
Anthony Becht’s official NFL combine measurements were 6’5.75” & 270 lbs. Becht is now 43 years old. Good chance he’s only 6’5.5” now. IMO, Paul Wight looks exactly 6’9.75” in that photo. If footwear is somewhat equal to Anthony’s ?
Pierre said on 3/Jan/21
Again = Big Show closer to the camera than Randy Orton =
Click Here
Randy Orton closer to the camera than 7"0' Shaq plus low angle of camera =
Click Here
The probability Big Show still is 6"9' actually seems to me very slim
(and the pic Big Show /Randy Orton was made in 2013)
SeanR said on 28/Dec/20
Hi Rob,
Happy Holidays to you.
What would you say is the lowest you would give Big Show at peak?
I personally think he was 7’0” in the evening barefoot, but I could see the possibility of 6’11.5” or 6’11 3/4”

Editor Rob
a 23 year old Big Show I doubt was under 7ft
Ben Bell said on 27/Dec/20
I see no evidence of Nash being taller than show.
Show’s and Matt Morgan are two guys who didn’t look their billed height to me when I saw them in person. Show was 03 and he looked like crap. Not what I’d expect 7ft to look like.
He’s certainly lost height.
If I had to say looking at all the pics and all the pics of other guys to the nearest inch I’d say 6’9. I have a family member who’s legit 6’7.5 and Show looks noticeably taller than him.
It’s a very different visual seeing a a guy with perfect a posture at 6’7.5 and a huge guy all hunched up and broken down at 6’9.
I wonder on a photograph or even seeing in person who would appear tallest.
I could actually see a peak WCW mid 90’s Giant being 7ft, he had great posture.
Today show’s knees bow in dramatically, his upper back is curved and he looks like a different person.
7’0 peak, 6’9 today.
Vincent Caleb said on 23/Dec/20
Idk, if Quinton is still 500 or more pounds then 1.5 isn’t impossible, but maybe 1.25 is what he loses. Show is over 100 pounds less, but the longer spine and thicker structure may have him lose more.
Hafthor is also someone who loses 1.25ish at over 400 pounds.
@Chaos Control:
Those estimates definitely sound like a strong possibility. Wouldn’t put him under 6’9.5” today.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Dec/20
I doubt Big Show would lose less than someone like Quinton though. Show's an acromegalic, so he's naturally a bigger framed guy, so chances are that his spinal column and discs are bigger and thicker, even though he currently may weigh less than Quinton. Both may lose 1.25" in a day I'm guessing.
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 22/Dec/20
@Vincent he’s been announced at 383lbs recently, I could believe that, definitely leaner now... 7’1 out of bed peak and 6’11.75 low, 6’10.75 morning and 6’9.5 evening these days
Vincent Caleb said on 22/Dec/20
Depending on his current weight, even 1.25 inch height loss is possible during the day. A guy like Quinton Aaron who is 500 pounds is going to lose 1.5 inches easy. At his current height and weight, 1.25 is a good possibility.
Vincent Caleb said on 21/Dec/20
But wouldn’t a 5.2 eye level put his head at more like 11 inches? If it really is 12 it would be at least 5.5 possibly 5.75 right? I’m not a head size expert so I’m not too sure, and I’m not arguing with you just curious.
Public Enemy said on 21/Dec/20
Peak 6’11 3/4
Current 6’9 3/4 (possibly 6’10 still if he stood ramrod straight for a measurement)
I think a man of his size could easily lose 1.25 inches during the day.
Lyle said on 20/Dec/20
An interesting bit on WWE UNTOLD where Goldberg describes Ron Reiss aka The Yeti... Its the YETAAAAY. as 6ft10, if this is true where would that leave Show?
A Man said on 20/Dec/20
Every single picture of Show in the last few years has him looking about 6,9”.
The only time he ever looks taller is in ring boots. He is 6,9” now, and I doubt he was ever taller than 6,10”.
Dred_ said on 19/Dec/20
Around 5.2 inch is possible but not 5.75 inch
Canson said on 19/Dec/20
Show is not a weak 6’9”
Vincent Caleb said on 18/Dec/20
@Editor Rob:
Is it possible Big Show’s eye level is around 5.75 inches? His head may be even bigger than Andre the Giant, like 12 inches for Big Show, 11.5-.75 for Andre.
Vegas' said on 18/Dec/20
Anthony Becht guy in the middle was listed 6'6 by the NFL, that's just last year too
Click Here
Rah said on 16/Dec/20
The Big Show, is a very weak 6'9. He lost weight, and also height. I belive he began to lose height after 2002, and so on. When he had his first in ring confrontation with The Great Khali, he was closer in height, Khali back then was a strong 7'1, Big Show would be a very strong 6'11 3/4 during the time.
For some reason, I just can't see this fat dude as a 6'10 or 7'0 guy. This man is about 3 inches taller then Kane, flat. That's a weak 6'9, and maybe early in the morning He can measure a weak 6'10 for a good 4 to 5 hours, and lose an inch or so and be to around 6'9
62B said on 13/Dec/20
He doesn't really look super tall on his Netflix series. a big guy fore sure, but not anywhere near 7" today. To me even in his younger days he needed obvious lifts to pass for a 7'er.
Jimmy Lee said on 2/Dec/20
I feel as if Big Show is about 6'9 3/4, Which is really believable considering Wrestlers could be working a half inch lift inside their boots and an inch standing on their boot sole.
Which is what I always assumed for wrestlers such as The Great Khali, Big Show, etc.
But it has never been proven that they do, so I will say Big Show in ring, solid 6'10, and Big Show day to day outside of the ring, 6'9 3/4.
Canson said on 1/Dec/20
@Vincent: yea I agree minimum 6’9.5. He has a shot at 6’10 with perfect posture
Vincent Caleb said on 1/Dec/20
Vegas' said on 30/Nov/20
Resurrection of Edward said on 27/Nov/20
@vincent caleb
show is closer to camera,nowhere 3.25 difference like rob list these apart.kane doesn’t looks much shorter than show.
Kane much shorter on video from that same day...
Click Here
If you skip to the 40 second mark on the video when they are both standing well he can look at least 6’9.5” next to Kane, maybe 6’10”.
Resurrection of Edward said on 1/Dec/20
dude,i might be wrong but show is closer to camera.
FriedChicken said on 30/Nov/20
6'9.5 isn't impossible but that's the lowest I'd go tbh.
Jimmy Lee said on 30/Nov/20
I have noticed this cycle, is about the same as Andre The Giant. Andre lost height also, but would he be as short as Big Show is during his last and few WWF days. I still feel as if Big Show could be a very weak 6'10, or 6'9 1/4. Nash is not taller then show, I refuse to believe that until proven different, He may be a little under show, but not by much. As far as, Show's peak height, He had to have been 7 feet, or 6'11 3/4. During those days, He honestly had no eye to eye competition, So his lifts were not as thick as they could be now.
But as far as him and Nash Being the same height, I can see that, and also not see it.
Nash has a more straight posture, Big show is more down his back, slouching type dude.
Big Show standing straight as of 2020, would be 6'9 1/4, in wrestling boots, 6'11.
Vegas' said on 30/Nov/20
Roderick said on 29/Nov/20
It's honestly impossible for Show to still be 6'10"
Brian Grant was measured 6'8 range so..
Click Here
Does seem something wrong with Wights legs though
Vegas' said on 30/Nov/20
Impossible to determine anything from Undertaker farewell as camera angles were all over the place. I mean he looks 15 inches taller than 6 foot Jeff Hardy but obviously Wight has camera angle advantage
Click Here
That's about best of Nash and Wight and even then it's not good but Wight is taller
Click Here
That's probably best shot of whole thing buts it blurry. Shane the JBL to right, Hardy then Foley and Charles "Godfather" Wright to left of Paul Wight
Click Here
Vegas' said on 30/Nov/20
Resurrection of Edward said on 27/Nov/20
@vincent caleb
show is closer to camera,nowhere 3.25 difference like rob list these apart.kane doesn’t looks much shorter than show.
Kane much shorter on video from that same day...
Click Here
Roderick said on 29/Nov/20
It's honestly impossible for Show to still be 6'10". He's simply not that tall anymore, you can tell just by looking at him with fans, walking around in crowds, and during the Undertaker farewell, he wasn't looking like a 6'10" guy at all.
Rob, downgrading Show to at least 6'9.5" would be more accurate I'd say, but I don't even think he's that tall.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 29/Nov/20
Maybe not 0, but compared to something like 6'9.5" or .75", it might be lower.
Vincent Caleb said on 29/Nov/20
Nice pics you are posting. They always seem to actually be decent in camera angle and posture. Big Show can look shorter than this listing sometimes, but standing straight he is at least 6’9.5”.
Robbe said on 29/Nov/20
Ike Catcher with 6'8 listed Ross Forte (on the left), and 6'10 listed Phil Reed.
Click Here
Big Show would be tallest there, he is about 2in taller than Ike.
Vincent Caleb said on 28/Nov/20
He can look 6’9” flat sometimes, but if measured I think at least 6’9.5”.
Vincent Caleb said on 28/Nov/20
@Ressurection of Edward:
I’m not seeing how he looks that over listed in that pic. Maybe 6’9.5”, but when he stood really well with Joe manganiello it is hard to argue 6’9” flat. 6’9.5” is a good shout IMO.
He is likely falling under the mark today, but it is not more than a fraction. 6’9” flat is too low. The damage wrestling does to the spine causes some wrestlers to walk and stand shorter than they may measure. In pics he can still look close to 6’10”
Szanki11 said on 28/Nov/20
Jimmy Lee: 6'10 is impossible for Show as for 2020, and he was like 6'11 max peak, never 7 ft, his hips, and especially knees are destroyed from 20 years of Wrestling, he's 6'9 max right now.
Robbe said on 28/Nov/20
With Joe Manganiello
Click Here

Editor Rob
Robbe said on 28/Nov/20
Still visible taller than 6'8 range guys like Brian Grant
Click Here
Jimmy Lee said on 27/Nov/20
I feel as if Big Show should stay as 6'10, and no less than. Big show does not stand straight all the time, He slouches and is often leaning on his legs and straightening the opposite, and it can be seen in multiple videos, pictures, etc. I feel as if Big show standing straight, with Kevin Nash He would have an inch or more on him.
If we examine the photos more closely, Kevin Nash is also wearing sneakers where as Big Show is wearing Dress shoes. (regarding the picture with Big Show and Nash standing face to face)
If we examine the picture with Big Show, Nash, and Taker. Big show is tilting downward by a little, and is also Closer to the Camera. Big Show could have more then an Inch on Nash, had they stood Side by Side. Nash being farther away from the Camera shows, gives him the advantage of LOOKING taller.
My personal opinion would be Big show is 6'10, weakly.
Roderick said on 27/Nov/20
There is 0% chance of 6'10".
Vincent Caleb said on 27/Nov/20
I did not see any pictures there that indicate Nash being taller.
Szanki11 said on 27/Nov/20
Ced: Imo not really, Show is still probably 0.5 to 1 inch taller cuz of his bigger head. But Show is less than 3 inches taller than Taker, who is 6'6 max right now, So Show can't be 6'10.
Taker 6'6, Nash 6'8,25 Show 6'8.5 to 6'9 MAX.
Resurrection of Edward said on 27/Nov/20
@vincent caleb
show is closer to camera,nowhere 3.25 difference like rob list these apart.kane doesn’t looks much shorter than show.
Click Here
Vincent Caleb said on 26/Nov/20
@Resurrection of Edward:
Big show holds up very well next to Joe Manganiello, as pointed out by Robbe. Here is another picture that I don’t think Robbe has posted yet:
Click Here
Taking into account head size of Big Show, he looks very tall there. Show may even have a small camera disadvantage with a little tilt. Manganiello is no way any less than 6’4.5”, and in the double shot with Rob and Jenny he easily looks it. There are even more shots of them where Show can hold up even better. The pic with Kevin Nash is a bad picture, typical of Pierre. I have Show at 6’9.5” minimum, possibly 6’10”.
ced said on 26/Nov/20
Time for a downgrade.. here is a backstage photo of Kevin Nash, Show, and Taker.
Kevin Nash is now obviously taller than Big Show.
Click Here
Resurrection of Edward said on 25/Nov/20
i personally think he need a downgrade.he looked similar to nash,maybe barely taller than nash.he also didn’t looked much taller than kane.
Pierre said on 25/Nov/20
Click Here Here Big Show closer to the camera that is low so good advantage for him, he looks max same height as Kevin.
J2Frenzy said on 25/Nov/20
It’s a shame Show, Kane and Nash stood separately, it would be good to get a comparison between them
Linke said on 23/Nov/20
Looked super close to Kevin Nash's height at Survivor Series. 6'9.5 today maybe.
During WCW days, he did look 7 feet.
Lyle said on 23/Nov/20
Nash looked taller than Show at Survivor series, I'm deffo leaning to 6'8 for Show
Canson said on 21/Nov/20
I doubt Shaq is 7’1”. Maybe he was able to get over 7’0 by a hair around lunch in his prime and he was only 7 flat but he does wear an orthotic which makes him look taller at times. Likely the case with the TNT measurement
Pierre said on 21/Nov/20
Yeah Shaq was standing next to a height gauge at around 7"2' in shoes,but apparently this height gauge could be a bit advantageous = here a guy measured 5"10' by his doctor(so 5"11' with 1 inch shoes) is nearly 6"0' mark by this height gauge and not around 5"11' mark
Click Here Click Here .If the graduations are too short this means more you're tall more the height gauge in proportion will be generous.
Canson said on 21/Nov/20
@Pierre and Vegas: yea today Dirk may be taller but not in his prime (I doubt).
UndertakerFrank said on 20/Nov/20
I seen Shaq on another show stand by a Height Chart & looked 7ft 2 in Shoes So Shaq might be 7.5 or 7ft 1 barefoot lowest 7ft flat
NCL said on 19/Nov/20
Pause at 21 seconds:
Click Here Shaq looks to be 7’2” to me in his shoes. Could that be wrong? Just the camera angle? Looks 7’2” in shoes here
Click Here
I think he’s minimum 7’ barefoot, possibly 7’1”.
Big Show, on the other hand, I think is barely 6’10” now, maybe even closer to 6’9”. In addition to all the Shaq pictures, I’m having a hard time seeing more than a 6” difference with McIntyre, who’s probably between 6’4” and 6’5”, and Show probably has the footwear advantage:
Click Here
However, I do think Show was a full 7’ when he was a young man.
Pierre said on 19/Nov/20
Click Here Lol Big Show a lot closer to the camera ,camera very low,Dirk again in a terrible posture,wih all this advantages Big Show looks just one hair taller than Dirk!Dirk clearly dwarfs him one more time!
Click Here Watch how much big Show here has to looking up to talk to Dirk!
Robbe said on 19/Nov/20
Dirk is closer to the camera in both pictures, anybody can see it. So i pass them.
I also pass this pic with Trace Adkins.
Click Here
Trace is listed at 6'6, but he looks more like 6'5. Yet Show looks close to 7ft with him, so there's something wrong with that pic. Show is not closer to the camera, but he's somehow favored there. Trace probably leaning backwards, and losing height.
Anyway, 6'8 is a joke for current Show. Like said, he howers around 6'9.5/6'10.
Vincent Caleb said on 18/Nov/20
I know right. Obviously a cherry picked photo.
Pierre said on 18/Nov/20
@Vegas= lol what a terrible posture Dirk has in your pic!But Dirk isn't closer to the camera in mine....Big show is probablly shorter than you believe
Robbe said on 18/Nov/20
If Big Show's head is around 12in, like it most likely is, then his eyeline is 5.75in.
Click Here
So if a 6'4 guy reach Show's eyeline, Show is 6'9.75 there.
Vincent Caleb said on 17/Nov/20
Big shows eye level is over 5 inches for sure, but I am not sure Manganiello was reaching it in that pic. If he stood straighter he definitely would.
Vegas' said on 17/Nov/20
Why you continually posting photo of Nowitzki closer to camera when we have one side by side?
Click Here
Pierre how tall you think Trace Adkins is....
Click Here
Canson said on 16/Nov/20
@Robbe: Vincent’s estimate could be as low as I could see him. I remember Christian and a few others guessed that and based on my estimate for Joe (6’4.5 afternoon) that could fit. He surely isn’t 6’8” though today. That explains why he doesn’t look 6’10 to some today
Pierre said on 16/Nov/20
Big Show /Dirk Nowitzki in terrible posture =
Click Here
Dirk Nowitzki /Shaq 7"0' =
Click Here Click Here
Lol big Show was he wearing wrestler shoes or something like this next to Joe Manganiello?!
Pierre said on 16/Nov/20
J2Frenzy said on 15/Nov/20
@Pierre so you just admitted to posting a bad photo? You must really be spiralling dude
I'm not the only one Frenzy...
Vincent Caleb said on 16/Nov/20
Big Show 6’7 1/2” is insane. He could be holding 6’9.5” still.
Canson said on 16/Nov/20
@Robbe: yea some of that (all of it in that link) is outlandish
Robbe said on 16/Nov/20
@Canson, yes, he is an interesting poster, but seriously, what to think about a guy who says:
Click Here
I have hard time taking seriously poster like that. It's funny to read though.
Robbe said on 16/Nov/20
When you post pictures of Show, check his head size Lol Drew has bigger head than Show there. Means he is a lot closer to the camera. That was really a terrible pic, really.
Show with 6'4.75 Joe Manganiello.
Click Here
Bang on Show's eyeline. Hard to say where Joe's top of head is exactly due to his hairstyle, but probably a bit lower than drawed line. Show has minimum 5in eyeline, so 6'4.75 + 5 = 6'9.75. Most likely Show's eyeline is a bit more, so he looks more or less 6'10 there. Just like with that Sun reporter.
Canson said on 15/Nov/20
Robbe said on 14/Nov/20
Shane's shoes here Click Here
About an inch heels. Front heel looks also pretty thick too. Show's shoes lookes slightly thicker, that's true. But anyway, Show doesn't look anywhere near 6'8.5 there either.
@Canson, yeah, he is always quick to remind about low angles, and being closer to the camera, but forgets those things when posting pics which supports his own narratives. But hey, that's the whole idea on this site, Lol :D
@Robbe: he’s an interesting poster but I like and respect Pierre. He’s a nice guy too. His methods are different. But By Interesting, meaning he’s different from others but we’re all different. Thats what makes the site as fun and interesting as it is. But as far as calling out the low camera angle and someone being disadvantaged or favored by a camera, that has to go both ways.
Lol if it isn’t advantageous (or shall I say) if it goes against the narrative, it’s best not to even bring the picture into evidence 😂 😂 and just play dumb lol. We’ve all been guilty of using pics to support the narrative although I’m a lot more careful now a days than I was years ago. But Even when you think you have the best picture possible, someone finds something wrong with it
And you’re right. I will say for basketball listings, I’ve definitely never seen 6’9 to 7’1 but I’ve seen a 6’9 range guy listed at 7’0”. Hakeem Olajuwon was. I doubt Hakeem was a full 6’10”. More 6’9.5 and that’s according to his teammate Mario Elie who said he’s closer to 6’9”. But yea Show looked over 6’10 with Shaq. If Shaq was a solid 7’0” peak, Show had to have at least been around 6’10.5”. Shaq claimed 6’11.75 too which means 6’10.25 is a possibility for Show at that stage but that’s probably a stretch (when he met Shaq). Today, I can see a bit (up to .5”) under 6’10” being a remote possibility but 6’10” flat is too.
Canson said on 15/Nov/20
Pierre said on 14/Nov/20
Lol basketball players are lots of time listed no less than 2 inches taller than their real heights ,so argue Big Show was really 7"0' because he was listed 7"1' as a basketball player is a terrible argument in fact
That isn’t true at all. In fact, it’s very rare to be listed more than 2” above. But It varies case by case.
Michael Jordan wasn’t listed 2” taller than he was barefoot. Jordan was 194-195 afternoon height and somewhere in the 196-197 (probably 196-196.5) range out of bed. If you think about it, the guys now a days are measured early morning so it’s technically not 2” above their listing. But Some players are only 1” below their afternoon listings. So some examples
Stephen Curry (listed 6’3) measured 6’2 early morning (6’1.5) afternoon
Kobe Bryant (RIP) 6’6 listing and 6’4.75 barefoot
Jordan my estimation is 6’4.5 barefoot (afternoon):6’5.25 out of bed and 6’6 listing as always in the pros
Draymond Green (debatable) but isn’t under 6’5 flat afternoon height. If his measurement was around an hour out of bed, Rob’s listing of 6’5.25 is accurate. To be fair, he can look that height with Paul Pogba and also 6’5.5 in some pics so the listing is probably ok. He was listed at 6’7” previously before the “wish we were official” measurements came out this past season. Now he’s listed 6’6”
Same with Klay Thompson
Then there are guys like Kevin Garnett and Kevin Durant who were listed at their barefoot heights
Technically, we use the afternoon standard here on this site but if they are measured in the morning, it is a legit measurement (although not a very accurate reflection of your true height). Therefore you may get a 6’3 guy who is listed 6’5 because he’s 6’3.5 in the early morning or 6’3 3/8 rounded to 6’3.5 and 6’4.75 in shoes. But he’s 6’3 in the afternoon. However, based on his measurement it’s only 1.5” difference
Canson said on 15/Nov/20
Pierre said on 14/Nov/20
Lol basketball players are lots of time listed no less than 2 inches taller than their real heights ,so argue Big Show was really 7"0' because he was listed 7"1' as a basketball player is a terrible argument in fact
That isn’t true at all. In fact, it’s very rare to be listed more than 2” above. But It varies case by case.
Michael Jordan wasn’t listed 2” taller than he was barefoot. Jordan was 194-195 afternoon height and somewhere in the 196-197 (probably 196-196.5) range out of bed. If you think about it, the guys now a days are measured early morning so it’s technically not 2” above their listing. But Some players are only 1” below their afternoon listings. So some examples
Stephen Curry (listed 6’3) measured 6’2 early morning (6’1.5) afternoon
Kobe Bryant (RIP) 6’6 listing and 6’4.75 barefoot
Jordan my estimation is 6’4.5 barefoot (afternoon):6’5.25 out of bed and 6’6 listing as always in the pros
Draymond Green (debatable) but isn’t under 6’5 flat afternoon height. If his measurement was around an hour out of bed, Rob’s listing of 6’5.25 is accurate. To be fair, he can look that height with Paul Pogba and also 6’5.5 in some pics so the listing is probably ok. He was listed at 6’7” previously before the “wish we were official” measurements came out this past season. Now he’s listed 6’6”
Same with Klay Thompson
Then there are guys like Kevin Garnett and Kevin Durant who were listed at their barefoot heights
J2Frenzy said on 15/Nov/20
@Pierre so you just admitted to posting a bad photo? You must really be spiralling dude
Vegas' said on 15/Nov/20
I met Big Show and McIntyre in same building and Big Show was ~7 inches taller, both out of gear.
Wight made Luger look short in WCW
Click Here
I have college listings and barefoot measurements of over 150 players on hand. Over 2 inch inflation is quite rare. Off top of my head only like 20 players out of 155 were overlisted by 2 inches over barefoot. Handful actually measured above their college listings but it was 1/4 inch above.
Pierre said on 15/Nov/20
@Canson I don't understand why you argue this guys Shaq and Big Show have similar shoes on ring.It's seems to me obvious Big Show has a good advantage here.Shaq only wear sneakers....The pic Shaq /Big Show wearing tuxedo say it all.Big Show closer to the camera is dwarfed by Shaq when he does not wear wrestler shoes
Click Here
Pierre said on 15/Nov/20
Click Here Max 2015 Big Show with Drew Mc Intyre 6"4.5' a bit closer and low camera
Canson said on 15/Nov/20
Pierre said on 14/Nov/20
Canson don't compare Big Show to Shaq when both are standing on ring and Big Show wearing big wrestler shoes...
Of course low angles of camera are giving a good advantage.
Click Here Here Big Show has an advantage of low camera and you can say bye bye to 6"9' again .
The pic in the ring is the best one. Similar footwear and stance. That’s 1.5”
Pierre said on 15/Nov/20
@Vegas= right.Then here is Lex Luger and maybe 6"9.5' peak Kevin Nash
Click Here shrinking a lot =
Click Here Click Here
And now Big Show straight /Lex Luger =
Click Here Click Here
More recent Big Show Kevin Nash both without wrestler shoes this time ,Big Show closer to the camera and low camera that advantage him =
Click Here .Kevin Nash listed actually 6"8.75' that is maybe a bit generous.
Pierre said on 15/Nov/20
J2Frenzy said on 15/Nov/20
@Pierre if he was listed 2 inches taller than his peak then he’d have been 6’11 though. And even so some guys are listed accurately (I’m sure someone who knows about basketball will provide examples)
Lol =
Click Here and this list isn't a complete list just an example of recent basketball players.
Robbe said on 15/Nov/20
@Jdubbz, yeah, he is 217cm. Video:
Click Here
Both men listed at 7'2.
J2Frenzy said on 15/Nov/20
@Pierre if he was listed 2 inches taller than his peak then he’d have been 6’11 though. And even so some guys are listed accurately (I’m sure someone who knows about basketball will provide examples)
Robbe said on 15/Nov/20
Big Show with 5'9 The Sun reporter.
Click Here
Click Here
Bang on 6'10 there. Good example how huge his head really is. Angle just about perfect.
Jdubbz said on 14/Nov/20
Are you sure that the guy on the right in the
Hafthor group pic is 217cm? Looks more like 211cm range to me. He looks to be about the same distance from the camera as
Hafthor, but then again pics can be wonky.
Pierre said on 14/Nov/20
Lol basketball players are lots of time listed no less than 2 inches taller than their real heights ,so argue Big Show was really 7"0' because he was listed 7"1' as a basketball player is a terrible argument in fact
Pierre said on 14/Nov/20
Canson don't compare Big Show to Shaq when both are standing on ring and Big Show wearing big wrestler shoes...
Of course low angles of camera are giving a good advantage.
Click Here Here Big Show has an advantage of low camera and you can say bye bye to 6"9' again .
Robbe said on 14/Nov/20
Shane's shoes here
Click Here
About an inch heels. Front heel looks also pretty thick too. Show's shoes lookes slightly thicker, that's true. But anyway, Show doesn't look anywhere near 6'8.5 there either.
@Canson, yeah, he is always quick to remind about low angles, and being closer to the camera, but forgets those things when posting pics which supports his own narratives. But hey, that's the whole idea on this site, Lol :D
About Show's peak height, it's totally ridiculous to even suggest he was 6'9/6'10 peak, they don't list such heights at 7'1, as Show was listed when he played basketball. That's shoe height, so he was around 7ft. Maybe 6'11.5 if he played with 1.5in shoes. Could have been legit 7 footer also. Not over though.
But he has shrunk, as we all know. He howers around 6'9.5/6'10 nowadays. At military posture, still 6'10 i believe. Pity there's only one picture Show vs THor, where Show looks 4.5in taller, but angle is just terrible. Big Rob estimated Show was favored by 1.5in there.
We also tend to forget how big Show's head really is
Click Here
Resurrection of Edward said on 13/Nov/20
Canson said on 13/Nov/20
@Pierre: why do you only bring up the low camera angle when the celeb you’re estimating looks taller than they do in your narrative? Your pics have the other celeb you’re comparing them to closer to the camera in many cases. There is no way Big Show was only 6’9” or 6’10 in his prime. Even with Shaquille O’Neal he looked over 6’10”. That’s a 1.5” difference between them. The pic was taken many years ago but unless we were to say that Shaq is 6’11.5 then Show would be over 6’10”.
well said.what is even more laughable is that he has current show at 6’8 and kane at 6’5 flat currently.
Vegas' said on 13/Nov/20
That's Lex Luger not Billy Gunn lol
That is Billy Gunn on right though in 90s
Click Here
Rob and Gunn for reference
Click Here
Canson said on 13/Nov/20
@Pierre: why do you only bring up the low camera angle when the celeb you’re estimating looks taller than they do in your narrative? Your pics have the other celeb you’re comparing them to closer to the camera in many cases. There is no way Big Show was only 6’9” or 6’10 in his prime. Even with Shaquille O’Neal he looked over 6’10”. That’s a 1.5” difference between them. The pic was taken many years ago but unless we were to say that Shaq is 6’11.5 then Show would be over 6’10”.
Pierre said on 13/Nov/20
Robbe said on 13/Nov/20
Thor with 6'7 Brian Shaw, and Show with 6'7 Shane Battier.
Click Here
There are loads of photos of Show with 6'7/6'8 guys and Show always appears 2-3in taller. Thor always looks about the same range with 6'7/6'8 guys, so it's pretty clear case. Current listings for Thor and Show are just fine.
Yeah...very low angle of camera Big Show a bit closer to it and straighter than Shane Battier(look at their necks)...Have they similar shoes...Shane's shoes are looking slim no?
Click Here
Robbe said on 13/Nov/20
Nothing was going on in that last pic with Show and Gunn. Except terrible angle Lol.
Robbe said on 13/Nov/20
Thor with 6'7 Brian Shaw, and Show with 6'7 Shane Battier.
Click Here
There are loads of photos of Show with 6'7/6'8 guys and Show always appears 2-3in taller. Thor always looks about the same range with 6'7/6'8 guys, so it's pretty clear case. Current listings for Thor and Show are just fine.
Pierre said on 12/Nov/20
Robbe said on 12/Nov/20
Big Show with 6'4 Billy Gunn.
Click Here
Now, Thor with 6'4 David Hasselhoff.
Click Here
So yes, Show is easy 2in taller than Thor.
Click Here What's going on here?Big Show maybe forgot his big wrestler shoes next to Billy Gun no?
Robbe said on 12/Nov/20
Big Show with 6'4 Billy Gunn.
Click Here
Now, Thor with 6'4 David Hasselhoff.
Click Here
So yes, Show is easy 2in taller than Thor.
Robbe said on 12/Nov/20
Some people just don't seem to realise how big difference is to stand slightly closer to the camera. Could you ever believe these guys with Thor are both 7'2?
Click Here
To be exact, the guy on the left is 218cm, and the guy on the right is 217cm. So, when you post pictures, bare in mind this. Being slighly closer to the camera can make a huge effect.
Some user, i wont mention his name, has posted like 1000 times, over and over and over again, this picture Thor vs Strowman. If we look at this "famous" pic, compared to the pic above, and focus on their feet, you get my meaning?
Click Here
So, both pics are just as bad to judge anything about their real heights.
Pierre said on 11/Nov/20
Haaaa said on 11/Nov/20
@Pierre look at the top of big shows head, not where his eyes are at, from where his eyes are placed id agree his about 6ft9 - 6ft10 but that's not how height works, height works by measuring from top of the head to bottom.
I know this,you really see Big Show more than an inch taller than hafthor here?Not me
J2Frenzy said on 11/Nov/20
@Haaaa I like your explanation
Haaaa said on 11/Nov/20
@Pierre look at the top of big shows head, not where his eyes are at, from where his eyes are placed id agree his about 6ft9 - 6ft10 but that's not how height works, height works by measuring from top of the head to bottom.
Canson said on 11/Nov/20
Resurrection of Edward said on 10/Nov/20
looks like some guys are in hard mission in downgrading show and andre.lol🤣🤣
Very true 😂 😂
Canson said on 11/Nov/20
J2Frenzy said on 10/Nov/20
@Res of Edward and yet they call us downgraders for not believing Yao Ming is 7’8 or Lebron James as 6’9
Yup and it’s been said to me for a few months yet the same person calls me a fanboy about Hogan and Christopher Reeve and Big Show.
Resurrection of Edward said on 11/Nov/20
J2Frenzy said on 10/Nov/20
@Res of Edward and yet they call us downgraders for not believing Yao Ming is 7’8 or Lebron James as 6’9
dude,you can just ignore them and just stick with your opinion.
J2Frenzy said on 10/Nov/20
@Res of Edward and yet they call us downgraders for not believing Yao Ming is 7’8 or Lebron James as 6’9
Vegas' said on 10/Nov/20
Big show has always been much taller than Kane. I met both of them out of gear a number of times.
Of course a video taken from low angle would make difference look less
Click Here
Pierre said on 10/Nov/20
Click Here Big Show /Braun Strowman both straight
Hafthor 6"7.5' sleeping on Braun still is taller than Braun's cap... =
Click Here
Big Show here again is hardly as tall as 6"9'.Maybe 6"8.5'...
But here no wrestler shoes.
Resurrection of Edward said on 10/Nov/20
looks like some guys are in hard mission in downgrading show and andre.lol🤣🤣
Robbe said on 10/Nov/20
Show with 6'8 Big Cass.
Click Here
Click Here
Looks around 6'11 there. I think there's too much fuss about Big Show's wrestling boots. They don't differ so much compared to other wrestlers boots. Show looks also barefoot noticeable taller than Akebono, as seen from the pic posted earlier.
Show can look 6'8-6'9 range many times, but it's often due to camera angle, and the fact he rarely stands straight. When he does, he is still around listed. Also, the idea he is wearing inner lifts in his wrestling boots is just crazy. So no need for downgrad Show. Well, maybe he's lowest is nowadays 6'9.5, in a bad day :D
Robbe said on 8/Nov/20
Lol at 6'9 peak for Show.
Click Here
I don't know who the guys are next to Show, but they are probably 6'6-6'7 range. Show looks like 5in taller there. Anybody who claims 6'9 peak for Show is
trolling, or just dumb.
J2Frenzy said on 7/Nov/20
@Canson Akebono is listed here as 6’8
Pierre said on 6/Nov/20
2013 =supposed nearly 7"0' Big Show /Randy Orton more distant to the camera =
Click Here Click Here
Randy Orton closer to the camera than Shaq 7"0' range plus low camera that give a good advantage to the closest man =
Click Here
Canson said on 6/Nov/20
@Robbe: also how tall was Akebono? Was he a legit 6’8?
Pierre said on 6/Nov/20
Yeah ...all this pics with Big Show closer to the camera or/and wearing wrestler shoes are good to claim 7"0'...
My actual guess= 6"9.5'/6"10' peak 6"8'/6"8.5' now
Pierre said on 6/Nov/20
Yeah ...all this pics with Big Show closer to the camera or/and wearing wrestler shoes are good to claim 7"0'...
Robbe said on 6/Nov/20
Big Show was very close to 7ft peak. Here with 6'8 Akebono.
Click Here
Click Here
Picture is i believe from 2005. Both men likely still in peak. Big question is how much Show has shrunk in the past 15 years. Definitely no more than 2in. Most likely a bit less.
Big Show's head is about 11.5-12in i think, like shown in the chart.
Canson said on 5/Nov/20
That’s not a 5” difference with Show and Taker. Even giving Taker the extra 1/4 that Rob knocked off his peak that would make Show 6’11.5 tops. That’s 4” between them. Really Taker wouldn’t be 6’7.5 if Sid was 6’6.25. That was max 1” taller. Show could’ve conceivably been under 7’ peak height not over
Canson said on 5/Nov/20
@Danimal: Nash didn’t have 3-4” In that pic. Maybe you could argue 3” since Sid was 6’6.25 possibly. I buy his listing. Nash 6’9.25 maybe
Robbe said on 5/Nov/20
Brian Grant has big head, and he is not under 6'8.
Click Here
He is standing very relaxesd there with Alex Molden, who is not under 5'9. Why to look those terrible angled pics with McEnroe, when we have this perfect angle pic available.
Big Show is visible taller than Grant, so he can't be just 6'8.5 range. No way.
Danimal 176.7cm said on 4/Nov/20
Big Show used to be over 7'0" (pre-height loss). Here is Kevin has with a good 3"-4" on 6'6" Sid Vicious:
Click Here
And here's Big Show (The Giant as he was known back then) leaning in towards Kevin Nash and still having at least 3" on him:
Click Here
A young Big Show was a VERY tall man (between 7'0" and 7'1"). Today he would be shorter than a PRIME Kevin Nash imo.
Danimal 176.7cm said on 4/Nov/20
Undertaker and Big Show both in their prime:
Click Here
J2Frenzy said on 3/Nov/20
Big Show was weak 7’0 in his peak I think. 211-212cm. Currently weak 6’10, like 206-207
UndertakerFrank said on 3/Nov/20
All i can say I met Big Cass in Person He looked about 6ft 7 to 6ft 8 He told me he was 6ft 9 which i dont believe he is Big Show maybe 6ft 10 but again these guys do wear lifts !! Big Show didnt look nowhere near 7ft when he was on Star Trek next to 5ft 11 Scott Bakula
FriedChicken said on 3/Nov/20
Losing 2 inches at late 40s is a lot. Imagine how much he'll lose in his 60s or 70s.
Matt logan said on 3/Nov/20
Realist people are not as big as you would think
Vincent Caleb said on 2/Nov/20
@recapa: excellent guess
recapa said on 2/Nov/20
212cm peak,207cm nowdays.
Realist said on 2/Nov/20
Its weird on this site tall people get downgraded from their real height and shorter people are given an inch sometimes 2 because you don't really know them and just give them average height its weird.
Robbe said on 2/Nov/20
Grant has big head, like 2in bigger than Alex Molden's, who has probably average 9in head.
Click Here
Why to look at those terrible angle photos with McEnroe, when there is much better angled photo with Alex. Grant is standing very relaxed there, and still hits the 6'8 mark.
Height chart i posted with Big Show vs Grant wasn't so bad actually. Maybe slightly Exaggerated. Big Show has no less than 5in eyeline, which also appears bang on in the chart. Anyway, i don't believe Show is really 6'11, but he aint so low as 6'8.5. Absolutely minimum is 6'9.5 in my opinion. My guess is still though 6'10. He looks that when standing tall.
JT said on 1/Nov/20
Here are some screen caps from the opposite side of the arena when Shaq was in the ring with Big Show in 2009
Click Here
I guess a 2012 Big Show must have grown to 7’2” as he comes out around 4 inches shorter than Yao Ming……….
Click Here
Robbe, you tilted the
Hafthor/Richters picture 4 degrees
Click Here which is too much. Plus, if you are going to use barefoot heights with the height ruler, the bottom of the ruler needs to start where the bottom of the person’s bare foot would be (e.g., ~ 1.25” above the ground if the person is wearing a standard tennis or dress shoe), not the bottom of the sole on the shoe. Otherwise, the scale of the ruler is thrown off.
Pierre said on 31/Oct/20
Robbe said on 31/Oct/20
According to the height chart, Big Show is 6'11.
Click Here
I put BG:s height at 6'7.5 there, with 5in eyeline.
Imo this scale is too generous = Big Show has a better posture than Brian Grant,he's even tiptoeing a bit in this pic,clearly he's stretching up and has a very good posture while Brian is streching down,by adjusting his size a bit for the pic next to the shortest man.Brian Grant is probably never 6"7.5' in this pic next to Big Show.Next to John Mc Enroe around 5"10'(not particularly very straight in the pic ) Brian looks in good posture and even here he looks hardly 6"7'.
Click Here other=
Click Here
And by this scale the lower head of Brian is around 5"8' and the top of his head around 6"7.5'that would mean his head size would be around 11.5 inches,that seams to me very unlikely.This means the graduations of this scale are too short and so the scale too generous for this reason too.
Here is Dirk Nowitski next to 7"0.25' Shaq (lots of times Dirk closer to the camera)=
Click Here Click Here Click Here
He looks clearly shorter than Shaq.He's listed 6"11'/7"0' in web .Let's say he's 6"11.5'...
here is Dirk slouching a lot to the opposite side to the camera(so shrink a lot plus more distant to the camera than Big Show so Big Show has logically the advantage of the camera =
Click Here .Dirk clearly dwarfs Big Show if both guys are standing in similar posture . Big Show by this comparison is never close to 6"11' or even close to the 6"10' mark.
Big Show is 6"8.5' absolute max by this comparison too.
Robbe said on 31/Oct/20
According to the height chart, Big Show is 6'11.
Click Here
I put BG:s height at 6'7.5 there, with 5in eyeline.
Danimal 176.7cm said on 31/Oct/20
I have no problem believing he was 7'0.5" before he experienced any height loss. Imo, Andre the Giant was about the same height (7'0.25") before he experienced any height loss. Like the Adren who has major surgeries, both of their heights were severely reduced due to the knife. In Big Show's case, he had hip replacement (you can see how much shorter his femur bone is today compared to the mid-late 1990's, as well as back surgery. He's at best 6'9" today. Andre had back surgeries, ankle and knee surgeries and became extremely hunched over, reducing his height to 6'9"-6'10" by the time he passed away in the early 1990's.
Robbe said on 31/Oct/20
Richters struggles to look over 7ft here.
Click Here
Including camera angle/footwear, he also looked only 7ft range with 6'10 Big Show.
Pierre said on 30/Oct/20
JT said on 30/Oct/20
the only explanation is that he was wearing boots like these Click Here which have a 5 inch sole.
Yeah...Or the other explanation is that Gene was not "exactly" as tall as 5"8' and Arn Anderson "not exactly" as tall as 6"0'...
About Nathan Jones's height =
Click Here here Nathan /Kane.
Now Kane / Vince Vaughn =
Click Here
Finally Vince Vaughn / Stephen Merchant 6"7' in terrible posture =
Click Here Click Here
Now,with Kan's pic showing Big Show wearing only a wrestler shoe and tiptoeing a lot on his bare foot,we know around the "little help" this shoes can give him :)
Robbe said on 30/Oct/20
@JT, that picture in the height chart is tilted, which favours Richters. You should have used the picture i posted earlier. It,s cropped right.
J2Frenzy said on 30/Oct/20
@Robbe that could even be 3in
JT said on 30/Oct/20
WCW Big Show looked easily 7’1”+ in boots
Click Here
Click Here Gene was around 5'8" and Arn Anderson around 6'0". Since Big Show's only ~ 6’8” range according to a few here, the only explanation is that he was wearing boots like these
Click Here which have a 5 inch sole.
Big Show in the ring with Nathan Jones
Click Here
Robbe said on 27/Oct/20
….Richters is overlisted, he is 7'1.5 with his thick sneakers.
Click Here Hafthor should be around 6’9” in tennis shoes. I made him a little shorter given the wider stance. Hard to see Richters being only 7’0” flat.
Pierre said on 29/Oct/20
Robbe said on 29/Oct/20
Easy 2in Click Here
Your comparison is with both guys Big Show and
Hafthor in different postures,Big Show standing perfectly straight
Hafthor slouching ,plus Triple h stretching down next to Big Show and stretching up next to
Hafthor,then finally this comparison is a lot advantageous for Big Show's height.
Pierre said on 28/Oct/20
@Robbe =
Hafthor relaxed posture next to Triple H =
Click Here
Big Show very straight /Triple H =
Click Here
Big Show classic posture/Triple H =
Click Here
Difference maybe an inch
Hafthor 6"7.5' Big Show 6"8.5'
Difference around an inch between both guys.
Hafthor 6"7.5' Big Show 6"8.5'.
Canson said on 28/Oct/20
@Vincent: that’s a good estimate for Hogan. That’s kinda where I have him 6’5.25-.5 range. Actually all of them are very very good estimates. I have Andre a bit lower but I can see how he can pull that off to some esp when he’s listed 7’. I used to believe 6’11 too but now maybe 6’10.5-.75 perhaps
Vegas' said on 28/Oct/20
Hafthor looks like he would be maybe little taller than Phil Jackson comparing both to ~6'3 Titus
Click Here
Robbe said on 28/Oct/20
BG here with 178cm listed Alex Molden, compared to Thor with siteowner Rob, 173cm.
Click Here
Alex is more likely 175cm range i think. Anyway, BG looks at least the same range as Thor there. Big Show looks visible taller than both these guys.
Vincent Caleb said on 27/Oct/20
Here are some of my guesses for WWE wrestlers
Big show: 6-11.5 peak, current 6-9.5
The Rock: 6-2.75 peak, current 6-2
Undertaker: 6-7 peak, current 6-5.75
Kane: 6-7.25 peak, current 6-6 3/8
Andre the giant: 6-11.25 peak
Hulk Hogan: 6-5 3/8 peak, current 6-2.75( possibly the full 6-3 like Canson said)
Robbe said on 27/Oct/20
We have seen Big Show and
Hafthor next to Olivier Richters.
Click Here
Not the best angles, and Big Show probably wearing his wrestler boots in both pictures, and closer to the camera as well. But anyway, my guess is Big Show is easily 2in taller than
Hafthor. Richters is overlisted, he is 7'1.5 with his thick sneakers.
JT said on 27/Oct/20
Click Here Big Show (closer to camera) and
Another pic of Big Show and ~6’1” Vince from 1999
Click Here
Looks like at least a full head difference
Big Show and Cena from 2003
Click Here Again looks like about a full head size difference.
What 6’8” actually looks like next to Shaq
Click Here A reminder how Shaq measured up to Brock Lesnar (in cowboy boots) at that same Wrestlemania
Click Here
Re: Brian Grant
Click Here Scottie Pippen measured 6’7.5” for the 1987 draft and the girl in the bottom pic claims 6’6”.
Vegas' said on 26/Oct/20
Pierre why do you ignore the guy in the orange shirt Jo-Wilfried Tsonga who is ~6'2 and taller than Andy Murray? Wights also dropping couple of inches in that posture, for sure he measures taller if standing like this
Click Here
Posting multiple photos comparing one person to another then another to another then another to another will get you nowhere unfortunately sorry.
Grant isn't as tall as 6'7.. well why is he noticeable taller next to Lamar Odom than 6'7 Vitali Klitschko then?
Click Here Click Here
And yes the Khali/Vince photo is from July 2017 where Khali returned to help Mahal overcome Orton in Punjabi prison match.
Canson said on 26/Oct/20
Pierre said on 25/Oct/20
@Canson = By John McEnroe Brian isn't as tall as 6"7' to me.Maybebrian lost a bit height by the years.Basketball is know to be a hard sport for the skeleton.A friend of mine who practiced basketball(and not even as a professional) lost an inch before the age of forty.He was 5"11' now he's hardly 5"10'.
Did he really lose an inch or was it a claim or a morning height to an afternoon? I’ve never heard of that without a major physical injury. As for Grant, he looks 6’7.5ish next to Caron Butler and Lamar Odom along with Eddie Jones In the one photo. He’s not under 6’7”. Remember I’ve met Butler in person and he’s about what he measured (6’5,25)
Pierre said on 25/Oct/20
here is again Raphael Nadal next to Big Show this time =
Click Here
Again Raphael Nadal /Prince Albert =
Click Here Click Here
Prince Albert / Robert Knepper =
Click Here
Robert/Rob =
Click Here
Prince Albert/Ronaldo terrible posture =
Click Here
Ronaldo /Raphael Nadal a bit closer to the camera =
Click Here
To me Raphael is 5"11' no more.
In comparison here is how much tall looks
Hafthor 6"7.5' next to Rob strong 5"8'(so around 3 inches less than Raphael) =
Click Here Click Here
Big Show here again very close to
Hafthor's height to me
Robbe said on 25/Oct/20
Ike Catcher's height is a bit mystery. He can look 6'9 with 7'1.5 listed Olivier Richters, but surprisingly looks only 6'7 next to a 7ft guy.
Click Here
I wonder if Richters is really 7'1.5. He generally looks more like a strong 7ft.
Ike is also several inches shorter than 6'11.25 measured Brook Lopez. Ike much closer to the camera there
Click Here
Looks 6'7.75 with 6'4.75 Lennox Lewis
Click Here
Maybe 6'7.75 is what he is. Picture with Lennox is actually pretty good.
Pierre said on 25/Oct/20
@Canson = By John McEnroe Brian isn't as tall as 6"7' to me.Maybebrian lost a bit height by the years.Basketball is know to be a hard sport for the skeleton.A friend of mine who practiced basketball(and not even as a professional) lost an inch before the age of forty.He was 5"11' now he's hardly 5"10'.
Robbe said on 25/Oct/20
Grant is around 6'8 barefoot, he is about an inch shorter than 6'9 Lamar Odom.
Click Here
Guy in the middle is listed at 6'7 but he is obviously shorter.
What comes to picture comparisons, they can be tricky. Just look at this comparison Great Khali vs 7ft Lauri Markkanen. On the left Khali with 175cm guy, and on the right Markkanen with 190cm guy.
Click Here
According to that comparison, Markkanen is 6in taller than Khali :D
Henry said on 25/Oct/20
Rob, you need to upgrade Big Show's current and peak height based on the Brian Grant photo. He was measured 6'8 1/2" without shoes in pre draft measurements. Draft Express used to have it before they ruined their site.
This site still has it. Change it to imperial for the proper measurement.
Click Here
J2Frenzy said on 25/Oct/20
Big Show spent a lot of time 100lbs heavier than Khali and is older with bad posture. It’s not exactly the fairest comparison
JT said on 24/Oct/20
No. 64 measured 6’3” at the NFL combine
Click Here
Click Here
Pierre, how tall is No. 44 and what position did he play for Southern Illinois University (Division I b-ball)?
Click Here Hint, he was the second tallest player on the team behind Wight, who barely played for the team.
Ask Rob how tall Dean Cain is
Click Here
Canson said on 24/Oct/20
Brian Grant is that in shoes imho. They listed him at 6’8 at one stage during his career and used to point out his height as being undersized a lot during his career. Grant looked shorter than 6’8 Karl Malone at times. I’d say 6’7.5” barefoot 6’8.5 with shoes
And Sadly enough, he has Parkinson’s Disease now Which I didnt realize or had slipped my mind. I wish him well with his battle
Click Here
Click Here
Pierre said on 24/Oct/20
Comparison Briant Grant/Big Show
Here is Brian Grant a bit closer to the camera than John Mc Enroe =
Click Here
John McEnroe(a bit slouching) /Prince Albert =
Click Here
Prince Albert/Robert Knepper listed 5"8.75'(here with Rob
Click Here ) =
Click Here Prince Albert is max 5"10.5' by this comparison and John McEnroe does not look really taller than him.In a recent comment a guy wrote he know John who was his coach and wrote John himself told him he's 5"10' .
Click Here =John/ Raphael Nadal
Raphael Nadal / Prince Albert =
Click Here
Click Here = Ronaldo 6"1' in a terrible posture still is taller than Prince Albert
Click Here =Serena Williams /Prince Albert Serena looks shorter than Robert Knepper(5"8.75') next to Prince Albert
John McEnroe/Serena =
Click Here Click Here
Let's say John Mc Enroe is around 5"10'.If Brian Grant is 6"8.5' this means he's around 10.5 inches taller than John so comfortably a complete head(Brian's head does not look particularly big in this pic next to Big show and the shortest guy).That is not the case here,John is comfortably two inches above Brian's chin ...
Click Here =both guys around same distance to the camera in this one
Big Show imo has a better posture than Brian,imo he try to stretching up (by tiptoeing a bit in the pic) while Briant stands in a very classic posture,plus Big Show's soles are looking bigger than Brian's soles.
James B 172c, said on 23/Oct/20
Still a massive man
Riky said on 23/Oct/20
Click Here
Ike isn't 6'9". That's is too much, he is probably best scenario 6'7.5.
Ike with a 7' man.
Click Here
Compare also these pics with the one with big show and taker
Ike 6'7.5
Show 6'9.5
Taker 6'5.5
Pierre said on 23/Oct/20
All this guys without wrestler shoes = Great Khali / Undertaker =
Click Here
Undertaker/Kane =
Click Here
Kane /Big Show =
Click Here
Big Show 0% probability close to Great Khali's height to me
Canson said on 23/Oct/20
@Edwards: agreed!
SeanR said on 22/Oct/20
Hi Rob,
You may have commented in the past on this pic, but the pic Vegas posted here on Show’s page back on 10/19, what is his height there with Hogan, Savage and Beefcake?
Looks easily 7’0” there in my opinion.
Canson said on 22/Oct/20
@Robbe: yea BG is 6’7-6’8 range barefoot. That looks right for Show
Pierre said on 22/Oct/20
If Vince Mac Mahon is 72 in the pic I posted(that I doubt),this means Great Khali with his legs problems is shorter than his peak here.
Click Here = 2013 Big show without wrestler shoes a lot closer to the camera than Great Khali,still looks shorter than him in the pic
Click Here low camera that advantage a lot the closest man ...but Big Show still looks shorter than Great Khali here by considering Great khali isn't looking as straight as Big Show.by considering the low angle Great Khali looks like he dwarfs Big Show.
Click Here Big Show without wrestler shoes again/
Mark Henry 2013 Big Show a bit closer to the camera = Mark's head same height as Big Show's lower nose
And again 2013 Great Khali around same distance to the camera as Mark henry(Big show a lot closer)....Great Khali is a complete head taller than Mark....
Vegas' said on 22/Oct/20
Vince is 58 in photo with Big Show and just shy of 72 with Khali. He has lost height in the interim.
That's better shot of Vince and Big Show from 5 years ago
Click Here or this
Click Here
Robbe said on 22/Oct/20
@RoelC, yeah, it's quite obvious Big Show is still at least 6'10 range. I also used to think he has dropped to 6'8.5/6'9 range, but he is definitely taller when standing straight. On the right Brian Grant with 6'11 listed Cherokee Parks.
Click Here
With that picture i think we can forget Big Show being under 6'10.
Pierre said on 21/Oct/20
Click Here Click Here = here is a young Big Show probably without wrestler shoes next to Vince Mac Mahon
Click Here = and now Great Khali probably max 7"1' /Vince ....
Click Here Great Khali probably a bit closer to the camera than Shaq 7"0.25' and low camera that advantage a lot the closest man
Resurrection of Edward said on 21/Oct/20
be serious dude.kane at 6’5 and show at 6’7 range?
miko said on 20/Oct/20
Show has always been a posture guy.
There's no doubt he's lost height, but I think if he had a gun to his head and had to stand as tall as he physically could (military posture), he might surprise a few people even today. Look at the staredowns with Strowman after he slimmed down, in the few brief moments he really cranked himself out it could look a pretty big difference. Then when they go face to face he can go back to hunching.
RoelC said on 20/Oct/20
Robbe said on 15/Oct/20
This pic hass probably been posted earlier, but anyway, Show here with 6'8.5 measured (barefoot) Brian Grant Click Here
Show looks easy 6'10, but im not sure if he's tiptoeing there? He is raising his left foot, but not really tiptoeing?
Nice find, that's what you get when you post real pictures of Big Show next to other tall people, instead of crappy comparison shots.
Big Show is clearly several inches taller than Brian Grant, who measured 6'8 ½" at the NBA pre-draft in 1994. He might've lost some height, though basketball players generaly manage to maintain most of their height even when they get older.
And no, Big Show isn't tippy toeing there. You need to raise both feet to gain extra height and his right foot is clearly flat on the ground.
Vegas' said on 19/Oct/20
@Pierre you have Wight at 6'8 range peak. That's him barefoot close to peak (circa 95) towering over Savage, Hogan and Ed Leslie
Click Here
If Wight is 6'8 range then Savage was well under 6 foot and Leslie/Hogan were struggling with 6 foot themselves.
JT said on 19/Oct/20
Rough size comparison of Shaq (from 2016) and Khali (from 2008) with Big Show
Click Here Another pic of Shaq and Khali
Click Here
Pierre said on 17/Oct/20
Probably never close to 7"0' peak.Shoes do the rest...
So how tall is No. 32 and what position did he play?
Click Here This is NCAA Division I b-ball.
Sulu2020 said on 19/Oct/20
Despite Big Show being over 8 years younger than my dad, Big Show definitely lost more height due to being bigger and often falling harder. So as of today, my dad may still be at his peak height of 5ft 7.5 or at most half an inch shorter than his peak.
Pierre said on 17/Oct/20
Probably never close to 7"0' peak.Shoes do the rest...
Big Lul said on 16/Oct/20
At this point out of the ring he looks no taller than 6’9-6’9.25 max. Maybe 6’9.5 with perfect posture nowadays and his peak was probably 6’11 peak only looked 2 inches taller than 6’9 peak Kevin Nash and 4 inches taller than 6’7 peak taker.
Canson said on 16/Oct/20
@Julian: yea he mentioned 6’8.75 at one stage. That’s far too low
Canson said on 15/Oct/20
@Pierre: Julian didn’t even insult you. He was stating an observation about what was mentioned earlier. Some of the others in the past have said far worse To you than he did.
Robbe said on 15/Oct/20
This pic hass probably been posted earlier, but anyway, Show here with 6'8.5 measured (barefoot) Brian Grant
Click Here
Show looks easy 6'10, but im not sure if he's tiptoeing there? He is raising his left foot, but not really tiptoeing?
6'3 Julian said on 14/Oct/20
@Pierre he consistently looks over 6’9 in recent matches
6'3 Julian said on 14/Oct/20
@ReturnofG more like a weak 7’0, cause I reckon he’d make it
Busting a Gut
ReturnofG said on 14/Oct/20
Big Show peak was a strong 7'0
Pierre said on 12/Oct/20
@ 6"3' Julia = Insulting me won’t make Big Show and HHH bigger than they are next to
Hafthor lol.You can continue to compare Big Show wearing wrestler shoes to other guys if you want.If I 'm an idiot then you probably need glasses ...
6'3 Julian said on 11/Oct/20
@Pierre Big Show is an acromegalic giant. He has much larger proportions than
Hafthor. Big Show looks to easily be 6 inches taller than HHH and Show’s head is likely 10.5-11 inches. You are an idiot
Pierre said on 11/Oct/20
Click Here Triple H /Big Show in classic shoes(no wrestler shoes)
Triple H /
Hafthor 6"7.5'(not perfectly straight) =
Click Here
You can explain me Big Show has a bigger head than
Hafthor,I know this.Yeah by this comparison he's really struggling with 6"9' and even with 6"8.5'....
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Oct/20
6'3 Julian said on 10/Oct/20
@Christian he’s obviously rounding down
Pierre said on 10/Oct/20
@Jt all the elevator shoes are not looking as big as the shoes you posted .If Big Show had around the same help as sneakers on his right foot he could put his left bare foot flat on the floor or nearly horizontal.Here he's tiptoeing a lot.And he's not tiptoeing with only the small foot of a woman...
Click Here = this shoes looking very classic,with a classic external heel are giving 2.3 inches...then imagine how much you can gain in this high wrestler shoes ....
So no we have no evidence...just a giant foot that had to tiptoeing a lot while the other foot stands comfortably at an unknow precise height in his wrestler shoe...I tend to believe if Wlad Klitschko was tipoeing as much as Big Show,some guys here would be the first to demonstrate the evidence :)
Canson said on 10/Oct/20
Pierre said on 8/Oct/20
6'3 Julian said on 5/Oct/20
@Pierre you don’t seem to understand the concept of people having different shoulder and head levels. You seem to live in a world where everyone has the exact same shoulder level down to the nanometre. That’s not how it works. I have a shoulder level clearly 2-3” higher than other guys at or near my height. I also only have a 9.5” head, smaller than other guys I know. It’s called genetic variation
@Julian=@Julian = like Canson you don't seem to understand this= if Big Show's shoulders are looking around same height as Shaq's shoulders on ring ,while out of ring Big Show's shoulders are dwarfed by Shaq's shoulders,this means Big Show has a big advantage of shoe on Shaq on ring,no matter the size of their heads or the size of their necks.
You’re the one who doesn’t understand and it reflects in your estimates as they are always egregiously low. Everyone calls you on them too. Last I checked you measure to the top of someone’s head. Us mentioning shoulders is to say that that’s possibly where height was loss. It doesn’t change the outcome that Shaq is only slightly taller than Big show. Not 3-4”. It’s less than 2
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Oct/20
Then why do you list yourself as 5'6" on your username? (sarcasm)
JT said on 9/Oct/20
There’s no evidence of internal lifts for Big Show in the staredown with Shaq
Click Here You can see where the edge of his foot is pressing against the side of the boot as well as the roundness of his heel at the back. With acromegaly, his feet are going to be very thick (just look at his hands) yet the shoe height (from the soles up) doesn’t look any larger than Shaq’s. He probably has up to a ¼” sole advantage over Shaq.
An elevator shoe with an internal lift
Click Here looks obvious, especially when the top of the foot and heel can be seen, leaving aside the difficulty in trying to wrestle in them. Kane’s 2 inch heeled boots are probably about as large as a wrestler can go and still wrestle safely and assuming the wrestler is athletic enough to pull it off.
6'3 Julian said on 9/Oct/20
@Pierre you haven’t read what I posted bro. Also I’m not taking criticism from someone who thinks Big Show is struggling for 6’9
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Oct/20
Especially with the case of Big Show and other people like him who have gigantism (huge head, long arms etc.)
Scott 5'6 said on 8/Oct/20
I think he’s 7’2 in 7’9 myself and met him
Pierre said on 8/Oct/20
6'3 Julian said on 5/Oct/20
@Pierre you don’t seem to understand the concept of people having different shoulder and head levels. You seem to live in a world where everyone has the exact same shoulder level down to the nanometre. That’s not how it works. I have a shoulder level clearly 2-3” higher than other guys at or near my height. I also only have a 9.5” head, smaller than other guys I know. It’s called genetic variation
@Julian=@Julian = like Canson you don't seem to understand this= if Big Show's shoulders are looking around same height as Shaq's shoulders on ring ,while out of ring Big Show's shoulders are dwarfed by Shaq's shoulders,this means Big Show has a big advantage of shoe on Shaq on ring,no matter the size of their heads or the size of their necks.
Canson said on 6/Oct/20
6'3 Julian said on 5/Oct/20
@Pierre you don’t seem to understand the concept of people having different shoulder and head levels. You seem to live in a world where everyone has the exact same shoulder level down to the nanometre. That’s not how it works. I have a shoulder level clearly 2-3” higher than other guys at or near my height. I also only have a 9.5” head, smaller than other guys I know. It’s called genetic variation
Well said! That’s one of the things I was referring to in a post previously as it’s something I’ve never thought of (genetic variation)
Slim 6'1" said on 5/Oct/20
@Rob, what martial arts should I practice
Slim 6'1" said on 5/Oct/20
I could lift this guy as well, wreck him in a street fight
6'3 Julian said on 5/Oct/20
@Pierre you don’t seem to understand the concept of people having different shoulder and head levels. You seem to live in a world where everyone has the exact same shoulder level down to the nanometre. That’s not how it works. I have a shoulder level clearly 2-3” higher than other guys at or near my height. I also only have a 9.5” head, smaller than other guys I know. It’s called genetic variation
Pierre said on 5/Oct/20
@Canson = Wrestler shoes do the rest.Watch eventually again all the comparisons I do here and at Kane's page .To me Big Show around 6"9' range this days is too high.
Lanky said on 5/Oct/20
Given the amount of weight he’s lost, it will be interesting to see whether it sees him gain back a bit of height.
Canson said on 4/Oct/20
Pierre said on 4/Oct/20
@Canson = I can understand Big Show lose height by the years , but in my comparison (pics/video posted on 04/oct) both events on ring and out of ring are dated the same year.
But you’re saying he is under 6’8 today let alone 6’9? He’s got poor posture. He’s minimum 6’9.5 today and can still look 6’10 at times
Pierre said on 4/Oct/20
@Canson = I can understand Big Show lose height by the years , but in my comparison (pics/video posted on 04/oct) both events on ring and out of ring are dated the same year.
Canson said on 4/Oct/20
JT said on 3/Oct/20
This is roughly the height difference between Big Show and Shaq in 2016 Click Here Both could stand taller but Big Show’s posture looks a little better.
He’s had numerous surgeries, including on his hip, but I think much of Big Show’s perceived height loss is due to his habit of leaning forward at the waist. Click Here Straightening his upper body here adds about an inch Click Here Akebono has really good posture for someone of his weight and height.
The hunching forward is what I tried to explain to Pierre. He looks like he lost height there in the neck as a result
Pierre said on 4/Oct/20
RoelC said on 3/Oct/20
Ridiculous theory?!Lol the pic go in direction to my theory of massive help.of course Big Show's left toes are more distant to the camera than his right toes=
first = Big Show stand a bit on his profile in the pic
second= his left foot beeing nearly perfectly vertical( because no advantageous shoe),his left toes are standing around same distance to the camera as his left ankle....
By your famous theory if Big Show has always around the same help with his shoes no matter if wrestler shoes or classic shoes you go explain to me why on ring his shoulders are just a bit lower than Shaq's shoulders and out of ring his shoulders are simply dwarfed by Shaq's shoulders....
Click Here Click Here = here on ring Big Show with wrestler shoes = both have their shoulders around same height,Shaq's shoulders just a bit higher than Big Show's shoulders
Now out of ring both guys certainly with similar shoes =
Click Here Big Show's shoulders dwarfed by Shaq's shoulders.
Comparisons of heights with one guy in wrestler shoes and the other guy in sneakers will be lots of times advantageous for one of this guys...
JT said on 3/Oct/20
This is roughly the height difference between Big Show and Shaq in 2016
Click Here Both could stand taller but Big Show’s posture looks a little better.
He’s had numerous surgeries, including on his hip, but I think much of Big Show’s perceived height loss is due to his habit of leaning forward at the waist.
Click Here Straightening his upper body here adds about an inch
Click Here Akebono has really good posture for someone of his weight and height.
Pierre said on 3/Oct/20
Canson said on 3/Oct/20
@Pierre: see Julian’s comment. Shoulder height is not the sole factor in determining height
this is not my point you have to reread my comment
RoelC said on 3/Oct/20
Pierre said on 2/Oct/20
@Roelc if you doubt Big Show's wresler shoes give him a big advantage,then eventually watch the recent pic of Kan on 16/Sept on Kane's page = Big show wearing only one wrestler shoe has to tiptoeing a lot on his left bare foot to try to place his ankle at same height as his right ankle .....Have you an idea about the gain of height of a giant guy who is tiptoeing on his giant foot? this is not a question of only 2 inches here....this shoes have very probably internal helps
You mean this pic?
Click Here
I've seen it and it doesn't really prove anything. It looks more like an optical illussion.
Big Show's left foot is placed further in the back and his right foot is not fully visible in the pic.
It could be that he's leaning in for the pic (as he's standing further behind). Taking off one shoe and placing that foot even a little bit behind the other foot will already cause you to fully stand on your tip-toe.
Besides with all the knee problems and surgeries Big Show had, it could also be that one leg is shorter than the other.
Your theory that Big Show is wrestling in 3 to 4-inch lifts is downright ridiculous. You clearly have never been into any form of athletics yourself if you believe anyone can wrestle in those type of lifts. It's hard to move around in those type of shoes, but running the ropes and juming off the top rope is downright impossible.
The "Big Show wears huge lifts" theory was debunked when he stood in the ring with Sumo-wrestler Akebono. There's footage of the two both in and out of ring-gear and Show doesn't magically appear to be 4-5 inches taller when he puts on his boots.
Here's Big Show in boots with Akebono in slippers:
Click Here
Now both barefoot:
Click Here
Using your theory Big Show should've appear a whole lot taller in his boots. Yet he doesn't!
And again there are plenty of good pics of Big Show's footwear. The soles on his boots are huge, but the shape of his boots make it very improbable that he's also wearing inside lifts on top of those huge soles.
Plenty of good shots of his boots in these pics
Click Here
Again if Big Show is wearing internal lifts, he must've slim feet. Which is odd for an acromegalic giant.
RoelC said on 3/Oct/20
KhajaQadaruddin said on 2/Oct/20
I completely agree with what @RoelC said below..i personally belive that show has lost a lot more height in past few years.. Which is the main reason for this huge difference now btw Shaq and show.
KhajaQadaruddin, the pics from Shaq & Show at Wrestlemania were from April 2016 and the ones from the ESPY awards are from July 2016. There was only a 3-month timeframe between those two meetings.
I think the reason why Show looked so short next to Shaq had more to do with the camera angle. Footage shot by a shoulder mounted camera have been prove time after time again to be unreliable for estimating heights.
Canson said on 3/Oct/20
@Pierre: see Julian’s comment. Shoulder height is not the sole factor in determining height
Canson said on 3/Oct/20
@Christian: I’m starting to agree about Show. He may only be 6’9.5” today
Pierre said on 3/Oct/20
@Canson,I don't understand why you talk about the necks.The necks cannot be the reason why Shaq's shoulders are just a bit higher than Big Show's shoulders when both are standing in the ring while Shaq's shoulders dwarfs Big Show's shoulders when both are wearing tuxedos out of ring.The reason to me is = Big show's wrestler shoes are very advantageous.
6'3 Julian said on 3/Oct/20
@Canson agree on the shoulders thing. I definitely seem to have a high shoulder level fir my height
KhajaQadaruddin said on 2/Oct/20
I completely agree with what @RoelC said below..i personally belive that show has lost a lot more height in past few years.. Which is the main reason for this huge difference now btw Shaq and show.
Pierre said on 2/Oct/20
RoelC said on 30/Sep/20
Pierre said on 27/Sep/20
@Roelc if you doubt Big Show's wresler shoes give him a big advantage,then eventually watch the recent pic of Kan on 16/Sept on Kane's page = Big show wearing only one wrestler shoe has to tiptoeing a lot on his left bare foot to try to place his ankle at same height as his right ankle .....Have you an idea about the gain of height of a giant guy who is tiptoeing on his giant foot? this is not a question of only 2 inches here....this shoes have very probably internal helps
Canson said on 1/Oct/20
@Pierre: a lot of people lose height in their necks or have different size necks. The shoulders do not solely or accurately determine height. So in his case, Show looked less than 2” shorter than Shaq. Even if we took into account their footwear, Show comes out minimum 6’10 with Shaq
Canson said on 1/Oct/20
@Julian: absolutely
6'3 Julian said on 1/Oct/20
@Canson could he
Bust a Gut to look 7’0 in his prime?
RoelC said on 30/Sep/20
Pierre said on 27/Sep/20
@Canson = if Big Show had not a big advantage of shoe on ring next to Shaq,how explain on ring Shaq's shoulders are just a bit higher than Big Show's shoulders and suddenly when both are in suits out of ring Shaq's shoulders dwarfs Big Show's Shoulders?...
Pierre those shots of Big Show & Shaq at the 2016 ESPY's & Wrestlemania have been thoroughly discussed over here back in 2016.
If you believe he went from this
Click Here to that
Click Here due to footwear advantage, you're basically saying Big Show had a 2-inch+ shoewear advantage over Shaq's sneakers (which aren't exactly flip flops either).
Big Show's footwear is clearly visible in the Wrestlemania shots. Where are those huge lifts you are talking about? Unless Big Show has very slim feet, there's not much room (if any) for internal lifts.
I doubt if Big Show's footwear gave him any advantage over Shaq's sneakers. And if they did, it's not gonna be more than 0.25 inch.
Pierre said on 30/Sep/20
Canson said on 28/Sep/20
Pierre said on 27/Sep/20
@Canson = if Big Show had not a big advantage of shoe on ring next to Shaq,how explain on ring Shaq's shoulders are just a bit higher than Big Show's shoulders and suddenly when both are in suits out of ring Shaq's shoulders dwarfs Big Show's Shoulders?...
People are built differently. It’s very likely that Shaq has a longer neck than Show. It also wouldn’t surprise me if Big Show lost height in his neck first. His neck is not straight all the time
Canson the necks cannot explain the shoulders....Big Show had very probably a big advantage in your pic on ring...
JT said on 29/Sep/20
Big Show walking under a 7’0” door frame
Click Here The door frame here is around 7’2”
Click Here
At the 2016 ESPYs, Big Show stood at roughly the same Red Carpet spot as several athletes and looked easily 6’10”
Click Here which shows why the pics and video with Shaq from that same event (where Big Show looked arguably 6'8" at times assuming Shaq is a flat 7'0") are not reliable (leaving aside that they are not full body shots and the level of the ground, stances, etc. can’t be seen).
Canson said on 28/Sep/20
Pierre said on 27/Sep/20
@Canson = if Big Show had not a big advantage of shoe on ring next to Shaq,how explain on ring Shaq's shoulders are just a bit higher than Big Show's shoulders and suddenly when both are in suits out of ring Shaq's shoulders dwarfs Big Show's Shoulders?...
People are built differently. It’s very likely that Shaq has a longer neck than Show. It also wouldn’t surprise me if Big Show lost height in his neck first. His neck is not straight all the time
John barrett said on 27/Sep/20
Show is really looking no more then 6'9'' these days - it's not a bad thing his 50 and down sizing in weight and heaght will do him wonders.
Pierre said on 27/Sep/20
@Canson = if Big Show had not a big advantage of shoe on ring next to Shaq,how explain on ring Shaq's shoulders are just a bit higher than Big Show's shoulders and suddenly when both are in suits out of ring Shaq's shoulders dwarfs Big Show's Shoulders?...
Canson said on 27/Sep/20
Pierre said on 25/Sep/20
Canson said on 25/Sep/20
@Pierre: here is another picture with Shaq. I don’t think Shaq was 7’0.25. He wore orthotics in his shoes admittedly. I give him max 7’0” peak height but still here is Big Show in front of him. Show wasn’t even down to a flat 6’10” then. He was still 6’10” plus unless Shaq has lost height by then too. Shaq recently measured on TNT and was still around 7’0”. He claimed 6’11.75 and that’s the minimum I could see for him. I believe Show could still measure 6’10” with perfect posture or at worst only a hair under that mark
That’s about 3cm maybe 1.5” if all variables are factored in.
Click Here
Canson I think you have to watch (or watch again) the first comment of Kan on 16/Sept/20 on Kane's page .This pics on ring are biased because Big Show wear wrestler shoes that probably give him a massive help .In the pic of Kan you can see how much Big Show wearing only one wrestler shoe has to tiptoeing with his big left bare foot to place his left ankle at same height as his right ankle.
Then finally the pic I posted Shaq /Big Show wearing suits (and so very probably similar heels this time) is showing a bit more the real difference of height between both guys even if this pic is biased with a low angle and give an advantage to Big Show (watch eventually the comment I posted about this ,on Kane 's page on 22/sept/2020 .
Shaq is in sneakers there but again, he admitted he wears an orthotic in his shoes as well. So even if you put the two into perspective (given Big Show’s footwear), I doubt the advantage would be enough to take Show under 6’10”. That’s not much over an inch that Shaq has on him in the ring in the video. Today, I can see something like what Christian 6’5 3/8 said 6’9.5” but I can’t see him being 6’8.75 let alone 6’7” range
Pierre said on 25/Sep/20
Canson said on 25/Sep/20
@Pierre: here is another picture with Shaq. I don’t think Shaq was 7’0.25. He wore orthotics in his shoes admittedly. I give him max 7’0” peak height but still here is Big Show in front of him. Show wasn’t even down to a flat 6’10” then. He was still 6’10” plus unless Shaq has lost height by then too. Shaq recently measured on TNT and was still around 7’0”. He claimed 6’11.75 and that’s the minimum I could see for him. I believe Show could still measure 6’10” with perfect posture or at worst only a hair under that mark
That’s about 3cm maybe 1.5” if all variables are factored in.
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Canson I think you have to watch (or watch again) the first comment of Kan on 16/Sept/20 on Kane's page .This pics on ring are biased because Big Show wear wrestler shoes that probably give him a massive help .In the pic of Kan you can see how much Big Show wearing only one wrestler shoe has to tiptoeing with his big left bare foot to place his left ankle at same height as his right ankle.
Then finally the pic I posted Shaq /Big Show wearing suits (and so very probably similar heels this time) is showing a bit more the real difference of height between both guys even if this pic is biased with a low angle and give an advantage to Big Show (watch eventually the comment I posted about this ,on Kane 's page on 22/sept/2020 .
Pierre said on 24/Sep/20
Big Show/Dirk Nowitzki listed sometimes 6"11' sometimes 7"0' in web,Dirk who shrink a lot here =
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Click Here Dirk and Shaq listed 7"0.25'
Click Here camera very low that advantage a lot the closest guy ,so here Big Show a lot closer has a big advantage plus Dirk isn't straight