Canson said on 24/Sep/20
Pierre said on 22/Sep/20
@Canson By considering angle of camera a bit low plus Lennox closer to the camera plus Charles Barkley in poor posture Lennox is never close to 6"5' or even 6"4' here.Maybe 6"3'...
I disagree respectfully. Lewis was minimum a peak 6’4.5 guy. I don’t rule out 6’4.75
YordanDamyanov said on 24/Sep/20
7 foot Big show, 500 pounds around 2000. Edged Undertaker at least with four inches. Now he is inch and a half shorter.
Pierre said on 22/Sep/20
@Canson By considering angle of camera a bit low plus Lennox closer to the camera plus Charles Barkley in poor posture Lennox is never close to 6"5' or even 6"4' here.Maybe 6"3'...
Canson said on 21/Sep/20
Pierre said on 11/Sep/20
Vegas' said on 10/Sep/20
Pierre, Lewis had significant height on Holyfield 20 years ago..
Now here is Evander next to Will Smith 6"1.5' slouching a lot but still has to looking down to talk to a young Evander .... Click Here .By this comparison Lennox is never close to 6"5' or 6"4' range .Not even sure he's full 6"3' by this comparison
@Pierre: go look for the Tv show In the House. LL Cool J was the star. He and Lewis boxed once on the show. Lewis has around 4” if not slightly less than LL. I don’t believe LL was 6’1.5” I have max 6’1” if not under but that’s pretty close to 4”. If Lewis is 6’2.5 it would be less than 2” between them. It’s not. LL only comes up to his eyebrow area
Canson said on 21/Sep/20
Pierre said on 11/Sep/20
Vegas' said on 10/Sep/20
Pierre, Lewis had significant height on Holyfield 20 years ago..
Now here is Evander next to Will Smith 6"1.5' slouching a lot but still has to looking down to talk to a young Evander .... Click Here .By this comparison Lennox is never close to 6"5' or 6"4' range .Not even sure he's full 6"3' by this comparison
@Pierre: go look for the Tv show In the House. LL Cool J was the star. He and Lewis boxed once on the show. Lewis has around 4” if not slightly less than LL. I don’t believe LL was 6’1.5” I have max 6’1” if not under but that’s pretty close to 4”
Canson said on 21/Sep/20
Pierre said on 13/Sep/20
@Canson Click Here = At the top of their heads with a line you can see Lennox is max same height as Charles barkley here,but without counting Lennox stands a lot closer to the camera than Charles plus stands in better posture.And low camera that advantage a bit more again the closest man
Very possible they were both 6’4.5 peak height being Barkley also got measured 6’4.75 and 6’4 5/8” so just different times of the day. Either way Lewis was about Barkley’s height not 1-2” shorter
6'3 Julian said on 20/Sep/20
Would peak Show be 7’ when
Busting a Gut?

Editor Rob
I still believe it's possible
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Sep/20
Like Canson said, some of it could be posture related. And the fact that Big Show has a heavier build than all those guys you mentioned.
6'3 Julian said on 19/Sep/20
I think his weight and posture may have kept him down a little, he probably would have looked 7’0 in his prime if he stood straight and sucked his stomach in
Big Lul said on 19/Sep/20
@Riky I agree that he was no taller than 6’11 peak cause he only had 4 inches on 6’7 peak undertaker and 2 inches on Kevin Nash peak and Footwear advantage Kane peak
Nowadays I would say that he’s about 6’9-6’9.5 max now or he might just be 6’9-6’9.25 at best now.
Pierre said on 19/Sep/20
look at recent comment on 16 september on Kane's page ,there is a pic inwhich Big Show wear only one wrestler shoe and has to tiptoeing a lot on his left bare foot to stand straight,that could explain why Shaq looks like he dwarfs him in the pics out of ring
Click Here Click Here
Riky said on 18/Sep/20
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Sep/20
6'11.5" peak, 6'9.5" today in 2020.
I doubt he was that tall at his peak, today I think he is taller than guys like Durant but barely taller. At same time I don't know if someone like Kanter would be really shorter Tha Big Show, I doubt. Sure someone like C. Bosh is taller than Wight today.
6'11" peak max barefoot.
6'9.5 today, don't completely rule out a fraction less.
Canson said on 16/Sep/20
@Christian: I would say 6’11.5 or 6’11.25” peak. I don’t believe he was ever 7’0 either. Today 6’9.5 minimum but with good posture he could surprise us and still measure 6’10”.
Pierre said on 15/Sep/20
@Canson Comparisons Big Show /Catcher /Lennox Lewis supposed around 6"5'
Lennox /Prince Charles 2002 =
Click Here
Barack 6"1'/Prince Charles 2009 =
Click Here
Lennox around 4 inches taller than Barack?! I can understand Prince Charles lost a bit height between 2002 and 2009 but....
Pierre said on 15/Sep/20
@Canson = Shawn Michael (the right guy) 5"11.25' /Lennox Lewis
Click Here
Roderick said on 15/Sep/20
@Christian That's probably what I would say too but 6'9.5" today is definitely the max.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Sep/20
6'11.5" peak, 6'9.5" today in 2020.
James B 172cm said on 13/Sep/20
In all seriousness though rob maybe 2000 was the year big show lost his first half inch?

Editor Rob
I think near age 30 is a possibility. In Wrestling, the bigger they are, the harder they fall, and the more shrinkage they suffer.
JT said on 13/Sep/20
Click Here
Click Here I saw Holyfield at LAX back in the late 1990s when he was leaving for his fight against Tyson in Las Vegas and he looked ~ 6’1”. IIRC Rob has him at 6’1.25”. That’s pretty close to a 4 inch difference and Holyfield had almost 3 inches on Tyson.
Tyson looked pretty small in the ring next to Lewis. Not sure why Lewis' height is even subject to serious debate.
Pierre said on 13/Sep/20
Click Here = At the top of their heads with a line you can see Lennox is max same height as Charles barkley here,but without counting Lennox stands a lot closer to the camera than Charles plus stands in better posture.And low camera that advantage a bit more again the closest man
Canson said on 12/Sep/20
Pierre said on 5/Sep/20
@Vegas = Lennox Lewis 6"5' ? Click Here here a young Lennox back to back with Mike Tyson 5"10' Looks not even 6"2.5' here....
Click Here = look at this interview at 10:52 = The interviewer has to looking up to talk to mike so Mike is logigally easily taller than him and Lennox Lewis is just a bit more than a forehead taller than the interviewer....
Pierre, Lewis measured 6’4.75”. That looks very much believable next to 6’4 5/8” Charles Barkley. Lewis is not 6’2.5”
Click Here
Also see Lewis on In the House. He is at least 6’4.5”.
James B 172cm said on 12/Sep/20
Well rob I remember at school way back in 2000 me and my friends all were commenting on big show looking shorter all of a sudden like someone had put him in a washing machine.

Editor Rob
That must be some big machine to fit him in :)
Pierre said on 11/Sep/20
Vegas' said on 10/Sep/20
Pierre, Lewis had significant height on Holyfield 20 years ago..
Now here is Evander next to Will Smith 6"1.5' slouching a lot but still has to looking down to talk to a young Evander ....
Click Here .By this comparison Lennox is never close to 6"5' or 6"4' range .Not even sure he's full 6"3' by this comparison
Pierre said on 11/Sep/20
Vegas' said on 10/Sep/20
Pierre, Lewis had significant height on Holyfield 20 years ago..
@Vegas maybe ...depending the shoes.Next to Mike on ring both had boxer shoes
Canson said on 11/Sep/20
@Vegas: yea that’s indicative of their respective listings
SeanR said on 10/Sep/20
Hi Rob,
Not sure if you have looked at Show’s history but when do you think he started losing height?
He doesn’t look as tall say in 2003 than he did in 1995. Could he have started shrinking in his early thirties because of his weight? Evidence seems to suggest that.

Editor Rob
some point in his 30's I believe the damage was starting to take effect. I'd really need to go back over again his history in detail to try to figure the exact years he started looking shorter.
Vegas' said on 10/Sep/20
Pierre, Lewis had significant height on Holyfield 20 years ago..
Click Here
Riky said on 8/Sep/20
Pierre said on 6/Sep/20
Ahahahahaha! Ahhh.... Not a nice picture for our dear Big Show eh?
Catcher is absolutely NOT 6'9", Big Show is absolutely Not 6'10 today.
Pierre said on 8/Sep/20
@Vegas = But the video I posted isn't a photoshop ...and both Mike and Lennox were in boxer shoes.hum...Maybe Evander now is a bit shorter than the pic next to Rob...and Lennox shoes a "bit" advantageous?....
Vegas' said on 8/Sep/20
Pierre that's a photoshop
Check out Lewis next to Holyfield recently at 2 minutes 46 seconds
Click Here
Holyfield and Rob
Click Here
Still think 6'2...
6'3 Julian said on 8/Sep/20
To be fair I think that other bloke is wearing thick soled trainers
The big lul said on 7/Sep/20
@riky: Ok I had to make sure that I’m not the only one seeing that as well. Cause he looks 2.5-3 inches taller than maybe 6’7-6’7.5 Ike catcher, which we all know at this point that big show is no taller than 6’9.25 max or maybe a low of 6’9 now. If big show was barefoot it’ll be a 1.5-2 inch difference between the two.
Sammie Jones said on 7/Sep/20
I don’t think he’s on his tiptoes. I see 3-3.5 inches there. I’d give Big Show if he’s standing straight 6’10 1/2-6’11 1/4 if he’s not slouching and fixes his posture.
RoelC said on 7/Sep/20
Pierre said on 6/Sep/20
@Riky = Right!My computer screen is not broken and I see the same thing as you! :)
Well I'm looking at the same pic on a 4K 40-inch screen and Big Show's feet are firmly planted on the ground. The short video that accompanies that pic on Catcher's instagram confirms that even more.
Your goal seems to be getting Big Show to the shortest height possible, so my guess is you're just seeing what you wanna see.
Why not add that the pic is tilted in Catcher's favour and that Catcher is standing closer to the camera. That is quite noticeable.
Pierre said on 6/Sep/20
Riky said on 5/Sep/20
Vegas' said on 5/Sep/20
Catcher looks taller than 6'7 flat to me
With ~6'5 Lennox Lewis Click Here
Catcher with Big Show Click Here
My God I'm crazy or Big Show is raising his feet with catcher for look taller....???
Really, my phone's display is also broken a bit so maybe I'm wrong. But it really seems...
@Riky = Right!My computer screen is not broken and I see the same thing as you! :)
The big lul said on 6/Sep/20
@Riky yea it looks like it to me but I’m also unsure about that picture cause big show looks 6’9.5-6’10 with maybe 6’7-6’7.5 Ike catcher and we all now that show is in the 6’9-6’9.25 range maybe a max 6’9.5 barefoot
Pierre said on 5/Sep/20
@Vegas = Lennox Lewis 6"5' ?
Click Here here a young Lennox back to back with Mike Tyson 5"10' Looks not even 6"2.5' here....
Click Here = look at this interview at 10:52 = The interviewer has to looking up to talk to mike so Mike is logigally easily taller than him and Lennox Lewis is just a bit more than a forehead taller than the interviewer....
Riky said on 5/Sep/20
Vegas' said on 5/Sep/20
Catcher looks taller than 6'7 flat to me
With ~6'5 Lennox Lewis Click Here
Catcher with Big Show Click Here
My God I'm crazy or Big Show is raising his feet with catcher for look taller....???
Really, my phone's display is also broken a bit so maybe I'm wrong. But it really seems...
Vegas' said on 5/Sep/20
Catcher looks taller than 6'7 flat to me
With ~6'5 Lennox Lewis
Click Here
Catcher with Big Show
Click Here
6'3 Julian said on 5/Sep/20
@Hahahahahjjj don’t drastically upgrade everyone. In pictures Shaq does look taller
Pierre said on 4/Sep/20
Hahahahajjj said on 2/Sep/20
If big show was actually 6ft10, a 7ft1 khali or shaq would look noticeably taller which isn't the case.
Big show is 7foot, no questions about it
big Show advantageous wrestler shoes /Shaq 7"0' sneakers =
Click Here
Probably both similar shoes this time =
Click Here Click Here
the camera is very low and we can not really see the real difference of height but watch how much higher are Shaq's shoulders compared to first pic with probably Big Show with advantageous shoes
Canson said on 4/Sep/20
@Riky: I would actually give Jordan the full 6’9.75. He likely is an afternoon measurement. He was slightly taller than Durant. I would put Durant in that range however. It’s about a CM difference
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Sep/20
Neither of them were ever 7'1", especially not Shaq. It's possible that Show was 7'0" peak (although even then I think that's pushing it), but certainly not 7'0" today.
The big lul said on 4/Sep/20
If big show is 7ft then why is he 3-3.25 inches shorter than 7’0-7’0.25 max Shaq or is only 2 inches taller than 6’7 Ike catcher or is 2.5- 2.75 inches taller than 6’6.25-6’6.5 Kane and Braun Strowman. Nowadays it goes like this
Undertaker: 6’5.75-6’6 max peak: 6’7
Kane: 6’6-6’6.5 Peak: 6’7.25 max
Braun Strowman 6’6.25-6’6.5
Big show: 6’9- 6’9.25 max Peak: 6’11
Hahahahajjj said on 2/Sep/20
If big show was actually 6ft10, a 7ft1 khali or shaq would look noticeably taller which isn't the case.
Big show is 7foot, no questions about it
Canson said on 1/Sep/20
@Vegas: I’d give Durant a bit over 6’9” today. I would probably go with 6’9.25-.5 range today. He edged Demarcus Cousins who I have 6’9” flat afternoon height. It’s rare that I could see a player growing but he and Anthony Davis along with Jason Maxiell (measured 6’5 11/16 in an International League) are examples. The latter may not have been at a low but I could see something around 6’5.5”. But for comparison purposes I agree with you on them since that’s just maybe 1cm above where he was measured
Pierre said on 31/Aug/20
The big lul said on 28/Aug/20
At this point this is all I have show to prove that big show isn’t a 6’10-6’11 inch guy anymore Click Here
Big show with 6’6.25 Kane Click Here
Big show with 6’6.25 Kane and 6’6.5 Braun Strowman Click Here
Big show is 6’9 max 6’9.25
@The big Lul = I posted recently comparisons in Kane's page,Kane by this comparisons is around 6"5'.Also I posted recently comparisons Braun /
Hafthor in
Tyson Fury's page = by this comparison Braun is under 6"6'
Vegas' said on 30/Aug/20
Photo comparisons are nice but you can't place all your faith in them even full length photos.
Take these examples. Big Show and Dirk Nowitzki
Click Here
7'5 barefoot measured Yao Ming and Nowitzki (similar posture)
Click Here
6'9 barefoot measured Kevin Durant and Nowitzki (again similar stance)
Click Here
Based on those comparisons Show looks maybe 5 inches at worst taller than Yao and 2-3 inches taller than Durant. Of course reality is probably different, at least in 2020.
The big lul said on 28/Aug/20
At this point this is all I have show to prove that big show isn’t a 6’10-6’11 inch guy anymore
Click Here
Big show with 6’6.25 Kane
Click Here
Big show with 6’6.25 Kane and 6’6.5 Braun Strowman
Click Here
Big show is 6’9 max 6’9.25
Riky said on 28/Aug/20
About big show being 7',6'11 or even 6'10.5.......
Click Here.
Ben Bell said on 27/Aug/20
Back in WCW 95 I though he was 7’2. Looking back 7ft-ish peak.
6’10 today.
I was at a show in 03 and I remember thinking he didn’t look as tall as I expected. He was in pretty terrible shape as well.
Undertaker Frank said on 27/Aug/20
Shaq was on a show @ stood in front of a height chart looked 7ft 2 in sneakers so i do believe hes atleast 7ft.5 to 7ft 1 barefoot
Pierre said on 27/Aug/20
Canson said on 25/Aug/20
@Christian: interesting. he had the nerve to make this comment to me on a different page. Show at 7’0” plus peak and 7’0” today? No. He’s not as tall as Shaq and this was several years ago. Shaq claims to be 6’11.75”. The max I buy for Shaq is 7’0” barefoot. But the trend here of inflation is obvious. Andre was never 7’0” either. He was listed Either 6’10 or 6’11 at various times
The reality:
Click Here
Lol,no Canson ,this is not the reality ,or rather this the reality of the difference of height between Big Show and Shaq when Big Show wear advantageous wrestler shoes!
Click Here = here the video that correspond to your pic = at around 0:58 you can see Shaq wear only classic 1 inches sneakers while Big Show wear wrestler shoes
The reality is here =
Click Here ...
Vegas' said on 27/Aug/20
Pierre we have video of that particular day
Click Here
Highly doubt Kane dropped under 6'6 because he was taller than a 6'5 3/4 barefoot measured NFL guy recently enough and had 3+ inches on Randy Orton both in dress-shoes just few years ago. He hasn't had any major surgery either that would account for such a big height loss so young.
Riky said on 26/Aug/20
Julian 6'3"
Big Show was never 7' barefoot in the afternoon. He was max 6'11", of course it's just my opinion as it's my opinion that you are funny in your guesses....
Back to the serious things...
I'm thinking for a long time big show is same range as kavin Durant.
I forgot about this.
Click Here
Big Show and Kavin Durant who I have at 6'9"/6'9.25. Few years ago, and Show looks taller to me.
Click Here
Kavin Durant and DeAndre Jordan who is probably 6'9.25/5.
Click Here
Show and 6'7.25 LeBron. He looks again 6'9.25/5.
Canson said on 25/Aug/20
@Christian: interesting. he had the nerve to make this comment to me on a different page. Show at 7’0” plus peak and 7’0” today? No. He’s not as tall as Shaq and this was several years ago. Shaq claims to be 6’11.75”. The max I buy for Shaq is 7’0” barefoot. But the trend here of inflation is obvious. Andre was never 7’0” either. He was listed Either 6’10 or 6’11 at various times
The reality:
Click Here
6'3 Julian said on 20/Aug/20
Stop arguing over who’s more idiotic. You both have lower IQs than the temperature of liquid nitrogen. Andre was 7’0 peak in the late 60s/early 70s. He shrunk to 6’10.5-6’11 by the early 80s because of his weight and was 6’9.5-6’10 at Mania 3. By then his bad posture, back surgeries and 500+ pound bodyweight had shrunk him. He was measured 6’9 post-mortem I think, which means he reasonably could’ve shrunk another inch by then
Lanky said on 24/Aug/20
There is absolutely zero chance he is 7ft now. I agree, there were times he actually looked over 7ft in his 20s, but nowadays he’s nowhere near.
Nowadays he gives off a 6’9-6’10” impression, although I’d be really interested to see how tall he could stand if he knew it was for a proper measurement.
Pierre said on 24/Aug/20
6"10' is too high for him to me,when Big Show wear classic shoes ,no wrestler shoes,Shaq tower over him
Click Here.
Current 6"8.5' in best case to me.In classic shoes he looks hardly 3 inches taller than Kane and Kane is very probably under 6"6' now
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 22/Aug/20
6'3 Julian said on 20/Aug/20
I think Big Show could’ve been slightly over 7’0 in his prime, and still looks 7’ today
How? If Show's 7'0" today, then guys like Mcintyre and Orton are 6'6"-6'7".
6'3 Julian said on 21/Aug/20
Not funny. Big Show is still 6’10.5 minimum and probably 6’11
The big lul said on 20/Aug/20
I’ll probably just go 6’9-6’9.25 max for big show at this point he doesn’t even look 6’10 with people like undertaker, Kane, Braun Strowman, and Drew McIntyre. But in his wrestling gear he’s probably 6’9.5-6’10 max. IMO I think it’s probably like this now
Drew McIntyre: 6’4.5
Undertaker: 6’5.75-6’6 max with perfect posture
Kane: 6’6-6’6.5
Braun Strowman:6’6.25-6’6.5
Big show: 6’9-6’9.25
6'3 Julian said on 20/Aug/20
I think Big Show could’ve been slightly over 7’0 in his prime, and still looks 7’ today
Riky said on 16/Aug/20
I think 6'9" range fit him, in the sane range if not slightly taller Than kavin Durant.
He isn't 6'10" today I fell
Roderick said on 16/Aug/20
@Matt logan Honestly, he could be 6'8", lol. He is looking extremely short nowadays, and of course, I mean short as in compared to his peak height.
But does it even make sense to say he had once been 7'0"?
Matt logan said on 14/Aug/20
6'8 for big show
Pierre said on 13/Aug/20
Big Show /Braun Strowman both without wrestler shoes =
Click Here
Hafthor 6"7.5' /Braun =
Click Here
How much is Big Show more than hafthor....not even sure a complete inch .By
Hafthor Braun is not 6"6.5',
Hafthor sleep in the pic and his head looks always taller than Braun's cap....
Pierre said on 13/Aug/20
Click Here =Big Show here never looks close to 6"10' next to Shaq listed 7"0.25' .Shaq tower over him.
SeanR said on 12/Aug/20
Hi Rob,
Still any chance A-Train (Matt Bloom) gets a listing here?
It seems like he is one of the most requested wrestlers that I see on this site.
As I have posted in previous posts Bloom gave the 6’6” vibe at his peak. Plus he wore footwear that looked a little suspicious as he was very close in height to peak Undertaker, Kane and Matt Morgan. He also looked an inch taller that Test who is listed at 6’5” here.
For Bloom:
Peak: 6’6” (Close to 6’8” in big boots)
Current: 6’5”

Editor Rob
6ft 6 range peak is likely.
The big lul said on 9/Aug/20
Personally big show in the last 4 years hasn’t looked a legit 6’10 guy. Looked about 3.5 - 4 inches shorter than 7ft Shaq, 2.5- 3 inches taller than 6’6.5 max Braun Strowman and looked 4.5- 5 inches max taller than 6’4.5 drew mcintyre. So I think it’s about time that big show gets a downgrade to 6’9.25 to max 6’9.5
Khaja Qadaruddin said on 6/Aug/20
With all due respect to the giant big show.. His current listing need to be downgraded for sure Rob..He certainly don't look 6'10 with 7 feet Shaq at their last staredown outside the ring.
Jkiller said on 5/Aug/20
Peak was 7'0 exactly, nowadays 6'10.75 (210cm).
Thatch said on 4/Aug/20
Lost a little height as he’s gotten older, probably was 7’0 in his prime, but I don’t think he held it all day long. Probably woke up at 7’0 in his prime
Keegan Guyer said on 2/Aug/20
Been in the Army for 18 years. Was deployed to Iraq in 2008/2009 with 10th MTN Division. The wrestlers came to Victory Base Complex (VBC) in December for salute to the troops. I am just over 6 foot... about 6 foot 2 in my combat boots. Paul was about 6 foot 10 I would say in tennis shoes. I say this because a guy I was deployed with was 6 foot 9 and Paul said to him "Gosh youre a tall dude... its not often someone can look me in the eye." But he had a footware advantage.
SeanR said on 1/Aug/20
Kevin Nash always seemed 2.5 inches shorter than Big Show throughout their career.
Nowadays it’s more than likely an inch to an 1 1/2.
Slim92 said on 21/Jul/20
I saw that match between nash and Morgan. Morgan had on his obviously huge internal lifts and nash had those flats. Morgan had those same boots anytine he was in the ring with Kane.
Kan said on 20/Jul/20
If you look Kane Who have a 10 inch long head next to big show , is not impossible 11.5 inch, but again i don’t put his head as 12 inch
Click Here
Kan said on 20/Jul/20
Thank you jt
Yes i think Rob was right. Nash has a 10.5 inch long head. I see Matt Morgan with kurt angle and he doesn’t seem to have a Much longer head. Probably 9.75 inch at most but not 10 considering that Billy gunn has a longer head than him.. Matt can seems extremly tall. For big show yes he has a bigger head than nash but not as big as 12... 1.5 inch between big show and nash is really too much, but 11.5 seems very believable
JT said on 15/Jul/20
Click Here Add at least 0.25” to Rob’s 9.5” head given the smile.
Click Here At ~ 6’9” Matt Morgan’s head is not going to less than 10”.
Click Here
Kan said on 15/Jul/20
Only one question.
If Nash has 10.5 inch long head, how long is matt Morgan head? Are you still sure on 10.5 ?
Click Here
Matt Morgan seems to have a 10 inch head
Click Here

Editor Rob
It seems smaller by near an inch, but I don't know if they are the same distance from camera.
mrtguy said on 15/Jul/20
Kan said on 13/Jul/20
If Nash head is 10.25 then big show head is 10.7
Half of an inch difference is possible but not over. you have no idea what it means to have a 2 inch longer head. It’s maybe the difference between rob and big show, let alone the difference between Nash and big show.
If for you this is only 3/4 of an inch of difference, because rob has a 9.5 inch head
Click Here
Then I don't want to imagine how “big” 2 inches are for you 😂 and I don’t want to imagine big show head in this pic 🙈
Nash’s head isn’t much bigger than Rob’s if you look at them together . Look comparing people’s head isn’t the same as comparing one book to another! Big Shows head is really massive it’s 12 inches and Kevin Nash is not much over 10 inches.
Kan said on 14/Jul/20
My friend met Roman reigns in person and my friend’s head is 9 inch and Roman has a clearly big head than him.
If you see Thor next to rob who have a 9.5 inch head you can clearly see that Thor has a big head and triple h head is very similar to Thor.
I don’t wanna speak with a guy who considerer Roman and triple h head longer like 5ft6 guy 😂
my head is 9.25 inch... are you sure that my head is bigger than triple h and Roman ?😆 I met Justin Bieber in person who have a similar head to me
Click Here
Click Here
Came on man. I don’t speak English very well but you have a measurement problem
Kan said on 13/Jul/20
If Nash head is 10.25 then big show head is 10.7
Half of an inch difference is possible but not over. you have no idea what it means to have a 2 inch longer head. It’s maybe the difference between rob and big show, let alone the difference between Nash and big show.
If for you this is only 3/4 of an inch of difference, because rob has a 9.5 inch head
Click Here
Then I don't want to imagine how “big” 2 inches are for you 😂 and I don’t want to imagine big show head in this pic 🙈
Duhon said on 12/Jul/20
Triple H seems to stand taller next to Big Show than next to
Hafthor Bjornnsonn
Click Here
Kan said on 12/Jul/20
I think no one try to misure big show head so you can only estimate it. I had noticed that he had a bigger head than nash when they did various face to face. You said that thor has a small head for his size as 10-10.25 inch long. Now you put Nash head only 1/4 of inch longer than Thor, when you said for years that Nash and kingma in person have at least an inch longer head than Thor.
this is triple h next to Thor
Click Here
This is triple h next to Nash
Click Here
You can clearly see that triple h has a 10 inch long head, same size as Thor and for sure longer than yours. And Nash about an inch longer than triple h. Without any doubt big show doesn’t have a 12 inch head, but clearly 11.5 inch.. but of course if you want to put nash head only half of an inch longer than triple h head, then big show has a 11 inch head but isn’t the truth in my opinion
mrtguy said on 12/Jul/20
Kan said on 10/Jul/20
I doubt Nash have only a 10.5 inch head even because his head seems easily an inch longer than triple h head
Click Here
It’s hard to believe triple h head only 9.5 inch even considerer that hhh head is about half of an inch longer than Roman reigns head
Click Here
True Roman doesn’t have a big head but I don’t put a 6ft2 plus guy head only 9 inch.
Even considerer big show and triple h head
Click Here
I think the truth is this:
Roman reigns: 9.5 inch
Triple h: 10 inch
Kevin Nash: 11 inch
Big show: 11.5 inch
You got maybe 1/4 right
Roman Reign's head is probably 9''
Triple H head less than 10'' more like 9 inches
Kevin Nash probably 10.25''
seems more realistic.
JT said on 11/Jul/20
Click Here The other guy, Yoshihiro Takayama, is a wrestler/MMA fighter is listed 6’5” and looks around 6’4” with Bob Sapp assuming comparable footwear
Click Here
Another photo of Big Show and Bret Hart
Click Here
Rob’s noggin is 9.5” long.
Click Here Factor in the lower camera angle, Big Show being a little father from the camera than Hart and the top of his head being cut off ~ 1/8 – 1/4", and his head again comes out around 12 inches long.
mrtguy said on 10/Jul/20
Kan said on 8/Jul/20
I considerer top head- eye range about an inch shorter than eye-chin for big show. Like Kevin Nash who have 5 inch eyelevel and 11 inch long head. I know that 5.5 inch eye level is huge but definitely seems to have about the same of undertaker, strowman. Definitely 5.25 inch seems possible that in my opinion make big show a 11.5 inch head
Nah Kevin Nash has a noticeably smaller head compared to Big Show more than half an inch?
Kevin Nash head seems to be about 10.25' and Big Show's closer to 12''.
184guy2 said on 10/Jul/20
Show looked nearer 7' than 6'11 with Uncle Phil
Kan said on 10/Jul/20
I doubt Nash have only a 10.5 inch head even because his head seems easily an inch longer than triple h head
Click Here
It’s hard to believe triple h head only 9.5 inch even considerer that hhh head is about half of an inch longer than Roman reigns head
Click Here
True Roman doesn’t have a big head but I don’t put a 6ft2 plus guy head only 9 inch.
Even considerer big show and triple h head
Click Here
I think the truth is this:
Roman reigns: 9.5 inch
Triple h: 10 inch
Kevin Nash: 11 inch
Big show: 11.5 inch
Kan said on 10/Jul/20
Editor rob: I think half inch longer at least than Nash, who himself can have 10.5 range head so it could be fair to say Show's wouldn't be under 11 inches.
But Nash doesn’t have a full 11 inch head ? I mean if you cut Nash's head to eye level and position his chin on the eye level, the top of Nash’s head is located about the middle of the nose. So definitely is more 11 inch like you said. Maybe big show has a head length between 11 and 12 inch

Editor Rob
In person I think a 10.5 inch head for Nash could be likely, but as much as 11? I don't know, I mean it would be interesting if these stats were ever measured for wrestlers, but it's something I rarely ever read about, let alone seen anybody mention measuring it.
Canson said on 9/Jul/20
@Roderick: slim and shredded I’m not sure about but he’s def thinner
Kan said on 9/Jul/20
If you rewatched the old match of big show, back 2002 he went face to face with lesnar multiple time. I mean big show in 2002 was near the peak mark and with lesnar he looked this distance
Click Here
Is a bad quality, but is even in footwear advantage and didn’t look to have a full head, but Brock lesnar seems about 2 inch over his chin. I really doubt his head is “only” 11 inch

Editor Rob
his head looks quite long with Brock, not less than 11 inches there.
Vegas' said on 8/Jul/20
Wights head looks really large with Kane. Kane probably had 10 inch head himself
Click Here
Kan said on 8/Jul/20
I considerer top head- eye range about an inch shorter than eye-chin for big show. Like Kevin Nash who have 5 inch eyelevel and 11 inch long head. I know that 5.5 inch eye level is huge but definitely seems to have about the same of undertaker, strowman. Definitely 5.25 inch seems possible that in my opinion make big show a 11.5 inch head
Roderick said on 7/Jul/20
The chances of Show being over 7'0" in his prime is 0.
He was at the most 7'0", likely a morning height like Canson said.
Massive human being still, even when hes all slim and shredded now.
JT said on 7/Jul/20
Big Show’s head is probably around 12 inches; Andre’s was likely similar in length but looked wider, especially below the eyes, and was probably close to normal length from the eyes up.
John Tenta had a huge head and it’s still noticeably smaller than Big Show’s
Click Here
A basketball has a 9.5” diameter
Click Here (the higher camera angle does favor Big Show a bit in the comparison, which is why his head ends up looking more than 12 inches long)
Big Show and Bret Hart and Hart with Rob
Click Here Hart’s head looks longer than Rob’s, which is maybe 9.5 inches (?) long.
Kan said on 7/Jul/20
In this shot Nash doesn’t rise his eyes up
Click Here
But big show still have a longer head.. maybe 12 inch is too much but 11.5 inch seems very likely

Editor Rob
I think half inch longer at least than Nash, who himself can have 10.5 range head so it could be fair to say Show's wouldn't be under 11 inches.
Pierre said on 6/Jul/20
Click Here Big Show and Kevin Nash (6"8.75' here,average guess a bit less) here both very probably without possible advantageous wrestler shoes,here camera low that logically give a good advantage to the closest man,so Big Show.To me Big Show by this pic is clearly a bit shorter than Kevin.
mrtguy said on 6/Jul/20
His head is probably 12 inches maximum and I don't think his head is just 11'' seems to be longer than that.
Kan said on 6/Jul/20
Is a 5.5 inch eye level possible for big show ?

Editor Rob
With his shaven head, I've never quite thought it was that big...but something worth remembering with taller guys. Their eyelevel in photos with smaller people can sometimes be reduced a few mm.
When you photograph Big Show with hair at a better distance and with a bigger focal length,
Click can see compared to normal man's head, it could be over 5 and not far from 5.5.
But in many wrestling videos, especially behind the scenes, it never looked that long.
Canson said on 5/Jul/20
This guy has never seen 7’2. Peak 7’0/7’0.5 out of bed 6’11-6’11.25 peak afternoon
mrtguy said on 5/Jul/20
Rob, I can guarantee you Big Show's head is 12'' long under a measuring tape it looks quite massive even next to guy's with big head like Taker, Kane, Nash and etc...
Kan said on 4/Jul/20
However big rob
If Nash have a 11 inch long head and big show have a 11 inch long head, in my opinion there is something wrong
Click Here

Editor Rob
When Nash raises his eyes up a bit, he'll be knocking near 2cm off his head length, whilst Big Show keeps his steady (or very slightly lowered).
Kan said on 4/Jul/20
If you considerer that khali and big show have a very similar head size.. if you compare a 6ft2 guy next to peak khaki 7ft1 there are a 11 inch difference
Click Here
And doesn’t seems that khali have a full head on 6ft2 guy... I can see half of an inch up to an inch
Kan said on 4/Jul/20
I don’t know but for sure is bigger than Nash head. I have to say at least 11.5 inch
Vegas' said on 3/Jul/20
Duhon by my reckoning Omogbehin is the second tallest person ever under WWE employment.
Silo Sam I believe worked one WWE tryout match but estimates place him at ~7'2
Estim8r said on 2/Jul/20
I’d say peak 7’2ish, 7’0 now
Kan said on 1/Jul/20
Is Big show head size about 12 inch ? Seems a lot bigger than Nash in every staredown and Nash probably have a 11 inch long head
Click Here

Editor Rob
As big as a foot? 11 inches yes, but a full foot?
It would have been interesting if somebody documented Andre the Giant's true head size, and also Big Show's!
Duhon said on 30/Jun/20
When Jordan enters the WWE how many former stars were ever legitimately taller than him? Giant Gonzalez? I wonder if they will try to bill him at 7'5"?
Pierre said on 30/Jun/20
Click Here Another Dennis Rodman/big Show,Dennis Rodman wearing very apparently poor solesand Big Show looking up
SeanR said on 26/Jun/20
Big Show (Paul Wight) height timeline over the years in wrestling:
1995 - 2000: Morning 7’1.25”, Evening 7’0”
2001 - 2003: Morning 7’0.75”, Evening 6’11.5”
2004 - 2008: (Before & After 1st weight loss) Morning 7’0.25”, Evening 6’11”
2009 - 2014: Morning 6’11.5”, Evening 6’10.25”
2015 - 2016 (Before 2nd weight loss): Morning 6’10.75”, Evening 6’9.5”
2017 - current (After 2nd weight loss): Morning 6’11.5”, Evening 6’10.25”
Bottom line is everytime Big Show puts on weight he loses height especially since he got older. But once he loses weight it improves his posture. These are just estimates but I base these heights on watching him in the ring for 25 years and from pics with other people (Shaq, Dirk Nowitski, Dennis Rodman, Lebron James, etc.)
JT said on 24/Jun/20
This article
Click Here indicates that Jordan Omogbehin had a “growth” removed from his pituitary gland, which would help explain his height and his already weighing 330 lbs. at age 19/20. The article then goes on to state that his height is a “mystery” given the height of other family members….. He's already had two knee surgeries, including for a torn ACL, so you may not see him being very active in the ring.
Riky said on 23/Jun/20
Click Here
That giant next to someone billed 175cm
RoelC said on 22/Jun/20
Vegas' said on 18/Jun/20
Roel I would be surprised if he is below 7'2 looking at him with Matt Bloom Click Here
I think intimidation in pro wrestling alot comes from strong booking. Reis as you mentioned was protrayed as weak whereas the others you mentioned debuted either super strong or in Andres case were a top attraction for 25 years
Nice pic! Omogbehin is looking huge next to Matt Bloom, but he's also standing closer to the camera and Bloom is looking quite a bit shorter than Babatunde (who was listed 6'9" in the NFL). Bloom could've lost some height over the years. Haven't seen much of Bloom since he retired as a pro-wrestler.
RoelC said on 22/Jun/20
Speaking about Jordan Omogbehin, here's a 2014-2015 basketball teampic from Morgan State University.
Click Here
The guy on his left is 7ft listed Zech Smith. He looks easily 3 inches shorter than Omogbehin.
Zech Smith has also been signed to a WWE developmental deal earlier this year.
JT said on 21/Jun/20
As RoelC said, the camera angles were a bit off but you can still get a decent idea how Big Show and Jordan O would measure up.
Click Here If Big Show stood straight it’s still probably at least a 3 inch difference. Jordan O’s head does not go to the top of the hood (like Ron Reis’ head in the Yeti costume and he also played a giant Ninja….), but he looks taller than Reis, Khali, Shaq, Giant Silva... Unless there is something in the inside, the footwear looks surprisingly small too
Click Here However, I would think WWE would want to make him look as tall as possible IF he's going to be their new giant and considering Big Show probably does not have too much time left with the company. Jordan O looks at least 350 lbs. too.
Lanky said on 19/Jun/20
Interesting pic of ‘peak’ Big Show looking a very similar height to Dennis Rodman. Particularly considering Dennis has his head tilted.
Click Here
Click Here That was 2007. Big Show did not look as tall then as in his WCW or early WWF days. John Sally was 6’10” range.
184guy2 said on 19/Jun/20
Show will need some serious lifts and the african guy almost barefoot .... if not Vince needs to bill him up to 7'5 to make 7' Show believible. Maybe big Rob Paul can find a solution for our fellas wrestlers :)
184guy2 said on 19/Jun/20
You must be kididng, Rodman is A LOT CLOSER to the camera and still some inches shorter
Lanky said on 19/Jun/20
Interesting pic of ‘peak’ Big Show looking a very similar height to Dennis Rodman. Particularly considering Dennis has his head tilted.
Click Here
viper said on 18/Jun/20
I really doubt he's his listed 7-3
7-2 at most
Vegas' said on 18/Jun/20
Roel I would be surprised if he is below 7'2 looking at him with Matt Bloom
Click Here
I think intimidation in pro wrestling alot comes from strong booking. Reis as you mentioned was protrayed as weak whereas the others you mentioned debuted either super strong or in Andres case were a top attraction for 25 years
miko said on 18/Jun/20
I think the best that Show can hope for if they have a staredown is coming up to his eyebrow area, he does seem to be a legit 7'3. We should see Show stand to his absolute maximum if they do so it will be interesting.
This guy would have a solid 2.5' on Shaq. Even a prime Show in his early WCW boots would be looking up.
Vegas' said on 16/Jun/20
7'3 college basketball listed Jordan Omogbehin debuted in WWE Sunday night. On Raw he was involved in same segment as the returning Big Show so we might get some interaction between those two
Click Here
He is extremely tall guy over 7 foot as evidenced next to Kevin Nash
Click Here
Potentially second tallest wrestler in WWE history perhaps next to Gonzales.
Canson said on 16/Jun/20
viper said on 9/Jun/20
Finch measured 6-3.2 at a junior pro day.
Did he really grow an inch to 6-4.1?
Another reason why we can’t trust pre draft or combine measurements. The same way that certain people swore Wade was 6’3.75 and only an inch shorter than Kobe. I can look at Wade physically and tell that he is not 6’4”
RoelC said on 16/Jun/20
Big Show returned to RAW last night as a back-up to the Street Profits & Viking Raiders who were fighting a group of Ninja's (yeah I'm not making this up!). One of them was a giant Ninja, portrayed by former college basketball player Jordan Omogbehin. No idea how tall that guy is, but he was listed 7'3" in College Basketball. He looked easily 6 inches taller than Nash, but was standing closer to the camera. My guess is he's at least 7'1" though.
Although Big Show & Jordan Omogbehin didn't have a face-off, I did merge two screen shots together to get an idea how these two would measure off. The camera isn't 100% the same, so it's not entirely accurate. Big Show could stand a little taller, but if this is what it would look like, than that guy is huge!
Click Here
I wonder if WWE will have these guys fued with one another. I'm not sure if Jordan has what it takes to become the next giant in profesional wrestling. He's big, he's tall, but he doesn't have that intimidating look that guys like Andre, Big Show or even The Great Khali had. And we haven't seen him wrestle either and having him come out as a Giant Ninja (flashback to Ron Reis who had a similar gimmick in WCW) doesn't do him any favours either.
Pierre said on 15/Jun/20
Click Here = The low camera stand on the side to Big Show (closer to him than to Shaq) ,Big Show's head looking so big here compared to Shaq's head .With a better angle(camera higher and centred) I 'm sure the difference of height would look very probably a lot bigger between both guys.
Riky said on 10/Jun/20
We can argue that Shaq (7ft peak) was 6'11.5/75 range back to the face off with big show?
If we can then Show was about 6'10.25 in my opinion, out of gear he looked a lot shorter next to Shaq but probably excluding strange camera angles I can see 2 inches between them
Dan Trojan said on 9/Jun/20
Pierre you talk about big show having advantage with boots over shaq but what about when shaq guest hosted raw at the beginning of the show they were both wearing dress shoes no footwear advantage and there was an 1.5" difference in those other photos you speak of i think it has to do with camera angles i don't believe shaq has 3 inches on the big show
viper said on 9/Jun/20
Finch measured 6-3.2 at a junior pro day.
Did he really grow an inch to 6-4.1?
viper said on 8/Jun/20
Whoa, people are talking about Shareef Finch?
That's funny because last year I found out he measured 6-3 and the 6-4 is bogus.
Click Here
Click Here
Pierre said on 7/Jun/20
@Canson = In the ring Big Show had very probably very advantageous wrestler shoes,out of ring in the pic I posted, both very probably with same heels, Shaq looks like he tower over big Show.
Canson said on 7/Jun/20
@Pierre: that is precisely what Show would’ve been peak 6’11” but not 7’. In the ring, Shaq only had about 1.5” on him
Canson said on 5/Jun/20
@Vegas: 6’4 1/8” is what Finch shows on his. If pattern is the same 6’3.75 or 6’3 5/8”. So there’s about 3/4” between them if they were measured at the same time
Pierre said on 5/Jun/20
@JT = A 6"11' peak for Big Show seems to myself generous,I doubt Big Show lost lot's of height by the years= here with 7"0.25' Shaq and for this time both very probably wearing classic shoes =
Click Here ....(camera low and Big Show closer to the camera)
Pierre said on 5/Jun/20
@JT = A 6"11' peak for Big Show seems to myself generous,I doubt Big Show lost lot's of height by the years= here with 7"0.25' Shaq and for this time both very probably wearing classic shoes =
Click Here ....
Canson said on 5/Jun/20
Vegas' said on 31/May/20
Canson, yes I would because it looks ~7 inches difference taking into account Wights head size. JTs photo of 6'4 measured Finch and Dawkins taken middle of day suggests 6'3 3/8 is too short for Dawkins though.
Roderick, I met Matt Bloom and Taker out of gear in 2004 and 2006 and Taker was taller. On TV they looked similar height so you can't base everything on that.
I mean how tall does Undertaker look here Click Here
Also Sids 6'6 claim is too vague. There is a difference between 6'6 flat and 6'6 3/4
I’m not sure how tall Finch actually is but there is a good chance he’s less than 6’4”. We don’t know when he was measured. If Sid claimed 6’6, I doubt he means 6’6.75” but knowing height varies throughout the day it’s possible Sid was a strong 6’6” like Rob lists him. In your encounter with Taker, how tall would you have guessed him? I thought Taker looked 199cm range with Ali Baba and probably 6’7 In his prime
JT said on 2/Jun/20
A 6’11” peak Big Show puts Wichita State’s starting center John Smith (listed at 6’8”) in the 6’5” range
Click Here Not impossible but highly unlikely for a Division I team.
WCW Big Show with Ed Leslie (Brutus Beefcake)
Click Here and Jimmy Hart.
Click Here Rob has Leslie at 6’2”. I don’t think he’s quite that tall but it’s still almost a full head size difference. Jimmy Hart was around 5’9”. Big Show's boots probably have a 1.25 to 1.5 inch heel under the pivot point but we're still talking at most a 0.25 to 0.5 inch advantage over Leslie's and Hart's footwear.
Big Show’s definitely lost height over the years – it may be a combo of some shortening of his spine and his tendency to lean forward at the waist, which may have started when he started packing on weight around his waist.
Canson said on 1/Jun/20
@Mrtguy and Rob:
I think Rob has him listed appropriately give Dawkins is most likely a morning measurement being it took place at the combine. So more 6’3 3/8” for Dawkins would put Show right at 6’10”. We can argue that he likely isn’t less than 6’10” based on this
Vegas' said on 31/May/20
Canson, yes I would because it looks ~7 inches difference taking into account Wights head size. JTs photo of 6'4 measured Finch and Dawkins taken middle of day suggests 6'3 3/8 is too short for Dawkins though.
Roderick, I met Matt Bloom and Taker out of gear in 2004 and 2006 and Taker was taller. On TV they looked similar height so you can't base everything on that.
I mean how tall does Undertaker look here
Click Here
Also Sids 6'6 claim is too vague. There is a difference between 6'6 flat and 6'6 3/4
mrtguy said on 31/May/20
Rob, if the Dion Dawkins was measured 6'3.75'' barefoot wouldn't that Big Show 7 feet tall I mean in this picture looks taller and I don't why you have him listed at 6'10'' only no??
Click Here

Editor Rob
Given less sneaker for Dion I would say Show looks near 6ft 10.5 that moment.
mrtguy said on 31/May/20
miko said on 28/May/20
Don't forget here is Show with 6'8 Big Cass just a year or 2 back.
Click Here
No way on this earth could a 6'9 man pull off looking that tall with a minimal (0.25') footwear advantage. It's arguable he's still looking 6'11 there.
Personally I've still got him at over 6'10 barefoot when he stands fully straight.
Agreed. People just want to downgrade his height without acknowledging how he measures in real life. I still believe he can 6'11'' or more early in the day and dip down at night.
Canson said on 30/May/20
@Vegas: that 6’3 3/4” was a morning height however. More 6’3 3/8 if we went with a normal measurement. Would you say still 6’10” based on that?
Roderick said on 30/May/20
@Vegas Yes it does. Knowing Sid is shorter than we thought he was, would also mean Undertaker is shorter than we thought he was. And we know Undertaker has any many encounters with Show over the years.
UndertakerFrank said on 29/May/20
Miko i met BIG CASS and he was atleast 6ft 7 to 6ft 8 he told me he was 6ft 9
miko said on 28/May/20
Don't forget here is Show with 6'8 Big Cass just a year or 2 back.
Click Here
No way on this earth could a 6'9 man pull off looking that tall with a minimal (0.25') footwear advantage. It's arguable he's still looking 6'11 there.
Personally I've still got him at over 6'10 barefoot when he stands fully straight.
Vegas' said on 28/May/20
Roderick he looks more than 6'9.5 next to 6'3 3/4 barefoot measured Dion Dawkins in normal shoes and that was only last year.
Sid's height estimate has little relevance to Paul Wights if they never stood next to each other
Roderick said on 27/May/20
Pretty surprising he's still listed at 7'0" peak and 6'10" today.
6'11.5" peak and 6'9.5" today Rob? You downgraded Undertaker and Sid, it would make sense to drop Show as well.
Canson said on 20/May/20
@Pierre: Smith was at his peak at 22 years old. Avery began to shrink later in the series which is why the height difference decreased. Smith was not more than about 6’1 though not 6’1.5 like he’s listed
Pierre said on 19/May/20
@184guy2 The pics you posted are without even a doubt old pics compared to the pic with Big Show inwhich James Avery looks like an old man here.James Avery and Will Smith clearly are looking young in your pic...and not even sure Will Smith in his 21/ 22 here was even at his max peak...of course James Avery was at his max peak here...and very probably he has lost height by the years next to Big Show ...
Lyle said on 18/May/20
He didn't look that much taller than Taker on episode 2 of 'The Last Ride' at the very best I can give is 6'9 MAX
184guy2 said on 17/May/20
Both Pics aren't from the same period. One isfrom 95-99 , other from 2011. So 15ish years difference . James wasn'tin his peak in 2011 . Look him and Will Smith in the past :
Click Here
Click Here
Now the argument will be that Will was never over 6'0.75 ...........
John barrett said on 17/May/20
I wouldn't be surprised if Rob dropped Big Show (Paul Wright) to 6'9 1/2 he has came down in height a bit and not long ago had a hip replaced - not the 7 footer he was once.
Pierre said on 16/May/20
In fact in this pic next to Big Show James Avery looks older than in the pic I posted ,when he has 2 inches on a 6"1.5' Will Smith but Will stands in a terrible posture.James Avery is himself in a poor posture next to Big Show...Even if both pics are same period ,Then this pic never means Big Show is close to 6"11'.
Braylon said on 16/May/20
When I saw the Big Show stand face to face with the Great Khali who claimed to be 7'1" at the time, I had Big Show At 7'0" at the least because he looked half an inch to 1 inch
shorter because there wasn't that big of a difference, when I saw him with Shaq who I also heard was around 7'1" there looked to be a 2 to 3 inch difference so did that mean Khali wasn't a legitimate 7'1" guy ?
Braylon Samuel said on 16/May/20
When I saw the Big Show stand face to face with the Great Khali who claimed to be 7'1" at the time, I had Big Show At 7'0" at the least because he looked half an inch to 1 inch because there wasn't that big of a difference, when I saw him with Shaq who I also heard was around 7'1" there looked to be a 2 to 3 inch difference so did that mean Khali wasn't a legitimate 7'1" guy ?
RoelC said on 15/May/20
Pierre said on 14/May/20
This is imo an old James Avery next to Big Show in the pic,plus James Avery does not stand very straight in the pic .Here is imo a picture at around the same period = Will Smith here in poor posture / James Avery Click Here =by considering the postures he looks maybe 6"3' here ?
Judging from Big Show's haircut that pic is either from 1998 or early 1999.
That reunion pic of the Fresh Prince cast is from late 2011.
Click Here
So hardly the same timeframe. There's about 12 years between those pics.
Avery isn't dropping much height there either.
184guy2 said on 15/May/20
This photo is probably from 1995-1999 ( when show as already famous and got long hair)
Avery was 49-54 at time ( could have lost a fraction by the time )
He also at moments looked 4inches taller than Will , but over 6'4 was likely , he got a solid inch , maybe plus in Chavy Chase . Show looks a solid 7 inches taller . Hard to see a mm less than 6'11 , with 6'11.5-7' being likely
Canson said on 14/May/20
Duhon said on 13/May/20
@184guy2 interesting picture. Avery himself would sometimes almost dwarf 6'1.5" Will Smith on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
He did dwarf him at times. It seemed less toward the end of the series. I know Ribeiro once called Avery 6’4” and Smith 6’2”. Avery may have been nearer what Rob lists him today in his prime and Smith more like 186 cm (Holyfield size) or 6’1”. Avery 6’4.5 or .75 maybe
Pierre said on 14/May/20
This is imo an old James Avery next to Big Show in the pic,plus James Avery does not stand very straight in the pic .Here is imo a picture at around the same period = Will Smith here in poor posture / James Avery
Click Here =by considering the postures he looks maybe 6"3' here ?
Duhon said on 13/May/20
@184guy2 interesting picture. Avery himself would sometimes almost dwarf 6'1.5" Will Smith on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Roberto Ranallo said on 13/May/20
Big show is a legit 7 footer I would say because he looks about 1 inch shorter then Shaq who’s 7’1
184guy2 said on 9/May/20
Show with 6'4.75 James Avery:
Click Here
Looks pretty close to 7'
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 8/May/20
And on the other hand, some combine measurements are legit or very close to it, like Antonio Brown and Peyton Manning.
Canson said on 6/May/20
@Christian and Vegas: some guys actually can measure up to 5/8 or 3/4” less than their combine. However I agree it’s usually 3/8” or 1/2” below their measurement to arrive at a low meaning Dawkins could be 6’3.25” afternoon height but I would 6’3 3/8 is fair
Vegas" said on 5/May/20
Dawkins would be 6'3 3/8 max at his low if he measured 6'3 8/10 within hour out of bed. Of course we don't know his actual low or time photo was taken so it's just assumptions at this point.
Roderick said on 4/May/20
I would love to see a photo of Big Show and Enes Kanter together. I bet Show would look the same height
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 3/May/20
He may have measured 6'3 8/10" and 6'3 6/8" or whatever, I'm not disagreeing with you on that, but those are early day measurements more than likely. He'd be more 6'3 3/8" max at his low.
Vegas' said on 29/Apr/20
Christian we have measured height(s) for Dawkins hence why I used him as evidence. It's also an excellent photo, taken within last year or so where we can see ground, stance and footwear which we rarely get with wrestler photos on here and most importantly it is taken inside so we know ground is level.
Dawkins has a measurement of 6'3 8/10ths barefoot on couchscout to go with others like draftscout saying 6'3 6/8th so don't see any sites listing him lower than upper 6'3
cleaner said on 29/Apr/20
I think he shrunk 2 1/2 Inches, probably about 6 feet 10 or 6 feet 9 1/2.
JT said on 28/Apr/20
Dawkins looks as tall as Sharif Finch, who measured 6’4”
Click Here
Door heights are hard to estimate in movies or TV. In some shows, nearly 7’2” Richard Kiel does not even have to duck under what seem to be standard door frames
Click Here
Not sure if this is on the set or in an actual building.
Click Here I've had door frames in my house that have been anywhere from 6'8" to 6'9". I believe the door itself usually measures 6'8" so the frame has to be a little taller to accommodate the door.
A younger Big Show has to duck under a door frame here as well as when entering the elevator, which I believe by code has to have an opening at least 84 inches tall in any commercial building.
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Apr/20
The problem though, is that Dion is more than likely not 6'3 3/4" by noon or night. Combine measurements are typically 1/2" higher than a measurer's low height, and even then, combine mesurements can be iffy at times. (e.g. Shawne Merriman)
Pierre said on 22/Apr/20
mrtguy said on 20/Apr/20
Rob, I don't know why you changed his height, a man this big can shrink two inches a day given so his morning height is likely 7'0'' and night 6'10 some change. For ALL you saying he is 6'8''-6'9'' need help that downgrades every single person he has met that are listed on this site.
mrtguy =7"0.5' Shaq tower over him here.Then you need to change Shaq's height
Click Here Advantageous wrestler shoes make the rest...
SeanR said on 20/Apr/20
Hi Rob,
Could Show still get to 6’10.25 or 6’10.5” today or is there too much evidence suggesting he’s 6’10” or even below that?
mrtguy said on 20/Apr/20
Rob, I don't know why you changed his height, a man this big can shrink two inches a day given so his morning height is likely 7'0'' and night 6'10 some change. For ALL you saying he is 6'8''-6'9'' need help that downgrades every single person he has met that are listed on this site.
Vegas' said on 20/Apr/20
A Man, Dion Dawkins was measured 6'3 3/4 barefoot at NFL combine. There is more than ~5 inches between the two there and footwear is normal. Top of Dawkins head would need to reach Shows eyeline there for him to be approx 6'9 flat as from his eyes to top of his head must be 5+ inches given it's 4.6 inches for normal male head
Click Here
Agree Duhon. 3 inches height loss by 47-48 would be very extreme unless he had some sort of chronic issue or something
Christian 6'5 3/8", that's a tv set door. The two major door heights in the US are 6'8 and 7 foot. There are taller doors than 7 foot but as I pointed out that's a tv set it's height would be unknown.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Apr/20
@Alex 6'0
Show wasn't 6'11.5" by 2010, if not, maybe ever.
mrtguy said on 19/Apr/20
If Big Show is 6’8” that would make Shaq 6’10” which isn’t true
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 18/Apr/20
I'd say the doorframe was around 6'11" range.
Duhon said on 18/Apr/20
Those of you who believe Show is only 6'9" or under now, do you agree with Rob he was 7" in his peak years? A loss of 3" of height for a man not even 50 would be quite extreme.
Trleh Watson said on 18/Apr/20
Still 6’10
Pierre said on 18/Apr/20
Click Here =Big Show and Kane both in classic shoes this time Kane a bit closer to the camera
Click Here = Kane and Vince Vaughn listed 6"4.5' that is maybe a bit generous
Vince Vaughn and
Mel Gibson =
Click Here each time closer to the camera =
Click Here
Click Here = Vince Vaughn with Snoop
Zahid said on 18/Apr/20
Big Show was 6'10.5" or more as late as 2015. Here he is (closer to camera, so advantage) with 6'7.75" Thor:
Click Here
He looks around 3 inches taller.
cmillz said on 18/Apr/20
@Alex 6’0
Except Shaq is 7’0, not 7’1, so Big show was more 6’10.5” around that time.
A Man said on 17/Apr/20
He is absolutely not 6,11”, not even 6,10”.
There are countless pictures of him out of ring gear in normal footwear looking in the 6,9” range, sometimes even shorter. The only times he ever looks 6,10” or more are when he’s wearing his high heels in the ring.
Show is 6,9”. It shouldn’t even be up for discussion at this point.
mrtguy said on 16/Apr/20
Rob, list him at 6’11”?? Please
Roderick said on 15/Apr/20
Show looks 6'8" range if that door is 6'10" but 6'10" range if that door is 7'0".
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Apr/20
That doorframe's probably 2.1m (about 6'10.75"), as 2.1m is a standard doorframe height in some situations, especially in newer buildings. It was also the standard height in my former apartment that I lived in, since my apartment was built relatively new. I can see Show being around an inch shorter, based on the photo (with shoes on), so that would make him around 6'8.75" barefoot.
mrtguy said on 8/Apr/20
Lyle said on 7/Apr/20
After seeing this Mondays raw, where show was face to face with Drew, its easy to see why people guess him at 6'7-6'8 take his boots off and he's not 6'10.
I know that would make Kane around 6'4-6'5 *laughs* but maybe the gap between kane and show is now lower than ever or what we originally thought
The camera angle between Big Show and Drew Mcintyre is DISTORTED WWE always try to do that when they're trying to make a champion always look bigger than they actually are.
ced said on 8/Apr/20
Macintyre is 6'4 on the dot. I have Orton at 6'3.5 and Macyntire did not look more than .5 taller than Orton.
Big Show is 6'8.75 today and in his boots he's about 6'9.75.
Vegas' said on 7/Apr/20
Pretty sure the guy next to Show ie Brian Mast is listed 5'8 online
Click Here
ced said on 7/Apr/20
Here is a photo of Big Show from his new Netflix show..
He's going through the door, anyone know what the height of classroom doors are? He's 2 inches shorter..
Click Here
miko said on 7/Apr/20
I think Drew gets a decent boost in ring gear as he has looked a solid 6'5 in recent times with Undertaker, Strowman and Reigns & Lesnar in recent times, so we can discount any footwear advantage for Big Show. Barefoot I've got McIntyre at 6'4.5, which Rob has too.
I think he was looking around 5/5.5' taller than Drew, although it was hard to tell with the changing angles. I still think if he stands as tall as possible he'd be 6'10 range, military posture/neck straight, knees straight.
rikashiku said on 7/Apr/20
@A Man said on 5/Apr/20
How does someone "appear" a certain height? In the show, he looks like he's over foot taller than most of the cast.
Lyle said on 7/Apr/20
After seeing this Mondays raw, where show was face to face with Drew, its easy to see why people guess him at 6'7-6'8 take his boots off and he's not 6'10.
I know that would make Kane around 6'4-6'5 *laughs* but maybe the gap between kane and show is now lower than ever or what we originally thought
Ozzy said on 7/Apr/20
@A Man , yeah I'll have to check it out when available. I just watched todays WWE Raw 6/4/20, and BS only looked about 6'9" max.
James B 172c, said on 6/Apr/20
Rob what’s your opinion on big shows height recently with Drew McIntyre?
Click Here

Editor Rob
At times can seem sub 6ft 10 but then he might be bobbing a bit on his knees and losing height.
184guy2 said on 6/Apr/20
Looked at leat 5 inches taller than Drew Mcintyre , and I really doubt he had any footwear advantage , so over 6'9.5 is still likely
Alex 6'0 said on 6/Apr/20
Big show peak no doubts was a legit 7'0. Today i can see 6'10 but not no 6'8. With Shaq back in 2010 he looked more 6"11.5 if we believe shaq was 7'1 peak
A Man said on 5/Apr/20
Seen some trailers for the new ‘Big Show’ sitcom he’s done due to come out soon.
In every single shot he has the appearance of a big 6,8” guy. Not a giant 6,10”+ guy.
RoelC said on 30/Mar/20
Roderick said on 24/Mar/20
Perhaps 6'11" was more likely than 7'0". The Mexican Mentors list supposedly had him at 6'11". If he was 7'0" they would not have put him down as 6'11".
Dave Roderick go to DAve Bautista's height page. Last page, all the way down to the bottom you'll find a copy of the Mexican Mentors list. It has Big Show at 213cm, which is 7ft.
Not that it matters, as that list was a complete fraud. I made various remarks about that list back in the day. Like how come wrestlers like Big Show, Goldberg, DDP are on that list, when it's supposedly a list from 1996. Or how come Disco Inferno is on a list of WWF wrestlers, when he never once wrestled in the WWF.
Canson said on 28/Mar/20
@Pierre: Boomer Esiaison? In his prime he was 6’4 range. Today he still looks it next to James Brown. Brown appeared to slightly edge me when I met him in person. Maybe footwear but I could believe he’s 6’4-6’5
Paulo said on 27/Mar/20
did rob the big show use internal elevators?

Editor Rob
I would never accuse Big Show of wearing lifts 😏
Pierre said on 24/Mar/20
SeanR said on 23/Mar/20
Big Show I think these days can still pull off 6’10.5” (bustin a gut).
At peak no question was around 7’0” (or at worst 6’11.75”).
The Shaq pics from the ESPY’s red carpet a few years back was definitely an eye opener and can see how Show might be getting some 6’9” listings. It’s possible at that time he was still 400+ pounds and was hard to stand fully straight because of the weight.
If you put Show and Shaq together today barefoot I still think Shaq would have Show by nearly 2 inches:
Shaq: 7’0.25”
Big Show 6’10.5”
Big show probably with same shoes as Shaq is never only two inches shorter than Shaq here =
Click Here And here the camera is very low and the difference is very probably bigger in reality.The difference between them in the ring looks slimer but Big Show had very probably very advantageous wrestler shoes and/plus maybe Big Show lost height this last years too
Roderick said on 24/Mar/20
Perhaps 6'11" was more likely than 7'0". The Mexican Mentors list supposedly had him at 6'11". If he was 7'0" they would not have put him down as 6'11".
SeanR said on 23/Mar/20
Big Show I think these days can still pull off 6’10.5” (bustin a gut).
At peak no question was around 7’0” (or at worst 6’11.75”).
The Shaq pics from the ESPY’s red carpet a few years back was definitely an eye opener and can see how Show might be getting some 6’9” listings. It’s possible at that time he was still 400+ pounds and was hard to stand fully straight because of the weight.
If you put Show and Shaq together today barefoot I still think Shaq would have Show by nearly 2 inches:
Shaq: 7’0.25”
Big Show 6’10.5”
Paulll said on 20/Mar/20
Rob hello analyze this video, especially the ending, the big show seems to be wearing shoes with a type of heel, shoes different from normal, too bad the video quality is bad
Click Here

Editor Rob
Tricky to tell...the video did look a bit stretched horizontally which might have made footwear look thinner.
Pierre said on 20/Mar/20
Click Here Click Here = Max 6"2' Alberto Del Rio /Big Show in probably advantageous wrestler shoes
Click Here (he had very probably an advantage of shoes next to Rob)
Click Here =Probably same type of shoes Alberto imo a bit closer to the camera but slouching,watch their respective shoulders compared to both women too.
Other =
Click Here
Pierre said on 18/Mar/20
@Robbe = Boomer as tall as 6"4'? = here next to 214 cm Shaq,Boomer closer to the camera =
Click Here .Hum...not sure
Big Show closer to the camera without his wrestler shoes /214 cm Shaq =
Click Here ...
Randy Orton supposed 6"4' closer to the camera than Shaq.... =
Click Here hum...
Kane /Vince Vaughn =
Click Here Vince Vaughn/
Mel Gibson =
Click Here ... Vince Vaughn 6"3.75' Snoop =
Click Here Click Here = Vince in better posture here...
Robbe said on 18/Mar/20
Show doesn't look much shorter than 6'11 listed Winston James Francis, compared to 6'4 Henry Simmons and Randy Orton.
Click Here
There is though zero chance Winston is 6'11. He is more like a 6'9 - 6'9.5 guy. For some reason Big Rob still holds him at 6'11.
Canson said on 18/Mar/20
@Robbe: the pic with Kane where they said he doesn’t look more than 6’5 range is not a good pic either. Boomer is closer to the camera and on camera he still looks pretty close to 6’4” with James brown etc. maybe he shrunk to 6’3.5-.75 but that’s it
Robbe said on 17/Mar/20
6'4 Boomer here with Show, Kane, and Wilder.
Click Here
Kane and Wilder are both loosing 2in due to being further away from the camera. Their heads look tiny lol. Big Show's head looks the same size as Boomer's. Surely Show has bigger head than Boomer? Means Show is most likely also loosing height there. Anyway, 6'7 is bollocks for Show, looks at least 6'9 compared to Kane and Wilder.
Show here with 6'2
Mark Henry, compared to 6'10.5 Suotamo. Both guys next to Suotamo are 6'5.
Click Here
Suotamo looks about 1.5in taller in my opinion. That would make Show around 6'9. Depending on Henry is really 6'2.
Show and Strowman here with 6'3.5 Randy Orton.
Click Here
Wrestling photos are a bit tricky cause you never know if they are wearing internal lifts or not.
Linke said on 16/Mar/20
CVV claims 5'10" and does look close to it.
Mark Henry is 6'2" based on Rob's listing.
Roderick said on 14/Mar/20
@Canson Big Show can look 6'7" at times. Look up ASL Ice Bucket challenge with 6'1"
Mark Henry and max 6'3.25" Jon Jones. He looks max 6'7.5" and also when a guy estimated at around 5'8" (Chris Van Vilet I think) interviewed Big Show, Show looked only 6'7" as well. There is a chance Show is only in that range barefoot, but I'd say a chance at 6'9" max is low but still possible.
Robbe said on 14/Mar/20
Here 6'10 listed Big Show, 6'11 listed Winston James Francis, and 6'10.5 listed Joonas Suotamo, all standind next to 5'10 range guys. Suotamo looks tallest to me. He is the only one who's chin is above the drawed 5'10 line.
Click Here
Suotamo has also huge head, close to Big Show's and Winston's for sure. In my opinion, Big Show and Winston are both overlisted on this site, while Suotamo is close enough of his 6'10.5 listing. 6'7 is definitely too low for Show, but he can look 6'8-6'9 range in many pictures, like above.
Canson said on 13/Mar/20
He was more than 1” shorter than Shaq. Was more like 1.5”. I could buy 6’10.25 when they were in the ring or maybe 6’10” flat. Today he can look 6’9” range but not 6’7
Alex 2 said on 11/Mar/20
Have no idea how he’s 6’10” when he was clearly less than 1” shorter than Shaq...nobody shrinks 2” in
Sotiris Gravas said on 7/Mar/20
Maybe 5'6.5" Floyd Mayweather Jr w/ Big Show (2008)...
Click Here ,
Click Here ,
Click Here
W/ 6'6.25" Carmelo Anthony (2014)...
Click Here
W/ maybe 6'6.75"
Tyson Fury...
Click Here
Big head or not, 6'9" Show is NOT 6'10", lol. Does this mean that fanboys won't accept this...? Yes, yes it does.
Sotiris Gravas said on 7/Mar/20
Andy Terrace said on 5/Mar/20
@Sotiris Gravas
I see you like to draw a line on people's bodies to compare their heights, but you totally forget Big Show has a huge head. A dude can stand to Big Show's chin and to a basketball player's neck but Big Show and the basketball player can be of the same height
I also like to draw a certain male appendage on someone's face w/ indelible ink when they're passed out drunk, but I digress.
Given that I'm around 6'7" w/ a head that's around 10.5" long means that I don't "forget," as you so delicately put it.
I posted pics of a fan next to Show, Khali, Patrick Ewing, and Brook Lopez -- all of whom have big heads, and guess what, Show looked all of 6'9" in comparison to the others.
Next time you wanna get pwned, get back to me.
Andy Terrace said on 6/Mar/20
Oops I meant Big Show is at least 3.5 inches taller than Big Case.
Andy Terrace said on 5/Mar/20
@Sotiris Gravas
I see you like to draw a line on people's bodies to compare their heights, but you totally forget Big Show has a huge head. A dude can stand to Big Show's chin and to a basketball player's neck but Big Show and the basketball player can be of the same height
Andy Terrace said on 5/Mar/20
@Eric C.
Big Show is at least 3.5 inches taller than Big Show when he stands straight, and at least 4 inches taller than Strowman.
Roderick said on 3/Mar/20
I really want to stay as positive as possible... but I doubt Show will make it to 85. But early 70s is possible if he stays healthy, but who knows. The dude is in great shape now
Eric C. said on 2/Mar/20
My guesses for these wrestlers are the following:
Baron Corbin - 6’6 3/4 6’6.25
Kevin Nash - 6’8.5 6’7 3/4
Stone cold - 6’1.25
Goldberg - 6’2.44
Jinder mahal - 6’3.5
Great khali - 6’10 3/4
Randy orton - 6’3.2
Finn balor - 5’7.2
Big cass - 6’8.33 6’7.5 evening
Taker - 6’5 3/4
Sid - 6’5 7’8
Big show - 6’8 3/4 wakes up at 6’9 3/4
Kane - 6’6.25
Kevin owens - 5’10.25
Braun strowman - 6’6.25 wakes up at 6’6 3/4
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Mar/20
Fan w/ 6'9" Big Show (2016)...
Click Here
W/ 6'10" peak height (now maybe 6'9.5") Patrick Ewing (2012)...
Click Here
W/ now 6'10" (bad knees) Khali (2009)...
Click Here
W/ maybe 6'11.25" Brook Lopez (2011)...
Click Here
W/ 5'10.5" Arnie (2018)...
Click Here
Let me guess... Ben Bell (aka The Ben) won't like my "biased" pics...
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Mar/20
The Ben said on 27/Feb/20
Hey Storis
How come you don't show any of my friends pics where he looks above 6'2? Plenty of them where he has significant height on 6ft+ celebs?
Is it because you pick only pictures that suit your narrative. All photos that make people look short instead of actual unbiased photos?
This is getting to be fun... (I legally changed my name to "Storis," by the way.)
Hey Editor Rob (and everybody), check this out:
Ben Bell originally said his friend was 6'3"... yet now says he's 6'2.5".
Here's 5'8" Editor Rob w/ listed 6'3" Zachary Levi...
Click Here
Now, look at Ben Bell's friend w/ 5'8" Charlie Heaton...
Click Here
Friend w/ max 5'8.5" Ric Flair...
Click Here
Friend w/ Ben Bell...
Click Here
Ben Bell friend and maybe 6'3.5" (not 6'4") height-loss Adam Baldwin...
Click Here
What I love is that Bell said that Baldwin had to be 6'4.5" b/c he looked too tall next to his pal, ahahahaha...
Ben Bell said on 9/Mar/19
Met him today along with a few other celebs. The only one who’s every bit his billed height.
I’d say 6’4.5. Much taller than I expected.
The day Ben Bell is confirmed 6'0.25 (used to say 6'0.5") and his friend 6'2.5" (after a CONFIRMED 5 hrs post-morning) is the day flying monkeys emerge from my backside.
P.S. Big Ben, you are NOT.
Public Enemy said on 29/Feb/20
If you think Show was 7’ then Khali had to be taller peak. I don’t think Today Show is 6’10 max which is a 2’ height loss from peak.
Sotiris Gravas said on 28/Feb/20
The Ben said on 27/Feb/20
Hey Storis
I'm supposed to take this guy seriously...?
Spend the day w/ Editor Rob, no lying down for an hour prior to getting measured, THEN by all means, at the end of a good 5 hours on your feet, share your findings here.
Same goes for your friend.
Here's your pal, Brendan Hood, w/ Kevin Nash...
Click Here
Another fan, Dale Lindsay, w/ Nash...
Click Here
Your pal and Dale are about the same height. You say your pal is 6'2.5", yet here's Dale w/ 6'2.5" Sam Jones...
Click Here
And Brendan w/ Sam Jones -- who's OBVIOUSLY taller than Brendan...
Click Here
In other words, SAVE ME YOUR BULL(BLEEP)... friend. You're not 6'0.25" and your pal ain't 6'2.5" (or 6'3", like you used to say, lol).
@Editor Rob I'd really love to know what usernames Ben goes by, besides "The Ben" and "Ben Bell."
Canson said on 28/Feb/20
@Roderick: I wouldn’t call you a downgrader. And I’m not sold on Show at 7’0” myself. I lean more toward peak 6’11” range. By the way I don’t like when people use that term because you’re simply estimating below Rob’s listing which is fair being many celebs are overlisted. It’s funny that the ones who estimate above Rob aren’t called inflators universally. They’re usually left alone
Roderick said on 27/Feb/20
A lot of people call me out for downgrading, yet I'm part of the few that think Show was 7'0".
@Canson Yeah, especially now it's ridiculous. I can see how a 7'0" wrestler claiming 7'2" isn't that absurd, but when you're 6'9"? That's another story
The Ben said on 27/Feb/20
Hey Storis
How come you don't show any of my friends pics where he looks above 6'2? Plenty of them where he has significant height on 6ft+ celebs?
Is it because you pick only pictures that suit your narrative. All photos that make people look short instead of actual unbiased photos?
I'll get myself measured by Rob at a UK comic con, will take Brendan as well. Sure you'll then say Robs lying and he's only 5'6 lol.
Back to big show. Wasn't he measured as a basketball player at 7'025 peak height in his early 20's?
He's certainly lost some height over the last 10-15 years. I'd be interested to see him face to face with Nash today in 2020. I expect there's not much in it at all.
It looks like shows knees barely straighten, they also bow inwards and he looks to have scoliosis or at least a kyphotic tilt. All this ads up to a couple of inches or more. (Obviously best guess as I've never met him)
Robbe said on 27/Feb/20
Big Show vs Thor picture is a tuff one cause Show is way closer to the camera. Just to compare, Kane looking almost the same height as Show, thanks to the camera angle.
Click Here
Kane gaining 3-4in from his position there? Or is he wearing huge lifts?
Roderick said on 26/Feb/20
@Murtuza It's not 100%, because there is a chance of 6'11.5" as well.
But I agree he was probably 7'0" but no more.
UndertakerFrank said on 26/Feb/20
Ive met BIG CASS in Person and he was about 6ft 7 or 6ft 8 Show did have him by 2 to 3 inches
Riccardo5'7 said on 26/Feb/20
RoelC said on 25/Feb/20
Never saw that Pic before, Big show there looks in between 6'9.5/6'10"
Canson said on 26/Feb/20
@Roderick: lol I love how they inflate the big wrestlers like that. I doubt a peak Big Show even cracked the 7’0” mark in the afternoon. I would’ve guessed 6’11” but maybe he’s a hair over the mark 6’11 and change best case. I would really say that his 7’0” plus was in shoes especially if he’s saying Andre was 7’1-7’2
Canson said on 26/Feb/20
@Edwards: I don’t rule out something like 6’9.5 today or even at a huge stretch 6’9 although that looks more posture related, but under 6’9” I probably wouldn’t go that low (imho)
Sotiris Gravas said on 25/Feb/20
Robbe said on 24/Feb/20
Here Show with 189cm guy, and 6'8 Kevin Nash with 189cm guy.
Click Here
Poster Ben Bell says that guy (his friend) is 6'2.5"... but this was him next to max 6'1.5" Eddie Hall:
Click Here
Roderick said on 25/Feb/20
Stone Cold called Big Show 7'2" on the recent Broken Skulls session he did this week.
Murtuza said on 25/Feb/20
Sorry for my language but some Dumba**’s saying big show is 6’8” or 6’9” get outta here he’s no where close. Current hes 6’10” PEAK HE WAS 100% 7’0”
RoelC said on 25/Feb/20
Can't recall this pic ever being posted here, even though it's from 2015.
Big Show & Haffthor Bjornsson
Click Here
Big Show is closer to the camera, which is perhaps the reason why he makes the mountain look small.

Editor Rob
It's tricky to tell how much Big Show gained from his position, could be 1.5 inches
RoelC said on 25/Feb/20
Big Show appeared on Shaq's funhouse last month during the superbowl. That there are no pics of the two of them together. I did find these two pics of them standing at the exact same location on the red carpet.
Click Here
Click Here
photoshop the 2 images together and you get this.
Click Here
I see maybe a 2,5 inch difference at most. About the same difference as when they squared off against each other in the ring, during the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at Wrestlemania in 2016 and definately not the 4-inch+ difference that those red carpet pics from 2016 seem to imply.
Footwear for both guys:
Click Here
Big Show:
Click Here
So far I've seen no evidence to imply that Shaq has lost height. He still looks 7ft to me.
Canson said on 25/Feb/20
@Robbe: I think that’s the only pic of them and I can remember Show being closer to the camera
Roderick said on 24/Feb/20
Rob... if anything, Show should be lowered to 6'9.75". He is no way 6'10" today. There is a zero percent chance Show is 6'10".
Canson said on 24/Feb/20
@Robbe: sorry. Meant to say he’s tilting his head up in the one
Robbe said on 24/Feb/20
@Canson, are you referring to that heavily tilted picture where KD is leaning backwards and Show is closer to the camera? It's totally useless picture to judge their heights. Or is there another, better picture?
Here Show with 189cm guy, and 6'8 Kevin Nash with 189cm guy.
Click Here
Here 6'10 guy with 6'7 guy, and Show standing tall with 6'7 slouching LeBron James.
Click Here
I asked earlier if there's a recent pic where Show looks like 6'10 with normal footwear, but got no replies. Guess there isn't any?
Roderick said on 23/Feb/20
@Robbe I think there is at least 3" between Kane and Show. Kane at 6'5.75" and Show at 6'9"
Canson said on 23/Feb/20
@Robbe: I doubt he’s under 6’9” flat. The problem is his posture with Kane may have been off and you see in the pics you posted the one guy (the constant variable) is tilting his head up with Show whereas he’s not with the other two. I used to think he was 6’10” minimum because he was taller than Kevin Durant in the pic they had but it’s likely he’s lost height today. How much is to be determined but I think it’s fair to say he’s probably not under 6’9” going off the variety of pics we have seen (across the spectrum), but it’s also fair to say he likely wasn’t as tall as Rob lists him here for his peak height. I never believed Big Show was 7’0”. I could buy 6’11” flat at the pinnacle (maybe). So I could see a reduction to that and maybe to 6’9.5 for his current to be fair for his current since there are times when he could look over 6’9” flat
Canson said on 23/Feb/20
@Edwards: I appreciate that! And I feel that you are and show the same to everyone here! You’re also a stand up dude!