Jordan said on 7/Aug/06
I will agree with Danimal, since i am only 5'10(235lbs) and i am a fullback and flatened a guy who was 6'2 260 following my lineman on a trap play. I aslo live in New york and have been I several fights, I dont know martial Arts but have used my low center of Gravity to beat 3 of of the 4 fights i have had. the 3 i have won, my opponets all had at least 2 inches on me. And of course knowing martial arts gives you an advantage, unfortunatly I never had the money to take classes.
Danimal said on 7/Aug/06
Alex, weight and muscle mass have very little to do with fighting. I've been practicing martial arts since 1989 and what's required is speed, agility, stamina/endurance, leverage/balance, good hand/eye coodrination. I've taken down guys who were 6'8" and weighed over 300 pounds in seconds. Actually, they go down easier than people who have a lower sense of gravity.
Alex, you keep forgetting that The Big Show didn't go from 470-500. He was listed at 493 something against Akeebono and now 507 pounds.
Alex said on 7/Aug/06
He is correct. height, weight, size, mass, muscle doesn't matter much if you're against a skilled fighter. But I was saying if you're big, strong, massive against someone who isn't skilled then you'll pretty much kick their ass.
Alex said on 7/Aug/06
Big Show, Angle and Benoit could beat anyone there in a real wrestling match I will agree on but if it came to a street fight outside somewhere I'd say guys like Big Show, Kane, Batista would be the most dominant. I think Lesnar would kick almost all their asses if he was still there in a real fight.
Jordan said on 7/Aug/06
Ake sure looks 6'8 her, even is sapp is not 6'4 and is actually 6'3
Click Here
Kavorka said on 7/Aug/06
Gotta agree with you Big Show! Someone can be 8 ft tall, built like a mountain and still get his ass kicked by a skilled fighter. Just look at those Ultimate Fighters! I don't care how big and strong someone is! If you don't have the fighting skill against them, you're down in 10 seconds! BTW, Bigshow, you are the best! My best friend, Kane Hodder (Jason, Friday 13th) met you years ago and still tells me how nice of a guy you were. He said his hand disappeared in yours because they so huge!
JT said on 7/Aug/06
Big Show, all I said was that Shaq would probably knock out Akebono or Choi very quickly. Shaq is a phenomenal athlete. He is extremely quick for a 330 lb. guy and very strong too. I wouldn't bet against him in this fight, would you? Of course height and mass aren't the only determinants. Who said they were? Lennox Lewis would probably knock out Shaq in the first round. WWE's Big Show said Bruce Lee would kick his ass, though that may be a slight exaggeration.
Big Show said on 7/Aug/06
JT and Jordan, you two really haven't got much knowledge when it comes to fighting. Let me state a few things about 'real' fighting. In real fighting, height, weight or muscle mass don't mean a thing if you're fighting against a skilled fighter. A skilled fighter will always search for an opponent's weaknesses. If he fights a bigger and stonger guy he sure as hell will not try a test of strength, because then he knows he will lose. For guys like Big Show and Akebono it's not difficult to find there weaknesses. It's their speed and agility. They're not the most mobile guys out there and a smaller opponent will do the 'hit and run' thing.
Like I said, height and weight don't mean a thing in most fighting sports. Balance, coordination and speed are much useful assets. Look at the WWE. If I wear to put my money on the most dominate 'real' wrestler it's either Kurt Angle or Chris Benoit. I don't think there's anyone in the WWE that could beat these two guys in a 'real' wrestling match, at least not if both are healthy.
And please, stop those remarks about Shaquille O'Neal kicking everyone's ass. Does Shaq actually have fighting experience. He's got coordination and speed, no doubt about that, but can he take a hit, can he measure his opponent. If not, he wouldn't last 15 seconds in the ring with a trained fighter.
Goro said on 6/Aug/06
But come on he was 6'2 at 12 and 6'8 at 14 in two years he grew 4 inches he must have hit 7'0 before he was twenty. Because he took out the tumor to make him grow this fast in his early twenties.
Alex said on 6/Aug/06
Correct Frank about guys knowing martial arts or guys very skilled in boxing but someone who isn't skilled in those are going to get their ass kicked by a bigger, stronger guy almost all the time.
Frank said on 6/Aug/06
We are getting off the topic but height or weight or muscle mass does not mean everything in a fight you can get a little light weight boxer or a small Karate guy who can kick the s*** out of Big Body Building dudes or tall basketball players... Its skill and Heart
Alex said on 6/Aug/06
Jordan, height doesn't matter too much in a fight. I think weight and muscle mass will have a bigger advantage then height. Unless you're tall, and big at the same time where someone small could still beat you but the odds of that aren't good at all though, but can happen.
Also depends what you do in a fight. If you're a big guy fighting some little guy you could probably just grab him throw a few punches, kicks then toss him around, slam him and stuff, use your strength, size and power but if you're the little guy all you can do is use speed, quickness and punches, kicks.
Alex said on 5/Aug/06
I wonder why they changed 470lbs to 500lbs to 507lbs now? He must have gained a little weight at least.
Alex said on 5/Aug/06
Big Show's weight has almost always been listed at 500lbs while in WWF/WWE. When he first came in 1999 when he was 420lbs he was listed at 500lbs then at 430lbs he still was. Just as years got on his legit weight has gotten closer and probably around his billed weight now. He was billed at 470lbs for a few months too.
Jordan said on 5/Aug/06
Height doesnt always matter in this case of Ake getting his ass kicked. Shaq is shorter then Yao ming but always bodies him around in the post. And yes shaq would kick both there asses pretty badly. Akebono looks a solid 6'7 in that vid.
JT said on 4/Aug/06
Here's Akebono fighting that South Korean fighter, who's listed at 7'2" but is probably an inch or so shorter. (
Click Here) Maybe a 5 inch difference here? This is pretty pathetic stuff. I bet Shaq would knock out either guy in about 30 seconds.
Big Show said on 4/Aug/06
Akebono is listed everywhere at 6'8. He had Sapp by 4 inches if you ask me. And Bob Sapp has stated he's 6,3333 feet, which is the same as 6'4. This would make Akebono also 6'8. The 6'8 listing is also confirmed in his match with Brock Lesnar. If Lesnar is 6'2, than Akebono is at least 6'8. If Akebono is 6'8, Show is 7'.
Alex said on 4/Aug/06
Big Show was at least 4 inches taller than Akebono, maybe 5 but we are unsure of Akebono's height which is probably 6'6-6'7.
Jordan said on 4/Aug/06
Akebono is listed at 6'8 but i think hes about 6'6-6'7 casue he had bob sapp by 3 inches. Bob sapp is sometimes listed as 6'7 but is really 6'3 6'4. Akeboni is a solid 6'6 maybe 6'7 which would make Big show at least 6'10.
Danimal said on 3/Aug/06
Yeah Rocker, you're referring to his Sumo match at Wrestlemania, against Akeebono, who's height is unsure.
JT said on 2/Aug/06
Danimal, I'm pretty sure Big Show's not standing on a small box. I posted a full-body picture a while ago of Big Show and Shane at the top of the ramp leading to the ring, and the height difference (almost one head size) was the same. It looks like about an 11 inch difference in height in the picture Goro posted.
Rocker said on 2/Aug/06
When Big Show had a barefoot match a while ago he was still at least 6'11
Frank said on 2/Aug/06
Danimal, Your right Shane is about 6ft 2 and Andre stood on a box for a interview with Vince along time ago but i believe Andre did not wear lifts i believe The Big Show does
Danimal said on 2/Aug/06
He is the SAME height. He just doesn't stand straight anymore. Andre was Big Show age in 1979-1980. Had Andre lost height by that point? hmmm...
Goro, Shane is not 5'11" or 6'0". He is easily over 6'1", if not closer to 6'2". Besides, in that pic, GUARANTEED, Big Show is standing on a small box, as Andre did back in the day. Never trust pics, where you can't see people's lower bodies (feet, leg stance)..
Alex said on 2/Aug/06
Viper, that same list had Andre at 7'4 as well, lol.
Alex said on 2/Aug/06
Danimal, what did Big Show weigh when he first joined WCW? 380lbs I'd say around there. I even read he was 380lbs when he entered WCW. SO yea around 120lbs he has gained since then.
AaRoN said on 2/Aug/06
I would say nowadays hes about 6'10 he doesnt really look that tall anymore except when he faced Mysterio at Backlash he looked 8 feet or something
Big Show said on 2/Aug/06
Viper652, if you're referring to that list from that Mexican Mentor, that was probably the biggest joke this board has ever seen. He said he was a mentor from the WWF yet on the list there were height listings for wrestlers who weren't even in the WWF at that time. Too bad that some people are using this list as some kind of proof.
In 2000 Big Show said in the Conan O'Brien Show he was around 7'1 (he was listed as 7'2 back then). Why didn't he just say he was 7'2. If he was exaggerating his height, what difference would this one inch make? Besides, I think Conan, who stands at 6'4, could probably tell the difference between someone who is 7'1 and 6'10 (or even under that).
Goro, Shane McMahon is around 6'1 - 6'2 and Big Show was definately around 10 inches taller than him during Wrestlemania 2000. He's almost a full head taller than Shane and his head has got to be at least 12 inches.
Viper652 said on 2/Aug/06
Even that Mentors list had Big Show at 7-0 a decade ago.
J-Dog said on 2/Aug/06
Listen the Big Show is still in his prime, and he is one sarcastic charismatic guy, I really like his personality. Anyone who says the Big Show is less than 7' has no idea what they are talking about. I just went to an ECW show which was at the Hammerstein center near 34th Street. I don't think I was less than 30 feet away from the Big Show and he is a giant, while he was having his match up with Batista and with the fans you could see the Big Show is a giant of a man. Batista is no less than 6'4"ish, people are trying to downgrade this guy also, but have you actually seen him in person, I took a look at both of their boots they were wearing the same exact brand, and they didn't look overly suspicious.
Goro said on 1/Aug/06
Here is a great picture with Big Show and Shane side by side If shane is around 5'11 or 6'0 feet tall Big Show could easily be 7ft and he is acttually leaning to th right a little. check it out
Click Here
Jiga said on 1/Aug/06
with acromegaly you seem to age quicker and his joints would be weakened by the disease and his excessive weight, and being his size(height and weight) wrestling.
Danimal said on 1/Aug/06
What's contributing to the Big Show from not looking as tall as he used to, is because of that enourmous weight gain (probably 130 pounds or more since his debut in 1995). He also has bad posture today, where as in the past, he always stood straight.
Danimal said on 1/Aug/06
Jiga, Big show isn't really out of his The man is only 33-34 years old. Maybe to you that is old!
Jiga said on 1/Aug/06
Big Show no less than 7' in his prime, Andre no less than 7' no more than 7'1.5 in his prime.
Danimal said on 31/Jul/06
I don't see the Big Show at anything less than just under 6'11".
Big Show said on 31/Jul/06
"he looked tall than our 6 feet 11 inch centre on our team.. people who say he's not a 7 footer have got to see him in person then u can judge!"
"Well, I personally think Big Show is no more than 6-11 at his absolute maximum. More like 6-10. He said Big Show was taller than his 6-11 teammate, but his real barefoot height is probably 6-9 and change anyway. As college basketball fudges 1-2 inches on everyone who is very tall."
If the guy himself is 6'9, I doubt he would call his teammate 6'11 if he's also 6'9. They would've been the same height unless the 6'9 guy is also fudges his height with 2 inches.
Viper652 said on 30/Jul/06
"he looked tall than our 6 feet 11 inch centre on our team.. people who say he's not a 7 footer have got to see him in person then u can judge!"
Well, I personally think Big Show is no more than 6-11 at his absolute maximum. More like 6-10. He said Big Show was taller than his 6-11 teammate, but his real barefoot height is probably 6-9 and change anyway. As college basketball fudges 1-2 inches on everyone who is very tall.
JT said on 30/Jul/06
Sidewalk, as has been discussed before, the picture is misleading since Big Show's head is titled down a bit and his noggin is considerably larger than Singh's. The eye sees how much lower Big Show's chin is and believes he is 2+ inches shorter. Also remember that Singh has hair on top and Big Show's head is shaved. I really don't know if Singh wears lifts. He now just walks around in his matches, so he could probably get away with small lifts. His boots just look funny. I still think Singh's a bit taller than Show but by no more than an inch. Big Show looks like he wears thicker heels now to equal the height advantage. Singh (7'1") and Big Show (7'0").
This video has a nice shot of the two walking side by side down a hallway (
Click Here) They look about the same height here.
Alex said on 30/Jul/06
I am not even sure if that 493lbs was legit. It may have been a worked weight. Not sure. I wonder if Big Show will ever get down to the 420-430lb range like he was in 1999 and 2000.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 29/Jul/06
I would personally say that Paul Wight was no more than 7ft
Danimal said on 29/Jul/06
Some guy called 6'9" posted this on Dalip's page. He can't type that well for someone in College, but here it is nonetheless:
6 feet 9 says on 29/Jul/06
im 6 feet 9 inchers tall or 205cm play college basketball and i've seen the big show in person at a food joint bout 3-4 months ago and i got his autograph and he was absolutely huge..... he's 7 feet alright... he looked tall than our 6 feet 11 inch centre on our team.. people who say he's not a 7 footer have got to see him in person then u can judge!
Danimal said on 29/Jul/06
Alex, he has been gradually gaining weight. He was up to 493 at the sumo match and is now 507. This man is destined to be as heavy as Andre was at the end.
Sidewalk said on 29/Jul/06
I dono't see only a half inch difference in height. I say it's at least 1 inch. Are you implying Singh's wearing lifts JT? I really doubt Singh would do so. Singh doesn't look very coordinated and wrestling in lifts is hard to do (have to add he doesn't actually move around much).
Alex said on 29/Jul/06
Viper, its possible they are billing his real weight as he looks around 500lbs. He did say 450lbs legit 3.5 years ago on Conan but question is, how much heavier is he now than in 2003? If his billed 470lbs was real then he's def around 500lbs legit now. I met him in May 2003 but he was sitting down. He looked 450lbs though.
Alex said on 29/Jul/06
It looks that Big Show's heels are 1/2 inch more than Singh's.
JT said on 29/Jul/06
Bleemo, Big Show's right heel is off the ground (you can see the shadow), so the heel isn't quite that thick. It's still thicker than Singh's though. I'd still like to know why the height of Singh's boots is so much greater above the sole.
Richard, some of us did the measurement. There's about a 1/2 inch difference in height in that photo between these two guys, and Singh's trying to look as tall as he can. I still think Singh's an inch taller, maybe 7'1". Singh looked at least 10 inches taller than the 6'3"+ Rock in that photo that's been posted on this site.
Alex said on 29/Jul/06
Where have you been Cycklops? Long time no see. Its about time we all saw the Show and Singh face off and to most it's only 1 inch. Now it just depends on how tall you think which.
Bleemo said on 29/Jul/06
Just to show clearly how much more Big Show had in his shows, I clipped cyc's pic to just show the boots and marked the difference using paint.
Click Here....and yes I am very bored, I'm sick of sunbathing and Swat 4 keeps crashing due to my computer overheating.
Bleemo said on 29/Jul/06
Yeah but look at the size of Big show's heels at the back there Cycklops, they really are much bigger then Khali's.
Richard said on 29/Jul/06
I still think Khali has at least 2 inches on Show there Cycklops.
Viper652 said on 28/Jul/06
It sounds like they actually bill his real weight at that present time.
Alex said on 28/Jul/06
Big Show's weight is a bit hard to pin down but he has to be at least 450lbs though. He could be around 500lbs though. When he was 430lbs he was huge but hes bigger now.
Danimal said on 28/Jul/06
AND now at 507 pounds in the ECW. Somehow I believe that weight is true.
I don't remember Bundy ever being billed at 6'6". The 468 pounds I do remember though. That was around WM3. I used to think he looked like the GOOD YEAR BLIMP
Danimal said on 28/Jul/06
JT, take into account that Bundy may have been a bit taller when he used to tag team with Studd, which was at least 10 FULL years earlier.
Alex said on 28/Jul/06
They billed Big Show at 7'0 470lbs for a couple months too from late 2004 into early 2005 then was at 493lbs then right back up to 500lbs again.
JT said on 28/Jul/06
Danimal, I always remember WWF billing Bundy as 6'6" and 468 lbs. Gorilla Monsoon used to call him the Walking Condominium.
Big Show said on 28/Jul/06
Click HereHere's a text summary of the interview from Conan O'Brien in 2000. Here Big Show states his own height and weight.
Big Show said on 28/Jul/06
When Big Show just entered WWF in February 1999, he was billed as 7', 500 lbs. Then in the course of 1999 they suddenly billed him at 7'2, 500 lbs. Then in 2003 I believe they put him back at 7', 500 lbs. Nowadays he's billed at 507 lbs.
JT said on 28/Jul/06
Nice photo, Bendy. One thing's for sure. Nash is definitely several inches taller next to Bundy than 6'7" Big John Studd ever was.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 26/Jul/06
Does anybody remeber when the Big Show a couple of years ago in the WWE was billed at 7`2``.
Goro said on 26/Jul/06
There is another Giant on his way to the WWE most likley Smackdown he is Trytan from TNA. I could of sworn when they said his height on TNA about a year ago the announcers said 6'10 for his height which is beleivable because he looked tall. I searched him on google and his height ranged from 7'2 to 6'10 he looked tall but not over 7ft. I know he's coming soon because he just had a dark math on Smackdown. This is great because you could compare him to Big Show, Khali, and Taker. His real name is Ryan Wilson and TNA name is Trytan in case you guys wnt to search him online
Frank said on 26/Jul/06
Big Show, Ed O'Neill is about 6ft 1 OR 6FT 1/2 THE SHORTEST
Real said on 26/Jul/06
The only real thing about Big Show is that he's the largest athlete in the world. What do you guys say. With his height and weight combined. Also how guys who weigh 168lbs lift all that???????????????????/
Jordan said on 26/Jul/06
Big SHow
Maybe it appeared like Nash was taller becasue he was leaner then the SHow. Good explination though, thanks
Big Show said on 26/Jul/06
The dark match after Smackdown and ECW was a tagteam match between Kane & Undertaker vs. Big Show & Khali. Did anyone see that.
Maybe WWE is planning to form Show & Khali in a tag-team. Seeing they're still not quite enthusiastic about Khali, they probably want to cover it up a little bit by putting him in a tag-team.
Big Show said on 26/Jul/06
Bundy is looking up and Nash is looking down, but if they were both just standing in a normal position I think Bundy would just reach Nash' nose. I think there would be a 6-7 inch difference. That would make Nash a solid 6'10 in his prime (which I believe is fully correct!). Bundy was billed as 6'4 and he did look to be somewhere around that area. He was about 2 inches shorter than Hogan in his prime and about 4 inches taller than Ed O'Neill in Married...with Children. It depends on how tall you think these two are, but my guesses are 6'5.5 for Hogan in his prime and 6' for Ed O'Neill, makes Bundy 6'3.5 to 6'4.
Danimal said on 26/Jul/06
BTW, where is Nash's page on here? Did Rob rename it?
Jiga said on 25/Jul/06
Nash 6'10
Show 7'
Isaac Yankem/Kane (from vid against taker) 6'9, 6'8 barefoot, used 3" lifts to achieve a height just under Big Show and now doesn't wear lifts just a 1 - 2 inch heel
Taker now 6'6.5/6'7 peak 6'8,6'8.5
Bendy said on 25/Jul/06
Click HereNot nearly a full head, but still quite a bit.
topdweeb26 said on 25/Jul/06
Danimal he's got him by nearly a full head. So Nash being 6' 10 is very believable.
Big Show said on 25/Jul/06
Jordan, yes that other tall guy in the ring was Kevin Nash, but to me he didn't look as tall as the Big Show. When he ran up to the Big Show, you can see that Big Show is taller.
I've seen Big Show and Nash in the ring together many times, both in WCW and in the WWE. Many times it indeed looked like Nash was taller than Big Show, but only when they were standing like 10 feet away from each other. As soon as Big Show and Nash were close to each other, Big Show was at least 2-3 inches taller. Check out the matches between these two, they'll back up my theory.
Danimal said on 24/Jul/06
I think Rob removed Kevin Nash's page on here, so I'm posting a video of Kevin Nash facing off against 6'4" King Kong Bundy in 1995:
Click HereHow many inches do you think he has him by?
Alex said on 24/Jul/06
In that video, Big Show only looks 380-390lbs. They billed him at 450-475lbs I remember.
Danimal said on 24/Jul/06
Okay, that video was really interesting. First off Big Show, that could not have been 1995, because the NWO was only formed in 1996 ;). In any case. Scott Hall and Hogan were roughly the same height and we know that Scott is 6'5", or just under it and I know that was Hogan's height during those years. Now, let's say Hogan was 6'4 3/4" back then (1996). He came up to just below Big Show's nose when Big Show stood straight. When he didn't, Hogan was midway up his nose. Either way, that's at least 8". The Big Show was over 7'0". Maybe 7'0.5". Today he is not that tall. He's 6'11" at most. All of his current weight is doing to him (and his spine) what Andre's weight did to him. I give Big Show about 390 at most in that video. In regards to Kevin Nash, he was at least 6'10" back then and he was thin, which gave him the illusion of being even taller. Him and Scott Hall must have just entered the WCW (NWO).
Alex said on 24/Jul/06
Danimal, I do remember he was pretty heavy toward the end of WCW then when he entered WWE in February 1999 he had dropped a good amount of weight. Before he came back in summer 2000, he was 430lbs and looked to be in good shape then comes back heavier then sent to OVW then I do remember in 2001-early 2002 was the last time he was in better shape.
Alex said on 24/Jul/06
JT, Big Show doesn't look in good shape there reall. Fair shape maybe. That picture would have been in mid-late 2002 because he looked to packed on some good weight since the start of 2002 if you look at tapes. So around 450lbs probably.
Jordan said on 24/Jul/06
Big SHow
I think its something wit the camera, but was that Nash in there? If it was he looked taller then big show ??????? Maybe it was a messed up camera angle. Help me out here.
JT said on 24/Jul/06
Check out the video Big Show posted around the 1:30 mark, when Bagwell jumps onto Big Show's back from the top ropes. I'm sure it was planned, but that was a really dangerous maneuver and could have resulted in a broken neck for Big Show if he had been driven head-first into the mat. Big Show acted like he was really p.o.'ed the way he quickly stood up with Bagwell (235 lbs.) still hanging onto his neck and his just throwing him right off. Can you think of any other wrestler who could have done that?
Big Show said on 24/Jul/06
This guy on a German wrestling board, who claims he's 7'1, estimated Big Show's height at 7'.
Click HereHere you have another video of the Giant getting knocked out of the NWO. I guess this video is from 1996 (maybe 1995), seeing as Sting was still in the NWO Black&White. Big Show was very lean back then, probably around 375-390 lbs. It didn't seem like Big Show is wearing lifts or even shoes with big heels. He's wearing normal shoes from the looks of it, but looks a fair amount taller than Hogan and Scott Hall.
Danimal said on 24/Jul/06
Alex, I don't doubt that Show was 420 pounds in 1999, but the episode I was referring to was from the beginning of 1998 (could have been late 1997), when he was still in the WCW and they were listing him at 565 pounds. He told Conan his "REAL" weight was 505 pounds. I know that he lost weight by 1999 when he entered the WWF. So, that holds true. I'm sure he's slightly over 500 pounds today. Andre was up to 565 pounds at his heaviest, so I'm sure Big Show is 60 pounds less.
Richard said on 23/Jul/06
I don't think Show is over 6'10. No way is he 7', well.. perhaps with lifts. If you don't agree with me and the photos of him don't convince you... just consider this.. the WWE bills him as 7', right?
When did they start telling the truth about wrestlers heights?
JT said on 23/Jul/06
Alex, when do you think this photo of Big Show was taken? (
Click Here) 2003 or so? Big Show looks in pretty good shape here, maybe around 450 lbs. This could have been when he returned from OVW to lose weight. When Big Show started with the WWE, he was probably around 425 lbs. since he didn't have to wear the Andre outfit to hold his gut in. He still has the large gut but it looks like Big Show's been hitting the gym a little harder recently. Maybe Singh's arrival has forced him to work harder.
Paul said on 23/Jul/06
Khali is 7'1 1/2. Show just about 7'0. He was 7'1 10 years ago and additionally wore lifts at that time to enable him to tower over Loch Ness who was 6'8 (and nearer 6'9 from the 70's-early 90's over here in the UK as Haystacks). Big Show walks these days with a poorer posture than when in WCW and is carrying more weight. And thanks, I think we can safely say 7'5 is a misprint.
mask said on 23/Jul/06
Show 6'11"(209 cm) and Khali 6'11 1/2"(212 cm) END OF QUESTION
Alex said on 23/Jul/06
Danimal, I think Big Show was in good shape in 1999-2000 when he was 420-430lbs. Also that was during the time he teamed with UT for a little. Also around when he was in the main event at WM 2000.
Alex said on 23/Jul/06
Danimal, Big Show said on the Howard Stern show back in early 1999 that he was a legit 420lbs and was billed at 500lbs. On Conan I remember in early 2000 he said he was 430lbs and this was before he came back from his injury in summer 2000 and then sent to OVW when he was 480lbs I read since he gained 50-60lbs with the injury. But then in when he came back in 2001 he did appear to lose some weight but then in 2002 he def packed on a lot of weight again but on Conan he said he weighed 450lbs in early 2003 then 501lbs in early 2004 but then they billed him at 470lbs when he came back in late 2004 and did look leaner then before he left but appeared to have bulked up again lately.
Big Show said on 23/Jul/06
Click HereHere you can download the video of the ECW Heavyweight Championship match between Big Show and Undertaker.
Big Show said on 23/Jul/06
Paul, Big Show is still listed as 7', 500 lbs on During his showdown with Khali, Show also said he was 7 feet, 500 lbs. I think the 7'5 was clearly a misprint or misinterpretation.
Danimal said on 22/Jul/06
I have seen Big show on Conan in the late 90's and he stated that they bill him at 565 pounds (in the WCW) and then he asked Conan if he honestly wants to know his real weight and then he told him 505. I then saw him back on Conan a year or 2 later, when he was in the
Click Here he told Conan that he was down to 430 pounds. This was when he was MUCH thinner and noticeably so. I believe he went as low as 420, but since then (2000-2001), he defintely is floating around 500 pounds. When he had that sumo match at Wrestlemania, I'm sure that was his real weight (493 pounds) and he even appears a bit larger now.
Alex said on 22/Jul/06
Rikishi looked around that 400lb mark. I got 2 friends in the 330-350lb range and Rikishi is fatter than both of them so anything under 375lbs for Rikishi seems too low.
Paul said on 22/Jul/06
Alex, I suppose we have to give them the benefit of the doubt but I don't think they would mistakenly said 6'5 would they !....The 7'5 figure was on the UT page in a featured article.
jk said on 22/Jul/06
You know a gd indication of big shows real weight could be in comparison to visceras, i remember when these two wrestled before in terms of size show was a couple of inches taller but viscera definently looked heavier, i heard somewhere his weight was an issue so he had to trim it down well now he's lised around 485 on the wwe website but he generally looks around the same weight and size as before and because show is listed at 504 i cnt seriously see a 19 pounds difference between them infact viscera looks heavier, simply massive in terms of blubber so i cnt see show at 504 if viscera is at 485, unless you go into the whole muscle ways more then fat type scenario but even then viscera's stomach is gigantic i think more then enough to cover the deficit, i see big show at 450 to 460 i remember thats what wcw had him billed at way back in 96 and so on and when he jumped ship to the wwf his weight was pushed to 500, a 50 pound jump?
Texas Tom said on 22/Jul/06
Regarding Big Show's weight: the little billing vs. real fluctuations that everyone talks about are pretty meaningless. With his frame and mass, Big Show can probably gain or lose 30 lbs without it being that striking. Put it this way, I doubt the guy ever really dips under 450-460 nowadays. It's no big trick for a guy that size to put on 20, so theoretically, if he then goes up to 480, billing him at 500 even is very little of a stretch. In terms of realism, billing Show at 500 is a lot easier to swallow, then Umaga at anywhere north of 340, or in the old days, Rikishi as 420 & X-Pac as 220.
Alex said on 22/Jul/06
Paul, it could have been a mistake when they said 7'5.
Paul said on 22/Jul/06
An article on the WWE site has Big Show at 7'5. They really are getting carried away now.
TheMan said on 21/Jul/06
On the power thing JK lol i would have to say Bigshow he just has such a huge wieght advantage on Bigshow. In a real fight though i think Khali could take show using he's speed lol.
Alex said on 21/Jul/06
Danimal, you think Big Show is the heaviest he's ever been? Since mid 2000 when he came back with 50lbs or even more of extra weight he really hasn't trimmed down a lot except for 2001 into early 2002 when he looked leaner.
Alex said on 21/Jul/06
Actually Danimal, I do remember not long ago UT was listed at 6'10 on so suddently they added 1/2 inch again like his old days but I do remember once them saying 6'9 and 6'8 once but 99% of the time its 6'10-6'10.5 they say he is.
topdweeb26 said on 21/Jul/06
Richard, very good guess, 6' 3.
Richard said on 21/Jul/06
the superintendent looks about 6.2 to me, am I right?
Alex said on 20/Jul/06
About Big Show's upgraded 507lbs. Its obviously not true but its possible he did gain a little weight really so they upgraded his billed weight a bit. This guys weight is a bit tough to pin down since summer 2000 when he came back very heavy and really hasn't gotten much smaller since then and he tends to flucuate. But in early 2003 he even said on conan he's billed at 500lbs and 450lbs he really is so he could have easily just said hes really 500lbs but instead said his more legit weight but then a year later on conan he said 501lbs. He was listed at 470lbs in late 2004 when he returned. Anyone else's thoughts on this?
JT said on 20/Jul/06
So topdweeb26, about how tall was your superintendent? The angle of Alex's photo is not great for estimating Big Show's height but this guy and the soldier right next to Big Show look like pretty good size men. Nice to know they're on our side!
Danimal said on 20/Jul/06
Christian, he's NOT growing. He's ALWAYS been listed at 6'10.5" (since 1990). He's lost at least 1.5" and dropped about 50 pounds since his larger days (late 90's). Kane lost about 70 pounds (may have gained back some). The Big Show defintely is the "biggest he's ever been", but not the tallest.
topdweeb26 said on 20/Jul/06
Alex, I can't believe that pic you just posted! The guy in that pic with the Big Show, the one all the way to the right used to be my superintendent when I was stationed at Ramstein AB, GE.
Christian said on 20/Jul/06
Undertaker is not shrinking, he's growing:
Click HereAnd Big Show's weight has been upgraded to 507 lbs...
[Editor Rob: 6ft 10.5...the 1/2 inch is very important...makes fans believe the myth even more!]
Alex said on 20/Jul/06
Its a bit tough to tell who's boots are bigger but they look about the same to me. Khali is a good inch taller looking at the videos again. So whatever Khali is then take an inch away and thats Big Show's height. Khali is 6'11.5 at the very least but he could very well be 7'1 since there is a listing of him on Singh page here but hes no more than that though. So Big Show really can't be under 6'10.5 now.
Danimal said on 20/Jul/06
#@$$ Undertaker really has shrunk. He used to be much taller standing next to Big Show (their tag team match from 1999). He is NOWHERE near as tall, or as large as he used to be. He has shrunk. This confirms it for me.
Richard said on 20/Jul/06
Bleemo I agree with your reasoning, but to me it looks more than 1.5 inches. AT LEAST 2 taking into account the fact that Show had soles twice as big as Kali. Still, 1.5 inches as you said or 2 inches like I see it, this indefinitely puts Show below 7'
Khalis maximum height is 7'1, but the 6'11.5 is probably the truth. Remember this is the only legitimate measurement of him, everything else is pure speculation.
It might be a good time to at least start considering downgrading Show.
Big Show said on 20/Jul/06
Hey Christian, I've asked that guy on the German wrestling-board if he took any pictures of Big Show, but unfortunately he didn't. When I told him that some people on this board say that Big Show's 6'8, he told me that there's no way he's that small.
Noel said on 20/Jul/06
A good judge for height between those to huge dudes will rpobably not happend.... WWE are such exxagerators and dun wana expose sh!
jk said on 19/Jul/06
oh yeah i think big shows boots do maybe give him an advantage you cnt possibly not notice and count them large soles into the equation when judging corressponding heights, they look about 2 and half times as high as khali's, 2 to 2 and half inch sole maybe? khali's shoes pretty much look flat out front therefore there isn't any direct evidence of internal incline hence elevation in them as far i can make out unless he has exceptionally duck like feet.
jk said on 19/Jul/06
i would love to knw who has more power out of these two, judging just by bodies, big show has got bigger legs no doubt about that but upper body i would it to khali due to mainly more pure muscle mass in comparison to big shows who has a thin to large layer of fat that that coats his muscles but in a way that compliments and abides by thier shape contours whereas khali's are more defined and pure and much less fat thus his body has genuine more muscle mass and maybe overall more power?
topdweeb26 said on 19/Jul/06
Well as far as who is "bigger" that is definitely the Big Show. It would take more than an inch or two height advantage for Khali to counteract Show's definite weight advantage of probably over 70 lbs. Jordan, remember Khali is not barefooted. If Show's boots give him say, 1 inch, then Khali's are about 1/2 inch, because they look about 1/2 as thick as Show's. So say they are the exact same height in the ring, then that means Khali is really only 1/2" taller than Show. But at times Khali is slightly shorter than Show, so they might be exactly the same height. It's too difficult to say. And I thought Show's shoulders were way lower than Khali's, but when UT went to choke slam them, at one point Show stood very staight and so did Khali and Show's shoulders were just as high, possibly slightly higher. Just shows me that once again, Show just doesn't always stand as straight as he can. I mean, in all honesty, who really stands as straight as they can? During most moments, I'd imagine everyone is actually an inch or two shorter than they are when they are getting measured and purposely standing as straight as they can (which Khali always does, while Show doesn't).
Bleemo said on 19/Jul/06
Khali is definately taller, the best moment to see it is to pause that video just at they both have the Undertaker by the throat. I admit that it isn't loads but it is atleast an inch, you wouldn't notice if it were it any less. It could even be 1.5 inches, but not realistically more then that.
It's an interesting one, bearing in mind that the only official height measurement we have for khali is 6'11.5, we know he is atleast that tall. So it kind of does two things at once, if that is his real height it puts the Big Show at 6'10 and even if Khali is 7'1 which is the maximum I could imagine him being, then it still mean Show is under 7' by a half inch. It means the Show definately isn't as low as 6'8, but in all reality I doubt he's 7' either, good video.
Dean said on 19/Jul/06
Personally, at the moment pictures and footage that we have seen of these two giants (and thats what they are, no doubt about it), doesn't really show one taller than the other. Before I saw them both together, i would have agreed that Khali was definatly the bigger of the two, and that Big Show wasnt actually THAT tall. But since they have stood next to each other a few times i think its funny how standing next to Khali, Big Show does look over 7 feet tall for once. But, the thing is, at times in the pictures Big Show looks taller than Khali even though we all agree that he suffers from severe slouch, and that khali always tries his best to stand as upright as possible, but at other times, Khali looks taller.
At the end of the day, we cant say who the bigger man in, because the other giant counteracts the others advantage. For example, Khali may be 0.5 - 1.0 inch taller, but the Big Show is 80 - 100 lbs heavier? So who makes that the bigger man?
For me, clearly, Big Show is the better and, yeah...the bigger man. And for others, Khali will be.
God, i hope you actually followed all of that!
topdweeb26 said on 19/Jul/06
I once heard Ron Reis say that he was 7' 2, so we know that Khali can't be even that tall. Because we could definitely tell Reis was taller than Show by a couple inches, but now it's hard to tell if Khali even has a solid inch on Show.
topdweeb26 said on 19/Jul/06
There are a few points in the video where Show actually looks a little taller than Khali.
Jordan said on 19/Jul/06
Big Show
The diference might be two inches if you would would take the fact that Big Shows boots have a thicker heel. Otherwise the diffrefcne is not that great--but is Big Show wearing special boots ????
Alex said on 19/Jul/06
Big Show is bigger in lower body but Khali's legs aren't small either, but compared to Big Show's you could say they look kinda small. Big Show's biceps I'd think are a bit bigger and as far as upper body their chests look around the same, pretty much equal if you ask me. Big Show weighs more because of lower body and his stomach. He's got a bigger neck too.
Alex said on 19/Jul/06
Looking at the video just posted I see Khali with an inch over Big Show Its pretty much what I expected before these 2 even went face to face. I expected very much it to be 1 inch, 2 inches at the very most. Khali is taller for a fact even though its just an inch.
jk said on 19/Jul/06
looking at bendy's pics, khali looked taller even though it was at angle he looked taller despite looking down
Big Show said on 19/Jul/06
Click HereHere's a video of SNME of Big Show, Khali and Undertaker.
I've also downloaded the match between Show and Undertaker and uploaded it to Youtube, but it hasn't been added to the list yet. As soon as that's done, I'll add the link here on celebheights.
Judging from the video of ECW I would say that the difference between Show and Khali is very minimal. The ones that say 2 or 3 inches (in Khali's favour) should really check out the videos, because if Big Show stands straight he's equal in height to Khali. I doubt there's more than 1 inch difference between these two.
topdweeb26 said on 19/Jul/06
Noticed how on the one pic they have of Big Show and Khali is at such an extreme angle, that it makes Khali look a lot taller than Big Show... of course, the pic is at such an extreme angle, it could never be used for anything.
Bendy said on 19/Jul/06
Click HereClick HereHard to say who has the advantage, I would imagine Khali by about an inch, I still imagine Show would be about 7' mark, maybe 6'11.5" no less.
Big Show said on 19/Jul/06
Has anyone seen ECW last night. Big Show and Khali double chokeslammed the Undertaker once again. I could see a new tag team arising.
skippy said on 18/Jul/06
Out of the topic, in terms of mass, i would say khali is over 400 because he looks like he's put on weight since his earlier bodybuilding days when he was listed around 400 or slightly less. In that pic big show looked larger but i reckon that was mainly due to lower body, khali has some skinny pair of legs on him but in terms of upper body i would give it to khali, big show was holding a microfone and was speaking therefore bicep was flexed whereas khali's arm were sort of straight in the sideway position and even then it looked about the same size as big shows flexed one and in terms of chest and shoulders well khali's has to have the larger sets, you can see how far his pecs come down his body and outwards, they dominate his upper body in a higher proportion but like i said big shows lower body ie legs and stomach hold his size and i suspect thats where all the excess weight is held in terms of power you have to say upper body does play a larger part in dominating and i think khali would come out on top
skippy said on 18/Jul/06
well khali might be standing up straight but his back dnt look completly straight as a matter of fact he seems in a sort of relaxed kind of pose i'm sure he could have straightened further more if he wanted to its just that his face isn't facing downwards also the big show isn't slouching that much as some say he seems in a normal pose to me
Jordan said on 18/Jul/06
I put the pic of SHow and Kahli on Microsoft word and zoomed in 500% Khali only seemd to have a half an inch. it also gave me a better picture on the Boots. Big SHows boots are noticably larger then Khali's--no dought about it.
Jordan said on 18/Jul/06
Big SHows boots are way bigger so that, and the fact that Khali is standing straight counter each other and the difference looks 1" maybe 1.5
Alex said on 18/Jul/06
I wonder where Jason is and what he thinks about this height difference between Big Show and Singh. He did think Singh was 6'11.5 and Big Show was 6'8 but no way is there a 3.5 inch difference between the 2.
Alex said on 18/Jul/06
JT, actually they both are about the same in upper body size and about the same in chest mass but Big Show's arms and forearms are a little bigger but yes Big Show's legs are a good amount bigger too. Also Big Show has a bigger stomach and waist. I see 50-70lb weight advantage for Big Show.
topdweeb26 said on 18/Jul/06
That photo makes the Big Show just slightly shorter than Khali. I measured from the top of Show's head to where he goes to Khali, and there is a very small difference. Big Show having lower shoulders (either because of bad posture, or just the way he is built) and a lower head makes him look a lot shorter, but going from the top of their heads, he is just shorter by a faction. Khali is obviously standing as straight as he can, he even looks like he is about to lean backwards, while the Show just has a casual stance. If Show stood so straight that he looked like he was about to lean back too, it'd be really hard to tell who is the taller between the two.
JT said on 18/Jul/06
Alex, I bet Big Show has at least a 75 pound weight advantage. Singh has a large upper body but his legs actually look pretty skinny. Big Show is huge all over.
Big Show said on 18/Jul/06
Richard, if you put that pic in photoshop (or any other kind of photo editing programm) you would see that the top of Show's head is only a shade lower as the top of Khali's head. A 3 inch difference is a great exageration, as it is probably no more than 1.5 - 2 inches. Count the fact that Big Show isn't standing straight, I would say there's hardly any height difference between these two.
There are also a few other pics of Show and Khali on One pic is where they both chokeslam the Undertaker (who looks like a small child between these two mammoths), and if you check Khali's shoes you can see, that he's got a pretty big heel on his shoes as well.
Like most I agree that Big Show looks 7' in the pics with Khali.
Alex said on 17/Jul/06
Richard I could see 2 inches tops between the 2 even though its most likely just an inch, but 3 inches seems too much. For 3 inches Big Show would need to be up to Singh's eye brow as he is more up to the middle of Singh's forehead.
supes78 said on 17/Jul/06
I saw the actual face-off on TV and Big Show was only an inch shorter and not two to three inches. In the pic, notice that Khali is standing straight with his head tilted upwards while Big Show is slouching. As far as Big Show's boots, they are not lifts because Kane wears lifts and they are a lot more obvious. The soles on Show's boots are the same as a sneaker, they don't necessarily extend up as much on the the inside as they appear to on the outside. Show looked every bit of the 7 feet he states next to Singh.
Danimal said on 17/Jul/06
Well, seeing that BS used to have at least 2-3" on Kane when Kane was wearing platform shoes, kind of confirmed it for me that BS was over 6'11". I would love to see BS and Andre standing face to face in their respective peaks.
JT said on 17/Jul/06
Richard, paste the picture in Word, blow it up, and draw a line from the top of Big Show's head over to the top of Singh's. There's actually a miniscule difference in height. Big Show has a bigger head, and his eyes and chin are at a lower level, which creates the illusion that he is up to 2 inches shorter (at least based on this photo). His head is lowered as well as compared to Singh's. If he stood up straight, like Singh, Big Show may have been taller. I
johnnyboy said on 17/Jul/06
One of the main reasons i give khali an 2 inch advantage rather then less then 1 is because the khali had a wider foot stance then big show ever so slightly as well maybe he was closer to the camera by a fraction therefore big show having a slightly higher platroom due to angle of the camera, minute differences yes but i think enough to give the vote to khali in being taller as well as the fact that he appeared taller in that pic despite having the possible limitations i mentioned above but then again maybe not? About the shoe issue well true khali could have lifts but they ain't evident but stricly judging by that pic what i do know is that the big show definently has larger shoe soles clearly then khali's so go and figure
hero said on 17/Jul/06
khali is a good 7'1-7'1.5 while BS is 7',there's only an inch of difference between the giants..
Richard said on 17/Jul/06
In this pic that was posted on the Dalip Singh board it looks like Sing has more than 2 inches on Show... possibly even 3
Click HereI give Show the benefit of the doubt since his posture isn't that good, it looks like 3 inches but if he had been standing straight it might only have been 2. Still this proves that Show is WELL below his claimed 7' I would say 6'10. (But who knows wat he had in his shoes) Look at Show's feet, it almost looks as if he's standing slightly on his toes. Does anyone agree with me?
Rob what do you think?
Alex said on 17/Jul/06
And with all this Big Show and Khali faceoff you could clearly also see Big Show has a good weight advantage but question is by how much and how much do you think both these guys weight legit each? I've read Singh was 390lbs-400lbs which could be right and I think Big Show is 450lbs or so legit.
Alex said on 17/Jul/06
Big Show, I read he was also 6'5 at 13 so it is possible he got to 6'7-6'8 by 14. I also read somewhere he was 6'11 in 11th grade so he'd be 17 then.
Alex said on 17/Jul/06
If Big Show really is 6'8 then Singh is 6'9, 6'10 tops then.
ck2 said on 17/Jul/06
I would say
Big Show 7ft0in
Great Khali 7ft1.5in
PS said on 17/Jul/06
I have to say, after reviewing the footage, Khali seemed slightly taller in the stand-off (though, like others were saying, he was purposely standing completely erect, while the Big Show had a more casual stance), though when they were chokeslamming the Taker, they looked exactly equal in height, with perhaps the Big Show holding the advantage! :0. Seems strange, but that's what I saw. Of course, there's the prospect of lifts, but I'd go as far as to say Khali maybe has .5 inches on the Show. (Also considering Big Show is fairly close to bald, while Khali's hair is 'tufted')
Christian said on 17/Jul/06
On a German wrestling-board one user, who claims to be 7'1.5" (and I trust him), says, that he met Big Show and the height difference between him and BS was similiar to the difference between BS and Khali.
Unfortunately, I've fergot may code to log in, and I've to wait till next weekend until I can look for it when I'm at home again. I'll ask him if he took any photos or if he can tell some more about the meeting.
Alex said on 16/Jul/06
Goro I've read that too that Big Show was 6'2 at 12 and 6'8 at 14. he even said on Conan O'Brien about being 6'2 at 12. I would believe that. Must have had a bigger growth spurt then since he grew 4 inches since 14.
Alex said on 16/Jul/06
Danimal, back in late 2004 when he came back they had Big Show at 470lbs and he did lose some weight from when he was there a couple months before then they boost it up to 493lbs then 500lbs and now 507lbs. I think hes more around 450lbs legit now. 470lbs at most.
Viper652 said on 16/Jul/06
After watching some wrestling videos on youtube and reading this stuff about the Giant being in WCW, I really miss the days of the NWO and WCW in general. It was cant miss television every monday night in the late 90s, and then you had some other good stuff over at the WWF as well. The competition and the ratings wars just drove each company to try and out do the other. It was so awesome. I thought the storylines at WCW were so great and beleivable, much more so then the over the top stuff at WWF, till this day even.
Jiga said on 16/Jul/06
Goro on that chart what is Kane? Is he 7' or 6'8, 6'9?
supes78 said on 16/Jul/06
Yeah, the showdown between Dalip Singh and Big Show should finally dismiss any notions of Big Show being only 6'8". There was not a difference of a few inches between the two; Singh was about and inch taller than Big Show, who tended to slouch more so it was hard to gauge it exactly. But with Singh being 7'1" or better, it's easliy accurate for Big Show to be the 7 foot height he is listed here as.
Sidewalk said on 16/Jul/06
It's funny how some estimate height. It was Very clear that Khali was taller than Big Show look when they were chokeslamming UT. If you can't tell then you need your eyes checked. As for the ever present shoe question stop assuming guys are wearing lifts if they don't fit your ideas of how tall they are. The heels of wrestling shoes can vary. I have noticed that some are very flat and would only be like wearing a normal shoe or even less.
Danimal said on 16/Jul/06
So, they're saying that Big Show is now 7'5"???? lol... He was billed at 7'4" back in the WCW and he almost looked it, even though he was only about 7'0" at most and now we're supposed to believe that he is taller now than he was back then and that he grew 5" since his WWE days? The man looks to be much shorter than he used to be. They should keep him at 7" and give an exact weight listing like 493, instead of rounding up to 500 pounds. It would appear more believable. Like when they used to have Hogan at 302 or 303 and then at 294 and then 287. That's more believable. I guess the WWE believes that their fans are young and naive and are impressed by size and never question it and so, the promoters UP it for marketing purposes. It used to work for me when I was like 10.
Jordan said on 16/Jul/06
I think Sign is taller one way or the other. IMO Big Shows boots grant him more height than Khali's boots by far. Show isnt standing straight but his heel is larger then Khali, so Khali is def taller
KingNick said on 16/Jul/06
Thank God someone posted a picture of them, I missed the show!!
My analysis, it's a lot harder to tell than I thought. The boots of Big Show clearly have a heel, it has to be at least 1 inch. Kali has a slight heel, maybe have an inch, but look closely at his boot. I agree JT, there's something weird about it, there may be a slight lift in side.
Also, Kali is standing completly straight, on purpose. You can tell he's trying to look taller. Show is standing normally, and his neck isn't compelety straight. So my guess is there's a 1-2 inch difference between them, I say more like 2.
My guesses, (without shoes) Big Show: 6'11", Kali 7'1".
Christian said on 16/Jul/06
What do you think about Big Show's boots? The heel is peculiar big- I'm pretty sure he's wearing lifts (again). In any case, they look more suspicious than those of Khali, don't they? Especially Big Show is one of those wrestlers with fluctuating height- just remember the staredown between him and HHH during the contract signing or the matches with Masters...
cantstop25 said on 16/Jul/06
o and johhny boy you have it all wrong. like goro said when taker went to chokeslam both of them they were almost the same height. though during the stareoff big show looked two inches shorter due to bad posture
cantstop25 said on 16/Jul/06
im sorry but how can you people not see that the 7'5 was a typo
johnnyboy said on 16/Jul/06
You knw even the undertaker didn't look 5 inches shorter then khali, which he clearly is, whilest he was standing a distance apart therefore in comparison with the big show khali looked an inch taller then the show and that was a distance of 5 feet or so and you have to remember due to the scale of things a slight height difference in the context of 7 feet could mean an inch or two nothing really less, if the show and khali were to face off that slight variation would become more apparent for example when the taker went for a double chokeslam and the show and khali were obviously closer, the back of khali's head looked 2 inches higher then the back of big shows head. I reckon the height differential is somewhere in the region of 1 and half to 2 inches between khali and the show but what i did notice was khali's shoulders were relatively higher then the shows that was for sure.
Jordan said on 16/Jul/06
Why Big Show from 7'0 to 7'5--what kind of s*** is that--Like we wont know the WWE just boosted him up 5 inches
topdweeb26 said on 16/Jul/06
Thanks for the photo JT. It's just as I thought, and have said before, the difference between Khali and the Big Show will be like the difference between the Undertaker and Kane. And if you notice, Khali is purposely standing as straight as he possibly can, while Show is just standing normally, and he typically slouches. I think even if Show were standing as straight as he could, then Khali would still be slightly taller than him, but by even less of a margin than it shows in the photo.
Alex said on 16/Jul/06
JT, Khali was at least an inch taller, could have been 2 inches apart but no more than that. Big Show's head came up to the middle to upper forehead of Khali.
JT said on 16/Jul/06
Alex, pretty much what you and I thought. I didn't see SNME, but at least in this photo, Singh looks about one inch taller than Big Show. Big Show's boots have a larger heel, which might give him an extra inch. (
Click Here) If you blow up the photo, Singh's boots do look funny though, since they are noticeably thicker than Big Show's boots (the portion above the sole). I doubt Singh's feet are any bigger than Big Show's. This could indicate lifts on the inside, like Kane
Goro said on 16/Jul/06
Final analyisis Khali would have 1 inch or a little less on Big Show. I've looked for pictures already all terrible angles of these to monsters.
Goro said on 16/Jul/06
O.K. You Guys don't get all exited about that terrible Khali and BigShow face off. They neverr got closer than 5ft of each other. You guys should know that when to wrestlers are appartv from each other in the ring it makes one wrestler a lot taller than the other when he is only a little bit taller than the other wrestler. Also, Big Show's crappy posture!!!! I will say when he was being choked by the Undertaker it "straightened" the Big Show's posture and he looked have near the same height difference that Taker and Khali had. Also, watch it agin if you have it on tape or on the internet but when he's choking Show and Khali; Khali and Show were almost equal in height! Trust me watch it again all that I've said is true. Finally, in the new WWE magazine with Batista on the cover. It has a height chart with tons of WWE/WWF wrestlers going from shortest to tallest. Big Show is at the 7ft mark but Khali is fakely set up to 7'3 and Big Show is up to the bottom of Khali's ear. You know that the wrestler on the chart are stretched out to look a lot taller than the other wrestlers. The fakest one is The Giant Gonzale right at 8ft! It's a bull crap chart. But they actually told the truth on one and put Viscera at 6'6(weird because they have him at 6'9 on
316 said on 16/Jul/06
Well, this is the height of exageration right here in this link...Big show billed at 7'5 now when he joins ECW, while when in WWE, he was a just 7'2..
Click Here
Alex said on 15/Jul/06
Finally we got to see Big Show and Singh face to face. First off the footwear looked the same and Singh was taller and it looked at least an inch, maybe 2 inches. I personally see Singh at 7'1 so Big Show would then be 6'11 at least or 7'0.
Goro said on 15/Jul/06
That's true about Andre's grandfather on an A&E autobiography that his grandfaher was 7'8 and also Andre was 7ft tall by the end of high so at 18. I would assume he was over 7ft tall in his twenties but his height began to drop gradually when he got to his thirties. I'd sa he ended up at 6'10 against Hulk Hogan.
cantstop25 said on 15/Jul/06
I think that goro put it perfectly
Alex said on 15/Jul/06
Jiga, its pretty possible if they both appear on the same show tonight. I'll be watching anyway and hopefully they'll come face to face.
Jiga said on 15/Jul/06
Looks like there's a chance of a face off between Show and Singh
Click Here
JK said on 14/Jul/06
naa man Alex, i met Ric flair and john cena when they came to the UK, Flair still stands 6 feet tall, but with shoes on though...
Big Show said on 14/Jul/06
I've been seeing that "and change" term quite frequently here on the boards. Never knew that you were the one that made it up, Danimal :)
Danimal said on 14/Jul/06
123456 educate yourself man. Undertaker was never 6'10". Personally, I believe that Andre at his peak would have been the same height if not a slightly bit taller than the Big Show in his prime. Andre towards the end of his career would have been pretty much dwarfed by The Big Show.
Big Show, I like how you're quoting my "and change" term. I do agree with your estimates though about Hogan's height.
123456 said on 14/Jul/06
I personally think Andre the Giant is taller than the Big Show.I also saw a picture of the Undertaker fighting Giant Gonzalez. Giant Gonzalez looked 8`0`` next to 6`10`` tall Undertaker.He towered over Taker.Giant Gonzlez was supposed to be really 7`7``.The family of Andre the Giant claims that Andre may of had a grandfather that was 7`8``.
Alex said on 13/Jul/06
Flair and Angle face to face. Also HHH is in there too and can compare him to them.
Click Here
Alex said on 13/Jul/06
JT, Flair isn't as tall as 6'0 anymore. At his peak I think he probably was but today no way is he 6'0 barefoot. He only looked 1/2 inch taller than Angle. I'd say Flair is 5'10.5 today.
Alex said on 13/Jul/06
Goro, I have noticed that too with tall guys Big Show stands up pretty good but again shorter guys he tends to slouch a little.
JT said on 12/Jul/06
Editor Rob has Flair at 6'0". He's nowhere near 5'9" or even 5'10". Big Show was at least a head size taller (11+ inches) than Flair, Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer.
Alex said on 12/Jul/06
Big Show is easily a head taller and maybe a bit more than RVD and we gotta understand that Big Show's head isn't going to be the normal 9 inch size length of a head. Its going to be a good 11, maybe 12 inches. I'd stick with 11. Big Show looks taller than Andre did at WM 3 I think.
Goro said on 12/Jul/06
Big Show has terrible postur and through out the whole mach he had that same terrible posture. But he was still a head taller than Flair so you've got to consider the fact that Big Show's huge head has got to be over a foot long because mine is 11 inches long (I know I have a big head)and I am only 6'3.5. If Big Show stands with a good posture he's 7'0. The bet you anything that the WWE knows he has a bad posture so that ask him to stand up completly straight whenever he is going to have a face off with some else who is tall like Kane, Kevin Nash, and Akebono. Kane is 6'7, Kevin Nash 6'9 or 6'10, and Akebono 6'8(barefoot) and Big Show been taller than all of them in a face off; the Undertaker as well. You can't just chop of 3-4 inches off a guy who they used to call 7'2 (even 7'4 in WCW). WWE would not add 6 inches to a 6'8 guy to make him over 7'0 tall. I also believe Show think he doesn't need to stand up straight next to guys like Flair and Dreamer because of his huge body mass advantage. Does any one AGREE or DISAGREE with anything I've said?
Noel said on 12/Jul/06
Flair is billed as 5"11 in this WWE magazine i got from the house show.. i was not really able to observer show during his match.. @($$ @ss had a huge sign in front of me.. !! i guess flair could be shorter since WWE always makes hight higher except in the case of rey.. maybe.. ?!?
Richard said on 12/Jul/06
In my oppinion Show only looked about 6'9 next to Flair. He didn't look that Big in ECW next to Van Dam either.
I can't see this guy taller than 6'10 really... and I give him that because of his bad posture.. he looks shorter than Andre did at Wrestlemania 3.
Alex said on 12/Jul/06
Danimal, Flair I think was probably about 6'0 when he was younger but 5'11 for him could be possible. I do remember he was a bit taller than Kurt Angle in a faceoff so 5'10.5 may be more accurate.
cantstop25 said on 11/Jul/06
"I'd say his eye level to the top of his head is 5 inches"
thats is strange because my eyelevel to top of head really was 5.6"-5.7" maybe I just have a forehead like the undertaker
Danimal said on 11/Jul/06
Thing is Alex, Ric Flair ain't no 5'11" The man is 5'9" or 5'10" at best today. This man has taken a beating in the ring for 34 years. He may at one time in his life been 5'11", but today he is barely as tall as 5'10" Kurt Angle.
Alex said on 10/Jul/06
Tonight on Raw Big Show looked 6'11-7'0 next to 5'11 Ric Flair.
Alex said on 10/Jul/06
There is this magazine I got that has a good shot of his head and entire body shot and yea his head is def 11, maybe 12 inches long. I'd say his eye level to the top of his head is 5 inches and from the eye to the bottom of his head is 6-7 inches.
5 inches is a lot because say you're 6'4 then a guy who is 5'11, the top of his head would be right at your eye level then it would make you think he isn't as much as 5 inches shorter than you. While back I thought the eye level was more 3 inches from the top of your head. Mine is 4 inches from the top of my head, 4.5 tops. My head is about 9 inches though.
Noel said on 10/Jul/06
Hey dude !! i found a pic of big show and cena that is close up. Cena's head is tilted to the right just a bit but it is still good reference...
Lol its also some funny stuff
BigShow: You can't see me
Cena: HELL !! i wish i couldnt
awhhh man..... i cannot post the image.. i guess i just e-mail it to rob so he can post it.. THX ROB !!
p.s. aww sheetz.. i just noticed now cena has a cap on....
o cool i found another pic
Click HereP.S.!!!!!!plz remeber to click refresh if the pic does not show...
Goro said on 9/Jul/06
I am 6'3.5 and my head is a little over 11 inches and I now with out a doubt that Big Show's head is bigger than mine. I'd say his head is 13.5".
Alex said on 8/Jul/06
6 inches from the top of his head to his eye level seems a little too much. Thats half a foot so it sounds too much. 5 is more I am thinking.

Editor Rob
I think this guy's head would be in 12 inches range, so 5.5 might be close...if anybody ever got a picture with the guy you could find out better how big his head really was.
actually, just a note - if you ever get a pic with a celebrity and your face is looking pretty straight onto the camera, you can use your own interpupillary distance as a 'barometer' for measuring height can be reasonably accurate
Viper652 said on 7/Jul/06
I figured Big show's eye level was over 6 inches easy.
Alex said on 7/Jul/06
I can't see Big Show's eye level really over 5 inches. He has a big head but 5 inches is a good amount from the top of your head to your eye level too.
topdweeb26 said on 7/Jul/06
Viper: oh he was human, probably just on something illegal. But yeah, he was the strongest person pound-for-pound I have ever witnessed. And the strange thing was, I had a friend who had bigger legs than he did, but he still couldn't squat as much as that guy could, not even close. Genetics I guess.
Viper652 said on 6/Jul/06
Was Big Show really measured at 6-11? I figured that was a billed height. Even If he was measured, a good chance it was with shoes plus rounded up from that.
cantstop25 said on 6/Jul/06
"I was looking at this magazine with him and it looks a good 5 inches from the top of his head to his eye level."
o much more then that, I am a very tall guy at 6'4.5" and my eye level is actually closer to 6 inches. show's head is much larger then mine, with the exception of andre biug show has the largest head in the history of pro wrestling I would think. His eyelevel is prob over 6 inches
Alex said on 6/Jul/06
Guys, how much do you think it is from the top of Big Show's head to his eye level? I was looking at this magazine with him and it looks a good 5 inches from the top of his head to his eye level.
JT said on 6/Jul/06
Halb, I read that Big Show had the operation when he was 23. This would have been after he was measured at 6'11" in college.
Halb said on 5/Jul/06
The last time TBS was legitinately measured, he was 6 ft 11 in tall (In his basketball days in school),a nd that was after an operation that stopped his accelerated growth. So I would think he is a legit 6 ft 11 in, that might get less in the future as his weight takes it toll.
Jordan said on 30/Jun/06
Alex thats pretty good I can only do 290 bench or so and I'm about 240 or so at 5'10 1/2. But I'm 17
Noel said on 30/Jun/06
Found this pic with big show next to rey.. the pic is big so good judge for height.. also the pic is near the ropes so its great reference...
Click HereHere is a vid of dalip singh next to rey... looks like show and dalip are nearly the same.. but there is no question that dalip is at least an inch
taller than show
Click Here
Viper652 said on 30/Jun/06
The guy Topdweeb mentioned doesnt even sound human.
Alex said on 29/Jun/06
When I was 215lbs my max bench was 295lbs which is pretty good but nothing like the guy like Topdweeb talked about. Now I am more 195-200lbs and my max I is like 265-270lbs. I knew some guy who was 175-180lbs and was benching 315lbs for a couple of reps which was very good.
Jordan said on 29/Jun/06
despite if big Show is 6'11, 7'0, or even 7'2, he is an extraordinary athlete and probobly is one of the strongest men in the world when it comes to raw power
Alex said on 28/Jun/06
JT, the last time Big Show was 400lbs was back in WCW. He entered WCW at 380lbs.
topdweeb26 said on 28/Jun/06
Viper: that guy was unreal... I have never seen anyone like him again. By the way, he benched 405lbs, not 450, that was a typo on my part.
JT said on 28/Jun/06
Jordan, Big Show looked at least a head size taller than Cena in that video, which in Big Show's case is probably 11 inches at minimum. Plus, Cena was wearing a baseball cap. If Big Show were down to 300 lbs. or even 400 lbs., he would "appear" his true height. I think his body is just so large that you notice his girth first rather than notice how tall he really is.
Big Show again towered over Tommy Dreamer last night on ECW, and his boots looked pretty legit. Big Show threw Dreamer (probably 240 lbs. and 6'0"-6'1") around last night like a rag doll. It's amazing how much raw strength this guy has.
Big Show said on 28/Jun/06
Jordan in that video, there are a few moments where they are both standing straight towards each other and Big Show looks a head taller. Seeing as his head is probably 11 inches taller (at least!) and Cena is 6 foot even, do the math yourself.
Noel said on 28/Jun/06
LOL... i have no idea who the dude in the pic was... just came across in when googleing... anywayz... that battle rap with cena what whack... and show did look pretty short.. but not 6"8. He was at least 6"10 .. or at least he looks 6"10....btw.. i got a question..duz any1 know big show personally ?? would really wana ask a question do that guy..
Alex said on 27/Jun/06
Jordan this is the video you're talking about. He actually could look as low as 6'10 but he looks taller than 6'8 there.
Click Here
Alex said on 27/Jun/06
254lbs and a 450lb bench is pretty good still. Is that 450lb bench his max or can he actually do a set of 6,8,10, 12, or whatever with it.
Jordan said on 27/Jun/06
On Youtube there is a video of Cena battle rapping Big SHow, and show is waering regular shoes and looks only 6'8 or so.
Jordan said on 27/Jun/06
Dirk was an inch shorter then Shaq and there was alot of times I saw them standing next to each other so if shaq is really 7'1 then Dirk can be 7'0 if shaq is reallly like 6'11 then dirk would be 6'10
Alex said on 27/Jun/06
Dirk Nowitski looks to be a real 7'0 guy. If thats his listed height then its pretty possible he's a little shorter than that. He's 6'11 at the very miniumum.
Viper, do you think Dirk is a real 7'0 guy or maybe 6'11?
Alex said on 27/Jun/06
I am actually going to check my body fat soon I think to make sure what it is. But at 195-200lbs even 12-13% is good but I'd like to get it down to 8-10 without having to lose weight because I was at 10% but weighed 185-187lbs.
topdweeb26 said on 27/Jun/06
Weighing 254lbs and having a 450lb bench isn't that impressive. When I was in high school I attended a powerlifting competition, and the strongest guy there (pound-for-pound that is) was 168lbs and had a 450lbs bench with a 590lbs squat.
JT said on 27/Jun/06
Noel, the guy in the photo is Dirk Nowitzki of the Dallas Mavericks. He's listed as 7'0" and looks it if you watch as much NBA basketball as I do.
Has anyone noticed how skinny the basketball players look when they aren't in their uniforms? Check out the clips on of Karl Malone and Dennis Rodman when they wrestle. Malone looked huge on the basketball court but downright lean when he wrestled Hulk Hogan, who was in his mid to late 40s at the time and appeared more solid. Even Shaq looks like he can never fill out his clothing. Maybe it's the disproportionately long arms and legs.
Noel said on 27/Jun/06
Hi yall .. itz me agen.. anyways.. i came across this pic from a website for really tall guyz looking for good cars so i think this info should be very accurate or that website would be a load of BS.. anyways i found this pic of a legis 7 footer next to a mini cooper..
Click Here this dude is obviously tall even without the comparison to the car since u can see how long his arms and legs are... there was an issue of a raw magazine with big show next to a mini cooper.. but can som1 scan it so we can have a good refence to his height.
Hey look .. he fits in it just fine !! = )
Click Here
Viper652 said on 27/Jun/06
Some of these NFL guys have sick body fat percentages at well over 200 pounds. San Francisco 49ers just drafted a stud Tight End in Vernon Davis who's 6-3 weighs 254 pounds and only has about 3-4 percent bodyfat. Oh he also runs a 4.38 40, benches over 450 pounds and has a 42 inch vertical. :)
TNTinCA said on 26/Jun/06
Having your six-pack visible also depends on how your body distributes its fat reserve. Some guys have to go very low to have a visible six pack due to the fact that their body genetically has a disposition towards storing fat in the stomach area.
My body type stores fat more in the love handle area and my stomach is usually quite flat. The lowest I ever had my body fat at was measured with a body immersion test and came out to be 10%. Yet my six pack was fully visible and bordering on an eight pack. Yet my love handles were still visible. :P
Big Show said on 26/Jun/06
ER if you workout at a gym, you could ask one of the instructors if they have some kind of equipment there to measure your body fat percentage.
Alex, I do have a visible 6-pack, but it's not as ripped as the ones you mostly see in a magazine or on tv. But I also don't have to hold my breath or anything to create one. I think most of my weight is created by my legs, which are pretty big and strong. My upperbody isn't quite as well build as my lower body.
topdweeb26 said on 26/Jun/06
I don't know what my body fat percentage is now, but I had it checked about 5.5 years ago while I was in the AF and I had 6.8% body fat, and at this time I weighed around 140lbs. Now I don't look that much different than I did back then, but I weigh a lot more now... so I think it's safe to say that my body fat has risen to at least 8%.
Alex said on 26/Jun/06
Big Show, you must have a 6 pack then at 8% body fat. Lowest I got to was 10% and my abs were good but not a 6 pack, more like a 4 pack. Now in the 12-13% range I don't conisder myself to have high body fat but not too low either. Abs are a bit less defined then they were at 10% body fat.
Jordan said on 26/Jun/06
Big Show,
I had gained 41 pounds in 2 and a half years to play for varsity football. I would recommend if your trying to gain good weight to eat alot of fish. Thats what I had alot of when I tried to gain wieght and maybe eat later in the day so when you go to sleep you wont burn as much calories. I also almost went broke since fish and steak is so expensive but I was 228lbs when on varsity so it worked. And of cousrse continue lifting weights.
ER. said on 26/Jun/06
How do you measure how much body fat you have? I'm 189 CM. and weigh 87 KG/192 lbs. I used to be pretty skinny at only 69 KG/152 lbs. Now, after I started working out and eating proberly, nearly over eating at times I went up 18 KG/40 lbs, and feel now that I am at the opposite end of the scale - I probably need to loose a little bit. Anybody have any idea how I can measure my body fat out of these numbers? Thanks.
Big Show said on 26/Jun/06
I'm just over 6 feet tall and weigh 181 lbs. My body fat percentage is around 8 %. When I just started working out, my body fat was very low. Back then I weighed 141 lbs and had a body fat percentage less than 5 %. My body fat percentage was less then the 5% minimum the body fat meter could measure. I was pretty skinny back then, but I didn't have underweight. Now I've gained a lot of muscle and some fat as well, because of my diet (I eat like three times as much as I did 5 years ago). I don't consider my physique to be anything spectaculor. I'm still pretty skinny and I envy the guys who have a high bodyfat percentage (12% or more) but already have the perfect physique (V-shape, broad shoulders, big arms). I've had to work like hell to get this physique and still it's not where it should be.
Jordan said on 25/Jun/06
Last time I checked my body fat percentaeg it was 14% but i'm 5'10 and 239lbs so I guess the weight I have is pretty solid. When I lifted daily for football I could max bench press 290 and squt 425.
Alex said on 25/Jun/06
JT, I agree that Singh will have Big Show by at least a good inch. Maybe 2 inches but no more than that.
Alex said on 24/Jun/06
Big Show, well I could say I am a normal person but I do workout a good amount but I am not an athlete meaning I don't play on any sports teams or sports. Just workout as a hobby but for someone who works out 12-13% is still good but when you get 10 and under it starts getting VERY good.
Big Show said on 24/Jun/06
15% body fat is pretty normal for a normal human being. For an athlete like Brock Lesnar, it would be a little too much, but I don't think in wrestling they pay as much attention to it as they're doing in other sports. In soccer, fat percentage is very important. Look at the way the world is complaining about Ronaldo. His body fat percentage will probably be around 17 percent, but critics are destroying him for being too fat.
JT said on 24/Jun/06
Not perfect photos, but here
Anonymous said on 23/Jun/06
Big Show, I am 195-200lbs and my body fat percentage is 12-13% I'd say. Haven't checked it in many months but it was 11% last I checked but has gone up a bit I think. I consider that to be low still.
Alex said on 23/Jun/06
JT, I met Angle just November of 2005. This was much after his neck surgery. I am not even sure if he ever shrunk. Probably was always 5'10. Just back then I thought he was 5'11-6'0 though.
Alex said on 23/Jun/06
Jordan in 1999 Big Show was only 420lbs legit. He said on the Howard Stern Show that hes really 420 and is billed as 500lbs. I believe that especially since he could have just said his billed weight instead. He was only 430lbs in 2000 until he came back and got up to 480lbs then sent to OVW. He looks around the same weight as he was before he got sent to OVW.
JT said on 23/Jun/06
Big Show, I think Foley is no less than 6'2" and probably closer to 6'3". You can blow up the photo of Big Show and see that the heel is pretty standard and about the size of the heel on a tennis or casual dress shoe (which the guy next to him is wearing). In the chiropractor photos, this guy looks around 5'11" to 6'0" in every photo but the one with Angle though we can't see footwear or stances. Maybe Angle shrank a bit after his neck surgery? Alex, had Angle already had his surgery when your photo with him was taken?
Jordan said on 23/Jun/06
Dreamer could pass as 240lbs since he is pretty stocky buy 265 is impossible. Also ECW had Balls mahoney as 361lbs but recently changed him to 320lbs, he does not even look 290 to me, Also I do belive that big show can be 500lbs since he looks alot fatter then he did in 1999 when he was 450.
Big Show said on 23/Jun/06
I've watched the video between Lesnar and Dreamer again, but I couldn't really judge Dreamer's height because he never had a showdown with Lesnar, where they stood eye to eye.
That chiropractor puzzles me a little bit. He's as tall as Rikishi, who 6'-6'1, but he's about 2-3 inches smaller than Mick Foley, who's 6'1-6'2. The pic with Angle is tilted a little bit in Angle's favour. I'd say this guy is 5'11 tops.
Big Show said on 23/Jun/06
Honestly JT, that guy doesn't really look like he's 5'9. He comes up to Dreamer's eyelevel, which indicates a 3.5 - 4 inch height difference. In the pic with Dan Severn, it looks like this "5'9" guy would only reach Severn's nose if both were standing straight. This would indicate a 5.5 - 6 inch difference. The guy looks to be 5'8 to 5'8.5. Big Show does have a good 15 inches on him, making him 6'11 to 6'11.5, but I can't really see what kind of shoes he's wearing.
Alex said on 22/Jun/06
JT, in the last photo you posted the guy only looks 5'10 and that is comparing him to Kurt Angle who I've met. Rikishi doesn't even look 6'0 there either. Austin looks barely 6'0 and Rock 6'2 barely.
Alex said on 22/Jun/06
Dreamer looks 6'0 with that guy. There isn't more than 3 inches between them.
Alex said on 22/Jun/06
If Lesnar had Dreamer by at least 2 inches then Dreamer is probably more 6'0 then.
Alex said on 22/Jun/06
Big Show, 12-15% body fat is still good and I don't consider it high either. Especially on a guy of Brock's weight 12-15% is good. 20% and more is high I'd say. Brock is more on the bulk side but does have some cuts.
Alex said on 22/Jun/06
Dreamer isn't nowhere near 260lbs. He looks 225-230lbs or I could be wrong and he could be a bit more.
TheMan said on 22/Jun/06
On the here comes the pain DVD dreamer says he's 260 pounds. Thats ridiclous IMO he wishes i think he's Dreamers about 235 max he's simply not that big or that tall.
Big Show said on 22/Jun/06
Brock Lesnar is one of the few WWE stars who's weight I could actually buy. 285 lbs I can believe. The guy is huge, but he doesn't have much dry muscle mass. He's got quite a lot of bodyfat (look at his tadpoles). I'd say his bodyfat percentage would be around 12-15%. Honestly Alex, Brock doesn't look like he's 300lbs+ now. He's not that much bigger (if any) than he was during his WWE days. But doesn't anyone agree with me that this guy would be a great addition to the ECW-roster.
I've seen the pics of Tommy Dreamer and Big Show on Big Show indeed looks 11 inches taller than Dreamer (the same as 4 years ago during the ECW/WCW invasion, so I don't think he's wearing different shoes as he was back then). The question is, how tall is Dreamer? Honestly, he doesn't look anywhere near 6'3. I have to watch the video of his match with Brock Lesnar again. Since Lesnar is a legit 6'2, this would be a good comparison. From memory, Lesnar did seem to be 2 or 3 inches taller, which would make Dreamer 5'11 to 6', but Dreamer does slouch an awful lot. He hardly ever stands straight during matches.
KingNick said on 21/Jun/06
Dreamer's height is usually billed anywhere from 6'2"-6'3". I say 6'2" is more likely, maybe even 6'1". Big Show was wearing his huge shoes that night though. They had to give him about 1.5" in height. So if Dreamer is 6'1", Big Show may have been 7' in those shoes. Without them, he may be 6'10.5" or 6'11".
Jordan said on 21/Jun/06
I dont think that the Show is below 6'11 to tell you the truth Alex. I actually think he could be called 7'0 judging him to Dreamer who is probobly 6'0 or 6'1. I dont think dreamer is below 6'0 so seing as Big Show dwearfed him I think Big show is 6'11 or 7'0