big show fan said on 21/May/07
big show does where some pretty thick soled boots.
KingNick said on 21/May/07
topdweeb26 , you're entitled to your opinions man, but you gotta expect your gonna get opposing feedback when you have a bunch of wrestling fans reading your post.
topdweeb26 said on 21/May/07
Big Show: you're saying that simply getting injured some how legitimizes pro-wrestling? How about we invent a new "sport" where people purposely bang their head against the wall, and that's all you do. Would their injuries legitimize it? Wrestling IS fake ("choreographed" if you prefer that term), it's set up, all their injuries are either accidents or they actually planned to take a bump. In fact, one of the reasons wrestling is so dangerous nowadays (in that a lot of extreme risks are taken) is because it is fake, so they feel that they have to over-compensate with extreme situations to justify their existence as a sport/entertainment. And, no, I have never tried fake wrestling, but I myself have wrestled competitively for 6 years, have done Judo, am currently active in a MMA club where we practice BJJ, submission wrestling, and Muay Thai, and prior to that, I trained in TKD. The injuries I got from these sports/martial arts are real, they weren't planned, and none was choreographed.
Brock Lesnar was actually a bad example for me to use, by the way. I do respect his real wrestling background, same with Kurt Angle. And as a matter of fact, if he gets Hong Man Choi to the ground, I give it to him all the way.
Big Show said on 21/May/07
Topdweeb, next time you see a guy like Triple H, Hogan, Edge, Angle or more recently Shane Helms. Tell them to stop faking their injuries as it's not a real sport they're practicing. I'm wondering if you would still have all your teeth in your mouth after such a statement. Have you ever practiced wrestling yourself, because then you wouldn't make such a stupid comment. Let me tell you: wrestling is a real sport, that are no CGI characters you see on the screen, those are real life people and the injuries they sustain are also real life injuries. I hate it when people say wrestling is fake. It's not fake, it's choreographed (the only thing that's fake are the storylines and therefore the outcome of the match). When people talk about dancing they talk about choreography. What's the difference between dancing and wrestling. Wrestler are given a certain amount of time to create a spectacular match. They help each other out during that match (like selling each others moves or helping each other with the more difficult moves), but they still have to be incredible athletes to pull it off (although some wrestler show little athleticism).
In wrestling the key word is entertainment, not competition. Wrestlers are supposed to deliver a good match. And like every other sport there are good and there are bad athletes.
Brock Lesnar didn't make it in the NFL because he didn't have what it takes to become a Pro Football player, just like the other 90 % that gets eliminated during the pre-draft. Are they all bad athletes. No, just like every sport, athleticism can only get you to a certain point. You also need a great deal of talent to really make a name for yourselves in any sport.
big show fan said on 20/May/07
i,m thinking big show has as much as 5 inches on kane and taker.
big show fan said on 20/May/07
paul wight undergone an operation in the early 90,s he was 6'2" at age 12,age 14 he was 6'8" according to himself he,s 7'1" .the question is could he have grown another 5 inches in 6 years? i think it,s highly possible that could,ve.
topdweeb26 said on 19/May/07
Guys, this is Hong Man Choi's first MMA fight too. He fights mainly in K-1 style kickboxing fights, which are not MMA. And it's ridiculous to say Lesnar is a great fighter just yet, as no one has seen him fight. And to be honest, I don't respect pro-wrestlers. I'm sorry, I think what they do is entertaining, and I think they might be great athletes (some of them) but most of them don't seem to be able to hack it when it comes to a real sport (Lesnar's football career anyone?)
Alex said on 19/May/07
Lesnar vs HongMan is a shoot fight?
if so don't count Lesnar out because he's shorter and lighter but he's probably more stronger and has more muscle. I wouldn't be shocked if Lesnar wins.
Jason said on 19/May/07
Hong-man is listed at 211cm (6'11'') on a French MMA site. This might be a very bad move on Lesnar's part; if he loses badly, then his credibility is gonna take a big blow.
Big Show said on 19/May/07
Click HereHere are a few pics of Hong-man Choi and Brock Lesnar. The low camera angles minimize height differences, but even then it doesn't look like Hong-Man would have a whole foot on Lesnar. The height difference looks the same as between Lesnar and Big Show from what I remember.
Choi is an experienced MMA fighter, so he'll have the edge when it comes to experience. If Lesnar can beat this K1 legend in his debut match, that would be impressive. In a wrestling match Lesnar would probably beat him in 3 seconds, but MMA is no wrestling. Lesnar is a good fighting machine: he's strong, he's fast and he's well coordinated, but his inexperience might cost him the victory. And I do not hope Lesnar gets massacred as I respect him as a fighter. Plus it takes guts to tell Vince McMahon to stick his contract up his a$$, when most wrestler's literally kiss Vince's a$$.
andre fan said on 19/May/07
it appears to me when sow is standing next to someone of average height like 5'10".5'11" the top of their head is dead level with shows shoulder.from shoulder level to top of head on an average man is at least 12 inches, big shows case more 14-15 inches easy.
Jason said on 18/May/07
Yeah, the Hong-man's gonna win I think...
topdweeb26 said on 18/May/07
I think Big Show was 7' in WCW and think he is 7' today. I don't see a difference in height.
topdweeb26 said on 18/May/07
Can't wait... hope Lesnar gets massacred.
Jason said on 18/May/07
If Brock Lesnar compares the same to Hong-man Choi in the ring next month as he did in the publicity pics, it'll knock Akebono down to 6'5'' tops...
Danimal said on 17/May/07
I believe Big Show from his WCW days would have matched both Dalip in height and in weight. Today, I give the height advantage to Dalip and the weight advantage to Big Show.
topdweeb26 said on 17/May/07
Vegas: I believe he is only 1-inch taller than Big Show at the most. So since I believe Big Show is 7', I think Dalip is 7' 1.
Vegas said on 17/May/07
Yes Danimal I saw the original ECW as I was buying VHS (video) tapes from Fin Martin (editor of Powerslam magazine) circa 1995-97 and then they started showing it on tv here after that period.
Anyways I agree with what you said as does my statement, don't forget I was the one to say the WWF didn't have a clue what to do with Foley and Austin. Foley and Austin deserve the credit for getting themselves over, not Vince.
topdweeb26 how tall do you believe Dalip Singh is??
Arjun said on 17/May/07
Topdweeb26 said:-
"Show is a legit 7-footer"
Close enough to it. Surely a strong 6'11" when fully straight up even nowadays.
I agree completely topdweeb, Show's height has been proven by now.
Viper said on 16/May/07
It might have been a mistake in the end, but they complimented each other big time. Each one tried to out do each other every other week, thats what made it so great.
topdweeb26 said on 16/May/07
Show is a legit 7-footer. I think that has been proven by now. Nitro wasn't on a different day or time than RAW because WCW wanted to directly compete with WWF. Which in the end was a big mistake.
Arjun said on 16/May/07
Show towers over Greene, easy 8 inches there.
anonymous said on 16/May/07
big show looks at least 8-9 inches taller than 6'3" kevin green.
wolverinejoe80 said on 16/May/07
ever since the rock left, WWE hasn't been the same IMO.
wolverinejoe80 said on 16/May/07
nitro used to be so much better than Raw. didn't nitro led the ratings for about 2 years in a row, and then slowly died? why couldn't they just change to tuesday night nitro, so both WWE, WCW fans could watch?
i miss 90's nitro. WWE is not a crap, and i don't even care about wrestling anymore.
JT said on 16/May/07
Big Show and defensive end/linebacker Kevin Greene, which the NFL listed at 6
topdweeb26 said on 15/May/07
Vegas: yeah the competition between the two brought out the best of both organizations; as I said, that's the only reason I even miss WCW. Many disagree with me, but I thought WCW flat out sucked. I still watched RAW even when Nitro was at its peak... the only time I watched Nitro was when RAW was on a commercial break. As for Austin and Foley, sure their own talent and input may be one of the keys to their success, but I don't buy for even a second that WWF wasn't a big part of it. Otherwise, why didn't Austin become Stone Cold in WCW? Or why wasn't Foley Mankind in WCW? Because either 1. WCW didn't allow them to have any creativity over their characters or 2. because WWF is the one who thought up of it... and I'm pretty sure Austin said that WWF came up with the Stone Cold gimmick.
And I do agree that since WWE doesn't have serious competition, they have gotten lazy and their product sucks now. I don't even watch it any more. And I remember it used to be sad to see my favorite wrestlers jump ship. Now it's like, "Oh no, my favorite wrestler moved from RAW to SmackDown!"
Viper said on 15/May/07
Vegas, you are 100 percent correct there. The worst thing to ever happen to the WWE was purchasing WCW. The fierce competition between WWE and WCW in the mid to late 90s was just unbeleivable. They brought out the absolute best in each other. On Monday nights I remember clicking back and forth repeatedly between Monday night Nitro and Raw is War. I couldnt keep it on one channel because the other one might have had something great like Mick Foley in a cage match, or seeing what would happen next in the NWO. Seems like wrestling is far away from those great days :(
Alex said on 15/May/07
Vegas, the first diva search in 2004 I actually liked, forget about the other 2.
Alex said on 15/May/07
I'm not going to make this long since its a height site but WWE started going down hill in 2004 but was still good at times. 2006 and on was when it started to get worse. 2007 is the pits for the most part. Best years in WWE were from 98-02. 2003 was good too.
Vegas said on 15/May/07
I disagree Viper about Jamal. I too hated that character. I was there in Chicago the night (Raw after WM22) he made his WWE debut as Umaga and I thought this gimmick blows! But he really came alive and dragged Cena to a memorable match at Royal Rumble (that match was amazing to witness live in the arena; don't know how it came across on tv though). His madman ramblings are hilarious and I believe Vince has big things planned for him and Bobby Lashley down the line.
Singh has been well used so far, I think Vince and Dunn realise they f****d up big time with Paul Wight and they are currently using Singh as he should be used.
Tna have loads of top guys like Joe, Daniels, Angle, Styles, Christian, Abyss, homicide and soon to be RVD that there is no need to be pushing washed up guys like Steiner.
Vegas said on 15/May/07
topdweeb26 WWF/WWE have let many guys go such as Samoa Joe, Chris Daniels, Christian, AJ Styles and they have gone on to become stars, ok not big worldwide stars (yet) because TNA and ROH etc are still relatively small feds.
True WCW didn't know what to do with the likes of Foley or Austin but both of those guys deserve the credit for getting themselves over, rather than anything the WWE front office did. Look at the way they had Austin jobbing to the likes of Savio Vega when he first started, they had no clue what to do with him either. Foley himself came up with the mankind gimmick after WWF creative team had decided on a really stupid gimmick for him and he flatly refused to do it!!
WCW especially after the arrivals of Nash and Hall gave the WWF the kick up the a** they needed at the time. Watching pro wrestling from June 1996 to mid 1998 was exciting; story lines and characters on both sides were fresh. Nowadays nothing (big show has highlighted a few of the bad things; you'll be glad to know Big Show that a new Diva search is starting very soon; i cant contain my excitement :D). The WWE don't have to worry anymore; they have become lazy without the strong competition WCW provided during the 1990s.
Viper said on 15/May/07
TNA is like WCW in 2000. It just sucks. It is, quite simply, just an unwatchable product that reaks of WCW leftovers and there's nothing worse than leftovers of something truly terrible. When your mark out moment of the night is one of the charisma-sucking Steiner brothers making an appearance, you're in a world of hurt. It is sad that WWE is so far ahead of TNA that chumps like Khali and Jamal from 3 minute warning are main event players right now. TNA stepping up and challenging makes WWE a much better product. I hope TNA can gain some momentum from the solid PPV and get the WWE fans to give it a chance
topdweeb26 said on 15/May/07
I don't know, I always thought WCW always seem like the brand-X of wrestling. I mean, to me the WWF was always better and more interesting. And WCW's inability of being able to create new stars eventually caught up to them (not to mention they had a knack of ruining established stars like Hennig). I mean, it's insane when you think of all the wrestlers that were let go by WCW and went to the WWF and became huge. Prime example is Steve Austin. Before the WWF he was a nobody. After the WWF he was one of the biggest stars the industry has ever seen. I'm glad WCW is gone. The ONLY reason I miss WCW is because it was always interesting watching the two organizations compete.
Big Show said on 15/May/07
I started watching wrestling on a frequent basis in 1997 (it was the first time wrestling was ever broadcasted onto Dutch TV). I must say that WCW at that time was better than what I've ever seen on the WWF so far. The only thing that came close was the Invasion angle in 2001 when WCW and ECW invaded the WWF.
What I really liked about WCW back then were the big fueds between NWO B/W and NWO Wolfpac. When a guy of either group would fight each other you would know that NWO B/W at some point in the match would flock to the ring with 5 or 6 time to break up the match. Then NWO Wolfpac would also come and you have a big fight in the middle of the ring. Shame that those things are not used in the WWE anymore (the Evolution Angle was a complete fluke).
You talk about bad angles in the 90's, what about nowadays with characters like the Boogeyman, the Highlanders (which is in insult to Scottish people), Drag Queen Vito (this guy must've been short on cash or really eager to be in the WWE, to go along with that stupid angle. Btw. he's been put out of his misery now), Eugene, etc. And what to think about those stupid Diva searches, which no one ever cares about. They can't wrestle and are only brought in to sell magazines or get a contract with Playboy, which would gather WWE more mainstream attention (although in my oppinion it's the wrong attention they're getting).
Frank said on 15/May/07
When the WCW created The NWO and made Hogan a bad guy was the Best Ever and they Blew The WWF Away!!!!!
Arjun said on 15/May/07
Mike, I would say it's not more than 11 inches, because Gonzales has around a 12 inch head, and he is lifting his head and Taker is still a little above his chin.
topdweeb26 said on 14/May/07
Vegas: to be fair to the WWE, all those gimmicks were around (The Goon, Gobbledy Gooker, Kwang, Mantaur, etc) WAY before WCW kicked the WWE's ass. So those gimmicks had absolutely nothing to do with it. WCW kicked WWE's ass for other reasons. WCW was a joke until Hulk Hogan arrived on the scene. Before Hogan, WCW seemed like it was the brand X of wrestling, but when he got there, it was taken a lot more seriously. But that still didn't allow WCW to beat WWE. Then WWE simply lost too many big stars at one time (mainly Kevin Nash and Scott Hall). And then the way they made people believe Nash and Hall were still with the WWE but were going to war with WCW had a lot of people in intridgued. However, WCW soon learned that while they could steal the established stars of WWE, the one thing they really lacked as the ability to make full use of their current stars, and make new stars themselves, so in the end, WWE won. The only major star that WCW made during that whole 2 years was Goldberg. That was it. And I personally never liked WCW. There was always something about their shows that seemed dark and uncolorful, which made it feel dull and depressing. WWE seemed to have better lighting, more colorful, and just full of more life.
Alex said on 14/May/07
Gonzalez easily did get away with 8'0 on TV or at least 7'10. A legit 7'6 can get away with looking 8'0.
mike m said on 14/May/07
vegas i would still say 10 inches leaving gonzales 7'6" and taker 6'8".
Arjun said on 14/May/07
Vegas, I would say about 11 inches between Taker and Gonzales.
Vegas said on 14/May/07
Gonzales rarely if ever stood up straight. His back was always arched and his head nearly always dropping. Here is a good pic of him and taker and it looks a clear 11-12" to me
Click Here Dont forget Gonzo had a 12"+ head too.
And yes viper the cave man suit was one of the stupidest ideas in WWF history; but i suppose seeing as the likes of Bastion Booger, Mantaur, Kwang, The Goon, Abe "knuckleball" Schwartz and the Gobbeldy Gooker (oh the pain!!!) were prancing around the WWF rings at the same time it didn't look that out of place back then :D
The WWF creative department in the early 1990s, geniuses the lot of them; and they still wonder why WCW kicked their a** for two straight years!!!
anonymous said on 14/May/07
gonzales has 2 ft on harvey wippleman if he,s 5'6".i remember taker was about up to the bottom of is chin,and was not quite 12 inches shorter maybe 9-10 inches.
Danimal said on 13/May/07
Sid was being billed at 6'7" early on in his career. I don't believe he was ever taller than that.
Sid next to Kevin Nash. Granted, Sid isn't standing straight, but I still see a solid 6'7" guy standing next to 6'9"-6'10" Nash:
Click Here
Danimal said on 13/May/07
Sid was being billed at 6'7" early on in his career. I don't believe he was ever taller than that.
Vegas said on 13/May/07
Gonzales had a full head on
Sid Eudy and his head was 12"+ i suspect. He isnt even standing fully straight there with Eudy with his head dropping down!!!
Click HereSid was between 6'6 and 6'7 barefoot. I would say 99% of people on this site will agree with that. He was 2" shorter than kevin Nash and approx the same height as taker
topdweeb26 said on 13/May/07
All this proves to me now is how hard it is to tell exactly how much taller someone is just by "eyeing it". Sid is not 6' 9 or 6' 10, I have seen him in real life. He looked only about 6' 6 or 6' 7 to me, and yes, this was in his wrestling attire. When Nash came out later that night, I could easily tell he was taller than Sid. Gonzalez is a legit 7' 6 according to Guinness records, and Sid isn't even as tall as Nash and Nash is 6' 10, heck even the Undertaker is slightly taller than Sid and the Undertaker once said he was 6' 8 on a Smackdown episode. So that means Sid is really a about 6' 7, so if you guys aren't seeing a 12 inch difference, then that again, shows how hard it is to be exact to the exact inch by eyeing it.
mike m said on 13/May/07
after reviewing the footage,sid doesn,t appear 12 inches shorter than el gigante i,d say 7-8 inches at the most. sid was definitely taller than 6'6" more like 6'9" to 6'10" at most.
Vegas said on 13/May/07
Wippleman looks about 5'6 next to Lawler to me.
topdweeb26 I never even noticed that about Gonzales being taller than the pillars, wow. I agree he will prob never be matched height wise again in the ring. Here is a pic of jerry lawler and another guy who Halb found was billed at 7'7 in the early 1970s Stan Fraiser
Click Here
Danimal said on 19/Oct/06
Canstop, you still amaze me after being on here for as long as you've been. How can you base height on Nash in a movie? Anyone can be made to be any height in a movie. That's not real life my friend. Ever see Green Mile. Just so you know, that black dude, wasn't really 10 feet tall in real life ;).
Furthermore, Big show WAS a tall man back in his day. Like Andre, he has lost some height and he's only 33-34 years old, which is kind of sad. People doubt that Andre hadn't lost any height by 1983, when he was already Yeah RIGHT!
cantstop25 said on 19/Oct/06
wow show towers nash there, he could have worn lifts in wcw to look even more massive. Nash is a legit 6'10", I have prrof from pics I took from the longest yard. WHich I will put on nash's page soon enough. Is it just me or does show look nearly 4 inches taller then nash in that first pic? But eyah shows footwear def added more then nash's
Danimal said on 18/Oct/06
It's possible Bulldog was 5'8" by 1996. He was 5'9" years earlier. His partner was 5'8" (The Dynamite Kid).
Danimal said on 18/Oct/06
Alex, as I've mentioned before, the BRitish Bulldog was billed at 5'11" for at least 7 years in the WWF before any other listing, BUT, he was listed at 5'9" (his true height) well before entering the WWF. I have an old magazine of him. He also gained 40 pounds from the 80's to the 90's and then lost it again, after dropping the roids. He was solid, but SHORT. Shorter than me.
Alex said on 18/Oct/06
I knew Bulldog was under 6'0 for sure but not by that much I didn't think.
Frank said on 18/Oct/06
Viper, 5ft 8 for Bulldog could be right he walked right by me and he looked alot shorter than me and im 5ft 11 1/2 so 5ft 8 sounds right 5ft 9 topps
Viper652 said on 18/Oct/06
Shoot, the mentors list had Bullsog at 5-8.
Frank said on 18/Oct/06
Alex, he looked short i seen him in his street clothes going into Madison Square Garden....I believe he wore good size lifts in his Wrestling boots to appear in the 6ft range
Alex said on 18/Oct/06
The British Bulldog I thought was more 5'10ish. I do remember him being billed at 6'3 toward the end of his career, but before that it was 6'0.
Viper652 said on 18/Oct/06
Why in the world did they bill British Bulldog at 6-3?
Frank said on 18/Oct/06
The British Bulldog was about 5ft 9 topps i seen him uo close but in the ring he looked alot taller (lifts)
Alex said on 17/Oct/06
This picture of Big Show was when he weighed 420lbs in 1999. He was in pretty decent shape here. In 2000 then he was up to 430lbs he said on a radio show then it was after that where he began to gain more weight and since really hasn't lost any except for one period of time but he gained it right back. I am talking about in later 2001 then by mid 2002 he gained it all back
Click Here
wilbur said on 17/Oct/06
Triple H is atleast 6'2. possibly 6'3
Vegas said on 17/Oct/06
ya never met harry but have been informed as such. Dallas a def 6'5.5 he said so himself when i met him in chicago in april. He towered over alot of wwe stars in attendance eg ted dibiase, steve austin, jim ross
Alex said on 17/Oct/06
Harry Smith and Dallas Hart are 6'5 plus?
Viper652 said on 17/Oct/06
Im starting to beleive Danimal's estimate of 5-9 1/2 for Bret.
Vegas said on 17/Oct/06
Funny that both bret and davey were about 5'11 and both Harry Smith and Dallas Hart (their sons) are 6'5+
Dkko said on 16/Oct/06
Yes indeed Dani, Davey Boy was no more tall than 5-11, but his son (I saw him in a house show about 4 months ago) is definetively a tall kid, he was taking on a jobber and he just dwarfed the guy, I think the kid's about the Randy Orton
height range
Danimal said on 16/Oct/06
I met Bret in Calgary. I'm 5'10". He wasn't any taller than I was. Davey Boy Smith was shorter than me by about an inch when I met him in Montreal.
Frank said on 16/Oct/06
On the day i met The Undertaker Bret Hart was there and Randy Savage they were both wearing cowboys boots with Lifts in them because they both appeared tall
I know people who have met Bret hart and they told me was about my height or alittle shorter....The reason i say there were lifts in them is because i have cowboy boots and they do not make me much taller
Frank said on 16/Oct/06
Danimal,i believe Anvil wore Lifts just like The British Bulldog...I cant see Bret under 5ft 11 too be honest
Alex said on 15/Oct/06
Bret Hart looks about 5'11. He was listed at 6'0 or 6'1.
Danimal said on 15/Oct/06
At that time, Hogan was just under 6'5" and Frank, that proves that Bret Hart was even shorter, because Jim Anvil was an inch taller than Bret. Bret was under 5'10" (shorter than HBK)
Frank said on 15/Oct/06
I met Jim The Anvil Neidhart at an Italian feast and i was surprized that i was clearly taller than him and on Hogans show Thunder n Paridise Hogan did not tower Anvil which makes me believe Hogan was not wearing lifts on that show and that show was on 12 years ago
Alex said on 14/Oct/06
Frank, during the UFC match between Shamrock and Ortiz it wasn't more than 3 inches difference. Shamrock 5'10 and Ortiz 6'1 tops maybe?
Danimal said on 14/Oct/06
Bret is not that tall Frank. I met him. He's under 5'11".
Frank said on 14/Oct/06
Alex your right Shamrock is about 5ft 10 at best but a guy i work with is about 6ft 2 and he has a picture with Ortiz and he is about the same size so Ortiz could be 6ft 2....The reason i think Shamrock is 5ft 10 is because Bret Hart was taller than him and Bret is 5ft 11 to 6ft
Alex said on 14/Oct/06
Test is at least 6'5, possibly 6'6. Shamrock in the UFC gets listed at 6'0 when he really looks more 5'10. They listed Tito Ortiz at 6'2 when he is really 6'0 I think.
Danimal said on 14/Oct/06
I believe that Big Show was indeed a legite 7'0" at one point. Today I give him nothing more than 6'11".
JK said on 14/Oct/06
I think Big show is 7'0'' as Rob lists him...
JT said on 13/Oct/06
Nice pic, Cantstop25. Shamrock doesn't look like the world's most dangerous man next to Big Show, does he?
Also check out Big Show relative to Test and Foley. Test is around 6'6" and Big Show looks at least 7 inches taller than him (his eye level is around 2 inches above the top of Test's head; Big Show also has a huge noggin). Big Show could be wearing big boots or maybe he really was 7'1" back in the late 90s like he claimed. Foley's 6'2" or 6'3" and Big Show looks almost a head taller than him.
Danimal said on 13/Oct/06
That's Big Show prior to any noticable height loss.
Danimal said on 13/Oct/06
JK, you're only 15 years old. Don't forget that. YES, some cowboy boots give people 3". Take your tape measurement and go find out.
Alex said on 13/Oct/06
Austin's boots I think give him 2 inches of height so he's 6'2 in his big boots that you'll see him in sometimes.
Alex said on 13/Oct/06
Paul, I am not going to meet Austin.
cantstop25 said on 13/Oct/06
Whatever this is teh big shows page,
look at him completely tower over shamrock, who is probably a legit 5'10-5'11"
Click Herewell over a foot there!
JK said on 13/Oct/06
Ive never in my life seen or heard of a boot that givs u 3 inches lol, a boot can only give 1.5 inches and that is the MAX, only elevator shoes give 3 inches+
Danimal said on 13/Oct/06
Cantstop, Austin only appears as tall as 6'2" Vince McMahon, is because Austin is wearing his beloved boots, which probably give him a total of 3", whereby Vince only needs an inch heel to put him up to 6'3".
Alex said on 12/Oct/06
Every face off between Austin and HHH, HHH had Austin by 1.5 inches, maybe closer to 2 inches.
supes78 said on 12/Oct/06
Okay, here is Big Show with 6'2" Andy Richter and 6'4" Conan O' Brien;
Click Here Now, here is Big Show with 7'1" Dalip Singh;
Click Here He looks like a legitimate 7-footer in all these pics. From what I've noticed, Big Show rarely shows good posture (probably because he's used to having to look down at people) so it can give the impression that he's shorter than he actually is. You can see in the Dalip Singh pic that Show's slouching while Singh is standing completely straight. He has much better posture in the pic with Conan and thus looks the full 7 feet.
cantstop25 said on 12/Oct/06
Danimal I will be honest I am not on austins page too often, bu I will admit at tiem he can appear 6' however I contribute that to bad posture, I asumes austin at 6'1.5" because that is what vinnie mac is listed at on the site and I would say that they are about the sae height. Here are some pictures of austin with 5'11" stacy keibler in heels
Click Here
Paul said on 12/Oct/06
Alex, aren't you going to meet some wrestlers soon ? Austin ? Tell him to his face he isn't 6'2, dare ya.
cantstop25 said on 12/Oct/06
I know this is a bad pic, but you should still be able to see that trips did not tower over austin THAT much
Click Here
Alex said on 12/Oct/06
Cantstop, HHH had more than an inch on Austin. May not be 2 inches on him but it was around 1.5 inches at least.
Viper652 said on 12/Oct/06
JK, Austin is clearly shorter than Triple H.
Alex said on 12/Oct/06
I'd give Austin 6'0. He really hasn't looked under 6'0 to me in any pictures.
JT, I am not sure if HHH wears lifts or not. I do think he's 6'1.5-6'2 barefoot and just is 6'3 or a bit more in wrestling boots.
Frank said on 12/Oct/06
I would say Austin is 6ft to 6 ft .5 at best he was shorter than Vince who is about 6ft 1 .5 to 6ft 2
JK said on 12/Oct/06
Cantstop dont listen to Danimal, if you think Austin is 6'1.5'' then thats good coz thats what you think, I think he is 6'2'' and so is HHH
Danimal said on 12/Oct/06
Cantstop, I still can't believe after being on this site for as long as you have, you still believe that Austin is 6'1.5". I mean come on man. NO ONE other than the newbies thinks that anymore. He's under 6'0" and it's been proven time and time again.
Dkko said on 11/Oct/06
Excuse me people but isn't this pagededicated exclusively to discuss Wight's height? I can't understand why are you discussing Austin's Hogan's and Levesque's heights, sure all of them are big and tall men, but this page is dedicated to a GIANT and not just tall men, but please compare Show with Rodman, O Neil or other notable giants, but PLEASE don't compare Paul Wight with people he has at least a head or more in height advantage
cantstop25 said on 11/Oct/06
o well if he wears lifts tehn i guess he would be shorter, but I still dont think he is as low as 6'1", prob mroe 6'1.5"-6'2"
Frank said on 11/Oct/06
Triple H is 6ft 1 but wears lifts to appear 6ft 3 at times
cantstop25 said on 11/Oct/06
jk, triple h is taller then austin, I would say 6'1.5" and 6'2.5" respectively
JK said on 11/Oct/06
To me triple H and Austin are both 6'2'', but thats just me
Danimal said on 11/Oct/06
JT, picture this: Hogan was taller than Hilbilly Jim in the 80's. Look how Hilbilly dwarfs that 5'11" dude. NOW, Hogan's own daughter is 5'11" or even shorter and he isn't THAT much taller than her. Just picture what he would have looked like next to his daughter at his peak height?
Alex said on 10/Oct/06
I'd say Austin is 6'0 and HHH 6'1.5.
Viper652 said on 10/Oct/06
Carter seems like the type of guy who beleives anything in print.
Viper652 said on 10/Oct/06
Carter, you overestimate everyone on this site. Why is that?
Danimal said on 9/Oct/06
HHH is about 6'1.25" and Austin is about 5'11.5"-5'11.75".
Carter_MVP said on 9/Oct/06
no offense Viper, but i've seen some of your other posts and the same goes here. U downgrade every1 to a height where there's no chance they r at. If u think HHH is 6-1 you're a fool and Austin is not 5'11. I've been watching these gusy for years and years, they tower over the majority of pple, especialyl HHH, 6'1 is tall but at 6'3 (whihc is the shortest he can possibly be) or 6'4 u r always distinctly taller than every1 else which he is.
Viper652 said on 9/Oct/06
Triple H is more 6-1 and Austin between 5-11 and 6-0.
Big Show said on 9/Oct/06
Dkko, I'm guessing you're a newcomer to this site, but HHH sure as hell isn't 6'4 or even close. A year ago he got a picture taken together with legit 6'5 Ben Roethlisberger and he had HHH by at least 3 inches. Most of the wrestling heights are exagerrated you know. Not many wrestlers are being billed at their real height.
Dkko said on 6/Oct/06
Show, Triple H at 6'2??!!! What the hell have you been drinking my man? HHH is no shorter than 6'4, remember when he was teaming/feuding with Stone Cold? Austin is every bit of 6'2 and HHH easily had 2 or 3 inches over him, also I watched both Conan episodes with the Giant and the Big Show and clearly when he appeared as the giant he looked a little taller, Big Show currently as big and tall as he may be is no close to the height he had during his days in WCW I remember he actually made Tony Schiavonne look like a toy during one interview
Alex said on 6/Oct/06
I think Big Show could be 7'0. I can't see the guy under 6'11. Maybe he could be just shy of 7'0. The pictures with Khali show that he really can't be under the 6'10 mark.
Viper652 said on 6/Oct/06
More like 6-10 1/2 - 6-11 Max.
cdk said on 6/Oct/06
Big Show is the same height now as he was in his WCW days. Because he has gained weight and wears knee pads and taller boots now its makes his body appear shorter. His hair is now shaved too so that may make him look an inch or two shorter than he did in say 1998. Big Show is legit 7'0" that is fact.
Viper652 said on 6/Oct/06
He only looked 6-7 one time on Conan. Conan's show is terrible to judge anyway.
JT said on 6/Oct/06
Anonymous, I think Big Show was already in the WWE when this photo was taken of him and Conan (
Click Here). Not quite a foot difference but around 9 inches or so.
Anonymous said on 6/Oct/06
does anybody remember the time he was on conan? this was back when he had long hair, he was probably in the wcw at the time as the giant. Well he came in he shook conans hand and they stood side by side, and he literally looked nearly a foot taller then the 6'4" Conan! It amazing how tall this man can look with good posture.
Big Show said on 5/Oct/06
Dkko, are you confusing Big Show with someone else? Kane looked taller than Big Show? Yeah maybe if Kane was standing on a ladder, but otherwise? When they were a tag-team Big Show looked 4-5 inches taller, which was funny as they were both listed as 7 foot.
You think Big Show is 6'9.5 and Triple H is only 3 inches smaller (6'6.5). Maybe it's time to see an eye doctor. Triple H is 6'2 at best. To me Big Show still looks a solid 6'11 to 7 foot.
Rocker said on 4/Oct/06
Yeah Nash is classic should have a page back
Cantstop25 said on 4/Oct/06
yesh nashs page should be brought back his height would be discussed probably more then most of the wrestlers one this site excluding show, kane and taker. especially luger and viscera
Cantstop25 said on 3/Oct/06
Nash is every bit of 6'10"
Click Here
Dkko said on 3/Oct/06
it is very clear that Big Show is now much shorter since he was a rookie in WCW, the WCW Giant was easily taller than Khali, remember how Nash actually had to be on his toes in order to stare at the Giant when he was mocking him in WCW?
Now even Kane looked taller than Show, I also remember how he dwarfed HHH when he debuted in the WWE in 1999, now I don't think there are more than 3 inches between the two I think Big Show nowadays stands about 6'9 1/2
Alex said on 3/Oct/06
Rob, are you going to bring back the Kevin Nash page?
Alex said on 3/Oct/06
What would Nash's weight to today I wonder. At least 300-305lbs I'd assume.
Danimal said on 3/Oct/06
Nash's weight fluctuated from 317-337 Alex.
Big Show said on 2/Oct/06
Nash also looked 6'9 (minimum) next to Magic Johnson (listed 6'9, actual height no less than 6'7) and Oliver Miller (6'8).
btw. Big Show looked 7'next to Rodman, because he totally dwarfed him.
Viper652 said on 2/Oct/06
Nash only looked 6-8 next to 6-6 Dennis Rodman.
Alex said on 1/Oct/06
Nash weighed 340lbs? He looked 320 something to me.
Alex said on 1/Oct/06
Danimal, Big Show is still very strong. That picture with Molly Sims appears to be in late 1999.
JT said on 30/Sep/06
Good picture Cantstop25. Lucky Big Show. If she's really 5'9", Big Show's around 21 inches taller in his boots, or 7'6". If she's really only 5'6", Big Show's about 19.5 inches taller in his boots, or around 7'1.5". Let's assume for the benefit of a few here on this website that Big Show's really 6'9.5" in his boots. This Victoria Secret and runway model would have to be a little under 5'3".
Alex said on 30/Sep/06
Can't stop, decent picture as I saw that picture a couple years ago but its not the best since she's off the ground but you can see its def over a foot in height difference and she's 5'9 I read mostly, or could be 5'9.5 like you said.
Mr. E said on 30/Sep/06
I think this still has height value for both Show and Nash for evidence of 7'0" and 6'10"
Click Here
Mr. E said on 29/Sep/06
I would saw now that Nash is close to 50, he's probably 6'9", at his peak 6'10". I'd still have to give Show 7'0" judging from thye 90's. Perhaps weight may have taken it's toll, he was never as heavy early in his career, much like Andre. Those early shots of Andre make him loo slim and tall, it's crazy. But late in career when he taged with Baba it was obvious that 7'4" or even billed 7'5" was way off base.
Alex said on 29/Sep/06
I can't see Nash under 6'9 IMO. He has appeared to lost a bit of height.
Danimal said on 29/Sep/06
Shoot, Molly Sims is my height and the Younger Big Show was gigantic next to her. He's REALLY strong. He used to press Nash over his head in the WCW and Nash was between 315 and 340 pounds.
Danimal said on 29/Sep/06
Viper, if Nash was 6'8", then Taker would have been 6'6" MAX and Syd even less. I don't see him under 6'9".
Cantstop25 said on 29/Sep/06
with 5'9.5" molly sims
Click Here
Viper652 said on 29/Sep/06
I think Nash is closer to 6-8 in reality.
mickey said on 29/Sep/06
listed 7ft does not mean is 7ft in real height.. most wrestler get their height listed a few inches taller is very common.. frankly to say big show was huge in size but not so huge in height.. he atually always apear to looks 6ft9~6ft10 in wwe if plp notice it..
Mr. E said on 29/Sep/06
Seeing the Nash-Big Show staredown, it is safe to say that Show had 2" on Nash. (Of course, Nash probably did that on purpose because WCW billed him as 7' and Show at 7'4") Nash at the time was 6'10" which leads to Show a legit 7'. Evidence points to Khali being 7'1".
Rocker said on 29/Sep/06
Big show is billed at 6'11 MAX in barefeet nearer 6'10
cantstop25 said on 28/Sep/06
"Kali is taller and was measured at 6-11 1/2."
and when was this?
Big Show said on 28/Sep/06
Viper, Khali was listed as 6'11.5 in a Indian bodybuilding magazine. It's never been confirmed that he was officially measured at this height.
I don't no much about India's measurements, but do they use feet and inches or do they use the metric system. For all I now this is just a height listing just like many others. None of them are confirmed, except the 7'2 listing, which Singh claims to be.
Danimal said on 28/Sep/06
I give Big Show 6'10.5"-6'11" at most.
Viper652 said on 28/Sep/06
He cant be 7-0 JK. Kali is taller and was measured at 6-11 1/2.
JK said on 27/Sep/06
The guy is 7ft, it was amazing when John Cena FU'd such a big guy, how did he do that??
Viper652 said on 26/Sep/06
Kali is no taller than 6-11 1/2.
Alex said on 25/Sep/06
Viper it depends on how tall you think Khali is.
Viper652 said on 25/Sep/06
Big Show is no taller than 6-10 1/2 then.
Big Show said on 25/Sep/06
Indeed Canstop25, if you check the ppv The Great American Bash, prior to the Punjabi Prison Match, Big Show and Khali beat up The Undertaker. After that they walk side by side through a hallway and they are the exact same height.
At first I've always thought that Khali was taller, but after seeing that footage (and it was the first good footage where the two were standing side by side) I'm convinced that the height difference between the two is minimal. Certainly not 1.5 - 2 inches. If any, it's more like 0.5 - 1 inch.
Cantstop25 said on 24/Sep/06
You guys need to realize that the staredown khali was stadnign up much more straight then show. I think they are trying to pass off show as the biggest and Khali as the tallest. The other two or three times show and khali were together they appeared to be the same height.
Alex said on 24/Sep/06
We know Khali was measured at 6'11.5 so he can't be any lower than that really. But we've seen 7'1 measurements of him too. So if he's 6'11.5 and Big Show was as much as 1.5 inches shorter then Big Show can't be under 6'10. I think its Big Show 7'0 and Khali 7'1.
Paul said on 24/Sep/06
I think 7'0 and 7'1 1/2 for Khali.
Alex said on 23/Sep/06
Whatever Khali is Big Show is an inch shorter. 1.5 inches shorter at the very most. Their shoes looked very similar. Big Show's were maybe 1/2 more but maybe Khali had something in his boots that we didn't see. can't always go by that outside.
JK said on 23/Sep/06
I think he is 7'0'' nothing over that
Jordan said on 23/Sep/06
Big SHow can look 6'8 at times becasue of his massive stomach. He cant be that short. Maybe 6'10 at the lowest.
topdweeb26 said on 23/Sep/06
When we had the pics of Big Show and Khali up, Khali's soles were about 1/2 as thick as the Big Show's. So say Big Show is 6' 8 then those lifts looked to give him about 1" to 1-1/2"... I'll go with 1-1/2" just to play the worst case scenario. But this would put Big Show at 6' 9-1/2" (if he is 6' 8 in barefeet). And Khali's shoes looked to be 1/2 as thick, so 3/4" of an inch, and if he is 6'11 barefeet, then that would put him at 6' 11-3/4". That's would put Khali at 2-1/4 inches taller than the Big Show, and that would leave about 1 1/4 inches unaccounted for (in the worst case scenario, at times they look dead even to me). There's no way Big Show is just 6' 8 in barefeet, even if Khali is 6' 11.
And I remember before their face off, Jason said Khali would have several inches on Show, but that didn't happen at all. And yes, WWE would want Khali to tower over Show, because 1. They have Khali billed at 7' 3 and Show at 7'. 2. In a WWE magazine a couples months ago, they had a poster showing the height of the wrestlers, and it had Khali looking a lot taller to the Big Show than he does in real life. And 3. Because when they met up, conveniently only show pics of Khali and Big Show at VERY extreme angles that made the Big Show look like he was dwarfed to Khali. So I don't buy into this crap of, "Oh well they made the Big Show wear lifts because they don't want Khali to be that much taller than him".
Big Show said on 23/Sep/06
Viper, look at it this way, if Big Show is 6'8, than Kane is 6'3-6'4 at best and Hogan would be 6'1 at best. Akebono would be 6'3-6'4 and Lesnar 5'10-5'11. To me there's too much evidence to contradict this. So far Jason hasn't really showed us any evidence to back up his theory. But we have been showing enough evidence to put Big Show at around 7'.
Alex said on 22/Sep/06
Paul, I can one of them the FU (John Cena's finisher)and done it to him 5-6 times over the last 2-3 summers. The other guy I can get it on too I think but he hasn't let me try it on him yet.
Rocker said on 22/Sep/06
Big Show max is 7ft,when he was barefoot in a match he was nearer 6ft10
Paul said on 22/Sep/06
Yes Alex I saw that....big guys.
Alex said on 21/Sep/06
Paul, you did see a picture of them both I posted sometime back right?
Alex said on 21/Sep/06
Viper, I don't think Big Show is 6'8 at all. Not just saying that because I am a big fan of his as a wrestler, but I do think the man is 7'0. At lowest 6'11 but no less than that. You have to see these guys in person sometimes to get a real estimate as on TV they can sometimes even look shorter than in real life.
Paul said on 21/Sep/06
Never mind Alex. If it does happen put it on youtube lol. Lochness (Haystacks) can now be found on youtube having a match with Big Daddy with a whole belly full of trouble ensuing....
Richard said on 20/Sep/06
To me it looked like 1.5 to 2 inches between Singh and Big Show.
Viper652 said on 20/Sep/06
Alex, do you think there is any possible way Big Show is 6-8? Im pretty torn about it. The guy seems 6-10 1/2-6-11 or even taller at times. I dont know, Jason might fully convince me otherwise :)
Alex said on 19/Sep/06
Paul, It never happened yet. lol
Both I don't think would agree to it. I bet they'd rather just have a regular wrestling match.
Jason said on 19/Sep/06
My .02 about Big Show & Dalip going head to head? I think Khali is 6'11'' and Big Show only appeared about 1 inch shorter, but it also looked like he was wearing lifts to me. If Big Show actually were a few inches below Khali, I don't think WWE would have them out there with Khali looming inches above him. We've seen from the variety of heights Big Show appears that he's an occasional lift wearer whatever your opinion is of his height.
Paul, regarding JBL, I didn't mean that in a bad way. Honest. :)
Paul said on 19/Sep/06
Alex, what happened with the sumo match between your buddies ? Did it all go belly up ?
Alex said on 19/Sep/06
Jason, I did agree on a couple or so of your estimates mainly with the shorter wrestlers. It was just the taller ones I disagreed with you on.
Alex said on 19/Sep/06
Jason, what did you think about seeing Big Show and Dalip Singh together a few months ago. We all saw it was only an inch between the 2 of them. Depending on how tall you think Singh is then take an inch away and you get Big Show's height.
Viper652 said on 19/Sep/06
Big Show looks taller than usual there. Is he wearing lifts. How much did he shrink maybe?
JT said on 18/Sep/06
Anonymous, you can't really see the stance of each at the end. Plus, Rock is looking up while Big Show is looking down, so the height difference is minimized. In the full screen shots when both are standing straight, Big Show looks around 9-10 inches taller than Rock. Big Show's a good head size taller than 6'1" Vince, which would put Big Show at around 7'1". Big Show has big boots on while the other two have dress shows, so that may give him an extra inch advantage.
Andre the Giant never seemed that tall next to Vince unless he was standing on a box.
Anonymous said on 18/Sep/06
wow at times when big show is standing up straght he looks a full foot taller then the Rock!
gorgie.k said on 18/Sep/06
i saw big shows in real life, his about 50+pounds lower and 5~6cm shorter.. im a solid 2m guy.. he looks about no more than 3inches(8cm) taller than me. i stand mildly taller than his eye brown he can't be 7ft..
Anonymous said on 17/Sep/06
This vid shows a younger Big Show (looked taller then). At tht end of the video, the Rock and Big Show face off, and the top of Rock's head is to the bottom of Big Show's nose. How many inches do you guys think that could be?
Click Here
Paul said on 17/Sep/06
'big old melon'.....what flattering commentary. Could be worse though. Doink had Kona Crush down as old pineapple head. No love lost there.
Jason said on 17/Sep/06
Thanks, JT. You know it. :)
JT said on 17/Sep/06
At least a 7 inch difference between Big Show and JBL in that photo. Big Show can easily see over the top of JBL's head if he removed the hat. That's a 5 inch difference right there for a normal size man. Plus, Big Show's head is not normal sized. Plus, Big Show's eyes would be probably 2+ inches above the top of JBL's head. Plus, Big Show's leaning in a bit.... Welcome back Jason, you haven't changed a bit!
Jason said on 17/Sep/06
Cool comparison, Bleemo. I don't know how to do all that photoshop stuff. :/ I think you may have slightly undercut where JBL's big old melon comes up to though, & more importantly the pic is on right leaning angle (look at the door in the background).
Bleemo said on 17/Sep/06
Nah JBL is more then 5 inches shorter then Big show in that picture. Take off his hat and I reckon he would be about an inch or so under his nose. I've been doing me colouring in again, shoot lets get crazy today...
Click HereAs to that crapbook, I am surprised to hear you say the Rock doesn't look that tall. He's leaning in to the guy and is still has about 3.5 inches on him, if he stood up straight the guys head would be about in line or a little under the Rock's eyeline i.e. 4.5-5 inches shorter. The guy is atleast Angle's height and if you look he could be a half inch taller in fact. So taking that into account the Rock is still in the 6'2.5-6'3 range.
What is interesting is that Austin and Rikishi are barely taller then the man, they both look in the 5'11-6'0 range. Foley for example looks much taller then the man then those other two are.
Click Here
Jason said on 17/Sep/06
What the...? Now I said my Dad was with Big Show when he was arrested?
Listen, I have never said 1) My Dad measured Big Show, or 2) He was with Big Show when he was arrested. I did say he's a cop, that is all. I don't know where you got the other stuff from.
Apart from that, it's fine if you don't agree with my estimates. However, I'm not lying. I'm just calling it as I saw it.
Cantstop25 said on 17/Sep/06
so jason you admit are you gonna admit that you were lying about morgan? becasue there is no chance that he is 6'5" and all of us can clearly see that he was not 250lbs.
and as far as the time your "Father was a cop" and "was with big show when he was arrested" Basically its an insult to somebody in your family, because either you are a liar or youre father aint too bright. Now I dont know your father, and I am not going to insult him, so I am definitelly going to bank on the first one, and that you are a LIAR! Because anybody with half a brain could see that big show is minimum 6'10" and possibly as high as 7'1" not friggin 6'7"!
so be a man step up and admit that you lied, and I will actually have some respect for you.
"Viper652 says on 17/Sep/06
I think JBL is 6-4 but Jason says more 6-2 1/2-6-3 in person."
hahaha JBL played offensive tackle on the divison 1 level. THose guys are all huge! he is probably 6'5" if not 6'6". Jason you say that he is 6'2.5" and say that Oront is 6'4"! Well at the eddie guerrero tribute show you could clearly see that JBL was taller, and Orton wears big boots! Man I really dont have much against you personally becasue height is not really that big of a deal.... BUT PLEASE STOP LYING!
Viper652 said on 17/Sep/06
I think JBL is 6-4 but Jason says more 6-2 1/2-6-3 in person.
Viper652 said on 17/Sep/06
Jason, Lets hope you dont overestimate anymore like you did with John Cena :)
Big Show said on 16/Sep/06
The pic with JBL is taken when Big Show was waiting in the back for Kurt Angle to show up, who a week earlier on Smackdown tied up Joy Giovanni and locked her up in JBL's limo. Big Show was sitting on a chair when JBL came up to him. Big Show stood up from the chair but didn't attack him. I believe the pic was taken when Big Show wasn't standing completely straight yet. See if I can find the vid somewhere.
Jason said on 16/Sep/06
Viper, if you take into account the angle of the pic, Big Show looks right about 5 inches taller than JBL.
Jason said on 16/Sep/06
Cantstop25 says on 8/Sep/06
''I cant believe you guys are going by Jason when he has clearly lied on many occasions, I mean cmon he said that his dad measured big show at 6'7".... seriously how can you people not see that he is full of it, he probably wants to be a pro wrestler and does not believe that he is tall enough to make it or something... EARTH TO JASON Rey Mysterio is 5'3" on a good day. Another time where he clearly lied was when he said that Matt Morgan a man who was described by undertaker in an interview as a walking mountain, was only 6'5" he also said that he was only 250 lbs! Now if anybody saw
Jason said on 16/Sep/06
Vegas says on 9/Sep/06
''All Jason did was ascertain heights from standing near the guard rail when wrestlers were outside the ring or coming down the aisle. I've often underestimated wrestlers height doing the same thing e.g. JBL, Kane, Show etc because they don't look as big when you are standing 5-10 feet away as they are upclose.''
Danimal says on 9/Sep/06
''That's why Jason was SO off.''
If that were the case I would have been off with them all. A fair number of my estimations you guys agree with.
Cantstop25 said on 16/Sep/06
viper you ca never go by those backstage pics they alwasy make show look smaller(they made him appear only 6 inces taller then Tiple H)
the only times they dont make show look bigger is when he is with somebody like paul heyman or mean gene okerlund
They always make the wrestlers look taller when standing next to the reporters. Lie MAria and Todd Grisham. I truly believe that Girsham is a legit 6'2" and tehy once made kane look a full foot taller then him. So basicaly in closing you can compare heights when they are backstage. In the ring can be good, outside the arena is the best.
JT said on 16/Sep/06
Christian, I posted that link a while ago. The guy looks around 5'11" to 6'0" in every picture but the Angle photo. Big Show appears around 12-13 inches taller.
I think JBL is around 6'5" to 6'6". Here he is with country singer Darryl Worley, who's listed pretty much everywhere at 6'6" (
Click Here)(
Click Here).
Frank said on 16/Sep/06
Christian,I would say that guy is about 5ft 11
Christian said on 16/Sep/06
Click HereSome wrestler pics... This man looks to be around 5'10 in the pic with Kurt Angle. Rock doesn't even look 6'3 and Big Show...? 6'10.5-6'11?
Paul said on 16/Sep/06
Difficult to tell Viper. BS seems to be 'leaning in' whereas JBL is standing straight. I'm not entirely sure how tall JBL is. I think anything from 6'4 and change to 6'6 is possible but I would say 6'5.
Viper652 said on 15/Sep/06
Here is JBL back stage with Big Show. How tall does JBL look?
Click Here
Paul said on 13/Sep/06
Seriously Rob, Ronan isn't 5'8.
Paul said on 13/Sep/06
Rob I'm not sure Keating is even 5'8. He doesn't look much taller than Mysterio and as JT says, 17-18ins less than Show. I reckon he's about 5'6, maybe 5'7 at most. I think Ronan needs a downgrade.
Danimal said on 13/Sep/06
Because we all look the same height from a distance. It's referred to as depth perception.
JT said on 13/Sep/06
Editor Rob has this guy (Ronan Keating) at 5'8" (
Click Here). Big Show has around 18 inches on him (12 inches for Big Show's head, plus another 6 inches). I think Mysterio is around 5'3" or 5'4" so this guy may actually be in the 5'6" to 5'7" range. This still makes Big Show a 7 footer.

Editor Rob
keating does not look happy guy there (he still tries to claim 5ft 10)
Viper652 said on 12/Sep/06
That is weird Alex, I get the opposite effect. Somebody looking the same height but as I get closer Im taller.
Alex said on 11/Sep/06
He does look around 9 inches taller than that guy so we know 6'11 is the shortest Big Show could be but I'm sticking with 7'0 flat.
Alex said on 11/Sep/06
He says 6'3 and could be but there is a good chance he's just 6'2 or if he's exaggerated more then could be 6'1. He does look at least 6'2 though.
Alex said on 11/Sep/06
Danimal, same here with my 6'3 and 6'5.5 friends. From 10 feet or more they won't look much taller than me but up close you see the big difference especially with the 6'5.5 guy.
Cantstop25 said on 10/Sep/06
JT that guy has a myspace
Click Here and he states that he is 6'3" big show def looked 9 inches taller if not 10, he prob is 6'2"-6'3" which is what you estimated him to be.
Danimal said on 10/Sep/06
Viper, JK is at it again. He's claiming that Benoit is 5'10" on Jericho's page.
Viper652 said on 10/Sep/06
Cantstop, you are wrong about the heights of college centers. A lot of them are around the 6-7 range in reality, billed at 6-9.
Alex said on 9/Sep/06
Vegas, very correct you can tell more if you're up close. My friend who is 6'5.5, from say 10-15 feet away he doesn't look too much taller than me but up close he towers over me by around 5 inches.
Danimal said on 9/Sep/06
That's why Jason was SO off.
Danimal said on 9/Sep/06
Again, if you stand more then 5 feet away from someone, they look a lot shorter than they really are. Make that 10 feet and they can look even shorter than you. My coworker is 6'4" and when he stands only like 10 feet away from me, I would swear he is my height. When we stand next to each other, he dwarfs me by half a foot.
Vegas said on 9/Sep/06
All Jason did was ascertain heights from standing near the guard rail when wrestlers were outside the ring or coming down the aisle. I've often underestimated wrestlers height doing the same thing e.g. JBL, Kane, Show etc because they don't look as big when you are standing 5-10 feet away as they are upclose.
JT said on 9/Sep/06
In the 15 seconds that I ever watched that Tough Enough show on MTV, I saw a group of wrestlers, including Morgan, in some room (it may have been a hotel room). Morgan was barefoot and had to duck under the front door of the room when exiting. Here in the U.S., you'll rarely find any door under 6'7". The odds are zip in a commercial building where they were. The standard door height here is 6'8". I think he was no less than 6'9" and probably closer to 6'10" and around 320 lbs.
Alex said on 9/Sep/06
Jason said Andre was 6'9 at his peak and 6'5 at his death to be exact.
Paul said on 9/Sep/06
Alex I think Morgan was a lift wearer. That said, 6'9 is possible.
Alex said on 8/Sep/06
Can't stop, Morgan was a legit 6'10 probably, at least 6'9 though which was likely too. 250lbs for Morgan??? yea right. That man was around 320lbs I can bet.
Alex said on 8/Sep/06
Matt Morgan was nothing under 6'9. He looked 6'9, possibly 6'10. He was billed at 6'11 I think. At least 6'10 he was billed at.
Paul said on 8/Sep/06
Well Danimal and Cantstop25, if Jason was just under 6'3 (he said his head was a good 10ins and his feet 12ins so could well be) there is no way he could have been standing close to Big Show and genuinely thought he was 6'8.
Cantstop25 said on 8/Sep/06
I cant believe you guys are going by Jason when he has clearly lied on many occasions, I mean cmon he said that his dad measured big show at 6'7".... seriously how can you people not see that he is full of it, he probably wants to be a pro wrestler and does not believe that he is tall enough to make it or something... EARTH TO JASON Rey Mysterio is 5'3" on a good day. Another time where he clearly lied was when he said that Matt Morgan a man who was described by undertaker in an interview as a walking mountain, was only 6'5" he also said that he was only 250 lbs! Now if anybody saw
Bleemo said on 8/Sep/06
Hmm I think Jason pegged JBl at 6'3.5 if I remember rightly, which actually doesn't seem too far from the truth, I'd say an inch taller personally. Matt Morgan is definately over 6'5 though, he's just too tall to to be under say 2 metres tall just by looking at him.
Danimal said on 8/Sep/06
Who cares how tall Jason was, or what Jason said. Is he the benchmark for all that is valid and all that is not?? Come on guys..
Anonymous said on 8/Sep/06
Jason said that Morgan wears lifts, so that's why he pegged him at 6'5. With the lifts he would probably be 6'8.
If Jason is 6'3 (I believed he once said he was 6') and pegged JBL at 6'2, than that means he was shorter than him.
JT said on 8/Sep/06
IIRC, Jason also pegged Matt Morgan at 6'5" and JBL at around 6'2". Here's Morgan with about a foot advantage over Carlito (
Click Here) and probably 8+ inches on John Cena (
Click Here).
Alex said on 7/Sep/06
Viper, Jason did soon change his estimate to 6'8 but still that was too short but better than 6'7.
Paul said on 7/Sep/06
HaHaHa Danimal....Quaking... I think maybe not..
Viper652 said on 7/Sep/06
Maybe Big Show was slouched some, and his heavy appearance made him even shorter. Its just amazing how he would estimate a guy who is at least 6-10 1/2-6-11 only 6-7.
Paul said on 7/Sep/06
Well Viper Jason is nearly 6'3 so we have to presume the top of his head came close to Big Show's eyebrows lol.....
Danimal said on 6/Sep/06
Furthermore PAUL, who am I trying to impress on here? If I wanted to impress people, I would make outlandish claims that I was 6'2", 6'4", or 6'11" like our little friend. I haven't. I've stated I'm 28 years old and am 5'9.5"-5'10". Finally, ff you think I use aliases, you should have your paranoia treated. I've always used Danimal, but if you prefer to call me Dan, which is my real name, then make my day punk ;).
Danimal said on 6/Sep/06
Paul, who said I was an expert. Relax GUY! I've been involved in martial arts since 1989. I hold a black belt in one art and a brown in another and am currently involved in Aikido/Laido. Those who know me on here, know I don't exagerate. I'm a straight up, no bs guy, so watch who you call out on this board. Got it!
Alex said on 6/Sep/06
Viper, I find that very hard to believe Big Show would only be 6'7-6'8. Jason must have been underestimating or Big Show wasn't standing straight or didn't have a good stance. Underestimating was most likely it.
Viper652 said on 6/Sep/06
I wonder how Big Show only looked 6-7-6-8 to Jason in person at a wrestling show.
Paul said on 6/Sep/06
I'd say Big Show 7'0, Khali 7'1 1/2, UT 6'7 3/4.
KingNick said on 5/Sep/06
Did anyone see Big Show on Raw this week? That had some GREAT shots of his height. The McMahon's stand anywhere from 6'0" - 6'2", so let's say for arguements sake they're both 6'1". Big Show TOWERED over them. And he wasn't wearing his wrestling boots (which I do believe give him some extra height) he was wearing a dress shoe. So even if the dress shoe gave him an inch or inch and a half, the McMahons were both we're dress shoes too, in other words, they were proportioned the same and Show still dwarfed them. I always believed he's about 6'11", I wish I could meet the guy in person one day.
Paul said on 5/Sep/06
Lex get yourself on youtube for some proof...and no cheating. Your not the first guy to make outlandish claims and you won't be the last. Personally I am also suspicious about sid, eric and danimal all claiming to be martial arts experts. The first two also use various aliases but then again thats another story.
Alex said on 5/Sep/06
Topdweeb, I'd say Big Show 7'0, Khali 7'1, UT 6'7.
topdweeb26 said on 5/Sep/06
Lex, you're full of BS. If you're 6' 11, then Show is not 3-4 inche taller than you... he himself says he is just 7'. And Khali isn't really any taller than Show. And the Undertaker has said that he is 6' 8, which is about right since Show has about 4 inches on him... who do you think you're fooling?
shortguy said on 5/Sep/06
I think it's funny how people on theis board are sooooo tall! Lex you are 6'11" and 400lbs! come on! give me a break.
Starwars23 said on 4/Sep/06
Big show is a legit 7' no doubt, he was atleast 2" taller then Matt Morgan who was the same height as nathan jones and looks three inches taller then akebono
Click Herepic is at the bottom left
Lex said on 4/Sep/06
I'm a big guy myself (6'11, 400 lbs), and I recently went to a Smackdown/ECW event where the Big Show, the Great Khali, and the Undertaker were all present. I was fortunate enough to be in the 3rd row. Taker and I are about the same size (I've got a bigger belly). Khali is MUCH bigger than I am and the big show is only a few inches taller. Khali has got to be at least 5-6 inches taller than me and Show is only 3 or 4 inches taller than me. I'd say that show is in between 480 and 500 lbs.
cantstop25 said on 17/Aug/06
O sure then upload the picture. Its funny Bonjasky was a guy who I always pinned down as a true legit 6'4" I thought that he could even pass for 6'5" I guess that it is his lanky appearance that amkes him look so tall. Just as big guys like akebono and Big show do not appear as tall as they really are because they are so wide.
O an btw if you upload the pic with bonjasky do you think you ca. upload a pic of you with another celebrity who is 6'+ that is if you have one of course. its not that I dont trust you i just want to be sure :)
ed said on 16/Aug/06
Cantstop25, Remy is not 6'4". If i can upload the pics if got of me and him, you can clearly see he's just as big me that being 6'3".
Alex said on 10/Aug/06
Danimal, I was just watching a bit of stuff from late 2004-early 2005 and thats when Big Show was billed at 470lbs and yea he did look ligthter there then he is now. Not by much but he still did, was probably ligther then he looked since he is so big already.
Alex said on 9/Aug/06
Danimal, very true. When you're already big or fat or like Big Show's size 30lbs may be a bit tough to tell and won't look like much weight on, but if someone 200lbs goes to 230lbs you can def tell.
cantstop25 said on 9/Aug/06
bonjasky is closer 6'4" and akebone looked at least 4 inches taller easy
Click Here
Danimal said on 8/Aug/06
Ed, 6'7" is still tall.
Alex, if you take a big figther, against a smaller guy who doesn't know how to fight, YES, if the bigger guy actually gets a hold of the smaller guy, it's over. However, I believe if you pit a smaller (more agile and quicker) fighter against a larger fighter (like Tank Abbott), the smaller guy will have the advantage. The prime example is Tyson is in the 80's. He was too quick and knocked out these monsters who were a half foot taller than him. Again, height and extra bodyweight is a disadvantage in fighting. Bruce Lee was definitely cut and defined (muscular), but in no means was he a large man. I love when he fought Kareem Abdul Jabaar. A 5'7" man against a 7'2" man. Download that movie, it's awesome.
Finally, yes, I think Big Show has gained 30 pounds. Take into account that 30 pounds on a 7 footer who is already huge won't show nearly as much, but I can tell.
ed said on 8/Aug/06
Akebono is not 6'8". i've met the guy in japan in 2003 and he's barely 6'7". if you compare him 2 some k1 fighters( of whom i've got pics) he's probaly 2-3" taller than Remy Bonjasky who himself is my size(that being 6'3")
Jordan said on 8/Aug/06
Big SHow
I understand but let me use your quote Here "you two really haven't got much knowledge when it comes to fighting" , Just be a little nicernext time. My bad on the remark. It wont happen agian.
Big Show said on 8/Aug/06
Jordan, chill out with the remarks yourself. I've never called you any names!
In my post I was referring to height, weight and musclemass, because you and JT made a remark about Shaq beating Hong-Man Choi and Akebono in a matter of seconds. Now with Akebono you might have a point, cause he's not a martial arts fighter, he's a sumo wrestler. He's far too slow to be a martial arts fighter. He was an absolute fluke in the MMA world and thank God he realised this aswell (after multiple beatings). Hong-Man Choi however is a skilled fighter. His match with Akebono was pathetic I agree on that. But he did win a K-1 tournament at one time, did he win that on luck?? Say what you will about his fighting skills, if there's one thing he can do is take a hit. Even Semmy Schilt, a former European Karate Champion, couldn't knock the guy down. So if there would ever be a K-1 fight between Shaq and Choi, I would put my money on Choi.
Alex said on 7/Aug/06
Danimal, do you think Big Show gained a legit 30-40lbs since his 470 billed weight?
Alex said on 7/Aug/06
Danimal I do agree with most of that. I was just saying if you have someone very big and strong who knows how to fight against someone who is much smaller and not skilled the big guy will kick his ass in short time. Now against smaller guys who are skilled in karate and other martial arts, not thats different. But you do have some big men that are very skilled in fighting. Look at the UFC, got guys 6'6-6'8 260-270lbs who are very good too.