Vegas said on 24/Jun/07
great work again there JT, shows Big show at least 6'11 there when you compare him to salley. Salley was listed at a time by the nba at 7'0, so the shortest he is is 6'10 imo. btw any chance of taking the hat off rodman there JT, i bet rodman barely comes above shows eyeline (he looks a little shorter than akebono did next to show)
Arjun can i just correct you; Jason said Big show looked 6'6 to him but he could have been 6'7, rodman is 6'7 (he said it twice on british tv last year and thats good enough for me) and show has 4-5" on him in 6 out of the 7 pics of the two.
believe it or not, me and jason actually are close to agreement on alot of guys but he is dead wrong concerning wight and morgan and despite never meeting him face-to-face i believe he is wrong about JBL too. Jason you thought Cena was 6'1 or approx 5" shorter than show, in other words cena should come up past shows eye level if that were the case.
JT said on 24/Jun/07
Click Here) Vegas said his friend is 6
JT said on 24/Jun/07
Click Here) (
Click Here) Both Salley (power forward/occasional center) and Olden Polynice (center for the LA Clippers), were listed at 6
anonymous said on 24/Jun/07
i see 3 inches between rodman and salley,i see 4 inches between rodman and show.if rodman is 6'7" then show is 6'11",salley however looks 6'9"-6'10" has a much larger forehead than salley also.
Alex said on 24/Jun/07
Rob, we saw their shoes in another picture. They look the same to me but yea Show may be a tad closer to the camera with the picture you posted but I still see minimum 4 inches difference and Rodman could be 6'6.5 too. Also Rodman's hat is making the difference seem a bit shorter. Shortest possible Big Show would be is 6'10, tallest 7'0 but he's looking 6'10.5-6'11 there.
Alex said on 24/Jun/07
The angle Rob posted with Big Show and Rodman I see a 4-5 inch difference. There is more than 3 inches between them though.

Editor Rob
show looks slightly closer and probably, although I can't see big pic of shoes, might have edge in shoes...
Arjun said on 24/Jun/07
Danimal, it is a very bad habit of mine and I really need to quell it :)
Anyhow, in the other pics which Vegas posted, Show looks to have a good bit of height over Rodman (upto 4 inches if Rodman's cap is giving him a 1/2" or so ) That looks more like what I would expect - If Show is 3.5 - 4 inches taller than Rodman, then that puts him at near 6'11" if Rodman is 6'7" - but wait, as Editor Rob said, Rodman is wearing converse, so an easy 1/2" less than Show's shoes there. I still think Show could well be upto 6'11", but I ain't ruling out an even 6'10" either. But there is still no way that there is 5 inches between Show and Rodman, even in these other pics. John Salley is closer to 6'10" IMO, as Shaq who is 7'0" has around 2 inches on him. Show is taller than 6'7" (obviously :) but shorter than 7'0" - I concur with Viper that he's 6'10" - 6'11".
Jason, if Rodman is a little over 6'6", I could still see Show at 6'10", even after you take off his footwear advantage. I can now see why he looked only 6'8" to you (with bad posture) - a 6'10" guy can give a 6'8" impression, a 7'0" guy can't (not to someone like you at least who is quite good at estimating heights in general)
Jason said on 24/Jun/07
The Salley pic isn't a full body one and there's only one, though...
Click HereSalley (no. 22) doesn't look anywhere near 6'11'' (or 6'10'') next to 7'0'' John Edwards (53) in this 1990 Pistons team photo.
Big Show said on 24/Jun/07
If I compare the Big Show/Rodman pic with the John Salley/Rodman pic, Big Show is much taller compared to Rodman than Salley. His eye level is higher compared to Rodman than that of Salley. When you account Big Show has a much bigger forehead than Salley I would say he would have 2 inches on Salley. Rodman's cap makes it difficult to make a final judge on Big Show but I would say he has at least 4 inches on Rodman. Too bad there's no pic of Shaq and Show or a better pic of Rodman and Shaq to see how a legit 7 footer would match up to Show. I still say that Show is nothing below 6'11 even today.
Danimal said on 24/Jun/07
Arjun, you posted 7 times on this page already today???
Jason said on 24/Jun/07
My estimate of Rodman's height is 6'6 1/4''.
Jason said on 24/Jun/07
I have a big ass head (often ''one size fits all'' hats don't fit me) and there isn't more than 5.0'' from the middle of my eyes to the top of my head.
Jason said on 24/Jun/07
topdweeb26 says on 23/Jun/07
''Jason: I'm curious, but IF there was one of Big Show and Shaq and they were the same height, what would you say?''
Well, if their footware looked even then I'd say I was wrong. Even if it wasn't, Big Show would be be at least slightly above the range I think. I've got no problem admitting when I'm wrong ... I'm just not convinced by all of this.
Arjun said on 24/Jun/07
Show has lost a lot of weight though, that is for sure.
Arjun said on 24/Jun/07
If I had to bet on Show's exact height, I would say 6'11" ..... but he sure does'nt look this height with Rodman.
Arjun said on 24/Jun/07
Actually Rodman may be more 6'7" instead of 6'6" - I stick with absolute minimum 6'10" for Show, but really, it is very hard to see him as anything over 6'11" based on the Rodman pics. Below 6'10" is just too low for Show IMO, he's looked too tall on many occasions (even accounting for some help in his shoes) to be 6'8" - 6'9". Or was he once 7'0" and has shrunk to struggling with 6'11"???? Who knows.
Arjun said on 24/Jun/07
I agree completely Viper. I now think that Show is 6'11" at his absolute max, and could well be 6'10" even barefoot, but not lower than that.
Arjun said on 24/Jun/07
I now think that while Show is definitely well over 6'7", he is NOT 7'0" in his bare feet. He's looking shorter than that next to many people. Only 3 inches taller than max 6'7" Rodman, and about 7 inches taller than 6'3" Hogan in that pic Big Show provided. I think now that Show is closer to 6'10" barefoot than 7'0", but not under 6'10". IMO, his real height is somewhere between what Jason saw (6'8"ish) and what many others see (6'11" - 7'0").
Arjun said on 24/Jun/07
There does'nt look to be 5 inches at all in that big pic of Show and Rodman - more like 3, even accounting for Rodman's cap. But is Rodman really only 6'6"??? I thought he is maybe closer to 6'7" - but nothing over that. Well, Show is def. taller than 6'7" (LOL) but he does'nt look 7'0" at all here, even if Rodman is 6'7". He looks 6'9" here if Rodman is 6'6". No way is that a 5 inch difference, even with Show's big forehead.
Alex said on 23/Jun/07
Jason, yea there really should be one of Big Show and Shaq. Both at the same event, something we all been waiting for.
Viper, big time early bloomer. The guy was 6'0 at 11, 6'2 at 12, 6'5 at 13 and 6'8 at 14-15. He was listed at 6'11 but I'm not sure how old he was at the time but could have grown a bit more.
Alex said on 23/Jun/07
Rodman's hat is getting in the way to get a clear estimate as it makes the difference seem a bit smaller, but I would say Big Show's eye level to the top of his head is 5-5.5 inches making Big Show look 6'11 at least there as his head comes to Show's eye level and thats if Rodman is 6'6 and not closer to 6'7.
Jason said on 23/Jun/07
Big Show and Rodman's clavicles are identical in level, Show's apparent shoulder level is only higher because of all the more beef he has on his shoulders and trap area. Show's head is huge, but it's not 5 inches longer than Rodman's.
anonymous said on 23/Jun/07
he has a definite 7-8 inches on i,d say is 7,0" in his wrestling boots.
Vegas said on 23/Jun/07
yes viper he was listed at 6'11 in Wichita State University at 18-19 but was listed at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in 1992 age 20-21 at 7ft. Its hard to know really, he didnt look a full 7ft to me any of the times i met him.
though if rodman is 6'6 like you say then MJ is no more than 6'4
Vegas said on 23/Jun/07
here are a few more photos of 6'7 dennis rodman and show
Click Herehere is a photo of rodman and 6'11 and 7'0 listed John Salley
Click HereShow looks about an inch taller than Salley to me.
Jason i guess Wight was wearing huge lifts there with rodman cause he looks 6'11 there to me (again) I must post these pics where meathead can see them. Obviously he would believe noah steere would have 2-3" on Rodman, lol.
Viper said on 23/Jun/07
Ive really kept an open mind about Show's height and figured there is a small chance that Jason is right. With all the evidence piling up its getting harder and harder to see Show at 6-8-6-9. For the most part I think hes 6-10 minimum, 6-11 max. No way he did he ever reach 7-0 though, or even 7-1.
Viper said on 23/Jun/07
It looks about 5 inches between Rodman and Show. So 6-6 for Rodman, 6-11 for show in that picture. I doubt Show was ever 7-0. He was listed at 6-11 in college and I seriously doubt he grew after that. This guy was an early bloomer.
Viper said on 23/Jun/07
I think Big Show is no taller than 6-11 max.
Big Show said on 23/Jun/07
Click HereLook at this one of Hogan and Show next to each other.
topdweeb26 said on 23/Jun/07
I just took a rule and went in front of the mirror and just measured from the middle of my eyes to the top of my head. It is about 4.5" inches and I don't even have that large of a head. At first I have to admit that I didn't see a 5" difference there, but after I just tried doing that, I definitely can see it now. Once again, Big Show is in the 7 foot range.
topdweeb26 said on 23/Jun/07
Jason: I'm curious, but IF there was one of Big Show and Shaq and they were the same height, what would you say?
topdweeb26 said on 23/Jun/07
Hard to tell, but from what I can see in the Shaq/Rodman picture, Shaq seems to have about as much height on Rodman as Show does.
Jason said on 23/Jun/07
anonymous says on 23/Jun/07
''show must have a small forehead if there,s only 3 inches.''
What's Big Show's middle of eyes to top of his head? I don't think it's more than 5.75'' (which is bloody enormous). The top of Rodman's head wouldn't quite go all the way to the top of his head - even though his hat is on well and pulled down - but his head is also tilted a bit. Big Show's clearly closer to the camera in the other two pics. There must be one of Big Show and Shaq.
Danimal said on 23/Jun/07
Oh come on, it's more than 3" difference. For those saying 3", yet they say 3" between Hogan and Ben, are just plain biased.
anonymous said on 23/Jun/07
show must have a small forehead if there,s only 3 inches.
marble said on 23/Jun/07
Too me it seems like the difference is closer to 3 inches than 5 inches between show and rodman .
Big Show said on 23/Jun/07
Click HereI did find this one though of Shaq and Rodman next to each other on the same event. Too bad it's a crap angle as Shaq barely looks taller than Rodman.
Big Show said on 23/Jun/07
Those pics of Rodman and Big Show were taken at DJ Irie Birthday at the Forge on June 20th and guess who was also there: Shaquille O'Neal, but again no picture of the both of them. Too bad, as it would finally end the debate on how tall Big Show is as most seem to agree that Shaq is 7 feet tall.
anonymous said on 23/Jun/07
that throws jasons theory of 6'5"out the door,rodman is at least 6'6" and show does have at least 5 inches on him.
Big Show said on 23/Jun/07
Nice find Mattiew. Too bad Rodman has that cap on, so we don't know exactly where the top of his head is. Really if Big Show is only 6'8 or 6'5 what would that make Rodman, 6 foot flat?
Here are a few more pics of them:
Click HereToo bad I don't have a pass for Wireimage, so I can't see the larger image.
Big Show looks pretty lean here compared to December 2006.
Jason said on 23/Jun/07
Mattiew says on 23/Jun/07
''There is a pic of big show on sport illustrated with Rodman .
Both have regular footwork and Showseems to be at least 5inches taller than Dennis ...
Click Here
here is the link , it's in the Caught in the act section ...''
Nice picture! Looks more like 3 to me, though. Footwork? Do you mean stance or footware? Stance is even, but I can't make heads or tails of their footware apart from Rodman's looks white and Show's black...
Arjun said on 23/Jun/07
Yeah, the guy who said Show was 6'6" also said Taker was 6'2" and Shaq was 6'7". That was'nt Jason.
Alex said on 23/Jun/07
That was someone else who said Big Show looked 6'5-6'6 in person, that wasn't Jason. Even thought it was close to what he said Big Show looked to him anyway.
Danimal, I think he's over 6'10 too but I'm saying the shortest possible he would be today is 6'10.
Mattiew said on 23/Jun/07
There is a pic of big show on sport illustrated with Rodman .
Both have regular footwork and Showseems to be at least 5inches taller than Dennis ...
Click Herehere is the link , it's in the Caught in the act section ...
Arjun said on 23/Jun/07
The absolute lowest Show can be is 6'10" barefoot. Even that looks too low, but it is the lowest that is not completely out of the question.
Alex said on 22/Jun/07
Topdweeb, agreed 100% on that. Lowest possible Big Show would be is 6'10 but looks closer to 7'0 to me though.
Danimal said on 22/Jun/07
Big Show is over 6'10".
Jason said on 22/Jun/07
Da Man says on 22/Jun/07
''Waitaminute, Jason. Weren't you the guy claiming to have seen a 6-5 Big Show? Pwned? lol, indeed.''
1. I've never claimed to see a 6'5'' Big Show.
2. I didn't need the ;) on the end of your post to know what you meant. Like Danimal, you've just pwned yourself. ;)
anonymous said on 22/Jun/07
big show is over 6'8",and no more than 7 foot.
Gollum said on 22/Jun/07
I guess some just a little touchy on the height, huh? I'm not as long as your not saying Andre the TRUE Giant is under 7 feet! :) LOL!
topdweeb26 said on 22/Jun/07
After seeing Show with my ex-boss, and seeing him with Vegas' friend, along with also seeing Kane with Vegas' friend, there is absolutely no way Show is 6' 6 to 6' 9 imo. The shortest I can be talked into is possibly 6' 10 but even that is pushing it. In light of all those pics, imo, this is getting absolutely ridiculous to say that Show is shorter than 6' 10. Not to mention JT's pic comparisons further reinforce my belief that Show is a legit 7'.
Da Man said on 22/Jun/07
Waitaminute, Jason. Weren't you the guy claiming to have seen a 6-5 Big Show? Pwned? lol, indeed.
Da Man said on 22/Jun/07
I figured the :) at the end of my post would have given away the fact I was jesting. I just assumed since several others made up ridiculous claims and false encounters I may as well join in.
Big Show is 6-11 MINIMUM, IMO.
anonymous said on 22/Jun/07
vegas could you provide a staredown pic between big show and cena up close?,maybe then we could get an idea of the height difference between khali and show for certain.
Danimal said on 21/Jun/07
wolverinejoe80 says on 21/Jun/07
met hulk hogan few days ago and he came to my shoulder and i'm 6ft 1. :D
You are special (in the Olympic sort of way).
Jason said on 21/Jun/07
Danimal says on 20/Jun/07
Da Man says on 20/Jun/07
I met Big Show at the mall yesterday. I'm 6-2.5 and Big Show was only 2 maybe 3 inches taller then me. Seriously. :)
''Please never post here again. Thank You.''
Pwned. lol
Jason said on 21/Jun/07
1-2 and 6'9'' max I mean.
Jason said on 21/Jun/07
Arjun says on 20/Jun/07
''Whatever height Show is, he's well taller than 6'7".
Arjun says on 20/Jun/07
Bradley thought he was easily 2" taller than Yao, when in truth the difference is hardly even an inch, maybe Noah was more like 4 inches shorter than Show but thought it was only 2 inches.''
Possibly, though he said 1-2'' and 2'' max. I'm gonna try and get him to post here or comment on it. He'd also be where to find any pics there may be of him & Big Show. He'd have pics with other wrestlers even if not with Show.
wolverinejoe80 said on 21/Jun/07
if bradley is taller than yao it's not more than 1cm.
wolverinejoe80 said on 21/Jun/07
met hulk hogan few days ago and he came to my shoulder and i'm 6ft 1. :D
Danimal said on 20/Jun/07
Da Man says on 20/Jun/07
I met Big Show at the mall yesterday. I'm 6-2.5 and Big Show was only 2 maybe 3 inches taller then me. Seriously. :)
Please never post here again. Thank You.
Da Man said on 20/Jun/07
I met Big Show at the mall yesterday. I'm 6-2.5 and Big Show was only 2 maybe 3 inches taller then me. Seriously. :)
Arjun said on 20/Jun/07
Whatever height Show is, he's well taller than 6'7".
Arjun said on 20/Jun/07
Bradley thought he was easily 2" taller than Yao, when in truth the difference is hardly even an inch, maybe Noah was more like 4 inches shorter than Show but thought it was only 2 inches.
Jason said on 20/Jun/07
Meathead really does know Noah, I've seen them talk on another board before a few years back. Noah would have to be somehow way off or exaggerating ... doubtful in both cases. But still, I think the solution is to get Noah's thoughts on the issue for all to see. He's not just ''some guy on the internet'', he's a legit 6'6 1/2'' bloke who's wrestled for Ohio Valley and been in the ring with Big Show.
Alex said on 19/Jun/07
Anyone can go and claim that they know someone who has met Big Show and was only a bit shorter than him.
Jason said on 19/Jun/07
Vegas, I continued to go with 6'10'' for Nathan Jones even after I saw him in person -- until I saw other wrestling big men in 2003. I thought Jones seemed more like 6'7''-6'8'' than 6'10'', but it was harder to tell that night and he was the biggest bloke I'd ever seen, so I thought it was just me. Though I changed my mind about this after I went to that WWE show...
topdweeb26 said on 19/Jun/07
Vegas: I had replied to your question, but I guess it didn't get posted. My ex-boss is in that pic you posted; he is number 4. There is absolutely no way Big Show is only 6' 8, he looks to be 7' in that pic to me without question. I think this guy who claims to have seen Big Show and he was only 1" taller than him is simply full of crap. That's all there is to it. Otherwise Khali is, what, 6' 8 or 6' 9? It's just not gonna happen.
Viper said on 19/Jun/07
Meathead is more right than wrong though.
Vegas said on 19/Jun/07
yes halb it has, many times, meathead is full of sh**e
in 2003 nathan jones was 6'10 350lb measured and weighed according to him, there is another entry where he claims jones topped out at 380lb
Click Here (is that an entry from our jason (jay81) there too at the end??)
and then once jones joined the WWE he was just 6'6 <300lb
Click Herehere meathead claims dalip singh is 7'3
Click Here so singh is really 7" taller than big show, hmmmmmmm
topdweeb26 is your ex-boss in this photo and if so which number
Click Here the tallest guy there is roughly 8" shorter than wight as he only comes up to his mouth and he is closer to the camera as well.
just thought i would throw this in to show how short some of the american military are; is there no height limit on soldiers?? this guy looks 5ft 100lb, lol
Click Here
Halb said on 19/Jun/07
I'll just add that baldness is passed on thru your mum. If your mums dad has it, you'll have it, and 20% of men start going bal in their 20's, and keep adding 20% for every decade.
Halb said on 19/Jun/07
Has this been brought up before?
'It is well known that bigshow is about 6'8" barefoot, and NOT 500 pounds, but he is over 400.
BTW this is what I was told by Noah Steere, who has met Bigshow in person.
"He was only about an inch or two taller than I am, and there is no way he was 500 pounds, I'll say over 400 for sure, but NOT 500" ----Noah Steere
Its really easy to guess some of these people as much larger than they really are because to us they simply look all up.
Keep in mind your eyes are 4 inches down from the top of your head, and you eye people at the top of the head, so this throws your perspective up four more inches.
Most people who meet Noah guess he is about 6'10" and 380+ pounds, but the truth is even he is just a little shy of 6'7" and the heaviest he has ever weighed himself was 347 pounds. Sure that is big, but not quite as big as you would think he is seeing him in person. Noah worked for the WWE for a short while and they listed him at 380 pounds and 7 foot, at the time Noah was just under 300 pounds.'
Click Here
Vegas said on 18/Jun/07
here is another one big show
Click Here
Big Show said on 18/Jun/07
The pic with Duncan, Flair and Michaels is deceptive. I've seen a pic of Duncan next to Michaels where he had a full head on Michaels and definately looked in the upper end of 6ft. In the pic of Big Show and Flair Big Show is probably wearing bigger footwear than Flair as Big Show never looked that tall next to him in any of the other pics I've seen of them.
Alex said on 18/Jun/07
Topdweeb, Big Show's posture was better when he weighed less obviously which will make him look more his height and I believe most here will agree that he did wear lifts at times in WCW, mainly in some pictures where he was 4-5 inches taller than Nash. I do think he's a 7'0 guy and not just saying that since I'm a big fan of the guy. But the shortest possible he would be barefoot is 6'10, I won't go below that.
topdweeb26 said on 18/Jun/07
Danimal: lol ok that makes a lot more sense. Alex, if that's the case, then I can definitely see why people speculate that Big Show was taller because in his younger WCW days... I think he's still a 7-footer.. but maybe he did shrink, I don't know.
wolverinejoe80 said on 18/Jun/07
big show looks like 7ft 2-3 next to flair in that pic. and we all know big show isn't that tall.
Danimal said on 17/Jun/07
Sorry Topweed, I meant 100 calories! My mistake. However, it can replenish your protein, but it also contains fat, which is the downsize to p.b.
Alex said on 17/Jun/07
Duncan is a legit 6'10.
topdweeb26 said on 17/Jun/07
JT: oh gosh, are you sure that guy is 6' 10? I mean I understand slouching makes you look shorter, but that is just ridiculous.
topdweeb26 said on 17/Jun/07
Danimal: a serving size of peanute butter is 2 tablespoons and that contains 8 grams of protein, so 1 tablespoon would only contain 4 grams.
joey said on 17/Jun/07
someone please put drew hankinsons height on here he's 6ft3 peak height 6ft7
Alex said on 17/Jun/07
Danimal, thats what happened to my friend. When he overdosed on that and also was on testosterome he then lost all the weight he had gained and most of his strength in 8 months and it first started coming off pretty quick too.
JT said on 17/Jun/07
Big Show and Flair from the WCW days (
Click Here) (
Click Here) Tim Duncan is a solid 6
anonymous said on 16/Jun/07
imo big show is taller than andre the giant,i,d leave andre at 6'10" and show at 7'0".
Danimal said on 16/Jun/07
The only downside to Creatine is when you get off it, you lose the size and some strength to go along with it, or is it the other way around. The reason why your muscle look fuller while on it, is because of the water retention in your muscles. BTW, I think that taking whey protein as a supplement is great, but 2 to 3 times a day is a bit much. It should not be taken more than once a day. Try and eat more raw eggs and peanut butter. It's 100 grams of protein PER tablespoon of p.b.
Alex said on 16/Jun/07
Look at this video of Big Show and Hogan. You can tell Big Show has lost weight here.
Click Here
Alex said on 16/Jun/07
Topwdweeb, my diet is inconsistant as it can be better on some days, but sometimes I can eat a bit too much junk, but I burn it off and I workout hard so I can cheat more than a little if I want.
topdweeb26 said on 16/Jun/07
Danimal: yeah right now I just work out, eat healthy (I balance my proteins and carb intake), and do MMA for my cardio. I do take Whey protein as a supplement for 2, sometimes 3, of my 6 meals a day. I am not interested in any other supplements other than creatine. I like to keep things simple. Just like in my works out, I don't get into the fancy machines (unless they're Hammer strength), I have learned what works for me, and that's it. I mainly use free weights, especially dumbbells, that way my muscles grow more symmetically, where on a bar, you might be having one side lift more than the other. Did you say that creatine can damage your liver and kidneys? It sounds like it would be worthwhile for me to at least try. Perhaps the bloating feeling won't be that bad. From the reading I have read, it will make your muscles appear more "full" even when your not working out.
Danimal said on 16/Jun/07
Creatine will not help you gain weight, just by the creatine alone. What the creatine does it help to repair broken down muscle tissue faster, as well as giving you more up a pump in the gym. You will be able to lift heavier, for longer periods of time, which will inturn make you gain more muscle, which will increase your overall bodyweight.
Top, stay away from Testosteron, Insulin, GH and things of that nature. Unless you want your intestines, head and elbows start growing.
Nothing wrong with Creatine. Personally, I don't take it. I am taking whey protein now. I started working out again for the first time since last September and have already gained 26 pounds. My muscle has sick memory to gain back lost muscle.
anonymous said on 16/Jun/07
i take that back,show 7'0".5 with the boots, 6'11" barefoot, an in in a half difference. show was at least an inch inch an a half shorter than khali.
anonymous said on 16/Jun/07
big show 6'10".5 no boots,7'0" even boots.i say the boots give show an inch in a half at least.
topdweeb26 said on 16/Jun/07
Alex: that's pretty scary. Yeah, I'm not necessarily trying to gain weight, just more lean muscle mass. So basically if I were to remain at the weight I am at now, but just cut my fat down to say, 5% or something, then I would pretty happy with that. But yeah, I don't think I am gonna be taking creatine if it really damages your kidneys and liver. My health isn't worth that type of risk.
anonymous said on 16/Jun/07
hey vegas where did you go?
Arjun said on 16/Jun/07
Danimal, Lou has one nice head of hair even in his mid 50's. Arnie has lost some I think though, but not that much.
Alex said on 16/Jun/07
Topdweeb, I tried CellTech which is creatine very early after I started working out around 2 months after I started but didn't take it the right way since I was rookie so I didn't get the right results. If taken the right way you could easily gain 5-10lbs in a cycle.
My friend I told you about a while back, the tall guy in the picture I posted. He who went on it and he went from 210lbs up to 295lbs in 8 months but was overdosing on it, also eating a ton of food, no cardio at all and also was on testosterome. Creatine alone will not have you gain that much weight by itself but it will surely help you gain some, especially since he was on it for months at a time without a break until he overdosed and lost all the weight he had gained. He was on it without taking a break, once he finished a jug he went on another right away. He's lucky as he didn't die because he had liver and heart damage. It was crazy as I seen him gain 85lbs and he would be gaining 5-6lbs a week sometimes.
topdweeb26 said on 15/Jun/07
Alex: what do you mean you tried creatine once? Like once as in you took a dose of it and that was it, or you actually took it once for a period of time? What'd you think of it?
Jason said on 15/Jun/07
HBK's been losing his hair since the early 90's. He's either the Rogaine corporation's #1 customer or has had a hair transplant...
topdweeb26 said on 15/Jun/07
Danimal: thanks for the info. I do take whey protein about twice a day as part of my protein intake. I don't think I am gonna try creatine if it will make me feel bloated. Part of the reason I work out is to feel good physically, so that would simply defeat my purpose in that.
Danimal said on 15/Jun/07
Topweed, no, creatine does NOT cause hair loss. What it will do is retain water. You will have that bloated feeling a lot, but you will feel stronger in the gym. Drink A LOT of water if you are on Creatine though and cycle it. 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off. ALSO, I would recommend Whey protein over creatine. It's a lot less harmful to your kidneys, pancreas and liver.
Alex said on 15/Jun/07
I've tried creatine once. I've never heard of any hair loss from taking it though.
topdweeb26 said on 15/Jun/07
Do you guys now if any legal weightlifting supplements like creatine causes hair loss? I am thinking about adding creatine into my diet to help me with my work outs, but I don't wanna wake up the next morning and look in the mirror to find that I now have Hogan's hair line.
Danimal said on 15/Jun/07
Exactly. Look at Hogan, Macho Man, Jesse Ventura and many other who prematurely lost their hair. Arnold S and Lou Ferrigno seem to be the exception though. I guess they didn't have a predisposition to hair loss.
Alex said on 14/Jun/07
Yea, Masters for sure. He was 21 and on steriods and losing hair already at a young age. YOu could tell.
Ray said on 14/Jun/07
Thanks for the info. topdweeb26; my brother is a big HBK fan; now I'll have to tell him that HBK has a forelock :)
topdweeb26 said on 14/Jun/07
Shawn may have gotten the best of Bret as far as wrestling goes, but Bret got Shawn where it really matters: Bret still has his hair and Shawn's hair is going the way of the dino.
topdweeb26 said on 14/Jun/07
Ray: no, it's called a persisting forelock. Some people keep their hair up front but go bald everywhere else basically. David Letterman and
Jude Law have the same thing going.
Arjun said on 14/Jun/07
Big Show is losing hair at the crown, that is clearly visible in many of his pics.
Alex said on 14/Jun/07
The lighest Big Show was while wrestling was when he first came to WCW and 370-380lbs.
T-money said on 14/Jun/07
Previous post seems to be lost. He looked around 450ish in the Memphis match with Hogan. Looked fantastic, alot more mobile (was reminiscent of his heydays in WCW). Lets hope he continues to lose weight and stay healthy.
He has bad posture, so he sometimes appears to look shorter than he actually is. The 7ft listing sounds wright.
topdweeb26 said on 13/Jun/07
Big Show: no shaved heads isn't just a trend. Steve Austin has admitted that he shaved his head like that because he was losing his hair. He said he even tried to go to the Hair Club for Men, but then decided just shaving it would be easier, and it turned out, he liked the look. Angle was clearly going bald. And Big Show is going bald, and it is noticeable. He has his male patter baldness mainly on the vertex and crown. Shawn Michaels' hair is already Hogan-esque, but he has a persisting forelock that he just ties back to help hide his baldness. If not for this "HBK" gimmick, I bet he would have had his head shaved by now. And not to mention the Rock... everyone could see his baldness coming practically from the moment he stepped into the ring. By the way, one of the reasons wrestlers prefer to have such long hair is because it makes it harder for the audience to see it when they speak to their opponent in the ring.
Alex said on 13/Jun/07
Yea, Big Show was 6'2 220lbs at 12. When I was turned 12 I was around 5'1 and that was more than average for the average 12 year old.
anonymous said on 13/Jun/07
robert wadlow was 6'11" at age 12.big show was 6'2" at the age of 12.big show was probably a little over a foot taller than the average 12 year old.i believe show is no less than 6'11".
TheMan said on 12/Jun/07
Yeah ive got to agree that Bigshow is around 7,0 6,11 lowest. I was watching when he was in ring with Khali whos maybe around 7,2 Bigshow wasnt much shorter.
Alex said on 12/Jun/07
Big Show, yea he was sent to OVW after going from 430lbs to 480lbs back at the 2001 Royal Rumble at 450lbs he said. Also on Conan in early 2003 he said he was really 450lbs still then on Conan a year later he said he was 501. Thats what I was saying they billed him very similar weight in 1999 as they did in 2006 which was an obvious difference so who were they trying to fool.
Viper said on 12/Jun/07
Its too bad Vince got blown up last night :( RIP Vince
Jason said on 12/Jun/07
I wonder if Vince does the shaving?
topdweeb26 said on 12/Jun/07
Well, sometimes size doesn't really hinder athleticism. Take Hulk Hogan for instance. Very tall, but not gigantically tall. Great physique, and usually always in good cardiovascular shape. But one of the worst athletes I have ever laid eyes on in the ring. He is so stuff, it is sometimes like watching a cardboard cut out. It's like he can barely move, especially nowadays. His opponents totally have to carry the match until the end when he does the finger pointing, throws the most fake looking punches ever, and weakly gets his big boot up. I mean, heck, even when he wrestled McMahon back at WM19, McMahon did most of the work until the very end. 99% of the match was Hogan pretending to be too hurt to get up with McMahon beating on him. If not for Hogan's unusually high charisma and rapport with fans, he would have died out a long time ago. With that said now, he is my all time favorite :)
Big Show said on 12/Jun/07
Big Show's hair was getting thinner that's why he cut them off. If he was getting bald wouldn't it be clearly noticable by now as he cut them off in 2000 and he still has hair. When he returned in 2003 after a surgery he had longer hair again and shaved them off a couple of weeks later. If that was because he was going bald or he's just going along in the wrestling trend where wrestlers get their heads shaved during the match (Vince really digs shaving heads as almost every year a wrestlers head gets shaved).
Nowadays Big Show shaves his head again and looks like a 500 lbs fat version of Stone Cold. If he grows his hair back on he looks better than when he's bald.
I remember Big Show weighed about 480 in late 2000 and he was send to OVW to lose weight. When he returned in 2001 at the Royal Rumble he was around 430 lbs and his gut was considerable less.
If Big Show really was over 500 lbs in 1999, I wonder what he weighed in 2006 as he was really fat in 2006. Just look at him while he was walking to the ring. I doubt the Big Show of 1999 weighed the same as the one from 2006. Even though Big Show was more muscular in 1999 I would say he weighed around 50 lbs less in 1999. He still looked pretty healthy in 1999 and could still work a match which ran over 20 minutes. In 2006 he had trouble working through a match. Just look at the match at Cyber Sunday where the three champions of the WWE are in a Triple Threat Match. It's mostly Booker T vs. John Cena as Big Show spends most of the match pretending to be unconscious on the outside of the ring.
Still it's kind of strange that even though Big Show was morbidly obese he still showed about twice the athleticism of Khali.
Arjun said on 12/Jun/07
How tall is Shane McMahon? Around 6'1" - 6'2"??
Show looks to have him by a good 9 - 10 inches.
Danimal said on 11/Jun/07
Anything under 370 pounds for Big Show is going to make him appear on the thin side. After all, he has over a foot of height on the average man and he is also a mesomorph.
Alex said on 11/Jun/07
Here is Big Show at 430lbs in early 2000.
If he could get to look like this again then I think he'd be good. He could get down to 400lbs and still be that size if he drops more fat than muscle.
Click Here
Alex said on 11/Jun/07
Yea Big Show has done that in the past. I remember in 2001 when he dropped weight then by summer 2002 he gained the weight right back if not more.
See he was billed at 500lbs when he was 420-430lbs in 1999-2000 then when he was really 500lbs or more he was still billed at 500lbs or around it.
In Decemeber he looked an easy 500lbs though or 510lbs.
For a guy his height he could be good at around 325lbs but Big Show is meant to be more massive so 400-420lbs would be better.
Danimal said on 11/Jun/07
Oh No Big Show. I believe that Big Show weighed more than 430 pounds in 1998. In a 1998-1999 interview with Conan, he was asked what his weight was and he said you want my real weight, or my billed weight and then he said, I'm 505 pounds pounds. When he reappeared on Conan in 2000, he said he lost weight and weighed 430 pounds and he looked it. I also don't believe he just started gaining weight after 1996. Big Show, I'm sure Big Show had been on a gaining weight streak for years before that and had emerged into that 380 pounds man in 1995-1996, because only a 2-3 years earlier, he weighed 310 pounds when playing basketball, which means he gained a total of 220 pounds at the same height (6'11"-7'1.5).
Frank said on 11/Jun/07
Topdweeb, Your right he was loseing his hair and thats why he got it cut short and then he just shaved it all off and i would say Big Show is 6ft 11 barefoot
topdweeb26 said on 11/Jun/07
Big Show can't grow his hair out again. Incase you didn't notice, he was starting to go bald, which is why I suspect they made him lose it. It seems like any wrestler who is going bald (except for Shawn Michaels) ends up having to shave their head: Austin, Angle, Big Show... and if not for his Heart-Break Kid persona, then Shawn Michaels probably would have too.
Jordan said on 11/Jun/07
It seems that even though Big show is shorter and heavier than Khali, Big show is still more athletic b/c Khlai really walks and wresles in a clumsy.
Big Show said on 11/Jun/07
Big Show was in the best shape in 1996 in my view. He performed his biggest feats of strength during that year and could easily be in matches that went over the 20 minute mark. I believe he was just below the 400 lbs mark in '96 (380 or so). After that he started to gain weight. The last match I saw of him in WCW was against DDP at Starrcade '98. He was billed as 553 lbs, but I guess he was like 430 lbs. If I compare that Big Show with the Big Show that retired in December last year, I would say Big Show weighed about 100 lbs more. I definately believe that Big Show was well over the 500 lbs mark when he retired. Doctors ordered him to loose weight and apparently he did. I think if he drops another 40 lbs, does a bit weight lifting again and grows his hair back on he should return to the WWE and kick Khali's ass.
Arjun said on 11/Jun/07
6'11" is most probable for Show IMO. The lowest he could possibly be is 6'10".
topdweeb26 said on 11/Jun/07
I don't know what would be a good weight for a 7-footer. But if Show isn't really going to wrestle anymore, then I guess there's no need for him to be so massive. I would imagine 300-350 lbs for him would be good for his overall health.
Danimal said on 10/Jun/07
Alex, the thing with big guys who are prone to gaining weight, is that even when they lose it, they tend to gain it back and Big Show in the past was no exception. Personally, I believe that Big Show went up to about 530 pounds. He looks best at 420-430 pound bodyweight (with muscle). If he has no more muscle, the man could be a comfortable 370 pounds.
topdweeb26 said on 10/Jun/07
Alex: he looked a lot better just from that match with Hogan. Like he didn't seem to "slobby" anymore. The time off from the WWE seems like it is doing him a lot of good.
Alex said on 10/Jun/07
Topdweeb, I can see 440lbs since that would explain his 60lb loss from around 500lbs. Hopefully he can keep it up and get down to 400-410lbs. I think he looked perhaps his best at 430lbs in early 2000 as he stated on Conan O'Brien during that time.
topdweeb26 said on 10/Jun/07
Alex: In an interview with the Big Show prior to Hogan's match in Memphis, he stated that he was 440lbs.
Alex said on 10/Jun/07
I actually read at W I K I P E D I A that Big Show has said he lost 60lbs the time he fought Hogan at a show in Memphis. So he's well under 500lbs then if so. I think he was look around 500lbs or close to it before he left ECW.
Alex said on 10/Jun/07
That soldier I remember looked around 5'11 with Steve Austin. Big Show's sneakers aren't going to be giving him more than 1.25-1.5 inches of height. Shortest Big Show would be there is 6'11.5.
wolverinejoe80 said on 10/Jun/07
lowest for big show is 6ft 11 IMO. big show is definitely 212-213cm to me. i clearly see 3 3/4-4 inch difference between show and akebono. i really do believe akebono is a legit 6ft 8 inch.
Click Herewatch it again. also watch every akebono fights against choi, silva, brock and etc.
anonymous said on 9/Jun/07
paul wight looked taller in wcw as the giant.imo it was due to the fact that his boots to me looked like they had thicker soles.imo paul wight looks no shorter than 6'11",akebono is a big man,and show had him barefoot by 3-4 inches,probably more like 5 if he had been wearing his wrestling boots.
Jason said on 9/Jun/07
I didn't say anything to him, BTW ... I just smiled. :D
Jason said on 9/Jun/07
5 feet is close enough to at least get quite a good idea of someone's height, let's not be too pedantic here lol. Big Show stood facing me for at least 20 seconds heckling with fans behind me, I didn't just see him walking by. Chuck Palumbo looked at least 6'3'' walking by me, though.
Arjun said on 9/Jun/07
Even if Nash is only 6'8" (I don't think it is feasible for him to be any lower than this even today) Show is still 6'10" minimum. He has too much height over Nash in their WCW videos to be entirely put down to lifts.
Alex said on 9/Jun/07
I actually pegged Nash at 6'8.5 in person, but at first when I saw him he could have looked as short as 6'7 but I got a bit closer and he looked 6'8 minimum. I actually compared him to this 6'8 kid I know and he looked the same height or a bit taller, but didn't look 6'9 though.
Arjun said on 9/Jun/07
Exactly Vegas. The absolute shortest Show could feasibly be is 6'10" barefoot IMO. I still think he would have Nash by about 2 inches barefoot if not slightly more, Nash I believe to be 6'9", the absolute lowest feasible height for him is 6'8" IMO (this also assumes that he has a footwear/posture advantage with Rodman, who can't be lower than 6'6" himself) 6'11" even seems spot on, but below 6'10" is just too low.
Alex said on 9/Jun/07
I've seen people get underestimated, well not as much as 5 inches but surely 2-3 inches for sure.
Alex said on 9/Jun/07
Vegas, how tall do you think Masters is anyway. Just wondering.
I think at the very least 6'2.5 but more likely around the 6'3 mark.
Vegas said on 9/Jun/07
alex you are exactly rite. estimating height from a distance is useless. I was ringside in dublin (3 rows from the front) on thursday night for raw. Dublin is the best arena for going up close to the barrier while the wrestlers walk past. Here are my estimates based on guys that walked rite past me and no bulls**t on my part. Chris Masters 6'1ish, Chuck Palumbo 6'1ish; Jeff Hardy 5'9, even Khali did not look that tall, but he towered the security guard (who towered most of the other wrestlers himself like Marella, Carlito) the dude im talking about is standing to the right of singh (white guy with beard) in photo 4 there. There is also a pic of me and my 6'4 mate (looking nearly a foot taller than me yikes!!!!) on :D
Click Here picture 7 (he is in the middle of the photo with the yellow hulkamania top and Im standing to his left (honestly don't know why i look so short next to him)
As for nash and rodman they are standing side by side (nash's arm around rodman's shoulder) in this screenshot
Click Here looks 2.5-3" between rodman and nash in all those screenshots
Click HereI have seen wight up close at many wrestling events and yes he doesnt look that tall walking down the ramp, especially compared to meeting him face to face. However there are two major problems with all the estimates for wight apart from the fact that no proof has been provided for any of these sightings or the 5'5 Sly sightings, or the 5'8 Arnie sightings etc is that:
1).Wight had 4" maybe even 5" on 6'8 listed akebono barefoot; and even if akebono is just 6'6, Wight still comes very close to my estimate. akebono of course looks his listed height next to silva, choi and sapp.
2).Wight was listed at 6'11 in Wichita State in 1991 and 7'0 in Southern Illinois University in 1992-93. Could a 6'6-6'7 guy be listed at 7'0??? surely not.
As many know i estimated wight at 6'11 each of the times i met him, i realise i may have been out +-1" because he is such a huge guy but no more than that for sure. I know the difference between 6'6 and 6'11, especially since i have met a legit 6'6 celeb in Penn Jillette; and the fact that dave meltzer told me he estimates wight at 6'11 too (the same guy who estimated Andre not much taller than his 6'8 mate in 1982) meaning i am not alone :D
As for stories; my favourite is this dude who met both Andre and Wight in person and wrote a piece on a memorial page to andre. he said Andre was a legit 7'4 while wight was really only 6'8; despite being billed at 7'4 at the time :)
Jason said on 9/Jun/07
Arjun says on 8/Jun/07
''6'6" or 6'7" is ridiculously low for Show, one can't even begin to try to argue that. 6'10" is also a little too low, but IMO that is the lowest that can be feasibly argued for.
Let's take Dennis Rodman for a start: He was billed at 6'8" in the NBA,most of us agree that he is around 6'7" and no one seriously considers him to be below 6'6". Comparing Rodman to Big Show indirectly (through Nash) as well as directly (as JT did recently), Show comes out to have around 5 inches on Rodman, since Nash had him by at least 2 inches (in many pics, not just one) , and Show had Nash by 2.5 - 3 inches (this in many pics too). Even if you take an inch off for Show's possibly bigger footwear, Show still comes out to 6'10" bare minimum.
The absolute lowest feasible height for Show is 6'10" barefoot IMO. This estimate requires several other people to be taken down to their respective bare minimum heights.
Jason, could it not
be that you thought Show only had 4 inches on you, but combining his big forehead, bad posture, and shorter impression due to his massive girth,
it was more like 6+ inches?
I think that had you taken a picture with him, the real difference would be much more apparent?''
Didn't see this post. I was actually only 6'2 1/2'' when I saw him up close in December 2003. My best estimate of Rodman is 6'6 1/4'' from comparison with other basketball players ... Nash didn't look to have more than 1 1/2'' on him to me. I think Big Show wore lifts when facing Nash; I've seen them look an inch apart in WCW in street clothes, and a wrestling writer has stated before they're both around the same height in reality. Do I think I could I be off on what I thought Big Show was in person? Sure, it's hard to tell with him like you said. Would I mistake a 7'0'' guy for 6'7'' for a while? Sure don't think so. There's a lot of stuff where Big Show appears to be very close to 7'0'' ... but I just didn't see it no matter how you cut it in person either time. Can't just be me as others have seen the same thing.
Arjun said on 8/Jun/07
6'8" is'nt happening for Show. The absolute lowest he could be is 6'10", and even that is hard to argue.
topdweeb26 said on 8/Jun/07
Alex: I know exactly what you mean. I once saw a guy that everyone was telling me was 6' 9, but he was on the other side of the room I was in. From where I was, I stood up and looked at him, and I thought, "more like 6' 5". But later on, I got to meet him up close, and he looked every bit of 6' 9, and was even a little taller than a friend I had with me who was 6' 7. So yeah, sometimes seeing people from a distance can be deceptive.
Viper said on 8/Jun/07
Yep, Its weird how it can go either way like that. Sometimes shorter from a distance and other times taller.
Alex said on 8/Jun/07
Seeing people from a distance isn't the best to judge either. Sometimes I'll see guys from 50 feet away who look shorter than they really are then I get up close and they're taller, this can go the opposite too but more likely the first way.
Like when I saw Nash some months ago I first guessed 6'7 right away then got a little closer and he looked more 6'8-6'8.5.
Alex said on 8/Jun/07
Arjun, yea thats him. I remember he said UT was 6'2, Big Show 6'6, Kane 6'4, Shaq 6'7 and Andre at 6'7 for his peak and said he was 5'9 himself. Delux was the guy who said Big Show was 6'9.
There was someone else who said Jake Roberts claimed that UT was only 6'2 as well.
Really I'm not sure if Big Show has shrunk. Remember he was much taller than Nash in some photos so you know he wore lifts at times because in WWE he didn't have more than 2 inches on Nash while in WCW in pictures it was more like 5 inches. His posture also his bad so I think he may not have lost any height. Just lifts and bad posture may make you think that.
topdweeb26 said on 8/Jun/07
Jason: sure, Leo wearing lifts that are 2" is one thing. But if Vegas' friend is 6' 4, then we're not just talking about 2" lifts Show was wearing. He'd have to be practically on stilts, and I think that would have been a dead give away. And, the weirdest thing happened. Once Alex posted a picture of Big Show with some airmen from the U.S. Air Force, and one of them (as weird as it is) used to be my boss while I was stationed in Ramstein, GE. And he wasn't a short guy at all, actually 6' 2.5". And Show completely dwarfed him too. There's just no way Show is as short as your claiming of 6' 8. Especially since I worked with a guy who was 6' 5 almost daily. And he was a lot taller than our boss, who got his picture taken with Big Show, but not nearly the way Big Show made him look.
Jason said on 8/Jun/07
I can't remember if the 6'2'' Undertaker guy was the one who said 6'7'' for Shaq. Delux - who claimed to be 6'8'' - was a different bloke, though. He said Big Show was 6'9''.
Jason said on 8/Jun/07
I don't think I'd even wanna give an estimate for Big Show anymore, Arjan. Too hard. He's either got the worst posture in the world sometimes or often wears lifts. I'm inclined to think the latter. I don't think he's as tall as he was in his WCW days, either...
Arjun said on 8/Jun/07
As for Shaq, I think 6'11" is the lowest that can be feasibly argued for him as well. In any case, most of us are way too short to meet him in person and estimate him to the cm:)
Arjun said on 8/Jun/07
Alex, I got a little confused. Was the guy who claimed 6'7" Shaq the same guy who claimed UT 6'2" and Show 6'6"? Around 5'9" himself, then it is pretty clear that he had no clue on how to estimate height.
Arjun said on 8/Jun/07
6'6" or 6'7" is ridiculously low for Show, one can't even begin to try to argue that. 6'10" is also a little too low, but IMO that is the lowest that can be feasibly argued for.
Let's take Dennis Rodman for a start: He was billed at 6'8" in the NBA,most of us agree that he is around 6'7" and no one seriously considers him to be below 6'6". Comparing Rodman to Big Show indirectly (through Nash) as well as directly (as JT did recently), Show comes out to have around 5 inches on Rodman, since Nash had him by at least 2 inches (in many pics, not just one) , and Show had Nash by 2.5 - 3 inches (this in many pics too). Even if you take an inch off for Show's possibly bigger footwear, Show still comes out to 6'10" bare minimum.
The absolute lowest feasible height for Show is 6'10" barefoot IMO. This estimate requires several other people to be taken down to their respective bare minimum heights.
Jason, could it not
be that you thought Show only had 4 inches on you, but combining his big forehead, bad posture, and shorter impression due to his massive girth,
it was more like 6+ inches?
I think that had you taken a picture with him, the real difference would be much more apparent?
Jason said on 8/Jun/07
Oh no ... I'm not saying he's 6'6'' lol, he just gave that illusion from a distance.
Vegas's pic doesn't prove Big Show's height beyond doubt. Check out the
Leonardo DiCaprio page for example. Glenn had been *very* adamant Leo was nothing below 6'1'' and quite possibly 6'2'' after encountering him recently and getting a pic with him. Said his shoes were normal ... you wouldn't have wanted to go in there and tell Glenn he was wrong! (I was leaning towards ~ 6'1'', too) LOL. Low and behold, Glenn sees him again and he was 5'11''ish. 2-2 1/2 inches shorter than what was thought ... he'd tricked Glenn and others - including myself - with well-concealed lifts.
Arjun said on 8/Jun/07
Jason, how tall do you think Show is fully straight up, if he only looked 6'7" - 6'8" with bad posture?
Arjun said on 8/Jun/07
Alex, that guy who claimed 6'6" for Show and 6'7" for Shaq was, for all we know, a lot shorter than 6'6" - 6'7" himself, maybe 5'8" or thereabouts, and had'nt a clue on how to even reasonably estimate large height differences.
I am 5'8" , but even at this height I will be able to tell a 6'7" guy from a 7'0" guy.
topdweeb26 said on 8/Jun/07
Jason, in order for Big Show to tower Vegas' friend like that, Vegas' "6' 4" friend would have to be around 5' 10 or shorter if Big Show is only 6' 6 or something. And why would Vegas' exaggerate his friend height by 6" ? And he showed his friend with Kane also, and you could easily tell there was a big different between Big Show and Kane (even though Kane has pretty good height over his friend too).
topdweeb26 said on 8/Jun/07
Jason, if Big Show was really 6' 6" then he would have only been 2" taller than Vegas' friend. I'm sorry, but you must not be that good of a judge in height. The only way around that is if Vegas' is totally lying to us about his friend. And we weren't talking about Big Show being slightly taller than his 6' 4 friend, he was nearly a head taller.
Jason said on 8/Jun/07
Actually, Big Show did look 6'6'' when I first saw him ambling down the aisle from a distance. Even up close he only looked 6'7'' or 6'8''. Bad posture I guess...
There was a guy on another board who saw Big Show backstage in WCW in 1997 and estimated 6'9'' even then.
Alex said on 8/Jun/07
I've never seen Big Show standing up close but at SD a few years ago I had fairly close seats but when Big Show came out he def looked around 7'0.
Alex said on 8/Jun/07
Arjun, I remember that same person who claimed UT was 6'2 and Big Show 6'6 said Shaq looked 6'7 to him at a game. One of the most bizarre things he said was that he was 5'9 himself and said when Big Show was close to him he came up to the lower part of Big Show's nose.
Jason said on 8/Jun/07
Naw, my midday height is 6'3 1/2''. I lose that half inch in the first few hours of being up but nothing after that. I'm the same height after 3 hours of being up as 13 (or 23 lol!). Dunno why? I guess everyone's bones are different lol...
Arjun, commentators have said that during games. Like I said, I dunno about that. Maybe his posture is worse these days. There was a guy who posted at an Australian wrestling site, who went to one of the shows I did, that he was suprised to see he was taller than Big Show. I PM'd him and asked him how tall he was but didn't get a reply... lol
Alex said on 8/Jun/07
Jason, I remember a year or so ago you said you were only 6'3 flat so amazingly you grew a bit more in your mid 20's. Your midday height may be 6'3 3/4 unless you lose that 1/2 inch quickly.
Arjun said on 8/Jun/07
Topdweeb: One thing is for sure, whatever Show's real height is, 6'7" just is'nt happening for him.
Arjun said on 8/Jun/07
Jason, when did commentators mention that Shaq has shrunk? Wow, now that needs looking into ;)
Although seriously, I can't buy 6'10" for Shaq. That is just too low, it would really make all other tall NBAers like Duncan, Garnett, Yao etc. much shorter than expected . The absolute bare minimum I would give him is 6'11" barefoot (even that's a little too low) , but still think he's around that 6'11.5" - 7'0" max range. However, a 6'10" Shaq would fit in much more with your 6'8" - 6'9" estimate of Big Show than a 7'0" Shaq, as there really is not much difference between them based on the comparisons with Hogan and others around the same time, even if we give the footwear advantage to Show.
mike m said on 8/Jun/07
6,7" get real ,big show is way over that.
Jason said on 7/Jun/07
Soccer players make the most insane money of the lot. I think some are on $200K a week?
Jason said on 7/Jun/07
Arjun says on 7/Jun/07
''Delux must have just been kidding around if he said 6'5" for Big Show. IIRC, he thought Show was only an inch or so taller than himself, and he (Delux) claimed to be 6'8", so 6'9".
Also, one other guy on the Shaq page claimed to be 6'9" and said Shaq was barely 6'10" as he was barely taller than him, both in flip-flops.
But I can buy Shaq at 6'11.5" barefoot though, not less than that.''
I would say 7'0'' for Shaq. 6'10''? Doubt it, but I wouldn't rule it out completely as you just never know. Commentators have mentioned how Shaq has shrunk, but I dunno about that...
Jason said on 7/Jun/07
Alex says on 7/Jun/07
''There was someone else who said his brother took picture with Big Show and they were around the same height and his brother was 6'6 but never linked any pictures obviously because it was probably made up.
I remember Delux, he was like the other poster Will who claimed 6'6 for Big Show and 6'2 for UT, but who knows those guys could have been serious and just terrible at estimating height.
Jason, yea plenty of people will state difference heights for themselves. Sometimes its morning height, sometimes midday, or night but rounding up or down or even with shoes on. Do you ever round up to 6'4 since you're 6'3.5. You're probably at least 6'4 in the morning right and go down to 6'3 flat by night I am guessing?''
6'4'' when I first wake, 6'3 1/2'' is my ''lowest height''. I only ever lose a half inch.
Jason said on 7/Jun/07
Click HereA guy who writes for a wrestling site (whatever 00's Smackdown Spoilers is) said Big Show is no way 7'0'', more like 6'6'' or 6'7''. Whatever height he is, he can sure appear shorter...
topdweeb26 said on 7/Jun/07
Arjun: obviously he is full of crap, otherwise that would mean Vegas is lying to use about his 6' 4 friend who got completely towered by the Big Show.
Arjun said on 7/Jun/07
Noah Steere claimed that Show was 6'8"ish, 6'9" absolute max. Anyone got any pics of these two?
topdweeb26 said on 7/Jun/07
Big Show: I agree that athletes (and entertainers in general) are overpaid. But, then again, it's the fans of the sports that make this so. For example, if you don't want boxers to get paid so much, simply stop watching them, then they won't draw the large crowds and high PPV buys, and that means they can't be paid as much. So it's really dependent on their fans.
As for wrestlers being paid nickels and dimes compared to other pro sports, Jason is absolutely right. I mean, last year Royce Gracie fought Matt Hughes at UFC 60. Royce's pay for that one fight was $400,000 and Matt's was $150,000, and that's for one fight. The majority of wrestlers are lucky if that even see that much money (especially the $400k) in a year, let alone for one match. And of course, MMA don't get paid jack compare to boxers who get paid millions for a single fight. I remember once Ken Griffy Jr. signed a 4 year contract with the Mariners when he played for them that was something like $35 million (for all four years). So, yeah, wrestlers don't get anything. Ever notice how more than any other pro-athletes, wrestlers are always trying to get TV shots and into movies? I think they do it because they are trying to make more money.
I hear what you're saying about athletes being over paid, but I don't think that will change unless people change. Like if you don't think a certain pop star should get paid so much, some buying his or her albums. Simple as that.
Big Show said on 7/Jun/07
The guys who claim to be supertall and then say a certain celebrity is barely taller/shorter than him have to back it up with pics if they want to convince me. A 6'7 bodybuilder (I believe his name was Noah Steere or something) also claimed Big Show was barely taller than him. A 7'1.5 poster on a German wrestling board claimed Big Show was only marginally shorter than him. 6'8 Ben Davidson claimed he was taller than 6'9 Ernie Ladd. Neither of those guys can back their claims up with pics, so I'm taking their estimates with a grain of salt.
A guy on a wrestling board once claimed he was 7'4 and that Dalip Singh was 4 inches taller than him. Yeah right!
Jason says on 7/Jun/07
topdweeb26 says on 28/May/07
''Jason: yeah it does do a number on the body, and for what? I don't have a problem entering a competition and not being the victor. But I do mind if I have absolutely no control over whether I win or lose, other than backstage politics.''
Exactly. For precious little monetary reward for most guys who wrestle professionally. Even the big time's a nickel and dime business compared to pro sports, thanks to people like McMahon and Ted Turner.
The amounts that some pro-sport athletes sometimes get is downright ridiculous. No person in the business world makes what they make in year (I'm talking salaries, so forget about the huge bonusses that general directors get). Some of them make more money in a month than what most of us make in a lifetime. I'm not much into American sports, but here in Holland some athletes get payed a truckload of money and still complain. They should try working in a business environment. Most soccer players (like David Beckham) have admitted that they don't have a busy workschedule.
A few years back there was a huge discussion going on in my country about a big Supermarket branch who hired a foreign General Manager. The supermarket branch was not doing well (lots of people lost their jobs) yet he got payed 10 million a year to save the company. People thought it outrageous that someone gets such a huge sum of money. The fact that the guy got paid 10 million was not the direct reason that most people got fired there (they would've been fired either way), but the guy did save the company and made it profitable again.
In a sports programm one person commented on the 10 million dollar salary by saying that their are 5 people in the national soccer-league who earn that kind of money as well. What do you think would be more stressful: saving an entire company from bankruptcy or playing soccer?
If you earn 250,000$ a year I wouldn't say you'd have any reason to complain. And the main eventers in the WWE earn more than a million a year (I believe Lesnar earned about 2.5 million a year in the WWE).
mike m said on 7/Jun/07
frazier looks to have 5'8" mean gene by 12 inches imo.i,d give frazier 6'8".the giant looks easily 5 inches taller.
Arjun said on 7/Jun/07
Delux must have just been kidding around if he said 6'5" for Big Show. IIRC, he thought Show was only an inch or so taller than himself, and he (Delux) claimed to be 6'8", so 6'9".
Also, one other guy on the Shaq page claimed to be 6'9" and said Shaq was barely 6'10" as he was barely taller than him, both in flip-flops.
But I can buy Shaq at 6'11.5" barefoot though, not less than that.
Alex said on 7/Jun/07
There was someone else who said his brother took picture with Big Show and they were around the same height and his brother was 6'6 but never linked any pictures obviously because it was probably made up.
I remember Delux, he was like the other poster Will who claimed 6'6 for Big Show and 6'2 for UT, but who knows those guys could have been serious and just terrible at estimating height.
Jason, yea plenty of people will state difference heights for themselves. Sometimes its morning height, sometimes midday, or night but rounding up or down or even with shoes on. Do you ever round up to 6'4 since you're 6'3.5. You're probably at least 6'4 in the morning right and go down to 6'3 flat by night I am guessing?
Jason said on 7/Jun/07
topdweeb26 says on 28/May/07
''Jason: yeah it does do a number on the body, and for what? I don't have a problem entering a competition and not being the victor. But I do mind if I have absolutely no control over whether I win or lose, other than backstage politics.''
Exactly. For precious little monetary reward for most guys who wrestle professionally. Even the big time's a nickel and dime business compared to pro sports, thanks to people like McMahon and Ted Turner.
Big Show said on 7/Jun/07
I can't remember what they billed Angle at on TV, but on the website they billed him as 6'2. I remember that a wrestling columnist on Lordsofpain once called him the shortest 6'2 person he ever saw :)
Rodman once claimed on Jay Leno that Big Show was 7'2 and he was 6'6, but this looks like someone who likes to downplay his own height. If he's 6'6 that would mean he's only 2 inches taller than Hogan was (and there were more than 2 inches between them) and only 8 inches taller than Cindy Crawford (while he was a full head taller than her).
I believe it was Delux who claimed Big Show was 6'5 and Undertaker 6'1. But I think he only did it to provoke us. No serious person would make such claims. If Big Show is only 6'5 that would make Rey Mysterio well below 5 feet tall.
topdweeb26 says on 6/Jun/07
What do you mean most K-1 fights are unwatchable?
Some of these fight are just unwatchable, meaning they're boring as hell. I've seen numerous fights of Akebono and it's painful to see a former grand champion like Akebono stoop to such a level. He must get a fat paycheck for every fight, cause he's making a complete jacka$$ of himself in the ring. He's way to slow, has no punching skills or coordination (at least not in punching someone) and no talent in kickboxing or martial arts. He's just hitting in the dark there hoping that one of his punches will hit the other guy. I'm not sure if it was K1 or MMA but it had nothing to do with both.
There are probably some good K1-fighters, but some of them can't fight a dime and are only there for commercial reasons (Akebono naturally attracks media attention and therefore also people). It's like watching
Mark Henry wrestling The Great Khali.
Jason said on 7/Jun/07
When the discrepancies in the heights they claim is an inch or less, it's likely just down to being measured at different times of the day/rounding up-down.
JT said on 7/Jun/07
Finally found a few videos where Big Show is briefly standing side by side with 5
wolverinejoe80 said on 6/Jun/07
i think shaq is 214cm. no more no less. there are too many pictures on shaq, and i just can't believe he is 'under' 7ft. if not 7ft 1/2 he is at least a legit 7ft even IMO.
Alex said on 6/Jun/07
Topdweeb, Angle billed at 6'2 was rediculous but never on TV did they say it at all. Only was listed 6'2 on the site but on TV a lot they would say 6'0 though which I did buy into for a few years at least. I didn't even ask him his height as I pretty much knew it once he stood up.
Now if I was a wrestler they'd list me at 6'2-6'3 I believe.
Vegas said on 6/Jun/07
Shaq has gone on record and stated he was 6'11.5" legit.
Yes and people have claimed dennis rodman said he was 6'6 on american tv but yet he said twice on british tv he was 6'7. Charles Barkley for a long time said he was just 6'4.75" and then on tv in january he comes out and says he REAL height is 6'5.5". I love how all these guys take us for a ride.
topdweeb26 said on 6/Jun/07
Big Show: They did have a better fighter for him to fight, Hong Man Choi. But Choi didn't pass the California medical clearance because of his acromegaly. And, they probably couldn't find anyone better than Kim because most higher profile fighters won't take a fight on such short notice. But Kim had nothing to lose, only gains if he beat Brock Lesnar. So considering how much it would have helped him if he won, he would have been a fool not to accept, and if he lost like he did, then no big deal because he loses all the time. What do you mean most K-1 fights are unwatchable?
Alex: yeah, it was actaully hard to believe he wasn't kidding around or anything.
Gollum said on 6/Jun/07
Wasnt that guy Delux or Jason or something?
Alex said on 6/Jun/07
Topdweeb, yea Shaq was known as 7'1 and Wight was known as 7'4 so if both were the same height it would easily make Wight not look his billed 7'4 height.
Actually he claimed UT 6'2 and Big Show 6'6 I remember and also he said Kane looked 6'4! I found it funny because it would make guys like Rock, HHH, Orton, Batista under 5'10. That was also the same person who said on Andre's page that Andre's peak height was 6'7!
Danimal said on 6/Jun/07
Shaq has gone on record and stated he was 6'11.5" legit on the Howard Stern Show. His 7'1" listing is clearly with his shoes on. I believe that a WCW Big Show (The Giant), would have been taller than Shaq. Today it could go either.
topdweeb26 said on 6/Jun/07
I think there's a good reason Shaq and "The Giant" were never seen together in WCW... it would be pretty stupid to have them at roughly the same height (even the risk of Shaq being 1" taller) if The Giant is supposed to be 7' 4. Even if they were exactly the same height, or even if Wight was, say, 1" taller than Shaq, it would be a dead give away that Wight wasn't 7' 4.
Vegas: lol I remember that guy who claimed Undertaker was only 6' 1. He also said that the Big Show was only 6' 5!
Vegas said on 6/Jun/07
I would say Shaq is roughly 1" taller but we would need both barefoot like the Akebono fight and I bet no-one questioned akebono's 6'8 listing before that match. Now people think he is as short as 6'3-6'4
Jason were you not the person who said Singh would have at least 4" on Show???? Is Dalip really only 6'8 now?? It doesnt really matter anyway if we had a picture or video of show and shaq where Wight was as tall or taller; because then the claims of lift wearing would surface or that the angle favored Wight just like angle favored Triple H with shaq ;)
As much as the Andre/Wilt photo has been run throught the mill on here the fact remains Andre looks as tall as Wilt and wasn't Wilt taller than Shaq back in the day according to some (at least 1.6"). Nash towers Magic, had rodman by 3", was taller than 6'9 listed Miller, only 4" shorter than Kareem and only 1.5-2" shorter than Robinson. Tall wrestlers have more than held their own in photos and videos with tall basketballers imo so far.
Wasnt taker taller than the supposed 6'8 Tim Sylvia in a video??? not bad for a guy who someone on here claimed was just 6'1.
Alex said on 6/Jun/07
I'd love to see Big Show and Shaq together.
Jason said on 6/Jun/07
I think there's a reason there haven't been any Shaq/Big Show pics...
Arjun said on 6/Jun/07
Topdweeb: Show does look a bit taller in the comparison, but he has looked shorter than he looks in those WCW pics on many occasions. As of today, Show gives an impression of being a bit shorter than Shaq. But that could be just due to posture .... either way, they are very close in height, within say a couple cm of each other.
Danimal said on 5/Jun/07
LV, the thing is that video of Taker and Big Show is from 1999, which I believe to be Taker still at HIS peak height, along with a Big Show who had not really lost any height yet.
topdweeb26 said on 5/Jun/07
Alex: I can probably concede for them being the same height, but if you look in the picture, even JT drew the line from the top of Show's head to be taller than Shaq. So I'm guessing JT concurs with me that Show is taller in those pics.
As for Lesnar and Angle, are you speaking about MMA style rules? Here's the general rule, but of course there are exceptions, about size. All things being equal, a bigger stronger person will generally beat a smaller person. So if two people are equal in skill, experience, and one doesn't have an obvious advantage over the other, the bigger stronger person will usually win. In MMA rules, I would go with Lesnar over Angle. Lesnar is a lot younger, he's very big and very strong, and he has been training in MMA for a little bit now. Truthfully, it's too early to tell how good of a fighter Lesnar will be. He ended up having to fight a guy who couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag (and he has the fight record to show for it) and the guy was a replacement fighter who only had a few weeks to get ready to top it off. Kurt Angle on the other hand, does a lot of trash talk. He talks about MMA as if he has an established record and has even made absurd claims, such as him saying he could take Chuck Liddell. I respect Angle as a freestyle wrestler, but as a fighter, so far all I see is he is all talk and no action.
mike m said on 5/Jun/07
i,ve seen it listed that giant haystack was 6'11".theres no way this man looked 6'11 in the staredown with the wcw giant,imo he was about 6'8".the giant clearly had this man by 5 inches at least.they must have billed him 3 inches taller than his actual height,sort of how they first stated the giant was 7'4,when we all know he,s only 7 foot.
Alex said on 5/Jun/07
Topdweeb, Lesnar and Angle would be an interesting shoot fight. If he went down on the street I'd go with Lesnar but I think Angle could take him in a ring or some sort though and people assume Lesnar would win since he's stronger and weighs much more but not always true.
Alex said on 5/Jun/07
Even though in those pictures, I still couldn't see Big Show taller than Shaq. I think really they're probably the same height.
topdweeb26 said on 5/Jun/07
LV: I was in the military for several years and only recently got out. Those boots do not give you much height at all, despite how they look. In fact, the pair I wore and still have, don't even give me as much height as some of my street shoes do. Only about 1". And I have seen the Big Show with the Undertaker where he looked easily 4" or more.
Arjun: well, if Show is 7-foot flat, then Shaq looks to be about 6' 11.5. But I could conceivably see them as the same height if perhaps shoe thickness came into play, or perhaps Shaq was slightly slouching or something. But the point is, in the comparision JT showed, Show looks slightly taller. I honestly don't understand the logic of saying Shaq edges him out in height when he is the taller of the two in the comparison.
Alex said on 5/Jun/07
Shaq has gotta be 7'0 barefoot while Big Show I don't see under 6'11 barefoot. At the most Shaq would have an inch on Big Show.
LV said on 5/Jun/07
topweed, Big Show wore bigger boots in WCW. They are military-style laced boots with a big heel. He looked every bit of 7'1" in the ring while with WCW. He doesn't look quite as tall in his WWF days. If you don't believe me go to the Undertaker page, there is a video on there with UT barely looking 3" shorter. In the WCW Big Show was at least 3" taller than Nash and we know Nash was taller the UT.
Arjun said on 5/Jun/07
Topdweeb: How tall do you think Shaq is?
topdweeb26 said on 4/Jun/07
Arjun: to me it looks like Show is taller than Shaq in JT's comparison, so if anything, I would say that Show edges out Shaq in height. In the WCW days, Show didn't wear thick heals. I am guessing the reason he does today is because he either really did lose some height, or because his posture got progressively worse he might wear them to compensate for that.
Arjun said on 4/Jun/07
Shaq may just edge out Big Show in terms of height. I would say Show is 6'11" barefoot, Shaq 6'11.5" - 7'0" max barefoot.
mike m said on 4/Jun/07
big show today 7,0",khali,7'1",taker 6'8",kane6'8".
mike m said on 3/Jun/07
i read an article it stated paul wight was 7'1" 410 1bs when he played for wichita state.
Alex said on 3/Jun/07
Big Show was listed at 6'11 in college, could have easily grew an inch anyway.
Craiger said on 3/Jun/07
nice find vegas, though all of the other articles have big show peeged at 7'1", though nowadays I would say he is 6'11.5"-7'
JT said on 3/Jun/07
Great find there Vegas. Big Show was pretty lanky back then and still weighed around 330 lbs. It shows how large his bone structure really is.
I know you
topdweeb26 said on 3/Jun/07
Vegas: Cool man, and it even says Paul Wight is 7-foot.
Vegas said on 3/Jun/07
here is an article i found on paul wight written in 1992
Click Here The writer must have been psychic with the "Andre" reference 3 years too early :D He weighed 330lb back then
mike m said on 3/Jun/07
imo haystacks was 6'6"maybe 6'7" the most,probably 600 1bs.big show 7'0" 450 1bs in wcw.
wolverinejoe80 said on 3/Jun/07
war brock! even though kim was just another can. i think dana white is writing a check as we speak. :D brock in UFC means tons bandwagon WWE fans! that would be awesome!
topdweeb26 said on 3/Jun/07
If you guys don't know, Brock Lesnar defeated Min Soo Kim via ground-and-pound. Min Soo Kim had a fight record of 2 wins and 5 losses going into this, so he wasn't a high profile fighter or anything. But hey, it was Lesnar's first fight. And it's a lot more than what Kurt Angle does.. incase you guys don't know what I'm referring to, Kurt Angle talks so much trash that you'd think he had an impressive MMA record, when the truth is, he's got jack. And won't until he actually get the guts to go out there like Lesnar did.
topdweeb26 said on 2/Jun/07
Alex: in those pic's Big Show looks slightly taller than Shaq to me, so if anything, I would say that Big Show is slightly taller than Shaq. In WCW days, Big Show didn't wear as big of heals as he does in WWE (perhaps he wear boots with thicker soles in WWE to make up for his bad posture).
JT said on 2/Jun/07
IMO, Shaq and Big Show would be very close in height barefoot. Maybe Shaq had Topsiders or a similar small-heeled shoe on when in the ring with Hogan.
JT said on 2/Jun/07
IMO, Shaq and Big Show would be very close in height barefoot. Maybe Shaq had Topsiders or a similar small-heeled shoe on when in the ring with Hogan.
Alex said on 2/Jun/07
I do think Big Show and Shaq would be around the same height barefoot. Maybe Shaq would have 1/2 to an inch on Show at most. Also Show's posture isn't good and Shaq you know stands pretty good too.
Anonymous said on 2/Jun/07
JT, I would say Show and Shaq are almost exactly the same height bare foot. It would be cool if we got a pic of those two side by side.
JT said on 2/Jun/07
I assumed Mean Gene was 5
Anonymous said on 31/May/07
imo big show wcw days was probably 7'1" tops,reis from ravens flock did have him by a few inches at least 2 i,d say,so i,m guessing reis was 7'3" max.
topdweeb26 said on 28/May/07
Jason: yeah it does do a number on the body, and for what? I don't have a problem entering a competition and not being the victor. But I do mind if I have absolutely no control over whether I win or lose, other than backstage politics.
topdweeb26 said on 28/May/07
wolverinejoe: Oh I know, I really just wanted to see Brock fight anyone really. I remember around 10 years ago now, Royce Gracie was going to fight Mark Kerr, and then Kerr got injured and the fight got called off. And for some reason there was never a reschedule. I remember being really disappointed about that. It happens in MMA I guess.
wolverinejoe80 said on 28/May/07
what a let down. i really wanted to see hong man vs. brock. brock was my favorite wrestler and hong man is one of my favorite K1 fighter.
it's not like he has a leukemia or something, it just an acromegaly.
Jason said on 27/May/07
Though I've been a wrestling fan since I was a little kid, I've never really wanted to be a wrestler. Certainly not when I got older and became aware of the number it does on your body.
Alex said on 26/May/07
What made me not wanna be a wrestler I guess was probably it took a lot more work than I thought it would and when I was much younger I thought it was easy and also had my eyes set on other things as well. By 13 I decided I didn't wanna be one. Not only me but plenty of kids my age or even today who are not even in their teens wanna be wrestlers.
topdweeb26 said on 26/May/07
Alex: just curious, but what got you out of the interest of pro-wrestling? Did it just kinda phase out of you?
Alex said on 26/May/07
Danimal, in late 2004 into early 2005 I went from 195-215lbs in a 2 month period or a bit less. I didn't do any cardio, increased my calories and went on NOX2. Then in summer 2005 I actually dropped down to 185lbs, BUT I still kept a good amount of muscle then got back to 195-200lbs where I'm at now.
I'm going to increase my eating, go on a supplement, maybe like NO Explode creatine and do very little cardio but I wanna avoid gaining too much fat thats if I get to 225lbs. I'll see by then. I normally do low reps anyway, 6-10 reps for the most part.
Alex said on 25/May/07
Topdweeb, normally in the summer I'm no more than 195lbs tops and closer to 190lbs sometimes too but you know with summer its easier to lean out a bit or maintain and save the weight gaining for winter. I've actually lost a few pounds in the last month or so too because its getter warmer and I started up on cardio again. 225lbs would be nice but the problem with gaining too much is when your pants are too small, thats what will stop you.
Danimal said on 25/May/07
Alex, what are you going to change to gain 25 pounds? Are you going to increase your calorie intake, or just do lower reps/higher weight and cut back on the cardio? If you take a Solid Mass powder that can do the trick.
Well, I am no longer working out (haven't since last September). When I worked out I weighed between 195-205 pounds at 5'9.5"-5'10".
topdweeb26 said on 25/May/07
Alex: to me it sounds like you're at a good size. I agree with you, possibly 225 lbs, but no more than that.
Alex said on 25/May/07
Danimal, you're 5'9.5-5'10 you said but whats your weight?
Alex said on 25/May/07
Danimal, I don't think 200lbs is a lot of my height but its sure not a little. Its more than average though as I'm big at 200lbs though because when I was 200lbs before I joined the gym I was just medium framed and didn't look big. I'm more medium framed than lean though. I'm thinking about getting up to 225lbs this winter, no more than that though. That's a good weight for 6'0-6'1.
Danimal said on 24/May/07
Alex, 200 pounds isn't very much for a guy who is over 6'0". If I were that height I would be an easy 235-245 pounds. In any case, a lean and muscular 6'0" guy can look good at 200 pounds, but for 6'0" you should add a good 30 pounds to your frame MINIMUM. then again, you are in your early 20's, so maybe you will gain some more size as your grow older (mid-late 20's).
Vegas said on 24/May/07
looks like the Choi/lesnar fight won't happen
Click Here and i was so waiting for Choi to kick lesnars a**
wolverinejoe80 said on 24/May/07
Click Heregracie is 5ft 11. he looks like a giant in that pics
Click Here-gracie would stand below hongman's shoulder if they stood straight next to each other. akebono had 8 inches on gracie.
hong man choi vs. 6ft mike malone
Click Hereanyway, i can't wait for the fight. it's a very dangerous fight for both fighters. if brock can keep him down, than brock could win. but if they stand? hong man will kill brock.
wolverinejoe80 said on 24/May/07
big show,
hong man will have a full 12 inches on brock. i'll bet you my house.
hong man never stands straight. he slouches 99% of the time.
look at hong man and akebono
Click Here
mike m said on 23/May/07
i,ve reviewed some pics of an early wcw big show and i,m starting to think big show may only be 6'11" 7'0" max.khali in the staredown video, at certain camera angles khali looked 2-3 inches taller imo.
Alex said on 23/May/07
Actually I'm bigger than quite a few wrestlers weight wise. All the cruiserweights and some guys they claim are heavyweights who are really lightheavy weights. 6'0.5 200lbs with mostly muscle is on the big side. I'm bigger than the average guy walking down the street and I even hold my own pretty well in the gym and bigger than some others who have muscle (not the freakishly big guys) so I'm not a small guy but compared to guys like Batista, HHH, Lesnar, then yea I'm small.
Alex said on 23/May/07
A couple people have told me that I should have tried out for WWE and I'm like I'm not interesting. When I was a kid up until 12-13 I wanted to be a wrestler but grew out of the fantasy. They say since I have good size I could be good, but I tell them its not only about how you look, its mostly about your character and how good of a wrestler and performer you are. I have good size but compared to some other wrestlers I'd be on the smaller size though.
Danimal said on 22/May/07
Actually, wrestlers will usually mask an injury, or take a ton of painkillers to suppress the pain, because if they admit to being hurt, they may be off the payroll with a dictator boss like Vince.
topdweeb26 said on 22/May/07
Big Show: well, to each their own.
Big Show said on 22/May/07
topdweeb26 says on 21/May/07
Big Show: you're saying that simply getting injured some how legitimizes pro-wrestling?
No I was merely saying that the injuries that show wrestlers sustain are real. They don't fake their injuries, so I'd like show-wrestlers to get some more respect for what they're doing, instead of saying that it's fake and a lot of them wouldn't make it in a real sport. To some WWE superstars that might be true, but to most this certainly does not. They're all incredible athletes and the top-card wrestlers wrestle like 2 or 3 shows a week and these guys don't have any off-seasons, they wrestle an entire year and have a very hectic travel schedule. Wrestlers who try to make it in a different field of sports might fail, but so do other sportsmen who try to make it in show-Wrestling.
The term
Alex said on 22/May/07
I think Lesnar is stronger than Hong Man.