How tall is Andre The Giant - Page 28

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Average Guess (867 Votes)
6ft 11.94in (213.2cm)
JT said on 6/Aug/06
I'll let you guys battle this one out:
Andre next to Debbie Harry (Blondie), who is 5'3.5" per Rob: (Click Here)
7'1" Richard Kiel (Jaws) next to 5'3.5" Barbara Eden (per Rob): (Click Here)
Harry has bigger heels but Eden has a wider stance. Eden is also standing a bit behind Kiel, which would make him appear taller.

Andre does look at least 4-5 inches taller than Frankenstein's monster. This photo was probably from the mid-1970s and taken when Andre did the Six Million Dollar Man episode. You have to believe the monster is going to be no less than 6'9" in those shoes, since his purpose was to walk around Universal Studios for tourist photos, etc. (Click Here) Universal would have no problem finding a 6'4" guy to wear 5 inch lifts. Outside of the ring, Andre seemed to always wear 2 inch heels, but he would still be 6'11"+ in this photo if the monster is 6'9". I can't begin to explain this photo with 6'5" Taylor, even with the camera angle. (Click Here). Editor Rob, care to chime in?
Danimal said on 6/Aug/06
Frank, how is it b.s. when he only has 3" on her. He's telling the truth, because if she's much shorter, than so is he.
Danimal said on 6/Aug/06
Even if that girl is 5'0" WITH her heels, Andre is at least 2 feet taller than her in that second pic. Come on guys, the man was over 7'0".
Frank said on 6/Aug/06
Hogan also says his daughter is 6ft tall which is B.S.
Big Show said on 6/Aug/06
Hogan said during the Hall of Fame Ceremony that Andre was 550 lbs, but he also said he was 7'4, so I don't know what to think of the weight estimate seeing as he also exaggerated the height.
I don't know how tall Max Palmer is. His height claims varied from 8'1 to 8'4, though some believe he was closer to 7'7. But his height is also a mystery, so using him as a reference for Andre is still a bit of a guess. Besides, comparing the pic from Andre with that of Max is like comparing apples and oranges, because the angle and size of the pic is different and Andre and Max don't have the same stance.

Here are some pics of a slim Andre:
Click Here
Click Here
Danimal said on 6/Aug/06
JT, he didn't shrink from the late 60's to the early 70's. He was still a young man in the 70's.
Viper652 said on 5/Aug/06
What was Jason's reason for only a 6-8 peak height for Andre?
Alex said on 5/Aug/06
Andre was 290lbs when he first started? Wow, any pics of him at that weight.
Alex said on 5/Aug/06
JT, wow what a leaner Andre. When he was wrestling in the 60s and 70s it was much before my time so when I think of Andre I think of him at 500lbs or more.
Chad said on 5/Aug/06
Great reference pic JT. Your right, the top of Andre's head would barely reach Palmers nose actually more closer Andre would be about even with his mouth line for sure. Hogans head comes almost to Andre's eye level and people claim at least a 5 inch difference there because of Andre's huge head!. I could see at "least" a 7" height difference between Andre and Palmer if not 8" max considering the size of Palmers head is much larger than the average man's head. So the 7'1" claim for Andre is looking bleak according to this comparison. I think 6'11"-7' is a much safer peak range for Andre. If that's the case then 6'9" at death is looking a little more believable now?. Let's say that Andre was indeed 7" at peak, then why is a 3" height loss throughout his entire carreer so hard to believe?. To me this new proof eliminates the 7'1" estimate. Andre is a healthy young man with great posture in this pic with Taylor so Andre can't get any taller than that in his life. His young and just starting to gain weight with still a great posture.
JT said on 5/Aug/06
Danimal, from the first pic (Click Here), if you assume Taylor is 6'6" in shoes, Andre comes out to around 7'0" in shoes (you have to estimate where the top of his head is with all that hair so it's not perfect). Andre's not standing straight, but Taylor has a wider stance so maybe it balances out. In the second pic (Click Here), Taylor is standing in the background and Andre may be on his toes a bit, so a comparison is not fair. However, Jerry Lewis's claimed height is 6'0" (Editor Rob has him at 5'10.5"). Assuming he's 6'0" in that 2nd photo, Andre arguably could stretch out to 7'0", since he's not standing perfectly straight and his chin is buried in his chest. This would be a real stretch though.

For comparison, here's a legit 7'7" guy (Max Palmer) next to Jerry Lewis. (Click Here) If Lewis is 6'0" in shoes, Palmer's about 7'7.5" in shoes. Again, this isn't perfect science but a reasonable estimate. Paste both photos in Photoshop or Word and Palmer would tower over Andre. Andre would be lucky if he comes to the bottom of Palmer's nose. I think Andre in the late 60s was maybe 7'0" but that's it. I think he was around 6'11" from the early 1970s through the early 1980s and then gradually lost a few more inches until his death.
Jordan said on 5/Aug/06
these pics by JT give evidence that he had to be at least 6'11 in his prime--maybe more
Danimal said on 5/Aug/06
Lastly, Hogan in an interview before the 1989 Royal Rumble stated that Andre was 565 pounds. I believe it. He did die at 530 pounds like Alex said.

BTW, look at how great his posture was when he was younger. He had a long neck and no hump. Just compare that old pic with how he looked later on with Wilt. Trade those 2 Andres and tell me who would have been taller? If anything, they could have been the same height at the very least.

Sorry for all these posts, I'm just psyched about all of this.
Danimal said on 5/Aug/06
Last but not least, that pic where Andre is smiling with Verne in the dressing room was taken in the very early 70's. I know because I live in Montreal, Canada and my Dad used to know where all the wrestlers would be after a match, when they fought at the Montreal Forum (home of the Montreal Canadians Hockey Team). Anyways, the year was 1971 and Andre claimed to be 434 pounds and 7'4" according to my Dad who is just shy 6'2" and was 300 pounds at the time. He said Andres hands were enormous and whenever he would go to a particular bar, there would be NO fights that
Danimal said on 5/Aug/06
Okay, if that fat Olympic guy in the second pic with Andre, NOT the first was 6'5", then Andre was over 7'0" tall. Andre was standing much straighter in the 2nd group pic with that 6'5" 400 pounder and he was like 8-9" taller.

BTW JT, when Andre made his Pro Wrestling debut he was 290 pounds.
Danimal said on 5/Aug/06
Okay guys, someone asked how tall Abdullah was, seeing we see him being beyond towered over by Andre in that video. I'm now providing a pic of Abdullah with Konnan, who is 5'10". I have no doubt that Abdullah was his 6'0" listed height at one point, seeing the man is 70 today and was defintely in his 60's in this pic with Konnan. He was actually already into his 50 when he fought Andre in '83. Anyways, he's about 6'0", nothing less than 5'10" Konnan, considering his match with Andre was 15 before this pic was taken.

All that being said, does Andre have over a foot on Abdullah?
JT said on 5/Aug/06
To see how much Andre changed in only a few years:
Andre with Verne Gagne (maybe late 1960s?)
(Click Here)
Andre with Gagne on the Mike Douglas Show (around the mid-1970s)
(Click Here)
Some more pictures from that show.
(Click Here)
(Click Here)
Andre's probably around 20 in this photo (Click Here)
Frank said on 5/Aug/06
Hey Glenn we have to take a picture when you are free
JT said on 5/Aug/06
Alex, Andre looks no more than 300 lbs. in this early photo
(Click Here) With Vern Gagne, I'd say he's around 325 lbs., maybe 350 lbs. tops(Click Here). He's still "Jean Ferre" at this point and probably less than 25 years old. It's sad to see what that disease did to Andre's features.

[These photos are in the Andre "Vintage" gallery from Obsessed with Wrestling if the links don't work]
Jordan said on 5/Aug/06
Andre might have been 540 at one time, prolly toward the end of his carrer. I rember hogan saying in an interview on 60 minutes, or somewhere else that adnre was 550lbs
Alex said on 5/Aug/06
Danimal, when did Andre first start wrestling? Didn't he only weigh 350-370lbs then?
Alex said on 5/Aug/06
Danimal, Jason said Andre looked 450lbs at his heaviest. LOL
Alex said on 5/Aug/06
Andre weighed 530lbs when he died I saw on a biography on TV for him. He looked closer to 550lbs by 1990. From 1984-1989 he was 500-525lbs I think.
Big Show said on 5/Aug/06
Danimal, in the pic with Wilt, the text below states that Andre looks to be 450 lbs easily. Like you I believe he was heavier, but I've used this text as a source.
Danimal said on 5/Aug/06
Big Show, Andre was well more than 450 pounds in Dude, the man was already 474 pounds in the late seventies. By 1983, he was in his 494 or 497 pounds. He finally hit that famous 500 pound mark in 1984 and soon after surpassed it by 20 to 65 pounds (depending on the year).
Danimal said on 5/Aug/06
A cool read: Click Here
Alex said on 4/Aug/06
Ok again I am going to say my height estimations for Andre
Peak- 6'11 at least and maybe 7'0 but no more than 7'0.
Mid height- around 6'10
Height before death- 6'8.5-6'9
Jordan said on 4/Aug/06
Guys lets not get nasty with each other--I mean we should all except each others opinions and criticize in a nicer way. I actually admit to getting a little pissy with what big show's criticism of my posts but I was wrong in doing that.
Big Show said on 4/Aug/06
There's evidence of Andre being 6'11.5 in 1983. It still has to be proven that he was over 7' tall, but seeing as in 1983 he was 450 lbs, I do believe that when Andre was a young, slim, healthy man, he must have been a little bit taller. I mean, all that weight has to tone his body down a little bit. Seeing as there are not that many pics of a young Andre and I wish I could find one that could verify Andre's height at that point.
As far as his height at the end of his life goes. The last appearance of Andre I saw was in the movie Trading Mom. I don't know how tall Sissy Spacek is, but Andre had at least 1.5 foot on her. In 1991 he played in Zorro and was still a solid 6'10 in that episode. Maybe when he was confined to crutches, he could have been 6'9 (in the last few months of his life) but below that height I don't believe. And like his peak height, his lowest height hasn't been proved yet as well.
Frank said on 4/Aug/06
I believe Andre peak height was 6ft 11 and i would say he was 6ft 10 at the Wrestlemania's....I believe Hogan was a legit 6ft 5 and he might have worn lifts to make him look 6ft 6 to 6ft 7
Alex said on 4/Aug/06
I think Chad is pretty correct with Andre's height. 6'11 most seem to agree on for his peak height but he could have been 7'0 at his tallest but no taller than that though. Far as his height before he died 6'9 tops and maybe 6'8.5 if you seen him in the early 90's. Terrible posture and was sickly looking too. I remember in 1992 one of his last few WWF appearances he came to the ring with The British Bulldog and could barely walk. The guy was def no taller than 6'9 before he died.
Jordan said on 3/Aug/06
Well I for one will admit to a height change of andre. I had first saw him in a pic with Giant Baba and thought andre to only be 6'8, but now I truely belive in his peak he was 6'11/7'0. I do belive that Hogan was 6'6 when he fought andre and Andre had about 5 inches on him even in 87, so Andre caould have been 6'10 6'11 at wrestlmania, I do think Andre was 7'0 once. I openly admit to changing my opinions.
Alex said on 3/Aug/06
There actually was someone who said Andre's peak height was 6'7 some months ago, even lower than the 6'8 peak estimate. I could see Andre at 7'0 at his peak even though its more likely 6'11 but can't buy over 7'0 though for his peak. The man was def 6'9ish the time he died.
Glenn said on 3/Aug/06
Im not an expert on sports or wrestling guys,so forgive all seem to know your stuff.
Warlord said on 3/Aug/06
Much taller heights Chad? I never claimed Andre was ever taller than 7 foot 1-1/2 and my belief is that he was definitely 7 feet at one time as opposed to all the under 7 foot believers. I do know that Jason made a 6 foot 8 claim at one time (yes, peak height) and you always backed him up so it's just as well you believed 6 foot 8 peak a while ago. It's funny how you criticize us for our opinions, but you and the fool Jason always underestimate heights and then when you have no explanation for a taller appearance you cite 'lifts' as the explanation. That's pure bull. But at least as bad a Jason was he stuck with his beliefs, however wrong they may have been. You are worse because you flip-flop around and that leaves you zero credibility. Glenn can believe whatever he wants to believe, but I needed to warn him because he came off with a very wrong impression when he thought you 'knew your stuff'.
Frank said on 2/Aug/06
Chad i agree with you that Andre was about 6ft 11 peak height but im not so sure Bigts Show was taller because Andre i truely believe did not wear lifts and i do believe BIG SHOW does.....
Chad said on 2/Aug/06
Glenn, Just a heads up about Warlord and Danimal!. They like to twist things that are said and keep trouble going to no end. Glenn, Everyone has an opinion just like you or I do. You will see that Warlord and Danimal like to try and tout theirs as the only right ones and if your differs in any way they want to keep going spreading lies. As far as the 6'8" range I said was what I was estimating towards the end of his carreer so Warlord get your facts right before coming up with your non-sense. Glenn, that's why I give a range of about an inch either way. I mean when you think about people fighting over a few inches is crazy. I may have slightly changed over earlier posts, but it was only from seeing new evidence that has been posted on here from more reliable persons. And I remember Warlord and Danimal defending much taller heights for Andre in the early days also!. At least I keep it realistic with below 7 ft!. Glenn, you are welcome to your own opinion and yours may change just like many have on assured I will not degrade you because of a changed opinion:) Good Luck with your research!!
Warlord said on 2/Aug/06
Before you cannonize Chad as some expert you should know that quite a ways back on this message board he touted heights of 6 foot 8 or 6 foot 9 for Andre- peak. He's a flip-flopper and far from an expert. I've argued from day one that Andre was definitely not shorter than 7 feet 0 at his peak and possibly even as much as 7 foot 1-1/2. Many would would not budge a millimeter above 6 foot 11, but Chad is coming up another half inch to possibly 6 foot 11-1/2. Come up a little further Chad. You've already flip-flopped up 4.5 inches from 6 foot 8.
Danimal, good to see you back on here.
Glenn said on 1/Aug/06
Chad-a couple of friends of mine met him.they are the worst at judgeing height.but you know your stuff and Im going to go with your estimates.Im impressed.
KingNick said on 1/Aug/06
I just watched that Andre the Giant vs. Abdullah the Butcher match. My God, what a great find, Big Show! Andre looked taller there than any video I've seen him in. How tall is Abdullah?
Danimal said on 1/Aug/06
Dug, Andre's peak wasn't in the early 80's. His peak was the mid to late 70's.
dug said on 1/Aug/06
At his peak he was around 7'1(early 80's), but later in his wrestling career (1987 until his death) he had many back surgeries and a few knee surgeries that caused him to drop a few inches to 6'11. His acromegaly also started to take its toll and he put on alot of actually as he lost an inch or two, he even appeared to be more of a giant.
Chad said on 1/Aug/06
Glenn, I have seen many different bios about Andre on T.V. through the years and the main reason for the 7'4" billed height is that the WWF wanted to portray Andre as being among the tallest professional athletes known during that time period which was held by professional basketball players of course. Almost everyone pretty much can conclude that wrestlers heights are inflated in this industry. The thing about Andre is his massive frame that gives him that larger than most look. It was easy to add an extra 5 inches or so to his true height and bill him at 7'4" and people actually believed it because he was so huge anyway!. I admit I was one of them for many years until seeing him in real life. Don't get me wrong, Andre is a huge man and a giant in all respects, but it was very clear the man was not 7'4". Many argue on here from heights of 6'8"-7'1". I think most have become comfortable with 6'11" as peak, but some still push for 7'1". So, yeah it's just a couple of inches in debate here but everyone has a right to their opinion anyway. My personal estimate is around 6'11"-6'11.5" peak and around 6'9"-6'9.5" at his carreer end. And a personal opinion that Big Show is slightly taller than Andre was by maybe an inch or so?.
Glenn said on 1/Aug/06
How did they fake the measurement danimal?
Big Show said on 1/Aug/06
"if you see that A&E Biography of Andre they say he had the strenght of 2 or 3 fully grown men!"

He also had the size of 2 or 3 fully grown men :)

Jiga said on 31/Jul/06
Danimal Andre's manager said 7'1.5" and Big Show also 7'1, 7'1
Danimal said on 31/Jul/06
Glenn, I see this is your first time on Andre's The 7'4"-7'5" measurement at Wrestlemania III wasn't the only time they had him at that height. He was listed at that height since the early 70's (upon entering the WWWF).

My question is this: Why would Mr. Carpentier give him a height of 7'1.5" if he was being listed as 7'4" everywhere else? BECAUSE he was telling the truth.
Danimal said on 31/Jul/06
Ancient Aztec Guy, where are you from? I'm assuming somewhere in Europe, right? Andre was NOT 7'4" in his prime. That was the listing Vince Sr. gave him for the 20th time. I believe he could have been at most the height his former manager gave him (7'1.5").
Eric said on 31/Jul/06
Danimal i agree with you man LOL i think he was over 7ft in his prime .
Jiga said on 30/Jul/06
if you see that A&E Biography of Andre they say he had the strenght of 2 or 3 fully grown men!
Glenn said on 30/Jul/06
Alex-so 7-4,7-5 was BS hype?.what about the measurement at wrestlemania? .
JT said on 30/Jul/06
Danimal, you can't really tell how tall Andre was in the video with Abdullah, though he did tower over everyone in the crowd, especially that cop at the beginning. What an intimidating sight. However, Andre looked a few times like he was only 6'10" in the video I posted yesterday with Hogan, and that was just 2 years later. Here's a picture of Andre with Olympic wrestler Chris Taylor from the mid-1970s. Taylor is usually listed at 6'5" and 430 lbs. or so. (Click Here) If that's the case, Andre would really be struggling to reach 7'0". Big Show looked taller next to Hogan (~6'5") in the mid-1990s. Maybe Big Show was 7'1" then??

It would have been awesome to have seen Andre and Big Show together in the ring. There are probably only a handful of humans walking the planet with that combination of height and body frame.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 29/Jul/06
Andre the Giant could have easily beat the poop out of a man at 6`2`` 230lbs.He was a really big feller/guy there`s no denyin that.I would put Andre at 7`3`` or 7`4`` in his prime(mid seventies).probably 7`0`` or 7`1`` when he wrestled Hogan.My cousin had a friend who had acromegaly.He recieved treatments and was okay.I would say that in that pic of Andre and Giant Baba that even if Andre was wearing shoes that were as thick as Baba`s that would only give Baba an inch and a half closer to Andre`s height,at the most.Danimal is my freind?????Just kidding Danimal.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 29/Jul/06
If you Fellers/guys are interested with Giant Angus Macaskill then go to Click Here can learn almost everything you need to know about Cape Breton`s Big Boy.An isle of a man at nearly eight feet tall.
Danimal said on 29/Jul/06
Did you guys see the video Big Show just posted of Andre and Abdullah from 1983? This IS Andre PRE BACK SURGERY. Andre TOWERED over everyone in that video. Andre was EASILY Big Show's height at that point, if not taller. You can tell that between then and 1987 (Wrestlemania 3) Andre lost considerable height. This was 1983 and he was still pretty agile and strong (not like the later Andre who couldn't stay on his feet). That man was just under 7'0" in that video and CLOSE to 500 pounds (Big Show's size). I guarantee that 10 years earlier, Andre was OVER 7'0". Why is that so hard to imagine?
Jordan said on 29/Jul/06
Was abdullah only 6'0?? All I know is abdullah looks like a grape with arms and legs. Wasnt he billed at 360??
Alex said on 29/Jul/06
I am with Frank, I do believe he was 6'11 at his peak but maybe he was 7'0, but nothing over that though.
JT said on 29/Jul/06
IF Andre was wearing those cowboy boots with the 2+ inch heel in the photo with Wilt, I'd give him 6'11" as of 1984 and probably 7'0" for a peak height. If he was wearing normal shoes, he would be an inch taller in both scenarios but probably no more. Andre looks no more than 6'11" in 1985, assuming Hogan's 6'6", Studd is 6'7" and Bundy is 6'4" (Click Here)
When Big Show arrived in the WWE, I could have sworn that some announcer (Jim Ross or Tony Schiavone) said that Big Show was now the largest wrestler ever in the WWE. WWE of course listed him at 7'2" at the time. I doubt Vince cleared that comment. I do wish WWE would finally knock off the 7'4" claim for Andre though. I know they love the guy but it's really insulting to viewers, especially with so many pictures of the Hogan-Andre WM III staredown floating around out there. If Andre's 7'4", Hogan's 6'11", right?
Jiga said on 29/Jul/06
Andre at max/prime/peak was 7'+. The 7'+ is anywhere between 7' and 7'3. You have to realise and remember that in a lot of pictures he slouches and has bad posture which includes stance, knees, back, shoulders and head/neck. It's also after prime and the acromegaly and weight have already affected his frame and he also had back and knee surgery so just remember that.
Big Show said on 28/Jul/06
Click Here

Here's that match between Andre and Abdullah.

Danimal said on 28/Jul/06
I'm really starting to believe Mr. Carpentier (Andre's old manager), who sais Andre was 7'1.5". That to me sounds about right for a young, healthy and great posture Andre. He was NO taller than that. The 7'4"-7'5" were creations of Vince McMahon Sr. and Jr. as I mentioned before.

Big Show, no, I've never seen that video. Did Abdullah really use silverwear to stab his opponents in the face and head? It look real to me. The entire portion of Abdullah's head and forehead, as well as Brody's were completely scarred. Actually, come to think of it, so was Jake the Snake's in Beyond the Mat. I guess they have to constantly cut themselves, so that they bleed and eventually, after enough times doing it, it leaves scars.
Frank said on 28/Jul/06
I am a Andre The Giant Fan but i still think he was 6ft 11 peak height
He probably was 7ft with shoes on....He was shorter than WILT but not by alot
He was never 7ft 4 i would bet on that
Jordan said on 28/Jul/06
I agree that Andre could have been 7'1 in hi prime but 7'4 is prolly out of the question, seing he would have 3 inches on chamberlian
Big Show said on 28/Jul/06
Danimal, did you ever see the match between Andre and Abdullah the Butcher. It also went completely out of hand and was stopped after about 6 minutes. I'll see if I can find that link again where you can watch this match.
JT said on 28/Jul/06
Danimal, paste both pictures in one Word document and re-size them so that the one constant (Andre) is the same size in each. You can then "cut out" Andre in both pictures and make Hogan and Baba effectively stand side-by-side. I know, I have too much time on my hands.
kingbg said on 27/Jul/06
I truly believe Andre the giant was between 7'1 and 7'4 in his prime. I have seen enough pics of him in his prime to come to this conclusion. My brother who is 6'4 (doctors office) said Andre was alot taller then him by nearly a foot and had to duck going through the 7' entrance at the old Charlotte Arena. It also is clear he was in fact taller then Wilt when you measure there pics in detail.
Danimal said on 27/Jul/06
Big Show, thanks for answering my question. Yeah, I've seen that video before. What is JT doing in word? How can he compare Hogan and Baba when they've never actually stood next to each other in front of "our eyes"?

That Abdullah the Butcher was one insane wrestler. You guys should watch some matches between Bruiser Brody, who was stabbed to death in 1988. Their matches were completely out of control. They set the standard for Mick Foley and Terry Funk and then the ECW to follow. They were EXTREME before Extreme wrestling existed.
Big Show said on 27/Jul/06
Danimal, Chad is not referring to footage between Hogan and Baba, but to the video between Baba and Andre. Click Here

It's hard to disagree with Chad though. Evidence doesn't lie and Andre is taller by a couple of inches (at least 1.5 - 3 inches, no more or less).

Here's another height comparison between Baba and Hogan:

Click Here
Giant Baba and Inoki

Click Here
Hogan and Inoki.

Texas Tom said on 27/Jul/06
JT, I agree with ou on every point except for your last; Big Show is wearing some fairly clunky boots in that footage...and Hogan's marked height loss had already begun.It's so hard to use Hogan as a reference point because he was at peak height at a time Andre was beginning to stoop, and beginning to stoop when Big Show was at his peak.
JT said on 26/Jul/06
Chad, I compared the pictures of Andre, Baba and Hogan in Microsoft Word. Baba looks about 2 inches at most taller than Hogan, putting Baba at around 6'8". If you compare the photo of Andre and Baba in Word and assume that Baba is 6'9" in shoes, Andre comes out to around 7'2" in his boots, or probably 7'0" barefoot since those heels are pretty large. I did the same thing in the photo with Hogan (the photo needs to be rotated a few degrees to straighten it out) and assumed that Hogan was 6'7" in shoes. Andre came out to just below 7'3" in his boots. That photo is a bit tricky though, since Andre
Danimal said on 26/Jul/06
First off Chad, you shouldn't make statements like "everyone on here will agree". You can't speak for everyone, when everyone on here clearly has their own views. Personally, I have no idea what footage or pics you're referring to with Hogan and Baba and I thought I've pretty much seen them all. Since when have they stood next to each other, let alone this footage actually available for our viewing?
TheMan said on 26/Jul/06
By the looks of things Baba can't possibly be 6,8 let alone 6,9 he did seem similer to Hogan maybe 6,7 for him tops. Bigshows wieght is really bad though he looks ridiclous IMO. Even Hogan himself has lost an incredible amount of height if he was indeed 6,7 like he claims he's now barly 6,4 many will argue as low as 6,3. Guys like the rock who are not 6,5 but 6,3 sometimes appear taller than him and guys like lesnar at 6,2 apppear just as tall. In he's heyday Hogan would of towered over these if he was that tall. Height loss in wrestling is probably more extreme than most other sports etc. Before i knew much about height i would never of imagined Hogan to be only 6,3 to the massive 6,8 which he seemed lol. Same with Andre but now i know the truth. I belived he was 7,5 for years intil i knew about height. It's hard to unbelive something you thought was real for years. But if somebody says someones that height you just belive it but WWE lie all the time about height and weight even now.
Chad said on 26/Jul/06
Interesting pics of Baba and Hogan in comparison to Andre. Something to note though! In both the pics Baba and Hogan seem to be about the same height in comparison to Andre?. Andre even seems a little taller to Baba than Hogan. Now, I know Andre has cowboy boots on but that would only give maybe a good inch-inch 1/2 extra compared to regular shoes rendering Hogan basically the same height as Baba. So lets say to make everyone happy that if Hogan was possibly a true 6'6" in his peak, then that means Baba was only around 6'6" also and not the 6'8-6'9" as some claim?. I see no 2-3 inches difference between Hogan and Baba?. So now lets take this to the next level...In the 91' match clip of Andre and Baba everyone on here pretty much agreed that Andre had a good 3 inches on Baba when they were standing side by side. So, if thats the case, that would indeed put Andre in the 6'9" range 2 years before his death assuming that Baba was still a solid 6'6" as in the early pics in comparison to Hogan?. If anyone else can say that Baba was 3 inches taller than Hogan then I would like to see that pic!!
Danimal said on 26/Jul/06
Actually, his height loss was way more gradual than you give it credit for The Man.
Jordan said on 26/Jul/06
The MAn
You are coorect when you say andre shrunk 3 or 4 inches( It is a fact on many websites regarding Andre's Bio) and you also said that he was 6'11/ 7'0 which is my believe for his MAX height also. I would actaully say 7'0 at MAx so your estimates are good.
TheMan said on 26/Jul/06
I think Andre was taller in he's early career maybe even just about 7/6-11. But he shrank dirasticly by the end of he's career up to 3-4 inches. I think thats where the confusion lies.
Big Show said on 26/Jul/06
that anonymous guy was me, btw.
Danimal said on 26/Jul/06
If Edge is 6'3", we know that Hogan was taller when he stood straight, which he rarely does.

Eric, Big Show was 7'0" at one point. Andre may very well have been 7'1.5". I still believe it. At the end he was under 6'10". Big Show today is MAX 6'11", but is creeping up on Andre's obese weight more and more each year.
eric said on 26/Jul/06
Rob those are some great pics man. How many inches of a difference do you think ANdre is from hogan and that other guy ?? Andres also in regular shoes.
Anonymous said on 26/Jul/06
Excellent pic of Andre and Baba:

Some thoughts: Andre has an approx. 2 inch heel...Baba appears to have a 1 inch heel on his sneakers. The difference between the two with the pic at 800 percent is approx 5 inches, though 800 percent on the pic is a little shy of life size for them. All told the difference with heels considered is probably close to six inches...take away at least 1 inch for Andre's larger heel...and you've got roughly 4 inches between the two, give or take a half inch.

Given that the lowest height ever listed for Baba is 6-8.5...this would put Andre up at 7-1....which is actually taller than I would ever estimate Andre as being by 82.

I'll tell you this much, this pic illustrates very clearly the toll Andre's back took on his perceived height by the time his career was winding down. The Andre that teamed with Baba in those early 90's comedy matches seems much shorter in comparison.
KingNick said on 26/Jul/06
Rob, those are awesome pictures. They're great not just because of his height but you can really see his proportions there. It's so interesting how he was built. If you look at the picture, his legs are barely longer than Baba's. It looks like his height is mostly in his torso and his head.

In regards to his shoes, those heels got to give him at least 2 inches.
Alex said on 25/Jul/06
Danimal, I didn't say he's 6'2.5. I think he's a solid 6'3 but with normal shoes he'd be 6'4-6'4.5 since they'll give him 1-1.5 inches of height.
Big Show said on 25/Jul/06
In those pics Hogan looks almost the same height next to Andre as Baba did, but those are some big heels on Andre. 2 or 3 inch at least. But Andre still looks a good 6'11 next to Baba, even if you take away the height advantage he has because of the heels.

But my question is, did Andre also where these kind of boots in the picture with Wilt?
ancient Aztec Guy said on 25/Jul/06
Did anyone see that pic of Baba and Andre sent in by Editor Rob.Andre towered over 6`10`` or 6`9`` Baba.
eric said on 25/Jul/06
BIg show I am sure that since Paul Wight works in the industry Im sure he asked Hulk Hogan and those guys what height Andre was. If I was the Big SHow i would of, out of curiousity . If i were the big show i would want to know if i was taller than Andre being that Big SHow is up there. IT makes sense he for sure knows Andres height. About the pic with Wilt your most likely right. I take my hat off to you . BUt we have to at least say Andre's 7ft flat and since BIg show said andres taller that would put him at 6ft11. This is all making sense to me. ANdre in his prime at 7ft flat BIg show at 6ft11 and WIlt i guess at 7ft1.I say ANdre in his Prime was taller then Big SHow . Your right though Andre was under 7ft towards the end of his career.
KingNick said on 24/Jul/06
In case anyone's interested here's a photo of the staredown from WM III Click Here I'm sure the match on youtube someplace. I say MINIMUM there's a 4 inch height difference but its really hard to tell. I definitely don't think its an 8 inch difference like the Gorilla said though.
Danimal said on 24/Jul/06
Nah Alex. Hogan's not 6'2.5. I still think Hogan is minimum 6'3.25"-6'3.5". If he wore his 3" cowboy boots (which can give that much height). That bounty hunter guy on A&E wears them and he admits that he's 5'7" and with his cowboy boots he's 5'10". So, I give Hogan 6'5" and change with those boots today. In his prime he was definitely a 6'8" guy with his boots. That's why he towered over Donald Trump and Muhammed Ali, who were both 6'2"-6'3".
ancient Aztec Guy said on 24/Jul/06
Hey Big Show!In that pic of Andre and Wilt I personally believe Andre was taller by at least an inch.These are reasons why:1Wilt was wearing a wig.2Andre`s head was jutting out.3Wilt was standing straight chest out.4Andre`s knees were a little bent.Wilt I find in that pic is desperately trying to make himself look taller than Andre.If you bent your head like wilt you would look even taller with a wig on because the highest part of your wig would be in the back.It looks as if he has a lump in the back of his head the hair is so thick in the back.With wilt doing all that he is the same height as Andre is when Andre is standing calmly.that would put Andre at 7`4``.But I will not argue with 7`3``.I would never say he is 7`5`` though.
Alex said on 24/Jul/06
Hogan in normal footwear 1-1.5 inches he'd be 6'4-6'4.5 today.
Big Show said on 24/Jul/06
Eric, did you even see the pic between Andre and Wilt? There's no way Andre was taller than Wilt by an inch, even if he took of the wig. The text below the picture states that Andre looks like a solid 6'11, and I think that's closer to the truth.
The Big Show might have said that Andre was taller than him by an inch, but how would he know. He's never met the guy (at least not personal). Andre's wrestle career ended in 1991-1992, and the Big Show's started in 1995. Judging from Hogan's height, I would say the Big Show was definately 2 inches taller than Andre was in the late '80's. Andre in his prime (early '70's) would probably be around the same height as the Big Show in his prime (mid '90's).
Danimal said on 24/Jul/06
You know what Alex? Jesse wasn't lying. I'm 100% SURE that Hogan WAS 6'8" in his shoes. He was probably 6'6" and was wearing 2" shoes which made him 6'8". The thing about Jesse was that he was VERY honest. Jesse even stated that Hogan's weight was 294 pounds before the match, even though the ring announcer listed him at 303. I think Hogan was just under 6'5" in WCW and his 6'7" listing was with his shoes as well, or slightly under. Today, with the right footwear, he could probably squeeze out 6'6". As for Andre, he wasn't even close to 7'5". Gorilla Monsoon liked to exagerate, unlike Jesse.
eric said on 23/Jul/06
Andre in his Prime was 7ft1 at the tallest.I do believe at one time he was 7ft1. Take the pic of Wilt and Andre for example. If wilt wasnt wearing his wig in that pic Andre would of either been the same height or an inch taller. When ANdre got closer to the end of his career he was prob around 6ft9 6ft10.
Hulk Hogan in his prime was indeed 6ft5 6ft6. Today he is no more then 6ft3 6ft4. As far as Big John Studd he was never 6ft10. He was actually 6ft7. WHen he fought Hulk Hogan in his prime this would make sense cause he was only 1 inch taller then hogan 1 and a half the most. Making Big John Studd 6ft7 and Hogan in his prime 6ft6. The Big SHow even admitted that ANdre was taller then him by an inch.
Alex said on 23/Jul/06
Danimal, in the staredown with Hogan and Andre at WM 3. They said Hogan was 6'8 and Andre was actually 7'5 I remember very clearly because Jesse was like look at Hogan, hes 6'8 and Gorilla was like and Andre's 7'5. Its funny how they wanted us to think that was a 9 inch difference while it was really 4-4.5 inches difference.
Danimal said on 22/Jul/06
Ancient Aztec Guy, you have to take some deep breaths and relax. We realize you just found this website and are VERYYYYYYYY excited, but you can't go with MAX heights. You have to look at evidence. Hulk wasn't 6'7" at least. He probably wasn't even 6'7" (perhaps close though). Actually, you're a bit confused, because you're stating that Hogan "WAS" at least 6'7", YET, you're implying that he's still this height, based on his T.V. show. Hogan isn't even 6'4" today and that is a fact. We all know that. As to how tall he was in his prime? Well, the average concensus is 6'5"-6'6" and furthermore, Andre wasn't 7'4". That was the height that Vince McMahon Sr. gave him, so he would be taller than Kareem Abdul Jabar.
TheMan said on 22/Jul/06
I think the reason Andre was noted for he's size was probably at that point no one was even near 6,9-6,10 that is huge in reality. Theres not to many people 6,10 ive encountered probably only about 2 to 3 people in my whole life that height or taller. Maybe 2 6,10ners and one 7,3 guy. They said 7,4 to make him sound the tallest.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 22/Jul/06
I am sure Hulk Hogan really was 6`7`` at least.After seeing a couple of episodes of Hogan knows best I noticed almost every time he went under a doorway like I said before he had to duck his head.A standard doorway usually a couple inches above six and a half feet tall.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 22/Jul/06
HEEEYYYY TEXAS TOM!!!!!!!I have searched and dug and digged and looked but I have found no sources saying that Giant Bubba had acromegaly.Every source I have found said that Giant Bubba was really 6`10``.His chin did not jutt out like an acromeglic giant`s.He died of cancer I believe in 1999.The wrestler the great Kali(Dalip Sinhg)definetely has acromegaly.You might notice that his chin jutts out.He was on the movie the longest yard.The Aztecs had a powerfull empire in Mexico.
Texas Tom said on 22/Jul/06
Ancient Aztec Guy,

There is no set height acromegaly will launch you to. I now would have to admit that Giant Baba was acromeglical, and he did not surpass 6-10...and was possibly 6-8.5. At a late stage of his career, a hobbled Andre looked roughly 6-10 next to him, down from the 6-11 or 7 feet of his prime.

Andre most certainly never reached 7-4. I would have to say the 7-1.5 Frank Valois claimed is the tallest he possibly could have been. You have to go with photos and video, not expectations about acromegaly. 7-4 would have made Andre 9 inches taller than Studd and ten or eleven inches taller than Wepner, to say nothing of 2 and 1.5 inches taller than Wilt. Clearly he is none of those things. Andre was in the neighborhood of 7 feet even, give or take.
eric said on 22/Jul/06
Ali is 6ft3 so hogan in his prime was an easy 6ft6 making andre in his staredown almost 7ft. He had an easy 5 inches on Hogan. Maybe even 6 inches
Danimal said on 21/Jul/06
Alex, I wouldn't rule out Andre being over 7'0" in the late 60's/early 70's. We have NO one to really compare him to back then, but man did he look A LOT taller, with his great posture. I'm not saying 100%, but there's always the possibility that he did climb over 7'0". He's almost Wilt's 7'1 3/8" height in 1983/1984 and we KNOW that Andre had seen better days prior to.

JT, those are some awesome pics. If anyone wants to see the REAL height difference between Hogan and Vince McMahon, buy/rent or download Hulkamania I and you will see a 10 minute sketch with Hogan, Vince and Lord Alfred Hayes, where Hogan is making them a power shake and they are all standing next to each other, footwear being visible and Hogan had Vince by AT LEAST 5", if not more. He towered over him and much more than in that pic you posted of them JT. Hogan was over 6'6". By 2003, when he faced Vince, it was embarrassing at how much better Vince was looking. He made Hogan look small. It's possible Hogan even lost more than 3.5" since 1990.
Alex said on 21/Jul/06
Chad, I agree no way was Andre over 7'0 at his peak. 6'11 I think is the most accurate and most here will agree 6'9 by his death so thats a good 2 inches he lost. But before we've heard claims of 6'5 by his death? I just can't believe that.
Alex said on 21/Jul/06
Chad, I know how tall 6'6 is, my friend is 6'5.5 so just about 6'6. Hogan may have not been 6'6 at his peak but then he was a good 6'5 guy then. I can't see him under 6'5 at his peak and today he looks 6'3 flat.
Texas Tom said on 21/Jul/06
In the 80's by hook or by crook, Hogan looked easily 6-6. People pointing at his staredown with Andre at WMIII as proof of Andre being under 6-10 are making a mistake. Hogan seemed to start a slow decline post 1990 or so.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 21/Jul/06
Did you fellers know that the Rousimoff family(Andre`s Family) claims Andre may of had a 7`8``tall grandfather
JT said on 21/Jul/06
Chad, so you saw Hogan back in the mid-1980s? Why did Hogan have 4 inches on 6'2" or 6'3" Muhammad Ali while in wrestling gear?(Click Here)(Click Here) Check out the video for WM I as well. Why was Hogan always at least 4 inches taller than McMahon when they're now getting close to being eye-to-eye? (Click Here) You concede that Hillbilly Jim was a good 6'6". Why is Hogan taller than Jim in this picture and every other picture floating around out there from the 1980s? (Click Here) Hogan has shrunk a good 2-3 inches and it's sad to see.

Regardng Andre, I think you're right. Andre does look just about the same height as 7'1" Wilt in one of the photos. I still think he was around 6'11" at that time (1983 or 1984) and 7'0" peak. He probably had shoes with a good size heel in the photo with Wilt.
Danimal said on 21/Jul/06
Chad, seeing you've "seen" Hogan several times, next time you see him, why don't you get the courage to ask him how tall he really was. Again, GO TO THE HOGAN page and stop disrespecting Andre!!!!! lol.
Danimal said on 21/Jul/06
I meant to write in above post that Hulk was Clearly taller than Hilbilly in both pics from the 80's.
Danimal said on 21/Jul/06
So, Chad, you're saying that Andre was 6'4" at peak, even though this entire board, as well as Rob will beg to differ and you're saying that Hillbilly was a good 6'6", YET, Hulk Hogan was CLEARLY taller than Andre in both pics from the 1980's??? Chad, you're not looking at the evidence at all. Big John Studd who was billed at 6'10", but was really 6'7", did NOT have Hulk Hogan by 3". They were roughly the same height, with the slight advantage going to Studd. Ventura is 6'4". Hogan was at least 2" taller. That evidence is all over the place. Hogan was taller than Foreman by at least 2", Ali by at least 3", Trump by at least 3-4", Vince by at least 5", YET surprisingly they are the same height today??? Stop trolling Chad. FURTHERMORE, I say that Andre WAS shorter than Wilt in that pic. I also DID say that Andre could have been taller than Wilt 10 years earlier, when Andre still had his health and good posture on his side. You have a way of only reading and seeing what you want to Chad. Open your eyes man and see what EVERYONE else sees, BUT YOU.
Chad said on 21/Jul/06
Sorry JT, I have seen Hogan several times and he was no 6'6". I think some in here need to realize just how tall 6'6" really is?. I would agree Hogan could have been a good 6'4" at peak. Now HillBilly Jim was a good 6'6" in his own respect. A few in here need to realize you keep comparing wrestler heights against other wrestlers. Remember these are billed "fake" heights. Danimal, you get me by one way admit to the obvious that Andre was shorter than Wilt, then go and say that Andre could have been pegged taller than Wilt. People it's getting out of hand! I mean look at the 2 rare pics of Andre standing beside a true 7'1" and Andre may have been 6'11" at best. I will even go as far as saying that yes, maybe Andre did reach 7', but you can't honestly say he was any taller than that ever. I agree with your figure of 6'9" at the end though :).
Alex said on 20/Jul/06
Andre wasn't even 7'0 I don't think. I still think he went from 6'11 down to 6'9 by his death.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 20/Jul/06
Did you know Danimal that in the pic of Andre,Wilt,and Arnold that Wilt is wearing a wig.That makes Wilt look taller.I believe Andre`s height before shortly before his death was mmmmmmmmm....... 6`11.5`` or 7`0`` My Uncle and my grandfather used to watch him fight all the time they said he was a pretty big feller.They are both french and they used to yell at him in French while he fought. They would say "LE TAUPE LA"!(HIT HIM THERE!)
ancient Aztec Guy said on 20/Jul/06
After seeing the other photo of andre and wilt I am more convinced than ever that andre was 7`4`` Andre is about the same height of Wilt that`s with wilt`s back and legs perfectly straight.Andre`s back was straight but his knees were a little bent and his neck was jutting out.I know now that Andre was clearly taller than 7`1`` Wilt.Get Andre to stand as straight as Wilt in that photo and he would be about 3 inches possibly 2 inches taller.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 20/Jul/06
I have heard some people say Andre the Giant was really 6`9``.That can`t be true because the ones in the wrestling business would of thought to even call him a Giant.Anyone below 7ft is not a Giant.And there is no way that they could of exagerrated his height by a whopping half a foot!Andre in the business was known for selling out every wrestling show.How could people be so obsesed with a man being a little over six and a half feet tall.It is not very very uncommon to see someone with that height.People would have noticed right away he was not a Giant.Anyone exactly 7ft or under are not true giants.Most people in history who were considered giants were very close to seven and half feet tall or taller.Someone who is around 6`8`` is only a small fraction taller than a man of average height.But Im not saying 6`8`` is not tall it is still very tall.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 20/Jul/06
Danimal here is another reason why I personally think he was 7`4``.Hulk Hogan really was 6`7`` or 6`8`` because on Hogan knows best he has to stoop his head under many doorways and the standard doorway is about that and Andre had to be at least half a foot taller than hogan.Another super cool fact for no reason is that Andre was said to of had a 7`8`` Bulgarian Grandfather. That`s nearly eight feet tall.He was an isle of a man.Wilt wasn`t necessarily taller than Andre because of the angle and distances from the camera and the fact that thier heads were both ducked.And didn`t you guy ever hear tell of the ancient Aztecs they had a powerful empire.
Danimal said on 20/Jul/06
Ancient Aztec Guy, Andre was NOT 7'4". That would have meant that he would have had almost 3" on Wilt and he wasn't even his height. In that pic, Andre was MAX 7'0". He did NOT lose 4" by 1983-1984. His FIRST operation was in 1981, for his ankle. His back surgeries began in 1986. Granted, he wasn't as tall in 83-84 as he had been in the 70's. I peg him at 7'1"-7'2" in MAX height and just under 6'9"-6'10" at the VERY end. I believe that 1983-1984 pic would have put Andre at the exact same height as the Big Show of today.
JT said on 20/Jul/06
Andre as Bigfoot, with 6'0" Lee Majors (Click Here). Does this ever bring back childhood memories. It's hard to gauge how tall Andre is compared to Majors, since they're always moving, are on uneven ground, and since it looks like they used a stuntman for Andre in many of the scenes.
Alex said on 19/Jul/06
Take Andre at his peak and put him against Big Show now then I'd think Big Show would be just a little bit taller, like an inch. Andre did lose height, but Big Show to me hasn't really lost height. It was just that in WCW he wore lifts as the giant most of the time.
JT said on 19/Jul/06
Chad, you don't need our assistance. Google is your friend. Compare photos of Hogan standing next to Hillbilly Jim or Vince McMahon back in the 1980s to photos of these same guys together now. Hogan was clearly taller than 6'5" to 6'6" Hillbilly Jim and towered over McMahon. He's now shorter than Jim and Vince can almost look Hogan right in the eye. In Editor Rob's photo from around 1988, Hogan has 6'2" Donald Trump by about 5 inches.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 19/Jul/06
I once heard that Paul Wight(Big Show) once said that he was 7`1`` and he claimed Andre had an inch or two on him. I personally think Andre was 7`4`` at his prime. The reason he did not look that tall was because he was always hunched over do to his bad back.The man rarely stood up straight eaven when he was well.It even said on his bio Larger Than Life that he was 7ft by age 18.When Andre was a child he was too big to fit in the bus seats.Also in the princess bride Mandy Patinkin who was 6`1`` came to Andre`s shoulders. Which would put Andre a foot or more taller than 6`1``.Hogan was supposed to be 6`8`` and I believe Andre was at least half a foot taller.At times when Andre`s back and legs were straight his head was sometimes tilted.Hulk Hogan was about up to Andre`s nose.Anybody who has acromegaly would probobly be at least 6`10``. I have never heard of tell of someone with the disease who was under 7ft. Big Show had the disease and received treatments.A side effect was a slower matabalism.Andre the Giant was easily within the top ten most famous wrestlers.There are other wrestlers who are fighting now who are around 7ft example Undertaker,Kane,Big Show ect. but they are are not as famous as Andre was.You also don`t hear as many stories about their size.He was probobly 7`1`` or 7`2``after his back sergery.
Danimal said on 19/Jul/06
Yeah, this woman being interviewed, who dated Andre said that she was 6'3" in heels and still had to look WAY UP to him. That should speak for itself. My stepdad used to bounce at a club/bar in my city that Andre used to hang out at whenever he would be in town. My step dad is 6'1.75" and Andre used to tell him he was 7'4" and 474 pounds. This was back in the early 1970's. I don't doubt this measurement was him in his shoes. I believe he was between 7'1"-7'2" at his peak. I'll stand by that.
Chad said on 18/Jul/06
Danimal are you kidding!. There has not been one good photo on here that ever showed Hogans 3 inch loss of height. And by the way...I am not a newbie. And some of the Veterans on here need to wake up and take sip of reality. Dude, come on:)
Danimal said on 17/Jul/06
Chad, those pics have been posted so many times by the veteran's on here. Anyways Chad, this isn't Hogan's page, it's Andres. Rob, users should have access to the older postings. It's like we have to RE-PROVE things to the newbies every few months.
Chad said on 17/Jul/06
Let's see some of those good pics showing Hogans 3 inch loss of height from his glory days!...
Steve said on 17/Jul/06
id say andre at WM3 was 6'11...and after looking at a lot of other footage id say he never went under the 6'11 mark. Its just that he did slouch alot, when he stood upright, he was a legit 6'11.

Also looking at footage, id say hogan was 198cm or 6'6 in his prime and at WM3.
Danimal said on 15/Jul/06

Here is a short movie with Andre's daughter and her mother. According to the mother, she is 6'3" with her heels and she still had to look WAY up to him. Check it out!!! Click Here
Danimal said on 15/Jul/06
The Giant in 1983:
Click Here
jordan said on 14/Jul/06
OK warlord cool. I know what you ment.
Warlord said on 14/Jul/06
Actually, my comments about agreeing with Steve were about his Andre comments. His 2nd comment on Hogan must have slipped in right before mine. I think Hogan was or was very near 6 foot 6 in his prime. Jordan, I agree that Andre was 6 foot 10.5 to 6 foot 11 at WM3 and definitely 7 feet earlier on.
Jordan said on 13/Jul/06
Warlord and Steve
Now that you's agree with me on Hogan being a solid 6'6 when he fought Andre, what do you guys think Andre was a WMIII. Personally I think he could have been as high as 6'11 which would make Andre in his prime a good 7'0. What do you guys think.
Jordan said on 13/Jul/06
I always thought that Hogan could have been 6'6- or higher in his prime--thats why I posted the Youtube download.
Warlord said on 13/Jul/06
Well put. I totally agree.
Steve said on 13/Jul/06
hogan was at least 6'6 in his prime in the 80s
Danimal said on 11/Jul/06
As I mentioned on Ventura's page, Hogan had 2-3" on Ventura in interviews and the like and Ventura used to wear either his white sneakers (approximately 2" heels), or his high healed shoes and was still that much shorter than Hogan at the time. Jesse was taller than Muhammed Ali by at least 1-2", back in the late 90's, as well as Bill Clinton by at least 2-3", so Ventura was no short guy, which proves that Hogan was in that 6'6"+ range back in the 80's and as I've so often mentioned in the past, that he is 6'3" and change today.
Jordan said on 11/Jul/06
Guys to help you out here is a link that shows Hogan to be 5 inches taller then Macho man, and about 4 inches taller then 6'2 jesse ventura so Hogan could have been 6'6 when he fought andre giving Andre 6'11 even after back surgery

Click Here
Steve said on 11/Jul/06
Andre was 7'0 tall when younger (max height), he lost no more than 2 inches due to back surgery. At his shortest he was 6'10. None of this 6'5 crap, thats a really bad estimate. Wrestlers heights are exaggerated, then people like to exaggerate the opposite way, and make them sound smaller than they really are.
Big Show said on 11/Jul/06
With the guy the size of Andre it's very difficult to pin him down to 1 inch exactly, unless you're in the 6'6 - 6'8 range yourself.
Alex said on 6/Jul/06
I remember seeing Andre in 1991-1992 when he made a couple TV appearances for WWE before he died and he didn't even look 6'10. 6'9 really.
Texas Tom said on 5/Jul/06
D.J...there's no reliable way of knowing how tall an afflicted person may become. In cases where onset is in adulthood, the person basically stays the same height...but their hands and head change in proportions. The French Angel for example...reknowned for his huge head...but stood only about 5-8.

As acromegaly cases go, plenty were taller than Andre. Robert Wadlow stood just about 2 feet taller than him...and I reckon that Richard Kiel of Jaws fame had an inch or two on him as well.

But no one, not even the Big Show, had a frame like Andre, combining roughly 7 feet in height with ~400 lbs plus of reasonably mobile weight. At the old WWF New York, you could check out plaster casts of his hands, and I'm told they even dwarfed Big Show's.

And put it this way...once you get over that 7 foot mark, what are the odds you'll be any good in the ring? Remember Silo Sam? Jorge Gonzalez? Blegh. Real giants that can cut it in the ring and actually have a build for wrestling (not the tall lanky look u often run across) are rare indeed.
Jiga said on 3/Jul/06
this isn't showing Andre's height but this is around the time when he was in good shape and didn't have a bad back or bad posture. I talking around the early 1970's or whenever he was getting into the wrestling biz in France. Watch the A&E Biography on Andre and it will show you the early 7' - 7'1 true giant. Click Here
D.J. said on 3/Jul/06
Just wondering, if Andre had acromelagy, how could he possibly be under 7'?
Bendy said on 30/Jun/06
I agree 6'10" in the 90's, maybe a little shorter in 1992 as he had knee surgery that year. I found some pics of the 1991 episode of Zorro : Big Brother, next to Duncan Regehr (the guy in the black mask), he definately looks 6'10", he towers over Regehr, So even in 91 Andre still looked a convincing 6'10". Looking at those pics with Wilt & Arnold, I Believe in the 80's before his back surgery in 1987, he looked around 6'11.5 - 7'0", and about 6'10" after back surgery.

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here
Warlord said on 30/Jun/06
Thanks Big Show. That is consistent with my beliefs that he never fell below 6 foot 10. I say 6 foot 10 shortest. 6 foot 10-1/2 WM3. 7 feet even late 70's/early 80's. Possible 7 foot 1-1/2 , but who knows, in 1960's.
Big Show said on 30/Jun/06
WM 7 was taped when - April 1991? Andre also played in a episode of Zorro in 1991, called Big Brother (guess who the Big Brother was :) ). This episode could've been recorded in late 1990 or early 1991. The fact is, Zorro was played by Duncan Regehr, who's a legit 6'4, and Andre towered over him. He still looked a good 6'10 in that episode. In that episode he did look to be in better shape as he was during WM7.
Texas Tom said on 29/Jun/06
Actually at WM 7, he coudn't even really get into the ring. He'd busted a leg artery in a taxi that January, and his deterioration seemed to escalate even more quickly afterwards.
Jordan said on 29/Jun/06
I remeber at WM7 he was very fat and out of shape. His stomach was huge and he was very sluggish in the ring. He might have been 6'8 or 6'9 there becasue that was close to his death.
Alex said on 28/Jun/06
Chad, yes with Andre slouching with his bad posture he looked even shorter. Remember at WM 7 with Bossman he was in the worst shape I've ever seen him. He looked even as low as 6'8 there with his posture.
Warlord said on 28/Jun/06
I saw Andre sometime back when Backlund was the champ (~1981ish) and you could see his entire head stick way above the crowd.
Chad said on 28/Jun/06
I can see your point Jordan. Andre's loss of height throuout his carreer was only a few inches. I'll go with 6'9" at death and 6'11" at peak. I think people get the 6'5"-6'6" ideas from when he walks down the isle to the ring. I saw him several times up close and he slouched very badly when he was walking even more so than when he was in the ring. He slouched so bad in the late 80's it looked like his head was coming out of his chest instead of his neck.
Chad said on 28/Jun/06
I can see your point Jordan. Andre's loss of height throuout his carreer was only a few inches. I'll go with 6'9" at death and 6'11" at peak. I think people get the 6'5"-6'6" ideas from when he walks down the isle to the ring. I saw him several times up close and he slouched very badly when he was walking even more so than when he was in the ring. He slouched so bad in the late 80's it looked like his head was coming out of his chest instead of his neck.
Chad said on 27/Jun/06
Warlord take a deep breath, it will be O.K. We still luv ya!

Frank, I agree that Andre probably hit 6'11" at peak. The statement about the 7'4" thing was just in reference to the earlier days of this chat room when many on here would swear to no end that Andre was 7'4" at peak and that he must have lost like 6 inches of height to end up at the possible 6'9"-6'10" range at death. It wasn't until later on when the Wilt pic was introduced that proved in his earlier days he was still not over 7 foot that the tone changed from the 7'4" claims. I think it was clear how tall Andre was to begin with, the real debate is now how tall he was at death?. It's like some of the dogmatic views from ones who know who they are think that the debate should only be about the "peak" height. Well, if anyone has ever been in a real successfull debating situation then they would know to include all aspects of a subject to ultimately come to an educated conclusion. If one wants to know what is in the right hand, one must look into the left hand first! vice versa.
Jordan said on 27/Jun/06
The thing about Andre is, even when standing erect his knees are always bent and his spine curved towards the late 80's. That picture with Wilt was taken in 1984, right? So Andre was 6'11 In 1984 and probobly 6'10 at Wrestlmania 3
Frank said on 27/Jun/06
Chad i met alot of Wrestlers and the Tallest one i met was Kevin Nash and he was about 6ft 10 or so....So Andre could have been taller than Kevin Nash..
I know most people on here know Andre was never 7ft 4 to say 6ft 11 was impossible for Andre to be at??? Well there is no proof of that..Andre held his own next to the 7ft 1 Wilt and there was no 4 inch difference there
Texas Tom said on 26/Jun/06
"So if my estimate of 6'9" in his last years is so "superfluous" then by all means give me the proof of him being 6'11" at his end?"

Superfluous, meaning:

"Being beyond what is required or sufficient."

I was not saying you were wrong. I was saying that the continued debate centered on Andre's peak height, not his height deep in the state of decline...although there was a separate debate on that, with some claiming he was 6-5 when he died.

I was indicating the same thing about the 7-4 and 6-10 measurements for Andre and Studd respectively.

Chad, I'm not trying to be obnoxious towards you, I'm trying to make sure we're not mixing apples and oranges. I have no problem believing that the sadly hobbled Andre of 92-93 was hunched down to 6-9 or so. The only statement I will ever make definitively regarding this is that there is no way he was down to 6-5, as some have contended.

Chad, you yourself have stated:
"I think we can all agree that Andre was a good 6'11" for his peak without question in the early 80's..."

Meanwhile, Warlord, myself, JT, Frank, and others have maintained pretty much the same thing, admitting too the possibility that Andre reached 7 feet or 7-1.

In other words, I don't see where the debate is.
Chad said on 23/Jun/06
Great observation Alex!. Warlord can keep on riding that horse all he wants and Tom if you can read with clarity I did not say that you and Warlord are saying that Andre was 7'4". I said quote "Even though anyone in their right mind should have known Andre was never that tall to begin with". It was a general statement that was not directed towards you, it was just a thought about anyone who ever thought that. And to be honestly frank in the early days of this board their were many on here defending Andre's height of 7'4". So,I don't know where you are coming from on your wild dream comments but your welcome to them. I mean is it so outrageous that if Andre's peak was indeed 6'11" that there was no way he lost 2 inches of height by the time he died due to his disease?. So if my estimate of 6'9" in his last years is so "superfluous" then by all means give me the proof of him being 6'11" at his end? And not by comparing him to other wrestlers faked heights either. However, I do agree with ya that 6'5" is not looking so hot right now.
Frank said on 23/Jun/06
I still say Andre's peak height could easily be 6ft 11 and he was probably
6ft 10 at the Wrestlemania's and 6ft 9 and change at his death...The picture with Wilt show's he was about 6ft 10 to 6ft 11 in the picture....
Jordan said on 23/Jun/06
I have to agree with TEXAS TOM and CHAD in the fact that Andre did stand 7'0 tall at one time but I also think that the picture with Giant Baba Andre is 6'9 since I cant see more than 2 inches and I have read through alot of sources saying Baba was only 6'8. I just dont see two inches between Andre and Baba and there were alot of shots where Andre look the Same height as Baba. So CHAD has got a point that Andre was 6'9 in the later ninties.
Alex said on 23/Jun/06
Chad, I am agreeing with you and have been. Andre looked a good 6'11 at his peak but by 1990 and until he died the man was 6'9 and no more than that. The thing is also this even if Hogan was 6'8 there was NO WAY Andre was 7'4. There wasn't near 8 inches between them as Gorilla Monsoon tried to get us to think it was 8 inches apart. It was only 4-5 inches between them.
Texas Tom said on 23/Jun/06
I'm not sure why the 7-4 billed height keeps coming up. No serious poster on this board has ever considered that legit, and it's never had any real bearing on any debates. The same goes for Studd's billed 6-10. Chad, quite frankly the main point of debate has been...was Andre 6-9.75 at peak, or between 6-11 and 7 feet. And by your own admission, you seem to be with the latter. All the talk of Andre standing 6-9 in the twilight of his life is superfluous, though I will never in a million years buy that he was 6-5 when he passed on.
Warlord said on 23/Jun/06
Nothing in your remarks about Tom and myself are correct. We never made any of the claims you state we did. Tom and I claim that Andre was at least 6 foot 11 or 7 feet tall. Never ever do we believe he is 7 foot 4. When did we ever say that? We always refer to Andre's peak or near peak height. We don't care if he couldn't stand up straight in his final days. We're not interested in his shortest height. We agree, Studd was 6 foot 7. Why do you insist that we believe he is 6 foot 10? Footage of Andre next to the 6 foot 7 Studd shows that he is 6 foot 11 to 7 feet tall.
Chad, why don't you give yourself a reality check and stop making false accusations. And if you think Tom and I are the only ones who agree then you're wrong again. Ask Frank, JT, Richard, Jiga, and many others who agree he is at least 6 foot 11.
Chad said on 22/Jun/06
Warlord and Tom you guys keep claim you are the only two liberators in this room. You two continue to keep pushing to the fact that you are always right and everone else is wrong. I mean grow up, I am not saying that you two don't have some good points on occassion, but give me a break, there is over whelming evidence still out there the superceeds the couple showing him a bit taller. For arguments sake I think we can all agree that Andre was a good 6'11" for his peak without question in the early 80's, but I saw the guy in the late 80's and the dude was no taller than 6'9". Now, perhaps he remained 6'9" till his death, very possible. But it seems many are argueing over inches in here and I think just the fact we have established that Andre was never 7'4" is a great step in this debate. Even though anyone in their right mind should have known Andre was never that tall to begin with. And to keep comparing him to Studd is a mood point. No way was studd ever over 6'7" even though they billed him at 6'10" and just like Hogan billed at 6'8" was only 6'5" at best. If you are going to compare Andre to wrestlers, then by all means compare them by their true realistic heights. I agree pics are hard to compare sometimes but anyone that saw these guys in real life knows what a "reality check is".
Warlord said on 21/Jun/06
Wikidpedia probably compiles a lot of it's information from web searches performed by ordinary folks like us. I wouldn't consider them to be any authority on anything.
Jordan said on 20/Jun/06
Big Show said on 20/Jun/06
Jason, says that Wilt is 7'0.5 because that's what written below the photo. It says so itself that Wilt was recently measured at 7'0.5. It also says that Andre looks like a solid 6'11.5.
Jason said on 19/Jun/06
Dress shoes (even size 18 ones) aren't that steep at the front. Warlord and Tom, the article below the pic you're gloating over says Wilt was recently (in the 80s) measured at 7'0 1/2''. I'm not purposefully downgrading him; I would have personally left him at a full 7'1'' otherwise. I can admit the picture and the Andre/Studd screenshots are pretty strong evidence in your favour, though.
Texas Tom said on 19/Jun/06
They look like dress shoes to me. Black workboots were not as commonly worn back in 84 as they are now. Also, suddenly 7-1 and 1/16 Wilt gets downgraded almost a full inch for this pic. Uh-huh.
Texas Tom said on 19/Jun/06
Cyklops: I never declared anyone the "winner" --- I merely said the 6-9 issue seems to have been put to rest. I mean, if it wasn't for me and Warlord, Andre would have been downgraded to 6-6 by now. It has nothing to do with winning, it has to do with not rolling over when someone sends a pic of Andre bent over or across the ring from someone and then proclaims "6-6 and shrinking!" Or not rolling over when somoene says he was 6-5 when he died...when pictures taken a month previous show him towering over a legit 6-3 guy.

I mean, is it me, or is it pretty clear that the recent pictures of Andre with Studd as well as Wilt at least seriously damage your argument the man only stood 6-9.75? Can we at least admit that?
Jason said on 19/Jun/06
The colour one shows Wilt in moccassins and Andre in boots. They're an inch apart as is and 7'0 1/2'' Wilt has his head lowered some.
JT said on 18/Jun/06
Jason, the picture with Andre and Wilt doesn't show Andre with big chunky boots. Unless there is a third picture out there, Andre's heel can't be made out, nor the heel on Wilt's shoes. Even if Wilt and Arnold were wearing moccasins, the shoes probably had some cushioning since they had to be worn throughout the filming of the movie. I was surprised that Andre looked as tall as Wilt though. Even if Andre's shoe gave him a 2 inch height advantage, he's still around 6'11" as of 1984.
KingBG said on 18/Jun/06
Looking at the pic of Andre and Wilt, Andre appears to be taller than Wilt. So from what I gather Andre the Giant was at least 7'2 or more.
Cycklops said on 18/Jun/06
Plus, if Wilt was listed at 7'1" that means he was around 7'0" in his socks, possibly less. Put a 6'10" guy next to a 7'0" guy are you aren't going to see much difference. Have one in boots and the other in moccasins (as Jason said) and you're going to have 6'11" next to 7'0"...
Richard said on 18/Jun/06
I think the 6'11 is right for Andre. This new picture as well as alot of other photos prove it I think. Andre might have been 6'11.5 or 6'10.5 but honestly who can tell the difference that accurate?
Jason said on 18/Jun/06
I'm befuddled as to how it is one single pic of Wilt - in moccasins of all things - with Andre in big chunky boots, as Mentzer even mentioned, proves Andre was 6'11''-7'0''.
Cycklops said on 17/Jun/06
I'm with you, Chad.

Texas Tom disturbs me. He's constantly concerned with trying to proclaim himself the "winner" when other people just aren't on the site all day. Seems like some sort of follower mentality where he can't exist if people disagree with him.
Jordan said on 16/Jun/06
Tom, I did not know that Baba was 6'8.5 minimum because I got my source from wikepedia which lists Baba as 6'8? Since I am kinda new to this forum I guess I should be familar with the fact that we all agree that close to andre's death he had lost some inches, right? How many inches do you think Andre lost ? I would guess about 4 to 5. Am i Right?
Warlord said on 16/Jun/06
I think we should be through wasting are time with these stool pigeons. I think they'd argue with God even if He Himself told them Andre was 7 feet tall!
Texas Tom said on 16/Jun/06
Jordan, we're all familiar with that footage here. Keep in mind that:

1)it is less than 3 years before Andre died
2) Baba was no less than 6-8.5
3) the height difference is more than an inch.

Chad, the taller Andre pictures just happen to be better pics. The ones with Studd from '89, the second w/Wilt, the early ones with Backlund and Patterson---Andre is standing straight, there is no extreme camera angle...and in some cases, you can see their feet/footwear. Sure Andre looks shorter in pics where he is bent over (which after 1982, was a lot of the time)or standing on the far end of the ring across from someone else. Who doesn't?
Jordan said on 16/Jun/06
Andre is only 6'9, go to and type in Giant Baba and one video will return. Its Baba and Andre and Baba is really 6'8(listed as 6'9 and 6'10)and Andre appears to only have one inch on him. Maybe this is after Andre lost some height, but keep in mind that Giant Baba is only 6'8
Chad said on 14/Jun/06
Wow, amazing how the one pic showing him a little taller outways the dozens showing him somewhat shorter at times? Interesting? Seems like all of the debating is over with the "one" pic. Man, if the rest of life was that easy we would all have it made!.
Frank said on 14/Jun/06
Patrick Ewing is taller than 6ft 9 he was taller than the 6ft 9 Charles Oakley and Charles Oakley was 3 inches taller Than Darryl Strawberry whom is 6ft 6
Alex said on 12/Jun/06
Frank, about Big Show yes he does look different height at times. As low as 6'9 to as tall as 7'0.
Alex said on 12/Jun/06
Patrick said he was just 6'9, wow. I always thought he was 6'10-6'11.
Richard said on 9/Jun/06
more likely is that Andre was near 7' and wight was 6'10
Jiga said on 8/Jun/06
US Wrestler Paul Wight. He has said "I'm 7 foot and Andre was about 7ft 1, 7ft 2".
Viper652 said on 8/Jun/06
I dont think Patrick was a legit 7 footer Harley. He never quite looked it, more like 6-10.5 to 6-11 to me. Im surprised now that he said hes only 6-9 though.
Warlord said on 8/Jun/06
Let me clarify that I meant I disagree with Alex. Looks like Harley's post sneaked in just before mine! I wasn't disagreeing with Harley.
Texas Tom said on 8/Jun/06
I think the 6-9 estimates have all pretty much been laid to rest. Quite frankly, if Andre looked that tall in 1984 at around the 500 lb mark, that 7-1 height given by Frank Valois as his prime measurement sounds spot on.
Frank said on 8/Jun/06
I think Big Show wears lifts and Andre would have been taller than Show in his Prime and i cant prove it but Big Show does look different heights at times
Warlord said on 8/Jun/06
I disagree. I think Andre was 7 feet tall back in the very early eighties/late seventies. If he made 7 foot 1 or more then it was definitely at least 10 years back of that when he was ~350lbs. I accept the 6 foot 11 as a minimum, but I do not believe that was his max height. But, can we all put to rest this pure nonsense of this suggested MAX height of 6 foot 8 or 6 foot 9?
Harley said on 7/Jun/06
I have seen a picture of Patrick Ewing with Wilt when pat played with the Knicks.Ewing was a legit 7 footer.But wilt had an inch or so on him.And the year is 1986.Andre is not standing straight up.He is about 7 feet tall.At his peak 7-1 or 7-2 is about right.
Alex said on 7/Jun/06
Tom yea its a bit tough since comparing Andre to Hogan and Big Show to Hogan since Hogan wasn't as tall as when he went against Big Show. Also MANY people thought Andre was a few inches taller than Big Show because Andre was always made out to be taller than Big Show but really Big Show may have been a bit taller than Andre ever was. I still think Andre was 6'11 at his peak, no more.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.