How tall is Andre The Giant - Page 27

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Average Guess (867 Votes)
6ft 11.94in (213.2cm)
Jason said on 20/Sep/06
True, Viper. Legit 6'8'' Ex-NFL'er Ben Davis also referred to Ladd as being ''like 6'6'' in an interview. Can't see him having said that (and the wrestling commentator saying Ladd is 6'7'' in that video during the match) if Ladd was taller than him. I can't see Ladd being as short as 6'6'', but 6'7''-6'7 1/2'' is likely.
Viper652 said on 19/Sep/06
Jason,good chance Ladd was really a measured 6-7. A few billed 6-9 NFL players are actually a measured 6-7 today, such as Jonathan Ogden who plays for the Baltimore Ravens who is billed at 6-9 but a measured 6-7.
Texas Tom said on 19/Sep/06
Gretz, on that score, your guess is as good as mine as to where it originated from. The murkiness of this statement's origin is the reason I always state my opinion on Andre's height in a range rather than a hard number: 6.11 - 7-1.5
If I knew this statement from Andre's manager came from a verified source, I'd probably get behind it a lot harder.
Gretz said on 19/Sep/06
Texas Tom,I was wondering if you know where the 7'1.5 measurment orignated from and what year it might have been taken?I know it was Andre`s manager that stated it.But can`t find the article or book it came from.Thanks
Jason said on 19/Sep/06
Click Here

I found this video on youtube - Big John Studd & Ernie Ladd vs Ron Bass and Magnum TA in an arm wrestling and then tag team match. Ladd appears only 1-2 inches taller than Studd -- but get this: the commentator refers to Ladd as being ''6'7'' and over 300lbs''.

There's also an interview from 1978 with Ernie Ladd where he carries on about Andre, but that's it at the moment I think.
Jason said on 19/Sep/06
I have a pic in a wrestling mag. The article with the photo also describes Ladd as 6'8''. From memory, you can't do a height comparison, it's just Andre Irish whipping Ladd. With luck an Andre vs Ladd vid might show up on youtube. I don't know exactly how they measured up, either.
Texas Tom said on 19/Sep/06
To be fair, Carnera's 6-7 listing was probably his booted height, and perhaps rounded up. Which would likely make his legit height prob 6-5.75.

That Carnera has always been a thorn in my side.

Hmmm....okay here's a renewed call to anyone with some nice, clear, Ernie Ladd versus Andre pictures. I've heard eyewitnesses say Andre stood roughly 2 inches taller (or roughly 6-11.5), but as I haven't seen any of it, I can't vouch for it.

Halb said on 19/Sep/06
"His best drawing matches would be against men who were at least close to his size
Jason said on 19/Sep/06
Tom - Primo Canera? I thought he was like 6'5 1/2''? I follow boxing and had actually never heard of the 6'7'' listing before. If you google him, half his height listings are 6'5 3/4''. Just looking, the only sites that give him 6'7'' I see are wrestling sites. Maybe he seemed taller because his day was like 1930. So Andre would have of course seemed more than 2 inches taller.
Gretz said on 18/Sep/06
Recently ,JT posted 3 pics of andre next to a cyinder brick wall.In each pic,Andre came out to around 7'0".I later said if you count the space between the blocks he might even be an inch taller.Now, this is a very crude estimate.So I`m not trying to say Andre was definately 7'1".However, it does reinforce Andre being at least 7'0".people that feel he was under 7 feet have yet to reply to this.I wonder why?
sf said on 18/Sep/06
Take a ruler across and you will so that Wilt is no more than an inch taller. Also, he DOES have a big wig on top. Bascially, he has "higher" hair than Andre.

Wilt immediately looks taller cause his torso his taller and neck sits up higher. But, Andre has such a big head, it almost makes up for everything else. Plus, Andre even has a slight bend in one of his legs.

I can't tell if there are lifts from the picture at all. What I do know, is that if you honestly takea ruler across, Wilt is barely taller.
Chief said on 17/Sep/06
In the pic with Andre and Wilt, I think there is some serious lift action going on with those shoes Andre is wearing and I can tell Wilt is still significantly taller. Look at the more clear color photo, not the blurred ones. Wilt's shoes look rather normal and flat too. Wilt was significantly taller than Andre truthfully. If they were both barefoot and right next to each other, Wilt would be shown to be much taller than Andre. There was also talk about quotes from Andre's old manager saying that Andre was 7'1.5 and I know that must be a bunch of bull. Of course the manager is going to say that Andre is taller than he actually is. I give Andre no more than 6'10" at his peak.
Texas Tom said on 17/Sep/06

It seems unlikely because that's probably not the way it played out. Most normally growing kids grow much much more than 4 inches from 12-17. I stand a mere 5-8 1/2...but from just 12-15 I grew at least 6-7 inches. It was also in Meltzer's book that Andre was 6-7 at 17. Meltzer has remained the sole source of this 6-9 number. On the flip side of the coin, another wrestling journalist, Mike Mooneyham, claims Andre topped out at 7-2...which seems to me just another variant of the 7-1.5 claim, just rounded up. I hardly would put stock in either guy's credibility. Let's face it, wrestling journalism is hardly a lofty calling, and certainly not one that ever really delves into any hardcore truths. How do you cover news in an industry where the lines of reality are crossed, re-crossed and finally blurred almost beyond recognition?

You finally get stuck with what your eyes tell you.
1) Bob Backlund's NCAA measured height was 6-1. Clearly Andre stands more than 8&3/4 inches taller than him, unless we are willing to believe Andre's head was roughly that size. I have stood next to people who I have more than 8 inches on, and the difference is not as marked as the one in the Backlund pic.
2) Few people doubt that John Studd was a legit 6-7. And few people would say that Andre only had 2 inches and change on Studd, even in the mid-to-late eighties when Andre's posture started to suffer.Richard's very clear and multiple pictures bear this out quite clearly.
3) The Primo Carnera/Bruno pictures. In all honesty, I was always surprised at Carnera's 6-7 listing, because to look at the guy I would have pegged him at 6-9 ish. Just goes to show you, even the greats can be wrong on occasion. In separate pics with Bruno Sammartino, however, you can clearly see Andre standing quite substantially taller next to him than Primo did. Certainly more than 2 inches and change. These pictures have been posted here in the past.
4)Did you catch the Giant Baba picture from 1982? To be fair Andre had what looked like 2 inch heels on, while Baba seemed to be wearing trainers with 1/2 inch soles. Andre can just about see over the top of Baba's head in the pic...considering the size of his forehead, I'd say that's a good 5 inch advantage easily. Factor in the varying shoes, it's 3.5 inches. now, if we go with baba's minimum listed height of 6-8.5, that places Andre, as of 1982 at 7 feet even. I'm willing however to admit the possibility of 6-11 at that point. but even if we play out the numbers, and bump Baba down to 6-7.5, a full inch shorter than the very shortest height he was ever listed at, it still puts Andre in the 6-11 area. In other words, no matter how you manipulate or chop up a piece of evidence as compelling as that pic, 6-9 3/4 seems in and of itself a total impossibility.
5) The infamous Wilt pictures. In that pic, Andre stands roughly the same height next to Wilt as Shaquille O Neill did...and unlike that Shaquille pic, Wilt is wearing a bulky wig and is standing with his chest puffed out. In the posted Shaqille pic, he is relaxed, with his knees and torso slightly bent.

The bottom line with the Wilt pics is that there is not 6-9 man ever created that would look that tall in relation to Wilt. Especially the second pic, where the height difference is negligible to the point it seems completely predicated on the bulk of Wilt's wig.
6) Finally, Melzer's own self-contradiction. Even in his Tributes book, he admits Andre may possibly have reached 6-11...and yet in the pic with Wilt he pegs Andre at 6-11.5. In other words, the main source of this 6-9.75 estimate does not and has never consistently held to it. Why in the world should we, especially in light of the fact that we have no books to sell.

These are all just some of the many points that place the 6-9.75 listing as highly dubious if not an out and out impossibility.

On the flip side of the coin, the 6-9.75 camp has posted a small number of out-of focus stills or action shots with Andre half-bent over in the twilight of his career. I just don't see it as compelling, but certainly invite you to produce anything superior.
Gretz said on 17/Sep/06
Fair enough Jason, I`d heard from other posters you thought Andre was 6'8".I`m curious as to what you think of the 1969 pics.Andre appears much taller than 6'9" there in my opinion.
Bendy said on 17/Sep/06
Actually Jason, On Andres A&E biography his brother explains that Andre was always big & tall, but really started to shoot up in his late teens, So this might explain how he grew to 7'0" or somewhere around that height.
sf said on 17/Sep/06
I've been looking at that pic of Andre and Wilt and, the more I look at it, the more I have to say it looks like an optical illusion that Wilt is taller. Seriously. It IS because of the wig that he is taller. I know, at first glance, Andre looks shorter, but take a ruler, or something across the picture, and you'll see that Wilt is barely taller due to the wig he has on. In fact, the point where Andre's forehead touches his hair is actually higher than where Wilt's forehead touches his head, if that makes sense. From then, it's the wig that makes Wilt taller. Seriously. Also, Wilt is standing a tad bit "higher" in the picture, if that makes sense. A little bit behind Arnold which can make someone look a little taller because they are "higher" in the picture, not necessarily standing behind someone, but a little back. Depending on perspective, that can sometimes make someone look a little taller cause they are standing back just enough to be higher in the picture, but not enough to have the other guy look bigger cause he's slightly closer. Anyway, this pic, to me, shows that maybe Andre was 7'0"..
Jason said on 17/Sep/06
Andre was apparently 6'3'' at age 12. Why would he grow 4 inches from ages 12-17 then suddenly grow nearly what he did in the past 5 years in a year or less at age 17-18? Seems unlikely to say the least.
Jason said on 17/Sep/06
I think Andre was the 6'9 3/4'' when he was young, not 6'8''.
Gretz said on 17/Sep/06
Weather the 6'7" at 17 is true or not really dosen`t matter.With his raging growth hormones, Andre could have easily grown 3 inches in a year or less.
Gretz said on 17/Sep/06
I don`t know,. that left boot heel looks like its touching the ground to me.Just look at the white line.Anyway,Jason if you really think Andre is 6'8" then those boot heels had better be off the floor!
Jason said on 17/Sep/06
Where did the 6'7'' at 17 at the top of the page come from?

Editor Rob
I cannot remember the article (or book) but did read this and noted it
Texas Tom said on 16/Sep/06
To those supporting the 6-9 and 3/4 estimate: the fact of the matter is, the credibility of this number is simply strained by two factors:
a) nobody seems to have any idea where it originated from, at what age the alleged measurement was taken, or the setting of it
b) it was passed along by a wrestling dirth-sheet writer, a wrestling equivalent of Kitty Kelly.

Folks, don't get me wrong, 6-9 is friggin tall as hell. But on the flip side of the coin, Micheal Creighton is 6-9, and you don't seem him in all kinds of novelty pictures next to people, cars, etc, showcasing his height. Granted, in the late 60's, such a height was a lot more of a rarity. But honestly, just to the naked eye, Andre simply LOOKS taller than the alleged 6-9 in those pics from 69...and keep in mind he was 23 at that point...6 years older than when Hayes met him and listed him as 6-10.

Finally, anyone have any good clear pics of Bill Russell right next to Wilt?

Jason said on 16/Sep/06
Andre's boots are definitely off the ground. 7'0'' let alone 7'4'' guys don't have to do that...
Gretz said on 16/Sep/06
JT,call me crazy,but I think the last pic with Andre is an optical illusion.The souls of his boots are white and clearly touching the floor.But they are odd shaped giving that illusion.Besides I think Andre would fall over if he tried to stand on his tippie toes.AS far as the other pics go know way Halb.
JT said on 16/Sep/06
Good point, Gretz. I thought about the spacing too and figured the compressed cement between each block was very thin but could total maybe one inch for a 10 block high wall. Since the photo angles aren't perfect and Andre's back isn't against the wall, I left it out of my very unscientific model. It is interesting though that using this crude mechanism to measure height, Andre still ends up around 7 feet, which is what most of us have come up with through other means.
Gretz said on 16/Sep/06
By the way,I`ll have to check the video to make sure.But I believe Alfred Hayes said Andre was 17 or 18 when he first met him.So the year was around 1963 or 64 when he estimated him at 6'10"
Halb said on 16/Sep/06
Is it my eyes, or does he lok like he's slightly on his toes in all those pics?
Gretz said on 16/Sep/06
Great pics JT,but lets not forget the space between the cinder bricks.It may be only an 1/8 to a 1/4 of an inch.But if you add that by 10 you could get another inch or so.So Andre might even be close to 7'1" there.However ,I realize this is hardly an exact science.
JT said on 16/Sep/06
Halb, I think Lord Alfred said Andre was 6'10" when he first met him as a teenager. Alfred then said "who could imagine that he would grow almost another foot taller," or words to that effect. That clip was from the Tuesday Night Titans (TNT) show the WWE used to have on the USA Network. No one's ever provided any evidence of the 6'9 3/4" measurement claimed by Meltzer, who BTW estimated Andre at 6'11.5" in the photo with Wilt (I assume he typed that caption at the bottom of the photo).
Jason said on 16/Sep/06
Funny how you made a return when I left, Danimal. Sorry to see you haven't changed any...
Halb said on 16/Sep/06
JT, most ppl on here agree he looks shotrer next to Wilt, and that's what I see.
And 15 years earlier, he was measured as being just under 6 ft 10 in. Not forgetting that in the Andre biog that was on the biog channel Lord Alfed Hayes backs this up by saying Andre was 6 ft 10 in when he first met him in France in the 70's.
Gretz, the basketball database has Wilt at 7 ft 1 in. The mSN encarta has him at 7 ft. But if he was legitamitely measured as Andre was, then I guess he was. Tho I heard that Shaq is not 7 feet. I don't know aboot that.
Andrew said on 16/Sep/06
I just discovered this site, and this is one ridiculous argument. I had the privilege of standing next to Andre at an event in the mid-80s. I had enough time to seriously compare height. At 6-0 even, I came up to the bend in his shoulder. Measure anyone over 6 ft tall and you'll see that from that point to the top of their head is at least a foot. Given the size of Andre's head, this amount could be even more. But conservatively, that still puts him at 7-0. Keep in mind, this was after he'd started to stoop just a little, so he easily could've been taller in the 70s. The photo in this discussion of him with Wilt ... you guys are arguing over fractions of inches? The fact that the photo is blurry makes fractions of an inch hard to say. Given the angle, if either of them are standing slightly closer it would make a difference. So, I stand by my experience next to Andre, and having been Obsessed With Height since I was a little kid I've gotten very accurate about assessing height when I'm near someone. So, around 1985, Andre was 7-0 to 7-1. We can argue how much over 7 ft he was, but to say -- at his peak height -- he was under 7 ft is completely absurd. Unfortunately, the one mug shot of him they didn't put him against a height chart. But that was late in his life, when he had lost a lot of inches (in "Princess Bride" he could barely stand for more than a few minutes) and perhaps they didn't want people to see him at 6-9 or 6-10 against the chart.
Danimal said on 16/Sep/06
We do have evidence Cycklops and stop acting like you own this place with your cocky attitude. Andre next to a 7'1" man and is only marginally shorter and this is in 1984, clearly not Andre's best year. Again, you're basing your height estimate on a report by Dave Meltzer, a man who has been known to start much a controversy, for the sake of attention. Come to think of it, he's much like you actually. Anyways, go back to hibernation you one eyed freak.
Jordan said on 15/Sep/06
You seemd cool in the past when i first got here but lay off Danimal.
Warlord said on 15/Sep/06
Texas Tom,
Is there a full moon this week? All the wackos are coming out! Chad is back. Danimal asks where Jason is. And the biggest nutbag Cycklofool has regrettably returned!
JT said on 15/Sep/06
Halb, Andre was not visibly shorter than Wilt in the Conan picture (Click Here). In fact, he appears the same height or even a bit taller, considering that Wilt's wearing a wig. I'm sure Andre had his usual thick-heeled shoes on, which would probably give him a 1 1/2 inch boost. This would still put Andre at roughly 6'11" to 6'11.5" as of 1984, increasing the odds that he was a 7 footer 15 years and 150 lbs. earlier. 7'2" and above appears out of the question.
Gretz said on 15/Sep/06
Halb,Wilt was measured at 7'1"1/16in. by his doctor at Temple U hospital.On some special measuring apparatus designed by A team of scientists.And,further down on this site there is a pic of him with 7'0" shaq and he looks about an inch taller.This is probably from the early 90`s.So I doubt he was 7'0"1/2 in the pic with Andre.
Richard said on 15/Sep/06
I'm with you Frank, 6'11 is about right. 6'11.5 is possible, but no more than that. He was taller than the Big Show though.
Danimal said on 15/Sep/06
Chad, I want to be just like you :).

Welcome back Cycklops. I'm glad she dropped the charges on you and you were released early. WELCOME BACK my deranged friend! Where's your mentor Jason?
Chad said on 15/Sep/06
Danimal your such a great one to mess with!. Hey, if you can't take it then maybe you need to find another room?. Seems like you always loose that temper when someone doesn't see it your way that's all. I'll tell ya what, you keep on believing what you do and I will do the same, how bout that!. I can't wait to see your pre-schooler remarks!. Ahh, just kidding Danimal, I like you really:)
Frank said on 15/Sep/06
I have a Video of Andre in the late 70's and he looked between 6ft 10 to 6ft 11 going by him next to Vince who is 6ft 1 1/2 .....I would say he was taller than 6ft 9 and give him a peak height of 6ft 11
Halb said on 15/Sep/06
Wilt ws 7 ft
Viper652 said on 15/Sep/06
I dont know Cyclops, the pictures from tha late 60s say otherwise.
Big Show said on 15/Sep/06
"6-9.75 folks. You have zero evidence to the contrary and I don't care how often you post photos of him and 4'11" women. Get good proof."
Check the pic with 7'1.06 Wilt Chamberlain. To me that's enough proof that Andre was taller than 6'9.75. I agree with you that we don't have any solid proof that he was 'over' 7 feet tall. But most on this board agree that Andre was indeed 7 feet tall during his peak. Even editor Rob was convinced by the evidence that has been provided and upgraded Andre by half an inch.
Cycklops said on 15/Sep/06
"The hardest person to get along with was Cycklops. He really enjoyed intentionally instigation arguments, just like Chad attempted to me with me a few posts down. Don't think I didn't notice that remark Chad. BTW, even though I may be "teething" I'll still bite off your head faster than you can blink!"

You rang?

Speaking of which...I figured that Andre's height would be creeping back up here. I'm surprised he isn't up to 7-4.

6-9.75 folks. You have zero evidence to the contrary and I don't care how often you post photos of him and 4'11" women. Get good proof.
Gretz said on 14/Sep/06
Regaurding the 6'9"3/4 measurement,there isn`t A shred of evidence to back it up.Unless Meltzer can produce A sworn statement from the doctor that he measured Andre at that height,or something along those lines,it really dosen`t mean anything.Even in the Wilt pic Meltzer chopped an extra 1/2 in. off Wilt just so he wouldn`t have to list Andre at 7'0".So I think we should go with what we see before are eyes, than some bogus measurement.
Gretz said on 14/Sep/06
Yeah,at least to 7'0" pretty please Rob.
Danimal said on 14/Sep/06
Viper, I think it is. Rob, up the IRONS!
Viper652 said on 14/Sep/06
Is it time for Rob to upgrade Andre?
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
I use to collect figures.and would still do so,but cant afford too many hobbies.yeah Danimal,that movie had a creepy feel to it that would bring you back to the old days.I love collecting movies in the old first pressing video boxes,especially those fat ones!
KingBG said on 13/Sep/06
Andre was no doubt over 7'1 in his prime. Also exactly how mush taller do you think wrestling boots can give you? I mean the KISS boots only gave Gene Simmons 4 to 6 inches. They may have possibly given 2inches if not less. I mean come on he was really heavy and those boots soles are made of rubber not steel. His latter year's posture also took a few inches off but standing straight up I would say he was between 7'1 and 7'4.
Danimal said on 13/Sep/06
Gotta love the one tale in From Beyond The Grave where this guy buys an antique mirror and it makes him kill women and use their blood so that it could come back to the living world. That was TWISTED!
Jordan said on 13/Sep/06
Actaully on the topic of horror movies I will confess that I collect Horror action Figures still at the age of 17. Kinda babyish huh. lol

Editor Rob
I've now reached the point with movies of needing a memory wipe...
Glenn said on 13/Sep/06
Yeah,sure ya been?Hows your girl? I was wondering what happened to you.I thought geez,this guy mustve thought I was 5-6.thanks for backing with Gary coming soon.5-8 as well.funny Danimal,I just got From Beyond Grave 3 weeks ago.I have the other 2 you mentioned as well.
Danimal said on 13/Sep/06
Tom, I'm trying to complete my Amicus Production collection right now. I have all the anthologies, which are excellent (especially Asylum, Tales From the Crypt and From Beyond the Grave). I like horror from the early 60's to the late 80's. Very few horrors have impressed me in the last 15 years and I'm only 28 going on 29 years old. Anwyays, as Glenn knows, I'm into the obscure and hard to find classics.

Back to Andre. He was close to 7'2" prime. No doubt.
Texas Tom said on 13/Sep/06
Hey Glenn, remember running into me and my girlfriend outside the Gary Numan show?

Folks I can vouch quite certainly that Glenn's listed 5-8 is spot-on.(I'm 5-8 too.)

And hey Danimal, if you guys are discussing horror movies, I want in...I collect it all...Universal, Hammer from the 50's through 70's, plus some of the most heinous low budget stuff ever..


I have graver and graver doubts about that 6-9 measurement, at least it's having been done when he was 24, and therefore no longer growing in any linear sense.
Danimal said on 12/Sep/06
Dave Meltzer was full of @!##. Just watch the match between Andre and The Sheik and see how annoyed (can't remember his name) was getting with Dave when he kept on interrupting him. Dave seems like a guy who likes to instigate controversy. I believe Andre's manager's 7'1.5" claim over Dave Meltzer's 6'9 3/4" claim ANY day of the week. My God, those 1969 pics say it all. He was much taller then, then he was 15 years later and 15 years later he was still only marginally shorter than 7'1 3/8" Wilt Chamberlain. Do the math.
Jiga said on 12/Sep/06
there's a lot of proof that he's shrank. His acromegaly, bad knees, posture, back, his weithg which was caused by the acromegaly was probably the cause of the posture knees etc. Watch the A&E Biography on Andre they state that he was 7' and show older images of him. BTW you have seen the pics from the 80's Andre and it's obvious that he's got the problems mentioned but people fail to picture or imagine if his straightened his back, knees and lifted his head up and stood up tall (which he probably couldn't do) he would've been at least 7' then you think back to before the back surgery, etc. where his spine, discs and bones were in better shape and he could've been up to 7'2.
Jiga said on 12/Sep/06
great proof - as i've been saying all along was Andre 7'+ at his max. Accept the fact.
Glenn said on 12/Sep/06
Where do you live again D? cool.will shoot over the fo.
Gretz said on 12/Sep/06
Richard, I respect your opinion.But, do you really believe Andre looks taller in the Wilt pic than in those 1969 pics.Also JT posted A whole host of pics from the early 1970`s where Andre looks at least 7'0".So rather than growing from 1970 to 1983 I think Andre actually shrank.
Richard said on 12/Sep/06
I think the 6'9 3/4 measurement was true, it was supposedly substantiated by a medical measurement. However, now that we know Andre was 6'9 3/4 in 1970, how much did he grow between 1970 and 1983? (Wilt picture)
6'11 or 6'11.5 is substantiated, but I still want more proof of a height surpassing 7'
Sorry you guys, I'm really a huge fan of Andre's, but I also want the height listing for him to be accurate. It has been shrouded in mystery for such a long time that I think it's of great importance to remain objective.
Our objectivity is important because this site is becoming somewhat of an authority on heights.
Texas Tom said on 12/Sep/06
The 6-9 & 3/4 stuff comes from Dave Meltzer and Dave Meltzer alone. Keep in mind,Meltzer makes a living off of wrestling rumors and his supposed insider knowledege...but consider this:

1) He certainly wasn't present for this "official measurement."
2) The whole camp of guys who surrounded Andre were old school types who never broke kayfabe. Does anyone seriously believe they'd open up to some geeky dirt sheet writer, especially regarding Andre, who is such a beloved figure?
Viper652 said on 12/Sep/06
Richard, I really dont see just 6-11 peak at this point.
Anonymous said on 12/Sep/06
Wasn't Andre measured at 6'9" 3/4 at age 24 (1970) ? Is it false ?
Danimal said on 12/Sep/06
There IS proof guys. Can't you see it??? In 1984, we all know the way Andre looked. He was already somewhat hunched in the neck and back and his knees were kind of bent and YET, he was marginally shorter than a 7'1" + man. Take Andre back 15 year to 1969 and you don't think he would have matched Wilt's height. I believe completely that he would have surpassed it. Dave Meltzer was full of s***. Andre looked to be closer to 7'2" in those very early pics and probably the 290 he was stated to be when he started his career.
Big Show said on 12/Sep/06
The picture with wrestling promoter Jack Dale is a good pic to verify his height a little bit more accurately. Only we shouldn't compare him to Jack Dale but with the dog who stands in front of him. All dogs of the same race are mostly of the same height. So if we can verify the race of this dog and know how big these dogs can become we could make a good estimation of Andre's height. Does anybody know what kind of dog it is and how big these dogs can become. I believe it's a boxer, but I'm not sure.
Jordan said on 12/Sep/06
I'll Andre between 6'11-7'1 in his prime. There is no hard evidence that is proof that he is any of theses heights exceprt fot the fact that many of these pics show him to be at least 6'11 in his prime. I think he could be a little bigger then this in his prime. SO again his peak height could be from 6'11-7'1.
Glenn said on 12/Sep/06
Will let you know D.want to call me one day? you certainly wont be the first on the site to do so.
Texas Tom said on 12/Sep/06
It's amazing how much his slimmer build accents his height back then. And no gut pulling him down either.
JT said on 11/Sep/06
Great find, Gretz. Anyone know the car Andre is standing next to? Model T? If we know, we can probably make a crude estimate of Andre's height. Assuming Andre's head is 12 inches high, he looks around 20 inches taller than the roof. Then subtract an inch for his shoes. If you compare the photo of Andre and Jack Dale, Andre would come out to roughly 7'0", assuming Dale is 5'6". Andre's standing behind Dale too, so Dale may only have to be 5'5" or even 5'4" to make Andre a 7 footer.

BTW, that boxer (dog) looks like an adult and is tiny next to Andre.
Richard said on 11/Sep/06
I still think Andre looks to be around 6'11 at his peak.

The photos back this up, maybe... 6'11.5 but the rest is just "Guesstimations" I'm afraid.

Am I the only one to have this oppinion?

Are the rest of you down w/the 7' + estimations?
Viper652 said on 11/Sep/06
Yeah, nice to see some pics of him in the late 60s. I said his peak height would have been in the late 60s. He looks like a real giant there. He truly looks his supposed 7-1.5 barefoot measurement, or very close to it.
Gretz said on 11/Sep/06
Here are the rest of those promo pics of andre from 1969.(Click Here) and (Click Here)The first pic is with british wrestling promoter Jack Dale.Searched but can`t find this guys height, he looks 5'8" to 5'10" to me.Anyway Andre seems to be a solid 7 footer in his prime.Anyone else agree? My personal estimate for Andre`s peak height is 7'0"3/4in.
Glenn said on 11/Sep/06
Im only speaking the truth you always backed me.Im about ready to discuss many of those movies you mentioned are out of print?
Cantstop25 said on 10/Sep/06
alright after watching this video

Click Here

Im finding it hard to believe that this man was under 7' at his peak, sure he shrunk aroun the mid 80s but this ma was clearly talller in his earier years

now look at the picures of him when he was younger

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Wrestling lover said on 10/Sep/06
Ancient Aztec Guy,I did hear of The Cape Breton Giant that you talk about.He lived way up in Cape Breton Nova Scotia.I went to his museum a couple of summers ago.Nova Scotia by the way is beautiful.
Gretz said on 10/Sep/06
Promo pics of Andre from 1969. (Click Here)Here we have Andre lifting the front of a car.and Andre with a girl on his shoulder.This may be a peak height Andre.Again looking 7'0" to 7'1" to me.
Danimal said on 10/Sep/06
Glenn, thanks bro.

JT, that would be really cool to have seen a pic of that 7'6" 1000 pound man.
Glenn said on 10/Sep/06
Tallest or Largest? that statement is such a joke.there are or were a handful of 8 feet plus guys.8-4ish.the tallest ever recorded was 8-11.1.tallest living is 7-8.9.and of course theres legends of 9ft to 20 foot races of men.
Glenn said on 10/Sep/06
It may sound immature and silly,but I bet Danimal could kick alot of our asses,myself stop talking s***.
cashis said on 10/Sep/06
Andre The Giant was at very minimal 7 ft 1 in at his prime in the 1970's there is many pictures that prove it as well as testimonials from his manager and people who were close to him to support his height so who is anyone to contest them.Andre was probably the all around largest human being to ever live....
Jordan said on 9/Sep/06
Danimal-dont worry about the haters. There always are haters.
Danimal said on 9/Sep/06
The hardest person to get along with was Cycklops. He really enjoyed intentionally instigation arguments, just like Chad attempted to me with me a few posts down. Don't think I didn't notice that remark Chad. BTW, even though I may be "teething" I'll still bite off your head faster than you can blink!
Alex said on 9/Sep/06
Jason was ok to get along with her on for me, just I didn't agree with most of his estimates. The thing with him was that he thought all his estimates were pretty much facts.
Jordan said on 9/Sep/06
I agree Glenn. Danimal never really seemed that way. Iv actually been talking alot with Danimal on the James Gandolofini page since we both like the sopranos.
Gretz said on 9/Sep/06
Check out this pic from "the Andre the Giant tribute page" (Click Here)Here we have a 19-23? yr. old Andre next to a guy who,even if he is only 5'6",Andre looks a good 7'0" to 7'1" there.Now, even if you don`t agree with my estimate.I think most would agree that it puts a real shadow of doubt on that 6'9"3/4 measurment taken at 24 yrs. old.This Andre looks 2 or 3 inches taller than the one who fought Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 3.
Glenn said on 8/Sep/06
Whats amazing is I never remember Danimal acting like an a-hole or immature.yet thats the nature of haters.I get them.
Glenn said on 8/Sep/06
Whats amazing is I never Danimal acting like an a-hole or immature.yet thats the nature of haters.I get them.
Chad said on 8/Sep/06
Yes Everyone, Be Gentle With Danimal "He's Still Teething"!.
Viper652 said on 8/Sep/06
Jason was great compared to some of the kids now on this site.
Jordan said on 8/Sep/06
Danimal is cool . He is my fellow Italian and is a big Sopranos fan.
Danimal said on 8/Sep/06
Thanks Glenn. I'll back you up anytime bro.
Glenn said on 8/Sep/06
Danimal is a very classy guy.please dont pick on him.he doesnt deserve it.
Paul said on 8/Sep/06
Hey Danimal chill mate. I *was* one of those who welcomed you back. Anyway I said it was eric and sid who use false aliases.
Danimal said on 7/Sep/06
Paul, what is your problem??? I never personally attack you, so why do you constantly instigate fights with me, furthermore, why are you paying attention to when I'm here, or when I'm not? Get a life......... BTW, when I came back, quite a few people welcomed me back. I'm a nice guy, so stop pissing me off.
Paul said on 7/Sep/06
Jason is coming back Viper don't worry.
Alex said on 7/Sep/06
I did agree with Jason on a few things I will admit but when it came to the very tall wrestlers I didn't agree with him though.
Frank said on 7/Sep/06
I dont agree with Jason on alot of things but i respect him...He is a smart guy and to tell you the truth there are new people on here who have no clue what they are saying...Jason is a BIG UNDERESTIMATOR but he made this fun
Viper652 said on 7/Sep/06
Jason was an interesting poster, and we still talk about him till this day.
Paul said on 7/Sep/06
Mind You Danimal.....Jason still gets a mention from us from time to time. I don't recall anyone bringing your name up when you were away though. And don't worry Jiga, you havn't got your wires crossed...
Paul said on 7/Sep/06
Must be some of the company he's keeping.....
Danimal said on 6/Sep/06
Sorry Jiga. I meant to ask you why you keep referring to Jason, not to Jason is actually on this forum, but he never comes on the wrestling pages, which I find really weird.

You see Frank, doesn't that bring our friend Andre to at least 7'0" back in '76?
sf said on 6/Sep/06
I don't agree. I don't think he looks more than 6'11" or 6'10". Standing next to Wepner or in the ring with him. I'm not trying to make him smaller. When I was younger, I thought he WAS 7'4". I always had thought he was that tall. So, I'm disappointed he wasn't, actually. But, I still thought he was at least 7'0" and now I'm not so sure.
Gretz said on 6/Sep/06
In Bobby "The Brain" Hennan`s biography it mentions that.Upon his arrival in Click Here was told by Vince McMahon sr. not to have his picture taken,or be seen in public with someone taller than himself.It says that at one wrestling event some of the guys asked andre to come out and meet manute bol,who was there for a basketball game that night,and he refused knowing that he wouldn`t look so tall next to 7ft.7in. bol.But that does tell me that he at least thought he was as tall as wilt.As he agreed to pose for those pictures.
Frank said on 6/Sep/06
Also in the Andre & Wepner fight Andre is not standing up straight and i would say there is atleast a 6 inch difference 5 inch min. difference
Jiga said on 5/Sep/06
Danimal what do you mean 'Jiga, why do you keep referring to Jiga and just tell us what you think?' it doesn't make sense. Why do i keep referring to myself...?
Gretz said on 5/Sep/06
sf,look at the picture of andre and wepner comparing hands before the fight starts.I see a 6 or even 7 inch difference in height.during the video you can`t a good comparison in height.However,I don`t think wepners manager would say chuck looked like a pygmy and was dwarfed by andre if the difference was only 3 or 4 inches.
Daniaml said on 5/Sep/06
Jiga, why do you keep referring to Jiga and just tell us what you think?

Viper, it's possible.
Viper652 said on 5/Sep/06
Id say the 7-1.5 was Andre's height in shoes. Peak 7-0 to MAYBE 7-0 1/2 tops.
Jiga said on 4/Sep/06
why can't people just accept that the highest his height reached was 7'+ (maybe up to 7'2) there's proof everywhere that he's lost height over the years (acromegaly, surgery, slouching, etc.) Jason thought his peak was 6'9 which i and many others found ridiculous because not even Vince McMahon would be stupid enough to increase his height 8"! From 6'9 to the billed 7'5 at one time. i think we all agree that Andre's boots always looked fairly normal. A reasonable increase would 3" - 4", someone as big as Andre it would be hard to tell a few inches difference in height. Jason also believed Big Show was 6'8 max! How ridiculous is that. That would mean Big Show's had an increase in billed height from real height of 8" also (in WCW he was billed at 7'4) and WWF 6", 6'8 - 7'2. I'd say Andre was in the range of 7' - 7'2 and Big Show is/was 7' at some point in time.
Danimal said on 4/Sep/06
Actually Wrestling Lover, you're getting a bit confused. The Royal Rumble you're referring to where Ax and Smash got number one and two was the 1989 Rumble, where Andre ran out of the ring, because Jake Roberts threw in a snaker and Andre had a phobia of snakes and John Studd (who made his comeback) won it that year. Either Smash or Ax was listed at 6'4", but I also read a 6'2" listing. I don't think either was taller than 6'2". Either way, when Andre was able to stay on his feet for longer than 5 seconds and actually stand straight, he completely dwarfed them. I thought it was funny when Jesse Ventura who was commentating with Gorilla Monsoon said Andre is the size of 2 men and then later said that he's the size of 3 men, which was VERY accurate.
sf said on 4/Sep/06
I think that Chuck Wepner fight is excellent evidence that Andre probably wasn't even 7'0". I look at it, and don't see more than a 3 or 4 inch difference, and I'm willing to go as high as 6'10", maybe 6'11", but not taller. Actually, that video disappointed me. I really thought Andre was taller.
Wrestling lover said on 3/Sep/06
I saw Andre fight Axe and Smash (the tag team)They both weighed about 290 maybe 300lbs.One of them was 6'4" I beleive and the other was 6'3".I truly beleive that they were that size because they were really big men.Andre made them look so small in the Royal Rumble of 1988.Andre was still probably 6'11" at that time.He could barely stand without holding the ring rope.I think 6'10" or 6'9" sounds correct for the end of his career.
Wrestling lover said on 3/Sep/06
I Think Andre was exactly 7'1.5". 7'2" sounds very believeable as well.Danimal I really think you hit it on the head when you said 7'1.5".Editor Rob why did you not yet change the height on here for Andre?Just asking.
Bendy said on 3/Sep/06
Im fairly sure it is Blackjack Lanza in that pic as Lanza was in the AWA in the 80's. Whereas Jake Roberts was in NWA at that time, either way lanza is probably only an inch shorter than jake roberts. I first saw that AWA group pic about 5yrs ago and i do think the picture is tilted somewhat to give an illusion, as Dr D. David Schultz who is behind Blackjack lanza appears to be in the 6'6" range and i dont think he was quite that tall! With all the evidence I believe Andre's peak height was probably in the 6'11-7'0" range, I think the peak height (1970's-1984) is what should be concentrated on, rather than his demise at the end of his life in which the strains that acromegaly took on his huge body.
Massimo said on 3/Sep/06
So Andre was 6'9" 3/4 in 1970, 6'10" or 6'11" at the time of his fight with Wepner (1970) and about 6'11" in the picture with Wilt (1983). I wonder when he started losing height and how much height he lost.
Danimal said on 3/Sep/06
Bendy, are you sure that wasn't Jake Roberts in the cowboy hat? That looked like his gimmick in the early 80's?
JT said on 3/Sep/06
Bendy, the AWA photo is just seriously tilted. Bobby Heenan on the far right has Hogan by 4 inches!

Here's probably a peak height and relatively thin Andre next to Verne Gagne, who's supposedly 5'11" (Click Here). Here's 7'0" Shaq next to Pres. Bush, who Rob has at 5'11".(Click Here). Bush has height in his family (his dad is 6'2" and his brother Jeb is 6'3" or 6'4"), so this height is probably legit. If you compare the two photos by assuming Gagne and Bush have the same size craniums, Andre is about the same height as Shaq.
Frank said on 3/Sep/06
Danimal, i watched the Ali -Wepner fight and they listed Chuck at 6ft 5 and yes i did here him say 6ft 6 to 6ft 6 1/2 but they had the poster of Andre saying he was 7ft 5 your right eiter way Andre is a BIG GUY
Jordan said on 3/Sep/06
Whether Wepner was 6'5, 6'6 or 6'6 1/2--Andre looks a solid 7'0 there. Take a look on how good Andre's posture and knees were in that match with Chuck. It looks like we have a Legeit 7'0 in Andre in the 70's.
Bendy said on 3/Sep/06
Actually Danimal, Andre is standing next to Blackjack Lanza in the AWA Picture, Lanza is listed at 6'4", So in the AWA pic he could probably be his listed height as on here (6'11.5") also we cant see his footwear, and as noted in a lot of bios of Andre,he did favour western style cowboy boots, which could give him 2-3inches increased height, The AWA photo is an odd one, because the people on the left of the photo he towers over (including hogan) but on the right of the pic I cant say he really towers over anyone... Flooring may not be level.
KingNick said on 3/Sep/06
JT those pics and that Chuck Wepner match are great. Did anyone notice how EASILY Andre picked up Wepner and threw him over the top rope? Wepner had to be 200+ if he was 6'5" or 6'6" and Andre picked him up like a baby. That was incredible.
Danimal said on 2/Sep/06
Frank, Chuck's own manager said that he was 6'6"-6'6.5". Where do you get 6'5" from? Either way, Andre was a 7 footer then.
Danimal said on 2/Sep/06
JT, that AWA group shot with Andre standing right next to 6'5" Jake the Snake Roberts is great. That was taken the same year as the Wilt pic. We see that Andre was around that 7'0" mark at that point. As for the Hogan, Vince, Andre pic, the camera angle is VERY deceiving. We also don't see their lower bodies.
Frank said on 2/Sep/06
JT,Great find but Chuck Wepner was 6ft 5 and Andre looks about 6ft 10 to 6ft11 I dont believe he was ever over 7ft
JT said on 2/Sep/06
Here's Andre and 6'6" Chuck Wepner from 1976 (Click Here). Watch it quick before WWE probably has it pulled. Andre has Wepner by no less than 5 inches. "Sportswriters" at the time supposedly estimated Andre at 6'9" from this fight, which is nonsense.
Richard said on 1/Sep/06
There are a few things I'd like to clarify.

The supposed autopsy height was 6'9, not 6'5.

The difference between Hogan and Andre was indeed 5 inches, maybe more. Also, Andre's boots were not bigger than Hogans.

The distance from the top of My head down to my eye level is about 5 inches...and I'm only 6'2.5 that is how I KNOW that Andre had at the very least 5 inches on Hogan. He can't possibly have had a smaller forehead than I do.
Viper652 said on 1/Sep/06
Aztec guy, suppossedly his autopsy height was only 6-5, but I find that completely bogus. There is no way Andre was 7-2-7-4 though.
Danimal said on 1/Sep/06
Thing is, Jason posted here a little while ago and I replied to it, but I haven't seen him on here since. If he left Australia, it's been for months.
Lou said on 1/Sep/06
How can you say Andre was easily 5 inches taller than Hogan at Wrestlemania III. It looked to me like a difference of about 4 inches, maybe a little less considering that Andre's boots had higher soles than Hogans. I don't think Andre was ever taller than 7ft. There's still a bunch of people out there that want to believe that he was at some close to his billed height of 7'4", but he never was. I think 6'11.5" should be the maximum for his peak height, and he only looked that tall in the picture with Wilt, and Arnold, and in that picture you can clearly see that the footwear he has on gave him more of a lift than the footwear Wilt had on, so you should take Meltzer's 6'11.5" estimate with a grain of salt. Some people say he was taller in the 70's, but I have yet to see any visual evidence of that so until I do I'll say his peak hieght was a little under 7', probably 6'11".
Alex said on 31/Aug/06
Frank at least 6'11 for his peak and possibly 7'0 but no more than 7'0 though.
Frank said on 31/Aug/06
Aztec GUY They also said he was 7ft 4 on that show so dont believe everything you hear.....Im a Andre Fan but i dont believe he was over 7ft tall barefoot
ancient Aztec Guy said on 31/Aug/06
I still believe Andre was taller than 7ft.On Andre`s A&E biography they say Andre was 7ft at the age of 18.They did not lie because if they did they could be sued for puting out false information on a profestional biography.That alone should put to rest the fact that Andre was under 7ft at prime.People you should go by what you see before wrestlemania3 but I can tell a lot of you guys don`t Andre at wresltemania 3 was clearly taller than 6`10``.Hulk Hogan really was 6`7`` at w3!!!Hogan said that himself!!!He says he is now 6`4`` after a few knee surgeries he lost three inches.Hogan must have been 6`7`` because in every pic with him beside fans he towered over them all.He was a good four inches taller foot taller than 6`3`` Mauhamed Allie!Dang it man!!!Nobody wants to think that a wrestler`s height is not exagerrated.Andre was easily 5 inches taller than Hogan who is really 6`7``.When measuring heights do not use the rule that the distance from the top of your head to your eyebrows is 2 inches and the distance from the top of your head your nose is four inches and if you are a head taller than someone you are 6 inches taller!Also Andre`s head was huge so if you came up to his eyebrows he would be a good 4inches taller at least.I know it is not true that Andre was under 7ft at prime!Andre must have been between 7`2`` to 7`4`` at prime.I also heard somewhere before that Andre`s autopsy height was 7ft.I doubt it was quite that at that time.A second ago everyone on here said Andre was 7ft but now you all say he was 6`11``.Whta happened over that period of time to you guys?!After being on here with you felleres/guys I still think Andre was between 7`2-7`4`` at prime! This is my last comments for a long while.But Ill be Back......Heheheheheh.
Paul said on 31/Aug/06
Frank, Jason will be back. I think he had left Australia for a holiday.
Warlord said on 31/Aug/06
I would agree with you about 6 foot 11 as a minimum peak height value. I like your label for Jason- the Underestimator. Very accurate.
Steve said on 31/Aug/06
well andre would have been at least 6'10 in wrestlemania 3. i dont think hogan was less than 6'5.5 or 6'6. Andre looked about 5 inches taller than hogan at the stare down. so if you do your sums, make andre 6'10 - 6'11. Even if he was say 6'10 in his older years....he would have lost at least 2 inches due to old age/back surgery. So that gives him a good 7'0 peak height. Not much to debate over.
Danimal said on 30/Aug/06
Actually Frank, if you saw the poll I took a little while ago, the concensus was that Andre was indeed 7'0" or slightly over it in his peak.
Frank said on 30/Aug/06
I think most of us can agree 6ft 11 peak for Andre is about right ??
By the way where is JASON??? I miss his Underestimating
Big Show said on 30/Aug/06
Richard, how do you know this measurement was a legit measurement. This claim comes from a Wrestling Journalist. Andre didn't look like he was shorter during the beginning of his career.
Warlord said on 30/Aug/06
Couldn't agree more with your statement. Peak height is all that matters! I've said the same so many times before. You do notice that Chad has come all the way up to 6 foot 11.5 now so he must be given credit. Remember this is the guy who once back Jason's 6 foot 9 and change ramblings for max height. Chad, give yourself a few months. By then your mind will flip-flop up another half inch and suddenly you'll realize you're at 7 feet!
Danimal, I still don't agree about Crush, but I won't stray from the topic here. No biggie, guy. Also, I have forgotten Bossman is dead. So many wrestlers have dies that I lose track now.
Richard said on 30/Aug/06
Big Show, it would have been impossible for Andre to have been 7' in 1970 since he was measured at 6'9 3/4 1970 (24 years old) The question is if he Peaked somewhere between 1970 and 1983 when the pic with Wilt was taken. We know that he grew in those years, but the question is if he ever surpassed 6'11 , maybe 6'11.5 during that time. I don't think he was in such a bad shape there next to Wilt, and he was Certainly taller than he was 1970.
Big Show said on 30/Aug/06
Chad, never say never. The pic with Wilt proves that Andre wasn't over 7 feet tall in 1983. If Wilt was 7'1 in that pic than Andre is around 7 feet tall, or maybe a tad under it. Andre wasn't in his best shape back then, so I think it's realistic to assume that Andre could be half an inch taller when he was in the best shape of his life (late '60's, early '70's).
I estimate Hogan at 6'5.5 during his peak days. If you look at their match at WM III and you check the staredown in the beginning, you see that Hogan is really making an effort in standing completely straight, while Andre is standing in a casual stance. If Andre would have the same posture as Hogan, he would be 5 inches taller, making him 6'10.5 during 1987.
During WM VII Andre could barely walk and had the worst posture I've ever seen him (with the exception of one of his very last appearance in the WWE with the Bushwackers).
Frank said on 30/Aug/06
Jordan, Hogan most likely was wearing cowboy boots with a big heel in that picture with Donald Trump.....
Danimal said on 29/Aug/06
Warlord, he was shorter than Hogan. My man, I don't want to argue with you, but I have seen them tag team in 1990 and in their interview backstage Hogan had 2" on him. The top of Hogan's head was always taller than Bossman's. What I find peculiar, is that you mentioned that Bossman even looks 6'5" today. You realize that he is dead, right? His family/friends has stated that he was 6'4". Hogan was taller. I still buy that Crush was 6'4".

Chad, to say that Andre was NEVER 7'0" tall is "not realistic". Wilt was over 7'1" and Andre was marginally shorter than him in 1983-1984. Andre was clearly not at his best. 10 years earlier, Andre was a 7 footer.
Texas Tom said on 29/Aug/06
"Seems like many on here keep trying to push him back up to the 7'4" billed height."

With the exception of Ancient Aztec Guy, not really.

"Keep it prespective people! Yes, maybe back when Andre was around 20'ish he may have been around 6'11"-6'11.5", but the Andre we come to know during the entire 80's was no taller than 6'10" and much shorter near his death."

This is maddening; the main argument here has been for PEAK height. PEAK PEAK PEAK! These later estimates are almost without meaning...the guy was virtually crippled. It seems almost sadistic to continue estimating the height of the man at a point where even standing up was a challenge for him. I think he had bigger problems at that time than trying to stand as erect as possible.

"Thw Wilt pic speaks volumes about Andre's true height and it spaeks "Andre was never 7 FEET TALL"!!!!!!!"

You mean the one where Andre is TOPS 1 inch shorter than a guy who stood 7-1.5? Where even Dave "Looking To Discredit Andre At All Costs" Meltzer says he looks 6-11.5? (Evidently, Meltzer would have been banished from Marks-R-Us had he not lobbed off that 1/2 inch)

Jordan said on 29/Aug/06
The pic that Rob has with Andre, Hogan and Trump is weird. Trump is regarded as 6'2 even by rob, so it makes Hogan look 6'6 in that pic and Andre close to, or if not 7'0. Prolly 6'11. Click Here
Chad said on 29/Aug/06
Glad to see more on here that see's a more realistic height for Andre. Seems like many on here keep trying to push him back up to the 7'4" billed height. Keep it prespective people! Yes, maybe back when Andre was around 20'ish he may have been around 6'11"-6'11.5", but the Andre we come to know during the entire 80's was no taller than 6'10" and much shorter near his death. If you compare him to the Big Boss Man in one of Andre's last t.v. appearances in the WWF, Andre was only about 3 inches taller than the Boss Man when they were walking away from the ring, the camera was right at them and a kid could have seen the little difference in height. I mean it's obvious during the face to face stand off and WMIII with Hogan Andre was no more than 4 inches taller Hogan. I just can't see Hogan ever being 6'6" at any time. I estimate Hogan being max at 6'4.5" at best. That would place Andre at around 6'9" at WMIII. Which would be very reasonable to believe at that time in his life. If he was around 6'10.5" in 1984 then 6'9" in 1987 is only about an inch loss of height due to his disease. If anyone Show me a pic of Hogan standing next to 6'6" Michael Jordan and being the same height then I will believe Hogan was 6'6", but until then people are just comparing Hogan to other faked wrestling heights. Thw Wilt pic speaks volumes about Andre's true height and it spaeks "Andre was never 7 FEET TALL"!!!!!!!
Paul said on 29/Aug/06
That doesn't mean you can conclude he's only 6'4 Danimal. When he wore lifts he was very close to Taker in height.
Warlord said on 29/Aug/06
I disagree with you about Crush too. I buy him at what this guy Buluran says. 6 foot 5 to 6 foot 6. Your also wrong about assuming they would have inflated his height so much. It depends on who they are matching up and who they want to sound taller. Bossman is 6 foot 5- even still looks the same today. He was not any shorter than Hogan- I have a 1987 Sat Night Main Event where they are together the whole time. Snitsky I can't buy at 6 foot 4 either. If he's 6 foot 4 then Kane is not more than 6 foot 6. I believe Snitsky is 6 foot 6 and kane is 6 foot 7-1/2 (he used to wear the notorious special boots that made him look taller than the 6 foot 8-1/2 Taker years ago).
Paul said on 27/Aug/06
Danimal I agree with you on Traylor being 6'4 but I just can't buy 6'4 for Adams.
Danimal said on 27/Aug/06
So, maybe it's fair to say that the 7'1.5" from the early seventies was with his shoes on. I could accept that was the case. Take into account that Andre wore size 21 or 22, which probably gave him at least an inch if not 2".

Paul, Crush and Bossman were both really 6'4" (not their listed 6'6"-6'7"). NOW, see that Hogan was listed at 6'8", so it makes sense that he was a legitimate 6'5"-6'6" according to that 2-3" boost they gave wrestlers, inclduding 6'10" listed Studd, who was really 6'7" (3" height increase). With that being said, they did the same thing with Andre.
Halb said on 27/Aug/06
I pretty much agree with Richard here, Andre was 6 ft 10 in in late 60's early 70's. That is a fact. What is debatable is if he gre any between 1970 and 1981. I don't find it unreasonable to imagine he could have got close to 7 ft.
Richard said on 27/Aug/06
Viper, Andre was born 19 June 1946. He was measured legitimately at 6'9 3/4 at age 24. And the year he would have turned 24 was 1970... so to answer your question I don't think he was 7' in the late 60s to early 70s, it would have been impossible since he was measured at 6'9 3/4 in 1970.
However I know that he grew due to his acromegali and I believe he was VERY close indeed to 7' in that pic next to Wilt.

But.. I also think that the 7'1.5 claim is out of the question.
Big Show said on 27/Aug/06
Louie, Gene Snitsky is not 6'7 he was shorter than 6'5 Ben Roethlisberger. Though a lot of your estimates are the same as mine (with a few exceptions).

Richard, Meltzer estimated the height of Andre the Giant by comparing him to Wilt. According to Meltzer Wilt has been measured 7'0.5, but Wilt stated in 1986 that he's never lost any height as far as he knows. In the pic with Shaq he looked taller than 7 feet tall Shaquille O'Neal. Now Wilt was 7'1.06 during his peak, so that would put Andre at 7 feet tall in that pic. But Meltzer didn't took into consideration that Andre is wearing bigger heels, standing closer to the camera and that Wilt is wearing a wig and stands more straight than Andre.
Steve said on 27/Aug/06
well from all the evidence and old wrestling footage i have seen (and i have seen alot with andre)

My best estimate that he never went under 6ft 10 inches. You all have to remember that he has to be measured/compared when he is standing full straight, which he did rarely.

Even if he slouched the slighest amount, that can take 2 inches off him. Ive seen him in photos with the ultimate warrior who i assume was at least 6ft 1 tall...and andre looks a good 10 - inches taller then him.

Best estimate = 7ft 0 inches peak height.
In his older years = 6ft 10 inches
Louie John said on 27/Aug/06
I send a message to Mrs. Mcmahon and this is here reply i believe that HHH is 6 ft 2 and Crush is 6 ft 5
Paul said on 27/Aug/06
Are these current heights Louie ? Also, I find it hard to believe HHH has ever been 6'3 or Brian Adams 'Crush' being only 6'4.
Paul said on 27/Aug/06
In the photo of Haystacks/Andre, Andre was 6'11, Martin 6'9. The photo was taken in Australia around 1980.
Chief said on 27/Aug/06
Andre was huge, but he was under 7 ft. and not just by a half inch. Vince Mac did have Andre stand on a box in the old days for a side by side taped interview to help Andre look taller as he was billed at 7 ft 4. That video segment looks cool as hell if you've ever seen it, especially since Vince looks so small next to the big man. Just figured I'd mention that. Also, looking at the photo with Debbie H.(all shoes considered), it seems to justify Andre actually being significantly shorter than 7 ft. I would never fully judge by one picture though.
Viper652 said on 26/Aug/06
Richard, for peak height we are talking late 60s to early 70s. You dont think he was at least 7-0 then?
Anonymous said on 26/Aug/06
In the pic with Andre and Wilt Andre has on shoes that probably have at least 1.25 inch heels, while Chamberlain has on moccasins that may give him a half inch in height at the most. It safe to say Andre was around 6'11" in that pic.
In the picture of Andre from the Mike Douglas show he looks about 6'11" compared to the 6'5" Taylor. In that pic he was in his prime, and it's unlikely he would've lost by that point. In the mid 80's he looked about 6'11" compared to the 6'7" Studd. He was barely taller than the 6'9" Ernie Ladd. All that evidence makes me believe he was 6'11" at his peak, and not 7', and diffinanly not 7'1.5"
Viper652 said on 26/Aug/06
You are wrong on a majority of those wrestlers Louie. Dont quit your day job.
Halb said on 26/Aug/06
Dave Meltzer covers Andre's height in Tributes and comes to the conclusion that Anadre was prolly 6 ft 10 in. perhaps pushing it 6 ft 11 in. Andre was last legitamitely measured in 1970.
Halb said on 26/Aug/06
Andre is definately taller than Haystacks, but was Haystacks really 6 ft 11 in? Meltzer switcvhes between 6 ft 10 in and 6 ft 11 in himself. The last time Andre was officvialy measuired he was 6 ft 9
Richard said on 26/Aug/06
Does everyone agree on this? What does Alex and Viper and all the rest think?
I'm not critisising your estimates danimal, and you seem like a nice guy. But... there's a big difference between proof and an estimate. You asked me if it was hard to believe that he was a mere .5" or more 10 years earlier. And it isn't! It's not that far fetched since Andre had acromegaly and his extremities never stopped growing. But, there's no proof of it, it's frankly just a guess.

6'11.5 is also guesswork. I'm not saying I don't agree, but that was Meltzers estimation from that picture. We can make just as good an estimation for ourselves just by looking at the same picture and disregarding HIS statement. He's not more of a height-authority than any of us are.
wrestling said on 26/Aug/06
andre the giant was about 6'11" 456 lbs. , that big ass fro of his gave him a 7'2" look , i heard from some people who seen him wrestle in france , that he was rated as the "7 foot giant" , coming into wwe he was a 7'4" giant , this guy looks more 6'11"-7' , wwe over rated NASH , BIG SHOW , TAKER , KANE , STUDD , SID , HOGAN heights and ANDRE is just another one of the over rated heights , prob the first big one by 4"
JT said on 25/Aug/06
Here's an interesting comparison of Bruno Sammartino with Andre (Click Here) and Bruno with Primo Carnera (Click Here). Carnera was a former boxer with acromegaly, who was usually listed at 6'7". If you try to match the photos up, it looks like Andre would have around 5 inch height advantage. I'm sure there are some other pictures floating around out there with Bruno and celebrities from other sports (hopefully tall NBA players) from which we can better estimate Andre's height.
Danimal said on 25/Aug/06
Richard, even Dave Mentzer in that pic of Andre with Wilt states that Andre is 6'11.5" and that was 1983 (almost 1984)!!! What more proof do you need?? Andre clearly wasn't in the same physical condition in 1983, as he had been in 1973. If he was 6'11.5" in 1983, then how is it so hard to believe that he was a mere .5" or more 10 years earlier, before he began to hunch over?? I mean come on Richard. Everyone else sees this now but you.

Rob, I agree that he should be raised to at least 7'0" for prime now.
Richard said on 25/Aug/06
I'm afraid I can't agree with you Jiga. I'm a huge Andre fan, but I just can't see him at 7'1.5
6'11 is still the best estimate for his height in my oppinion. Why take the word of his manager over countless photos?
Let's stick to the 6'11 until we have the proof that he was taller. After all the pic with Wilt is the best proof we have of his peak height and Wilt was taller. Not by much, but he was taller. The pics I posted before of him and Studd showed him to be around 6'10-6'11 too.
Jiga said on 24/Aug/06
Rob, could you please raise Andre to at least 7'. 0.5" isn't much of an increase then we can discuss on getting that to say 7'1.5 we all have to understand that Andre was AT LEAST 7' at his peak not 6'11.5.
Danimal said on 24/Aug/06
There's no way to verify that Warlord.
Warlord said on 24/Aug/06
I'm not sure how true or how accurate this may be, but I once read an article that said Andre's Bulgarian grandfather was 7 foot 8.
Jordan said on 24/Aug/06
y Danimal, 7'0 is prolly his peak height, 7'1.5 is aslo a possibility, but 7'3 7'4 is hard to take.
Danimal said on 23/Aug/06
He never was 7'3"-7'4". At most I see him at Wilt's prime height, which was 7'1.5". He was probably around 7'0" by the early 80's, 6'10"-6'11" by the late eighties and 6'9" at the time of his death (just do to the fact that he could no longer straighten out his spine. Just look at the former 6'4" Clint Eastwood, who is struggling with 6'1" today.
Viper652 said on 23/Aug/06
7-3,7-4 is a huge stretch for Andre in his prime. I think the absolute tallest he could have been is 7-1. 7-0 1/2 tops is my estimate.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 18/Aug/06
I would still say Andre was 7'3" 7'4" at the very most at prime.If Giant Haystacks was really 6'11" then Andre would have to be over 7ft.I have not found a single source myself saying Haystacks was not 6'11".So In that pic where Andre is walking towards Haystacks They look to be the exact same height.Andre`s knees were bent and his back was bent.If you got Andre to stand straight there dont you guys think he would be more than an inch taller.His knees straight would have to give him another inch at least.That alone puts him at 7ft.And his back straight would be at least double that I think more!!!Just by comparing him to a man with good posture and who is 7'1" (Wilt) Andre was not standing straight and for those of you who think Andre was shorter than Wilt in that pic (which I don`t)It would be IMPOSSIBLE for him to be any more than an inch shorter don`t you guys think so?!!?Also remember he could barely stand straight at that time.
Wrestling lover said on 18/Aug/06
I have observed many of the pictures even watched old wrestling tapes and I would have to say Andre was easily 7ft at prime.Just look at the pic between him and Wilt.Wilt may of had half an inch over Andre but Andre did not have the best posture at that time.Andre was over 7ft I am sure.
Danimal said on 18/Aug/06
Viper, we have a convert!!!! WOOHOO!!!!
Alex said on 18/Aug/06
Viper thinks someone is taller than I think. Odd LOL.
Viper652 said on 17/Aug/06
With all the picture evidence from the early-mid 70s, and the supposed 7-1.5 measurment, Id say he was over 7-0 peak height. 6-9 at his death.
Danimal said on 17/Aug/06
Thanks Rob!!!! And they say persistance doesn't pay off ;). Either that, or just annoy the hell out of people until they do what you want them to do!!!
Jordan said on 17/Aug/06
OK my best estimate for a peak height of andre seems to be 7'0. Maybe he is 6'11.5 at peak but ill give the gut 7'0, seems to be the benifit of the dought.
Chad said on 17/Aug/06
My Vote Is For Max Peak Height Of-6'11.5"
Danimal said on 17/Aug/06
Until everyone answers on this page, we'll keep it going. When we have enough vote's, we're going to take a poll and hand that to Rob (HOPE YOU'RE READING this ROB) and whatever the decision is, will be Andre's NEW PEAK height on this page! Keep'em comin' guys!!!
Texas Tom said on 17/Aug/06
Warlord, Danimal, (Richard you too, don't always agree with you, but you posted some great pics from what I recall)

Looks like the good guys won huh?

Feels a little bit more reasonable around here without all the 6-9 estimates flying around.

Methinks we should petition Editor Rob to reinstate Andre's 7 foot listing?

Editor Rob
I have given him back 1/2 inch
ancient Aztec Guy said on 16/Aug/06
I think Andre was over 7ft at prime Danimal.
Warlord said on 16/Aug/06
7 feet definitely and probably a little more. 7 foot 1-1/2, possibly, but if so most likely when Andre was lighter and young- 1960's.
A big Yay for me!
JT said on 16/Aug/06
Most likely 6'11" peak.
Texas Tom said on 16/Aug/06
7 feet flat, I say.
Frank said on 16/Aug/06
I agree with Alex 6ft 11 Yes.... 7ft ???? over 7ft NO
Danimal said on 16/Aug/06
Keep it coming guys!!! I want to hear from everyone. Just say over 7'0", or under. That's it!!
Alex said on 16/Aug/06
Andre's prime-6'11, possibly 7'0 but no more.
Death- 6'8.5-6'9.
Big Show said on 16/Aug/06
Andre in his prime: 7 feet and maybe some change. I'd say his peak height was somewhere between 7' and 7'1. I doubt he was the 7'1.5 as his old manager claimed. That probably was a measurement in shoes.
Richard said on 16/Aug/06
Let's not get carried away you guys.
I still think 6'11 is the truth for Andre, give or take half an inch.
Massimo said on 16/Aug/06
I don't think Andre was 7' feet or over in his prime.
Anonymous said on 16/Aug/06
That's right. He was definitely 6 foot 6! Welcome back!

I will cast the first vote definitely 7 feet and probably some small amount over. I say Yay for Andre!
Danimal said on 15/Aug/06
Texas Tom, haven't seen you in a while man.

I want to make this interesting. Everyone who contibutes to this page, I want you to vote. Everyone who says Andre was 7'0" or over in his prime, say so. All those who don't, say so. I want to see what the final consensus is. Let's GO GUYS!!!!!!
Texas Tom said on 15/Aug/06
Photos of Andre in his final matches, roughly one or two months before he died, show him to still be FAR over 6-5. That estimate should be right off the table for good.
Warlord said on 15/Aug/06
Big Show,
Please try explaining your explanation of 'real height' to Chad. He is infatuated with stating that Andre was 6 foot 9 and change in his final days. I keep saying who cares because you're just measuring how much he is slouching- which is not actually his 'Real Height'. That's why I could care less about his height at that time period.
Big Show said on 15/Aug/06
The only explanation I could give for Andre possibly being 6'5 at his death would be if he suffered from kyphosis (a common disease for people that suffer from Acromegaly). This causes a curvature of the spine. Andre tended to slouch a lot. People that suffer from kyphosis could shrink a good amount of inches because of the curvature of the spine. Their real height would still be the same as before the curvature of the spine, but it's impossible to determine their height, because they can't stand up straight anymore. A famous example for this disease is the Jewish giant Eddie Carmel, who stood 7'8, but at the time of his death he was only 7'.
If Andre indeed suffered from this disease (He did walk with crutches at the end of his life) he could be 6'5 at the time of death. But it wouldn't be his real height, just his standing height.

Johnny Cash said on 14/Aug/06
I beleive Andre was possibly the same height as Wilt in that pic.Andre was a legit 7'2" or 7'1.5" at his prime.He was probably closer to 6'10" towards the end of his life.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 14/Aug/06
Hey Big Show!!!I realize 100% that someone can be without acromegaly and be over 7ft.Like I said several times that Giant Angus Macaskill(Cape Breton Giant) was the tallest natural giant in history.This huge man stood 7'9" and weighed well over 400lbs.The distance between his shoulders was 44 inches!!!!He was too tall and too broad to fit through an average 6'8" tall 32.5 inch wide doorway.He probably would of been a whole head taller than someone who stands 6'10"!Imagine him standing beside the Undertaker or Kane.They would of looked so short and non-stout!Got to go to Click Here
Alex said on 14/Aug/06
I'll never believe Andre was 6'5 at his death. At the lowest maybe 6'8.5.
Danimal said on 14/Aug/06
Rob, if Andre was 6'11.5" in 1984, then he was over 7'0" in the 70's. Why aren't you increasing his height? At least to 6'11.5".
Texas Tom said on 14/Aug/06
So many funny variables with Andre...things that sometimes made him seem shorter than he was - the guy was basically built like a human crane...a huge long torso/trunk that swung atop comparatively short compact legs. And a lot of his height was also owed to his humongous head.

Watch Andre when he rears back to deliver a headbutt, and you'll see his height extended more than you would see it on a guy with a more conventional build. It all adds up...increasing girth weighs down massive/long torso and strains comparatively short legs. The result: the man sometimes appeared shorter than he really was. Just look at Andre next to Dibiase at Summerslam 88 compared to Andre next to Shwarzenneger about 5 years earlier. Now, Dibiase is only marginally taller than Arnie, yet seems oddly close to Andre in height at SummerSlam. Odd, huh? Then some 8 months later, Andre clearly towers over Studd at WM 5. Conclusion: the less pained and fatigued the Giant is, the taller he appears. Again, the Andre with Wilt and Studd at WM 5 looks to be just near or barely at the 7-foot mark. And for the record, I don't think Andre has those 2 inch heels on in the pic with Wilt...those tips look pretty rounded, like more standard dress heels. I could be wrong though.
Danimal said on 14/Aug/06
Rob, you just increase his minimum peak height to at least 6'11.5" at this point.

That being said, if Andre was 6'11.5" in 1984, it is very plausible and fair to say that 10-15 years earlier he was a mere 2" taller than that, seeing his posture was defintely better the younger he was.
Viper652 said on 14/Aug/06
I think the 6-5 for Andre's death is probably just as bogus as the 6-0 giving for Tupac in his autopsy report.
Massimo said on 14/Aug/06
If Andre was 6'11" 1/2 in 1984 it seems unlikely that he was only 6'5" at the time of his death. But who knows ? If he was really 6'9" 3/4 at age 24, it means that he grew after that age. But again, who knows ?
Alex said on 14/Aug/06
We don't know how tall that doorframe is next to Andre though. It could be 6'8.
Richard said on 14/Aug/06
It's interesting how skinny Shaq looks next to Wilt. But not nearly as skinny as Andre made Wilt look :D
Shaq looks closer in height to Wilt than Andre did but he's wearing basketball shoes that probably give him an extra 2 inches.
Big Show said on 14/Aug/06
Aztec, Acromegaly doesn't automatically mean you have to grow over 7 feet tall. If someone with acromegaly grows out to be 6'10 he's still much taller than an average male. That there so happens to be people who don't have acromegaly and still are taller than someone with acromegaly could very much be a possibility. The tallest man today is Xi Shun and he doesn't have acromegaly.
Big Show said on 14/Aug/06
Aztec Guy, I think you're in denial that Andre never was 7'4 or even close. Here's that pic again:
Click Here

So Wilt is wearing a big wig. That would probably give him an inch extra in height. If you look closely to the pic, you'll see that Andre isn't bald himself you know. According to the text below the pic, Wilt has recently been measured at 7'0.5 (214.6 cm) and Andre looks roughly 6'11.5 (212.1 cm). If you a little mathemathic, you see how Meltzer came up with these figures: 214.6 cm / 12.6 x 12.45 = 212.05 cm.
Now the statement that Wilt was measured at 7'0.5 comes from a guy who also stated that Andre has been measured 6'9.75 at age 24, so I don't know what to believe of this statement. Wilt himself stated in 1986 that he didn't lose any height. Here's a pic from Wilt and Shaq in the early '90's.

Click Here

JT found this great pic and posted it on the Kane' page. Wilt looks a little bit taller than Shaq, and he's quite old there (and Shaq quite young). But if Shaq is 7', than Wilt is 7'1.

So another calculation: 216.1 cm / 12.6 x 12.45 = 213.48 cm (= 7 foot). Andre looks 7 foot, compared to 7'1.06 Wilt. There 3 things that need to be taken into consideration:
1. Wilt is wearing a wig (1 inch advantage for Wilt)
2. Andre is wearing boots (probably the ones that he always wears and they have a 2 inch heel on them)and Wilt is wearing Mocassins, which will probably increase his height with 0.5 inch (1.5 inch advantage for Andre)
3. Andre is standing closer to the camera. (1.5 inch advantage for Andre)
4. Wilt is standing more straight than Andre (1 inch advantage for Wilt)
All in all I'd say Wilt has an inch on Andre at least, making Andre 7 foot or just below.

So far Aztec I have only seen you claiming that Andre was taller in the pic with Wilt. I agree there are a lot of people on this who think that Andre was taller than Wilt during his peak. But I don't think there are many that will agree with you that Andre is taller than Wilt in that particular pic. Definately not Frank, as you claim, 'cause he says that Andre's max height is 6'11.5. I agree with you're last post though 6'11.5 minimum and 7'1 - 7'2 maximum. Somewhere inbetween in Andre's max height.

Btw, I'm not in denial that Andre could be taller than The Big Show, but I've yet to see prove of that. Big Show was a lot taller compared to Hogan than Andre was (even though Hulk probably shrunked an inch). The Big Show stated in early 2000 that he was 7'1 and I believe him. For Andre I think he might've been the same, but I doubt he was taller.
JT said on 14/Aug/06
Have to agree with sf. In Danimal's picture (Click Here), Andre's arm is bent at about a 90 degree angle while he's touching the top of the door. With my arm in that position, my hand comes up to about the top of my head. Those of us who believe Andre was 6'11" to 7'0" peak better hope he's standing next to a near 7 foot door, unless his arms are as long as a gorilla's.
Danimal said on 13/Aug/06
I respect that SF, but realize that I've been in here well over a year and a half and have provided a lot more proof than that one pic.

Ancient Aztec guy, the maximum is not 7'2". It's 7'1.5". Have you not read that Andre's OWN manager stated that Andre was really 7'1.5" and NOT 7'4".
ancient Aztec Guy said on 12/Aug/06
So most people on here Agree now that Andre at prime was 6'11.5" at a minimum and a 7'2" at a maximum?
sf said on 12/Aug/06
Danimal - got to disagree with your proof/picture. That picture is a classi example of how perspective distorts things in photographs. Notice the picutre is taken at an angle looking up. that's a classic way to distort/hide heights, etc. They do it all the time in shows today. Anyway, if you could get higher in the picture, just see a straight on shot of Andre - I don't think he is much taller than the door.
Johnny Cash said on 12/Aug/06
I have to Agree with Danimal I would have to give Andre About 7'1/2" during possibly the seventies.Andre`s posture suffered greatly due to his bad back and possibly his knees.I am sertain that all the bones and muscles in his legs and back were deteriorating through the years.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 12/Aug/06
When I saw Andre the Giant Wrestle Hulk Hogan in 1987 at wrestlemania I started to really wonder If Andre was really 7'4" or 7'5" like the promoters said.But then I learned later that Andre had undergone major back sergery a couple of months previous.That could of made Andre loose two inches off his height.As you can see by looking at the comments posted here there is a lot of controversy over Andre`s actuall height.You know we may never know how tall he was.I still beleive Andre was 7'3" or 7'4" after looking At the pic of Wilt and Andre.(Wilt was wearing a thick wig and was standing straight chest out!!!)
Alex said on 12/Aug/06
Any doorway can be any size which is true. The door ways at my house are all 6'5-6'6 and one is 6'7.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 12/Aug/06
Andre the Giant was taller than Wilt.Wilt was wearing a wig!Wilt was further from the camera but Wilt`s kneese were perfectly straight and he was standing chest out.The back of his wig was so thick it looked like he had a lump on his head.So actually by ducking his head slightly it makes him look taller.Big show I think you are in denial about Andre being taller than the Big Show.Andrre`s knees were bent slightly and his neck was jutting out!Have a beautiful day everybody!!!
ancient Aztec Guy said on 11/Aug/06
Heeeyyyyy Biiiigggg Shhooowww!!!!!!!!I can not beleive you think that I am the only one who thinks that Andre was taller than Wilt!!!!!I am NOT the only one who thinks so.Frank and Kingbg both say Andre was taller.There were a couple others that said that but I do not remeber their names. Frank said Andre was holding his own against 7'1" Wilt.Wilt was wearing a wig don`t you guys realize that?!!?.That was a dang thick wig too.I also think that you Big show are in denial about Andre being taller than the Big Show. I can understand that you are a divoted fan of the Big show and hate to admit to Andre being taller but you have to face the facts! Also to say that Andre is under 7ft is like saying Acromegaly does not effect growth.Like I said before it is fairly common to find a man at 6'10".I am sure I came across non famous men walking down the street who were at least 6'9" or 6'10" and they do not have acromegaly and are not famous for their size.I recall seing at least 5 ordinary people that I did not know who had to be a good 6'10".Being 6'10" or 6'9" is only one a little over sixth of a fraction taller than a man of average height.That is a fairly small fraction.Also like I said before in that pic of Andre and Wilt,Wilt iiissss Click Here aaa wwiiiiggg!!Don`t you guys ralize that?!!?Wilt is trying to make himself look taller than Andre.You guys may think that Wilt by tilting his head a little makes him shorter but in actual fact it makes look taller because with a thick wig like that the thickest part would have to be in the Back!The back of Wilt`s head of hair is so thick in the back it looks like he has a lump on the back of his head!I had an old freind who used to have a thick head of hair and he used to fluff it up and walk around everyone with his head tilted like Wilt`s there.He really did seem taller with his head tilted like that than when he would put his head straight.Andre in that pic is standing casually and Wilt is standing with His knees perfectly straight and chest out and neck straight and head slightly tilted. Andre`s knees were a little bent and Andre`s neck was jutting out.Wilt I will admit was a little further from the camera(not much further).Also because Andre was not standing straight that compensates for Andre`s thick hair.But NOTHING ABSOLUTALLLLLLLYYYY NOTHING COMPENSATES FOR WILT`S Click Here DANG IT!!!!!!Andre Rene Rousimoff was taller!!!
Danimal said on 11/Aug/06
Alex, who cares about Jason. I think we're only getting to the truth without his presence.

Big Show, I'm not so sure that the reason Big Show and the late Andre don't stand completely straight being a real option to them. I truly don't think Andre had it in him any longer in 1983 to full straighten out his back and neck, seeing you already see the signs of his traps hunching over, giving him a shorter neck appearance, which equates to a height loss. In the case of the Big Show, this is also happening, but to a lesser extent. Andre's head was also growing much larger, which probably weighed him down as well. I'm pretty sure that Mr. Carpentier was referring to Andre's barefoot height.
Alex said on 11/Aug/06
Didn't someone say Jason said Andre's peak height was 6'8?
Big Show said on 11/Aug/06
Click Here
Click Here

Here's a match-up between Andre & Canek vs. Hulk Hogan & Antonio Inoki from 1983. I must say that Hogan looks a lot taller next to Inoki hear than he did when they had there one on one confrontation.

Danimal, the pic with the door doesn't prove anything. A door could be any size. In many countries a standard door is 7', and in some 6'6, etc.

The funny thing about Meltzer is, that the text below the pic with Wilt is also from Meltzer. He's contradicting himself here.
Danimal, do you happen to know if Andre's old manager was talking about Andre's barefeet height, or his height in shoes? If Andre was 7'1.5 in his early days, this means he shrunk 2 inches by the time the pic was taken with Wilt. Andre was only 36 years old there, so I have a hard time believing this. I do believe his massive weight increase must have toned his body down a bit, but I doubt it will be a full 2 inches, more like 0.5 to 1 inch. Big Show hasn't lost that much height either (if he has lost any height at all). The problem with both Big Show and Andre is they rarely stand completely straight.
Danimal said on 11/Aug/06
Here's a pic of a young Andre with his STRAIGHT back against a door entrance:

Click Here

The Standard door (just below the bottom of the frame) is just under 6'8". How many inches does Andre surpass 6'8" in this pic? The man was over 7'0". This is the proof guys.
Danimal said on 11/Aug/06
Okay, so Andre was 24 years old in 1970, or possibly 1971, depending on when his b-day was. Now, according to Meltzer he was measured at 6'9 3/4", YET, we see that about 13 years later we have Andre at about 6'11" (probably slightly taller) standing next to Wilt (a legit 7'1 3/8" guy). We know that Andre didn't have the best posture anymore in 1983. So my question is, how could Andre, who was close to 2" taller in 1983 than Meltzer's 6'9 3/4" claim of a 24 year old Andre, when at that point we know he would have stood with much better posture, which would have allowed him to have matched Wilt's height, which would have secured Andre's manager's claim of 7'1.5" (around Wilt's height) and not the proposterous claim of Meltzer's 6'9 3/4" when we know that this is closer to what Andre measured at in death and not 20-25 years earlier. Meltzer is a fraud, but I can't and won't say the same thing for Andre's manager, who may have rounded up Andre's height from 7'1" and change to 7'1.5". Christ, if he wanted to, he could have said 7'2". He didn't, because he was being exact I believe and we should all believe him.
Chad said on 10/Aug/06
I think trying to guess Andres height is near impossible. So much evidence puts him at so many heights at many different times in his life its giving me a headache, lol. I think Andre would take the award for the most questionable height on this planet.:) He for sure took the truth with him when he passed and left the rest of the world to guess.
Warlord said on 10/Aug/06
I forgot all about Cyclops. Why did you have to go and remind me! Hehe.
Richard said on 10/Aug/06
The 6'9 3/4 claim came from a book by Dave Meltzer. It was supposedly what Andre was legitimately measured at when he was 24 years old. However Meltzer also stated in the book that a lot of people estimated him to be 6'10, but he could have been 6'11.
Personally I firmly believe in 6'11 for Andre.
Danimal said on 9/Aug/06
Remember Cycklops gave Andre a peak height of 6'9 3/4?
Warlord said on 9/Aug/06
Well stated. I agree fully with that height range possibiltiy- 6'11" to 7'1-1/2". I think there is almost certainty that Andre falls somewhere in that range.
Big Show said on 9/Aug/06
Chad, I'm with you: 7'3 is a bit too much for Andre's peak. Personally I think his peak height was 7 feet or just a hair over it.
Like I've said, in the early '80's Andre was still a strong 6'11. I believe Aztec is the only one who thinks Andre was taller in the pic with Wilt.
Frank said on 9/Aug/06
Chad i find it hard to put Andre over 6ft 11 to be honest...The most i give Andre is 7ft but that might be streching it
Richard said on 8/Aug/06
Thanks for the support Danimal. It's always frustrating to have to prove things to newcomers all the time. Feels like the conversation and estimations always take a leap back a year or so when the "basics" have to be explained.
Anonymous said on 8/Aug/06
7-1.5 is the tallest peak height I would possibly buy. 6-11 is the shortest peak height I would buy.
Alex said on 8/Aug/06
Chad, anything over 7'0 I think you could rule out.
Danimal said on 8/Aug/06
not quite Chad. I still believe there's a possibility that he was 7'1.5" according to his manager who downsized his billed height by 2.5", at a time he was being billed at 7'4". He could have been shorter, but I'm not certain just yet.

Ancient Aztec Guy, where are you from? Also, Andre was never 7'3", or even 7'2". That's not realistic anymore. I do believe 100% that he hit 7'0" at least once in his younger days.
Chad said on 8/Aug/06
Aztec Guy, do you realize if you add another inch to your estimate it brings Andre back to the billed 7'4" claim again?. Now many on here may not be able to agree on one single height for Andre, but I think anything above 7'1" has been pretty much ruled out at this point for Andre at any time in his life! Let alone 7'3"?. Does anyone else think 7'3" is legit?. I just can't go with that one.
Danimal said on 8/Aug/06
Andre holding a can of beer: Click Here
ancient Aztec Guy said on 7/Aug/06
CHAD!!!!! Did you did you even see that big bad pic of Andre and Blondie and the other guy Richard Kiel and that woman?That woman beside that 7'1" guy her legs are about as wide apart as the Grand Canyon.She was not even close to standing straight.Blondie on the other hand her legs were as straight as a pocker. She was satanding as strait as she could.Her heels were waaayyy taller as well!Danimal thinks Im from Europe...LOL!!!Hehe.Andre was I would say 7'3" at his prime.He must of had a good 2 inches on Wilt Chamberland.
Chad said on 7/Aug/06
JT, Looking at Richard Kiel in comparison to Andre it does appear Kiel would have still had at least an inch or two on Andre if you take away the high heels off Blondie. And now it sorta shows that Andre was pretty much around the same height in the Wilt pic now that we are comparing him to individuals that were both 7'1" with several years in between the two pics. Andre looks a bit younger with Blondie as compared to the Wilt pic. Now the Frankenstein comparison is just not that reliable. There's no proof of how tall the individual that is wearing that costume is nor how many inches the boots he is wearing adds to his height? Even if the boots are adding 5 extra inches we don't know for sure the man was 6'4"?. But those are some good pics JT!. Thanks for posting them and giving us new evidence to see.
Danimal said on 7/Aug/06
Richard, usually when you ask Rob a question, he answers it lie 1 out of ever 10 times, so don't count on this question being answered. Perhaps he'll answer it now that I'm typing this though.

I do agree with you Richard. It's always frustrating when newcomers come on here and don't read anything that's come before, as to what we've established and what we've ruled out. It's like we have to prove to these new guys what we already know all over again. Rob, why can't you keep the old page on here? I'd love to read the old comments from 2+ years ago. It would be interesting and fun to see how far we've come.
Richard said on 7/Aug/06
I think it would be interesting to have a peak height for Andre, and a height for his time of death. (last measurement) This would explain a lot to newcomers to this site, people who might have only seen Andre at WM 3 and never his peak. I find it very relevant. What are your thoughts on this Rob? Is it possible to list a Peak height for Andre, as well as a 6'9 listing for his time of death?
To me it's interesting to speculate about his height in the end as well as his peak height.
Danimal said on 7/Aug/06
JT, it's obvious to me what's happening in these pics with Andre and Taylor. If you look closely, the ground is not level. It is all white to us, but you can see that Taylor is standing on higher ground. Look where the bottom of his shoes compare to Andre's. This could be the same effect as him standing on a stair. That's my only explanation. Either that, or Taylor was taller than 6'5". Maybe he was closer to 6'6" and rounded down and was wearing larger heels. I'm sure it's the ground not being leveled though.
Anonymous said on 7/Aug/06
"If that's the case then 6'9" at death is looking a little more believable now?."

I am uncertain as to why this dead horse is still being flogged. Andre's knees and back were a horror story by this point...nobody really has ruled out 6-9 at his time of death, it's just that it doesn't seem relevant.
Frank said on 7/Aug/06
Danimal, I seen her next to Jay Leno and she was the about the same height or alittle shorter and she was wearing high heels and Leno is 5ft 11
Glenn said on 6/Aug/06
Frank-I feel bad we never met.Im meeting with another guy on the site in Sept.all 3 of us will get maybe even 4 of us.yet another guy might visit.
TheMan said on 6/Aug/06
Andre looked much better slimmer if only he could of stayed that size he might of lived alot longer.
Alex said on 6/Aug/06
Hogan is saying Brooke is 6'0 with shoes or just rounding up. Some people describe 5'10-5'11 people as 6'0 people.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.