How tall is Andre The Giant - Page 23

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Average Guess (867 Votes)
6ft 11.94in (213.2cm)
i-Clarke-93 said on 7/May/09
Monsoon had a solid inch on 6'4 Jesse Ventura anytime I've seen them standing next to each other and towered over Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels who I think were both 6ft at their peak.
Danimal said on 7/May/09
RICK, Muhammed Ali was 6'3" and Monsoon fought him and was NOT the same height as him. SORRY, but he just wasn't. have you NOT seen how he towered Austin in the late 90's, as well as Vince McMahon who was 6'1"-6'2"??? He was taller than 6'4" Jesse Ventura in the 80's.
Rick said on 6/May/09
Mikew says on 6/May/09
Rick: What a surprise, your comment tends to be consistent with your repeated claim of having met Andre and having pegged him as 6'10"(in the mid to late 19080's of course, well after Andre's prime). Imagine that, huh? Of course, the "tell" to the fact that there was well over a 4 inch differnce in the clip I posted is your use of the term "honestly" right before your predictable reply.

Of course my answer is consistent and predictable because I personally met two of the men standing in the ring in that video. I'll take that as a compliment. Thank you.
Rick said on 6/May/09
Danimal says on 6/May/09
Excuse me, but how was Gorilla Monsoon only 6'3" when he had 4-5" on McMahon in the 1990's and was 2"-3" MAX shorter and MINIMUM 6'7" Sid in 1997???? Monsoon was a 6'5" man.

Gorilla Monsoon was about 6'3" because when we met him in the mid 70's he was exactly the same height as my teenaged brother, who was around 6'3" at the time and still growing. Had he been his full height of slightly over 6'4", which he is now, he would have actually stood slightly taller than Monsoon.
Mikew said on 6/May/09
Rick: What a surprise, your comment tends to be consistent with your repeated claim of having met Andre and having pegged him as 6'10"(in the mid to late 19080's of course, well after Andre's prime). Imagine that, huh? Of course, the "tell" to the fact that there was well over a 4 inch differnce in the clip I posted is your use of the term "honestly" right before your predictable reply.
LG69 said on 6/May/09
"Ola" you say you have a hard time believing he wasy 555 lbs at death, and that he was heavier at death than his wrestling years. There is a reason for this: CHF-congestive heart failure. His heart was not pumping efficiently, so his body retained a lot of fluids. That is why he gained more at the end.
Danimal said on 6/May/09
Rick says on 5/May/09
Mikew says on 5/May/09
For those of you who believed Andre only had 4.5-5 inches on 6'5.5"-6,6" Chuck Wepner, based upon the pre-fight staredown in which Andre lowered his head to go face to face, check out the link below and watch, in particular, from 27 seconds to about 42 seconds into the clip. Andre absolutely towers Wepner. More evidence of a 7 foot plus prime Andre.

I don't know if I would quite describe Andre as "towering" over Wepner. Honestly, it appears to me as if there's about a 4" difference in height. Monsoon is just about 6'3" and there appears to be -close- to the same difference in height between him and Wepner as there is between Wepner and Andre.

Excuse me, but how was Gorilla Monsoon only 6'3" when he had 4-5" on McMahon in the 1990's and was 2"-3" MAX shorter and MINIMUM 6'7" Sid in 1997???? Monsoon was a 6'5" man.
i-Clarke-93 said on 6/May/09
I don't think he lost height from his back surgery in 86' , but I do think he was past his prime at this point and may have lost height from his condition alone by this point. I'm pretty sure he had back surgery after WM 3 after being slammed by Hogan.
Halb said on 6/May/09
Andre had surgery on his ankle, would he has lost height from this. I think unlikely:D He had back surgery in 86 while filming the princess bride. This could have affected his height. I think Chris typed that he thought ANdre lost height at the very end, but he would have to come back on here to confirm it.
Halb said on 6/May/09
"Most on here believe 6'11 to 7'1 peak and we are some of the most educated people on the planet of Andre while the average person would just believe his billed 7'4 because that's all they ever heard. Then there is people like Halb who only believe 6'10 because Meltzer said it in a book."

This is assumption and disingenuous, try to stick to what YOU think, rather than pretending to know what others think. This is a fault of many on here, not just you though. I think Andre was around 6'11 due to the evidence sourced on these pages. I did come to this site thinking Andre was 7 feet (I already knew aboot the Meltzer measurement) but I dropped my estimate after coming to this site. By assuming aboot others it just makes you look either stupid or unwilling to accept other opinions. The same goes for broad statements like 'most' on here believe 'x'.
Rick said on 5/May/09
Mikew says on 5/May/09
For those of you who believed Andre only had 4.5-5 inches on 6'5.5"-6,6" Chuck Wepner, based upon the pre-fight staredown in which Andre lowered his head to go face to face, check out the link below and watch, in particular, from 27 seconds to about 42 seconds into the clip. Andre absolutely towers Wepner. More evidence of a 7 foot plus prime Andre.

I don't know if I would quite describe Andre as "towering" over Wepner. Honestly, it appears to me as if there's about a 4" difference in height. Monsoon is just about 6'3" and there appears to be -close- to the same difference in height between him and Wepner as there is between Wepner and Andre.
Boss said on 5/May/09
Halb says on 5/May/09
"So you are saying Andre was the same height in his early 20's than Andre in his later years."
It is possible, and this is also the thought of longtime fan Chris, who occasionally posts here.

Although it is possible it's not very likely. There is no doubt in my mind that Andre in his 20's was taller than Andre at the end of his life. All you have to do is look at him later than look at him late 60's to early 70's when his posture was much better and he looks taller. Most on here believe 6'11 to 7'1 peak and we are some of the most educated people on the planet of Andre while the average person would just believe his billed 7'4 because that's all they ever heard. Then there is people like Halb who only believe 6'10 because Meltzer said it in a book. He had surgery in 1981 to his ankle and in 1986 had radical back surgery to relieve pressure from his spine(he had to wear a back brace after this surgery in ring and his back was so bad he couldn't even wrestle again without the surgery and Vince had to fly to France and get him to meet with a specialist) and in 1992 had major surgery to both knees where he had chunks of bone removed from them.
Halb said on 5/May/09
Looking at that vid at the 30 second mark mikew, how much height difference do you think there is?
Halb said on 5/May/09
"So you are saying Andre was the same height in his early 20's than Andre in his later years."
It is possible, and this is also the thought of longtime fan Chris, who occasionally posts here.

"We know he was 6'10 at death the LA Times story on Andre clearly states. To believe your theories we have to assume he never lost any height at all over his entire life with all the surgeries to his back and both knees"
He had one documented surgery on his back. I belive that he may have lost height with the knew operation, but this I think is more than likely to be posture more than anything.

"He was believed by most to be between 6'11 to 7'1"
This is just speculation, we don't know what 'most' believe, as is clearly evidenced on this page.
Mikew said on 5/May/09
For those of you who believed Andre only had 4.5-5 inches on 6'5.5"-6,6" Chuck Wepner, based upon the pre-fight staredown in which Andre lowered his head to go face to face, check out the link below and watch, in particular, from 27 seconds to about 42 seconds into the clip. Andre absolutely towers Wepner. More evidence of a 7 foot plus prime Andre. This clip reinforces just how much height is in Andre's head (unlike the tall lanky types like Wilt) and, correspondingly, how much height he "loses" by simply lowering and/or tilting his head downward. Of course, we've seen the difference, perhaps most dramatically, in the black and white and color pics with Wilt.

Click Here
Rusty said on 5/May/09
At age 12, he was 6'3"!!!
Danimal said on 4/May/09
Rob, you're still not posting my comments???
general93 said on 4/May/09
he wasnt allowed in the army because if your over 7ft tall u cant fit in the practice trenches.anyone who thinks andre was under 7ft tall peak is blind he had 1ft on vince on the show with mcmahon and alfred hayes.peak 7'2" andre larger than life absolute legend!!!!!!!!
Boss said on 4/May/09
JT says on 3/May/09
Boss says on 2/May/09
Here is a JT comparison of an older Andre and Andre & Backlund. Andre looks to have lost a couple of inches to me.
Click Here

That was done to show how a poster's comparison photo (IIRC Red's) of a young and old Andre was IMO not correct. The old Andre's head comes out too small (this should not have shrunk at all), his torso is too short, and he weighs far less than the younger (and thinner) Andre.

Anyway you look at it it gives an idea of Andre's height loss. Let's try comparing the old Andre to Andre in the cake photos to see Andre's height loss.
Franz said on 4/May/09
Baba has 3 inches on a young tenta (6.5')
A late Andre has in 1990 3 inches on baba. Andre was 6'11 in 1990.He was 6.10 at death, ladd said Andre was taller than 6.9 by far. WHat do you want more to exlude 6.10 for his peak?!
Lawrence said on 4/May/09
there is no dout he must have lost height over the years,there is allso no dout he lost height over the day,some one of he's weight and bad posture,thats why some daytime pics he looks 7' and most evening ring pics he looks 6'11''down to 6'10''in he's 40s may be only 6'9'' at death,the same thing is now going on with Big Show he will be down to 6'10''befor's as common as muck with giants.
Boss said on 3/May/09
It is very obvious he lost some height. Now how much is for debate but to just say he lost no height is a joke. We know Andre's height at death. The phone call, from France, rang at the Ellerbe ranch. The voice insisted there was not a crematorium large enough to handle The Giant, who was 6 feet 10 and 555 pounds when he died.
Click Here
JT said on 3/May/09
Boss says on 2/May/09
Here is a JT comparison of an older Andre and Andre & Backlund. Andre looks to have lost a couple of inches to me.
Click Here

That was done to show how a poster's comparison photo (IIRC Red's) of a young and old Andre was IMO not correct. The old Andre's head comes out too small (this should not have shrunk at all), his torso is too short, and he weighs far less than the younger (and thinner) Andre.
Boss said on 3/May/09
Halb says on 3/May/09
It's not obvious. That's why there is debate. What is biased is to demand everyone accept it as fact to the degree you say to fit your own bias.

So you are saying Andre was the same height in his early 20's than Andre in his later years. We know he was 6'10 at death the LA Times story on Andre clearly states. To believe your theories we have to assume he never lost any height at all over his entire life with all the surgeries to his back and both knees where he had chunks of bone removed , massive weight gain , slouching and very poor posture and he walked with a stoop in later years. He was believed by most to be between 6'11 to 7'1 peak and 6'10 later but 6'10 peak height not a chance.
Halb said on 3/May/09
It's not obvious. That's why there is debate. What is biased is to demand everyone accept it as fact to the degree you say to fit your own bias.
Boss said on 2/May/09

(Los Angeles Times, Sunday, Mar. 7, 1993)

By Chris Dufresne

Andre was born in Grenoble, France, spoke fluent French
and wolfed down seven-course gourmet meals as though
they were appetizers. He washed it all down with vats of
expensive Burgundy but, in the end, his own country could
not accommodate him.

The phone call, from France, rang at the Ellerbe ranch. The
voice insisted there was not a crematorium large enough to
handle The Giant, who was 6 feet 10 and 555 pounds when
he died.

Could someone please come get The Giant?

Andre was measured at 6'10 when he died and he lost minimal 2 inches or so over his life. I mean all you have to do is look at him later and then look at him peak and it's obvious he lost some height over his life anyone who says otherwise is just being biased to prove their own estimates of Andre's height. Andre 7' peak 6'10 later.
dicksock said on 2/May/09
Didn't Tyler Mane's myspace page list him as 6'8.75"? I seem to remember reading that on this site.
Boss said on 2/May/09
Here is an Andre JYD comparison. Andre has clearly lost a few inches in height.
Click Here
Boss said on 2/May/09
Here is a JT comparison of an older Andre and Andre & Backlund. Andre looks to have lost a couple of inches to me.
Click Here
Lawrence said on 2/May/09
Baba allways looked thin and he's arms,well at the most 13''they look,but I have no dout he was not under 6'7''.
iClarke-93 said on 2/May/09
Yeah Baba was a giant in height only , he always looked very lanky especially when he teamed with Andre.
Cameron said on 2/May/09
I would say Andre was 7-0 peak and 6-10 at his death, considering he had 2 inches over 6-8 Tyler Mane in 1990.
Boss said on 1/May/09
Here look at Andre with Arnold and then Arnold with 6'9 - 6'10 Nathan Jones. Any way you look at it Andre in much taller in comparison.
Click Here
Boss said on 1/May/09
Here is what Andre & Haystacks would really look like and Andre is not at his peak here.
Click Here
dicksock said on 1/May/09
Jesus Christ! Baba looks like he just got released from a WWII concentration camp! He looks like he could use a couple big macs. But, anyway he certainly looked AT LEAST 6'8" next to 6'5.75" Tenta. That pic might be misleading though. But, I must admitt Baba always looked about 6'7.5"-6'8" to me.
Anonymous said on 1/May/09
Johnny says on 30/Apr/09
Well. To be fair: Andre
Halb said on 1/May/09
That pic is poor quality, there is a really good one of a staredown, and it is full body.
MK said on 1/May/09
People should watch the WHOLE match before commenting on Boss's pic, also watch the match from WM3 and you will see his point to be valid.
Smarty said on 30/Apr/09
That angle in that picture slightly favors Andre Boss so I'd say the picture still puts Andre at 6'10 there. .

Besides recently I've been watching very old WWF tapes and I don't think Hogan has ever been taller then 6'5 maybe 6'5
Johnny said on 30/Apr/09
Well. To be fair: Andre
Red said on 30/Apr/09
Click Here

Giant BaBa and Earthquake John Tenta in 1987

BaBa looks at least 2 inches taller than 6
LG69 said on 30/Apr/09
Anonymous, the heel of Andre's boot is 2" but that doesn't give a full 2" of lift. The full sole of the boot would need to be 2" in order to give 2". The heels of my shoes are 1",but I get about 3/4" of lift. I'm 5'9 1/4" in barefeet, and exactly 5'10" with shoes.
Boss said on 30/Apr/09
Cowboy boots according to Rob actually give a 1.8 inch increase in height. So less than 2 inches.
Boss said on 30/Apr/09
Andre & Hogan at Shea. Andre is clearly taller here than at Wrestlemania 3.
Click Here
Boss said on 30/Apr/09
Andre's cowboy boots gave 2 inches and Hogan's sandels gave more than 1/4 inch and that footage wasn't really good for a height estimate. Hogan has stated that he was 6'7 and Andre was 6 inches taller than him. Now if Hogan were really 6'6(like most beleive and as he is listed as 6'6 on this site) then Andre would still be 7'. Still waiting on some proof there anonymous and you haven't proven nothing to this point.
Anonymous said on 30/Apr/09
this is from 1978 i believe, andre with huge cowboy boots probably giving him 2.5 inches and hogan in 1/4 inch flip flops (so boss can't claim hogan was wearing lifts or hogans wrestling boots are giving him 2 inches), if andre was really 7ft barefoot and with those monsters he should have at least 8-9 inches on a basically barefoot hogan

Click Here
Halb said on 30/Apr/09
There is a pretty good stare down from Shea someone posted once. They are both on the same level with same boots. Andre has the same amount of difference as he did at the Silverdome. I do not think Andre lost much if anything up to 1990. I think I recall Chris saying the same on here.
wpw said on 30/Apr/09
My mother has had back trouble and surgery. She was 5'7"+ and is now 5'4"+. She has become slightly overweight because of medical issues at an advanched age, but was never heavy until her medical problems. I have NO trouble with the FACT that Andre lost at LEAST 2"-3" from his prime until the time of his death. Andre The Giant 7-7'1" Prime!!!
topdweeb said on 29/Apr/09
I doubt Hogan was 6' 6, he wasn't that much taller than the Ultimate Warrior and Warrior was billed at 6' 2. Andre in my opinion was close to 7' but not quite there.
Boss said on 29/Apr/09
Anonymous says on 29/Apr/09
thats an awful angle, we have plenty of footage of andre and hogan from 1979 and 1980 with good angles like this, its the exact same height difference as WM3, face it Boss andre didn't lose 3 or 4 inches by 1987 Click Here

That angles favours Hogan and we have seen it a hundred times. At least I show something new and Andre is actually standing straight with a clear view of their footware in the staredown and does look taller than Wrestlemania 3. Andre was 7'-7'0.5 peak and 6'10 at death as the evidence clearly shows and with all the new information we have about Andre from various reliable sources. Let's see you actually prove something instead of the same old crap you seem to come up with.
LG69 said on 29/Apr/09
Andre is clearly 6" taller than Hogan in that staredown from 1980. Hogan was not 6'8" as billed, more like 6'6". That would make Andre right at 7'.
Anonymous said on 29/Apr/09
thats an awful angle, we have plenty of footage of andre and hogan from 1979 and 1980 with good angles like this, its the exact same height difference as WM3, face it Boss andre didn't lose 3 or 4 inches by 1987 Click Here
mike said on 29/Apr/09
not only that ,but andre had 5 inches on that 6'5" announcer guy.
Boss said on 29/Apr/09
Here is a 1980 staredown between Andre and Hogan. Andre stands straight and just towers Hogan and then he starts leaning forward. Andre is clearly taller than Hogan in this staredown than at Wrestlemania 3. The camera is at ringside and goes right into the ring and actually is closer to Hogan. You get a good look at both of them in this staredown head to toe. To say there is no height loss from this staredown to Wrestlemania 3 staredown would be plain biased.
Click Here
Halb said on 29/Apr/09
The pic with Wilt was 1983. Andre was still in good shape then.
general93 said on 29/Apr/09
danimal it statements like that that just annoy people WRONG 6'11.5 not 6'11".wat ive wrote is a fair comment i think alot of people on this page wud agree with me.anyway jim duggan stated andre was the only through giant saying big show was more athletic and khali slightly taller but theres only one giant and thats andre.big show wcw 7'1" 7" now khali 7'1.5" andre 7'1" youth 6'10" at death.
MK said on 29/Apr/09
MrBig says on 28/Apr/09
Andre is close to the camara in the Wilt pic,look at the floor,and he is side on,I think you have to take at least 1''off he's height for that,and 2'' for the boots,as much as I loved Andre I dont belive he was any more than 210cm about 6'10.75''bear foot.IMO

That seems fair, but thats not a PEAK estimate as Andre was clearly past it by that point(mid 80's), if he was 6'10.75'' barefoot+ 2'' as you claim he would be pretty much dead even with Wilt, which he's not and would lead us to asume he'd lost roughly 1.5'' by that point, which makes more sense imo.
MrBig said on 29/Apr/09
It says in the article on Acromagely close to 7' not 7' .210cm would make him 7' in he's shose,which is wat he was,and Big Show would be about 7'1.5''in the type of boots he wears.
LG69 said on 28/Apr/09
Boss, good article you found on Acromegaly. Hopefully, "Ola" will read this and understand that Andre was 7'at his peak. So, it looks like "Big Show" at 6'11.5" was correct when he stated that Andre at his peak was a little taller than himself.
Boss said on 28/Apr/09
Here is an article on acromagely which states Andre to be around 7' peak and 6'9ish later in life after he lost a couple of inches in height due to surgery and it also states Big Show was 6'11.5 peak.
Click Here
MrBig said on 28/Apr/09
Andre is close to the camara in the Wilt pic,look at the floor,and he is side on,I think you have to take at least 1''off he's height for that,and 2'' for the boots,as much as I loved Andre I dont belive he was any more than 210cm about 6'10.75''bear foot.IMO
Danimal said on 28/Apr/09
general93 says on 28/Apr/09
melzter has given andre 6'9 3/4" then 6'11" when pictured with wilt because he knew he was wrong and still putting andre at lowest possible i dont no why.andre as a young 300lb man was most definetly a 7 footer y do people talk about fantasy, most people here are giving there honest estimation of a peak andre whereas others are just plain annoying dont need to metion say andre was 7'1" peak like paul white said and i do belive he was as low as 6'10 at death.people who belive a 24 year old andre and a 46 yr old andre are the same height are simply wrong.again studd and heenan were being interveiwed by vince mcmahon who i belive is 6'1" or 2 and studd certainly looked 6'7 or 8".

WRONG. Melzter stated 6'9 3/4" and 6'11.5", NOT just 6'11".
general93 said on 28/Apr/09
melzter has given andre 6'9 3/4" then 6'11" when pictured with wilt because he knew he was wrong and still putting andre at lowest possible i dont no why.andre as a young 300lb man was most definetly a 7 footer y do people talk about fantasy, most people here are giving there honest estimation of a peak andre whereas others are just plain annoying dont need to metion say andre was 7'1" peak like paul white said and i do belive he was as low as 6'10 at death.people who belive a 24 year old andre and a 46 yr old andre are the same height are simply wrong.again studd and heenan were being interveiwed by vince mcmahon who i belive is 6'1" or 2 and studd certainly looked 6'7 or 8".
Halb said on 28/Apr/09
JT. The pic of Bret Hart and Andre from the book, Hitman. Can you do a study of it and see what Andre comes out at?
Halb said on 28/Apr/09
"iClarke-93 says on 27/Apr/09
Ola , he had at least two major back surgeries in his lifetime"

Only one is confirmed.
LG69 said on 27/Apr/09
Ola, you're right, not everyone will lose height but Andre the Giant certainly did lose height due to his surgeries, disease, extreme weight,poor posture. So just because some hockey player didn't lose height has nothing to do with Andre. Some people lose height with age due to a number of things, and some people lose very little if any. I'm starting to think you're actually saying things just for the sake of annoying some. You probably do realize Andre did stand 7' but you just want to irritate.
Boss said on 27/Apr/09
Here is a interesting article about Andre in Ellerby North Carolina and it refers to him as 7' 500 pounds.
Click Here
Boss said on 27/Apr/09
Ola says on 26/Apr/09
This is ridiculous! stop making up these excuses why would andre have lost any height at all? not everyone will lose height. And the fact is, being measured when lying down will make you taller (dont fool me they measured him in standing position when he was dead, but heck.. some stupid ppl will believe that to)

the fact is, swedish former nhl player borje salming didnt even lost a TAD. he was 186 cm in the 70's and is today at 58 still every bit of 186! Andre was alot younger than 58 when he died... so, why would he have lost height?

Simple , Andre's condition. The multiple surgeries to back and knees(where he had chuncks of boned removed) , over 200 pound weight gain in adult life , poor posture , he walked with a stoop , because of his immense size Andre's body was collapsing under his own size and weight. A 46 year old Andre was a senoir citizen considering his life expectancy was 40 or so. He never stood as straight as other tall men and was always looking down in interview's and pics because he wasn't trying to look tall because he was tall.
iClarke-93 said on 27/Apr/09
Ola , he had at least two major back surgeries in his lifetime , had knee surgery in the ealry 90's where he had chunks of bone actually removed from his knee , he gained a lot of weight from the mid-80's onwards and his posture was seriously affected and you're saying he didn't lose any height.
Danimal said on 27/Apr/09
Anonymous says on 27/Apr/09
Rob, can we losr the ad hom by Rantsrob on the 25/Apr/09 please, it doesn't add anything.

What are you? the new moderator here? Just ignored it and btw, what does the word "aboot" mean? You mean "aboUt" right?
Anonymous said on 27/Apr/09
Rob, can we losr the ad hom by Rantsrob on the 25/Apr/09 please, it doesn't add anything.
Anonymous said on 27/Apr/09
"which what any logical person given all the information that we have to reference."

Not really. This is why so many belive he was around 6'10-6'11.

More heights from Hitman
Harry Smith 6'5
Crush 6'5
Anonymous said on 26/Apr/09
Ola says on 26/Apr/09
This is ridiculous! stop making up these excuses why would andre have lost any height at all? not everyone will lose height. And the fact is, being measured when lying down will make you taller (dont fool me they measured him in standing position when he was dead, but heck.. some stupid ppl will believe that to)

the fact is, swedish former nhl player borje salming didnt even lost a TAD. he was 186 cm in the 70's and is today at 58 still every bit of 186! Andre was alot younger than 58 when he died... so, why would he have lost height?

Blah, blah blah
Rantsrob said on 25/Apr/09
Anonymous says on 23/Apr/09
You haven#t proved anything, you have quoted a source. And that is also what Meltzer is, another source. You can't arbitrarily dismiss one claim because it doesn't fit your idea and say it is made up while touting another claim as 'proof'.
There is no more 'legit' measurement, they both exist. To deny one over the other is to fulfill your own fantasy aboot what andre was.

You just sounded like a Dick.
willy79 said on 24/Apr/09
kinggollum says on 22/Apr/09
Omg, I found video evidence showing Ola getting his kicks from annoying everyone on celeb heights!
Click Here

Hah Ha ha haaaaa!
JT said on 24/Apr/09
Click Here
Boss said on 24/Apr/09
Anonymous says on 23/Apr/09
You haven#t proved anything, you have quoted a source. And that is also what Meltzer is, another source. You can't arbitrarily dismiss one claim because it doesn't fit your idea and say it is made up while touting another claim as 'proof'.
There is no more 'legit' measurement, they both exist. To deny one over the other is to fulfill your own fantasy aboot what andre was.

Your the ones that haven't proven anything. I beleive Andre was 7' peak 6'10 at death which what any logical person given all the information that we have to reference. Andre's condition along with multiple surgeries and poor posture caused him to lose height over his life and he was measured at 6'10 and weighed 555 pounds at death.
I'm just saying the 7'0.5 has more merit considering all the facts that everyone here have provided. The 7'0.5 at least sounds possible considering everything we know about Andre where the 6'9 3/4 we don't even know if Andre was in France and the fact he never looked 6'9 3/4 in 1970-1971 at the age of 24 as he looked a minimal 6'11ish to 7' in this era and why would a french athletic commision even measure Andre a pro wrestler in the first place when Andre would never allow them to measure him if it would hurt his career. He still looked between 6'11.5 to 7' with Wilt Chamberlin with all factors taken into account in 1984. Melzter also estimated Andre at 6'11.5 at that's if Wilt was 7'0.5 but all facts point to 7'1 1/16 for Wilt as the books the Rilvary and Larger than Life have provided. Meltzer also said Andre was around the same height as 6'9 1/2 Ernie Ladd. When Ladd clearly states that he was 6'9(not 6'9 1/2) and that Andre ws taller than him by far. Bernard's story all adds up whereas Meltzer's doesn't at all.
KingNick said on 24/Apr/09
Anonymous says on 23/Apr/09
You haven#t proved anything, you have quoted a source. And that is also what Meltzer is, another source. You can't arbitrarily dismiss one claim because it doesn't fit your idea and say it is made up while touting another claim as 'proof'.
There is no more 'legit' measurement, they both exist. To deny one over the other is to fulfill your own fantasy aboot what andre was.

His source was from a newspaper obituary about Andre's death and the measurement allegedly came from the coroner. Why would they lie about his measurement?

Boss, I do agree that an athletic commission wouldn't bother measuring wrestlers, but I do believe they can sanction wrestling events, at least in the U.S. I saw a TV special once about Tony Atlas and an independent wrestling company he was in at the time. He wasn't allowed to do a certain show due to some legal reasons with the state's athletic commission.
MrBig said on 24/Apr/09
There is one thing most on here are missing,from the Wilt pic Andre is about a foot near to the camara, look at the floor you have to take off at least 1'' from Andre,maybe 1.5''I'm sorry but I think Andre was only 210cm bear foot peak 6'10.75''He may well have been just over 7' in them boots but that is it.
Anonymous said on 24/Apr/09
He also puts Nash at 6'9 and drops Hogan to 6'8 a few chapters later
Anonymous said on 24/Apr/09
More heights from Hart's book, Hitman

Kevin Nash near 7"
Jorge Gonzales 7'6 (perhaps the only one that is legit)
Anonymous said on 23/Apr/09
You haven#t proved anything, you have quoted a source. And that is also what Meltzer is, another source. You can't arbitrarily dismiss one claim because it doesn't fit your idea and say it is made up while touting another claim as 'proof'.
There is no more 'legit' measurement, they both exist. To deny one over the other is to fulfill your own fantasy aboot what andre was.
Boss said on 23/Apr/09
Why would a french athletic commision measure a wrestler in the first place that doesn't make any sense. What they have athletic commisions at your local forum or small town arenas at events that they didn't even consider a sport. To measure wrestlers that they didn't consider to be true athletes. Why would Andre allow himself in 1970-1971 to be measured at 6'9 3/4 when he was being billed at 7' or more wouldn't that hurt his career and there is no evidence Andre was even in France in 1970-1971 as he left France to make a wrestling career for himself. The only time he was MEASURED AT 6'10 WAS WHEN HE DIED as I have proved. To beleive 6'10 peak you have to beleive Andre never lost any height over his entire life which is just insane. Frenchy Bernard states Andre was measured in Japan by doctors at 22 years of age. Andre was in Japan at 22 years of age and would have been measured to diagnose his condition since his condition was to do with he wouldn't stop growing. Frenchy Bernard is more honest and had nothing to gain like Meltzer(aka selling a book) did by saying 7'0.5 as Andre was actually supposed to be 7'4 and Frenchy also states Andre was 6'9 to 6'10 at the end cause he couldn't stand any taller because of his condition so he isn't protecting any kind of kayfabe. We know Andre was measured at 6'10 at death and we know he lost some height over his life so Bernard's 7'0.5 has more truthfulness and more proof to back it up. Whereas Meltzer's claim seems made up or he heard Andre was measured at 6'10 at death and thought that was always Andre's height so he put it in his book. Andre is beleived by most to be 6'11 to 7'1 area as it would be almost impossible to judge his exact height just by looking at him because of all the factors that go into judging Andre's height just by looking at him( height loss , head size , poor posture and always looking down as he didn't stand like most big men straight as an arrow). I personally have always beleived between 6'11.5 and 7' for a peak Andre from my own research but I strongly beleive 7'0.5 is closer to his true peak height than 6'9 3/4. We have 6'11.5 at the top of the page and 7' Andre camp is ruling this board as we are 1/2 inch difference from Rob's estimation whereas the 6'9 3/4 camp are 1 3/4 inches off. So think about it the 7'0.5 measurement is the most legit we have to date.
omar g said on 23/Apr/09
i just ran in to the hulkster at lax airport a few days ago and let me tell you he did not seem one bit as tall as he was a few years ago.he looked like he could even be as short as 6'2 or maybe shorter.he might have been 6'5 at his peak or a tad taller but it sur looks like he lost quite some height.his knees looked bent and he had bad posture which that was what could have made him appear shorter.but i really think that he was wearing lifts with andre at wrestlemania 3 because he measured up to andre well in 1987.either he was wearing lifts or andre was 6'9 ish at the time.if hogan had lift around 1.5 inch lifts that would have made hogan at 6'6.5 which would of made andre around 6'10.5 or 6'11 at that time.
LG69 said on 23/Apr/09
That photo of Andre and Ali is misleading because I have seen other photos of the two, and Andre is much taller. I think the camera angle on this photo makes it appear like Ali is 6'6". He was around 6'2".
dicksock said on 23/Apr/09
Gretz says on 23/Apr/09
6'9 3/4 in BIG shoes for Andre`s peak height,has got to be the funniest thing I have ever read on here.He must be standing on two telephone books in the Wilt pic.Boss,in the past few days alone has provided enough evidence for a 7'0" peak Andre IMO.

I agree 100%.
Anonymous said on 23/Apr/09
Rob, can you delete this ad hom attacks on posters please?

More heights from Hitman
King Kong Kirk and Bundy both 6'4
Ultimate Warrior 6'2
Scot Hall 6'7
Gretz said on 23/Apr/09
6'9 3/4 in BIG shoes for Andre`s peak height,has got to be the funniest thing I have ever read on here.He must be standing on two telephone books in the Wilt pic.Boss,in the past few days alone has provided enough evidence for a 7'0" peak Andre IMO.
Ghost said on 23/Apr/09
Ola says on 22/Apr/09
Boss, and you're the only one who believe their billed heights. iam just telling you the way it is! compare the "6'6" blackjack next to andre and then 6'2 1/2 ali with andre... ali is NOT shorter! wondering what the excuse is going to be! Click Here Click Here Click Here

aaron i already asume that... 14 inches head, then he's about 7' taller than ali. there's no reason for ali to be wearing lifts i think andre was the one who was wearing lifts. his peak height: 6'9 3/4 in BIG shoes

This is why you can't really trust pictures for definitive proof unless they are perfect for estimating height. In pics everybody can appear same height with taller or shorter people, it can be very decieving. Angles and stances make a world of difference. In the pic of Andre and Mulligan Andre is clearly closer to the camera.
Rick said on 22/Apr/09
Ola says on 21/Apr/09
general93 please! big john studd was NOTHING over 6'5! he was ffs not even taller than the 6'4 1/2 bill fralic.

Actually, Studd was around 6'6".

iClarke-93 says on 22/Apr/09
Ola , Blackjack Mulligan was billed at 6'9.

Mulligan, I believe, was closer to 6'5".
kinggollum said on 22/Apr/09
Omg, I found video evidence showing Ola getting his kicks from annoying everyone on celeb heights!
Click Here
kinggollum said on 22/Apr/09
Ola, maybe we all should just ignore you, kinda like you annoy us. Seriously people if we just stop bothering replying to the troll maybe he will go back under his bridge and terrorize billy goats again.
Boss said on 22/Apr/09
aaron says on 22/Apr/09
hey, not to be gross or anything, this just simply struck me as very funny:

Did anyone else notice that Andre has a Hard-On in the Bobby Hull picture, folded to the right side....( no joke)

and i vote that based on all the new evidence, Andre's official PEAK height be adjusted to 7'0.5"

not only is it reasonable, but its fair and accurate

I second that vote.
Anonymous said on 22/Apr/09
Believing the height measurement you want to, and ignoring the one you want to is easy. But just arbitrarily ignoring the annoying height measurement won't make it go away.

"not only is it reasonable, but its fair and accurate"

It is not any of those. At the moment, Andre's height at 6'11.5 seems the most reasonable since it sits comfortably between the 6'10 and 7'0.5 camp.
Boss said on 22/Apr/09
Here is a very interesting comparison of Andre , Wilt & Arnold based on basic linear perspective not just a set of arbitrary lines. If Arnold is 6'1.5 then Andre and Wilt are 7'2ish in boots because Andre and Wilt are basically the same height in the pic. A 7'1 1/16 Wilt would be 7'2ish in boots and his wig which makes his head look bigger than it actually is and a 7' Andre would be 7'2ish in cowboy boots. So this is a pretty accurate comparison.
Click Here
aaron said on 22/Apr/09
the Ernie Ladd interview:

Click Here
LG69 said on 22/Apr/09
Ola, you say Wilt had Andre by 3-4". How? Yes, Andre had boots,but Wilt had that wig on. Take away Wilt's wig, and Andre's boots..I'd say Wilt was at most 1"taller. We know Wilt is 7'1", that would make Andre 7'0". You're way off on your estimate of Andre.Also, as you say Andre was billed at 6'10" in the late 60's, but he had this thing called Acromegaly(Gigantism). The body keeps receiving growth hormones from the pituitary gland well beyond puberty. Come on think about it logically. He may have been 6'10" in the late 60's but with his disease he kept growing. Eventually he peaked in height but the disease caused him to grow outward...more massive in other words.
aaron said on 22/Apr/09
hey, not to be gross or anything, this just simply struck me as very funny:

Did anyone else notice that Andre has a Hard-On in the Bobby Hull picture, folded to the right side....( no joke)

and i vote that based on all the new evidence, Andre's official PEAK height be adjusted to 7'0.5"

not only is it reasonable, but its fair and accurate
aaron said on 22/Apr/09
Muhammed Ali was a "larger than life" boasterand colorful TV was popular with other celebrities that developed alot of hype around themselves, i'm sure ALI wore lifts in his shoes, especially if he knew he was going to be meeting with a giant..

another thing you gusy have to remember: Andre had a 14" head
Boss said on 22/Apr/09
Here it states Blackjack Mulligan was 6'7.
Click Here
Boss said on 22/Apr/09
Here in the A&E biography states that Andre at the age of 22 was told by doctors in Japan that he had already lived half his life. So looks like the 7'0.5 measurement is the most legit. So Andre was in Japan at 22 years of age and would have been measured being diagnosed for his condition.
Click Here
Boss said on 22/Apr/09
Anonymous says on 22/Apr/09
I think it is Andres shoes that help him up to 7'0.5 Wilts height.

Don't you think Meltzer took Andre's boots and Wilt's boots and wig into consideration when he estimated Andre at 6'11.5. So Wilt was about an inch taller than non peak Andre. I don't beleive Wilt was ever measured at 7'0.5 as the source is very questionable and contains false information about Wilt being measured saying he wasn't measured since high school. Where the 7'1 1/16 is proven as the book Larger than Life clearly states he ws measured by a doctor where they had to construct special equipment to measure him because people actually thought he was around 7'3 and height machines only measure up to 7'.
Boss said on 22/Apr/09
Ola says on 21/Apr/09
general93 please! big john studd was NOTHING over 6'5! he was ffs not even taller than the 6'4 1/2 bill fralic.

iClarke-93 there's no evidence to support a claim that andre was measured to 6'10 after his dead. just forget it...

No evidence is there(LOL).


(Los Angeles Times, Sunday, Mar. 7, 1993)

By Chris Dufresne

Andre was born in Grenoble, France, spoke fluent French
and wolfed down seven-course gourmet meals as though
they were appetizers. He washed it all down with vats of
expensive Burgundy but, in the end, his own country could
not accommodate him.

The phone call, from France, rang at the Ellerbe ranch. The
voice insisted there was not a crematorium large enough to
handle The Giant, who was 6 feet 10 and 555 pounds when
he died.

Could someone please come get The Giant?
Boss said on 22/Apr/09
Ola says on 21/Apr/09
6'2 1/2 tops Ali did measured upp equal or even better next to andre than what blackjack and buddy baker did... 6'6 was their billed heights. so try 6'2-6'3

Buddy Baker is a race car driver. They don't bill their heights. Baker was a legit 6'6. BlackJack was billed at 6'9 at thought by many to be 6'7 peak but I went with the 6'6 figure to be safe. Ola , your post are the most biased and pathetic on this whole site. Not one person here takes anything you have to say serious.
iClarke-93 said on 22/Apr/09
Ola , Blackjack Mulligan was billed at 6'9. Click Here
Anonymous said on 22/Apr/09
I think it is Andres shoes that help him up to 7'0.5 Wilts height.
Boss said on 21/Apr/09
Andre when asked his height would always say 2.18m as I have proved. Andre's trainer claimed 7'1.5 and is actually in a picture measuring him as the picture clearly shows so how could that be a supposed measurement when we have proof that he did indeed measure him at what height now that's not for sure. He was measured at 6'10 at death and said to have lost height as the 1993 LA Times article on Andre proves. Frenchy Bernard stated Andre was measured at 7'0.5 in Japan by a doctor. This does make sense since Andre was first diagnosed in Japan for his condition and they would measure him if they were trying to find out why he wouldn't stop growing then they would want to know how much he has actually grown. Also Meltzer states in the same article that Ernie Ladd was 6'9 1/2 and that was well known height for him and that Andre and Ladd were roughly the same height. So Meltzer claims Andre was 1/4 inch taller than Ladd when Ladd states that Andre was taller than him by far. Andre had Ladd by roughly 3 inches. He also downgrade's Wilt from 7'1 1/16 to 7'0.5 because of the book the Rilvary which contains false information stating in the same paragraph that Wilt was not measured from high school to 1980. Where Larger than Life states Wilt was measured by a doctor at 7'1 1/16 and in a photo with teammates at 7'1 1/16 so I'll go with the legit measurement of 7'1 1/16 for Wilt. So by Meltzer's own estimation if Wilt was 7'1 1/16 than Andre was 7'0 1/16 and if Wilt was measured at 7'0.5 which probably never happened than Andre was 6'11.5 and Andre was taller at his peak.
Boss said on 21/Apr/09
Mikew says on 20/Apr/09
Big Show: for someone who claims to be a huge Andre fan, and who constantly cites his significant Andre collection in support thereof (and I have no doubt that you have such a collection), you sure do seem to go out of your way to end up on the "Andre is shorter" side of the debate. And then you get quite upset when someone points out your obviously anti-Andre agenda. Fascinating, really. I will say that, generally speaking, I find you to be one of the more intelligent posters on this board, with you often backing up your conclusions with sound logic. Indeed, it was you who first came up with, as far as I recall, at least the logical, well thought out, even though far from dispositive, case for a 6'10" Andre (i.e., old billing at that height). But really, your latest attempt to latch on to the Meltzer claim ("it's not impossible") is really starting to dent into your credibility. Your reflexive dismissal of the possible 7'.05" measurement is equally telling. We're not talking about what's possible; we're talking about what's likely, after objectively looking at all of the available evidence, aren't we? As an outside observer, one who has almost religiously read the Andre board for some time now, it seems clear to me that the man was somewhere between 6'11 and 7'1"(talking peak height of course). There's evidence to support either end of the that range, though I personally think Andre was just over 7, probably about 7'0.5," exactly as the non Kayfabe measurement provided by camp Andre. That having been said, I can't vigorously object to Rob's estimate as it is within my range and obviously quite possible, as opposed to "not impossible."

Very well said Mikew. Anything I post I provide something to back it up and 6'9 3/4 for a peak Andre is downright ridiculous.

Andre with 6'6 Buddy Baker Click Here
Andre with 6'1 Yves Robert and some other French Wrestlers Click Here
Andre not at his peak with legit 6'6 BlackJack Mulligan Click Here
Andre actually being measured by his trainer so this wasn't a supposed measurement as people here will say because there is a picture to prove the measurement. These height machines can measure up to 84 inches or 7' and as you can see Andre's trainer actually has the height rod disconnected from the machine by a couple of inches all together although some machines only measure up to 6'10 but puts Andre at 7' either way. Click Here
Here Andre a UK newspaper states 7' and 350 pounds for a 19 year old Andre. Click Here
Andre & Haystacks comparison done by JT Click Here
Andre with 5'10 to 5'11 Bobby Hull(Andre has footware advantage but Bobby Hull is standing on higher ground) Click Here
Andre not at his peak with 7'1 1/16 Wilt Click Here Click Here
Andre in his prime with normal posture and standing straight. How could any non cynical , logical person say that Andre was the same height in this era as he was in his last WWF run. Click Here
kinggollum said on 21/Apr/09
Ola says on 21/Apr/09
kinggollum was it to much evidence for you to handle? iknow the truth hurts... Andre's peak beight: 6'9 3/4 (possible with shoes)

Boss, 50% in that list is pure bull crap

Where is this proof troll? Only thing you do is regurgitate crap you've spewed over the last year, with nothing to back your claims. If it was up to you Gonzales would only be 7'0 feet, for real kid get a life.
iClarke-93 said on 21/Apr/09
Ola , if Andre was measured at 6'10" at the time of his death how could he possibly be 6'9 3/4 at his peak?
Danimal said on 21/Apr/09
Ola says on 21/Apr/09
kinggollum was it to much evidence for you to handle? iknow the truth hurts... Andre's peak beight: 6'9 3/4 (possible with shoes)

Boss, 50% in that list is pure bull crap

So are 100% of your posts.
LG69 said on 21/Apr/09
Ola, no offense but do you have trouble seeing? In the photo of Wilt,Arnold and Andre, Wilt is slightly taller than Andre. The thing is Wilt is wearing that wig, so I'm not so sure he is taller. Either way, do you really think he looks 6'9 3/4" in that photo? NO WAY, JOSE. He is at the least 6'11 1/2". That photo was taken in 1982, I believe, beyond Andre's peak height years. Also,the "Larger than Life" documentary of Andre, gives him credit for standing 7'0. I know he wasn't 7'4" but he was more than 6'9 3/4", it doesn't take a genious to figure that out.
Anonymous said on 21/Apr/09
"Here is a complete list of Andre's matches and the last time he wrestled in France was 1969 at 22 years of age and went to Japan at 23 years of age. This proves Meltzer's claim wrong. At"

I doesn't prove anything since Meltzer says Andre was measured by an athletic commission. And that's even if the list was exhaustive, which it is not.
Red said on 21/Apr/09
Ola says on 21/Apr/09
Red are you high?

No, I
Freddy said on 21/Apr/09
Ola says on 17/Apr/09
andre was 6'9 peak,6'8 6'7.5 at time of death.

That would make Buddy Baker 6 foot. Who was measured at 6'6.
general93 said on 21/Apr/09
ola andre was more than 3" taller than 6'6" wepner more like 7" and he was not 4" shorter than wilt he was the same hight as 7'1" wilt with wilt having the hair advantage.he also had about 5" on 6'8" john studd. andre 7'1.75" peak 6'11" late.
Mikew said on 20/Apr/09
Big Show: for someone who claims to be a huge Andre fan, and who constantly cites his significant Andre collection in support thereof (and I have no doubt that you have such a collection), you sure do seem to go out of your way to end up on the "Andre is shorter" side of the debate. And then you get quite upset when someone points out your obviously anti-Andre agenda. Fascinating, really. I will say that, generally speaking, I find you to be one of the more intelligent posters on this board, with you often backing up your conclusions with sound logic. Indeed, it was you who first came up with, as far as I recall, at least the logical, well thought out, even though far from dispositive, case for a 6'10" Andre (i.e., old billing at that height). But really, your latest attempt to latch on to the Meltzer claim ("it's not impossible") is really starting to dent into your credibility. Your reflexive dismissal of the possible 7'.05" measurement is equally telling. We're not talking about what's possible; we're talking about what's likely, after objectively looking at all of the available evidence, aren't we? As an outside observer, one who has almost religiously read the Andre board for some time now, it seems clear to me that the man was somewhere between 6'11 and 7'1"(talking peak height of course). There's evidence to support either end of the that range, though I personally think Andre was just over 7, probably about 7'0.5," exactly as the non Kayfabe measurement provided by camp Andre. That having been said, I can't vigorously object to Rob's estimate as it is within my range and obviously quite possible, as opposed to "not impossible."
Danimal said on 20/Apr/09
I have NO trouble believing Andre was 7'1.5"-7'2" with shoes...
Boss said on 20/Apr/09
Well it's the most complete list we have for Andre. Meltzer estimated Andre at 6'11.5 and that's if the measurement from the Rilvary even took place as the book Larger than Life states he was measured 2 times at 7'1 1/16 and the Rilvary states that Wilt never let anyone measure him since high school so the Rilvary has false information in the same paragraph that states he was measured at 7'0.5. So if Wilt was still 7'1 1/16 than Andre would be 7' by Meltzer's own estimation. Andre never looked anything under 6'11 peak ever but I beleive standing straight in his peak he was 7'0. Frenchy Bernard has no reason to lie as he is not protecting kayfabe anyway and he seems to me like a much more honest guy with nothing to gain by saying Andre was measured at 7'0.5 since he could have said 7'4 where as Meltzer doesn't like Andre and was trying to sell a book with the supposed measurement to create contraversy to sell more books it's called marketing strategy as well as the death of Owen Hart after all he does make his money off a wrestling dirtsheet and was proven wrong on many things about wrestling. Even if the Japan measurement took place in wrestling boots he would still be 7' peak.
Big Show said on 20/Apr/09
Boss says on 20/Apr/09
Here is a complete list of Andre's matches and the last time he wrestled in France was 1969 at 22 years of age and went to Japan at 23 years of age. This proves Meltzer's claim wrong. At least with Bernard's claim he was within a couple of months of 22 years of age. He was probably given a rough estimate by saying 22 years old as it would be hard to remember back 30+ years and be exact but he was with 7-8 months as Andre turned 23 on May 19 1969 and first wrestled in Japan at 23 years of age in January 1970 around 8 months later. Meltzer was supposed to have a measurement at age 24 as he states that just wasn't possible. Ernie Ladd also made a liar out of Meltzer as he states Ladd and Andre were roughly the same height in the very same article as the 6'9 3/4 measurement came from and Ladd states Andre waa taller than him by far.
Click Here

Even though that match list (mostly created by Chris and a former poster on Kayfabe Memories called Shogun) is great, especially Andre's matches in France are mostly incomplete. That's mostly because the French don't have any online resource for their old school wrestling results.
What did Andre do between February 12, 1970 and March 30, 1971? There are no wrestling results inbetween, does that mean Andre never wrestled a match for over 1 year? I highly doubt it. I knew he was considering a boxing career at the time, but it's certainly possible that Andre could've wrestled a match in France in that time period, so Meltzer's claim isn't at all impossible.
Boss said on 20/Apr/09
Danimal says on 19/Apr/09
iClarke-93 says on 19/Apr/09
That's interesting Andre claimed 7'1.5 , I've always wanted to know what his claim was outside of wrestling.

Andre never made the claim himself. It was his manager who apparently made it for him.

Wrong , here from Andre's nephew Boris Rouisimoff and he would know better than anyone here.


Ok. to answer to the real peak height of Andre : It's impossible to give a real answer because I don't know his real height peak. The only thing I know that Andre tell us all the time that his height is 2,18 meters. That's it ! It's not important for Andre's article... --User:Roussimoff Boris Andre's Nephew. February 6th 2007, at 1:45 PM eastern time.
Boss said on 20/Apr/09
Here is a complete list of Andre's matches and the last time he wrestled in France was 1969 at 22 years of age and went to Japan at 23 years of age. This proves Meltzer's claim wrong. At least with Bernard's claim he was within a couple of months of 22 years of age. He was probably given a rough estimate by saying 22 years old as it would be hard to remember back 30+ years and be exact but he was with 7-8 months as Andre turned 23 on May 19 1969 and first wrestled in Japan at 23 years of age in January 1970 around 8 months later. Meltzer was supposed to have a measurement at age 24 as he states that just wasn't possible. Ernie Ladd also made a liar out of Meltzer as he states Ladd and Andre were roughly the same height in the very same article as the 6'9 3/4 measurement came from and Ladd states Andre waa taller than him by far.
Click Here
Red said on 20/Apr/09
LG69 says on 19/Apr/09
Hey Ola, Andre has 1 foot of height over 6'0 Backlund. Bob is usually listed at 6'1", but that's probably in shoes.He is no less than 5'11". In that photo Bob is 1.5 blocks less than Andre which equates to approximately 12". Andre is 7'0, no doubt.

Big Show said on 20/Apr/09
Boss says on 19/Apr/09
Andre was never measured at 6'9 3/4. He was measured at 6'10 at death as I have proven. Andre was taller in these pics than at the end of his life. Andre was minimum 6'11.5 peak and max 7'0.5 peak. I'll beleive the 7'0.5 measurement at age 22 in Japan over the 6'9 3/4 measurement at age 28 anyday as the evidence clearly shows Andre was never 6'9 3/4 because he was very clearly a minimum 6'11 to 7' at age 28 as many pics and video proves. Also Andre never wrestled in France in the year of the supposed measurement as I have seen his complete matchlist posted here for 1974 when Andre was age 28 and was under contract to a McMahon who would never allow such a measurement to take place to their top international star who they were billing at 7'4. Now as for 7'0.5 measurement at 22 years of age in Japan at least Andre was in Japan at the time of this claim and he is closer to 7'0.5 peak than 6'9 3/4 peak for sure.

Andre was measured at age 24 according to Meltzer, not age 28: Click Here
Wether or not Andre was actually measured at that height I'm not sure. Meltzer was no Andre fan, that's for sure, but would he fake that measurement just to discredit Andre. I remember people were flaming Meltzer for deliberately lowering Wilt's height just to not give Andre a 7-foot listing. Well it turned out that Meltzer was correct about Wilt being measured at 7'0.5", so it could very well be possible that the 6'9.75" is not just a figment of Meltzer's imagination. Andre's 6'10 billing in the UK a year before the supposed measurement seems to confirm that.
If Andre was measured later in the day (which I think he would've been) Andre could be around 6'11 in the morning.

I'm surprised though that you disregard the 6'9.75" because Andre wasn't in France at the time, yet you have no problem believing a 7'0.5" measurement at age 22 in Japan, even though Andre didn't go to Japan until he was 23.
JT said on 19/Apr/09
Danimal says on 17/Apr/09
kinggollum said on 19/Apr/09
Rick says on 16/Apr/09
kinggollum says on 16/Apr/09
You sure you met Andre? When I was a kid he made my 6'4 brother and his 6'5 friend Todd look not only tiny but short. Todd was even in cowboy boots. But to tell you the truth, I was more amazed with the size of the dudes hands.

I agree with you about the size of his hands. I've posted here before regarding how it felt shaking them. Quite an unique experience, for lack of a better term; however, I believe that is part of what throws people off...the sheer size of Andre. He was so big all over that he looked to be taller than he actually was. My brother is 6'4" too and was with me both times we met him and while he agrees that he was just massive, he'll also tell you without hesitation that Andre was no more than half a foot taller than him. What's funny is that after meeting Andre, I, my brother, and our friend all independently came to the conclusion that he was only about 6'10".

I really think you met Andre but I disagree on his height, I see at least 7'1 peak and 6'11 WWF days. However I would feel that Andre's size would make him appear shorter say compared to Wilt or Shaq. However I respect your opinion, because wo measuring him myself, all I really have is my opinion.
kinggollum said on 19/Apr/09
Ola says on 18/Apr/09
Andre could not have been taller than his billed 6'10 thats impossible. Im start to believe that his 6'9 3/4 measurment must have been with SHOES ON. since even a 5'10 guy will reach to andre's mouth. and 6'2 or 6'2 1/2 tops ALI did reach him easily over his noose, thats almost a half head length: Click Here Asume andre has a huge 13-14 inches head, he would be 7 inches taller than ali. - and that would still make him under 6'10. Also in this pic when andre is WAY closer to the camera ali reach him up to the noose Click Here
.. even 6'1 piper did almost reach up to andre's noose.

Your still alive?
LG69 said on 19/Apr/09
Hey Ola, Andre has 1 foot of height over 6'0 Backlund. Bob is usually listed at 6'1", but that's probably in shoes.He is no less than 5'11". In that photo Bob is 1.5 blocks less than Andre which equates to approximately 12". Andre is 7'0, no doubt.
Mamun said on 19/Apr/09
Thank you my friend Big Show for finding this clip for me . I will say let
the good posters here see for them selves about Andre's strength .

Kind regards

Boss said on 19/Apr/09
Andre was never measured at 6'9 3/4. He was measured at 6'10 at death as I have proven. Andre was taller in these pics than at the end of his life. Andre was minimum 6'11.5 peak and max 7'0.5 peak. I'll beleive the 7'0.5 measurement at age 22 in Japan over the 6'9 3/4 measurement at age 28 anyday as the evidence clearly shows Andre was never 6'9 3/4 because he was very clearly a minimum 6'11 to 7' at age 28 as many pics and video proves. Also Andre never wrestled in France in the year of the supposed measurement as I have seen his complete matchlist posted here for 1974 when Andre was age 28 and was under contract to a McMahon who would never allow such a measurement to take place to their top international star who they were billing at 7'4. Now as for 7'0.5 measurement at 22 years of age in Japan at least Andre was in Japan at the time of this claim and he is closer to 7'0.5 peak than 6'9 3/4 peak for sure.
Click Here
Danimal said on 19/Apr/09
iClarke-93 says on 19/Apr/09
That's interesting Andre claimed 7'1.5 , I've always wanted to know what his claim was outside of wrestling.

Andre never made the claim himself. It was his manager who apparently made it for him.
iClarke-93 said on 19/Apr/09
That's interesting Andre claimed 7'1.5 , I've always wanted to know what his claim was outside of wrestling.
Big Show said on 18/Apr/09
For Mamun:
Click Here
Click Here

Here's that battle royal with Andre, Terry Gordy, Wild Bill Irwin and King Kong Bundy that you were referring to a couple of weeks ago.
I can't say I can see that huge display of Andre's strength that you were talking about though.
Boss said on 18/Apr/09
Here is a list of some wrestlers bench press lifting weights. Some of them are really interesting.

'Superstar' Billy Graham - 585
BRAWK! Lesnar - 475
Eddie Guerrero - 275
Taz - 450
'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith - 550
Doug Furnas - 600
Scott 'Flash' Norton - 650
'H2O' Ron Waterman - 500+
Bruno Sammartino - 565
The Ultimate Warrior - 500
Road Warrior Animal - 550
'Superfly' Jimmy Snuka - 525 (in his bodybuilding days, before he became a wrestler)
Sting - 365
Chyna - 310 (she once claimed she could bench 375, but looking at other female lifters, I find that HIGHLY unlikely)
Kurt Angle - 420
'relliK' Johnny Stamboli - 495
Bill Kazmaier - 660
Tony 'Ludwig Borga' Halme - 600
'Total Package' Lex Luger - 530
Bulldog Brower - 500
Bryan 'Crush' Adams - 585
'The Big Show' Paul Wight - 500 (when challenged in the weights room - he did it without too much apparent effort and didn't bother going any higher)
Dino Bravo - 570
Chris Benoit - 450
Shane Douglas - 420
The Barbarian - 550 for 3 reps (no pause)
Iron Sheik - 345
Tank Abbott - 600
Bret 'The Hitman' Hart - 415
'Big Bully' Nick Busick - 605
Nikolai Volkoff - 600+
Ole Anderson - 405
Dynamite Kid - 450
Ted Arcidi - 700
Reggie Lisowski - 500
'Polish Power' Ivan Putski - 600
'Ravishing' Rick Rude - 405 for 3 reps (no pause)
Skandor Akbar - 500
The Rock - 425
Batista - 525
Ahmed Johnson - 520
Chris Candido - 400+
The Warlord - 575 for 6 reps (no pause)
Road Warrior Hawk - 515
'Lethal Weapon' Steve Blackman - 550 (in his weightlifting days, before wrestling)
Bill Goldberg - 495 for 5 reps (but has claimed in interviews that he only does 400)
Triple H - over 400 (no figure stated beyond that)
Scott Steiner - 525 (he claimed he could do over 600 in the dying days of WCW BUT Steiner was heavily into kayfabe back then and had stated in previous interviews that he avoided the benchpress where possible, owing to injuries)
Austin Idol - 505
Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart - 550 (with ease and just fooling around)
Mark Henry - 620
Magnum TA - 350 (for 10-12 reps)
Hulk Hogan - 550
Kevin Sullivan - 350
'Nature Boy' Ric Flair - 500 (in his days as a 280lb powerlifter before his plane crash)
Mike Graham - 440
Tony Atlas - 600
'Cowboy' Bill Watts - 500
Steve Keirn - 425
The Crusher - 500
Bill 'Ax' Eadie - 450 (estimated)
Jos LeDuc - 600
Kane - 405 (for sets - no max recorded but would be close to 600 since he is doing sets with 405)
Vegas said on 18/Apr/09
Danimal says on 17/Apr/09
Either way, compare Big Show in the WCW next to Mean Gene and then compare him 12-13 years later next to Mayweather who was approximately the same height as Mean Gene. Actually JT, can you do the comparison to see how much height loss Big Show incurred from the mid 90's to the late 2000's?

i did that comparison over a year ago, gene and show in 1995 compared to mayweather and show in 2008 Click Here

full length shot of mayweather and show, mayweather in sneakers, show in dress-shoes Click Here
Anonymous said on 18/Apr/09
And Andre always wore cowboots:D
But again we have accepting the higher measurement, the '7'0.5' one just to ignore the lower measurement of 6'9
topdweeb said on 18/Apr/09
Danimal: I don't buy into Big Show wearing lifts when he was in WCW at all. I haven't analyzed it or anything, but I have looked at his footwear, and most of the time he wears boots with soles that are actually thinner than the ones he wears now. I think Big Show was quite simply legitimately taller in WCW than he is now.
Danimal said on 17/Apr/09
topdweeb says on 16/Apr/09
JT: Big Show looks that tall to Oakerlund without cowboy boots. And this is when Andre is in his prime. I have always felt that Big Show is an inch or two taller than Andre. Click Here

You're not taking into account that Mean Gene is 20 years old in that pic with Big Show, so I'm sure some height loss has occured and apparently Big Show had some footwear advantage in the WCW anyways..

Either way, compare Big Show in the WCW next to Mean Gene and then compare him 12-13 years later next to Mayweather who was approximately the same height as Mean Gene. Actually JT, can you do the comparison to see how much height loss Big Show incurred from the mid 90's to the late 2000's?
Rick said on 17/Apr/09
Boss says on 17/Apr/09
So that's probably where the 7'1.5 height for Andre is coming from because of Andre stating he was 2.18m when asked his height. So Andre himself states 7'1.5 for his height. So if you knock off 1 inch as people are known to exaggerate their own heights by an inch he would be the exact height Frenchy Bernard stated he was measured at 22 years old in Japan at 7'0.5 which I beleive to be a little more than coincidence. Frenchy Bernard knew Andre better than anyone and seems like a truthful man. Bernard also states that Andre did lose height over the years and couldn't stand fully straight. The guy is breaking Kayfabe big time just by saying 7'0.5 let alone dropping him down to 6'9ish to 6'10ish at the end so why would he lie. He wouldn't.

But Andre would? I guess Frenchy was known to be the straight shooter of the two. And I wasn't aware that most people tend to exaggerate their own height by and inch. Has that been proven somewhere?

All kidding aside, both Andre and Frenchy don't fool me. 6'10" is my estimate, and I don't have a tendency to exaggerate.
topdweeb said on 17/Apr/09
Boss says on 17/Apr/09
"When asked his height he would say 2.18m and that is coming from Andre's nephew in France."

That's nearly 7' 2. No way.
Lawrence said on 17/Apr/09
realy this is getting silly now,we are talking about height here not size if we were Haystacks makes them both look thin,bigger chest, back, legs, arms and at lest 100lbs more in weight,I belive Big show and Andre were about the same height,give or take 1/2'' Big Show looks taller from the 2''boots he allways wears,
Boss said on 17/Apr/09
So that's probably where the 7'1.5 height for Andre is coming from because of Andre stating he was 2.18m when asked his height. So Andre himself states 7'1.5 for his height. So if you knock off 1 inch as people are known to exaggerate their own heights by an inch he would be the exact height Frenchy Bernard stated he was measured at 22 years old in Japan at 7'0.5 which I beleive to be a little more than coincidence. Frenchy Bernard knew Andre better than anyone and seems like a truthful man. Bernard also states that Andre did lose height over the years and couldn't stand fully straight. The guy is breaking Kayfabe big time just by saying 7'0.5 let alone dropping him down to 6'9ish to 6'10ish at the end so why would he lie. He wouldn't.
Boss said on 17/Apr/09
Andre was 7' peak and 6'10 at the very end. When asked his height he would say 2.18m and that is coming from Andre's nephew in France.
Anonymous said on 17/Apr/09
So one measurement gets the OK but the other doesn't?
LG69 said on 17/Apr/09
Ok, look at the photo of Andre and Bob Backlund. I had my niece's husband, who works in building construction, look at that photo last night. He said those are standard 8" high blocks. You can clearly count 10 full blocks plus the partial bottom block with the black border. He said that black border,which is covering part of the bottom block, looks like a 1.5-2" high border. He estimated that bottom brick has a total height of 4.5"-5". So when you add it all up, the top of Andre's head(not his hair)is 84.5 to 85". Subtracting his relatively flat heel(1"maximum)wrestling shoes, which I've seen in other upclose photos of Andre,and you end up with roughly 7'. Asking my niece's husband, without my input, what he thought Andre's height appeared to be in the photo he said" Solid Seven feet". Well, take it for what's worth.
topdweeb said on 17/Apr/09
dicksock says on 16/Apr/09
"I'm so sick of hearing about who was a better wrestler Andre of Show. Show may have been slightly more athletic in his prime. BUT, he wasn't as massive as Andre."

Andre was more massive in the sense that he was fatter than Big Show, but Big Show has a much better body shape because he actually has a lot of muscle, unlike Andre.
Boss said on 17/Apr/09
The 7'0.5 measurement came from a book The Rilvary which lies about Wilt being measured saying he wasn't measured since high school so we don't even know if the 7'0.5 measurement ever even took place. The book Larger than Life states that Wilt was measured by a doctor who had to have special instruments made to measure him at 7'1 1/16 and also is being measured in a photo with 2 teammates at 7'1 1/16 which is much more realistic considering both sources.
KingNick said on 17/Apr/09
Anonymous says on 17/Apr/09
ANdre wasn't still quite as tall as 7'0
Me said on 17/Apr/09
JT you failed to mention or display Big Show's Giant Boots he was wearing in that last comparison photo with Andre/Gene. Why do you do that?? Compare apples to apples. With Big Shows giant boots and Andre's they are the same height in your comparison and Big Show has a Khali like posture in the pic.
Anonymous said on 17/Apr/09
Andre was so past his prime in the Wilt picture. Compare the 1969 photo of him walking on a strett corner in a suit and tie with the Wilt picture and they do not even look like the same person. Andre did some serious aging from 1969 to 1984. Wilt on the other hand looked like he could still lace um up. At that time, beleive it or not, Wilt was under consideration of making the U.S volleyball team! I think Andre was 7'0 when he was young but lost it by the late 70's.
Anonymous said on 17/Apr/09
ANdre wasn't still quite as tall as 7'0
JT said on 17/Apr/09
topdweeb says on 16/Apr/09
JT: Big Show looks that tall to Oakerlund without cowboy boots. And this is when Andre is in his prime. I have always felt that Big Show is an inch or two taller than Andre. Click Here

Click Here
Click Here [not sure about Andre's footwear]
Click Here
Rick said on 16/Apr/09
kinggollum says on 16/Apr/09
You sure you met Andre? When I was a kid he made my 6'4 brother and his 6'5 friend Todd look not only tiny but short. Todd was even in cowboy boots. But to tell you the truth, I was more amazed with the size of the dudes hands.

I agree with you about the size of his hands. I've posted here before regarding how it felt shaking them. Quite an unique experience, for lack of a better term; however, I believe that is part of what throws people off...the sheer size of Andre. He was so big all over that he looked to be taller than he actually was. My brother is 6'4" too and was with me both times we met him and while he agrees that he was just massive, he'll also tell you without hesitation that Andre was no more than half a foot taller than him. What's funny is that after meeting Andre, I, my brother, and our friend all independently came to the conclusion that he was only about 6'10".
omar g said on 16/Apr/09
raw says on 16/apr/09
The Wilt photo where alot of people say that Andre was 7' he is wearing cowboy boots that give him a 2" lift. I dont understand why people cant see that.I like andre myself but if you look at his height realalisticly you can see he was not 7'. Andre got his attention was due to the fact that no body was close to his size when he wrestled.If you look at the wrestlers since him there has been a decent amount of guys his size and bigger. Most of the stories that you hear are tall tales. I have not ever seen either his quoted freakish strengh the ring,I know he was a strong man but he was not any stronger than the guys you see in the ring today. Like I said I am not an Andre hater I always loved watching him and was shocked in later years that he was not as tall as he was billed. I will say that some of his other features like head and hands are much bigger than any wrestlers today or ever.

i totally agree with you. i am a huge andre fan and later was dissapointed that he was much shorter than his built height.but you are right that the cowboy boots made andre size up to wilt better than if he were wearing wrestling boots. andre 6'11 peak 6'10 maybe a tad under when hunched foward at time of death.but no one can match his girth,hans,feet,and head.his features blows away big show,kali,giant silva.andre pretty much looked like a monster.being the tallest does not necessarily make you a giant,but overall features do.thats why andre was so unique and special to the wrestling business.even today andre would definetly stand out compared to all these current wrestlers.especislly todays the last 20 years youve never seen anybody even close to andre as far as total girth and features.the closest is big show,and he lookes much more of a normal person than andre ever looked.
kinggollum said on 16/Apr/09
Raw says on 16/Apr/09
The Wilt photo where alot of people say that Andre was 7' he is wearing cowboy boots that give him a 2" lift. I dont understand why people cant see that.I like andre myself but if you look at his height realalisticly you can see he was not 7'. Andre got his attention was due to the fact that no body was close to his size when he wrestled.If you look at the wrestlers since him there has been a decent amount of guys his size and bigger. Most of the stories that you hear are tall tales. I have not ever seen either his quoted freakish strengh the ring,I know he was a strong man but he was not any stronger than the guys you see in the ring today. Like I said I am not an Andre hater I always loved watching him and was shocked in later years that he was not as tall as he was billed. I will say that some of his other features like head and hands are much bigger than any wrestlers today or ever.

I know this is getting old but Andre and Wilt were the same height in that photo, plus Wilt wasn't barefooted you know.
Danimal said on 16/Apr/09
5'11" Bobby Heenan and Mean Gene. Click Here
Red said on 16/Apr/09
Raw, did you see the Backlund pic? Andre is easy 7 foot with footwear-disadvantage!!
Anonymous said on 16/Apr/09
dicksock says on 15/Apr/09
There is a new video up on youtube called "Andre the Giant latter tv appearance". It's from 1991 and he looks 10" taller than 6'2 prime Vince. They stand RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER and I don't want to hear about any nonsense footware adv. because andre just has on dress shoes and Vince is in huge sneakers. This should be regarded as total proof of a 6'11.5 min for Andre. He drawfs Vince even though his body was so broken down. If Vince was 6'3" in his sneakers Andre was legit 7'1" in his shoes because there is 10" between them.

looks the same height next to vince in that 1991 video compared to the video from 1980 with vince
Boss said on 16/Apr/09
Also Wilt has much better posture than Andre so if Andre was standing as straight as Wilt then he would appear even taller.
Boss said on 16/Apr/09
Raw says on 16/Apr/09
The Wilt photo where alot of people say that Andre was 7' he is wearing cowboy boots that give him a 2" lift. I dont understand why people cant see that.I like andre myself but if you look at his height realalisticly you can see he was not 7'. Andre got his attention was due to the fact that no body was close to his size when he wrestled.If you look at the wrestlers since him there has been a decent amount of guys his size and bigger. Most of the stories that you hear are tall tales. I have not ever seen either his quoted freakish strengh the ring,I know he was a strong man but he was not any stronger than the guys you see in the ring today. Like I said I am not an Andre hater I always loved watching him and was shocked in later years that he was not as tall as he was billed. I will say that some of his other features like head and hands are much bigger than any wrestlers today or ever.

Wilt is also wearing boots and a huge wig so more like 1 inch max. I don't understand why you can't see that.
Raw said on 16/Apr/09
The Wilt photo where alot of people say that Andre was 7' he is wearing cowboy boots that give him a 2" lift. I dont understand why people cant see that.I like andre myself but if you look at his height realalisticly you can see he was not 7'. Andre got his attention was due to the fact that no body was close to his size when he wrestled.If you look at the wrestlers since him there has been a decent amount of guys his size and bigger. Most of the stories that you hear are tall tales. I have not ever seen either his quoted freakish strengh the ring,I know he was a strong man but he was not any stronger than the guys you see in the ring today. Like I said I am not an Andre hater I always loved watching him and was shocked in later years that he was not as tall as he was billed. I will say that some of his other features like head and hands are much bigger than any wrestlers today or ever.
LG69 said on 16/Apr/09
In the photos of Andre and Wilt, Wilt appears a little taller than Andre. I'm not sure if it's Wilt's wig that make him appear taller or if he is really taller. Even if you give Wilt a full 1" of height over Andre, that would make Andre around 7'0. Andre in his later years might have been closer to 6'10, but a peak Andre was 7'0 imo.
dicksock said on 16/Apr/09
A young Andre was decently athletic, so he would have better matches than Khali for sure, but other than that, I don't see him being as good as the Big Show.

I'm so sick of hearing about who was a better wrestler Andre of Show. Show may have been slightly more athletic in his prime. BUT, he wasn't as massive as Andre. He wasn't any taller. And most importantly he couldn't put on a match like a 1972 era Andre. Andre was a good wrestler and story teller. Big Show might be able to jump higher or run faster but that doesn't make him a better wrestler. I hate to break it to you, but he actually sucks. He is as bad as Andre was from the mid 80's onward. The reason people respect Andre the way they do is because they're aware of how special he was in his prime.
kinggollum said on 16/Apr/09
Rick says on 15/Apr/09
Last year I entered the debate here regarding Andre's height. I stated that Andre looked to be right about 6'10" in the early 80's and slightly shorter as the decade closed due to his posture. More than a few people questioned not only my methods and accuracy in judging Andre's height but also my claim that I had the good fortune to meet him on two separate occasions.

Over the past few months I think most people have finally come to the realization based on some pretty good sources that in Andre's final years he was about 6'10", appearing closer to 6'9" due to his posture...the exact same measurement I and several others estimated in person years ago,and which was initially met with skepticism when I first posted here. So, it appears that we pegged his height quite accurately in person.

What I'm getting at here is that, barring the slight hunch, Andre was just as tall the first time I met him, which was around 1983, the same time a lot of the pics posted here were taken, including the one with Wilt. He was still only around 6'10". And those that are arbitrarily tossing about claims that Andre was as tall as Khali, well, that would mean that Andre was just as tall as Silo Sam, who we all know was a legit 7'1", possibly slightly taller. Having met Andre and Sam about a year or so apart, I can tell you that Sam was several inches taller than Andre, no question about it.

There are many contradictions floating around here...first that Andre looks 7'+ in the pics with Wilt and Arnold, then that he wasn't in his prime anymore in the early 80's when other sources show him to be shorter. You can't have it both ways. Andre was still in his prime in the early 80's, right before his surgeries,excess weight and disease progression starting taking their toll on him...but he was still only 6'10".

You sure you met Andre? When I was a kid he made my 6'4 brother and his 6'5 friend Todd look not only tiny but short. Todd was even in cowboy boots. But to tell you the truth, I was more amazed with the size of the dudes hands.
topdweeb said on 16/Apr/09
JT: Big Show looks that tall to Oakerlund without cowboy boots. And this is when Andre is in his prime. I have always felt that Big Show is an inch or two taller than Andre.
Steve said on 16/Apr/09
I disagree with Rick, in the photos with Wilt, Andre does look a solid 6'11, not 6'10.
JT said on 16/Apr/09
Click Here
said on 16/Apr/09
Big Show and Andre were the same height, 7'0"
JT said on 16/Apr/09
The camera angles are virtually identical here
Click Here
Click Here
Hard to say if Andre (1987) and Nash are in the same position in the ring though Nash measures up to Hogan about how he should in terms of height and weight. This also assumes that the ring rope height is the same, though this should be pretty consistent for the WWF.
Mikew said on 15/Apr/09
Omar: I was thinking the same thing regarding Big Show while watching the ESPN interview with Vince McMahon interview. Towards the end, Big Show can be seen walking next to Jeremy Schaap and, frankly, he looked noticeably shorter. I do not know how tall Schapp is and I have not researched it. It was just a gut reaction, without even thinking about. . . it was just something that I immediately noticed. He looked like a huge guy of course; he just didn't look as tall as he normally does, at least in the ring.
dicksock said on 15/Apr/09
There is a new video up on youtube called "Andre the Giant latter tv appearance". It's from 1991 and he looks 10" taller than 6'2 prime Vince. They stand RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER and I don't want to hear about any nonsense footware adv. because andre just has on dress shoes and Vince is in huge sneakers. This should be regarded as total proof of a 6'11.5 min for Andre. He drawfs Vince even though his body was so broken down. If Vince was 6'3" in his sneakers Andre was legit 7'1" in his shoes because there is 10" between them.
Rick said on 15/Apr/09
Last year I entered the debate here regarding Andre's height. I stated that Andre looked to be right about 6'10" in the early 80's and slightly shorter as the decade closed due to his posture. More than a few people questioned not only my methods and accuracy in judging Andre's height but also my claim that I had the good fortune to meet him on two separate occasions.

Over the past few months I think most people have finally come to the realization based on some pretty good sources that in Andre's final years he was about 6'10", appearing closer to 6'9" due to his posture...the exact same measurement I and several others estimated in person years ago,and which was initially met with skepticism when I first posted here. So, it appears that we pegged his height quite accurately in person.

What I'm getting at here is that, barring the slight hunch, Andre was just as tall the first time I met him, which was around 1983, the same time a lot of the pics posted here were taken, including the one with Wilt. He was still only around 6'10". And those that are arbitrarily tossing about claims that Andre was as tall as Khali, well, that would mean that Andre was just as tall as Silo Sam, who we all know was a legit 7'1", possibly slightly taller. Having met Andre and Sam about a year or so apart, I can tell you that Sam was several inches taller than Andre, no question about it.

There are many contradictions floating around here...first that Andre looks 7'+ in the pics with Wilt and Arnold, then that he wasn't in his prime anymore in the early 80's when other sources show him to be shorter. You can't have it both ways. Andre was still in his prime in the early 80's, right before his surgeries,excess weight and disease progression starting taking their toll on him...but he was still only 6'10".
omar g said on 15/Apr/09
correct.thats why andre at that time 89-90 was 6'10 and bret was about 5'11-6'0 with those trainers.thank you anonymous.i read that book during christmas time and it was great by the way.but when i saw that picture i thought the same thing about andre.6'10 max at that time.
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/09
Just got Bret Harts autobiog. There is a greatbackstage pic of him with Andre. Full length and Andre is barefoot. Hart has trainers on which perhaps gives him 1inch advantage. I advise you all to get a peek. Make your own minds up but If you put Bret at 6 feet in trainers I do not see 1 foot difference.
Franz said on 15/Apr/09
topdweeb says on 15/Apr/09
I've said it before, but I think Andre was just in the right place at the right time. If he were alive and in his prime today, I don't see him being anything special.

What place, what time? Andre , Hogan, duggan and others created their time. Thanks to these people wrestling became a global businnes.
I don't think Big Show is taller than Andre. Big show says that andre was at least an inch taller. Ernie Ladd says andre was taller than 6'9 BY FAR. Certanly he didn't measure Andre, but himself was a good term of comparison. I think "BY FAR" means more than an inch.
So Andre was between 6.11 and 7 feet minimum.I think his peak was over 7 feet.
There is no problem if Rob mantein 6.11.5, it's possible for a late Andre. But his peak was over.
omar g said on 15/Apr/09
i think that the big show is probably 6'11 or maybe a little under.have you seen how much shorter he looks now compared to wcw and even in wwf in could be that he would always wear lifts back then and now just regular boots with some height tall was mayweathers bodyguard.i went to a live raw last year in anaheim,ca and saw this guy was huge.he was much taller than big show thats for sure.
Boss said on 15/Apr/09
The Los Angeles Times, Sunday, Mar. 7, 1993 Andre article by Chris Dufresne states that they received a phone call, from France, at the Ellerbe ranch. The voice insisted there was not a crematorium large enough to handle The Giant, who was 6 feet 10 and 555 pounds when he died. How can this be overlooked. Andre lost height over his life from surgery and excessive weight gain and walked with a stoop. Even with Wilt if Andre would or could just stand as straight as Wilt they would be virtually the same height and this goes for most of the other comparisons with Andre.
Boss said on 15/Apr/09
topdweeb says on 15/Apr/09
I've said it before, but I think Andre was just in the right place at the right time. If he were alive and in his prime today, I don't see him being anything special.

Are you joking Andre the Giant would be a huge attraction no matter what generation he was from. He was the largest overall athlete in the history of wrestling. No man would make him look small especially Big show or Khali as he looked the same height as Wilt Chamberlin in several different pics and yes he had a footware advantage. If Andre had the same posture as Khali or Big Show than he would look around the same height as either one of them. Andre was the largest attraction in his prime and would be a larger attraction than Big Show or Khali no matter what era it was in. Andre was bigger and better. Anyone who says otherwise knows absolutely nothing about the wrestling buisness.
topdweeb said on 15/Apr/09
Franz says on 14/Apr/09
"Certanly no other giants, taller or not, have his [Andre's]carisma, and duggan said it."

No way, Big Show is the better athlete, and he's got so much more charisma. When Show speak, you can actually understand him, Andre sounded like he had a mouthful of marbles. At least Khali has an excuse, he doesn't speak English.

Both Khali and Show I think were taller than Andre.

I've said it before, but I think Andre was just in the right place at the right time. If he were alive and in his prime today, I don't see him being anything special.
dicksock said on 15/Apr/09
Nevermind, now I know the shoot is real.
dicksock said on 15/Apr/09
So you think Duggan actually measured Andre?

No, but what does that have to do with anything? We know for a fact that he has spent large amounts of time with both, especially Andre. So, he would have a good idea if someone was taller. If he says a 7'1.25" man is only "a little bit taller" than Andre, that obviously means he thinks that Andre was at least 7' at one point. But, as I said in my post, I don't even know if the shoot is real because I've never heard/read it. I said IF it's true than that would be more EVIDENCE of a 7' Andre. How could such a statement be considered as anything but evidence. It's a personal testimony of man who has spent time with both and knows FAR more than anyone on this site about their size. Don't forget Duggan was at least 6'3 himself.
Smarty said on 15/Apr/09
when you see the WM5 video of the stare down between Andre and Studd there is no more then a 3' between them hell 3.5 at best.
kinggollum said on 15/Apr/09
Ghost says on 15/Apr/09
dicksock says on 14/Apr/09
Franz says on 14/Apr/09
Andre was 7 feet, and still 6.11 in 1989. Looks at his confrontation with studd in 1989. I think he was as tall as big show but more massive. His hands, feet and head are certanly bigger, even bigger than khali. Duggan in a shoot on andre says that probably khali is "a little bit taller" than andre. He also says Andre was the only true giant in the business

What shoot does Duggan compare Andre and Khali? If this is true than it's just more evidence of a 7' Andre as Khali is slightly above 7'1".

So you think Duggan actually measured Andre?

Every shoot I ever hear from Duggan gives Andre being 7'4-5.
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/09
Andre was billed to 6'10, and was measured to 6'9 3/4 so i guess they just rounded him up... so forget anything above 6'10 for him
Red said on 15/Apr/09
My current estimation, I will never go lower than that:

Khali peak 7
Chaz said on 15/Apr/09
The only guy who would dwarf Andre in height would be Gonzalas,and he would dwarf Show and Khali for that matter,he was at least 5''taller than them all,and none of them would dwarf him in size,Big Show would come close,but Khali would look like a skinny runt next to Andre,he is far too light,the only man who made Andre look thin was Haystacks,and if Andre was still with us he would still be the biggest of the big.
Ghost said on 15/Apr/09
dicksock says on 14/Apr/09
Franz says on 14/Apr/09
Andre was 7 feet, and still 6.11 in 1989. Looks at his confrontation with studd in 1989. I think he was as tall as big show but more massive. His hands, feet and head are certanly bigger, even bigger than khali. Duggan in a shoot on andre says that probably khali is "a little bit taller" than andre. He also says Andre was the only true giant in the business

What shoot does Duggan compare Andre and Khali? If this is true than it's just more evidence of a 7' Andre as Khali is slightly above 7'1".

So you think Duggan actually measured Andre?
Mamun said on 15/Apr/09
O.K. RED your the King at 110 % accuracy !!!!!!!!!!


Franz said on 14/Apr/09
Red says on 14/Apr/09
miko says on 13/Apr/09
Andre in the current WWE wouldn't be the "big guy" anymore, he would be tall obviously, but he wouldn't be the biggest at around the 6"10 or 6"11 or so he was.

Someone like Khali or even Big Show would be looking down on Andre.

Peak Big Show wouldn
Smarty said on 14/Apr/09
Big Show and Khali have always been taller then Andre and they always will be personally I think Andre was 6'11.75 in his prime in the 70's, 6'10.50 during the mid 80's and 6'9.25 during the last years of Andre's life.

Andre will always be bigger then either of them though based on his shear size but never taller then them.
Franz said on 14/Apr/09
Duggan compare andre and khali in a video on youtube."Hacksaw Duggan on Flair, Vince McMahon, Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant", this is the title, he says Khali probably a little bit taller.
Clay said on 14/Apr/09
Franz says on 14/Apr/09
Andre was 7 feet, and still 6.11 in 1989. Looks at his confrontation with studd in 1989. I think he was as tall as big show but more massive. His hands, feet and head are certanly bigger, even bigger than khali. Duggan in a shoot on andre says that probably khali is "a little bit taller" than andre. He also says Andre was the only true giant in the business

I have to say he's an idiot then because Khali and Big Show are giants among giants.
dicksock said on 14/Apr/09
Franz says on 14/Apr/09
Andre was 7 feet, and still 6.11 in 1989. Looks at his confrontation with studd in 1989. I think he was as tall as big show but more massive. His hands, feet and head are certanly bigger, even bigger than khali. Duggan in a shoot on andre says that probably khali is "a little bit taller" than andre. He also says Andre was the only true giant in the business

What shoot does Duggan compare Andre and Khali? If this is true than it's just more evidence of a 7' Andre as Khali is slightly above 7'1".
Red said on 14/Apr/09
miko says on 13/Apr/09
Andre in the current WWE wouldn't be the "big guy" anymore, he would be tall obviously, but he wouldn't be the biggest at around the 6"10 or 6"11 or so he was.

Someone like Khali or even Big Show would be looking down on Andre.

Peak Big Show wouldn
Franz said on 14/Apr/09
Andre was 7 feet, and still 6.11 in 1989. Looks at his confrontation with studd in 1989. I think he was as tall as big show but more massive. His hands, feet and head are certanly bigger, even bigger than khali. Duggan in a shoot on andre says that probably khali is "a little bit taller" than andre. He also says Andre was the only true giant in the business
Anonymous said on 14/Apr/09
True, pro football, baseball, basketball, hockey. The owners are shelling out alot of money for these guys and they want to know what there getting, it serves no purpose to kayfab heights and weights, a matter of fact it's the opposite, they want to know exactaly how big a guy is, hence the NFL combine they get fanatical about it, listings are like 6'6 5/8 and 311. No rounding up to 6'7 315. If an owner is going to spend millions on someone he does not want to find out that a guy listed at 6'7 315 is actually 6'5 295. At worst, in years gone by you might have somebody listed at maybe an inch more than they really were or maybe 10 pounds heavier.
kinggollum said on 14/Apr/09
miko says on 13/Apr/09
Andre in the current WWE wouldn't be the "big guy" anymore, he would be tall obviously, but he wouldn't be the biggest at around the 6"10 or 6"11 or so he was.

Someone like Khali or even Big Show would be looking down on Andre.

Dude give it a rest. These tiresome comments are getting well.....old.
Steve said on 14/Apr/09
Regarding Ladd, professional sports dont 'bill' their athletes, sometimes they measure them in shoes e.g basketball, but they dont make up heights, the athletes are measured. So if someone doesnt like Ladd being 6'9 well thats too bad because he was that, in his younger days. He wasnt 6'6, 6'7 or 6'8....sorry to dissapoint
Red said on 14/Apr/09
Thanks Supermum but please take in mind 98% would mean I could be 1.5" wrong with estimating a 6
Mamun said on 14/Apr/09
Thank you once again RED for your amazing contributions which always seem
to have a 98 % accuracy and also for answering my requests for help .


LV said on 13/Apr/09
I cannot believe you guys are questioning Ladd's height! He was measured by the NFL and they are THE MOST ACCURATE when it comes to measuring athletes. They go down to the 1/8" for God's sake! I realize that this isn't official but this lists all of this measurements (Click Here).
Harley said on 13/Apr/09
peak height for Andre 7.05 later in life 6-10.No way any smaller.
Danimal said on 13/Apr/09
Ola says on 13/Apr/09
Since we KNOW for a fact that andre was BILLED to 6'10 he wasnt taller than that - he was probarly shorter, so the question is how tall was ladd? i bet my money at 6'6-6'7

iClarke-93 lol, that doesnt prove a ****! leon white(vader) have had 6'4 listings but he is under 6'2

Under 6'2"? No, he's not. Leon White was taller than Bam Bam Bigelow who was in the 6'1"-6'2" region. Leon was at least 6'3" and billed at 6'4" in Football. The WWF billed him at 6'5" btw.
miko said on 13/Apr/09
Andre in the current WWE wouldn't be the "big guy" anymore, he would be tall obviously, but he wouldn't be the biggest at around the 6"10 or 6"11 or so he was.

Someone like Khali or even Big Show would be looking down on Andre.
Red said on 13/Apr/09
JT says on 13/Apr/09
In Red
iClarke-93 said on 13/Apr/09
Yeah , thats a great clip , he looks absolutely huge at the end. His back is just massive.
Vegas said on 13/Apr/09
Red says on 12/Apr/09
Wrong, sorry I had to laugh a little but please don
JT said on 13/Apr/09
Whether you believe he's 7'2", 7'0", or 6'10", you can really get a sense of his intimidating size when he's walking backstage at the end of this clip. Click Here
JT said on 13/Apr/09
Big Show says on 11/Apr/09
....If anyone here is good with photoshop maybe they can do a comparison between this pic and a pic from Andre's prime, so we can see the differences between these two time periods.

Danimal said on 12/Apr/09
Big Show, stick to estimating height if you can't see that Andre is MUCH heavier in 1992 than he was in 1978. MUCH heavier.
Red said on 12/Apr/09
Vegas says on 12/Apr/09
you can't do a comparison because you have nothing to compare in that andre pic from 1992, you can only compare photos from two time periods if two elements are in place, in this case there is only one, if backlund was standing beside andre in 1992 then it would be different

Wrong, sorry I had to laugh a little but please don
iClarke-93 said on 12/Apr/09
Ladd , I have absolutely no doubt was 6'9. The NFL listed him at this height and the NFL is a very acurrate source , also he says himself he was 6'9 so I don't know why people keep trying to insist he was shorter.
Big Show said on 12/Apr/09
Anonymous says on 12/Apr/09
While I respect you very much Big Show you should stick to estmating HEIGHT, NOT WEIGHT...haha... Andre from 1978 EASILY looks 75-80 pounds lighter than a 1992 Andre.. I'm sure most would confirm that as well.

I definately don't see a 75-80 pounds difference between these two pics.
Vegas said on 12/Apr/09
Big Show says on 11/Apr/09
If anyone here is good with photoshop maybe they can do a comparison between this pic and a pic from Andre's prime, so we can see the differences between these two time periods.

you can't do a comparison because you have nothing to compare in that andre pic from 1992, you can only compare photos from two time periods if two elements are in place, in this case there is only one, if backlund was standing beside andre in 1992 then it would be different
Chaz said on 12/Apr/09
the thing is Big Show when you are over 400lbs loseing or gaining 25lbs can be done in 2 weeks,but I suspect as with 99% of these comparason pics there not at the same distance from the camara.but I still would bet my house on Andre loseing at the very least 2''from peak to death.
Anonymous said on 12/Apr/09
Big Show says on 12/Apr/09
Red says on 12/Apr/09
Click Here
Andres bad posture is the reason why he looks 6
Big Show said on 12/Apr/09
Red says on 12/Apr/09
Click Here
Andres bad posture is the reason why he looks 6
Red said on 12/Apr/09
Click Here

Andres bad posture is the reason why he looks 6
Anonymous said on 12/Apr/09
Vegas, read the interview again - it says " 6
Mamun said on 12/Apr/09
My very good friend RED is the king of comparison pictures BOSS . You can ask
the KING ! He had done some wonderful suff in the past . Including Andre,
my cousin and Channa comparison pictures .


sidewalk said on 11/Apr/09
In the interview with Ben Davidson he says or it was written by accident Bob Sinclair - real name Bob St. Clair and is listed as 6'9 265 lbs. the linkClick Here
I doubt Ladd was 6'6 , lowest I'd say is 6'7
dicksock said on 11/Apr/09
Going back to Superstar Billy Grahams height, he certainly looks at least 6'3" next to Vince. Watch "The History of the World! (1.2)" on youtube and go to the 7:30 mark. He is noticably taller.
Danimal said on 11/Apr/09
Vegas still trying to create controversy.
Rick said on 11/Apr/09
Red says on 11/Apr/09
Rick says on 10/Apr/09
Actually, that's just wrong. With his bad posture, Andre looked closer to 6'9". Standing straight, he would have been just about the height omar g has stated.

Did you even see the Andre/Mane match or pics???
Andre was 6
JT said on 11/Apr/09
Ladd could be taking the kayfabe line as well. Ask Bobby Heenan, Vince McMahon, Hogan, Piper, etc. today how tall Andre was, and they
Rantsrob said on 11/Apr/09
Click Here Andre vs ladd. Andre appears taller.
kinggollum said on 11/Apr/09
A peak Andre was 7'1 or maybe 7'2 , I think at peak. He always looked a good four inches taller than Ladd.

I think Earnie Ladd is the most underated giants of all time. He was as tall as Elmer or Haystacks and was an incredible man in real life. I met him several times and he was just a great guy.

RIP Earnie the Big Cat Ladd!
Boss said on 11/Apr/09
Vegas says on 11/Apr/09
Halb says on 10/Apr/09
I don't think it shoots it down

to make it even more interesting Ben davidson says ernie ladd was 6'6 Click Here

What a joke. So you are saying a legit 6'9 ernie Ladd was 6'6. Ladd states he was 6'9 in the interview and that Andre was taller by far. Andre was between 6'11.5 and 7' peak.
Big Show said on 11/Apr/09
Seeing as my post from a few days ago didn't come through, I'll give it another try.

Click Here

Here's a great pic of Andre from his latter days (1992). It's probably the best pic of Andre from this period. I got it from a Japanese wrestling magazine.
If anyone here is good with photoshop maybe they can do a comparison between this pic and a pic from Andre's prime, so we can see the differences between these two time periods.
Vegas said on 11/Apr/09
Halb says on 10/Apr/09
I don't think it shoots it down

to make it even more interesting Ben davidson says ernie ladd was 6'6 Click Here
Red said on 11/Apr/09
Rick says on 10/Apr/09
Actually, that's just wrong. With his bad posture, Andre looked closer to 6'9". Standing straight, he would have been just about the height omar g has stated.

Did you even see the Andre/Mane match or pics???

Andre was 6
Halb said on 10/Apr/09
I don't think it shoots it down. Big Cat say's Andre was taller by far, and says he himself was 6'9. People can infer what they want from that. Big Cat must think that he was still 6'9 when he faced Andre, which is something I have thought aboot. I would have thought that he wouldn't have bene the full 6'9, but he seems like a straight shooter.
dicksock said on 10/Apr/09
That Ernie Ladd shoot is the final straw. Anything under 6'11.5" for a peak should be rejected and laughed at.
Marble said on 10/Apr/09
He even says andre was taller than 6'9 by far so i agree with gretz he was in his prime atleast 6'11 amazing also that andre's feet and hands where even that much bigger than a huge guy like ladd's
SayHeyKid said on 10/Apr/09
Big Show: was just about to post regarding the Ladd shoot. The question remaining is what does "by far" mean? (the Big Cat's reference to how much taller Andre was). 2 inches? 3 inches? 4 inches? Ah, the debate continues.
Gretz said on 10/Apr/09
Great find Big Show,I think this interview shoots down a 6'10" peak for Andre,even if Ladd turns out to be 6'8"ish.The debate should now be between 6'11" to 7'0" for Andre,but IMO peak height 6'11.5" to 7'0.25".
Rick said on 10/Apr/09
Red says on 10/Apr/09
omar g says on 8/Apr/09 andre had to be a full 6'10 standing straight up with good posture in 1990.

Thats just wrong, Andre was solid 2 inches taller with bad posture, he was nothing under 6
Big Show said on 10/Apr/09
Click Here

Here's a shoot interview on Andre from Ernie Ladd, where he talks about Andre's size.
omar g said on 10/Apr/09
i dont think he was 2 inches taller than mane.look at the 1990 pictures of andre and baba.if baba was 6'7 at that time,then andre only had 3 inches on him not 4.also there are many peaple who claim that baba was only 6'6 but i believe he was 6'7 which makes andre 6'10 at that time.
iClarke-93 said on 10/Apr/09
Andre was still 6'11 until late 91' I'd say , after that his posture was horrendous and he gained a lot more weight.
kinggollum said on 10/Apr/09
LG69 says on 8/Apr/09
Correction to my previous comments; it was directed at Omar g, not Kinggollum.

No worries, dude!
Red said on 10/Apr/09
omar g says on 8/Apr/09 andre had to be a full 6'10 standing straight up with good posture in 1990.

Thats just wrong, Andre was solid 2 inches taller with bad posture, he was nothing under 6
omar g said on 9/Apr/09
nash was maybe 1/2 inch to an inch taller than mane.but i wouldnt say 2 inches.andre was maybe 1 inch taller than mane if he stood straight up.which might put andre at 6'10 at that time. mane at the time had to of been 6'9 with his wrestling boots,because now 18 years later he claims he is 6'8 now.mane might of lost .5-1 inch since 1990 which puts nash at 6'10 peak height in 1990.andre and nash same height early 90's mane 6'9 with boots.i also would say that the pictures of andre and giant baba from 1990 would put baba at 6'7 and andre his solid 6'10.remember andre slouched very bad towards the end of his career.his posture was horrible which would make him appear shorter than he really was.
bigkid13 said on 9/Apr/09
Re the pic of Andre and Bob Backlund and the comments re camera angles.
IF the camera is at Bob's height (6')
and is 12 feet from them, ( a guess-timate,it includes them both, head to toe and some floor)
and they are 6" from the brick wall behind them
A line drawn from the camera, tangent to (touching) the top of Andre's head at 7' will touch the wall behind Andre's head a distance equal to 1/12 times 6" . Which is 1/2" ,not really much of a differance IMO.
LV said on 8/Apr/09
As I posted before, Tyler Mane ALWAYS claimed 6'10" prior to the Halloween movie. It is well-known that he claimed 6'10" for the X-men movie because they said he wore 4" lifts and was 7'2" in his costume. I think he downplayed his height so he didn't further upset the horror movie purists because they think he is too tall to play Myers due to his height. He wrestled with Kevin Nash when they were young and at their peak heights and they were virtually the same height. I'll bet he was 6'9" peak and .5"-1" shorter than Nash in their prime.
Look at him next to 6'4" Brandon Molale (Click Here). Also, here is a picture of him next to Scott Schwartz (Click Here) who is 6'8" himself. Mane used to list himself at 205cm (6'8.75") on his MySpace page just before the Halloween movie. I'll bet that is his true height.
LG69 said on 8/Apr/09
Correction to my previous comments; it was directed at Omar g, not Kinggollum.
LG69 said on 8/Apr/09
"Kinggollum" your confusing me. You say Andre would be "dwarfed by Show" but then you say Khali and a peak Andre were the same which is around 7'1". Show is max 7'0, so how could Show dwarf Andre?That was a stupid comment. It cracks me up how some use the term dwarfing so generously. Andre and Show were about the same heights at their peaks, but Andre was a little bigger in overall mass. So again,how would Show dwarf Andre?
Marble said on 8/Apr/09
2 inches between nash and mane :/ Really ? thats bs
Chaz said on 8/Apr/09
Lawrence,is right,Big daddy was 6'2.5'',but haystacks was no more than 6'7.5''min 6'8.5''max.he may have been 6'9''out of bed.
Steve said on 8/Apr/09
Boss, you can see nash is about 2 inches taller than mane in that photo if you look closely.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.