How tall is Andre The Giant - Page 21

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Average Guess (867 Votes)
6ft 11.94in (213.2cm)
Chris said on 31/Oct/11
Mamun says on 29/Oct/11
Well Big Show & vegas go ahead and explian to me these photos :

This is Hogan in the Mid 80's towering over a 5' 7" Gene by almost a foot ;

Click Here

Click Here

And this is Hogan with the yellow shirt which he famously wore in the early 90's like around 1993 - 1994 ;

Click Here

Ouch!!!! Mamun....I hate to do this but I'm pretty sure in the first two photos Hogan is wearing his boots...The first photo is from a Saturday Night's Main Event show in 1988, I'll try and find the tape of the show and post some other photos...The second is from Hulk Hogan's Rock and Wrestling Cartoon. 9 times out of 10 during that period, Hulk wore his cowboy boots with his tights and weightbelt. The third photo is also from a Saturday Night's Main Event taping from either late 1985 or early 1986.
Vegas said on 31/Oct/11
@ mamum all of those shots are the 1980s i am afraid, first one is from 1987 and hogans clearly standing in front of gene and more than likely in cowboys too Click Here your final screenshot is not from the 1990s, its the saturday nights main event show where he took on don muraco in 1986 Click Here

now mamun this is the 1990s, 1994 to be exact, minutes after being dwarfed by a sandal wearing shaq, skip forward to 2mins 25 secs Click Here

your other point makes no sense at all, why don't we estimate andre at 7'4?? if he was billed 6'10 before becoming famous then he obviously wasn't 7'4, the lowest billing especially for taller wrestlers is nearly always close to the truth, take khali e.g he was billed 7'7 for years in new japan, wwe at 7'3 and now 7'1 so which one is closest to the truth?? kane was listed 6'7 and 6'8 in basketball and currently 7ft in wrestling........don't tell me the 7ft billing is closer to the truth, 2 weeks ago wade barrett was listed 6'5 on tv and and now they are claiming 6'7 for him on tv and on the website....did he grow 2 inches in his 30s??

on silva, in 2 years time you will be back on here claiming 7'4-5 for silva is my prediction :D edge is ~6'3 btw, he was 2 inches shorter than ~6'5 jack swagger (youtube them) and roughly same height as a measured 6'3 nfl star

dicksock i met patterson 8 years ago and he was no more than 5'10

gollum you claimed 6'2 for jillette , your proof was some scene in fear and loathing, you know as well as i do andre wasn't 5-6 inches taller than morgan, morgan next to ric flair in wwe back in 2002-03 and tna and andre next to flair in the early 80s looked very close to the same difference, andre had ~5 inches on ~6'5 men like don leo, chris taylor, chuck wepner back in the 1970s and i bet good money morgan was taller than all of them by a couple of inches, they would all be roughly abyss' height, everyone in our group said morgan was taller than kane first time we met him and we met both men within 2-3 mins of each other out of gear, in gear kanes probably closer in height though :D
Frank said on 31/Oct/11
I met Pat Patterson back in 94 and he was not 6ft he was about 5ft 10ish not quite 5ft 11
freddy said on 31/Oct/11
Here is Mil Mascaras with a prime 6'- 6'1 Vince (probably doesn't have lifts on), don't see much difference in height between them, only looks an 1 inch shorter at most. he does look atleast 5'11 there with Vince.. Agree or disagree??

Click Here
Chaz said on 31/Oct/11
RP,Wepner was never any 6'6''he was about 6'4.5-6'5''here he is with Joe Bugner,they say Wepner is 6'5''Bugner 6'3.5''.they look the same height to me,but 1'' differance at the very most,and I have allrady put Ali bugner on here ,and he's at least 1.5''shorter than Bugner,and dose not look any taller than 6'1.5''Copper,Ali 6'2'',Forman 6'3'',Bugner 6'3.5'',Wepner 6'4.5''.Click Here
dicksock said on 31/Oct/11
Mamun says on 29/Oct/11
Well Big Show & vegas go ahead and explian to me these photos :

This is Hogan in the Mid 80's towering over a 5' 7" Gene by almost a foot ;

Click Here

Click Here

And this is Hogan with the yellow shirt which he famously wore in the early 90's like around 1993 - 1994 ;

Click Here

Um...Are you serious? I'm just going to sit back and watch as this post gets absolutely torn apart by jt, vegas, ect. Just when I think I've seen it all...
JMac11 said on 31/Oct/11
Wepner's mugshot solid 6'6" if not more....... does it help or hurt a 7" Andre?
dicksock said on 30/Oct/11
Here is an interview from 1980 with Andre and 6' Pat Patterson:

Click Here

Andre looked about a foot taller despite having a footware disadvantage. Plus, we can see how little Andre cared about looking tall. I swear, he could have had the worst posture in the world. If he had "reaching for the stars" posture and modern style thick heeled boots, I have no doubt he'd look about as tall as a prime Paul Wight. Also, in the match before the interview, Andre dwarfs 6'3" (6'6" billed) Baron Mikel Scicluna. Just like every other situation, a prime Andre looks 6'11"-7'. It's funny how Vince McMahon and Jim Ross both claim 7' for Andre, yet certain people on this forum think he was 7'1"-7'2".
sam said on 30/Oct/11
hi andre if you are alive read this i have not seen you in wwf for a while
RP said on 30/Oct/11
Does anyone know?...or have evidence of Chuck Wepner's true barefoot height? I've heard Chuck listed anywhere from 6'5" to 6'7". He had at least 2.5" inches on Ali "if not a full 3"inches" And it is known fact that when he was still known as Clay, just before his fight with Sonny Liston...he was measured barefoot at 6'2.75" by the fight comission. So...a peak Ali was right at 6'3". And Chuck looked 6'5.5" to 6'6" in their match. Now, look at the pics & video of Andre & Chuck. At the press conference they both have on cowboy boots and Andre looks 5" taller. During the fight Andre has on his wrestling boots & Chuck is in his boxing shoes with have only have 0.75" heels....and Andre looks 6" taller. Also, Chuck once stated that Andre weighed 450 lbs for that match....he said "Andre out weighed me by exactly 200 lbs" "He came in at 450".
kg said on 30/Oct/11
JT, ? number one you are trying to basically say I am carzy for my estimations after the bogus, failed photo shops you've litered on this site for the last few years? Where are these five inches between Silva and Kurgan and both in wwf magazine were billed at Silva 7'7 and Kurrgan as high as 7'2. There is an article about Kurgan, Edge, Tiger Ali and Val Venis training together. It refers to Kurgan at 7'2!

Vegas you no. 1 told an out right lie! I have never said penn jillette was 6'2 I said he looked shorter to than jbl who I peg at 6'6. I figure penn about 6'5-5.5. Hogan at his tallest was a weak 6'6 with Andre peaking at 7'1-2. wm3 Andre was around 6'11.5 but posture made him only around 6'10 looking. Kane and Morgan are both about the same height so is Taker. I guess your crush on Morgan fails your eyes or something!
Capt. Nobody said on 29/Oct/11
JT says on 27/Oct/11
It would have been interesting seeing this guy Click Here in the ring with Andre, Studd and Hogan. It looks like he stunk so badly that he only wrestled a few matches for the WWF.


Hahaha, holy crap that was awful. Great find!
Danimal said on 28/Oct/11
Big Show says on 28/Oct/11
Crap! something went wrong with my previous post! I accidently placed Mamun's name in the box where I should post my own user name! So below post is from me:

Mamun you’re (again) avoiding the question. The question wasn’t if Hogan lost height! You claimed Hogan lost 4 inches in height before his 40’s and that he wasn’t a shadow of his former self by the time he appeared alongside Shaq & Big Show. To make it simple for you, Hogan was born in 1953 so he reached his 40’s in: 1953 + 40 = 1993. Yet again you’re coming with pictures of Hogan in his 50’s to prove his massive height loss. We already knew he lost height by then, the question I asked you to show his massive height loss by 1993.

Personally, I believe Hogan lost about an inch by 1993. It wasn't very noticeable seeing how tall he was to start out with, but it was there. The real height loss only became noticeable upon his return to the WWE in the beginning of 2002 (when he was 49). I think something went down in 2001. It wasn't head his first hip surgery (that came 2004 I believe). His neck was shorter (fused) and his upper torso was shorter. His knees were also a lot more buckled. At this point he stood about the same height as the Rock. Now we know how much height Hogan had over a LEGIT 6'3" guy in 1994/1995 when he stood next to Lex Luger, so it's obvious there was tremendous height loss by 2002. Even more by 2005 (him next to Edge), but by the early/mid 90's, Hogan was probably 6'4.5"-6'5", down from 6'6" from the previous decade. By 2002 he was MAX 6'3". 2005 and beyond he was closer to 6'2".
Iconjj said on 28/Oct/11
Click Here
New persective on Andre-Wepner.....notice Vince mentions Andre as being 7', 500 lbs.
JT said on 28/Oct/11
Mamun, Ali does not look 6’3” with you even though he’s standing closer to the camera and after I straightened out the camera tilt.
Click Here
Click Here
If Ali raised his chin, the tip of his nose would be around the top of your head, or about a 6 inch difference. If Ali took a step back to line up with you, he'd be even shorter. He's probably in his early to mid 50s there so he may have lost a 1/2 inch by then. I still doubt he was ever over 6'2" and your pic does nothing to prove otherwise.
Big Show said on 28/Oct/11
Crap! something went wrong with my previous post! I accidently placed Mamun's name in the box where I should post my own user name! So below post is from me:

Mamun you’re (again) avoiding the question. The question wasn’t if Hogan lost height! You claimed Hogan lost 4 inches in height before his 40’s and that he wasn’t a shadow of his former self by the time he appeared alongside Shaq & Big Show. To make it simple for you, Hogan was born in 1953 so he reached his 40’s in: 1953 + 40 = 1993. Yet again you’re coming with pictures of Hogan in his 50’s to prove his massive height loss. We already knew he lost height by then, the question I asked you to show his massive height loss by 1993. Again you’ve provided no proof that Hogan lost 4 inches in height by 1993. Nor have you provided proof he lost 4 inches in height by the mid-2000’s. Why don’t you start posting pictures of Hogan standing next to the same person in the 80’s and these days. There are plenty of examples!
Mamun said on 28/Oct/11
Mamun you’re (again) avoiding the question. The question wasn’t if Hogan lost height! You claimed Hogan lost 4 inches in height before his 40’s and that he wasn’t a shadow of his former self by the time he appeared alongside Shaq & Big Show. To make it simple for you: Hogan was born in 1953 so he reached his 40’s in  1953 + 40 = 1993. Yet again you’re coming with pictures of Hogan in his 50’s to prove his massive height loss. We already knew he lost height by then, the question I asked you to show his massive height loss by 1993. Again you’ve provided no proof that Hogan lost 4 inches in height by 1993. Nor have you provided proof he lost 4 inches in height by the mid-2000’s. Why don’t you start posting pictures of Hogan standing next to the same person in the 80’s and these days. There are plenty of examples!
dicksock said on 28/Oct/11
JT says on 25/Oct/11
Danimal, so Monsoon is 6’5” and HHH is 6’1”, right? Click Here I suppose Hennig is 6’2” plus, as he was at least an inch taller than your 6’1” plus Vince McMahon, yet he’s somehow shorter than your 6’1” HHH. Start explaining.

Jt: Danimal and Mamun will never explain their nonsense. They'll just keep adding excuses and start name calling. There is no logic or reason to be found in their opinions. You of all people should know that by now.

Andre: 6'11"
Hogan: 6'5.5"/6'4" now
Big Show: 7'/6'11.5" now
Nash: 6'9.5"
Hall: 6'5"
Monsoon: 6'4.5"
Vince: 6'1" (lifts?-could look as short as 6')/5'11" now
HHH: 6'2.5"
Rock: 6'3"
Bret: 6'0"
Shawn: 6'0"
Sting: 6'2
Warrior: 6'1.5"
Sid: 6'7"
Taker: 6'7.5"
Kane: 6'7.5"
Giant Haystacks: 6'7.5"/6'6" death
Luger: 6'3"
Dibease: 6'3"
Baba: 6'8"
Bundy: 6'3"
Ventura: 6'3.5"
Ali: 6'2"
Silva: 7'1"
Perfect: 6'1"
Studd: 6'6.5"
Beefcake: 6'2.5"
JT said on 28/Oct/11
Interesting tale of the tape between Bruno and Mascaras. Click Here The heights look pretty much spot on IMO. The neck, bicep, and wrist estimates are a whole different story.
JT said on 27/Oct/11
It would have been interesting seeing this guy Click Here in the ring with Andre, Studd and Hogan. It looks like he stunk so badly that he only wrestled a few matches for the WWF.

Kg, if Silva is 7’2” or 7’3”, why was he listed in the Olympics as 7’1”? I just posted a pic of Silva standing side by side with Oscar Schmidt (usually b-ball listed at 6’8”) – where is this 6 or 7 inch difference coming from? There may not even be a full 5 inch difference. Schmidt looks every bit as tall next to Silva as Kurrgan did.

IIRC, WWF billed Silva at 7’5” (to be taller than a 7’4” billed WCW Big Show) and Kurrgan at 7’0”, or a 5 inch difference. Seeing both Kurrgan and Nash in a WWF ring, there’s no way Kurrgan is taller than Nash. If you’ve got pics or video showing Kurrgan 4-5 inches taller than John Tenta (who wore thin-heeled wrestling boots), by all means post away.

I won’t even bother addressing your 7’1”/7’2” estimate for Andre, although I will stipulate that he was taller than Kurrgan....
Vegas said on 27/Oct/11
Mamun says on 27/Oct/11
Well how do you know if Stone Cold didn't lose any height ? Have you seen him when he was 28 ? I have posted countless pictures of Hogan losing 4 inchs of height as proof .

i dont have to have met austin at 28 to know he hasn't lost noticeable height, i have been watching the guy perform for 20+ years and he never looked much over 6ft going right back to the early 1990s when 6'4/6'5 barry windham had a lot of height on him and 5'10 nfl listed brian pillman was ~3 inches shorter

on hogan you didnt prove anything, you claimed he lost 4-5 inches by 1992 to correspond with the fact he looked shorter next to shaq and wight than next to andre, you then proceeded to post shots from 2005 onwards, a timeframe where we know he lost height, nothing from 1992-95 like was asked, anyway hogan himself only claims 2-3 inch heightloss as of today and we know how much he exaggerates.....

mamun you said go check out youtube to see that kurrgan was only 2 inches shorter yet on youtube he is easily 4-5 inches shorter in every video, now youtube is no good, talk about changing your stance to suit yourself, did you ever think that maybe kurrgan is sticking to kayfabe and his 7ft billing whereas most pin silva at 7'2?? 7ft - 7'2 = 2 inches

silva was listed 217cm in the olympics while andre got 208cm in pro-wrestling before becoming famous but you think andre was taller, silva was also billed taller than andre in the wwf and new japan (not that that is saying much), again with footwear excuses, silva was barefoot in multiple mma matches in japan and still looked 7ft+, andre barefoot next to don leo doesn't look 7ft+

kg, morgan is taller than kane in person that i am sure of just like i was sure penn jillette wasn't 6'2 like you tried to convince me on here for nigh on 2 years, morgan was listed 6'10 in ncaa division 1 basketball and jacobs 6'7 and 6'8 in basketball, andre 5-6 inches taller than morgan!!! are there any other wrestlers who are listed same height as division 1 ncaa basketballers but are really 5-6 inches taller or was andre the exception, andre and morgan would have been eye to eye i bet, andre (pro wrestling) and morgan (basketball) were both listed same height at age 22 so there is more chance the moon is made of cheese than andre being 6 inches taller than morgan, btw how can you have hogan under 6'6 and andre 7'1-7'2, hogan would need to be 6'8 at least for andre to be 7'1-7'2

as for kurrgan, i remember when maillet was wrestling under the name Acadian Giant in the early 1990s he was getting 6'9 descriptions in wrestling mags
Big Show said on 27/Oct/11
Mamun says on 27/Oct/11
Vegas , have you ever tried the drop Kick ( Hogan's finishing move ) on someone ?
No you haven't ! Because if you have even once , you won't be able to get out of
bed for over 10 days ! I have tried it and I only weighed 80 kg . How much does Hogan weighs again ? Your not going to prove anything by saying Stone cold looked the same to you so therefore someone like Andre should also remain the same ? Well how do you know if Stone Cold didn't lose any height ? Have you seen him when he was 28 ? I have posted countless pictures of Hogan losing 4 inchs of height as proof . For some reason you have not responded to them ?
Mil Mascras Aged 70 is still nowhere near the condition he was with Andre aged
40 !

Hogan’s finishing manoeuvre is a leg drop, not a drop kick. And have you never watched wrestling, because at the beginning of each show they specifically say “Don’t try this at home”. Wrestlers are trained professionals and you clearly are not, which is why you won’t be able to get out of bed for over 10 days.
Stone Cold was billed at 6’2” by the WWE, so you can forget him being any taller than that. He looked 2-3 inches shorter than The Rock back in 1999-2000 and he still measured up the same way to The Rock at this year’s Wrestlemania. So he doesn’t seem to have lost any height despite having a number of surgeries between 1999-2011. So Vegas is asking you a good question, which you keep avoiding. How come Hogan lost 4 inches of height before he reached his 40’s, even though he barely had any surgeries at that point and was still in good shape (he could still wrestle a full-time schedule), when a guy like Austin who had several types of surgery and was forced into retirement lost no height. Same goes for wrestler Edge, who’ll turn 38 this Sunday but is already forced into retirement. For the past 11 years, he spend like 3 years on the sideline recovering from surgery, but he still looks the same height as he ever did. How come wrestlers with multiple surgeries and known bad health don’t lose any height, yet Hogan who had no record of ill health at that point supposedly lost 4 inches before he even reached his 40’s. How much height do you think he lost today? He must’ve lost 10 inches by now considering he has had a multitude of surgeries and he’s a physical mess these days if he already lost 4 inches when he was still relatively young.
So far you have posted zero proof of Hogan losing 4 inches! You keep repeating you have, probably to convince yourself, but my memory isn’t as bad as yours! You posted pictures of a 2005 Hogan and tried to pass them off as Hogan from 1994, that’s what you tried to do! And you posted pictures of a 1985 Hogan in cowboy boots next to McMahon to show there was a 5-inch difference between them.
JT said on 27/Oct/11
HHH had an easy 6 inches on Mascaras
Click Here
Click Here

Click Here Since Andre is this 7 footer, Mascaras must have shrunk 3 or 4 inches over the past 20 years - poor little guy, yet he somehow finds a way to keep on wrestling.
kg said on 27/Oct/11
One, Silva has larger heeled shoes and boots than Kurgan. Kurgan is a strong 6'10 or weak 6'11. I have net Robert and he is a huge guy and tall. The WWF was billing Silva at 7'7 and Kurgan between 7'0-7'2 and wanted to make Silva massive! 5'10 for Austin? I am 6'2.5 and I'd say Austin could at least be a weak 6'1 with HHH edging him by a little more than an inch. I believe a peak Taker, Kane, Morgan, Guido, Wall, Baba would all be roughly the same height at 6'8 with Haystacks, Elmer, and Jones and Mane peaking at around 6'9 along with Nash and Ladd. Nash maybe 6'9.5. Studd, Sid and Visceraaround the 6'7 and also A-Train and Mulligan too. Tenta, Gang, JBL, Gallows 6'6 with Hogan just a tiny shy of 6'6 peaks that is! Andre 7'1-2 Show 7'0-.5, Khali 7'1 and Reis 7'1-2, Silva 7'2-3, Silo 7'3-5, Gonzales 7'6.5-7.5!
Mamun said on 27/Oct/11
Vegas , have you ever tried the drop Kick ( Hogan's finishing move ) on someone ?
No you haven't ! Because if you have even once , you won't be able to get out of
bed for over 10 days ! I have tried it and I only weighed 80 kg . How much does Hogan weighs again ? Your not going to prove anything by saying Stone cold looked the same to you so therefore someone like Andre should also remain the same ? Well how do you know if Stone Cold didn't lose any height ? Have you seen him when he was 28 ? I have posted countless pictures of Hogan losing 4 inchs of height as proof . For some reason you have not responded to them ?
Mil Mascras Aged 70 is still nowhere near the condition he was with Andre aged
40 !

I have met Robert Malliate Two months ago and what he told me about Silva I will believe because he has worked with him and probably saw him from prospective we as fans can not ! That is Silva without his massive boots . No Silva is not wearing those Ultra thin soled boots that Andre always used to wear to ring . Those were some very very massive boots he had there in all the videos I have seen ! Until I see a decent picture , Silva is not more than 2 inches taller than Kurrgan .

Andre is not only taller than Silva , Khali and Kiel , but he was way much much stronger , faster , Bigger and a much bigger legend than these gentlemen ! Even in the most biased comparison photos where Andre is always dangling 3 to 4 inchs shorter than these gentlemen , Andre never seems to look smaller . NEVER!


JT said on 26/Oct/11
More proof Andre’s hand was probably no more than 10 inches long Click Here

Thanks for the new pics Big Show. Andre looks huge with all of those police officers. Based on all the pics we’ve seen of Andre, though, they have to be pretty short. No idea who these women are Click Here
FormlessOne said on 26/Oct/11
Mamun, it seems as if you are mixing up your facts. Get the numbers right first and then attack. But I have to agree in one point. A picture of an old Mil Mascaras of near 70 and with the other one closer to the camera is absolutely useless for comparing his height. And a man surely loses height even when reaching his 50's. Also depends on his profession.
Big Show said on 26/Oct/11
Mamun says on 26/Oct/11
Vegas , you still haven't answered the question me and Danimal was asking ? Which is what were you trying to prove by posting a picture of a 69 year old Mill mascarse with the camera disadvantage against HHH ??? Were you trying to prove to an innocent visitot to this page that Mill was no more than 5' 3" and that was a 5' 3" Mill mascarse Andre was towering over in 1974 ????
And your always giving wrong statements about what I had said . My words were :
" A normal man under normal circumstances " DO NOT " lose height by the ages of 40 or even 50 " ! But the circumstances surrounding both Andre & Hogan was
anything but normal !
Those were my words ! So now you are saying that Mill Mascarase is the same height age 69 with HHH as he was with Andre age 28 ???????????????????? Cause
that certainly was the point you were trying to prove in your earlier posts?

That pic of Andre & Mil Mascaras is from 1982 not 1974 as you claim. It was probably taken on the same night as when Andre tagged with Mascaras & Junkyard Dog against Tully Blanchard, Gino Hernandez & Killer Khan, considering Andre wore the same ring gear during that match as in the pic with Mascaras.
So Mascaras ain't 28, he's 40 in the pic with Andre.

I only see a ~6-inch difference between Triple H and Mil Mascaras in Vegas pics. So how tall do you think Triple H is, if you think Mil only looks 5'3" in those pics?
Chris said he met Mil Mascaras many years ago and pegged him at 5'9". He's still looking around that height next to Triple H (unless you tend to think Triple H is below 6'2" which I personally don't).
Vegas said on 26/Oct/11
@ mamun, there is no law against posting photos on this page last time i looked, i think you and a few others are confused a bit, this page is not an andre fan page

mascaras' name was brought up here 2 weeks ago and he was on tv last week so i posted the shots, the video is on youtube now, if mascaras was 5'11 like boss claimed then he lost about 3 inches, if HHH is 6'1 and mil was 5'11 at one time then he lost ~4 inches, mascaras still wrestles regularly so imo he must be in decent shape

i seriously doubt mascaras is 28 with andre, that shot was probably taken around 1982-83 when he tagged with andre in mid-south making him early 40s and there is no camera disadvantage, hhh is actually standing a little behind so if the camera is slightly to the right it probably evens out in that shot where he is lifting his arm, again video is now on youtube and you can see hhh has alot of height on him, trips has about 5 inches on carlos cabrera at the start and cabrera has an inch or two on mascaras

what circumstances surrounding hogan and andre?? why were they so special amongst the many thousands of pro-wrestlers?? you said hogan lost 4-5 inches before the age of 40 and joining wcw, hogan didn't even have any major surgeries by that point, his first major surgery (at least that i know of or read) occurred when he destroyed his knee in japan in the late 1990s; triple h tore both his quads off the bone in seperate incidents and missed almost 2 years of action because of it, HHH is older now than hogan was in 1994 with shaq or in 1995 with wight so HHH lost big amount of height too right??

steve austin had multiple knee surgeries, he had neck fusion surgery and back surgery done before the age of 40 and forced to retire in 2003, if anyone should be a candidate for heightloss it should be austin, i have met steve many times over the past decade and it doesn't look like he lost a thing. i met rhino the other week, he was listed 5'10 and 5'11 in the 1990s before joining ecw, he had back and neck fusion surgery during his time in wwe and missed lots of time because of it but he is still a solid 5'10 today, not 5'6. i met bret hart once again few weeks back, brets wrestled more matches than anyone this past 30 years, 2,500 matches in wwf/e alone, he was also forced to retire due to a back injury in the late 1990s, since then he had had couple of strokes but he isn't any shorter than first time i met him back in 2001, jerry lawler early 60s still ~5'10, met him in phoenix again last year, first time i met him was 1997, dave finlay listed 5'10 in the uk in the 1980s, has been wrestling 35 years, nearly lost his leg in wcw, met him couple of times as recently as november 2009 and he is still around the height he was billed back in 1982
Mamun said on 26/Oct/11
Vegas , you still haven't answered the question me and Danimal was asking ? Which is what were you trying to prove by posting a picture of a 69 year old Mill mascarse with the camera disadvantage against HHH ??? Were you trying to prove to an innocent visitot to this page that Mill was no more than 5' 3" and that was a 5' 3" Mill mascarse Andre was towering over in 1974 ????

And your always giving wrong statements about what I had said . My words were :

" A normal man under normal circumstances " DO NOT " lose height by the ages of 40 or even 50 " ! But the circumstances surrounding both Andre & Hogan was
anything but normal !

Those were my words ! So now you are saying that Mill Mascarase is the same height age 69 with HHH as he was with Andre age 28 ???????????????????? Cause
that certainly was the point you were trying to prove in your earlier posts?


Big Show said on 25/Oct/11
Here are some pics of Andre in 1972 from a Canadian Newspaper.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
JT said on 25/Oct/11
Danimal, so Monsoon is 6’5” and HHH is 6’1”, right? Click Here I suppose Hennig is 6’2” plus, as he was at least an inch taller than your 6’1” plus Vince McMahon, yet he’s somehow shorter than your 6’1” HHH. Start explaining.

Mamun, Robert Maillet (Kurrgan) was probably close to 5 inches shorter than Giant Silva. Click Here Click Here Oscar Schmidt (No. 14), the guy to Silva’s left, is usually listed at 6’8” and had an occasional 6’9” listing. Schmidt’s own website says he’s 6’8”. IIRC the guy to Silva’s right had a 7’0” listing.

IMO Kurrgan and Matt Morgan would be real close in height, with Nash a little taller than both. ~ 6’6” John Tenta in thin-heeled wrestling boots looks within 3 inches of Kurrgan in dress shoes.

Mamun, we have three acromegalic giants who are unquestionably legit 7 footers (Richard Kiel, Dalip Singh and Giant Silva) whom you can worship - no need to be making every excuse in the world to get Andre to that height.
Danimal said on 25/Oct/11
freddy says on 25/Oct/11

Now for all you saying Vince wore lifts is a complete joke, why would he wear lifts??? He had nothing to prove on his height!! If anything he would wanna look shorter next to the bigger wrestlers to show the public on just how big they are..

EXACTLY! BINGO!! Vince while interviewing wrestlers on the old show (mid 70's until early 80's) would go barefoot and have the wrestlers stand on little platforms, so they would appear taller than him, when in reality, he was tall and in many cases, taller than the wrestlers at that time. He was the SAME HEIGHT as Tony Atlas. Whether Tony was 6'1" or 6'2", Vince was the same. He also had inches on 5'11" Bobby Heenan in 1991 and I have already provided the video footage of this. The proof is there. He was minimum 6'1" before he lost height a few years ago. Now people are saying he was always the height he is now. How convenient.
Danimal said on 25/Oct/11
Richard says on 24/Oct/11
@ Danimal, there's more than two inches between Taker and Monsoon...

Richard always pops his head in here just to back up that Monsoon was never over 6'3", YET 1998 Steve Austin had to stand on his TIPPY TOES to look Monsoon in the eyes when he was throwing him out of the building....haha.. Go back into hybernation Richard.
Danimal said on 25/Oct/11
sidewalk says on 24/Oct/11
If you pause the vid at 14 secs Danimal Gorilla looks about 3 inches shorter. The angle where Gorilla looks close in height is one of those weird upward angles that make distort heights.

At 14secs camera is evenly between the two and gives the best perspective.

So, even 3" still puts him at what? 6'4"-6'5"? Considering Taker is YOUNG/HEALTHY and in FULL gear, while Gorilla is near death and in dress shoes.
Tuga said on 25/Oct/11
Monsoon within an inch from taker...
Click Here

Monsoon was quite tall, yes, but he measured the same next to vader as the rock, so 6'2 for rock does not go with a 6'5 monsoon, even if monsoon lost height it would never be 3 inches. A 6'3 rock and 6'4 or 6'5 max peak monsoon makes more sense, I would never put a peak monsoon at under 6'4.
Vegas said on 25/Oct/11
danimal cut down on the caffeine, why don't you search for mil mascaras and your 5'8 tops chris jericho from 1994 on youtube.....

so now you measured hhh?? and hhh was shorter than piper, yeah thats why hhh was easily taller next to gordon solie in wcw in 1994 compared to piper 9-10 years earlier i suspect, goldberg was not over an inch taller than hhh either no matter how much you want it to be Click Here and vince was shorter than his son in law, hhh was taller than shane who was taller than his dad, i ain't the first person to point this out either Click Here

here is something to do, post a video where piper has bulldog by 4.5-5 inches because i would love to see it, hogan had bulldog by about 6 or at most 7 inches in the 80s, and piper in 1991 (at age 37) was about an inch taller than bulldog (go watch survivor series and the buildup promos because you clearly haven't), i had a magazine from 1991 with a full length shot of piper, bret, bulldog and virgil all in gear, bulldog was about an inch shorter than the other 3

sidewalk, richard, freddy; monsoon was 3.5-4 inches shorter than sid eudy at that years slammys they come out about 1min 50 Click Here

mamun you have men losing 4-5 inches by age 40 so by 70 maybe 2-3 feet height loss for wrestlers is usual?? whats your opinion on the start of this video then cause i see more than 2 inches, maybe silva borrowed andres box, well he did look like him :D Click Here
freddy said on 25/Oct/11
Danimal says on 24/Oct/11
To those who claim Gorilla Monsoon was 6'3" in the 1970's and Vince was 6'0". Think again. This is just before Gorilla died. If Taker was 6'8" (I believe he was 6'7") then Monsoon was 6'6" (I believe 6'5"):

Click Here

Spot on Danimal, i'd say Gorilla was atleast 6'5, 6'4 before hid death, he made Ali look small in that vid.

Now for all you saying Vince wore lifts is a complete joke, why would he wear lifts??? He had nothing to prove on his height!! If anything he would wanna look shorter next to the bigger wrestlers to show the public on just how big they are..

Remember he made Andre stand on a box, i'm sure he was wearing lifts then aswell...
Richard said on 24/Oct/11
@ Danimal, there's more than two inches between Taker and Monsoon...
Danimal said on 24/Oct/11
Chaz says on 24/Oct/11
Boss,Forman was 6'3''look at 0.6secs when Buggner stands up right,he's a good 1.5-2'' taller,he even made a big thing about being taller and haveing a much longer reach,in the lead up the the fight.he said he would jab Ali to bits with he's extra height and reach.Click Here

Foreman was closer to 6'3.5".
dicksock said on 24/Oct/11
Danimal says on 24/Oct/11
Vegas says on 22/Oct/11
mil mascaras' height was brought up here recently, here he is last week with ~6'2 triple h Click Here Click Here

WOW, GREAT UNBIASED PICS there Vegas. I'd expect nothing less from you. We see how much closer HHH (who is closer to 6'1" than 6'2")

Triple H is 6'1"?! I am at a loss for words. The ramifications of that opinion are staggering. Also, The Rock at 6'2" is absurd. There is just so many blatant contradictions in your list that it is mind boggling, especially when so much evidence has been posted on this site.
Chaz said on 24/Oct/11
Here is Ali v Cooper,at 4.48 secs,they say Cooper is 6'1.5''and Ali 6'2.5'',they look the same height to me,Ali's just stands more upright and got more hairClick Here
You can forget Ali being much over 6'2''
sidewalk said on 24/Oct/11
If you pause the vid at 14 secs Danimal Gorilla looks about 3 inches shorter. The angle where Gorilla looks close in height is one of those weird upward angles that make distort heights.

At 14secs camera is evenly between the two and gives the best perspective.
Mamun said on 24/Oct/11
I just had a conversation recently with ROBERT MALIATE ( KURRGAN ) and asked him how tall SILVA was ? This was our conversation ;---

SUPERMUN ; Big Brother Robert , Was Giant Silva a lot taller than you ? Do you have a picture where your standing side by side by him and if you do please post it here . We fans shall be very grateful if did . Thanks Big Brother !

KURRGAN : he was 2 inches taller than me.Watch the Oddities videos on Youtube. Thanks!


Mamun said on 24/Oct/11
Thanks Danimal for your post on the 24 th . My thoughts exactly on Vegas and how he keeps using biased comparison pictures and expects a people to beleive
that there is no difference in height between a 30 year old and people in their
60 - 70 !


Chaz said on 24/Oct/11
Boss,Forman was 6'3''look at 0.6secs when Buggner stands up right,he's a good 1.5-2'' taller,he even made a big thing about being taller and haveing a much longer reach,in the lead up the the fight.he said he would jab Ali to bits with he's extra height and reach.Click Here
Danimal said on 24/Oct/11
To those who claim Gorilla Monsoon was 6'3" in the 1970's and Vince was 6'0". Think again. This is just before Gorilla died. If Taker was 6'8" (I believe he was 6'7") then Monsoon was 6'6" (I believe 6'5"):

Click Here
Danimal said on 24/Oct/11
Vegas says on 22/Oct/11
mil mascaras' height was brought up here recently, here he is last week with ~6'2 triple h Click Here Click Here

WOW, GREAT UNBIASED PICS there Vegas. I'd expect nothing less from you. We see how much closer HHH (who is closer to 6'1" than 6'2") is to the camera in BOTH pics, yet you fail to mention that to the NOVICE viewer of course and I just love how you fail to mention that Mil Mascaras is 70 YEARS OLD TODAY and was only around 30 years old in his pics with Andre the Giant. SO, your point again by showing these comparison pics are what? You could have EASILY provided pics of him with well known people from 35 years ago, but NO, you choose to use recent pics of an old man who has the camera disadvantage to prove a point how much shorter Andre was. I'd pat you on the back if I met you for a job well done Vegas.
Rambo said on 23/Oct/11
Who is this tall man making an intervwie with Gorilla Monsoon?
Click Here
Boss said on 22/Oct/11
Ali was 6'3. He was almost the same height as 6'3.5-6'4 Foreman.
Danimal said on 21/Oct/11
Taker - Peak - 6'7"-6'8" - Today - 6'6"-6'6.5"
Kane - 6'7"
Sid - 6'7"
Big Show - Peak - 7'0"-7'1" - Today - 6'11"
Kevin Nash - Peak - 6'10" - Today - 6'9"
John Studd - 6'7"
Edge - 6'2"-6'3"
Hogan - Peak - 6'5"-6'6" - Today - 6'2"-6'3"
Vince McMahon - Peak - 6'1"-6'2" - Today - 6'0"
Roddy Piper - Peak - 6'1.5" - Today - 5'9"
The Rock - 6'2"-6'2.5"
HHH - 6'1"-6'1.5"
Goldberg - 6'2.5"
Brock Lesnar - 6'1.5"-6'2"
Mabel - 6'6"
A-Train - 6'6"
HBK - 5'11" peak - 5'10" today
Bret Hart - 5'11"
Davey Boy Smith - 5'9"
Dynamite Kid - 5'8"
Andre the Giant - Peak - 6'11.5"-7'0.5" - Death - 6'10"
King Kong Bundy - 6'3"-6'4"
One Man Gang/Akeem - 6'6"
Ric Flair - Peak - 5'10"-5'11"
dicksock said on 21/Oct/11
freddy says on 21/Oct/11
I know Vince and Ali aren't standing next to each other but they look pretty similar in height compared to Gorilla Monsoon..

How tall was Ali??

Ali was barefoot in the ring and he was 6'2".

Also, in the Vince/Beefcake video I posted, Beefcake is more like 3" taller than Vince when he stands up to his full height. This just further adds to my suspicion that Vince was an occasional lift wearer. He could look as low as a weak 6' and as tall as 6'1.5 on occasion. One thing is for sure: Beefcake wasn't above 6'3". He and Vince had equal footware and there was about a 3" difference. As mamun would say, "this is rock solid proof."
freddy said on 21/Oct/11
I know Vince and Ali aren't standing next to each other but they look pretty similar in height compared to Gorilla Monsoon..

How tall was Ali??

Click here

Click Here
dicksock said on 20/Oct/11
Here's the supposedly 6'2" prime Vince with 6'2.5" Brutus Beefcake:

Click Here

They have identical footware and Brutus looks 2" taller. This should end the "Vince is 6'2" GARBAGE. Let me guess; Beefcake was at least 6'4"! If Vince was above 6'1", I'll eat my feet. Pause at 4:05 for god's sake. If Brutus was 6'3", that still puts a prime Vince at 6'1" tops.
Capt. Nobody said on 20/Oct/11
BTW, I found that footage of the Giant and Nash wearing the same combat sized boots and both being almost identical in height. Just have to find a way to get it online....
Capt. Nobody said on 20/Oct/11
dicksock says on 20/Oct/11
whataburger79 says on 19/Oct/11
do a search on youtube "the giant joins nwo". at 7:32-7:33 pause and there you go folks. andre and big show are pretty much the same height next to hogan.

FINALLY somebody else notices this! I've always thought that when watching that clip.

Here it is:

Click Here


What's really amazing is when you see Show without the combat boots on.
drummer777 said on 20/Oct/11
Wilt may have been 6'11 and his professional basketball listing of 7'1 hype. In Wilt's earlier career he was listed at 6'11. Click Here

Here is a good comparison of Bruce & Kareem, how tall do you think he is with Bruce.
dicksock said on 20/Oct/11
Here's a cool interview from 1986 where Andre is speaking all French with Pat Patterson and Lou Albano:

Click Here

You can't tell his height from this clip, but his head looks massive.
JT said on 20/Oct/11
Vince and Brutus Beefcake/Ed Leslie in similar footwear Click Here The highest I’d give Leslie is a weak 6’2”. He looked roughly 3 inches taller than Greg Valentine, who was no more than 5’10”. Click Here Vince looks no more than 6’0” here

Leslie does not look 6’2” with Big Show Click Here
even if you want to pretend Big Show wore 2 inch lifts. IIRC Leslie usually wore some kind of combat boots as the Disciple.

Hogan’s closer to the camera for much of that segment with Big Show unless you believe his head is as large or larger than Big Show’s. With poor posture Big Show will look close to how Andre did with Hogan. When Big Show stood straight, it wasn’t so close
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Andre was around 5 inches taller than Hogan. Nash looked 4+ inches taller than Hogan, and we know how Nash and Big Show measured up.
dicksock said on 20/Oct/11
whataburger79 says on 19/Oct/11
do a search on youtube "the giant joins nwo". at 7:32-7:33 pause and there you go folks. andre and big show are pretty much the same height next to hogan.

FINALLY somebody else notices this! I've always thought that when watching that clip.

Here it is:

Click Here
Vegas said on 20/Oct/11
Mamun says on 19/Oct/11
ell too bad we have rock solid proof that Vince was a rock solid 6' 2" ( 6' 3" in shoes ) when he was 30 !

guess he must have lost serious height by 1991 then, here is ~5'11 bret hart in cowboy boots (so ~6'1) looking easily as tall as vince if not edging him out, vince has got on big sneakers so he should be at least 6'3+ in those there...Click Here

now thats 2 inches taller than bret Click Here
TheHardTruth said on 20/Oct/11
Mamun, would you please stop to speak of rock solid proof. We do not have any medical report from any of them. Unless you have, there is NO rock solid proof. All I see is this: When they become famous, wrestlers sudenly gain height and weight. I did a little research and found this first billings as compared to later ones:

Bruiser Brody: beginning: 6´4", 265 lbs. later: 6´8", 300 - 325 lbs.
Killer Kowalski: beginning: 6´5", 250 lbs. later: 6´7", 275 - 290 lbs.
Don Leo Johnathan: beginning: 6´6", 260 lbs. later: up to 6´9", 300 - 340 lbs.
Sid Vicious: beginning: 6´7", 290 lbs. later: 6´9" or 6´10", 303 - 325 lbs.
Hulk Hogan: beginning: 6´6", 295 lbs. later: 6´7" - 6´9", 275 - 330 lbs.
Kane: beginning: beginning: 6´7", 300 lbs. later: 7 feet, 320 - 327 lbs.
Hercules Hernandez: beginning: 6´1", 256 lbs. later: 6´4", 275 lbs.
Vader: beginning: 6´3", 360 lbs. later: 6´5", 400 - 458 lbs.
Kamala: beginning: 6´4", 280 - 330 lbs. later: 6´7", 350 - 400 lbs.
Typhoon: beginning: 6´3", 350 lbs. later: 6´5", 384 - over 400 lbs.
and last but not least:
Andre the Giant: beginning: 6´10" - 6´11.5", 275 lbs. - 380 lbs. later: 7´4" - 7´5", 424 lbs. - 565 lbs.

I can not imagine them to have grown so much... ;-)
Chaz said on 20/Oct/11
Mamun,if Andre's cowboy boots only had 2''heels then Big Show's boots you keep going on about must have only been 1'',you claim there over 2'',and all this talk of Wilt's monstrous wig is nothing to Andre's monstrous Hair,if Andre was bald like Big Show,he would not look that tall.he was between 6'9.75''and 6'10.75'.
drummer777 said on 19/Oct/11
Lets just go by billed heights then
El gigante 8'0 tall
Andre the Giant 7'4 or 7'5
Big Show 7'4
Dalip sing 7'3
Kevin Nash 7'0
Tyler Mane 7'0
Undertaker 6'10
Sid 6'9
Dan Spivey 6'8
Hulk Hogan 6'8
Scott Hall 6'8
Lex Luger 6'5
Goldberg 6'4
Sting 6'3
Dingo Warrior 6'3
Macho Man 6'2
Bret Hart 6'1
Rowdy Piper 6'1
Ric Flair 6'1

The Promos from the 80's Have Hogan Billed at 6'8 and Psycho Sid Billed at 6'7.
whataburger79 said on 19/Oct/11
do a search on youtube "the giant joins nwo". at 7:32-7:33 pause and there you go folks. andre and big show are pretty much the same height next to hogan.
Mamun said on 19/Oct/11
Thanks Freddy ! They also try and down grade a proven 6' 2" prime Vince so that Andre goes down too . Well too bad we have rock solid proof that Vince was a rock solid 6' 2" ( 6' 3" in shoes ) when he was 30 !


aarod said on 8/Jul/09
the video of andre walking and ducking through a 7 foot or greater doorway in the arena with hogan in that tag match is definately compelling, whats even more compelling though is that hogan was like 3 inches below the height of that doorway walking in his shoes, which supports the theory that back inthe day, he probably wore lifts in his shoes. Jesse ventura claims that hogan and studd were known to wear lifts from time to time because they were both obsessed with being as big as Andre, so i think that at least makes it plaussible now...

anyways. on with the argument. Andre's listing should be updated to 7'0.5" peak at age 22 in japan, and 6'10" at the time of death. if andre was 6'11.5" in 1984 on the set of Conan the destroyer, it isnt a stretch at all to loose an inch from 1970...
aarod said on 8/Jul/09
how is a video that doesnt show footwear a smoking gun? jackasss....
LV said on 8/Jul/09
aarod says on 6/Jul/09
fralic was a pro athlete, it was not at all difficult for him to remain on his toes. he was in his home town of chicago, and he needed to stack up well against someone like Big John Studd in the fans eyes, being the home town hero, so portraying him taller isn't unheard of.

also, check this video back when andre tagged with hogan in '86, andre is ducking under a 7 foot arena doorway, in his wrestling boots.

Click Here

I've never seen that match before. Good footage. Andre doesn't look particularly tall in the ring next to Hogan but keep in mind a peak Hogan was easily 6'7" in ring rear. Andre clearly ducked going through the doorway, but its hard to see if his head would've actually touched the doorframe or not. The main doorways in all sports stadiums are 7ft. It clearly was taller than the standard 6'8" doorframe.
aarod said on 7/Jul/09
you just answered yoru own question... gene is farther from the camera, on an upwards slant from the tripod position..not only that, but judging from head size, barkley has a much shorter and smaller head in comparison to both fralic and studd. that is actually quite a common thing among black people, they in general, have smaller heads than white people. not always, but on average they do. and before anyone attacks me because i made a statement liek that, i am by NO means suggesting that black people have smaller brains or less intelligence. if you have spent alot of time on a basketball court, you will notice how the average tall black person has a disproportionately small head for his height. it is a common thing.
Frank said on 7/Jul/09
The truth is Studd was probably about 6ft 6 and i doubt Fralic was on his tip toes
Vegas said on 7/Jul/09
btw if you want to compare studd to barkley here is studd standing next to flair Click Here
JT said on 7/Jul/09
aarod says on 6/Jul/09
fralic was a pro athlete, it was not at all difficult for him to remain on his toes. he was in his home town of chicago, and he needed to stack up well against someone like Big John Studd in the fans eyes, being the home town hero, so portraying him taller isn't unheard of....

The excuses people come up with to keep their boyhood heroes larger than life.....Pro football players are adept at standing on their tippy toes?? Bill Fralic was now born in Chicago and/or played for the Bears? Try born in Pennsylvania and playing for the Atlanta Falcons.

Fralic stood relaxed for most of that video and his height vis-a-vis Gene and Studd never changed throughout (~ one inch shorter at most than Studd). This is the smoking gun video that results in lowering the height estimates for many wrestlers from that era.
Vegas said on 7/Jul/09
if fralic is on his tip-toes why isn't he taller next to mene gene, fralic doesn't even have a full head on gene even though he is closer to the camera (despite being on his tip-toes???) Click Here

now look how charles barkley measures up next to gene, clearly a full head taller Click Here
aarod said on 6/Jul/09
fralic was a pro athlete, it was not at all difficult for him to remain on his toes. he was in his home town of chicago, and he needed to stack up well against someone like Big John Studd in the fans eyes, being the home town hero, so portraying him taller isn't unheard of.

also, check this video back when andre tagged with hogan in '86, andre is ducking under a 7 foot arena doorway, in his wrestling boots.

Click Here
JT said on 4/Jul/09
MK says on 3/Jul/09
....My good god, Roddy Piper SEEMS to look 6'1'' in the later pic, perhaps you should post that on Hogans page.

Piper's just closer to the camera. He was about the same weight as Steamboat but looks larger b/c of the camera angle.
Frank said on 3/Jul/09
Studd was on a show years back called Hunter and the actor who played Hunter was Fred Dywer he was also a pro football player and he was listed @ 6ft 6 and Studd looked about 2 inches on him which i know with TV they can do tricks with the camera to make someone appear taller
MK said on 3/Jul/09
MK says on 2/Jul/09

dicksock said on 3/Jul/09
I'd still go with 5'11" for a peak Steamboat because he wasn't 2" shorter than a peak Flair. There are pics online of this.
dicksock said on 3/Jul/09
There is a new interview clip of Macho Man with Adam Corolla. Macho Man gets asked about Andre's height and he says 7'2". It's on youtube. Just type in "Daily Medicine with Adam Carolla 07 01 2009" Its 3 min 28 sec long. Pretty funny to.
i-Clarke-93 said on 3/Jul/09
The only time Studd ever looked less than 6'6' was in that video with 6'4.5 - 6'5 Bill Fralic. We don't know that Fralic wasn't standing on his toes in that video however.
Chris said on 3/Jul/09
JT is correct in his statements about Steamboat...I have see Steamboat several times over the years and 5'10" is great estimate...Maybe 5'9 1/2" BTW, in the photo of Steamboat and Studd....John is holding his son, John Jr....I believe that was taken in late 1985 or early 1986.
general93 said on 3/Jul/09
stud was definetly taller than 6'5" or 6" we've all agreed jake roberts was 6'5" and stud had 2" on him in 1989.also if u look at guys like jbl who are listed 6'6" there not on the same tall stature as studd.studd taker kane and sid are all in the same stature of height hard to tell exactly but all in 6'7-9" range.andre and big show are in the same structure around the 7ft mark and heavier aswell.
JT said on 3/Jul/09
MK says on 2/Jul/09

MK said on 2/Jul/09
JT says on 2/Jul/09
Nash and Sting from I believe around 1996: Click Here
Studd and ~ 5'10" Ricky Steamboat: Click Here Studd would have to have close to a full head size on Steamboat if he was really in the 6'8" range.

And why do you assume Steamboat was as tall then as he is now?
dicksock said on 2/Jul/09
In regards to that Steamboat/Studd pic, I would say Steamboat in his prime would be closer to 6' or at least around 5'11". Also Studd could look taller in that pic if he wanted. He is leaning with his head tilted slightly. I perfectly postured John Studd would have 8" on Ricky Steamboat. In my opinion that would put him at 6'7" assuming Steamboat was 5'11. He didn't appear to be 2" shorter than Ric Flair, who was 6' or maybe 6'0.5" in his prime. Also, when Studd was teaming with Kolwalski he was about 2" taller at least. I would say that it is IMPOSSIBLE for John Studd to have been under 6'6". I would put him at MINIMUM 6'6.5" and MAXIMUM 6'7". To me, its pretty clear he was around between those heights. Just as I'm sure a peak Andre was at least 7' tall. BTW, when is that Frenchy Bernard interview going to be posted?
JT said on 2/Jul/09
Nash and Sting from I believe around 1996: Click Here
Studd and ~ 5'10" Ricky Steamboat: Click Here Studd would have to have close to a full head size on Steamboat if he was really in the 6'8" range.
pjk said on 1/Jul/09
Where can i find the Kiel/Andre photo please anyone ?
Danimal said on 1/Jul/09
Studd was not 6'5".
Anonymous said on 30/Jun/09
I remember seeing an old picture of Studd and Paul Orendorf. Studd was not all that much taller, Paul came up to about his eyebrows, making Studd at most 6 inches taller. I thought this was strange since at the time Orendorf was listed at 6'2 and Studd 6'11. Knowing that Orendorf was not 6'5+ I figured Studd must only be about 6'8. But I see now that Orendorf went into the hall of fame at 5'11. Which would make Studd only about 6'5. I suspect that Orendorf was 6'0 and Studd was 6'6 explaning why Studd was 1 inch taller than Fralic.
dicksock said on 29/Jun/09
dicksock says on 28/Jun/09
On TNA this Thursday, there was a promo with Sting and Kevin Nash standing right next to each other in the ring for quite a while from all different angles. Nash didn't look more than 4" taller than him the whole time. This isn't really related to Andre, but I just wondered if anyone else saw this weird segment and if so, if they could explain it. I was confused the whole time. If Sting is 6'2", Nash looked about 6'6". But we all know Nash is AT LEAST 6'9 and probably closer to 6'10".

Please disregard that statement. I wasn't really closely paying attention to that whole segment. I just rewatched it AFTER I posted and it's clear Nash is about 8" taller. There is only a few spots where they look closer in height than they should. Again, sorry for the stupid post.
Vegas said on 29/Jun/09
i saw that, at times nash looked 6 inches maybe more taller but the camera angle favoured sting, here is last week, matt morgan who is in the 6-8 region (i met him twice in person and who we know is roughly the same height as nash maybe half inch shorter (they had a staredown) towering over sting Click Here
Clay said on 28/Jun/09
I dont think Big Show has been ''slim'' since he was in his mid teens.
dicksock said on 28/Jun/09
On TNA this Thursday, there was a promo with Sting and Kevin Nash standing right next to each other in the ring for quite a while from all different angles. Nash didn't look more than 4" taller than him the whole time. This isn't really related to Andre, but I just wondered if anyone else saw this weird segment and if so, if they could explain it. I was confused the whole time. If Sting is 6'2", Nash looked about 6'6". But we all know Nash is AT LEAST 6'9 and probably closer to 6'10".
Nathan P said on 27/Jun/09
Just remember Andre had a disease where The big show doesn't. Andre started to put more wait on and loose height. most people that get bigger look taller but the opposite for Andre. In real life if a body builder faced up to Andre the body builder would get man handled because Andre is still known to Super human strength.
general93 said on 27/Jun/09
different angles its amazing the way some of yous even go by some staredowns like andre and hogan at wm 3 i mean hogan had the camera totally in his favour if hogan was standing centre in the ring and andre had walked over to him from the corner hogan wud have been completely dwarfed andre easily had hogan by 6" or more! bill fralic was listed 6'7" aswell in his early playing days but anyway he'd huge black boots on and in the battle royal studs taller than fralic.ernie ladd certainly didnt have 3-4" on studd and ed jones certainly didnt have 4-5" on studd.he was about 6'8" lowest 6'7"
Anonymous said on 26/Jun/09
I suspected the same thing when I saw the Fralic video, so I watched it real close. No way was Fralic on his tip toes! when he walks over from Mean Gene, there is no change of height whatsoever, and he is not straining the way a person who would be walking around a stage on his toe's would be. Fralic was just as relaxed as Studd. Maybe Studd was on his toes. If anything Fralic could have raised his chin up even further and gained another .25 inc.
pjk said on 26/Jun/09
I have looked at all the evidence here (except the kiel/Andre comparison - where is that?) and to state the obvious there appears to be two bodies of evidence.
1. Photos. All very difficult to estimate. The photo next to Wilt would suggest Andre to be under seven feet (if wilt is as stated) in later years (by 2-3" ??) as despite perspective etc he does appear to be the shorter man (this is not however great evidence as to exact height).
2. The measurements over the years, and his height at death. Height measurements need to be made atleast twice in the day to have any degree of accuracy using accurate anthropometric equipment. At least - on first standing in the morning and at a set time in the evening to be accurate. So, the validity of the measurements comes into question (if only one measurement is taken then if the time of day is known and time of arising, this can help.) The height at death (unless taken before death - ie standing) would only be an estimate as gravity and rigor mortis would affect any estimate.
Sorry, im rambling but i do feel the best giant of all time did reach 7ft (or there abouts). As previously mentioned, the measurement at 22 along with the estimate of his height in later years (~6'10") would tie in with an expected height loss of around 2-3" over that time period.
Andre will live on in memory - truely an awesome looking individual
aarod said on 26/Jun/09
ever stand on yoru tip toes Halb? i personally gain 2 inches of height. 6'5" fralic was on his toes in the picture, i wouldnt lie about what i saw, i have no emotional stake in studd being 6'7" or 6'10" or 2'3" for that matter. i am simply trying to use his height as a good meter for measuring andre's. everything has to be taken into account, including 6'5" fralic standing on his toes because the camera wouldnt pick that up.
aarod said on 26/Jun/09
next time i am home, i will check my 1978 guiness book of records. my mother bought it for me at my birth, and it has wilt's offical height in there.
aarod said on 26/Jun/09
Dr. Zaius.. the general consensus is Andre was somewhere between 6'11.5" and 7'1.5" at his peak and 350-400 lbs, and he was confirmed to be 6'10" and 555 lbs at his death. he was never 6'7" less than a year before his death, he was a good two inches taller than 6'8" tyler mane, so this isn't in dispute by anyone unless you are an idiot
LV said on 26/Jun/09
Dr.Zaius says on 24/Jun/09
Sergei Ladan is legitimately 7'8" and about 650lbs, he blows Andre out of the water.

You really can't compare him to Andre. Laden is so unathletic that he fell down and knocked out his teeth when he tried to play basketball. Plus, even though he has large muscles, he's actually quite weak. He was part of a special on National Geographic and they specifically mentioned that his unusual anatomy made his muscles weaker than you would expect.
Dr.Zaius said on 25/Jun/09
Sorry for being so disparaging to Andre, I grew up watching the guy and loved him. He was never 7'4", more like 6'11" at his tallest and eventually shrunk to 6'7". He had a weird shape accentuated by an prodigious ottoman sized head distended torso enormous buttocks and massive hands and feet. Of course these features were brought on by his acromegalic gigantism.
Big Show said on 25/Jun/09
Vegas says on 25/Jun/09
ah so?? never heard of the guy, would 35 million people have tuned in to watch Sergei Ladan perform on tv like they did to watch andre and hulk hogan on saturday nights main event in 1988??

I think he's referring to Igor Ladan. He's 7'8" but nowhere near 650 lbs (looks more like 450).
Vegas said on 25/Jun/09
Dr.Zaius says on 24/Jun/09
Sergei Ladan is legitimately 7'8" and about 650lbs, he blows Andre out of the water.

ah so?? never heard of the guy, would 35 million people have tuned in to watch Sergei Ladan perform on tv like they did to watch andre and hulk hogan on saturday nights main event in 1988??
Dr.Zaius said on 24/Jun/09
Sergei Ladan is legitimately 7'8" and about 650lbs, he blows Andre out of the water.
general93 said on 24/Jun/09
i think studd was 6'7" at death but he may have been taller in youth.big show is going throgh the same cycle of andre i mean paul white id say has lost 1" of height over 10 years lets see him in another 10 years more weight and older he will also look shorter.
Chuck said on 24/Jun/09
BMI is not accurate. It doesn't distinguish between muscle mass and fat. Take a prime 6' 6" 302 lb. Hulk Hogan for example. His bmi was 34.9 which according to their charts is morbidly obese. Hogan was all muscle, still is. So BMI is not accurate.
AKK said on 24/Jun/09
Using BMI to measure for obesity doesn't work with guys this size. Assuming Andre was about 400lb, that puts him at 178.57kg. Divide by the square of his height in metres(2.12), that puts him at BMI of 39. Well into the "morbidly obese" category. The problem is that when you double the size of the bones, you octuple their mass. Likewise for muscles, fat, etc. And let's face it, the guy was easily 5 or 6 "normal"(which, in my case, is my own size, 5'8" and 130~150lb) guys in size.
Marotte said on 23/Jun/09
Boss says on 22/Jun/09
Anonymous says on 21/Jun/09
The car he is lifting doesn`t even weigh 1500 lbs and the engine is at the front of the car so no that`s not impressive.

I would love to see you do it if it's not impressive. Here is Andre lifting the front end of a very heavy car. These cars in 1969 are solid and heavy. My 1990 Grand Prix weighed 3400+ pounds and a 2001 Nissan Altima weighs 2945 and the car Andre is lifting is closer to 4000 pounds as it is heavy than cars today.Click Here

The car that he is lifting in the video is a mini don`t tell me that car weighs 4000 pounds that`s just not true and to say that all 1969 car were heavy is also not true for a comparison the new challenger`s are 500 pounds heavier than the old one.
Halb said on 23/Jun/09
I have only ever read that it was 7'1 1/16. Boss who has read the book also has stated this. Can anyone else comment?

I reckon Studd was no more than 1 inch over Fralic. I cannot see any difference between Dalip and Shaq.
aarod said on 23/Jun/09
just thought this was funny.. this is what happens when asians get acromegaly:

Click Here
aarod said on 23/Jun/09
enough of this Khali nonsense. Khali is at LEAST 7'1", and more than likely he is 7'1.5" to 7'2", as he edges out shaquille o'neal just slightly in that picture online. comparing him to a cut out picture of andre is great for showing just how big andre's head was , but it does nothing to prove or disprove Andre's height. now, pictures of khali against vince macmahon and pics of andre against vince mcmahon are great ways to compare the two.
aarod said on 23/Jun/09
@Halb ... Wilt's official measured height by the guiness book is 7'1.16", not 7'1 1/16" as editor Rob has. meltzer analysed the photo and estimated a 1 inch difference in height between andre and wilt, but based on an assumed height of 7'0.5" for Wilt, this means Andre is at least a full 1/2" or better taller than melzter's estimate, and that puts Andre at 7' in 1983, when andre was past his prime in stature. people forget that he died like 7 years later. when andre was at his peak height, he probably weighed a full 100 pounds less. weight has a drastic effect on people's standing height especially Giant's with acromegaly, because the bones and organs grow in a distorted manner over time. Andre never had his condition treated, so the tumor that caused his pituitary to continually secrete massive amounts of growth hormone over his entire lifespan. once his growth plates sealed in his bones, it started to affect his posture and his chest and internal organ size. the heavier his chest got, the more his posture would sink. a 7 foot measurement in 1983 makes it EASY for me to believe a peak andre was 7'0.5" as Frenchy Bernard claims he was measured at in japan. Everyone KNOWS he was 6'10" at his death and weighed 555 lbs.

and as to the Stdd/Fralic video, the video is a closeup video the whole time, it shows nothing of their feet or even below the waist for that matter. It isnt difficult for an Athlete such as Fralic to stand on his toes the whole time in a short-ass interview. I've seen the picture myself and have no emotional stake in Studd being shorter than his perported *6'10"* measurement. i myself believe, based on photographic and video evidence, that he was somewhere in the neighborhood of 6'7"-6'8". I met him as a kid, but the only person i had to compare him to was my 6'3.5" father, and studd was considerably taller.
Anonymous said on 23/Jun/09
andre was never at his peak "only" 6'10 (208cm) he was nothing less than 6'11.5-7'0.5 at his peak and glory days..
JT said on 23/Jun/09
Another shot of Big Show's "average sized" hands: Click Here
Mikew said on 23/Jun/09
I can't believe people are actually debating Andre's strength. Doing so only underscores the obvious agendas involved and complete lack of credibility behind the 6'10ish estimates. It seems clear that, based upon all of the available evidence (pics, anecdotal reports, etc.), a peak Andre stood over 7 feet tall, somewhere between 7 feet and 7'1." While the 6'11.5" estimate by editor Robb can hardly dismissed as implausible (after all, we are only talking about a 1/2 to 1.5 inch difference), I think a 6'10" peak Andre is definitely out of the question. We've all seen the evidence, so there is no need to trot it out here again. Suffice to say that it is noteworthy that the same people who want to cast Andre at 6'10" are the same people downplaying his strength and otherwise criticizing him. Very interesting.

P.S. Putting aside the height issue, it is also truly incredible to hear people actually comparing Show and/or Kahli to Andre as an overall giant. Andre was sui generis, the one and only giant of wrestling, larger than life. There is no comparison. Think we'll be talking about Show or Kahli years after their respective deaths? Reading and discussing, years after the fact, tidbits and various anecdotal reports about their lives? I think not.
dicksock2 said on 22/Jun/09
JT so Andre may be stronger and bigger than even Big Show and Khali, and maybe he could even tear Hulk Hogan apart in the 70's. That's no reason to hate him.
Boss said on 22/Jun/09
Anonymous says on 21/Jun/09
The car he is lifting doesn`t even weigh 1500 lbs and the engine is at the front of the car so no that`s not impressive.

I would love to see you do it if it's not impressive. Here is Andre lifting the front end of a very heavy car. These cars in 1969 are solid and heavy. My 1990 Grand Prix weighed 3400+ pounds and a 2001 Nissan Altima weighs 2945 and the car Andre is lifting is closer to 4000 pounds as it is heavy than cars today.Click Here
Clay said on 21/Jun/09
Looking at JT's photos it really isnt close, Khali is a far more impressive physical specimen than Andre the Giant ever was. Khali is just hated on because he's a poor wrestler, partly his fault, partly WWE's fault for diminishing his move arsenal.
Anonymous said on 21/Jun/09
The car he is lifting doesn`t even weigh 1500 lbs and the engine is at the front of the car so no that`s not impressive.
kinggollum said on 21/Jun/09
JT you really do hate Andre don't you? I mean any way you can find to degrade him, you'll do it and even make stuff up about him too.
Boss said on 21/Jun/09
Here at the 6:00 minute mark Andre lifting a car. His brother tells he used to do this to change flat tires. also his brother states that Andre's growth really took off when he was 16 years old.
Click Here
dicksock said on 21/Jun/09
aarod says on 21/Jun/09
Flair said in a shoot interview that andre was a larger giant, but andre wasnt near the athlete that big show was. by the time flair wrestled andre on a regualr basis, i would agree, as andre was past his atheltic prime by the time he was liek 27 or 28

i-Clarke-93 said on 21/Jun/09
I know it's been posted before , but could someone please post the video of Studd and Fralic.
Vegas said on 21/Jun/09
Duhon says on 21/Jun/09
Just wondering what would the physique of someone legitimately 7'4" and 500 pounds look like?

closest i know would be Jerry Sokoloski who is approx 7'4 (claimed 7'6 for a long time until meeting Neil Fingleton) and about 450lb in this photo Click Here
Halb said on 21/Jun/09
@aarod. Meltzer had Wilt at 7'0
aarod said on 21/Jun/09
Flair said in a shoot interview that andre was a larger giant, but andre wasnt near the athlete that big show was. by the time flair wrestled andre on a regualr basis, i would agree, as andre was past his atheltic prime by the time he was liek 27 or 28

also.. there is a regualr photographed picture roaming on the net of that face-off between bill fralic and john studd, and it is a distant picture, and fralic is on his tip-toes to equal studd's height, its very funny what they do that the video camera doesnt catch just to build things up.
Duhon said on 21/Jun/09
Just wondering what would the physique of someone legitimately 7'4" and 500 pounds look like?
aarod said on 21/Jun/09
funny thing is, that wrist measurement of Andre's is undersized, even though i know thats from the Wrestlemania 3 program. i remember seeing a youtube video of Andre getting his wrist measured by a commentator, and it was 12 1/4 inches. he wore a pocket watch around his wrist too in the clip.. ill search for it and post it if i can find it
aarod said on 21/Jun/09
ohhh that khali video is good video, because it shows khali compared to vince mcmahon. theres plenty of video of mcmahon and andre laying around. pretty much shows to me that khali is around 7'1.5" if andre was 7'0"
aarod said on 21/Jun/09
you guys keep forgetting that Rob just took the measurement that meltzer calculated in the picture with wilt chamberlain making that his peak height, because he knows that meltzer is a meticulous analyst. melzter made one fatal mistake though, he underrated wilt chamberlain's height by almost an inch. by meltzer's own estimates of their difference in height, this would put andre at over 7 feet tall, barely, but still over. i vote changing andre's peak height to 7'0.25-0.5"
aarod said on 21/Jun/09
Khali wear a size 18 shoe, and Andre has a size 22 dress shoe and 24 sneaker.. plus, andre's body features were more distorted, so i would venture to say he may have had bigger hands than khali. we'll never know for sure, but look at this clip where gene orkerlund puts three of his fingers inside andre's ring

Click Here
dicksock said on 20/Jun/09
I would say the second pic of Khali/Andre is probably pretty accurate. At least that is how I would imagine them side by side. Khali would be about an inch taller at the most and Andre would be more beefy.
Marble said on 20/Jun/09
right both show and khali dwarf him in every way right jt :S come one man andre would not look that small next to khali
Boss said on 20/Jun/09
Here is Andre lifting the front end of a car way off the ground in 1969.
Click Here

Here at the 6:00 minute mark Andre lifting a another car.

We have proof of Andre lifting two cars so what's the problem with him lifting a third.

Also I stated Andre's natural raw power was more than Khali or Big Show's. They are giants and weight lifters and very strong men but their strength was nowhere near a prime Andre.
JT said on 20/Jun/09
Assuming a 6
Mamun said on 20/Jun/09
I wish I knew the answer to that one Cobra ? But it would have been awesome
if Andre " JAWS " the giant was in the James bond movies ! But I also read
somewhere that Andre's first love was wrestling which he used to perform
more than 300 days a year ! He simply didn't have time to start anything
else other than what he loved most . The two James Bond movies would have
taken away a lot of his wrestling time !


Marble said on 20/Jun/09
In that first picture khali doesnt look more than an inch or 1.5 inches taller than andre :S
Cobra said on 20/Jun/09
Mamun says on 19/Jun/09
Here are some Andre Facts that the good people here don't know ;----

1) He was the first choice for playing JAWS in the 1977 james Bond movie
" The spy who loved me "

That`s interesting. Why it didn`t worked out?
Halb said on 20/Jun/09
Mamun says on 19/Jun/09
My friends Vegas and Jt ! How come you don't even dare post videos of Andre
in the 1972 - 1976 era ? Can you prove even by a fraction that Both Khali
and Big Show ever moved like that in the Ring even when they were younger ?

Show could perform moonsaults Mamun. No other giant in history has matched that. I do like Andre, but on athletic level Show did far far more.
JT said on 20/Jun/09
Rough comparison of Andre and Khali. Click Here This assumes a 1986 Andre was 6
Mamun said on 19/Jun/09
Here are some Andre Facts that the good people here don't know ;----

1) He was the first choice for playing JAWS in the 1977 james Bond movie
" The spy who loved me "

2) The 1974 Guiness Book Of World records had enlisted him as the highest
paid wrestler of All time back then ! He was earning more than $ 400,000/-
a year . A sports Illustrated Magazine earlier actualy had him as the
highest paid professional athelete ! Only Muhammad Ali took the title
away from him !

3) He was in the early tolate seventies the second most famous sports man
on the planet ! Only Muhammad Ali was better known than him .

4) Andre used to wrestle 300 days in a year ! No professional sports man,
especially Khali and show can even come close to this .

5) The size of his hands and wrist larger than a Western Low land Razer
back Gorrila !


miko said on 19/Jun/09
When it comes down to it we have to decide about "height". Forget about strength or who was heavier, who had the biggest hands, it doesn't really matter.

Who was tallest at there peak?

I certainly believe that Big Show at his peak was taller than a peak Andre by about 1 inch.

WWE superstars are told to try and keep to kayfabe, they have to try and fool the fans that Andre is the tallest wrestler ever, when clearly he wasn't. He was a very big man however.

He was somewhere between 6"11 and 7"0 at his biggest, Rob the editor has him nailed on for his peak.

Khali 7"1, Big Show 7"0 and Andre the Giant 6"11.5, all very big strong men in there own right.
Cobra said on 19/Jun/09
I am not taking anything away from Andre, he was def. a strong and big dude.
But saying he is far superior physically against Big Show, is just not true.

Regarding WM III- it is just the moment nowadays most people remember Andre.
Lebowski said on 19/Jun/09
Click Here

this one here should end the discussion as of who has the biggest hands. Especially at 0:38 when Andre takes his ring back from Gene.
Clay said on 19/Jun/09
It is pointless argueing who is bigger and badder between Andre/Big Show/and Khali because we see them ''fighting'' in pro wrestling. They are simply putting on a show in the ring, not demonstrating full strength or whatever.
dicksock said on 19/Jun/09
Boss, your belief that Andre lifted up a
Mamun said on 19/Jun/09
My very good friend Cobra ! The date of that match was 1986 ! The first time
Andre ever lost a match to anyone through submission ! And Andre has Already
entered the age of forty ! ( his death sentence and his very fast decline )!
If you want proof of what I say then please take a look at Andre's Afro ???
What happened to it ????????? Well you all do remember Big John Studd and
King Kong Bunddy cut his hair in 1985 ? So that's rock solid proof that the
match was after 1985 ( Andre's journy to decline ) !

So my friend my understanding is that everything Andre does and his evidence,
personnal references from other Legends like Hulk Hogan , The car he lifted
was made out of card board , are all fake and non-sense ! But Big Show & Khali
are as real as Professional Body Builders & wrestlers not using Steriods ? And
when Andre wrestles someone and wins it's just because the other guy was going
easy on him ?

I forgot how to spell logic ? Is it I l l o g i c a l ? Is thats how you
spell it ?

Kind regards

dicksock said on 19/Jun/09
miko says on 19/Jun/09
Could Andre ever do this?

Click Here

Now that is agility for a REAL 7"0 giant.

Yes, actually Andre was known to be able to dropkick in his prime. Ric Flair says so and I've heard other people say so. Also, Andre was a "REAL" 7' giant. He was at least 7' tall and there is was too much evidence to back that up. Andre would have edged out the Big Show in height. Also, the only reason show looks so big there is because he lifted weights. Andre didn't go to the gym so he didn't have that overly muscular look to him. That doesn't mean anything. Even ric flair took back what he said about Show being more atheletic than Andre in that shoot interview where he compares them. And he said Andre was BIGGER THAN HIM. I trust ric flair more than you. sorry
dicksock said on 19/Jun/09
Nope. He was just the first real giant Hogans biggest enemy when Wrestling was at his biggest, he became a legend.

Sorry pal, but you are WAY wrong about that. That match was so famous because it was Hogan going up against Andre who was already a legend. Andre the Giant was the most famous wrestler of the 70's and early 80's. What you just said is like, "Hulk Hogan wasn't the most famous, he's just lucky he fought the Rock at WM 18, otherwise he wouldn't be a legend." In other words, Hogan became a legend because of that match with Andre, not the other way around. Andre was already a HUGE legend and star.
Cobra said on 19/Jun/09
Mikew says on 18/Jun/09
Boss: Andre was, without question, the one and true giant of wrestling. Period, end of story.

Nope. He was just the first real giant Hogans biggest enemy when Wrestling was at his biggest, he became a legend.

miko says on 19/Jun/09
Could Andre ever do this?

That`s what I am talking about. The Dropkick, the Chokeslam, how he executed it (!).

And Boss, in Wrestling, it is your job and your ****in responsibility to go as easy as it gets on the dude you wrestle. (Goldberg never knew this)
@ Mamun, I saw the Inoki Match: Click Here
Inoki is "going easy" with him around 4:00.
Andre moves better than in the mid-late eighties, yeah, but Andre is in no way superior to Big Show, it`s the other way round.

And Khali is pretty much supposed to move the way he does.
So you say this isn`t a true giant lol Khali is a specimen.
Click Here
And a former Mr. India and Powerlifter.
Kelso said on 19/Jun/09
Mamun you are the one who is biased
Anonymous said on 19/Jun/09
Clay says on 18/Jun/09
Click Here

I know this is Andre's page but I just wanted to show some more love to Khali. This video gives you an idea of how huge his hands are. do realize Big Show and Khali have to ''go easy'' on everyone in the ring as well? Face it Andre was nothing special compared to the giant of today.
First Andre was as tall as Khali and bigger than Big Show.
Second Andre could out wrestle Khali even the 1991 Andre could.
third Giant Paul Silva can out wrestle Khali and is taller than Khali.
miko said on 19/Jun/09
Could Andre ever do this?

Click Here

Now that is agility for a REAL 7"0 giant.
miko said on 19/Jun/09
I can't imagine Andre pushing Big Show around. I bet Andre never met a giant bigger than himself so he would be looking up to Big Show.

This talk of Andre being 100x stronger than Big Show, Khali etc has to stop, it's not true.

They are all strong men who you don't want to mess around with unless your over 7"0 yourself.
Mamun said on 19/Jun/09
My friends Vegas and Jt ! How come you don't even dare post videos of Andre
in the 1972 - 1976 era ? Can you prove even by a fraction that Both Khali
and Big Show ever moved like that in the Ring even when they were younger ?

For the good people here who are not biased , you can all see those videos
on utube of Andre between the ages of 27 - 30 years old . I find it hard to
believe that someone seven feet tall and still weighing 400 pounds move like
that with such agility .I have watched both Khali's and Show's videos a Million and one times ! They don't even have one tenth of Andre's power and
wrestling skills . My friends please don't take my word for it ! watch the
1976 match of Andre between Antoni Inoki ! You will see how Inoki ( then a
very well known Martial arts expert ) desperately tries to keep his distance
from Andre but still couldn't do much harm to him with his kicks ! Also
watch a 1972 match of Andre againts Baron von Heski ! See how fast Andre
runs in the ring chasing Bobby Heneen !


dicksock said on 18/Jun/09
Type this in. "Nick Bockwinkel Part 6"
dicksock said on 18/Jun/09
Mikew says on 18/Jun/09
Boss: Andre was, without question, the one and true giant of wrestling. Period, end of story.

Great comment. Also, to end the debate about Andre's hands and feet there is a video of Nick Bockwinkle talking about Andre on youtube.
Clay said on 18/Jun/09
Click Here

I know this is Andre's page but I just wanted to show some more love to Khali. This video gives you an idea of how huge his hands are. do realize Big Show and Khali have to ''go easy'' on everyone in the ring as well? Face it Andre was nothing special compared to the giant of today.
Vegas said on 18/Jun/09
Boss says on 18/Jun/09
If Khali or Big Show were ever to face Andre in Andre's prime they would be buying him bottles of whine and hard stuff so Andre would go easy on them in the ring like everyone else did for Andre in Andre's prime. In the 1970's Andre was known as unbeatable in and out of the ring.

you do realise pro-wrestling is not real don't you lol, you are not allowed work stiff in pro-wrestling or someone tougher or more skilled than you will eventually kick your a*s (goldberg found this out the hard way twice in wcw and one of these was against jericho a much smaller man) or you get fired, pro-wrestling is about protecting your opponent not hurting them

your other comments about andre lifting a car was a publicity photo just like this is a publicity stunt Click Here
JT said on 18/Jun/09
Some more pics of Big Show
Boss said on 18/Jun/09
Hogan also stated in the same autobiography that he was 6'7 and Andre was a half foot taller than him. So Hogan has Andre at 7'1.
Mikew said on 18/Jun/09
Boss: Andre was, without question, the one and true giant of wrestling. Period, end of story.
Boss said on 18/Jun/09
If Khali or Big Show were ever to face Andre in Andre's prime they would be buying him bottles of whine and hard stuff so Andre would go easy on them in the ring like everyone else did for Andre in Andre's prime. In the 1970's Andre was known as unbeatable in and out of the ring. Hogan truly feared Andre and when asked who he most feared in wrestling Hogan's response will always be Andre. Andre had more natural strength than Khali and Big Show combined. He could easily lift the car for his brother to change the tire. We have him pictured lifting the front end of a car in 1969 that weighed in the 4000 pound area because cars back then were solid and very heavy and Andre never lifted weights. Then we have the A&E story of him turning a car on it's side with 4 guys in it. Big Show a few years back pushed a car off the ledge in the parking lot but what wasn't shown was the other wrestlers who actually helped him do it. Why would he need help when Big Show was hard into weights by this time. Andre grew up on a farm and I know from working on a farm in my younger years that the strength you build from farm work is a superior to anything else because my friend came to work with me and he was huge and could bench 300 pounds well after a harvest season he had a whole lot of respect for farm labor as I could do things that he couldn't even though he looked much stronger and could bench a 100 more pounds than myself.
Cobra said on 18/Jun/09
Paul white Andre

7 ' Height 7' 4"
5oo lbs Weight 550 lbs
23" Neck 24"
65" Chest 70"
22" Biceps 20"
10" Wrist 11"
13 1/4" Hands 16"
18" Forearms 17"
34" Thighs 36"
22" Calves 22"
18 (6E) Shoe size 22"

That`s not true at all.
When did Andre ever looked like this?
Click Here

Now compare:
Click Here

Some guys don`t like it, but Big Show is stronger and bigger than Andre ever was. And yeah, he probably was also about a good inch taller when you would measure both at their peaks.

And comparing Andre/Khali physique wise- sry, but it`s is not that difficult to appear more massive when you have about 20% of bodyfat more.
Let`s trim down Andre to Khali`s fat level- about 15% maybe, he could be a little bit more ripped though, and then let`s make a comparison.
He would kill Andre physique wise.
Ghost said on 18/Jun/09
When Khali debuted in the WWE he was probably the most physically intimidating wrestler of all time.

There was no doubt he was 400+ pounds of pure muscle.

Since then he has lost quite a bit muscle mass. He is probably more like 380 lbs pounds now.
Clay said on 17/Jun/09
LOL Khali probably has the largest arms I've ever seen.

And Danimal...Im more impressed by a giant who actually has a ripped muscle physique than some beer drinking slob like Show or Andre.
LV said on 17/Jun/09
Woops. I posted the wrong link for Andre's hands. Here is the right one:
Click Here
JT said on 17/Jun/09
Here we go again with the purported handprint of Andre. It
Boss said on 17/Jun/09
LV says on 16/Jun/09
Big Show's hands were nowhere near as big as Andre's. These are pictures that Chris took and, useless Chris has enourmous hands, Big Show's hands aren't that big. His fingers definantely aren't very long for a 7 footer with acromegaly.

Big Show's hands compared to Chris':
Click Here

Andre's hand compared to Chris':
Click Here

Wow Andre's hands are much bigger than the Big Show's hands. I beleive some people on here are underestimating Andre's true size. Also Andre's hands , feet , head and internal organs never stopped growing his entire life.
Marotte said on 17/Jun/09
No arms yeah right....
MrBig said on 17/Jun/09
You are right about the weight Chaz,it is like Nash he was all of 6'10''peak but I haver never realy had him has a Giant just too light,no real size I would say Vader was more of a giant than him in size much bigger man all rownd but only 6'3.5''and Khali has not the mass to be anywhere nere Andre's size he looks a funny shape to me,no arms no legs he needs a good 50kgs in weight to be any real giant.
Vegas said on 17/Jun/09
big show and andre are/were obese, anybody saying different is wrong, they became super obese because of their lifestyles, terrible diets and lack of exercise, just watch a big show match these days, the guy is sweating buckets by the time he makes it to the ring, the strain his weight is putting on his body is enormous and very dangerous
Chaz said on 17/Jun/09
the reason why,all these Khali fans are going on about Andre and Big Show being obese is because khali is much too light to ever be a real total Giant,even Gonzalas who was about 1/2 foot taller than them all,did not have the weight for he's height,he would have to have been 600lbs to look as big as Andre or Big Show,and khali at under 200kgs 440lbs well I know 5'10''powerlifters more than that,and that was the weight of Haystacks when he looked thin in 1975,
LV said on 16/Jun/09
Big Show's hands were nowhere near as big as Andre's. These are pictures that Chris took and, useless Chris has enourmous hands, Big Show's hands aren't that big. His fingers definantely aren't very long for a 7 footer with acromegaly.

Big Show's hands compared to Chris':
Click Here

Andre's hand compared to Chris':
Click Here
Danimal said on 16/Jun/09
Clay says on 16/Jun/09
Here's a tale of the tape between Big Show and Khali from last year's Backlash.
Click Here
This claims Big Show has a 15" Fist and Khali a 16" Fist. Most of those stats seem kayfabed to me. Khali isn't 420 lbs (or 7'3" for that matter). I doubt Big Show's waist is only 2 inches bigger than Khali's. And I doubt Khali's fists are as big as Andre's (or Big Show's).

On the other hand Khali's chest measurement seems a bit low to me. Andre's Japanese chest measurement of 65" sounds believable to me (the bio is from 1983).
According to a UK magazine from 1969 Andre's chest already measured 64", which is probably an exaggeration as Andre wasn't anywhere near the size he was in 1983. And I doubt it would measure 9 inches more than Khali's, who has an extensive bodybuilding background.


The WWE announcers consistently rant and rave about the pure size of Khali. And his hands are easily just as big, if not bigger than Big Shows.

And you eat it up, don't you?
general93 said on 16/Jun/09
pics dont mean a thing people can look all different heights in pics at any given time.studd 6'6" so he was 3" shorter than ernie ladd in their tag match and 4" shorter than ed too tall jones dont think an interview with heenan and mcmahon when studd walks out he easily has vince by 6-7" im not sure of vinces height but i belive around 6'1-2" far as andre is concerned im sticking to the most logic in my eyes and that is around 7'-7'2" prime, early 80s 7ft, 1987 6'11 and 1991-death 6'10"
Clay said on 16/Jun/09
Here's a tale of the tape between Big Show and Khali from last year's Backlash.
Click Here
This claims Big Show has a 15" Fist and Khali a 16" Fist. Most of those stats seem kayfabed to me. Khali isn't 420 lbs (or 7'3" for that matter). I doubt Big Show's waist is only 2 inches bigger than Khali's. And I doubt Khali's fists are as big as Andre's (or Big Show's).

On the other hand Khali's chest measurement seems a bit low to me. Andre's Japanese chest measurement of 65" sounds believable to me (the bio is from 1983).
According to a UK magazine from 1969 Andre's chest already measured 64", which is probably an exaggeration as Andre wasn't anywhere near the size he was in 1983. And I doubt it would measure 9 inches more than Khali's, who has an extensive bodybuilding background.


The WWE announcers consistently rant and rave about the pure size of Khali. And his hands are easily just as big, if not bigger than Big Shows.
Danimal said on 16/Jun/09
How many times must I post this? Here we have a PRIME MINIMUM 6'2" Jim Duggan giving away at least an inch to a PRIME Dibiase (7-10 second mark): Click Here
Mikew said on 16/Jun/09
Re: Dibiase. Not sure about his later wrestling years, but Dibiase was definitely 6'4ish in his younger days. Check out some of the old Mid-South matches, in particular some of the tag matches with Duggan. You will see that Dibiase is clearly taller than the 6'3" Duggan.
Ghost said on 16/Jun/09
Yep, DiBiase never looked taller to me than 6'3, in the later years NOTHING over 6'2.

I don't get these 6'4 estimations for him.
Daniel_Sweden said on 16/Jun/09
JT says on 15/Jun/09
JT said on 15/Jun/09
At least in boxing, the hand size usually refers to the circumference around the knuckles when the hand is making a fist. There would be little difference in hand size between Andre and Big Show Click Here though Big Show has stubby fingers. Both would probably be at least 16 inches, if not more, considering that a few boxers have purportedly been measured at around 14 inches and their hands are nowhere near as thick as these guys'.
Big Show said on 15/Jun/09
The 16" claim for Andre's hands refer to his fist circumference, not the length of his hands.

I have a Japanese biography of Andre which also has some 'measurements' of Andre.

Height: 7'3.75" (223cm)
Weight: 584 lbs (265 kg)
Neck: 33.5" (85cm)
Chest: 65" (165cm)
Biceps: 25" (63cm)
Fist: 13.75" (35cm)
Thighs: 38.5" (98cm)
Feet: 17.8" (45cm) Don't know which shoesize that would equal.

Here's a (supposedly) lifesize imprint of his hand from the same biography.
Click Here
The length from the tip of his middle finger up to his wrist measured 10.4".

Here's a tale of the tape between Big Show and Khali from last year's Backlash.
Click Here
This claims Big Show has a 15" Fist and Khali a 16" Fist. Most of those stats seem kayfabed to me. Khali isn't 420 lbs (or 7'3" for that matter). I doubt Big Show's waist is only 2 inches bigger than Khali's. And I doubt Khali's fists are as big as Andre's (or Big Show's).

On the other hand Khali's chest measurement seems a bit low to me. Andre's Japanese chest measurement of 65" sounds believable to me (the bio is from 1983).
According to a UK magazine from 1969 Andre's chest already measured 64", which is probably an exaggeration as Andre wasn't anywhere near the size he was in 1983. And I doubt it would measure 9 inches more than Khali's, who has an extensive bodybuilding background.
Chaz said on 15/Jun/09
Well for a start,Andre was not non-pathological,that means no disease,in fact Andre was tataly a pathologial giant,so he's chest even if it was 70''would not count in any case,and Hugo Gerard had a 62 chest Haystacks had at least a 85''chest but he was too fat to count,there was a guy DR Size Nessa who clamed to have a expanded chest of 75''but I think he was liveing in Hulk Hogan land full of crap,Glenn Ross,Zudrunas Zavicas and Domenic Feliu all have chests of about 65''.and Andre with 16'' hands well that says it all, they could not have been over 11''if that.
i-Clarke-93 said on 15/Jun/09
Andre The Giant Tale of the tape from WM 3

Height 7'5
Weight 525
Neck 24"
Chest 71"
Biceps 21"
Hands 16"
Wrist 11"
Forearms 17"
Thighs 36"
Calves 22"
Shoe Size 22" (Not mentioned in the tale of the tape before the match , but during the match Andre gives Hogan a big boot and Monsoon says "Ran right into that size 22")

These are all very similar measurements to the ones in the tale of the tape Mamun posted.
i-Clarke-93 said on 15/Jun/09
Andre's shoe size was also described as 23 , 24 and 28 by the wwe in his matches.
Vegas said on 15/Jun/09
16 inch hands lol, robert wadlows hands measured just 12.75 inches, the only measurement there that we know is correct for a fact is that wight wears size 18 shoes because when he played for wichita state they mentioned it a few times
Ghost said on 15/Jun/09
Andre's other measurements like wrists, hands, head, chest and overall frame were probaby bigger than Show's because Andre's acromegaly was never treated whereas Show had the prosess stopped.

Had it not been treated, Show would have probably grown to be atleast as large as Andre in everyway and his facial features would have been equally distorted.

I do firmly believe that Big Show was/is slightly taller (about an inch) than Andre ever was.
Halb said on 15/Jun/09
I think Hugo Gerard has a 72 inch chest but cannot remember fully.
Anyhoo, the 7'4 height and the shoe size (I think) are both bogus, which brings into question the validity of any of them.
Daniel_Sweden said on 15/Jun/09
yes andre was more of a real giant than big show will ever be..Andre had much bigger hands, feets, head, jaws and cheeks..Andres chest was bigger and his weight..Big show had only bigger arms and fore arms.. i belive the both where 7 feet guys at their mater what i just can't see a peak andre any where below 7 feet...
Mamun said on 14/Jun/09
Dear Friends ,

I have just took out my old WWE magazine of RAW dated January 2003 where
it features Big Show and the face of Andre behind him ! The title of the
mag was " OUT OF THE SHADOW " ! You can't beleive what you might read in
there regarding the " Tale of the Tape " ! Andre is by far much bigger
man than Show ever was . Here are the measurements as per the magazine: -

Paul white Andre

7 ' Height 7' 4"
5oo lbs Weight 550 lbs
23" Neck 24"
65" Chest 70"
22" Biceps 20"
10" Wrist 11"
13 1/4" Hands 16"
18" Forearms 17"
34" Thighs 36"
22" Calves 22"
18 (6E) Shoe size 22"

Well my friends if you have that copy It's all there . I would like to
point out that Andre is the only human ( Non - Pathologically which means
excluding super- obese people like YokoZuna , Giant haystalks , Robert Earl
Huges , etc ) in recorded history to have a chest measurement of 70 " ! No
ohter man , not even in the Body Building and Power lifting world could
claim to have such a large chest measurement without being super obese .
Andre , even when he weighed 484 pounds didn't look obese at all ! He
looked more like a 6' tall man who just weighs 240 pounds !


dicksock said on 14/Jun/09
says on 14/Jun/09
clearly Big Show and Andre have been obese, even at 7 feet tall, nobody should weigh 500 lbs. or even come close to that. 400 lbs. is already obese at 7ft.
7'1" 380-400 lb. Khali looks borderline obese already despite being only slightly taller and considerably lighter than Big Show and Andre

Andre was not obese at 400lbs or even 425lbs. He is not like other 7' tall people. He had acromegaly which meant his bones and his body kept growing. In the early and mid 70's he was 380lbs to 425lbs and he didn't look fat at all. He had defintion. He had no stomach at all. When he moved, I never saw any fat jiggeling or anything. Even when Andre reached 480lbs or over 500lbs he didn't appear nearly as fat as most people would at that weight. A lot of it was natural. You need to learn the difference between natural weight and fat. Just because someone weighs more than they should according to a height/weight chart doesn't mean they're obese. Those systems don't take into consideration people with acromegaly who have freakishly large frames or people with huge frames in general. For example, If you have two people who are both 6' tall but one of them has wrists which measure 7" and the other has wrists which measure 9". The person with 9" wrists will naturally weigh significantly more due to his natural bone structure.
Chaz said on 14/Jun/09
The diffrance is Andre and Big Show are or were good Wrestlers obese or not,khali on the other hand is crap,he makes Giant Gonzalas look like Abdula the Butcher.
said on 14/Jun/09
clearly Big Show and Andre have been obese, even at 7 feet tall, nobody should weigh 500 lbs. or even come close to that. 400 lbs. is already obese at 7ft.
7'1" 380-400 lb. Khali looks borderline obese already despite being only slightly taller and considerably lighter than Big Show and Andre
Halb said on 13/Jun/09
I would say Studd has no more than 1 inch over Fralic.
Danimal said on 12/Jun/09
The picture could very well have been taken in 1983. We don't really know when production started for Conan the Destroyer. All we is that it was RELEASED in 1984. For all we know, the pic could have been taken in 1982.
dicksock said on 12/Jun/09
Hulkster says on 12/Jun/09
i don't care about the picture with arnold,andre and wilt...the picture was taken 1987 and by that time andre already had lost 1 or 1 1/2 inch..Andres peak was 60's to 1976...after that he had some surgeries, gained weight and start to lose height..the other thing is that Wilts height is debated..dave meltzer does a photograhic analysis and concludes that andre the giant is 6'11.5" based on an assumed height of 7'0.5" for wilt, which is incorrect, as the guiness book measured him at 7'1.16" in 1978. if wilt was 7'1.16 1987 when the picture was taken then andre was nothing less than 6'11.5..remember andre was not at his peak 1987 he had already lost 1 or 1 1/2 Andre was 7 feet tall barefoot out of the beed at his peak..
Bill Walton has gone on record to say he was 6'11". So Wilt being 2 inches taller would make him 7'1".

Andre the Giant 7 feet (213cm)

The pic isn't from 1987, its from 1984.
Chaz said on 12/Jun/09
Hulkster' in the the 1960s,we know he was only 6'10'',then in 1976 we know next to a 4'11''man he was still only 6'10''then in 1980 he was only 2''taller at most to a 6'8''ish Giant Haystacks who by the way was billed at 7'' for the bout"I wonder why"then you clame he had all ready lost height by 1987,so how long was he over 7 foot then and when?you are in the reamls of fantasy,you are saying he grow after 1980 to over 7''then back down to about 6'10.75''by 1987,ive never heard so much rubish in my life,the man was 210cm no more no less.and for most of the time he was no more than 440lbs 200kg.
Hulkster said on 12/Jun/09
i don't care about the picture with arnold,andre and wilt...the picture was taken 1987 and by that time andre already had lost 1 or 1 1/2 inch..Andres peak was 60's to 1976...after that he had some surgeries, gained weight and start to lose height..the other thing is that Wilts height is debated..dave meltzer does a photograhic analysis and concludes that andre the giant is 6'11.5" based on an assumed height of 7'0.5" for wilt, which is incorrect, as the guiness book measured him at 7'1.16" in 1978. if wilt was 7'1.16 1987 when the picture was taken then andre was nothing less than 6'11.5..remember andre was not at his peak 1987 he had already lost 1 or 1 1/2 Andre was 7 feet tall barefoot out of the beed at his peak..
Bill Walton has gone on record to say he was 6'11". So Wilt being 2 inches taller would make him 7'1".

Andre the Giant 7 feet (213cm)
Danimal said on 12/Jun/09
Richard says on 12/Jun/09
general93 ... Studd was basically the same height as 6'5 Bill Fralic, maybe had him by half an inch so I'll be generous and give Studd 6'6. Now Studd was taller than Hogan so my original assumption of a 6'5 peak for Hogan still stands.
THe photos with Andre and Wilt are controversial for a number of reasons, Andre's footwear is one... the other is the fact that Andre is closer to the camera at an angle so drawing lines measuring the figures won't suffice and he's got heavy footwear. Now I'm a fan of Andre just like the rest of you I'm not trying to put him down but let's be realistic... he's not the same height as Wilt in those pics like many claim. There are a couple of inches between them...

Watch the video and not the picture. He has close to 2" on Fralic in the video and Studd was barely taller than Hogan from recent evidence.
Halb said on 12/Jun/09
"i dont care about the wilt pic theres practically no differene my cousin who stands 6'0.5" and weighs 194lbs always looks around the same as me in pics im 6'2" 267lbs."

'Always'?...:D Does he always wear boots and you flip flops?:D
Richard said on 12/Jun/09
general93 ... Studd was basically the same height as 6'5 Bill Fralic, maybe had him by half an inch so I'll be generous and give Studd 6'6. Now Studd was taller than Hogan so my original assumption of a 6'5 peak for Hogan still stands.
THe photos with Andre and Wilt are controversial for a number of reasons, Andre's footwear is one... the other is the fact that Andre is closer to the camera at an angle so drawing lines measuring the figures won't suffice and he's got heavy footwear. Now I'm a fan of Andre just like the rest of you I'm not trying to put him down but let's be realistic... he's not the same height as Wilt in those pics like many claim. There are a couple of inches between them...
general93 said on 12/Jun/09
hogan peak was 6'6" theres enough evidence 1987 andre had around 5" on hogan putting him around 6'11" mark however anyone who thinks he was the same height even 5years earlier is wrong.theres no doubt andre was over 7ft tall hayday.john studd was billed 6'10" so he was probably 6'7 or 8" andre had him by about 4" at wm5 again 6'11" is about right then.then about 1991 to death was 6'10".i dont care about the wilt pic theres practically no differene my cousin who stands 6'0.5" and weighs 194lbs always looks around the same as me in pics im 6'2" 267lbs.
Halb said on 12/Jun/09
Show was weighed at 507 on an episode of RAW when he faced Akebono.
Sam said on 11/Jun/09
I actually stand taller than you guys, I happen to be 7 ft. 4 in. tall. So you're not the tallest ones here. It is a pain to find clothes tailor made for me. I go to big and tall stores, hard to find in Rochester, Minnesota.
The Seth said on 11/Jun/09
Andre the Giant and Big Show both drank beer, Khali on the other hand drank protein shakes. Khali would beat Andre the Giant if he were still alive, so Big Show will have to do.
I don't believe Big Show was ever over 500 lbs. or even 500 in the first place. I give Big Show 450-460 max.
Frank said on 11/Jun/09
Sorry it was NOT my Magazine :o)
kinggollum said on 11/Jun/09
Me says on 10/Jun/09
I remember what country it was taken in Frank. It was taken in JTenia!!!

sidewalk said on 11/Jun/09
Are you saying it was called "My Magazine"? The name would be most helpful but I also wanted to know what country it came from. Knowing what country the magazine came from does narrow the possibilities a lot actually.
Frank said on 11/Jun/09
It was my Magazine i guy i knew had along time ago showed me and i was surprized Andre was shorter than Wilt . Yes i use to Believe he was 7ft 4 @ that time Again Andre was Clearly Shorter but i would say by about 2 inches
I did not see the foor wear but they were all in Street clothes
Me said on 10/Jun/09
I remember what country it was taken in Frank. It was taken in JTenia!!!
sidewalk said on 10/Jun/09
Frank do you remember what country the mag with the Wilt, Andre, Arnold pic was from? Was it a Japanese wrestling mag? If you have any clues I'll try and look for it, not saying I could find it. Of course, everyone here would also look for it.
Rantsrob said on 10/Jun/09
Peak andre in cowboy boots with 6'11'' max. Peak andre barefoot 6'10''.
Halb said on 10/Jun/09
It would be cool if the picture Frank talks aboot could be found.
Frank said on 10/Jun/09
Yes Marble im 100 % sure it was none of the pictures posted on here dont get me wrong Andre did not look short but Wilt was Clearly Taller
Chaz said on 9/Jun/09
your like a lode of sycophantic falls,you think just because Andre was not at least 7'' he was not a real giant,since when has 6'10.75''and 500lbs not been a giant,I loved Andre he and Giant Haystacks and Bill Kazmaier are my Idols If i realy belived he was 7' I would be the first to say it ,and i think a lot of what JT says is not right mostly is ring pic comparsons are crap,camara up or down allways makes the shorter man taller,but in the case with Shoemaker,this is a smoking gun,there is no dout he could not be any taller then 1'11''in shoes than a 100% 4'11''man,he cannot have been any taller peak than the 210cm that he was billed in the Dale Martin days in the UK.
Boss said on 9/Jun/09
dicksock says on 9/Jun/09
In the shoemaker pic, shoemaker is in front of Andre. With all of the bogus talk of Andre being in front of Wilt in the black and white photo, I find it odd that nobody mentioned the fact that if Andre was lined up with shoemaker, he'd come out taller. Even in the Wilt/Andre pic where Andre is in blue pants, he is only a few inches in front of Wilt and he comes out taller once you take away the wig. And Wilt's official height was 7'1 1/16". The shoemaker comparison pic would never be taken seriously in a court. The black and white Andre/Wilt one would though. They are perfectly lined up and Andre looks taller with a footware adv. But, like I said, Wilt has a posture adv. not so much with his head, but with his back. Andre is almost leaning forward with his head slightly tilted. Any way you slice it, no matter what your biases are, there is no way Andre the Giant was under 6'11.5".

Exactly , if this was Big Show in the very same pic they would be saying he was 7' with Wilt 7'1 1/16 Wilt. Anyway you look at it Andre looks much closer to 7' than he does 6'10 with Wilt and Arnold unless your opinion is biased. Jt is saying Andre gains a half inch from the angle and 1.25 from footware so that's 1.75 inches and what about Wilt's wig. 1.75 inches minus 7'1 1/16 = 6'11.25 or so and even 2 inches Andre would still be 6'11 1/16 in 1984 which was beyond his peak height. In reality the difference is at max 1.5 inches for Andre and possibly only the one inch advantage that Meltzer estimated by observing the pic but wrongfully or unknowningly downgraded Wilt's height to 7'0.5 which has been proven not to be the case since Wilt stated in 1986 he was still 7'1 1/16 putting Meltzer's own estimation at 7'0 1/16 for Andre. Wilt has much better posture than Andre which has to taken into account for a peak Andre with much better posture.
sidewalk said on 9/Jun/09
There is a difference between putting your chin down as Wilt is doing and putting your head down which Andre is doing. The way Andre is looking down he would lose more height than Wilt who is only putting his chin down. Understand the difference if not practice putting your head down in different ways and you'll know what I mean.
dicksock said on 9/Jun/09
In the shoemaker pic, shoemaker is in front of Andre. With all of the bogus talk of Andre being in front of Wilt in the black and white photo, I find it odd that nobody mentioned the fact that if Andre was lined up with shoemaker, he'd come out taller. Even in the Wilt/Andre pic where Andre is in blue pants, he is only a few inches in front of Wilt and he comes out taller once you take away the wig. And Wilt's official height was 7'1 1/16". The shoemaker comparison pic would never be taken seriously in a court. The black and white Andre/Wilt one would though. They are perfectly lined up and Andre looks taller with a footware adv. But, like I said, Wilt has a posture adv. not so much with his head, but with his back. Andre is almost leaning forward with his head slightly tilted. Any way you slice it, no matter what your biases are, there is no way Andre the Giant was under 6'11.5".
Marble said on 9/Jun/09
uhm there have been 3 pictures posted of wilt and andre are you sure it was a new one ?
Frank said on 9/Jun/09
Again i seen a picture in a Magazine a guy i knew had of Andre, Wilt and Arnold in street clothes NOT THE SAME PHOTOS POSTED ON HERE Wilt was Clearly Taller by atleast 2 inches minimum... Andre was alot taller than Wepner when they were in the ring together by atleast 5 inches
Boss said on 9/Jun/09
Rick says on 8/Jun/09

The only problem with your theory is that we have Andre standing next to in the same picture with 7'1 1/16 Wilt which he was measured at 2 times and said he never lost any height in 1986 so what more proof do you need JUDGE RICK{LOL} and 6'1.5 Arnold and you want to use comparison photos from the one the most biased on this site. Also Andre has his head titled way down to look at Wepnar in cowboy boots and Andre could easily be 5 inches taller in JT's pic if he assumed Wepanar's posture and Andre looks much taller than Wepnar in the backstage promo photo and in the match itself Andre dwarfs Wepnar. Also Andre gained alot of his height from his body trunk and his head rather than his legs like most tall men as you can clearly see with Wilt. Wilt had much better posture than Andre. If Andre had the same posture as Wilt Andre would come out taller because he actually does look slightly taller in the B/W pic but Andre does have a footware advantage. Wilt is 7'1 1/16 in the photo than Andre is no lower than 6'11.5 and that's giving Wilt almost 2 inches which is a little too much. I beleive the difference with all factors in to be 1 - 1.5 inches max.
JT said on 9/Jun/09
The camera angle is slightly to Andre
kinggollum said on 9/Jun/09
kinggollum says on 8/Jun/09
Rick has been owning most people on here that believe an under 7 foot Andre.

Sorry I meant Boss, man I'm getting dumb in my old age, lol!
Rick said on 8/Jun/09
Boss and Dicksock:
Let's pretend for a moment that both of you are on a jury and evidence is being presented by forensic specialists, with expertise in the area of photography, regarding how tall Andre the Giant may have been. Not whether he was 7' tall or not, but just how tall period. And let's assume, for the sake or argument, that you have no preconceived ideas or opinions of Andre's height.

The defense offers up for evidence the Wilt/Andre photo, but through cross examination it's revealed that nobody is quite sure how tall Wilt or Arnold really are. Also the prosecution points out other discrepancies such as the different position of both subjects, the altered perspective, etc.

Next up is the prosecution's expert and he enters into evidence the Andre/Shoemaker photo with Shoemaker's height know to an almost 100% certainty, both subjects standing perfectly straight facing the camera, one directly in front of the other, and hardly any skewed perspective of either person.

Using this scenario, which side are you most likely to feel presented the better evidence regarding how tall Andre may have been? Just curious.
Vegas said on 8/Jun/09
dicksock says on 8/Jun/09
Does Andre really only look 9" taller than Arnold to anyone? Andre's not closer to the camera. Arnolds hands are evenly spread out and they are in front of BOTH men. Also, line up their feet on their legs that are furthest from the camera. They are lined up. Sorry, but the truth hurts. This picture still proves what it always has. That Andre the Giant was at least 7' tall and after futher examination may have been closer to 7'1".

question how much taller did andre look to you on video in 1980 compared to vince, 4 years prior to that arnold/wilt photo??
Boss said on 8/Jun/09
Kelso says on 8/Jun/09
The people on here that are estimating Andre at 7ft. is that with footware or barefoot?

7' peak barefoot and 6'10 at the end and after a 250 pound adult weight gain and a disease that wreaked havoc on his giant body which he chose not to have treated as well as 3 sugeries and poor posture from his condition and size. Andre was measured at 6'10 when he died in France and weighed 555 pounds but was a couple inches taller in his youth as you can clearly see from photos and videos and interviews etc.
Kelso said on 8/Jun/09
The people on here that are estimating Andre at 7ft. is that with footware or barefoot?
Boss said on 8/Jun/09
dicksock says on 8/Jun/09
Boss says on 8/Jun/09
Chaz says on 8/Jun/09
Boss if you think Andre is side by side with Wilt,then there is no point in listning to anything you have to say,Andre is at least a foot nera the camara,and side on,for ever 6'' nera the camara you have to take 1'off is height,unlike the pic with the jockey where Andre is right up he's back,and there is no dout he is 4'11'',Andre was 210cm peak no more no less.

Andre wasn't closer to the camera in any of the pics. And in the black and white one, he looks taller than Wilt considering his posture was much worse. If he would have stood up Khali style, he'd look taller. To me, the difference in posture would pretty much even out the cowboy boot factor. You also don't really know what kind of heel Wilt has. Also his wig adds one whole hell of a lot. The fact is in the black and white photo especially, they are perfectly lined up and they are approximently the same height. Again, you have a 7'1" Wilt and a 7'0.5" Andre at the shortest. Does Andre really only look 9" taller than Arnold to anyone? Andre's not closer to the camera. Arnolds hands are evenly spread out and they are in front of BOTH men. Also, line up their feet on their legs that are furthest from the camera. They are lined up. Sorry, but the truth hurts. This picture still proves what it always has. That Andre the Giant was at least 7' tall and after futher examination may have been closer to 7'1".

Exactly , they were side by side in three different pics and camera angles aren't playing much if any of a factor. Wilt was 7'1 1/16 in the pic putting Andre at around 7' and Wilt does have much better posture in all the pics. andre was getting 1.8 inches from boots and Wilt is getting at least .8 or more between boots and a huge wig. Giving Andre a 1 inch advantage over 7'1 1/16 Wilt putting Andre at 7'0 1/16 in 1984 with Wilt. Andre looks 7' with 5'10 Bobby Hull , 6'6 Buddy Baker , 6'1 Bob Backlund , 6'1.5 Arnold and of course 7'1 1/16 Wilt and these are some people of actual known height not billed heights or some altered comparison photos.
dicksock said on 8/Jun/09
Boss says on 8/Jun/09
Chaz says on 8/Jun/09
Boss if you think Andre is side by side with Wilt,then there is no point in listning to anything you have to say,Andre is at least a foot nera the camara,and side on,for ever 6'' nera the camara you have to take 1'off is height,unlike the pic with the jockey where Andre is right up he's back,and there is no dout he is 4'11'',Andre was 210cm peak no more no less.

Andre wasn't closer to the camera in any of the pics. And in the black and white one, he looks taller than Wilt considering his posture was much worse. If he would have stood up Khali style, he'd look taller. To me, the difference in posture would pretty much even out the cowboy boot factor. You also don't really know what kind of heel Wilt has. Also his wig adds one whole hell of a lot. The fact is in the black and white photo especially, they are perfectly lined up and they are approximently the same height. Again, you have a 7'1" Wilt and a 7'0.5" Andre at the shortest. Does Andre really only look 9" taller than Arnold to anyone? Andre's not closer to the camera. Arnolds hands are evenly spread out and they are in front of BOTH men. Also, line up their feet on their legs that are furthest from the camera. They are lined up. Sorry, but the truth hurts. This picture still proves what it always has. That Andre the Giant was at least 7' tall and after futher examination may have been closer to 7'1".
Boss said on 8/Jun/09
Andre was being billed at 7' as I have proven long before he ever came to North America. The 2.14 billing is from a book on the history of wrestling in France.
Boss said on 8/Jun/09
Vegas says on 8/Jun/09
Boss says on 4/Jun/09

They are just billings. They could have been going by earlier billings for Andre. Andre was also billed at 7 ft at age 19 and 2.14m as Jean Ferre from France around the same time as I have already shown

i seriously doubt that poster is from 1965 like you claim, for a start it lists andre at 174kg or 377lb (approx the same weight he was billed as when he started in canada in the early 70s), i would estimate that billing to have taken place after his stint in japan hence the 7ft billing

here is a poster from 1969, listing him at 2m 10cm or 6'10.5 and 145kg or 319lb Click Here

The poster is from France and is from late 60's.
Vegas said on 8/Jun/09
Boss says on 4/Jun/09

They are just billings. They could have been going by earlier billings for Andre. Andre was also billed at 7 ft at age 19 and 2.14m as Jean Ferre from France around the same time as I have already shown

i seriously doubt that poster is from 1965 like you claim, for a start it lists andre at 174kg or 377lb (approx the same weight he was billed as when he started in canada in the early 70s), i would estimate that billing to have taken place after his stint in japan hence the 7ft billing

here is a poster from 1969, listing him at 2m 10cm or 6'10.5 and 145kg or 319lb Click Here
Boss said on 8/Jun/09
Chaz says on 8/Jun/09
Boss if you think Andre is side by side with Wilt,then there is no point in listning to anything you have to say,Andre is at least a foot nera the camara,and side on,for ever 6'' nera the camara you have to take 1'off is height,unlike the pic with the jockey where Andre is right up he's back,and there is no dout he is 4'11'',Andre was 210cm peak no more no less.

There is no point of listening of anything you have to say since you haven't provided nothing but your biased opinion.Andre is almost as tall as Wilt no matter what you say and yes I took into consideration Andre was slightly closer to the camera. Andre matches up to 7'1 1/16 Wilt anyway you look at the pics. Everything I have to say I back up and I have provided much new life to Andre's page. I provide proof of my claims and not just by using comparisons that are altered to the point JT is trying to prove and that's why he doesn't use any pics where he thinks Andre looks too tall. Why would you even comment with nothing to back your claims becasuse you sound like you don't know anything about Andre.
kinggollum said on 8/Jun/09
Rick has been owning most people on here that believe an under 7 foot Andre.
Norway said on 8/Jun/09
give him 7 feet he deservs it and was nothing under 7 feet at his prime...just too bad that WWF(E) billed him as 7'4 and 7'5 the should billed him as 7'2 because he was 7'0...After comparing him to Hogan in 1979, with Wilt, with Bret Hart who was at least 6'0 and is listed by that, andre simply towered over him..wrestlers like Warrior (6'1.5), Jim Duggan (6'2.5) Ted Dibiase (6'3) Vincent (5'11) Roddy Piper (6'0.5) Ric Flair (6'0) Bret Hart (6'0) where all dwarfed by Andre in 1985-1988 and by that time andre had probably lost allready one inch..but he seemed a whole foot taller than them anyway...

Andre the Giant 7'0 (213cm)
Chaz said on 8/Jun/09
Boss if you think Andre is side by side with Wilt,then there is no point in listning to anything you have to say,Andre is at least a foot nera the camara,and side on,for ever 6'' nera the camara you have to take 1'off is height,unlike the pic with the jockey where Andre is right up he's back,and there is no dout he is 4'11'',Andre was 210cm peak no more no less.
aarod said on 8/Jun/09
OMG people.. check out this video of andre being interviewed by mean gene, its old.. andre had the 1.8" heel cowboy boots on.. andre leans in it most of the time, but at some point, he straigtens up and My god, hes definately a legit 7 feet tall back then. also, check out mean egen with andre's pointer finger ring, he fits 3 fingers inside andre's ring!

Click Here
aarod said on 8/Jun/09
OMG people.. check out this video of andre being interviewed by mean gene, its old.. andre had the 1.8" heel cowboy boots on.. andre leans in it most of the time, but at some point, he straigtens up and My god, hes definately a legit 7 feet tall back then. also, check out mean egen with andre's pointer finger ring, he fits 3 fingers inside andre's ring!

Click Here
aarod said on 8/Jun/09
i met andre the giant and richard keil both in the same year, when i was 8(1982)

they were both incredible and at age 8, appeared to be the same height to me, standing next to my dad. Andre had a considerably bigger head(taller head by about 2 inches) than Keil, and bigger limbs and hands overall. my dad is 6'3.5" now, but was 6'4.25" back then, and he came up to andre's mouth. keil's head wasnt as long as andre's, and my father came up to between richard's chin and his mouth.
Rick said on 7/Jun/09
Boss says on 7/Jun/09
Andre comes out in the 7' ballpark no matter what way you look at it in 1984.

Well, I looked at it up close from about a foot away around that time and I would have to disagree.
Boss said on 7/Jun/09
You can use all the comparison photos you want but we have Andre standing side by side with 7'1 1/16 Wilt and 6'1.5 Arnold in three different full body photos in 1984 past Andre's peak height. Andre comes out in the 7' ballpark no matter what way you look at it in 1984. These are not in ring bad camera angled photos or video's. This is a direct comparison in which with 7'1 1/16 Wilt Andre looks at very minimal with everthing accounted for 6'11.5 boots , wig , camera angle there is no way Wilt is anymore than 2 inches taller than Andre which would put Andre at 6'11 1/16 in 1984 past his peak height. Wilt is more than likley 1 to 1.5 taller with everthing accounted for putting Andre at between 6'11.5 to 7'0 1/16 with Wilt and Arnold. Wilt never lost any height by this point as he stated in 1986. Virtually they are the same height but by the time you factor everthing in Wilt may have 1 to 1.5 inches on a post 1st surgery and headed for his second surgery Andre who was overweight and past his peak by this point. Also Wilt has much better posture than Andre.
Eight Wonder of the World said on 7/Jun/09
if you watch the match in Japan from 1982 on youtube: Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant - NJPW, 9/12/1982 (part 2) you can see that the height difference is bigger then it was at Wrestlemania III..There is no footwear advantage for neither one of them and remember Hogan at his peak was a very strong 6'5.5 or a weak 6'6 barefoot back then, But Andre simply towers over that match Andre looks to be in 7 foot range, somewhere between 6'11.5 - 7'0.5...

Andre the Giant was at his peak nothing else under 7 feet (213cm) that man was huge and awesome..
Anonymous said on 6/Jun/09
I happen to be 7 ft. 4 in. tall. So you're not the tallest ones here. It is a pain to find clothes tailor made for me. I go to big and tall stores, hard to find in Rochester, Minnesota. ---------Sam Hollis
Rika said on 6/Jun/09
6'10 during his bad back era.
7'0 when he first started wrestling.

Why?...well, he did suffer a bad back before wrestlemania 3. When people started saying he was really 6'10. With that boxing match he had a head over the 6'5 boxer.
Remember, his head is bigger than normal heads.
Rick said on 5/Jun/09
Mikew says on 4/Jun/09
Gotta love Rick's "I've got to admit" comment, which would otherwise imply that he was previously calling for a 7 feet plus Andre, only to be now dissuaded by the Andre/Kiel pic posted by fellow Andre hater JT. Almost as funny as his comment on June 1, where he purports to be "just playing devil's advocate," before, once again, proceeding to downgrade Andre and cast doubt as to the honesty of Andre's trainer.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with having the point of view that Andre was under 7 feet, though I and many others think he was; just that there is no point in pretending to be casually and objectively commenting on evidence as if you are some sort of neutral observer, accompanied by unverified tales of meetings and sightings. Rick,in short, we all know your agenda by now, so you may as well dispense with the formality of pretending to be only now downgrading Andre after seeing the pic with Kiel. You are not fooling anyone.

Yikes! Sounds like you've been hitting the bottle again. Perhaps you should stay away from a computer keyboard when that happens.
Rick said on 5/Jun/09
It makes no sense that you'd give more weight to a comparison photo of Andre/Kiel than a photo of Andre next to a guy over 7'1" (Wilt) where they are standing practically side by side in two different pictures with similar posture. The comparison photo makes no sense anyway because we know by the Wilt picture that Andre in cowboy boots actually comes out a little taller than a 7'1" guy. The Andre/Kiel picture makes Andre look 6'8" barefoot.

Actually it makes perfect sense to me. I'm giving more weight to the Kiel/Andre photo because of the perspectives, distances, angles, and known heights of certain individuals in the pictures. But, as I've said before, I still wouldn't label it definitive.

As for the Andre/Wilt comparison, the picture is misleading if for no other reason than my own perspective of having stood a foot away from Andre around the same time and observing that he was several inches away from the 7' mark. You're saying Andre was almost as tall as Silo Sam in that pic, and having stood next to Sam about a year later, that just wasn't the was Sam who measured about equal with Wilt.
Chaz said on 5/Jun/09
Boss do you know any thing about takeing photos Andre is over a foot nera the camara and side on, and for ever 6''the person is from the other person you have to take off 1'' of height from the person nera the camara Ie Andre,Forget all this crap about this that or someone said this he was this or that,there is a pic of him with a 100% 4'11'' jockey and it is easy to workout he is at most 1'11''taller this is not a ring pic or next someone like hogan who could have been in lefts of 6'4''or 6'7''or god knows what, now at last we have a peak pic of Andre right in front bolt upright no more than 1''between them with the camara at the right height from someone we know was 4'11''both in shoes and im not going even say that you can bet your life Andres shoes that big would have a 2'' heal,and befor anyone says it jocky's boots are not like cowboy boots with 3'' heals thay are 1''at most making him 5''dead as JT's pic shows and Andre without hair in shoes is bearly 6'11''end of story.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.