How tall is Andre The Giant - Page 18

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Average Guess (867 Votes)
6ft 11.94in (213.2cm)
andre said on 18/Oct/15
6'9 ¾ barefoot was is legit height maby it was done afternoon when he was 24

6ft4 barefoot hogan looks good on a 6'9 ¾ barefoot andre
Chaz said on 17/Oct/15
Capt. Nobody said on 15/Oct/15 Click Here

First you have to show me or describe to me how his right side being slightly more toward the camera gives him any sort of advantage, but, before you do, I'll describe to you why it doesn't.

Here's a shot with their positions reversed because sometimes that can show things in a different light. In this particular shot Andre gains no advantage because they are pretty much right in line with one another as evidenced by their back feet being in almost the same exact position horizontally. His body may be slightly twisted to the camera more but if there were any distortion happening to a significant degree in his favor the image from one side of Andre to the other would be obviously disproportionate the farther back in the shot you go, and it is not. Even if the front side of Andre were distorted in his favor, the side farther from the camera is not and the advantage remains even when compared to the side of Wilt nearest the camera.

This picture was obviously taken from a higher angle and from farther away which also significantly reduces irregularities in regards to proportion and verticality relative to object to camera distance.

So you call that side by side? are you for real?

Wilt and Arnold are not even side by side,look at Andre's feet? you call that side by side? Andre's is more than 12'' nera the camara so he's gaining more than 1'' plus the massive heels, he's about 2.5-3'' talller barefoot,
Lucio Cliver said on 17/Oct/15
Never saw a giant look more underwhelming than Andre; as a kid I couldn't reconcile the ostensible disparity of Andre's purported height and his actual appearance. His almost imperceptible height advantage over Studd and especially Ladd made me realize that Andre was not as tall as the WWF claimed. Now some on here claim that Andre was north of 7' while fewer tout he was every bit of 7'4"; Andre would have to have a spine like a scissor lift for that to be possible. The man was 6'10 - 6'11" at absolute best barefoot. His enormous head and torso made him appear taller.
andre said on 16/Oct/15
guys andre the giant was using big shoes in the wilt picture , there is one where they look almost same height and in another andre is smaller

wilt was measured 7'0.5

so the andre measured The 6'9 ¾" barefoot at age 24 is legit

i'm 5ft6 and if i had the oportunity to see andre for sure i would say he was 7ft but is better rob change is height to 6'9 ¾" barefoot

people here have no idea how tall a barefoot 6'9 ¾ is and maby this was done not in the morning so he might even be taller then this
Danimal said on 15/Oct/15
er4smiths said on 29/Sep/15
amen Chaz!! I really don't think Studd was over 6'5" barefoot

Why stop there? Studd was probably only 6'3", right?
Danimal said on 15/Oct/15
Telamon said on 14/Oct/15
Meltzer gave Andre 6'11.5" comparing him with Wilt who was then measured at 7'0.5''. So he saw just 1'' difference. But afterwards he found a proof(?) that he was 6'9.75'' at best and demands from the others to see a 3'' difference between Wilt and Andre in the same photo. Nice logic. Also when Andre was standing straight he seems about the same height with Wilt. ( eg: Click Here). I agree that the topic is debatable but you can't expect from others to change their mind whenever you want and see a 3'' difference instead of 1''. Also Rob gives Hogan 6'6'' at his best and at 1980 Andre seems to be at least 6'' taller than Hogan(Click Here). It is not logical to cut 2''-3'' from everybody in order to prove our claims.

I agree. Andre was between 6'11.5" and 7'0.5" barefoot in his younger and healthier days. Even a broken down, hunched over, morbidly obese, crippled version of himself in 1990 still looked to be around 6'10" next to 6'8" Mane.
mrtguy said on 15/Oct/15
Hey Rob, there's a unknown wrestler 'Jason The Giant' he claims the height of 7'4'' Click Here at the (1:35) mark, by taking a glance at these pics do you really think he is height he claims?:

Next to Mickey and others: Click Here Click Here and Click Here

If not 7'4'' how tall would you say he looks. Thanks
Chaz said on 15/Oct/15
Teamon,stop dreaming,the 208cm was what he said he was told he was measured long befor the wilt photos which is what he was billled at in the UK and France befor he was over billed in the WWF and all he;s ever looked, with out massive cowboy boots,and none of those photos dose Andre look taller,even in the one were Wilt got he;s head down, and stop with the 6'6'' rubish for Hogan he was 6,5'' he was not much taller than a Barefoot Kamala,and anyone 6'' shorter than a 7''Andre wuld be just over the tip of he.s nose,can you not see the heels on Andre;s boots? a real 7' man in those heels should tower a 6'5'' man in just trainers.he was 6'10'' at most
6'2 said on 15/Oct/15
Why would Ladd be billed before wrestling he was 6'9 look at the programme my giant life does be on tlc and look at height comparasion you can see a lot of 6'9" people on the show. So now andre was wearing high heels a 4" footwear advantage is laughable wilt was 7'1 andre was around the same not 6'9 or 10" melter also gave andre 6'11.5 aswell he's like hogan makes up stuff all the time. People that knew Andre gave him these heights hogan and Heenan 7'4 savage hart and billy grham 7'2 Duggan 7'1 ax 7' ted dibiase said just over 7ft tall
ROG said on 14/Oct/15
I'm really starting to believe chaz is like posting under three to four names on here.
ROG said on 14/Oct/15
It's no longer an issue of whether Andre was 7 foot or not, it's now the issue how much taller than 7 feet he was!
62B said on 14/Oct/15
andre said on 13/Oct/15
andre measured The 6'9 ¾" barefoot at age 24

he would be around 6ft10 with shoes

never was 7ft

I'm sure Andre had been measured several times through out his life. I have yet to see any real proof of a 6'9 3/4" barefoot measurement, just hear say. He was taller than any other 6'9" person I have seen. Not quite 7' in my opinion, but close. So it really depends on how much true height loss he had, not just posture, on whether or not he was ever 7' peak. 27 years later he is still the second tallest, and overall largest person I have ever seen, and I have seen a lot of very tall and very large people in that 27 years. For a comparison, I did see the Undertaker at the gym in the early 90's and Brian "Crush" Adams the same time I saw Ted Dibiase. I was not as close to either of them as I was Ted or Andre, but neither one looked even close to Andre's height. I believe Adams was supposed to be a real 6'6" and Taker was supposed to be 6'7" real life.
Steve said on 14/Oct/15
Lucio, Andre was not 6'11 with boots, he was most likely 6'11 barefoot. In his boots he may have been around 7'1. Add on his puffy hair in his earlier years and that would make him 7'3 to 7'4. In the Wilt photo he did NOT look taller. They were close in height, but Andre was in cowboy boots with his puffy/afro hair. I still think Wilt would edge Andre out by at least 1.5 inches if both were barefoot and no hair advantage to Andre.
Iconjj said on 13/Oct/15
er4smiths said on 12/Oct/15
@Chaz - you're spot on as usual brother. I don't see why this is so hard for people to grasp. Andre was 6'9.5" peak period. I will stand by that until someone with factual proof can show me otherwise.
So.....where is Meltzers "factual proof"? I want to see some documentation...Until ol Dave comes up with it, I'm calling BS.
andre said on 13/Oct/15
andre measured The 6'9 ¾" barefoot at age 24

he would be around 6ft10 with shoes

never was 7ft
Chaz said on 13/Oct/15
Capt. Nobody said on 12/Oct/15 So, just for the record you are OK with the idea that in the Wilt/Andre shots Andre had a 3-4 inch heel advantage then? Andre was about an inch or so TALLER than Wilt in the two shots where they were side by side and Andre's head was up.

Show me the photos were they are side by side? in not one of those photos is Andre not side on and nere the camara,and I dont know why you need 3-4'' heels to to have Wilt 1'' taller than Andre, we know he's Cowboy boots have a 2.5''+ heel so there is your 1.5'' to go with the 1'' and that is not counting being nera the camara,which you gain 1'' for every 12'' the camara hits first,
Capt. Nobody said on 12/Oct/15
Chaz said on 11/Oct/15
6'2 said on 9/Oct/15
Don't understand your reply at all chaz maybe look at what I wrote again

I am not surprised you dont understand, if you think Ladd was 6'9'' and Andre 7'+ ,

I will try again,no one has said Andre was 4'' shorter that Wilt,More like 2.5'' -3'', and if Ladd was only 4'' taller than a barefoot Kamala as you and Telemon said. Ladd is 2'' too short,he would need to be 6'' taller and I dont see even 4'' unless you think Ladd had a 6'' forhead lol, for a 6'9''Ladd you need a 6'8''+ Studd and a 6'6''+ Jim Harris, Andre did not have 2foot on a 4'11''Willy Shoemaker in 1975 when he was in good shape,anything over 6'10'' is fantasy land.and talk of him being 7'1.5'' and the same height as a peak Richerd Kiel is just on another planet talk,he was not within 3+ inch of Kiel's height at any age.


So, just for the record you are OK with the idea that in the Wilt/Andre shots Andre had a 3-4 inch heel advantage then? Andre was about an inch or so TALLER than Wilt in the two shots where they were side by side and Andre's head was up.
Lucio Cliver said on 12/Oct/15
Well said Chaz, you and I are on the same page. A lot of people here have sentimental reasons to keep the 7'4" torch lit, Andre was 6'11" on a great day with boots and more likely 6'10". Andre never overwhelmed tall wrestlers; he was only marginally taller than Studd and Ladd.
er4smiths said on 12/Oct/15
@Chaz - you're spot on as usual brother. I don't see why this is so hard for people to grasp. Andre was 6'9.5" peak period. I will stand by that until someone with factual proof can show me otherwise.
Chaz said on 11/Oct/15
6'2 said on 9/Oct/15
Don't understand your reply at all chaz maybe look at what I wrote again

I am not surprised you dont understand, if you think Ladd was 6'9'' and Andre 7'+ ,

I will try again,no one has said Andre was 4'' shorter that Wilt,More like 2.5'' -3'', and if Ladd was only 4'' taller than a barefoot Kamala as you and Telemon said. Ladd is 2'' too short,he would need to be 6'' taller and I dont see even 4'' unless you think Ladd had a 6'' forhead lol, for a 6'9''Ladd you need a 6'8''+ Studd and a 6'6''+ Jim Harris, Andre did not have 2foot on a 4'11''Willy Shoemaker in 1975 when he was in good shape,anything over 6'10'' is fantasy land.and talk of him being 7'1.5'' and the same height as a peak Richerd Kiel is just on another planet talk,he was not within 3+ inch of Kiel's height at any age.
62B said on 9/Oct/15
Chaz said on 8/Oct/15

No one has ever said Andre was 4'' taller more, like 3'' and Ladd would need to be 6'' taller than Kamala if he's 6'9'' that would be under Ladd's nose, Kamala is barefoof bald and standing in he';s bow leg monkey stance and he still is up at Ladd's eyes,so forget this 6'9'' rubbish,

And yet you still cannot provide one piece of factual evidence that Ladd was not 6'9" peak. Its just, as always, your own personal opinion. I agree that its possible Ladd was no longer at his peak height when he was wrestling, but how much could he have possibly lost. Maybe a 1/4" if anything.
6'2 said on 9/Oct/15
Don't understand your reply at all chaz maybe look at what I wrote again
Chaz said on 8/Oct/15
6'2 said on 8/Oct/15
It's funny how people here say there's no way Ladd had 4-5" on kamala yet think wilt had 4" on Andre ha

No one has ever said Andre was 4'' taller more, like 3'' and Ladd would need to be 6'' taller than Kamala if he's 6'9'' that would be under Ladd's nose, Kamala is barefoof bald and standing in he';s bow leg monkey stance and he still is up at Ladd's eyes,so forget this 6'9'' rubbish,
6'2 said on 8/Oct/15
It's funny how people here say there's no way Ladd had 4-5" on kamala yet think wilt had 4" on Andre ha
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/Oct/15
andre said on 5/Oct/15
The 6'9 ¾" is a conversion to inches. The original number was 208cm according to Meltzer.

Wich is a wrong conversion. 208cm = 81,89 inches wich is even taller than 6´9 7/8" and they wouldn´t count the mm behind the 208cm,
so saying anything under 6´10" for Andre is silly downgrading or trolling.
Iconjj said on 6/Oct/15
Why change it? Because Meltzer said it was so? C'mon ppl gimme a break..
andre said on 5/Oct/15
The 6'9 ¾" is a conversion to inches. The original number was 208cm according to Meltzer.

change it rob , andre never was 7ft
ROG said on 5/Oct/15
Gonzales 7'7
Silva. 7'2
Andre 7'1.5
Khalid 7'1
Reis 7'1
Show 7'0
Kurrgan 6'10-11
Nash, Elmer, Ladd, Jones, Baba 6'9 or a tad taller
Undertaker, Kane, Giant Haystacks, Morgan. 6'8
Studs, Sid, Gang, Viscera, Hoyt, Rowan 6'7
Hogan, Train, Bradshaw, 6,6ish
JT said on 4/Oct/15
Click Here
Editor Rob
I can do that....with cats
Capt. Nobody said on 2/Oct/15
Found this match on youtube with the Gang and Tenta teaming up. It's hard to get a real grasp because the camera angle is so flat with the ring, slight movement away or towards the camera skews things quite a bit. Gang looks a bit taller to me.

Click Here
Danimal said on 1/Oct/15
6'2 said on 28/Sep/15
Studd was not 6'6 he was taller than Russ Francis 6'6 and 6'6 Dan spivey looked similar in height to ed Jones who was 6'9-10" can't see a proper angle tough.he was just a tad taller than one man gang who was around 6'7

One man Gang was a legit 6'6" (billed that height before entering the WWF in 1987). He had about 2" on legit 6'4" Ray Traylor (Big Bossman). He also looked about an inch shorter than Big Bossman in their 1989 Royal Rumble brawl and looked to be about the same height as Hulk Hogan in the late 80's.
Kunoichi said on 1/Oct/15
To me I do not know whether the video can be seen, but Garry Allan Robbins as Canadian Giant  Axe Demolition VS Chono Muto.
Click Here
Kunoichi said on 30/Sep/15
Giant Baba 209cm Ernie Ladd 208cm Their billed height in JAPAN.
There is no image of the good angle.
Click Here
Telamon said on 30/Sep/15
Dear Chaz I am not leave in a fantasy world by saying that Andre seems to me at least 7' when he was in his prime. At best I make a "2-3 inches mistake". Also Rob gives him 7'. All I am saying is that Ladd billed at 6'9'' seems clearly taller that Kamala billed at 6'10'' in the following video: Click Here . And yes I consider that Kamala is barefoot, bold etc. 4'' was my estimation maybe I am wrong. Also in the wideo where Ladd says that Andre was taller than him by far to me it seems that Ladd was few years prior to his death. And he didn't say Andre was 7'4'' to "protect the myth". He just said taller by far and to me given the fact that he was years after his retirement he seems honest in what he says. Meltzer says 208cm peak height for Andre and yes there are photos when Andre wrestling in Europe where is billed at 208cm but there are also photos where he is given at 210 and probably he grow a litle more. And I would like to see the proof that Meltzer has, or else is just an opinion. So in my humble opinion Andre the Giant was no less than 7' in his prime and maybe 7'1''.
Kunoichi said on 29/Sep/15
Although this is the interview of Ladd that were listed in the Japanese professional wrestling magazine. Ladd was asked to wrestling by bending the knee from the office of AJPW when the wrestling in AJPW.
Because they were afraid that be discovered Ladd was taller than Baba.
I thought I think,Baba was taller than Ladd.
er4smiths said on 29/Sep/15
amen Chaz!! I really don't think Studd was over 6'5" barefoot
6'2 said on 28/Sep/15
Studd was not 6'6 he was taller than Russ Francis 6'6 and 6'6 Dan spivey looked similar in height to ed Jones who was 6'9-10" can't see a proper angle tough.he was just a tad taller than one man gang who was around 6'7. andre was also given a height of 218cm in early promotions aswell as 212 213 and 214cm I generally think the 214cm was legit and he's real height at 24 but don't think anyone here knows a whole lot about acromegaly including myself I know the basics of the disease but we don't no the true adverse affects of it
Chaz said on 28/Sep/15
Telamon said on 26/Sep/15
I think Ladd was a legit 6'9'' in his real life. I saw a video Ernie Ladd vs Kamala (Click Here) where Kamala is billed at 6'10'' and Ladd at 6'9'' and guess what. Ladd is at least 4' taller than Kamala!!! I think because his height was known from NFL they couldn't exagarrate his height at 7' as they would do otherwise. As for Andre I insist no less than 7' at his prime. Maybe even 7'1''. Of course at WM3, after his back surgery he was 6'11'' at best nowhere 7'5''.

Stop liveing in a dream world, Jim Harris is barefoot and bald so if Ladd is 4'' taller that makes him 6'7'' if Ladd was 6'9'' there would need to be 6'' taller as Harris at 6'4'' is barefoot, and Ladd was lucky if he had 1'' on Studd who was at most 6'6.5'' and No way did Andre have 5'' on Studd he comes up he's forhead which is not over 4''. Giant Baba is taller than Ladd so you can forget this 6'9'' rubish.
Telamon said on 28/Sep/15
Also I just found a short clip of Ernie Ladd talking about Andre:
Click Here
He says that Andre was taller than him by far.
Lucio Cliver said on 28/Sep/15
I saw a giant in a convenience store years ago, he had to crouch through the door, he was past the 7'2" max mark on the tape near the door, I'd say 7'5" 470 lbs easily.. Everyone gawked at him including myself; it's something you can't help. His girlfriend was a little above his waist LOL! Anyway, after he left, a man in line stated that the guy was waay bigger than Andre as he saw Andre at a show. I asked how big was Andre? He said by the guys bottom lip.
JT said on 27/Sep/15
Click Here IIRC Andre's aunt claims to be 5'11". She's not more than ~ 6'1" in those heels as Rob's height article shows. This is Andre in 1970, when the supposed 208 cm. measurement was made. A 7'0" Andre should have a full head size on her.

Ernie Ladd was only about an inch taller than 6’6” John Studd, so he was around 6’7”, not 6’9” Ladd was referred to as 6’7” early on at Grambling State. Coming from a black college, they may have bumped his height up to garner attention from the NFL and AFL.

Click Here I met Jack Kemp in 1988 when he was running for President of the U.S. He wasn't any taller than my brother, who's 6'0"..

Jim Brown (middle guy) was around 6’2” Click Here like former President Bush Click Here
Telamon said on 26/Sep/15
I think Ladd was a legit 6'9'' in his real life. I saw a video Ernie Ladd vs Kamala (Click Here) where Kamala is billed at 6'10'' and Ladd at 6'9'' and guess what. Ladd is at least 4' taller than Kamala!!! I think because his height was known from NFL they couldn't exagarrate his height at 7' as they would do otherwise. As for Andre I insist no less than 7' at his prime. Maybe even 7'1''. Of course at WM3, after his back surgery he was 6'11'' at best nowhere 7'5''.
andre said on 25/Sep/15
The 6'9 ¾" is a conversion to inches. The original number was 208cm according to Meltzer.

I'm 100% sure the 6'9 ¾ barefoot is legit , it was done at age 24

i'm sick that people on this website and all over the world like exaggerate heights

how is possible hulk hogan ever measured 6ft6 barefoot? are you guys crasy?

I'm sure a prime hogan would never been more then 6ft3.5 barefoot

i'm 24 and 5ft6 i can lie and say i'm 5ft8

Those guys are huge but not the way you guys think

my friend who is 6ft1 was the same height as triple h when he was in Portugal he also estimated undertaker at 6ft5 6ft6
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 25/Sep/15
Ron Reis or Yeti was billed 7ft 2 and said that Show in Boots was taller than him.For me Show was very next to 7ft 1 at his peak.He wasn't much smaller than Reis.Certain not 2 inches
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 25/Sep/15
Agree with you and also,if Barkley is only 6ft 4.75,there is no chance to the rock being taller than 6ft 1 today
ReturnofG said on 25/Sep/15
Ladd had his real height used because everyone knew his real height from football. A peak Andre which has been proven over and over again was over 7 feet if not over 7'1!
Dad said on 25/Sep/15
Andre didnt wear cousin Mitchell is 6'6", I know this because i measured him. He is a really tall dude. His brother Johnny is 6"3 1/4", I know because I measured him. We saw Andre in the late 80's when Andre was doing the angle with The Million Dollar Man. Very late in his career. When Andre walked by Mitch,their was considerably more height difference between Andre and Mitch, than between Johnny and Mitch. At his absolute worst Andre was 6"11" in my opinion. This is a topic that will forever be debated by some of us, but from my observation, Prime 1970's era Andre was between 7' and 7'1", Early 80's Andre was in the 7'-6'11.5" range, and at the end of his career he was 6'10.5-6'11" at his worst. A 3" height loss for a man that gained 80-100lbs over the course of his career, and had back surgeries, and just aged is not out of the question.
RoelC said on 25/Sep/15
Lucio Cliver said on 24/Sep/15
Wrestlers generally aggrandize their heights by 2-3 inches, if Ladd was genuinely 6'9" then he would have been billed at 611" or 7', I think Ladd was 6'7" despite NFL records which is dubious anyway. Andre was unspectacular compared to Ladd; I believe 6'10" with boots at this point

In this case Ladd was billed at only 6'9" because his listed height with the San Diego Chargers was 6'9". He started wrestling in the San Diego & L.A. territory (W.W.A.) in 1963. Because his listed height was well-known at the time, the WWA didn't exaggerate it any further. It would look stupid if the San Diego Chargers listed him at 6'9" and then the WWA billed him at 7ft plus. Later on his career he did get 7ft billings.
I doubt Ladd was a legit 6'9" aswell. He just didn't look it next to other tall NFL-players, or next to guys like Vince McMahon. Just seeing a guy like Kevin Nash next to Vince McMahon, tells me Ladd wasn't as tall as Kevin Nash. Ladd also barely edged out John Studd.
6'2 said on 24/Sep/15
Studd was 6'7 and andre had 5" at least on him. Andre is further back than Reis in the comparasion pic, if u just go by studd to both men you'll see the difference is merely the same if not andre maybe 0.5" taller than reis they where both around 7'1-2". Big show was also around 7'1 in 1998 about 7ft tall 2002 today around 6'11 in 4 years he'll probably be 6'10 it's just like Andre only show looked after himself more it was completely different back then.andre by 92 was close to 600lbs
Lucio Cliver said on 24/Sep/15
Dmw said on 20/Sep/15
How could Andre be 208cm when he is clearly taller than legit 6'9" Ernie Ladd by at least 2-3 inches?

Wrestlers generally aggrandize their heights by 2-3 inches, if Ladd was genuinely 6'9" then he would have been billed at 611" or 7', I think Ladd was 6'7" despite NFL records which is dubious anyway. Andre was unspectacular compared to Ladd; I believe 6'10" with boots at this point
Chaz said on 24/Sep/15
All this talk of trying to round up or down,the 208cm means nothing,a single measurement of some one he's height and weight would be useless it could of been taken in the evening,for all we know,all we know for sure is most of the photos and comparasons show him to be not much over 6'10''. what he's height was out of bed we will never know, but i would think at least 6'11''
Chaz said on 23/Sep/15
I think it's clear now anything over 208cm for a evening height is out of the question.
62B said on 23/Sep/15
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 21/Sep/15
~6´6.5" Big John Studd next to Andre and 7´1" Ron Reis aka Giant Ninja, Yeti, Big Ron Studd...
Reis said in an interview that he was taller than Big Show Paul Wight in WCW during Wights peak.

Click Here

Peak Andre looks near 2 inches shorter than Reis so feed for 6´11" again


Even though they are good pictures, I think there are to many variables, like distance from camera for one, and is Stud, still the same height in 1993 that he was in the older picture for another, to do a direct comparison with lines like you have done. To me It looks like Andre and this Ron Reis are very similar in height. Reis in my opinion does look to edge Andre out compared to Studd, but I don't think he'd have 2" on Andre based on those two pictures.
Lucio Cliver said on 22/Sep/15
Dmw said on 20/Sep/15
How could Andre be 208cm when he is clearly taller than legit 6'9" Ernie Ladd by at least 2-3 inches?

Ladd is more like 6'7" and Andre is microns taller, even with the fro and lifts.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Sep/15
Great JT comparison

Click Here

Barkley measured slightly under 6´7" in footwear, peak Hogan in Cowboyboots is shorter than Barkley in Dresshoes

If Barkley didn´t fool people with his 6´4.75" claim, Hogan was barely 6´4" peak
That would lead into a max 6´10" Andre...

But then we have Tiny Listers claim that he and Hulk were both 6´5" in real life, we have Lister looking his 6´5" claim next to 6´5.5" Ralf Möller in the universal soldier pic.
Still an issue with Barkley taller than Hogan in any comparison...

Imo the only way all that fits, is Barkley fooled people with his claim, maybe based on a wrong measurement but I believe he always knew he was taller than 6´5" in reality.

Based on Robs low/evening height system:
Charles Barkley peak 6´5.5"
The Immortal Kayfaber Hogan peak 6´5"
Zeus Tiny Lister peak 6´5"
Andre the Giant peak 6´11"
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 21/Sep/15
~6´6.5" Big John Studd next to Andre and 7´1" Ron Reis aka Giant Ninja, Yeti, Big Ron Studd...
Reis said in an interview that he was taller than Big Show Paul Wight in WCW during Wights peak.

Click Here

Peak Andre looks near 2 inches shorter than Reis so feed for 6´11" again
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 21/Sep/15
RoelC said on 18/Sep/15

The 6'9 ¾" is a conversion to inches. The original number was 208cm according to Meltzer.

Another thing to add, my height´s never been documented to the mm by a doc or in the army, they did always in all cases I witnessed round down to the next cm.

So IF the measurement was right posturewise with quality equipment and no meausring error, Andre could´ve measured anywhere from 208,0cm - 208,7-8cm.

Also even 208,0cm would be a bit over 6´9 7/8" wich is basicly 6´10" and 208,0cm is closer to 6´10" than 6´9 ¾".

Stating 6´9 ¾" is just feeding agendas to lower Andres real height.
Dmw said on 20/Sep/15
How could Andre be 208cm when he is clearly taller than legit 6'9" Ernie Ladd by at least 2-3 inches?
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 20/Sep/15
RoelC said on 18/Sep/15

The 6'9 ¾" is a conversion to inches. The original number was 208cm according to Meltzer.

Thanks didn´t know about that, but a 208cm peak Andre puts peak Hogan at 6´3.5"-6´4"max, I don´t say impossible but it would change a lot of heights ,also on this site...

But it would make sense to Robs listing for Barkley, wich still dosn´t fit with Jordans and Kobys listing...

I still think Andres peak is right in the middle of Meltzers find and Robs listing
Kunoichi said on 20/Sep/15
In my imagination Metzer merely argues that 6'9 ¾ "the height of Andre from the photograph of Andre of France era.
I think if there is no room to be particularly controversial.
Click Here
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 20/Sep/15
Rob,you have already said that the minimum peak that you could argue is 6ft 11.5(212).Now what do you think about his maximium peak ? For me in the max he was 7ft 1 ( He don't look much different with Mean Gene than Ian Whyte whit you) and very simillar to Giant Silva
62B said on 19/Sep/15
bugs said on 18/Sep/15
This guy is Hungarys tallest person at 7ft3 and looks bigger than Andre and Big Show,anybody disagrees? at o:44 Click Here Click Here
They made a 5 minute intwerview with him but i can't find it anymore.


Taller, not bigger.
Capt. Nobody said on 18/Sep/15
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Sep/15


I highly doubt they would measure in feet and inches for a french document,

I also think it´s pretty impossible that Andre didn´t lose height from his peak to late eighties early nineties when he still looked 6´10" next to
Tyler Mane, Giant Baba, Big John Studd, Jake Roberts, Earthquake...

A 6´9 ¾" peak Andre in very thin soled wrestlingboots puts a peak Hogan in 1" standard wrestlingboots at 6´3 ¾" in 1979
Click Here

Wich results in a peak 6´1 ½" King Kong Bundy Click Here

We´d have to reduce some other big numbers:

Undertaker peak....6´6"
Sid Eudy peak.......6´5 ½"
Kevin Nash peak...6´7 ¾"
Big Show peak......6´10 ¼"

So imo a 6´9 ¾" measurement for peak Andre was A) a wrong measurement or B) a wrong transition from metric to standard or
C) complete nonsense- maybe some Andre haters gave Meltzer wrong info.


That's kind of my feeling on this, bumping Andre down means bumping the rest. At least bumping Big Show down. It's been beyond proven at this point that they were pretty much around the same height.
RoelC said on 18/Sep/15
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Sep/15
I highly doubt they would measure in feet and inches for a french document,
So imo a 6´9 ¾" measurement for peak Andre was A) a wrong measurement or B) a wrong transition from metric to standard or
C) complete nonsense- maybe some Andre haters gave Meltzer wrong info.

The 6'9 ¾" is a conversion to inches. The original number was 208cm according to Meltzer.
bugs said on 18/Sep/15
This guy is Hungarys tallest person at 7ft3 and looks bigger than Andre and Big Show,anybody disagrees? at o:44 Click Here Click Here
They made a 5 minute intwerview with him but i can't find it anymore.
Anonasensei said on 16/Sep/15
@ 62B

"Not only did I see Andre, he literally knocked me on my ass. I got to size him up really good. He was and still is the largest overall person I have ever seen, not the tallest though. I originally had no problem believing Andre was a little over 7' until I saw a legit 7'2" guy. I knew immediately that the Andre I saw was more like 6'11",maybe even a fraction of an inch shorter. The Andre I saw was standing normal when I bumped into him, but immediately went out of his way to stand as tall as he could once I stood up. I saw him in 1988 not the late 70's like the fellow you are quoting, but 7' even for a peak seems right from everything I've seen. He was just to far away from the 7'2" guy for me to believe he was ever that tall."

We could be agreeing on the same thing then, you saw him at 6-11 in 1988 and I believe that's his height for his best known WWF days. All I'm saying, is based on how he looked when he was young (tall lean frame with a clearly long visible neck, spine and no "hunch"), plus of what I know about height shrinkage, especially on someone as big as Andre it'd be even more pronounced, I truly believe he was easily 7-2, 7-3 at the healthiest point in his life, and just slightly exaggerated to 7-4,7-5 shoe height to blow up the legend even more.

I myself have seen legit 7 footers like Shaq before, at NBA games. They're certainly big and tall, but don't have that extra "unbelievably larger-than-life giant" aura Andre seemed to carry in his earlier days:
Click Here

And remember the old saying: "the bigger they are ..." so imagine the impact that had on a 7'+, 500+ lb frame over years and years of some pretty intense wrestling. Look what effect it had on Superstar Billy Graham (below) who had similar back, hip and knee surgeries to Andre, and Superstar was only 6-4 and lost 5 inches! Arnold lost 2.5 inches, Hogan lost 3 or 4, the list goes on and on. So saying Andre shrinking from 7-3 to 6-10, especially within his size and sport is perfectly reasonable, he could have shrunk even more at that size ...
Oanh said on 15/Sep/15
Lucio Cliver said on 9/Sep/15
Andre was 6'10" barefoot AT BEST! look at this clip, Andre in Bj and the Bear episode 'BJ & the 7 Lady Truckers'

Greg Evigan "B.J." was 6'2-6'3"...Andre is about 9" taller.
Oanh said on 15/Sep/15
Anonasensei said on 14/Sep/15
Kareem interestingly has always been listed 7-2, but is probably well above that height. He towers over 7-1 Shaq, 7-2 Wilt and 6-10 Dwight Howard:

Towers over Wilt? No, he is about 2" taller. He is closer to the camera too so that is to his advantage. This was also in the early 90's when Wilt was past his prime.
Lucio Cliver said on 15/Sep/15
Has anyone seen these clips? Young Andre prob 20 years old, certainly not 7' in the Judo one, taller in the latter 2, what do you guys think?

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here
Lucio Cliver said on 15/Sep/15
Has anyone seen these clips? Young Andre prob 20 years old, certainly not 7' in the Judo one, taller in the latter, what do you guys think?

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here
6'2 said on 15/Sep/15
Andre was 6'9 at 16,7ft at 18,so at 24 was he was not 6'9 3/4" hogan with boots was 6'7.5" at wrestlemania3 and Andre had 5" on him in flat boots he lost about 2-3" due to posture. in 1992 I'd say he was about 150lbs heavier than big show is today he was at deaths door close to 600lbs I'd say peak 7'1 6'10-11" 90s like big show I'd say Paul will lose another bit of height over the next 4 years
mrtguy said on 15/Sep/15
JT said on 11/Sep/15
mrtguy said on 2/Sep/15
@JT does this guy look taller than Andre and Show? Click Here

Yeah that guy looks shorter than Big Show and I think we discussed about someone similar to him it was Alain Delaunois he happens to be a legit 7 footer, the big guy in the red jacket seems shorter than Delaunois in my eyes.
Anonasensei said on 14/Sep/15
Hey Gretz, is your name from Wayne Gretzky? Actually, surprised the Great One isn't listed on this site (lean 6-0 if you ask me).

Yah, I've seen people try and degrade wrestlers and bodybuilders throughout here for whatever reason, insecure with themselves maybe. I'm just after the truth myself personally. A lot of it comes from personal agendas and people not being able to accept that a lot of height can get lost through the years through surgeries, being too heavy or simple aging, especially on wrestlers who abuse their bodies for several years with monstrous falls, slams and drops. They don't do was us normal humans do, they abuse their bodies on another level you can't even imagine.

I had old relatives shrink before my eyes, who where were taller than me 2 decades ago who I now look down on. Surgeries like Andre and Hogan had on their spines and hips are pretty intense, they actually have to shave away a lot of bone to get rid of the uneven or damaged discs. I personally know people who had hip and back surgeries who lost tons of height because of them.

See how 6-4 Superstar Billy Graham once towered over prime 6-2 Arnold:
Click Here
But who is now several inches shorter than an aged 6-3 Hulk Hogan:
Click Here

Height hrinkage is real people. Specially to wrestling giants like Andre.
Anonasensei said on 14/Sep/15
Kareem interestingly has always been listed 7-2, but is probably well above that height. He towers over 7-1 Shaq, 7-2 Wilt and 6-10 Dwight Howard:
Click Here
Click Here

He certainly looked it fighting 5-7.5 Bruce Lee:
Click Here
62B said on 13/Sep/15
mrtguy said on 10/Sep/15

Yeah you make a good point, by the way that guy standing beside the board is 435 lbs which is pretty similar to Big Show who I'd say weighs around that territory. 62B, do you have any pics of the 6'9'' giant

Unfortunately no pictures. He was here to help my daughter move her furniture to her new place. I had never met or seen him before, so I think it would have been a little odd for me to ask for a picture. I can ask my daughter if he has a FB page, maybe I can find pictures of him that way
62B said on 13/Sep/15
Anonasensei said on 10/Sep/15
I'm quoting this from another forum about wrestler sizes in video-games vs in real life:

"I saw Andre in the late 70's and 80's and I can tell you that his real height was at least 7' 4" tall.
But many of you:
1) didn't even ever saw Andre in his prime or at all
2) only got to see Andre when his back was bent because of his disease, he couldn't even stand straight

The Andre that I saw was even able to do dropkicks which was a huge accomplishment for a man his size.

So yes, Andre was big in his prime."

Here's some early footage of young Andre when his back and neck were much straighter, you be the judge:
Click Here
Click Here

I'm beginning to think 7-4 is a bit of a stretch, and 7-2 "maybe" 7-3 was more reasonable for prime Andre.

Not only did I see Andre, he literally knocked me on my ass. I got to size him up really good. He was and still is the largest overall person I have ever seen, not the tallest though. I originally had no problem believing Andre was a little over 7' until I saw a legit 7'2" guy. I knew immediately that the Andre I saw was more like 6'11",maybe even a fraction of an inch shorter. The Andre I saw was standing normal when I bumped into him, but immediately went out of his way to stand as tall as he could once I stood up. I saw him in 1988 not the late 70's like the fellow you are quoting, but 7' even for a peak seems right from everything I've seen. He was just to far away from the 7'2" guy for me to believe he was ever that tall.
Aaronious said on 12/Sep/15
guys, this clip was posted earlier from 79-80, wrestling classics with heel hogan and babyface andre:

Click Here

everyone is saying that Hogan was about the same height next to Andre here as he was in 1987, but what you arent noticing is how much taller hogan is compared to VINCE in this video. hes like 7+ inches taller than Vince when they cut to the camera thats on the floor, not up in the rafters. Vince is 6'1" today, and was probbaly 6'1.5"-6'2" back then. so either Hogan was a legit 6'8" back then, OR, he wore lifts in his shoes. Ive read in some wrestling history books that Hogan used to wear 1.5" lifts in his boots earlier in his career, as did John Studd, since their billed heights were sometimes 6'9" 6'10" in certain territories.

if you watch those matches of andre vs hogan from 1979-80 era, hogan looks like his footwear is gimmicked 'inside' his boots, because the foot is extremely tall compared to the later years...
62B said on 12/Sep/15
Lucio Cliver said on 9/Sep/15
Andre was 6'10" barefoot AT BEST! look at this clip, Andre in Bj and the Bear episode 'BJ & the 7 Lady Truckers'

Click Here 1:53 mark

Nice find Lucio, To me there doesn't seem to be anything abnormal about that door way, although there are other pictures and video of Andre being taller than doorways that also appear normal, the thing about this one is that Andre is barefoot. Interestingly also in this video around the 2:43 - 2:47 you have barefoot Andre with barefoot 6'3" Greg Evigan. While its not great video, and they aren't standing straight, it appears Evigan would to come up to about Andre's mouth and his eyes look like they would come up to his upper chest, similar to what I experienced. So is Andre 6'10" in this video? I guess he could be, depending on the actual height of the doorway, With Evigan he appears more like 6'11", but now we would be nit picking over an inch in a low definition video of a 70's tv show. It is a pretty good argument that Andre might not have been the full 7' even in the late 70's. I'm not ready to change my mind just yet though. :)
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Sep/15
RoelC said on 17/Aug/15
62B said on 16/Aug/15
Then he shouldn't be to worried about people thinking he is not very credible as a journalist by publishing something with no way to back up his claims, if he went through the trouble of contacting the said French athletic commission, you would think he would ask for some kind of proof before publishing. I mean Today if you search for the French athletic commission you get no results found. Kind of the wrong mind set if you want to be taken seriously as a journalist.
If he got the info from the French Athletic Commission, you have to admit he got it from a pretty credible source. What would they have to gain by giving Meltzer false info. Also the fact that they admit Andre was measured at a substantially lower height than his famous 7'4" billed height, tells you they's not kayfabing their measurements. Maybe Meltzer did ask for document proof, but perhaps it wasn't available anymore. How long does a Commission archive data such as physical tests?

His claim of Andre being measured at 6’9 ¾” in France at age 24 (by the French Athletic Commission) certainly doesn’t seem farfetched. Andre wrestled in France during that time period, as we have video proof of a promo of Andre the Giant in France during early 1971 (when he was 24 years old). In order to wrestle in France, a wrestler needed a wrestling license, which were submitted by the French Athletic Commission. Andre wrestled his last match in France, just before he went to the UK in May 1969, so he would have to apply for a new license at least once in either 1970 or 1971 (depending on when he returned to wrestling in France). As a wrestler he probably would have to pass some type of physical test. A height & weight measurement could be a part of such a test. A height of 6’9 ¾” at age 24 isn’t unbelievable either, considering he still had 6’10” billings at age 23.

And yes, you might not find any results for French Athletic Commission. That’s because it’s not called like that in France (where they don't speak English). The French name is Fédération France De Catch Profesionnel (F.F.C.P.). That organization is still around and has been since 1933. They’re the ones who provided the wrestling licenses, and I’m sure that’s the organization Meltzer is referring to.


...His claim of Andre being measured at 6’9 ¾” in France at age 24 ....

I highly doubt they would measure in feet and inches for a french document,

I also think it´s pretty impossible that Andre didn´t lose height from his peak to late eighties early nineties when he still looked 6´10" next to
Tyler Mane, Giant Baba, Big John Studd, Jake Roberts, Earthquake...

A 6´9 ¾" peak Andre in very thin soled wrestlingboots puts a peak Hogan in 1" standard wrestlingboots at 6´3 ¾" in 1979
Click Here

Wich results in a peak 6´1 ½" King Kong Bundy Click Here

We´d have to reduce some other big numbers:

Undertaker peak....6´6"
Sid Eudy peak.......6´5 ½"
Kevin Nash peak...6´7 ¾"
Big Show peak......6´10 ¼"

So imo a 6´9 ¾" measurement for peak Andre was A) a wrong measurement or B) a wrong transition from metric to standard or
C) complete nonsense- maybe some Andre haters gave Meltzer wrong info.

Can´t see a chance for peak Andre being less than 6´10 ¾"-6´11" eveningheight.
Gretz said on 12/Sep/15
JT are you really that petty after all these years?Tell all these people the truth,you thought Andre was 6'11" for at least 3 years until your idol Vegas said he was 6'10".and this is after you posted a 100 pics showing andre at 6'11".I haven`t posted here in 4 years and you are still showing Andre at 6'10"please don`t get suckered in by this guy new posters,he has an agenda.And after all this time it`s kind of pathetic isin`t it!
Gretz said on 12/Sep/15
Have not typed here in many years(Daminal and JT have been here longer I started in early 2006).I have seen more footage of A young Andre from 1967 to-71,And I feel like he was 7'1" back in the day.but this guy lost some height over the years,in the 1984 pic with Wilt he is still at least 6'11.5.And by wrestlmania 3 he`s down to 6'10.5".By the time you see him in the pic with Bam Bam he is lucky if he is 6'10".So in my opinion Andre lost 3 inches or a fraction more over his career!
JT said on 11/Sep/15
mrtguy said on 2/Sep/15
@JT does this guy look taller than Andre and Show? Click Here

He's a big guy but probably 6’10” range like Andre assuming that height chart is accurate. Click Here Click Here
Willie Shoemaker was 4’11” and likely a little under 5’0” in his size 2 boots but I just rounded him up to 5’0”. Andre’s in cowboy boots but not the whoppers he wore later on. Kareem (full 7’2’ IMO) is closest to the camera in the second pic and Shoemaker may be slouching?. The wax figures are supposedly very accurate in height but who knows.

Barbara Bach’s reportedly 5’7” and Richard Kiel probably an inch shorter than Kareem Click Here
Anonasensei said on 10/Sep/15
I'm quoting this from another forum about wrestler sizes in video-games vs in real life:

"I saw Andre in the late 70's and 80's and I can tell you that his real height was at least 7' 4" tall.
But many of you:
1) didn't even ever saw Andre in his prime or at all
2) only got to see Andre when his back was bent because of his disease, he couldn't even stand straight

The Andre that I saw was even able to do dropkicks which was a huge accomplishment for a man his size.

So yes, Andre was big in his prime."

Here's some early footage of young Andre when his back and neck were much straighter, you be the judge:
Click Here
Click Here

I'm beginning to think 7-4 is a bit of a stretch, and 7-2 "maybe" 7-3 was more reasonable for prime Andre.
mrtguy said on 10/Sep/15
One thing to remember is its just a photo. Photo's help, but are not the be all end all, there can be to many unknowns. Maybe JT has this guy pegged perfect. I am sure at the very least he is pretty close, but he is on uneven ground and so is the height chart. The likely hood of that chart being spot on isn't that good. The guy also appears to have pretty thick soled shoes. Maybe that guy is 7'1" like he claims, maybe he is 6'10". Why do giants like that seem to embellish a bit on their height? My guess is because people expect them too. If you see a person that looks 7' tall and 400 pounds, that's kind of what you expect to hear them say. There was a kid at my house a month or so ago now that looked similar to the guy in the photo build wise only he was a few pounds lighter. He told me he was 7' when I asked him, but I could tell he was more like 6'9" judging by my door ways. My 5'1" Daughter though didn't even question him being 7', He was literally a giant to her.

Yeah you make a good point, by the way that guy standing beside the board is 435 lbs which is pretty similar to Big Show who I'd say weighs around that territory. 62B, do you have any pics of the 6'9'' giant.
Lucio Cliver said on 10/Sep/15
Wadlow compared to an AGGRANDIZED Andre

Click Here
Lucio Cliver said on 10/Sep/15
Danimal. Andre was afflicted with Acromegalic Giantism, Wadlow had hyperplasia of the pituitary gland. Andre stopped growing in his early 20's because his skeletal frame fused while Wadlow's growth unrelented and showed no sign of stopping. Andre could not grow taller, the bones of his head and extremities did not physically grow; Andre's features were distorted by the the affects of the illness. Wadlow' was a special giant
er4smiths said on 10/Sep/15
@andre - it's SO refreshing to see someone speaking the truth. It's crazy how unobservant so many people on this thread are. It's like they have no clue on how tall 7ft really is. I agree 100% with you on the peak AT BEST being 6'9.5" - absolutely no doubt about it. People also need to realize how tall 6'9.5" really is. We aren't trying to slight Andre or take away from his mystique or giant size. He was a HUGE man!!!! Just not a 7 foot tall man.
Lucio Cliver said on 10/Sep/15
Andre was 6'11" but he could play 7'4"
Halb said on 9/Sep/15
mrtguy said on 7/Sep/15
Rob, this guy isn't 7'1" after all, I'm suprised why would he G it up One question I want to know, why does the majority say
their much taller than they actually are?
For those that use the English system of feet and inches, the feet markers are a little bit magical, it's why people say they're 6 foot, and it's why those close to 7, say they are 7 or over.
6'2 said on 9/Sep/15
Can remember he fought savage for the belt when randy was in blue trunks and billy graham I think it was referring to andre as 7'2
Lucio Cliver said on 9/Sep/15
Anyone have any info on Mills Darden, reputed to be the single largest human in recorded history at 7'6" + and around 1,100 lbs. If this is true, 6'10" 480 lb Andre would look pixie-ish in comparison.
Lucio Cliver said on 9/Sep/15
Andre was 6'10" barefoot AT BEST! look at this clip, Andre in Bj and the Bear episode 'BJ & the 7 Lady Truckers'

Click Here 1:53 mark
andre said on 9/Sep/15
people need to realize andre never was taller then 6ft9.5 at is prime
62B said on 8/Sep/15
mrtguy said on 7/Sep/15
Rob, this guy isn't 7'1" after all, I'm suprised why would he G it up Click Here (Thanks JT)
He looks 6'10" maybe close to 6'11" if his legs weren't apart, so Rob do you agree Ian has 3 inches on him based on photographic evidence? One question I want to know, why does the majority say
their much taller than they actually are?

One thing to remember is its just a photo. Photo's help, but are not the be all end all, there can be to many unknowns. Maybe JT has this guy pegged perfect. I am sure at the very least he is pretty close, but he is on uneven ground and so is the height chart. The likely hood of that chart being spot on isn't that good. The guy also appears to have pretty thick soled shoes. Maybe that guy is 7'1" like he claims, maybe he is 6'10". Why do giants like that seem to embellish a bit on their height? My guess is because people expect them too. If you see a person that looks 7' tall and 400 pounds, that's kind of what you expect to hear them say. There was a kid at my house a month or so ago now that looked similar to the guy in the photo build wise only he was a few pounds lighter. He told me he was 7' when I asked him, but I could tell he was more like 6'9" judging by my door ways. My 5'1" Daughter though didn't even question him being 7', He was literally a giant to her.
james said on 7/Sep/15
Andre was 6'11 at his peak .he lost an inch after his back surgery in 1987
mrtguy said on 7/Sep/15
Rob, this guy isn't 7'1" after all, I'm suprised why would he G it up Click Here (Thanks JT)
He looks 6'10" maybe close to 6'11" if his legs weren't apart, so Rob do you agree Ian has 3 inches on him based on photographic evidence? One question I want to know, why does the majority say
their much taller than they actually are?
Editor Rob
under 7ft is likely, 6ft 10 range probably reasonable to beleive.
JT said on 3/Sep/15
Click Here actor Michael Talbott looked fairly tall (6’1”-6’2”) on Miami Vice.

mrtguy said on 2/Sep/15
@JT does this guy look taller than Andre and Show? Click Here

Click Here
mrtguy said on 2/Sep/15
@JT does this guy look taller than Andre and Show? Click Here
MelvinJones said on 1/Sep/15
I think Andre's heaviest weight was 640 in 1985. Hogan is full of it. Andre weighed around 525 at WMIII.
Chaz said on 1/Sep/15
Any one that is 208cm with a 3'' affo can look 7'+.unless you know what you are looking at,

And you can forget anything Hogan said,like he's 24'' arms fantasy land, like Tom Billington said about him,Full of C++p and could not punch he's way out of a wet paper bag in real life,
Anonasensei said on 1/Sep/15

I agree, Hogan probably was more trying to blow up his own legacy in being "the first one" to slam The Giant and ripping his biceps in the process.

That said, I do believe he was over 7 feet at some point in his prime, probably around 7-2, 7-3-ish when he was 21, 22. But I believe for most of his WWF days, was more 6-11, maybe even 6-10 towards the end when he could barely walk with all the back pain and surgeries.

I read that when filming Princess Bride he wasn't even able to lift 100 lb Robin Wright because his back was in so much pain. He kind of had a sad lonely life despite all the fame and fortune.
6'2 said on 31/Aug/15
He was 218cm in France that is his legit height
Logic said on 31/Aug/15
Here is a photo of Andre standing beside of Brad Armstrong.

Click Here

Andre is about a head taller than Brad even though Brad's wrestling boots have much thicker heels than Andre's and the camera angle is favoring Brad. If the camera angle was corrected and the footwear was equal then how much taller would Andre than Brad? Between 13" - 14"??

And how tall is Brad Armstrong barefooted? Somewhere around 5' 9"-10"??
JT said on 31/Aug/15
Duhon said on 29/Aug/15

According to "Hulkster" Andre weighed more than 600 lbs at wrestelmania 3. I think we need to take his claims with a grain of salt.

Hogan has also claimed Andre weighed 700 lbs. at WMIII. Here’s Hogan celebrating in victory after “tearing” a latissimus dorsi muscle right off the bone when slamming Andre. Click Here He’s since claimed that he tore both lattisimus dorsi and I believe at least one bicep from the slam. All that pain and injuries yet he somehow found the courage to lift both arms and perform his trademark bodybuilding poses for the fans in the ring and all the way back to the locker room.

Alex 6'0 said on 25/Aug/15
6'10 peak for Andre? Not impossible but I thought he looked 6'9-6'10 at WM 3 with Hogan. His peak maybe 6'11?

How many inches do you guys think Andre had Hogan by at WM 3. Amazing they tried to have us believe it was 8! Even as a kid I knew it wasn't no 8 inches LOL. It really looked more 4 inch range maybe 5 tops

Click Here
Click Here
RP said on 31/Aug/15
Capt Nobody, peak Hillbilly Jim was 6'5.5" barefoot. And is still about 6'4.5" to 6'4.75" In his early 60's...I think HBJ is about 63 now??
Arthur said on 30/Aug/15
There was a rumour that Andre has drinked 103 bottles of beer in one night without getting drunk! I can believe that cause he was 450 pounds in his prime!
What a giant!
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 30/Aug/15
Rob,after all discussion,what do you think of Andre height ? There are many claims such as 208cm but if he was only this in his peak,why he is looking more than 2 inches(with very poor posture) taller than the 6ft8 Tyler Mane ? For me his peak was between 212-214cm and shurunk to 209cm in 1991 in he last wrestling match.
Editor Rob
I still think Andre peak could look 7ft, then after a while a bit under that.
Ice said on 30/Aug/15
For a man whos height comes from giantism , he was one of the shorter examples .
Duhon said on 29/Aug/15

According to "Hulkster" Andre weighed more than 600 lbs at wrestelmania 3. I think we need to take his claims with a grain of salt.
RoelC said on 29/Aug/15
Anonasensei said on 29/Aug/15
Look at this young picture of him, he had a much longer neck and didn't have the "hunch" we best known him for in the 80's:

And yet that picture was taken at a time when Andre was still being billed at heights as low as 6'9 3/4" (208cm).
Anonasensei said on 29/Aug/15
I think he needs a peak height as well. According to Hulkster in this interview, Andre was 7-4 in his prime and shrunk to 7-1 in the 80's when his body deteriorated:
Click Here

Look at this young picture of him, he had a much longer neck and didn't have the "hunch" we best known him for in the 80's:
Click Here
Maximus said on 29/Aug/15
7' in his prime standing up straight not hunched over.
ReturnofG said on 28/Aug/15
If you really want to see the closest to the difference in height between Andre and Show? just look at Shaq or Khali and Show and that would be about right. Andre having an inch or better on Show.
62B said on 28/Aug/15
daquf said on 26/Aug/15
miko said on 19/Aug/15
I can buy 6'10 flat for a peak Andre.

He never looked over that with Hogan from the mid 70's all the way to the late 80's.

6'10 in cowboyboots maybe, just maybe

Wow. Believe what you want. Really not even worth a response, but 6'10" peak in cowboy boots? I want some of what ever you are smoking. It must be some real good stuff. :)
JT said on 27/Aug/15
Kunoichi said on 26/Aug/15
Mr. Takahashi has claimed that the real height of Andre was more higher than 223cm that billed height in Japan.He was a main referee of NJPW, also he was acquainted with Andre..
Click Here
This is a special program of Andre that have been aired on public broadcasting in Japan.
By the way, the size of the Andre of shoes it has been said to 38cm

IIRC Takahashi had a listed height of 5’8” as a wrestling referee but can't be more than 5'6" Click Here Andre's in cowboy boots in the 2nd and 3rd pic. I saw Volkoff and Valentine up close in the mid-1980s. Volkoff looked a solid 6’2” and Valentine around 5’10”.
singer5 said on 27/Aug/15
After just watching Andre vs. Hogan in Japan, 1983 on youtube, i must conclude that Andre Looked absolutely seven feet tall. He was mammoth in size. I had a friend in high school who was 6,"6 and 350 pounds. He was the tallest in our school. I could just imagine Andre the Giant standing next to him and dwarfing him, like he did to hogan in his prime. Let's not fool ourselves, Andre the Giant never strutted his height.
In fact, I have a nephew who claims to be 6'1" when in fact he is closer to six four.
Some very tall people walk around hunched over and are embarrassed to be so tall.
I believe that Andre the Giant was always trying to fit in. In a lot of interviews, he is looking down at the interviewer, or looking down at his mates or opponents. Just a thought to consider cheers.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Aug/15
Alex 6'0 said on 25/Aug/15
6'10 peak for Andre? Not impossible but I thought he looked 6'9-6'10 at WM 3 with Hogan. His peak maybe 6'11?

How many inches do you guys think Andre had Hogan by at WM 3. Amazing they tried to have us believe it was 8! Even as a kid I knew it wasn't no 8 inches LOL. It really looked more 4 inch range maybe 5 tops

I think still 5- 5.5 inches at WM3, Hogan is closer to the camera and the angle is also to Hogans favour.

Andre for sure lost height from his peak to late eighties early nineties where he still looked about 6´10".
No less than 6´11" peak
Kunoichi said on 26/Aug/15
Mr. Takahashi has claimed that the real height of Andre was more higher than 223cm that billed height in Japan.He was a main referee of NJPW, also he was acquainted with Andre..
Click Here
This is a special program of Andre that have been aired on public broadcasting in Japan.
By the way, the size of the Andre of shoes it has been said to 38cm.
daquf said on 26/Aug/15
miko said on 19/Aug/15
I can buy 6'10 flat for a peak Andre.

He never looked over that with Hogan from the mid 70's all the way to the late 80's.

6'10 in cowboyboots maybe, just maybe
Alex 6'0 said on 25/Aug/15
6'10 peak for Andre? Not impossible but I thought he looked 6'9-6'10 at WM 3 with Hogan. His peak maybe 6'11?

How many inches do you guys think Andre had Hogan by at WM 3. Amazing they tried to have us believe it was 8! Even as a kid I knew it wasn't no 8 inches LOL. It really looked more 4 inch range maybe 5 tops
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 23/Aug/15
If Andre was only 6ft 10 in his peak,what height he was in 1991 in that video with Giant Baba and Tyler Mane ? He was the tallest in that ring and had more than 2 inches in Mane(whose Rob has guessed as 6ft 8) For me Andre died about 6ft 10.5-6ft 10.75 and his peak was about 7ft-7ft.0.5
RoelC said on 21/Aug/15
62B said on 18/Aug/15
RoelC, If Melzer had asked for proof and This commission didn't have any to give him, then they would not be able to tell him in the first place. What I was really trying to get at is that just because Melzer doesn't care if people believe him, doesn't make his claim anymore credible. From what I can tell there is nothing out there except Melzer that says Andre was ever measured by this French Athletic Commission. I personally do believe Andre spent most of the 80's, for sure the mid 80's to late 80's with an evening height in the 6'10" range with is normal posture.

Meltzer could've spoken to people who were present at the measurement itself, or still remember Andre being measured at that height.
Meltzer is a wrestling journalist who is known for breaking kayfabe. That's one the reasons why you here stories from him, that you won't here from guys like Bill Apter.
singer5 said on 21/Aug/15
Hey fellas, if you look on most of Andre's pictures, he's never standing straight up like "reaching for the stars". He is mostly hunched over. Therefore, if you take that into consideration you will realize that he was a very tall man never wanted to flaunt his giant stature. Most of the times in those wrestling pics, he is looking down and his neck is lowered to accommodate his opponent.
Cheers, keep up the the interesting talk
62B said on 20/Aug/15
62B said on 19/Aug/15
I think its funny how some of you want to jump on this 6'9 3/4" height based off someone just saying it happened, but want to ignore Andre around the same time being noticeably taller than Ernie Ladd ( still waiting for proof that he wasn't 6'9"), and the tailors measurement of 6'2" to the base of Andre's neck which Chaz himself said Andre would still have over 10" to the top of his head

I should clarify that it was Chaz's math that put Andre 10.5" from the base of his neck to the top of his head.
miko said on 19/Aug/15
I can buy 6'10 flat for a peak Andre.

He never looked over that with Hogan from the mid 70's all the way to the late 80's.
62B said on 19/Aug/15
JT said on 17/Aug/15
Andre is probably wearing “regular” cowboy boots in the pic with Dynamite Kid and Bruce Hart and custom boots with extra boost in the pics with Arnold and Wilt several years later. The camera angles aren't quite the same but Arnold would be well under 6’0” if the boots in both pics gave the same boost to Andre. Click Here Bruce Hart is listed pretty much everywhere at 5’9”. He’s slouching more than Dynamite and still looks Dynamite’s height so the latter is not wearing any “platform” sandals.

Its always entertaining to read how you always "know" what every one is wearing for shoes.
62B said on 19/Aug/15
I think its funny how some of you want to jump on this 6'9 3/4" height based off someone just saying it happened, but want to ignore Andre around the same time being noticeably taller than Ernie Ladd ( still waiting for proof that he wasn't 6'9"), and the tailors measurement of 6'2" to the base of Andre's neck which Chaz himself said Andre would still have over 10" to the top of his head.
daquf said on 19/Aug/15
Since he had acromelagy, measured 6'10 when died thats the tallest he ever could had been... and some heads up: measuring when laying down you will be taller... so Meltzer's 6'9 3/4 claim must had included footwear (probably heels)
62B said on 18/Aug/15
RoelC, If Melzer had asked for proof and This commission didn't have any to give him, then they would not be able to tell him in the first place. What I was really trying to get at is that just because Melzer doesn't care if people believe him, doesn't make his claim anymore credible. From what I can tell there is nothing out there except Melzer that says Andre was ever measured by this French Athletic Commission. I personally do believe Andre spent most of the 80's, for sure the mid 80's to late 80's with an evening height in the 6'10" range with is normal posture.
JT said on 17/Aug/15
Andre is probably wearing “regular” cowboy boots in the pic with Dynamite Kid and Bruce Hart and custom boots with extra boost in the pics with Arnold and Wilt several years later. The camera angles aren't quite the same but Arnold would be well under 6’0” if the boots in both pics gave the same boost to Andre. Click Here Bruce Hart is listed pretty much everywhere at 5’9”. He’s slouching more than Dynamite and still looks Dynamite’s height so the latter is not wearing any “platform” sandals.

When you see Andre post-match with ~ 5'8" Mean Gene from 1984 Click Here and 1985 Click Here Meltzer’s 6'9 3/4" claim looks entirely reasonable. Still need some documentation to back it up though.

Former NBA commissioner David Stern looks 5’8” in most pics. Hakeem Olajuwon is a solid 6’10”. Click Here
RoelC said on 17/Aug/15
62B said on 16/Aug/15
Then he shouldn't be to worried about people thinking he is not very credible as a journalist by publishing something with no way to back up his claims, if he went through the trouble of contacting the said French athletic commission, you would think he would ask for some kind of proof before publishing. I mean Today if you search for the French athletic commission you get no results found. Kind of the wrong mind set if you want to be taken seriously as a journalist.
If he got the info from the French Athletic Commission, you have to admit he got it from a pretty credible source. What would they have to gain by giving Meltzer false info. Also the fact that they admit Andre was measured at a substantially lower height than his famous 7'4" billed height, tells you they's not kayfabing their measurements. Maybe Meltzer did ask for document proof, but perhaps it wasn't available anymore. How long does a Commission archive data such as physical tests?

His claim of Andre being measured at 6’9 ¾” in France at age 24 (by the French Athletic Commission) certainly doesn’t seem farfetched. Andre wrestled in France during that time period, as we have video proof of a promo of Andre the Giant in France during early 1971 (when he was 24 years old). In order to wrestle in France, a wrestler needed a wrestling license, which were submitted by the French Athletic Commission. Andre wrestled his last match in France, just before he went to the UK in May 1969, so he would have to apply for a new license at least once in either 1970 or 1971 (depending on when he returned to wrestling in France). As a wrestler he probably would have to pass some type of physical test. A height & weight measurement could be a part of such a test. A height of 6’9 ¾” at age 24 isn’t unbelievable either, considering he still had 6’10” billings at age 23.

And yes, you might not find any results for French Athletic Commission. That’s because it’s not called like that in France (where they don't speak English). The French name is Fédération France De Catch Profesionnel (F.F.C.P.). That organization is still around and has been since 1933. They’re the ones who provided the wrestling licenses, and I’m sure that’s the organization Meltzer is referring to.
62B said on 16/Aug/15
Halb said on 11/Aug/15
I emailed Meltzer years ago. He was more receptive back then I think. He responded, with what he was told by the commission. He wasn't too fussed if people chose not to believe him.

Then he shouldn't be to worried about people thinking he is not very credible as a journalist by publishing something with no way to back up his claims, if he went through the trouble of contacting the said French athletic commission, you would think he would ask for some kind of proof before publishing. I mean Today if you search for the French athletic commission you get no results found. Kind of the wrong mind set if you want to be taken seriously as a journalist.
62B said on 16/Aug/15
Chaz said on 14/Aug/15
62B said on 11/Aug/15 So looking at your photo I could not tell what dynamite had for shoes with out enlarging it. They are sandals, but look like they have a really thick sole. Not sure what Rob was wearing I his photo's but Dynamite could possibly still have the footwear advantage over Rob.

Sandsls have the same size heel as the shole,so what you see at the front is the same at the back,about 3/4'' at most,less than most shoes and trainers.

That photo is from the 70's when thick soles and platforms were the rage, and from what I've heard Dynamite liked lifts. I think your guestimate of 3/4" sole is conservative.
Steve said on 16/Aug/15
Andre was at absolute most 213cm peak, or a weak 7'0 ft. Anyone who thinks Andre was over 7'0 ft even is crazy or needs glasses. No photos show him ABOVE 7'0 ft even. He was most likely 212 cm at his peak which is 6'11.5 or so.

Those who say he peaked at 7'1 at some point, people don't 'peak' at a height then straight away lose height. Height loss is extremely gradual, even with Acromegaly. If he peaked at 7'1 in the early to mid 1970's as some estimate on here, then he would have been at least 7'0 at WM3, which he wasn't. Hogan was mostly like 6'5 in 1987 and Andre had 5 to 6 inches at most.
Chaz said on 14/Aug/15
62B said on 11/Aug/15 So looking at your photo I could not tell what dynamite had for shoes with out enlarging it. They are sandals, but look like they have a really thick sole. Not sure what Rob was wearing I his photo's but Dynamite could possibly still have the footwear advantage over Rob.

Sandsls have the same size heel as the shole,so what you see at the front is the same at the back,about 3/4'' at most,less than most shoes and trainers.
Chaz said on 12/Aug/15
Vegas said on 10/Aug/15
62B said on 7/Aug/15
Why would you think that Rob does not know what a 6'9 3/4" person looks like? 6'9" anything is to short for a peak Andre, but go ahead and believe what you want.

6'10 is fine for andre actually

very rough but here is peakish andre (probably late 70s) in 2 inch cowboys and 5'8 dynamite who is in sandals... to be 7ft (7'2 in cowboys) andre would have to be identical in height to ian whyte (chap on the far right) in shoes and that simply isn't happening. of course he you are arguing he was over 7ft then he must come out taller than whyte in that comparison...

Click Here

it's clear he was 3''shorter than Whyte,the same as with Kiel in JT compareson. so the 6'9.75'' could well of been true,as a one off measurment.
62B said on 11/Aug/15
Vegas said on 10/Aug/15
62B said on 7/Aug/15
Why would you think that Rob does not know what a 6'9 3/4" person looks like? 6'9" anything is to short for a peak Andre, but go ahead and believe what you want.

6'10 is fine for andre actually

very rough but here is peakish andre (probably late 70s) in 2 inch cowboys and 5'8 dynamite who is in sandals... to be 7ft (7'2 in cowboys) andre would have to be identical in height to ian whyte (chap on the far right) in shoes and that simply isn't happening. of course he you are arguing he was over 7ft then he must come out taller than whyte in that comparison...

Click Here


So looking at your photo I could not tell what dynamite had for shoes with out enlarging it. They are sandals, but look like they have a really thick sole. Not sure what Rob was wearing I his photo's but Dynamite could possibly still have the footwear advantage over Rob
Halb said on 11/Aug/15
I emailed Meltzer years ago. He was more receptive back then I think. He responded, with what he was told by the commission. He wasn't too fussed if people chose not to believe him.
62B said on 11/Aug/15
62B said on 7/Aug/15
Why would you think that Rob does not know what a 6'9 3/4" person looks like? 6'9" anything is to short for a peak Andre, but go ahead and believe what you want.

6'10 is fine for andre actually

very rough but here is peakish andre (probably late 70s) in 2 inch cowboys and 5'8 dynamite who is in sandals... to be 7ft (7'2 in cowboys) andre would have to be identical in height to ian whyte (chap on the far right) in shoes and that simply isn't happening. of course he you are arguing he was over 7ft then he must come out taller than whyte in that comparison...

Click Here

It might be fine for you, but I was in a position to size Andre up pretty good in1988, so there really is no picture that is going to change my opinion. I base my opinion on not just being able to size up Andre, but comparing that to the several other people I have met ranging from 6'8" to 7'2". I myself at the time measured no less than 6'3". In my opinion Andre was about 6'11" in 1988 standing tall in the late morning / early afternoon. I'm guessing he would have been around 7' even 10 to 15 years earlier. I would not be surprised if Andre would have appeared 6'9 1/2" to 6'10" in 1988 during the evening with bad posture. That would not be an accurate representation of his true height let alone peak height though.
Chaz said on 11/Aug/15
the only 7'.5'' measument we have, is of wilt being measured laying down,of which we have a photo of it taking place,that would make him about 7' standing up, at the time of the measurment,

and we have Andre standing bolt upright in 1975 next to 4'11'' Shoemaker, when he was not even 400lbs.and he has not got 2 foot on him,so I would like to know the date Andre was 7'+? because he was not then,and was not after 1980?
ReturnofG said on 10/Aug/15
er4smiths said on 8/Aug/15
62B - ok man I'll believe the facts. Andre was no more than 6'9.5" peak

Ok so Meltzer's bs is fact so lets down grade everyone else for this to be fact!
Big Show = weak 6'9
Khali= weak 6'10 tops
Undertaker= 6'5ish
Nash = 6'6.5-3/4
Gonzalez = 7'0.5 maybe?

Another words calling 6'9.5 fact is like saying it is a fact the world is flat!
62B said on 10/Aug/15
er4smiths said on 8/Aug/15
62B - ok man I'll believe the facts. Andre was no more than 6'9.5" peak


That's not a fact, Its what you want to believe.
Vegas said on 10/Aug/15
62B said on 7/Aug/15
Why would you think that Rob does not know what a 6'9 3/4" person looks like? 6'9" anything is to short for a peak Andre, but go ahead and believe what you want.

6'10 is fine for andre actually

very rough but here is peakish andre (probably late 70s) in 2 inch cowboys and 5'8 dynamite who is in sandals... to be 7ft (7'2 in cowboys) andre would have to be identical in height to ian whyte (chap on the far right) in shoes and that simply isn't happening. of course he you are arguing he was over 7ft then he must come out taller than whyte in that comparison...

Click Here
6'2 said on 10/Aug/15
andre still had 4-5" on studd who wore lifts when in the ring with andre in 1989 and studd was 6'7 so andre being 6'7.5" at wm 3 is just laughable and hogan was 6'6 not 6'3.5 look at joe marella who wasnt a short man prob 5'10-11" wm3 hogan with boots 6'8.5 andre 7ft he was about 5" taller than hogan in 1987. 7'1 prime 80s 7ft 90s 6'10-11.5"
daquf said on 9/Aug/15
Andre was billed 6'10 both in Japan and England Before he came to wwf, so we know for sure that he wasnt taller than that - if any, he was shorter, more like 6'9
RoelC said on 9/Aug/15
NCL said on 7/Aug/15
Does anyone have an actual link to Meltzer claiming Andre was measured at 6 ft 9 ¾ or to Andre being measured at 7'0.5"? I keep seeing both claims on this site but I've never once seen a link to either.

Meltzer claimed Andre was measured at 6'9 3/4" in his book Tributes II.
Click Here (see page 68).

He estimated Andre at 6'11 1/2" in a 1984 Wrestling Observer Edition. He never claimed Andre was measured at 6'9 3/4" until his book Tributes II was released in 2004. He mentioned Andre's height in Tributes I aswell, saying Andre was around 6'10", maybe 6'11". If he had known about a measurement at age 24, don't you think he would've mentioned it? It's pretty obvious he found out about said measurement somewhere between 2001 and 2004. Whatever evidence he saw about Andre's measurement is still a mystery. So until proof of this measurement exists, his claim doesn't hold much value.

As for the 7'0.5" measurement. No evidence whatsoever has been posted about said measurement. Some people here would want you to believe Frenchy Bernard made that claim in an interview. But never has there been any interview posted that proved Frenchy made such a claim.
andre said on 9/Aug/15
Wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer claims André was measured at 6 ft 9 ¾ in 1974 by a French athletic commission at age 28

if andre lost height as people claim here he was what by 1993 6ft7.8 barefoot
Halb said on 9/Aug/15
Dave Meltzer estimated André at 6'11½" and had seen the doctor's note for 6'9¾".
Halb said on 9/Aug/15
Danimal says on 4/Aug/15
Halb says on 1/Aug/15
There is no reason to think that André had lost any height by Wrestlemania 3. To suggest 2-3 inches is extravagant

This coming from a guy who doesn't believe in height loss.
You are wrong. I believe in height loss, especially when backed up by data. Not by conjecture.
er4smiths said on 8/Aug/15
62B - ok man I'll believe the facts. Andre was no more than 6'9.5" peak
Capt. Nobody said on 7/Aug/15
andre says on 5/Aug/15
Wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer claims André was measured at 6 ft 9 ¾ in 1974 by a French athletic commission at age 28


Then Wilt was never what he was supposedly and Big Show is around 6'9" to 6'10" as well. If you downgrade Andre you have to downgrade everyone. Paul White is not 2 inches taller than Andre. We've seen Big Show with Shaq, we've seen Shaq with Wilt, we've seen Wilt with Andre. That's where the circle closes. Andre and Big Show are about identical in height, or so says the most convincing evidence out there.

Rob 6 ft 9 ¾ barefoot is very big and in my opinion andre was always this at is prime and hogan was 6ft3.5

please rob go and measure on your wall the 6 ft 9 ¾ and you will realize how tall this is and you will see that this height is perfect for andre

is time to change it , people here have no idea how tall 6 ft 9 ¾ barefoot is and for hogan he would be same height as randy orton as is prime and andre about 6ft10 with shoes
NCL said on 7/Aug/15
Does anyone have an actual link to Meltzer claiming Andre was measured at 6 ft 9 ¾ or to Andre being measured at 7'0.5"? I keep seeing both claims on this site but I've never once seen a link to either.

The only link we do have about Meltzer that I know of is the 6'11.5" estimate that Danimal was referring to: Click Here

I do have irrefutable proof that Andre was taller than the Frankenstein Monster :>) Click Here
RYAN11 said on 7/Aug/15
Wow Daniel you really got me there! A one letter spelling mistake that was the fault of my android phones crappy keyboard. So instead of responding the the factual evidence proving a person with the same type of giant ism has grown a foot taller in her adult years you instead look for spelling errors, that proves your level of intelligence and maturity to be poor at best. Now how about someone trying to respond to what I wrote about? It's facts, so anyone who says Andre and anyone with Acromegaly doest grow taller once an adult us completely wrong. This also proves that he not only got taller but his weight went way up from where it was in the 70's.
andre said on 7/Aug/15
we know hogan used hell boots in wrestlemania 3 but they are almost same height so if hogan was 6ft3.5 andre was 6ft7.5 this makes me think that a prime andre was around 6 ft 9 ¾ barefoot at young age Dave Meltzer says this
6'2 said on 7/Aug/15
over 7ft prime maybe jus under when he died. I just can't understand why people don't understand that he couldn't stand up to his full height from the mid 80s on. look at his documentary larger than life
62B said on 7/Aug/15
andre says on 5/Aug/15
Wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer claims André was measured at 6 ft 9 ¾ in 1974 by a French athletic commission at age 28

Rob 6 ft 9 ¾ barefoot is very big and in my opinion andre was always this at is prime and hogan was 6ft3.5

please rob go and measure on your wall the 6 ft 9 ¾ and you will realize how tall this is and you will see that this height is perfect for andre

is time to change it , people here have no idea how tall 6 ft 9 ¾ barefoot is and for hogan he would be same height as randy orton as is prime and andre about 6ft10 with shoes


Why would you think that Rob does not know what a 6'9 3/4" person looks like? 6'9" anything is to short for a peak Andre, but go ahead and believe what you want.
Danimal said on 5/Aug/15
andre says on 23/Jul/15
Wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer claims André was measured at 6 ft 9 ¾ in 1974 by a French athletic commission at age 28

Rob how about this ???

If he was measured that height how can he ever been 7ft?

Dave Meltzer also claimed that Andre was 6'11.5" next to Wilt in 1983/1984. Take was Dave says with a grain of salt.
Danimal said on 5/Aug/15
RYAN11 says on 3/Aug/15
For all the experts on acramology on here, I am a real expert

You claim to be a real expert, yet you can't even spell the word. It's Acromegaly!!! Oh the irony...
andre said on 5/Aug/15
Wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer claims André was measured at 6 ft 9 ¾ in 1974 by a French athletic commission at age 28

Rob 6 ft 9 ¾ barefoot is very big and in my opinion andre was always this at is prime and hogan was 6ft3.5

please rob go and measure on your wall the 6 ft 9 ¾ and you will realize how tall this is and you will see that this height is perfect for andre

is time to change it , people here have no idea how tall 6 ft 9 ¾ barefoot is and for hogan he would be same height as randy orton as is prime and andre about 6ft10 with shoes
andre said on 4/Aug/15
Wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer claims André was measured at 6 ft 9 ¾ in 1974 by a French athletic commission at age 28

Rob do you realize this might be prime andre height barefoot?
Danimal said on 4/Aug/15
62B says on 20/Jul/15
Its possible Hogan was 6'6" at his peak in the late 70's early 80's. He was slightly taller than my 6'5" Grandfather in 1980 or 1981. I remember being somewhat taken aback, as Hogan was the first person I had seen bigger than my Grandfather up to that time. He is certainly 2" maybe 3" taller than the 6'3 1/2" Ted Dibiase in 1979. Footwear may have played a role, but anywhere between 6'5" and 6'6" for peak Hogan is believable. For me 6'5 1/2" for peak Hogan is about right.

Danimal said on 4/Aug/15
Halb says on 1/Aug/15
There is no reason to think that André had lost any height by Wrestlemania 3. To suggest 2-3 inches is extravagant

This coming from a guy who doesn't believe in height loss.
Aaronious said on 3/Aug/15
RoelC, your photo comparison is flawed ebtween rick barry and Studd, because the angles from which the photographer took those picture isn't the same, plus the height of the photographer for the Studd head cutout is shorter than the photographer in the rick barry/Studd photo. you can tell because even though you have matched 'eye level, the beard sits lower in the Studd/Barry photo, his jaw appears wider, AND, his nose appears smaller. the photographer took the cut-out picture from an ascending upward angle. In the Studd/Barry picture, the camera man is much closer to eye level compared to the subjects
RYAN11 said on 3/Aug/15
For all the experts on acramology on here, I am a real expert because I educate myself. There is a show on A&E about giants, there is a woman with the exact same condition as Andre's, guess what experts, she has grown a foot taller and gained over 300lbs in ten years from 22 to 31. Did you get that, grew a foot taller!!! There goes your bs claims that Andre stopped growing taller at any time. He grew bigger in every way. Also, their hands, feet and head grow until death at an incredible rate. So, anyone who says his hands were not bigger than a magazine cover or his feet were never over size 18 or 20 because that's what they were 15 years before have no idea what they are talking about and are ignoring facts. He was well over 7 feet tall, and his weight easily went over 600lbs a few times, and his feet were a size 22 or 24 like it has been maintained by those who knew him. I know everyone thinks that Hogan exaggerates too much, but he has consistently told the same story that Andre weighed 600lbs on a cargo scale at the airport before WM3, and he stated recently that Andre was around 7'4" when he first met him in the mid 70's, but by the 80's when his back started having problems because his weight was getting so high he went down around 7'1" which is consistent with the photo evidence.
Vegas said on 3/Aug/15
Oanh says on 3/Aug/15
Oh, he did lose height. It's a well known fact. The amount of height he lost is not exactly known, but has usually been stated around 2".

2 inch height loss by 1987?

1979-80 Click Here
1987 Click Here

if he lost 2 inches between 1980 and 1987 i certainly don't see it in those both of them the top of hogans head comes to around the eye level of andre when he is standing close to full straight Click Here
Halb said on 3/Aug/15
Oanh says on 3/Aug/15
Halb says on 1/Aug/15
There is no reason to think that André had lost any height by Wrestlemania 3. To suggest 2-3 inches is extravagant.

Oh, he did lose height. It's a well known fact. The amount of height he lost is not exactly known, but has usually been stated around 2". He had the surgery in '86...before WM3.
It's supposition, not fact. His surgery in England in 1986 didn't seem to affect his height against Big John Studd, a good indicator. André was as tall against BJS at WM5 in 1989 as he ever was.
Oanh said on 3/Aug/15
Halb says on 1/Aug/15
There is no reason to think that André had lost any height by Wrestlemania 3. To suggest 2-3 inches is extravagant.

Oh, he did lose height. It's a well known fact. The amount of height he lost is not exactly known, but has usually been stated around 2". He had the surgery in '86...before WM3.
Dmw said on 2/Aug/15
So having a disease that makes your chest limbs and head grow, having a back surgery because of this disease, gaining up to 525lbs(Andre put on the lbs from 84 to 87) and just aging in general is not enough to make Andre lose height? Google the footage of Andre congratulating Hogan in 84 after he wins the title against the Iron Sheik, then watch the WM3 match and tell me Andre does not look bigger and healthier in 84 opposed to 87.
62B said on 2/Aug/15
Halb says on 1/Aug/15
There is no reason to think that André had lost any height by Wrestlemania 3. To suggest 2-3 inches is extravagant

You can't see his compressed neck and shoulders versus what he looked like in the 70's? You don't think his surgeries or what is arguably a 20 lb head caused any shrinkage?
Halb said on 1/Aug/15
There is no reason to think that André had lost any height by Wrestlemania 3. To suggest 2-3 inches is extravagant.
Oanh said on 1/Aug/15
6'2 says on 30/Jul/15
Andre was still 5" taller than peak hogan wm3 and hogan was 6'6 so andre was 6'11 and he lost 2-3" by then it's the same pattern as big show only andre did nothing about his condition and show wears thicker boots than Andre ever did in the ring

Nick said on 31/Jul/15
To spainmen191cm. When Andre did that interview wrestling was still very kayfabe i.e. was marketed as being completely real. So in interviews wrestlers would quote their billed height rather than their real height.
Capt. Nobody said on 31/Jul/15
I don't know if this has been posted yet. Interesting interview with Mulligan and Andre.

Click Here
singer5 said on 31/Jul/15
wow, Now your saying that Andre the Giant had smaller feet. Remember, with acromegaly, the feet keep growing. And Roel C and Jt, you are saying that your shoes measure, within inches of Andre the Giant's shoes. Please! Give me a break. I wasn't born yesterday, and neither were you.
cheers, a fan of the Giant.
Chaz said on 30/Jul/15
The thing is we Have seen Haystacks feet next to Andre's,and Haystacks feet next to Big Show's and they all look about the same size,so we can work out they are in the 17-18 US size range. those Wilt Moccasins could just be made up by the costume Dept and are not any real size,Funny thing is Neil Fingelton takes a UK size 14 1/2 about 15 1/2 US and he's 7'7.5'' yet 7'6.1/4'' Chris Greener takes a UK size 17 1/2 about a 18 1/2 US, so Haystacks had some masive feet for someone about 6'7'' they are what you would expect for he's billed 6'11'',maybe they measured he's feet and worked he's height out from them lol
6'2 said on 30/Jul/15
Andre was still 5" taller than peak hogan wm3 and hogan was 6'6 so andre was 6'11 and he lost 2-3" by then it's the same pattern as big show only andre did nothing about his condition and show wears thicker boots than Andre ever did in the ring
JT said on 29/Jul/15
RoelC says on 26/Jul/15
….According to the book The Rivalry, Wilt wore a size 14 ½.

That’s pretty small for a 7’1” guy.

This was an outline of Andre’s foot that Chris of this site posted a few years ago Click Here Andre’s foot is a little under 13 inches long. According to this link Click Here that comes out to no more than a size 17. My foot is a little under 12 inches and I wear a size 14 so we can probably round up to an 18 for Andre if that impression is accurate.

Andre’s cowboy boot measured roughly 15 inches long Click Here so a regular shoe of the same size but without the pointy toe won’t be as long. My dress and tennis shoes measure about 13.5 inches long.
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 27/Jul/15
Take a look at this segment :Click Here
Andre with Jake ''the snake'' Roberts who was a legit 6ft 5
Jake was with a good posture and Andre with a very bad and still he looks 5-6 inches taller.He looks for me in this about 6ft 11 but if he stand straight,I have no doubt that he will reach the 7ft tall
RoelC said on 26/Jul/15
JT says on 23/Jul/15
Andre’s cowboy boots do not look that much larger than Wilt’s shoes, especially since cowboy boots are probably longer than a regular shoe of the same size given the pointy toe area. Wilt supposedly wore a size 15 ½ or size 16 shoe.

According to the book The Rivalry, Wilt wore a size 14 ½.
Chaz said on 24/Jul/15
no way are Andre's feet much more than Giant Haystacks,if you want over Size 20 you need Haystack's feet 3 size Bigger than he said they were,and 27cm hands are out of the question,that is only 1cm smaller than Sulton Kosen's and he's 8'3'' lol they are not over 24.5cm about the same as Big Show's just thicker from the IGF1 blote ,but no longer
andre said on 23/Jul/15
Wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer claims André was measured at 6 ft 9 ¾ in 1974 by a French athletic commission at age 28

Rob how about this ???

If he was measured that height how can he ever been 7ft?
Editor Rob
I'd be surprised if he really was that height.
JT said on 23/Jul/15
Andre’s cowboy boots do not look that much larger than Wilt’s shoes, especially since cowboy boots are probably longer than a regular shoe of the same size given the pointy toe area. Wilt supposedly wore a size 15 ½ or size 16 shoe.

I made Wilt’s shoe a little smaller but it’s all a guess Click Here Andre wore brown cowboy boots in the pics with Wilt and Arnold although these may not be the same ones.
Oanh said on 22/Jul/15
andre says on 21/Jul/15
andre the giant was measured 6ft9.5 barefoot in Japan in is prime
also some pictures from europe have him 208cm and 210cm

please rob you know about this and you know how tall 208cm is why you keep the 7ft claim?

hogan at 6ft4 at wrestlemania 3 makes andre no more then 6ft8

people in this website don't realize how tall a 6ft9.5 barefoot man is so they claim the man is 7ft

rob the truth is that the man never was more then 6ft9.5 barefoot at is prime and is old picture even had this height in the pictures 208cm and the other one 210cm and this was a prime andre

change it

Andre was measured at 7'0.5" when he was in Japan in the early 1970's. He was clearly taller than 6'9.5" at his peak. That is too low for Andre. When he was broken-down in the early 1990's, he was known to be about 6'10" there is no way he was 6'9.5" at his peak.
62B said on 22/Jul/15
Rob, what are your opinions on some of Andre's measurements such as shoe size, hand size and head size? Chaz likes to say his hands were less than 10", and a Japanese article says they are 27 cm or 10 5/8" Click Here Chaz also likes to claim Andre had no more than a size 18 shoe, but Andre himself claimed size 20 on letterman, and of course WWF claimed size 24. While we are at it here I a link to some of Andres cowboy boots tat are on display. Do you think they have any extra lift except the heel? and how much height do you think he gained while wearing them Click Here Click Here finally Chaz puts Andre's head length at just under 12" while others believe it was 13" or 14". It would be great to have your input on all of these measurements.
Editor Rob
I think in the past I had a look at his head with others and thought it could appear over 12, close to 13 if measured properly. I can believe his hand size being near 27cm as shown. They look standard 'very large' cowboy boots, a size 20US seems more believable than under 20 and over 22...
6'2 said on 22/Jul/15
Andre was 7'0.5" in Japan not 6'9.5" and he was also given 214cm in Europe aswell at times rob keep andre at 7ft he may even been 7'1 or 2" prime he had 4-5" on giant baba who was around 6'8
andre said on 21/Jul/15
andre the giant was measured 6ft9.5 barefoot in Japan in is prime
also some pictures from europe have him 208cm and 210cm

please rob you know about this and you know how tall 208cm is why you keep the 7ft claim?

hogan at 6ft4 at wrestlemania 3 makes andre no more then 6ft8

people in this website don't realize how tall a 6ft9.5 barefoot man is so they claim the man is 7ft

rob the truth is that the man never was more then 6ft9.5 barefoot at is prime and is old picture even had this height in the pictures 208cm and the other one 210cm and this was a prime andre

change it
RYAN11 said on 21/Jul/15
Chaz, all you do is lower everyone's height by at least 2 inches to try and make your low height claims believable but it won't ever work because you are so obvious. You also like some others seem to ignore facts wherever it suits you, Andre never stopped growing, his HEAD, HANDS and FEET grew at an acellerated rate until his death. So that picture of him putting his hand over a magazine cover is useless. I am sure his feet were size 18 at some point, but they were over size 22 before his death. Also, anyone can see his head was considerably larger in the late 80's than it was in the 70's. His body grew as well, his head looked bigger on his way over 500lb frame than it ever did when he was 400 in his younger days. Just stating facts, you can't handle the truth it would seem lol.
ken-6-4 said on 21/Jul/15
You have no proof that ladd was anything other then 6'9"
What you think means nothing.
We have NFL and other data that shows he was 6'9"

Chaz says on 5/Jul/15
Ernie Ladd was never much over 6'7''so forget any 6'9.5'' you need a 6'8.5''Studd in that case.
62B said on 20/Jul/15
Its possible Hogan was 6'6" at his peak in the late 70's early 80's. He was slightly taller than my 6'5" Grandfather in 1980 or 1981. I remember being somewhat taken aback, as Hogan was the first person I had seen bigger than my Grandfather up to that time. He is certainly 2" maybe 3" taller than the 6'3 1/2" Ted Dibiase in 1979. Footwear may have played a role, but anywhere between 6'5" and 6'6" for peak Hogan is believable. For me 6'5 1/2" for peak Hogan is about right.
Chaz said on 16/Jul/15
Danimal and Ryan11 you can delude yourselves as much as you like,the fact is we know how long Andre's face is give or take 1/4''about 11.75'' and we know he's hands were under 10'' same as we know he's shoes were not much longer than giant Haystacks,if any,who took about a US size 17 so you can forget anything over 18US size,and if anyone thinks Ventura was the same height as Jim Harris they need help,Hogan Did not have more than 1'' on him barefoot so the 6'6'' is out of the question,with the heels Hogan had he would have been 3'' taller,even if Harris was 6'4.5'' Hogan could not have been much more than that,Hogan was a tall man but not over 6'5'' barefoot at anytime.6'6'' in boot yes,
JT said on 16/Jul/15
Danimal says on 15/Jul/15
To JT: 1985 Jesse Ventura in running shoes (I have the episode on video) and you can see that he has minimum 2 if not 3" if he stood up straight next to Nikolai Volkoff who YOU claimed was 6'2" or 6'3" LEGIT. Click Here

So Jesse's now 6'5" or 6'6"??? Love the snakeskin "running shoes" here. Click Here You can't even see Ventura's footwear in the other Body Shop video you're probably referring to. Volkoff looked 6'2" to me when I saw him backstage at the LA Sports Arena in 1986. I doubt Ventura in comparable footwear was any taller than Volkoff. Iron Sheikh looked around 5'11" peak height, or three inches shorter than Volkoff.
Danimal said on 15/Jul/15
Ryan11 says on 14/Jul/15
Chaz, all I can say to your entire post is how unintelligent and immature it is. Not one intelligent argument or response, my picture showed how Andres head was at least 14 inches minus any afro gain, where is any proof to the contrary from any of you sub 7 foot posters?? All I get is name calling and the usual attempt to dismiss it by attacking me because you have no argument or proof of your claims. The 6'5" cap for Hogan is even more rediculous and I haven't seen anything to support that, I do see a lot of video and photos that show he was over 6'6" by a good margin until his 40's.

Indeed. Hogan was a LEGIT 6'6" guy into the 1990's. A back surgery and knee problems in the 1990's chopped away an inch from his former height. In 2001 he had complete knee replacements and was barely taller than The Rock in 2002 as a result. In 2004 he had his first of many complete hip replacements which reduced his height even more and since then has gone under the knife over a dozen times.
Danimal said on 15/Jul/15
To JT: 1985 Jesse Ventura in running shoes (I have the episode on video) and you can see that he has minimum 2 if not 3" if he stood up straight next to Nikolai Volkoff who YOU claimed was 6'2" or 6'3" LEGIT. Click Here
Ryan11 said on 14/Jul/15
Chaz, all I can say to your entire post is how unintelligent and immature it is. Not one intelligent argument or response, my picture showed how Andres head was at least 14 inches minus any afro gain, where is any proof to the contrary from any of you sub 7 foot posters?? All I get is name calling and the usual attempt to dismiss it by attacking me because you have no argument or proof of your claims. The 6'5" cap for Hogan is even more rediculous and I haven't seen anything to support that, I do see a lot of video and photos that show he was over 6'6" by a good margin until his 40's.
sixthreeoutofbed said on 11/Jul/15
andre and chuck wepner (6'5/196cm): Click Here

maybe andre needs to be downgraded?
Chaz said on 10/Jul/15
RP says on 9/Jul/15
Hmmm?...Andre only billed @ 438 lbs & Kamala @ 397 lbs in January 1984. That could have been legit weights for them both? Which on rare occasions wrestlers real weights will get announced. At that same time WWF was billing Andre @ 476-497 lbs! And Kamala was getting 400-420 lbs billings from '84-'87. Andre does indeed look about 435-440 lbs there @ 6'11" to 7'0" tall. The 6'4" barefoot Kamala looks closer to 375-380 tho....instead of 397.

those weights are more nere the mark then WWF billing, it's like Wader in the WCW WWF billed 445lbs in Europe as Bull Power at billed 375-395lbs in the fights with Oto Wanz who was billed 380-405lbs,
RP said on 9/Jul/15
Hmmm?...Andre only billed @ 438 lbs & Kamala @ 397 lbs in January 1984. That could have been legit weights for them both? Which on rare occasions wrestlers real weights will get announced. At that same time WWF was billing Andre @ 476-497 lbs! And Kamala was getting 400-420 lbs billings from '84-'87. Andre does indeed look about 435-440 lbs there @ 6'11" to 7'0" tall. The 6'4" barefoot Kamala looks closer to 375-380 tho....instead of 397.
Chaz said on 7/Jul/15
Danimal says on 5/Jul/15
Andre and legit 6'4" (billed 6'7") Kamala in 1984: Click Here

Yes and Harris has got no hair bearfoot and Andre has boots on 3'' afro and still have not got 10'' on him,clearly never any 7 foot tall.
62B said on 7/Jul/15
Chaz says on 5/Jul/15
A 7’0” Andre (which he ain’t) with a 16” head Click Here Chaz, the 11 in Ryan 11 probably stands for 11 years old so that may explain it.

lol now add the 3'' afro and YAN 11 gets he's 18'' face, all head and no body,that Magazine is as good as a tape measure,and just like you worked out on the Wadlow page he had size 27 shoes and not the clamed 37 shoes, that is within 1/4'' error so anything much over 11'75'' face is way out let alone the 14-19 inch clames.

Ernie Ladd was never much over 6'7''so forget any 6'9.5'' you need a 6'8.5''Studd in that case.


I honestly never heard of Ernie Ladd ever being less than 6'9". There was one article that he talked about having a 6'6" little brother, and him being 6'9". I guess I really can't say what Ladds peak height was, or how tall he was when he was wrestling Andre. I am asking in all sincerity, is it possible to post some real evidence of Ladd being shorter than 6'9"? Please no selective pictures, something I can take serious. I have not seen Ladd and Studd together, but Ladd appears at least 2" taller, maybe 3" than Studd to me. Maybe its because he is lankier. Either way, I will always feel the Andre I saw in 1988 was 6'10 1/2" minimum.
JT said on 6/Jul/15
Click Here Click Here Average size head for a ~ 5’8” guy is maybe 9-9.5”. Subtract a little since Gene’s chin is raised and add a little to Andre’s hand length since he could spread out his hand a little more. We're again in that 9.75" range.
spainmen191cm said on 6/Jul/15
Rob, he claimed to be 227cm in an interview why such a big man would inflate that much his height?
Editor Rob
to sound more impressive and an even bigger giant?
Danimal said on 5/Jul/15
Andre and legit 6'4" (billed 6'7") Kamala in 1984: Click Here
Chaz said on 5/Jul/15
A 7’0” Andre (which he ain’t) with a 16” head Click Here Chaz, the 11 in Ryan 11 probably stands for 11 years old so that may explain it.

lol now add the 3'' afro and YAN 11 gets he's 18'' face, all head and no body,that Magazine is as good as a tape measure,and just like you worked out on the Wadlow page he had size 27 shoes and not the clamed 37 shoes, that is within 1/4'' error so anything much over 11'75'' face is way out let alone the 14-19 inch clames.

Ernie Ladd was never much over 6'7''so forget any 6'9.5'' you need a 6'8.5''Studd in that case.
62B said on 4/Jul/15
As much as I dislike altered photos, and I by no means think this picture pins Andre's height to an exact fraction of an inch, or even whole inch, but based off of Chaz and JT's 12" for Andre's face this sure seems to put Andre a lot closer to 7' than 6'9" in 1988.

Click Here
62B said on 4/Jul/15
ken-6-4 says on 3/Jul/15
what about the big cat Ernie Ladd? did the NFL lie about his height?
How is he listed as 6'9" yet Andre is clearly more then an inch taller then him.
If you ask JT Ernie Ladd is the only guy that the NFL got way wrong. Really there is no evidence that says Ladd was any shorter than 6'9", at least not that I am aware of, some places have even said 6'9 1/2" for Ladd. I always thought the old footage put Andre about 3" taller than Ladd. It is hard to say for sure though, but you can tell Andre was taller
ken-6-4 said on 3/Jul/15
what about the big cat Ernie Ladd? did the NFL lie about his height?
How is he listed as 6'9" yet Andre is clearly more then an inch taller then him.
JT said on 3/Jul/15
We’ve been through this how many times now? My hand is not quite 8.5” from the first wrist crease to the top of the middle finger. Click Here Andre’s hand length came out around 9.75” so his head may not even be 12" long. Click Here

A 7’0” Andre (which he ain’t) with a 16” head Click Here Chaz, the 11 in Ryan 11 probably stands for 11 years old so that may explain it.

This guy with Rob measured ~6.3.5” or roughly one inch taller than what Inoki would be in dress shoes. Click Here Andre’s in cowboy boots but they probably don’t give the extra boost like the ones he wore with Wilt and Arnold.
Chaz said on 2/Jul/15
YAN 11 says on 1/Jul/15
Look at the pictures i am attaching to this, one shows how Andre's massive head in the late 80's was nearly twice the size of a normal mans, so that ends the crap about how his head was never more than 11-12 inches, more like 15-16 inches minimum. The other shows Hogan and Inoki next to Andre, Hogan was 6'7" and even if we use the reduced 6'6" for him that means Andre was way over 7 feet here barefoot. Hogan also has Inoki by 5 inches easily in equal footwear which proves he was 6'7".
Click Here
Click Here

Stop talking rubish, Hogan as not got a 5'' forhead he's no more than 4'' taller and that is if the Shoes are the same heels,a normal 5'9.5''man has a 9-9.25'' face and you think Andre had a 18''face lol you got to understand even just 1''on a 9'' face is masive,we have allready worked out he's hands and face and feet, Hands just under 10'' face just under 12'' and shoes about 18 US size,and height never over 210cm,
62B said on 1/Jul/15
Chaz says on 30/Jun/15
[Editor Rob: it depends when he stopped growing....I think you only have to look at andre with say Bret hart to see he had to be near 7ft...6ft 8-9 is too small.]

Going by that Andre has a 14'' face so it's useless, and even if Bret was 6' Which he could not have need as he was a good 1'' shorter than 183-4 Deliba Singh ,he should be down by the chin,he's lucky if he's 6'9'' there,Andre has just under a 12'' face.


Andre is giving up more height than Brett in Robs picture. Andre's knees are bent, he is slouching, and he is barefoot. Sure Brett's feet are spread more than Andre's, but he is in shoes and standing straight. Also, you don't know Andre's head was just under 12", that is just your best guess using your own biased numbers. I have never heard of Andre's face ever being measured.
RYAN 11 said on 1/Jul/15
Look at the pictures i am attaching to this, one shows how Andre's massive head in the late 80's was nearly twice the size of a normal mans, so that ends the crap about how his head was never more than 11-12 inches, more like 15-16 inches minimum. The other shows Hogan and Inoki next to Andre, Hogan was 6'7" and even if we use the reduced 6'6" for him that means Andre was way over 7 feet here barefoot. Hogan also has Inoki by 5 inches easily in equal footwear which proves he was 6'7".
Click Here
Click Here
Chaz said on 30/Jun/15
[Editor Rob: it depends when he stopped growing....I think you only have to look at andre with say Bret hart to see he had to be near 7ft...6ft 8-9 is too small.]

Going by that Andre has a 14'' face so it's useless, and even if Bret was 6' Which he could not have need as he was a good 1'' shorter than 183-4 Deliba Singh ,he should be down by the chin,he's lucky if he's 6'9'' there,Andre has just under a 12'' face.
Danimal said on 30/Jun/15
JT says on 25/Jun/15
Ventura was never 6’4”. Dryer in dress loafers was 2-3 inches taller than Ventura in these whopper cowboy boots. Click Here Click Here (at beginning of show)

According to YOU he wasn't 6'4", but he was about 2" shorter than Hogan in the 80's, so he was indeed somewhere between 6'3" and 6'4" in his prime. Even still, Dryer was minimum 6'5".
JT said on 29/Jun/15
[Editor Rob: it depends when he stopped growing....I think you only have to look at andre with say Bret hart to see he had to be near 7ft...6ft 8-9 is too small.]

That’s Bret with a wide stance and perhaps under 6’0” in shoes coupled with the Andre afro effect. Click Here Andre could stand taller too, but I think most here would agree that an early 1990s Andre looked no more than 6’9”ish.

A 7'0" Andre in typical cowboy boots would be around 7'2". Click Here Click Here Gene is about your height and that's not quite the way Ian Whyte (~7'2" in shoes) measured up to you. Get him out of his cowboy boots and the gap really shrinks Click Here Click Here Click Here
Chaz said on 28/Jun/15
RP says on 27/Jun/15
Note: Jesse Ventura once said he was meaure @ 6'2.75" by the US Navy.

that is more like it,I have him at 189cm and Jake Roberts at 191cm no way was he taller than Pat Roach or Jim Harris if he was, he would of been build at 6'6'' and 6'7'' like they were,

and look at the size of the Heels on Ventura boots lol they are like Andre's only thiner, if he was 6'4'' he would be 6'7'' in them.
ken-6-4 said on 28/Jun/15
please stop the nonsense. Andre had bad posture most of the time..

just look at him and Wilt...
end this shorter then 6'10" crap
RP said on 27/Jun/15
Note: Jesse Ventura once said he was meaure @ 6'2.75" by the US Navy.
JT said on 25/Jun/15
Ventura was never 6’4”. Dryer in dress loafers was 2-3 inches taller than Ventura in these whopper cowboy boots. Click Here Click Here (at beginning of show)
Chaz said on 25/Jun/15
Danimal says on 23/Jun/15
To JT who claims that Fred Dryer wasn't 6'6". Here he is next to then 6'4" Jesse Ventura in the 1980's:

Click Here

And here he is next to 6'3" Alan Autry:

Click Here

Ventura 6'4''! lol try 6'2.5'' and he's nera the camara
er4smiths said on 24/Jun/15
@Danimal - angles dude angles!
Danimal said on 23/Jun/15
To JT who claims that Fred Dryer wasn't 6'6". Here he is next to then 6'4" Jesse Ventura in the 1980's:

Click Here

And here he is next to 6'3" Alan Autry:

Click Here
Capt. Nobody said on 23/Jun/15
er4smiths says on 21/Jun/15
@62B - I wouldn't want you to be the eye witness of a crime!
JT didn't post any non accurate pictures. Quite the contrary actually.
You can't argue facts.


Non accurate has never been the word, extremely selective is probably more in line.
62B said on 23/Jun/15
er4smiths says on 21/Jun/15
@62B - I wouldn't want you to be the eye witness of a crime!
JT didn't post any non accurate pictures. Quite the contrary actually.
You can't argue facts.


Your going to believe what you want to believe. Sorry I just can't help you.
RoelC said on 22/Jun/15
62B says on 21/Jun/15
I never said Dryer was 6'6". I said that's what he is supposed to be, I have never seen him in person, or Studd for that matter. I did physically bump into Andre, and was able to seize him up in 1988. He was about 6'10.5" at that time, maybe even 6'11". JT likes to act like he knows exact heights of people he has never seen in person, and use pictures that don't show accurate comparisons like he did with the Fred Dreyer screen shot and use them as some kind of irrefutable proof. I really don't care how tall Andre was at his peak height, I just have a good idea of how tall he was when I saw him.

Well you were questioning JT’s assumption of Big John Studd being 6’6” and using Fred Dryer as an example. And you kinda missed JT’s point. He posted that screen shot to show there wasn’t any accurate comparison to be made. That was as good as it gets (meaning the rest of the screen time between Studd & Dryer was even worse). If you wanna prove him wrong, why don’t you post screen shots yourself. It’s very easy to claim Studd was taller than Dryer without posting any evidence. JT at least backs his claims up with pictures.
As for Fred Dryer’s height. Yes that’s Mike Fanning standing next to him in the first pic. He was listed 6’6” by the Los Angeles Rams (same as Fred Dryer), and he’s clearly about an inch taller. They’re standing on grass, so I doubt cleats would give him much (if any) footwear advantage. Besides we don’t know what type of footwear either is wearing, so your assumptions don’t hold much value. Here are two L.A. Rams team pics, where Dryer and Fanning are standing in the same row close to each other. Again Fanning comes out taller than Dryer in both pics.
Click Here
Click Here

The first pic is a 1979 team pic. No. 60 on Dryer’s left was listed 6’5” and no. 70 was listed at 6’9” (though he looks taller).
The second pic is a 1980 team pic. Fred Dryer is standing next to Doug France (No. 77) who was listed at 6’5”.
The other pic I posted earlier is a picture from the tv-show Hunter, where Fred Dryer went undercover as a punk. The other guy is former NFL-player John Matuszak. He was listed at 6’8”. He looks more than 2 inches taller there. And both were wearing punk boots during that episode.
JT said on 22/Jun/15
RoelC says on 20/Jun/15
62B says on 18/Jun/15
So you "know" Studd was no more than 6"6"? He (Studd) was taller than Fred Dryer, who was supposed to be 6'6" on an episode of Hunter.

If you think Fred Dryer is 6'6", how tall do you think these guys are.
Click Here
Click Here

I saw Matuszak in a record store in the mid-1980s when I was 16 and around 6'3". He looked about 6'7". There's another pic where Dryer looks a little closer in height to Matuszak Click Here Dryer and Fanning are standing on grass so Fanning's cleats have probably sunk a bit in the turf. Dryer is likely at least 6'5" though since compared to other sports, NFL listings are usually close to reality - except for Ernie Ladd - and definitely so in recent years.
Kunoichi said on 22/Jun/15
To the recently issued Japan magazine, interview four years ago of Bill Eadie will be found. When Eadie was talking to him in the previous year to die of Andre, Andre seems to have been told his height that it is 7 feet 2 inches. It is I think the meaning of the time of the height rather than the height of the peak.
I do not agree that the height of Andre that's 7 feet 2 inches, but I think that it is interesting story. Perhaps I guess Bill Eadie know the correct Andre's height .
er4smiths said on 21/Jun/15
@62B - I wouldn't want you to be the eye witness of a crime!
JT didn't post any non accurate pictures. Quite the contrary actually.
You can't argue facts.
62B said on 21/Jun/15
As far as your pictures go. I believe the first one in the Rams uniform is Mike Fanning also supposed to be 6'6". While he does appear to be taller than Dryer, he is likely wearing cleats, which would give him a significant footwear advantage. That same picture if they were both barefoot would look different. I have no clue who the "trucker" guy in the picture is, but they are obviously in weird costumes, who knows if there is a footwear difference.
62B said on 21/Jun/15
RoelC says on 20/Jun/15
62B says on 18/Jun/15
So you "know" Studd was no more than 6"6"? He (Studd) was taller than Fred Dryer, who was supposed to be 6'6" on an episode of Hunter.

If you think Fred Dryer is 6'6", how tall do you think these guys are.
Click Here
Click Here


I never said Dryer was 6'6". I said that's what he is supposed to be, I have never seen him in person, or Studd for that matter. I did physically bump into Andre, and was able to seize him up in 1988. He was about 6'10.5" at that time, maybe even 6'11". JT likes to act like he knows exact heights of people he has never seen in person, and use pictures that don't show accurate comparisons like he did with the Fred Dreyer screen shot and use them as some kind of irrefutable proof. I really don't care how tall Andre was at his peak height, I just have a good idea of how tall he was when I saw him.
RoelC said on 20/Jun/15
62B says on 18/Jun/15
So you "know" Studd was no more than 6"6"? He (Studd) was taller than Fred Dryer, who was supposed to be 6'6" on an episode of Hunter.

If you think Fred Dryer is 6'6", how tall do you think these guys are.
Click Here
Click Here
RoelC said on 20/Jun/15
Aaronious says on 17/Jun/15
JT, Studd is the exact same height as Rick Barry, his shoulders sit lower, because he has a bigger height, but the top of his head is the same exact height as barry, nailing him at 6'7". you are such a downgrading hater on everyone, its rediculous!

Studd is clearly shorter than Barry, unless you count his poofy hair (which apparently you seemed to have done). Click Here

Studd's eyelevel is easily 1 inch below Barry's. Studd would need to have a Frankenstein-shaped head if he is the exact same height as Barry.
er4smiths said on 20/Jun/15
@JT - thank you for seeing the forest for the trees! I can't believe how many people buy into the WWE lies of height and weight. It's all a work folks! Just like wrestling isn't real neither are the bigger than life made up sizes of the superstars. Roddy Piper was NEVER 6'1" or taller - and he hasn't lost 4-5 inches in height. That is basically unheard of with the very rare exception.
It's obvious Fred Dryer is taller than Studd. I give Studd 6'5" tops - which goes to show that Andre was NEVER 7ft tall.
62B said on 19/Jun/15
JT says on 18/Jun/15
62B says on 18/Jun/15
....So you "know" Studd was no more than 6"6"? He (Studd) was taller than Fred Dryer, who was supposed to be 6'6" on an episode of Hunter.

Really? Then post the pics or screen caps to prove your point. I’ve seen the episode and there’s no good point to compare heights. This is about the best there is. Click Here

You chose to screen shot when they were on a hill with Dryer on the higher ground. You are right where its hard to get a great comparison from a screen shot, but in their fight scene on level ground Studd looked taller.
62B said on 19/Jun/15
62B says on 18/Jun/15
....So you "know" Studd was no more than 6"6"? He (Studd) was taller than Fred Dryer, who was supposed to be 6'6" on an episode of Hunter.

Really? Then post the pics or screen caps to prove your point. I’ve seen the episode and there’s no good point to compare heights. This is about the best there is. Click Here
How long did it take you to search for the one shot that Makes Dryer appear taller?
Aaronious said on 18/Jun/15
typo correction from a previous post:

JT, Studd is the exact same height as Rick Barry, his shoulders sit lower, because he has a bigger head, but the top of his head is the same exact height as barry, nailing him at 6'7". you are such a downgrading hater on everyone, its rediculous!
Aaronious said on 18/Jun/15
JT, Piper was a golden gloves boxer back in the day, and he was measured at 6'1.5" by a legitimate boxing commission, FYI, so much for your 'weak 6'1"' theory.
JT said on 18/Jun/15
62B says on 18/Jun/15
....So you "know" Studd was no more than 6"6"? He (Studd) was taller than Fred Dryer, who was supposed to be 6'6" on an episode of Hunter.

Really? Then post the pics or screen caps to prove your point. I’ve seen the episode and there’s no good point to compare heights. This is about the best there is. Click Here

Rick Barry was 6’7” tops and had Studd by probably more than one inch considering Studd is closer to the camera. Click Here Click Here Barry is wearing tennis shoes.

Bill Fralic was referred to as both 6’4.5” and 6.5” Click Here One of the dumbest moves WWF did was allowing Studd and Fralic to be on the same platform.
Chaz said on 18/Jun/15
Click Here if you want a 6'6'' Wepner you need a 6'5''+ Bugner I dont see an 1'' let alone 2.5''.
62B said on 18/Jun/15
JT says on 16/Jun/15
Click Here Mulligan’s definitely shorter than John Studd, who we know was no more than 6’6” given how he measured up next to real athletes like Rick Barry and Bill Fralic. Mulligan didn't measure up too well with Bundy either Click Here and Studd had Bundy by around 3 inches.


So you "know" Studd was no more than 6"6"? He (Studd) was taller than Fred Dryer, who was supposed to be 6'6" on an episode of Hunter.
Aaronious said on 17/Jun/15
JT, Studd is the exact same height as Rick Barry, his shoulders sit lower, because he has a bigger height, but the top of his head is the same exact height as barry, nailing him at 6'7". you are such a downgrading hater on everyone, its rediculous!
62B said on 17/Jun/15
Chaz says on 16/Jun/15
YAN11 says on 13/Jun/15
JT says on 11/Jun/15
Chaz says on 9/Jun/15
All 3 are massive so we don't need any fanacy land exaggerations,A real 6'5'' man or woman would come under the nose,not up the eyes,if he was 7' or over
Camera angles can be funny, here is the same Wepner/Andre pic showing Wepner under Andre's nose, even though Andre's head is tilted down.

Click Here
62B said on 17/Jun/15
Chaz says on 14/Jun/15
Jim Harris was billed the same height as Hogan,and Barefoot Harris was not much shorter,and he had no more than 2-2.5'' on Big Daddy in the UK,so you can forget Hogan being over 6'5'' all these other so called 6'5'' guys like Snake ,Windham are at best a weak 6'4'' no way are they taller than Pat Roach,that is Fantacy land,and as you can see from what JT posted Wepner himself say's he's 6'5'',and If Joe Bugger is only the 6'3.5''that he was billed for the fight and not the full 6'4'' he sometimes says then you can forget Wepner being over 6'4.5''.


Funny how you think you know peoples exact heights that you have never even seen in person. Also funny you are now trying to put Wepner shorter than even he claims, yet most places if you google put him at the 6'5" he claims or even as tall as 6'5.5", not to mention completely ignoring a mug shot that puts him at 6'6". Funniest thing though is you wanting to forget your own math put Andre at 7'0.5"
JT said on 16/Jun/15
Click Here Mulligan’s definitely shorter than John Studd, who we know was no more than 6’6” given how he measured up next to real athletes like Rick Barry and Bill Fralic. Mulligan didn't measure up too well with Bundy either Click Here and Studd had Bundy by around 3 inches.
Chaz said on 16/Jun/15
YAN11 says on 13/Jun/15
JT says on 11/Jun/15
Chaz says on 9/Jun/15
62B, Wepner was not much taller than Joe Bugner so you can forget anything over 6'5'' and the center point on Andre's face is just over the tip of he's nose,so Wepner should be under the nose,just like Hogan should of been and Chris Taylor,all real 6'4-5'' men should be under he's nose if he was realy 7'+ he's 2'' too short,to have been 7'.
Can we stop trying to fool people with this garbage? Yes Wepner came up to Andre's nose, but what you all conveniently like to leave out or not mention is the FACT that Andre's heads and face were over 1.5 times the size of a normal mans. So simply put, if you come up to Andre's nose, then that's not 5 inches to the top like our heads, that is 8-9 inches minimum more!! I cannot believe there are people who are oblivious to this, if you come up to Shaq's shoulders you would come up to Andre's mouth or nose and they were roughly the same height.

Stop talking rubish we have allready worked out Andre's Face just under 12'' same with he's hands just under 10'' and same with he's shoe size about a us 18,

All 3 are massive so we don't need any fanacy land exaggerations,A real 6'5'' man or woman would come under the nose,not up the eyes,if he was 7' or over.
joe 193cm night said on 15/Jun/15
Chaz says on 14 / Jun / 15
Rob, remember you mentioned that hulk hogan started very young pedeu height
Duhon said on 2/Sep/12
Click Here
Primo said on 1/Sep/12
André the giant was measured at 6ft9 when young and you guys still claim 7ft???

when he die he was 6ft7 please accept this with love because is true

and show was 6ft10 and he is 6ft8 today accept this with true
RP said on 28/Aug/12
That pic is when Hogan was still about 6'5"... Down from his peak 6'5.5" maybe 6'6" up until about age 35. But, Hogan was still a weak 6'5" in mid 90's...that being said...Big Show looks no more than 6'10" in this peak. Unless Hogan has on super thick boots??
homer said on 27/Aug/12
Click Here

WHY OH WHY has this not been posted before? Big Show is a little stooped...just like Andre pretty much. I'd have to say that both Show and Andre were pretty close in height and weight...Andre winning in both categories by a minimal margin.
homer said on 27/Aug/12
dicksock says on 25/Aug/12
homer says on 24/Aug/12
Click Here

That is what 6'11'', 500lbs looks like.


Is that supposed to be impressive? I could be 500lbs at 5'10" if I just ate uncontrollably and let myself look like a fat tub of goo. That guy SHOULD be under 300lbs. He is nothing compared to Andre, Big Show, Khali, Gonzalez, ect. He's probably not even a legit 6'11" either. The Rock was listed at 6'5" in high school and even college football...

As far as being a "legit" 6'11'', well I for one cannot tell you if he is or is not. He did look 500lbs though, if not close to it. Impressive? No, it was not meant to be, just thought it would give you guys a view on what Andres supposed measurements "might" look like...Obviously Andre was not a tub of goo, he seemed pretty solid even in the end.
JT said on 27/Aug/12
Roel, it looks like Big Show is not carrying any of the four girls in that recent pic and definitely not the two at the ends. His fingers would be pressing into their thighs pretty hard if he was. He and Andre could have probably pulled the stunt off but it’s not worth the risk of hurting them or the girls if they fell off.

Some pretty impressive strength moves by a younger Big Show even assuming Sabu is as low as 150 lbs. and Brad Armstrong around 200 lbs. Click Here
Click Here

I remember seeing Andre in the 1970s in three on one matches carrying wrestlers around by their pants like Lesnar did to that ref. The wrestlers were pretty small but still probably at least 175 lbs.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.