How tall is Andre The Giant - Page 16

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Average Guess (867 Votes)
6ft 11.94in (213.2cm)
Boss said on 3/Jun/16
Truth is Andre stacked up to Wilt better than Shaq did. Andre had around 3/4" - 1" footware advantage on Wilt who had heels on his boots as well and was wearing a big wig which makes his head look bigger than it actually is. Andre had worse posture than Wilt and was past his peak. Shaq has around .5" footware advantage over an older Wilt but looks an inch shorter than Wilt. Big Show is 2" shorter than Shaq.
Chaz said on 3/Jun/16
I think with all this new evidence.of around a 10'' hand and 12'' face the best height would be morning 6'11'' and an evening 6'10'',so he's avarage height should be listed as 6'10.5'' .
Chaz said on 3/Jun/16
Click Here that is were you measure from that first thick crease,that is just at the palm,some hands have 3-4 on the wrist.not them.
Capt. Nobody said on 2/Jun/16
Iconjj said on 1/Jun/16
I'm no expert on hand creases Chaz but the way I measured it looked to me like would make his head 12" or slighly over....absolutely not 13...I don't think Andre ever hit 7'. I think it was between 6'10-6.11.


It's possible. Although a defined head length goes a long way to determining as close to for sure as it gets. Here is the thing though, if Andre was never 7 feet tall, neither was Big Show. Obviously he's most likely not these days from the looks of his last staredown with Shaq, but peak height is still the question.
Khalid said on 2/Jun/16
Click Here courtesy of iconjj
Boss said on 2/Jun/16
How can Andre's head be 11.5" and JT has Big Show's head at 12" when we know Andre's head was longer and larger. That would make Andre's head only 1" longer than Hogan's which was not the case more like 2.5" longer than Hulk. Andre's head was in the 13" range.
Boss said on 2/Jun/16
Charles Barkley is a rare case and he usually comes out looking 6'6-7" range. He is 6'8" in his mugshot which are taken barefoot but take off an inch for being in front and he is 6'7".
Iconjj said on 1/Jun/16
I'm no expert on hand creases Chaz but the way I measured it looked to me like would make his head 12" or slighly over....absolutely not 13...I don't think Andre ever hit 7'. I think it was between 6'10-6.11.
Chaz said on 1/Jun/16
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 31/May/16

It also fits with the 24" cast, 10" or a tad taller - definitly not 27cm, but if they did a generous measurement, near 27cm isn´t out of this world,
just a definition question where to start with the measurement at the wrist-hand-crossover.

I go with 10" so far.

Look at the palm of your hand? now bend it at the wrist forward see the creases? it's the first full one nerest the palm you measure from, to the tip of the longest finger,get it wrong you are adding .5-1'' more.
JT said on 31/May/16
Iconjj said on 27/May/16
The hands are 10", maybe a smidgen over. CHRIS sent me a pic with a ruler measurement from the magazine and did a hand comparison and it matches up to the print he did a comparison with in the photo below. Not 11, not 9.75, ten. Ten. TEN.

It would be helpful to post the pic so we can see where the “starting point” is on the wrist. Regardless, Andre’s head length still comes out less than 12 inches assuming his hand is 10 inches long. Click Here It’s roughly a normal 4.5” or so from the eyes up and an abnormally long 7 inches from the eyes down to the bottom of the chin.

Boss said on 26/May/16
@ JT what have you disproven here. Look at the top of the page it says Andre the Giant's height is 7ft 0in 213cm and with proof was raised to this number despite your constant Andre bashing.

of course, and Rob had Leonid Stadnyk at 8'5" even though he was almost a foot shorter and Charles Barkley at 6'4.75"
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
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Click Here (andre closer to the camera)
Click Here
Click Here (Hogan in cowboy boots)
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 31/May/16
Iconjj said on 27/May/16
The hands are 10", maybe a smidgen over. CHRIS sent me a pic with a ruler measurement from the magazine and did a hand comparison and it matches up to the print he did a comparison with in the photo below. Not 11, not 9.75, ten. Ten. TEN.


It also fits with the 24" cast, 10" or a tad taller - definitly not 27cm, but if they did a generous measurement, near 27cm isn´t out of this world,
just a definition question where to start with the measurement at the wrist-hand-crossover.

I go with 10" so far
Boss said on 30/May/16
A past peak Andre barefoot with a peak Bret Hart in sneakers. Hart has better posture than Andre. With Nash Bret is no more than 6' on sneakers.
Click Here

Here Red takes out Nash's footware advantage.
Click Here
Boss said on 30/May/16
The museum curator where Andre's hand molds are on display said he measured then at 10.5" which is exactly the same as the 27cm measurement from the Japan Magazine.
Chaz said on 30/May/16
conjj said on 27/May/16
The hands are 10", maybe a smidgen over. CHRIS sent me a pic with a ruler measurement from the magazine and did a hand comparison and it matches up to the print he did a comparison with in the photo below. Not 11, not 9.75, ten. Ten. TEN.

Show us the photo because for it to count you have to measure from the 3rd crease palm up on the wrist,right next to the palm not the other two that are on the wrist,about .5'' down.
Singer5 said on 30/May/16
Perhaps the hands measured close to 10 inches with that Japanese wrestling mag and what year was that? keep in mind, people with acromegaly
Can have excessive growth of the hands, feet and head. Especially if the condition was never treated as was with Andre.
Furthermore, I would like to see a relevant measurement closer to the end of his life, maybe around 1992 if possible.
Iconjj said on 27/May/16
The hands are 10", maybe a smidgen over. CHRIS sent me a pic with a ruler measurement from the magazine and did a hand comparison and it matches up to the print he did a comparison with in the photo below. Not 11, not 9.75, ten. Ten. TEN.
Boss said on 27/May/16
Here Andre and Big Show.
Click Here
Boss said on 27/May/16
Here is OMG and John Tenta. Tenta has camera advantage as it's a low camera angle and he is slightly closer which will make Tenta appear slightly taller than he actually is. OMG is 6'6" range peak whether it's from boots or lifts or genentics this is what he appears in his prime.
Click Here
Omg was always several inches taller than 6'3" King Kong Bundy and a couple inches taller than 6'4" Slick peak and 6'4" Boss Man Click Here
. There are pics now where he is shorter than Slick so he lost height. Ottoman was probably wearing lifts or tip toeing it with OMG peak but they may be close to same height now. Ottoman looked taller than Edge who is 6'4" range in a recent episode of Edge and Christian's show so it's hard to peg his actual height.
Captain is very knowledgeable and he is right in this argument. OMG at 6'3" peak is ridiculous.
Capt. Nobody said on 27/May/16
straightahead said on 26/May/16
@Capt. Nobody said on 17/May/16
Neither are basketball players, so what? Doesn't bother me in the least but what does bother me is someone shaping up their own numbers and reducing everything else around with a few exceptions in order to meet some preconceived criteria.

Andre has 7'4" listings. So...

What you are saying is OMG was somewhere in the 6'2" range. Interesting statement. He may have been for all I know, I never measured the guy, but if he starts ticking down, fine, so does everyone else. Not just Andre.

Dont you dare put this on me, i only told you what the pictures showed. You on the other hand has a alot of explanation to do if you believe OMG was as tall as 6'6. So where do YOU put him, Tenta, and Ottman?


Put this one you? You were the first person that I have ever seen put OMG in that range. You said it. How could someone NOT put it on you? Like I said, if the Gang wore lifts than maybe he was 6'2", I don't know. If he wore those same lifts next to Tenta, Show, and Andre in the end it really doesn't matter I guess. All things are equal in the comparison then.

I don't like to make many generalized numerical height estimates because I just don't know, and each situation in a given photo or video is different. My time on this board has mostly been about pointing out flaws in scale comparison, which is the only thing that can be proven to any real extent half the time.

Around these parts it seems to be consensus that Tenta's listing in Japan at around 6'6" or a little less seems about right. I'm fine with that at this point. The match with Tenta and OMG had Gang at least at the same height and IMO a little bit taller. Remember though, this is about PEAK standing height. I'm sure OMG and Tenta's standing height given normal posture is probably less considering it is with pretty much every human being. OMG, much like Andre, seemed to always wrestle in crouched state so that's another issue.

Personally, I think while in their regular gear Tenta is a bit shorter than the Gang, and Gang is a bit shorter than Studd, but they are all around the same basic area for the most part. From watching Giant Haystacks in WCW I think he's also around the same area as those guys. I think Ottman is one step below all of those guys by maybe as much as couple of inches.
Boss said on 26/May/16
@ JT what have you disproven here. Look at the top of the page it says Andre the Giant's height is 7ft 0in 213cm and with proof was raised to this number despite your constant Andre bashing.
Chaz said on 26/May/16
Boss said on 25/May/16
The real picture of Andre holding a beer can. Jt's version where he trying to make Andre's hands look as small as possible is a joke. Big Show is holding the can differently and using his thumb which is not nearly as impressive as Andre holding the beer can.

Boss stop living in a dream would,Andre's hands were very thick and wide but to say they were 27cm is out of the question,that is only 1.5cm shorter than Sultan Kosen's hands,go look at he's hands ? they are much longer,they would be way over the lengh of that Magazine for a start,

And even if Andre's face was 13'' that would make him only 6'11'', that would make no differance to all the 6'5'' guys over he's eyes because has we have seen the extra lengh on a acromegalics face is in the jaw,Andre's face from the top of the head to just over the tip of he's nose is only 6''.he's forhead is short if anything,

For a 7'+ Andre you need a 6'8'' Hogan a 6'9'' Studd and a 6'10'' Baba and Maine and a 6'11''+ Nash Andre'
s hands were about 9.75'', face about 11.75'', and boots about a US size 18.

But one thing we can say is Andre's ring size was huge much bigger than most giants I have seen.
JT said on 25/May/16
Boss said on 23/May/16
Here is JT's Maurice Tillet head photo comparison from a few years ago when he was arguing Tillet had a larger head than Andre. Now when Andre's head is proven larger he knocks 2" off of Tillet's head from his original comparison.
Click Here

No, I was probably disproving someone’s claim (likely yours) about the length of TIllet’s head b/c we know for certain that the distance from the bottom of his chin to the root of his nose was only 7”, which means that his head was only around 11” long. Andre's was a little longer but not by much as his head length is relatively normal from the eyes up, which is evident in the pic with the slicked back hair. Click Here Thanks for proving my point again though.
Boss said on 25/May/16
The real picture of Andre holding a beer can. Jt's version where he trying to make Andre's hands look as small as possible is a joke. Big Show is holding the can differently and using his thumb which is not nearly as impressive as Andre holding the beer can.
Click Here
andre said on 25/May/16
this man was never taller then 6ft9.8 barefoot
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/May/16
Most of his peers insist he was 7ft4-5
Capt. Nobody said on 24/May/16
Boss said on 23/May/16
Here is JT's Maurice Tillet head photo comparison from a few years ago when he was arguing Tillet had a larger head than Andre. Now when Andre's head is proven larger he knocks 2" off of Tillet's head from his original comparison.
Click Here


It's certainly been a theme around these parts of a great while.
Capt. Nobody said on 24/May/16
RoelC said on 22/May/16

Click Here
Here's that pic of Andre promoting his t-shirt. I've put his hand next to his face. If his hand is 10 inches, then his head certainly isn't 13 inches. His hand is pressed against his chest, so I doubt it will be much closer to the camera either.

People here love casts, so here's a cast of Andre's hand & elbow. This time we have some measurements to go along with. 24 inches from brass fingertip to elbow.
Click Here
I'm sure some people here can insert a 24-inch ruler next to the cast, so we can see how long the cast of Andre's hand is.


The hand is slightly skewed towards the camera though, and as I showed on the Mean Gene hand/head comparison where Andre wrapped his hand around Genes face that can change things dramatically in a game of inches if not centimeters.
Leo said on 24/May/16
He has a very short body for a guy of 7 feet tall. I don't see his neck, has short legs and short arms for his height.
7'4 or 7'5 is funny and ridiculous.
JT said on 23/May/16
The Molson’s can is supposedly 4 5/8” high and the Pepsi can 4 4/5” but close enough
Click Here
Boss said on 23/May/16
Andre's hands were 10.5" range. Here at 27cm or 10.63".
Click Here

Just to give an idea as it's pretty awesome.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Here from Terry Todd who is someone that has spent time with both Big Show and Andre. This is in direct response to JT who was asking who was bigger.

JT, May 29, 2010:
Dr. Todd,

If you have the opportunity, your getting some shoulder, wrist and hand measurements of Paul Wight (wrestler Big Show) could be revealing. He’s probably close to Mark Henry’s width.
Wight back in 1999-2000 was arguably wider than he is now. His hands are also about as wide as Andre the Giant’s were but not as long. Like Wight and Andre, Dalip Singh (wrestler Great Khali) has a huge frame and hands as well due to acromegaly/gigantism and is the tallest of the three.

A shoulder measurement of Dwight Howard sounds interesting but would probably be disappointing. With television screens now in the 16:9 format, everyone looks wider than they really are. If you switch the screen to the old 4:3 format, Howard still looks wide but not quite as impressive. His square (rather than sloped) shoulders and narrow waist also add to the illusion of width. At a legit 6’10”, he’s still a remarkable athlete.

I really enjoyed your SI article about Andre the Giant. As Andre has since passed away, can you share some insight on his real height and overall size? After factoring in the afro and cowboy boots that he almost always wore outside the ring, my best guess is that he was actually closer to 6’10” and probably around 425-450 lbs. when you interviewed him. Wight is roughly 7’0” (he was listed as 7’1” as a center for Wichita State) and generally looks at least 2 inches taller when standing next to the same people that Andre did (or when standing next to persons of the same height that Andre did). Thanks!

terry todd, July 12, 2010:

I just became aware of your post and thought I’d respond. I agree that the Big Show of ten years ago would be very close to Mark in shoulder breadth. I saw him many times during that period and he was truly broad–and also very strong in his shoulders even though he didn’t push it in the gym even then. Regarding his hand size relative to Andre’s, having been around both quite often I have to disagree as I believe Andre’s hands were significantly wider than Big Show’s–just as
Andre’s feet were much larger in both length and width than Show’s.

I agree with your general points about Howard, although he’s so much wider than almost all of the other NBA big men that his measurement would be interesting to see–although not up in the Henry, Williams, and Show category. As for Andre’s height, he was a good 7′ early in his career, and maybe a bit more, but age, a terrible back, and gravity brought him “down” a peg or two. I saw him on several occasions when he weighed over 500 pounds, but I also saw him in Georgia shortly after he cam down from Canada and I suspect he was within 15 pounds of 400, one way or the other. This was about 40 years ago; I went backstage to meet him, interview him, and take a few photos with him. I still recall how “inhuman” he looked and how amazingly agile he was. For example, at one point in the match he ran across the ring, jumped over the top rope, caught the top rope in one hand for contril as he went over, and landed on the floor just outside the ring.

Andre's head was longer and larger than Big Show's head.
Click Here
Boss said on 23/May/16
Here is JT's Maurice Tillet head photo comparison from a few years ago when he was arguing Tillet had a larger head than Andre. Now when Andre's head is proven larger he knocks 2" off of Tillet's head from his original comparison.
Click Here

Hogans head looks longer than JT's. Here Red has him at 10.5" and Andre at 13". This is the best case scenario for comparison as they are equal distance from camera and face to face. Click Here

Here with 6'1" Victor Rivera on the end. Just by lifting his head up he gains 2" or more inches in height. Victor Rivera goes from the bottom of Andre's lip to the bottom of Andre's chin just by Andre raising his head up straight. They are standing the exact same position in both shots. People here used to use the color shot and say Andre isn't losing much height with his posture in the photo and then I came across the B/W other photo and that was the last anyone in the sub 7' camp wanted to talk about that.
Click Here
mrtguy said on 23/May/16
@Roel C, Big Show real handprint Click Here
JT said on 23/May/16
This is one of the few full body pics when Andre has his hair slicked back Click Here Without the afro effect, his head does not even look that large for his body although it is.

Click Here a 6’10” Andre (plus ~ 0.5” footwear) ends up with a little over a 12” long head and a 7’0” Andre with around a 12.5” long head with a smile/mouth open. Subtract ~ 0.5” for the head length for both with a closed mouth.

Hogan’s head looks about the same length as mine (~ 10 ¼” mouth closed), even if you assume he’s 6’6”, which he never was Click Here

Big Show’s looks almost 13 inches long with a smile/mouth open assuming he’s down to 6’11” and with ~ 1.25” footwear
Click Here
Click Here
RoelC said on 22/May/16
Iconjj said on 21/May/16
I did some figgerin' earlier since I had a rare chance to get on the computer and going on the 10" measurement for Andres hand (thanks to Chris) using the picture of Andre promoting his t shirt and using some reverse engineering I got Andre's head at 12" - 12.25...
Now granted it was a quick measure and I didn't save it but I might have more time here shortly to do a better comparison.

Click Here
Here's that pic of Andre promoting his t-shirt. I've put his hand next to his face. If his hand is 10 inches, then his head certainly isn't 13 inches. His hand is pressed against his chest, so I doubt it will be much closer to the camera either.

People here love casts, so here's a cast of Andre's hand & elbow. This time we have some measurements to go along with. 24 inches from brass fingertip to elbow.
Click Here
I'm sure some people here can insert a 24-inch ruler next to the cast, so we can see how long the cast of Andre's hand is.
RoelC said on 22/May/16
Boss said on 13/May/16
@Roel . The owner of the mask said he performed the same measurements as Harvard and the mask came out .5" longer because they used calibers which dig in to the bone and he is measuring a hard mold with a t-square. Even if you take the 1" off as the red lines are over 1/8" thick we are still there is still 5.5" to the top of his head and shave a fraction of an inch off that and his head is still over 12" and you yourself made the comparison that Andre had the larger head putting Andre's head in the 13" range and that's what this is about. So quit trying to squirm your way out of it. You are wrong plain and simple. Rob has seen all the evidence brought here over the years. Answer the question why if you think you know everything is your Andre estimate not at the top of the page here and mine is? Andre the Giant's height is 7ft 0in (213cm). That's all the proof I need.

You keep claiming the measurements from Harvard closely match the measurements performed on the deathmask, but as usual provide zero proof.

We have one picture where the owner of the mask measures the deathmask, and that picture tells a different story! It certainly wouldn’t result into a mere 0.5” difference. We already have an inch difference between the mask and the actual head when we compare the root of the nose to the bottom of the chin. And that’s only 60% of his head, we’re comparing. On the total head we would have a 1.67” difference. Which would again put Tillet’s head in the 11.5-12” range. I’m not wrong about those Harvard measurements. It’s an irrefutable fact that his face (from the chin to the root of the nose) measured 179mm. That would result in a 11.5-12” total head length. Certainly not 13 inches!

A few weeks ago you were trying to claim that Harvard measured his head at 13 inches, and when I called you out on it, you quickly changed the story to the owner of the deathmask being the one who measured his head at 13 inches. And yet you’re claiming I’m the one who tries to squirm my way out of it.

As for that comparison I made of Andre & Tillet. That was done on pure speculation, because there are no pictures of Andre & Tillet next to each other, nor next to the same person for that matter. I made that comparison based on Tillet’s Harvard measurements (I put his head at 11.5 inches) and Andre’s head at 12 inches (based on how big I thought Andre’s head was). Seeing as both estimations were made seperately from one another, if Tillet's head turned out to be bigger than expected, it would not automatically result into a bigger head for Andre aswell.
Iconjj said on 21/May/16
I did some figgerin' earlier since I had a rare chance to get on the computer and going on the 10" measurement for Andres hand (thanks to Chris) using the picture of Andre promoting his t shirt and using some reverse engineering I got Andre's head at 12" - 12.25...
Now granted it was a quick measure and I didn't save it but I might have more time here shortly to do a better comparison.
Chaz said on 21/May/16
me said on 21/May/16
These pics comparing Andre/Tillet just reinforces Andre at just over 7'. Look at Andre/Backlund pic to prove once again that Andre is a full foot taller than Backlund. His head was enormous.

yes Enormouse 11,75'' face hands 9.75'', but at 6' Backlund should be under he's chin not by the mouth that is were a 6'2'5 '' ish man should be ,Hogan should be under he's nose not over he's eyes,he's 2-2.5'' too short to be 7'
Boss said on 21/May/16
Andre's head was 13". Red did a comparison with Hulk and Hogan has around 10.5" head putting Andre's at 13.05". Andre's head was at least 1" longer than Tillet's in another comparison which would put his head in the 13" range again. I used several comparisons that were done by others and 13" every time. Hard to argue with fact.
me said on 21/May/16
These pics comparing Andre/Tillet just reinforces Andre at just over 7'. Look at Andre/Backlund pic to prove once again that Andre is a full foot taller than Backlund. His head was enormous.
RP said on 20/May/16
Andre looks almost crippled in that 1992 movie (trading moms) ...he never stands up straight to ever be able to judge his height properly.....and no way for sure to tell by door frames that we have no clue of it's exact height. And in the bus scene ...Andre is hunched over by 3" to 4" inches ...he looks hunched over by 3" inches in just about all the scenes. Peak Andre 7'0"-ish...1992 broken down Andre 6'10-1/2"...hunched over by 3" inches or so, would give you the impression of 6'7" to 6'8" on certain camera angles though. His health & back look horrible in this film. Poor fella looked in non-stop pain.
andre said on 20/May/16
You say big show is strong but not one of the strongest and andre the giant rob even tough big show is more agile andre the giant was stronger
could andre the giant be the strongest man in the world back in 80 ?
Boss said on 20/May/16
Here the 7.05" is a face measurement it does not go the the bottom of his acromegalic chin.
Click Here

Here is actual total facial measurement from root to bottom of chin is 18cm or 7.087" as shown in the pic. This would put your math off on total head size.
Click Here

Maurice's total head length would be at least 12" range and if Andre's head was 1" longer than Tillet's head. Andre's head is in the 13" range.
mrtguy said on 20/May/16
Rob, by all means you believe Big Show's hand, head and feet are equal to Andre's??
Editor Rob
they could be comparable
Capt. Nobody said on 19/May/16
JT said on 19/May/16
Click Here Assuming a 7’0” and 6'10" Andre. Tillet was reportedly 5'8.5". The low camera angle and Andre's height will make his head look a little smaller than it really is

Click Here IIRC Rob’s head measures 9.5”. I added ~ ¼” since the chin drops a bit when you smile. TIllet’s head length is around 11 inches, right where it belongs based on the Harvard measurement. My head’s around 10 ¼” long and a little longer with a smile. Click Here but once again Tillet’s head isn’t much more than 11 inches long notwithstanding the low camera angle making my head again look a little shorter than it really is given my height. Tillet definitely had a huge head but it looked especially unusual given his relatively short stature.


So, now Tillets head is around 11 inches? RoelC?

How big do you think Hogans is? I do remember there being some sort of consensus on that as well.
RoelC said on 19/May/16
6'2 said on 19/May/16
happy 70th boss. just 1 question about above where is the 6'7 age 17 come from wasnt he meant to be over 6ft at 12 and 240lbs and at 16 like 6'10 and 7ft at 19 his brother said in the larger than life documentary he really grew at age 16 so just was hoping someone could shed light on the suppossedly 6'7 at age 17.and plz no one reply to the poster andre on here

I've seen several different heights being claimed for him at various different ages. I've also seen 6'1" at age 12 and 6'4" at age 16. That seems somewhat believable with his brother's statement in the documentary, in which he claimed Andre really started to grow at the age of 16. Before that he was big, but nothing unusual.
I've seen taller heights being claimed for him, such as 6'8" at age 14. That somewhat contradicts Jacques Roussimoff's story. His brothers and sisters are all of average height, and so were his parents. I don't believe the story about him having a 7'8" grandfather. You hear stories like that for nearly every giant.

6'1" at age 12 and 6'4" at age 16 is big, but nothing unusual. The growth spurts he got after that, were probably the ones that made his family realize his height wasn't normal.

It would be helpful if there were some pics of Andre during his childhood. The Larger Than Life shows a few pictures of Andre when he was really young, but they're not suitable to estimate his height.
6'2 said on 19/May/16
happy 70th boss. just 1 question about above where is the 6'7 age 17 come from wasnt he meant to be over 6ft at 12 and 240lbs and at 16 like 6'10 and 7ft at 19 his brother said in the larger than life documentary he really grew at age 16 so just was hoping someone could shed light on the suppossedly 6'7 at age 17.and plz no one reply to the poster andre on here
JT said on 19/May/16
Click Here Assuming a 7’0” and 6'10" Andre. Tillet was reportedly 5'8.5". The low camera angle and Andre's height will make his head look a little smaller than it really is

Click Here IIRC Rob’s head measures 9.5”. I added ~ ¼” since the chin drops a bit when you smile. TIllet’s head length is around 11 inches, right where it belongs based on the Harvard measurement. My head’s around 10 ¼” long and a little longer with a smile. Click Here but once again Tillet’s head isn’t much more than 11 inches long notwithstanding the low camera angle making my head again look a little shorter than it really is given my height. Tillet definitely had a huge head but it looked especially unusual given his relatively short stature.
andre said on 17/May/16
Click Here

Rob watch this clip of andre in 1992 he looks like 6ft7

tell me after looking at him in 1992 will you downgrate his height because in this video he looks just 6ft7
Capt. Nobody said on 17/May/16
straightahead said on 17/May/16
@Capt. Nobody said on 15/May/16
I can read, especially when math seems to skew all over the place depending on the time of day.

OK, here is what you said originally:

"claiming 6'3 for OMG was idiotic since he is shorter than the 6'3 Ottman"

So, you say Tenta is 1 inch taller than OMG, then how tall is Tenta again? I seem to recall you spouting the official measurement on Tenta. Yet Gangs not reaching 6'3"?

Tenta may have been taller barefoot, I can't say for sure. Same with Ottman. Just like with Andre, until there is absolute arithmetic involved nobody can truly know, but I know what it looks like when numbers appear to fluctuate around an opinion, and not an answer, and that seems to happen a lot. A half inch here, another inch there.

And if the Gang is wearing boots that give him a lift, it doesn't matter as long he's just a point of comparison in which he has the same basic height boost. There are still plenty of people that say Studd and Hogan wore lifts too, so it's possible. Looking at his back and normal stance these days it's also plausible he might be well under his full or former standing height when standing comfortably.

If Ottman was 6'3 then OMG was a little shorter, not absolutely sure since we couldnt see their footwear but he was taller in both of the pics. Ottman has been listed 6'3 and i admit he looks taller, but again why would he be listed 6'3 if he was taller? Tenta could had been everything from 6'4 to 6'5 3/4 (yes he has had 6'4 listings as well as 6'5) and i would put him at 6'5.

Maybe its time to wake up and realize that the wrestlers werent as big we used to believe?


Neither are basketball players, so what? Doesn't bother me in the least but what does bother me is someone shaping up their own numbers and reducing everything else around with a few exceptions in order to meet some preconceived criteria.

Andre has 7'4" listings. So...

What you are saying is OMG was somewhere in the 6'2" range. Interesting statement. He may have been for all I know, I never measured the guy, but if he starts ticking down, fine, so does everyone else. Not just Andre.
Capt. Nobody said on 17/May/16
RoelC said on 17/May/16
Capt. Nobody said on 15/May/16
Or maybe not.
Click Here
The picture of the mold, and the measurement shot scale almost to perfection. The angles on the shots are a little different but if the mold were way off it would be almost impossible to bring it into this kind of proportion.
Uhm, wasn’t that exactly the point I was trying to make there?

Yes the deathmask has the same proportions as Tillet’s real head. Which makes it nearly impossible for Tillet’s real head to have been measured at 13 inches, when they took his measurements at Harvard.

Looking at the death mask, the distance from the root of his nose to the bottom of his chin accounts for roughly 60% of his head.
Now apply this 60% to the Harvard measurement of 7.05” and you come out at 11.75” for Tillet’s total head length. If Tillet's head would come out
at 13 inches, the root of his nose to the bottom of his chin only accounts for roughly 54% of his total head length. You would get a completely different shaped head!


I was agreeing about the head shape of Tillet, but if the bust is an actual bust of his head, then it's hard to argue against. I guess we'll never truly know.

But that shouldn't be the focus IMO, because this would bring into question the notion that Tillets head was indeed larger than Andre's. That should be the main point because that could substantiate Boss' claim that Andre's head was bigger. That's the important takeaway in this conversation.
RoelC said on 17/May/16
Capt. Nobody said on 15/May/16
Or maybe not.
Click Here
The picture of the mold, and the measurement shot scale almost to perfection. The angles on the shots are a little different but if the mold were way off it would be almost impossible to bring it into this kind of proportion.
Uhm, wasn’t that exactly the point I was trying to make there?

Yes the deathmask has the same proportions as Tillet’s real head. Which makes it nearly impossible for Tillet’s real head to have been measured at 13 inches, when they took his measurements at Harvard.

Looking at the death mask, the distance from the root of his nose to the bottom of his chin accounts for roughly 60% of his head.
Now apply this 60% to the Harvard measurement of 7.05” and you come out at 11.75” for Tillet’s total head length. If Tillet's head would come out
at 13 inches, the root of his nose to the bottom of his chin only accounts for roughly 54% of his total head length. You would get a completely different shaped head!
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/May/16
RoelC said on 12/May/16

No need to guess here. It measures 8 ⅛” (13 ½” -/- 5 ⅜) according to your own pic.

Harvard measured Tillet’s head from the root of his nose to the bottom of his chin at 179mm (7.05”).


So his head would be at least 11.75"

Andres head comes out taller ~1" , so Andres head was 12.5"-13".
Going smaller or bigger wouldn´t be realistic.
Capt. Nobody said on 15/May/16
JT said on 12/May/16
It’s not rocket science. Tillet’s head measured 18 cm, or just over 7 inches, from the bottom of the chin to where the nose meets the forehead Click Here You can even count the increments on the caliper. Even if you count the fat under his chin, the head length comes out around 11.5”.

Tillet also supposedly measured 5’8 ½” or around 5’9 ½” in shoes Click Here We know the Japanese referee was no more than 5’6” Click Here I’m around 6’6” in shoes and my head around 10 ¼” long. Click Here

For comparison, here’s a pic of me and Bill Walton (6’11.75” per Rob) from a few years ago and our footwear Click Here Walton was a little closer to the camera b/c there was a box in front of my feet used to raise the table he was signing autographs on so he would not have to bend over so much. Walton would stand with impeccable military posture for every photo taken. I don’t think he’s any more than 6’11” now but may have been closer to 7’1” before almost 40 foot, ankle and back surgeries. He has a long face too - probably at least 11 inches.


It's amazing. In looking at that pic of you and Andre, you have to be the one person I've ever seen that would have had a head that close in comparison to Andre the Giant should the two of you had met. Now, what are the odds of that being the case???
Capt. Nobody said on 15/May/16
straightahead said on 12/May/16
@Capt.Nobody said on 7/May/16

When their hands are raised, OMG is farther away from the camera than Tenta is. Only when he starts to walk closer to the ropes is he nearly in the same horizontal path as Tenta. You can tell because you can see Tentas left hip area overlap the view of the ref, whereas it appears as if the refs left hip and OMG's right hip are pretty close to eachother. This being a fairly flat angle makes any background to foreground movement significant as it relates to scale. The shot where they embrace, while not the best to gain any specific height information clearly shows that OMG interacts in a way to suggest he's taller. OMG is sometimes hard to judge because he tends to lurch forward.

Also, if they are the same height there, how can Ottman be taller than OMG by the amount shown in the pictures you posted earlier? He'd have to have a much bigger heel advantage than 2 inches. And I would take a closer look at his boots in that match if I were you.

Cant you read? Tenta wasnt same height as OMG, he's atleast 1 inch taller. And i said we cant see their footwear in the pictures with Ottman and OMG, but we can see OMG's footwear in the video with Tenta, and it was pretty big heels...


I can read, especially when math seems to skew all over the place depending on the time of day.

OK, here is what you said originally:

"claiming 6'3 for OMG was idiotic since he is shorter than the 6'3 Ottman"

So, you say Tenta is 1 inch taller than OMG, then how tall is Tenta again? I seem to recall you spouting the official measurement on Tenta. Yet Gangs not reaching 6'3"?

Tenta may have been taller barefoot, I can't say for sure. Same with Ottman. Just like with Andre, until there is absolute arithmetic involved nobody can truly know, but I know what it looks like when numbers appear to fluctuate around an opinion, and not an answer, and that seems to happen a lot. A half inch here, another inch there.

And if the Gang is wearing boots that give him a lift, it doesn't matter as long he's just a point of comparison in which he has the same basic height boost. There are still plenty of people that say Studd and Hogan wore lifts too, so it's possible. Looking at his back and normal stance these days it's also plausible he might be well under his full or former standing height when standing comfortably.
Arch Stanton said on 15/May/16
7 ft 4 is utterly ridiculous. Even 7 ft looks questionable in the Princess Bride, he can look 6 ft 10 in some scenes.
Ice said on 14/May/16
true 7'4" guys like Rick Smits or Priest Lauderdale would have towered Andre .
Boss said on 13/May/16
@Roel . The owner of the mask said he performed the same measurements as Harvard and the mask came out .5" longer because they used calibers which dig in to the bone and he is measuring a hard mold with a t-square. Even if you take the 1" off as the red lines are over 1/8" thick we are still there is still 5.5" to the top of his head and shave a fraction of an inch off that and his head is still over 12" and you yourself made the comparison that Andre had the larger head putting Andre's head in the 13" range and that's what this is about. So quit trying to squirm your way out of it. You are wrong plain and simple. Rob has seen all the evidence brought here over the years. Answer the question why if you think you know everything is your Andre estimate not at the top of the page here and mine is? Andre the Giant's height is 7ft 0in (213cm). That's all the proof I need.
Chaz said on 13/May/16
6'2 said on 12/May/16
chaz theres no point in comparing sum1 who is 4'11 to andre thats absurd wilt jake roberts hogan ernie ladd john studd uncle elmer fair enough you can make an estimate but 23-26" who can tell? and plz dont write back with a comparasion

you don't need any comparasions,everything you need to work he's height out, is in the same photo,you have a 5' tape measure standing right in front of a bolt upright Andre,Ie one 4'11'' about 5' in boots Shoemaker,a jokey we know 100% he's height and weight,you just divide him up in to 5 parts,then measure it on the screen then move it up to the top of he's hair,and work out the differance,and because we know 100% they are both the same height to the camara.and even adding .5'' for shoemaker being closer,even tho there is no gap,but we know for every 12'' you gain 1'' that the camara hits the part in a photo will find the total height of Andre with hair and boots is 7'1'' so there is no way he's 7' barefoot not even 6'11'' he's hair alone is nere 2'',and this is the way the RAF photo interpretation unit worked out to within 1cm the length of both V1 and V2s in WW2 you just need to know the height or length of one thing in the photo, try it yourself it's not hard,
6'2 said on 12/May/16
chaz theres no point in comparing sum1 who is 4'11 to andre thats absurd wilt jake roberts hogan ernie ladd john studd uncle elmer fair enough you can make an estimate but 23-26" who can tell? and plz dont write back with a comparasion
JT said on 12/May/16
It’s not rocket science. Tillet’s head measured 18 cm, or just over 7 inches, from the bottom of the chin to where the nose meets the forehead Click Here You can even count the increments on the caliper. Even if you count the fat under his chin, the head length comes out around 11.5”.

Tillet also supposedly measured 5’8 ½” or around 5’9 ½” in shoes Click Here We know the Japanese referee was no more than 5’6” Click Here I’m around 6’6” in shoes and my head around 10 ¼” long. Click Here

For comparison, here’s a pic of me and Bill Walton (6’11.75” per Rob) from a few years ago and our footwear Click Here Walton was a little closer to the camera b/c there was a box in front of my feet used to raise the table he was signing autographs on so he would not have to bend over so much. Walton would stand with impeccable military posture for every photo taken. I don’t think he’s any more than 6’11” now but may have been closer to 7’1” before almost 40 foot, ankle and back surgeries. He has a long face too - probably at least 11 inches.
RYAN11 said on 11/May/16
Chaz, there is no way on God's green earth anyone no matter how experienced or good at judging photos could ever tell the difference in height between a 4'11" man next to someone over 7 feet tall,.especially someone like Andre the Giant given his massive head and face that throws everything off. Also, the other thing nobody who argues for a sub 7 foot Andre ever wants to admit is that in the infamous Wilt and Arnold pics, Andre was much closer to the camera in each photo on a driveway that looks like it is going on a downhill slope. Being closer to the camera makes everyone appear around a half foot shorter. That then makes Andre at least a few inches taller than Wilt.
cobra said on 11/May/16
Doesn't this video from 1976 with NFL measured 6-9 Ernie Ladd confirm Andre was never over 7 feet: Click Here
Boss said on 10/May/16
@ Captain. 12.5" is definitely a good estimate but based on everything I'm leaning toward 13" range. You are also correct on the Maurice Tillet question as well. I'm used to being blasted by these guys and it doesn't bother me at all as I'm confident in all my posts and believe me they can be quite igonorant to posters here. Everything I post is with something to back up what I'm saying and I've dropped some big ones on the Andre subject here. That being said if it wasn't for JT, Roel C, Vegas, Chaz, Halb and a few others in this debate I wouldn't have the crazy amount of knowledge that I've accumulated on Andre over the past decade so for that I'm thankful. Captain, Ncl, Icon, RP, Gretz, 62b, Danimal, Logan Noll and anyone I missed keep up the good work.
Boss said on 10/May/16
Roel C my estimates come from the owner of the death mask who has way more knowledge of Maurice Tillet than you ever will or anyone else here for that matter myself included. You can check out his site if you like. He done all the same measurements as Harvard and the death mask head was only .5" larger. Funny how you talk like we're stupid here and you have so much knowledge on Andre yet Rob a height expert raised his height to 7' because that's what the evidence points toward. Why isn't your height estimate at the top of the page here ? I don't care who made the Andre Tillet comparison as I thought Andre's head was bigger long before that comparison was ever done and most here argued it wasn't . So your comparison had nothing to do with my estimate but I thought it was a realistic comparison.
Chaz said on 10/May/16
Boss said on 7/May/16
Tillet's death mask measures 13.5" in the pic. The owner of the mask emailed me that it measures .5" longer than the Harvard measurements and he done all the same measurements. His face alone would be 12" range but his whole head measures 13".

We don't need any head cast measuremets we can see he's face being measured with calepers,at 7'' to the top of the nose,and has that is by far the longest part ,like with Andre we can work out the face could not have been over 11.5-12'' just like we know the lenght of andre's hand was under 10''from the Japan mag he was holding from that we could work out he's head was only 2''
longer.Both Tiltet's were in the 11.5-12'' range,you got to understand a avarage face is only 9-9.5'' so even an extra .5'' is a lot.1-2 '' is masive that plus Andre's 3'' afro would have made him seem inhuman to look at for real.
Boss said on 9/May/16
The owner of the death mask knows more about Maurice Tillet than all of us here combined. I will take his word and the actual proof with photos of the measurement he provided over anyone's guessing or comparisons. Maurice's head was 13" range.
RoelC said on 8/May/16
Boss said on 5/May/16
Roel C you are biased as they come. We have Maurice Tillets head being measured with photo evidence and your still trying to downgrade his head size. So we should go by your estimates over actual proof. People shouldn't pay any attention to your posts because they are based on no fact. One fact is that your an Observer fanboy and hate to think Meltzer has been milking your money with all his inside bull for all these years and a couple books on top of that. The guy who runs the website your referencing confirmed Tillets head was measured at 13" long.

My estimations of Tillet’s head are based on the measurements that were performed on Tillet’s actual head. Not a mold of his head, but his ACTUAL HEAD. Apparently you don’t know the difference.

It’s funny how you think my estimates are crap, but you keep posting that head comparison I’ve made of Tillet & Andre. And if there’s one time I’ve posted something here based on no fact at all, that comparison would be it.

And for your info, not everyone who thinks Andre is less than 7 feet is automatically a Meltzer fanboy.
Chaz said on 8/May/16
6'2 said on 6/May/16
the only time i ever saw andre stand straight is when he was supposedly getting measured and weighed theres a pic out there of it. its the first time i saw his neck because thats his actual height theres some absurd equation to say he was 84.5"' or something anyway thats his proper standing height no sloching and hes barefoot not sure of the year but wasnt late id say around 1980 or so anyway looks at least 7ft tall in it

he was perfectly straight in 1975 Next to 4'11'' Shoemaker and in peak height and health and stilll was nothing over 6'10''.
Capt. Nobody said on 8/May/16
Just for clarification JT, now Andre's head is larger than Tillets was? Correct? Tillets in the 11-11.5 range, Andre close to 12?

I seem to recall Boss being blasted for suggesting that Andre's head was bigger than Tillets. Is there a way to look through the old posts Rob? I may not be remembering correctly but I'm sure of that being the case.
Capt. Nobody said on 8/May/16
Boss said on 6/May/16
Jt all your posts are BS and your ruler is also set to fit your story everytime. You claim Big Show has a 12" head and Andre is lucky if he has a 12" head. Your basically saying Show's head is larger Andre when that has been proven wrong here. You had Tillet's head at 13" on your ruler and never changed your story until the Andre and Tillets head comparisons were done and Andre's head came out larger than Tillet's.


I made a specific point at one time to make sure everyone was on the same page at 12.5" for Andre's head. I could have sworn it was agreed upon, yet here we are. LOL.
Boss said on 7/May/16
Tillet's death mask measures 13.5" in the pic. The owner of the mask emailed me that it measures .5" longer than the Harvard measurements and he done all the same measurements. His face alone would be 12" range but his whole head measures 13".
Capt.Nobody said on 7/May/16
straightahead said on 5/May/16
Capt. Nobody said on 4/May/16

Who was taller, Ottman or Tenta in your opinion?

Because Tenta was, and OMG looked to be a little taller than Tenta. What you're saying goes against all the established principles involved. Despite what one photo tells you. As for OMG today, I just saw an interview from just recently and it looks like he's got quite a bit of a hunch in the back these days so I have no doubts it's hard for him to stand up straight so he might be shorter than Ottman depending on the circumstances.

What i based my opinions from wasnt from one photo, but two. OMG was slightly shorter than Ottman, but we didnt see their footwear. Between Ottman and Tenta, Tenta was around 1 inch taller.

OMG only looked taller because you captured the moment where he looked taller, why didnt you take the screenshot when BOTH MEN had their arms up? - same height. And OMG had his typical 2 inch heeled boots, so its case closed. Tenta had one inch on OMG.


When their hands are raised, OMG is farther away from the camera than Tenta is. Only when he starts to walk closer to the ropes is he nearly in the same horizontal path as Tenta. You can tell because you can see Tentas left hip area overlap the view of the ref, whereas it appears as if the refs left hip and OMG's right hip are pretty close to eachother. This being a fairly flat angle makes any background to foreground movement significant as it relates to scale. The shot where they embrace, while not the best to gain any specific height information clearly shows that OMG interacts in a way to suggest he's taller. OMG is sometimes hard to judge because he tends to lurch forward.

Also, if they are the same height there, how can Ottman be taller than OMG by the amount shown in the pictures you posted earlier? He'd have to have a much bigger heel advantage than 2 inches. And I would take a closer look at his boots in that match if I were you.
Chaz said on 7/May/16
Boss said on 6/May/16
Jt all your posts are BS and your ruler is also set to fit your story everytime. You claim Big Show has a 12" head and Andre is lucky if he has a 12" head. Your basically saying Show's head is larger Andre when that has been proven wrong here. You had Tillet's head at 13" on your ruler and never changed your story until the Andre and Tillets head comparisons were done and Andre's head came out larger than Tillet's.

all your compasons are useless, you have not got a clue about being closer to the camara,or when a car is higher than the other,JT is the only one that know's a thing about it.and it's no good people trying to talk RoelC down because over the years he only posts anything one way or the other when he is 100% sure of what he is saying,and he is right about the mesurment of Tilets face because that part is the only part on a Acromegalics face that can grown in lenghth,the head cannot,the jew and gums do,the rest can't after the long bones fuse.Andre's forhead is not over 4''.so anyone over he's eyes we can easly work out the differance,so go look up some medical books and lean somthing, the best you can give him is 6'11'' out of bed, I have never seen him look over 6'10'' in the evening in the ring,
Halb said on 6/May/16
All anyone has to do is browser search BMW mini versus the old UK mini, there are plenty of size pics. The old true mini is much smaller than the new BMW mini.
6'2 said on 6/May/16
the only time i ever saw andre stand straight is when he was supposedly getting measured and weighed theres a pic out there of it. its the first time i saw his neck because thats his actual height theres some absurd equation to say he was 84.5"' or something anyway thats his proper standing height no sloching and hes barefoot not sure of the year but wasnt late id say around 1980 or so anyway looks at least 7ft tall in it
RP said on 6/May/16
***Ken Patera
187 cm
RP said on 6/May/16
Note: in his 20's, young powerlifting Ken Patera was measure @ 187 centimeters! Or 6'1.75"...he was also over 300 lbs at his largest ...310-320lbs at one point. Trimmed down to 275 & then eventually 250 lbs do to health reasons. However, no clue if that measurement was with shoes on or barefoot???
Boss said on 6/May/16
That Richard Kiel cast is not even the original cast if you read the description on item. It's a cast of a cast and measures 23" and the base and neck look longer than 6". This is an item meant for sale and is not the same as Maurice Tillet's original head mold .
Boss said on 6/May/16
Jt all your posts are BS and your ruler is also set to fit your story everytime. You claim Big Show has a 12" head and Andre is lucky if he has a 12" head. Your basically saying Show's head is larger Andre when that has been proven wrong here. You had Tillet's head at 13" on your ruler and never changed your story until the Andre and Tillets head comparisons were done and Andre's head came out larger than Tillet's.
62B said on 6/May/16
6'2 said on 4/May/16
theres not definitive proof he wasnt 7'4 i say let the legend live on his posture alone lost him several inches of height even in the 70s he never stood up to his maxium height

Not a chance of ever being 7'4". He was around 6'11" in 1988 standing as tall as he could, early in the day. No way he lost 5" by his early 40's. The JT's, Chaz's, and ersmiths can argue all they want of a Peak Andre being 6'10" peak, and the Ryan11's can argue for a 7'4" peak all they want. Worst case scenario peak height is 6'11" best case is maybe 7'.025"
Capt. Nobody said on 5/May/16
RoelC said on 4/May/16
Boss said on 3/May/16
Here is Maurice Tillet's head mold being measured at 13" right in front of your eyes so no need to guess.
Click Here
His head was also measured at 13" at Harvard.

No it wasn't! His head was only partly measured and the medical articles stated the length of his head from the root of his nose to the bottom of his chin measured 179 millimeters, which is a little over 7 inches. Click Here
They never gave a measurement of the total length of his head. You're just making that up!

The length from the root of his nose to the bottom of his chin covered roughly 60% of his total head length, so that would result into a total head length in the region of 11.5 to 12 inches.

The 1940 Harvard measurements prove that the head mold of Tillet's head isn't accurate, as according to the mold the length from the root of his nose to the bottom of his chin is slightly over 8 inches.

Here's a picture of how that measurement took place, so no need to guess how the measurement took place either.
Click Here


So, now the molds are incorrect?
Iconjj said on 5/May/16
Here is the problem I have with this whole head size thing; we have irrefutable proof of Tillet's head size; unless I've missed something along the way we've never had an actual measurement of either Andres nor Hogans head to make a determination on whether Andres head is bigger than Tillets or not.
I'm not trying to play devils advocate here but we are going off a lot of guesstimation when it comes to Hulk. My head is 9.5 and I would bet my house Hogan has a bigger head but: by how much....we've pretty much got Andres hand nailed down to 10"...c'mon guys we can figure this out too.
Boss said on 5/May/16
Thanks Captain. Sometimes here you have to be a little repetitive just to help inform new posters to the site of actual evidence that we've gathered over the years. Look at Andre and Wilt together and then look at Wilt and Shaq and then Shaq and Big Show. Andre matches up to Wilt better than Shaq and Shaq has a couple inches on Show. Shaq and Show are only 1/4" behind Andre in the footware department and Andre has worse posture in these comparisons.
JT said on 5/May/16
Basing the actual head size on a head mold is worthless. The actual mold of Richard Kiel's noggin measures 23" from the base to the top of the head, meaning that his head would have to be in the neighborhood of 17" long, which is absurd. Click Here

IIRC TIllet's head measured around 11" to 11.5" long based on the actual measurement made from the tip of his chin to the point where the top of the nose meets the forehead. Yet Boss will keep regurgitating the same B.S. every six months or so.

Andre's head was maybe 12" and that might be pushing it Click Here Click Here
Boss said on 5/May/16
Roel C you are biased as they come. We have Maurice Tillets head being measured with photo evidence and your still trying to downgrade his head size. So we should go by your estimates over actual proof. People shouldn't pay any attention to your posts because they are based on no fact. One fact is that your an Observer fanboy and hate to think Meltzer has been milking your money with all his inside bull for all these years and a couple books on top of that. The guy who runs the website your referencing confirmed Tillets head was measured at 13" long.
Chaz said on 5/May/16
Capt. Nobody said on 4/May/16In what way? The vehicle frame itself, or overall height from the ground? The one Dirk is standing next to has a much lower suspension and more wheel/less tire.

the car is higher go read up and stop talking Rubish the car is bigger all round,I live in England I have seen 1000s of them old and new,Rob is from the UK ask him if they are taller? Boss has got it wrong end of story,the guy if heis only 7' is a good bit taller.
Gretz said on 5/May/16
Haven`t posted here much 2006-10 I was a constant poster.Always thought Andre peaked at about 7'0" for people that think he was 6'10" did he really shrink to 6'8".I really doubt this,can you really come up with an argument that he did?Because I know he lost height later in his career.
Capt. Nobody said on 5/May/16
Boss said on 3/May/16
Here is Maurice Tillet's head mold being measured at 13" right in front of your eyes so no need to guess.
Click Here

His head was also measured at 13" at Harvard.
Click Here

Andre's head in comparison would be a little larger.
Click Here
Click Here

Hogan's head was 10.5" which puts Andre at 13.05".
Click Here

Here from 3 comparisons from 3 different people none of which are done by myself. Andre's head comes out 13" range every time.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Big Show as stated here by many has a 12" head. Andre's head was longer and larger both visibly and as Terry Todd stated in a direct question about who had the bigger head. Todd also stated Andre was taller and had bigger hands and feet than Big show and that he spent time with both men. No less than a 13" head for Andre.


I don't care what side anyone in this debate is on, you have to give credit where credit is due for this kind of work. The Tillet part of the debate is just as impressive now as it was when Boss brought it up before. Good job dude!
Capt. Nobody said on 4/May/16
Chaz said on 1/May/16
Halb said on 29/Apr/16
The new BMW Mini is bigger than the old British Leyland Mini.

I tryed to post about that but it never got posted,the new BMW one is 2.5'' taller so Boss has 100% shown Andre was about 2-2.5'' too short.if that guy is only 7' tall.


In what way? The vehicle frame itself, or overall height from the ground? The one Dirk is standing next to has a much lower suspension and more wheel/less tire.

Anyway, as is the case with anyone that stood with Shaq or Wilt, as is the case with Show and Andre, the point of comparison is all there if you want to see it.

Click Here

Now, we can't see the feet but it looks about like what Show did facing off with Shaq and we've seen Dirk and Show in that shot, and they look about the same height in it and they measure up to Shaq about the same, it all seems to fit about right. Wilt was a bit taller than Shaq in dress shoes, while Shaq was in sneakers, and Andre in cowboy boots was a bit taller than Wilt with similar posture so....
RoelC said on 4/May/16
Boss said on 3/May/16
Here is Maurice Tillet's head mold being measured at 13" right in front of your eyes so no need to guess.
Click Here
His head was also measured at 13" at Harvard.

No it wasn't! His head was only partly measured and the medical articles stated the length of his head from the root of his nose to the bottom of his chin measured 179 millimeters, which is a little over 7 inches. Click Here
They never gave a measurement of the total length of his head. You're just making that up!

The length from the root of his nose to the bottom of his chin covered roughly 60% of his total head length, so that would result into a total head length in the region of 11.5 to 12 inches.

The 1940 Harvard measurements prove that the head mold of Tillet's head isn't accurate, as according to the mold the length from the root of his nose to the bottom of his chin is slightly over 8 inches.

Here's a picture of how that measurement took place, so no need to guess how the measurement took place either.
Click Here
6'2 said on 4/May/16
theres not definitive proof he wasnt 7'4 i say let the legend live on his posture alone lost him several inches of height even in the 70s he never stood up to his maxium height
er4smiths said on 4/May/16
@Smarty - one of the smartest comments ever made on this forum.
Chaz said on 4/May/16
Boss said on 2/May/16
Andre is taller than Dirk in that comparison.

in what comparison? it's you that has made the mistake, thinking the Mini's are the same height,not only is Andre in thinker heel shoes and standing more upright, the the Car Dirk is by is 2.5'' taller so ether this comparison is right and Dirk is 2-2.5'' taller or all your comparisons are useless which one is it Boss?
JT said on 3/May/16
Chaz said on 29/Apr/16
......6'5''Chris Taylor in the same heel boots come over he's Andre was 2-2.5'' too short to be 7' let alone 7'3''

Not sure if Chris Taylor was a legit 6’5”. That was his listed height in college wrestling. He certainly looked over 400 lbs. though.

Here’s Taylor and Alexander Medved who has 6’2.5” and 6’3” listings. Click Here

Here’s Taylor with Ken Patera Click Here who’s a good 2 inches shorter than 6’2” Tony Atlas Click Here As I recall, Patera looked roughly Bobby Heenan’s height and maybe a little taller.
ohmike said on 3/May/16
Click Here
he is taller than the door frame ,
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 3/May/16
straightahead said on 2/May/16

But the strange thing is, Ottman was taller than OMG/Akeem (in their prime and still taller today) and Studd didnt look taller than 6'5 next to Fralic...

It´s one strange pic with Ottmann and OMG with a bad camrea angle to judge height - I wouldn´t take that serious regarding height estimation.
Studd clearly looked 3cm taller than Fralic, so the lowest I can give Studd is a supersolid 6´6".
Boss said on 3/May/16
Here is Maurice Tillet's head mold being measured at 13" right in front of your eyes so no need to guess.
Click Here

His head was also measured at 13" at Harvard.
Click Here

Andre's head in comparison would be a little larger.
Click Here
Click Here

Hogan's head was 10.5" which puts Andre at 13.05".
Click Here

Here from 3 comparisons from 3 different people none of which are done by myself. Andre's head comes out 13" range every time.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Big Show as stated here by many has a 12" head. Andre's head was longer and larger both visibly and as Terry Todd stated in a direct question about who had the bigger head. Todd also stated Andre was taller and had bigger hands and feet than Big show and that he spent time with both men. No less than a 13" head for Andre.
Smarty said on 3/May/16
ReturnofG said on 1/May/16
Plus after talking to Kevin Nash in Morganton, NC a month ago, even he said Andre was taller and he met both of them.

Nash also told me that he was taller then Andre when he met him a year ago.

The truth is Andre's height is always going to have a question mark next to it since most of the people in the wrestling industry either refuse to tell the truth about Andre's height or have simply lost themselves to kayfabe.
Boss said on 2/May/16
Andre is taller than Dirk in that comparison.
Chaz said on 1/May/16
Halb said on 29/Apr/16
The new BMW Mini is bigger than the old British Leyland Mini.

I tryed to post about that but it never got posted,the new BMW one is 2.5'' taller so Boss has 100% shown Andre was about 2-2.5'' too short.if that guy is only 7' tall.
ReturnofG said on 1/May/16
RYAN11 said on 27/Apr/16
I'd say Andre was closer to 7'1 maybe 7'1.5 a little over an inch taller than Big Show peak. Big Show from day one has worn much bigger heeled boots than andre ever did in the ring and still looked around the same height with people Andre did. Plus after talking to Kevin Nash in Morganton, NC a month ago, even he said Andre was taller and he met both of them.
Iconjj said on 29/Apr/16
@ Ryan11 I'm one of the biggest naysayers against "too short andre" but IMO this is exaggerating a bit...
Halb said on 29/Apr/16
The new BMW Mini is bigger than the old British Leyland Mini.
Chaz said on 29/Apr/16
RYAN11 said on 27/Apr/16
Hogan was 6'7" peak, there is nothing to prove otherwise. Andres head was more like 15-16 inches, you could fit nearly two normal man's heads into his and every picture of Andre with Mean Gene or Vince proves that. So he had the then 6'7" Hogan by at least 8". Peak Andre because of his massive head was 7'2-3" with ease. The Wilt Chamberlain pictures are all at different angles with each of them at different distance to the camera, besides that Arnold we know was overy 6'1" and Andre had him by way over a foot taller.

lol Hogan 6'7''? how tall was Kamala and John Quinn then? please stop with this 16'' face he's face was just under 12'' the 6'' mark is just over the tip of he's nose.a 6'5 '' man in the same boots would come 1'' below that in the same boots.6'5''Chris Taylor in the same heel boots come over he's Andre was 2-2.5'' too short to be 7' let alone 7'3''
RYAN11 said on 27/Apr/16
Hogan was 6'7" peak, there is nothing to prove otherwise. Andres head was more like 15-16 inches, you could fit nearly two normal man's heads into his and every picture of Andre with Mean Gene or Vince proves that. So he had the then 6'7" Hogan by at least 8". Peak Andre because of his massive head was 7'2-3" with ease. The Wilt Chamberlain pictures are all at different angles with each of them at different distance to the camera, besides that Arnold we know was overy 6'1" and Andre had him by way over a foot taller.
LoganNoll1996 said on 23/Apr/16
Interesting find, Boss. The top of Hogan's head is around or below Andre's eye level which would indicate a 5 inch difference for two normal individuals. But Andre's head was 12" or so according to most people so the difference could've been 6 inches between the two. A peak 6'6" Hogan would put a peak Andre around 7'0" - 7'0.5" in my opinion.
Boss said on 20/Apr/16
Here Andre and Hulk in 1980. Hulk has more of a footware advantage here than at Wrestlemania 3. Andre is wearing .5" boots and Hogan around 1.25" so 3/4" advantage to Hulk. Andre could lift his head at least an inch higher as he is looking down at Hulk.
Click Here
Boss said on 18/Apr/16
It's easy for a 7' guy to look 6'10" because of posture, etc. It is much harder for a 6'10" guy to look 7'.
zaq said on 17/Apr/16
how come in a lot of videos and pictures looks like he only got 4-5 inches on hogan so im thinking like 6'9-6'10
but also hogan looked to be the same height as the rock who is 6'3 ??
Capt.Nobody said on 16/Apr/16
Boss said on 13/Apr/16
Good to see The Captain back.


Good to see you still coming up with interesting and realistic data to back up your stance and take this conversation closer towards an answer. It's just too bad nobody wants to follow down that path on the other side of aisle. I guess that's the fun of it though! haha.
Boss said on 16/Apr/16
Here 7' Dirk Nowitski and Big Show. Dirk is leaning and is probably around an inch taller than Big Show.
Click Here

Andre and Dirk Nowitski.
Click Here
Capt. Nobody said on 15/Apr/16
JT said on 13/Apr/16
Click Here


OK, for that to be accurate, in the shot with Wilt and Andre (once again, the ultimate frame of reference), how much heel would Andre have to have to match up to Wilt in the first place?
Capt. Nobody said on 15/Apr/16
straightahead said on 13/Apr/16
In the ring, Ottman looked almost same height as Tenta, but Ottman was listed 6'3? However what if Tenta was 6'4 or 6'5 and not 6'5 3/4. But if he was, then Ottman could be close to 6'5.

Whats the most realistic?


Tenta, much like Andre, got a good deal of his height from his huge head. He was taller than Typhoon who had more of a normal head size, if not a bit smaller for his frame. People tend to look at shoulder height, waist height, and crotch height then typically come to a quick assumption on height, but that's just based on visuals not actual height.

Click Here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 15/Apr/16
Ottman wasn´t under 6´4", he still looked around that height next to visitor Robbie.
Ottman as Typhoon was around 1.5" shorter than 6´5.75" Earthquake John Tenta and as Tugboat about an inch shorter than Hogan and around 3" shorter than peak Undertakerhttp :// , so a solid 6´4"-6´4.25" may be the truth.

OMG/Akeem looked about 6´5.5"-6´6", near 6´6"-6´6.5" Big John Studds height.
JT said on 15/Apr/16
Click Here Click Here Not perfect but makes for an interesting comparison. Rob has James Garner at 6’2” and Kate Moss at 5’6” although her legs are probably bent with that stance.
er4smiths said on 15/Apr/16
JT and straightahead win again. Guys this is such a silly argument. Andre was never close to 7 feet tall period. How some of you can't see that is kind of sad. Some of us never left the world of kayfabe ha ha
JT said on 13/Apr/16
Click Here
Boss said on 13/Apr/16
Good to see The Captain back.
Boss said on 13/Apr/16
@ mrtguy

Just kinda threw that comparison together quickly just to give an idea.
Boss said on 13/Apr/16
Andre has 2" heels on his boots.Click Here Click Here This gives around a 1.8" height boost. Wilt and Arnold are both wearing boots with around 1" heels.Click Here Click Here Shaq and Big Show are both getting a 1.5" boost from their footware. Wilt with Shaq was wearing dress shoes so around 3/4" height boost to Wilt. Also, Andre has the worst posture of all the guys in these comparisons and could easily stand an inch taller. Hogan lost too much height to be any kind of real reference as Rob has him at 6'6" peak and 6'3" now but an early Hogan was below Andre's eyes and Hogan had footware advantage in ring gear. Every part of Andre's head was large and not normal in comparison in any way to another person. JT despises Andre and is a Big Show and Meltzer FANBOY since the 10+ years that I've been posting here maybe because he met Big Show. Funny thing is he was the one that said Andre had 2" heels in the first place which give a 1'8" boost and Wilt was wearing thin souled moccasins. When we found out Wilt and Arnold had heels on their boots then he changed his tune to Andre's custom made boots theory because it's the only way to make him 6'10' like Meltzer said. Think about it if your paying for Meltzer's news letter which is pretty expensive and add books. You would want to believe your are really getting good inside information. He actually altered pictures to remove Andre's acromegalic chin to make his head smaller in comparison and his magic ruler always is set to fit his story if it makes Wilt 6'11.5" in boots or others shorter than their measured heights just to get Andre to 6'10". They would argue Ernie ladd was same height as Andre because that was Meltzer's story until Ernie Ladd was asked that very question and said " I'm 6'9" and Andre was taller than me by far". Then of course a measured 6'9" Ladd was downgraded to 6'7" to fit their story. Then we have Terry Todd's email shooting down everything JT had to say about his Andre and Big Show comparisons stating having spent time with both men that Andre was a bit over 7' when they first met and was down a peg or two years later and Andre's head, hands, feet were larger than Big Show's. Remember, Andre was listed less than 7' here at first and with evidence his height was raised to 7'.
Andre past his peak and with worse posture with head tilted down still 7' range barefoot with a peak Bret Hart in sneakers.Click Here
mrtguy said on 11/Apr/16
@Boss the comparison of Big Show/Shaq vs Andre/Wilt pics looks poorly edited, I'm sorry otherwise your other pics look good.
JT said on 11/Apr/16
Click Here

Andre and Hogan in similar footwear from 1985 Click Here Hogan in basketball shoes and Shaq in sandals from 1994 Click Here Hogan comes up to at least Andre's eye level and maybe up to Shaq's upper lip. The length of Andre's head from the eyes up was nothing special. W/o his custom made cowboy boots, Andre was significantly shorter than Shaq (IMO around 3 inches shorter).
Boss said on 10/Apr/16
Andre and 5'11" Chief Jay Strong Bow and 6'1" Victor Rivera on end. Andre is probably at .5" footware disadvantage in this pic. They are standing in the exact same spot and you can clearly see by lifting his head up fully he becomes a couple inches taller. Click Here
Boss said on 10/Apr/16
Big Show in wrestling boots or Shaq in sneakers are very likely getting 1.5" boost from their footware and Andre around 1 3/4" boost from his footware. Andre's wrestling boots were thin souled 1/2" boots. So in cowboy boots 1/4" advantage to Andre. Wilt's boots and Arnold's boots both have around 1" heels.

Here are a few of Jt's comparisons. Wilt in one of Jt's comparison comes out 6'11.5" in boots. We have 4 pictures of Andre and Wilt standing side by side and those Andre and Wilt comparisons are a joke. Just like your Big Show and Andre comparisons are also terribly inaccurate and biased toward Big Show.
The truth is Andre matched up to Wilt better than a peak Shaq did and we know how Big Show matched up to Shaq.Click Here
Boss said on 10/Apr/16
straightahead said on 9/Apr/16
@mrtguy said on 9/Apr/16
By far, you have the worst comparisons that I've ever seen

I guess you missed the fact that a older Arnold did measured up atleast as good next to Shaq than what a peak Arnold did next to Andre? im leaning more a more towards a peak 7ft Andre rather than a 6'10 Andre

Yep and Rob has Arnold down too 5'11.5" now and had him at 6'1.5" with Andre. So going by that Arnold was 2 " taller in the Andre and Wilt pics than he was with Shaq.
Boss said on 10/Apr/16
Wilt in his 40's was taller than a peak Shaq even with Shaq's footware advantage.
Click Here
Click Here

Here you make your own conclusions.
Click Here
Boss said on 10/Apr/16
Well if Shaq is 7' range. Big Show with 1.25"-1.5" heels on his boots is at least 2" shorter than Shaq now. Although, Shaq's shoes are probably close to Show's boots. A 40 year old Wilt Chamberlain in dress shoes was taller than a peak Shaq in his sneakers. Big Show never looked 7'4" lucky if he ever hit 7' barefoot.
Dub said on 10/Apr/16
Starting to think Boss is Andres personal assistant!
miko said on 9/Apr/16
A prime Big Show/Andre face to face would have resulted in Andre looking up, that's for sure.
mrtguy said on 9/Apr/16
James B said on 8/Apr/16
Don't mean to be horrible but I don't think big show will be alive in 15 years

No body cares about your opinion, Big Show is doing well in his mid 40's

Boss said on 7/Apr/16
Click Here

By far, you have the worst comparisons that I've ever seen
James B said on 8/Apr/16
Don't mean to be horrible but I don't think big show will be alive in 15 years
Boss said on 7/Apr/16
Click Here
mrtguy said on 6/Apr/16
Rob, I don't know if your joking or not. I doubt he'd end up that short within the time frame. If Big Show kept up his weight within 15 years... than I can see him losing a little height, but if he sheds huge amount of weight and stretch his toes, he'd probably still be at the mark you listed him at.

Recently, Big Show's staredown with Shaq who has footwear advantage Click Here proves to me Big Show didn't lose any height since 2009 Click Here let the rest to all the downgraders . Big Show is probably a strong 6'11'' today, but in the past I'm not saying that he was 7'4'' but he easily looked that height to me and can get the vibe. As for Big Show's peak probably a little over 7foot Click Here
RoelC said on 5/Apr/16
Boss said on 30/Mar/16
Emile Dupree would be the Andre the Giant connection in Vancouver he was a wrestler/promoter out of Montreal who wrestled for NWA All-Stars Vancouver. Haystacks Calhoun was also there in 1968 and the Assassins. So everything adds up in Jody Hamilton's account adds up. Also, athletic commissions don't measure wrestlers heights as they are just sanctioning bodies and medical reports come from the wrestlers physicans. These medical reports are more for health and diseases that can be spread to ensure safety.

Emile Dupree wasn't a promoter back then and like you said: he wrestled for NWA All-Stars in Vancouver. Vancouver and Montreal were two different wrestling territories. Again, why would Frank Valois, who was Andre's business adviser at the time, tell him to go to Vancouver, when Valois himself was affilliated with the Montreal area.
That's like Vince McMahon signing a popular European wrestler in the 90's and then bring him over to the US to have him wrestle in WCW. So no, nothing from Jody Hamilton's story adds up. It also doesn't make sense to bring a wrestler to Canada all the way over from Europe, have him do a pre-promotional tour, but not have him wrestle a single match.
mrtguy said on 4/Apr/16
Rob, with all honesty do you see Big Show in the future going through Andre's fate in shrinking height??
Editor Rob
there will come a time in 15 years when Big Show no longer bangs his head on the bathroom door in the morning and sheds a little tear as he realises he's down to a mere 6ft 8.
Boss said on 4/Apr/16
Andre started wrestling in France at age 17-18. He was billed at 2.08m and 2.10m or 6'10" and 6'10 3/4" at this time and there are photos from 1963-64 with another French wrestler. On the A&E documentary his brother said his height really took off at age 16. He was wrestling for a few years before going to England to wrestle and was continually growing till age 25. He was being billed in France and England in 1968 and 1969 at 2.14m and 213cm or 7' and before this got more 2.11m or 6'11 billings than 2.10m. He was being billed at 2.18m or 7'1.5" at age 22 in Japan and I've also seen 217cm in Japan early. His head also got alot bigger by 1972 so this would add to his height. Look at Andre age in the 1972 cake photos and then look at him at age 18 and there is quite a size difference. Andre in 1971 gives his own height as 2.14m or 7'0 1/4" which doesn't sound like a billed height to me anyway. So not false billings but maybe not fully accurate ones.
62B said on 4/Apr/16
JT said on 1/Apr/16
62B said on 29/Mar/16

I actually think both of those photo's show Andre right around the 7' mark…

Click Here Not even 6'10" in shoes although he is leaning somewhat - no way he's even close to 7'1" in shoes standing straight.

Rob has Roger Moore at 6’1.5” Click Here My brother is around 6’0” and I was measured at 6’5” via a stadiometer last year Click Here This assumes the 5’11” aunt is getting a full 3” from her heels, which is not realistic. A 7’1” or even 7’0” guy would dwarf a 6’5” guy.

I get that you truly believe Andre was never over 6'10". Your morphed or photo shopped pictures with rulers or making two or 3 pictures into one just aren't as accurate as you think. In 1988 early in the day standing as tall as he could, Andre was at the very least 6'10", but in my opinion closer to 6'11". I do believe that 6 to 8 hours later with bad posture he might have measured under 6'10" on that same day. I believe that when he was younger and at his peak, that he probably held his height through out the day better, and he was likely an inch taller than when I bumped into him. What most, if not all of your photo shopped pictures do not show is how immense Andre was. It wasn't just his height. In person it was like running into a live CGI character. I've seen enough 6'7"- 6'9" people and one guy about 7'2" or 7'3" up close to know I am pretty close on my estimation. He was likely taller in his early 20's than he was at 40. Probably not by much, but 6'11 1/2" to 7" 1/4" peak seems more realistic than 6'10".
NCL said on 1/Apr/16
Boss, I appreciate all of your posts. Not your fault people get upset when you constantly provide links backing up your theory and some here don't.

To be fair, it's going to be really hard for ANYONE to prove one way or another a conclusive height. But if you do find the video of him being measured, I'd watch it in a heartbeat!

Yes, the height tape could have been rigged. But I don't think anyone should just dismiss it as that until we see it. We can all at least get our opinions in if we see the video.

Maybe Hogan's was rigged when his biceps were measured at 24". But maybe it wasn't. Is it really out of the realm of possibility that a man of Hogan's size and power could have had 24" biceps or at least close to it?

Can someone post the Andre obituary again? I thought it did say he was measured at 6'10". Boss, did you say something about he was measured by the metrics system and he came out a littler taller than that? Is there a clipping of that?
Dallas Native said on 1/Apr/16
I met Andre many times in the late 1970s, early 80s. He was 6'10 not 7 foot.
JT said on 1/Apr/16
62B said on 29/Mar/16

I actually think both of those photo's show Andre right around the 7' mark…

Click Here Not even 6'10" in shoes although he is leaning somewhat - no way he's even close to 7'1" in shoes standing straight.

Rob has Roger Moore at 6’1.5” Click Here My brother is around 6’0” and I was measured at 6’5” via a stadiometer last year Click Here This assumes the 5’11” aunt is getting a full 3” from her heels, which is not realistic. A 7’1” or even 7’0” guy would dwarf a 6’5” guy.
Dub said on 30/Mar/16
He wouldn't have been listed 6ft 10in by British promoters in late 1960s if he was measured over 7ft.

If he had been measured 7ft 1in every promoter in Europe would have milked that yet they billed him as 6ft 10in on posters.
Boss said on 30/Mar/16
Andre was getting 7' billings in 1968 and 1969. The 6'10-6'11 billings were from when he first started at age 17-18 and since they didn't measure him they used old billings. Andre was still growing into his 20's. Andre was stated as being 7' at age 19 in a UK newspaper.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Here Andre's first Japan tour at 218cm or 7'1.5".
Click Here

Andre refers to himself at 2.14m in 1971.
Click Here

Here are Nwa All-Star events from 1968.Click Here
Emile Dupree would be the Andre the Giant connection in Vancouver he was a wrestler/promoter out of Montreal who wrestled for NWA All-Stars Vancouver. Haystacks Calhoun was also there in 1968 and the Assassins. So everything adds up in Jody Hamilton's account adds up. Also, athletic commissions don't measure wrestlers heights as they are just sanctioning bodies and medical reports come from the wrestlers physicans. These medical reports are more for health and diseases that can be spread to ensure safety.
mrtguy said on 30/Mar/16
JT said on 28/Mar/16
Even assuming that Vancouver video exists, why would it be any more trustworthy than Hogan having his arms measured at 24" on Tuesday Night Titans? This is Andre in probably the late 60s with his 5’11” aunt (under 6’2” in heels). Click Here Andre would need a head size plus on her if he was in the 7’1” range, especially since his jaw had not fully elongated yet. Probably late 60s as well with a 53” tall Mini Cooper. Click Here Andre wasn't remotely close to 7'1" and was probably a good three inches shorter than that.

JT, all your theories about a Peak Andre being 6'10'' is absurd, do you not remember this Click Here Terry Todd himself who met Andre by person said "he was a good 7′ early in his career, and maybe a bit more, but age, a terrible back, and gravity brought him “down” a peg or two."

To be honest, based on any pictures of Andre or any wrestlers , you can´t get any height out of that pic, those are just estimations. The only way we would could tell if Andre the Giant was 7'' or 6'10'' is on a measuring tape or stadiometer. No way were your gonna tell he's 6'10'' just by looking at him.
62B said on 29/Mar/16
JT said on 28/Mar/16
Even assuming that Vancouver video exists, why would it be any more trustworthy than Hogan having his arms measured at 24" on Tuesday Night Titans? This is Andre in probably the late 60s with his 5’11” aunt (under 6’2” in heels). Click Here Andre would need a head size plus on her if he was in the 7’1” range, especially since his jaw had not fully elongated yet. Probably late 60s as well with a 53” tall Mini Cooper. Click Here Andre wasn't remotely close to 7'1" and was probably a good three inches shorter than that.

I actually think both of those photo's show Andre right around the 7' mark. If his Aunt is indeed 5'11 and about 6'1.5" in those heels. For one his Aunt has better posture and two Andre is tilting his head down. Straighten Andres head and remove his Aunts puffy hair and he is a full head taller despite what you think you see. Putting Andre's head at 12" that makes him 7'1.5" in shoes. If his Aunt is getting 2.5" lift from her shoes, I don't se Andre getting any more than 1.25" from his shoes. That would make him about 7'.025" barefoot. Andre is leaning on the Mini. At roughly 4.5' to the top of the Mini like you say, it is barley up to his midsection. You really don't think there would be another 2.5' to the top of his head? I do agree any measurement done on a wrestling TV show has to be taken with a grain of salt and can not be taken as any kind of proof.
RoelC said on 29/Mar/16
LoganNoll1996 said on 24/Mar/16
Wasn't it mentioned somewhere on here that he was "officially" measured by his trainer as 7'0.5" in his prime?

This board is famous for many "fake" measurements. If I got a dollar every time someone is claiming Andre was measured at a certain height, I'd be.......well I wouldn't be rich, but I would have at least 20 dollars by now.

One time it's Andre's trainer, the other time it's Andre's handler claiming he was measured at 7ft+. It's apparently very hard to get a name with the person who’s making these claims. Andre's trainer? Which one?
The picture of Edouard Carpentier measuring Andre is not proof of that measurement, despite what some here would like you to believe. Here’s a copy of said article.
Click Here
At no point in that article do they refer to a 7'1.5" measurement. They stick to the 7'4" listing, like nearly all North American wrestling mags did. Vince McMahon Sr. was
very protective of Andre's stature and legacy and by the time this article came out he was already under contract with the Click Here

When talking about Andre, Edouard Carpentier always stuck to kayfabe, so I doubt he would be the trainer that broke kayfabe. Besides, Carpentier was a very famous wrestler (at least in Canada), so if he would claim Andre was measured at 7'1.5", one would think the claim would be directly linked to his name and not refer to him as merely Andre's trainer. Old school wrestling fans know who Carpentier is, and "real" Andre fans certainly know who he is.
On the internet it's very easy to make these fake claims. Just claim you're Andre's trainer or Andre's nephew and voila, you can start making measurement claims. People that wanna believe a certain height for Andre will buy anything that supports their theory. You don't even have to provide the slightest bit of proof of said measurement or have to prove that you are who you say you are.
And that applies to a lot of the measurement claims I've seen popping up on this board. The only two measurement claims that weren't made by fanboys are the 6'9 ¾ claim made by wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer and the 7'1 ¼ claim made by The Assassin. Considering there's little proof to either measurement, they both don't hold much value until some proof shows up.

The claim made by Meltzer seems more believable than the one made by The Assassin, despite what I think Andre's actual height was. It just adds up more to Andre's career path as described in various biographies about Andre. Andre was wrestling in France at the age of 24 and still had 6'10" billings at the age of 23. A 6'10" measurement at age 24 doesn't seem that far-fetched to me.
The Assassins claim however doesn't add up to any biography I've ever read on Andre. According to those it was Frank Valois and Edouard Carpentier that got Andre to North America. Both met Andre in the mid 60's and Valois became Andre's friend & business adviser during those years. I would think if Andre appeared in Canada in 1968 for the first time it would be in the Montreal area (Valois & Carpentier's area) and not the Vancouver area. If The Assassins story is true that would mean Frank Valois & Edouard Carpentier weren't the ones who brought Andre to North America for the first time. And why would Andre do a pre-promotional tour if he didn't wrestle there until 1971.
Then there's also the supposed height of Andre. Are we to believe that Andre was "underbilled" for several years? The UK promoters carefully planned his arrival in 1969 and made a big deal of his size. And yet they billed him at 6'10" upon arrival.
Even in a 1968 video segment in France, Andre was described as 211cm (which is 6'11"). I've never heard of a giant wrestler that was billed 2-3 inches below his actual height.
Boss said on 29/Mar/16
Andre's head is down in that pic which makes him look 2 inches shorter than with his head up as we have already proven here. The bottom of Andre's chin is still 12-13 inches to top of his head.
Boss said on 29/Mar/16
I'm not convinced of a 7'1 1/4 Andre but if we were to find the Vancouver measurement video it would be the best evidence we will ever get on Andre's height.
JT said on 28/Mar/16
Even assuming that Vancouver video exists, why would it be any more trustworthy than Hogan having his arms measured at 24" on Tuesday Night Titans? This is Andre in probably the late 60s with his 5’11” aunt (under 6’2” in heels). Click Here Andre would need a head size plus on her if he was in the 7’1” range, especially since his jaw had not fully elongated yet. Probably late 60s as well with a 53” tall Mini Cooper. Click Here Andre wasn't remotely close to 7'1" and was probably a good three inches shorter than that.
Boss said on 26/Mar/16
7'1 1/4 and 7'0 1/4 could have easily been mixed up from Jody Hamilton but he was very adamant in what he saw. Very interesting, we have Frenchy Bernard saying he was measured at age 22 in Japan while being diagnosed for his condition at 7'0.5". We have Andre claiming a height of 2.14m in the 1971 video. We have Andre's trainer claiming 7'1.5" when he measured him in the pic from the 1970's. Andre's nephew said Andre would always say 2.18m or 7'1.5" when he was asked by family and friends about his height. Now Jody Hamilton stating Andre was measured on TV in Vancouver before he ever wrestled in North America on a pre promotional tour at 7'1 1/4" and Haystacks Calhoun was weighed to prove a newscaster wrong. Andre's height was more deceiving than maybe any other man because of his massive size, huge head, and relaxed posture.
andre said on 26/Mar/16
they measured him 208cm so forget the 7ft
RP said on 25/Mar/16
Logan Noll...yes... 7'0& 3/8" or 84.375" was the number given by one of his trainers. I do believe there is even a picture of him standing on the old fashion doctor's scale...with the measuring stick on it. But, was 84.375" or 84.25"
Boss said on 25/Mar/16
Click Here
Boss said on 25/Mar/16
Actually his trainer said he measured 7'1.5" which goes with this measurement. There is an actual pic of him being measured. We find this video and we find the truth. Also, Jody Hamilton sounds like he is telling the truth and 7'1 1/4 sounds very specific.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 25/Mar/16
Andre himself claimed 2,14m/ 7´0.5" in that Vid from 1971...
His longtime friend Frenchy Bernard supposedly talked about a 7´0.5" measurement in japan when Andre was there for diagnosis of acromegaly in the early seventies...

Imo that´s an early morning measurement in a hospital and I have no doubt it was legit, he could´ve been down to 6´10.5"-6´11" evening at the same day.
LoganNoll1996 said on 24/Mar/16
Wasn't it mentioned somewhere on here that he was "officially" measured by his trainer as 7'0.5" in his prime?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Mar/16
Rob, who do you think at peak was taller, Andre or Big Show?
Editor Rob
might be hard to tell really, both roughly 7ft. For me, it is harder to tell exactly when andre began losing height.
Me said on 23/Mar/16
Somewhere out there is a clip from that Vancouver TV show we need to find it. Talk about the Holy Grail!!
andre said on 23/Mar/16
they have andre the giant prime at 208cm in france so he never was 7ft
Boss said on 23/Mar/16
Here in his 2006 book "Assassin: The Man Behind the Mask". He talks about Andre being measured and Haystacks being weighed on TV. Here we have the first published witness account of Andre being measured and the measurement aired on TV in Canada.
Click Here
MelvinJones said on 20/Mar/16
Big Show's chest is probably closer to 71" than 64".
Capt. Nobody said on 19/Mar/16
straightahead said on 16/Mar/16
Boss, its common sense to go with the lowest listings if theres many different height listings for the same person, and I KNEW you would compare Andre with a fantasy height; "6'6" Buddy Baker LOL (6'2 1/2 Ali looked even taller next to Andre) and your right, claiming 6'3 for OMG was idiotic since he is shorter than the 6'3 Ottman Click Here (back in the days) and he is still shorter these days Click Here

If someone here should be blocked its you, your nothing but a crybaby who cannot accept other posters opinions, less alone facts and evidence


So now OMG is shorter than 6'3"? hahaha.
Boss said on 18/Mar/16
Dusty Rhodes who would be at least 6'0.5" in those boots is still a full head smaller than Andre with the footware advantage. Andre's legs are spread further apart as well. At least Andre has his head up with this photo with Dusty.
Click Here
Boss said on 18/Mar/16
Buddy Baker was a Nascar driver and they don't bill heights. He was 6'6 as stated here.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Boss said on 17/Mar/16
Posture makes all the difference for Andre's peak height. Just by titling his head down like he always did he would lose 2 inches in comparison.
Click Here
Click Here

Here in 1971 Andre gives his height as 2.14m.
Click Here
Boss said on 17/Mar/16
Here Andre is barefoot with peak Bret Hart in sneakers. Big Show Paul Wight with an old Bret Hart. Andre has the worse posture and is barefoot and was past his peak. An old Bret Hart would be an inch shorter with Big Show than he was with Andre. Big Show has the best posture and more than likely a footware advantage over an old Bret Hart.
Click Here
Chaz said on 17/Mar/16
Boss said on 15/Mar/16
Here Big Show Paul Wight and Ultimate Bad Guy. There is something radically wrong with JT's ruler.
Click Here

You don't need any ones ruler,you just divide,Shoemakers height of 5' in boots,and you will find Andre's total height with hair and boots is 7'1'',they are both in the same photo so you the camara is at the same height and distance,and that is giving Shoemater .5'' for being closer,even tho there bodys are in contact,so you can forget a peak Andre being 7' bare foot.
Boss said on 15/Mar/16
Andre standing and other wrestlers in the exact same position. One with Andre's head up and the other he's looking down. There is a couple inches in the difference from posture alone. Andre was in his prime here as well. The guy on the on the end is 6'1. Andre's head was 12-13 inch range.
Click Here
Boss said on 15/Mar/16
Here Big Show Paul Wight and Ultimate Bad Guy. There is something radically wrong with JT's ruler.
Click Here
Chaz said on 15/Mar/16
Boss said on 13/Mar/16
Chaz when it comes to height you have no idea what your talking about. It is extremely hard to understand your posts. Andre was 7' peak as we have proven here. If he was your guess then why isn't he listed it here. Rob is not biased and uses as much fact as possible when determining heights and everything points to 7' peak range. You bash Andre and provide no proof and shoot down all really good evidence for some biased comparisons but yet you claim 6'8.5-6'9 peak for Giant Haystacks. I guess that's good if you are near the camara and live in fantasy land lol.

When have I said Haystacks was 6'9''? I have always said when I see him in 1987 he looked next to Pat Roach between 6'7-6'8 but was hard to tell because he never stand up right much but was taller than the 6'6'' door he came in to the ring and had to turn sideways to get through it.

and you have no proof Andre was over 6'10'' just your Idear a real giant has to be 7'+

and all medical and Science use the metric system.
Boss said on 14/Mar/16
Andre at age 19 and 7' in this UK Newspaper.
Click Here
Andre from 1968-69 with a 2.14m billing.
Click Here
Andre in 1971 with a 2.14m billing.
Click Here
Andre in Japan with a 2.18m billing.
Click Here

Andre and Khali with same guy from roughly the same camera angle.
Click Here

Andre with 7'1 and 6'1.5 Arnold who are both wearing boots with heels so 1 inch advantage to Andre.
Click Here

Andre with 6'6 Buddy Baker.
Click Here
Boss said on 14/Mar/16
Straight ahead, They are using old billings. I've posted billings of Andre from 1968-69 at 213cm and 1971 at 218cm from Japan. Andre was growing at the time. You are a bad person trying to annoy everyone on here with your idiotic claims. You claim 6'4 or less for a peak Hogan and 6'3 for One Man Gang. I think Rob should block your troll ass from this Site.
Boss said on 13/Mar/16
In France they use the metric system. They wouldn't give a 6'10 height. 2.10m in standard measurement is 6'10 3/4 and the reporter probably just converted to 6'10. The same reporter also stated 535 in one obituary and 555 pounds in an other so maybe he was just guessing at Andre's height and weight.
Boss said on 13/Mar/16
Chaz when it comes to height you have no idea what your talking about. It is extremely hard to understand your posts. Andre was 7' peak as we have proven here. If he was your guess then why isn't he listed it here. Rob is not biased and uses as much fact as possible when determining heights and everything points to 7' peak range. You bash Andre and provide no proof and shoot down all really good evidence for some biased comparisons but yet you claim 6'8.5-6'9 peak for Giant Haystacks. I guess that's good if you are near the camara and live in fantasy land lol.
Chaz said on 11/Mar/16
mrtguy said on 8/Mar/16
straightahead said on 3/Mar/16
Boss, your desperate excuses will never end? its funny how you talking against yourself.
If Andre measured 6'10 when died thats the tallest he ever was, because from his disease he groved his entire life... so how is that equal with 6'10 3/4 ?! if any, thats more equal with 6'9 3/4 or even 6'8 3/4. Ask any doctor, you will measured taller when lying down than standing up.

6'10.75'' is really closer to 6'11'' than 6'10'' when you round it up.

I don't know what Boss is talking about if he was measured at 6'10'' dead that would be converted from about 208.5cm nothing to do with 6'10.75'' let alone 6'11'' and dead body's always elongate after death,even none dead people are longer laying down than standing up,and it's not easy to get right,because the feet go forword unless they are pressed on a board or wall like Guinness do it,
Boss said on 8/Mar/16
Andre with 7'1" Wilt Chamberlain. Wilt is wearing a big wig on his head and has some decent sized boot heels himself with Andre.Click Here
Andre and Wilt are roughly the same distance from the camera.Click Here
Andre in the 1970's and in 1990's standing in roughly the same position. There is around a 2 inch height loss.Click Here
mrtguy said on 8/Mar/16
straightahead said on 3/Mar/16
Boss, your desperate excuses will never end? its funny how you talking against yourself.
If Andre measured 6'10 when died thats the tallest he ever was, because from his disease he groved his entire life... so how is that equal with 6'10 3/4 ?! if any, thats more equal with 6'9 3/4 or even 6'8 3/4. Ask any doctor, you will measured taller when lying down than standing up.

6'10.75'' is really closer to 6'11'' than 6'10'' when you round it up.
andre said on 5/Mar/16
the 6ft9.2 measured when young is legit no taller then that he was measured 6ft10 at death because body gets taller when we die and we are lay down
Boss said on 4/Mar/16
I don't just make claims and provide no proof and just try to spread negatively. I've backed up everything I've ever brought to this site which is quite alot to the Andre page and Hogan page. Andre was 7' range between 213cm - 214 cm peak.
Boss said on 4/Mar/16
Andre was taller in his prime than he was at age 46. Andre would have reached his peak height by around 25. After that his head, hands, feet, etc would continue to grow but not his height. He was taller in 1970's than in 1990's as many who met him have said and we can see photos, videos, etc. Look at the top of the page if your wondering Andre's peak height.
Boss said on 1/Mar/16
Look at Big Show Paul Wight at 44 and has lost 1" or more. Yet Big Show never had the surgeries Andre had and Andre was well over 500 pounds in his 40' s. Andre had spinal compression and curvature of the spine and had to quote Terry Funk who seen the x-rays said Andre had chunks of bone removed in his legs. Andre's posture was much worse than Show's and Wight's boot heels are almost the size of Andre's cowboy boots. Yet he was measured at 2.10m in France at age 46 which uses the metric unit and was reported by LA Times as 6'10 which uses standard units. That equals 6'10 3/4 which is right around Big Show's height now at age 44. Also, when measuring back length the tailor does it while barefoot as we have shown here before.
mrtguy said on 28/Feb/16
what I really don't understand is why sources have Andre's chest at 71'' and Big Show's at 64'' chest.
Chaz said on 28/Feb/16
Dustin said on 25/Feb/16
Chaz, what the heck does nera mean?

It's cockney for the opposite of further from the camera,
Chaz said on 28/Feb/16
Boss said on 24/Feb/16 Andre's hands here 27cm or 10.63" long.
Click Here

Thanks to a poster on here Andre's hand mold was measured at 10.5" by the museum curator .
Click Here

Here shows a young Andre's tailor measurements and his backdrop which is the bottom of his shirt collar to the floor at 74" or 6'2". With his head looking straight ahead and his neck actually showing Andre would still have his head size on top of the 6'2" measurement. This is before his time in WWF with Grand Prix.
Click Here

These aren't some biased comparison photos of someone who does not like Andre because they thought he had a bad attitude or they have been paying for Meltzer's newsletters and books and thought they had some inside info. Well Metzler's is wrong way more than he is right and that's a fact. Creating controversy is how he makes a living.

Andre was measured at 2.10m when he died in 1993 in France which equals 6'10 3/4. Andre's height loss over his life would be at least 2" considering his enormous size, surgeries and the toll of wrestling for 25+ years.

For a start if they measured the hand from the back like it's in the photo that would be longer,you measure hand lengh from the first crease nearest the palm,that hand mold from the back would come past the 3rd crease more than 3/4'' longer that it should be,

and has for the tailer measurements they are always taken in shoes so the drop of the trowsers and jacket lengh is right not too long or short,and we can see Andre in he's 2.5'' cowboy boots.

and you can forget about Andre's body being measured, for a start they enlongate after death,so would be longer than he's standing height,and there is no proof ,and the story go's he was 6'10''and 540lbs at death. and there is no easy way or reason to weigh a 500lbs dead body, they are more than likely just a estimate of he's weight with he's known real height of 6'10''.
Boss said on 28/Feb/16
Andre with his head up and head down. There is a couple inch difference and they are standing in the same position for the both photos. Andre just by tilting his head up normal to where you can see his neck is a couple inches taller. The top line is in the exact same position in both photos and I left them their original size.
Click Here
Dustin said on 25/Feb/16
Chaz, what the heck does nera mean?
Boss said on 24/Feb/16
Chaz said on 12/Feb/16
Boss said on 10/Feb/16
Andre had bigger head, hands and feet than Big Show as Terry Todd and others have stated that have been around both men. Jt and Chaz claim Big Show's head to be 12" when Andre's head was clearly 1 or more inches longer which would make Andre's head 13" long. Andre was probably 214cm peak as he states himself in the 1971 video footage. Later in life his nephew said he would always say 2.18m when asked his height by friends and family which he was billed at in Japan before he ever came to North America.

Stop living in a dream world, Andre's feet were not much longer if any that Giant Haystacks you can see them next to each other in the photo,and you can also see Haystacks feet next to Big show and again they are about the same,he took about a size 18US size,

and you can post as many comparasons as you like the fact remains he's hands are next to a magazine we know the size of,and we have he's hand next to he's face,in the same photo so we know the camara is at the same disstance unlike your so called proof.even Rob says he's face is about 12''. he's hands are thinker than big shows but not much longer,and even if he had a 13'' face which he did not, that would make him 6'11'' he's hands were about 9'75'' and face 11.75'' and most of that is chin,so anyone up be he's eyes is not less that 4-5'' shorter.

Andre's hands here 27cm or 10.63" long.
Click Here

Thanks to a poster on here Andre's hand mold was measured at 10.5" by the museum curator .
Click Here

Here shows a young Andre's tailor measurements and his backdrop which is the bottom of his shirt collar to the floor at 74" or 6'2". With his head looking straight ahead and his neck actually showing Andre would still have his head size on top of the 6'2" measurement. This is before his time in WWF with Grand Prix.
Click Here

These aren't some biased comparison photos of someone who does not like Andre because they thought he had a bad attitude or they have been paying for Meltzer's newsletters and books and thought they had some inside info. Well Metzler's is wrong way more than he is right and that's a fact. Creating controversy is how he makes a living.

Andre was measured at 2.10m when he died in 1993 in France which equals 6'10 3/4. Andre's height loss over his life would be at least 2" considering his enormous size, surgeries and the toll of wrestling for 25+ years.
Kunoichi said on 24/Feb/16
With billed 6'2'' Gotch and 5'11 Billy Robinson,I have been estimated.that Gotch's legit height was 184cm from 185cm.Because his height was one inch short than Inoki.

Click Here
Click Here
Chaz said on 24/Feb/16
Click Here I tryed to post this befor at 3,46 secs Ralph Sampson says he' is 7' tall
Oanh said on 23/Feb/16
I again watched the video of Chick Hearn interviewing Mark Eaton. Actually, Mark said that Ralph was in the "neighborhood of 7'1""...then referring to Rich Kelley being almost as tall as Ralph. Rich Kelley was an even 7'0, so it seems
very likely that Sampson was 7'1" taller than 7'2"
Chaz said on 23/Feb/16
me said on 19/Feb/16
I have seen that pic before Vegas, however those side on photos can be very deceptive. I agree though that Yao is obviously a few inches taller. Sampson looks between 7'1 and 7'2" today.

Your right Side on photos are deceptive,just like I have been saying about the Andre Wilt photos for years,it makes you nera the Camara.
Boss said on 22/Feb/16
Kunoichi said on 16/Feb/16

With at best 6'2'' Karl Gotch in 1972.Andre has a bad attitude, but I think that it does not look like Andre's height had 7'.

Click Here

Andre with Karl Gotch. If Gotch is 6'2" then Andre is over 7'.
Click Here
JT said on 19/Feb/16
Ralph Sampson was probably a strong 7’1” to maybe 7’2” when he was younger.
Click Here Ewing was around 6’11” in his prime. Sampson was also around 3 inches taller than Hakeem Olajuwon, who was a solid 6’10” (and listed at 7’0”). Click Here I met Bill Walton last year and he looked around 6’11” Click Here Kareem was an easy 7’2” in his prime and has lost very little height even though he’s approaching 70. Rob has Bruce Lee at 5’7.5”, or not much shorter than Gene Okerlund, so Andre was not remotely close in height to Kareem unless Rob is way off on Lee's height. Click Here

Kunoichi said on 16/Feb/16

With at best 6'2'' Karl Gotch in 1972.Andre has a bad attitude, but I think that it does not look like Andre's height had 7'.

Click Here

Gotch was several inches shorter than that based on how he looks with Rene Goulet, Click Here and Inoki Click Here
me said on 19/Feb/16
I have seen that pic before Vegas, however those side on photos can be very deceptive. I agree though that Yao is obviously a few inches taller. Sampson looks between 7'1 and 7'2" today.
Vegas said on 18/Feb/16
me said on 15/Feb/16
Rob not Andre related. How tall is Ralph Sampson? Looks 7'2"-7'3"

yao was measured 7'5 barefoot Click Here
Boss said on 17/Feb/16
He was billed at 2.14m in France and England and 2.18m in Japan more recently before coming to North America. Some promoters would just use old billings as they didn't actually measure him. Andre was still growing when he started wrestling at age 18 and grew into his 20's. A&E states Andre was 7' at age 18. A British newspaper had him at 7' at age 19. Also 2.10m is actually 6' 10 3/4.
Kunoichi said on 16/Feb/16
With at best 6'2'' Karl Gotch in 1972.Andre has a bad attitude, but I think that it does not look like Andre's height had 7'.

Click Here
me said on 15/Feb/16
Rob not Andre related. How tall is Ralph Sampson? Looks 7'2"-7'3". I have heard Julius Erving refer to Kareem as 7'4" and Sampson and Kareem at present look close in height. Any thoughts??
Editor Rob
Sampson might have been 7ft 2
62B said on 14/Feb/16
Chaz said on 12/Feb/16
Boss said on 10/Feb/16
Andre had bigger head, hands and feet than Big Show as Terry Todd and others have stated that have been around both men. Jt and Chaz claim Big Show's head to be 12" when Andre's head was clearly 1 or more inches longer which would make Andre's head 13" long. Andre was probably 214cm peak as he states himself in the 1971 video footage. Later in life his nephew said he would always say 2.18m when asked his height by friends and family which he was billed at in Japan before he ever came to North America.

Stop living in a dream world, Andre's feet were not much longer if any that Giant Haystacks you can see them next to each other in the photo,and you can also see Haystacks feet next to Big show and again they are about the same,he took about a size 18US size,

and you can post as many comparasons as you like the fact remains he's hands are next to a magazine we know the size of,and we have he's hand next to he's face,in the same photo so we know the camara is at the same disstance unlike your so called proof.even Rob says he's face is about 12''. he's hands are thinker than big shows but not much longer,and even if he had a 13'' face which he did not, that would make him 6'11'' he's hands were about 9'75'' and face 11.75'' and most of that is chin,so anyone up be he's eyes is not less that 4-5'' shorter.
You have a guy like Terry Todd who has in his own words spent extensive time with both Paul Wight and Andre, not to mention several other very tall and large athletes. He tells JT straight that Andre had bigger hands and bigger and longer feet than Paul. Paul is supposed to have size 18 shoe, so why would Andre's claim of a size 20 on Letterman be unrealistic? You think you can tell by an old photo, better than Terry Todd could in person? I think maybe you are living a little bit in a dream world yourself. There are plenty of Andre's boots on display, and several molds of his hands. Why not just go find out for yourself?
james said on 12/Feb/16
I believe Andre was 7'0 at his peak
Chaz said on 12/Feb/16
Boss said on 10/Feb/16
Andre had bigger head, hands and feet than Big Show as Terry Todd and others have stated that have been around both men. Jt and Chaz claim Big Show's head to be 12" when Andre's head was clearly 1 or more inches longer which would make Andre's head 13" long. Andre was probably 214cm peak as he states himself in the 1971 video footage. Later in life his nephew said he would always say 2.18m when asked his height by friends and family which he was billed at in Japan before he ever came to North America.

Stop living in a dream world, Andre's feet were not much longer if any that Giant Haystacks you can see them next to each other in the photo,and you can also see Haystacks feet next to Big show and again they are about the same,he took about a size 18US size,

and you can post as many comparasons as you like the fact remains he's hands are next to a magazine we know the size of,and we have he's hand next to he's face,in the same photo so we know the camara is at the same disstance unlike your so called proof.even Rob says he's face is about 12''. he's hands are thinker than big shows but not much longer,and even if he had a 13'' face which he did not, that would make him 6'11'' he's hands were about 9'75'' and face 11.75'' and most of that is chin,so anyone up be he's eyes is not less that 4-5'' shorter.
6'2 said on 10/Feb/16
His afro is 3.5" well den if u divide that into sections ud have to admit to the crown of his head to nose is double that which wud be 7" which he had on 6'7 john studd who was known to wear lifts
Boss said on 10/Feb/16
Andre had bigger head, hands and feet than Big Show as Terry Todd and others have stated that have been around both men. Jt and Chaz claim Big Show's head to be 12" when Andre's head was clearly 1 or more inches longer which would make Andre's head 13" long. Andre was probably 214cm peak as he states himself in the 1971 video footage. Later in life his nephew said he would always say 2.18m when asked his height by friends and family which he was billed at in Japan before he ever came to North America.
Oanh said on 9/Feb/16
6'2 said on 7/Feb/16
He waz 7'4" his weight and injuries made him appear 6'11-7'1 all round best giant of the 20th century big show a legend aswell shud be in the hof soon

As a teenager, I used to think he was 7'4" because that's what he was billed at and I never questioned it. Well that was many years ago, and all available evidence clearly shows
he was never 7'4". He might have looked close to it with his afro grown out, and with his thick soled boots on. I do think he was a legit 7 foot tall at his peak...maybe slightly more.
Chaz said on 8/Feb/16
6'2 said on 4/Feb/16
Wat has angus mckaskill to do with andre the giant. Sometimes andre looks 6'10 other times looks close to his 7'4 billing but you can always look shorter but unless your standing on something you cant look taller so defo 7ft plus for andre by the way i know he stood on a box next to vince but looked 8ft then so dont comment on that

you can look taller if you have a 3.5'' afro and 2.5'' cowboy boots and bill other wresters taller than they are,like a 6'4'' Kamala at 6'7'' and a 6'5'' Hogan at 6'7-8'' that is just the same as the old giants standing next to 5'4'' men and saying they are 6'+ to boost there height clames.
me said on 7/Feb/16
Click Here
6'2 said on 7/Feb/16
He waz 7'4" his weight and injuries made him appear 6'11-7'1 all round best giant of the 20th century big show a legend aswell shud be in the hof soon
6'2 said on 4/Feb/16
Wat has angus mckaskill to do with andre the giant. Sometimes andre looks 6'10 other times looks close to his 7'4 billing but you can always look shorter but unless your standing on something you cant look taller so defo 7ft plus for andre by the way i know he stood on a box next to vince but looked 8ft then so dont comment on that
Kunoichi said on 4/Feb/16
Choi Hong Man received a surgery to remove brain tumors (pituitary adenoma) in 2008. Since then his body has been declining rapidly.

Click Here

Tall South Korean Sumo wrestler

Click Here
Chaz said on 4/Feb/16
Kunoichi said on 1/Feb/16
There is no relationship with the height of Andre, but it is an interesting image.  Height comparison of the 7'2''Choi Hong-man and 7'3'' Curtis Johnson .
Click Here

They are experienced in the korean sumo wrestling.
I have Hong-man will appear to have been curved body for gigantism.

Looks like Hong-man is loseing 1-2'' of standing height from the kness and back
Ghost said on 3/Feb/16
There is much confusion concerning the photos of McAskill. Many claim that the famous photo of Angus with another man is actually of a giant called Jean Bihin. Click Here
Judge for yourself, the resemblence is remarkable, including the military uniform, something which McAskill has apparently never have been reported to wear.
Boss said on 3/Feb/16
Andre the Giant's head comes out 13" in all of these comparisons. All of these comparisons were done by others and every time Andre's head comes out 13" or better. We have Maurice Tillet's head being measured at 13" right in front of our eyes so hard to argue with fact.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Boss said on 3/Feb/16
mrtguy said on 2/Feb/16
@Boss- mac's supposed 6'5'' friend doesn't look that tall, he looks no more than average in my opinion.

How doesn't he look that tall when this is the only photo we have ever seen of him? Parson Taylor is in 6'5 range and looks it with 7'9 MacAskill. Parson Taylor was one of the tallest men in Englishtown at the time next to MacAskill.
JT said on 2/Feb/16
Click Here
Chaz said on 2/Feb/16
Boss said on 1/Feb/16 I live not far from Giant MacAskills museum. He was 7'9" by the time he stopped growing. I believe he did suffer from giantism and acromegaly later because his of the fact that his hands, feet, and head never stopped growing. These photos were taken later in his life as you can see he is much larger all around.

I think Neil Fingalton if the tallest none Acromegalic giant,even if MacAskill was 7'9''
mrtguy said on 2/Feb/16
@Boss- mac's supposed 6'5'' friend doesn't look that tall, he looks no more than average in my opinion.
6'2 said on 2/Feb/16
Still think he peaked at 218cm nothing under 214.late 80s early 90s 210-212
Kunoichi said on 1/Feb/16
There is no relationship with the height of Andre, but it is an interesting image.  Height comparison of the 7'2''Choi Hong-man and 7'3'' Curtis Johnson .
Click Here

They are experienced in the korean sumo wrestling.
I have Hong-man will appear to have been curved body for gigantism.
Chaz said on 1/Feb/16
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 28/Jan/16
Gorilla was listed as 6'6 but his peak was more like 6'4 and 6'3-6'4 during the 80's-90's

that is 1976 and he's 2'' shorter and If Joe Bugger is only the 6'3.5'' he was Billed in the fight with wepner he could be only 6'4.5'' because there is no more than 1'' between them,and even if wepner is 6'5'' has he clamed that makes Monsoon 6'3'' peak.
Boss said on 1/Feb/16
mrtguy said on 27/Jan/16
I think MacAskill may have even been shorter, by shorter I mean much than his supposed height of 7'9'' Click Here

Click Here I don't believe he's 7'9'' or 400 LBS, If you want to see how big that really is just google Igor Vovkovinskiy.

The guy in this early photo of Giant MacAskill is Parson Taylor MacAskill's 6'5" friend.
Click Here

I live not far from Giant MacAskills museum. He was 7'9" by the time he stopped growing. I believe he did suffer from giantism and acromegaly later because his of the fact that his hands, feet, and head never stopped growing. These photos were taken later in his life as you can see he is much larger all around.
Click Here
Click Here

With 6'2" Terry Todd.
Click Here

Chaz said on 28/Jan/16
mrtguy said on 27/Jan/16
I think MacAskill may have even been shorter, by shorter I mean much than his supposed height of 7'9'' Click Here

Click Here I don't believe he's 7'9'' or 400 LBS, If you want to see how big that really is just google Igor Vovkovinskiy.

I have always had my dout's about MacAskill not only of him being 7'9'' but allso about him being the tallest non-pathological giant,for a start he never stoped growing in height till he was over 25 and he;s hands never stoped growing at all, and some said he was only 7'4''
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 28/Jan/16
Gorilla was listed as 6'6 but his peak was more like 6'4 and 6'3-6'4 during the 80's-90's
Knoichi said on 28/Jan/16
Andre and Bruiser Brody , St. Louis in 1981.
 Click Here
Chaz said on 27/Jan/16
anything over 6'9.5''-6'10'' evening is rubish he's not got much more than 4'' on 6'5''ish Wenper Click Here and we can see Gorilla Monsoon was never any 6'5'' he's a good bit shorter than wepner.
mrtguy said on 27/Jan/16
I think MacAskill may have even been shorter, by shorter I mean much than his supposed height of 7'9'' Click Here

Click Here I don't believe he's 7'9'' or 400 LBS, If you want to see how big that really is just google Igor Vovkovinskiy.
Capt. Nobody said on 26/Jan/16
JT said on 21/Jan/16
When Andre and Tenta are about the same distance from the camera Click Here Tenta's posture is better and Andre has his Munster orthopedic shoes on. Andre wasn't all that much taller than ~6'4" Big Bossman around a month earlier so he was probably 6'9"ish by this time Click Here


What does Paul White have on in their match?
Capt. Nobody said on 26/Jan/16
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 21/Jan/16
@Boss said on 20/Jan/16
There is something wrong with your pics.Andre from 1991 is looking taller than a Big Show from 1996 in a match with John Tenta(Earthquake):
Click Here


The argument at one point turned into Andre not losing any REAL height, just his posture on average got worse. Also, in regards to those shots, Andre for once isn't on the short end of the shoe battle. Nothing wrong here.
mrtguy said on 26/Jan/16
Click Here Rob, can you agree Angus MacAskill is 2'' shorter than Andre??
Editor Rob
if that was a real photo of him then you would say he was miles from being 7ft 9
mrtguy said on 26/Jan/16
JT said on 25/Jan/16
This Click Here has as much value as this Click Here

Get him in front of a live audience and it’s not quite so impressive Click Here Bill Watts looked around 6’3”.

I don't see Big Mac at 7'9'' probably closer to 6'10'', the gentleman next to him looks no more than average. Click Here
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 26/Jan/16
@JT said on 25/Jan/16
The guy must be stand in something or Andre is in Bare and he is in shoes or is taller than 6'3 because 6'3 guys reach the mouth area of Andre
Dustin said on 25/Jan/16
In the 89 Hillbilly Jim photos, when Andre was not at his peak, he was clearly at least 6'11". His height looks to change dramatically depending on his posture. He was never 7'4"... 7'1"-6'11" are the only heights that are acceptable in my book. Maybe 6'10.5 at the very end of his life
Chaz said on 25/Jan/16
conjj said on 25/Jan/16
Jesus Christ to hear some of you talk you'd think Andre was 6'4 and some change!!! You buy Melzers claim of 6'9 3/4 like its gospel. Until that blowhard comes up with more concrete facts besides just hearsay "he talked to a guy who knew a guys cousin who dated his third cousin who saw Andre measured" I'm not buying. Do I think Andre was 7'4? No. 7'1? Maybe in boots. I'm not accepting anyrhing less than 6'10.5.

Even if he was measured at 6'9.75'' that don't mean anything for all we know it was taken in the evening,Chris Greener was measured at 7'6.68''in the morning and only 7'4.9'' in the evening,Muhanmed Channa was measured at 7'8'' in the morning and only 7'6.75''in the evening, Andre could have been 6'11'' in the morning,so your height of 6'10.5'' could be right for he's avarage height over the day,
JT said on 25/Jan/16
This Click Here has as much value as this Click Here

Get him in front of a live audience and it’s not quite so impressive Click Here Bill Watts looked around 6’3”.
Iconjj said on 25/Jan/16
Jesus Christ to hear some of you talk you'd think Andre was 6'4 and some change!!! You buy Melzers claim of 6'9 3/4 like its gospel. Until that blowhard comes up with more concrete facts besides just hearsay "he talked to a guy who knew a guys cousin who dated his third cousin who saw Andre measured" I'm not buying. Do I think Andre was 7'4? No. 7'1? Maybe in boots. I'm not accepting anyrhing less than 6'10.5.
mrtguy said on 24/Jan/16
straightahead said on 23/Jan/16
JT, why do you using "6'4 Bossman" as some kinda reference? the man was shorter than the 6'3 Ottman... "6'2 bossman" is closer to the truth.

mrtguy, 6'0 tops Backlund looked taller next to Andre than what your claimed 6'2 Todd did...

Did you not the see the 2nd pic I posted Terry Todd next to Mark Henry their the same height, what now your going to say Mark Henry is 6'0'' too
LeroyT said on 23/Jan/16
Andre and Hillbilly Jim stare down.

Click Here

Click Here
Oanh said on 23/Jan/16
mrtguy said on 23/Jan/16
Terry Todd 6'2'' next to Andre Click Here here's further proof that Todd is 6'2'' Click Here

Great photographic evidence of a prime Andre standing 7'0
mrtguy said on 23/Jan/16
Terry Todd 6'2'' next to Andre Click Here here's further proof that Todd is 6'2'' Click Here
mrtguy said on 23/Jan/16
Boss said on 5/Jan/16
mrtguy said on 3/Jan/16
Mark Henry, Big Show and of course Andre have broad shoulders Click Here

Thanks mrtguy. So scroll down the article and find this. Pathetic. How could anyone take this guy serious. He used to the work of quote the work of a jackass like Dave Meltzer like it was the bible. Trying to tell Terry Todd how much bigger the Big Show was than Andre and Todd shoots him down on height, hands, and feet size. Thanks to Terry Todd for making me laugh my ass off.

@Boss I still can't believe, JT thinks even a peak Andre was 6'10'' lol Click Here
Boss said on 22/Jan/16
The Earthquake pics are the only time on that whole segment where Andre actually straightens his posture which was horrible from the 80's on. Andre was never under 6'10 in his entire adult life was 7' or so peak height. If the 6'10 peak Andre clan is right then why after all these years does Andre get the 7' listing here. We know he lost height and was measured at 6'10 when he passed on in 1993 and the actual number was 6' 10.75" because the crematorium could accommodate a 6'10" man.
JT said on 21/Jan/16
When Andre and Tenta are about the same distance from the camera Click Here Tenta's posture is better and Andre has his Munster orthopedic shoes on. Andre wasn't all that much taller than ~6'4" Big Bossman around a month earlier so he was probably 6'9"ish by this time Click Here
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 21/Jan/16
@Boss said on 20/Jan/16
There is something wrong with your pics.Andre from 1991 is looking taller than a Big Show from 1996 in a match with John Tenta(Earthquake):
Click Here
Boss said on 20/Jan/16
Hillbilly Jim was roughly same height as Earthquake in their backstage pic together. Hogan was slightly taller than Hillbilly Jim who is listed as 6'5.5" here and looks it. A 22 year old Earthquake John Tenta was measured for sumo wrestling at 6'5.75" so 6'6" peak is possible. Earthquake add 1-1.25" for boots Click Here
and you have a 6'7 or more guy in ring gear. Hogan and Earthquake were roughly same height.

Click Here
Boss said on 20/Jan/16
Andre with Earthquake and The Giant with Earthquake.
Click Here
Boss said on 20/Jan/16
Andre with head up and good posture. Pretty big difference.

Click Here
mrtguy said on 20/Jan/16
I even wonder how Andre will look next to MacAskill?
Kunoichi said on 20/Jan/16
Young Andre in JAPAN.
Click Here
mrtguy said on 20/Jan/16
Rob, this isn't about Andre, but however do you believe Angus MacAskill really is 7'9''?
Boss said on 19/Jan/16
Andre's posture was really poor. Here in 1991 with Earthquake John Tenta. When Andre straightens his posture he is a couple inches taller than with his usually relaxed posture.
Click Here
Click Here

Andre and Mean Gene. Look at the height Andre gains by just standing tall.
Click Here
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Jan/16
Some guys insist he was up to 7ft4-5!
Chaz said on 17/Jan/16
Click Here not seen Haystacks like this befor in leotard standing upright and befor 1976, the other guy is billed at 6' and 26st, even if the guy is only 5'9'' Haystacks looks well over 6'7''

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.