anonamous said on 14/Feb/08
i read in a magazine one time (and it wasnt one of those celebrity gossip ones)
it was about random facts about famous people. it said that zac efron was 5'10".
theres your proof men, who absolutely deny that hes taller than 5'10"
idiot said on 14/Feb/08
only a 2 inch difference btwn 5'8 and 5'10
not enough to say 5'8 is short and 5'10 is tall
Paul_Pierce_4_ever said on 11/Feb/08
I find it amusing how all the girls post something like OMG no!!! He is soooo 5'10!!! Like it just completely ruins his attractiveness if he's only 5' 8"... This guy looks a lot like me facial features wise, and build. He has a similar look in photos as I do, he might be a smidge taller than me... but he's not much over 5' 8"... I really think 5'8" solid day height is spot on for this guy (debra messing is not 5'8" herself, and look how 5'6" Jessica Alba is a good bit taller than him in heels)
Athena said on 10/Feb/08
Okay, Jessica Alba is about 5'7 or 5' 8 right? On the Teens Choice awards in 07, she wore monster heels of about 4 inches tall...she was about 4 inches taller than Zac...and Earlier in the show Jared Padelecki stood next to Zac, and he towered sooooo much taller than him...some say that Jared Padelecki is 6'3 or 6'6 so, that would make Zac about....5'10?
Phil said on 9/Feb/08
According to that pic below, he looks 5'9".
anonamous said on 9/Feb/08
we'd look soooooo cute together. we're the same height (according to celebheights)
anonamous said on 9/Feb/08
well "just a guess"
how can you even tell.
do you no how tall nikki blonsky is?????
anonamous said on 9/Feb/08
zac is definately 5'10". and hes sooooooooo hot. hes so sexy.
i wish i could meet him.
chris175 said on 8/Feb/08
im not sure, i do think he could have grown since his nov 2006 claim, he was born 5 days before me and in the last year i have grown exactly 2cm (morning measurement) in nov 2006 i was in and around 5-8, prob 5-8.25. what im saying is its not impossible for a late growth of an inch or so, sometimes recently he looks 5-9 (wears converse a lot) but its hard to find proof that he is above 5-8, there is probably more evidence of him being shorter than 5-8.
glenn we need your celebrity autograph expertise here :), is there any chance of you getting a photo with him?
brother_h said on 6/Feb/08
no he is still under 5'10. its just stupid how at first he says he is 5'11, and then 5'8 and then 5'6 and now 5'9. and now ur saying he is a legit 5'10, man how stupid can u get.
Anon said on 6/Feb/08
Um.... maybe you should look again
Click Here
Anonymous said on 5/Feb/08
he's gotten taller now, 5'10. at least two inches taller than debra messing in heels
Anonymous said on 3/Feb/08
i read in some magazine the other day...ooh god i can't remember the name of it but there was an article in it about zac efron and it mentioned how he has just gone through this (late) growth spurt and he is about 5'10. i hardly recognized him on the cover because even though it's only about 2 inches he looks way taller now
Anonymous said on 2/Feb/08
amanda bynes is 5'6.5 or possible 5'7.
thats wat i been saying the whole time about him and ohn travolta who is 5'11.
also look at corbin bleu with 5'10-5'9 nick cannon. corbin is billed at 5'11 and he is 4 inches horter than nick.
Anonymous said on 1/Feb/08
People, look at "Hairspray" premiere and event photos. You'll see plenty of evidence that he's more like 5'7" and not 5'9" or 5'10" like some crazy fans claim. I mean for one, he's nowhere near Amanda's height when she's in heels (isn't she like 5'7" or even a little bit more ? So in her 4" or so heels she'd be about 5'11"...He's a LOT shorter than her, a good 3 inches or so). Also, compare him to John Travolta, he looks like a shrimp next to him, and so does he next to Queen Latifah (who's about 5'10" barefoot and over 6 feet in heels !). If he really were 5'9" + he wouldn't look this tiny next to 5'11"-6'0"-6'1" people !
brother_h said on 31/Jan/08
actually magazine heights are crap aswell. sometimes they are payed to make a celeb look good and other times they make them look good coz they're their best celeb. ive been around mate.
i know for a fact that corbin bleu is 5'7. and when he tippy toes he's 5'8. did u know he wears size 10 US shoes. ok now pay attention. celebs are most famous for their heights. and ppl have noticed that alot of celebs have added 2 inches to their natural heights, and ppl are actually dumb enuff to believe that.
the worst thing celebs have done is adding 4 inches to their heights. which these idiots have done before.
At the time Zac was billed at 5'11 and corbin bleu at 5'11 aswell. then it changed to 5'8 and 5'10. then 5'9 and 5'10. finally, 5'9 and 5'11.
how stupid are these ppl seriously.
anon said on 30/Jan/08
dude heights listed in magazines are very seldom right, they're probably as correct as heights listed on drivers' licenses
Anon. said on 29/Jan/08
He's 5'10, people. It clearly states in Details Magazine with Zac on the cover.
It's towards the bottom of the article.
Just a Guess said on 17/Jan/08
I'd have thought he was 5'9 or 5'10 or so before I came across this pic:
Click HereHe's standing beside Nikki Blonsky (4'10). You can clearly see that he's wearing flip-flops and she's wearing heels that can't be more than 1". He's less than a head taller than her. Judging from this alone, I'd say 5'6 or so.
brother_h said on 17/Jan/08
why doesnt anyone remember the mtv awards. john travolta vanessa and zac were all together. zac was 3 inches taller than vanessa and travolta had a chin over zac.
in that pic, vanessa is wearing flats. zac is wearing big shoes that giv a 2-3 inch lift.
i got a pair of them, im 6'1 and wearing them make me 6'3-6'4.
JWill said on 16/Jan/08
Here's a pic of Zac and 5'2 Vanessa that was taken 3 days ago. Zac is 5 maybe 6 inches taller than her max. Still the pictures prove that he's NOT 5'10. I'd say 5'7 or 5'8, doubt he's any taller than that.
Click Here
Athena said on 15/Jan/08
In the recent details interview it states that Zac Efron is 5'10. It's possible. But if John Travolta is 6'0, I still question if Zac is 5'10? I would agreee with 5'9 at the most...but in dress shoes, he could definitely reach 5'10 or taller. Does anyone remember seeing Domestic Disturbance with John Travolta and Vince Vaughn? How tall is Vince Vaughn? That should give a balance in heights for John and John to Zac's height.
Keep in mind too that Zac is thin, so his thinness may give him a taller appearance. I mean, in 2006, he could have grown at least two inches. Men usually stop growing by their 20's.
Linds said on 9/Jan/08
hes a sorty haha is vanessa anne hudgens in 5'1.5" and wears 4 inch heels she would only be near 5'5" zac isn't more than 2 or 3 nches taller than her in tall heels.
Athena said on 9/Jan/08
I've read that Zac Efron was 5'9. It looks possible being that Vanessa is about 5'2, Ashley Tisdale is about 5'3, Monique Coleman is 5'2. And in heels all these young ladies appear to be between the heights of 5'4 to 5'6 and Zac still towers over them by 3 to 4 inches. Giving Zac the height of 5'9. When a man reaches a mature age of twenty growth usually is at a halt...he may have grown an extra inch or two since Summerland.
brother_h said on 8/Jan/08
grr like i said before. look at him on the mtv award show(idk which)
john travolta is 6'0 and zac comes upto his chin. definatly 5'6
brother_h said on 7/Jan/08
you know they always lie gf91011.
and heard of lifts?
he says 5'11 first, then 5'8, then 5'10 then 5'8 agen. then 5'9 and now 5'10.
if he is 5'10, then jared is 6'8 becoz he towered him and vanessa. and vanessa is 3 inches shorter, so she went from 5'1 to 5'7?
he's definatly 5'6. look at him with john travolta. travolta is 6'0 and he had a chin over zac.
6' said on 6/Jan/08
Brother_H whatever man....Jared is pushing 6'5 imo
Sam said on 6/Jan/08
he doesn't seem that tall of a guy. hes drfinally 5'8.
Socom said on 6/Jan/08
He is probably 5'8.25. Just over 5'8.
gj91011 said on 5/Jan/08
erm... guys he officially released his height in an interview as 5'10''. they measured him and all after the lengths people like you were going to findout what it is
brother_h said on 4/Jan/08
that will make zac 5'6. i said jared is 6'3. 9 inches down he'll be 5'6.
so i was right the whole time. plus look at zac and vanessa when the two are on stage alone. she is 3-4 inches shorter than him. shes 5'1, 5'3 in heels making zac 5'6-5'7
i tolds ya, never believe hollywood.
6' said on 3/Jan/08
brother .. i see like 9 inch difference with Zac and Jared...he's like a head taller than him
brother_h said on 28/Dec/07
umm lucas grabeel is 5'5. both corbin and zac had 2 inches on him.
And that pic Owned has proves that jared guy isnt 6'5, vanessa hudgens comes up to his shoulders, thats nearly 12-13 inches. he'll be 6'3.
and that'll make zac 5'7 seeing as he is only up to his neck.
Carson said on 27/Dec/07
look i went to highschool musical 2 premiere & 5'4 i was wearing 3' or 4' in heels & he stood next to me while i was standing on the sidelines & he still towered over me.
Katherine said on 27/Dec/07
guys he has to be more than 5'8 cuz lucas grabeel is 5'8 & zac is a lot taller than lucas.
brother_h said on 27/Dec/07
that jared guy isnt 6'5. he's 6'2. i remember on the news saying he was 6'2, and the news dont lie, because chris benoit is 5'8 so says the news.
Socom said on 24/Dec/07
I mean no heel will actually add 4 inches in height to someone. However, a heel may be 4 inches. If that was not the implication I apologize.
Amy said on 15/Dec/07
Socmon - that's really strange beacuse I have heels that is 10cm high and isn't that 4 in?
6'5 said on 9/Dec/07
ya that guy who is 6'5 in the pic is jared padalecki
brother_h said on 9/Dec/07
who is that guy in that pic? and how tall is he?
nearly looks 6'5 compared to 5'8 zac....well if he is 5'8.
Socom said on 7/Dec/07
Adam, there is no such thing as 4 inch heels. Read the heel height truth section. Therefore Ashley is not 5'7 in that picture. I say he is 5'7.25
Jack said on 3/Dec/07
He is 5'7.75 exactly, his thin frame gives off the illusion of 5'8 or 5'9, that's it.
brother_h said on 28/Nov/07
lmfao i said in alot of post that zac is 5'6 =p.
compare a 5'8 man to a 6'0 man like travolta. not much of a size difference.
now compare travolta to 5'8(bull kaka) efron. travolta had a whole chin on this little boy.
now how can a man size up a 5'8 kid and not size up a 5'8 man.
check out the tv awards from i think it was 3 months ago this happend, you'll see travolta stand up with his hair spray friends and have a ehad on both of them.
the truth said on 23/Nov/07
John Travolta is 6'2'' so zac would be 5'8 or 5'9'' Corbin is around 5'7 but add 4-5 inches with that wall of hair he has.
Adam said on 21/Nov/07
look at this one
Click HereAshley is 5'3 and with her heels she like become 5'7 and Zac can not be 5'8, I would guess that he's at least around 5'10. That is how it looks..
Lmeister said on 18/Nov/07
Ridiculous to hear fans saying that he is taller than 5ft8 eventhough he never looks it and he has stated quite a few times that he is 5f8 which means he is max 5ft8.
a person said on 17/Nov/07
in many biographys about zac efron, it says he is 5'9
my friend also met him, shes 5'6 and she said he was alot taller than her, where r u guys getting that hes 5'6???? hes between 5'8 and 5'10 stop making up heights from pictures, becasue pictures make u look shorter, and the way u stand messes everything up
RobertJ said on 15/Nov/07
Travolta is not 6'3''.
sf said on 15/Nov/07
The evidence is pointing to 5'6" or so...
Chris said on 15/Nov/07
diana, John Travolta is 6'0 according to this site. Where did you get the figure 6'3" from? lol
Zack in Los Angeles said on 14/Nov/07
I'm 5'11 and saww Efron in Malibu and he was a good head shorter then me, I'd say he is 5'5, 5'6 tops
diana said on 14/Nov/07
haha did someone just say john travolta isn't tall?
you're an idiot. he's almost 6'3 which is tall in my book.
dude said on 14/Nov/07
Jessica Alba is listed as 5'6 I just saw a pic of them standing next to each other she looks about an inch or two taller then him. I highly doubt he's 5'8. Most people (especially celebs) lie about their height, I wouldn't be surprised if he added in a few inches.
Amy said on 13/Nov/07
Maddie - But I've heard Daniel is 5'8..
maddie said on 12/Nov/07
i dont think he's any less than 5'8. becuase, rob, you have daniel radcliffe listed here as 5'5. and everyone is saying 5'6 for zac efron. and he(zac efron) does NOT look only an inch taller than him when he's just standing. zac efron is average height, its just the poeple around him that make him look short.
JJ said on 11/Nov/07
Guys, My friend who spotted him at an event, met him ad he's(friend) about 5'9, Zac was about two inches shorter then him and he was wearing sneakers. So, I doubt he was wearing lifts.
My estimate is about 5'6 - 5'7.
Emma said on 11/Nov/07
But i think it's just a little weard beacuse look at this pic:
Click Here and thats Amanda Bynes and her heels are like 10cm high or something..
and now a pic on Amanda and Zac
Click Here and she is not much taller and according to this site she is 171 cm and thats make her 181cm with 10cm high heels..
Editor Rob said on 8/Nov/07
In 2007 he still said in CG! "I'm not sure I'd fit in the [batman] suit - I'm only 5'8"!
Anonymous said on 28/Oct/07
What is it about celebrities that makes people delusional! A guy who had ZE standing in front of him confirms he was about 5" shorter than his own 6'. And that will probably have been as wearing lifts! Very clear photos confirm how very short he is, 5' 6" is about max. And STIll silly people (children?) want to pretend he is taller. What is the point?
JWill said on 28/Oct/07
:D Amanda Bynes who is like 5'7 towers over Zac Efron in heels. And Vanessa is short, She's like 5'2. No way Zac Efron is over 5'9 and that's tops.
jedi knight said on 28/Oct/07
yeah every time i see pics of him he looks taller then 5 foot 8. Its like a illusion. Can we get some pics together to confirm his height
:D said on 28/Oct/07
But he can't be 5'8 beacuse Amanda Bynes is like 5'7 and I've seen pictures on amanda and him and he must be like 5'11 or something...
And if Zac is 5'8 Vanessa must be really short!
brother_h said on 27/Oct/07
he does NOT look tall.
he looks like a 12 year old (in size)
because guys who are over 6'0 have a whole head on him(john travolta who is barley 6'0) im sure hes under 5'8.
jack said on 26/Oct/07
hey, well... are you sure he's 5'8??
i've seen a lot of pics of him with other celebs and i'm 5'8 too but he seems like hes a lot taller than me..
if he is 5'8, i'm fine with that.. that means im similar =]
but im just wondering.. because he does SEEM a lot taller...
Hollywood Worker said on 25/Oct/07
Just saw Zac and Vanessa tonite at the Freddericks of Hollywood party at the Palladium on Sunset Blvd. I just stopped to check out the scene as I was walking home and Zac and Vanessa got out of a car right next to me. I was amazed at how tiny both of them were, in fact as the paps descended on Vanessa, Zac ran up on sidewalk and stood behind me to avoid them. I'm 6 feet, 180 lbs and when I turned I dwarfed him. He looked about 5 inches shorter than me and 30 lbs lighter which puts in around 5'7" and 150. In fact, that's how I stumbled on this website--I was googling his height. I thought he was a normal-to-big size kid. Not so, he's really small. Not a bad thing, he's giant star now and that's the only size that matters in LA. Funny, though, as I watched them... Vanessa (dressed to the hilt) walked the red carpet alone and Zac (dressed way down in a plaid shirt) actually scurried behind the nylon banner wall lining the red carpet to avoid the red carpet all together and met Vanessa at the other end when the paps were done with her. Honestly, I was about a two feet way from him for about 30 seconds and he looked high as a kite to me, very glassy eyes. Maybe why he didn't want his pic taken? I don't know. Another weird nite in Hollywood.
brother_h said on 23/Oct/07
sometimes a guy whos 5'8 can look 5 inches taller than people who are shorter than him. i thought amanda bynes was 5'6. if so then those must be some huge heels on her, with a small mini skirt on, it doesnt look right. and ima guy 0_o
i love zac efron said on 20/Oct/07
i didn't mean 2 argue aaron, i just wanted 2 say that he looked taller than 5'8 when i saw him in person, but i think he probably mite b 5'9, which is a pretty good height in my opinion
Adrian said on 19/Oct/07
Click HereLook at this photo, Amanda height's 5.75 and here she's much taller than zac. Because of she's wearing heels I think zac is more likely to 5.6 or 5.7
Annaconda said on 18/Oct/07
Sanity should come into the question somewhere. Arguing that he may be 5' 9" por taller is a non-starter. There is not a hope in hell that a short guy will be taller than the smallest he has admitted to! And this guy has quoted himself as 5' 8"! That is therefore going to be the tallest he could possibly be! But judging from the very good and clear photo posted here 4/8/07, as mentioned below that I wasn't allowed to transfer up, that is still an exaggeration. No 5' 1" or 5' 2" girl is going to go out wearing absolutely flat shoes if she is not obliged to do that to make the guy she's with feel better about his lack of height. He is small! 5' 6" as per the people article. If he looks more, then he is wearing lifts and/or standing on something!
jed said on 18/Oct/07
he doesnt seem to be that much taller than ashlee n vanessa so i think 5'8 is right for him
i saw him on the teen choise awards this year n im 5'8 maybe 5'9 with some shoes but he n me were about the same height!! so hes probably right...maybe 5'9 at the most but never NEVER! 5'10
Annaconda said on 16/Oct/07
Jess on 4/08/07 (4th August) long ways below, posted a picture of Zac with Vanessa. I tried to copy it to here, but this system wouldn't allow it. But that photo is very clear. It is a direct comparison with Vanessa and is incontovertible evidence that he isn't even 5' 8", let alone the wishful thinking re more!
You can see the feet (no heels) clearly, they are both standing reasonably straight, and he is closer to the camera so perception re height is in his favour. The line of perspective at head height is pretty level (takes into account perspective re feet), so the straightforward comparison is good. And from this it is clear there is no way he is more than 4 1/2 inches taller than her at the outside. Some people seem to think she is only 5' 1", but assuming she is 5' 2", and he is the more likely 4" taller, then that puts him at the 5' 6" "People" quoted ! Unless this photo is a couple of years old, and he has grown (unlikely when he is that small), then this is pretty accurate. Wishful thinking doesn't make him taller! And if he ever appears taller, then I would be wondering how tall the lifts are or what he is standing on!
brother_h said on 15/Oct/07
if this guy is 5'8 then john travolta is 6'2 and bobby lashly is 6'3
this guy came up to travoltas chin on the mtv music awards and lashlys bottem lip and lashly is like 5'11 right, as tall as john cena.
zac is barley taller than vanessa and ashly.
he is NOT 5'8 more like 5'6.
khatie said on 13/Oct/07
i dont think soo.... vanessa hudgens is only 5'2" so how can he be 5'8"
Aaron said on 13/Oct/07
the kid turned 19 in october 2006...he couldn't have grown more than half an inch and that's only if he's a late bloomer. Who cares if he's 5'8", it doesn't matter? It doesn't change the fact that he's in maxim's sexiest 50 men alive, and you're not going to marry him, so don't worry about him being on the shorter side. Quit arguing for 5'10". He looks consistently 5'7/5'8 in the HSM movies
i love zac efron said on 12/Oct/07
it says that in 2006!!!!!! zac efron said he was 5'8, this means he could have grown. i met zac efron b4 and i am 5'5 and he was at least 5 inches taller, hes definetely 5'10 "hands down"
Aaron said on 12/Oct/07
nowhere near 5'10". Looks 5'7.5" next to bonds. He's probably wearing smaller shoes than bonds so if they were barefoot he'd probably look the 5'8 that he is. He's not taller than that. People who are 5'10 do not say "I'm only 5'8" and he said that after puberty and growth spurts, so don't pull the age card Anna.
Anonymous said on 11/Oct/07
no im 5'8'' and hes def. a lot taller then me id say hes like 5'10''
JWill said on 10/Oct/07
I'm still leaning towards 5'8, but I'd give him 5'9 tops.
Anna said on 8/Oct/07
JK, could those photos of Zac and Jesse be from a few years ago? I asked this question earlier, but you never really answered....
6'3.5'' JK said on 8/Oct/07
I think Zacs a legit 5'8'' but nothing more, next to guys like Jesse mccartney and corbin bleu does not look over 5'8''
Anna said on 7/Oct/07
Yeah, good point Aaron....could this mean he is more like 5'8.5" or 5'9"? To be honest, that's what he looked like on Rove.
Aaron said on 6/Oct/07
Okay, I'm starting to have second thoughts on his height. I bought a pair of the shoes that he wears all the time--those white soled shoes made by vans, airwalk, puma, etc, and those shoes give absolutely zero height help whatsoever. They give about the same as a pair of reef sandles which really isn't more than half an inch. So, when he wears those shoes while other people around him are wearing
Nike Shox and
New Balance which usually give a solid inch and up to an inch and half on some pairs, he's getting screwed over in the footwear department. That's probably why he look taller in hairspray than he did in HSM, because he finally wore a pair of dress shoes which we know can give a very solid inch and more, while in HSM he was wearing those low cut white soled shoes I was talking about. Something to consider...
?????? said on 6/Oct/07
i wish him and sharpay wer together
Anna said on 3/Oct/07
Yeah. And in the bonds picture, could they not be on differing levels as well? I.e., Zac on a downgrade and bonds on an upgrade?
Aaron said on 2/Oct/07
I meant to say corbin, not cordon.
Aaron said on 1/Oct/07
he looked very similar in height to cordon in hsm 1 which I just saw again last night. Cordon is listed here as 5'7.25. I can't see efron any higher than this 5'8 listing.
Anna said on 1/Oct/07
okay, but still, how much do you think he could have shrunk?

Editor Rob
the guy on the left has his chin below his shoulder, I'm sure he's lost several inches, well in posture he's also losing some. I don't know who he is though or age. The bonds picture is better, although they could have differing footwear there.
amy said on 1/Oct/07
i think zac is taller than just 5'8". i won a contest and got to meet the hsm cast, and im like 5'6" and he had a good 4 inches on me.
6'3.5'' JK said on 1/Oct/07
Yes that shows he is not more than 5'8''
JWill said on 30/Sep/07
6'1 Barry Bonds has at least 5'' on Zac Efron in this recent photo, he has to be 5'8.
Click Here
Anna said on 30/Sep/07
Click Here The guy on the left is supposedly 6'4" and the guy on the right is supposedly 5'11". Both look to be older, however, so they could be 6'3" and 5'10ish by now. However, the relaly odd thing is Zac looks at least an inch, if not 2 inches taller than this 5'10" guy. How if he's only 5'8"?

Editor Rob
these guys have shrunk whoever they are.
Aaron said on 25/Sep/07
yeah, anonymous, I'm not sure what you mean by that foot and a half comment either. Maybe that was a typo. Maybe you meant half a foot at the most. That would make more sense for the 5'8 claims.
anon said on 24/Sep/07
anonymous that would make him like 6'8 which he isn't :D eheh
anonymous said on 23/Sep/07
My friend was chosen to be a guest on HIgh School Musical2...she said he wasn't very nice...she won a contest and he didn't pay any attention to anyone but Ashley and VAnessa...she took a picture with him and she's like 5'2'' and she gave me the picture...he looked only a foot and a half taller than the most!!!
glenn said on 18/Sep/07
he was around but i was too busy.hopefully one day.
Darth Maul said on 17/Sep/07
Hey Glenn, can you somehow get a picture with zac to see what his true height is?
Anna said on 16/Sep/07
Is it possible that he could have grown since that photo with Jesse? He looks noticeably yougner, does anyone know when it was taken? He may have been like 5'6" or so and then he's grown a few inches to 5'8"/5'9"?
JK said on 13/Sep/07
Yeah Rob i agree, and the vid with Jesse Mccartney really surprised me as Jesse is only 5'9'' himself, I think Zac is lucky to be given 5'8'', He is 5'8'' at his absolute highest
Anonymous said on 12/Sep/07
Wow In that video Stephen posted he looks really short about 5'6 5'7 theres a pic with billy joel of green day and they look about the same height.
Editor Rob said on 12/Sep/07
Yes, it was something like he looked "3 inches short of his official 5ft 8" height, or words to that effect.
Anna said on 11/Sep/07
Click Here He looks about 5'9"ish compared to Regis and Kelly.
Anon said on 11/Sep/07
A column in the sun described him as a lot shorter in person than on the screen.
Anna said on 11/Sep/07
How old was he when he filmed the first HSM movie?
Anna said on 10/Sep/07
He should most likely be upgraded to 5'8.75" at the very least because he had a good inch on Rove. I suggest pausing right after he starts waving to the audience, this proves our point.
JWill said on 10/Sep/07
eye level is not really a good way to prove someone's height because there could be a difference from the forehead up. Zac Efron barely taller than Corbin Bleu who is about 5'7 so I would say Zac is still in the 5'8 range. If you're saying he's 5'9 he would have to be a weak 5'9 if anything.
wasa said on 10/Sep/07
I don't see any real difference, he's pretty eye to eye with Rove, perhaps not fully straight. Maybe 5'9, which he looks in pictures.
Anna said on 9/Sep/07
Thank-you sk, I'd been looking for that and couldn't find it. It does indeed prove that Zac is more around 5'9" or 5'9.5" though. I don't see how it could not.
sk said on 9/Sep/07
Earlier tonight Zac appeared on Rove's show here in Australia and I found it on youtube already - here's the link:
Click Here
Like I posted earlier, Rove has said many a time, that he is indeed 173cm and has been measured at that on the show I think as well. As you can see in the clip, when Zac came out and just before they bent in to shake hands, Rove was standing upright and Zac waved to the other guests on the side and was pretty much standing upright with a tiny tiny lean in his posture but you could clearly see that Zac was slightly taller (pause at 1:16 on the clip and you can see the difference). They were both on a shag carpet so there was no difference in surface height and they were in line with eachother also. With that slight bend in Zac's posture I think we can put to rest that Zac is 5'9, maybe a tiny tiny tiny bit taller like 5'9 1/2 but NO taller than that.
Anna said on 9/Sep/07
Aaron, both of those links led me to the same picture of Zac kneeling down and they look like they were taken in his early teens, so I don't get what you're trying to prove with those photos....??
JK said on 9/Sep/07
Yeah 5'8'' maximum for this guy
3 said on 8/Sep/07
Yeah, Aaron, I'd say he's 5'8. That's a pretty established fact, when you look at him around other Disney stars, such as Corbin Bleu, you see that he's 5'8. I imagine he has worn and does still wear lifts in some movies.
sk said on 5/Sep/07
While Zac and Nikki are in Australia promoting Hairspray they'll be making an appearance on Rove McManus's show on Sunday. It has been said countless times and from Rove himself that he is 173cm tall so we'll finally be able to lay the argument of Zac's height to rest when they stand next to eachother!
Ardyn said on 4/Sep/07
Im 5'10 but im thin but muscly so people think im lanky. Zac doesnt look tht thin but looks around 5'11, so his appearance is taller than what he really is
Aaron said on 4/Sep/07
Trying to judge someone's height who is in the 5'8 range by using pictures with people who are 4'10 is not going to prove anything. You need to find someone else who is within two inches of his height to make any sort of educated judgement.
Sara said on 4/Sep/07
Yeah but I saw a picture of him next to Nikki Blonsky at the premiere for Hairspray. And she's like only 4'10", but was wearing like 3 inch heels, and was still barely past his shoulder, and that would make him like around 5'10"ish.
Anna said on 4/Sep/07
Yeah, that's what I was judging by as well glenn. And someone posted an article on here in which he posted 5'9" for his height, which would actually seem more true, but whatever.....
stephanie said on 4/Sep/07
I'm thinking 5'8" even though it's really disapointing that someone so good-looking is so short. Well short for me being 5'8" myself.
glenn said on 3/Sep/07
i thought zac looked 5-10 in hairspray.i had no clue on his height though.
Anna said on 3/Sep/07
Okay, I'm sorry, he's probably a strong 5'8" and can just look closer to 5'10" or 5'11" in lifts, like I said. Sory for bringing it up....and I'd always thought that 5'8" was about average for males, clearly I am wrong? I think it varies from country to country and I agree with you 3, they are two very classifying inches. However, let me just ask you, why do you consistenly visit Zac Efron's page, is it not a weird page to visit for a 17-year-old male? At least I think that's what you said your age, not trying to insult, I'm just wondering.
3 said on 2/Sep/07
Anna, I just think Radcliffe is maybe one cm shorter than Emma. Therefore she would still be around 5'5 or so. And yes, I agree that 5'8 is pretty short for a guy, but not extremely short. I read that the average overall height for a male is 5'9.75, so that is right at 5'10. Therefore, 5'8 is short for a guy, but not really noticeable. To me, when a guy is shorter than 5'6 or 5'7, that is noticeable. Having that extra inch or two seems to help a lot when you look at a shorter guy at 5'8 rather than a guy at 5'6. It's only two inches difference, but those are two classifying and important and inches.
Elizabeth said on 2/Sep/07
5ft. 8in. is a good height for him. that's tall for me.
Aaron said on 2/Sep/07
I agree with Jwill. In young males (like on my college campus), the majority of males I come across are between 5'9-6'0 with a lot of 6'1,2 and 3's and also a few short guys between 5'4-8. I'd say average for young males in America is about 5'10 or 5'11. I'm 5'11 and I don't usually feel tall, maybe a little bit taller than average but not much. In my apartment, the four guys are 5'8, 6'0, 6'1.5" and 5'11. I know that's a small sample, but it is a random one, so it has that going for it.
JWill said on 2/Sep/07
Actually I gotta say that 5'8 is short for a guy in my opinion. The average hight for a male is 5'10.
JK said on 1/Sep/07
This page is about Zac's height and has got nothing to do with Watson's... and yes Zac is about 5'8'' as he is 2cms taller than Corbin Bleu
Anna said on 1/Sep/07
Okay, whatever, I was just wondering if he could have grown, I'm sorry. He was probably wearing lifts in Hairspray and therefore he looks quite tall compared to Amanda Bynes and around the same height as Marsden (who is probably wearing lifts as well if he is only 5'10"....not sure though). Whatever though, 5'8" is not short at all for a guy, it's about average. And it says on Emma Watson's official website that she is 5'6" and I am saying she is that or a little over that. What I find to be quite a laugh is the fact that you were agreeing with me on her being taller than Dan and how it made him look ridiculous, but now you say she's the same height as him when it's qutie clear that she is taller in the movie and in photos. I remember you saying something like the only people he is still taller than are Bonnie and Evanna. I just don't get it, why were you agreeing before, but now you disagree?
JK said on 31/Aug/07
I agree with 3
3 said on 30/Aug/07
Anna is pretty obvious that he's 5'8, I have noticed you like to try to give some celebs an extra inch. First you tried to give Emma Watson over 5'6, when its clear that she is almost the exact same height as Radcliffe, at 5'5. Now you are trying to give Efron another inch, but if you watch the HSM movies, you will see that he only has around a half inch on Corbin Bleu, at 5'7.25. So there is no way he is over 5'8, no matter what anyone wants to think.
Aaron said on 30/Aug/07
Zac looked the same height as 5'10 James Marsden in Hairspray. Leads me to believe he had lifts in his shoes. Also, on the Marsden page on this site a lot of people think Marsden is not 5'10. I still think efron is 5'8 considering he said he's ONLY 5'8", and he said that when he was 19, so the most he could grow to after 19 is probably 5'9 at the most.
JK said on 30/Aug/07
He really looks 5'8'', but i think we have had have enough pictures proving that he isn't over 5'8''
Anna said on 29/Aug/07
I really think that he may have grown to at least 5'9" now. I must shamedly admit that I saw the first movie and he did look about 5'8", but I saw Hairspray as well and he looks a strong 5'9" if not a little more. Is it possible that he could have grown? And 3, honestly, what movies are you talking about? haha, the entire plot of the movies are unbearably unrealistic, so I really don't think it should be considered a major flaw of the series. ahaha, you and your flaws, first Dan Radcliffe and now Zac Efron, you and these attractive male celebrities.....what's the deal man?
mophead6 said on 28/Aug/07
your height is perfect for me because I'm 5'4" and I also think that your perfect just the way you are 'cause thats what I like about people they don't have to change their apperance for me they just have to be themselves.
me people said on 27/Aug/07
it's funny how on a lot of these pictures he slouches when he is next to somene who is taller... but when he is next to shorter people like vannesa he is completly erect(in the way he stands)
wasa said on 27/Aug/07
I don't see him as anything under 5'9. Looks like he widened out lately. When sitting next to Shia LaBoeuf he looks even taller/broader. He might be between 175 & 177cm, Shia might be 174-175cm. Alba was wearing spicy heels.
3 said on 26/Aug/07
5'11.75 guy- I do agree that Iverson is a good basketball player, one of the best even. But Iverson is around 5'11 barefoot so he has 3 inches on Zac Efron. Also those other guys you mentioned, and there are only a select few, are just very quick, not to mention that they are black. We are talking about a 5'8 white guy in Zac Efron so it really doesn't make sense that he would be a big name recruit in high school. It would be highly unlikely. I know HSM is a kids/young teens show and they wouldn't even pay attention to how short he is. But still it is sort of a 'goof up' in the plot of the movies. Thats basically what we were saying.
3 said on 26/Aug/07
5'11.75 guy- I do agree that Iverson is a good basketball player, one of the best even. But Iverson is around 5'11 barefoot so he has 3 inches on Zac Efron. Also those other guys you mentioned, and there are only a select few, are just very quick, not to mention that they are black. We are talking about a 5'8 white guy in Zac Efron so it really doesn't make sense that he would be a big name recruit in high school. It would be highly unlikely. I know HSM is a kids/young teens show and they wouldn't even pay attention to how short he is. But still it is sort of a 'goof up' in the plot of the movies. Thats basicall what we were saying.
melissa said on 25/Aug/07
maybe zac has grown since then so what is his recent height?
JWill said on 25/Aug/07
Please try to get a full framed picture as well.
Natalie said on 24/Aug/07
It's wierd how celebs are a lot smaller than they are in films/on TV! I'm 5'8", and it seems funny how I'm taller than loads of celebs! I'm above average for age/gender anyway though! Bravo to the HSM camera work for making him look taller! And, I agree, it would be more difficult to be that height playing b-ball! XD I know!
hill said on 23/Aug/07
look at this one he looks way taller
Click Here
glenn said on 22/Aug/07
ill try.sorry i missed him when he was in.i was occupied.
5'11.75 guy said on 21/Aug/07
Guess some of you guys haven't heard of Allen Iverson, Nate Robinson, Muggsy Bogues, Earl Boykins, or a bunch of other NBA players under six feet.
anonymous said on 21/Aug/07
Glenn, PLEASE try to get a picture with Zac Efron!! That would answer all of our questions!
3 said on 19/Aug/07
JWill and Anonymous, thats exactly what I was thinking. This guy is not taller than 5'9 in shoes, yet some how they are try to pull him off in the HSM movies as a basketball star and recruit. Funny.
18,181 said on 19/Aug/07
you can easily tell that its a fake though,the photo,look at her legs and feet.
18,181 said on 19/Aug/07
in the recent photos he gives the impession of being 5'10-5'11,so I'm really surprised,5'8,well hes nearing 2 decades,so probably still growing a bit,maybe hes 5'9 about now.
JWill said on 18/Aug/07
Anonymous, In HSM I think they try to make Zac Efrons character some kind of basketball "phenom."
Anna said on 18/Aug/07
This photo with Lori L. (5'6") really surprised me. I'm not sure if she is wearing heels, but even if she were wearing flats, that's quite a difference. What of it? Isn't that more than two inches? I'm just curious.
Anonymous said on 17/Aug/07
Its odd because Disney tells us that if we believe, we can do anything, but the truth is an aspiring Bball player of Zac Efron's Height, (Not unlike his character in High School Musical)would never be considered for even High School Basketball. Even if you were 6'1 or 6'2, talent and College scouts would barely give you a passing glance. Unless you were exceptional like Rafer Alston or Stephon Marbury, Bball teams dont look lower than 6'3.
6'3'' JK said on 17/Aug/07
Jesse is more like a solid 5'9'' guy i think
Stephen said on 16/Aug/07
In this vid at the end he's standing next to Jesse McCartney who's 5'10 and he looks like 5'7:
Click Here
JWill said on 16/Aug/07
How tall do you think Zac Efron looks standing next to 6'0 John Travolta in this picture?
Click Here
dubs said on 16/Aug/07
Well I say the only way to figure this out is to get Glenn to get a picture with Zac Efron. And I want a full framed photo to make sure he's not wearing lifts.
jon said on 15/Aug/07
I recently ran into Efron at lax airport. He was looking up mags and i stood right next to him before asking for an auto. He was slightly shorter than me. and i'm about 5'7.5"
alex said on 15/Aug/07
surely one of there heights are wrong. as i'm overly certain that isn't a 6 inch gap.
Click Here

Editor Rob
digitally altered photo, not real life.
Anonymous said on 15/Aug/07
Yeah, I say that he's probablly 5'7-5'7.5 I don't really think that he's 5'8 because he probobally does wear lifts in alot of his movies to make him look taller. I don't know if he does but that's just what I think...
6'3'' JK said on 15/Aug/07
Stephen, I have to say the guy is 5'8'' maximum though, and 5'7.5'' minimum
Stephen said on 14/Aug/07
I say zac is about 5'6-5'7. He said he was when he wasn't really a big star so he wasn't lying about his height and when he said that. When he got biger I think he started to lie about his height so I say that he's around 5'6-5'7 (given the fact he's gronw or not grown a little bit...
JWill said on 14/Aug/07
We need Glenn to get a picture with Zac Efron.
Patricia said on 14/Aug/07
but in that pic corbin has much volume on his hair so hes shorter than that
Anna said on 14/Aug/07
Yeah, I think that may be it anonymous. Actually, i would guess that nearly all of the men in that movie wore lifts, especially the ones who were dancing on that show. And plus Amanda was wearing flat shoes, so that probably helped him to look taller. I still think he could be a little taller than 5'8" though. Not sure though.
6'3'' JK said on 13/Aug/07
5'8'' is Bang on,
Click Here he is like 2cm taller than Corbin who is 5'7.25''
anonymous said on 12/Aug/07
I agree that he looked an inch or two taller than Amanda Bynes in Hairspray. Maybe he was wearing lifts?
John said on 12/Aug/07
I have seen hem in person , i am exactly 6 fit , and he was about 4 inches shorter than me , so i say he is 5'8
6'3'' JK said on 11/Aug/07
He does look 5'9'' at premieres at times, but i still think he is a legit 5'8'' and not over it
Anna said on 10/Aug/07
I would say he is somewhere between 5'8.5" and 5'9.5" because he looks noticeably taller than Amanda Bynes in Hairspray, plus he absolutely towers over the girl who plays Amber and even the 5'2.5"Brittany snow. Does anyone know how tall that girl who plays Amber is?
JWill said on 9/Aug/07
I saw Zak Efron give a quote in OK magazine where he said he was 5'6, started to work and grew. So I think he grew a little bit, I'll give him 5'8.
Bad Radio said on 9/Aug/07
5'8 sounds right.
Raphael said on 8/Aug/07
People Magazine had a feature on him, as he was listed as one of their 100 Most Beautiful People of 2007, and the spread says that he's 5'6". I don't think People would confuse 5'6" with 5'9" and the 5'6" definitely is more in line with what people are saying here.
Click Here
Kimber said on 8/Aug/07
I think he is about 5'8'' or 5'9'' because i have seen him in person and he was taller then me. I am 5'7''.
JWill said on 8/Aug/07
But did you see at the end of the Jay Leno show when he was standing next to 5'10 Cuba Gooding Jr.? Zac was like 3 inches shorter. So I'd say he's 5'7. 170-173.
wasa said on 8/Aug/07
He looked atleast 5'9 with Jay Leno. Best comparison was with other guest Cuba Gooding, they were standing on even ground for a short while, Efron was in sneakers and Gooding in dress shoes, and Efron looked like an inch or a bit more shorter, although Gooding had the shoe advantage. I think 174-176 cm is a good range for this guy, although he does give off the illusion of being taller.
6'3'' JK said on 6/Aug/07
He isn't as low as 5'6'', I think he is 5'8'', He is just a little bit taller than Corbin Bleu
Anthony said on 6/Aug/07
Rob, in OK Magazine, Zack said out of his own mouth that he's 5'6.
JWill said on 6/Aug/07
His height gives off an illusion at times and I don't know if he's 5'6-5'10. Sometimes he looks short and then sometimes he looks tall.
Bombay Rocker said on 6/Aug/07
Noway 5 feet 6, my guess is a strng 5 feet 9 and this is what he wrote down in one of those diary pages kind of thing....might be 5 feet 8 but that is a little bit of an underestimation but i think he is 175 - 176 range since he looked around 5 cms taller than lucas grabeel who is listed as 5 feet 7 on his official site and looks that so ya 175 - 176.
Aaron said on 6/Aug/07
yeah, that's the way it goes with celebs--the more famous they become, the taller they become in turn. I noticed that too Priscilla. If you go to google and type in "Zac Efron's Height", you'll get a lot of sites that say 5'10, 5'10.5, 5'11, which are all inflated. I think a safe estimate for this guy is somewhere between 5'7.5" and 5'9 max.
priscilla said on 6/Aug/07
yeah before he was 5'10 1/2 in a "pop" or "m" or "twist" magazine but now he is 5'9, u say he's 5'8. by the time we all think it through he will be 2'5!
Anthony said on 5/Aug/07
He also claimed to be 5'6 in People.

Editor Rob
I don't think that sounded like a direct quote, so it's redundant because he doesn't look 5ft 6, just look at him beside james marsden recently...
he might have said he was short and the writer put the 'he's 5ft 6' in the article.
Aaron said on 5/Aug/07
anon says on 29/Apr/07
people magazine named him one of the 100 most beautiful people and it says he's 5'6...they interviewed him a bit so...idk
Patricia, scroll down on this page to the above quote. There will be a link. Click on the link. Then once you're there click on the thumbnail of zac lying down on a couch with his face closer to the camera. There will be a caption that says that he is 5'6". Now, you have seen him listed below 5'8".
alex said on 5/Aug/07
in the video for "what time is it?" there doesn't seem to be like 6-7 inches between them. but i'm not sure if she's taller or he's shorter.
any comments?
JWill said on 5/Aug/07
Are you sure Vanessa Ann is only 5'1 because I've heard various heights between 5'1"-5'4" and If Zac is only 5'8 he must be a really strong 5'8 because many times he looks 5'9"-5'10. I want to see this dude in person.
Patricia said on 4/Aug/07
Probably around the height of 5'8 to 5'10.5 but definitely not any shorter than 5'8.I've never seen any magazine or watched any interview that said he was under 5'8 so all the possibilities fall around that range.
6'3'' JK said on 4/Aug/07
I kinda agree with Jess He does look 5'7.5'' there and at premieres looks 5'9'', but most of the time he looks 5'8'' so I think he is a legit 5'8''
Jess said on 4/Aug/07
Are you sure he's 5'8? I think he's lower, probably like 5'6.5 to 5'7. Here he is with 5'1 Vanessa:
Click Here
They're only several inches apart.
Anna said on 3/Aug/07
I'd say he's 5'9", maybe 5'10". Definitely not over 5'10", but he does look a strong 5'9". And Brittany Snow was most likely wearing heels, that's what I would guess.
JWill said on 2/Aug/07
How do you kno that Brittany Snow is not wearing heals in that pic?
6'3'' JK said on 2/Aug/07
He is not over 5'8'' because here he is with Brittany Snow who is listed at 5'2.5'' on this site
Click Here
JWill said on 1/Aug/07
I'd say he's 5'9-5'10 because in High School Musical he's and inch or two taller than Corbin Bleu who's 5'8.
6'3'' JK said on 1/Aug/07
Zac is a Legit 5'8'' guy and nothing over
JanJ said on 1/Aug/07
is this guy is 5'101/2 then I am 6'5
he's more like 5'6 in high school musical
matt said on 31/Jul/07
Look at the this picture of him next to 5"11' Jimmy Kimmel. Zac looks at least 3 to 4 inches shorter than him.
Click Here
anonymous said on 29/Jul/07
Amanda, how on earth do you think that corbin and zac are 5'11? People in California seem to always overestimate themselves. People Magazine said something like "5'6" even if they're referring to his past high school.. which isn't all that long ago.. it's impossible to grow 4 inches. Look up height projection charts. Guys growth past 17 yrs of age is 2 inches max.
amanda said on 29/Jul/07
well every website says that zac efron is 5'10 1/2. and corbin is 5'11. and lucas is 5'8.
anonymous said on 27/Jul/07
5'8 is too generous. Disney Channel has a history of making people look "taller" by hiring all "short" people. If you watched hairspray.. Zac Efron looks like he towers the high school lockers. We all know that high school lockers are pretty high up. I would say 5'7 and 5'8 with shoes. Lucas and Corbin are both 5'6 but 5'7 with shoes
MD said on 22/Jul/07
No, JK, he is on his tip toes. There are other pictures, but it's really pretty obvious. lol
whatever said on 21/Jul/07
I think Zac is about 5'8 because he's probably as tall as amanda bynes flat footed maybe a tad bit taller. so maybe he's 5'8 or 5'7.5. Because he is taller then corbin bleu and he is about 5'7 so he has to be 5'8.
Aaron said on 21/Jul/07
He has to be on his tip toes or wearing lifts. I think someone said amanda bynes is around 5'7.5"/5'8"ish, and she is packing what looks like about 3/4 inch heels. That would put her in the 5'11-6'0 range with her shoes. Zac looks about and inch or two shorter (if you tilt his head down normal instead of the way it is which he is doing to make himself look taller). Take 2 inches from the 5'11-6'0 range that Amanda is in in that pic and hes around the 5'9" to 5'10" range in his shoes which puts him in the 5'8 to 5'9 barefott which I think is too high for this guy. If hes 5'8, it's a weak 5'8, not a strong one. It's possible he's packing an inch lift in those dress shoes. I'd say 5'8" max for this guy considering that is what he claimed in that quote. However, I would like to know how old he was when he said that because if he said that when he was 17 or so, he's still got time for an inch or two. The guy is still only like 19 or 20 so theres still time for another couple inch growth spurt. Rob, do you remember when he said "I'm only 5'8".
6'3'' JK said on 20/Jul/07
He is not standing on his tip toes he is just standing up straight as he can, the thing about this guy is sometimes he can really look like 5'9'' but then low as 5'7.5'' at times, but i guess he is 5'8''
MD said on 19/Jul/07
This pictures makes me laugh. Zac's on his tip-toes because 5'7.5" Amanda Bynes has on some massive heels. lol It seems he's self concious about his height.
Click Here
Bombay Rocker said on 19/Jul/07
I think he is taller than that cause the other guy lucas grabeel is a definite 5 feet 7 - 5 feet 8, lucas is listed as 5 feet 7 on his official website but on many other sites he is listed as 5 feet 8 so a max of 5 feet 8 for him and he looks that range in pics as well and zac is atleast 1 - 1.5 inches taller than him. I would probably go with 5 feet 9.5 or his 5 feet 9 claim there but he sure is not 5 feet 10.5. 5 feet 10 is possible but i doubt it.
Brittney said on 18/Jul/07
WoW Jason you met zac Efron??
jos said on 18/Jul/07
Click Here
he says 5 inches 9 feet! lol
Jason said on 16/Jul/07
I ran into him in the Apple Store in Midtown. I am 5'9.5 and he was standing right next to me and had about an inch on me (with sneakers). I would say he's atleast 5'10.
6'3'' JK said on 16/Jul/07
To be honest now He does Actually look around 5'8'' as he claims, so I think 5'8'' is right
Aaron said on 16/Jul/07
I think the kid has discovered lifts or elevator shoes because he's starting to look taller at events and movie premiers. I'm going to have to watch Hairspray to get a better look at his height.
bam said on 16/Jul/07
i actually reckoned he was a solid 5'9.
wasa said on 15/Jul/07
Actually he looks more like a solid 5'9 in recent pictures. Might even be 5'9.5.
mouldy said on 9/Jul/07
I still stand by 5'8"-ish...maybe even 5'7.5". This promo photo of him and Hudgens has been altered in some way . There's no way she's almost as tall as he is with flat shoes on.. He may be short but he ain't THAT short !
6'3'' JK said on 28/Jun/07
Well Rob, in that picture does he look 5'8'' to you?

Editor Rob
they took separate photos and shoved them together
6'3'' JK said on 28/Jun/07
Is he really 5'8''?, This picture tells me a slight downgrade is needed,
Click Here
Christine said on 26/Jun/07
First I read he's 5'10.5 but now I read here that he's only 5'8?? How tall is he really?

Editor Rob
considering the geezer has said 5ft 8...what do you reckon?
Aaron said on 8/Jun/07
That last picture doesn't prove anything. That's what I look like next to my girlfriend and she's 5'6"/5'7 and I'm 5'10.5. Notice how zac is standing as tall as he can in that picture and vanessa has a loose posture. Zac is somewhere between the 5'6 and 5'8 marks that he has claimed. He's no taller than 5'8 if he's said "I'm only 5'8".
flick loves benji said on 7/Jun/07
in a recent pic with the high school musical cast, zac looks at least 20cm taller than his co-star..check out the picture at
Click Here
brother_h said on 6/Jun/07
ppl say hes 5'10.5
he says 5'9
looking at him and 6'0 john travolta, he looks like he's 5'6
ashly tisdale is 5'2(billed at 5'3) and corbin bleu is 5'7(billed at 5'11)
never trust wat a star says
look at donald trump, claims 6'3 but is really 6'0
Aaron said on 5/Jun/07
Rent girl, let me make something clear. PEOPLE DON'T ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH. Shorter actors won't hesitate to add a couple inches to their height if they think it will help them get a certain role. Why in the world would someone say "I'm only 5-8" if he were 5'9". No average/shorter than average person will ever downgrade his or her height. Therefore, it makes sense to go with the lowest height that a person ever says. In this case, he said he was 5'8, which I interpret as the tallest he could possibly be.
MD said on 17/May/07
Othman, already been posted. Is no one bothering to read the previous posts?
Othman said on 16/May/07
People magazine In it he relates how he was always the shortest kid in school (he's now 5ft 6in) and that he got teased for the "huge gap" in his teeth.
Aaron said on 13/May/07
I just saw High School Musical tonight, and he looks really short in the movie. He's not that much taller than his co-star who is tiny (something like 5'1 or 5'2). The more I see of this kid, the more I think of 5'8 being generous for this guy. I'm curious to see what he'd look like next to glenn or rob, just to see if he really is the full 5'8" he claims.
MD said on 11/May/07
Dean, already been posted.
Dean said on 11/May/07
he says hes 5'6" here but I dont if he was referring to when he was a junior in high school.
Click Here
Aaron said on 1/May/07
I think one thing that needs to be taken into consideration here is his age. I'm pretty sure that right now he's 18 or 19, but at the time of all these interviews and quotes, he was younger so he could have grown since. I'm not arguing that he's any taller than these quotes but I'm just saying we have to be open to the fact that he could be taller. A lot of people grow even in their late teens. I was 5' 10" all through high school (so from 15 to 18), and now I'm 5'11" at the end of my freshman year of college, so I grew when I was 18/19 so he still has time to grow too.
jak..meoff said on 29/Apr/07
i think they meant when he was being teased he was 5'6''
MD said on 29/Apr/07 interview says he's 5'8" and another 5'6". Perhaps, as usual, it's somewhere in between. How about some comparison pics?
anon said on 29/Apr/07
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people magazine named him one of the 100 most beautiful people and it says he's 5'6...they interviewed him a bit so...idk
6'3'' JK said on 29/Apr/07
Look at my comment from 5/Feb/07, not to be arrogant but i was most accurate as always
anonymous said on 29/Apr/07
In a Cosmo Girl interview Zac was asked if he would like to play Batman in a movie. His response was "I'd definitely take that! Though I'm not sure I'd fit in the suit - I'm only 5'8"!"
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Ana said on 28/Apr/07
maybe in people they meant he WAS 5'6"
anonymous said on 28/Apr/07
umm. people magazine's article on "100 most beautiful people" says he's 5'6". I'd believe them more than anything. They get their facts straight.
Aaron said on 21/Apr/07
5'9.5" at the shortest??? You've got to be kidding me, Anna. Look how short his legs are in some of those pictures on your first link. You should probably take a second look because there's no way he's "possibly 5'10.5" as you say.
mouldy said on 6/Apr/07
Hmm Hmm...In High School Musical (great movie by the way ! The songs really stick with you...;-) ) he seemed about 4" - 4.5" taller than Vanessa...the top of her head was about at his eye level or a tiny bit over or under, depending on the scene/shot. Anyways, she was about 4.5 shorter than him, give or take half an inch. AND she was wearing small heels, about 1.5" or so, 2" at most. So if she is 5'2" as you people say, in 2" heels she should be 5'4"-ish, and Zack would be 5'9"-ish or slightly under, in sneakers. So ...I'd say he's 5'8" at best. Let's say 5'8" . He's just really lean, that's why he looks so "long". He had me fooled too, until I read Vanessa is only 5'2" !
Aaron said on 3/Apr/07
anything over 5'9" would be way too generous. All the girls in High School Musical are tiny and he doesn't look much taller than them. I think 5'8.5" is pretty dead on here but he's young so he might still be growing. who knows...
Aaron said on 21/Mar/07
people often embelish on their height, anon. There's no rule that people have to tell the truth all the time, especially when it comes to a sensitive subject like height.
anon said on 18/Mar/07
he is 5'9 according to himself in a self writing magazine....if u guys want to say what he said himself is untrue, then go ahead
Aaron said on 14/Mar/07
alright thanks. Well I still agree with the height on this page cause it seems like now that he's getting all this hype and attention from high school music, he keeps getting listed as taller and taller. I think that may be due to his public relation people just trying to make him taller than he is now that he is starting to get a little more famous.
glenn said on 14/Mar/07
i never did.sorry.thats robs estimate.
Aaron said on 13/Mar/07
glenn, have you seen zac in person? I'm just curious as to how you made your estimate for him because I've looked around the internet and a lot of websites are saying he's 5'10, 5'10.5, and I even saw 5' 11". These are all ridiculous in my opinion. I think your estimate is pretty right on although he's young and might still be growing so he might be 5'9" but anything over is pushing it.
6'2.5'' JK said on 5/Feb/07
Id say he is 5'7.5'' MAX, and thats in shoes!!
Aaron said on 4/Feb/07
This is for Linda from Germany: 1 inch is approximately 2.54 cm, so if you're given a height in inches multiply it by 2.54 and that's what it will be in cm. For example, if zac is 5ft 8.5 inches, then he is 68.5 inches tall (12 inches in a foot). So multiply 68.5 by 2.54 and you get 173.99 or approx. 174 cm as it says above.
your mother said on 13/Jan/07
he is SOOO not 6.5 inches taller than vanessa anne hudgens! unless she's not really 5'2
Anonymous said on 3/Jan/07
He said so himself in a magazine I read at the library that "Fans always argue about my height, so I'll tell you now im about 5'8''
memyself&I said on 2/Jan/07
He's 5'9'',in his oficial site (
Click Here) within the subsite "Facts", there's a series of questions answered by Zac himself who says that he is 5'9'' (he may have grown a bit throughout the last few months, but sitll).
ljgxth l said on 1/Jan/07
Zac is 5'10, If u look at vanessa in HSM he literally towers over her, and she 5'3
Linda said on 29/Dec/06
oh my god im totally confused. im from germany and i dont know how tall 5ยด6 is or so. can someone do it in cm? i read that he is 5`7 at the page of disney, is that 1,70m or 170 cm?
anon said on 21/Dec/06
dejavu, if she is 5 feet 3= 160cm , and 3 inches give her 167.5cm. if he is 3 inches taller , he is 175cm. subtract this by 3cm from his shoes , gives him 172cm....
anon said on 21/Dec/06
if she is 5'1" that means she is 155cm tall with shoes that give 5cm . Look at his shoes , they are dunk highs which give him like 3cm extra in height. he looks about 8cm taller than her which means he is 165cm. If she is 5 feet 3 , then he is 170cm. Lets just say he is 5'7"
horacle said on 7/Dec/06
he looks between 5'8 and 5'9
dejavu said on 24/Sep/06
seeing his pics besides ashley tisdale whos is 5 feet 3 and wearing cowboy boots which give her about 2 and a half to 3 inches.this makes her 5 feet 5 feet 6 tops and zac is wearing shoes which give him 1 inch and he is still taller than her by 3-4 inches.i can safely bet that he is between 5 feet 8.5 and 5 feet 9.5.i will say 5 feet 9 for sure
Wicked Kid said on 7/Sep/06
I think 5'8.5" isn't far off if Ashley's height is 5'1". He's got about 6" on Ashley with 2" heels (if she doesn't wear lifts). Meaning that he's 7" taller than her because his shoes have 1".
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