Taylor 188 said on 4/Dec/24
@Editor Rob: They're listed 1.25 inches apart on here though... Zac's listing is solid. Think Jesse needs a downgrade. What do you think?

Editor Rob
I think with Efron, posture is great and can pass for 5ft 8.5-9 himself with some people who maybe aren't standing quite as tall as they can.
Taylor 188 said on 1/Dec/24
@Editor Rob: On your YouTube video, I saw a picture with this guy and Jesse McCartney, and they're the same exact height (if not Zac a bit taller)?
There are also numerous other photos where Zac is taller than him:
Click Here
In fact, Zac has only ever looked shorter than Jesse when he was really young.
Do you think it's likelier than Jesse is 5'8 after all (as he was listed before) or that Zac was wearing lifts?

Editor Rob
They can look close, maybe there is only half inch between them.
Legend 177 cm said on 24/Nov/24
He's 5'8.5"
5'7 and a fraction said on 14/Sep/23
Flat 5'8, no more.
Nik Ashton said on 14/Apr/23
It would be great to see a photograph of him with his brother and sister!
Gian92 said on 12/Apr/23
I didn't believe that his younger brother is a lot taller than him.
Chaitanya@ said on 30/Mar/23
Solid 5'8
Mark King said on 23/Feb/23
Amazing how the camera can distort. After lots of Zoom calls, finally met some colleagues face to face and amazed at how different in real life. Most expected me to be around 5’9” - 5’10”, when I’m a shade over 6’5”.
berta said on 28/Dec/22
i think he is a legit 5´8. DOnt agree with the average guess. i think there is a bigger posibility that he is 173,4 than 172,4. Didnt really look "short" beside dwayne johnson
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Nov/22
Ah! I like it when Andy and Charlie say a prayer for the deceased cat. Charlie adds, “….and Mommy!”
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Nov/22
What a vile scene from the new Firestarter: Charlie, played by Ryan Kiera Armstrong, who is Zac’s daughter, wants to stroke an ageing ginger tomcat, and the puss scratches her. It is then that the child realises all too often, her powers are beyond her control when the animal bursts into flames. Dad steps out of his car and sees the still-miaowing cat and tells his weeping daughter to ‘finish it’. It’s a thoroughly upsetting scene.
I reckon that when Zac’s Andy gets out of the motorcar, if
we ever had any doubts, we can observe that Zac isn’t very tall. The actor has been around for ages, and at one time - before I came to Celebheights - I’d have believed 5ft10.5-11 for him. His dress sense is good, the actor generally sticking to clothes of one colour, and can add to his perceived height. This part of the film will scotch any myths that the famous actor is above average!
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Nov/22
Zac has taken on the role of Andy McGee in the new version of ‘Firestarter’, based on Stephen King’s novel. So far, I’ve been more than impressed with Zac, who has just started fleeing off into the unknown with his daughter, Charlie, as a corrupt governmental organisation called The Shop is after the child, whose powers are becoming stronger than ever as she’s hitting puberty.
I’m enjoying this immensely. It’s interesting to see how much fuller this storyline is, but unfortunately, as I haven’t read the novel, I can’t compare it the way I could with ‘The Shining’ (much improved!) or ‘Carrie’, the remake of which was unnecessary, but no doubt, fun to make, and containing an array of excellent actors.
This is making me see Zac in a whole new light, and it’s a very pleasing one. Beforehand, I was indifferent about him because I didn’t know enough to form much of an opinion.
Five foot eight. ☺️👌🏼
Wehrmacht180 said on 5/Oct/22
170 cm
Malcolm Oliver said on 28/Sep/22
Because gold standard will always mean better than average and if that’s 5’9, 6’ heightmogs. I’m not one to judge though, I’m the same height as you, but we live in a society where appearance and presentation is all that matters. Superficial, I know.
I’d like to think we’re getting better with impressions and judgment as a society. Not quite perfect, but still working towards it.
Rikky said on 9/Sep/22
Not sure why 6’ plus is some kind of gold standard? As someone who’s 5’9” which is your average American male height. I’ve had zero issues attracting partners of all shapes sizes and heights. Zac is one hell of a handsome fella and solid human from what I can gather. I really don’t know why height is such a big deal ?? I know for one thing. Since everything in the world from airplane seats to cars to door frames to beds is designed to fit me perfectly. You 6’4” dudes can have them inches!!
Ata said on 25/Aug/22
please enlight me here, Taylor Schilling is 5.8 and Zac Efron is the same height, while she wears at least 4 inches heel...and she looks just over Zac.
mmmmhhh, this is why most of the times i think you guys are very off on the heights. Cheers

Editor Rob
She is shorter than Zac
Here with sandal vs Zac's boot. You could argue Zac was a strong 5ft 8 and she a weak 5ft 8...
5'8 boy said on 10/Aug/22
Good looking guy and he looks and is an average height.
Okidoki said on 8/Aug/22
@Rob I think overall, i feel Efron could be you're exact height to the mm, i know you rarely give 1/8 listings, but do you think he is? I think this is quite possible and overall, 174 seems unlikely even though he could look it at times.

Editor Rob
Yeah, he might be so close!
bradyhawkesjr said on 27/Jul/22
Eforn's likely five-eight,which is interesting because actors formerly never claimed to be shorter than 5'10."
Abdul-DK said on 15/Jun/22
173 cm
Whathappened said on 26/May/22
Solid 5’8” (173 cm). He’s extremely handsome
George Jenkins said on 23/May/22
Zac efron’s height confuses me he looks only a inch taller than Dave Franco while Dave is about 5’5 3/4. It’s either zac is shorter than 5’8 or just Dave Franco is above 5’5 3/4.
handsomebrady said on 7/Apr/22
Efron's five-eight height doesn't keep him from being considered a stud.(I was five-nine,and probably a shade more than five-eight at 68. )
Okidoki said on 10/Mar/22
Yes, the fact that Tom claimed 5'6.5, really makes Zendaya seem maximum 174. Although i think Tom could be closer to 5'6.75, as i am not quite convinced he looks almost the same height as guys like Messi, Jonah Hill, Sean Astin etc but a bit taller. More typical strong 168, weak 169 guys i think.
She could be around a quarter-inch taller than Efron maybe. Maybe it's 173-173.5 vs 173.5-174.
microft said on 10/Mar/22
In 80% of photos he's doing his little posing technique, adding maybe an inch to his height. But overall he has great proportions and he's quite lean, making him look taller. I would say he's 173.5 or so out of bed, maybe 172 before bed.
Okidoki said on 9/Mar/22
Rob, could Zendaya and Efron be the same height or do you still think Zendaya is slightly taller? Also, is Zendaya a full 2 inches taller than Holland?

Editor Rob
She can seem less than 2 inches on Tom. May turn out she is max 174 and falls within 173-4 zone.
Slim 6'0.25 said on 7/Mar/22
Weak 5’8
Rob and Jeremy renner would edge him out if you ask me
Fzn said on 9/Feb/22
Hi Rob
I’m 174cm right out of bed and usually measure around 173.5m later in the day. Do you think I would edge Zac out in any noticeable way?

Editor Rob
In a photo it might be hard to spot any difference.
Okidoki said on 20/Nov/21
@Rob, if Queen Latifah is 177 cm, do you think Zac could look 174 cm there with her at the show? Seeing the video, you could also see their footwear. I personally can't see Zac below 5'8.

Editor Rob
Had a quick look at them dancing, but in
This clip, he held up pretty well, arguably over 5ft 8 a bit.
Jena said on 16/Nov/21
I firmly believe he’s 5’8. When Taylor Swift was in flats she was an inch or two taller than him. When she was wearing heels, and he was wearing lace up shoes, she was still a tad taller by 1-2 inches.
Anyways, I don’t think he is height conscious. His last girlfriend was 5’11, and he didn’t seem bothered not one bit.
Cooper Clarke said on 10/Nov/21
5'8 seems about right.
berta said on 30/Oct/21
i dont agree with average guess. A guy like zac efron always looks taller than a guy like Mrk walhberg. I i can belive wahlberg is 172,5 ish but zac can pull off more legit 5´8. I mean if he is only 172 then robert de niro is maybe 169 at best now. I dont think he is that short. most guys wont agrre with me but i feel 173-173,5 is his height. The only problem is that Zendaya ( listed at 174) was the sam height when she was in flats and he in shoes. ( but i think she is closer to 5´9.
Sonnecker said on 30/Sep/21
Assuming that he didn't wear shoe elevators, I see him at a strong 5'8".
Tomahawk said on 29/Sep/21
My buddy is with Zac effron for a movie in thailand. He says Zac is very short less than 170cm
Shortlifesmatter said on 28/Aug/21
Alright guys lets end this ok Adam DeVine 169cm %100 and Joe Jonas 171cm %100 so Zac looks taller than 5 cm than Adam also he looks taller than Joe 2-3 cm he is 173-174 cm range he is definetly looks tall than solid 5ft6 5ft7 guys he prefer converse-vans type shoes which add 1.8 cm and he looks 5ft9(175cm) with those but barefoot no he is not Ok also he has a skinny bodytype has a muscle too but not bulky look has a good posture as well that can gives 1 cm extra so seems he is honest man his claim is right
Ben Bell said on 16/Aug/21
Wow, I thought he was 5’10 or more. Stunned to see 5’8.
After watching the documentary with him trying to improve the planet I can’t help but be impressed by him as a person, seems an incredibly nice guy.
177cm said on 30/Jul/21
A slightly weak 5’8” IMO. 5’7.75”
man 1 said on 12/Jul/21
Do you think he is height conscious because a lot of time he stands on tip of one toe and always in military position like straight body.

Editor Rob
to a certain degree I think he is a bit height aware and wanting to appear taller in photos...however, he's yet to be tempted by elevator shoes
Slim 6'1.5 said on 7/Jun/21
171.5-172 same height as rdj and Tom cruise
DDH said on 7/Jun/21
He looked quite tall in 17Again with a slim frame. But now, he looks like a weak 5'8.
Lucianoperez said on 6/Jun/21
171 for me
thatmanoverthere said on 14/May/21
5’8 for sure
L58392 said on 1/May/21
Hey Rob, have you noticed that Zac's brother appears to be 4 inches taller than him at 6'. How does something like this occur between brothers?

Editor Rob
Sometimes the difference is negligible, other times one child seems to get more of the taller genomes.
Flag said on 28/Apr/21
@Rob,how tall would you say Ted Bundy was?

Editor Rob
In some mugshot he could look 5ft 11
em97 said on 2/Apr/21
173-174 cm seems to fit Zac very well sometimes even 175 cm im not saying that he would measured that but can look that height he has a good build so 5”8 or sometimes even 5”9 seems to fit him very well because what height you get perceived matters much more than what you actually measured he pulls of 5”8 5”9 but i dont believe he would measured much over 5”8 after being active during the day so
Honeypot said on 1/Apr/21
@German Guy. Here:
Click Here. You can see he's an inch taller than Justin, so he's 5'8.
heyyyyyyyy said on 26/Mar/21
5'8" nothing more or less
ALEXIZ/180cm said on 25/Mar/21
170 cm max
Kylo said on 14/Mar/21
@Rob if I’m about 5’7.70 before bed (about 172 CM on the dot) would the difference between me and a full 5’8 guy like Zac be noticeable to the average person?

Editor Rob
it depends if Zac decides to do his little foot rise trick, which is making him look 5ft 8.5-9 sometimes.
But if he plays nice and doesn't spike his hair up, you might find you looked quite close.
5'8 german guy said on 27/Feb/21
@Honeypot. Can you show this pic? I have never seen a pic with these two guys together. Also it is important to know how old Justin was in that photo.
Honeypot said on 15/Feb/21
@Jakey, Bieber is listed at 5’7. There is a photo of Justin and Zac together and Zac is taller.
Jakey said on 31/Jan/21
He and Bieber ar twin heights, Imho!
slim 6'1 said on 9/Jan/21
Rob and Jeremy renner would edge this guy out 👍
Sharanya said on 6/Jan/21
@Rob, since you said that Zac Efron is a solid 5ft 8 person, do you think 5ft 8.25 is possible? My vote is 5ft 8.25.

Editor Rob
There'd be more of a surprise to me if Efron measured under 5ft 8 than over it a fraction.
elvis said on 3/Jan/21
zac is about 5“8 at most next to jamie foxx who i believe is a solid 5“9 guy he looks like 5“9 everytime and can look a bit taller sometimes zac looked 5“8 so overall 5“8 is fair for zac and seems to fit his statur but not taller he is similiar to me in porportion who also is around 5“8 but people believe im 5“9 most out of the time people think im 5“9 because of my build wich is similiar to zac
elvis said on 26/Nov/20
i think zac could be my height so 174.5 cm mornig and can maybe drop to 172.5 cm at night like i do on a bad day he has kind of similar
porportion like me
so a flat 5“8 i guess or is that a weak 5“8 ?

Editor Rob
if you dropped to 172 flat, that's starting to get into weak territory.
I can't really see Zac much under 5ft 8 at all.
Heightist999 said on 24/Nov/20
I am sure Zac doesn't drop under 173 during the day. At night, he becomes bang on 5'8. 174.5 - 175 outta bed.
Honest5'11" said on 2/Nov/20
170-172 cm max, just LOL at 178 cm.
slightly bigger rob said on 31/Oct/20
new hot ones next to sean evans a legitimate 5'8 he looks 5'7
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Oct/20
🎂🎁🎊🎈 Happy 3️⃣3️⃣rd Birthday 🎈🎊🎁🎂
Congratulations to Zac Efron on turning both the threes, 3️⃣3️⃣, on this fine Sunday. Have a lovely day, Zac!
5ft8 😁👍🍻
CSKA said on 18/Oct/20
172 cm seems more accurate for him.
Bobitus said on 8/Oct/20
@Todd492 Wtf do you do mean by weird frame? his frame looks perfectly normal for a 5'8 guy, he's probably a little below that though. Guys between 5'8.5 to 6' tops have the best frames when cutting.
Slim 6'1" said on 5/Oct/20
Strong 5’7” who wears lifts
Slim 6'1" said on 2/Oct/20
Pics barefoot of him and the rock are proof he’s kind of a short guy,
Slim 6'1" said on 2/Oct/20
171/172cm not actually 5’8”
Aaron Rosales said on 6/Sep/20
Hey Rob doesn't Zac look shorter than ryan seacrest
Click Here I think he's 172. He's a good actor imo.

Editor Rob
can look very close in 2006, but in later years, I think Efron can seem a bit taller, albeit half the time he has great posture to do it.
Andrea said on 17/Aug/20
I've recently seen it and that was my guess as well. Over 5'10 but not quite 5'11 (compared to a 5'8 Zac), although he looks taller than that if his ex-wife Eliza Coupe really is the 5'6.5 she gets listed at on here:
Click Here
FiveEightJake said on 14/Aug/20
Rob have you seen any of Zac’s new Netflix show down to earth?
Any idea on his co-star Darin Olien? He’s listed 6’2 all over the internet but he looks like a weak 5’11 next to Zac.

Editor Rob
yeah, not quite 5ft 11
Slim 6'1" said on 7/Aug/20
pls give a weak 5'8 downgrade already
Slim 6'1" said on 5/Aug/20
Editor and Jeremy Renner r taller from him
Slim 6'1" said on 5/Aug/20
Taller than Rdj, Wahlberg, cruise & Bieber.? Wat a crock of poo
cmillz said on 4/Aug/20
Pathetic comment
FiveEightJake said on 31/Jul/20
@MD some people just delude themselves. height will be a dealbreaker to some women but to assume every woman is walking around with a tape measure is moronic. It’s almost as if men have no other qualities to offer now other than their height in the eyes of some people. Sad.
Anyway I’ve been watching some of Efron's new Netflix show and he does look similar height to me but I’d peg him as dipping to 5’7.75 as a low and holding 5’8 flat for a good portion of the day. I just get the impression from looking at his proportions that he really isn’t a solid 5’8 guy.
MD said on 30/Jul/20
"Personally, he's not nearly tall enough for her."
And who are you, and why does your opinion matter on who they choose as partners? You could have kept that irrelevant opinion to yourself.
Olympian said on 27/Jul/20
He's shorter than I thought. I thought he'd be like 6'0 or something. I remember there was a rumor circulating of him and Alexandra Daddario in a relationship. Personally, he's not nearly tall enough for her.
elvis markaj said on 7/Jul/20
5“8 guy no doubt
elvis markaj said on 6/Jul/20
hey rob i am 174.5-6cm in the morning and drop to 172.5-6 in the late night can i still claim 5ft8 ? and is 2cm height loss during the day more the average ? i heard thats normal

Editor Rob
yeah, you should go with 5ft 8 or 173 if you want to say metric.
Average loss isn't far off 2cm.
asdfghj said on 5/Jul/20
Rob in the movie 17 again hunter parrish looks an inch taller than him, yet he is listed as shorter than efron. Do you think zac needs a downgrade? Or hunter an upgrade?

Editor Rob
Yeah, hee could look quite close to Efron from that film, so might be within half inch of him, I'm not sure he looked taller though.
Southern said on 4/Jul/20
Weirdly, his shoe size is listed as only 8.5US, quite unsual for a 5'8" man.
Nik Ashton said on 29/Jun/20
He is 2.5” taller than his partner Halston Sage!
Lover_thorn3 said on 25/Jun/20
Rob. Is 174cm morning height a possibility

Editor Rob
For me, I can't see Efron not being a minimum 174-5cm when he's wakening up.
Cathy Wu said on 16/Jun/20
Here he is with 5'9 1/2 Sterling Knight and even though Zac is closer to the camera, he looks like a weak 5'8 next to Sterling.
Click Here
Andy5'91/2 said on 13/Jun/20
I’ve looked into his height the most out of everyone i’ve guessed and i actually think a lot of people short change him by a mm i think hes 5’8 and 1/4
Keshta said on 7/Jun/20
He looks taller.
Weak 5'8 said on 20/May/20
Hey rob! I have 2 questions (last time you didn't answer one of them so I'm asking again.)
1). Do you think Efron drops below 5'8" at night. (He's a weak 5'8" right?)
2). A man of his height(weak 5'8") should feel right at the bottom of average majority of the time right?(in your opinion)

Editor Rob
Wouldn't say he falls under 5ft 8 much at all, in fact I would class him as a solid 5ft 8 guy
JohnMoore-162cm said on 30/Apr/20
Zac5ft8 said on 25/Apr/20
He’s exactly 5’8. He has got the proportions of a 5’8 guy as well. He is the most typical 5’8 man you can find
Rob, spot on again.
Zac Efron 172 cm , weak 5ft8 actor
Jonus said on 27/Apr/20
I used to think he was 6ft. Like 5'11.5-6ft. He has Long arms and long legs
Zac5ft8 said on 25/Apr/20
He’s exactly 5’8. He has got the proportions of a 5’8 guy as well. He is the most typical 5’8 man you can find
Rob, spot on again.
Big T said on 11/Apr/20
Zac and Justin Timberlake were two recent guests on ‘Hot Ones’ with Sean Evans. To me, Efron looked an inch shorter than Evans and JT about 3 inches taller. Interestingly, Evans is only listed 5’8” online...he always poses with his guests standing up near the start of the videos and I would say he seems more 5’9” range.
rkv said on 20/Mar/20
i thought we went by 0.25 inches? also he's not honest cause early in career he said 5'10 then next to some people he just looked too small to claim it.
JohnMoore-162cm said on 17/Mar/20
A small fraction under 5ft8 is the best guess ,,, like 5ft7 3/4" or so
Felo said on 20/Feb/20
Changed my opinion.173-173.5 seams to Me fair .And maybe James Corden is taller than 173cm
Felo said on 20/Feb/20
Well the point is that he alway stands as straight as he can and I think that he is more like 172 cm because he is a bit shorter than James Corden.
Kieran S said on 15/Feb/20
173 bang on. Seems like an honest guy
Jkiller said on 29/Jan/20
172cm, not taller.
Todd492 said on 29/Jan/20
He’s 5’8. He has inches on Ellen when she shows him his was figure. Compare the interview where Justin Bieber is playing a hockey game on the show and Ellen stands right next to Justin and there exactly at the same height. Justin and Ellen are both listed at 5’7 and Zac is still taller than both.
Sounds like people are falling for his weird frame, he’s 5’8.
Asdfg said on 4/Jan/20
In his Ted Bundy film he was described as in between 5’7’’ and 5’8’’
Asdfg said on 4/Jan/20
In his Ted Bundy film he was described as in between 5’7’’ and 5’8’’
Rick S said on 3/Dec/19
5'8" would be accurate. He has a small build so he's definitely not taller than that.
Dan D'man said on 21/Nov/19
Check out his new video on yt with liza koshy (5 ft) who's upto his ear lobe which makes him about 15 cm max taller than her (167 cm or 5"6.5 )
cmillz said on 22/Sep/19
The guys from Dude Perfect don't lie about their height.
LMAO, please
Naven said on 19/Sep/19
Rob how tall? Zac next to 5'11 John Gaines Jr. He only looks 5'9 here?
Click Here

Editor Rob
There didn't seem much more than 2 inches in the brief clip of them.
Leggo said on 19/Sep/19
5'8. Photo with Zac with the guy's from Dude Perfect.
Click Here The guy on the far left in the red shirt is Coby and his twin Cory. Both are 5'9. Which he says in this video:
Click Here
Zac is 5'8 and they're all wearing the exact same type of footwear. Tyler Tooney on the far right in the dark blue shirt is 5'9 as well.
The guys from Dude Perfect don't lie about their height.
pov said on 13/Sep/19
5”7 max, he’s not even upto dwayne’s nose.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 16/Aug/19
Hey, his Waxwork has just been brought onto the stage. Zac is annoyed that it is taller than his actual height. He tells everyone to be their own size! Sound advice, or what?
He is ripped with muscles! 💪
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 16/Aug/19
Zac is going to be playing evil killer Bundy. Isn't that a part that's usually played by someone a bit taller?
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 16/Aug/19
I have just seen Zac Efron, heartthrob, walk onto Ellen's stage and he is barely taller than she is. I had no idea!
Johan 185 cm said on 9/Aug/19
Click Here
5'8" is fair but he can look small fraction under.
6'4" Hoff looks easy 8" inches taller and 6'2.5" Rock even looks and easy 6.5" inches. At worst 5'7.75".
Alex scho said on 8/Aug/19
I met him I was shocked he’s probs 5 8.5 -5 9 I’m 5 11.25 and he’s was def taller then 5 8
FiveEightJake said on 1/Aug/19
He looked roughly the same height as Alex daddario in his latest video with her in the gym on his YouTube although she had a .5 inch footwear advantage. If she is around 5’7, then I could see Zac being closer to 5’7.5-.75. I don’t know but Zac always gives me the impression of being a strong 5’7 than a decent 5’8, could just be his stockyish build.
TheBat said on 31/Jul/19
Honestly Zac can look 5'7.5" at several times, but he really does look 5'8" even usually.
Aaron Rosales said on 30/Jul/19
Watch his interview with Matthew Broderick on Graham Norton Matthew looks a bit taller. My guess is 172 cm.
cmillzz said on 30/Jul/19
why do you post under multiple different names on here?
Jenny said on 17/Jul/19
I'm going to go with 5'8. My friend is a paparazzi and use to photograph him back in 2008, 2009, 2010 and ended up quitting in 2011. He said Zac is 5'8. My friend is 6'1. Another two friends of mine have met him, and one has personally been up close with him because he's friends with her, I cannot share the evidence for privacy purposes, so you're free to take what I'm saying with a grain of salt, but I'd like to mention, they've also vouched he's 5'8.
This is a rare photo of him and Swift from 2012.
Click Here he's standing tall with proper posture but Taylor has her constant bad case of forward head posture and she's wearing a short heel while Zac is wearing regular shoes.
His footwear:
Click Here
Taylor's footwear:
Click Here
Taylor is listed as 5 ft 9 on here, if Zac is truly 5'7, then that would make Taylor 5'8. Even with a short heel, she only edges out Zac barely by an inch.
He's 5'8. Taller than Ed Sheeran by 1-2 inches who is listed as 5'7 and was wearing a flat shoe. I don't know why you guys like downgrading his height, he's 5'8, which would also explain his 5'10 listing in the past, celebrities have a rule to upgrade their heights by 2 inches, take away 2 inches and you got their real height, his is 5'8. Even during the Australian Sydney premiere back in 2009, Taylor was wearing a higher heel and only edged out Zac because she's one inch taller, and because of the additional heel height.
Me2019 said on 13/Jul/19
5'8 is his shoe height, he´s 5'7 flat.
MD said on 12/Jul/19
You don't "dwarf" someone by an inch.
Denise said on 10/Jul/19
I'm a little over 5'8" and dwarfed him when I met him, by what seemed like a solid inch.
James E said on 19/Jun/19
Nah he def doesn’t look 5’8 in the Victoria secret video. I’d honestly give him BARELY 5’7 even. People probably upgrade his height so much cuz they have similar proportions as him and claim taller.... he’s a short looking guy, not close to average.
Gofis said on 17/Jun/19
@cmillzz - That makes no sense, all of those models are 5'9 and he's right at 5'8. If he's 5'7 then why was Taylor Swift only an inch taller than Zac with her flats on? he's 5'8.
cmillzz said on 5/Jun/19
The most he can be is 172cm in my honest opinion. I really don’t get why some people on here like to upgrade his height so much.
cmillzz said on 5/Jun/19
clueless people, he looks 5’7 range in that video, no taller.
Tayze said on 3/Jun/19
5'8+ Height. Proof is him in his YouTube video with the Victoria Secret Models.
D10S said on 29/May/19
In the last video with Victoria´s Secret Girls looks at least 5´8.5
Beqa said on 28/May/19
Rob, How Tall do you think Zac Looks in his new video with victoria's Secret Angels
Click Here
jungkook said on 17/May/19
Rob, do you think Zac looks taller before getting jacked?
I think too much muscle actually makes a person look shorter.

Editor Rob
I am not sure if he did seem taller before bulking up.
Nex said on 16/May/19
The 5'7 guessed height for him is actually ridiculous. Ellen is 5'7 and he's an inch taller than her. He's 5'8. Seriously, Taylor Swift is a strong 5'9 and she barely was taller than him in her flats. The 5'7 estimate isn't accurate by any means, he's 5'8. His brother is 6 ft.
Zac said on 16/May/19
In the new Ted Bundy movie under the description his girlfriend gave the cops it was 5’7-5’8 🤷🏼♀️
cmillzz said on 14/May/19
there’s quite a few photos where Zac either rises up on one foot, or goes on his tiptoes.
abcde said on 10/May/19
with Hugh Jackman (187 cm weak)
Click Here
abcde said on 10/May/19
and with Jim Parson (185 cm)
Click Here
abcde said on 10/May/19
Click Here with James Hetfield (weak 186 cm) James looks short here. Zac Efron is 173 cm weak
JD 5'9" said on 1/May/19
5'7.5" IMO. He gives off a shortish but not super short impression.
Duhon said on 1/May/19
How tall did they make his wax statue?
Click Here

Editor Rob
They would have taken his height in that pose, which is going to be a bit taller (fraction more sneaker and slightly foot rise).
cmillzz said on 26/Apr/19
He does a lot of tricks to make himself look taller in photos, and also wears obvious lifts/platform shoes at times. You measure him barefoot under a stadiometer in the afternoon and I doubt he’d measure over 172cm.
Mj7 said on 10/Apr/19
Here he is with Nina Dobrev (5'5.5) on his youtube channel wearing converse.
Click Here

Editor Rob
I think somewhere in 5ft 8 range for Zack is believable.
His quote of 5ft 9 to 10 IN SHOES would make sense if he measured 5ft 8.5...
cmillzz said on 16/Mar/19
he’s a weak 5’8 at best barefoot.
5ft7SithLord said on 2/Mar/19
I'll be generous and give him 5'8, but his true height is probably 5'7.75. Either way, 5'7 minimum and 5'8.25 max for Zac.
Littlelee168cm said on 27/Feb/19
The greatest showman should be added to his credits. Fantastic film
DanoneBrando178 said on 13/Feb/19
Looks 5'8/5'8.5, doesn't wear lifts or boots often
Johnny calvin said on 11/Feb/19
5'7" is joke i don't think zac is 5'7 u !
jriggs said on 31/Jan/19
How can he be just 5'7 if he is almost identical in height to
Abs2come said on 11/Jan/19
Hey Rob!!! Why don't you take a picture with zac Efron for us. It'll clear the doubts well.

Editor Rob
That would be great to do, but it's time and money I don't have.
Banaanas said on 2/Jan/19
He’s taller than robert de niro
Trevor Long said on 25/Dec/18
Michael 5'10", 178 cm
''height isn't everything as you have good looks or personality''
I agree for looks, but personality ? you're talking about an A-LIST celebrity actor. Try STATUS.
Michael 5'10", 178 cm said on 12/Dec/18
He's either 5'8" or a little bit less, Zac looked around the same height as
Zendaya in the Greatest Showman. He looked no taller than 5'8" next to Dwayne Johnson who is no taller than 6'3" these days. It's funny how a guy who is not very tall is loved by so many women, it goes to show you that height isn't everything as you have good looks or personality, it doesn't really matter to girls. He's 5'8" imo.
Yang (5ft 8 Chinese men) said on 14/Nov/18
Yeah, Ive met him years ago somewhere in shoppimg mall while I was enjoying my shopping with my 6ft 4 male roommate white men whom I will be getting married soon next May a month after my birthday April(Currently engaged).. We all had nice conversation with him for about 30 mins or so and then took picture with all three together. All I can say regarding his height is that he was nearly as same as my height 5ft 8 plus he never lied about his height just like Amber Heard. He is one of my favoritr 5ft 8 actors out there and yet hes down to earth and coolest person ive met other than Harry Potter star Tom Felton. Even though not exactly same as my height but very similar range I can say. So happy to go with 5ft 8 173cm.
Jamie said on 12/Nov/18
Rob, I think you should give him a 1/4 inch upgrade. He’s taller than now 5ft8 Robert DeNiro and he edges Corbin Bleu who’s the same height listing as Zac
Lolno said on 9/Oct/18
@ Legit 6'2 - He's 5'8 but nice try.
Legit 6'2 said on 6/Oct/18
5.7 for him
Nothing more
johnnytest said on 18/Sep/18
Please link the blog if it's allowed because i'm curious to read this myself and was wondering if he has any info on other celebrities.
Tifi said on 11/Sep/18
Morning 5'8 1/2
Evening 5'8 1/4
Omgigottea said on 6/Sep/18
A paparazzi who use to take photos of Zac since 09 who is 6'4 stated Zac is 5'8 and never seemed short to him, he is shorter though, obviously because the pap is 6'4 but he said he's 5'8-5'9. If anyone is curious I can link the paps blog, he has his profolio of all the celebs he has taken photos of and his stories with each of them and anwers all questions.
I never understood how anyone could ever think he was ever under 5'8.
heyitsme said on 3/Sep/18
OK is correct, I looked into it.
He's in the 5'8 range, nothing lower.
Here is him next to Taylor Swift, while they were entering on Ellen: The camera is pointing upwards though. But here is the screenshots I took (I apologize for the bad quality, it's from the only interview video and unfortunately it's in 420p):
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Taylor is wearing flats, and she has her usual hunch.
Here is a gif of Taylor walking with the camera pointing normally at them:
Click Here
Strong 5'9 Taylor isn't towering Zac and she's in flats.
Here is Zac and Taylor posing for a photo with an ABC host. Taylor is in the flats again, Zac isn't wearing any large heel shoe, just a normal shoe.
Click Here
Here is Taylor and Zac on the red carpet for their past film (6 yrs ago). Taylor was wearing low heels not flats, and Zac was wearing his classic YSL Sneaker. Taylor doesn't tower him, despite wearing high heels:
His shoes:
Click Here
Her shoes:
Click Here
Zac & Taylor standing with Danny on the Carpet who pulled them together:
Click Here
- Starts at 1:59.
Now here is a rare clip of Zac and Taylor talking:
Click Here
She still has her usual hunch, but she is barely taller than Zac, and that's because she has her low-cut heel on.
The heel she is wearing is called; O Jour Beige Kitten Heel Slingbacks. They're about 2-3 inches.
For someone who is 5'9+ she should be towering him esp, since she's wearing 2-3 inch heels. But she is barely taller than him with heels on.
He is no where under 5'8 he is for sure in the 5'8+ range. It's his bulky body giving the wrong illusion. When he had his skinny lean figure back in the day, he was able to pull off looking 5'10. (See here for example:)
Click Here
Click Here
He looks much better skinnier, and much taller skinner. Not under 5'8. Just his body making him look shorter than 5'8 since he's so bulky. He might even be 5'9 like Men's Health said. The journalist was shocked and said Zac was taller than he ever expected..
Peter175 said on 22/Aug/18
agree with ok.
Zac is 5'8 flat at his worst and probably 5'8.25
cmillzz said on 14/Aug/18
And I never said Efron was 5’7. I’m just saying that a 172 cm measurement isn’t out of the question.
There were some people saying he’s 5’9 range which is just as delusional as saying he’s flat 5’7 imo.
ok said on 13/Aug/18
@ Cmillzz - Nobody is "wanting him to be taller." He is 5'8. Explain to me how if he was below 5'8, how he was taller than Tom Cruise, who is a lift-wearer? Is Tom is 5'7 actually, and he is a lift-wearer, then why was Zac taller than Cruise on The Graham Norton show? Ed Sheeran is 5'7 & 3/4 according to CelebHeights and Zac was taller than Ed who was wearing his high-top sneakers while Zac was wearing a very flat shoe.
Then you have Amanda Crew who is listed as a strong 5'9 on CelebHeights and Zac wearing flip flops around here, yet he is the exact same height as her, check out the airport photos candids.
Taylor Schilling is 5'8 according to celebheights - Their airport candids, she is barely taller than Zac and that's because she is wearing a thick heeled boot giving her extra inches on him.
Explain Justin Bieber the photos of him and Zac together and Zac was taller than Justin, who is 5/7 and a half who was also wearing boots while Zac wasn't.
There are photos of Kanye and Zac Efron out there together standing up with Kim with them, and Zac is taller than Kanye and Kim, Kanye is listed at 5'8 on CelebHeights.
Explain Hugh Jackman's wife being 5'7 and Zac was way taller than her, despite wearing a thick heeled shoe?
Every picture of Priyanka together she is wearing a 2-3 inch heel, even bigger and she still wasn't taller than him unless she was wearing a super big heel.
Explain strong 5'9 Taylor not being able to pass Zac in height and she was wearing flats, explain the photos of them together the behind the scenes shot of Taylor and Zac and Zac is taller than Taylor. While Taylor and him were holding hands, Taylor wasn't taller than him, maybe by a tiny bit? Since she is a solid 5'9+
He is 5'8, people lying and saying he's 5'7 are hilarious.
Zendaya is a solid 5'8 and there is proof of Zac being the exact same height as her and they're both wearing flat footwear, he is also taller than James Corden who was wearing a thick heel while Zac wasn't, are you going to explain that? Most of the time Zac bends his knees in photos also.
His best friend is 6'2 - Ryan (which he claims), maybe 5'11 Zac was wearing flip-flops right next to him, and wasn't looking 5'7 at all. TCA's 2018 Zac was looking 5'8.
Sorry but people who are saying he's 5'7 are saying so out of spite. Even his brother is a 6 fter, and Zac does not look anything below 5'8 right next to him.
Zac was also in flat converse on the red carpet of the Lorax and Taylor was wearing a shorter heel, and she was BARELY taller than Zac who is in converse and is 5'8. When she met Zac in 2009 she was barely taller than him also for someone who is 5'9 it was her heels which made her taller.
It's safe to say he's 5'8. Don't lie.
Matt99 said on 11/Aug/18
Rob would you consider zac to squeeze 5’8 flat at night?

Editor Rob
I wouldn't think Zac drops under 5ft 8 really, arguably he could be 5ft 8 and a fraction during the day.
Ebi said on 10/Aug/18
5'7.25 flat
cmillzz said on 9/Aug/18
Lol all these people wanting him to be taller... going as far as saying he’s 5’9 when he probably isn’t even the full 5’8.
Kayla said on 9/Aug/18
In the 5'8-5'9 range. People are always downgrading him which is ridiculous. It's his upper chest and muscles that give the illusion that he's lower than 5'8 but when he's skinnier he doesn't look below 5'8.
Here is him next to
Zendaya. Taller than James Corden and James is wearing a thick converse style shoe while Zac isn't wearing anything thick the bottom of Zac's shoe is paper thin that gives him no height.
Click Here
Here is Zac next to Hugh Jackman's wife who is 5'7.
Click Here - He's not wearing lifts and his shoe has no heel and he has a lot of height over her.
He is no where close under 5'8. It's just he's too bulky!!!!
khaled taban said on 26/Jul/18
He is 5'8" on dot .
cmillzz said on 18/Jul/18
I bet Rob would edge him out by potentially half an inch.
cmillzz said on 18/Jul/18
doesn’t look the full 5’8 to me.
Ellena said on 12/Jul/18
Whatever height he is, he’s hella fine!
Emil said on 5/Jul/18
I'll have your looks over Efron's at any day of the week. You look 100 times more badass than him

Editor Rob
Jenny agrees with you 😎
Warren said on 5/Jul/18
Handsome Zac is easily 5'7.75-5'8"
YL07 said on 4/Jul/18
@Justin P Well 1" difference is not really that big of a difference. It is noticeable, but you will still feel that "he/she is almost as tall as me" kind of thing. Depending on the head size, and eye range. Anything less than an inch difference will start to become pretty tricky if you're not careful enough to analyze.
Justin P said on 3/Jul/18
I recently met him when he was filming his Ted Bundy film. I was an extra for the set, this was the first time I've got to work with him (I've been in Riverdale commercials next to Cole Sprouse) and have worked with One Direction and many other people. He is for sure taller in person, it's his proportions that give him an illusion that he's smaller. I'm 5'9 1/4 and Zac was almost my height, smaller, but almost at my height not far off at all.
If you ever meet him in person you will see for yourselves. I was shocked, I was expecting him to be 5'6, but no he's about 5'9ish, or a strong 5'8.
heightwizard said on 1/Jul/18
ur sexier than him, rob

Editor Rob
I'll happily trade bodies with him 😄
Pierre said on 24/Jun/18
Zac Efron is an example of a guy who can look 5"10' or even 5"11' in pictures with his proportions
Isaac Bakhturidze said on 1/Jun/18
height liar in Hollywood. Literally not an inch over 5ft7. Just look at him next to Dave Franco, barely taller, about an inch, making him 5ft7. So yeah Rob, either downgrade Efron or upgrade dave. You did this with Neymar and Bieber. Bieber has an inch on Neymar and you have Neymar down as "taller". You need more info on your claims Rob.
Vijayan said on 26/May/18
Rob is it possible you and Efron could be height twins?

Editor Rob
Well, a far greater probablity of height twins than looks or muscle twins 👍
Peter175 said on 20/May/18
Taylor looks 5'9.25 and zac looks 5'8.25 imo
Easily rob's least generous listing
Perri said on 13/May/18
He isn't taller than James Corden. The picture you gave shows Corden with his head down and Zac looking up. It's the illusion dude and they're not even wearing the same footwear.
The problem is with all the pics you've given to us with Taylor and Zac, none of them shows Zac is wearing a flat shoes. He might be wearing inserts for all we know.
Taylor Swift is most probably between 5'8 and 5'9. I will give Zac the same height for the benefit of doubt.
Biggy said on 4/May/18
Taller than 5'8 James Corden and he's bending his knee. There is more clips/videos of him taller than Corden. Corden's van type shoes also have a way thicker bottom than Zac's giving him extra height, yet Zac is still taller.
Click Here at the start of their skit for their crosswalk musical, Zac is taller than James, again who is in the same footwear giving him extra height.
If he wasn't leaning/bending you can see easily how much taller Zac is.
I think a lot of people like to downgrade Zac's height for absolutely no reason, I think the fact that he stood next to Taylor Swift and was the same height as her while she was in flats not heels proves he is taller than what people assume and for sure in the 5'8-5'9 range. He did an ABC promo commercial with Taylor Swift as well and while holding her hand (she wore flats again) he was the same height as her they took pictures with the interviewer he was taller than the interview and the same height as Taylor interviewer:
Click Here
Here is a back angle of Zac and Taylor walking together and she is in flats:
Click Here
If Zac was truly "5'6/5'7" like some of these claims, that would mean Taylor is 5'8 which she is not.
I think the reason why people assume he's 5'6/5'7 because of his figure, he has a wide torso but very short torso and he's only 5'8-5'9 and extremely buff which gives off an illusion his 09 photos of him skinny always gave the impression he was 5'9-5'10 ... It was until he started buffing he looked tiny.
No way he's under 5'8.
Mark182 said on 2/May/18
He Always looks 5'7 the most 5'7.25 171cm.
Ze said on 27/Apr/18
5'8+ Here is him next to 5'7 Katy Perry who WAS wearing strong heels that night and Zac was still taller.
Click Here
1.71.5cm guy :( said on 23/Apr/18
Click Here @rob and everybody, check this video out of a film scene with listed 5ft 5 josh hutcherson he seems about 1.71cm
Quoter86 said on 23/Apr/18
Looks a solid 5" shorter than Jackman in The Greatest Showman. I would say 5'8.25".
Isaac Hamilton said on 21/Apr/18
171cm maximum, and thats prob his morning height. Looked like a legit dwarf with The Rock, and looked near the same height next to Dave Franco in Neighbours.
Emil said on 8/Apr/18
he decided to increase his claim, modestly saying: "I'm only 5ft 10in"
Oh, your sarcasm, señor Rob 😅
Jonathon said on 26/Mar/18
Looked at least a 1/2 inch taller than Ryan Seacrest, legit 5'8 - 5'8.25 guy.
What said on 12/Mar/18
@Peter175 - There is a lot of proof of people saying Zac is 5'8. A lot. Many people who have met him, even stated (fans and reporters) that he is taller than they expected. Men's Fitness magazine did an interview with him, and the journalist who sat down with him stated Zac is 5'9 and "taller than he was expecting"
There are many photos of him proving he is 5'8+ - The fact that him and Taylor come to the same height, when she is not wearing heels, is safe to say he is 5'8+
Peter175 said on 8/Mar/18
There is never any proof from the people saying Zac is sub5ft8.
Never. Zac has looked 5'7 range maybe in a few distorted pics but for the most part he looks every bit of 5 8
SD(171CM) said on 3/Mar/18
Zac Efron is a good actor and I think he should be cast in a superhero film in order to completely shed off his Disney pretty boy image ...maybe as NIGHTWING
Click Here
...Hey Dwayne'The Rock'Johnson is Black Adam!!!
I don't know about the various steroid accusations but he did have a physique proportional to his height(around 5'8)
Click Here
Click Here he's also better looking facial compared to Hugh Jackman.
Effie said on 27/Feb/18
After seeing him in boots, lifts, and tip toeing next to zendaya, I’m afraid he might be closer to 5’6” than 5’7”.
_G4.174cm said on 21/Feb/18
Heyya! Is Zac 172.7 cm in the morning evening or night?
maxper said on 16/Feb/18
that 172 cm that people give him is for morning or night? if its night then he is 174 in morning?
Junior Hernandez said on 13/Feb/18
Doesn't look over 172cm and not quite under it.
maxper said on 7/Feb/18
So rob would you say im 170 or 169 ? according to the last coment in zac efron page.
maxper said on 5/Feb/18
Hello Rob, when you say an height, do you mean the very morning height, evening or afternoon height? im 171.5 cm in the very morning, 170cm in the afternoon and 169 cm in the night, perfectly measured for more than 20 consecutive days, what height would you say i am ?
DksDude said on 2/Feb/18
Do you add the shoe height with the celebrity height?

Editor Rob
No, shoes aren't part of human height.
Anybody giving height in shoes should be one for the watching 😑 .
Jaron said on 29/Jan/18
I can't believe some of you think Zac is 5'9" - 5'10". His brother is about six foot and has at least 4-5 inches
on Zac in these two pictures:
Click Here
Click Here
He's short. I know it ruins the fantasy for a lot of you.
@Peter175 - Half an inch isn't "noticeably taller".
jeja said on 25/Jan/18
Rob what do you think ?
Click Here This is really strange to me, 5"8 Zac Efron looking roughly same height as 5"11 Seth Rogen ?? Is he on elevators or something ? His shoes seem a bit bulky....

Editor Rob
More shoes and maybe the higher camera helping zac?
If you watch Neighbours, towards the end
Zac and Seth are together and there's 3 inches between them easily.
Jens said on 13/Jan/18
Shorter than 5'8", in my eyes.
5'7.5" is my guess
Anonymous said on 9/Jan/18
A verrry flat/weak 5'8 is the most I can see for Efron. I mean look at him next to 5'7.5 Joe Jonas...
Doesn't need a downgrade but no way does he need an upgrade either.
Height said on 9/Jan/18
173 cm for me
Boris Casoy said on 7/Jan/18
Guys please lets think straight and be logical. It’s simple impossiblr for him be 173cm. Hes at least 177 (5 10). Be honest.
berta said on 7/Jan/18
i think average vote is little low. he was a guy that grew the last cm very late. i would actuelly give him 173-74 today. 172 is to low.
Darius said on 6/Jan/18
Seems at least 5'8" with Tom Cruise
Letorgi said on 4/Jan/18
173 cm for me
andre said on 1/Jan/18
his height from 168cm to 170 cm max barefoot
Shawn said on 26/Dec/17
I got a kick out of ALEXANDRE ALVES BR's comment asking why Zac "suffers." He's a famous, good-looking, multi-million dollar earning actor that's a tad bit below average height. He's hardly suffering!
Anyhow, I think this is a good listing Rob. I think Zac would be taller than a guy like say, G, but still just a smidge shorter than you. Spot on.
Big kevin29 said on 22/Dec/17
My gf met him. She is 5.6. They were the same height. He's a short small guy
Warren said on 19/Dec/17
Legit a week to strong 5'8", might be 172 more likely than 172.7
Anonymous said on 19/Dec/17
He is 5’9/ 5’10, because
Zendaya is 5’10 and they are in the same range!!
Will A said on 18/Dec/17
Hey Rob, have you ever noticed that some of these more lucrative height proposals are clearly from the celeb’s team or something considering most followers of this site are hypercritical not generous.

Editor Rob
it would be foolish not to think that some friends or compatriots of some celebs do put out positive comments around the web.
But Efron really can look a decent 5ft 8 range, I wouldn't go any lower than that, and can appreciate how sometimes he looks 5ft 8.5 range too.
Bbb said on 17/Dec/17
There is a clip of him dancing with
Zendaya recently for their live commercial rehearsal, she has bit of a heel on, Zac is not shorter than her.
Bbb said on 17/Dec/17
@Alex, he is taller than Corden at the very start and end, the spot you picked is a bad spot.
Alex said on 15/Dec/17
Honestly, I see him shorter than Corden in the all video :
Click Here
172 for him.
Bbb said on 13/Dec/17
He does do the whole rising on his feet thing sometimes, but here is taller than Corden and he isn't doing that, and he is wearing a flat shoe.
He wasn't doing the rising thing with Ed either, as there is a video of him, with Zac in a flat shoe and was naturally taller than Ed.
Click Here
Bbb said on 9/Dec/17
Was taller than Corden and Sheeran. Wasn't wearing lifts or any shoe with a sort of heel. 100% 5'8.
Yorob said on 9/Dec/17
See his latest picture with ed sheeran he is clearly 2.5 inches taller than him atleast

Editor Rob
you got to be careful with Efron, he's
A guy who at times will rise up on his feet...
John said on 8/Dec/17
Looks 2 inches taller than weak 5’8 Ed Sheeran in his recent insta pic, maybe he’s wearing lifts or tip toed a bit.
Peace said on 6/Dec/17
Nothing less than 5'8
Kourosh said on 29/Nov/17
again the word "only" proves the person is 2 inches below the height he claims.
same case with mark and johnny
Bebe said on 27/Nov/17
5'8 he was bare foot next to
Zendaya and was taller then here.
Zendaya is 100% 5'8 too. He is nothing below 5'7 it's just when he's bulky it gives him the illusion that he's shorter. He's super skinny now and was next to his brother and friend who are 6 ft and he wasn't that tiny near them. If he was 5'7 and below he would've been by far towered over but wasn't.
Anonymous said on 26/Nov/17
Remove his shoes lifts and he is just 169cm barefoot
ALEXANDRE ALVES BR said on 23/Nov/17
Hey Rob why do some actors like Sean Penn (5'8) do not get many comments about the height and others like Zac (same height) suffer ?????

Editor Rob
Zac is young and there is more interest in his height, although I think with Sean about 3 years is missing from 07 to 2010 were comments would have been submitted.
But if anybody is interested in stats, over last 10 years someone like Efron has had nearly 6 times as many visits to his page as Sean penn:
600,000 for Efron, 100,000 for Penn.
Jay said on 19/Nov/17
He's 100% in the 5'8 range he is taller than zendaya especially when bare foot
Anonymous said on 17/Nov/17
Zac Efron is about 5'6"-I compared his ht to my wife's ht of 5'8" -seen at LAX wearing a goody, skinny jeans, and pink sneakers. He seemed like a nice guy.
Peter175 said on 8/Nov/17
Certainly Geeus, and
Matt Damon is what I suspect to be a strong 5'9.5-75 like Rob has him at, and efron doesn't even look more than an inch shorter. How you can see him below this listing is beyond me.
He's in the same range as Jeremy Renner, Kanye West and Joaquin Phoenix, strong 5'8ers that never even come close to dipping below it
Anonymous said on 8/Nov/17
Awful actor , 172.8 CM
Sacred said on 6/Nov/17
173 cm for Zac I am sure
Geeus said on 5/Nov/17
@ Peter -
Thank you! Someone gets it.
There is literally videos of him next to 6 ft Channing Tatum, and Zac isn't even far from Channing, despite him being 6 ft. No way Zac is below 5'8. So many photos of him with
Matt Damon who is 5'9 and Zac is literally not below Matt, but the same.
Peter175 said on 3/Nov/17
I seriously can't understand how you can think he's below this listing. He's between 5'8-5'8.5. Rob's listing here is kinda not as generous as his other listings. For example he was noticeably taller than Tom Cruise, nearer half an inch at least. I can't possibly see him as 5'7 or even 5'7.5. With the Rock- looks nearer 5'8.5
After a long look at him in the last 3 films he's released, he gets a well educated and considered 5'8.25 from me.
DirectorKrennic said on 2/Nov/17
172 cm morning, 171 cm at night.
Geeus said on 1/Nov/17
Hopefully this link properly works.
Zac Efron next to 5'9+
Matt Damon
Click Here
He wasn't wearing lifts either, or a shoe with a heel.
Zac Efron and co-star Amanda Crew who is listed as 5'9 on CelebH.
Click Here
jjj said on 31/Oct/17
Flat 5'8 does seem fair for him, although i imagine he drops below that at night.
petunia said on 24/Oct/17
Lol 5'10. He is 5'8.5 max.
randomuser said on 24/Oct/17
@Johan I highly doubt his generation is 5'10 barefoot. Maybe in Finland but not America. According to the CDC, avg 20-29 year old is 5'9.4. Keep in mind those measurements were taken in the morning while this listing is afternoon height. Zac is solidly average for his generation at 5'9
Geeus said on 23/Oct/17
@Jay. Nah, not above 5'9. He's most likely in the 5'8 zone. Nothing lower.
Jay said on 21/Oct/17
Big man for sure at 5’10. No ifs no buts. Zac is the same height as Justin Bieber i.e. 5’10
Geeus said on 16/Oct/17
He is not below... 5'8 for sure in the 5'8 zone (could slightly be higjer) no lower. Check out the pictures of him and Rottman and Nina Dobrev at a basketball game, Zac isn't wearing lifts, and he is isn't that far from a 5-10/5'11 Rottman.
If he was 5'7 there would be a bigger difference.
Here is Zac with 5'9 (listed by Amanda Crew by CelebHeights..) Who is 5.8-5'9 next to Efron who isn't wearing lifts.
Click Here -- Which is proof, it's impossible he is 5'7 and under.
Zac next to 5'8 Schilling.
Click Here - Keep in mind Taylor Schilling has huge heeled boots on, yet Zac isn't far off, despite the boots and she is 5'8.
He's not below 5'8. I'm not sure why people desperately want him downgraded, no way.
The only reason he looks below 5'8 is because of how big he is now, his chest is extremely large and wide.. With big arms, at only 5'8. So, of course he looks 5'6/5'7 but he is no where near. Back in the day, people thought he was 5'10, but never below 5'8, because he isn't below 5'8.
There is also a clip of Taylor Swift holding Zac's hand and being led into a lounge, Taylor doesn't tower Zac.. Zac was towering her, and he wasn't wearing lifts.
No way he's below 5'8. Proof of that is because of Taylor Swift Schilling and Crews which are all pretty tall women and Zac holds up. Even with numerous of photos of Taylor Swifr wearing heels, she wasn't towering over Zac in numerous photos and videos, especially during their "dance dares."
Also, Joe Jonas / Taylor Swift should be looked into, because it's odd how there is a video of them together, Taylor wearing boots yet Jonas wearing flat shoes and is the same height as Taylor.
Tallish89 said on 12/Oct/17
I think Joe is probably a inch shorter than Taylor Swift.
But that still puts both Zac Efron and Joe Jonas under 5'9 max 171-172cm
Zac appears to go for shoes with a bit of an advantage most of the times, plus in photos with Joe he was on his tip toes to appear taller
Again 171-172cm nothing lower than that for both
andre said on 11/Oct/17
zac is from minimum 172cm to 174cm with shoes in the morning
@Pascoal said on 11/Oct/17
There are videos of Joe next to Taylor and Joe is in flat shoes and is the exact same height as 5'9 Taylor.
I'm not saying Joe is 5'9. But, then please explain why Joe is exactly the same height as a 5'9 Taylor, IN his flat shoes, and her in cowboy boots?
Marquis said on 10/Oct/17
This does seem right for him. And he does claim 5'8" officially elsewhere... maybe he should change that if he wants ppl to buy his current '5-10' claims, lol.
andre said on 4/Oct/17
5ft8 with shoes
Jack The Smackhead said on 3/Oct/17
@Geeus: You're looking into it way too much. I could believe Zac being 5'9 in shoes, but a weak 5'8/strong 5'7 seems right.
Im 171CM said on 2/Oct/17
Most likely a 68in guy lol wants to be taller though...
Pascoal said on 28/Sep/17
Bro, look Zac with Adam DeVine (170).
Click Here
Pascoal said on 28/Sep/17
So Joe Jonas is 5'9 also.
Frost said on 21/Sep/17
From what I can gather there is no conclusive evidence of exact age ranges of human growth plates fusing. The studies seem to be mostly self reported in nature and I haven't found one with a large enough sample size and testing period to validate its authenticity.
So it might be best to not make claims on how much of the population stops growing at certain times. Doesn't seem to be fully corroborated but enough data yet.
Quoter86 said on 21/Sep/17
Geeus must be Zac himself. Talk about cherry picking photos.
Oh and
Kevin Hart is like 5'3 not 5'7 so he wouldn't tower over Zac like he does Kevin even if Zac were 5'7. Very odd thing to say.
5'8.25" at most for Zac. I would agree he's likely not 5'7 range though.
Johan said on 21/Sep/17
BeeJay said on 10/Jun/17
I've met him... exact same height as me and I'm 5"10. He's right on 178cm in shoes, identical to me as we stood toe to toe. Probably around 177 without - we don't wear high heels ffs - get rid of these 2 inch heel ridiculousness losses. I'd assume the 5"8 comment was purely because he figured as such and hadn't accurately measured at the time. It's common knowledge Tom Cruise uses pump shoes which is what brings him up to others (not them down to him).
Even more ironic as I have found out myself that "only" 5"10 is actually accurate even though it is average height - most women call Zac short, expecting average to be 6ft4, especially someone who has the roguish good looks of an expectedly taller masculine man.
He can appear 5'9" at times I can believe that sighting. Being 5'10" in shoes though does not make anyone 5'10". Most shoes are an inch so 5'9" tops for this guy. Under average for his generation who are 5'10" barefoot. Thats 5'11" in shoes incase you were curious.
Pascoal said on 19/Sep/17
Sorry but If he is 5'9", so is Joe Jonas.
Click Here
Tallish89 said on 19/Sep/17
He's same as Joe Jonas I posted enough pictures to prove it!