Sinclair said on 17/Jul/22
Pastore did have a good two inches on Tony Sirico in The Sopranos.
Sinclair said on 24/Nov/21
With his stooped posture on The Sopranos, it can be difficult to tell but I see how 5’10” flat makes sense.
stiggles said on 4/Feb/21
No more than 5ft 8..
Bwk said on 6/Feb/20
This listing seems fine for him.
Smiles03 said on 11/Jan/18
He like 5'10
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 22/Dec/17
Goes to show you that a lot of these listings are overlisted to an extent, no disrespect to Rob though.

Editor Rob
well it's just your opinion, I'm not offended.
You can take one listing and find many who agree, many who think 'overlisted' or 'underlisted'...none of us really are in the superior position of having measured that person though.
Junior31 said on 20/Dec/17
Met him quite a few times. His posture always seemed poor but I'd be shocked if he measures over 5'9
Sonny Black said on 18/Dec/17
5’10 flat seems spot on for him.
LG69 said on 31/Oct/13
Solid 5'10" guy.
Jordan said on 5/Sep/13
Rob, Loius Lombardi who you have here already a picture with is 5'8 like you say. Vincent Pastore starred with him in the Sopranos and was 2" taller, so 5'10 seems spot on.
Anonymous said on 9/May/09
5'10.5- 5'11 for this guy
Lg69 said on 21/Jul/08
I've always thought Vinny was 5'10", so I guess I was right.
AshnarLynx said on 23/Dec/07
Yeah, he looks 5'10.
derek said on 20/Dec/07
I dont think he's 5'9.... He's not standing up straight..... He looks like he would be 5'10 maybe close to 5'11
Pete said on 19/Dec/07
5-9 for vin
glenn said on 18/Dec/07
interesting on the sneakers.he would look 5-10,5-11 in the early 90s,but never countered in the fact of his boots and me being 5-7.his 2 extra inches and boots made him a giant next to me good real anonymous.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 17/Dec/07
Glenn, we had Bonjovi in here on December 9. They put on a great show. Of all the acts that I have seen come through here over the years I would say he is the biggest heart throb. Women from their early 20's into there late 60's went crazy over him. He looks a legit 5'9 to me. He was wearing a black type of trainers with a next to no heels on them. Now this is going to sound strange, but his feet seemed to fill those trainers up. Either he has very wide feet or he had some clever type of lifts in there. I am probably wrong about the lifts, but it got me wondering. He does look a legit 5'9 . Take care my bro!
bruce_willis said on 17/Dec/07
always thought he was 5'11
Darren said on 16/Dec/07
He is really 5 foot 10
glenn said on 16/Dec/07
how ya been real anonymous? any good celebs you seen lately?
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 16/Dec/07
Hi Glenn! He looks 5'8.5-5'9 there.
Danimal said on 16/Dec/07
Man, the end of the second season of The Sopranos in 2000 was the best one in my opinion. Everything from the way it was filmed, to the choice of the score for that episode (The Rolling Stones) to James's dream sequences, to Vincent getting wacked on the boat.
J. said on 26/Jan/07
Lisa Regina, Pastore's actress girlfriend, has her height listed as 5'6" on her offical website:
Click Here
Jordan said on 15/Sep/06
He is 2 inches shorter then James Gandolfini who on every bio I see of him he is listed at 6'0.5 So a 5'10 estimate is accurate if Gandolfini is a solid 6'0.
Brad said on 18/Aug/06
I wish I had a dollar for every Vincent Pastore lookalike/talkalike I saw/heard growing up around NYC. He & Frankie Vincent are the Newman-Redford team I like.
JRS said on 11/Aug/06
I don't buy the 5'11" listing from celebrity fit club.
J. said on 10/Aug/06
He's a cast member of this season's US Celebrity Fit Club. He's listed as 5'11" and 274 lbs.