Nik said on 5/Sep/19
She's actually quite tall!
Paul George said on 30/Jan/19
Just to clear up the racial BS on here. She identifies as black. Her dna test on says 37% European/ 63% African. Blue eyes first appeared in Europe as a mutation about 10,000 years ago. Blue eyes are not an African trait, they are a recessive trait. My wife identifies as black she is 49% European/51% African. No one is part black, they are part African. Race is a social construct. That being said she appears quite average at 5'6"
Steve said on 22/Nov/15
My wife got her order graph when she was doing kiss of the spider woman on Broadway years ago . My wife is five 3 1/2 and wears flats because she has a disability she was still taller than Vanessa who was wearing a slight heel on cowboy boots I bet she's only 5'2"
kikisf said on 9/Feb/12
I met her and was shocked that she was so petite. I am 5'6.5" and was wearing flats she had on heels and was still much shorter. I think she is 5'4" tops
Demiere said on 4/Sep/11
Vanessa L. Williams had to meet a requirement for the title of Miss America. In the movie Soul Food she towered over Vivica Fox sho's about 5'8. It was probably her heels that made her 5'10 so she has to be 5'6-5'7. She's not short. At all!
P said on 28/Jun/11
there is no way she could be 5'6"!!!in hanna mantana she wore 3" hills and miley was in flats and the diffrence was about 3" and half max! miley is 5'4"1/2 the most so she would be 5'5"!!
Anonymous said on 13/Feb/11
We are all Gods Children, in my eyes we are all part of one race the human race, we should always be proud of our heritage, but embrace each other as fellow human beings!
VWFan said on 28/Jan/11
She is black. She says so here
Click Here
Oh, and I met her too. I'm 4'11.5", and she did not tower over me. She wasn't much taller, so 5'6" seems generous. I say no way.
VWFan said on 28/Jan/11
Vanessa Williams identifies as a black woman. A lot of blacks come in varied shades and hues. We are all mixed up. It's because she's beautiful and successful that people nitpick to dilute her blackness. But sorry, she claims BLACK. And she was the first BLACK Miss America.
Her own words here:
Click Here
Anonymous said on 13/Dec/10
I can't dispute the percentage of white/black ancestry in Vennnessa L Williams from her two parents. However I beg to question you on your comparison of the amount of white ancestry of Venessa L Williams,as compared to Halle Berry. You are saying that Venessa Williams is 60% white and 40Percent black,thus more white than black,compared to Halle Berry being only 50 percent white,and 50 percent black. Well you are assuming that Halle Berry,along with having a white mother,she has a pure 100 percent black father.How do you know Halle's father is predominantly of black decent,he may for alll you know,be of more than a little white ancestry,same as Venessa's mother is,(although by Venessa's father's almost completely white looking appearance,her mother's appearance does not lean more towards white features,though I don't doubt that she has white ancestry). So you can't knowledgeably say that Venessa L Williams is of more white ancestry than Halle Berry is,because you don't really know the full ancestry of Halle's black father.
cappuccinoskin said on 31/May/09
guys just to put this speculation to rest about Vanessa's ancestry here
Click Here check it out she said it herself in her own site when a fan from Wales, UK asked a question she answered that she has Welsh ancestry so there she's part European oki dokey? Nevertheless, this woman is fame, talent and beauty roll into one whether she's black or what she's by far one of the prettiest on the planet!
J. said on 23/Feb/09
I don't want this board into a racial discussion forum, of course, you can have Latin American national origins and have no real sub-Saharn African roots. I was being empathetic, I think it was understood where I was coming from. Because horrors of horros, I couldn't be implying that a majority of people actually have that god-awful African blood! Gasp! How dare I! LOL.
mimi said on 20/Feb/09
J. says on 20/Feb/09:
Also, Glenn, if you have Latino roots, it can't be possible that you DON'T have some African blood.
Hahaha..what are you talking about, J?? OF COURSE you can have Latino roots and not have African blood. Eeeesshhh....
J. said on 20/Feb/09
She's still beautiful after all these years! 5'6" seems fair for her.
Now, as far as her ethnicity, SHE'S BLACK. (So are both of her parents and all of her immediate family; some are also in the business). Get over it. She's easily predominately African. Like most of her fellow African Americans, she surely has some European and Native American ancestry (thank you slavery! LOL), but is mostly of West African descent, as her features, hair texture and body shape are all West African-influenced, not "European" (as it should be, "Africans" were here before "European" but that's a WHOOOLLLEEE different conversation).
Blacks can have light eyes. It's not always an evidence of European blood, either. There's actually many black Africans, believe or not, who have light eyes. They have no traceable "white" blood at all. For example, there's two older black men who work at a cafe near me. They're both very dark-brown-skinned and have blue eyes. They're both Jamaican. It happens.
People of sub-Saharan African descent just naturally have more phenotypical range. Why can't people accept that?
Also, Glenn, if you have Latino roots, it can't be possible that you DON'T have some African blood.
ralf said on 10/Oct/08
J says on 15/Oct/07
Her eyes are gray with blue. As a gray/ blue eyed African American myself, it is not that unusual. There is an African tribe on the mid-eastern side of Africa that holds this dominant gene. My mother told me of the name of it once. But I assure you in her bloodline it is not a white gene. Both of Vanessa
John Jay said on 18/May/08
She is about 5'6 id say seen her up close once, possibly twice couldnt tell the second time, she is even hotter in person.
kelly said on 10/Mar/08
Hi all,
Actualy she has got some white blood in her because both her parents were half black/white. Wich is why she has both features. Here is a link where you can learn more about her parents.
Click Here said on 22/Oct/07
perhaps, JJ it is not as uncommon as i thought. her bio states that her parents were of african-american/european descent, so I'm still skeptical as to where it came from. but that's just me.
glenn said on 16/Oct/07
so it doesnt come from any white at all generations ago? thats hard to believe.but i guess i dont know everything.i wouldnt be surprised i had a microscopic hint or fraction of black in me.why not her having a fraction white?
JJ said on 15/Oct/07
Her eyes are gray with blue. As a gray/ blue eyed African American myself, it is not that unusual. There is an African tribe on the mid-eastern side of Africa that holds this dominant gene. My mother told me of the name of it once. But I assure you in her bloodline it is not a white gene. Both of Vanessa said on 29/Sep/07
because 90-odd percent of african americans have brown eyes of some shade. not many have green or blue eyes, especially those who are in the public eye. you'd think a tv/exmodel would do more poses etc... oh and she's half white, you're right. and half african american
glenn said on 5/Aug/07
how is that unusual? she is obviously part white.she is nice but rarely poses. said on 5/Aug/07
yeah id totally tap that. blue eyes for an african american which is definately unusual. was she nice glenn?
Zach said on 1/Aug/07
Who cares how tall she is. She's friggin hot hot hot...
RICHARD said on 27/Jul/07
I watched The Odyssey in the 9th grade and she looked at least 5'9' in some scenes,however she was barefoot and she still looked this tall. I actually believe she is over 5'6
Roji G. said on 27/Jul/07
this woman is GORGE-OUSE! i mean WOW! i have olive skin colour..kinda like hers, n i hope i'll look juz as STUNNING! as her when i'm her age...or even half her age!
Hollands Hope ina Dutch said on 27/Jul/07
V. Williams is hot stuff for a older gal.You don't win beuty pagents for nothing. I always though was a lil taller than 5'6. Well thats camera action for you.
Franco said on 26/Jul/07
while i have no reason to doubt 168cm she actually looks 170cm in that pic with shoes/heels!
maybe she's 165cm even.
glenn said on 26/Jul/07
its weird with her rob.she has turned me down in the early 90s and in 2001 friends got turned down last year.
Del Mar said on 26/Jul/07
Still quite hot, in the age of 44 or what she is! Always wondered what etnicity she has, half black and half white? If she's in heels here, she could be below 5-6 though.
glenn said on 26/Jul/07
extremely difficult to obtain a posed photo with.she always declines.this was inside the event,so thats probably why.never mean.nice,but shoots down the photo requests.

Editor Rob
so that's good you got her, a rare one. Wonder why she turns down the could probably photograph this girl from any angle and with bad lighting and she'd still look good!
Anonymous said on 16/Jul/07
she is a true 5'6. just saw a recent pic of her with 5'8 ali landry, and she only looked a tad smaller. she holds her own next to very tall people.absolutely stunning women.
Elizabeth said on 19/Jan/07
Jesus, did anyone see how much Rebecca Romijin TOWERED over Vanessa Williams in tonight's episode of Ugly Betty? Unless Rebecca's heels were way bigger, it's possible that Vanessa is shorter than 5'6". Rebecca literally looked 6-7 inches taller.
Realme said on 14/Jan/07
She looks so much taller on , "Ugly Betty." It's probably because she always has on four inche heels on though.
victoria's secret model said on 30/Nov/06
she's definetly 5.6"
175cm16andgrowing said on 7/Jan/06
To me she looks 5'4 and 120lbs...

Editor Rob
I'm not sure how reliable the miss america listings are...I mean, they give various people 1/4 inches, so on the surface it appears reasonable although just a glance at some pics and many times she doesn't really look 5ft 6, so hmm