Ian C. said on 16/May/21
I don't know about this one. In East Side, West Side, his character picks up a woman in a bar. She's wearing heels, but she's an inch taller than he is in the heels.
Tall In The Saddle said on 22/Jul/20
I like the address of old time actors.
A pic of Heflin and Flynn SANTA FE TRAIL.
Click Here
Flynn isn't at full potential but I might give him up to 1.5" advantage as is. Heflin definitely below 6' and possibly a flat 5'11" if not even a touch below.
Arch Stanton said on 21/Jul/20
He looked about the same height as Niven did, but at least Niven could sometimes pull off looking nearer 6'1 with lifts and posture! 6 ft 2 in shoes is laughable for him, allmost 6'3 in boots in westerns! Next film of his I see I'll have to look at his footwear, I think he seemed to type who was height conscious.
Arch Stanton said on 19/Jul/20
Rob I think you can give him a 5'11.5, but I wouldn't go higher. Maybe he got measured close to 6'1 in shoes early in the morning.
Arch Stanton said on 19/Jul/20
Editor Rob said on 19/Jul/20
Found a quote from Van, he claimed 6ft 1!
LOL!! He could look close to 6 ft at times but 6'1 is laughable. I saw a film of his the other day form the early 50s and I thought 182 seemed about right.

Editor Rob
Could be a little room in the idea of his posture being slouchy at times, but over 6ft barefoot seems an impossiblity.
Editor Rob said on 19/Jul/20
Found a quote from Van, he claimed 6ft 1!
Jug said on 8/Aug/16
Was watching 'East Side, West Side,' in which Heflin co-stars alongside James Mason. Heflin looked an inch taller. He could have been a legit six foot. He had sort of a stocky build so it doesn't seem that he would be that tall, but Mason was 5'11.
Tom said on 11/May/16
I doubt Heflin was any taller than 5-10. He was dwarfed by Gig Young in The Three Musketeers.
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Feb/16
Click Here
Looks close to Clark Gable and is further away from the camera. But both are getting towered by Cooper and Stewart.
Arch Stanton said on 3/May/15
In some ways Heflin was very similar to David Niven in height. Both looked the same sort of height, could look a full 6', 5'11" at others.
Arch Stanton said on 3/May/15
If he was similar to Glenn Ford though I', not sure he's be nearer 6 ft as Ford could look 5'10.5 with guys like Brando and Poitier.
Arch Stanton said on 3/May/15
Rob, what do you reckon he looks at 23 minutes with 6'1" Massey
Click Here ? You know the more of him I see the more I think you'd be more accurate with something in 5'11.5-5'11.75 range.

Editor Rob
5ft 11.5 I'd have thought at that moment but the ground maybe not all even.
Steve said on 14/Feb/15
Oh, I forgot to mention that in Madame Bovery, Louis Jourdan wears shoes with huge heels. I think Jourdan was no more than 5'10".
Arch Stanton said on 13/Feb/15
I'll try to watch it sometime, cheers.
Steve said on 12/Feb/15
Arch, watch The Three Musketeers. He's considerably shorter than Gig Young. At the end of the film they stand at attention right next to one another. Heflin is three inches taller than 5'7" Gene Kelly and up to four inches shorter than Young. And Heflin apoears to be roughly the same height as Robert Coote.
In Madame Bovery, Jennifer Jones wore ballet slippers. In fact, you can spot them if you look closely.
Arch Stanton said on 12/Feb/15
Generally Steve if anything I thought Heflin could look more 182 than 5'10. He looked near 6 ft with Jennifer Jones in Madame Bovary.
Steve said on 11/Feb/15
Check out how short Heflin is next to Gary Cooper
Click Here
Steve said on 11/Feb/15
More proof Heflin was only 5'10".
He's the same height as 5'10" Don Ameche
Click Here
Steve said on 11/Feb/15
Watch the 1949 MGM version of The Three Musketeers. Heflin is considerably shorter than 6'1" Gig Young. So short that during the last sequence where they line up in front of the king, Heflin looks four inches shorter. So either Young was a lot taller than 6'1" or Heflin wasn't any taller than 5'10".
And Heflin looks three inches taller than 5'7" Gene Kelly. And the same height as 5'10" Robert Coote.
Watch the film you tell me.
Oh, when Vincent Price enters the shot, he's towers over the entire cast.
Sam said on 2/Jan/15
I think Rob has Taylor, Ford and Heflin all pretty accurately listed at 5'10.75", 5'11" and 5'11.25" respectively. I do recall Heflin and Ford were similar height in 3:10 to Yuma. In some other films and photos though, Ford seemed to be wearing pretty big heeled boots at times.
I liked the remake better than original but the central semi-bad guy character I actually liked Ford's characterization better than Russell Crowe's, who they made too superhuman IMO.
Steve said on 11/Dec/14
He looks about an inch shorter than six foot Richard Denning.
Why Patricia Neal is so short is a mystery. Perhaps she was flat footed. Or standing in a hole. She was around 5'8 & 1/2".
Heflin was roughly the same height as Glenn Ford in 3:10 to Yuma. And was the same height as Robert Taylor in Johnny Eager. And the same height as Robert Walker in Till the Clouds Roll By.
Ford was supposedly 5'11" while Rober Taylor has been listed at over 5'11" and Robert Walker was according to his bio around 6'.
Sam said on 10/Dec/14
Yeah, on the other hand, Rudolph Valentino or the young Gary Cooper were kind of pretty boys.
Arch Stanton said on 10/Dec/14
Rob can you squeeze in Madame Bovary, an unusual leading romantic role for him opposite Jennifer Jones and James Mason in Minelli's film. He was actually quite decent in it, but obviously poorly matched as a husband for Jennifer Jones in terms of looks!!.
Arch Stanton said on 10/Dec/14
I know what you mean Sam, but even today the likes of John C Reilly, the late Philip Seymour Hoffman and Jonah Hill made it. But it's not as if they weren't image conscious back then, even since the early silents they were. And a good portion of stars even in the classic period would never have made it but for their looks, especially some of the actresses. So while it might be difficult to see them as leading stars today even for their period it's quite something. Remember that Jimmy Cagney and Micky Rooney were thriving at a time when the likes of Errol Flynn and Clark Gable the traditionally tall dark and handsome guys were gracing the screen.
Sam said on 9/Dec/14
It's hard to picture someone looking like him, not necessarily ugly but not handsome either with character and lines to his face, reaching the same heights of success today in movies. You could also say the same thing perhaps about guys like Spencer Tracy or James Cagney...maybe Daniel Craig fits the bill but he doesn't have the screen presence to match such actors IMO.
Gonzalo said on 9/Dec/14
That pic next to Patricia Neal looks really strange. Heflin must be standing on something. Or Patricia Neal was far from being 1`74 as listed here.
I saw East side, west side (a movie with Heflin and Mason) many years ago and to be honest I can´t remember who was taller. Probably Heflin had the edge but I can´t remember; anyway, there weren´t many scenes of both actors together. All I remember is how beautiful Ava Gardner was in it. Specially in a scene in a bar with her in a black dress with her naked shoulders. She was gorgeous. And Cyd Charisse was gorgeous too in that film.
Arch Stanton said on 9/Dec/14
I've been meaning to watch Madame Bovary, Jennifer Jones was in it too. I'll see it later if I can find it.
Gonzalo said on 9/Dec/14
Great and underrated actor. Looked around 1´80
Sam said on 8/Dec/14
Apparently he did two films with James Mason as well but I've seen neither nor can find pictures of them together. Niven could look like he was a fraction taller than Mason though.
Here with Patricia Neal, I guess he looks pretty close to the six foot mark if she really was 5'8.5" but who knows what's going on with their footwear.
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 8/Dec/14
Similar range to Niven I think Sam. Just when you think Niven is barely 5 ft 11 he can pull off looking a full 6' with ease!
Sam said on 8/Dec/14
Thanks for adding! I agree he looks more this range than the full six feet he was frequently cited as. To me he could seem just barely under six feet tall. Probably about 5-5.5 inches taller than Jimmy Cagney and Alan Ladd in an even shot and looked shorter than six foot, although slouching, near Clark Gable and Gary Cooper.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Dec/14
Rob can you add Battle Cry, Green Dolphin Street and The Three Musketeers? His role in Greatest Story was small and the film was a pile of ****!!
Arch Stanton said on 7/Dec/14
Spot on I think, thanks. Difficult to see 6 ft next to some of his co stars. Looks like Orlando Bloom in the above photo LOL.