Tall In The Saddle said on 1/May/21
There you go again Dude. Exhibiting awful confirmation bias.
Look again at Mickie's pic. You focused ONLY the fact that Browne isn't standing perfectly straight IGNORING the fact Tyson's OWN posture is similarly compromised. It's not carpet either, it's just a gym mat upon which Tyson ONLY has one foot with negligible advantage, if any, gained. Also, I guess you didn't notice Lucas' own right heel slightly lifted off the ground.
You tried a similar excuse re the pic of Fury and Klit on the football field, trying to suggest that Tyson was advantaged by standing in falsely perceived, longer grass. LOL. It's football field, they're cut uniformly flat. They simply cut sections of the grass at different, alternating angles for a contrasting light/dark effect. You never acknowledged the iron clad refutation to your argument on that occasion. Why?
Also, Mickie's pic is FULL LENGTH, yours isn't and therefore exact surfaces and footwear cannot be similarly scrutinized. Your "reply" photos are often of obvious, inferior quality to suit your argument.
You also IGNORED that it can be argued that Browne's posture is better than Tyson's in the pic you offered with Tyson holding a gym bag which is clearly causing his shoulder to drop a bit and his overall posture is clearly slumped. As they're standing in your pic anyway, I would say Tyson looks to have at least 2 1/2" advantage up to 3" max.
This live vision shows Tyson to be appreciably taller than Browne, more so than either of the above still photos suggest.
Click Here Anyway, keep punching bro. :)
Claudio said on 1/May/21
@Pierre You seem so obsessed with Fury being 6ft 6 or whatever, to the point that even if you met him you wouldn't believe it. He's no shorter than 6' 7 1/2''!!
JamesLover said on 1/May/21
Rob, what do you think is Adeleye he claims 1.94 here whit fury.
Click Here

Editor Rob
would have guessed about 3.5 inches shorter, he does have a fraction of hair to consider, not huge
Mickie said on 30/Apr/21
@Pierre, Fury is slouching more than Brown in that photo but I still see something that looks a lot more like 3" than 2".
Pierre said on 29/Apr/21
Tyson without the advantage of carpet and Lucas Browne(supposed 6"4'...) standing in better posture than in Mickie's pic
Click Here
Pierre said on 29/Apr/21
Mickie said on 24/Apr/21
Someone should check out Wilder on his tip toes still shorter next to Fury... Hey - I thought only Fury pulled that move! ;) Click Here
For one time Deontay is the guy who is tiptoeing.I have to point out even here Tyson's foot still looks higher than Deontay's foot ;)
Mickie said on 24/Apr/21
Someone should check out Wilder on his tip toes still shorter next to Fury... Hey - I thought only Fury pulled that move! ;)
Click Here
Mickie said on 24/Apr/21
Fury and Lucas Browne barefoot:
Click Here
Fury is quite a bit bigger. I think if Browne is 6'4" than Fury looks at least how he is listed here. Lucas Browne did seem to have nearly a 2" height advantage over Dillian Whyte barefoot, I posted that here before.
Pierre said on 20/Apr/21
Lol about "cherry picked pics" .As I explained recently the biased pics are elsewhere :)
Deontay in my pic had maybe 1 cm more shoe(very classic running shoes max 1 inch /Tyson boxer shoes around 0.6 inch)
Tyson even after 10 rounds never lost 2 cm of his usual lowest height,only maybe a fraction(without counting that this famous day Deontay who is a professional boxer surely has trained hard his body himself)
Of course Tyson's shoes in other pics were looking huge.
OriginalAnon said on 20/Apr/21
Rob, Lucas Browne (right) is listed at 196cm and he claims that he is 6'5'' himself. His opponent Gallen is listed at 5'11''. He never really looks it. He looked about 6'3.5" at best next to Dave Allen, who is listed at 6'3''. I thought Browne could be 6'4'' but I am starting to doubt that a lot. Could he be 192cm? What do you think about Browne?
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
could be in 6ft 4 range, he did claim 6ft 5 a lot but said at age 16 was 6ft 4
Mickie said on 19/Apr/21
The Wilder pic after Fury's fight IS cherry picked lol. Fury has a big footwear disadvantage and likely isn't standing as well due to just boxing 10 rounds.
Look at them with similar footwear, it's clear Fury has a height advantage. I don't think it's under 3 cm.
Pierre said on 18/Apr/21
If you believe Deontay was standing in same posture as Tyson on this ring plus the camera was neutral then I understand the 6"7' claim or even more.
Mickie said on 17/Apr/21
Pierre, I don't agree with anything you've said there mate. Fury was clearly taller in the ring faceoff, I think anyone being objective can see there is a noticable difference.It looks like at least 3 cm to me. The angle on the camera is decent, the footwear is equal, and neither guy is slouching. It's the best comparison we have imo.
Also the shoes Fury wore in the other ones are low cut without a big heel, there is no way his footwear advantage (if there is one) is anything more than a quarter inch imo.
I get that you have photos that suggest Tyson is 6'6", I agree there are pictures where that is what he looks, but these excuses about the Wilder faceoff footage are like Wilders excuses about his ring walk costume being too heavy lol.
Pierre said on 17/Apr/21
In this video on ring we can clearly see the pics taken from this video are biased = curiously when Deontay stands a fraction of second around same distance to the camera as Tyson he looks around the same height...in addition I can see Tyson stands relatively straighter than Deontay who has his head a lot in front of his body because his neck and back are not straight(relaxed posture).
In the second video we cannot see the shoes = Deontay wears his classic poor/flat sneakers while Tyson wears heels.
Here are their shoes =
Click Here I can see Tyson's right shoe is very high under his pants.I would'nt be very surprised if he had some lifts here,particularly if he really claim an unlikely height...because in some other events he doesn't looks taller than Deontay.His hoes lots of time are looking generous =
Click Here Click Here = here with a zoom i can see the rear part of his sole is looking huge .
Pierre said on 17/Apr/21
@Canson= I don’t understand how you can be so adamant about sportmen in their 40s or 50s who would have not lose even a single fraction of height = a fraction of height is logically indetectable or only with an height gauge .
Pierre said on 14/Apr/21
Click Here Is he a 6"7' guy next to a 6"6' guy here ....
Click Here Click Here Thierry Henry listed 6"1.5' / Ronaldinho (2004)
Click Here Pic plus video Chunkz /Ronaldhino shoes looking similar
Cherry pics again probably...
Canson said on 14/Apr/21
Pierre said on 13/Apr/21
Click Here Zlatan clearly dwarfs Thierry when both are standing in same posture imo.Thierry Henry here closer to the camera(and low camera) still looks dwarfed by him.
Click Here here around same distance to the camera (Thierry a bit closer ) Zlatan tilting a lot his head to talk to him.The difference looks no less than 3 inches.This pics were made in 2012.The pic with Chunkz is recent
@Canson Very possible the sportmen you talk about have lost some fractions by the years.You canot detect that on a simple pic.Thierry Henry by this link has played more than 900 matches in his professional career... Click Here
He doesn’t dwarf him Pierre. Not the way you’re saying he does. That’s about 3” which is expected. As far as losing height, that’s isn’t true. I met some players post retirement in 40s and 50s and they have lost nothing from their peak
Mickie said on 14/Apr/21
He does slouch a lot and can look 6'6" range when doing so. When he stands well he generally looks a strong 6'7". With Wilder below on two occasions where we had flat ground and equal footwear, both men standing well.
Click Here
Click Here
Personally I don't believe he's anywhere near 6'9" barefoot, but 6'7.25" or so instead. My guess is Wilder is probably something like 6'6" - 6'6 1/8" rather than his widely listed 6'7".
ajax509 said on 13/Apr/21
Really not sure on this one, he does slouch a lot. Originially thought of a big 6ft 7 guy, the more I see the less I'm convinced.
Canson said on 13/Apr/21
@Editor Rob: he could look 6’1.25 with Kobe possibly but maybe that’s the one pic. As for 6’1.5, he almost always looks that. Never really taller
Pierre said on 13/Apr/21
Click Here Zlatan clearly dwarfs Thierry when both are standing in same posture imo.Thierry Henry here closer to the camera(and low camera) still looks dwarfed by him.
Click Here here around same distance to the camera (Thierry a bit closer ) Zlatan tilting a lot his head to talk to him.The difference looks no less than 3 inches.This pics were made in 2012.The pic with Chunkz is recent
@Canson Very possible the sportmen you talk about have lost some fractions by the years.You canot detect that on a simple pic.Thierry Henry by this link has played more than 900 matches in his professional career...
Click Here
Pierre said on 13/Apr/21
Click Here Zlatan clearly dwarfs Thierry when both are standing in same posture imo.Thierry Henry here closer to the camera(and low camera) still looks dwarfed by him.
Canson said on 12/Apr/21
Pierre said on 9/Apr/21
Chunkz is never a hair under 6"2' by this comparisons =he looks around same height as Ronaldo Nazario and clearly shorter than Christiano who even slouches in this pic.
Chunkz with advantageous scarf and posture and Thierry Henry 6"1.5' peak(former professional football player with many games played in his 40s now ) = Click Here
@Pierre: Rob is in his 40s and hasn’t lost height. Michael Jordan will be 60 in a couple years and looks about the same. 40s doesn’t not automatically equal height loss
Pierre said on 12/Apr/21
Always repeat that I am a cherry picker won't turn a more or less 6"0' guy into a 6"1' or more guy ...You have to show again all this pics/comparisons imo.
Alexy1 said on 12/Apr/21
How old was Tyson in 2008? As men can grow until age 21! He looks 6.8 or 6.9 to me. Shocked 6.7 seems the average height.
Rory said on 12/Apr/21
I think actually if i was a heavyweight boxer id understate my height and that way potentially catch my opponent out come weigh in/fight night and seem bigger and more imposing than theyd imagined.
If you exaggerate to say 6ft9, when the opponent meets you they might think oh hes not quite as big as id imagined, now i feel a bit more confident. Claim 6ft7 though and Tyson would probably seem bigger than expected in person.
Mickie said on 12/Apr/21
No, Pierre. You're a cherry picker. That guy is at least the 6'0.5" figure and that is if you believe he was measured in his sneakers. We don't know if he was. But he's not 182 - 183 cm. He's either 184 cm or 187.5 cm. Even in the picture with Thierry Henry, it's clear there isn't a big difference between these two guys. I don't know if Henry is 6'1.5" (I've not looked much at him). But accepting that figure I'm not seeing a 6'1.5" guy standing next to a guy 4 - 5 cm shorter. We can't see their footwear but they look close in height.
Pierre said on 11/Apr/21
Mickie said on 10/Apr/21
I don't know if Chunkz was wearing shoes or not for the measurement, but Pierre's photos were not good. He may well have measured in Nike Air Max which would suggest 6'0.5" barefoot. He also could be just under 6'2". I haven't studied him enough to be convinced, but the pictures Pierre showed were carefully selected to try to make the guy seem under 6 foot, which I don't believe.
Yes of course my pics would be "better" if they showed a 6"1.75' Chunkz (and so a 6"7' or more Tyson).But this is not the case...Curiously Chunkz is listed 6"0' in lots of sites.Then I tend to believe my pics are showing more or less the reality.
Mickie said on 10/Apr/21
I don't know if Chunkz was wearing shoes or not for the measurement, but Pierre's photos were not good. He may well have measured in Nike Air Max which would suggest 6'0.5" barefoot. He also could be just under 6'2". I haven't studied him enough to be convinced, but the pictures Pierre showed were carefully selected to try to make the guy seem under 6 foot, which I don't believe.
ajax509 said on 10/Apr/21
@Pierre Good work, safe to say Chunkz got measured 187.5cm in boots.

Editor Rob
it wasn't boots...in the video there was glimpses of chunkz in sneakers, I thought maybe something like air max 95, but I wasn't totally sure.
Mickie said on 10/Apr/21
@Pierre - your pictures are what I call "cherry picked". How about Tyson Fury with 6'9.5" Ronald McIntosh? Do you really think there's a 3.5" difference between the two guys? Or is there Ronald also lying about his height?
Click Here
Pierre said on 9/Apr/21
Click Here Jurgen Klopp probably in better posture here than Mickie's pic (Chunkz again with advantageous scarf ).Jurgen is in his 50s here with a long career as a competitor then I wouldn't be surprised if he lost height by the years.
Chunkz and Lee Mack 5"11.5' in his 52s (2020) exactly same shoes =
Click Here
Click Here 2018 Lee Mack /Stephen Merchant listed 6"7' sleeping on him
,in comparison with Tyson/ Chunkz when around same distance to the camera =
Click Here
Pierre said on 9/Apr/21
Chunkz is never a hair under 6"2' by this comparisons =he looks around same height as Ronaldo Nazario and clearly shorter than Christiano who even slouches in this pic.
Chunkz with advantageous scarf and posture and Thierry Henry 6"1.5' peak(former professional football player with many games played in his 40s now ) =
Click Here
Click Here A younger Thierry Henry and Zlatan listed 6"4.5' in poorer posture plus bit more distant to the camera
Click Here Chunkz /Tyson around same distance to the camera
Mickie said on 8/Apr/21
So Pierre, is this only 6'6" next to Ronald McIntosh who is 6'9.5"?
Click Here Or now is McIntosh frauding his height by 2" or something?
Mickie said on 8/Apr/21
Chunkz is listed as 6'3.5" on some websites too. Doesn't mean much. How tall is he actually is the real question.
He was measured just under 6'2", so he's either that height barefoot or that height in shoes. Meaning worst case scenario for Chunkz is that he's more like 6'0.5" - 6'1" range than 6'0", best case scenario is he is a hair under 6'2".
Pierre said on 8/Apr/21
Chunkz is listed 6"0' in some sites and even 182
Here is a video Chunkz next to Ronaldinho ,their shoes looking very similar=
Click Here
Here is Ronaldinho next to Ronaldo Nazario listed 5"11.5' =
Click Here Click Here
Ronaldinho and Ronaldo 6"1'
Click Here ...
Mickie said on 7/Apr/21
Didn't the guy he's next to here measure 187.5 on a stadiometer?
Click Here Fury isn't exactly forcing his posture there, as is often the case...
Here is the same guy next to Jurgen Klopp, looks like that measured figure could be right?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Chunkz did get (from what I could tell) almost 6ft 2...whether that was in socks or sneakers is unknown.
Pierre said on 7/Apr/21
Of course Tyson has an advantage of posture here ,but this is hard to believe for a guy who guess him 6"7' or more.
This pics again are showing around 6'6" like lots of comparisons.
Mickie said on 6/Apr/21
Both men are standing pretty well there, but of course it's only Tyson who P question mark erre thinks is standing well. No acknowledgment of the actual point that his slouching robs him of height in many pictures.
miko said on 2/Apr/21
He's over 6'7, that's not even up for debate. It's just a question of by how much.
Tall In The Saddle said on 1/Apr/21
Maybe he's been mentioned on this thread but I've only just become aware of the boxer Joe Joyce, listed 6'5.5" on this site but otherwise listed 6'6" elsewhere.
There is available vision and photographs of Fury alongside Joyce. IMO, by comparison with Joyce pegged at 6'5.5", Fury looks at least 6'7" and then some. Fury's true height is difficult to defend given great variances in posture, as Mickie has pointed out.
On the subject of boxing, where did this Joyce come from? He looks young but isn't actually not young for a boxer. Age 35. Quick research: competed at 2016 Rio Olympics winning silver. Is 12-0 as a pro, 11 KO. Not the fastest guy around but super tough and hits hard. If nothing else, he would provide for an interesting opponent for some of the top tier guys.
Mickie said on 1/Apr/21
@Duhon - note Adeleye was wearing shoes there while Tyson was not.
Mickie said on 31/Mar/21
This just shows how much height he drops in photos, two taken on the same day with Wladimir Klitschko.
Tyson slouching and standing further from the camera:
Click Here
Tyson standing shoulder to shoulder without slouching:
Click Here
You can see a clear and obvious couple inches between the two when standing well, but you could be forgiven for thinking that was ridiculous if we only had the first photo. I'd give Tyson 6'7.25", presently.
Duhon said on 30/Mar/21
With 6'4.5" listed British Boxer David Adeleye
Click Here
Mickie said on 26/Mar/21
Fury standing upright and Wladimir (without lifts)
Click Here
There are photos from the exact same shoot where Wlad looks slightly taller with Fury slouching. Just shows how much height he drops at times.
Pierre said on 26/Mar/21
@Canson I personnaly prefer the comparison with same guys.For another example Tyson next to Magic =
Click Here .
And Deontay next to Magic =
Click Here
Here one more time I would'nt bet even my old socks Tyson is taller than Deontay(even with a slighty disadvantage of shoes)
Adam Griffiths said on 25/Mar/21
I think 6'7 is accurate, I seen him next to David Price a few years back. Price is listed as 6'8 and he was noticeably taller than Fury.
Tall In The Saddle said on 24/Mar/21
The Fury vs AJ ring face off will be interesting.
However, if Tyson does uphold a 4 cm or so edge, be prepared for premeditated claims that the view point was compromised. Of course this will entail the "observations" that the angle of the shot was too low, Tyson was closer to camera, likely on his toe tips or "lifting" in his boxing boots while AJ was hunched over like a 100 year old grandmother. All variables, as always, deceptively in favor of Tyson, of course.
If, lo and behold, Tyson appears to barely shade AJ in height or even appear equal, the vision will constitute itself as concrete evidence with no variables to be bothered with and nothing more to say. Confirmation bias satisfied. :)
Dom5'11.5 said on 24/Mar/21
Tommy fury?? A legit 6’0? As he is listed
Pierre said on 24/Mar/21
Lot's of comparisons are showing around 6"6' not around 6"7'.Also by Braun Strowman Tyson never looks as tall as
Hafthor in comparison .Also there is this pics in neutral angles of camera that show Tyson same range height as Deontay,no more.
Arch Stanton said on 24/Mar/21
I had a dream about Tyson last night so odd. I was in a traveller's caravan with him and his dad wearing old tweed caps, drinking and playing cards in what was like 18th century Ireland! Bizarre LOL!
Canson said on 24/Mar/21
Pierre said on 23/Mar/21
@Canson=we don't even see the feet in this pic next to Carmelo.I would'nt be surprised if Tyson was playing a bit on tiptoe like sometimes.
I don’t believe that because he looks the same next to Melo as he does Wilder. In the pic with Wilder and Carmelo Melo looks taller but has camera advantage. If you see Wilder with Shaq he looks around 6’6 or so. If you see Fury with 6’11 range Tyson Chandler, he actually looks what Rob lists him if Chandler’s low is 6’11.5”. Not sure about the 6’11.5 though
Mickie said on 23/Mar/21
There's a decent case to be made for a flat 6'7", if you also believe Wilder is over listed, too. 6'6" doesn't make much sense. He only looks that height when he is slouching. I can believe 6'7" flat to 6'7.5".
Pierre said on 23/Mar/21
@Canson=we don't even see the feet in this pic next to Carmelo.I would'nt be surprised if Tyson was playing a bit on tiptoe like sometimes.
Canson said on 21/Mar/21
@Pierre: yes next to Carmelo Anthony they are.
Pierre said on 19/Mar/21
@Canson = Do you really see Tyson as tall as Magic by this pic together plus the comparisons next to Floyd Mayweather?!
Canson said on 16/Mar/21
Mickie said on 3/Mar/21
Fwiw I think Pierre genuinely believes his estimates and should be allowed his say. I do think he's terrible at evaluating what photographs provide useful angles to guess on, but I don't think he's
trolling us with his estimates.
I like and respect Pierre. His estimates are way off in many cases but like you said he genuinely believes them. To be fair, I’ve critiqued pieces and posts of guys who inflate everyone if the logic or pics are bad but Pierre does sincerely believe his stuff so there’s something to be said there. Now also in Pierre’s defense, it’s far more likely if a measurement is referenced, that the measurement will be lower than what it is listed on paper than taller. By this I mean it say Big Show measured 7’1” barefoot playing basketball, it’s far more likely that he’d be 6’11 or 7’0” barefoot and that it was an error or perhaps a falsification than him being 7’2” or 7’3” and they downplayed his height which is what you often see people say here. Someone either downplays it or they “grew” which is even more ridiculous when there is no proof. The latter is further bolstered by “he’s taller than Dwyane Wade who measured 6’3.75”. Not taking into account that the pre drafts are usually early morning nor do I believe Wade actually measured that unless it was directly out of bed (not an hour or two out like others say). Wade looks shorter than Beal and Beal looks max 6’3”. It’s debatable whether he is when you see him with a guy like Troy Brown Jr although someone I know who’s met Beal and is a hair under 6’3 today in his 60s thought Beal was over but didn’t take into account footwear most likely and didn’t realize he had dipped below the mark.
Mickie said on 16/Mar/21
They said the fight between AJ and Fury is signed. It'll be interesting to see the height difference. I expect 4 cm difference 201.5 vs 197.5.
Pierre said on 11/Mar/21
Vincent Caleb said on 11/Mar/21
Here is definitive proof that
Robert Wadlow was really only 8’6” and lying about being 8’11”:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
He definitely wears big heels that boost him to 8’11”. Big
height fraud.
@Vincent Imo you should read my recent comment with pics on Kane's page on 06/March
Pierre said on 10/Mar/21
@recapa If I remember correctly I always wrote here I believe Tyson is around 6"6' no more, you just have to read my old comments.
recapa said on 9/Mar/21
@Pierre,again.you said 6ft6 range .dont try to twist your words on me.also i,m not trying to start a fight or aythin, i was justs statin,.sorry if i sounded as much.you are free to believe whatever you want.6ft6 for fury to you ,alright then have it your way.this conversation is over.
Pierre said on 8/Mar/21
recapa said on 6/Mar/21
@Pierre,funny you say that bc this is somehow that you precise that your guess is in the range 6ft6 range which can be anything from 6ft6 to 6ft6 7/8 ,right.which doesnt add up as you always said that he was 6ft6 without clarifying a thing,chill.we all know that tyson is taller than wilder by an inch or so in almost every picture .believe what you want i dont care just dont be bitter about it when you are proven wrong.sorry if this was too long for ya to get and read.
Funny,Deontay in more classic angles of cameras looks as tall as Tyson(when around same shoes and around same postures and when Tyson does not play on tiptoes of course) .When I said 6"6' range ,that means around 6"6' ,add or subtrack a hair.If I was believe he was close to 6"7' I would've say 6"7' range.Same thing for 6"6.5' range.
Click Here Click Here =Tyson a bit more shoe
Click Here =Again Tyson little heel Deontay flat sneakers =
Click Here Click Here
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 7/Mar/21
@Vincent yeah it’s super legit, I’d even say he could be under what you claim
recapa said on 6/Mar/21
@Pierre,funny you say that bc this is somehow that you precise that your guess is in the range 6ft6 range which can be anything from 6ft6 to 6ft6 7/8 ,right.which doesnt add up as you always said that he was 6ft6 without clarifying a thing,chill.we all know that tyson is taller than wilder by an inch or so in almost every picture .believe what you want i dont care just dont be bitter about it when you are proven wrong.sorry if this was too long for ya to get and read.
Pierre said on 6/Mar/21
Vincent Caleb said on 5/Mar/21
Proof Tom Cruise is only 5’2”:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
I don’t know if you have ever seen that picture before, but trust me, it’s a very good picture. Very rare as well.
I have to understand this pic is a real problem for your own guess...
Pierre said on 3/Mar/21
Canson said on 2/Mar/21
@Pierre: Triple HHH is tilting his head up. Without that, he is minimum 5” shorter. And who is to say that there is much footwear advantage? You can’t see their footwear. You can look at where the forehead is raised in the front.
@Canson= Triple H stands relatively in good posture here,even better posture than
Hafthor =Then even if
Hafthor had a fraction more shoe...
Mickie said on 3/Mar/21
Fwiw I think Pierre genuinely believes his estimates and should be allowed his say. I do think he's terrible at evaluating what photographs provide useful angles to guess on, but I don't think he's
trolling us with his estimates.
Pierre said on 3/Mar/21
recapa said on 1/Mar/21
@Rob, can you please ban pierre he is obviously a
troll at this point and there is no denying it because i noticed that he almost have all his guesses as low and he picks the worst pictures possible to back up his horrible arguments and when he got confronted when reasonable evidence he insists that we are on the wrong.
Recapa...you curiously remind me another recent guesser in this site....
Again 6"6' range to me!
Canson said on 3/Mar/21
@Recapa: he won’t ban him for just that. But if rude comments accompanied he would. Pierre doesn’t appear to be a rude poster though. I’d say if he doesn’t ban some of these other inflators out there who are also rude that Pierre should be safe
Canson said on 2/Mar/21
@Pierre: Triple HHH is tilting his head up. Without that, he is minimum 5” shorter. And who is to say that there is much footwear advantage? You can’t see their footwear. You can look at where the forehead is raised in the front.
Canson said on 2/Mar/21
@Chaos Control: mimimum. I’d even say he could be above by a bit
Pierre said on 2/Mar/21
recapa said on 1/Mar/21
@Rob, can you please ban pierre he is obviously a
troll at this point and there is no denying it because i noticed that he almost have all his guesses as low and he picks the worst pictures possible to back up his horrible arguments and when he got confronted when reasonable evidence he insists that we are on the wrong.
Recapa...you curiously remember me another recent guesser in this site....
Again 6"6' range to me!
recapa said on 1/Mar/21
@Rob, can you please ban pierre he is obviously a
troll at this point and there is no denying it because i noticed that he almost have all his guesses as low and he picks the worst pictures possible to back up his horrible arguments and when he got confronted when reasonable evidence he insists that we are on the wrong.
stiggles said on 20/Feb/21
Tyson Fury is 6ft 6.5... as for eddie hearn.. he's 6ft 3.5..
Pierre said on 8/Feb/21
Canson =you believe my pic Braun/
Hafthor is biased? = Here is Braun /Triple H =
Click Here =Braun probably with a good fraction more shoe than Triple H(but let's say both have same help of shoe ) = Triple H 's top of head as high as Braun's eyebrows.
Now Triple H /
Hafthor =
Click Here = Triple H 's top of head as high as
Hafthor's lower nose = Difference of height between Braun and
Hafthor here = again no less than 2 inches.
Mickie said on 5/Feb/21
That's more than half an inch. tinyurl.com/1j8grzym
Pierre said on 5/Feb/21
Pics Carmelo /Deontay/Tyson = Don't forget sometimes Tyson plays on tiptoe in pics....
Pierre said on 5/Feb/21
Vincent Caleb said on 3/Feb/21
In the first photo you posted look at the posture, it looks like an inch difference.
To me Tyson had slighty more sole than Braun here,plus in pics with the whole bodies we can see braun's legs are not perfectly straight /aligned (a foot a bit behind the other foot) while Tyson's legs are in good posture.
Click Here Here is another pic with Braun apparently straight on his legs this time ,standing a bit closer to the camera but tilting his head
Mickie said on 5/Feb/21
Yeah I think Tysons got a solid 2 cm on Strowman, anyway. More than a half inch.
Hafthor is taller than Strowman, but that picture isn't the best camera angle for pinpointing the difference. Also there seems to be a footwear advantage in
Hafthor's favor.
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 5/Feb/21
@Pierre I don’t recall Braun Strowman being 6’5.5, pretty sure he’s a minimum of 6’6
Canson said on 3/Feb/21
Pierre said on 2/Feb/21
Here is a 6"6' guy next to a 6"5.5' guy Click Here
Here is a 6"7.5' guy in bad posture next to the same 6"5.5' guy ,but wearing an advantageous cap this time = Click Here
Do you understand the difference? about the same as next to 6"7.5' Magic Johnson /Floyd Mayweather = Click Here Click Here Click Here
Tyson 6"6' .
Correction the first sentence and pic are that of a 6’7+ guy next to a 6’6+ guy. Baron Corbin is 6’6 so how is Strowman 6’5.5? Strowman is at worst the same height but is likely taller. I could see 199 for Strowman maybe 6’6.25 worst case.
Click Here
Vincent Caleb said on 3/Feb/21
In the first photo you posted look at the posture, it looks like an inch difference.
Pierre said on 2/Feb/21
Here is a 6"6' guy next to a 6"5.5' guy
Click Here
Here is a 6"7.5' guy in bad posture next to the same 6"5.5' guy ,but wearing an advantageous cap this time =
Click Here
Do you understand the difference? about the same as next to 6"7.5' Magic Johnson /Floyd Mayweather =
Click Here Click Here Click Here
Tyson 6"6' .
Canson said on 1/Feb/21
@Hyper: Melo is closer to the camera. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re similar. I wouldn’t put Melo below 6’6 but the same goes for Wilder and neither guy I could see over 6’6.25”
Hyper said on 31/Jan/21
Aw. Man.
Okay. So, 6’6.25” Carmelo Anthony is taller than Deontay.
Click Here
Yet, Tyson Fury is clearly taller than Carmelo.
Click Here
Either Deontay Wilder is 6’5.5” at best or Carmelo is taller than listed.
Canson said on 31/Jan/21
Fury with slightly more footwear than the Rock but also leaning in. It’s pretty obvious. If you account for Fury’s posture, he’s 6’7” range no less. Rock is still 6’2”
Click Here
Canson said on 31/Jan/21
@Pierre: AJ is taller than Wlad. Wlad is taller than Lennox Lewis. Rob has met AJ and has a picture. Not to mention he said AJ looks taller in person than Rick Fox did with more footwear and his build. If you see Fox with Kobe he looked about 6’5.5” so do the math. He’s not 6’5.25”. He’s absolute worst case 6’5.5” but likely is what Rob lists him. I’m not sure if you have seen AJ with Ibrahimovic but even there he’s clearly over an inch taller. That would make Ibra 6’4” when he’s 194cm next to Pogba and Pique
Canson said on 31/Jan/21
@Pierre: AJ is taller than Wlad. Wlad is taller than Lennox Lewis. Rob has met AJ and has a picture. Not to mention he said AJ looks taller in person than Rick Fox did. If you see Fox with Kobe he looked about 6’5.5” so do the math
Canson said on 31/Jan/21
Pierre said on 30/Jan/21
Canson said on 29/Jan/21
@Pierre: wilder looks at least 6’6 with Joshua or Brazeille then Fury is an inch or more taller. Meaning less than 6’7 is impossible for him
AJ around 6"5.25' Deontay around 6"6' and Tyson similar height as Deontay when neutral angle of cameras.Of course in this famous biased pic on ring with low camera you could even argue 6"8' for Tyson....
About their eye levels....Tyson had more shoe than Deontay in my pic...then finally this means both guys have very similar height...
Ok but In the ring when they fought last year, he didn’t have more shoe and was still taller
Pierre said on 30/Jan/21
Canson said on 29/Jan/21
@Pierre: wilder looks at least 6’6 with Joshua or Brazeille then Fury is an inch or more taller. Meaning less than 6’7 is impossible for him
AJ around 6"5.25' Deontay around 6"6' and Tyson similar height as Deontay when neutral angle of cameras.Of course in this famous biased pic on ring with low camera you could even argue 6"8' for Tyson....
About their eye levels....Tyson had more shoe than Deontay in my pic...then finally this means both guys have very similar height...
Canson said on 29/Jan/21
@Pierre: wilder looks at least 6’6 with Joshua or Brazeille then Fury is an inch or more taller. Meaning less than 6’7 is impossible for him
Mickie said on 29/Jan/21
Fury definitely has a longer eye level than Wilder does, but it's not 6 to 7 inches. Yes, you can find photos where they basically look eye to eye but the top of Fury's head is a clear inch and a half taller, but it those pictures Wilder is generally tilting his head up to artificially raise his eye level and Fury isn't. It Wilder looked straight ahead his eye level would sink down below Fury's. But I agree their eye levels would be a little more even than the tops of their heads.
Mbong said on 26/Jan/21
I wonder how big his eye level is because he's eye level is obviously lower than Wilder's but he still looked an inch taller. Much have a 6-7 inch eye level.
Pierre said on 19/Jan/21
Mickie said on 14/Jan/21
@Pierre - that makes no sense because a 6'7.5" Denontay equates to a 6'8.75" Fury.
Oh yeah ....in this famous pic on ring with low angle....
Click Here here Deontay with less shoe than Tyson and classic angle of camera....
Mickie said on 14/Jan/21
@Pierre - that makes no sense because a 6'7.5" Denontay equates to a 6'8.75" Fury.
Pierre said on 12/Jan/21
Mickie said on 11/Jan/21 Great Comment
So Fury got Strowman by 2 cm. Strowman's height is debatable. But is not 196 cm. Look at how he looked next to the Big Show and Kane Click Here
What is the Big Show, 6'7"? Kane a weak 6'5"?
and Magic? 6"9'? Deontay? 6"7.5'?
Mickie said on 11/Jan/21
So Fury got Strowman by 2 cm. Strowman's height is debatable. But is not 196 cm. Look at how he looked next to the Big Show and Kane
Click Here
What is the Big Show, 6'7"? Kane a weak 6'5"?
Pierre said on 9/Jan/21
He's just a hair taller than Braun Strowman if both had exactly the same soles
Click Here Click Here = Braun's sneakers are looking the flatest here (looking at their laces)
Braun Strowman and Georges W Bush in his 70s =
Click Here
Hafthor 6"7.5' in poor posture still is higher than Braun's cap here =
Click Here
6'6" range
Rapha said on 8/Jan/21
I agree with you Rob. He is at most 202 cm tall peak height and this is generous, possibly he is 201 cm but nowhere 206 cm as he is claiming.
Mickie said on 8/Jan/21
True. A visible 1" - 1.5" taller in the boxing ring than Wilder (who is not under 6'6" imo) and looks 0.75" - 1" taller than Braun Strowman who is a little over 6'6". The bare minimum Tyson could be is 6'7" but 6'7.25" - 6'7.5" is also very plausible. His posture sucks though, so he can look under 6'7" a lot... Just not when he stands tall.
Callum Barker said on 7/Jan/21
He’s about 6’7-6’8 he’s slightly taller then Deontay Wilder and Braun Strowman who are both around the 6’6 or even 6’7 Mark he’s listed at 6’9 but he’s definitely smaller then that also against Wladamir Klitschko who’s about 6’5 he looks around 2 or 3 inches taller so I’d guess he’s 6’7 1/2
Need Answers said on 5/Jan/21
Weak 6’8” morning guy I can see him 6’7 1/2 afternoon maybe 6’7 by bed this is an accurate measurement
Pierre said on 2/Jan/21
This pics next to Magic or next to Floyd Maywheater are sufficiently neutral to show Tyson isn't the same range height as Magic.This is not a coincidence here if each time Magic looks easily the tallest guy.If both guys where the same range height we would question ourselves if Tyson is even maybe a bit taller than Magic,but this question isn't debated in the comments.
Canson said on 29/Dec/20
@Miko: that’s a good estimate. Likely would get 6’8.75 in a 1” sneaker early AM or 6’7.5 and 6’8.75 in a pair of thicker sneaks.
miko said on 26/Dec/20
Probably wakes up in the 6'8.25/6'8.5 range and drops to a low of 6'7.25/6'7.5. At his height he will lose a solid inch during the day.
Mickie said on 25/Dec/20
Magic seems to have held on to his height better than most 60 year old men. He could've crept down a little, though. I think posture, footwear, and camera angles all favored Magic in those photos, but I see why people look at them and think Fury has to be over listed.
I think Rob has it right with 6'7" - 6'7.5" being the expected range.
Canson said on 24/Dec/20
Magic looked taller due to posture. I highly doubt Magic is 6’7.5 at age 61
Mickie said on 23/Dec/20
Yeah I was shocked at how they looked with the Magic photos. But I'd disagree about Fury always straightening out next to tall guys. There is a picture of him with David Price from when Tyson was fat where he didn't stand well. There are photos of him slouching with Wilder as well. There are photos where he looks barely taller than Wilder but when we saw them in the boxing ring together, with the thinnest footwear, level ground, and more equal postures Tyson had seemingly 3 to 4 cm over Deontay.
I think Magic did have a significant footwear advantage (Fury's shoes had just about no heel on it) but that would only explain part of the height difference... Magic appears like he may have had a camera angle advantage if you look at how large his head is compared to Fury's in those photos. It's too bad we couldn't get them barefoot on video together. Strange thing is Magic looked like he was only half an inch taller when photographed next to Deontay Wilder, I can't explain that.
viper said on 23/Dec/20
There was a pic where 6-2 measured Terence Garvin made Sinbad look 5-11.
Way more mysterious than that Magic/Fury pic
OriginalAnon said on 23/Dec/20
Rob, re: Magic Johnson, why do you think that Johnson looked quite a bit taller? Having watched Fury for over 10 years, he is very conscious of how imposing he looks when around taller guys, so I don't think he was slouching around Magic Johnson. I reckon he would have felt embarrassed, because he seems very height conscious and always makes a point that he is 6'9'', which is way off. He always seems to straighten himself out when he is around people of a similar height and often does a jokey tip toeing thing to seemingly take the heat off of him. He should just admit his real height. I can't figure the Johnson thing out. Did Johnson have that much of a footwear advantage? It doesn't look like it. Maybe slightly.

Editor Rob
I know the footwear/posture/angle at times can swing height about, but I can see why Magic does look the more genuinely taller of the two...
Canson said on 23/Dec/20
@Editor Rob: that would put Fury closer to 6’7”. I doubt Magic is still at his absolute peak 6’7.5

Editor Rob
6ft 7 to 7.5, I would be surprised if he really measured much outwith that range.
Jake said on 22/Dec/20
Hey Rob, I’m sure you’ve seen the famous picture with Tyson and magic Johnson. You both have them at 6’7.5”, but Johnson looks almost 2 inches taller. How would you explain this discrepancy?

Editor Rob
Magic could well be the taller guy....but I think Fury's posture at times loses him an inch.
Mickie said on 20/Dec/20
A leaning Tyson and 5'7" Maya Jama (she's 5'7" on this site but claims 5'8") while she in heels can be seen in the 3rd picture:
Click Here
Her footwear is visible if you freeze frame immediately when this video starts:
Click Here
I'd say Tyson's listed height holds up quite well there. Compare that difference to 6'6" listed Derek Theler next to 5'9" Christina Ochoa in heels:
Click Here
Tyson has a lot more height on Maya than Derek has on Christina. Yes, Christina is 2" taller than Maya and her heels may add even more height there. Even when you account for that, Tyson is still obviously a taller guy than Derek is, and the difference is large enough to see that without the two being photographed side by side.
Shayz said on 12/Dec/20
Around strong 6ft 7 needs to stop saying 6ft 9 as only 2cm taller than Wilder
Mickie said on 10/Dec/20
Fury vs Jake Paul would go approximately like this:
Click Here
Vincent Caleb said on 9/Dec/20
I know Tyson is a heavyweight, but I’d love to see him against Jake Paul. Jake would be out after 1 jab.
Mickie said on 2/Dec/20
@Canson - that's probably pretty normal for your height. I would imagine most guys who are 6'4" range will lose 3/4" or 7/8" with a significant minority of them being more like 5/8" or a full inch.
Canson said on 1/Dec/20
@Mickie: I lose about 1.9 per day.
Mickie said on 30/Nov/20
Height shrinkage varries. On a typical day I lose about 1.6 cm at 6'3" and change. Thats 192.8 if I measure immediately out of bed down to around 191.2 if I measure last thing before bed on a typical day. Maybe I can scrape 193 "
Busting a Gut" right after a great night sleep, but I never go higher than the 193/6'4" mark and my mid day height is around 191.5 cm (about 6'3 3/8"). I imagine a guy like Michael Phelps loses more height than I do during the day as he has a long torso instead of long legs like I have. In Tyson Fury's case, I'd expect him to lose an inch given the size of him, but it could be anywhere from 2 to 3 cm and I wouldn't be surprised.
Pierre said on 28/Nov/20
@TK Tyson Fury 6"9'?!That's maybe what he said to Magic Johnson in the pic when Magic laugh a lot...
Click Here
Ellis said on 28/Nov/20
@Canson: I know Christian is around 6'5.5 so he is kinda close in height compared to me.
@JD1996: You are very close in height compared to me, I never dip under 6'7 though. Even after a tough workout, I'm right next to that figure. I claim 6'8.
Canson said on 28/Nov/20
@Vincent: while Reece’s estimate imho is high, it’s believable and he is using common sense at least and to be fair if someone doesn’t fall below 1/2” I’ll give them weak. The other poster on the other hand you can’t take that seriously. That’s a common theme since I’ve been here where guys like the Rock are 6’4.5 so Barkley has to be 6’7” lol even though Barkley measured 6’4 5/8 peak
Vincent Caleb said on 27/Nov/20
@T K:
Don’t be delusional. Tyson is nowhere near 6’9”. This site is much more accurate than your baseless claims.
Reece said on 27/Nov/20
Does not look the full 6 foot 9 during the day but probably is a weak 6 foot 8 or 6 foot 8.
T K said on 27/Nov/20
This site is hilarious, as it basically puts everyone shorter than they are! It's not because it's run by a short Scot is it? Fury is clearly 6'9 if you compare photos with other tall celebs. Key things are: footwear AND position relative to the camera. Another thing that is never considered here is that the taller two people are, the smaller the gap looks. Wilder Vs Fury 2 in boxing boots clearly shows 2 inches (I know this site also claims Wilder is lying, but we see the pattern!).
Canson said on 26/Nov/20
@JD1996: your case may be a bit different though. It may be because you grew an inch recently. Didn’t you grow to that in the last year? Also I’m surprised you don’t lose a lot for someone your size. If the avg is 6’7 5/8-3/4 and you end up 6’6 3/4-7/8 you’re not much more than J2Frenzy, Christian, Vincent or me. Then again Viper said he only loses about 1/2” at 6’3 afternoon height which is odd
JD1996 said on 25/Nov/20
@J2Frenzy that’s true sometimes but in my case my dad calls me 6’6” most of the time occasionally 6’7”, my mum calls me 6’7” all the time at my low I fall barely below 6’7” like 6’6.8” and in the morning I wake around 6’7 5/8” sometimes 3/4”, and 1/2” on less sleep so I class myself as 6’7”. Tyson’s dad doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to exaggerate his sons height to me just like my dad does not with mine and undercuts a little most of the time rather than overstate. When my dad says to someone that I’m 6’6” before I meet them they are usually surprised and think I’m taller.
Pierre said on 25/Nov/20
Canson said on 23/Nov/20
@J2Frenzy and Ajax177: not to mention Magic had a footwear advantage on Fury as well as camera at times
Not even sure...and just a slim advantage if it was the case...but sure Magic had the badest posture.
Pierre said on 25/Nov/20
Here is how much tall looks a robust 6"7.5' guy next to Braun Strowman wearing a cap =
Click Here
Here is how much tall looks a robust 6"6' guy next to Braun =
Click Here
Click Here here is how much tall looks a robust 6"6' guy next to Braun not perfectly straight on his legs this time(and no cap here)
Canson said on 25/Nov/20
@Vincent: yea I’d give him 201-202 range more than likely
Hyper said on 25/Nov/20
Tyson looks at least an inch taller than Carmelo Anthony. Tyson is even slouching.
Click Here
And in some pictures, Camelo looks dead even with Lebrun at times
Click Here
6’7.25”, at least.
J2Frenzy said on 25/Nov/20
@JD1996 most families with tall kids round up. I’m 6’2.5 but my mum calls me 6’3
J2Frenzy said on 25/Nov/20
See if he’s 6’7.5-6’7.75 he probably got 6’9 in boots. I’ll accept that maybe 6’7.75 was a bit high but it’s more likely than 6’7.25, let alone sub 6’7
JD1996 said on 24/Nov/20
I did always have him closer to 6’8” than 6’7” I always thought a good 6’7.75” with a chance of 6’8” and his dad describes him at 6’8” which is fair enough.
Matt(182cm) said on 24/Nov/20
In this recent video at around 6:15 Tyson's dad Big John himself describes Tyson as 6'8. Interesting as most people around him usually say 6'9
Click Here
Vincent Caleb said on 23/Nov/20
J2Frenzy said on 23/Nov/20
Am I the only one who has Fury as 6’7.75?
The more I look at Tyson, the more he looks a very robust 6’7”. I used to have it at 6’7” flat, but that looks to low for him at the moment. Going by how he looks with the Rock, better chance he is over 6’7” than just a flat 6’7”.
Mickie said on 23/Nov/20
Yeah those estimates I had I could see those guys all edging out the marks, too.
Other piece of interest - Tyson's dad describes him here:
Click Here
FriedChicken said on 23/Nov/20
He can hit that mark lunchtime and 6'7.5 afternoon.
JD1996 said on 23/Nov/20
J2Frenzy no I have him at 6’7.75” as well with a chance of 6’8” even though that sounds ridiculous to most on here I agree with you he’s closer to 6’8” than 6’7” I posted lots of videos and photos to show that as well earlier on this page to support my point, would be interesting to see what he has on Joshua I think it would be 2-2.25 inches maybe.
Canson said on 23/Nov/20
@J2Frenzy and Ajax177: not to mention Magic had a footwear advantage on Fury as well as camera at times
J2Frenzy said on 23/Nov/20
Am I the only one who has Fury as 6’7.75?

Editor Rob
a chunk of people do guess him that mark, most 6ft 7 to 7.75
Pierre said on 23/Nov/20
@Canson This pic in which Tyson stands taller than Magic is a pic with one of this guys tiptoeing a lot....
Click Here like in the video Tyson /Deontay...
Next to Floyd Mayweather each time we can see the foot ,Tyson in classic posture is never same height as Magic standing in a terrible posture....One of this guys(I don't talk about Floyd's height of course) is clearly shorter than the other guy...
J2Frenzy said on 23/Nov/20
@ajax177 please tell me you’re not serious
Tall In The Saddle said on 22/Nov/20
@Vicent Caleb
Yeah, that seems to be the consensus opinion. I'll have a closer look. If the estimate of .75" heel advantage to Strowman is correct and if Strowman is in fact 6'6.5" himself then Tyson, already holding a face value advantage of .75", can be calculated to be an easy 6'7.5"+ by comparison.
Canson said on 22/Nov/20
@Ajax177: likely a product of Fury’s poor posture. There was at least one pic when he tried to stand straight where he looked as tall as Magic. Then you have Fury with Wilder in the ring and he’s taller by at least 1” and that’s being conservative. It really looked more 1.25-1.5”. A 6’6.75 would put Wilder at best 6’5.5”. Wilder is taller than that. He’s at least 6’6”.
ajax177 said on 22/Nov/20
@Canson Don't you remember Fury standing next to a 2m Handball goal? A few years back, it was on his Insta and on this thread. There is zero chance he measures over 6ft 6 range, look at him with Magic Johnson.
Wlad got billed 195cm at the 1996 Olympics (age 20), Joshua might have the edge by 0.25 inches.
Vincent Caleb said on 21/Nov/20
Tall In The Saddle said on 17/Nov/20
I would guess up to 1" in TF's favor but wouldn't argue against a bit less, like say, .75".
I hate to say it but I also think TF's overall posture is perhaps slightly less straight than Strowman's. Footwear appears reasonably equitable but I can't say for sure.
Tyson had a footwear disadvantage for sure. It is a pretty big one actually.
Vincent Caleb said on 21/Nov/20
Those look spot on, although some of them are the minimum I would go.
Canson said on 21/Nov/20
ajax177 said on 20/Nov/20
@Mickie I'd claim Vitali did edge Ustinov Click Here
My current estimates:
Fury 6ft 6.75
Vitali 6ft 6.5
Ustinov 6ft 6
Wilder 6ft 6
Joshua 6ft 5
Wlad 6ft 4.75
That’s too low for Fury imho. Fury is over 6’7”. I can agree on Vitali (max 6’6.75 imho), Joshua is taller than 6’5”. He’s about what Rob lists him maybe worst case 6’5.5 and Wlad is not under 6’5”. Better chance he’s 196 (5 1/8) than 195 (6’4.75)
Mickie said on 20/Nov/20
Having seen more angles of Ustinov with V Klitschko I have to say it's pretty inconclusive... different photos suggest different things, and I haven't seen any that show ground or footwear, either.
I don't think ajax's estimates are too far off, but I'd expect closer to:
Fury 6'7.25"
Vitali 6'6.5"
Wilder 6'6"
Joshua 6'5.75"
Wladimir 6'5"
Mickie said on 20/Nov/20
@ajax177 - in that picture, I would agree Vitali looks like he edges out Ustinov. Although I think Vitali's head is a bit closer to the camera, which at that angle could be making a difference.
JD1996 said on 20/Nov/20
@Canson agreed also Tyson’s footware looks 0.75 inch and strowmans looks 1.5-1.6 inch range boots and fury still looks 1/2-3/4 inch taller without even considering that, I think they did this so strowman and Tyson look more similar also.
ajax177 said on 20/Nov/20
@Mickie I'd claim Vitali did edge Ustinov
Click Here
My current estimates:
Fury 6ft 6.75
Vitali 6ft 6.5
Ustinov 6ft 6
Wilder 6ft 6
Joshua 6ft 5
Wlad 6ft 4.75
Canson said on 19/Nov/20
Yea Tyson appears to be slouching just a bit too. His body in the upper legs resembles it a bit
Canson said on 19/Nov/20
@Vincent: agreed! He does have a disadvantage with him.
@JD1996: yea with all the factors I agree! Even if it’s only slight difference with them, it’s likely a bit more.
@Tall and Mickie: great insights as well!
Pierre said on 19/Nov/20
Click Here =Ustinov looking taller than Vitali? Yeah...When he stands closer to the camera that is very low and advantage him...
Click Here Click Here here by postures and angle of camera more neutral Vitali is the tallest by a good inch imo
ajax177 said on 19/Nov/20
I forgot Joshua, he could measure similir to Wlad. At most 196cm.
Vincent Caleb said on 19/Nov/20
Pierre said on 18/Nov/20
Vincent Caleb said on 16/Nov/20
Click Here
Click Here
Tyson is definitely taller.
Yes he's definitively taller in your pics... Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here = (Tyson closer to the camera) Click Here Click Here = Tyson little heels Deontay flat sneakers Click Here
“He is definitely taller in your pics”? Are YOU accusing me of cherry picking? The irony of that is hilarious. The difference between your pictures and mine is that mine were good for guessing height. I had a good side by side of the two and when it didn’t work for your claims it is cherry picking. Find some better pictures.
ajax177 said on 19/Nov/20
@Mickie The best shot I found of Ustinov with Vitali Klitschko
Click Here
My current estimates:
Fury 201cm
Vitali 200cm
Ustinov 199cm (at most)
Wilder 198cm
Wladimir 195cm
Mickie said on 18/Nov/20
It's funny V. Klitschko came up in comparison to prove Ustinov is not 6'7.5", because Ustinov has been photographed with V. Klitskchko. While I wouldn't say it is conclusive by any means, Ustinov appeared to be just slightly taller in the photo.
Mickie said on 18/Nov/20
@Canson - Before considering the footwear and posture it appears like Tyson is about half an inch taller to me. Maybe 3/4" of an inch at most. There might be small advantages for Braun in posture and footwear there, but it's difficult to identify what that difference would be.
Pierre said on 18/Nov/20
ajax177 said on 16/Nov/20
OriginalAnon said on 14/Nov/20
Pierre, does this look like a 6'6'' man next to a 6'7.5" listed Ustinov? I don't think so. Ustinov is at least 200cm, without a doubt, and could be 202cm.
Alexander Ustinov is nowhere near 6ft 7. Look at Manuel Charr (billed 6ft 4) with Vitali Klitschko in comparision Click Here Click Here
@Ajax = Vitali Klitchko /Wladimir around same postures same shoes =
Click Here And Vitali is more around 6"6' /6"6.5' than 6"7' here
Pierre said on 18/Nov/20
JD1996 said on 17/Nov/20
Click Here Tyson fury is noticeably taller it’s clear as day how many times lol 😂🥱
Yeah noticiably taller when he wear little heels 🙂
JD1996 said on 17/Nov/20
@canson considering foot ware and strowman boots vs Tyson lower trainers and strowman being a wee bit closer to the camera it’s hard to say but fury eye level is above strowmans eyebrow looks a bit over an inch maybe very difficult to say for sure how much though for certain, obviously fury is taller though.
JD1996 said on 17/Nov/20
Click Here Tyson fury is noticeably taller it’s clear as day how many times lol 😂🥱
Tall In The Saddle said on 17/Nov/20
I would guess up to 1" in TF's favor but wouldn't argue against a bit less, like say, .75".
I hate to say it but I also think TF's overall posture is perhaps slightly less straight than Strowman's. Footwear appears reasonably equitable but I can't say for sure.
Vincent Caleb said on 17/Nov/20
Look at the footwear too. Tyson has a disadvantage.
Gman41 said on 17/Nov/20
I would judge the difference in height (during their boxing match) between Fury and Wlad to be 1.5 - 2 inch range.
Canson said on 16/Nov/20
@Mickie,Tall in the Saddle, and JD1996:
This one appears to be one of the better pics with Tyson Fury. How much would you say there is between them? I could give Strowman Rob’s listing here of 6’6.5 perhaps but I doubt over. Either way, Fury isn’t 6’6 here
Click Here
ajax177 said on 16/Nov/20
OriginalAnon said on 14/Nov/20
Pierre, does this look like a 6'6'' man next to a 6'7.5" listed Ustinov? I don't think so. Ustinov is at least 200cm, without a doubt, and could be 202cm.
Alexander Ustinov is nowhere near 6ft 7. Look at Manuel Charr (billed 6ft 4) with Vitali Klitschko in comparision
Click Here Click Here
J2Frenzy said on 16/Nov/20
Pierre if the back of a guy’s head is level with his sternum that’s not straight
Bbroccc said on 16/Nov/20
@pierre I can not tell if you are suggesting that Tyson is smaller than anticipated, the height that Rob used in his listing, or the basically the same height as Wilder because of the way you are wording your comments
But as I already mentioned a few days ago, there is quite literally only a very very small amount of photos where Wilder looks to be same height (one of them he even looks smaller, though he just finished a fight and was probably slouching)- but in 90% of the pictures of them together its quite clear that Tyson is taller than Deontay - possibly a good inch taller
Pierre said on 15/Nov/20
J2Frenzy said on 15/Nov/20
@Pierre in that first photo Deontay clearly has a straight back and is angling his head up. Tyson is in a more relaxed stance looking forwards.
Tyson stands relatively straight here ,he does not really lose height
J2Frenzy said on 15/Nov/20
@Pierre in that first photo Deontay clearly has a straight back and is angling his head up. Tyson is in a more relaxed stance looking forwards.
Pierre said on 15/Nov/20
OriginalAnon said on 14/Nov/20
Pierre, does this look like a 6'6'' man next to a 6'7.5" listed Ustinov? I don't think so. Ustinov is at least 200cm, without a doubt, and could be 202cm.
...Tyson is listed 6"9' .Is he 6"9' or close?... Ustinov is he really 6"7.5'...
Pierre said on 15/Nov/20
a 6"7.5' tired guy next to a 6"6.25' guy never look as short
Click Here
In this pic no fighting before and Tyson had little heels =
Click Here
I believe if Tyson was really very tired in the first pic/video he wouldn't play at tiptoeing plus streching up in the video.
JD1996 said on 15/Nov/20
@originalAnon yes you could see in the build up conferences next to 6’7.5” listed Ustinov that Tyson fury was definitely a bit taller, also you are right about him being at least 2.5 inches or more than wlad when they fought in the ring. But you see people like to put pictures of wlad and fury when they aren’t in the ring where the real height difference is and when wlad is wearing his lifts for some reason, because it suits their agenda for some reason for fury to be shorter... just how it is.
Mickie said on 15/Nov/20
When you're tired you are likely to stand shorter than you'd measure by a greater margin. I was never a boxer, but I did compete in athletics in high school and university. If I had just finished running a 10km race (me at a typical afternoon height of 6'3 3/8" (191.5 cm) and I would probably be wearing spikes or thin racing flats) I could easily envision a 6'2" (188 cm) guy in a more classic sneaker style looking me eye to eye due to 1. the footwear advantage boosting him up close to 2 cm on me 2. I would be at an extreme low and probably lost a half cm and 3. my posture would be worse than normal due to fatigue robbing me of at least 1 cm in posture compared to someone rested.
OriginalAnon said on 14/Nov/20
Pierre, does this look like a 6'6'' man next to a 6'7.5" listed Ustinov? I don't think so. Ustinov is at least 200cm, without a doubt, and could be 202cm.
Click Here
Click Here
Also correction on previous post: Feet and inches, rather. Not making much of a good job of being a smartar** here.
OriginalAnon said on 14/Nov/20
Pierre, if you're going to keep beating the 6"6' drum, you could at least get the feet and centimetres around the right way ;) (6'6")
If Tyson Fury is 6'6", then Wladimir Klitschko must be 6'3.5", right? Look at them in the ring, not outside with Wladimir Klitschko's lifts.
Pierre said on 14/Nov/20
Lol Robbe a tired Tyson after the match is never an inch shorter than his afternoon height!He lost max a fraction here!
JD1996 said on 14/Nov/20
@canson agree and see what you mean. I think if rob keeps fury at 6’7.5” then deontay should be 6’6” to max 6’6.25” imo, and he seems no taller than Carmelo Anthony. 6’7.75” and 6’6.25” could also work but we need to see how much height fury has on Joshua first.
Bbroccc said on 13/Nov/20
I dont know what some of you guys are talking about — Tyson has easy height over Wilder - everyone keeps showing that one pic where wilder is taller - do a simple google search of the two and stop cherry picking to find a pic where wilder is taller - Fury is taller in 90% of the pics with them next to each other or face to face - in fact, in the one press conference where wilder is wearing high heels and Fury is in small ones (the presser where Fury was wearing that stupid color/designed suit), Fury was clearly taller by about .6ish to .75 inches at the very least - and I dont think Fury is hitting 6’8 either but he is clearly taller than Wilder and def taller than 6’6 flat
FriedChicken said on 13/Nov/20
6'8" out of bed 6'7" before bed
Vincent Caleb said on 13/Nov/20
Yea maybe 6’8.25” first thing and then 6’7.25” afternoon.
Patrick Mongan said on 13/Nov/20
How tall do you think his younger brother Tommy is? He's been listed at 6ft2 and also 6ft but he looks more closer to 5ft11

Editor Rob
5ft 11 to 6ft would be more believable than over 6ft
Canson said on 13/Nov/20
I can see where JD1996 estimates Fury near 6’8”. At times possibly he can look it. But I think we can unanimously agree that if we leave him at 6’7.5, that Wilder needs a downgrade to at least 6’6.25”. Unless Rob made Fury 6’7.75, the 6’6.5 doesn’t fit. That’s appropriate being he actually looked shorter than Carmelo Anthony (who is maximum 6’6.25”) with camera disadvantage. Wilder for sure isn’t listed at a low here
JD1996 said on 13/Nov/20
@Robbe yeah and when he’s taller than AJ he will still be 6’6” and it will be camera angle being too low or fury wearing “massive heals”. He for sure must be the biggest 6’6” guy in the world lol. Same I’m gonna leave this fury page for a while Until they and Joshua face can’t be asked I post load of videos and photos where he 1.5 inches taller than wilder and sometimes 2 or 1 but apparently they just biased. Can’t be asked going round in circles feels like banging my head against the wall 😂 I need to stay of this page for a few months over wise it will do my head in for real 😂!
Canson said on 13/Nov/20
@JD1996: I think Wlad could measure that earlier in the day like maybe a couple hours after being awake but I see 6’6 out of bed and 6’5.25 afternoon. He looks appropriately listed next to Joshua imho esp if he’s listed appropriately
Robbe said on 13/Nov/20
Lol, all the numerous pictures where Fury appears 1-1.5in taller than Wilder, inside, and outside the ring, are biased, but the only picture, which has been posted here like hundred times, where Fury is on boxing shoes, after hard fight, and Wilder, fully rested, in sneakers, appears hair taller, is not biased Lol. I find it very funny :D
I haven't posted anything on this thread for a long time. I see nothing has changed. Still one user against all the others. Im sure if Fury was measured officially at 6'7.5 infront of live audience, millions of people watching, a certain guy would say "No no"! He was tiptoeing! Or "That stadiometer is broke"! "He was measured wrongly"! He is only 6'6! Look at this picture!
Click Here
:D :D :D Carry on, I'll be back after Fury/AJ press.
JD1996 said on 12/Nov/20
I would be surprised if fury didn’t have 2 inches on Joshua tbh although it is possible of course that it could be more or less than this and we are all a bit surprised.
Robbe said on 12/Nov/20
@Mickie, yeah, AJ isn't much shorter than Wilder, so i expect someting like this.
Click Here
Their eyelines aint so far away, but Fury has visible bigger forehead.
JD1996 said on 12/Nov/20
@Reece wlad is very similar in height with Joshua so I would say 6’5.5” ish for wlad although he does wear lifts on occasion so hard to know his real height but in vast majority of photos Joshua and wlad are within 1/4 inch of each other. I’m gonna stick with fury 6’7.75” and wilder 6’6.25” for now though although this could change or stay the same when I see fury with Joshua!
Pierre said on 12/Nov/20
@Robbe = very possible your example is biased.Both men are standing distant one to the other one and camera a bit low .Here is another example with both men very close one to the other one,Deontay wearing flat sneakers Tyson little heel then logically a bit advantaged =
Click Here Not 6"7' here.6"6'.
Click Here = here Deontay with maybe a fraction more shoe but no cap.Tyson max same height as Deontay by this comparisons
Tall In The Saddle said on 11/Nov/20
Canson said on 10/Nov/20
@Pierre: I don’t see where he had a footwear advantage when they fought though.
However, Pierre believes that not all boxing shoes are necessarily equal. I believe they are, at least at that level of competition in which all is meant to be equal. At any rate, I think I previously posted a photo clearly showing both men's footwear in the ring. No visible difference IMO.
The ever shifting argument points against Fury remind of the old Abbott and Costello's routine, Who's On First? Ill defined and circular. First Base: Posture. Second Base: Angle. Third Base: Footwear. Then, with no single point established, it's all the way back to First Base again. Hey Abbott!! LOL.
Mickie said on 11/Nov/20
I'm expecting Fury to have 1.5" to 1.75" on AJ if Both stand well. Not quite as much as he had on Otto Wallin (who claimed 6'6").
Pierre said on 11/Nov/20
Tyson Fury enormous soles /Dwayne Johnson =
Click Here
Dwayne Johnson /7"0' Shaq classic shoes and terrible posture ... =
Click Here
Reece said on 11/Nov/20
How to do you think Wlad is? Like you guesses.
Mickie said on 11/Nov/20
@Robbe - good photo of Fury and Wilder there. That's a good example of why I don't get on the 6'8" or 6'6" range trains for Fury and instead go with 6'7.25" - 6'7.5" as my guess.
JD1996 said on 11/Nov/20
@mickie yeah I think you predicted the future lol. When he see fury 2 inches taller than AJ he will say it’s the camera being too low or Tyson fury wearing massive shoes or something like that. Yeah but problem is robbe there’s many photos showing him 1.5 inch taller sometimes 2 not just 1 and also in the ring Tyson fury had at least 1.5” on him. It will be interesting to see him with Joshua as his height is more known than wilders as he stood with big Rob and looks 6’5.5” worst case and maybe 6’6” best case but probably 6’5.75” as listed.
Canson said on 11/Nov/20
@JD1996: maybe a middle ground but I can see where it looks a full 1.5” at times between Wilder and Fury
Resurrection of Edward said on 11/Nov/20
agreed with everything you said dude.
Robbe said on 11/Nov/20
This is the real difference between Fury and Wilder.
Click Here
Wilder is wearing an inch sneakers, Fury flat dress shoes. No big difference in their footwear. Pause at 1:38, or 1:48. Angle is perfect. Same distance from the camera.
Click Here
Wilder 6'6.25 and Fury 6'7.25. That's what they are in my opinion. If Wilder is as listed, then Fury is 6'7.5. Simple as that.
Mickie said on 11/Nov/20
@JD1996 - when Fury and AJ meet Pierre can always just say the camera angle is too low or that AJ is 6'4.5" (I think he thinks 6'5" flat currently) trust me I don't think his mind will change on a 6'6" Fury.
JD1996 said on 10/Nov/20
@Mickie it was also be interesting to see the difference between Joshua and fury when they meet I reckon around 2 inches difference in this case but we will see.
JD1996 said on 10/Nov/20
@Mickie I don’t disagree with you either you got a very good point. I saw a picture with 6’7” George fox and Tyson fury and noticed tyson fury was about one or two foot behind him in the photo I think if they were same distance from the camera Tyson fury would have about 2 cm on him. He’s definitely got 1.5” and no less on wilder perhaps even a fraction more. If Rob is gonna keep Tyson fury at 6’7.5” then deontay wilder listing needs to go from 6’6.5” to 6’6”. Conversely if Rob is gonna keep wilder at 6’6.5” then fury needs to be boosted to 6’8”, or you could go the middle ground of 6’6.25” and 6’7.75” listings for wilder and fury respectively.
JD1996 said on 10/Nov/20
@pierre you will see when Tyson fury meets Anthony Joshua face to face that Tyson fury will not be 6’6” you will see!
Canson said on 10/Nov/20
@Pierre: I don’t see where he had a footwear advantage when they fought though.
Mickie said on 9/Nov/20
@JD1996 - I don't disagree Fury can look 1.5" taller than Wilder at times. I think it's 3 cm at least when they stand well and yeah possibly 4 cm but I doubt it's more than that. Next to some other fighters like George Fox who is 6'7" Fury edged him out but ijust barely and he also didn't seem over 2" taller than Joe Joyce who is 6'5.5". Next to Wach who is supposed to be 6'7.5" I think Fury looked about the same accounting for the shoe difference. So 6'7.25" - 6'7.5" seems right to me with a smaller chance of being just a tad over/under that range.
Pierre said on 9/Nov/20
@JD1996 if my memory is good in your pics Tyson wear little heels here while Deontay wear sneakers with poor soles.also don't forget sometimes Tyson is tiptoeing in videos/pics.
Here are again pics in neutral angles =
Click Here Click Here = in this event Deontay was wearing flat sneakers and Tyson little heels...
Canson said on 9/Nov/20
@JD1996: none taken. And I respect what you said!
JD1996 said on 8/Nov/20
Sorry guys but I fail to see how fury is just 6’7” to max 6’7.5” he looks too much taller than wilder it looks 1.5-2 inches and it did in the fight.
Click Here Solidly 2 inches taller than wilder here. He’s looking easily over 1.5 inches taller here
Click Here. Only chance he has of being 6’7.5” is if wilder is sub 6’6” which is a hard case to argue. Imo with what I’ve see photo wise, video wise, and looking at him in the ring no question he is anywhere from 1.5-2 inches taller. Robs old listing of Tyson fury being 6’8” was closest to what he is imo. @mickie 6’8” honestly wouldn’t surprise me i think that’s what he is and when he isn’t standing with his usual languid posture he looks 6’8” he’s got 1.5-2 inches on wilder all day long!
Iuio said on 8/Nov/20
@Lushao Да, exactly
Fury was never a full 6'7" to begin with,
He looks really stupid when tried to claim 6'8" or 6'9" when in reality you're like 6'6" 3/4 or 6'6" 7/8 at best.
Pierre said on 7/Nov/20
@JD 1996 = Of course Tyson looks like a giant next to David Haye,but both guys in the video are distant one to the other one,and if one of this guys stands a bit closer to the camera than the other one he has a good advantage.Tyson next to very tall guys like Deontay Wlad or Magic each time looks hardly more than 6"6'
Mickie said on 7/Nov/20
I think JD1996 has almost the same opinion as me only half an inch higher. 6'7" is the minimum I entertain rather than 7.5, and generally I think more like 6'7.25" is likely and 6'7.5" would be the upper end I'd guess.
I don't completely rule out entirely 6'7.75", but in my book that's about as high as I'd entertain for Fury. It's possible, but 6'8"+ would be very surprising. I think 6'7" - 6'7.5" fits well. I agree he can look closer to 6'8" than 6'7" at times, but overall I still feel 6'7.25" is where I would list him pending further evidence, and 6'7.5" is a good listing too.
JD1996 said on 7/Nov/20
@canson I don’t know if you saw the picture I showed you or if you looked at any, when they are literally standing the same that there can’t be 3/4 inch between fury and price it’s at most 1 centimetre if you look at the picture at the airport forget the 2017 one that’s not a fair comparison! Also how do you know if he isn’t over 6’8” I’m sure you haven’t measured him have you? Also David price has claimed both 6’8” and 6’9” so him being around 6’8.5” isn’t out of the question. I don’t want to come of as rude and hope this didn’t because I respect you and like you as a poster but I think you need to take a look at the things I sent so you can see what I’m saying. @pierre mate I’m not even entertaining that’s he’s below 6’7.5” sorry. Also look at him next to David haye he don’t look anything below 6’8” there.
Lushao said on 7/Nov/20
Iuio said on 4/Nov/20
@Rob Fury with 6'8" / 203 cm Dave Price
Click Here
How do you reckon honestly?
@Iuio Great finding you found there.
There's 3.5 cm between Price and Fury.
It is always a very suspicious subject when it comes to Anglophone Boxers/Fighters height, but I'm gonna be positive and scratch the 0.5 or less cm mark, Fury is an exact 200 cm tall individual. That's the maximum figure I can see for this "6'9" wanna-be individual.
Canson said on 6/Nov/20
@JD1996 and Recapa: I’d say max 1” between Fury and him but I’d really believe that it was more .75” if all things were equal. We can tell Price is taller but can tell it isn’t much. I doubt Price is over 6’8”. A finer line is 0.5-.75” more than likely or .5-.8
Pierre said on 6/Nov/20
Tyson simply isn't 6"7' .Lots of comparisons show the same thing.He's 6"6'.If you take in consideration Tyson's postures then take in consideration Magic's postures....
JD1996 said on 6/Nov/20
Recapa there isn’t 1.25 inches between fury and price no way when they both have similar posture it’s around 1 cm tops
Click Here. People like to use the 2017 photo
Click Here that shows about that amount off difference when fury posture is not good which btw isn’t a fair comparison! In reality he’s only 1 cm shorter than price who claims 6’8” and 6’9” and could very well be a 204 cm range guy. Oh yeah and here’s majic Jonson and Tyson fury next to wilder
Click Here Click Here. Fury has a bigger advantage on wilder than majic does and IMO he’s taller than majic not the other way round as some photos look. For some reason people like fury to be shorter as it suits them.
Click Here In this video you can see a big difference between 6’2” haye and fury a strong 6 inches fury doesn't look just 6’7” there he looks 6’8” pretty easily. People can have him at 6’6” or 6’7” but from what I’ve seen he doesn't look that low unless of course he’s slouching or is disadvantaged.
I think at this point 6’8” is very arguable for fury and if you don’t think so then you haven’t bothered to look at evidence I’ve provided or just don’t wanna know which is fine people believe what they wanna believe I guess but it’s not my issue or my problem if they do as I provide evidence for my estimates every single time as I say if that’s ignored that’s that persons issue and not mine! At the end of the day you guys do you but I’ve never seen him as low as 6’6” or 6’7” worst case scenario he’s a very strong 6’7” best case he’s very easily 6’8”. My estimate he’s around 203 cm.
recapa said on 5/Nov/20
here are my guesses for some boxers here wilder 6ft6 1/8,joshua 6ft5 3/4,fury 6ft7.25,price 6ft8.5,andy ruiz 5ft11 3/4, wlad kiltscko 6ft5.25,vitali 6ft6.75,audli 6ft5.75 similar to joshua.
Canson said on 5/Nov/20
Fury is known not to stand straight. Price really is around 6’8 whereas Magic never was and magic has only a bit less on Fury than Price
JD1996 said on 5/Nov/20
@Iuio I’m not being funny but I don’t think that is fair photo to compare fury with David price as his posture isn’t good there. In this photo it’s much better
Click Here and if price is 6’8” fury looks about 6’8” maybe 1/4 inch shorter also remember price has claimed 6’8” and 6’9” so could be a 6’8.5” guy potentially.
Mickie said on 4/Nov/20
Another one of Fury and Wladimir (when Wlad doesn't have a lift advantage, presumably)
Click Here
Mickie said on 4/Nov/20
Tyson doesn't stand well, he can look closer to Price than that. Price is still taller. Tyson could be 6'7.25" and Price could be 6'8" or a fraction over it. Both have claimed 6'9".
Canson said on 4/Nov/20
@Mickie: he sure did.
Another Boxer - David Allen - also chimed in on Wlad's 'Little Helpers', saying "He got his lifts in again, wlad is no taller than 6ft 4 bare foot. He isn't much taller than me honestly I couldn't believe it when I was stood next to him. Barefoot 6ft 2 and half of I'm. Being honest he was barefoot I had trainers in we was the same height so he is 6ft 4".
Have to wonder if that’s a low for him too. I remember Shannon Briggs was listed 6’4” for the longest but he looks at absolute best a solid 6’3”. He may be a weaker 6’3 in reality
Iuio said on 4/Nov/20
@Rob Fury with 6'8" / 203 cm Dave Price
Click Here
How do you reckon honestly?

Editor Rob
Makes him look at most 6ft 7...assuming Tyson wasn't losing more height
Mickie said on 31/Oct/20
Dave Allen said he was 6'2.5".
Tall In The Saddle said on 31/Oct/20
Agree. Allen never 6'3". Strange thing for me, if Lovejoy is 6'5", Allen is standing better than I've seen him in other photos, appearing a good 6'2"?. Also, just IMO, Hearn never 6'5" himself so that pushes Allen down a bit again by comparison BUT to be fair the angle on those photos is skewed and to Allen's disadvantage (again, just IMO).
OriginalAnon said on 30/Oct/20
Dave Allen never looks 6'3''. Here he is with 6'5'' listed Chris Lovejoy.
Click Here
And here with Eddie Hearn, who claims 6'5'' and is probably a legitimate 6'5'' or near enough.
Click Here
Click Here
Hearn with terrible posture.
Tall In The Saddle said on 29/Oct/20
Agree 100%. 1.25"-1.5" more finely calibrated. 1"-1.5" to allow for margin of error.
I will explain. Respectfully. As evidence, the other photos contain multiple variables such as angle, footwear, posture etc. which can lend themselves to a number of deceptions. Those variables can be argued for or against either man. Such photos are often impractical to offer as any proof, too many points of contention that can't be agreed upon.
As evidence, the ring face off is of much higher quality. All variables removed except slight lower than head height. Almost perfect. There is at least one screen grab showing both men perfectly equidistant to camera. If not the case in the other face off shots of both men, the foreground advantage in said shots is negligible. Footwear is the same, postures equal for all intents and purposes. True height and height differences are often revealed in the boxing ring and often belie previously claimed heights and assumed differences.
But let's not just fixate on the still from the face off. That's just for the convenience of presenting a still from the live vision. There is plenty of live vision of the face off and actual fight. Can you tell me honestly that you cannot see at least 1" advantage to Fury throughout the course of the match? IMO, it's patently obvious throughout the live vision. If I saw it the other way I would definitely call it. I don't need or want Fury to be taller, the fact is, he is taller. Rejecting the face off photos and live vision is simply ignoring or trying to explain away the best evidence which indicates Tyson's obvious advantage. I think you're simply putting too much stock in lesser evidence and assuming that the ring face MUST be wrong for no other reason than your previously held disposition that Fury cannot be taller and if he somehow appears taller in any example then something must be wrong even though objective analysis indicates that all things are satisfactorily equal.
JD1996 said on 28/Oct/20
I guess I have fury slightly taller than you guys do at 6’7 3/4” but it’s no big deal tbh as we all seem within half inch and agree he’s over 6’7” at least apart from Pierre but that’s okay. I give wilder 6’6 1/4” I would say a solid 1 1/2 inches separate wilder and fury.
Canson said on 28/Oct/20
@Tall In the Saddle: 1-1.5 is the larger scale with 1.25-1.5 being a bit more defined imho.
Pierre said on 27/Oct/20
@Tall in the saddle = If this pic on ring isn't biased then explain me why in the other cases I posted with higher camera(camera at around same height as their heads this times) Tyson looks max same height as Deontay?...Of course this pic is biased and probably the camera is a bit more on the side of Tyson,less than the example Lou /Arnold,but just a little bit,and with the low angle Tyson has finally a big advantage of camera.
Tall In The Saddle said on 27/Oct/20
Yep. I'm also up with Tyson being 1"-1.5" over Wilder. If humanly possible to judge, I could tighten the window to 1.25"-1.5", which is to say, I think he at least has a bit more than 1" advantage, with 1.5" quite possible but not so much likely anything beyond that mark.
I understand you're suggesting that the Ferrigno Arnie pic was a more extreme example of the effect of a low angle. I get that BUT it wasn't just a low angle, the off center view point placed Ferrigno well into the foreground, thus exaggerating his advantage. The Fury Wilder in ring pic is perfectly square, leaving only the slightly lower view point to consider. You can try it at home with 2 diff. objects squarely framed but with a lowered view point. As your view point is lowered, the shorter object will progressively appear closer in height. So no advantage to Fury but slight advantage to Wilder if anyone.
Canson said on 26/Oct/20
@Recapa: he and Magic would be similar imho. 6’7.25 is reasonable for both guys or 6’7.5 for Fury and a hair less for Magic
JD1996 said on 25/Oct/20
Im gonna settle with 4 cm between fury and wilder it will be interesting to see what the difference is between fury and Joshua My guess is it will probably be around 5-6 cm difference would be surprising if more than 6 cm though.
recapa said on 25/Oct/20
6ft7.25 for fury since he seemed about an inch shorter than magic with bad posture
Pierre said on 25/Oct/20
Tyson is same height as Deontay,Tyson lots of time wear massive sneakers or little heel while lots of time Deontay wear only flat sneakers.This video says it all = Tyson as maybe a fraction less shoe than Deontay wearing only classic running sneakers and he looks hardly same height as him(classic running sneakers are not very advantageous when you're a very tall man because your weight is big and so you comprim a lot the spongious soles of this sneakers.I wear myself sometimes this type of shoes,my weight is above 100 kilograms,and my sneakers finally are giving me 1.6 cm-I took the measurements barefoot and wearing this sneakers- ).For guys who claim Tyson is tired in this videowWhen you're tired you never lose an inch on your evening height,you lose something around 0.5 mm.Then if Tyson had 3 or 4 cm on Deontay here he would still look a bit taller than Deontay ...but on the contrary Deontay is even the one who looks a bit taller here....Then mathematically by Deontay around 6"6' Tyson is around this mark no more.
Click Here Click Here
Mickie said on 24/Oct/20
Yeah 3 to 4 cm might be a better way of framing the difference between Wilder and Fury as opposed to 1 to 1.5 inches.
Canson said on 23/Oct/20
@JD1996: I’d say if not 1”, maybe 3cm is feasible
Canson said on 23/Oct/20
@Claudio: that could be a variety of things. Christian 6’5 3/8’s dad calls him 6’7 when he’s a just under 6’5 1/2 guy barefoot