How tall is Triple H - Page 12

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Average Guess (481 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 1.96in (187.9cm)
Current: 6ft 1.38in (186.4cm)
Alex2 said on 24/May/08
If you look at the pic with Hall and Spivey who I think is 6'7", Halls hair adds him about 2" of height there, if you look where his forehead is, Spivey has easily 2" on him.
Alex2 said on 23/May/08
I agree with 6'5" for Goldust, and possible a fraction more, funny how TNA build him 6'4" today though lol.
Jason said on 22/May/08
One of the mods on (6'2'') has a pic with Gunter, and said he wasn't over 6'0 1/2'' - looked it compared with the guy, too.
Hugh said on 21/May/08
Curt Henning was 6ft2-6ft3.
TNTinCA said on 20/May/08
If anyone saw him when he MCed Mr. Olympia from a few years back, he stood next to Gunther Schlierkamp (who is 6'1") and didn't appear to have more than 2 inches on him. Since Gunther was barefoot and HHH was in dress shoes, he had a 1 inch pump from that. Which makes me think 6'2" is pretty accurate. Although I could see 6'2.5".
Alex said on 20/May/08
Goldust looked 6'5 I thought too. He looked close to his 6'6 billing.
Derek said on 20/May/08
I thought Hall and Goldust were the same, both 6'5".
Jason said on 20/May/08
They looked the exact same height to me, unless you want to go by their billed heights. And both shaped up to Undertaker right about the same.
MK said on 20/May/08
Hall was also around 1'' taller than Goldust who was at least 6'4'', probably closer to 6'5''.
JT said on 20/May/08
Ola says on 19/May/08
JT, then spivey is more like 6'5...

Nope, he was an inch taller than 6'5" Bill Fralic of the NFL.
Mr. Perfect looks around 6'1" based on this pic with 6'4" listed Steve Jordan of the NFL Click Here Vegas's pic puts Hall at around 6'5". Find some full body shots of Hall standing straight (and not his usual Bad Guy slouch) next to guys of known height and looking 6'4" and I'll reconsider.
Alex said on 19/May/08
Maybe Hall was a legit 6'5 and shrunk to 6'4. He could have passed for 6'6-6'7 back as Razor Ramon, but also I was a young kid at the time.
Vegas said on 19/May/08
i posted this video of hennig and 6'3 steve jordan a few months back, hennig looks 6'1-6'1.5 there Click Here

here is hall and hennig standing side by side at the end, hall does have alot of height on hennig there Click Here
JT said on 18/May/08
Alex says on 13/May/08
Hall looked 6'4ish in person.

Here's a young Scott Hall looking around 6
Alex said on 17/May/08
Shaq looks to have 10-11 inches on HHH.
JT said on 17/May/08
Click Here
Shaq with nearly 6
Vegas said on 16/May/08
Click Here
Clay said on 16/May/08
Shaq is gigantic so he will make a lot of people look shorter than they really are, come on Viper.
JT said on 16/May/08
Viper says on 14/May/08
I thought he looked 6-1 with Shaq at best.

Click Here Considering that Shaq has just about a head size on ~ 6'4" Dwayne Wade, HHH comes out pretty good here.
Viper said on 14/May/08
I thought he looked 6-1 with Shaq at best.
Clay said on 14/May/08
He did look at least 6'2'' next to Roethlisberger and Starks. I would say he is 6'2.25.
MK said on 14/May/08
Hall did look 6'4'' during the nwo ruturn of 2002, but in his early wcw/wwf days i'd give a strong 6'5''.
Alex said on 13/May/08
Hall looked 6'4ish in person.
Sabby said on 12/May/08
Dits, granted he's no where as kuscular as he was during his return run in 2002-2003 and he looked like hell in 2004 when he feuded with Goldberg. But in the last month or so, Wrestlemania to current, he has maintaned his size but is regaining a bunch of his efinition. His vascularity and abdominal muscles have not been this defined in at least 3-4 years. He still looks to be in tremendous shape. he himself said "I don't want to be as big as 2002, becuse it hurt my in ring abilities." He brings his A- game every night, still huge, just not to the extent of Cena or batista
Alex said on 11/May/08
HHH isn't defined or as muscular as he use to be but he's still a pretty big guy. Hes still in pretty good shape and you can't say hes not all because his stomach isn't defined much anymore.
dits said on 11/May/08
forget the height,see how much muscle he's lost over the past 3-4 years.its a shame.he has the boss' daughter so it really doesnt matter if he's fat or muscular anymore i guess.he could well shrink himself to a 5 foot 5 and he'd still be wrestling.and ofcourse,knowing the WWE,still be billed at 6'4.
Hugh said on 10/May/08
No. HHH is for sure no less than 6ft2 and you can take that to the bank. Cena can look a strong 6ft1 at times. I do not however like the way he claims to be shorter.
Alex said on 9/May/08
It could have been 1.5 inches between HHH and Cena and Cena could very well by 6'0.5 though.
Jason said on 9/May/08
I'm thinking a weak 6'2'' for Triple H now -- 6'1 3/4''.
hs2008 said on 9/May/08
Personally I don't think Cena is 6'0" flat. He was listed as 6'1" by a legit sports team in college who surely would've listed him at 6'0" flat if he was. They gain nothing from listing him at an extra inch taller. I'd give Cena 6'0.5" rounded up to 6'1".
sakib said on 9/May/08
Triple H is a game i think his hight is 6'1. his shoulder is fine. i lick his game
Vegas said on 9/May/08
Cena is taller on video than andy roddick who ain't below 6ft and more likely 6'1. HHH also has a good 2 inches on recent photos with vince and he is wearing flat shoes with no heel, in fact in this photo he looks close to 5 inches taller Click Here

when HHH and rock look taller its always the same excuse, enhanced footwear or lifts despite the fact i have never seen either man wear large footwear and given the fact rock slouches in every photos and stands further back really defeating the whole purpose :) posture makes both guys look shorter
Viper said on 9/May/08
Thing is Ola Triple H has looked just an inch taller than Cena who is 6-0. I think he has looked taller because of some enhanced footwear.
Alex said on 8/May/08
A lot of the time someone I think will be taller from a distance but when I get up close they are shorter.
Alex2 said on 8/May/08
Oh wow Ola says something positive for once! Wow! And yea Ola Scott Hall was around 6'5" and think Hunter is 6'2-6'2.5" and yea Alex that can happen alot.
Alex said on 7/May/08
Alex 2, I agree with you 100%. I will see guys from much further away who look taller than they really are until I get close to them and they are really shorter than they looked. At times it can be the other way around, where they look taller up close than further away.
For example I saw a girl walking toward me from a pretty fair distance and she passed for 5'4-5'5 but up close she looked 5'1ish.
Alex2 said on 5/May/08
Its always hard to judge a persons height from a distance, like I sometimes think someones shorter than me from a distance and then when I get up close they are taller.
hs2008 said on 3/May/08
Austin could've been 6'1" in the 1990's but deffo not today. He looks 6'0" next to Glenn & Mamun.
Derek said on 2/May/08
6'1.5" is my estimate Viper. HHH is also a d!ck from what my friend told me and Glenn agreed.
Hugh said on 2/May/08
Nikki says on 1/may/08

There is NO WAY this guy is 6 ft 2. I saw him working out at the gym & was standing about 10 ft away from him. He looked barely 6ft tall.

Do you know anything about height?

Answer is NO!

Triple was 6ft4 at his peak during his WCW days and is now 6ft2.5 due to surgery.
Viper said on 1/May/08
Triple H is built where he would look shorter in person, I can beleive that. I still dont think hes any taller than 6-1-6-1 1/2 though.
Alex said on 1/May/08
I kinda doubt he was 6'1 but he may have been back in the 90s.
Nikki said on 1/May/08
There is NO WAY this guy is 6 ft 2. I saw him working out at the gym & was standing about 10 ft away from him. He looked barely 6 ft tall.
Viper said on 30/Apr/08
I seriously doubt Austin was ever 6-1.
hs2008 said on 29/Apr/08
Yeah, i'd agree Austin was 6'1" peak height. He had about 3" on Brian Pillman who was around 5'10". I also think HBK was 6'0" peak and Austin had an inch on him. Surgery on his spine must have cost him a little bit of height.
Rikashiku said on 29/Apr/08
hes just over 6'0. 5'11 at night. he is shorter now.
MK said on 29/Apr/08
Lets not forget Austin had surgery on his neck and both knees, which in my book is a guaranteed 0.5'' height loss for someone of 6'0''-6'1'' over a 15 year career. Though he may be 6'0''ish now, i'd give him 6'1'' at most during his 'stunning' days.
Hugh said on 28/Apr/08
Austin is well over 6ft.
Alex said on 28/Apr/08
I dont think Austin really shrunk, always was 6'0 or so. That would make HBK a little under 6'0 at his peak and Bret Hart 5'11ish.
hs2008 said on 28/Apr/08
I agee Alex. Austin could've been 6'1" peak at most. He was barely taller than Shawn Michaels & Bret Hart in the 1990's, who were both about 6'0" peak. Austin himself is probably 6'0" flat today or 6'0.5". Goldberg & Lesnar are solid 6'2"'s in comparison to Stone Cold.
koolio said on 27/Apr/08
how the **** are you guys gettin 6'2"- every where else it says hes 6'4"
Alex said on 27/Apr/08
The most I could really put Austin at is 6'0 1/2 but more likely just 6'0 or maybe a smidge under. Goldberg and Lesnar I'd put about 6'2.
Rikashiku said on 27/Apr/08

Edge 6ft3
Goldberg 6ft2.75
Brock Lenar 6ft2
Rock 6ft3-6'4
Steve Austin 6ft0 bare footed.
Orton(bob and randy) 6'1 and 6'4+
hs2008 said on 27/Apr/08
Lol, Austin is 6'1" MAX. Goldberg is no more than 6'2" IMO, he was clearly shorter than 6'3"ish Rock.
Hugh said on 27/Apr/08
In that case Austin is at least 187cm because Goldberg is 189cm
hs2008 said on 26/Apr/08
Austin always looked about an inch shorter than Goldberg from what I remember.
Hugh said on 24/Apr/08
Austin looked the same height as Goldberg in some scenes on Smackdown.
Alex said on 24/Apr/08
Hugh, Lesnar I agree with you on pretty much. The others are a little less than you said I think but Austin I can't see anywhere near 6'2.
Hugh said on 24/Apr/08
I'll agree with those listings. How about this: Edge 6ft4
Goldberg 6ft2.75
Brock Lenar 6ft2.25
Rock 6ft3.25
Steve Austin 6ft2
Dave said on 24/Apr/08
Regal 6'2
JBL 6'5
HHH 6'3
Michaels 5'11
Orton 6'4
Cena 6'1
Hugh said on 22/Apr/08
Alex2, why do you have respect for Regal. I've met him in person. He's a horrible individual. I'm sorry you're offended but not all wrestlers are Mr. Nice guys you know. Anyway JBL I'd say is 6ft5.5.
Alex said on 22/Apr/08
I would have put JBL at 6'5 and Regal at 6'1-6'2. JBl does wear those cowboys boots sometimes that look to give up to 2 inches of height.
Alex2 said on 21/Apr/08
Alex Regal looks a solid 6'2 or better most of the time, Triple H's height is VERY hard to indicate as you never know when he is wearing lifts, JBL aint below 6'5 for sure. Hey and how dare you disrespect Regal Hugh!
MK said on 21/Apr/08
Hugh says on 20/Apr/08
Regal is a little peanut head. You get that, a peanut head. Triple H towered over him by at least 1.5 inches. JBL is probably 6ft5.75. Regal is probably 6ft1.5 MAX. Triple H 6ft3.25. Orton 6ft4.25. Dave Taylor is 6ft1.25. Regal is a snob. Michaels is 6ft0.5. Cena is 6ft1.25.

1.75'' between Regal/HHH?, and what have you got to back this jiberish up? Honestly, even Ola would'nt make such a ridiculous claim. (though i'm sure he's due)
JT said on 21/Apr/08
Click Here JBL has cowboy boots on as well. I
Alex said on 20/Apr/08
Maybe Regal is 6'0-6'1?
Hugh said on 20/Apr/08
Regal is a little peanut head. You get that, a peanut head. Triple H towered over him by at least 1.5 inches. JBL is probably 6ft5.75. Regal is probably 6ft1.5 MAX. Triple H 6ft3.25. Orton 6ft4.25. Dave Taylor is 6ft1.25. Regal is a snob. Michaels is 6ft0.5. Cena is 6ft1.25.
Alex2 said on 19/Apr/08
Well JBL dwarfed William Regal last week on RAW and looked at least 4" on Regal who is no less than 6'2. I think JBL is like 6'5.5
Mike said on 19/Apr/08
Yes it is true, he was in starbucks and I asked him.
Hugh said on 18/Apr/08
I hard Triple H is heavier than JBL.
Hugh said on 16/Apr/08
Alex2, Triple H IS a big guy. Triple is 6ft4 in lifts.
Demo said on 16/Apr/08
Yeah JBL appears about 6'6". On Raw (flatish bootish) he had about 2 inches on Orton.
Alex2 said on 15/Apr/08
Alex you really think? He looks 6'6 most of the time but with Triple H he looked 6'5 but i bet Triple H wears lifts when facing big guys.
Alex said on 14/Apr/08
JBL isn't 6'6-6'7. 6'5 is more accurate.
Alex2 said on 14/Apr/08
Yea triple H was DEF wearing lifts last RAW, lol he looked within 1" of a Slouching 6'6-6'7 JBL.
Alex2 said on 12/Apr/08
Well I saw RAW last week and I must say I think Randy Orton is BARE minimum 6'4 and more likely 6'4.5-6'5, he look within 1" of JBL who everyone here agrees is 6'6-6'7.
hs2008 said on 12/Apr/08
I'm not saying there not big ass sneakers lol, coz whatever he wears are chunky but they look like Nike Airs or something similar due to the clear part in the sole.

The majority of wrestlers wear boots, but some do wear sneakers is my point.
brother_h said on 11/Apr/08
it was on a DVD i saw RVD put on boots. i cant remember what it was called but it has a target symbol and some wrestlers on it and it talks about their lives.

and ive seen the wrestlers get ready for a new zealand show and alot of them wear boots.
actually i do think it is better to wear normal shoes coz ive said on this before it is better to wrestle with normal shoes on. ive been to extreme school of wrestling in canada once. fun!

Jamie noble is a cruiser weight and he doesnt wear sneakers in matches, he did in 2002 but not now from the looks of it.

rey mysterio didnt always wear sneakers, i saw some old ecw matches and he wore boots, but later on in earlier matches he wore sneakers. which was why he appears smaller than the wrestlers.

also, Lance Storm. he said that he doesnt wear boots and he was 6'0 but looked really small next to the other wrestlers coz they wore boots.

Edge really does wear boots. if not then some really big ass sneakers on him then.
some with alot of padding to make that impact sound.
hs2008 said on 10/Apr/08
Well i'm not an edgehead and don't beleive he's 6'5". Edge wears sneakers! I'm not saying there not chunky sneakers, but they are sneakers! They have a clear part in the sole like Nike Airs or something like that.

I do have wrestling boots and sneakers thank you very much and sneakers are considerably lighter so that's how I know.

You have seen RVD and CM Punk get ready for a match? That's bull. Not all wrestlers wear boots, Shelton Benjamin is another that wears sneakers and kickpads, AJ Styles has done also and Rey Mysterio has worn sneakers countless times.
Vegas said on 10/Apr/08
some of my friends work in wrestling; there are sneakers covered with kick-pads. you don't want to believe that then fine, next big indie show i attend i will take photos with the guys (and their footwear). most of the guys in the indies now prefer to wear sneakers over boots especially the high-flyers
brother_h said on 10/Apr/08
thats bull, ive seen RVD put his boots on backstage. and CM punk. edge doesnt wear sneakers they're boots. like all other wrestlers wear.

what makes you think their that then? did you touch them?
and last year some group of people edge head fans kept saying the same thing you are now cept they believed he was 6'5.

they arent sneakers. their to solid. like boots are.
brother_h said on 7/Apr/08
he doesnt wear sneakers, wait your the idiot who said edge was really 6'5 last year.
edge wears boots you nut. big ass boots. its so obvoius
hs2008 said on 6/Apr/08
I was being sarcastic :p Edge wears sneakers and kickpads to the ring.
brother_h said on 5/Apr/08
say whaaa! how can you not believe in lifts? thats what makes ryan seacrest and mcmahon look so tall.
edge looked almost 2 inches shorter than undertaker on WM24. edge has started wearing uber lifts since 2005 when he stole lita from kane.

look at edge with 6'4-6'5 randy orton, in the backstage segments he looks 6'6 next to orton. but in the ring he is clearly slightly shorter than orton. also, look at his boots and shoes, the soles look HUGE! like 2-3 inch thick. sometimes tey have shoes where the soles are really thick but they hide under the decoration of the shoes.
Alex2 said on 4/Apr/08
Ahh thankyou JT, I havent seen Dave Taylor on WWE in a while, he does look 6'3 though, thanks.
tane firmin said on 4/Apr/08
triple h is not 6 foot 4 i met him in real life im 6 foot 2 an a half an i was taller then him hes more like 6 foot to 6 foot 1 but wrestlin always exagerates heights
Eric k said on 4/Apr/08
I stand 6'0 even barefoot and the game had at least 3 inches on me. Definitly taller than 6.2
hs2008 said on 4/Apr/08
Lol, yeah I don't beleive in lifts! I'm sorry, I thought Edge looked shorter than Undertaker by more than that. Do you have any pics?
brother_h said on 4/Apr/08
uhh whenever hes wrestling undertaker. like wrestlemania, he looked almost 2 inches shorter.

i was just asking since you said treet clothes and believed there are no such things as lifts.
Vegas said on 3/Apr/08
is vince shrinking??? he not within 1 inch of triple h here Click Here Click Here Click Here
Hugh said on 3/Apr/08
Yeah, Regals a tall guy but H is taller by a long shot. Austin's also a tall guy.
hs2008 said on 3/Apr/08
When did he look as tall as Undertaker? I don't remember that :S
And when on earth did I say it was in the street "you nut". I'm well aware it's in the ring, hence the ropes and the crowd.
brother_h said on 3/Apr/08
no, edge is always wearing elevated boots, in street clothes and in wrestling gear. and thats not on the street either thats a wwe ring you nut.

its obvious he wears lifts, how else do you think he nearly looks as tall as UT or looks taller than 6'4-6'5 randy orton.
JT said on 2/Apr/08
Alex2 says on 1/Apr/08
JT, im not sure but were you the person who posted here a while back that Regal had a little bit of height on your 6'2 dad?

hs2008 said on 2/Apr/08
How on earth do you know that?! Do you have x-ray eyes or something, lol.
brother_h said on 2/Apr/08
nope, HHH was wearing street clothes, not edge, even in normal clothes edge still wears lifts.
hs2008 said on 2/Apr/08
Yeah sometimes Edge was said to be 6'3" by JR. I remember at SS 2001 he was, he's certainly no smaller than that.
He has 2" on Triple H in street clothes:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
brother_h said on 2/Apr/08
i heard it on vengence 1999 i think, JR stated that edge ws 6'6 wrestling test who was billed at 6'8 and 6'9 at that time. test does have 3 inches on edge

edge looks more 6'3 to me. in some old videos he was an inch taller than HHH
Alex2 said on 1/Apr/08
JT, im not sure but were you the person who posted here a while back that Regal had a little bit of height on your 6'2 dad?
Alex said on 1/Apr/08
Edge is billed at 6'4 and sometimes 6'5. When he first came I remember he was said to be 6'3 by JR at times.
Hugh said on 1/Apr/08
I think Edge or is pushing 6ft4.
Derek said on 1/Apr/08
I never heard Edge being billed at 6'6". He was billed at 6'4" when he debuted in 1998. Legit, he is 6'2 1/2"-6'3".
Viper said on 1/Apr/08
I dont even think Edge reaches 6-3. 6-6 for him is crazy.
hs2008 said on 1/Apr/08
Edge billed at 6'6"! Lol. He's a tall guy, like 6'3" or 6'4" but no where near 6'6"!
brother_h said on 1/Apr/08
he would have been 6'3 when he first started, he even looked it. but he doesnt now especially with all the injuries. he looks more 6'1 now. john cea almost looks taller than him. and orton is ALOT taller tha him.

Edge is 6'3 and billed at 6'5 and 6'6
afterlife said on 30/Mar/08
does anybody know how tall is edge??
frank said on 27/Mar/08
This dude is 6'3'' at least!!! Over the years as his frame (especially his back has enlarged) he seems to be hunching more and more. Hes gonna have some serious back issues when hes older
hs2008 said on 19/Mar/08
I think Orton is legit 6'4". That pic posted a while ago with his dad when he was only 15 showed him to be already at the 6'3"+ mark.
Alex said on 19/Mar/08
MK said on 19/Mar/08
brother_h, if Orton had 5'' on his dad he would have been at least 6'6'' which at 15 is way past ridiculous, show us this photo.
brother_h said on 19/Mar/08
yea they are wearing boots. 2 inch thick boots. if triple h is 6'3 then the coach must be 6'5. regal is actually taller than HHH

no, orton is closer to 6'4. have you seen his family picture when he was 15? he was 5 inches taller than his dad
JT said on 19/Mar/08
Hugh says on 18/Mar/08
Regal is not 6ft2. He's 6ft1 at the very most. Triple H is 6ft3-6ft3.5 and was taller.

Click Here I stood next to Regal at LAX for about 10 minutes waiting for baggage. He had dress shoes on and is a legit 6'2".
johnny said on 19/Mar/08
heres the deal with triple h , like me hes the hardcore ectomorph with the long neck that starts under the shoulder line. now i measure up at a little over 6'3 , but my standing height is under 6'3 because of the way the ectomorph is shaped , and im not talking about "stretching the neck" either. at some point in his life he was a legitimate 6'3 standing height (real height) or very close to it. hes suffered countless injuries (reguardless how serious or not) , and these days hes definately still around the 6'2 mark. he deserves a 6'3 peak height and to keep this 6'2 listing and this would pretty much end the gamble on this superstars height. by the way im about 6'3 and i can bend my legs neck and back a little and look 6'1 with out really looking like im trying to
Hugh said on 18/Mar/08
Regal is not 6ft2. He's 6ft1 at the very most. Triple H is 6ft3-6ft3.5 and was taller.
Viper said on 18/Mar/08
MK, I agree with you about Orton being 6-3.
Hugh said on 18/Mar/08
Is it possible that these wrestlers could reach their billed heights in boots.
brother_h said on 18/Mar/08
for austin, look at the movie beyond the mat, you'll see austin with shane, the rock and mick g=foley all of them over 6'2 and they have half a head over austin.
Alex said on 16/Mar/08
Orton I still would give a legit 6'4. HHH never looked 280lbs to me. About 270lbs a couple of years ago though.
Austin isn't looking 6'2 on his page with 5'8 Mamum.
MK said on 15/Mar/08
Hugh, you must be WELL under 6ft to make such claims, thats my opinion, i met Randy Orton 2 years ago as he was promoting Smackdown vs Raw 2006, 6'3.5'' he was at the very most and he was dead even with myself im 6'3'' wwe almost always bill their 'superstars' an average 2'' more than than they are, and heel them to the teeth. btw who said Triple H was 6ft5-6ft6.
billy said on 15/Mar/08
i met hhh i amjust barely 6'3 flat barefoot . he looked as tall as me mabye quarter of an inch taller or shorter. hes atleast 6'2.5 barefoot mabye even 6'3.5, looked to be about 240 pounds
hs2008 said on 15/Mar/08
This is quite an interesting pic from Vince's hollywood star thing:
Click Here
He looks 3" taller than Vince there, which is weird because he normally looks closer in height to Vince than that. Maybe something funky in his shoes?
brother_h said on 15/Mar/08
you guys are trolling hardcore.

Austin isnt tall. hes 6'0. Shane mcmahon is 6'2 and he is taller than austin by a longshot. the roc and mick foley are both 6'3 and they're taller than him.

HHH has always been 6'3-6'2.
Kenny dykstra 6'0
Edge 6'3
Orton 6'5
Regal 6'2
Coach 6'3
Flair 5'10
Batista 6'3
Cena 6'0
harcore holly 6'0
Viper said on 15/Mar/08
LOL at Stone Cold being mentioned as 6-3 or even 6-2.
Hugh said on 14/Mar/08
Austin is a pretty tall dude. So 6ft2 is not out of the Realm. I met him backstage at a Raw houseshow about a year ago. He was in low cut sneakers. He was about half an inch taller.
Hugh said on 14/Mar/08
Hey it's what I saw! So give me a break. Fine maybe in boots Hardcore Holly is 6ft2. But then whats all this talk about Triple H standing 6ft5-6ft6 and weighing 280lbs when he got into wrestling. Whats your opinion MK?
Hugh said on 14/Mar/08
Batista looked 6ft4ish. OK your right, I might be rounding it up a notch here.
But William Regal can look below 6ft2.
brother_h said on 14/Mar/08
HHH and HBK have been wearing Lifts. you can tell coz in some scenes they look tall and in others they are short. especially next to 6'3 coach.

my list.
Name, Billed, my guess.
Batista 6'7 6'3.
Randy orton 6'3-6'4 6'5.
Ric flair 6'1 5'10
HHH 6'5-6'4 6'2-6'1
Cena 6'3 6'0
Bigshow 7'2 7'1
Mark henry 6'3 6'1
Hardcore holly 6'2 6'0
Cody Rhodes 6'1 5'10
Goldust 6'6 6'4
Rock 6'5 6'2 or 6'3(since mick foley is nearly taller than him)
Mick foley 6'2 6'3
Jake the snake 6'6 6'5 or 6'4
Wild Samoans Afa, Sifa and Saumla 6'2 6'3 6'4 6'1 6'3 and 6'6
High chief peter maivia 6'1 5'11
Rocky johnson 6'6 6'4
Kenny dykstra 6'4 6'0
Chris benoit 5'11 5'8 or 5'9( 5'8 on the news)
Bobby lashly 6'0
Jeff hardy 6'0 or 6'1
MVP 6'3 6'1(i met him)
Mr kennedy 5'10
Christian 6'0(for some reason the same height as Ashton Kutcher)
Matt hardy is never 6'2. 6'0-5'11 more like it.
Stone cold 6'2 6'0
Booker T 6'4 6'1
Val Venis 6'3 6'2
Mr perfect 6'3 6'3
William Regal 6'4 6'2
MK said on 13/Mar/08
Hugh says on 12/Mar/08
Batista - 6ft4.5 (194cm)
RKO - 6ft5 (196cm)
Ric Flair 6ft0.5 (184cm)
HHH - 6ft4 (193cm)
Cena - 6ft1.5 (187cm)
So those are the listings from Smackdown vs Raw 2008, whats your own opinion?
Alex said on 12/Mar/08
Hardcore Holly is more like 5'11-5'11 1/2.
Hugh said on 12/Mar/08
There are a lot wrestlers that are actually taller than expected. MVP is 6ft2 at least as is Mr. Kennedy. Hardcore Holly if standing up straight appears 6ft2ish. Christian is 6ft1-6ft2. Matt Hardy is 6ft2, Jeff Hardy 6ft1.5. Stone Cold is 6ft3. Booker T is almost 6ft3. Bobby Lashely is 6ft2.5. Val Venis is 6ft3.5. Kenny Dykstra is 6ft2. Mr. Perfect was 6ft3 (R.I.P). Chris Benoit was 5ft11.
Hugh said on 12/Mar/08
Wiliam Regal is not taller than Triple H. In fact Regal looks like a shrimp compared to Triple H. I'd say Regal is probably 6ft1 at best.
Hugh said on 12/Mar/08
Batista - 6ft4.5 (194cm)
RKO - 6ft5 (196cm)
Ric Flair 6ft0.5 (184cm)
HHH - 6ft4 (193cm)
Cena - 6ft1.5 (187cm)
hs2008 said on 7/Mar/08
If you think Triple H is 6'2" then Cena has to be 6'0.5" or 6'1" as there is only about an inch between them. Triple H can be no more than 6'1" or 6'1.5" MAX if Cena is only 6'0" even.
Little Boy said on 7/Mar/08
Umm...Cena is 6'0 even! I'm positive about that! Never met Triple H,but I would not downgrade him any less than 6'2!
Anonymous said on 3/Mar/08
Triple H looks to have only 1 inch on Cena so HHH is 6'2" Cena is 6'1"
Alex said on 3/Mar/08
6'2 and 6'0.5 sounds pretty good I'd say.
JT said on 3/Mar/08
You can never trust the shoulder-mounted cameras, since they often aren
Alex2 said on 2/Mar/08
Yea he looked like 6'1.5" next to Cena, maybe we should downgrade Triple H a little? Or is Cena really 6'1.5"? We should consider either dongrading Triple H or upgrading Cena.
Alex2 said on 2/Mar/08
Yea he looked like 6'1.5" next to Cena, maybe we should downgrade him? I dunno, M
Derek said on 1/Mar/08
6'2" is the very most HHH is, though 6'1 1/2" is more likely.
Viper said on 29/Feb/08
He barely looked 6-1 talking to John Cena last week.
miko said on 29/Feb/08
I think he could have been 6"2.5/6"2.75 when he was younger, he has had a lot of injuries over the years and could have lost some height.
Alex said on 21/Feb/08
I think 6'2 is fair enough, no more than that.
Alex2 said on 20/Feb/08
Humm. I agree, Rob how about upgrading him to 6'2.5"? That would be more fair.
Alex2 said on 14/Feb/08
Mike, is this true?
Michael Mills said on 13/Feb/08
Triple H is 6'2" tied with my brother, he is NOT 6'4", I AM 6'4", I stood two inches taller when I met HHH in Sacramento.
alejandro 666 said on 12/Feb/08
man i met triple h in a raw house show on 2006 at the final of the event i asked him how tall u are ahd he says to me im 6 feet 5 inches and he really was my brother is 6 feet 3 inches and hhh was like 2 or 3 inches taller
mike said on 7/Feb/08
I will put an end to this once and for all! I met HHH a few weeks back in New York, I asked him how tall me was, straight up he said 6ft 1.5. He told me he wears lifts in the ring to bill them up, but he is legit 265 pounds as listed. Nough said!
USMC said on 1/Feb/08
Triple H is 6"1 1/2 6"2 without boots, im 6 ft without shoes and 6"2 with ICBs(infantry combat boots) we were the same height when i stood next to him when they came over to Iraq for tribute to the troops
Alex said on 31/Jan/08
Well could be 1.5 inches but not a full 2 inches. But Austin is known for bigger footwear while really they're just an inch apart.
Alex2 said on 29/Jan/08
Austin could well be 6'1
brother_h said on 28/Jan/08
ose to 2 inches. but that looks like a backstage segment so stonecold could of been standing on a box(like alot of wrestlers do with tall interviewers)

but if that was true that would make stonecold 5'10, but barefoot i really think he is 6'0 and in boots he would be 6'2 or 6'3. normal shoes 6'1.
Alex said on 27/Jan/08
Brother H, here is RVD and Austin face to face. Not sure on footwear here but likely is pretty similar or the same.

Click Here
I see a full inch between the 2.
Alex said on 27/Jan/08
RVD appeared to wear normal footwear. I am almost sure he didn't wear lifts. He was 5'11. Editor Rob met him and said he looked in between 5'11 and 6'0 up close in person.
Alex said on 26/Jan/08
Austin was a little taller then 5'11 RVD in some face offs as well.
brother_h said on 23/Jan/08
uhh that pic is crap dude, or should i say chris.

those are still elevated shoes u nut. look how huge the soles are compared to other wrestlers shoes. compare them to normal shoes.

that pic only shows john cenas ugly ass face and edges foot in the air nothin else.
and explain why edge appears taller than 6'5 randy orton and then in the next scene he looks shorter than 6'5 randy orton and both men are a head taller than 6'1 todd grisham hmmmmmm?
and shawn michaels being 5'11-5'10 also appears taller than todd hmmmm?

they did the same thing they did with andre the giant, they put them on boxes or put them in huge shoes.

stop being dumb
brother_h said on 23/Jan/08
uhh thats not good enough proof of edges boots u nut. or should i say chris.

he wears lifts or elevated shoes. their obvious. look how thick the sole is.
and look at him with randy orton. he looks as tall as him in one scene. then shorter in the next.
and if HHH is 6'2 then why does edge only have an inch over him and thats in dress shoes. and why does 6'0 john cena appear only 3 inches shorter? huh? huh!??????
Tim said on 22/Jan/08
*sigh* Again, Edge does not have lifts because he does not wear boots. He wears sneakers (b-ball shoes, really) covered by kickpads.

Take a look at this photo, you can see the soles as well as the straps from the kickpads.

Click Here
brother_h said on 15/Jan/08
hogan wore 4 inches lmfao! he shows them on cribs and he says their his favorite boots.

ive had wrestling training aswell. and ive seen most boots had 1 and 2 inch lifts. normal shoe sizes i think?
these were american boots, but only 2 huge ass guys wore them. one was 6'4 and the other was 6'6 and both 300lbs.

yea i do believe their hard to do stunts in coz u'll have to get use to them and try not to trip over.

explains why taker wore shoes over boots. he's a highflying giant.

and yes edge still has lifts. look at them. look how thick they are.
B-nn said on 14/Jan/08
I think HHH is a legit 6'2 now. He certainly looks shorter than other Evolution members when standing together.... But i think 6'1 barefoot is no way for him! Man....He can't be just 6'1... & about lifts, won't it be extemely dangerous to wear the extra inches & perform stuns? To the extend of 3-4 inches !!!
Tim said on 10/Jan/08
Let me clear up the whole lift issue, especially as it relates to Edge and wrestling boots in general.

Wrestlers DO NOT all wear boots. Edge wears sneakers/basketball shoes covered by shinguards. Many wrestlers prefer this method as they acheive the look of boots without the extra weight.

Click Here

I'm an aspiring wrestler myself and have spoken to many wrestlers (including some WWE guys) about wrestling gear and many have told me that actual boots are becoming a thing of the past.
I.R. said on 10/Jan/08
finally! somebody mentions Torrie Wilson is 5'8" that has been her height all along, no one in WWE ever mentions that, it's always 5-7 or 5-9, brother_h I agree with you, you are right,
brother_h said on 9/Jan/08
but i didnt say i met HHH. he never did come to new zealand.

and by accident i said acouple of the guys were chicks, bad typo.
Viper said on 9/Jan/08
There's been several guys on here who said they have met Triple H and he looked be around the 6-1 mark.
brother_h said on 8/Jan/08
haha i told u viper! eat that fooooooooool!

and ive actually met most of the wrestlers in normal clothes.
if i met edge then i could show u that if he was 6'5 or 6'6 then i would be 6'3 or 6'4. im 6'1 btw

HHH 6'2
Vince 6'0.5 maybe
steve austin 6'0 met him
hogan 6'3, 6'5 at peak.
andre 7'0
kane 6'8.5 says himself and jus from looking up at him.
CM punk 6'1 met him
MVP 6'1 met him
matt hardy 6'0 atleast. met him
Rey mysterio 5'3 met him and is muscley. atleast 200lbs and got his autograph
bobby lashly 6'0 met
john cena 6'0 met
mick foley 6'2 met
rock 6'3
HBK 5'11 maybe...
undertaker 6'8 jus from seeing him duck under 2 meter doors.
khali is hard to tell from seeing up close but he is definatly over 7'0.
mr kennedy 5'10 met and this guy never breaks character, he is so funny
torrie wilson 5'8 met her
mickie james 5'2 met her
dustin rhodes 6'5 met her
shannon moore 5'8 met her
booker t 6'1 met him and he is 271lbs
T-Lo 5'10 saw him
finlay 5'9, met him through my grand dad
and Eddie fatu 6'4 knew him through my brother.

yea. alot of them i met or saw up close. huge dudes.
Viper said on 8/Jan/08
6-1 and some change is the highest I can go for Triple H
brother_h said on 8/Jan/08
or the rock is 6'3 and vince is 6'1. duhh

and u are an idiot if u believe edge doesnt wear lifts. look at ur own pic, those things are huge! and look at him with orton, he looks taller and looks shorter in the ring and in the back.

btw ur link doesnt work.
OVW student said on 8/Jan/08
Don't forget to add the inch /inch and a half the mat on the outside of the ring adds ....
The Boss Does WEAR LIFTS....

Triple H is 6 2 barefoot....

hogans bearly 6 ft 3 in sandles...

hogan wore 1 1/2 inch lifts in the soles, and 2 inches inside the shoes....

First interview conducted with andre the giant, he stood on a 13 inch BOX next to vince mcmahon--- making him 8 ft 3 at the time...

Shawn michaels PEAKED at 6ft in shoes, and is now 5 foot 10....

all facts---i've been backstage more than any of you combined... I can work circles around you, and oh joy, i've had WRESTLING MATCHES!
Danimal said on 7/Jan/08
Don't feed the troll.
Vegas said on 7/Jan/08
brother_h you started this topic by making outrageous claims without proof in the hope of stirring up a reaction, i think you will find that makes you the troll here :D

if mcmahon wears 4" lifts why didn't he wear them in the middle of the ring and tower over donald trump in Jan/Feb last year???

As for the drafts, The rock had 2 full inches on mcMahon ON THE VERY FIRST DRAFT, what you say now, maybe rock was wearing 6" lifts to counter Vince's 4 inchers Click Here
brother_h said on 7/Jan/08
no i mean behind stage and on stage.
they are perfectly showing how much lift edges boots give.

no the ones with vince are usually backstage. like on the drafts, all the GM's are arguing and then they shut up and mcmahon walks in looking 2 inches taller than coach. and all of them are looking up. which i find funny lol.

edges boots still look huge. look at the top of the footware to the bottem, theirs one huge ass gap. and look at RVD's, his are only small.

get ur facts straight. or stop trolling.
Vegas said on 6/Jan/08
i am assuming you are talking about interviews carried out backstage?? all of these height differences you are seeing are camera angle induced, the camera is on the shoulder of the cameraman and he moves around and that is when you see these differences (watch JohnPs video he posted on 29/Dec/07 as this is a perfect example, at the start rock is taller, then triple h looks 2" taller and then they look the same height)

i never saw vince 4" taller than cena unless vince is miles closer to the camera, nobody wears 4 inch lifts, edge participates in 20-30 minute matches a couple of times a week, he wouldn't have ankles by now if he wrestled in 4 inch lifts, vince wears ordinary dress shoes 99% of the time on tv and as editor rob has shown it is nearly impossible to get more than 2 inch lift from the biggest elevator shoe

here is a photo of edges wrestling boots Click Here there is a red cloth hanging over the boot, but the heel on the boot is almost zero, on tv wrestling boots look big and flashy but in person (i have seen nearly every major wrestlers boots up close from front row ringside) this is usually not the case, many have less heels than conventional footwear like dress shoes/trainers
brother_h said on 5/Jan/08
wow, u 2 are idiots. edge does wear lifts. he still does. look at his boots their huge!
and if really think he doesnt wear lifts. then u must believe he really is 6'5 becoz in alot of scenes with randy orton, edge is an inch or 2 taller than him and randy is a legit 6'4. sometimes randy appears taller than him. they actually still do wear 4 inches today.

and if u think mcmahon is 6'1. then that must mean coach is 5'11 becoz alot of times again, mcmahon appears taller than him by a along shot. and if u still believe that. then HHH is 5'10, cena 5'9. rey mysterio 4'11.
and thats just stupid of u guys.

and, i have met CM punk, MVP, matt hardy, ken kennedy, rey mysterio, kane and the undertaker last year. when they came here for the new zealand tour.
kane is 6'8.5 so he says and CM punk is 6'1 and he looked my height, so did matt hardy but he said 6'0. MVP was huge in person and i say he'll make a great champion, he is 6'1.
kennedy is 5'10.mysterio is hard to tell but he looked 5'3. and i said before for undertaker. his head was still higher than the door frame which is 196-200cm tall.

so, u guys still cant outsmart me.
btw justin timberlake is 5'10, i outsized him by a long shot.
Danimal said on 5/Jan/08
Brother H, do you read what your write on here, or more importantly, do you believe your own fabrications? We're on planet earth here friend, but you seem to be on another planet, where logic no longer applies.

Vegas, I completely agree with and you took the words out of my mouth...haha.
Vegas said on 5/Jan/08
brother_h your post intrigues me yet again!!!

yes edge did wear huge boots at least once but they were not wrestling boots he had on that day (when he saved hogan from jericho) but saying his and mcmahons current footwear give four inches is well.....

i doubt anybody in the WWE wears boots giving them even 2 inches, wrestling boots with fairly large soles give 1.25 inches, now you are telling me somehow mcmahon and edge are getting an extra 3 inches Click Here read here too Click Here

also you don't know for a fact that punk, mvp etc are the heights you say they are unless you measured them barefoot in person, did you????
brother_h said on 5/Jan/08
actually edge did wear 2 inch lifts before 2005 when he started wearing giant ass boots, making edge look 6'6 next to alot of wrestlers. even 6'4 randy orton appears shorter. and batista looks shorter.
all wrestlers have their different size boots. alot of them have 2 inches. others have 3 inches and afew wear 4 inches(kenny dykstra, edge, mr mcmahon, etc)
edge is likly 6'3. in the old wwf he doesnt appear much taller than val venis.
and santino marella, carlito, CM punk, undertaker, MVP, rey mysterio and the hardys are the only ones in wwe who dont wear giant shoes/boots.
they dont look weird around other wrestlers. plus i know for a fact that CM punk is 6'1, mvp is 6'1, matt hardy is 6'0 and mr kennedy is 5'10.
JohnP said on 3/Jan/08
I don't think Edge ever wore lifts. Why would he do that, if the other wrestlers weren't? It doesn't make much sense that Edge, and not HHH used lifts, lol, although I guess there's a SLIGHT possibility for it. But I thought all the wrestlers used the same kind of boots?
brother_h said on 3/Jan/08
yea edge is taller than HHH by 1 inch in the attitude era. and i think hes 2 inches now.
but remember, hogan is used to wearing lifts, and im not sure if edge wore them back then.
Viper said on 3/Jan/08
Hogan was taller than Edge, wasnt he? And Edge is taller than Triple H.
JohnP said on 2/Jan/08
It's true, HHH actually seem to look 4 inches taller than HBK. Nowadays he has 3 or 3 1/2 inches on him, so HHH actually looked 1/2-1 inches taller back in the days than what he does now. At least that's what "I assume".
Anonymous said on 2/Jan/08
HHH is actually 6'3" though also listed 6'2.5"
Vegas said on 2/Jan/08
JohnP says on 2/Jan/08
So Vegas are you saying that Chyna is probably 5-8 barefoot and 5-11 in 3 inch boots, making Trips 6-3 (6-4 in boots if they don't contain lifts, I guess)?

i am not saying anything; those are assumptions you are coming up with based on my comments :) i never met trips or chyna so i can never be sure, but i have met a number of WWE female wrestlers and they were all short, very short

i am just throwing stuff out there, stuff like this
chyna with 6'3 billed rick rude Click Here
with triple h Click Here
JohnP said on 2/Jan/08
So Vegas are you saying that Chyna is probably 5-8 barefoot and 5-11 in 3 inch boots, making Trips 6-3 (6-4 in boots if they don't contain lifts, I guess)?
tuga said on 2/Jan/08
About hasselholf I think its a case of footwear ( large cowboy boots ), like someone posted here a while ago. Hogan still is around 6
Danimal said on 2/Jan/08
Yet Hogan was the same height as Ed Leslie this year on Hogan Knows Best and is shorter than 6'4" David Hasselholf and appeared to be marginally taller than the Rock and slightly shorter than Orton? Peak Hogan - 6'5"-6'6". Current - 6'3 1/4" (MAX)
Vegas said on 1/Jan/08
imo hogan was 6'5ish peak and around 6'3.5-6'4 today
tuga said on 1/Jan/08
Vegas, how tall do you think Hogan is/was?
tuga said on 1/Jan/08
Regal is a tall guy and HHH had at least 1 inch on him on that video.
Triple H still looks 6
Vegas said on 1/Jan/08
i think chyna is being over-estimated here, she consistently wore 3" heeled boots after her surgery (thats probably why she looked at times within 4" of triple h)

here the heeled boots are visible towards the end of the video Click Here

even as far back as 97, (she made her WWF debut in march of 1997) she was wearing big heeled boots Click Here very hard to find a video of her wearing flat wrestling boots like the male wrestlers wear
Alex said on 1/Jan/08
John, I agree on HHH and Chyna. 6'2 and 5'10 or a bit less. Chyna looked to be an easy 190-200lbs at her biggest. Noadays looking more 175-180lbs.

Also if you seen the Surreal Life season 4 with model 5'10.5 Adrianne Curry she was always at least a bit taller than Chyna making Chyna 5'10 at most.
JohnP said on 31/Dec/07
It was more of a joke when I said Regal shrunk...

But Chyna often was around 4 inches shorter than Trips to me. Could have been lifts also. I'd say 6-2 for HHH and 5-10 for Chyna at max. I still don't think HHH ever has reached the 6-3 mark barefoot.
JohnP said on 31/Dec/07
I know this is really bad quality, but still, HHH doesn't look to have more than 4 inches on Chyna (even if HHH is hunching just a little, I don't think it is an inch advantage Chyna has because of that exactly).

Click Here
Alex said on 30/Dec/07
Chyna was no less than 5'9 but I'd say she was 5'10. She was actually billed at 6'0 at times.
brother_h said on 30/Dec/07
chyna was billed at 6'1, but was really 5'10.
Vegas said on 30/Dec/07
danimal i am not going to argue again with you over hogan but what i would like is evidence of all these surgeries please, if hogan did have all those surgeries you say and they were all major surgeries then he would have barely wrestled during the 1990s, triple h missed 10 months with one single injury, thats major damage done right there!!

JohnP did you even watch the video i posted; triple h is clearly taller than regal in 1994; you could have said trips was wearing 1.5"-2" lifts as a jobber in WCW, saying regal shrank and yet now is as tall as trips makes no sense

trips has alot more than 4" standing next to chyna at the start of this video Click Here later on when she got all that surgery she started wearing boots with at least 3" heels to the ring when she accompanied the wrestlers, she had inches to spare on eddie guerrero in these i remember yet barely looked taller than eddie when she was in wrestling boots
Danimal said on 30/Dec/07
Vegas wrote:
in addition trips has missed the best part of 1.5-2 years with 3 major leg injuries over the last 7 years or so, thats more than hogan/andre did combined :D

That's foolish man and you know it!! Hogan had HALF A DOZEN knee surgeries, in addition, to numerous back surgeries, a fusion of his neck AND an entire hip replacement!!
JohnP said on 30/Dec/07
That video showed that Rock was taller than HHH. But also, I had hard to find anothr staredown with them so it was hard to judge. The Rock always seemed taller, but in clips from 1999, they looked more similar in height sometimes (Rock had just a hair over him).

It could might as well be Regal who have shrunk, lol.

Didn't HHH always have 4 inches on Chyna (who was billed 5-10 but some claim 5-9 or 5-9 1/2 for her). I always thought it was closer to 4 inches instead of 5 inches.
Paul said on 30/Dec/07
I don't think Triple has lost any height guys.
Alex said on 30/Dec/07
I'm not sure if HHH even shrunk. Maybe it was because I was younger and he just appeared a little taller may be a reason.
Vegas said on 30/Dec/07
JohnP says on 30/Dec/07
But since HHH was 6-3 "in his peak" according to Vegas

there is a "possibility" trips lost height, i didn't say 100% that was the case, the clips with regal in 1994 and 2007 are very interesting indeed though, in addition trips has missed the best part of 1.5-2 years with 3 major leg injuries over the last 7 years or so, thats more than hogan/andre did combined :D

JohnP i am not too sure what you are trying to show us with that video, because to me it shows nothing except the fact that rock was a funny guy, lol. sometimes rock is taller, then trips is taller and then at the very end both are the exact same height
JohnP said on 30/Dec/07
But since HHH was 6-3 "in his peak" according to Vegas (since he believes he's 6-2 now, and "has lost height"), and The Rock also at 6-3, they would have been the same height then, yes. And both were wearing boots of course, since they were supposed to wrestle a match (I don't think they wear other shoes during promos), so I don't think any of them had an advantage.

But I also think that clip was taken after Trips injury and it was in 2002 actually (since it seemed like HHH was a face because of teaming up with The Rock), so that clip really proves nothing about Triple Hs height being different before 2001 if that's the case.
Alex said on 30/Dec/07
John, it depended on footwear. Rock sometimes looked the same height as HHH exactly or about an inch taller at times. Most times Rock was a bit taller.
When they bill wrestlers at least bill them the real difference in height they are for example with Rock at 6'5 and HHH at 6'4, both aren't those heights but are really about an inch apart.
Like Rey Mysterio at 5'6 and Michael Cole at 5'7 and Cole towered over him.
brother_h said on 30/Dec/07
HAHA! drew galloway. my grand dad knew him. when drew was only 19 i think, they were in ireland and idk wat happend. all i know is that my granddad got into a fight with him and his friends and dislocated one of his mates arms. i think one of them arm wrestled him and lost, my grand dad was famous for breaking mens arms in arm wrestling, he was once challenged by a world arm wrestling champ. and he snapped his forearm in half as soon as they started. he was 55 and it was 91 i think lol. didnt mean to take up all that space on this board but i jus got excited when i saw drew galloway on there lol.
and drew is definatly 6'5. my grand dad is 5'6, said he was 5'10 when he was in his 50's and abit taller in his youth. and dave taylor is 6'3, which would make regal 6'3-6'2. and HHH 6'2-6'1.5
JohnP said on 29/Dec/07
I guess this must have been after 2001, since according to some of you, HHH and The Rock would have been the same height before that.

Click Here
Vegas said on 28/Dec/07
Monica's post from 16/Oct/07 looks very interesting now in light of new evidence

dave taylor claims 6'4 himself, though he looked a few inches shorter (i thought at least 2") than legit 6'5 drew galloway on smackdown
JT said on 28/Dec/07
When I saw Regal in normal dress shoes, he could have passed for a weak 6'3" but I think it was b/c he has a good head of hair. Dave Taylor was taller than him but had Timberline-style boots on. HHH has either lost some height from 1994 or he had a footwear advantage back then. Regal also has an annoying habit of leaning.
Alex said on 28/Dec/07
Guys, in a Flex magazine I've had for over 2 years it has a picture with HHH and Ron Coleman next to each other. Its not a full body shot but HHH has like at least 5-6 inches taking into account Coleman is barefoot and HHH has at least 1 inch heels on so but even with that he would be minimum 4-5 inches taller than Coleman barefoot. Not the easiest to tell. I think Coleman can look as short as 5'9-5'9 1/2 making HHH a 6'2 guy.
nick said on 28/Dec/07
i really dont see triple h as being 6'1.5. Im definetly for 6'2.5
Vegas said on 28/Dec/07
trips has lost height, here he is 1" taller than regal standing next to him at the end of this video in WCW in 1994 Click Here today both guys are the exact same height though regal has far more hair on top Click Here
Jason said on 28/Dec/07
Regal 6'2'' and Triple H 6'1 1/2'' sounds right...
brother_h said on 28/Dec/07
regal was billed at 6'4 afew years ago, and then he was billed at 6'2 and now he's 6'3 since in alot of backstage segments he is taller than vince.
Danimal said on 27/Dec/07
Alex2, we say BILLED, not BUILT. They have two completely different meanings.
JohnP said on 27/Dec/07
Oops, my bad. It seems like Regal really is billed at 6-2, but I've seen 6-3 billings for him in the past, and also on, I think.
JohnP said on 27/Dec/07
Regal is billed at 6-3. Wouldn't surprise me if he was lower, since it is very rare that the WWE lists someones height correct.
Alex2 said on 21/Dec/07
He is built 6'2 isnt he? Someone posted here a while ago that their legit 6'2 dad was standing by regal at an airport and he had a solid 1" on him.
Alex said on 21/Dec/07
Regal is actually a legit 6'2. I've heard that was his legit height on a few sites comparing to his 6'4 billing.
Alex2 said on 19/Dec/07
On RAW HHH and Regal had a staredown, and regal who i believe is 6'3 minimun had about 0.5" tops on HHH, anyone have a pic?
Dave said on 18/Dec/07
indeed danimal, i think you are right, theres no doubt that the wrestlers you mentioned have definatley lost some height due to surgery... its simply a fact. But how much is the real question.
Danimal said on 18/Dec/07
Alex, I don't think any of the wrestlers lost height due to age (Hogan, Piper, Undertaker, Billy Graham, Big Show, HHH). I blame the surgical knife for that.
Dave said on 18/Dec/07
and hardy is easily 6'-6'1, i met him recently at a wwe event and he was my height with ease, i am 183 flat and we were both wearing trainers.... this also means HHH could reach 6'2
Dave said on 18/Dec/07
HHH has horrible horrible neck posture though, this we can all agree on. i think if he fully straightened himself out and raised that head a little i think he could possibly brush 6'2.... i think back when he first started, had much better posture and was the 'posh guy' image, straightened and before his posture got so bad, i think he was a legit 6'2 guy.
Alex said on 17/Dec/07
Viper, I don't know for sure but looking at tapes from before 2002 he just appeared a bit taller but I could be wrong. But I don't think he's as low as 186cm though. Closer to 188cm.
Viper said on 17/Dec/07
So you dont think hes always been around 186cm?
Alex said on 17/Dec/07
Maybe but I'd be suprised that he lost a bit of height at his age. He honestly looks a good inch less than he was. Like if I would watch HHH in 2001 and before that he could pass 6'3-6'4 and today he can't look any taller than 6'2.
Danimal said on 16/Dec/07
Yeah, I do feel he has lost height. I don't think he wore lifts, because he was never supposed to be an imposing wrestler. He was just a run of the mill kind of guy who didn't get by on size (until he hit the gym and the needle that is). Funny, but his height loss seemed to coincide with Big Shows and Undertakers too. They all seemed to lose height around the same time.
Alex said on 16/Dec/07
Danimal, you think he may have shrunk? I likely say he didn't and it was that I was younger and he just appeared taller maybe since I bought into billed heights then more but from 2002 and on he did seem a bit shorter. Lifts maybe?
Danimal said on 15/Dec/07
I feel that HHH is under 6'2" today.
Alex said on 15/Dec/07
HHH looks 3 inches taller than HBK, not 4. HHH 6'2 and HBK at 5'11 is right.
HellBoundPower said on 14/Dec/07
If Triple H is only 6'2", that would make Shawn Michaels about 5'10". Triple H towers over him. I would say Michaels is 5'11.5", and Triple H is 6'3".
Alex said on 11/Dec/07
He was 1-2 inches taller than Vince who I think is 6'1 but could be as short as 6'0 though.
Alex2 said on 11/Dec/07
Triple H had a good 1.5-2" on Vince on RAW and thats a fact. I think Hunter is more 6'3
blah said on 11/Dec/07
you should put peak height at 6'2 3/4 (dunno how accurate but i saw this somewhere as his barefoot height) , and these days when he stands with great posture hes around 6'2 or a little over , those leg injuries took atleast 1/4 an inch off his total height
starfish said on 10/Dec/07
this guy is no taller 6'2 because him and Jeff Hardy were side by side on Raw for the past couple weeks and Hardy's listed at 6'1 and HHH had 1 inch on Hardy (if that) so i think HHH is 6'2 no more!!!
Alex said on 6/Dec/07
I wouldn't rule out HHH at 6'2 but no more though.
Danimal said on 5/Dec/07
SO HHH-The Game, in one paragraph, you write that HHH would be 6'3"-6'4" today and in the very next post you make, you say he would be around 6'6" today? Kid, put down the pipe. HHH is less than 6'2". FACT.
JohnP said on 5/Dec/07
HHH-The Game: Is that you Paul? lol
HHH-The Game said on 4/Dec/07
When Triple H debuted (Hunter Hearst Helmsley), he was deffintly a solid 6-6, i have watched every WWF/WWE match that has involed Triple H, when i met him, my dad stood next to him and my dad is 5-11", HHH looked like a tower over him, and that was last year, so Hunter would still be around 6-6" in height.
HHH-The Game said on 4/Dec/07
Triple H was a solid "6-5,6-6" when he debuted, i've been watching Hunter since he did first appeared, and he has dropped 1-2 inches over about a 10 year period time, so he would be 6-3 or 6-4 nowdays.
AAAA said on 14/Nov/07
Viper, I didn't mean I didn't beieve you, I was just wondering how you mange to find these sites.
Alex said on 14/Nov/07
A few disturbing pictures of Ryan on the site Viper posted.
Viper said on 14/Nov/07
Yeah I beleive 186cm
Danimal said on 13/Nov/07
Viper, the mentor had him at what? 6'1 1/4"?
Viper said on 13/Nov/07
Heres a couple of places that has Ryan at 6-1
Click Here
Click Here
AAAA said on 12/Nov/07
Where do you guys find these original listings that are an inch or two less. I mean, do they still exist, cause I can't find them anywhere.
Viper said on 12/Nov/07
I give Ryan 6-1, his original listing. Plus Ryan is slouching some too.
Alex said on 12/Nov/07
HHH and Reynolds are both about 6'2 or sligtly under.
supes78 said on 11/Nov/07
If Ryan Reynold is 6'2" then Triple H is at least that. My guess is more closer to 6'2.5" though;
Click Here
JohnP said on 27/Oct/07
"Added muscle mass" can't make you lose height. Added fat can give you a badder posture, making you appear shorter (maybe in some extreme cases, muscle can do it too), but that's all.

I think HHH always has been around the 6-2 mark, give or take.
Alex said on 19/Oct/07
I think HHH has probably always been 6'2 or a bit under. I lean more 6'2 than 6'1 for him though. But likely he's a weak 6'2.
Monica said on 16/Oct/07
Triple H could have very well been 6'3" during his WCW days, I met him some 12 years ago when he was in WCW using that Frenchman gimmick and he just dwarfed me, which isn't that easily to do since I'm 5'9, nowadays his numerous knee surgeries and reconstructions he has undergone along with his added muscle mass
may have cost him at least 2 inches because my husband met him 2 years ago in Memphis and side by side Triple H looked he had a half inch over my husband no more, my husband is just a few millimeters over the 6-foot mark and he doesn't even come close to dwarfing me. As for Carlito I don't think he's over 5'11" he's definetively tall for a latin male I have been to Mexico several times and there have been very few men that are even my height so yeah Carlito's tall but no more taller than 5'10"
chris said on 10/Oct/07
vegas meant 6 inches to 6.5 inches taller than carlito

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.