How tall is Triple H - Page 11

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Average Guess (481 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 1.96in (187.9cm)
Current: 6ft 1.38in (186.4cm)
Danimal said on 24/Sep/08
Big King says on 24/Sep/08
One time, Triple H stood face to face to 6'2" Jeff Hardy and there was maybe an inch height difference between them. Levesque wasn't 6'4". The heights and weights of wrestlers are a bit too exaggerated. Triple H could me 6'3" but 6'2" is too low for him.

No it's not.
Big King said on 24/Sep/08
One time, Triple H stood face to face to 6'2" Jeff Hardy and there was maybe an inch height difference between them. Levesque wasn't 6'4". The heights and weights of wrestlers are a bit too exaggerated. Triple H could me 6'3" but 6'2" is too low for him.
Clay said on 22/Sep/08
Thanks hs2008. So my memory served correct Punk has Jericho by like 1/1.5 inches there tops, wtf? And Punk is 6'0, give or take half inch. He would have to be wrestling in 4 inch heels to be 5'9'' Alex. Angle strutted around in huge lifts as well thats obvious enough.
Alex said on 22/Sep/08
I give HBK 5'10.5-5'11. Jericho is known for bigger footwear. I still think he's more 5'9. Jericho also may edge out Benoit by 1/2 inch. He was shorter than Angle as well.

Lance Storm is more 5'10, 5'10 1/2 tops. He never looked 5'11-6'0 to me. I heard his real height referred to as 5'10 in some places too.
hs2008 said on 22/Sep/08
Here's a pic of the Jericho/CM Punk staredown. Not the best, but here you go:
Click Here
hs2008 said on 22/Sep/08
Jericho's has HUGE lifts in his boots, no doubt about that. He goes from being clearly shorter than HBK in normal clothes to the same height, if not slightly taller, in his wrestling boots.

Jericho looks 5'10" to me in most pics, like JT's with Lance Storm. Plus in his book he looks that height with The Guerreros, Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko. There's also a pic with his 6'2" billed Dad in 1997, when his father would've been 52/53, and he only looks 3" shorter. No idea if his Dad ever was 6'2" however.
Clay said on 21/Sep/08
I wish I could post the staredown picture between Jericho and CM Punk from what I remembered I didn't notice any height differnce, maybe an inch for CM punk although I could be wrong but its obvious Jericho walks around in huge lifts in his boots.
TELLEM said on 21/Sep/08
jericho wears lifts you know
Axle Starr said on 21/Sep/08
I recently saw Jericho in person. I'm 6'2 and he was a couple of inches shorter than Me. I'd say about 5'10-6' (unless he was wearing lifts, which I've heard he does)
JT said on 21/Sep/08
Jericho looks at most one inch shorter than Lance Storm, whom Rob has at 5'11 3/4" Click Here but IMO may be closer to 5'11".
Alex2 said on 21/Sep/08
Jericho can look as tall as Shawn Michaels at times though Alex, and I dont believe that HBK is below 5'11" though he could be 5'10.5" but NO less IMO. I think 5'9.5" is right on the money for Jericho.
Alex said on 20/Sep/08
Jericho is no more than 5'9.
Hugh said on 20/Sep/08
Chris Jericho I think is 5ft10. Punk does tower over him by about 3 inches. I think Punk is a solid 6ft1.
Clay said on 19/Sep/08
If Punk's 6'3 I guess Jericho is 6'2.
hs2008 said on 18/Sep/08
Alex2, I agree Randy could be 6'4.5". I don't see full 6'5" as JBL clearly has some height on him. Cena again claims 6'0" for himself, I still see 6'0.5" as his legit height as he flickers between 6'0"-6'1".

Some guys on the WWE Kids site stick to their billings eg. Chris Jericho, HBK & Kane but others like Cena, Kofi Kingston & Mr. Kennedy go below their billed heights. CM Punk is obviously taking the mick, lol.
Alex said on 17/Sep/08
Lillo, yea. I have a friend who is 6'5, probably pushing 6'6 out of bed. I posted the picture of me and him a while back.
Alex2 said on 17/Sep/08
hs2008, thats funny Rndy claims 6'5" I believe he could be close to it though, I could actually see 6'4.5" for Orton, also on John Cenas Own Words section on that site he claims "6 foot" Check it out.
lillo thomas said on 17/Sep/08
alex my morning height is very close to 6-6 about 6-5.75 but I'm 6-5.25 the rest of the day . I prefer to claim 6-5 flat .
Captain Spaulding said on 17/Sep/08
Jeff Hardy might actually be 6'1", hes prob one of the few wwe stars who are as tall as they are billed to be. Because jeffs only an inch shorter then hhh.
Captain Spaulding said on 17/Sep/08
Punk is like 6'0"
Hugh said on 16/Sep/08
Lol, CM Punk claims 6ft3ish on that site.
Hugh said on 16/Sep/08
I think Jeff Hardy is a strong 6ft1.
Alex said on 16/Sep/08
Lillo, if your head is 9.5 inches you'd be pushing 6'6 then. Thats if 5'8.5 comes up to your chin. You may be downgrading yourself a bit saying just 6'5 flat.
Alex said on 16/Sep/08
6'1.25 is close to 6'2 since 3/4 inch aint much but its not pushing 6'2 though. In the world of height 1-2 inches can be a lot/
hs2008 said on 16/Sep/08
I don't think Triple H has more than an inch on Jeff Hardy, an inch for sure but no more:
Click Here
Jeff is likely 6'1" since he stacked up very well to Randy Orton, who looked very tall next to JBL on RAW last night.

Orton actually claims 6'5" on the WWE Kids site:
Click Here
Clay said on 15/Sep/08
LOL Lenad you know Viper? He could be 5'5'' for all we know. Hell I could be a dwarf. Hardy's tallish - and it was more than an inch between him and HHH.
Alex said on 15/Sep/08
Jeff Hardy is at least 6'0 and likely 6'1. Matt is an inch shorter than Jeff so he's 6'0 tops.
lillo thomas said on 15/Sep/08
5-6 is little above my shoulder level . 5-8 is under my chin.
Alex said on 14/Sep/08
Viper, if you wanted you should post a picture to show your height.
hs2008 said on 14/Sep/08
Lol, Lenad.

Triple H does have an inch on Hardy, who looked 6'1" with Randy Orton.
Captain Spaulding said on 14/Sep/08
On smackdown he only had an inch over jeff hardy so i think its more like 6'1.5"
Clay said on 13/Sep/08
I guess Vince Mcmahon is really 5'10.5/5'11 then ''wrestling''.
Captain Spaulding said on 13/Sep/08
Triple h is 6'2" or 6'1.75", saying hes lower makes john cena under 6'0" which is impossible.
Lenad said on 13/Sep/08
Viper is no taller than 6'3 thats for sure. I think hes marginally under it personally.
Alex said on 13/Sep/08
I wasn't sure because you said your head is 9.5 inches and 5'6 comes to the bottom of your chin resulting is 6'3 1/2. If you wanted you could probably get away with 6'5 at times, easily 6'4 at least.
Hugh said on 13/Sep/08
Rob ban this idiot.
Hugh said on 13/Sep/08
No wonder you think everyone is shorter. lol.
Vegas said on 13/Sep/08
the cena/roddick/inanovic clip with the all standing together at the end Click Here
Viper said on 13/Sep/08
Im pushing 6-4 in the morning.
wrestling said on 12/Sep/08
on smackdown tonight they have pics on of jeff hardy n triple h face to face and triple h has max 1" over him , and if jeff hardy really is around 5'11"-6'0" then Triple H is max 6'1" maybe that 6'1" 1/2 that every1 thinks...
Viper said on 12/Sep/08
LOL, Hugh you really are stupid. 6-1.25 is basically 6-1 flat. 6-1 1/2 - 6-1 3/4 is pushing 6-2.
Clay said on 12/Sep/08
HHH has two inches on Cena there in those shots.
Alex said on 12/Sep/08
Viper, so you're pushing 6'4 in your barefeet then?
Alex said on 12/Sep/08
A 6'0 1/2 barefoot Cena would put him 6'2 or just under in 1.5 inch basketball sneakers.
Clay said on 12/Sep/08
Cena definitely pushes 6'2'' in his trainers and who knows if he packs in internal lifts as well.
hs2008 said on 12/Sep/08
Lol, thanks Hugh. He was only about 0.5" shorter than legit 6'2" Umaga in those shoes, so I'd say he's 6'1.5" in them, but I'm not petty enough to argue over 0.25" :D
Danimal said on 12/Sep/08
Hugh says on 12/Sep/08
Viper 6ft1.25 IS pushing 6ft2.

Uhhhhh. No it isn't.
Derek said on 12/Sep/08
Hugh says on 12/Sep/08
"Viper 6ft1.25 IS pushing 6ft2".

I'm no math expert, but 6'1.25" is far closer to 6'1" than it is to 6'2".
Hugh said on 12/Sep/08
Viper 6ft1.25 IS pushing 6ft2.
Viper said on 12/Sep/08
5-6 it seems. My head is 9.5 inches long. And cena isnt pushing 6-2 in his basketball trainers. Hes about 6-1 1/4 in those things.
Alex said on 11/Sep/08
Viper, how long is your head and what height comes to the bottom of your chin?
hs2008 said on 11/Sep/08
I can't go below 6'2" for Triple H. He's got an inch on John Cena, who's pushing 6'2" in his basketball trainers, so I think 6'2" barefoot is bang on.
Click Here
Click Here
Derek said on 11/Sep/08
He's not losing multiple inches with his slouching. An inch I could see, but not 2-3 inches. Most pictures and promos on RAW show HHH to be 6'1.5"-2".
Clay said on 10/Sep/08
Helmsley is souching there big time. If he's 6'1'' I guess Vince and Shane are really 5'11''?
hs2008 said on 10/Sep/08
There's this pic also:
Click Here
Again not standing up straight.
Viper said on 10/Sep/08
Hmm, 5-5 is right below my chin. I think Triple H looks 6-1 there.
Alex said on 9/Sep/08
Greg is closer to the camera and still looks 7 inches shorter. HHH looks a legit 6'2 there.
hs2008 said on 9/Sep/08
Here's pics of Triple H with 5'5.5" Gregg Valentino at the 2008 Arnold Classic:
Click Here
Click Here
Gregg is so short Triple H isn't standing up straight unfortunately.
Also there's a pic of Gregg with Mark Henry & Dan Severn:
Click Here
Alex said on 8/Sep/08
Big Show is the only one other than Orton who I think is billed at their real height. Cena is very close to his billed height too. The rest are all off by anywhere from 1-4 inches. Mostly 2-3 inches off.
Hugh said on 8/Sep/08
HHH is a strong 6ft2.
Clay said on 7/Sep/08
Or just bill Big Show at 7'1'' at least on the website and introduce him as ''over'' 7 feet as well, which they do with Khali.
Alex said on 7/Sep/08
Clay, who knows maybe. But they try to pass it as a 3-4 inch height difference which is crazy especially when they are face to face it doesnt' look like that. They can pass a 2 inch height advantage if they wanted. Thats why they should bill Khali no more than 7'2 I think.
mike said on 6/Sep/08
he looks small next to randy orton and batista i think he is he is 6 foot1 and batista 6 foot2,75
Alex2 said on 6/Sep/08
Red's photo really questions weather Hogan still could be 6'4" today, it isnt unlikely i say.
Clay said on 5/Sep/08
Alex I have a sneaky suspicion if we saw that we would see a barefooted Khali and Big Show looked about 2 inches apart. :D
Tony said on 5/Sep/08
All of these wrestlers heights are B.S. I say, if you see the height at the top of this screen, just take an inch off that and that would be correct. LOL
Alex said on 5/Sep/08
Based on that Hogan has a good inch on Batista but who knows what footwear both are wearing. I'd just like to see all these wrestlers barefoot together with a height chart behind them, LOL.
Hugh said on 4/Sep/08
Edge and Orton are very close in size. Edge has gotten bulkier over the last while. He'd easily match up well against Orton in terms of size. As for HHH, He's 6ft2.5 minimum.
Clay said on 4/Sep/08
Because when Hogan stands straight today he is still just a shade from 6'4''.
Red said on 4/Sep/08
Alex2 watch Hogan vs Khali at youtube, like I said before Batista was in flat shoes, Hogan and Triple H have Wrestling boots with BIG LIFT. I
Alex2 said on 3/Sep/08
Red, why does hogan have like 2" on Batista there? That cant be right unless Hogan is 6'5" today.
Clay said on 3/Sep/08
I noticed that too Red. Batista was always just dwarfed by Khali in staredowns, while HHH seemed to hold his own.
Alex said on 3/Sep/08
I think Orton has 15-20lbs on Edge. He's an inch, maybe 1.5 inches taller tops but his arms, chest are also bigger than Edge.
Red said on 3/Sep/08
Click Here Triple H looks taller than Batista here. Batista was in normal shoes, HHH and Hogan were in high ring boots. Triple H is a mega lift wearer but I can
Hugh said on 3/Sep/08
Vince is 6ft1.5, Trips is 6ft2.5 and Shane is 6ft2.
Clay said on 2/Sep/08
Helmsley always has 2 inches roughly on 6'0.5/6'1 Vince McMahon though.
Derek said on 2/Sep/08
Orton- 6'4" 225
Edge- 6'3" 215
Batista- 6'2.5"-3" 270
Cena- 6'0.5" 245
HBK- 5'11" 190
Mysterio- 5'3" 160
UT- 6'7" 280
Smarty said on 2/Sep/08
Triple H was not and has never even been close to 6,4 just watch the build up to SummerSlam 99 when he's staring at Jesse Ventura whom back then was 6,3 himself who knows how short Jesse is today, anyway during the stare down Jesse had almost a 1' on Triple H and Hunter was wearing boots so I'd say in HHH's prime he was a hair over 6,2 now I'd say he's either 6,1 or 6,1, 1/4 to 1-2 at the most.
Alex2 said on 1/Sep/08
Alexthey sound good but I wouldnt but Edge below 6'3" still unless he really does wear lifts which I dont see why he would lol. Also Orton can really look a bit over 6'4" at times Id give him 6'4.25" right on the money.
Clay said on 1/Sep/08
Orton - 6'4 230
Edge - 6'3.5 220
Batista - 6'2.5 275
Cena - 6'0.5 235
Michaels - 5'11 200
Mysterio - 5'3.5 165

Ola, Michaels 170-180? Are you trying to tell me if I stood next to him I would look bigger at 183 pounds?
Alex said on 1/Sep/08
Orton 6'4 225-230lbs
Edge 6'2 1/2-6'3 210-215lbs
Batista 6'2 1/2 275lbs-280lbs. Was 290-300lbs a couple years ago.
Ric Flair 5'10 1/2 230lbs
HBK 5'11 185-190lbs today, 220lbs at his peak
Kurt Angle 5'10 200lbs today, 225lbs at his peak
Underaker 6'7 1/2-6'8 325lbs peak, today 6'6 1/2-6'7 275-280lbs
Alex said on 1/Sep/08
Angle isn't no 220lbs today. A few years ago when I met him he looked it but now he's around 200lbs flat. Maybe even 195lbs. He was over 220lbs in 2001-2004.
TELLEM said on 31/Aug/08
Clay says on 30/Aug/08
Its possible he was a strong 6'3'' 8 years ago and lost a little height from all those surgeries.

LOL @ a strong 6'3...rick rude was taller than him in 97...and if anything HE was a strong 6'3...
Alex2 said on 31/Aug/08
Kendra says on 30/Aug/08
Troll? Clay, I'm an 18 year old girl and I bet even I'm taller than you, and all ladies look up to me because i'm a 6'3" freak.

Great no ones cares, ever prove your 6'3" and I wouldnt be proud of it btw, or just go away.
Danimal said on 31/Aug/08
Hugh says on 31/Aug/08
Randy Orton 6ft4 225lbs, Edge 6ft4 225lbs, Batista 6ft3.5 295lbs, Ric Flair 6ft 240lbs, HBK 6ft0.5 220lbs, Kurt Angle 5ft11 225lbs, Undertaker 6ft8 300lbs.

Randy Orton 6'4" and 220-235 pounds. Edge - 6'2"-6'2.5" and 210-220 pounds, Bastista - 6'2"-6'2.5" and 265-280 pounds, Ric Flair - 5'10" and 220 pounds. HBK - 5'10.5" (190-195 pounds today) and 230-235 pounds at his peak. Kurt Angle 5'10" and 220 pounds, Taker 6'7" and change and 335 pounds at his heaviest (today 265-280 pounds).
eclectic height said on 31/Aug/08
Triple H is 6'3" bottom line!
Hugh said on 31/Aug/08
Randy Orton 6ft4 225lbs, Edge 6ft4 225lbs, Batista 6ft3.5 295lbs, Ric Flair 6ft 240lbs, HBK 6ft0.5 220lbs, Kurt Angle 5ft11 225lbs, Undertaker 6ft8 300lbs.
Kendra said on 30/Aug/08
Troll? Clay, I'm an 18 year old girl and I bet even I'm taller than you, and all ladies look up to me because i'm a 6'3" freak.
Clay said on 30/Aug/08
Its possible he was a strong 6'3'' 8 years ago and lost a little height from all those surgeries.
Alex2 said on 30/Aug/08
God Jeremy how many times do you say your 7'0" dont prove it, ignor us telling you to prove it and then randomly come back to troll again!?! Liar.
Danimal said on 30/Aug/08
Kendra says on 28/Aug/08
please believe me, Jeremy actually is seven foot, I have measured him and barefoot he stood 214 cm tall. Even barefoot he still is a good seven footer. I should know, he's my brother. If anything I'd like to think he may be a tiny bit modest of his height. In his shoes he's around 7'1".... maybe 7'1 and a quarter or maybe half.

Kendra = Jeremy. Nice try kid.
Hugh said on 30/Aug/08
Triple H 6ft2.5 260lbs, Brock Lesnar 6ft2.25 275lbs, Goldberg 6ft2.75 265lbs, John Cena 6ft1 235lbs, Steve Austin 6ft1.75 245lbs, Vince McMahon 6ft1.5 230lbs.
Ryan said on 29/Aug/08
Triple H is 6'2 1/2" (189 cm) not 6'4" his height is obviously exaggerated. I once peaked at 270 lbs. in 2003 at 6'7" and I already looked big. Triple H would actually weigh 250-255 not 265-270.
Alex2 said on 29/Aug/08
Triple H is nearly 40 and has had lots of leg injuries, he could have lost height, and Alex I agree he can look as short as 6'1" with Cena at times.
Clay said on 29/Aug/08
Why dont you show a us a picture of your ''7 foot'' frame Jeremy? Troll.
Rikashiku said on 28/Aug/08
Mark Henry is solid fat. it doesnt jiggle like Vis and Umaga.

Umaga is bigger than normal people but not to big. just big enough to be strong and fast.
Alex said on 28/Aug/08
Danimal would agree with me on this. HHH looks 6'2 tops today and sometimes 6'1-6'1 1/2 but before 2002 he looked could have passed for 6'3-6'4 even though he wasn't that tall.
Kendra said on 28/Aug/08
please believe me, Jeremy actually is seven foot, I have measured him and barefoot he stood 214 cm tall. Even barefoot he still is a good seven footer. I should know, he's my brother. If anything I'd like to think he may be a tiny bit modest of his height. In his shoes he's around 7'1".... maybe 7'1 and a quarter or maybe half.
Jeremy said on 28/Aug/08
I agree with Ryan, almost every wrestler's height is inflated, 7'0" 295 here. If Triple H really is 6'4" then Ryan Ennis is 6'8" and I'm 7'1" and over 300. By the way Kane, stop billing yourself seven feet tall, you're barely as tall or barely taller than Ryan, leave that to the legit 7 foot guys like me and Big Show.
Clay said on 28/Aug/08
Yeah, Cena is up there for sure. He could be as low as 230 as since he's around 6'0'' and not the biggest framed guy in the world. His P4P strength is unbelievable as well. FUing Khali is a feat in its own as well because he's so lanky and heavy.
hbkfan4lyf2k8 said on 27/Aug/08
I'm Not Sure Wether His Actual Height Is A Legit 6'2'', Even Wearing Footwear He Is At Most 6'3.5''
Alex said on 27/Aug/08
I think pound for pound Cena is def up there. He was stronger than HHH, Rock, Austin I think and those guys were heavier than him. Those guys I dont think could FU Big Show.
Hugh said on 27/Aug/08
Henry is still one obese mutha.
Cobra said on 26/Aug/08
Sorry, I meant Henry has a far better body than Umaga.
Still, he is also better than Viscera. ;)
Clay said on 26/Aug/08
I dont think anybody matched Brock Lesnar when you're talking pound for pound strength at 285 ibs.
Cobra said on 25/Aug/08
Henry has a far better body than Viscera. The shoulderwide alone is just insane. Umaga isn`t a ordinary fat guy either, but he is not that impressive. Viscera, yeah, he`s BF percentage is live threatening, but to suppose he has no strength is just silly. I bet Vis is as strong as hell, not as strong as Mark henry though but not that far behind him. Just pound for pound strength he is obviously pretty weak, but who cares?
Alex2 said on 24/Aug/08
Alex, although Viscera has been released from WWE now He was extremely strong I remember him lifting 250 lb + guys over his head with ease. So he must have had some muscle because I know someone who is 5'8.5" and 245-250lbs but he is just purely fat or a "blob" and has no strength whatsoever.
Alex said on 24/Aug/08
Mark Henry does have a good amount of fat on him but he has muscle on him as well and you can tell by looking at him. His arms and chest are solid looking, just not cut or anything. Vicsera is just like a blob, he has little muscle which you can't even see since he's so flabby all over.
Clay said on 23/Aug/08
Well real fat is Viscera. I wouldn;'t go as far as saying Umaga isnt fat though.
Rikashiku said on 22/Aug/08
No Umaga is 6'3. hes 2 inches taller than 6'1 Estrada who is wearing shoes.

and hes not that fat. real fat is Mark henry.

Umaga has lost weight

and Austin back in 2007 i think i saw 6'0 with him. he was barley taller than Donald and Lashly or not at all taller.
TELLEM said on 22/Aug/08
austin is and was 6'1...please view his arrest mug shot ...
Derek said on 22/Aug/08
Austin may have been 6'0.5" at one point, but he also broke his neck. Regardless, he was always noticably shorter than Vince McMahon.
Alex2 said on 22/Aug/08
Clay says on 20/Aug/08
Umaga has bad posture and he's so fat you never see him standing straight but he looks to be 6'2.5/6'3 since he's in his barefeet.

Clay said on 21/Aug/08
Still wont budge on Austin Alex?
Alex said on 21/Aug/08
Austin is more 6'0 flat, maybe 6'0 1/2 at the most though.
Clay said on 20/Aug/08
Umaga has bad posture and he's so fat you never see him standing straight but he looks to be 6'2.5/6'3 since he's in his barefeet.
Alex2 said on 20/Aug/08
Alex, a barefoot Umaga was 1"+ taller than 6'0.5-6'1" Steve Austin in Boots.
Alex said on 19/Aug/08
Umaga looks 6'2 in his barefeet to me.
Alex said on 18/Aug/08
His sneakers give 1.5 inches, no more. Those are basketball sneakers. I could see 6'0.5 and 6'2 in sneakers.
Alex2 said on 17/Aug/08
Umaga is taller than 6'2"! He wrestles barefoot, He's at least 6'3" I bet money on that.
Atoadaso said on 17/Aug/08
Triple H is closer to 6'3" than 6'2" but somewhere between there.
Clay said on 16/Aug/08
I think Rob is right on the money with 6'0.5 for Cena, and in his shoes he stands 6'2.25. So Triple who is at 6'4'' in his boots, will look close to Cena when he's hunching over. Instead of using logic some people will say ''Well Cena is only 6'0'' Triple H barely looks taller!''
hs2008 said on 16/Aug/08
That's true, Cena does wear pretty chunky shoes. I'd give him 6'1.5"-6'1.75" in his shoes since legit 6'2" Umaga was only maginally taller than him when they feuded in 2007. Triple H still has an inch on Cena in ring gear, so I wouldn't go below 6'2" for Triple H.
Alex2 said on 15/Aug/08
Clay, yea I agree, Cena could very likely be 6'1" legit.
Clay said on 14/Aug/08
Dont forget Cena wears shoes that give him over 1.5 inches and he could be a legit 6'1 barefoot.
Alex2 said on 14/Aug/08
Na, hes just a strong 6'2" guy like 6'2.25-6'2.5" He has about 1.5" on Cena too.
hs2008 said on 14/Aug/08
Yeah I agree Clay he does look over 6'2" with HBK, but then he doesn't look over 6'2" with Cena so he's quite difficult to pin-point.
Rikashiku said on 13/Aug/08
Best i can give HHH is 6'2.

Dont forget, Khali isnt exactly 7'3 either. more like 7'1. still a big dude.

and Lance Storm on his site says he was 6'0 in 2002 and could bench 340lbs.

tough for a Canadian xD jkjk.

anyway. it also mentioned that he didnt wear lifted shoes because he didnt get used to them. so he ended up appearing smaller than other wrestlers who did wear lifts.
Clay said on 13/Aug/08
He looks 6'3'' next to Michaels there. He looks 6'3'' next to Michaels, Khali, and Vince. And 6'2/6'2.5 next to Roethlisberger. He is either a constant lift wearer or he's over 6'2''.
Danimal said on 13/Aug/08
caldas says on 12/Aug/08
HHH is 6 foot 5 285 you stupids son of a bitches,s.

Isn't it past your bedtime kiddie?
hs2008 said on 13/Aug/08
Shawn Michaels & Triple H in Iraq for Tribute to the Troops:
Click Here said on 13/Aug/08
triple h is 6'2'' and not taller than that
Viper said on 13/Aug/08
Triple H is closer to 5-10 than 6-5, lol.
Alex said on 10/Aug/08
Alex2, go get a tape with HHH before 2003 mainly 2001 or earlier and tell me how tall HHH looks to you there?
Alex2 said on 9/Aug/08
I beliebe Triple H was orclose to 6'3" at one point, Clay, I agree he does look 6'3" or near it with Khali.
Clay said on 5/Aug/08
Did anyone else notice how tall HHH was looking in that satredown with Khali last week? He is not under 6'2'' I have cemented my opinion. Likely 6'2.5 still.
TELLEM said on 4/Aug/08
its obvious steiner has shrunk watch and study his videos...i sure have...dude is 5'10...peak 5'11-5'11.5...i don't believe what lance storm says...hes claimed 5'11 3/4 but was clearly shorter than guys like RVD and Shane douglas
Danimal said on 4/Aug/08
Ventura was 6'4" and Hogan had him by 2" in the 80's. They BOTH wore cowboy boots by the way.
Ben said on 4/Aug/08
Christian cage isnt 6'1
On his website lance storm said cage was, then a few weeks later i met him at doncaster uk and im 6'1 and he was shorter then me, im always interested in heights so i always check them carefully in person and id say cage is 6'0. he was probably under 200lbs as well.
lance Storm was a little shorter but still in good shape.
I do believe steiner has shrunk with age.
Rikashiku said on 3/Aug/08
That was waaaay back in the day Anonymous.

back when HHH would have been 6'3 peak.

he is atleast 6'1 now.
Alex2 said on 3/Aug/08
I agree with Steiner at 5'11" or so, but Ola Ventura 6'2"? Come on he was at least 6'4" peak.
Anonymous said on 2/Aug/08
The 6'1 claims are all bull. Here is a clip of Jesse Ventura who is 6'4 with HHH in 1999. It is clear that HHH is a strong 6'2 or near 6'3. I give him 6'2 1/2

Click Here
TELLEM said on 31/Jul/08
yea but i dont know how much taller u get with wrestling shoes
TELLEM said on 24/Jul/08
heres another vid of buff and steiner (present) watch @ 3:00...look at buff ears and eyes and shoulders compared to steiners...Click Here by the way samoa joe had an inch on steiner and cage had an inch on samoa joe...Click Here watch at 2:43... steiner is 5'10 plain and simple...peak height was 5'11
thatsafreakbaby said on 22/Jul/08
vegas good picture the guy jim cornette in the ring is six foot flat and hes a tad taller than steiner cage is six foot one im giving steiner around 5'11" i dont know why anybody would argue that. Somebody that runs this website needs to get scott steiners height and put the argument to rest I say 5'11" flat
Alex said on 22/Jul/08
Steiner I'd say is 5'11-5'11 1/2. Maybe 6'0 at the absolute most. I do remember HHH was what 2 inches taller than Steiner or am I wrong?

Christian is at least 5'11 and maybe 6'0.
SEENA said on 22/Jul/08
smacit2ya said on 22/Jul/08
Funny you guys are discussing HHH height. He looked much smaller last night, muscle and weight, on GAB PPV Announced Edge at 250, Trips at 255. They gave height but can't remember. Maybe this helps with the rest. Smokinggun (didn't know if ok to link) has Austins mug shot with height, 1.92-93 meters about 6'3 closer to 6'4" 2002. Eddie Guero 2001 listed height 508 (5'8" ?) weight 250. Tons of Trips and Austin together in the King of Kings dvd, look pretty close 6'4" might be right for HHH. Just my opinion. Glad I found you guys.
thatsafreakbaby said on 21/Jul/08
The guys 5'11" or was check out his college stats...Look guy angle is five ten steiner is taller...christian cage IS six foot one and buff bagwell is not taller than steiner i dont know what your looking at
Anonymous said on 21/Jul/08
Shad is 6'6" and JTG is 6'0"
TELLEM said on 21/Jul/08
if steiner is 5'11 then buff bagwell is 6'0 and christian cage is 6'1...c'mon have u seen steiner's footwear atleast? compare it to angles...i'm telling u this guy shrunk...look at the vids with cage and bagwell...steiner is 5'10-5'10.5
thatsafreakbaby said on 20/Jul/08
Yea i think steiner is 5'11" kurt angle is 5'10" on the dot i know that because hes from my hometown and Iv seen him up close a bunch of times and steiners and inch taller plus he has a mug shot picture and he has shoes on and with shoes on in his mugshot he was a quarter of an inch under six foot ill give him 5'11"
Vegas said on 20/Jul/08
steiner is still taller than angle by at least an inch; i saw it with my own eyes at a tna impact show in march this year and there is video proof of that on youtube
Clay said on 20/Jul/08
Ben it is pretty hard to show off how ripped you are when you're wearing clothes, lol. Steiner is huge always has been.
TELLEM said on 19/Jul/08
i agree ben...hes more like 5'10...i mean hes much shorter than christian cage...i think his peak was 5'11 though maybe 5' the 90s he didnt look as short as he does now
Ben said on 19/Jul/08
It was a long time ago that i stood next to steiner, he seemed about 5'10 if i had to put a figure on it.
He just wasnt tah big at all, i was at ringside when he was wrestling and he looked huge been so ripped, but with clothes on he wasnt.
No way over 6ft.
If you look at pics of him and trople h face to face theres a good height difference, also when he made his wwe debut in 02 at survivor series he looked maybe shorter then matt hardy.
He's like ken shamrock and Kurt angle, Much smaller in real life.
Danimal said on 18/Jul/08
Hugh says on 17/Jul/08
Scott Hall was 6ft6.5 at his peak and weighed about 250-260lbs.

haha. No, he was 6'5" at his peak.
Rikashiku said on 18/Jul/08
Lesner is more like 6'2.5 peeps.

Scott hall was billed 6'7 right? he looked pridy tall next to HHH and Nash.
so 6'5.5 sounds about right. plus he doesnt have much over Jeff Hardy who is 6'1?

and on that vid Vegas.
i'd give rock 6'4 Goldberg 6'2. Rock looked 2 inches taller.

plus. Rock is alot taller than Terry Crewe.
Viper said on 17/Jul/08
It only looks like a half an inch advantage the Rock has over Goldberg as the camera zooms in.
Jason said on 17/Jul/08
Scott Hall was pretty big. The WWF always billed him as 287lbs ... so I'd guess about 247.
Vegas said on 17/Jul/08
well rock was an inch taller than goldberg and rock had a wide stance too so if goldberg is 6'3 then rock is 6'4, personally i don't think goldberg is over 6'2 Click Here
Hugh said on 17/Jul/08
Scott Hall was 6ft6.5 at his peak and weighed about 250-260lbs.
Clay said on 16/Jul/08
A slender 6'5'' 240 was probably Hall's dimensions back in the day. Vegas, Triple H may be as high as 6'3''. I cant see Goldberg anything under 6'3'' personally.
A person said on 15/Jul/08
6'1 for brock lesnar AHAH dont make me laugh.He's 6'3. Just because you're short and wish brock was 4 foot tall or something.
Alex2 said on 13/Jul/08
Anyone got Halls Police booking?
thatsafreakbaby said on 13/Jul/08
Ben you stood next to scott steiner. Honestly how tall do you think he really is Ive heard him listed from 6'1" all the way to 6'2" and a half I am going to take a guess that he is probably 5'11" what do you think?
Derek said on 13/Jul/08
Ola- Hall was never that bulky, so the 225 is possible. He looked pretty small compared to guys like Sid and Ahmed Johnson. Even Shawn Michaels was pretty bulky in his prime.
tuga said on 12/Jul/08
Alex says on 9/Jul/08
I'd say Goldberg and Lesnar are legit 6'2 guys. HHH I think is more around 6'1 1/2.

Alex, do you still think the same after watching the videos?
Alex said on 12/Jul/08
I can believe the 6'5 at somepoint but he def looked much more than 225lbs back then. When he first came to WWF I would have guessed at least 250-255lbs and in WCW looked at least that too, last I seen him he put on fat and looks to be 290-300lbs.
Derek said on 11/Jul/08
Ola- Hall was arrested for keying a limo in late 1998. The arrest sheet said 6'5" 225.
Ben said on 11/Jul/08
thatsafreakbaby i agree, ive met wrestlers in the past and the tall guys were taller the you would think and the short are a lot shorter.

I was outsdie a hotel in 03 and was stood around loads of wrestlers and im always keen to get hights, i was shocked how short and even small scott steiner was, im 6,1.25 and triple h was around an inch taller.
Stephanie was tiny as well.
Alex said on 9/Jul/08
I'd say Goldberg and Lesnar are legit 6'2 guys. HHH I think is more around 6'1 1/2.
tuga said on 9/Jul/08
I agree with Vegas, hhh is no way shorter than goldberg, he
Vegas said on 9/Jul/08
clay go watch the two staredown videos i posted on july 4th of HHH and goldberg, do you see 1.5 inches advantage for goldberg there???
thatsafreakbaby said on 8/Jul/08
Its funny listening to people guess other peoples heigth the only true way to see how tall someone is is to meet them in person. I was working out at a golds gym in harrisburg pennsylvania, and tommy dreamer and edge were working out cause they had a show in hershey. I am six and half feet tall 184cm legit without shoes on i had nike Air Jordans on which put me over 6 1 tommy dreamer is listed at 6'2" I shook his hand he had sneakers on he was honestly about 5'10" and a half. Edge on the other hand was tall as hell! Ill you all this right now he had converse on he didnt have BS lifts and he had to be atleast 6'5" mininum hes a tall dude
tuga said on 8/Jul/08
Click Here
Look from starting at 9:48, they have a staredown and goldberg is taller.
Shane said on 8/Jul/08
I once saw a pic of Scott Hall's driver's license (he was at the police station being arrested) and it said his height was 6'5 and his weight was like 239. I had to enlarge the pic to see the writing but i could clearly see it said 6'5
Alex said on 7/Jul/08
Goldberg does look a bit taller there but at WM 20 they looked the same, maybe 1/4 inch difference. Maybe Lesnar was barefoot backstage.
Danimal said on 7/Jul/08
Ola says on 7/Jul/08
viper is right, they're very equal in height

Why don't you at least watch the video of Lesnar and Goldberg I have already posted 4-5 times since it first came on youtube. Your eyes cannot seem to see what everyone else's does.
Viper said on 6/Jul/08
Sometimes backstage isnt the best to go by.
Danimal said on 5/Jul/08
NO Viper, they are NOT. How many times do I have to post this darn video: Click Here
Viper said on 4/Jul/08
All 3 are the exact same height. Ive been saying that for ages. And Im right.
Alex said on 4/Jul/08
Vegas, probably true but Lesnar gives a bit of a taller impression standing alone.
Vegas said on 4/Jul/08
here are two staredowns between trips and goldberg, goldberg ain't taller than trips so i can't see lesnar edging out HHH Click Here Click Here
Alex said on 4/Jul/08
I think if HHH and Lesnar faced off, Lesnar would be a bit taller at least. 1/2 inch at least.
Alex2 said on 4/Jul/08
Maybe Edge wears lifts? I still wouldnt go below 6'3" though, though I can believe 6'1" for Triple H
Hugh said on 4/Jul/08
the 6ft1 claims for triple h are laughable. Triple h to me is a strong 6ft2.
Vegas said on 4/Jul/08
this is the earliest fully grown shane/vince shot i could find, its from 1995 i think

looks to be the same difference as in the photos with HHH Click Here
hs2008 said on 4/Jul/08
Goodness knows what Hogan had in his boots though Danimal, he was still billed at 6'6" then so probably had some lifts. There footwear didn't look equal to me. In street clothes Edge is no shorter than Hogan. Click Here

Viper, Edge is taller than Batista! There's a pic of them in streets in Australia, Batista is wearing chunky Cat style boots and Edge is wearing converse and is still slightly taller. I can't find it right now, but I will. There's also this pic in streets on Smackdown:
Click Here

Edge is no smaller than 6'3" IMO.
Danimal said on 4/Jul/08
BAsed on Vegas's pics, Vince seems to have lost a solid inch if not more since the 90's. He's looking shorter next to Shane than he used to. The man is 63 and never sleeps. Mother time and gravity is catching up to him.

As for Edge, I saw the match between him and Hogan where they had equal footwear and at the end of the match, Hogan raised Edge's hand and Hogan stood FULLY straight (which he never does anymore) and he had at least 1-1.5" on him. I say Edge is a strong 6'2".
Viper said on 3/Jul/08
I only see an inch between Edge and Triple H there hs2008. Whatever height you think those guys are there is an inch between them. Maybe 1.5 inches at the absolute most.
Viper said on 3/Jul/08
Edge is not taller than Batista. They are the same height.
Alex2 said on 3/Jul/08
Hahahah Edge 6'2"? Eplain why he ALWAYS looks as tall if not taller than Randy Orton who is legit 6'4"... I do agree that Triple H is under 6'2" though, he barely loks a cm taller than Cena at times.
hs2008 said on 3/Jul/08
Edge is taller than Hogan & Batista in street clothes Danimal and is also comparable in height to Orton in streets. He is not 6'2" for goodness sake. Triple H has has 2 major quad surgeries but never spinal fusion surgery, he may have lost an inch but he's still at least 6'1" today.
Alex said on 3/Jul/08
Danimal, its not only you. I think so too and its not because I am older and know more about height. I can put on a tape from before 2002 and he could get away with at least 6'3. Today he looks 6'2 at the most. He even looked taller in 99-01 I thought too. My guess is perhaps lifts because I dont think he lost height.
Vegas said on 3/Jul/08
danimal if HHH is max 6'0 how do you explain these photos from march, vince is 5'10 or less, hhh certainly didn't lose 3 full inches in three months :)
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

edge was taller than hogan in some matches here is one example, he did have bigger boots on there though Click Here
Danimal said on 3/Jul/08
Vegas says on 2/Jul/08
Click Here

Even Hogan did not have close to that amout of height on HHH in 2002-2003 and we know that Hogan WAS taller than Edge when he stood fully straight. HHH has lost some serious height ALA Hogan, Taker, Piper, Billy Graham, Andre, etc... He must have had some serious spinal/neck fusion. I think Edge is MAX 6'3", if not 6'2", which would put HHH at MAX 6'0" today!!!
Danimal said on 3/Jul/08
Ola says on 26/Jun/08
Danimal says on 24/Jun/08
He can be as tall as 6'1.5", but not over that.

you suprises me dan, how in the heck can you have hhh as low as 6'1 1/2 when you have scott hall as 6'5?! do you see 3 1/2 inches in the pic i posted? Click Here its barely 2... but 1 1/2 is more likely

Actually Ola, nothing to be surprised about. I'm not really contradicting myself. I DO believe HHH was taller in the mid-late 90's and that picture you provided kind of backs up my claim. I think Scott Hall was 6'5" (or just shy of it) and HHH was getting away with looking 6'3"-6'4" in the 90's. Since the 2000's he has appeared to be MAX 6'1"-6'2". Something funky happened to him a few years ago for him to appear that much shorter and it's not just me who thinks this either.
Anonymous said on 2/Jul/08
It is quite easy to see if a wrestler is the same height as Triple H because whenever he stares down his opponents, they properly go nose to nose and because of their closeness, you can see whether they are the same height or not, look at the Goldeberg and HHH confrontation, Cena and Triple H on Feb 25, stone cold steve austin and HHH during their many staredowns.
hs2008 said on 2/Jul/08
Just an inch?
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
It's a little bit more than that IMO.
Viper said on 1/Jul/08
I truly beleive Edge has some advantage there. I dont think there is really more than 1 inch between them.
Alex said on 1/Jul/08
Those camera angles favor Edge but I'd still say Edge has a good inch on HHH.
hs2008 said on 1/Jul/08
Triple H also looked significantly shorter than Edge on Smackdown:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Alex said on 29/Jun/08
Derek, yea. We seem to have a lot of the same estimates.
Clay said on 28/Jun/08
Henry is a rare case where he looks taller than his billed height, in my opinion.
Derek said on 28/Jun/08
6'1" sounds right for Mark Henry. Batista is 6'2.5"-3" as he had at least an inch on Triple H.
Alex said on 27/Jun/08
I wouldn't go as high as 6'2 for Henry. Didn't Batista have 1.5-2 inches on him? I thought 6'1 looked right for Henry.
Viper said on 27/Jun/08
I dont think they would underlist Mark Henry. If anything you would think they would overbill him. And Batista does looks no more than 6-2 with him.
Alex2 said on 27/Jun/08
I think Henry could be 6'2" but no more, he was listed 6'3" in weightlifting, he also looks 6'2 with Batista.
MK said on 25/Jun/08
Lets not forget how much muscle he gained between 98-03'(even to the point he could challenge Scott Steiner to a pose-off) which did make him look shorter.
Alex said on 25/Jun/08
Even in 2000-2001 I thought he looked taller. It wasn't until sometime in 2002 where he looked a little shorter.
Vegas said on 25/Jun/08
HHH looks significantly taller next to vince in dress shoes only 2-3 months back, one photo he has vince by at least 4 inches. I think his posture is the problem you rarely see him standing tall anymore
Danimal said on 24/Jun/08
Viper says on 23/Jun/08
I dont get why people think hes shrunk. Id bet a lot of money hes always been around 6-1. Maybe lifts.

Because he used to look significantly taller in the mid-late 90's.
Alex said on 24/Jun/08
That would be something if HHH was only 6'0 and for years got away with being 6'4. I have seen him look as short as 5'11-6'0 once in a picture with Benoit though but thats just one picture.
Anonymous said on 24/Jun/08
Viper says on 23/Jun/08
I dont get why people think hes shrunk. Id bet a lot of money hes always been around 6-1. Maybe lifts.

He's had heavy surgeries on both knees and is pushing 40, that'll surely take an inch off if not more.
Viper said on 24/Jun/08
I may be wrong but I swear Mark Henry looked taller tonight in a match with Triple H.
Danimal said on 24/Jun/08
Viper says on 22/Jun/08
Triple H is barely taller than Cena. Triple H is not above 6-1.

He can be as tall as 6'1.5", but not over that.
Viper said on 23/Jun/08
I dont get why people think hes shrunk. Id bet a lot of money hes always been around 6-1. Maybe lifts.
Viper said on 23/Jun/08
Triple H only looked 6-0 tonight I thought with 6-1 Mark Henry.
Alex said on 23/Jun/08
Orton at 6'4 and HHH at 6'1 1/2 is possible. There is at least 2 inches between them though.
hs2008 said on 23/Jun/08
Yeah, Orton is legit 6'4" but certainly no more since he was clearly shorter than JBL. Puts Triple H absolute max 6'2" and probs in the 6'1.5" range.
Derek said on 23/Jun/08
Most would agree that Orton is 6'4" and nothing more. That eliminates anything over 6'2" for Triple H and I still think he's 6'1 1/2".
Viper said on 22/Jun/08
Triple H is barely taller than Cena. Triple H is not above 6-1.
Smarty said on 22/Jun/08
I'd say in his prime he was 6,2 maybe 6,2 1/2 now I'd say he's like 6,1 at the most.
hs2008 said on 22/Jun/08
Yeah Orton has at least 2" on Triple H and quite possibly more:
Click Here
Vegas said on 22/Jun/08
orton has been out injured for the last month with a broken collarbone, so he hasn't been on raw

last time they were on raw together in a good staredown situation it looked a clear 2 inch difference to me, even bending his head orton still has clear height over HHH Click Here
MK said on 22/Jun/08
Hugh says on 21/Jun/08
After watching Raw the other night I'm almost beginning to think that HHH is 6ft4 because he looked barely shorter than Orton.

I've seen HHH in person, he's not 6'4'', not even close, looks barely 6'2'' nowadays, and Orton did'nt look a full 6'4'' neither. You need to put more thought into your height estimates.
ck said on 20/Jun/08
Id say

Khali 7'1.5"
Big SHow 7'0"
Undertaker 6'8"
Kane 6'7.5"
Big Daddy V 6'7"
Shad Gaspard 6'5.5"
JBL 6'5"
Randy Orton 6'4"
Edge 6'3.5"
Triple H 6'3"
Batista 6'2.5"
John Cena 6'1"
Vegas said on 19/Jun/08
thats actually his pro football card, san antonio riders were a pro team not college, they were a team in the World League of American Football, he signed for them after leaving the raiders where he was also listed at 6'5
ck said on 19/Jun/08
Click Here JBLs college football card 6-5 278 pounds is his listing
Hugh said on 19/Jun/08
I think he's 6ft3ish nowadays.
Viper said on 18/Jun/08
The only 6-2 I think Triple H is when he gets out of bed.
Alex said on 17/Jun/08
I dont think HHH shrunk at all. I do think he gave little taller impression back then. Maybe lifts or something too. This is even when he bulked up he still appeared taller than he does now.
Hugh said on 17/Jun/08
Triple H was nearing 6ft4 at his peak and his now 6ft2.5. He was 1.5 inches taller than Vince and half an inch taller than Shane.
Alex said on 7/Jun/08
HHH can look as short as 6'1 sometimes but for the most part he looks more 6'2.

Those are some funny estimates. He has Batista 5 inches taller than Cena. Kane 3 inches taller than UT? lol
Viper said on 7/Jun/08
I think hes 6-1ish Clay :)
Alex2 said on 6/Jun/08
"bangalore" your wrong on those height guesses on all accounts my friend.
Clay said on 6/Jun/08
HHH is not 6'4'' thats obvious but 6'2'' is the lowest he could possibly be as well.
bangalore said on 3/Jun/08
hey Triple h is not 6'4,.,bcoz i saw in ashton kutchers punked show,.,vr triple h gets punked,.,hhh looked a lil shorter then ashton kutcher,.,by the way,ashton kutcher is 6'2,.hulk hogan is 6'4,undertaker is 6'7,kane is 6'10,batista is 6'5,kurt angel is about 5'9-5'10.,cena and lasley is 5'11-6'0.
johnb said on 2/Jun/08
on the drew carey show hhh looks to be between deidrich bader 6'2" and drew 5'10"

so i would say 6 foot tops.
Alex2 said on 2/Jun/08
Wow Spiveys aged alot, he wasnt below 6'6" 6'7" likely.
Vegas said on 1/Jun/08
spiveys police report says 6'6, he looked 6'6 tagging with taker and sid but he didn't look 6'6 in a staredown with nash who had him by 4-5" Click Here
Hugh said on 1/Jun/08
Dusty is 6ft1-6ft2.
Alex2 said on 30/May/08
Goldusts younger brother currently works with WWE and is Tag team partner with Hardcore Holly (Cody Rhodes), he looks about the same height as Holly, maybe a tad less so I guess hes 5'11-6'0 I believe that he and Goldust have different mothers, so the tall gene must have came from Goldust's mother, I have no clue as to how tall Dusty was though...
Alex2 said on 29/May/08
Yea 6'4.5"-6'5" sounds reasonable for Goldust, he may have lost a bit of height, I think hes getting on a bit now.
Viper said on 28/May/08
I think Golddust was 6-4-6-4 1/2 Alex.
hs2008 said on 28/May/08
I believe Goldust is legit 6'5" also. TNA is all over the place with its height billings, both over and under billing certain guys. Scott Hall is 6'4" these days IMO, I think he stated that height on a shoot interview recently so that's probs what he is.
Clay said on 27/May/08
Yeah, Hall was never over 6'5'' IMO.
Alex said on 27/May/08
The lowest possible height for Goldust I could go for is 6'4.
Jason said on 26/May/08
I think Goldust is 6'4'' tops.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.