Sandy Cowell said on 21/Apr/23
Superbly clever Tony is fantastic and educational, so when I see him coming up as a random celeb, he’s hard to resist. It matters not a jot that he’s small.
Gladstone Screwer said on 16/Jan/23
Rob, he looks under 5’4”, I’d say 5’3” was generous.
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Aug/22
I do hope Tony had a great time on his Birthday, and enjoys a Happy and Healthy New Year. 🎂
⭐️ Thanks so much, Nik, for leaving the message for the delightful Blackadder star and historian.
Nik Ashton said on 15/Aug/22
🍪🦊🐈🎁🎉 Happy Birthday Tony! 🎁🎉🐈🦊🍪
My great friend Sandy Cowell has asked me to wish Tony a Happy Birthday today and a wonderful New Year, I also wish Tony a Happy Birthday and give him my best too.
Happy Birthday from Sandy and myself! XX
5’4” is fine and cool.
Sandy C said on 5/Aug/22
I didn’t get very far with my plans yesterday to watch one of
Tony’s fascinating DVDs. I was dangling from my bed, having a good fumble around in my DVD boxes, and I fell off my bed, landing on the floor in an indescribable heap and banging my head! 🤕😔
I sincerely hope I have better luck the next time I hunt around! 😂😂😂
Sandy C said on 4/Aug/22
I have time on my hands, and what better a way than to watch some of Tony’s historic programmes.
They are so absorbing, and come complete with Tony’s brilliant sense of humour. 😂👍🏼
Five foot four.
5'7 and a bit said on 4/Jul/22
Still looks around 5'4 here. Not to forget the 1/4 less footwear.
Glad he doesn't really care about his height. I know I don't.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Nov/21
I don't need to check out that Tony is doing the narrating to the programme 'Airline' because I know his voice so, so well and he always cheers me up. Having just been watching some eerie 'Unsolved Mysteries' on CBS Reality, Tony is just the tonic I need!
Have a nice weekend, everyone!
5ft4 😀👌🌄🐍🥚
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Oct/21
Ha ha ha! Tony R DID show up as a Random Celeb today after all! I watched his DVD 'Tony Robinson's Cunning Night Out' the other day, and he was very funny indeed. He said that, in comparison to his father, he looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger, so how tall was his Dad? If ever I find this out, I'll be straight on his page with the info.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Aug/21
🎂🎁🎈🎊 Happy Birthday Tony! 🎊🎈🎁🎂
Many Happy Returns to Tony, who celebrates his Big 7️⃣5️⃣th (three-quarters of a century) Birthday today!
Have a wonderful New Year!
5ft4 🤗💝😁👍7️⃣5️⃣🐍 XXX
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jul/21
😆 I thought I had a really cunning plan: I saw a flea on my leg and wasn't very happy, having just used Frontline on my brood. My plan involved capturing the jumpy little critter with a piece of sellotape; I managed to affix the beastie to the sticky tape, but it got away. 😣
So my plan was about as cunning and subtle as a fart in church in a two minute silence! 😝👎
Tony gets 5ft4. 🐍😉👌
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/May/21
Sir Tony Robinson would probably appear quite tall to me now, seeming as I'm only 5ft!
Not that being short bothers this great man. He has Dr Pixie McKenna, who's about 5ft7, appearing in some of his oh-so-informative and interesting historical videos, of which I particularly recommend 'Gods and Monsters' and 'Catastrophe'.
Tony gets 5ft4. 😉👍😍🌎🌏🌍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/May/21
Well done, dear Sir Tony, for appealing on behalf of the Alzheimer's Society. How sad that this dreadful disease claimed the lives of both Tony's parents, and if they were anywhere as brainy as their son, it will have been a dreadful thing to witness. 😢
I will be donating to the cause because Tony made the appeal. Furthermore, my favourite Auntie is afflicted with this illness. Her husband, my dear Uncle Ron, visits her every day.
A quality 5ft4. 🥇 XXX
OriginalAnon said on 10/Dec/20
5'4'' is fair.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Dec/20
Tony Robinson has brought me so much luck in the learning department that I'm hoping he'll work his magic again.
Please, Rob, can you add Patsy Byrne? In her prime, she was 5ft3.
Tone gets 5ft4 and lots of kisses and hugs! XXXXX 🤗 XXXXX 🤗
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Aug/20
Oh, naughty me! I missed one of my favourite celeb's Birthdays on Saturday, 15th of this month. I know Tony's a Leo 🦁, so it had to be around now, so it's a....
🎂🎁 Belated Happy Birthday Tony! 🎁🎂
I hope you had a fantastic Birthday and enjoy a terrific year ahead.
Thanks for all you've taught me in the most entertaining of ways and for making me laugh as Baldrick in 'Blackadder'🐍, and also with your stand-up comedy show. XXX 😆
5ft4 🍰🎈🍻😉👍
Nik said on 3/Jul/20
I have seen his wife Louise Hobbs described as 5'8" online! 👌🏻
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/May/20
👿 Correction Time! 😷
The following sentence 'The historic period he is disgusting...' should have read thus:
The historic period he is DISCUSSING...', though I think the mistake is entirely justifiable. It really IS disgusting, but any history related by Sir Tony is done so in the most entertaining way imaginable that it takes the sting out of the squirming. Yes, he is such a jolly, loveable little fellow that anything he discusses, however serious the subject, is not without a large dollop of humour! 😘
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/May/20
Another belief was that disease was transmitted by bad smells! Now we are getting to the plague. My Mum used to use the term "To stink like the plague!"
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/May/20
I'm re-watching Tony's 'Gods and Monsters' DVD and he's going into detail about how gruesome the 'cures' were for illnesses that man new nothing about. The historic period he is disgusting is the Neolithic period, or 'New Stone Age' (around 2,000 years BC) right up until times as close to us as the middle ages, when epilepsy was still thought of as possession and the cure was to drill a hole in the person's head so that the demon had a means of crawling out! Obviously, this was very dangerous, and proved fatal in many cases.
Then the Neolithic and early settlers would still believe in elves, and blamed shooting and stabbing pains on the arrows of elves. These terms derive from those times. The cure would be to calve the person open. 😣
I'm waiting for Tony to discuss the beliefs in where plagues were thought to come from, rather relevent at this moment in time....
5ft4. 😷👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Apr/20
Hooray! I just turned on my telly in the hope of finding a quizzicle on the Challenge channel. Mais non! Even better than that! I found one Mr (Sir) Tony Robinson discussing history on the Yesterday service, and it's one that I haven't even got yet.
That's put me in a morish mood. Shall I watch his stand up comedy, Blackadder, or one of my many historical DVDs? All of them are so very entertaining and I love this guy so much. He still runs about at his age, so I can't see him having lost much height at all. With a brain like his, I don't think it should matter how many inches he stands from the ground! 😍
Five foot four inches. 😁👍👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Feb/20
My DVD 'Gods and Monsters' is waiting to be watched and it's a DVD that I thoroughly recommend if you are interested in the history behind superstitions and weird things like fairies, and the beliefs that used to be held in days gone by.
Before mental illness was acknowledged and explored, women with a baby displaying symptoms of, say, autism or anything they couldn't explain, they would put it down to a fairy having replaced their child with a 'changeling'. They would put the baby out for the fairies, and expect it to be replaced with their 'real' child.
There is far more to be learnt from Tony Robinson's fantastic DVDs, and I also recommend 'Catastrophe', which explains, in the most entertaining way possible, how a series of natural occurrences resulted into evolution. It's fascinating.
You also get the chance to compare Tony with members of the public, as he walks about in the busy streets, always with a smile on his face!
5ft4. 😁👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jan/20
Hello Tony, my lad!
I'm listening to Hocus Pocus, by the Dutch Group 'Focus'. I'd like to tell you that you have contributed to my world of knowledge like nobody else has done. You are amazing and you look at history in a completely different light.
I liked your tale about Stevie Marriott - very funny!
Lots of Love,
Sandy XXX
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Nov/19
No, it wasn't 120 hangings at all!
In the 1780s, it is estimated that the average person would have witnessed nearer to TWELVE HUNDRED hangings during his or her lifetime. Having said that, most crimes went undetected, especially ones of the pettier variety, and public hangings were used as a deterrent to the people.
As Tony prances about explaining the history behind British Crime and Punishment, we get many an opportunity to size him up and compare him to members of the public. He's too fit and active to have lost much height, regardless of being in his 70s. 🏃♂️
5ft4. 😁🏆
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Nov/19
The terrific Sir Tony Robinson is backing a campaign for the re-issuing of a silver 3 pence coin which had been in use since Tudor times. The coin, which is free, is from George V's time and the reason for his support for this historical campaign is to bring young and older members of families closer together, by giving them a shared interest.
I couldn't think of a better reason and I have ordered mine just a few minutes ago.
5ft4. 😁👌
Nik said on 17/Oct/19
@ Johan 185 cm - 👍👌
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Sep/19
Tony mentioned in his 'Crime and Punishment' series that the average person will have witnessed 120 hangings in the duration of his or her lifetime.
Thank Heavens for television!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Sep/19
Tony has such an interesting approach to history and science. I think he's the best teacher EVER!
He's just told me that it was down to Henry III's wanting to cover up his bald patch, that judges today wear wigs in Court!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Aug/19
😁🎂🎁🕯️ Happy Birthday Tony! 🕯️🎁🎂😁
The great Tony Robinson, OBE, turns 73 years old today! Many Happy Returns to him! XXX
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/Jul/19
Ha ha! I WAS watching 'Catastrophe' at 4 in the morning after all! Not to mention 3!
It's just SO GOOD! I've just ordered the first series of Tony's 'Walking Through History'. There are three series, and if I like the first one...
What am I saying? Of course I'll like it! It's Tony Robinson, after all! 😁
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/Jul/19
And indeed I was true to my word! I watched 'Gods and Monsters' - paying particular attention to the bloated pig scene.
I can't believe what I'm about to declare, but IT'S TRUE - I HAVE GOT MY MITTS ON A COPY OF 'CATASTROPHE'!
It wasn't cheap, but at least I won't have to set my alarm clock for 4 in the morning to see it! I'm going to watch it over and over again until I know it thoroughly. It's all about the events that caused, well, everything to come into being and is BEYOND interesting!
Johan 185 cm said on 25/Jul/19
I like his attitude. Rob had more footwear so 5'4" is a good listing.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Jul/19
Some 8 months after watching my boyfriend bleed to death in 92, I found myself not coping at all well, so I admitted myself to a psychiatric hospital. I met lots of intelligent and interesting people, including a fabulous guitarist who had been on Top of the Pops with Fleetwood Mac and he'd known Tony's good friend Steve Marriott, telling me his girlfriend's name was Sandy.
That gets me round to The Small Faces, Steve's band. They have a song which begins, 'Life is just a bowl of Allbran...'*
Now that gets me round to breakfast times in the hospital, when I would eat a large bowlful of the stuff, which I had with hot milk - and then I'd have to make a hasty retreat. I'd walk about the hospital grounds blowing the place up and laughing. Well, therapy takes many forms!
* The song's called 'Happydaystoytown'.
Tony gets 5ft4. His videos are top on my list when I get my new TV tomorrow.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Jul/19
Should be lowered to a weak 5'4", judging by the pics.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Jul/19
Well, Rob, it's a very good watch! I used to set my alarm clock for 4 o'clock in the morning to see it. I'm trying to track it down on the internet! 😁
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jun/19
@ Rob - That's exactly how he is on his DVDs! This man loves everybody and I love him! Have you ever seen 'Catastrophe'? It's about how everything got together, and with Tony's explanation, it's a MUST! 😁

Editor Rob
That's one documentary show I never heard of before.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jun/19
My favourite track from The Small Faces is called 'Mad John'.
It's about a very loving and misunderstood tramp.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jun/19
I'm listening to Tony's late friend, Stevie Marriott, also known as the lead singer of 'The Small Faces'.
Tony talks about his times with Mr Marriott in his show 'Cunning Night Out'. Apparently, 'The Small Faces' used to jam down my road before they were famous! I'd have been too young to appreciate them though! 😭
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Jun/19
To my favourite Tony: XXXX Thank you for helping to educate me. You are so interesting, and funny too! I love you!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Jun/19
Tony does look 5ft4 in the many DVDs of his that I own, I must say, Rob. They are very educational, with more than a little humour thrown in!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Jun/19
@ Nik - That would make Tony a strong 5ft3.75, but I'd rather think he's a not-so-strong 5ft4. I'm a not-so-strong 5ft1.75, because my Dad measured me after I'd done precisely nothing and had recently tumbled out of bed!

Editor Rob
He was also at another event last month, we had our stall opposite the guests which was interesting to see how they interact and he always seemed pleasant with fans. I only saw him once walking about and still would have guessed closer to 5ft 4 than 3 today.
Nik said on 16/Jun/19
Maybe the average vote (5'3.84" after 17 votes!) is spots!
Andrea said on 14/Jun/19
A weak 5'4 today? He certainly doesn't look above it here.

Editor Rob
Today tony hasn't lost much height, I'd say 1/3rd or so, but the shorter you are, sometimes you can reach 70 with minimal loss.
World Citizen said on 14/Jun/19
Looks 161 here.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jun/19
@ Rick1 - That's exactly what I was wondering. You took the words right out of my mouth! 😁
Nik said on 12/Jun/19
The above photographs are a joy to see! 5'4" is fine for Tony Robinson!
Rick1 said on 12/Jun/19
Nice photo Rob, when and where was this taken? I wonder if the celebrities you take pictures with know they are going on the site, have you ever been recognised by any of them?
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Apr/19
😛 Correction Time! 😛
Re: My comment from 16th April.
That should have been POST mortem, and not most mortem.
It was, of course, my autocorrect! 😋
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Apr/19
Tony has just been describing the height of his father in 'Tony Robinson's Cunning Night Out'. He said that, in comparison to him, he himself looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger! In the War, his father was told to "F*** off short @rse!" when asking questions!
Now he's talking about the Battle of Agincourt, which took place in 1415 on the 25th October, in Henry V's reign and it was a well-known triumph.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Apr/19
There have been two women a bit smaller than Tony and one, an actress with a twin sister, who was about four inches shorter! So ner! 👥
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 16/Apr/19
This funny sausage is discussing a really serious subject in his DVD 'Gods and Monsters', yet he still has me in hysterics!
While detailing the reasons as to why it was at one time believed that corpses were dangerous, Tony and some historian helpers go to the grave of a recently deceased pig because their bodies deteriorate in much the same way as ours do if we're unlucky enough to be dead. On digging up the pig, they find he is remarkably bloated, and hard to the touch. A woman (taller than Tony!) says that this is caused by the gasses that accumulate most mortem, and there are only two ways a corpse or carcass can rid itself of them: one is through the mouth and the other is 'out of the other end', as she puts it.
Tony smiles, adding "THAT would be rather creepy, wouldn't it, if you dug up a body and it farted? My oh my!"
Yes, I did turn it back a few times...
Bravo Tony! 😊👌
⭐️ He is always so happy to meet the people with his shared interests. So far, I haven't seen him speak with anyone his height or smaller, and this includes both men and women. If it happens, I'll be sure to report back!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/Mar/19
I respect this fellow so much. I am currently watching his rendition of The Battle of the Somme, and let me tell you, my eyes aren't very dry.
He has the confidence to pull it off.
Rory said on 18/Mar/19
I like his quote, it's a good positive outlook.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Mar/19
I have just ordered a DVD of Tony's called 'The Real Da Vinci Code'. It is from the mid-noughties so it'll show Tony smaller than in his 'Blackadder' days. Yes, it's a sad fact of life that even the short have the ability to shrink!
I was knocked sideways by the Tom Cruise/Audrey Tautou 'The Da Vinci Code' that I have bought the two follow-ups and then I noticed that Tony Robinson had made his own version - and whether he acts in it or simply explains it, I know it'll be well worth seeing!
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Feb/19
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 was only a piece of straw! But one can dream, can't one?
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Feb/19
Ha ha ha! I'm watching the very first episode, which is really rather new to me, and Blackadder and Baldrick are snoring away in a castle. I'm sure I just noticed a bogey fly out of Baldrick's nose! I've turned it back three times and, yes, that'd definitely what it is!
Now, take four:- 🎬😴🥁😴👃🍪👈
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Feb/19
Baldrick and Percy giggling away at the 'thingy shaped turnip'! 😂😂😂
Their laughter is so infectious, and then it gets served up to Miriam Margolyes, who is playing Blackadder's Puritan Aunt, Lady Whiteadder!
Her response to her husband, after picking up the offending item, is "This takes me right back to our wedding night! We had raw turnip that night too...!"
My favourite Tony, for so many, many reasons, gets 5ft4!
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jun/18
Look! Tony Robinson is no longer the shortest Tony on the site! There is one 10 whole inches shorter than his original height!
Today, Baldrick, I mean Tony Robinson, gets 5ft3.75 and that's only because he can't be given 5ft3 and 7 eighths! All that running around Tony R does for his archeology programme, coupled with his tireless charity work, keeps him as fit as a fiddle!
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Dec/17
@ Nik - Of course Tony (Baldrick) Robinson won't have minded losing out to Lucy Fallon, Coronation Street's Bethany, in the singing competition, the Contest run by Michael Crawford on Christmas Eve. Anyone, especially when they're as experienced in show business as Tony, will take part on that sort of thing for the sheer fun of it!
If Tony had been a taller individual, I doubt whether he'd have made as convincing a 'Baldrick' in 'Blackadder'! The writers of the series, which did originally include Rowan Atkinson, (in the first series), must have had some idea of they wanted each player to look like, and 'Baldrick' will have been a short character. There are enough references to his size in the conversations!
Cheers, Nik! 👍🔔🎇
Nik said on 26/Dec/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
Yes, Tony Robinson is a fine example of a flexible individual who is passionate about what he does and he is someone who is happy with the way god made him. He is honest about being of a fairly small 5'4" and he doesn't try to pull the wool over people's eyes by claiming a higher height!
Tony and Michael can be proud about being in this singing competition and even though he didn't win it is the taking part that matters, I am sure he acquitted himself well but you can't always win at everything!
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Dec/17
@ Nik - My, oh my! There's a comment from late April from you!
Yes, it's great to have all the 'Blackadder' episodes in a boxset! As you will have noticed, I am a devoted fan and have just pounced on the opportunity of singing Mr (Baldrick!) Robinson's praises after seeing him in a singing competition introduced by another of our favourites, Michael Crawford! ⛄🎄😁❄🍗
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Dec/17
Is there anything this guy can't do? He acts, write books, has an ongoing interest in history and archeology, and now I've just seen Michael Crawford introduce this talented little powerhouse in his Musical Competition, singing 'Sit Down You're Rocking The Boat'!
He, like all the other contenders, trained like mad for weeks. He didn't win (Lucy Fallon from 'Coronation Street'
triumphed over the others), but he was as good as any professional!
Tony looked fit, upright and far younger than his years and for that he is going back up to 5ft4!
Merry Christmas Tony Robinson OBE! Now I am going to watch another 'Blackadder' actor, Rowan Atkinson, star as French detective 'Maigret'! So we only have Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Tim MacInnerny and Miranda Richardson to star on TV this Christmas 🎄 and we have the entire cast! As 'Prince George', from 'Blackadder III' would say, "Bravo!" to that...
Nik said on 29/Apr/17
@Sandy Cowell
It must be good for you to have all the "Blackadders" in a single box set, I was kindly given a box set of all the episodes of "Fawlty Towers" for a Christmas present one year. Unfortunately there were never many episodes of "Fawlty Towers" ever produced, however 27 episodes of "Blackadder" plus Baldrick's diaries will have given "Blackadder" fans plenty to get their teeth into. I found it interesting that you told me that Peter Cook appeared in "Blackadder"! We had some interesting conversations on the "Peter Cook" page!
Sandy Cowell said on 26/Apr/17
@ Nik - The last series of 'Blackadder', 'Blackadder Goes Forth', went out in 1989 I believe. 'Blackadder II' went out in 1986, starting in early January which means it was recorded in 1985. I have to check with 'Blackadder III'; it might have been 1988, but I'm not 100% on that! The very first series was made in 1983, and included Peter Cook as King Richard III!
There were 6 episodes per series, making 24 in all, and then there were 3 specials, plus Baldrick's diaries, which is worth seeing as it doesn't disappoint on the laughter front!
I hope this helps! I have all the 'Blackadders' in a boxset. I think you can purchase a copy at quite a reasonable price!
I don't actually have Sky TV Nik! I have so many DVD's that I feel spoilt for choice anyway! I even find it quite arduous to decide what to watch in the evenings, what with all the Freeview Channels! 👍📺😋
Nik said on 24/Apr/17
@Sandy Cowell
I saw your comment on the 20th April and I am now wondering how many episodes have there ever been of "Blackadder". Do you know when they stopped showing new episodes on tv? It's good when one of the Sky channels shows a lot or all of the episodes of a comedy over a week or a few weeks, I know this has been done before on a few occasions, I think that this has been done with "Only Fools And Horses" and perhaps with "Last Of The Summer Wine".
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Apr/17
@ Nik - My Dad is absolutely crazy about it himself! In fact, it was when I was staying round his place in 2005 that I seriously got into it myself - by watching his videos, over and over again! Now I know them all pretty much by heart and yet I still enjoy them! 'Blackadder' is something I'll never tire of and neither will my Dad! It understandably has a very large and devoted following!
Nik said on 21/Apr/17
@Sandy Cowell
My Dad used to absolutely love "Blackadder"!
Sandy Cowell said on 20/Apr/17
This week, I have been thoroughly enjoying the 'Yesterday' channel's showings of all the 'Blackadder' episodes ever! You could say it was a much-appreciated Easter treat!
Tony has introduced the episodes and also some special historical programmes of the periods 'Blackadder' covers, including the end of the War of the Roses period in the 15th century, the Tudor era with Elizabeth I (1558-1603), 18th century England's extravagant and portly Prince Regent, from whom Regent's Park is named, and finally the First World War (1914-18), up to the final poignant episode which, I believe, is based on events from 1917. We also had a couple of fun episodes! A send-up of 'A Christmas Carol' (Victorian 19th century) and Blackadder's time-travel special 'Blackadder Back and Forth', based, and indeed originally shown, in 1999!
Of course, as I was anticipating, it's been possible to take in Tony's height during this 'Blackadder' spectacular and I think it's fair to say that he is nearer the 5ft3 mark now rather than the 5ft4 one! He keeps himself pretty fit with all the running around he does with his 'Time Team' programme, and in order to have that energy, Tony must be eating well!
I'll give him 5ft3 and a quarter. I think he's great, and what a splendid and fun way to get kids interested in the fascinating subject of history!
The English grammar is good as well!
Mark said on 7/Apr/17
Now aged 70, i'd be inclined to guess that he'll now be somewhere around 5'3 maybe?
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Nov/16
...and as you only possess one pair, they should be a lot smellier now! Seventeen years' worth of flatulence and skid marks! Excellent!
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Nov/16
Good old Baldrick!
He says today in the Daily Mail as regards the Trump victory: "For the very first time, I have no cunning plan!"
Well how about this one: You can try to scare him away from the Brown House by waving the same pair of underpants you used to scare away that nasty dinosaur in 'Blackadder Back and Forth!'
His rant was among a continuing list of 'Twitter Tantrums!'
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Oct/16
I have as much affection for the 'Blackadder' character 'Baldrick' as I do Blackadder himself! Self-deprecating and ridiculous, I never tire of the little fellow!
But there is so much more to this man! I can think of worse ways of whiling away my spare time than watching his archeology programmes, but the one that really knocked me for six was his series 'Catastrophe!' It was beyond interesting, fascinating even, and so well explained that it was easy to understand what would normally be a tricky subject: it was about how scientific catastrophes brought about life on this planet and a lot more besides!
Tony Robinson, I take my hat off to you! You're one in a million!
T said on 18/Sep/13
Met Tony - I'm a solid 6'4", and I was head and shoulders over him, so 5'4" sounds about bang on. Nice bloke too.
cd said on 23/Jul/13
Rob could he have been 5ft 4 at peak and maybe 5ft 3 range now? He looks tiny on Time Team

Editor Rob
certainly all that time spent rummaging around digs could have knocked a bit of height from him in last 10 years...or more, time team seems to have gone on forever.
Maximus Meridius said on 31/Dec/12
Hey Rob is there a chance he was 5ft 5in when he was younger he could have easily been taller in his younger days.

Editor Rob
I doubt it, I don't think he looked more than 5ft 4 in the 80's
Robbie H said on 20/Jan/08
how tall is his son?
Adam Brennon said on 1/Dec/07
If anything shorter, considering Baldrick in relation to Blackadder (Rowan).
Leon said on 30/Sep/07
That's smaller than I thought, actually. I was expecting 5'6". Seems like a really nice guy.
Steven said on 29/Jun/07
I still stand by my comment posted exactly 1 year and 1 day ago :P
Steven said on 29/Jun/06
Seems about right, not as tiny as I'd imagine though!