Lozzer4 said on 18/Nov/24
I met Hugh once. I’m 5’9” (or 176 midday) and I met this wonderful human, wkth Nike Air (1.1in?) 3cm lifts, plus standing on a fair curb and he still had 1in on me with dress shoes on
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Jun/23
@ Arch - Yes, Hugh can turn his talents to anything. I’ve seen him play the guitar as well.
Personally, I would call him ‘very tall’, but then, as with anything, height is relative to the onlooker.
Hugh gets 6ft2.5. He is considerably taller than nearly all the others in the House cast, as can be seen in the opening scene when the music is playing. 😁🎶
Arch Stanton said on 2/Jun/23
189 seems about right, tall enough for women to describe him as "very tall" even though he's not really. Talented pianist and singer too, almost like there's a New Orleans black man from the 1920s inside of him. His voice is nothing what you would expect from him! He really has it.
Lenad 5ft9.75ins said on 15/May/23
He definitley was never 6'3. 6'2 1/2 flat I can buy but.
Lenad 5ft9.75ins said on 12/May/23
I definitley would'nt rule out 189cm for hugh. 190cm is pushing it.
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Jan/23
Hugh has a new DVD out called Roadkill. It was released in 2020, so it’ll show whether he has lost any height.
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Jan/23
Back to my dream this morning of the comedy duo Fry and Laurie:
I was itching to ask Stephen and Hugh to stand up, but after my time in hospital, in which my height was used as a descriptor for me, I thought I’d better not!
Perhaps I’ll do so in my next dream….. 🛌💤
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Jan/23
It was nice to see the second Stuart Little film the other day. Although I’ve got a copy, I hadn’t seen it yet, and it was every bit as charming as the first one, and with the same great stars.
Hugh can have six foot two-and-a-half. 😁
berta said on 2/Jan/23
peak almost 189 but today he really doesnt seem taller than 188. I think he could be one of those guys that loose alot of height with age. 187,5 isnt impossbile these days.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Sep/22
Might still make 188cm
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Aug/22
⭐️ Stuart Little 🐁 tries to track down his mouse parents, and the ones that turn up feigning to claim him as their son are a tall ‘n’ tarty white female mouse and a short, fat male mouse with an accent sounding like he’s just stepped out of a Mafia movie! 🤣👌🏼
⭐️ It is Geena DAVIS, not David.
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Aug/22
Oh, brilliant! I noticed that Hugh’s movie Stuart Little is on!
The couple, Hugh and the gorgeous Geena David, go along to an orphanage to adopt a brother for their little boy, and they emerge……
WITH A 3” WHITE MOUSE, dressed in blue with red sneakers! 🐁
The family’s pet cat, Snowball, is jealous of Stuart’s luxury bed, a point of view he expresses after trying to eat him! 🍴 I enjoyed this so much the last time I saw it that I have a copy in my DVD collection. Mouse Stuart is voiced by Michael J Fox.
Hugh gets 6ft2.5. He’s noticeably taller than Geena, who is all of 6ft, yet their surname is LITTLE! 🤭
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jul/22
I saw a smashing programme on YouTube last night all about
Hugh’s funniest moments, with clips from Blackadder and A
Bit of Fry and Laurie.
I thoroughly enjoyed it!
6ft2.5. Hugh isn’t poles apart from Stephen, and they really CAN look each other straight in the face.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Mar/22
That’s SUCH a good point you make, Joe. In order for Dr House’s character to look properly disabled, which he is, it’s going to cut his height by quite a bit.
6ft2.75, fully erect. 😄
Joehughes said on 4/Mar/22
Doesn't seem that tall in House, but when you see him next to others and when he's not leaning on his cane he is pretty tall.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/Feb/22
In fact, it's amazing that George IV lived to 67! His corpse provided quite a few problems after the King had died, such was his size!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Feb/22
Hugh starred in Blackadder the Third, playing the Hanoverian Prince George, the Prince Regent from 1811-1820, as his father was ill, later to be crowned King George IV, who reigned from January 29th, 1820 - 26th June, 1830. Slim Hugh portrayed the heftiest monarch ever! In his mid thirties, (1797) George weighed in at 17-and-a-half stone but at the time of his death at 67, he was over 24 stone. George was considerably shorter than the 6ft4, 15th Century King, Edward IV, our tallest monarch ever, and the obese 6ft2 16th Century Tudor King, Henry VIII, He ate huge amounts and drank copiously, as portrayed by Hugh, but he wasn't the ignorant figure of fun that the Blackadder writers made him out to be!
Hugh can have 6ft2.75. 😃🎶🤴👑🏥
Painrain said on 6/Sep/21
6'2.5ft peak, 6'1.75ft now
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Aug/21
In his youth, over 6ft2 for definite but by how much is the question? If Fry was say 6ft4¾ range peak (never quite a full 6ft5) then the full 6ft2½ is certainly a possibility for Hugh...
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Aug/21
....but Blanc - Hugh always looks tall in whatever he stars in, my favourites being Blackadder, House and A Bit of Fry and Laurie.
I have films of his as well, bought specifically because Hugh stars in them, and he's never given a disappointing performance to date.
I find him very interesting and lovable and I've just found out that he speaks four different languages: English (properly!), Spanish, French and German.
Hugh is a multi-talented actor who can turn his brilliance to comedy, serious parts (interspersed with humour, as can be seen in House), and he's a musician to boot, with a penchant for the blues. I've seen him play the piano and the guitar as part of his acting characters and even in his funny sketch show with Stephen Fry. His piano playing in an episode of House, in which the clever doctor was diagnosing a young Sauvant lad, was more than impressive; he played the intro to the Boomtown Rats' hit 'I Don't Like Mondays' even better than the original!
6ft2.75. 🤗📺🎸🎹👌
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jun/21
Flat 6ft2 now I reckon
Shrapnel said on 10/Apr/21
It is hard to pinpoint his height on house because he is always walking with a cane and slightly hunched. he wears Nike Shoe, which do add more than average height boost, but I believe he is legit 6'2". David Morse (listed at 6'3.5") starred in half of season three. He was definitely taller than Hugh, had at least an inch and a half on him. i believe this listing is a bit high for him.
Tallfathershortson said on 18/Mar/21
With Dev Patel he looks 187, max.
Vincent Caleb said on 30/Jan/21
Today he is max 188, but peak might have been close to 189.
Blanc (1.69 m) said on 13/Jan/21
He didn't look that tall in House but must've been his and posture. I thought he looked more like this:
Click Here
But I suppose with good posture he can look around this
BT said on 25/Nov/20
He was definitely a good 6'2 in his prime, today at 61 he's looking under the mark more often than not. Could be his posture, but he has likely lost a half inch or so by now, wouldn't you say Rob?
OriginalAnon said on 22/Nov/20
He's not over 188cm.
Vanda said on 29/Oct/20
Saw him in concert twice and yep, he is pretty tall!! Around 190 cm definitely.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Oct/20
Andy Murray for years fooled many into thinking he was 6ft3, me being no exception...that being said I think Hugh would edge him peak. Affleck though I reckon would be close one. Both looked 189cm in the past
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Sep/20
He was more than likely a very strong 6ft2 in his 30’s, closing in on 189cm.
Caner ?eng?ler said on 2/Sep/20
Oh boy he is tall
Slim 6'1" said on 14/Aug/20
188.5-189 actually 6’2 unlike Andy Murray and
Ben Affleck
Kebapsever said on 22/Jul/20
I think when he was young he measured 6’3, now he’s probly 6’2.
hairlinecel said on 11/Jul/20
Peak almost 189cm
Now around 187.5cm
movieguy12 said on 28/Jun/20
Always looked tall and unlike most people seemed to get better looking as he got older. Sort of grew into his looks. Had a slightly geeky look as a young man which he lost as he aged. Amazed me that he went from being part of what might be considered a 'cult' or student comedy duo with Stephen Fry into being one of the biggest stars on US television.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Jun/20
6ft1 is too low even today but he does look like he’s struggling with 6ft2. Currently I think that’s what he’s at now.
Peak was a very strong 6ft2 though, no question
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/Jun/20
💝🎊🎈🎂 Happy Birthday Hugh! 🎂🎈🎊💝
The gorgeous, multi-talented Hugh Laurie is today celebrating his 61st Birthday!🤗 I wish him his best Birthday EVER and a year filled with happiness and success.
6ft2.75 😆👍 XXX
Right then....
On goes Blackadder the Third! 🐍😂😂😂
Jam Cherry said on 6/Jun/20
I thought he was something like 6 foot but I’m surprised to see he’s this tall he gets 188.5 cm from me
Canson said on 26/May/20
Henri (6'5 3/16ths) said on 25/May/20
Interesting username
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 26/May/20
Is your 6'5 3/16" your low height?
Henri (6'5 3/16ths) said on 25/May/20
Although I have only seen him in his appearance in the show House, he does not appear to be anywhere near the 6’2 1/2 or so listed on here. In many zoomed-out scenes, he looks slightly above average, possibly a solid 6’ guy in my opinion. I’ll give him 6’1 here because of many accounts I have seen, that claim he is a tall man.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 29/Apr/20
Oh, this is bloody marvellous! House is being told off by his therapist and they are sitting opposite one another across a small wooden table.
He is sitting with his legs boldly on the table, his big shoes not at all far from the therapist's nose. The only thing that would be funnier is if he'd removed his shoes beforehand!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Apr/20
@ Christian - Well, the truth is that I often can't make my mind up! Hugh has been consistently the tallest member of the 'House' cast, but having said that, he was in a detention centre in an episode I saw the other day and there were some even bigger guys than Hugh, no doubt employed because they were bullying Dr House, and had to look convincing. Hugh's Dr House gave as good as he got!
This time round, Hugh is getting 6ft2.75.
Cheers Christian! 😁👍 XX
Canson said on 26/Apr/20
@Editor Rob: he may just be a solid 6’2” after what he said in the quote you posted. 6’3” was likely his shoe height
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 26/Apr/20
You gave him a 6'2.5" vote a month ago, and now you gave him at least three 6'3" votes this month?
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Apr/20
Isn't the word "BURP" a prime example of onomatopoeia? 🤭👌
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Apr/20
Okay - here it goes again....
Dr Greg House was calling in patients and he asked for a Janet Haemorroid! An embarrassed Janet looked up and whispered to the tall doctor, "That's not my name. It's the reason I'm here."
Then she walked out! 🍇
In the following episode, House knocked back nearly a whole bottle of water - and burped loudly, exclaiming that he was thirsty! (I knew he wouldn't hold back on an opportunity like that!)
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Apr/20
Hey Rob! Have you any idea what happened to my comment on Hugh from Monday, 20th? 😭
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Apr/20
On one of this afternoon's episodes of 'House', Hugh's Dr Greg House called out for a patient named Janet Haemorrhoid! Janet went up to the towering Dr House and said, "That's not my name; that's what I'm here for."
She kept a lot calmer than many would have stayed in her situation, and with the greatest of dignity, she walked out of the hospital waiting room!
Sandy A Cowell said on 6/Apr/20
I dreamt of Hugh again last night, and this time round, it wasn’t a dream with Stephen Fry, but one with Rowan Atkinson. Both guys were wonderful to chat to, but if I have a dream about him tonight, I’ll ask him about this particularly gruelling episode of “House” I’m watching, which I have never seen before.
House tends to a girl who, preceding a terrible disaster, with loads of injured people, he has to amputate her leg, but doesn’t want to. He tells the girl about how much better off he’d have been if his whole leg had been removed after his accident, because he was left crippled and in permanent pain.
Now I think the girl is very ill, also having suffered a collapsed lung, and I don’t know if she’ll survive. The expression on House’s face says it all. She didn’t and Greg House is heartbroken.
What a brilliant actor.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Mar/20
Hugh's 'House' has just returned from being institutionalised and he wants to leave his job. The two episodes are among my favourites, and very moving.
Greg House is now in his kitchen, cooking away at some delicacy and wearing an apron! There's a knock at the door and it's Olivia Wilde. She samples his cooking and tells him that he's a brilliant cook.
His reply? "I know!" 😂😂😂👌
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Feb/20
That was one of the saddest 'House' episodes I have ever seen. The patient died and so did his dog.
Had it not been for one of the student doctors being neglectful, the patient would have taken his meds and not the dog, both of whom died as a result.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Feb/20
I do like the way House runs his hospital!
At the beginning of the episode I'm watching, a man's dog nearly got himself run over trying to save his owner's life. What a star! 🐶
Now he's sitting next to his owner in the hospital bed!
Hugh gets 6ft2.5. 😁
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 29/Jan/20
Hugh's character Gregory House has just exposed an unfaithful husband's misdeeds right in front of his wife! He's steaming and says, sarcastically, "Thank you very much!" 😡
House replies, "My pleasure!" 😂😂😂
I believe it is, too! 😁
Mr Laurie gets 6ft2.5.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Jan/20
I am watching an episode of 'House' entitled 'Jerk', which is right at the end of Season Three. In it, there is a teenage boy who, upon winning his chess championship game, attacks his good loser of an opponent with the timer and draws blood from his head.
When he is admitted to hospital and interviewed by the team, he is rude-mannered and shows no respect for his worried Mum and talks about his female schoolteacher like she's a piece of meat. Upon hearing this, House comes out with, "I like this kid!" 😮
Good grief, Greg, he's outrageous, and about as opposite to obsequious as you are! But maybe that's why you like him....? 😂😂😂
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Dec/19
😖 Cringe Time! 😖
That should have read, 'Then, when one of his fellow male doctors cringeD...'
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Dec/19
⭐ House was just talking about inserting a tube into his urethra because he can't pee. Then, when one of his fellow male doctors cringe, House said, "It's alright for the first eight or nine inches....!" 😟🍌
Er, yes, House! Message received and understood! 😲😖
Well, everything to match his supersized height! 🤪
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Nov/19
Last night I had one of the loveliest, funniest dreams EVER. It 'starred' Hugh Laurie - and my Dad! My Dad had 'employed' 😂 Hugh's services to find me a kitten, and when he arrived at the house, my Dad's house, the first thing I remarked upon was his hair. I said, "You look like a tall, blond cat from behind!" He accused me of wearing bad hair extensions! 😂😂
Well, conversation edged round to the kitten. Hugh said, "Its name is GREEN!" to which I replied, "I like a bit of Peter Green! The name shall stay!"
It was then decided that we should listen to Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac afterwards.
My Dad was extremely excited, having just discovered that he had a daughter he didn't know about, (sorry Dad - I can't control my dreams!) and I was equally pleased to have a sister - and such a nice one! Her Mum was somebody my Dad had met in Germany in 1947 when he actually met my Mum, and was related to my Mum's father's Austrian side of the family, yet she was only about 19! Well, you know how silly dreams are....😉
Hugh took us round to the kitten's house, and sat on a bed with loads of toys belonging to a three-year-old, and started playing with them! 😂😂😂 I said to him, "I can see you're no stranger to items like this!" He smiled!
When we got back to my Dad's, on went Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac, Green the Kitten was fed - from a green bowl, and afterwards he curled up in a green bed. The wine flowed and fags were smoked and then the most wonderfully mutual slanging match was enjoyed by all. It was a trio of sheer entertainment and bliss, where everything that was said was acceptable, however rude and insulting! Hugh went into detail about his liking for Blues music. I said, "I'm aware of your partiality for the Blues. When are you going to record another CD?"
It was one of my most enjoyable dreams I have EVER had in my life! 😁👍
Hugh can have 6ft2.75. He's on my TV right now! 👏🎬
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Nov/19
Steve McQueen as a name for a rat indeed! Very funny!
House plays with toys as well! I love all that - yet he's so intelligent!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Sep/19
You can't blame him for not caring though! He is being haunted by the 5ft10 ghost of the woman (Anne Dudek) whose death he feels responsible for. Now he has confided in others about the matter and wonders whether he's seeing things due to lack of sleep, vicodin abuse or something as sinister as a brain tumour.
Poor House. 😪
NOT the best time to take his height. He's tired! (Still looks very tall though - oh yes!)
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Aug/19
Hey, I just read on my phone that in 2008, 'House' was the most watched show on TV and The Guinness Book of Records recognized Hugh Laurie as 'The Most Watched Man On Television'.
I must say, what impeccable taste the majority of people have! 😋👍
Here goes another top quality 6ft2.75.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Aug/19
Hugh keeps saying '@rse' on 'House'. What a naughty boy! But that's nothing; earlier today, when I was watching 'A Bit of Fry and Laurie', I heard him say 'v🅰️gina' and '🅿️enis'! I was utterly speechless! 😮
It's voting time again, so Hugh can have a quality 6ft2.75. Why? The reason is he can look 6ft4.5 Stephen Fry straight in the face. 😁👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 29/Jul/19
What a funny episode of House!
Mr Laurie tells Cameron "I have a full bladder and I'm not afraid to use it!"
He hasn't been able to 'go' for three days, and the thought of Cameron disobeying his demands prompted the aforementioned response! 🚽🍋
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Jul/19
That was a genius bit of piano playing just now! 🎹🎶
House played the intro to the Boomtown Rats' track 'I Don't Like Mondays' as part of diagnosing a Sauvant and the young fellow was able to mimic it perfectly.
Is there anything Hugh can't do? 🤔
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Jul/19
@ mark thompson - You lucky, lucky personage, you! How I envy you! 😜
mark thompson said on 17/Jul/19
saw hugh laurie roaming around the streets of my hometown, looked more 6'1.75 when i walked past him. definitely had at least 2.5 inches on me (im 5'11.25) and just edged my friend (6'1.5).
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jul/19
An episode of Today's House:
⭐ There's a guy who's madly in love 😂with a black-and-white cow! 🐄💕
⭐ House says, "A big, fat, sloppy heart is better than no heart at all," while he is fighting tooth and nail for a 65/66-year-old father to get a heart transplant and the medical board disallow him because they reckon he's too old. Then House seizes upon the opportunity of getting the heart of an overweight woman with zero life expectancy, who is on life support, imploring her husband for her heart.
Hugh is the tallest actor who has starred in all of today's House omnibus episodes.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Jul/19
I am watching the episode in which Dr House's ex shows up - complete with her new and ailing husband. House is still in love with her and she still has feelings for him, and he is displaying the very human emotion of jealousy 😫. He even admits that part of him wants his love rival to perish, but the woman, Stacey, implores House to help him, Mark, when a set of complications present themselves after the initial diagnosis.
When House first meets this man and they have a verbal comparison competition, House comes out with, "I'm definitely taller!" Ha ha! He's taller than nearly everyone!
The episode plays out to the Rolling Stones' track, "You Can't Always Get What You Want." 🎶🎧😁💊💊
Very fitting in every aspect of life!
179cm guy said on 2/Jul/19
Peak: 6'2.25 (188-189cm)
Current: 6'1.75 (187-188cm)
Now that he's turned sixty this year I think that Hugh's lost half-an-inch at most.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 29/Jun/19
"Are you scared? Don't be - you're home now!"
Hugh, as Dr House just now, speaking to a painkilling capsule before it is popped into his mouth!
His comedy side shows through in everything!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Jun/19
I don't know anyone who doesn't fancy Hugh!
Joe257 said on 18/Jun/19
6'2" to 6'2.5"
Joel Masterman said on 15/Jun/19
Looked tall in the Night Manager I would have thought 6"2.5-6"3 he definitely clears 6"2 flat and was noticeabley taller than Tom Hiddleston.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/Jun/19
Hey, everyone! It's one of my favourite Celebrity's Birthdays today!
💝🎂🎈🎁 Happy Birthday Hugh! 🎁🎈🎂💝
Brilliant at everything he does, I'd like to wish this master of entertainment a very Happy 60th Birthday.
Enjoy your special day Hugh! XXX
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 16/Apr/19
@ Ian555 - I had a look at your pictures and found one of Hugh standing next to George Clooney. He's MUCH taller than George's 5ft11, or at least that was George's height in my favourite of his movies, the dark comedy 'From Dusk Till Dawn', in which he plays the 6ft1 Quentin Tarantino's brother. There is more of a difference between George and Hugh than between George and Quentin.
I shall give Hugh 6ft2.5. 😊👍
Ian555 said on 9/Mar/19
Rob wouldn’t it be appropriate to have a current height for Laurie and peak height 6’ 2 1/4” based on this photo with Idris Elba who is 6’ 2 1/2”
Click Here. He easily looks an inch shorter than him.

Editor Rob
Hugh might be a 1/4 or maybe a half less...I think usually for 1/4 inches I tend not to do the peak/current, but a half inch to 3/4 becomes a point I would change the listing.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 26/Feb/19
Visibly taller than Hiddleston. 6'2.25" is right.
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Feb/19
Arghhh, no! Make that 1830! 🥕🐇
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Feb/19
⭐️ I believe the Prince Regent (born in 1762) took over from his Dad, George III, in 1811, because his father was troubled. The film 'The Madness of King George' is about the Prince Regent's Hanoverian Dad, King George III.
George IV, obviously from the House of Hanover himself, came to the throne officially in 1820, dying in 1930. ⭐️
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Feb/19
🤓 Correction Time! 🤓
Mistake No. I - I should have written 'really did have AN enormous waistline...'
Mistake No. II - Quote: 'I have read that his waist measures 53"....' I should have put MEASURED, as in the Past Tense'!
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Feb/19
⭐️ George, the Prince Regent who went on to become George IV, really did have enormous waistline due to his lavish lifestyle, so 'Blackadder' doesn't exaggerate the facts! I have read that his waist measures 53" and somewhere else, I read 55"!
Ha ha! Hugh Laurie is slim, and I always found it funny that he was referred to as 'that fat ba$tard whose eaten all the pies', amongst other delightful tags!
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Feb/19
No way do I regret putting 6ft3 for Hugh. Now that 'Blackadder III' is in full swing, I can see how tiny 5ft4 Tony 'Baldrick' Robinson looks in comparison to him and the just-under-6ft Rowan Atkinson, although there isn't a monster difference, does have to look up to him. The very last episode has Stephen Fry, playing the Duke of Wellington, kicking Hugh (Prince George), up the rear and slapping his shocked little face; then Blackadder takes great delight in demonstrating how hard he was hit - over and over again! It's got to be one of the funniest scenes that comedy has to offer! George and Blackadder have swapped places, you see, with George's full permission! 🐔
Before that, of course, there will be an invaluable chance to compare Hugh with the 6ft1+ Robbie Coltrane, who is playing Dr Samuel Johnson. Unlike the Duke of Wellington, fortunately Dr Johnson, though strict, isn't quite so fond of kicking and slapping him!
No, I can never tire of 'Blackadder'!
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Feb/19
He's coming..... 😋
Blackadder II:-
Episode 5 - 'Beer', playing Simon Partridge, a drunken flatulent joker and
Episode 6 - 'Chains', wherein he plays Evil Prince Ludwig. It was watching him playing Ludwig that I said to my Dad, "This guy is a knockout! He's going to go FAR!"
Then, within weeks, 'House' started, and I know he applied for that role while making 'Flight of the Phoenix'.
Due to the fact that there's only one box, Hugh gets 6ft3.
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Aug/18
I found a picture of Hugh's late father on the internet! He was a doctor, just like Hugh's Dr House, which I found out back at the time the excellent series 'House' started, so the subject can't have been that alien to Mr Laurie Junior. What I didn't know until today though was that Hugh looks exactly like his Dad, which I found very sweet indeed! I reckon he must have inherited his height as well!
Today, Hugh can have 6ft2.5.❤️
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 14/Aug/18
weak 189cm when younger. More 188 now.
Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 6/Aug/18
Looks like a solid 6'2 man on House. I personally think he was more 189cm when younger, He's always looked very tall to me!
MAD SAM said on 1/Jul/18
More like 189.5 cm at 6’2.625” or 5/8 of inch
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/May/18
Tall Sam, I think there's a chance he was that mark at his peak.
Tall Sam said on 25/Apr/18
Thought he could pass for 6'2.5" in that video posted of him with Fry and John Cleese, definitely the shortest of the three but not by more than a couple inches.
Caroline Pinto Torres said on 22/Apr/18
was 6'3 in 90s
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Mar/18
Rob, could he be dipping into the 187cm zone at this point or are you convinced he still holds a decent 188cm today?

Editor Rob
There's a chance he could be dipping shy of it soon.
CIMD said on 27/Feb/18
Looks like a decent 6'2". What do you think his head length is Rob?

Editor Rob
Between 9.5-10 range.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Feb/18
Could look a decent 189cm in the 80's and 90's w/h Fry
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Dec/17
Congratulations to Hugh Laurie for receiving his much-deserved CBE!
I've always rated him as an actor and loved him as a person, so I feel a real buzz that he's been honoured in this way. "Hoorah!" as he would have said in 'Blackadder'!
I wish him the happiest of New Years!
Dingus said on 29/Dec/17
Over 6'02"
Duffer 5ft 11 said on 30/Nov/17
Wow, it's uncanny how Hugh and Ted Danson look almost identical in proportion to one another. 189 peak, I would say, and around 187-188 nowadays. I'll cast my vote at 6'2 current height.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Sep/17
Still pulls this off now
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Sep/17
@ Nik - Ah! Great! You've popped over to this page now which is extremely convenient because I was looking for you to answer a comment you left me on another page. It was in reply to my reaction to a guy who calls himself 'Fart Explosion'!
The celebrity whose page it was on I have never heard of in my whole life, hence my difficulty tracking down your reply. So I have decided to do it here instead.
First of all, can you imagine how much I laughed when I found that you also went along to pay your respects to that amazing name? Somehow I thought you might! Percentage-wise, I would have said "There's a 90% chance that I find Nik here! It's a just a matter of who gets there first!"
Well, it was me! The Concert Party was still in full swing, so I hope you enjoyed it!
Then there was another little thing I had to mention, and that was that I noticed you left me a comment on Hitler's page regarding the varieties of 'Correction Time' headings I come out with, to which I say, "You can't beat a bit of variety!" Notice no spices of life or otherwise were used in my reply!
To say we are beginning to pick up on each other's senses of humour would be an understatement! 😊😆
Nik said on 10/Sep/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi again!
I have a comment for you on Persia White's page!
Nik said on 10/Sep/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
Have you had a good weekend mate?
It looks like it's another mistake alert (vous) this time!
I am sure Hugh will accept your apologies Sandy!
Take care!
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Sep/17
😠 Ball Bag Alert! 😠 (Moi!)
Well, come on folks! Who mucks up on a university graduate's page if (s)he isn't one?
That should have been EXCESS, and not access, when I referred to Hugh's friend Stephen Fry!
(6th line down of my comment dated 8th September!)
Please accept my humble apologies Hugh, preferably pronounced in the same accent as that of 'Evil Prince Ludwig' from the final episode of 'Blackadder II'!
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Sep/17
I would disagree in no uncertain terms with you Ali, in the friendliest way possible, of course! Hugh looks at the very least 6ft2. He can look Stephen Fry straight in the face, and Stephen's in access of 6ft4!
I am going for 6ft2.5. In his younger days, Hugh was nearer 6ft3!
Ali said on 5/Sep/17
6'2 is too much for him. 186cm I think.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Aug/17
He really did pass for 6ft3 in the 80's-90's.
sumdude said on 3/Aug/17
Towers the 178-181cm Rowan Atkinson in Blackadder by atleast 8-10cm. Very solid 188-189cm man. Age has catched up to him big time though. Grey hair, huge dark spots under his eyes, wrinkly skin. :/ time gets to us all. Might drop .5cm-1cm in the coming years.
JD said on 28/Jul/17
I would not be a bit surprised if he squeaked up to 6'3 at his tallest. He's looked tall in every setting I've seen him, even when he's completely slouched over. I'd guess 6'2.5, the last I saw him. Fry is a house though.
Duffer 5ft 11 said on 24/Jul/17
Looks a good 3" taller than the 5'11 "Blackadder" so yeah 6'2 seems correct.
Richardspain said on 29/Apr/17
He looks only strong 186cm no more
Dejavu said on 25/Mar/17
He still look 6'2 with Tom Hiddleston. He has the edge on him
Adijos said on 19/Mar/17
Peak 6'2.75" and today 6'2".
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Mar/17
I did compare Hugh and Tom in 'The Night Manager' myself, and if I had to place a bet on one being taller than the other, my money would be on Hugh!
At times, he did actually look a bit bigger in the height department!
anon2099 said on 13/Mar/17
6'2". Him and Tom look dead even in Night Manager. Hiddleston is also a solid 6'2 in my opinion.
187189 said on 2/Mar/17
6'2.25" peak
6'1.75" today
Rz said on 9/Jan/17
House M.D. Cast photoshoot. Even with a bad (intentional) posture he looks really tall.
Click Here
berta said on 7/Dec/16
rob doesnt he need a peak height of 6 foot 2,5 and now 6 foot 2 flat. he looked taller 10 years ago i think he and tom hiddlestone looks pretty muth the same height dont they?

Editor Rob
I think a fraction over 6ft 2 and probably 6ft 2 at most today. I think generally if it looks a good half inch lost I'd change it.
184-182 said on 24/Nov/16
I'd say 6'2.5". He could've dropped a quarter inch so maybe 6'2.25" today. Probably exactly 189cm then.
S.J.H said on 9/Nov/16
6'2.25 peak and 6'2 nowadays
Sarah said on 31/Oct/16
A bit over 6'2" now
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Oct/16
I would have guessed Hugh Laurie's height to be 6ft3 at the start of his career. I started seriously liking him when one Summer, that of 2005, I had access to all the Blackadders from the second series through to the forth. I loved the German accent Hugh put on to play 'Evil Prince Ludwig' in the final Blackadder II episode and he was there with his normal voice for series III and IV.
That same Autumn, Laurie was to be seen in American series 'House', playing the title role brilliantly! I couldn't get over the difference in his performances, from comedy to serious. I am sure that his ability to effect so many accents, including a very sexy American one, was what triggered off in me a fascination in when an actor can convincingly pull off an accent other than his own!
Not surprisingly, I have accumulated a vast collection of his work, including Fry and Laurie.
Even now, Hugh is still very tall, I'd say 6ft2.5 as seen in the 'Night Manager'.
I would love to see him get back into comedy, but I'll be interested in anything he does!
berta said on 9/Sep/16
you can clearly see on his back that he is starting to loose heigt. I would say peak was 189 and and now he is beetween 187-88 probebly 188 still but 1 cm shorter than peak.
grizz said on 8/Sep/16
6'2.25 peak, 6'2 now. Tom and Hugh look the same because they are the same height;IMO, Tom is a full 6'2 rather than 6'1.75
Brandon said on 15/Aug/16
6'2.25" peak
6'1.75" today
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Jun/16
I saw a bit of The Night Manager and Hugh still looks a bit taller than Tom.
gian92 said on 23/May/16
for me peak max 6'1,5 feet for me , now 6'1
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/May/16
Rob, who do you think is taller Laurie or Hiddleston?

Editor Rob
certainly a Hugh of 10 years ago looked a strong 6ft 2, now today they might be very close, within a fraction.
Sean73 said on 20/Apr/16
I thought Tom Hiddleston had .75" on him tonight on The Night Manager. But at certain angles they looked the same. Can't really tell from the show.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Apr/16
Looks spot on, really
Derek said on 15/Mar/16
Seemed taller than most people in House M.D. I'd say 6'2" is correct, and I don't think he's lost height either.
Halb said on 8/Mar/16
Hugh looked the same, or shorter than Tom Hiddleson in the Night Manager.
richie said on 23/Feb/16
Hugh Laurie is 6'2", Stephen Fry always had a good 2 inches on him at 6'4"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Jan/16
6ft3 out of bed, Rob?
Lorne??? said on 9/Jan/16
Plus, Stephen Fry is clearly over flat, like a solid 194, yet Laurie refers to himself as 6'2 and Fry as "6'4". So if he's rounding Fry down a half inch(195 peak wouldn't at all surprise me for Stephen Fry) means dropping a quarter inch himself would make sense, in context. 188.5-189 for Laurie, 194-195 Fry, makes sense.
This 2.25 listing is perfect for him, he clearly isn't a guy worried about height, he took his shoes off w/ Fry, just to exaggerate the height difference(which explains a lot). Likely has measured between the marks at some point, which explains the 191cm CV listing, they probably rounded up 0.5-.75in.
On an unrelated note: A new year, another downgrade for Arnie ;)
my name is shane said on 29/Dec/15
He looks like he is 6 feet 3 inches.
Lorne??? said on 22/Dec/15
Thanks. Merry Christmas, my friend. May you get a brand new bieber boardin your stocking this year. :)
Lorne??? said on 18/Dec/15
Blackadder was 30 years ago... Rob, would you consider 6ft2.25 as a compromise? This guy wore converse and vans all the time on House, and with the limp, his posture often wasn't great, yet he still was towering, especially in full body shots. Standing straight, he looked a very legit 189cm in early episodes, especially.
I myself have said in previous comments more than once that 6ft2.25(like 188.5-189cm range) might be closer, but a flat 188, I just don't see it...
Take a look yourself, this guy was taller than the Hugh Jackmans of the world, an certainly not less than a guy like
Ben Affleck!
Today, I think he's lost a touch of height, but a weak 189cm peak.
So, would you consider 6ft2.25???

Editor Rob
is he a guy who is a little over 6ft 2 and drops the fraction...a 1/4 inch over like a lance reddick is quite possible.
Andrea said on 2/Nov/15
So, he basically says he's 6'2, Rob? This is certainly a fairer listing, never looked over 6'2 to me!
Reading he old comments, you said that Grunberg looked an inch smaller than him and Grunberg himself isn't even 6'1...

Editor Rob
having met one of his old blackadder co-stars I thought 6ft 2 flat made more sense.
cole said on 12/Feb/15
TeddyWestside says on 23/Jan/12
Looks like 4cm on Zach Braff, whos 181cm max
Click Here
Standing tall he looks 8 cm taller.
cole said on 16/Dec/14
Looking 6'2 flat a lot lately, but for sure 6'2.5 in his prime.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Oct/14
Craig Ferguson is 6ft1 today
Jesse Stone said on 30/Jul/14
He looks 6'3 with 6'2 Craig Ferguson.
Bard said on 10/May/14
Minimum 6'2.
maxi said on 31/Jan/14
If ever there is a film abt harry hole, the Jo nesbit book character, it should be Hugh Laurie who plays him. Hugh is the perfect actor for this part, tall, gaunt and sharp.
avi said on 6/Jan/14
6'2 is probably closer and can look almost 3 inches shorter than Fry but probably 2 .5
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Dec/13
"Hugh Laurie height: 6ft 2.25in (188.52cm)"
Lenad said on 14/Dec/13
I doubt he's taller than this
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Sep/13
Rob, is 6ft2 on the nose maybe a better shout for Hugh?
Even in his Blackadder days he looked considerably shorter than Fry.
richie said on 9/Sep/13
E said on 7/Sep/13
6ft 2.5 is spot on, recall Stephen Fry mentioning Hugh Laurie's height from somewhere.
Chaz said on 6/Sep/13
he was 6'2.5'' peak, on TFI Friday in the mid 1990s Chris Evens ask him he's height saying my God you are tall are you 6'4'' he's said No I am 6'2.5'' he may have lost height now.
Tom said on 24/Aug/13
Editor Rob, I personally think he maybe about a single centimeter taller than Jonathan Ross.
cole said on 29/Jul/13
I think he could look 6'2 flat or close to it next to Idris Elba. Rob is 6'2.25 perhaps better?

Editor Rob
not impossible
cole said on 16/Jun/13
In early seasons of House he looked a solid 6'2.5, in 2013 he's probably dropped half an inch.
Cumshooter said on 31/Mar/13
In the scene where he jumps from the balcony he looks huge, he's 190cm minimum
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 14/Feb/13
He's tall. 187cm.
Halb said on 17/Jan/13
Just seen an old advert of him and Stephen. Looks a lot shorter, maybe 3 inches than Stephen.
Balrog said on 9/Jan/13
Still 6'2'' range for Laurie. In House even with his cane he looked solid tall, at his prime I'm sure he was near 6'3''.
Tom said on 8/Dec/12
He is probabley 6'2'' without his shoes on. He must be 2 or 3 inches shorter than Stephen Fry who's listed at 194cm, he also only looks an inch taller than the director Greg Yaitanes who's 185cm.
James said on 18/Nov/12
189-190cm seems right. Would probably measure taller than 6'3 out of bed.
Lisa said on 16/Sep/12
He's tall and lanky... About 6'2"-6'2.5".
BigT said on 26/Jul/12
187-188 cm, no more.
Chris said on 7/Feb/12
Hugh Laurie: 6'2.5, at his prime probably reach 190 cms.
Robert Sean Leonard: 5'11.5 - 5'11.75 Weak 6 footer.
Omar Epps: 5'10. Could be 5'10.25, solid 178 cms for sure.
Jesse Spencer: 5'9.25. Almost an inch shorter than Epps and barely an inch taller than Odette Annable Yustman.
Paul Jacobson (Taub): 5'5 - 5'5.5. He looks almost same height that Jennifer Morrison who is a legit 5'5.25 woman.
Odette Annable: 5'8 - 5'8.5 range.
TeddyWestside said on 23/Jan/12
Looks like 4cm on Zach Braff, whos 181cm max
Click Here
Silent d said on 15/Jan/12
How tall is jesse spencer? He always looked 5 foot 9 to me but next to odette anable he is about the same height maybe a little taller. 189cm easy. He looked 189cm next to craig ferguson who claims to be 188cm but is actually 186cm.
Chris said on 30/Dec/11
He looks like a "strong" tall guy (6'2-6'3 range) my guess is 6'2.75 (190 cms) because he looks closer to 6'3 than 6'2.
Mr. R said on 9/Dec/11
Robert Sean Leonard is just over six feet. I saw him the other night at the House cast event. Omar is much shorter..btwn 5-8 and 5-9.
Mr. R said on 8/Dec/11
I saw Hugh the other night in Hwood, and this height is peefect.
Silent d said on 7/Dec/11
He is so tall. He is much taller than omar epps who claims to be 180cm and robert sean leonard who claims to be 6 foot. He looks so tall. 189cm is right on. Bad posture.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 13/Nov/11
Next to Conan O'Brien he looks 6'2 tops!
LAN Jiao said on 23/Oct/11
6'2 on the spot!
LUCOSO said on 14/Sep/11
look even taller maybe 191
Mr. Tempus said on 10/Sep/11
wow and i thought he was a solid 6'0...
James said on 18/Aug/11
weird how he looked 187cm with Jonathan Ross yet with 194cm Stephen Fry he looks 189-190cm like landing on 6'3 in this photo
Click Here
Mathew said on 13/Aug/11
I'd go with 6'2.25". Between 6'2" and 6'3" but I think he's a little closer to 6'2" than he is 6'3".
Jacob said on 31/Jul/11
Has never looked taller than 6'2" in House, but that's probably because of the cane and slouching posture. I could see a 6'2,5" man in him, especially upon watching Blackadder.
Nils said on 15/Jul/11
6'1.5 in relaxed posture
James said on 22/Jun/11
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 16/Jun/11
Actually I think he is 6ft2.5
Maybe..... but then again he was only slightly taller than johnathan ross so 188cm might be closer.
Mohammed said on 21/Jun/11
Doesn't really look 6'2.25 next to others though.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Jun/11
Actually I think he is 6ft2.5
James said on 8/Jun/11
yeah he does look a legit 6'2 guy but he was barely taller than jonathan ross.
HUJJ said on 1/Jun/11
188cm seems about right
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/May/11
With the cane on House he looks 186-187cm
James said on 2/May/11
looks 6'0 or 6'1 with the cane on house
Johan Cruyff said on 2/May/11
Hugh Laurie's heights are:
Morning (out of bed)= 6'2.5" (1.89,2 m)
After 1,5-3 hrs= 6'2" (1.88 m)
After 5-10 hrs= 6'1.75" (1.87,2 m)
His full height is a solid 6'2.5" (1.89 m)!
Bree said on 28/Apr/11
He's 6'2 and a half.
Don't ask how I know that off the top of my head.
Jordanne said on 25/Apr/11
i always knew he was tall but the cane is sort of a throw off
James said on 24/Apr/11
Yeah he is plenty tall but at the same times he's not a big amount over 6ft.
Lenad said on 23/Apr/11
Hes always looked tall in pics and movies and tv shows. I'd say 6'2-ish. The 6'3 is an exageration but hes still plenty tall
Mike said on 19/Apr/11
I'd peg him at 6'2" exactly.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Apr/11
Did look 190cm or even 191cm next to Keanu Reeves in Street Kings
Godred said on 18/Apr/11
6`2 and thick as a whale omelette.
James said on 27/Mar/11
Well it has been mentioned that stephen fry made him look 6'1.
With 184-185cm jonathan ross barely looks taller
Click Here
avi said on 19/Mar/11
Legit 6'2. Not sure if he is anymore than this....
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Jan/11
Solid 6"2 but no taller
ANDREA [ITA] said on 11/Jan/11
Ibrahimovic claimed to be 1.95 metres! and i believe it! He's huge. I think he's one of the tallest footballers! Hugh Laurie was 5-6 cms shorter than him so i think he's 1.89-1.90!
krazy krippled! said on 1/Jan/11
For some strange reason action stars would be shorter than you'd think, while the comedians'd be much taller, maybe the confidence factor is what makes funny guys be that funny...
Ali said on 22/Dec/10
Definitely a tall guy. I estimate 6'1.
rob89 said on 14/Dec/10
Legit 6'1.5 - 6'2 guy. He had 2-3 inches on 5'11 - 6' Zach Braff, but was also at least 2" shorter than ~6'4 Zlatan Ibrahimovic (listed everywhere between 6'3 - 6'5, so i'll give him 6'4).
Bon said on 4/Dec/10
6'1.75 is closer to the truth I think
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Dec/10
Fry is 6"4(193cm)
Laurie is 6"2(188cm)
Anonymous said on 25/Nov/10
He's 2.5 inches shorter than fry in a side by side shot on 'fry and laurie reuinited'. Laurie's posture is slightly worse though
jaxon said on 11/Nov/10
i saw him in urth cafe in los angeles
im 6'3 and he was shorter than me
Anonymous said on 2/Jul/09
Click HereOn this picture, Spencer isn't more as 10 cm shorter than Laurie. Spencer is
5 ft 10 in (178cm) tall.
Anonymous said on 2/Jul/09
Click HereOn this picture Spencer isn't more as 10 cm shorter than Laurie. Spencer is
5 ft 10 in (178cm) tall.
Anonymous said on 9/Jun/09
well he doesn't look dwarfed next to Stephen Fry, who' 6ft5 so i think it's quite accurate
Anonymous said on 6/Jun/09
on jonathan ross last night he didnt look that much taller than ross,maybe half an inch,eric cantona was on the show too,cantona is 6ft 2 and he looked to be more taller than ross than laurie did and cantona was in a flat pair of nikes
Lenad said on 4/Jun/09
I doubt hes taller than what Rob lists him.
Josh.J said on 22/Apr/09
he's not a 6'3 guy for sure. with conan o'brien in the emmy sketch, he stand face to face and conan has around 2 inches on laurie. in house, with david morse who plays detective tritter he also comes short by a couple of inches. i'd say he's bang on 6'2
Paddy said on 4/Apr/09
Doug? 5'9''. Are you being stupid now? Dude... he's towering over any of his co-stars. In 1 episode there was a guy taller than him, a patient... Hugh Laurie is around 6'3''.
Doug said on 12/Feb/09
WOW admittedly I never noticed Laurie was tall. I thought he was like 5'9" lol, He reminds me a bit of
Mel Gibson in build and face shape, just never realised he was a LOT taller!!.
Anonymous said on 8/Feb/09
I've seen Laurie on a commercial with soccer player Ibrahimovic, who's 6'3.5 and the most he could have on Laurie is one inch.
runt said on 7/Feb/09
Nike Shox (or some other brand with the same design) are part of his standard wardrobe on 'House' so he could have a half inch footwear advantage on every cast member.
Anonymous said on 4/Feb/09
I don't know but I think he looks 6'2.5. If he's flat 6'2" then we have to downgrade almost everyone listed on celebheights
Anonymous said on 1/Feb/09
One of the few celebrity that looks really his declared height. No way he's shorter than 6'2.5
Donatello said on 30/Jan/09
dmeyer says on 26/Jul/08
might have lost 1 cm but he dosnt look under 6 ft 2.5
Get a grip people the guy isn't even 50 yet, he hasn't shrunk at all. Hes pushing 6'3", definately not under 6'2". He looks to have lost height because of his posture in House. He doesn't actually walk around like that in real life.
Hugh said on 6/Jan/09
I thought he was about my height. I could be wrong.
Hugh said on 14/Dec/08
Okay maybe not the full 6ft3. 6ft2.75. He probably will shrink a fair bit unless he sorts out his posture.
Anonymous said on 3/Dec/08
It's Charlie. As to his wife, she does look tiny compared to Hugh. I'd say she around 5', maybe 5'1''.
Tracey said on 28/Nov/08
I asked on 16 May how tall his wife is, as she appears short compared to Hugh. Nobody has answered yet. Just curious. Also, someone metioned that his son was 5'8" or 5'10" - which son is this, Charlie or Bill?
Hugh said on 12/Nov/08
Laurie is like Hugh Jackman. He always downplays is height. On house his posture is bad possibly due the character. But standing straight I'd say 191cm.
Me said on 5/Nov/08
He doesn't look that tall on HOUSE, but I think that is mainly because the women on the show always wear real killer heals. Plus he appears to be slouching quite a lot.
He's described himself once as "perceived to be slightly taller in person than one expects". I think he's at least 189 - 190 cm.
Hugh said on 4/Nov/08
Never looks shorter than 6ft2. Really, Laurie couldn't give a crap about his height 'I dunno 6-2 or something like that'. 6ft2.5 is correct.
anonymous said on 21/Oct/08
In a movie omar epps was taller than 177cm tyra banks. I think it was love and basketball. In house he's at least 10 cm shorter than hugh laurie. In street kings he was maybe an inch or two taller than keanu reeves. In stuart little he was taller than 180cm geena davis. I would say he's 188 to 190 no shorter.
Anonymous said on 14/Oct/08
Thanks Luis, I thought Hugh's son was around 5'10''. And his son's name isn't Rob, I was actually asking the owner of this site the question about Hugh's son's height, that's why it says Rob.
As for Hugh's height, he seems 6'3'' to me.
luis said on 10/Oct/08
his son rob looks about 5'8
anonymous said on 21/Sep/08
Here is a group photo of all the house cast-members barefoot:
Click Here(although its hard to tell if epps, leonard, or laurie are wearing shoes, although i think wilson and laurie are just in socks (or slippers)).
Ange said on 14/Sep/08
Whoa! I had him pegged as a 5'10 man. How tall are Cuddy and Wilson?
Anonymous said on 27/Aug/08
I am really curious, how tall do you think his son is Rob? Thanks in advance!
Click Here
dodo said on 17/Aug/08
188 or 189, that doesn't matter...
dmeyer said on 26/Jul/08
might have lost 1 cm but he dosnt look under 6 ft 2.5
SHREI LUY said on 14/Jul/08
hi all. i think he's 188 cm! here
Click Here you can see him with footballer ibrahimovic who is 192 cm and i think he's like 187, 188 cm...
Anonymous said on 5/Jun/08
he is a solid 6'2 guy
dmeyer said on 28/May/08
he give a towering impresion so just about 6 ft 3
dmeyer said on 28/May/08
to me he looks 190 cm on house since he was just a bit shorter than 194 195 mcbride
Tracey said on 16/May/08
How tall is his wife? On photos she looks tiny next to him.
Hugh said on 4/May/08
He's my height. I met him in L.A on the set of House. Nice Guy.
Anonymous KinG said on 14/Apr/08
Beside 6ft Geena Davis he apear a solid 6ft3 to me.. He could be a 6ft2.75 barely.. Looks no shorter than 189cm..
Ray said on 8/Apr/08
Its strange though cos on Jeeves and Wooster all the male characters (Bertie's mates) seem all around the same height and some were a little taller. 6'2.5" might be too much for Laurie. He could very well be but I'm putting a question mark beside it.
C. said on 4/Mar/08
He looks somewhere around the 6'2"-3" mark. He doesn't seem like he'd lie. Most likely he'd cut off an inch or so more than anything.
God is dead said on 3/Feb/08
He looks really 6"3 to me
Anonymous said on 12/Jan/08
he does look taller than 6'2.5
Anonymous said on 17/Dec/07
he doesnt look much shorter than stephen fry. he looks closer to 6'3
Sara said on 25/Nov/07
He looks just as you posted..6.25
Jim said on 1/Oct/07
Saw a documentary about Fry on BBC, he don't look too much smaller than Stephen Fry who is a tall guy so 6ft2, 6ft 3 seems about right.
qwerty said on 23/Sep/07
I think he's 6'2", just like he says he is. No taller than that.
link said on 4/Sep/07
House MD, when hes breaking into cuddys house, and he bets his 2 juniors he can open her door in less than 20 seconds, LOOK AT THE DOOR
that door is 6'3" if hes 6'2.5", he is literally right on the edge of its frame.
I always thought hugh was around the 6'4" mark(he never stated it, i just thought he looked it), but 6'3" i can accept
HLAddict said on 2/Sep/07
I can barely tell a foot from an inch, but Hugh said several times in past interviews that he and Stephen thought it's visually boring to see two people roughly the same height, so in order to accentuate their height difference he would do scenes without wearing shoes or crouch down a bit, which is probably why he seems shorter than Stephen than he actually is. I think he is 6"2.5 and Stephen is 6"4.5.
Sarah said on 27/Aug/07
I didn't know he was THAT tall, but.. sweet =D
kinda tall said on 18/Aug/07
Wow. I never thought he was this tall. I only know him from House, so I thought he was much shorter.
Franco said on 5/Jul/07
i'm surprised this thread isnt updated or no one is visiting debating Hugh laurie.
he's 6'2 flat , 6'3 with shoes.
L said on 12/Oct/06
Hugh is definitely close to 6'3" I've talked to him several times. He does tend to slump his shoulders at times, and he's also self-deprecating. He will never say he's more when he can say he's less. If you know what I mean.