Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Apr/22
I noticed that Tom directed tonight’s episode of ‘Tales From the Darkside’.
It’s entitled ‘Inside the Closet’ and sounds kind of haunting. A young lady has complained that there’s a rat 🐀 in her room. I think it might be something a touch more sinister. 😳
Jkiller said on 7/Oct/20
5'6.5 is right on
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Jan/19
W/ 6'6" Baron Corbin...
Click Here
Dan Trojan said on 27/Oct/18
Just met him today I'm 5'6" and he had a good inch on me for sure I'd say 5'7"
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Sep/18
Oh no! Tom has come up as a random Celeb and I can't help but feel that 'From Dusk Till Dawn' is due another watch!
He's really funny in that and it makes me feel the need to check out his other films.
His special effects? Simply marvellous!
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Aug/18
"What's your name?" Tom's character says to Juliette Lewis's in 'From Dusk Till Dawn'! "Kate!" she replies. Then he amicably adds "Sex Machine - pleased to meet you!"
This never fails to tickle me, as does where his gun is positioned!
I bet it was a real gas to meet him too, Rob! Tom gets 5ft6.5, though in the aforementioned film, he looks rather taller!
RichardSpain said on 4/Aug/17
I see a solid 170cm when he was young
And now 169 cm
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Nov/16
I just saw Tom's picture and I thought, "I know who that is! It's 'Sex Machine' from 'From Dusk Till Dawn'" and sure enough, I was right!
How interesting to see that he's only 5ft6.5; he makes up for the 3 or so inches more I expected him to be by being so well built!
I read through some of the info and the comments to find out anew that he fought in Vietnam and also that he's a special effects expert!
I can never say that I don't learn plenty of new facts while visiting celebheights.com!
Adamz said on 18/Jul/14
A bit diminutive compared to Rob's solid 173.
johnnyfive said on 10/Sep/12
Another super badass just like my idol Danny Trejo who I thought was taller. I thought he was at least 5'8 or 5'9. Probably a lift-wearer but who cares he's still a super cool badass who I would not wanna cross and i'm half a foot taller than him!
JJ said on 27/Aug/12
Italian or not he's still a munchkin. Albeit a very well built munchkin!
Shaun said on 16/Dec/11
This guy looks like the linchpin of a gang of mafia or Mexican rebels or something. Looks real hard despite his lack of height.
Rikashiku said on 22/Nov/11
He's shorter than I thought he'd be. Like someone said below, I also thought he was about 5'10" or 6'1".
Danimal said on 17/Jun/11
abbeykroeter says on 19/Dec/10
Savini is Italian I believe, and though not very tall would probably knock the tar out of most people if he felt like it. Ever see his build? ever see him move? Watch "from dusk til dawn", He obviously is not a pampered, fragile, movie industry wimp. This guy works for a living and looks rugged.
Also served in Vietnam.
biggie said on 22/Apr/11
the master of gore sfx .. I love his performance in Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Aaron said on 7/Apr/11
Wow, watching Machete I never would have guessed he's so small. My guess was 5'10"-6'1". He's big for a 5'6" guy I guess, but abbey, he's no prize fighter. He'd get his teeth knocked in by the your average 6-footer; they'd be punching him from the next block.
Will said on 16/Mar/11
Yes, abbeykroeter, Savini is an Italian surname.
Will said on 16/Mar/11
Savini is 5'6 1/4" tall.
abbeykroeter said on 19/Dec/10
Savini is Italian I believe, and though not very tall would probably knock the tar out of most people if he felt like it. Ever see his build? ever see him move? Watch "from dusk til dawn", He obviously is not a pampered, fragile, movie industry wimp. This guy works for a living and looks rugged.
Mathew said on 21/Jun/09
looks 5'6 range
Michael said on 21/Jun/09
He looks barely shorter than Rob. I don't see a 2 inch difference there. Although Tom's hair might be a bit poofy, making him appear just slightly taller than if he were bald. He could have been 5'7" in his earlier days, but I doubt he's any shorter than 5'6". That's just wishful thinking. Hopefully I'll meet him at a horror convention sometime and then I'll be sure. I hover around 5'5" to 5'5.5", so I'll notice it if he's a bit taller. He could have shrunk in his older age.

Editor Rob
look at him with hair tied back
Here...and then look at how thick it is in that photo...
Donatello said on 22/Mar/09
I'm not sure what kind of shoes he has on but hes looking 5'7"-5'7.25" here.
Ruk said on 22/Oct/08
That looks like a wax model.
Zoe said on 22/Oct/08
Hmm if Savini is roughly 5'6" 1/2, from the pic Shawn Jones has posted, Kevin Zegers is somewhere between 5'5" or 5'6". No way he is 5'9".
TNTinCA said on 2/Jan/08
I didn't think he was that short either. Must have had on some good sized boots during From Dusk Til Dawn.
ACG said on 1/Jan/08
wow, I never imagined kevin to be so....short.
glenn said on 31/Dec/07
yes,that mightve been his biggest in some ways.and alot of bad d movies.
Shawn Jones said on 31/Dec/07
He's 5'6? Then there is no way Kevin Zegers is the 5'9" he claims. I even have my doubts on 5'8" based on this picture that Rob showed on Kevin's page.
Click Here
Editor Rob
oh, I remember mamun had a future pic with Mr Zegers, he could be little shorter than current.
Danimal said on 31/Dec/07
We can't forget the classic Creepshow!!
glenn said on 31/Dec/07
got this 20 years ago.5-6, 5-6.5.martin was his first bigger role i think.then dawn of the dead.stunts on friday the 13th.
Viper said on 31/Dec/07
This guy is awesome. Hes a part time actor as well.
Danimal said on 30/Dec/07
Rob, why no mention of this guys fantastic contribution to horror movie's special effects and make-up artist? He is considered one of the best!

Editor Rob
just never added that yet, should though...he's done loads fx
RICHARD said on 5/Nov/06
Mr. T said on 1/Nov/06
Seen him listed at 5'7", which was probably right 30 years ago.
Glenn said on 1/Nov/06
I agree Leanari.even 5-5.5,5-5.75.
Glenn said on 1/Nov/06
5-10? 5-6 more like it.
leonari said on 1/Nov/06
No taller than 5'6" . I say even below. They use great tricks to make him look tall on screen. And his face is so intimidating that you imagine him being tall...