6'3.5" Leprechaun said on 22/Nov/24
The twins might be 5'2".
JohnMoore-162cm said on 24/Apr/20
She looks 5ft4 1/2"
Nik Ashton said on 2/Feb/20
@ Rob - Is Electra nearer the camera than you?
@ SMART BERRY - I like your name!

Editor Rob
She is a bit closer yeah, with a threesome photo it's tricky, sometimes that's why for mine and Jenny I'd position myself first trying to get side by side with a celeb, then Jenny would go to the other side and the majority of the time she was nearer the camera.
You can get away with that more with a smaller head.
SMART BERRY said on 2/Feb/19
She’s the prettier sister, I would say 164 cm
Chris said on 9/Feb/15
I dont think there twins i think they just look very very similar to each other
JK said on 25/Jan/13
they look like twins...are they?

Editor Rob
dav said on 25/May/08
i met him, im 5 8 and he was the same height as me
glenn said on 29/Feb/08
i change my mind on gallo.he is 5-10.
El_arabe said on 28/Feb/08
See "unveiling of a statue in memory of Johnny Ramone at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery", he is clearly lower than 5`9sh Vincent Gallo, 5
UNK said on 27/Feb/08
You can't judge by live videos - musicians always appear taller when they are on stage. RHCP has a "larger than life" persona about them, but the reality is, besides Chad, they are smaller than average in height and weight.
glenn said on 26/Feb/08
i dont know leung.he couldve been 5-9ish once.5-8 now.or 5-10 once and 5-9 now and his posture was horrendous in pic.he looked 5-8 though in the flesh.i have some vintage pics from 1990 where im in them and im not,of the rhcps,that i think i can find.but then its a matter of time to post.
glenn said on 24/Feb/08
exactly joe.
joe said on 24/Feb/08
FINALLY!! i agree with glenn, i swear he looks at least 5'10 in some of the older live videos. his strat looks smaller on him during those days than it does now (at the same angle)
glenn said on 21/Feb/08
its called poor health bryan. unk-i agree for the most part,but as others here saw,there was a few times where he looked 5-10.
Bryan said on 21/Feb/08
Just curious as to what the science is behind this 'height loss due to drug use' theory is.
UNK said on 20/Feb/08
John was never taller than 5'9", if he was even that. There is a ton of footage of him in the Funky Monks era (91-92) next to flea, he never looked more than 2" maybe 2.5" taller... flea is barely 5'6".
Also, John has never looked taller than Anthony in candids. I have no idea where these 5'10" comments are coming from.
There is no way John cares about is height and wouldn't wear lifts because of it, but he is a fan of whacky clothes and shoes... I could see how he may have looked tall, being so thin and ripped, with a pair of funky boots on or something.. other than that he has never looked taller than 5'8".
Sal said on 19/Feb/08
My favorite guitarist of all time
Leung said on 19/Feb/08
Yeah it does look like he has shrunk but I doubt he has shrunk from 5
glenn said on 19/Feb/08
i believe you miles smiles.i first met them in 1990.he did seem shorter than 5-10.but i agree in pics he did look 5-10.
miles smiles said on 18/Feb/08
So weird, Glenn. I stood next to him back in the Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic days, and he looked a strong 5-10. No joke. This was pre-hardcore druggy years, but did he really lose close to 2 inches?
glenn said on 18/Feb/08
thanks david.
david said on 17/Feb/08
good job glenn for taking the photo looks like 5 8
glenn said on 13/Feb/08
i have friends that are on the inside that told me he was taller once,and that other drug users they knew shrunk a bit too.
Leung said on 13/Feb/08
I also thought that Frusciante was about 5'10". In many RHCP group photos he is taller than Kiedas. Maybe there's something to glenn's drug use theory, Frusciante was such a heavy user that a lot of his teeth fell out.
glenn said on 12/Feb/08
he can look 5-10 pics with other people.i had a theory drug use made him shrink a bit.i didnt see flea or kiedas this time.havent seen kiedas in 6 years.i saw flea a few times in the summer/fall.didnt really ask him for photo.i have these guys countless times over 18 years.
msn87 said on 12/Feb/08
5'8 tops... I'd say 170-171 cm is spot on.
Anonymous said on 12/Feb/08
I've always thought he was in the 5'9 range. Excellent pic Glenn. You actually look a little taller than him in this picture.
Markus said on 12/Feb/08
He looks taller when he's alone in a picture. (without comparison with other people) then I would have guessed him 5-10 / 5-11.
But you can tell when he's playing he's smaller than that, his Fender Strat guitar looks pretty big on him!
Nice pic Glenn! Did you get Flea as well ?
Teh Pwn said on 12/Feb/08
Sorry i've always thought that guy on the left is called Glenn?

Editor Rob
he had a 2 hour name change to Rob there!