How tall is Tom Hanks - Page 5

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Average Guess (206 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 0.05in (183cm)
Current: 5ft 11.36in (181.2cm)
dmeyer said on 19/Sep/06
i guess celebs are 1 to 2 cm smallert han i thaught
dmeyer said on 19/Sep/06
but iin the morning hanks is 184
dmeyer said on 19/Sep/06
on night mesurments hanks is closer to 182 possibly 183
dmeyer said on 19/Sep/06
people oftenly ask me are you 6 feet 1 in it means peple upgrade a lte round up a lot
Anonymous said on 19/Sep/06
since most of the day i am 5'11.1 so just claim 5'11 even thaugh i reach 5'11.6 or 11.7 in the morning

Editor Rob
you can see how Frank2 could also say hanks was more his range 181cm...if he's not that much more on you.
dmeyer said on 19/Sep/06
if i am 5'11 i have a lot of coment to changeabout celebs

Editor Rob
this is the problem with morning/evening, some will claim morning, others evening and some might shrink 2cm, others 1 etc.

Take a measurement about 2pm...see what you are then, it would be of interest for your estimates.
dmeyer said on 19/Sep/06
rob if i am 5'11 then hanks is not as tall as 184 he had max 2 cm on me maybe less so more 182 but 184 in morning like i am 180 at night and 182 in morning but since 182 is my morning height i can steel claim it but i will just say 5 11 because thats wath i am at night most of the time also clint was only 2 inches on me so 6 feet 1 maybe 186 sicne sometimes i am 181 at night
cendrin said on 18/Sep/06
...i got some old german autograph card and he's listed as 170cm on that... maybe he wears extreme lifts... he's taller than leo but it always looks like he's standing on a platform...
dmeyer said on 18/Sep/06
hey rob i am 5'10.78" at night and 5'11.5 to 5'11.75" in the morning on a very good day 6 feet in morning so wath does that make me

Editor Rob

My opinion is that your true height should be read about 2-3pm in the day ensuring you've not lied down prior to measurement. You can claim to be your morning height but nobody is really going to see you at that height, so whilst Christina Ricci is 'technically' 5ft 1, most of the day she's shorter.

Claiming a morning height doesn't mean you're wrong though. Heck, I let some celebs away with morning heights on here ;-)
Some people will shrink more than others aswell of course.

If I were you I wouldn't claim 5ft 11.5, but just say 5ft 11
hiroshi_ said on 13/Sep/06
no way his 184.. his 5ft11max(182)..
dmeyer said on 11/Sep/06
i met tom he looked about 183 184 range but he might wear some small lifts on ocassion since in some pics he looks 2 inches smaller than 6 feet 2 zemekis and some times similar height he might wear some small lifts to look a full 6 feet 1 inch
Josh said on 6/Sep/06
He looks 6'0 .
Jake said on 5/Sep/06
Yup, hes too short next to speilberg to be over 6'. He is probably 5'11"-ish, no more than that.
dmeyer said on 3/Aug/06
even taugh i met him a few times and he looked 183 -4range he realy looks close to reno height so either reno is only 186 or tom is 185
CoolJ said on 16/Jul/06

1st pic = s***ty Angle
2nd pic = About 7.5-8" but how about shoes??
3rd pic = Again shoes

Nothing proved. Rookies.
Anthony said on 15/Jul/06
Hanks and DiCaprio

Click Here

I say To's a strong 5'11 and is bordering on 6'.

Here he looks about 9 or 10 inches taller than Audrey Tatou, who I believe is 5'3.

Click Here

Perhaps Hanks was made to look bigger in "The Da Vinci Code"

Here's one where Tatou looks a little taller.

Click Here
shara16 said on 10/Jul/06
I guess 6'him.According to the photo with Damon.
thelasttiger said on 9/Jul/06
He looks about 4 incher taller than Spielberg. My money is on 5'11", 6' when he was younger. BTW Tom is 50 today!
Frank2 said on 13/Jun/06
Like I've repeatedly said, Hanks is about 5'11", possibly 5'11.5". But he's not 6'. Spielberg is quite short. And his official publicity claims he's 5'10"! Bottom line is don't believe anything from publicity people.
Larry said on 6/Jun/06
Rob, dmeyer - My wife tells me I under-estimate others' heights because I tend to be much taller. But, I'm not sure that's true with people closer to me in size. Also, she says I have a "big head". :-) By that I assume she means PHYSICALLY big. I figured it was about 4 1/2 inches to my mid-eye level, so I checked & it's about 5 1/2 inches (not QUITE Frankenstein-ian!). So, I guess MAYBE she has a point, but I still think I'm a decent judge of height. Won't go NEAR weight, though. But I can see where one's eye-level could affect perception. You know, most mammals judge size as: 1) height above the ground and 2) Visible width. One can't normally SEE horizontal length. Am I making sense or do my meds need adjusting??? :-) Anyway, that's why bears and apes stand UP to intimidate and crocadiles "puff" themselves up. Humans assume different postures to communicate different "messages".
Frank2 said on 5/Jun/06
But most shorter celebs try to stand as tall as possible when in public or even at a function like the Oscars or Emmys. Then the shorter guys tend to wear lifts or shoes with two inch heels. I can pinpoint someones height pretty accurately if I'm around them long enough such as with Elvis, Bruce Wills or especially Steve McQueen. When McQueen slumped he looked 5'7". Then he'd stand up straight and be almost as tall as me.
dmeyer said on 5/Jun/06
hey rob i think when you met someone you cant judge his height excatly but like within 1 inch

Editor Rob
yes, you make a good point. When people judge, it is an estimate. You'll be right lots of times, other times you might not be right - one person may naturally have a droopy posture or continually have their eyeline tilted down or even up, fooling a bit.

If you've got someone else looking at you+celeb, this is useful, as that person can offer their estimate.
Frank2 said on 5/Jun/06
Height Detective, in the fourth photo you posted, Hanks is just about as tall as I was next to Matt Damon which is why I believe Damon is no more than 5'8". Check it out. Hanks is four inches taller. Tom and I are just about the same height.

Spielberg and Hanks: Click Here

dmeyer said on 4/Jun/06
i worked with hanks like 12 days on terminal and i remeber myself describing him as 183 184 cm to friends
Height Detective said on 3/Jun/06
Hanks and Damon (register to view larger picture )Click Here
Click Here
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Click Here
Ed said on 3/Jun/06
5ft11 plus seems right for Hanks. I've never thought he was 6ftplus, I remeber when I first saw him listed at 6ft1, I knew it was B.S.He's never looked that tall on screen. It seems the acting world is filled with smaller people, and the occasional 6ftplus actor looks like a giant on screen. I've seen a decent amount of movie stars in person, mostly B rated ones, who merely shared screen time with the likes of Tom Hanks , but one thing remains clear they are all usually less impressive in person. I don't agree with Frank2 on all his comments, but he seems to be pretty knowledgable on the subject, especially since he has seen so many of these people in person. I agree Hanks is 5ft11 plus, Reno 6ft1.5 sounds good, Mckellan good be 5ft10 I suppose, I'm still wondering what that makes Viggo Mortensen and Sean Bean both who I thought were taller than 5ft10, around 5ft11 each in the LOTR movies. Maybe there all 5ft10, including Bloom.
Frank2 said on 1/Jun/06
Then I'm 6' as well.
MHouillon said on 31/May/06
Hanks is a clear 182-183 (5'11.5 - 6'0). Not 180, not 185. He was a bit shorter that 184/185 Dan Aykroyd in "Dragnet".
Gonzalo said on 29/May/06
He looks 6 feet to me at the most. But if you take a look at the pic in the Jeff Goldblum Page yo will see he looks three inches shorter than Morgan Freeman and six shorter than Goldblum. Maybe he has a bad posture in that one.
Viper652 said on 29/May/06
I actualy thought Tom looked 5-11 in Da Vinci Code.
Ed said on 28/May/06
I just saw The Davinci Code and surprisingly Hanks only looked at most an inch shorter than Jean Reno, who is listed at 6ft2 if not taller. Even more surprising is Ian Mckellan who despite playing a hunched crippled man, when he stands up straight in one scene looks to be only a little shorter than Hanks, maybe an inch. I don't know what gives! I think Hanks might be just about 6ft, with Reno 6ft1, and Mckellan 5ft10.5. Or there all taller than that. Either way movies only add to the confusion about actor's heights, because it's so hard to get an accurate estimation.
Glenn said on 26/May/06
Never saw him.
dmeyer said on 26/May/06
hey glenn did you meet tom
Glenn said on 25/May/06
He can look between 5-11 and 6-1.
dmeyer said on 25/May/06
i would like to see pics of hanks near 6'1" or 6'2" guys
dmeyer said on 24/May/06
hey rob 1 year ago you had hanks at 5'11.75"

Editor Rob
yep, but more I saw I thought he looked nearer 184
dmeyer said on 24/May/06
he is listed at 184 cm in a german website
MOF said on 23/May/06
Hanks looked in the 5'11-6ft range in Green Mile. 6'4 David Morse towered over him and Barry Pepper who I have met is about 176-177cm was about two inches smaller than Hanks. I think he's definately about 6ft, not taller.
dmeyer said on 23/May/06
the only proof i have that hanks is under 6'1" is that i met barry shabaka heinley a few times he is about 186 187 range 6'1.5" not a full 6'2" maybe at peak and in terminal hanks looks aleast 1 to 1.5" inches shorter so 6' or 6'0.5" but if he was 6'1" it means he would be about 1.5" on me 5'11.5" and he was barely 1" on me if so maybe 0.5" on me since i am near 5'11.75 so 6'0.25" should be right but in films he looks more than that at some point i thaught hanks was 6'1" then i have a friend who is 6'1.25" and hanks is aleast 1" smaller so i think hanks is 6' pushing 6'0.5" but looks taller with good posture and also rob you are very precise if you list him at 6'0.25" it means he is not mush taller or shorter i trust you
Stef said on 22/May/06
In the da vinci code movie he looks almost as tall as Jean Reno, who's at least 6'2".

My guess is not less than 6ft 0.5 in .. might be a full 6'1"
Anonymous said on 22/May/06
hey i asked you about the lifts because hanks look only 1 inch smaller than reno in davinci sivce reno is close to 6'3 then hanks in this scene look over 6'1"
dmeyer said on 19/May/06
hey rob do you think hanks could be wearing small lift on occasions because sometimes he looks aleast 6'1"

Editor Rob
a 1/2 inch lift, or good posture...hard to say. I wouldn't put it past some guys to slipe a 1cm insole, pretty inconspicous. I cannot remember if Hanks has stated a height in the past though...
dmeyer said on 19/May/06
even thaught she looks smaller than than that near hanks the diference is so big that we cant realy judge
dmeyer said on 18/May/06
even thaugh i met hanks and i think he is between 6' to 6'0.5" but on screen he looks a full 6'1"
Anonymous said on 17/May/06
tom hanks is listed either 5'11 or 6'1 so 6'0.25" is a good guess
styleforlife said on 9/May/06
It's strange because in 'Saving private Ryan' he doesn't look that much taller than Damon and he is like 5ft10?
Norwegian girl with a good guess said on 2/May/06
In the green mile Tom Hanks looks quite tall, and he also looks tall in forrest gump.. (and in you've got mail) so unless he wears special shoes all the time or something, I would say that he'd be about six feet! That would be about the average of all the heights suggested here, so I think that's the closest we'll get! Thank you!
dmeyer said on 2/May/06
i think hanks is 6'0.25" but easily looks 6'1" in pics
dmeyer said on 2/May/06
that's almost the only movie you can see me near an actor but from the pics you can see that we are close in height
dmeyer said on 1/May/06
hey rob i send to you a pic of hanks were the feet can be seen

Editor Rob
thanks, Here is fuller shot. This was captured from dvd? How many films can you - when you were in the us doing extras - be seen in?
dmeyer said on 28/Apr/06
the pic was taken from the movie it is the library scene about 1 hour after the movie started and then you can see for yourself i am the only guy standidng in lybraby so it should be easy
dmeyer said on 28/Apr/06
i would like to do extra work in france but i dont have any conections in france but i wouldlike to
dmeyer said on 28/Apr/06
i am gonna try to sed you a pics were hanks is less slauching but even when standing tall you can see we are close in height i think hanks is no less then 6' and no more than 6'0.5" so 6'0.25" is a very good guess
dmeyer said on 27/Apr/06
hey rob i just sended you a pics of me and hanks on terminal and he looked in the 6' to 6'0.5" zone this pics is just a comfirmation of you'r guess

Editor Rob

thanks dmeyer, here is Hanks slouching near Dmeyere on the terminal set. Are you back in France living now? Do you plan on doing extras work on french movies?
Jake said on 24/Apr/06
I realize the link I posted before didn't work right. Hopefully this one does. It is Hanks beside 6'3.5" Seal, looking 5'9". Hanks is 5'11" tops.
Click Here

Editor Rob
he's further away and the angle low
MOF said on 14/Apr/06
If Tom Hanks looks two inches taller than Barry Pepper than he can't be over 6 feet. I stood next to Barry Pepper in a catering tent during the filming of Flags of our Fathers last summer. I'm 5'11 now, was probably 5'10.5 last summer when I met him and he looked at least a whole inch smaller than me. 5'9.5 is more likely, perhaps even 5'9.
Jake said on 10/Apr/06
I can't see Hanks being more than 5'11". He does look 6' sometimes, but not consistantly. He also has looked as short as 5'9". I would tend to think he is 5'10" and change.

Editor Rob
had a little scene in early part of road to perdition and looked near enough similar to 6fter Ciarin Hinds
Movies Fann said on 29/Mar/06
Tom Hanks will certainly be looking taller in his latest movie "THE DA VINCI CODE" where he is paired with the petite and cute Audrey Tautou who stands around 5'3"...from the teasers and rushes, and still photos coming from production, their height differences are too big. Expect to encounter height variances on this movie as close up shots of Audrey and Tom would require her to stand on supports...
Glenn said on 22/Mar/06
Never saw him,but Amen to are right.
Frank2 said on 21/Mar/06
Tom is exactly my height which is 5'11". He's also a fatty these days. If he passed you on the street I doubt you'd recognize him.
dmeyer said on 19/Mar/06
if zemekis is 6'2" then 6'0.25" is a very good guess thats wth he looked on terminal
Jake said on 15/Mar/06
This is very strange...
Seal is 6'3.5" and makes Hanks look 5'9" (fist pic)
Steeve Martin is 5'11" and makes Hanks look 6' (second pic)
George W. Bush is 5'11" and makes Hanks look 5'11 (third pic)
Click Here

Click Here

Click Here
Frank2 said on 3/Mar/06
Steve Martin is roughly five foot eleven. I've stood next to him and talked with him and he's exactly my height. Hanks is roughly five foot eleven and wears those big s***kicker boots as well as shoes with big heels. The other day the wife and I were at Bloomingdales and I was trying on new shoes. I couldn't get over how some were built up with two inch chunky fat heels. Many of today's average-sized celebs wear them.
dmeyer said on 28/Feb/06
since martin dosnt have great posture in that pic the diferance might be not a full inch more like 2cm
classic said on 27/Feb/06
I would say he is 6ft. 6 ft.25 in seems right. Tom is about an inch taller than Steve Martin who is listed as 5'11.25.
dmeyer said on 12/Feb/06
rob do you know how tall is robert zemekis because on pics he looks 2 inches taller than hanks

Editor Rob
when he stands properly he can look 6ft 2 guy
lappers84 said on 26/Jan/06
thats interesting, i was watching green mile and he looked almost 2 inches taller than barry pepper who i'm sure is 5'10.
Jake said on 21/Jan/06
Yeah I have to agree with those who say Hanks is 5'11 at most. I would say 5'11 maximum and 5'9" minnimum. He looks about 5'9" next to 6'3.5" Seal but is probably taller than that.,tid=d.jpg
My guess would be take 1.5" off of the 6'.25" he is listed on at this site and that would be accurate. By the way, I'm not sure what you thought about the pic of Glenn and DiCaprio, but DiCaprio looked 5'10" to me. Hanks usually appears slightly taller.
westlondon said on 21/Jan/06
goxto - i LOVE the way you write! its almost poetic - quality my friend haha
Jason said on 22/Dec/05
You can mostly tell when guys are wearing lifts, though. They tend to look shorter and stumpier than they should for the height they appear ... then you look down at their footware and go ''oh''.
Gotxo said on 22/Dec/05
Raj is twisted minded guy, but has opened the cold war debate of who attacks first, if you don't they could do first, but attacking supposes a risk too.
In this occasion are shoes with raisers instead of missils though :P
J.J.F said on 22/Dec/05
Erm,... there IS some sort of perverse logic to what raj just said.
If you are pre-supposed to be fudging your height then one might assume all 6' looking men at premieres and celeb events are actually 5'10", etc. even if you ARE 6' to begin with people will assume you are smaller without the magic shoes.

Tinseltown is indeed twisted.
dmeyer said on 19/Dec/05
like i sayd in person he looks 184 cm but in pics he looks 6'1" i remember that on the terminal set he stood on his toes for a pic with cher
dmeyer said on 19/Dec/05
this is a good guess when i met him on terminal he didnt look a full 6feet 1 around 0.5 inch less than 6'1"
mcfan said on 8/Dec/05
Really, I think he is only 6 foot. I read the comments below about dragnet where some people say he was 1.5-2 inches shorter than Aykroyd. This was not the case. From what I saw, Aykroyd was a half-inch taller. Perhaps if Aykroyd stopped slouching he might be 3/4 inch taller than Hanks, but certainly no more than that.

Editor Rob
actually, I think akroyd had good posture in that film, but the difference wasn't that much yes
dmeyer said on 28/Nov/05
even though i met him a few times and he looked around 184 cm i wached the green mile and 184 cm looks right or a dtrong 183 cm
Anonymous said on 15/Oct/05
when travolta said six a lithel over 6 he means 184 185 cm i met him he looks minimum 184 cm
Anonymous said on 12/Oct/05
this is for the height gourou eliot is 6 foot 3
theheightguru said on 30/Sep/05
I think that 6'.25" is a good 'guesstimate'of his height. I saw an old episode of 'SNL' from the 90's and he looked to be this height. In fact, Steve Martin was also in that episode, and he looked to be about 2 in. taller than he. Conan O'Brien was in that episode as well, and he and Tom Hanks stood next to one another. I wonder if anyone else has seen it? FYI, Elliot Gould was also in that episode, and appeared to be taller than Tom by a few inches. Does anyone know how tall he is?
Anonymous said on 29/Sep/05
i worked on terminal 184 looks right but for sure no shorter then 6 feet i think 6.0.25 is a good guess
CelebHeights Editor said on 24/Aug/05
On 60 Minutes (Aussie version) Tom said: "Everybody says, "Oh, you're much taller than I thought you were going to be." I say, "Is everybody else that short because I'm not that tall?"
MHouillon said on 31/Jul/05
Yes, I think Rob should downgrade him, too. He's more like 182cm nowadays. Aykroyd was clearly taller in Dragnet (even without a hat). Maybe Aykroyd was 186cm at this time and Hanks was 183-184 then. Today: 182
kevin said on 10/Jul/05
ok then look at that picture

i would say more then 1 in taller.
sam said on 24/May/05
that Saving Private Ryan scene is definitely to Danson's height advantage, plus that he is more than an inch taller than Hanks. Hanks has probably always been 6'0 1/4" to 6'0 1/2" and just rounded up a bit.
Ricardo said on 26/Mar/05
I think Tom Hanks is about 5'11". He seems to be a little taller than leonardo Dicaprio, and i think leo is about 5'10 or 5'10 1/2". Tom isn't 6'0". If you want confirmation on how a 6'0" person looks, go watch x-files David might not beleive it but their is a noticiable dofferance between someone who is 6'0" and someone who is 5'11".
Mr. R said on 16/Mar/05
I am convinced that Tom Hanks is just about 6'. Leo I believe to be 5'11.5", based on the scenes in The Aviator, when he stands next to Danny Huston, whom I met and guess to be 6'1.5" Leo is about 2 inches shorter. Therefore, Leo is 5'11.5" and Tom Hanks is at least an inch taller at 6'.5".
Big Dave said on 15/Mar/05
Tom Hanks is not over 6ft, I mean lets be realistic! I think that Tom is 6ft at the very most but more like 5'11. If you watch Saving Private Ryan this is very clear. Vin Diesel is in that movie and is at least an inch taller than he is. There is also a particular scene where he is standing close to Matt Damon, which is very interesting indeed. Just watch it and you will see what I mean.
dmeyer said on 23/Feb/05
i worked on terminal durring 6 weeks and i can say than tom is about 6' or 6'1'' maybe 184 cm

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.