Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Jul/12
Dmeyer, 6ft0.25 isn't unrealistic for Hanks.
If you look at Sleepless in Seattle and Forrest Gump
he looks like a guy who could pass for 6ft1...
Dmeyer said on 24/Jul/12
Hanks CAN pull off 183-184cm in many pics , but looking at him again hé looks a haí¯r shorter than denzel who might never been over 6 ft , similar to paxton , Rob do you think 5 ft 11.75 peak is possible or 6 ft 0.25 , if you had to peak , Of course that will make Willis and DiCaprio about 5'11 flat

Editor Rob
I just think roughly six foot is reasonable for him. Is he a fraction lower today? Possibly
bodwaya said on 14/Jun/12
in apoll 13 and saving private ryan he had 2 inches on 5 foot 10 kevin bacon and 5 foot 10 matt damon. Plus he was had 1 inch on 5 foot 11 jude law in road to perdition. so hes got to be 6 foot
carnegie said on 30/Jan/12
maio says on 7/Jan/12
Tom Hanks: 5 ft 11.25 in/181 cm (PEAK), 5 ft 11 in/180 cm
Leonardo Di Caprio: 5 ft 11 in/180 cm
Bruce Willis: 5 ft 11 in/180 cm (PEAK), 5 ft 10.75 in/180 cm (TODAY)
Denzel Washington: 5 ft 11.75 in/182 cm
Colin Hanks: 6 ft 0.5 in/184 cm
yeah i can buy that
dmeyer said on 29/Jan/12
i have seen the guy enaugh to think he is over 183cm or under 181.5cm so 5 ft 11.5-6 ft covers this guy
Dmeyer said on 28/Jan/12
Considering i CAN be 181.2-181.3cm night Hanks was defenetly ní´ taller than 183cm With a chance of dipping a haí¯r under 183cm like 182.5cm dinner
Mathew said on 27/Jan/12
Supposedly he was mentioned at 5'11" by AMC as notes earlier on this page. I've always thought 5'11". He's been described as 5'11" a lot, and looked it in his movies. Dmeyer seemed to think he was no less than 5'11.5", so I guess maybe I underestimated him by .5". I think he's a little under 6' rather than a little over. 181/182 cm would be a decent listing to me, I don't think he's 183/184.
steven said on 11/Jan/12
i agree 5'9.5 with shrimp. if he is 6'0 there won't be the case someone 5'11 say he is shorter.
Silent d said on 10/Jan/12
Jens peterson what shoes did he have on and did you measure yourself? 5 foot 9.5 is a joke mr killer shrimp. 6 foot.
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 8/Jan/12
He's 5'9.5" MAX, possibly even 5'9" flat. 6'0" for Hanks is ridiculous. He was clearly shorter than Denzel Washington who is 5'10.5" at best, despite Hanks having footwear advantage.
5'9.5" MAX for Hanks.
maio said on 7/Jan/12
Tom Hanks: 5 ft 11.25 in/181 cm (PEAK), 5 ft 11 in/180 cm
Leonardo Di Caprio: 5 ft 11 in/180 cm
Bruce Willis: 5 ft 11 in/180 cm (PEAK), 5 ft 10.75 in/180 cm (TODAY)
Denzel Washington: 5 ft 11.75 in/182 cm
Colin Hanks: 6 ft 0.5 in/184 cm
Silent d said on 29/Dec/11
He was definately taller than leonardo dicaprio in catch me if you can. He always looked 6 foot. I meant 5 foot 10 or under are crazy A-Jax. He is one of the most humble and real actors left. He wouldn't lie about his height like many other actors and actresses. Maybe he lost height due to old age. If his 6 foot 1 son is taller than him by more than an inch than 182cm is right on. I'll stick with 6 foot. He never looked 5 foot 10.
Jennifer Cunningham said on 28/Dec/11
Tom Hanks is taller than me. He's 6 ft., and I'm 5 ft 7. I really like him. He's on The Polar Express.
Jens Peterson said on 24/Dec/11
Tom came to see one of my shows and we got to take pictures with him. I'm 6'0 and he was taller than me.
dmeyer said on 22/Dec/11
in person he is not under 5 ft 11.5 not over 6 ft 0.25 that was 8 years ago 182-183cm covers this guy he isnt 181cm or 184cm it is hard to judge someone height precisely but within 1cm
Anshelm said on 20/Dec/11
With 169 cm Junichiro Koizumi, former Prime Minister of Japan
Click Here
maio said on 16/Dec/11
TH is 5 ft 11 in/180 cm! never been over!
A-Jax said on 11/Dec/11
@ Silent d.
He can pass for 5'11". An inch isn't much to be off by.
jake, 1.82 m- 1.83 m said on 19/Nov/11
His peak height was 6ft (1.83 m) for sure. Now at 55, he might be 5ft 11.75 in (182 cm).
Silent d said on 16/Nov/11
6 foot. People saying 5 foot 11 or under are out of their mind.
Gregory said on 13/Nov/11
He barely reaches 5´11.5" in dress shoes. I think 5´10" or 5´10.5" is fine.
nice guy said on 6/Nov/11
5'11 in dress shoes
Dmeyer said on 31/Oct/11
Hé didnt seem over 6'0 in person
LAN Jiao said on 24/Oct/11
denzel was 3-4cm shorter than chris pine. so tom hanks might be 5'10 in real.. because pine could't be higher than 6'0 at min. denzel is 5'11.
HULK said on 17/Oct/11
6FT IN PRIME MAYBE But next to Dezel Washington Who's 184-6'0.5
He looks 181-182 nothing more
Click Here
jake, 1.82 m said on 18/Sep/11
6ft (1.83 m) peak is fair.
James said on 12/Sep/11
At night at his peak could have dipped down too 5'11.75?
lan jiao said on 7/Sep/11
i think 181cm for tom hanks. his son colin hanks was 185cm had much often apear 1,5inch taller than his dad tom.
Maximus Meridius said on 3/Sep/11
Rob is there a chance Tom Hanks was 6ft 1in out of bed when he was younger he would barley reach 6ft 1in out of bed now probably more like 6f 0.75in out of bed now.
James said on 3/Sep/11
Tom Hanks 6'0 (183cm)
Bruce Willis 5'11 (180cm)
Bruno would only be 181-182cm in the morning.
Tom Hanks might be 5'11.75 nowadays?
Legend said on 27/Aug/11
5'11 peak and Willis is a little shorter. Bruce Willis is 5'10.75 Max peak.
Hansen said on 22/Aug/11
rampage , according the picture you posted nothing shown the bottom. don think people see their feets and legs/ground standing. i supposed willis was not much under tom hanks. they were like 1/2 inch apart for sure.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Aug/11
6"0(183cm) is bang on. But can look 184cm
Here with 181-182cm Bruce Willis
Click HereClick Here
dmeyer said on 20/Aug/11
i actualy never saw him as big as 6 ft 0.5 in to me he looked either my height 5 ft 11.5 or max 0.75 in taller like 6 ft 0.25 he mostly apeared 6 ft tall from when i met him 6 years ago he was exactly 6 ft like anywere 5 ft 11.75 6 ft 0.25 very close to my height no shorter than 5 ft 11.5 no taller than 6 ft 0.25 , i remember him looking noticably shorter than a 186cm actor on the set and looing only 4 in over 5 ft 7.5-8 stanly tucci , very similar height to mine i consider people 5 ft 11 to 6 ft similar height to mine and he was in that range , i consider 6 ft near enaugh my height
James said on 19/Aug/11
Demeyer saw him between 5'11.75-6'0.5. He's 6ft.
JohnnyRB said on 18/Aug/11
in Money Pit he is the same height with 5ft11 Joe Mantegna. i guess he never was 6ft.
Hansen said on 17/Aug/11
i think e 5ft11 actor look him shorter when he slouch. lol. he is at least 5ft11 , i believe not under that 180.0cm doted line.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Aug/11
183cm makes sense if his son Colin is 186cm...
Mr. Tempus said on 14/Aug/11
Some people always says dumb things LIKE oh i am 5'4 and he was like 7 inches taller than me, he was so ridiculously short, or iam 5'11 and iam taller than he is by .25 inches he is sooo short. He was 5'11.5 and nowdays probably a weak 5'11.
Danimal said on 13/Aug/11
5'11" PEAK
Danimal said on 13/Aug/11
suze says on 30/Jul/11
Saw Tom Hanks in person at a Walgreens shortly after Splash. He was cornered by my then 6 yr old daughter. I stood at most a foot from him, shooing my thrilled daughter away.He is absolutely NOT 6 feet tall. The man had on elevator, designer, Adida-type shoes.He wasn't too happy that I couldn't take my eyes off of his shoes. You could see the arches on the inside of the shoes as he was dodging my daughter. He's clearly diminuitive. I am 5'2". He's maybe 5'6".He pays good$ for his stilts...
James said on 11/Aug/11
He was never an easy 6ft. Just about that mark but never taller in the afternoon.
Spence said on 9/Aug/11
5'11 is ridiculous easy 6 feet at peak..I think he is still close to it.
James said on 7/Aug/11
179cm when he's 80.
jamieorr4 said on 6/Aug/11
i think hes 179cm
suze said on 30/Jul/11
Saw Tom Hanks in person at a Walgreens shortly after Splash. He was cornered by my then 6 yr old daughter. I stood at most a foot from him, shooing my thrilled daughter away.He is absolutely NOT 6 feet tall. The man had on elevator, designer, Adida-type shoes.He wasn't too happy that I couldn't take my eyes off of his shoes. You could see the arches on the inside of the shoes as he was dodging my daughter. He's clearly diminuitive. I am 5'2". He's maybe 5'6".He pays good$ for his stilts...
James said on 25/Jul/11
Probably 5'11.75 (182cm) now in 2011. Might have been 6'0 (183cm) when he was younger. Give it 5 more years and he will probably be 181-182cm
Still standing tall at 182-183cm in his mid 50's.
dmeyer said on 23/Jul/11
bambi i me both leo and hanks , they are both near 6 ft , hanks might be 0.5 taller but has better posture than leo
Danimal said on 20/Jul/11
Was shorter than 6'0"-6'1" Geena Davis in A League of Their Own. I think Tom Hanks was 5'11" at his peak.
jake said on 20/Jul/11
182 cm for Tom and 185 cm for Colin are probably on the money estimates.
James said on 18/Jul/11
At times in the Money Pit could look 182cm.
Legend said on 17/Jul/11
Rampage is wrong again...
Bambi said on 17/Jul/11
Eh I think Leo diCaprio is 6 ft and Hanks is 6ft 1 or 2. In the movie Catch Me If You Can, they're both in the office and Hanks is about 1 inch or so taller than Leo.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Jul/11
184cm morning
183cm afternoon
182cm evening
Mathew said on 5/Jul/11
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 3/Jul/11
6ft0.5 isn't impossible when you see him next to Bruce Willis
Depends on the picture. 5'10.5" isn't impossible either when 5'11" max Bruce Willis sometimes:
Click Here
James said on 3/Jul/11
ok then i guess i am wrong. 6ft he is then.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Jul/11
6ft0.5 isn't impossible when you see him next to Bruce Willis
Dmeyer said on 2/Jul/11
I met thé Guy 7 years back looked 6 ft now hé could be 182 cm hé was 48 now nearer 55 people drop a solid 1cm by mid 50s considering hé has gréí¢t posture hé might havé droped just 0.5 cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Jul/11
James, that is just ridiculous. Colin Hanks is at least 6ft1
Jonas said on 30/Jun/11
About half an inch shorter than Kelsey Grammer so 6' is right for him
James said on 25/Jun/11
Hanks might be 5'11 (180cm) these days. maybe 5'11.25 (181cm) when younger. As for his son Colin I think he's 5'11.75 (182cm) not the 6'1 he claims. maybe colin can give off a 6'1 illusion cause he is very lanky and skinny. often 182cm men who are skinny can get guesst at 185cm.
Maximus Meridius said on 23/Jun/11
He is 6ft flat in Dragnet joe friday said he's 6ft 165 pounds he wasn't much heavier than that at the end of castaway he was about 172 pounds.
Terryman said on 23/Jun/11
180 to 182cm max peak!
Mathew said on 21/Jun/11
Legend says on 20/Jun/11
He was as tall if not shorter Daryl Hannah in Splash. He was 5'11 max peak.
5'11" he is. Maybe just a shade over maximum, 180 - 181 cm peak I think. Really not 6', and I don't think he ever even claimed to be.
Legend said on 20/Jun/11
He was as tall if not shorter Daryl Hannah in Splash. He was 5'11 max peak.
mcfan said on 19/Jun/11
Just saw a "Family Ties" episode where Michael Gross stands next to him. I thought he looked at least 4 inches taller than Hanks and Hanks looked 4 inches taller than Meredith Baxter. Maybe Hanks is only 5'11.5.
James said on 19/Jun/11
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 19/Jun/11
6ft3.5(192cm) is the start of very tall
6'2.75 (190cm) is the start of very tall actually
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Jun/11
6ft3.5(192cm) is the start of very tall
James said on 16/Jun/11
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 12/Jun/11
I see 6ft as being the start of tall
In Reality 5'10.75 (180cm) is the start of tall, 5'10 (178cm) is borderline tall, 6ft (183cm) is legit tall, 5'11ers and 5'10ers just make it seem smaller than it is by claiming it.
Lenad said on 13/Jun/11
during his younger days i would say he measured at a solid 183cm during the day
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Jun/11
I see 6ft as being the start of tall
James said on 8/Jun/11
on screen looks 5'11 quite often and even 5'10.5 in Catch Me if you Can. he looked taller in his early carrier like when he was skinny.
James said on 8/Jun/11
rampage 5'11 is the start of tall.
Mathew said on 2/Jun/11
e says on 5/May/11
shorter than justin timberlake..put down to 5-10 3/4 if you want to be obsessed or 5-11
I think anywhere 180 - 182 peak is fair.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/May/11
5"11 is the upper end of average
James said on 17/May/11
5'11 is not small or average its tall.
Lenad said on 10/May/11
184cm max peak
e said on 5/May/11
shorter than justin timberlake..put down to 5-10 3/4 if you want to be obsessed or 5-11
e said on 5/May/11
I heard someone saw him at a restaurant mentioning he was not that small but small....how is 5-11 small? that's more than average height...average height w/o shoes is 5-9
James said on 2/May/11
I have heard a lot that this guy is barely 6ft
Lenad said on 1/May/11
I really dont think hes over 6ft0 today. Probably solid 183cm peak and 182cm today
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Apr/11
He did look 184cm in Forrest Gump
dmeyer said on 27/Apr/11
when in picures with his son he can look 0.5 to 1 in smaller then in a video his son looks mush taller like 2.5 in of course there is no more than 1 to 1.5 in between them but in pics hanks stands as tall as possible and loos about 184cm at times weak 6 ft nowadays seems right , 7 years ago i met him and he wasnt much over or under 6 ft
Mathew said on 23/Apr/11
Legend says on 18/Apr/11
So I think he's 5'10.5...
I'd agree he's under 6', always has been. Strong 5'11" MAX.
Legend said on 18/Apr/11
So I think he's 5'10.5...
Legend said on 9/Apr/11
I had to comment on here because I just finished watching splash and Tom Hanks was not even an inch taller than 5'10 Daryl Hannah when they were walking side by side and she was barefoot.
Johan Cruyff said on 6/Apr/11
Tom Hanks' heights are:
Morning (out of bed)= 6' (1.83 m)
After 1,5-3 hrs= 5'11.7" (1.82 m)
After 5-10 hrs= 5'11.25 (1.81 m)
I don't think he's taller! I spoke with many people who claimed he looks around 5'10" so i don't think he has ever been over 6 feet
James said on 27/Mar/11
5 inches under Morse? More like 3.5.
Tom Hanks 6'0 (183cm)
David Morse 6'3.5 (192cm)
ikbtops said on 1/Mar/11
5'11.5" barefoot. Might have been 6' in his prime.
Mathew said on 26/Feb/11
James says on 20/Feb/11
I don't think Hanks has ever been over 6'0 given how much he was towered by 6'4 David Morse. Some debate if Morse is even 6'4......
Yeah he was a sure 5" under Morse.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Feb/11
His son Colin Hanks looks to be 186-187cm
James said on 20/Feb/11
I don't think Hanks has ever been over 6'0 given how much he was towered by 6'4 David Morse. Some debate if Morse is even 6'4......
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Feb/11
He's 6"0(183cm)....and Denzel Washington is 6"0.5(184cm)
Mathew said on 26/Jan/11
George says on 25/Jan/11
on amc i saw forest gump with the bubbles (info about shooting the film and additonal facts. it said that he is 5'11''. it was said in the scene where he picks up bubba across the jungle, saying that the guy that plays bubba is 6'3'' and tom hanks being at 5'11'' had to use cables to hold him.
This makes good sense, I believe that he's 5'11".
George said on 25/Jan/11
on amc i saw forest gump with the bubbles (info about shooting the film and additonal facts. it said that he is 5'11''. it was said in the scene where he picks up bubba across the jungle, saying that the guy that plays bubba is 6'3'' and tom hanks being at 5'11'' had to use cables to hold him.
Ace said on 25/Jan/11
I would have believed a touch over 6`0 back during Philadelphia and Forrest Gump. Nowadays, probably a flat 6`0.
Lenad said on 17/Jan/11
I'd say a solid 183cm in his day. Looked maybe 1/2 an inch shorter than 184cm Denzel Washington in philadelphia
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Jan/11
Hanks does look around 6"1 in the Road to Perdition
Legend said on 31/Dec/10
He's 5'11.
Larc186-188cm said on 27/Dec/10
6'0-6'0.25 and there are no lifts.
Prince Apollo said on 27/Dec/10
i usually give people their best height but tom is not 6 FEET TALL. the lift theory seems very evident as in his earlier movies like that one with the dog, sorry i don't rember the name he made actors that are 6 foot tops seem 6'3" i think after appearing short he started to wear lifts in his later movies i think toms peak reality out of bed height is 5'10" to a strong 5'10" tops...
jamieorr4 said on 24/Dec/10
tom Hanks wears lifts
Mathew said on 22/Dec/10
Agree with dmeyer on accounts that Hanks can appear 6' and is about the same height as Bill Paxton. I do think though, that he is more likely 181 cm, or a strong 5'11".
James said on 17/Dec/10
184cm in the morning at his peak. Look at him with Denzel Washington that is not a strong 6ft.
Spence said on 15/Dec/10
184 peak 183 now...slightly over 6 peak
James said on 10/Dec/10
I agree Demeyer 5'11.5 today and 5'11.75-6ft peak. I think Tom was always one of those 6ft guys that dropped to 182cm at night. Travolta and Denzel were boht strong 6ft guys in there 20's. Look at him in the Green Mile in the late 90's with David Morse who is 192-193cm in height hanks looks a legitimate 4 inches shorter so defenintly 182-183cm in that film. maybe in his 20's hanks was 183cm on the nose though but i think for most of his film carrier has fluctuate between 5'11.5-6ft.
Tom hanks at best was a solid 6ft at his peak but certianly never a strong 6ft like Travolta and Denzel.
I doubt the 6'1 listing for hanks and i even heard 6'2 for him once. today barely 6ft.
dmeyer said on 7/Dec/10
but he mostly wears 1.1 in shoes and at times 1.2 to 1.5
dmeyer said on 7/Dec/10
hanks and paxton realy looks identical in height both close to 6 ft
dmeyer said on 7/Dec/10
still looks 6 ft but his shoes are getting bigger he use to wear 1 ti 1.1 in now nearer 1.4 1.5 in
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Dec/10
Still looks a solid 6"0
dmeyer said on 2/Dec/10
i think denzel and tom hanks and travolta they could be all around 5 ft 11.5 mark nowadays wath do you think rob it is grat i am similar height to them
dmeyer said on 2/Dec/10
i have looked at recent pics he wears 1.5 in heeled dress boots alot so can appear 6 ft even if he is about 5 ft 11.5 now and he has great posture i think he is 6 ft peak 5 ft 11.5 now he is over 50 by that age people do drop no less than 1cm rob could hanks be nearer 5 ft 11.5 now since he wears bigger fotwear and dosnt look over 6 ft he even struggles to look as tall as 5 ft 11.5 paxton
Anonymous said on 1/Dec/10
hm mathew maybe you are wrong because i saw a picure with him and lucy lawless who is 1.78 he was about 3-4 cm taller
Mathew said on 24/Nov/10
5'11", never has been 6'. Could be a fraction over peak 5'11".
James said on 30/Oct/10
he was never 6'1
maximus meridius said on 29/Oct/10
He is defiantly 6ft 1in not 6ft leonardo dicaprio is 6ft tom hanks had 1 inch on leonardo dicaprio in catch me if you can
maximus meridius said on 29/Oct/10
If tom hanks is 6ft he was defiantly 6ft 1in in his younger years he must have shrunk by the now
thekiddd said on 5/Jul/09
He did look short in Green Mile but he can look 5'11" at times. Seeing he could be fooled for 6'1" or 5'11", 6' exact is right! If he was 6'1" then he couldn't be mistaken for 5'11".
le samourai said on 5/Jul/09
in picture with writer william monahan(182cm), Tom Hanks looks a little shorter..his height is 180cm barefoot..in shoes he is 6'0 :)
James said on 1/Jul/09
I do remember though in the movie 'Big' Tom did have lows of looking only 5'11 in that movie. In Turner and Hooch as well there were quite a few people that were taller than him.
Hugh 190cm said on 29/Jun/09
Seems fair James.
Lenad said on 25/Jun/09
6ft1 max. Looked 186-187cm in Road to perdition but thats a bit too high
James said on 25/Jun/09
At his peak maybe 1 inch under 6'2 out of bed.
King said on 25/Jun/09
TELLEM says on 22/Jun/09
how is he a strong 6'0er when tommy lee jones is taller than him? and so is denzel? an aging gene hackman had a solid 2 INCHES on tommy lee jones in "the package". c'mon now, hanks is a weak 6'0er.
That's ridiculous.Have u seen PHILADELPHIA
Hugh 190cm said on 23/Jun/09
He's never been close to 6ft2 in his life. But I'll agree James that he's given the rare illusion of looking that tall in the past.
Hugh 190cm said on 23/Jun/09
183-184cm on the nose. Probably measures closer to 6ft1 in the morning.
Lenad said on 22/Jun/09
In Angels and demons he did look 182-183cm
James said on 22/Jun/09
Tom Hanks could look 6'2 in his youth
TELLEM said on 22/Jun/09
how is he a strong 6'0er when tommy lee jones is taller than him? and so is denzel? an aging gene hackman had a solid 2 INCHES on tommy lee jones in "the package". c'mon now, hanks is a weak 6'0er.
Mathew said on 22/Jun/09
IMO some legit 6' celebs are Denzel, Tommy Lee Jones, Edward Norton, and Travolta. David Morse is 6'4" so Hanks is 5'11", DiCaprio fudges his height a bit - I think he does anyways.
James said on 22/Jun/09
Yep legit 6footer
Nismofreak said on 22/Jun/09
A strong 6 footer. He looked did indeed look half an inch taller than DiCaprio in "Catch Me If You Can".
Lenad said on 22/Jun/09
Most likely a weak 6ft1 morning and rest of the day strong 6ft0
Mathew said on 21/Jun/09
Lenad says on 20/Jun/09
Well Hugh he clearly isnt 187cm
Hugh seems to have higher estimates than most people on the site more often than not, which is fine, but just a pattern I notice. Personally, I give Hanks 5'11".
mastadon said on 21/Jun/09
spot on 6ft
James said on 20/Jun/09
Except Tommy Lee Jones is slightly over 6ft
Lenad said on 20/Jun/09
Well Hugh he clearly isnt 187cm
TELLEM said on 19/Jun/09
hanks was only one inch shorter than 6'1 dan akroyd in "dragnet" and was described as 6'0. but hes shorter than than 6'0 tommy lee jones here:
Click Here and he was shorter than 6'0 denzel in philedelphia
Lenad said on 19/Jun/09
Frank2 are you going to rule out poor posture giving you that impression? I think 5ft11 is a bit short, true he did look around that height in the green mile. also are you american
Frank2 said on 19/Jun/09
Hanks is at least 5'11" and is probably a hair under 6".
James said on 18/Jun/09
Yeah he did look more 5'11 range in the Green Mile
Ahleks said on 17/Jun/09
He didn't exactly look 6' in The Green Mile, but it's probably because Michael Clarke Duncan, David Morse and James Cromwell are all 6'4+.
James said on 17/Jun/09
Yeah the lowest Hanks could be is 182cm.
Burtley said on 16/Jun/09
I guess we all believe what we want.
As I said, I will give Tom Hanks his 6 feet in lifts, but barefooted, I believe he is only 5'10". But enough of that. Have a good day.
dmeyer said on 16/Jun/09
i met hanks and the minimum for him is 5 ft 11.5 to 5 ft 11.75 absolute lowest and absolute max 6 ft 0.25 to 6 ft 0.5 but to me he looked exactly 6 foot
James said on 16/Jun/09
When has Tom Hanks ever looked as low as 5'10? Next to
Matt Damon maybe?
Burtley said on 16/Jun/09
James says on 15/Jun/09
5'10 is dillusional
I believe you mean delusional.
And I will give Tom Hanks 5'11" straight out of bed, or 6' or 6'1" with his elevator shoes (so 5'10"). I am 6'3.25" but have measured about 6'4.5" right out of bed. I could easily go around saying I am 6'4", or for that matter 6'5", but that would be delusional. So I say 6'3 for me as I say 5'10" for Tom Hanks.
James said on 15/Jun/09
5'10 is dillusional
Burtley said on 13/Jun/09
I have to say this again since so many people still think he is 6 ft. tall.
Burtley says on 3/Jun/09
I am doubting 6 ft. Check out when he was on Conan last night (06-02, you can watch on Hulu). In a skit he is sitting in a chair and gets knocked over with his feet up. One shoe flies off and Conan grabs it and holds it in front of him. You can obviously tell that the shoes have huge heels and are probably lifts too. I dare say he is even barely 5' 10". Just my observations.
Seriously people, watch it and tell me he is 6 ft. without those lifts and heels. Again, I stick to my belief that he is just 5 feet, 10 inches.
Hugh 190cm said on 12/Jun/09
Hanks in my opinion has always been a strong 6ft 183-184cm.
Hugh 190cm said on 12/Jun/09
Frank2 at 5ft11.5-6ft you could claim 6ft1 and get away with it.
James said on 11/Jun/09
Well Frank2 maybe back in like your 20's when you were thinner you could have passed for 6ft!
Frank2 said on 11/Jun/09
I've seen Hanks, stood right next to him and he's at least my height or 5'11". More like 5'11 1/2" to quite possibly even 6".
I've seen Denzel as well and he's a solid 6', possibly even 6'1". He's also put on a lot of weight. For that matter, so has Hanks and so have I! I'm now about 185 lbs. I used to be around 150 lbs.
TELLEM said on 11/Jun/09
denzel was taller than hanks in philedelphia. watch the scene when they go up the elevator. i've stated this several times.
WhiteKnight said on 11/Jun/09
In Miami Vice he`s just a little bit taller than Don Johnson, which is 178 cm!
James said on 10/Jun/09
Its been established that in Philidelphia Denzel appeared to be slightly taller than Tom Hanks. Strange though that on screen Tom Hanks appears a stronger 6footer than Denzel Washington at times.
Hugh 190cm said on 10/Jun/09
In philadelphia he was taller than Denzel Washington who is no shorter than 6ft. Saving Private Ryan 184-185cm, Road to Perdition 186-187cm, Green Mile 181-182cm, Sleepless in Seattle 185-186cm, Splash 184-185cm, Angels and Demons 182-183cm.
Overall I see a 6ft-6ft0.5 guy. At peak anyway.
James said on 9/Jun/09
Yeah he's never been 6'2 in his life.
Lenad said on 9/Jun/09
Looked like he could pass for 6ft2 in Road to perdition but hes obviously not that tall
James said on 8/Jun/09
Guess Daniel Craig is 5'7.5 then Lenad.
dmeyer said on 8/Jun/09
it is hard to judge an exact height i have seen hanks a few times and he did seem about 6 ft evry time time i saw him
T.J. said on 7/Jun/09
Well Lenad, 6' i think is a little generous for Tom
A strong 5'10.5" maybe 5'11", but I just dont see 6'
Lenad said on 7/Jun/09
Yeah anything over 6ft1 in reality seems extreme for Hanks.
Mathew said on 7/Jun/09
Frank2 says on 6/Jun/09
Hanks is 5'11" or slightly over.
Agreed. He's a strong 5'11", like 181 I'd say.
Frank2 said on 6/Jun/09
Hanks is 5'11" or slightly over.
Lenad said on 6/Jun/09
He sure as hell didnt look 187cm in The Green Mile. More like 181cm
Mathew said on 5/Jun/09
By the way, no disrespect meant by that Hugh, you're entitled to your opinion even if you think he is a strong 6', but I just don't see it. I see a strong 5'11" but that's it. But I won't disrespect your opinion, just disagree with it. Anything in the 6'2" - 6'4" range I think is too high to seriously consider, however.
Mathew said on 5/Jun/09
Priceless is people saying 6'2", 6'4" even. I think the debate is between 5'11" and 6' - not between 6'1" and 6'2".
Lenad said on 5/Jun/09
In Big he looked a solid 5ft11 and could pass for 6ft0
Lenad said on 5/Jun/09
I saw 181-182cm in Big.
TELLEM said on 5/Jun/09
tommy lee jones was no more than 183 cm. did u watch the package with gene hackman having a SOLID 2 INCHES on him? i did. hackman was way past his peak around this time.
James said on 5/Jun/09
Tom Hanks looked barely 6ft in Big.
Tommy Lee Jones at his peak was around 184cm thats why he has an edge on Hanks.
In Catch Me if You can Tom Hanks just looked 6'0, but I do suspect that in Sleepless and Seattle and Road to Perditon that Tom Hanks wore lifts.
Lenad said on 5/Jun/09
Sleepless in Seattle 184-185cm, Philadelphia 183-184cm, The Green Mile 180-181cm, Splash 183-184cm, The Da Vinci Code 182-183cm, Catch me if you can 184-185cm, Forrest Gump 183-184cm, Road to perdition 185-186cm
Hugh 190cm said on 5/Jun/09
That's very funny TELLEM. I don't actually. There are loads of celebs on this site who I think should be listed shorter.
Josh.J said on 4/Jun/09
Click Herelooks 6'0~6'1 with ewan here. maybe has slight heel advantage but still at least a 6ft guy.
TELLEM said on 4/Jun/09
hugh is 190cm. he wants EVERY actor to be around his height.
Hugh 190cm said on 4/Jun/09
You thinking 5ft11 is priceless.
Hugh 190cm said on 4/Jun/09
Sleepless in Seattle 186-187cm, You've got Mail 184-185cm, Big 187cm, Forrest Gump 185cm, Philidelphia 183-184cm, Green Mile, 181-182cm, Road to Perdition 187-188cm, Catch me if you Can 185-186cm, Davinci Code 183cm, Charlie Wilson's War 180cm.
Overall I see Hanks as a strong 6ft guy.
Mathew said on 3/Jun/09
Burtley says on 3/Jun/09
I am doubting 6 ft. Check out when he was on Conan last night (06-02, you can watch on Hulu). In a skit he is sitting in a chair and gets knocked over with his feet up. One shoe flies off and Conan grabs it and holds it in front of him. You can obviously tell that the shoes have huge heels and are probably lifts too. I dare say he is even barely 5' 10". Just my observations.
Yeah I'm not sold on hanks as 6' myself, let alone 6'1". My estimate of him was 180 - 182 cm, or roughly 5'11" +/-. I'd say 5'10" range (even though I think he's a bit more than this) would less surprising to me than 6'1".
Burtley said on 3/Jun/09
I am doubting 6 ft. Check out when he was on Conan last night (06-02, you can watch on Hulu). In a skit he is sitting in a chair and gets knocked over with his feet up. One shoe flies off and Conan grabs it and holds it in front of him. You can obviously tell that the shoes have huge heels and are probably lifts too. I dare say he is even barely 5' 10". Just my observations.
TELLEM said on 1/Jun/09
he was a bit shorter than 6'0 denzel washington in "philedelphia" and was stated as "6'0" in dragnet. and here he looks shorter than 6'0 tommy lee jones:
Click Here
Hugh 190cm said on 30/May/09
Looks 6ft0.25 to me. He looked at least 6ft1 in Catch me If You Can. More like 6ft2 (188cm).
James said on 27/May/09
Yeah Lenad David Morse really did own Tom Hanks in terms of height in the Green Mile.
Lenad said on 27/May/09
In the Da Vinci code and Angels and Demons I saw a weak 6'0 (182-183cm) man, in the green mile I see a strong 5'11 (180-181cm) man. He's probably a strong 6ft0 most likely 183-184cm
James said on 25/May/09
Yeah Charlie or 5'11.75 now. At his peak Tom Hanks might have been 6'.25?
Charlie23 said on 24/May/09
Needs to be downgrade in my opinion to 5'11.5 based on A&D movie.
James said on 23/May/09
Guess David Morse is 6'8 lol.
Hugh 190cm said on 22/May/09
6ft4? now that is funny. 6ft-6ft1 is bang on.
James said on 21/May/09
You mean 6'2.5 Matthew?
Mathew said on 21/May/09
Yeah 6'4" is a joke, that puts Kevin Bacon at 6'3".
James said on 20/May/09
6'4? Now thats comedy.
Lenad said on 20/May/09
JJ thinks 6'4? Somebody get this joker off this site!!
James said on 19/May/09
6'1 for Hanks ain't laughable. I reckon he was probably that height in the morning at his peak.
TELLEM said on 19/May/09
tom hanks was described at 6 foot in "dragnet". hes never been more than that, not even 6'1.
Mathew said on 19/May/09
6'1" for Hanks is laughable. That makes Kevin Bacon 6', as Hanks was no more than an inch taller than him.
JJ said on 18/May/09
This entry is just plain wrong. I was on an elevator with Tom once. He is really tall. I wouldn't be surprised if he were 6'4"
Akirum said on 16/May/09
I can't see Tom Hanks anything above 6 feet.
James said on 15/May/09
Tom Hanks is a tallish guy. Don't think he was under 6foot at his peak.
anonymous said on 14/May/09
Tom hanks is really tall. In catch me if you can, he is taller than claimed 6 foot leonardo dicaprio. He is considerably taller than 5 foot 7 catherine zeta jones in the terminal. He is tall in the lady killers. I think he might be 6 foot 1. Any lower than 6 foot is laughable.
James said on 13/May/09
Yeah John thats why 6footers can pull it off, looking that tall.
John said on 13/May/09
Claiming 6'1 and being 6'1 are two different things. Tall shoes, tall hair, being measured in the morning, etc. can all give you that extra inch or two.
James said on 13/May/09
Yeah I agree Hugh it's not like he's a great deal below the 6'1 mark.
Hugh 190cm said on 13/May/09
Can get away with claiming 6ft1.
John said on 10/May/09
I really think Tom is 6' even. I really never took note of his posture though. His posture is definitely not as good as Stalone's (who has the best posture in Hollywood)
Click Here
James said on 10/May/09
Was noticibly a bit shorter than Jonathan Ross on his last appearence on his show.
GUK said on 8/May/09
6ft in shoes no doubt
L said on 5/May/09
I waited on him a few years back and it doesn't seem like he was 6 feet. Maybe 5'11". Maybe.
Bigman said on 29/Apr/09
He was always 6ft. Never 6'1" anon. He can look 5'11" and 6'1" sometimes I agree.
Anonymous said on 29/Apr/09
6ft0.75 prime.
anon said on 27/Apr/09
6'1 prime, 6' today.
Lenad said on 26/Apr/09
5ft11ish with bad posture. How do I know? Well my dad is a solid 6'2 and he can look 6ft1ish when he stoops. Its the same with Tom Hanks. The guy can look more 5'11 because of bad posture but he is most likely a solid 6ft0
Mathew said on 24/Apr/09
181 cm is about it for Tom Hanks, Colin Hanks is the one who is 6-1.
Lenad said on 20/Apr/09
6'1 is possible for Hanks but anything more is out of the question. Most likely a strong 6ft0 183-184cm.
Hugh 190cm said on 13/Apr/09
I think he could be 184cm on a good day.
Hugh 190cm said on 10/Apr/09
183cm at the lowest. 184cm or maybe even 185cm prime. I don't buy anything lower than 6ft for this guy.
Clyde said on 9/Apr/09
Tom Hanks is 181 cm and has never been over 182 cm.
Lenad said on 8/Apr/09
Never been shorter than 5'11.5. Never taller than 6'1 either.
Ian said on 5/Apr/09
Those that don't think you can lose height by your 50's. I heard of a soldier in the British army that was measured at 18 years old and by 38 he had lost 6 inches in height. Must be all that heavy weight they have to carry. Read it in the papers anyway - so it must be true. lol.
Anonymous said on 3/Apr/09
looks more 5'11 in the green mile
Hugh 190cm said on 30/Mar/09
183-184cm range without a doubt.
TELLEM said on 22/Mar/09
in the movie "dragnet" he was described as 6'0...so hes either 6'0, or a tad bit less. i'll just go wif 6'0.
RisingForce said on 20/Mar/09
I agree Tellem, I think too many people assume celebs ahve shrunk. I only assume that if they appear visibly smaller like Arnold, Clint Eastwood, Brian Dennehy. Of course there are examples that aren't quite that obvious like Harrison Ford and Jackie Chan, but still it has to be a visible height loss for me to think they're shorter now. Some people in their 60's don't shrink. For example Stallone if anything looks taller now. Chuck Norris is almost 70 and still seems the same height. Frank2 also stated that he was the same height in his 60's that he was in his 20's.
glenn said on 18/Mar/09
can give a 5-11 impression,even in front of me.but he is indeed 6ft.
TELLEM said on 18/Mar/09
just because hes in his early 50's doesn't exactly meen hes lost height...maybe if he was in his early 60s, then ok
Shane said on 18/Mar/09
Worked on Joe vs the Volcano with him barefoot, definitely six foot
miko said on 12/Mar/09
Wouldn't be suprised if he's lost 1/2 inch, he is in his early 50's now.
Ian said on 11/Mar/09
Tom Hanks is looking 5ft10 these days.
mcfan said on 6/Mar/09
In Dragnet he is 6ft as described by Aykroyd. I thought he was 1.5 inches shorter than Aykroyd in it. I do see him at times appear taller, but I think this is good posture and high shoulders...possibly lifts.
\_-_-_-Hugh-_-_-_/ said on 5/Mar/09
yoyo you are stupid. Hanks was at least 6ft in his prime and most likely taller. He looked close to 6ft2 at times even.
yoyo said on 2/Mar/09
tom hanks is no way 6ft. he always apear less than 6ft. his 5ft11.5 at peak. 5ft11.25(181cm) now.
-_-_-(Hugh)-_-_-/ said on 22/Feb/09
Leo is almost 6ft. 5ft11.75. Hanks did look a good inch taller than him in Catch me if you Can. I'd say a weak 6ft1. Prime anyway.
mcfan said on 21/Feb/09
Great posture, high shoulders. I think he is only 5'11.5. He gives the impression of someone taller due to his great posture and high shoulders. Dan Aykroyd was 1.5 inches taller than him in Dragnet. But then some people claim Dan is taller than 6'1 which I don't agree with.
marioo said on 13/Feb/09
he was taller than 6'di caprio in catch me if you can
Hugh said on 2/Feb/09
177cm! Absurd. Willis is at least 6ft.
jo said on 31/Jan/09
Sorry rising force,I met bruce willis in paris and he is about 177
Hugh said on 27/Jan/09
Sorry I meant Hanks claimed 6ft1.
Lenad said on 27/Jan/09
Hugh, I thought Travolta claimed 6foot.
Hugh said on 23/Jan/09
I'm assuming he'd claim 5ft11. Most 6ft guys like Hanks claim to be taller. Denzel Washington claims 6ft1, Nicholas Cage claims 6ft1, Travolta claims 6ft2 and Willis claims 6ft1.
Hugh said on 22/Jan/09
I'd say he claims 6ft1.
Hugh said on 17/Jan/09
I'd say 184cm is about right.
Lenad said on 17/Jan/09
I'd guess a strong 182cm or maybe a bit more. He doesnt seem over 6'1 and no less than 5'11.5 so Hanks is most likely a 6footer. I also dont think he lost any height. Hes filled out a bit which might give the illusion.
Hugh said on 16/Jan/09
Sorry James, but I cannot picture Hanks being under 6ft. Even Nowadays. Sure he can look 5ft11ish in some movies due to say posture. But overall he looks like a solid 6ft guy.
Mister Lennon said on 16/Jan/09
around 6ft.
Hugh said on 16/Jan/09
Hanks is still 6ft I think. I'd say 6ft now and 6ft0.5 at peak. Or he might still be 184cm.
Lenad said on 15/Jan/09
I can buy 6'1 for Hanks. No more though.
Hugh said on 13/Jan/09
No, I think Hanks is taller than Willis but not by much. Washington and Hanks are around the same height. Perhaps Washington can look a bit taller. But I remeber in Philadelphia in some scenes Hanks looked a shade taller than Denzel.
Lenad said on 12/Jan/09
You know on closer inspection Washington looked a tiny bit taller.
RisingForce said on 10/Jan/09
Anonymous says on 1/Jan/09
shorter than bruce willis (5'11.5")
That's a perfect example of why the five eleven stuff for Bruce is wrong. Hanks is about six feet and Bruce is over six feet.