Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jul/21
Rob, could he have lost a little by now?
He turned 60 today

Editor Rob
yeah, but nothing major
Ian C. said on 1/Jun/21
Six foot four is kind of a magnet height, in that guys who are an inch from it either way, claim it as their height. Remember that song from the sixties by Buffy St. Marie? The Universal Soldier? The first line is, "He's five foot two and he's six foot four." Six foot four is taken as the epitome of height for a very tall man.
Any way you slice it, Toby Keith is a real moose. If he's not six foot four technically he's six foot four colloquially.
Damon Blank said on 20/Apr/19
Can make 6 ft 3, I think.
berta said on 30/Apr/18
:O what have happpened to average guess :P he isnt that short. never under 6 foot 2 1/2. but not the full 6 foot 3
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Dec/17
Near 6ft3 but maybe a fraction shy of it at worst...that and 6ft4 range in boots
berta said on 4/Jun/17
looks 191 with boots and is 189-190 without them
BillisaLefty said on 23/May/17
Definitely not a legit 6'4''. Very probably higher than 6'1''. With the boots, he can get away with rounding a bit more. I'd say he's probably 6'2'' or 3'', and I'd lean toward 2'' because of the boots.
berta said on 31/Dec/16
there is a photo with him and dwayne jhonson from maybe 2005 ore something dwayne was eisily 2 cm taller . i think this guyu is no taller than 189. he looks about 190-191 with big cowboy boots on
Rick M. said on 22/Nov/13
I met Toby Keith in 1999 when I was a police officer doing Security at one of his concerts. Stood 6'3", maybe slightly taller, but was in cowboy boots.
Cranberries said on 21/Dec/11
He isn't "firm". He's pretty average... aka a little bit tubby, w/ love handles, child-bearing hips, and everything else. But he is definitely about 6'3", maybe 6'2.5" at his lowest. Wears a size 14E+ shoe and generally has the build of a 6'3".
too said on 30/Oct/11
I see more than 2 inches with adkins here (notice the build, because Adkins is leaning):
Click Here
And yes, he does wear very high heeled boots.
anon said on 29/Jul/11
Hes proble 6'1" he wears work boots constantly lol
ASqueegeacles said on 11/Jul/11
Ok Kel if what you're saying is true than this had to be him. Like you said he's a big guy but not fat. Looked like he worked out a lot but wasn't what i would call "cut." He had more of that beefy muscle look.
Kel said on 22/Jun/11
I have stood next to Toby many a time and trust me he is tall and even though he looks heavy he isn't fat, he is firm and works out a lot. As he ages he is getting heavier but still not fat. I guess that he is easily 6'3" tall as I am 5'8" and he towers over me.
ASqueegacles said on 11/May/11
He ate a a restaurant I used to work at. (if he wasn't actually Toby Keith then this dude coulda been his stunt double) He was sitting down at the bar when we noticed him and I didn't actually see him standing. He seemed tall but not super tall (6'3-6'4). But the guy IS built like a dump truck! And he ate a ton! This place serves family style portions and he polished off an order of spaghetti ment for 2-3 people. His server said he was pleasant enough and left her a pretty healthy tip.
Sherri said on 6/Jul/09
6'3, 6'1? doesn't matter, he is hot! I'd like to wrap my legs around that bulky guy
glenn said on 3/May/09
6-3? wow.i wouldve thought 6-2.i think this is one pic where i look 5-8 or more.coming soon i hope.
Joe said on 2/May/09
Met Toby Keith at a concert in 2007. Although I am only 5'8", my best friend with me is 6'2". Toby had to be at least three inches taller than my friend. I thought 6'3" was less than his actual height, but might be right without his boots on.
Anonymous said on 16/Oct/08
with boots...so 6 1 barefoot
Anonymous said on 19/Jul/08
i think that toby keith is 6feet4 and and about 270 pounds
Scott B said on 11/Jan/08
He looks 6'3 to me. There is no way he is below 6'2.
JR said on 28/Sep/07
Friend of mine who is 6'5" and met Toby said Toby was taller than him so ... go figure ... My friend was probably wearing sneakers and maybe Toby had on boots but he is still over 6'1"
tom said on 2/May/07
I met Toby backstage at a concert and he and I were the same height...I'm 6'1". So that blew that 6'3" thing for me.
Shane this is for Frank2 said on 19/Apr/06
Said in a song on the how Do You Like Me Now Album, his last decent album before turning into a bad boy, that his son will be quote "6 foot 3 and play football like me"
tgri said on 5/Mar/06
saw him in cowboy boots and he looked 6'4 plus . i give him a solid 6'3 barefoot.
CelebHeights Editor said on 20/Jul/05
Saw in US Weekend "I'm 6-foot-4, 235 pounds".