laker nation said on 1/Mar/23
Him saying 6 feet is absurd. He doesn’t even look 5’10 in cowboy boots, Barefoot Id say he’s about a weak 5’8
berta said on 27/May/20
how is he able to be 1,5 inch taller than his wife in every photo whenshe is in heels?
MD said on 6/Jul/17
He really isn't a 5'10" barefoot. Where that the case, he'd look tall in his cowboy boots, and doesn't even manage to do that. They get him up to about average height.
Intevel said on 4/Jul/17
Rob. How is Tim Mcgraw still taller than his wife if she has heels on? She is only 1.5 inches shorter than him.
Promich said on 30/Jul/15
I was in Nashville in 2008 to visit relatives. We decided to all meet at a restaurant in the Opryland Mall. I was in the court area outside the restaurant and McGraw was due there for an autograph appearance, there were maybe a hundred people there at the beginning, I don't follow him and didn't want an autograph. He walked in, wearing cowboy boots. I'm 5'8" and he was 5'10" tops with his with his boots on. I was thinking that he was my brother's height at most 5'8.5"
Crypto139 said on 15/May/15
Stood 181 cm next to 183.515 Drew Brees. But I didn't see footwear. I tgink I would rule out 175 cm.
MD said on 28/Apr/15
Tim with 5'9"(ish) Mario Lopez:
Click Here
Click Here
As you can see, Tim even has a huge footwear advantage. I'd argue you need to take off AT LEAST a full inch from this listing.

Editor Rob
I think 5ft 10 isn't impossible in that shot, even accounting for footwear. I'm not sure he really would be nearer 5ft 9.
MD said on 24/Apr/15
Maybe if you don't feel comfortable putting him at a flat 5'9", could you do a bit more looking into him today and see if 5'9.5" is a bit more appropriate? He's not a flat 5'10". A guy that looks this shorts even in heeled cowboy boots can't be a full 5'10". Were he he'd be able to come off looking over 6'0" in them and he never does. I think he's a nothing over a flat 5'9", but could be content for awhile with half-an-inch being taken off the current height.
Like I said a few months back, it's interesting he's been able to pull of tall listings for so long, but it's really more to do with his physique (thinner than most people think) and what he wears (cowboy boots, tight jeans).
johnc said on 21/Apr/15
Go on Tim Mcgraws twitter, he recently posted a pic of him standing in between retired qb Jim Kelly(6'3)and steelers qb Ben Rothlisberger(6'5) and look how small they make him look!! Not sure the footwear but saying he's near 6ft just doesn't add up. Seems like the height listed is fairly accurate, could possibly be a little under with no shoes.
Luke said on 7/Apr/14
Can't be taller than 5'9 after watching Fallon. He even mentioned it in their conversation.
While playing horseshoes, McGraw missed one short and said, "Ah, story of my life... short." Laughter ensued. It was humorous.
I think the evidence warrants a change. It would be really interesting to pinpoint the heights of all these country music stars. A lot of them claim heights that are outrageous. Having an accurate listing for Tim McGraw would be a good start.
MD said on 26/Feb/14
Here is Tim with talk late-night show host Jimmy Fallon:
Click Here
Click Here
Tim is even in his cowboy boots (as usual), here. You can see them in the rest of the set of pictures. The hat makes it difficult to judge, and I'm not sure how tall he is, but this really can't be 5'10". We have to find a better listing for this guy. Tim is marginally taller than Keith Urban from what I can see.
With Ne-Yo:
Click Here
Really, it's this guy's physique and cowboy boots that make him look taller. I think 5'9" is the top of the scale for this guy.
MD said on 6/Feb/14
He's definitely one of those guys who is considerably shorter than he can look.
Bill said on 5/Feb/14
Here's McGraw with Bullock.
Click Here
She's listed at 5'7, and those look like 3-4 inch heels to me, which puts her at around 5'10. She and McGraw look to be about the same height in this picture. McGraw always wears BIG footwear, and those shoes could easily add 2 inches. I think 5'8 is more accurate for him, but I could even see him in the 5'6 - 5'7 range. Certainly not 5'10.
the height man says on 11/jun/13 said on 11/Jun/13
tim mcgraw aint wearing lifts he has that muscular look that makes him appear i would leve him at 5'10 or 1.79 Meters
Anon said on 17/Feb/13
I saw him many years ago when he was opening for Sawyer Brown. He was short then, maybe 5'5" or 5'6" so he's definitely wearing lifts. Look at his lower legs next time you see him, the lower legs are disproportionately longer tha the upper legs.
Jasno said on 10/Jun/12
Saw him and kenny chesney last night at the Dallas concert(Cowboys stadium) awesome show. And at the end they both performed together. Tim totally towered over Kenny. Before though, I thought Kenny was taller. lol
JellyBean said on 29/Aug/11
Saw him and Faith on stage this past week. In heels she is taller than he. I believe she is 5'8" so I'm thinking he would be 5'10" max. They are both excellent performers.
Dixie222 said on 24/Aug/11
He has to be under 6- in Country Strong he was shorter than Gwenyth Paltrow who is 5'9".
Dixie222 said on 24/Aug/11
I saw him in Country Strong and standing next to Gwenyth Paltrow (who is 5'9" - he was shorter than her!) So he is NOT 6' tall.
LJC said on 29/Jul/11
With Freeking boots on
BK said on 28/Jun/11
Have a picture of him standing next to my girlfriend, seems to be the just as tall as I am standing next to her. Like 5'10.5-5'11 for sure. Who cares though! His music is freakin awesome.
Melissa said on 14/May/11
We saw Tim in concert last night and he walked right by us. I'm 5'5" and with his cowboy hat on he was just taller than I am. I'm agreeing with 5'6". There's absolutely no way he's 6 feet tall. Camera angles don't give an accurate portrayal of height.
Jed said on 10/Apr/11
Not to mention he's 7 inches max shorter than an actor who's listed at 6'8. Definitely over 5'10.

Editor Rob
I've still to watch that one, but maybe he is a bit taller.
Jed said on 10/Apr/11
Rob, in 'the blind side' he's got 4+ inches on Sandra bullock easily. It's on sky premiere this week. Check it out if you have it. Good film.
Anonymous said on 1/Feb/11
somebody ur full of it he's 5'10 max he was about an inch taller the jason stathem who is 59 when they were standing together in a photo
Somebody... said on 3/Jan/11
He came into a store I used to work at just outside of Nashville. (Nice guy by the way.) I'm just shy of 6" and I had to glance slightly upward to catch his eye, so maybe 6'2". Then again the guy does have natural presence and I was a little star-struck. But he's gotta be at least 6".
Anonymous said on 29/Dec/10
I have personally stood next to Tim and he is no taller than 5'6". I am 5'10", validated by dr., and i could see over his head with boots and cowboy hat on. This was in the late 90's at country jam in Eau-claire, wi. So unless he has grown 4"-6" in the last decade or so he is using lifts in his boots/shoes.
Kelsey said on 4/Nov/10
I dont thin you are right SORRY Tanker
Anonymous said on 3/Jun/09
I was just watching a youtube video of John Kruk(former baseball player) interviewing Tim Mcgraw. Kruk is listed at 5'10 in his baseball stats, and looks slightly taller than Mcgraw who was wearing a ball cap and no cowboy boots. Looking at this side by side comparison I'd put Mcgraw at 5'9.5 next to this legitimate 5'10 guy.
Click Here
Diana said on 22/Nov/08
Saw him on Rachael Ray a couple weeks ago. She is only 5'3" and he was not much taller than her. I was kind of surprised. No way, he is even 5'9" in my opinion.
Anonymous said on 15/Aug/08
this website has become so healthy AND child friendly since glenn's departure y'all !
i sure wasn;'t one to step up, but that glenn needded to go or change his dirty mouth. i'm glad you laid him off the payroll rob,
Brad said on 11/Jul/08
Both wear big ones. Just add: 5' 9".
ME said on 15/Jun/08
I met Tim Mcgraw he was wearing sandals with the rubber souls about an inch thick. I'm 5'8" he was shorter than I am. He is not tall. I have picturest to prove it, he is a very little man
Mike said on 8/Apr/08
I met tim at a meet and greet and I am 5' 8" I would say he is a solid 5'10" and witht the boots he would be 5'11"
check it out
Click Here
Steve said on 7/Dec/07
I met Tug McGraw,Tim's Father.
He was around 6 foot 1
james west said on 6/Nov/07
i am a country music singer. i stand barefoot at at 6' 3. i have met tim and in my flat boots, him in cowboy boots we are the same height. take it for what it's worth but i would say he is at least 6'. you cant judge by tv cause of camera angles. i once had a photo shoot and my bass player is 5' 9. i was only a step behind him and he looked as tall as me.
TM said on 21/May/07
I watched the country music awards on the 15th and Taylor Swift was singing her song she wrote called Tim McGraw. I found out on her myspace site she says she is 5'11 and she was wearing cowboy boots like usual and so was Tim i'm sure. She introduced herself to him at the end of the song and when he stood up to shake hands with her he was definitely shorter. She had 2 inches on him that was clear to see. I definitely think he is not 5'10 now, 5'9 looks more like it.
Anonymous said on 6/Apr/07
Tim was on the view last week and when he stood next to Rosie O'Donnel coming out, he wasn't much taller than her, maybe 2to 3 inches. Also I live in Nashville and got a chance to talk to a singer that is married to Faith Hills assistant. He has known Tim for years and is friends with him. He told me what a great guy he was and I ask him if he was that big of a guy in person. He told me that he is 6ft and held his hand down and said and Tim is like here on me saying that Tim was stretching 5'9. He said that you would be surprised what they do in his videos to make him appear taller. This is coming from someone that knows him well. Now I'd put him between 5'9 and 5'9.5
MD said on 4/Apr/07
He was just on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno (April 3-4, 2007), and in his boots with maybe 2" for the sole and heel, he was only as tall as Jay. I think that 5'10" is pretty accurate, since I couldn't judge the heels and sole exactly. He's definitely nothing over 5'10", though.
anonymous said on 27/Feb/07
This height has to be downgraded, I had a roomate that was 5'9 and she met Mcgraw in person and said that he was around her height maybe a little taller, also i saw a video of him on myspace videos with NSync singing and he was standing in between Justin Timberlake(6'0 on here) and JC Chacez(5'10.5) on here and was smaller than both and he has cowboy boots on so I'd put him somewhere between 5'9 and 5'10
Rene said on 8/Nov/06
Tim was a passenger on a flight I was working a few years ago. I was shocked to see how small he was in person, after assuming he was a big guy! I am 5'10, and truthfully, I towered over him. He seemed like a genuinely nice person, but he's no taller than 5'8 max.
labeau said on 29/Oct/06
the dude wears boots with lifts. saw him in concert. front row. because i have the same boot. 3" baby. Makes me 6'2", made him 6 feet.
TR said on 15/Aug/06
Tim played in a celebrity golf tournament where I volunteered several
years ago. I stood directly beside him as he changed to his golf shoes.
I'm 5'11" and was looking down at him. I would estimate 5'9"max. He
also stood next to Vince Gill, 6'2" and Vince made hime look small.
Joe said on 26/Mar/06
There's no way he's 6 ft. tall. Watch Friday Night Lights: he's a good 3 inches shorter than Garrett Hedlund (who's 6'1") who plays his son.
brandon said on 28/Feb/06
I recently got the chance to goto one of tim's concerts in MT. pleasant, MI @ the soaring eagle casino in sept. of 05'. I seen tim by his bus and he was wearing sandle type shoes even being 50 feet away i noticed they were really thick at least 1 half maybe 2 iches thick. I then went in the casino and seen tim playing poker with his band mates, now his guitar player was at least 6 foot tall, but when tim stood up i was probally like 5 feet away and then proceded to walk towards him and ask for a autograph when i was right next to him there was no way he was 6 foot i'm 5' 10" and he was almost the exact size he was wearing jus tennis shoes so he must have changed them before when i seen him earlier with those sandals. He also wasn't that big from comapred to seeing him on tv he seemed much skinier.
Zippy said on 9/Feb/06
He was just on Oprah! When he was standing next to her, they were the same height! She is 5'6". Just another short celeb lying about their height!
MD said on 23/Jan/06
He's definitely not 6'
Mr. R said on 21/Sep/05
J, of course he is rounding up! He knows, and others of us know that he is around 5-10, but 6 foot in the boots!
Viper652 said on 21/Sep/05
Very, very few true 6-0 people in this world it seems :)
MD said on 21/Sep/05
"About six feet" is codespeak for "average heighted guy pushing for taller."
J. said on 20/Sep/05
I was reading an older issue of Sports Illustrated (from 2004)which featured a brief little interview with McGraw. The interviewer asks him what how his skills are on the court. He says, "I'm about 6 foot but play like I'm 5'1". So, he's offically said that he's a six footer. But is he rounding up???
DJZ said on 18/May/05
I work for a radio station in sunny Orlando Florida and had the pleasure of meeting both Tim and his lovely wife Faith back in 2000. Faith was wearing sandals with heels and Tim was wearing cowboy boots and Faith looked a shade taller. Not sure of Tims height but Faith was about an inch taller than myself.
Taking into consideration she was wearing 2-3 inch heels and Tims boots id put them both at around 5'10.
Mr. R said on 19/Apr/05
Well Smoke, I agree that Tim is a hard one. That is why I was excited when I saw he and Brett Favre together. I trust the combine listing, and I could see the footwear of both. I will look for the rerun of the show.
Smoke said on 19/Apr/05
J. man, from where do you get the impression that I am arguing? My tone is no different from yours, and just like you, I to have the right to be argumentative from time to time, particularly where I am outnumbered in opinion! (you can read your own Bill Cosby posts and see for yourself how you can be) I am in full agreeance over the fame, fortune, and the hot wife, but this site is for the sole purpose of pinpointing height and having fun at the same time! I think you can stick McGraw into the same category as guys like Pitt, Clooney, Farrell, etc. These are guys for who we can only have a ballpark figure, because McGraw can look a 6 footer in some pics, and a 5'10" guy in others, only one thing can be certain, and that is the fact that his footwear is a very big influence in his height. The same thing goes for Ricky Martin and Justin Timberlake, it is very hard to know for sure. But as with the other two, we are talking about 6 footers here, these men are not giants by any stretch of the imagination, whether he's 5'10" or 6'0" he is still neither tall nor short.
J. said on 19/Apr/05
Simmer down, Smoke. Take it easy, no need to argue. :-) Anyhow, about McGraw, he looks a solid 5'10"- possibly 5'11" to my eyes. The only problem with him is that he wears such thick-heeled boots and always has a cowboy hat plopped on top of his head so to get a fair and even estimate is hard to do. But hell, Tim has millions of dollars, a hot wife and a loyal fanbase. With all that, he can be any height he wants to be!
Smoke said on 19/Apr/05
Very possible, but again, I've made the same analysis with Craig Ferguson, who in dress shoes is still considerably shorter than other guys who are supposed to be 6'2" and in flat shoes. Also don't rule out camera angles and other variables such as uneven ground, I posted a good pic of your (6'1") Jimmy Kimmel getting dwarfed by Clay Aiken who's supposed to be same height as Kimmel. You won't know for sure unless you get a hold of Tim's "country outlaw" boots and see the heals for yourself, or until you meet him in person to confirm him not being in the 6'0" club.
Mr. R said on 19/Apr/05
Thank you for the love J! Thank you for the pic Rob! I also saw McGraw on Letterman one night, and again he was several inches shorter with his boots on. That makes TWO verified 6-2 guys that we can compare McGraw to. It all adds up to one conclusion: Tim McGraw, country outlaw, a member of the 5'10" club!
Smoke said on 18/Apr/05
Sorry to get in the middle of another of J. and Mr. R's love affairs, but after looking at more of McGraw's pics I can only draw one conclusion, he is a very tricky guy to pindown. There are pictures that show him looking tall next to someone like Alicia Keys (5'6") or Norah Jones (5'2") like a true 6 footer would, there are also pictures in which he looks considerably taller than his tallish wife. Then there are pics where he barely looks taller than notoriously shorter people like Billie Joe Armstrong, Bono, and Steven Tyler. One thing I'll note is that in addition to often wearing cowboy boots, he tends to lean in a lot of his photos making him appear shorter, and I'll also note that his father, baseball pitcher Tug McGraw was known to being a 6 footer himself. Comparing him to Brett Favre is just one end of the spectrum.
J. said on 18/Apr/05
Mr. R, you are on top of your game, as always! McGraw does seem more in the 5'10"- 5'11" range. One thing's for sure, he is shorter than 6 feet BUT not too much shorter. He looks to arrive straight at six feet with those thick cowboy boots on so he would be shorter than 6' without them. That's just plain logic.
Smoke said on 18/Apr/05
Mr. R, there's nothing bad about disagreeing, as a matter of fact a good debate is good every now and then. Rob has Faith Hill at 5'8", and compared to other celebs I've seen here in pics with that looks accurate, she's listed at 5'9" everywhere. Now it is possible he could be 5'10" indeed, but it is also possible that he is very close to the 6 foot mark. I can compare Tim McGraw to another guy who can be frequently seen in cowboy boots, and that would be Billy Ray Cyrus and from my personal encounter with Billy he would definately have been 6'0", minus the cowboy boots. I've never met McGraw, so again I'm just estimating, but if Tim is really 5'10", then that makes Faith in the 5'6"-5'7" range which I think she looks taller than. If Tim was 5'10", and Faith is really 5'8", Faith would be his height or taller in heals, but McGraw is visibly taller everywhere you see them together. But his being in cowboy boots all the time does indeed make him hard to pinpoint, then again, if we can't pinpoint Tim McGraw, how can we pinpoint Randy Jackson who always looks to be in cowboy boots as well.
Anonymous said on 18/Apr/05
Based on the NFL Scouting combine we know that Brett Favre is a combine 6-2. If Tim Mcgraw was 6 feet then in boots he should be pretty close to Favre's height. This unfortunately is not the case
Mr. R said on 18/Apr/05
Oh Smoke, we were doing so well! First of all, you are assuming that the height listed for Faith Hill is accurate. (Give us a figure Rob!) Second, I think that comparing him to Brett Favre is good because he has been listed as 6-2 for years, and at worst, the Packers are rounding him up. I have watched Favre for years, and I think he is exactly 6-2. Thirdly, Favre was in tennis shoes, and Tim was in boots. If Tim were really 6 foot, he should have been close to Favre in height. But he was at least 2 inches shorter, with the enhanced footwear. I stand by my observation that Tim McGraw is about 5'10".
Smoke said on 17/Apr/05
Well it's one thing to compare him to Brett Favre, but you can also compare him to his wife Faith Hill and see that indeed he does look considerably taller than Faith, even when she is in heals. If he was 5'10", Faith would definately be either taller, or his height in heals. He has to be closer to 6'0", because he still looks atleast two inches taller than Faith when she is in heals, my guess would be 182-183 cm.
MD said on 16/Apr/05
BTW, Tim isn't as big as everyone thinks either. He's routinely listed at only around 165 pounds.
Mr. R said on 23/Mar/05
McGraw has always been listed this way, but on his special last year, his 6'2" Friend Bret Favre came on stage, and made him look pretty small, even with his boots on. From that show, my guess is that McGraw is closer to 5'10".