How tall is Taylor Swift - Page 7

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Average Guess (969 Votes)
5ft 9.25in (175.9cm)
AN said on 5/Feb/12
I took all the pics that were previously given as well as a few others and did some mathematical calculating. Taking into account (to the best of my abilities) the angle of the camera, slope of the ground, who was closer to the cam, body posture, and(if walking) who was at the top of their step and who was on the lowest point; and then looked up the accepted heights of the people next to Taylor. What I came up with was an average calculated height of 5'-9.6" (+ or - .75") for Taylor Swift. I don't believe the picture of Taylor with Kellie Pickler and Julianne Hough is an accurate portrayal of her height since it has obviously had some slight photoshopping done to it (even if it's just the background).
Anna said on 2/Feb/12
Ellen is listed here as 5'7 (and I believe that, don't think she's 5'8)
It really doesn't seem to have a 3 inches difference between them on this video

Click Here
Anna said on 2/Feb/12
Taylor Lautner DEFINITELY lies, I think he was wearing shoe lifts in that scene

I would give Swift maybe 5'9.5-5'10
BritBrat said on 1/Feb/12
btw pictures r kind of a weird way to judge. in that pic of her & Maggie G, she was waay shorter than her & I'm sure Maggie isn't like 6'3 or 4 :p
BritBrat said on 1/Feb/12
Im not calling her a liar, but walking by her, she & I should have been the same height & I swear she was 2 inches shorter than me. also, I forgot to mention was with my ex-beau, he's 6'1 or 2 idrk :P & she was significantly shorter. idk by how much in comparison because i was a little starstruck.
CK said on 1/Feb/12
@elena: There is obviously a few inches between Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal in that picture. Oh, and Taylor Lautner is more around 170-172cm, he's no where near 5'10".
elena said on 30/Jan/12
I think she is 5'10 at least... I know that a lot of people think that she is only 5'8 or something but that just can't be true, she towers over so many people in interviews etc and you can just SEE that she is not 5'8 or something like that. my sister and my best friend are both 5'8 and probably even skinnier than taylor and still they don't look as "long" (sounds really negative but I really don't want to offend anyone, I think tall girls are beautiful too!) as her.. and also, jake gyllenhaal is listed as 5'11 1/2 or even taller everywhere and in this picture: Click Here taylor is wearing flats and she's almost as tall as him, so 5'8 just seems unrealistic to me. also she was a bit taller than taylor lautner in valentines day and he's listed as 5'10. I really just don't see how she could possibly be 5'8 and it's bothering me that everyone is always saying that she's lying about her height when clearly she is not :/ when people say blake lively is lying about her height I can understand that, I really don't think she is 5'11 but with taylor it's possible
Chameleon said on 26/Jan/12
Indeed, this girl is 5'8.
BritBrat said on 26/Jan/12
I saw her at the movie theater last year! I was so excited, but I didnt bother her. : I was wearing about 3inch heels & I'm 5'8 so I was about 5'11 in my heels & she was wearing cowboy boots I think.. or some kind of flats & she was about 2 inches under me when I walked by. I was surprised she wasnt taller. so I guess my best guess would be 5'9. ntm she's only like an inch taller than Joe jonas & he can't be more than 5'7 or 8
CK said on 25/Jan/12
@Anna: Miley is actually 5'4.5", she said so herself.
Anna said on 25/Jan/12
Click Here

Look at this picture, Miley is 5'5, they are both in flat shoes, no way Taylor is 5'11
She is definitely tall, but not 5'11
SIlent d said on 24/Jan/12
I doubt it nada. 176cm.
Vegas said on 24/Jan/12
a big range of guesses for this girl, wow, have to admit i know very little about her but her measured waxwork is in tussauds so somebody living in new york should get a photo next to it, someone on i think brad pitts page said his 6'2 friend was shorter than the waxwork which is in ~3-4 heels and assumed that it was made "much taller" than the real person (which is not the case), its actually leaning a bit and losing a slight bit of height Click Here Click Here
ANDREA[ITA] said on 24/Jan/12
She really looks 176 tops. No way she's a legit 5'10! 5'11 is ridicolous for her
miss y said on 23/Jan/12
I think she is 170 to172cm.
CK said on 22/Jan/12
I take her poor posture into my estimates and she's still not over 5'10".
Uninterested Observer said on 21/Jan/12
First of all, why the hell does it matter to you how tall she is or isn't? Secondly, something that nobody seems to be taking into account is that she has TERRIBLE posture. In almost all of the shots people are giving as comparisons, she is visibly slouching with her neck oddly bent forward. This is a common trait among tall girls, who want to avoid scaring off potential boyfriends by making themselves seem shorter (Ridiculous) I choose to believe her about her height... What does she stand to gain by lying?
MeetB said on 21/Jan/12
f or the first time i find celebheights wrong,,,she's not 1 inch more than 5'8!!
Anne said on 20/Jan/12
she does not looks as tall as gisele
nada said on 19/Jan/12
5'8" to 5'9" max(~173-175.25cm). Rihanna Fenty is a legit 5'8" and she and Swift are pretty even height when they pose together in equally high-heels.
CK said on 19/Jan/12
Susan says on 17/Jan/12
Its on Google, interviews, pictures, videos, I just recently read her height in BOP magazine, plus she says so HERSELF. she is 5'11, and none of yalls opinions against mine will change my view. I don't know what some of you guys have against her being that tall but some are acting ridiculous. she's 5'11, done.
A lot of those sources you gave upgrade celebrities' heights, that's why we have sites like this.
qwerty said on 18/Jan/12
In the recent Vogue it says shes 5'10
Ras_ said on 18/Jan/12
@Susan , LOL I personally have nothing against her being 5'11 its just that she clearly isn't.She is atleast 2 inches below 5'11 , go and check some posts bellow which pretty much proves it she is around 5'9 maybe a fraction above.
Michelle said on 17/Jan/12
My friend is around 5' 10"-11", she was lucky to get meet and greet tickets. They have a picture together which shows they are relatively the same height.
Susan said on 17/Jan/12
Its on Google, interviews, pictures, videos, I just recently read her height in BOP magazine, plus she says so HERSELF. she is 5'11, and none of yalls opinions against mine will change my view. I don't know what some of you guys have against her being that tall but some are acting ridiculous. she's 5'11, done.
Chris said on 17/Jan/12
At firt I thought that she was 5'10, but after seeing pics of her next to Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato, she looks 5'9 MAX.
Ras_ said on 17/Jan/12
@someone she can say whatever she likes,Justin Timberlake says he is 6'1 almost 6'2,but is no taller than 5'11.5 , in my opinion Swift is a legit 5'9 at absolute best around 176cm.
admiral said on 16/Jan/12
how she can greater than taylor launter u only said that he is 5 ft 8.5 inch wat a sucking answer....................
Silent d said on 15/Jan/12
No way. 176cm. Sandy you are out of your mind.
someone said on 15/Jan/12
She's said in like a million interviews that she's 5'11". Stop comparing her to other people's height. That's just how tall she is.
Sandy said on 10/Jan/12
I thought she might be aroung 5'5"
Silent d said on 10/Jan/12
Anonimous i think they'll fit it the way you want it to fit. Did they measure you? It is your prom. People claiming that taylor swift is 5 foot 7 are out of their mind. She looks innocent and sweet. I don't think she'll lie that much about her height. If she was 5 foot 7 claiming 5 foot 11, that is really outrageous. She will be caught out. I'll downgrade her to 176cm. I think 5 foot 10 is a little tall for her. 5 foot 11 seems like a risky claim. People will see the difference. Thanks A! If i was 5 foot 7, i would claim 5 foot 8 because it'll be hard to judge.
A said on 10/Jan/12
@Silent d: Yeah I agree. I think Ellen is actually 168-169cm and Taylor Swift is 174-175cm.
anonimous said on 8/Jan/12
I found a dress that I saw on her and lked and want it for my prom but Im quite small so now I am worrid if I get the dress will they have my size.Please have my size if they still do it. Taylor is tall but I didn't think that tall.
Silent d said on 7/Jan/12
Definately not 5 foot 11 as she claims because she is shorter than justin timberlake. Lautner is a lift wearer. Taylor swift was at least 5 foot 9 flat with ellen who is at least 168cm. 5 foot 9.
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 5/Jan/12
Swift is 172cm MAX, possibly even 170 flat. Lautner is sub 170cm.
Ras_ said on 4/Jan/12
@Chris,of course I'm aware that Maggie is in higher ground,that was probably the first thing I noticed,and thats why I didn't say like an idiot that she is around 165cm...As posted before me,this girl is no taller than 174cm.The Pictures with Jake and that "Actor" from Twilight prove it...
Chris said on 2/Jan/12
Look at the ground in the pic with Maggie Gyllenhaal. Tilted.
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 2/Jan/12
LOL @ 5'10", what the hell? She's barely Lautner's height, who is around 170cm, so I can't give her more than 172cm. Some of the listings here on CelebHeights, like this one for instance, are just hilarious. Who is responsible for these crazy listings???

Swift claiming 5'11" is one of the most ridiculous claims I have seen, she's 172cm AT BEST, she's claiming at least 8cm more than her actual height. She needs to see a shrink because she's gotta have height issues. In fact I would not be surprised at all if she turned out to be 170cm flat, she looks it. She's not bad looking though, I'll give her that, although I think Liv Tyler is hotter.
Chameleon said on 30/Dec/11
Exactly, she is 174cm max..
Ras_ said on 29/Dec/11
Check this pic with "5'9" Maggie Gyllenhaal.I can't see her more than 173/4cm max.
Click Here
Jen said on 24/Dec/11
Rob, she says 5'11 so why isn't she listed as that?
Editor Rob
I'm not convinced she is a true 5ft 11 barefoot.
Kla said on 22/Dec/11
she does look like she is 6ft in MVs...I think 5-10 sounds about right
Kashfia said on 20/Dec/11
Which is true?
A. Taylor Momsen is a good girl who is no taller than 5'9" in her bare feet.
B. Taylor Momsen is a bad girl who is at least 5'10" in her bare feet.
Kashfia said on 20/Dec/11
Taylor Momsen is an inch taller than Taylor Swift in her bare feet. If Taylor Swift is 5'11" in her bare feet that means Taylor Momsen is 6'0" in her bare feet.
A said on 17/Dec/11
@Issy: The heights of Justin and Usher do not need to be upgraded, it's the height of Taylor that needs to be downgraded.
clint said on 16/Dec/11
I always figured she is around 5'9". I'll go with that because I trust my own judgment.
Issy said on 16/Dec/11
Oh also look at Taylor Swift with Justin Bieber and again she is wearing heals. Click Here

The height of Usher, Taylor and Justin is wrong I think.
Issy said on 16/Dec/11
So if she is 5'10 and usher 5'8. then how come she isnt that taller with heels in this video Click Here

I think usher needs to be upgraded OR she needs to be downgraded. I know its hard to see and all but, what you think ?
Chris said on 13/Dec/11

You must learn how to count. If Julianne Hough is 5'4 and according to you those are 3'' heels, 5'' taller would make Swift a 6' girl not 5'11. So you're lying and upgrading Swift's height.

That pic confirm me that Swift is a 5'10 girl.
Serendipity said on 13/Dec/11
look at this photo of her in flats with Kellie Pickler and Julianne Hough, both in very high heels. She towers over them. According to the web, Kellie Pickler is 5'1" and Julianne Hough is 5'4". If she's 5 inches taller than Julianne Hough in 3" heels then she's definitely 5'11! Click Here
michael jackson fan said on 8/Jul/09
oh? i thought she was 5'5 same with selena gomez. i saw their picture with selena gomez but their just sitting. they have a same height.
Hanna, said on 3/Jul/09
Im only fourteen and im already 5'7 and a half. Im taller then most guys in my school and it is something i wish i could change. but after seeing how tall taylor swift is it really made me feel so much better because she is a beautiful talented girl. and she is honestly one of the few people i look up too.
Riley said on 3/Jul/09
she's 5'10 but i always guessed her as 5'6 or so. for some reason she gives the impression of being a bit shorter then she is.
Daniellah said on 29/Jun/09
I'd like to say "Amen!" to whoever "W" is down there, bc its true, tall women are beautiful too. I'm 18, 5'8" and im mexican. so not many girls of my nationality are tall, but i wouln't change it for the world. I've learned to love my height over the years. When i was younger i hated it, but come to realize, tall women turn heads as we walk into a room. and thats why i solute Taylor Swift-5'11", Tyra Banks-5'10", Mandie Moore-5'10" to show that tall women are beautiful too. so girls, dont be ashamed of being taller than the boys. and if they make fun of you, its only because they wish they were tall. so learn to love your height. <3
186cmJeff said on 29/Jun/09
I think it's pretty obvious that BOTH genders are gradually getting taller.
If you don't see it that way you are either ignorant, blind, or in denial.
RSC said on 24/Jun/09
She is 19 yrs old, and she is about 5'10.2 or 5'10.6 tall
Sarah said on 23/Jun/09
All I know she is very tall.Her height is 5'11 she is very tall for 18 year old.She went out with Joe Jonas and he is only 5'9!He's really short!!
olivia said on 19/Jun/09
i think being tall is attractive at any gender. girls ( im 13 and 5'5) im hoping to reach 5'11 but who knows. my boyfriend is 5'10 and only 13. being tall is somethine people should be proud of. i dont think being on this chat thing and being bashed for being tall is very good for any tall girls self esteem. i mean ive always been extremely tall for my age, and i always thought i was weird. but i dont mind anymore. and if taylor says she is 5'11 then she is. period. why woul she lie about her height? she doesnt benefit from being taller or shorter. shes a singer not a modle :)
G said on 18/Jun/09
dang 5ft11, im a fifteen yr old male and im 5ft10 im only 5ft11 when i wear cowboy boots to ride horses. I didnt realize how beautifull tall women could be until i saw taylor swift.
W said on 18/Jun/09
Nick you're so wrong, I'm 5ft 6, short for a guy.. but when I do have a date that is 5 8 or above, it's such a different feeling, secretly, all short guys are intimidated by taller women and make fun of their height as a self defense mechanism. The only way to get around it is to date taller girls while growing up in highschool so you get used to it and it's not a big deal to you, and in turn, girls are like "oh, he doesn't have a problem with it, I guess I won't too". Grow some balls. Taylor Swift, Heidi Klum, they are all gorgeous women. My girl friend is 5ft8 and when we're at a social gathering, she stands out, my eyes go no where else, but on her. Tall women are GORGEOUS!
me said on 16/Jun/09
Im about 5ft8 and i'm a chinese girl. almost everyone in my school is shorter than me. My last boyfriend was my height. Which was pretty sad. And i'd like to be shorter really. Taylor swift is beautiful for a tall girl, and nice legs too. Im flat chested and humongous imagine how sucky my life is.
L said on 15/Jun/09
i am 6ft and im a model. us tall girls are just as gawjuss as short and average girls. I love being tall and i think that people that try to put us down are seriously jealous
L. said on 15/Jun/09
just had to post this. to "nick" that was so rude. tall women are beautiful, you are probably saying that because one of them let you down, and im pretty sure they are too tall for you. that was unecessary and rude, my mate is 14 and she is 5foot10, she is extremelly lucky, and trust me, she is rather beautiful, so dont come here posting that kind of stuff, it is offensive and it isnt true, you sound like a lonely guy that is probably too short for a woman like that ;)
holly said on 15/Jun/09
Antonio, they use numerous camera tricks and such to make heights appear as they please.
Standing on surfaces that aren't level for instance, for greater adjustment they create the surfaces that aren't level by using platforms and crates. How do you think that they get someone who is incredibly petite and someone who is reasonably tall (Kristen Bell and Zachary Quinto are two that come to mind) in a tight camera shot together?
Jamie said on 14/Jun/09
What about this picture? What judgment can you make out of this..? I personally am not sure... lol.

Click Here
james said on 13/Jun/09
her height is a bit confusing but she is not 5'11" or 5'10" i say 5'7-5'8" she is with 5'5" selena gomez....

Click Here

Click Here

even though taylor is in flats and selena is in big heels taylor should tower another 3-4"...
Belle said on 11/Jun/09
How tall are Taylor Swifts parents? maybe it would help to have a better idea if we knew their heights.
I always thought that she was 5.11 but reading through some of the comments I'm not so sure now.
I think she has a stunning face and some great songs!
Anonymous 2 said on 10/Jun/09
katlin, your parents' height does play a role in your height, though how big that role is varies.

Cat has a point.
Cat said on 8/Jun/09
[idiot?? says on 3/Jun/09
no girl would want to lie about their height and add a couple of inches if she is already very tall. Trust me, I would know]

How do you know? I'm quite tall for a female (5'10.5) and I'm more likely to upgrade my height than downgrade if somebody asks me, because I'm proud of it. I can imagine it would be an interesting talking point to be a tall female celebrity, so those on the tall side may well overstate their height!
I figure if it's already obvious I'm tall, why be ashamed of it? I've only ever had compliments about it!
I love my height by the way - you get more respect and attention, especially in the workplace
Anonymous said on 8/Jun/09
5'8 or 5'9 is not *very* tall. It's tall but not *very* tall. If she wants to claim 5'11 it would put her into the very tall group imo. Who knows. I'd love to be 5'10 so I could just wear flats all the time and still be tall (I'm just under 5'8).
katlin said on 6/Jun/09
it doesnt mstter how tall your parents are.
my dad is 6.3
my mom is 5.2
im 5.1 an im 13
my 11 yr old sis is 4.6
my 7 yr old sis is 3.6
Anonymous 2 said on 6/Jun/09
idiot?? What if Taylor Swift isn't that tall and is trying to add a few inches? Entirely possible in today's celebrity world.
Antonio said on 4/Jun/09
idiot?? (treat yourself better than that)

Usually it's their agent or publicist that claims their height for them. If you've ever scene her on talk shows and when she was on CSI you would see that she isn't close to 5-11. She was even shorter than Eads (CSI) at 5-9 to 5-10. I'm think she is about 5-9 at best.
idiot?? said on 3/Jun/09
no girl would want to lie about their height and add a couple of inches if she is already very tall. Trust me, I would know
Danielle said on 3/Jun/09
I'm 19 and 5'11, and have always been the tallest of my (female) age group. Sometimes I like my height because I can pull off certain clothing, reach high shelves (ha) but oftentimes it makes me feel lanky and gangly. I've always been self-conscious of my bodily movements because at this height, it's easy to look awkward. Shorter girls are usually cuter, too...So really, it's a positive and a negative experience. Some people tell me I should be a model (a stupid comment, I think, but well-intentioned nonetheless) and some people are snide and keep referring to me as "tall girl" or keep mentioning they feel short around me. Overall, I'm happy. What else can I do? I'm stuck at this height for life.
Anonymous 2 said on 2/Jun/09
Because, anonymous, celebrities have been known to fake their heights.
anonymous said on 29/May/09
i think that you all need to calm down a bit, if the girl says she is 5'11'' then why wouldn't she be.
Anonymous said on 23/May/09
Mianwale, if average height is 6'7 for men what is it for women?
manitobaboy said on 22/May/09
I don't know. When she sang "Tim McGraw" to Tim McGraw, she looked a little bit taller than him (she did have heels but I'd bet he had boots). I doubt 5'11" but I'd put money on 5'10".

Jamie: In my city in Canada (Winnipeg) the average men are around 5'10" and women are about 5'5". Just saying.'
Jamie said on 15/May/09
Mianwale, you're right about the tall people statement! My city in Canada is pretty big, but the people are short, lol... the average for men is about 5'9", and the average for women (adult women) is like 5'2"...

6'7" for a guy would be like, gigantic here. o_o
RockOn said on 15/May/09
Taylor Swift with 5"7 Vanessa Minnillo

Click Here
Mianwale said on 15/May/09
Here in Mianwale average height falls 6'7" for men. Small town. Tall people
RockOn said on 14/May/09
Taylor is no way 5"11. I think she forgot to put off her 3 inch heels when she measured her height.Thats why she used to say that she is 5"11.
She can't be taller that 5"8 barefooted.
b said on 13/May/09
She's 5"11 she said it her self... she would know what her height is... I'm 5"7 and compared to me taylor is no way 5"8.
Mihailovich said on 9/May/09
she's shorter than justin timberlake although wearing heeled shoes. i think she's max 5.8
Becky said on 2/May/09
I was 4'11-5'2 in middle school and i had a little bit of a growth spurt but not as much as Taylor Swift's i mean she must have been my height in middle school had a big growth spurt!Well, my dad's pretty tall and my mom's short so that makes me average to tall, which by all means my height is 5'5.5 because i knew that when i got measured at the doctor's today two years ago i was 5'5 and i had a period of not growing and then a year later i grew half an inch so that makes a height difference people seem to be a little shorter or way short compared to me because my body tends to look taller than shorter people in that matter!I don't get it?Most people at my school who are shorter than me when i look at them i seem tall compared to them which is pretty strange!I mean when i look back at my father's family pictures my father's father seemed to be a giant and the woman next to him seemed also like a giant compared to her real height! maybe it's because they're bodies were built bigger than other people or maybe because the camera made them slightly taller than they needed to be!that's why i picture that
caitlyn said on 2/May/09
indiE...At 1:17 in the video you can see that Kellie is wearing platform heels that give her about 2" more than Taylor's shoes. Taylor still looks 5'8 max tho.
indiE said on 1/May/09
Watch the music video "Kellie Pickler ft Taylor Swift-Best Days Of Your Life".
In this video they both weared same heels. And Taylor is looking max 5in
taller than Kellie.
If Kellie is 5'1 then Taylor is maximum 5'6 or 5'7.
Amber said on 30/Apr/09
Im 17 5'11 and i love it. I dont know why but i like being tall. But then again i come from a tall family- dad 6'6 1/2 and grandmother 6'1
erin said on 28/Apr/09
she is 5''10
anon said on 28/Apr/09
i'm 5'5 or 5'5 1/2.
i love it because it's small like (your smaller than even really short guys who are like 5'8) but you have really long legs compared to people who are 5'2.
Real said on 27/Apr/09
I just met her in Lawrence, Kansas!

Click Here

I am 5'6 & was wearing standard shoes, she was in sandals. She was kind of leaning to take the picture, but she was definitely not as tall as I thought. I figured she would tower over me.. I'd say a strong 5'9, possibly 5'10 depending on how much she was leaning.

She is also a sweetheart. She was just wondering around the campus library and was willing to talk to anyone who approached her. I am starstruck!
Cali-girl said on 27/Apr/09
Ok people... Wow reading all of you comments is pretty entertaining... But listen... Everyone is going to have different oppinons on what height they think is tall and short... No one is going to be correct. The only thing that you can do for youself is stop complaining and just enjoy the life that God gave you, because you arent young for ever you know... so just enjoy what you have and be happy about it.
Comets said on 27/Apr/09
still i think 5'10 is an exaggeration, she may just be slightly shorter but not over..I'd give her 177cm at max
Jamie said on 27/Apr/09
Again, this person my mom and I met at the swimming pool said to her, "Wow! Your daughter's so tall!" But it may be because that person herself was an adult, but she was only about 5'1"... so I was a lot taller than her.
Anna said on 26/Apr/09
I read in a magazine that shes 5'11
Jamie said on 25/Apr/09
I'd say 5'5" or 5'6" would be fairly decent heights for adult women. :) 5'4" is average for adult women, but we all know everyone wants to be at least above average. xD lol 5'3" is average too, but a bit on the low side of average..

I think 5'2" is the average height for 13 year old girls...
Anonymous 2 said on 21/Apr/09
Once again, Phil and Jamie are correct. 5'7" to 5'8" is a fairly decent height for girls or even adult women.
Phil said on 20/Apr/09
5'7 1/2" (and 173 cm which equals 5'8") is tall for a 14 year old girl, and for adult women for that matter; it sounds average for guys at that age, though.

I think Brenda Song is within the 5'1"-5'2" range; currently, Dylan is probably at least 5'5" and Cole is probably at least 5'6". I think they're on the verge of reaching at least 5'10". :)
Anonymous said on 20/Apr/09
173cm is 68.1 inches.
anonymos 3 said on 19/Apr/09
by the way ayan 173 cm is 5 ft 7 and a half which is my height im only 14 an my friends are he same hieht as so i must be average :)
5 ft 2 is way short for demi!
ASHLEY AND BRENDA are 5 ft 3 though nd the twins are 5 ft 4 :) whihc is short fr boy i like tall boys like 6 feet :)
Jamie said on 17/Apr/09
Oops... the Anonymous on 16/Apr/09 was actually me.. lol. (forgot to put my name, sry)
Anonymous said on 16/Apr/09
5'4" IS actually quite tall for my age (or at least, it's above average xD). It said I was at the 73rd percentile for my age, which means I'm taller than 73% of the girls who're the same age as me... lol.
Anonymous 2 said on 15/Apr/09
I agree with Jeff. Being short, even for my young age is something I would definetly like to change.
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/09
Im 5 feet 8 and i dont think that tall girls are unatractive.The only thing that bothers me that girl who is taller than me wont date me...tall girls have long legs which is very hot :D
jeff said on 14/Apr/09
well i think that height is to be cherished. im 6'2 6'3 and and i would hate it if someone judged me on my height. although it may be different for girls, dont understand why though. alot of people look at height being a great attribute. like me
Jamie said on 12/Apr/09
DKL's right, we have to accept how tall we are. So whether you're short, medium, or tall, deal with it, because that's just how you are. But what do you mean by "growth hormones"? I thought those pills that help you grow never work.
DKL said on 11/Apr/09
It's not about whether you're height is attractive, ideal, average, awkward, one can control how tall they are (unless theyre on growth hormones i guess) I am a very tall 17 yr old girl, and maybe my height is unattractive to guys, but what can i do about that? I have to learn to accept it, cuz i can't change it even thought I wish i could.
lyndsey said on 11/Apr/09
no way she is about 5ft6 to 5ft7
Jamie said on 10/Apr/09
shannoncullen, everyone has different views of what's tall, short, or average... some are even saying that anything above 4'10" is average for a girl, which to me is not true, but everyone has different opinions..

5'4"-5'5" IS average for girls... 5'6" is above average, and I think anyone above 5'7" is tall.. that's what I think, but where I am 4'11"-5'3" is still the average these days.. i'm not kidding!! o_o Canada has short girls...
Stephanie said on 9/Apr/09
I think Miley is 5' 4 1/2" or 5' 5". She's still shorter than her mom, who is 5' 6" (look at pics of her next to BRC and subtract the height of her heels, she's not 5' 8" like some people think). Why would Miley lie to make herself shorter anyway? And next to Taylor Swift, I think it's pretty clear she was telling the truth. I always thought Taylor was 5' 11" though...
shannoncullen said on 9/Apr/09
im 16 and im a girl and im 5f'10" and ive met taylor swift and she was the same height, if not a cm taller then me. and she had flat shoes on. i dont know what the big deal is. and 5'4"-5'5" is not average for girls ! 5'6" to 5'8" is average these days! and tall girls arent always GANGLY! we just have long limbs but i have a normal body. get over it !
Alaska said on 8/Apr/09
Hah, well, I am a FEMALE and I am SIX FEET and I just turned 19. I'm always complimented on my height and they way I carry myself. But I can where you shorter people are saying it's unnatural for a girl to be so tall...but I really think it's all with how the person is made.

Like, for example, I was at the mall on Sunday and I was approached by the this girl who made me go cock-eyed. She was about 6'2, which isn't the issue, but honestly...I felt small. She was big boned and just a beast. And at that moment I understood why some people say to me, "Hey, you're really tall but not a beast." Because, yeah, I am six feet but I have the bone size of someone 5'7. I've been called a 'really petite tall person' many times.

But I love my height and my body shape. I think if I was tall and big-boned, I'd hate it but nahh, I'm signed with an agency for modeling and I just love it. I think 5'11-6' is tall for a girl, but with the right build it can appear delicate and feminine.

Also, I'm not a stick or made like a board. I have curves, not big curves but I weigh 125 and my measurements are 32-24-35. So, compared to my waist...I got hips and would say I have a nice, elongated, hour glass shape. =).
Phil said on 7/Apr/09
Jamie, I guess 5'6" makes sense and is a reasonable estimate, 5'5" being the minimum. I actually heard that Miley, herself, said that she is 5'4 1/2", and this was pretty recent. I actually don't believe that myself and I would give her a minimum of 5'5".
Jamie said on 6/Apr/09
Phil, I think Miley's AT LEAST 5'6" right now, which is above average. When she's next to Mitchel Musso she looks about the same height as him, but that can't be true, since he's 5'8" and Miley isn't. So I'm guessing she's 5'5" or 5'6", which is both a little above average..

For Selena 5'4" or 5'5" makes sense. :)

5'2" sorta makes sense for Demi too, but she always looks a bit taller than that so I'm guessing 5'3"-5'4"?

I agree, Al... most tall girls I know are good athletes. It's the shorter girls who aren't good at sports.. I'm not very athletic (like my dad, lol. He's not athletic but my mom was VERY athletic as a child), so I don't think I'll be something like 5'7". xD I don't really like sports... I'm not good at them either. xD The only sports I TOLERATE are badminton (which I'm actually pretty good at, surprisingly..) and volleyball.
Anonymous 2 said on 6/Apr/09
Phil, you've got a point here on women's height-I'm probably biased in the fact that I'm short and I'm a guy so naturally I see height as a good thing in all situations. Though my parents are short though, my mon has two brothers are are both like 5'11", and I consider her to be relatively short in her family because her mom's peak height was 5'5". I hope the tall gene skipped her and came to me.

Jamie, I'm in Alberta, and the shortest girl in my grade is around 4'8", but the tallest is at least 5'9", maybe even 5'11". Her mom is only average, so I wonder if her dad's a giant, but in any case she's as tall if not taller than many senior high students.
Phil said on 6/Apr/09
Selena is probably 5'5", maybe a minimum of 5'4". She's definitely very average and comes across as that in Wizards of Waverly Place. If David Henrie is really 5'10", then I guess 5'5" makes sense.

Miley is either 5'4 1/2" or 5'5", both being average. She is consistently towered over by Billy Ray.

Demi is probably about 5'2" and usually comes off as short.
Jovanie said on 6/Apr/09
I just want to specify Selena Gomez's, Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato's heights because they're not very tall are they?
Jamie said on 5/Apr/09
R.B., I live in Canada, but we're not ALL short. Well, I'm not exactly Canadian, I'm Chinese, and people in China don't get very tall. xD I'm not short for my age though... in Canada, we have tall guys (I'm in middle school, and there are at least 6 boys in my school who are above 6') but short girls (the tallest girl at my school is only like 5'7" or 5'8"). Well,not exactly SHORT girls, but average to short girls. I just turned 13 and I'm 5'4". My dad is 5'8" and my mom is around 5'6". I think I'm pretty much done growing; I did get my growth spurt already. I think I'll just be an inch or two taller than I am now when I stop growing. :)

In Canada, 5'9" wouldn't be considered a giant either... it'll be considered very, VERY tall, but 5'10" is probably the point where it'll be considered gigantic. Where I am, it's pretty rare for a girl to be above 5'8" or 5'9"... lol, I guess girls don't get too tall over here. xD

I'm only in middle school, and the tallest girl in my grade is about 5'6" or 5'7". The shortest girl in my grade is like 4'5". R.B., your friends are pretty short compared to you, lol. xD
Phil said on 5/Apr/09
I differ from Anonymous 2's opinion on women's height: I think it's ideal for women to be short to average, while it's ideal for guys to be above average to tall. For me, if I were a girl, I think I'd prefer to be shorter than tall. I just think it's more ideal for men to have the height and that height should be reserved for men more often.
Phil said on 5/Apr/09
Yeah, I agree with Anonymous 2, 5'11" is huge for any girl and girls tend to top out at 5'9" on a regular basis. (it's nothing strange at all, though!) R.B., although I don't think anything above 5'9" is ideal for a girl, I'm sure you know that height is in your genes, which is great if you ended up having sons in the future as I'm pretty sure that they will benefit from this. I'm sort of in the same boat as Anonymous 2 - height is not something that is in a lot of Asians' genes, and it's not something that my family has too.
Anonymous 2 said on 4/Apr/09
R.B-5'11" is huge for any girl. The only women who get around that height would probably be models. 5'9" would probably be top of the norm IMO.

And if you want my opinion-be proud of your height. It's something a lot of us want (like me) and only some of us get. I am a guy and I'm probably far from my growth spurt at age 13, but still, I'm Asian, my dad's 5'7" MAX and my mom's 5'3". There doesn't seem to be much hope for me getting to any decent height (for me that's at least 5'10").
Antonio said on 4/Apr/09
Taylor was on "The Tonight Show" last night. When she was on stage at the end of the show, Leno was in his usual 1" dress shoes, and Taylor had 2" heels on. Jay stood 2-3" taller. If Leno is 6-0 w/shoes on. Then Swift was 5-9 to 5-10 with her 2" heels. That equals 5-7 to 5-8 in bare feet. They may have publisized her at 5-11, for just that reason ... publicity, that made her stand-out. No pun intended.

I think as we see more of her, her height will have to be reduced.
Anonymous 2 said on 2/Apr/09
Me too, Phil. Although I have a classmate who is 13 as well and at least 5'9". Heck, she might even be 5'11".
anonymous95 said on 1/Apr/09
Okay, so pretty much everyone agrees that taylor swift is taller than 5'9"
and everyone who has made a scale has decided that 5'9" is tall.
Therefore, Taylor swift is tall.
does it really matter exactly how tall she is?

and also 5'7" is really not all that tall.
it is somewhat tall, but not very.

I am a girl who is 5'9" and fourteen, and for my age, that is pretty tall.
Phil said on 31/Mar/09
Based on where I live, 5'7" is enough to stand out to be considered tall around here. It's probably the next common height after all of those in the middle. I say it makes sense since I never see girls who are anywhere NEAR 6'0", haha.
Jamie said on 30/Mar/09
rrry, you're 6' tall, and your best friend is only about 5' tall? Wow, you make unlikely friends! =) You're almost a foot taller than her! Still, it's good that you ignore those people who make comments. You go, girl (you ARE a girl, right? xD)!
rrry said on 29/Mar/09
As I've come to realize, height is a very trivial thing. Short and tall people are both beautiful in different ways. They both have advantages and disadvantages. I'm a 17 yr. old and I'm 6'0" tall. One of my best friends is older than me and about 5'0". We just laugh when ppl make comments about us. What is wrong with us being friends? Why should it matter? I used to take every little comment ppl made to heart. Now I embrace the attention I get from being tall. True, there are some times when I feel awkward, but I've gotten better at not caring. Now, the only problem is the boys...
Comets said on 28/Mar/09
OK, just saw a grammy rerun, she is definitely NOT 5'10, she was very much the same height as Miley Cyrus (or just a few cm's taller), not 5'10ish
Phil said on 28/Mar/09
Haha, thanks Jamie :)
Jamie said on 27/Mar/09
I agree, Phil. =)
Comets said on 27/Mar/09
Phil, your assumption is correct, 5'8 is actually average height and yeah its t rue that most guys fall between 5'8" to 6" feet range even though most people in US mainly celebrities over state their height by atleast 3 inches and for women, anything above 5'7 can be stated as "tall" since their height range averages to between 5'2"-5'5" and thus taylor is probably a Giant in the female kingdom :)
Phil said on 27/Mar/09
Actually, I would also add 6'0.5" to the tall category as well.
Phil said on 27/Mar/09
Here's what I think for guys:

6'1" and above - tall
5'8"-6'0" - average
5'7" and below - short

The reason I say tall starts at 6'1" is because most men where I live fall within 5'8"-6'0", and there are a fair amount of men over 6'0". 6'0" usually blends in more than sticks out. But I can agree that at times, 6'0" can be tall.
Jamie said on 26/Mar/09
Deejay, how did u get to be so tall? My mom is 5'6" and my dad is also 5'8", but I'm 5'4". I just turned 13 so I think I'll grow a bit more, but I doubt that I'd reach 5'7". I was 10 and a half and 4'11"-ish when I got my period (3 years ago), but I'm still growing so I think I'll be 5'5" when I'm done growing.
Jamie said on 26/Mar/09
I agree with Diana... about the height thing for girls. 5'5"-5'7" should be high average..

Anonymous 2, you said you're not even 5' yet. How old are you, anyway (you don't have to say if u don't want to)? So why don't you think 5'8" is average for an adult male? It's a low average, sure, but it's still average..
Phil said on 26/Mar/09
deejay, your children will thank you for your height, especially your sons, haha :]

I want to know, are the girls really like, 4'11.5" on average over there?

I agree with diana, 5'7"-5'9" girls are on the tall side as opposed to average.
Little Red said on 25/Mar/09
Rob-Do you still think Taylor could be 5'10 after looking at Trigger7's photo?
Jamie said on 25/Mar/09
This is what I think for adult guys and women...
For guys:

5'11" and above- tall
5'8" to 5'10"- average
5'7" and below- short

For girls:
5'7" and above- tall
5'2 1/2 to 5'6"- average
5'2" and under- short

Anonymous 2, I'm sorry, but 5'7" for a female is SO not average.. even 5'6" is a bit on the tall side. I think 5'4"-5'5" is average, and 5'3" is a low average.
Anonymous 2 said on 25/Mar/09
I don't consider 5'8" to be average.
Antonio said on 25/Mar/09
She's 5-9.
diana said on 25/Mar/09
personally i think she's 5'8
but in fairness i may be wrong and she could be 5'9 but there is no way she is 5'10
also i think anonymous 2's scale is off for the girls
it should be
5'5-5'7- high average
5'7-5'9-fairly tall
5'9 and up- tall
Trigger7 said on 24/Mar/09
At the Academy of Country Music Awards 5'11" Karolina Kurkova was towering over Taylor.

Click Here
Anonymous 2 said on 24/Mar/09
Here's my scale for guys:

Under 5'6": Quite short
5'6-5'8": Low average
5'9"-5'11": Average
6'0"-6'2": Fairly tall
6'3" and above: Tall

And for girls:

Under 5'2" Quite short
5'2"-5'4": Low average
5'5"-5'7": Average
5'8" and above: Quite tall
Jamie said on 24/Mar/09
5'8" is considered average for a guy too...
Phil said on 24/Mar/09
I think that makes sense, Jamie. I would say for guys, 5'11" is a 'little' on the tall(er) side and where it starts to 'look' tall. 5'10" for guys is very 'medium' to me.
Jamie said on 24/Mar/09
Same here, Phil. I consider 5'10" a BIT on the tall side for guys, but not really. 5'10" and up for a female is VERY tall. But Phil? I think 5'7" is at the top end of the "normal" for girls, 5'8" and 5'9" is tall, and 5'10" and up is VERY tall. =)
Anonymous 2 said on 23/Mar/09
chelsea, 5'9" is not that tall for a guy but pretty tall for a girl.
Phil said on 23/Mar/09
5'9" is at the top end of the norm for girls, and I'd say 5'10" and up is where it's considered very tall.
clara said on 23/Mar/09
she was on radio1 in the uk and when she left reggie was like by the way that girl is massive... she must be like 7 foot or something"... obviousli she not but she always looks well lanky... tbh i wudnt be surprised if shed downgraded her height from 6 foot
Anonymous said on 23/Mar/09
5'11 girls and taller are very rare that's why they are the most beautiful tall skinny long legs . How is that a turnoff. Anyone who says that is just seldconvious of there height
chelsea said on 22/Mar/09
honestly, i am 5'9 and that isn't very tall. taylor swift does seem like she could easily be 5'11
and taller girls aren't unattractive, a lot of guys say long legs are a major turn on.
honestly, why does height matter?
Jamie said on 20/Mar/09
Same here, Phil. I live in Alberta, Canada, and the girls can range from 4'10" to 5'7". That's the average anyway, and I'm talking about the average for adults. Most girls are under 5'8" too. I rarely see girls over 5'9" here.
But with guys, they tend to be 6' and up, above average. So you see what I meant by us having shorter girls and taller guys. xD
Anonymous 2 said on 19/Mar/09
I'm asking the same question as Jamie. Girls over 5'9" should be fairly rare, and over 6'0" at age 15? Are you kidding me? Unless you live in a nation of tall people, K.
Phil said on 19/Mar/09
Same here. I go to school in Chicago and there are more shorter girls than taller ones. Guys tend to cluster around 5'10"-5'11" and spread out while most girls are below 5'8", clustering around 5'2"-5'6", and I rarely see girls over 5'9" here.
R.B. said on 18/Mar/09
I'm almost 6 foot and i'm fourteen. taylor could easily be 5 11 it actually isn't that tall. oh and nick u probably just think tall girls are a turnoff because none of them will give you a chance which i don't blame them for, you sound like a jerk:
"Nick says on 8/Mar/09
ugh, tall girls are such a turn off. There is no reason for a girl to be pushing 6 feet, thats very manly and unfeminine and they usually lack curves and are very gangly. Any girl over 5'10 just looks ridiculous in my eyes"
that is EXTREMELY rude and unnecessary, not to mention wrong!
any way, i think it's very possible that taylor swift is 5 11- why would you doubt her any way? i men it is her body shoudn't she know how tall she is??????
Jamie said on 18/Mar/09
K, where do you LIVE?? In Canada (where I live) we have short girls and tall guys. In Canada, you're lucky if you're 5'10"... 5'11" is REALLY tall for a girl, and 6' is taller... most 15 year old girls where I am are like 5'5" or 5'6". I haven't seen any who're 6' or over.

I'm 5'4", and I haven't seen that many adults who are taller than me. I seriously think Canada is full of short people... I'm happy where I am, being medium height. =) Well, I just turned 13, so I'm pretty sure I'll still grow.
Anonymous said on 18/Mar/09
Here she is with 6 feet tall Kid Rock. Looks about 5" 11" to me.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 18/Mar/09
again in the picture with Nicole Kidman, she's leaning back. I think she's guilty of poor posture rather than overstating her height which I think IS 5' 11"
Anonymous said on 18/Mar/09
In the photo with Billy Ray Cyrus, she's obviously leaning backwards and not standing straight. If she were to improve that posture, she would almost be looking BRC in the eyes...
K said on 18/Mar/09
5'11 isnt that tall lovies, im 15 and im 6'0 and ive got my friends that are all taller than me, they are all gorgeous girls

taylor is most probs shorter if her hair is flat

ugh, tall girls are such a turn off. There is no reason for a girl to be pushing 6 feet, thats very manly and unfeminine and they usually lack curves and are very gangly. Any girl over 5'10 just looks ridiculous in my eyes"....
WE DONT LACK CURVES, ive got pretty big breasts (D) and bum to prove it (and no im not overweight) i still weight 64kg. sometimes it just looks like tall girls lack curves because they do not know how to dress right... (Not saying that anyone tall on this page does it)

why dont you reveal your height aye? ... probs coz your hell short

Jamie said on 17/Mar/09
Wow, Fergie's short... there's a lot of short celebs though. xD

But I don't get one thing. If Selena Gomez is 5'5", and Taylor Swift is (let's say) 5'10" or 5'9", and Selena's wearing heels, they still wouldn't be the same height (or even close). So I don't get it...
andrea said on 17/Mar/09
i think this girl needs a slight downgrade to 5'9
5'11 always seemed too much in my eyes
also fergie looks more like 5'1.5 btw for that person all the way at the bottom who posted a picture...soooo I still think swift is 5'9
Lisey said on 16/Mar/09
Taylor Swift is beautiful. She is blessed with beautiful hair, face and skin. If she is 5'9 or 5'11 it doesn't matter... she's tall. I think she's a little on the lanky side but still a pretty girl. I on the other-hand am 5'1/5'2 and I have no problems with it. I have no problems with men, I like to date taller men as a preference but I know this sounds bad but height depends on race sometimes. I have tall friends up to 6'1 and we mingle just fine. I like the fact I have an hour glass figure (not fat) but a little waist and small shoulders in proportion to my hips and my legs are as long as my friend's who's 5'6.Most of my tall friends say shorter, it wouldn't limit their choice in guys so much lol And as for super models most of them have massive foreheads, big shoulders and big hands yuck! But I think femininity at any height is they key. :)
Maribel said on 15/Mar/09
Anonymous, Nicole Kidman is 5-10.
yves said on 15/Mar/09
Click Here
Swift with 6' Billy Ray Cyrus
She's nowhere near 5' 11"
Anonymous said on 15/Mar/09
There are pictures of her with Nicole Kidman at award shows and she's the same height as Nicole who's 5' 11".

see here :Click Here

Are you sure Efron is not wearing hidden lifts in his shoes?
Emily said on 14/Mar/09
Looking at the pic that Selena posted, it seems that Taylor is slouching in a bit. 2" taller than Efron when standing straight, and assuming that he's max 5'11 in his shoes, then she should be 5'9-5'9.5 at the most. Otherwise, it's possible she could be even shorter, like 5'8!
Anonymous said on 14/Mar/09
I would say that shes much closer to 5'9 but 5'10 is a decent compromise atm.
Suz said on 14/Mar/09
Thanks for agreeing Rob...i just think a girl of 5'11 in such high heels would tower Efron, which Taylor isnt doing at all in the pics.
Suz said on 14/Mar/09
Efron has claimed 5'9 (though i know hes listed as 5'8 here)So at the absolute max hes 5'9. The shoes he's wearing could not give him anymore than 2inches, so the most he is in the pics with Taylor is 5'11 (at the very most) If Taylor is 5'11 then in those shoes she would be about 6'3. There is definately not 4 inches between them. I dont see her at 5'11 at all in these is it possible?!

Editor Rob
I think it's rare for a tall girl to round up...but looking at more stuff of this girl I think maybe she's not as tall as she has said.
Hannah said on 13/Mar/09
Taylor is 5'11" like I said before! My friend is 5'10" and when she meet her she said Taylor had about an inch on her.
alex said on 13/Mar/09
Looking at the photo of Swift and Efron there is NO WAY she is 5'11, in fact i wouldnt even think that she's 5'10 from that pic. She's in heels and she's only just taller than him-and Efron isnt that tall himself. Time for a downgrade.
Jamie said on 12/Mar/09
That picture proves it. She's 5'9" or 5'10". Zac Efron's 5'9", and they both had heels on (but Taylor's was taller) and in the picture she was about an inch taller than him.
Anonymous said on 12/Mar/09
Efron is 5-7.5 to 5-8, so 1m74 tops for Taylor. She only looks taller cause of the boots she wears and her body structure.
Selena said on 11/Mar/09
Click Here

Shes barely taller than Efron, DOWNGRADE!
ANNA_06 said on 11/Mar/09
"Nick says on 8/Mar/09
ugh, tall girls are such a turn off. There is no reason for a girl to be pushing 6 feet, thats very manly and unfeminine and they usually lack curves and are very gangly. Any girl over 5'10 just looks ridiculous in my eyes"

HAHAHA! That was really funny to read. I'm 5"11 and I've been 5"11 since I was FOURTEEN, and I love it. I don't really care when people say I'm too tall-- they're the ones who are too SHORT.

And Nick, hunny. I'm pretty sure you only think that way because you're too short to find a girlfriend. Don't worry, there's a lot new medicine out there that can help grow. And look, there's an advertisement on this very page talking about Elevator Shoes for men, but silly me, I'm sure you already bought those a long time ago.

Tell me when you finally hit five feet!
<3 A 5"11 female.
Anonymous 2 said on 10/Mar/09
At least there are some people that can shrug off being shorter. Maybe when I grow up I'll be one of them. Still, right now I can't stand being under 5'10" as an adult.
Jessica said on 10/Mar/09
I bet the reason Nick is saying that is because he isn't much taller than like 5'5" and has some type of complex about it.. Look at all the supermodels out there. Most of them are over 5'10" and I bet you think they look pretty good.
Jamie said on 10/Mar/09
5'9" is still really tall for a female though... I think Taylor Swift is 5'9" or 5'10", not 5'11", like all of you guys are saying.
mark said on 10/Mar/09
5'11'' isn't that tall unless your like 5 foot ... I mean bellow like 5'2 I'm 5'6 and I have friends that are girls who are 5'11 when I stand next to them I'm fine nothing too tall
Jamie said on 10/Mar/09
I completely agree with Nick... now there's finally someone with common sense! Well, there were quite a few of you who were agreeing with Nick, but there were also others going on and on about how tall girls are more beautiful than short girls. =/ Really!!
-- said on 9/Mar/09
Yea I don't really think she's what she says she is (which is 5'11) cuz justin timberlake is like 5'11, 6 tops/ an on the ellen degeneres show she had her boots on (give her like 3 inches- puting her at 6'2) and justin had some timberland (which gives him like 2 inches- puting him at 6'2 mayb a bit less) an she was still shorter then him--- so i really think she's a strong 5'9- but not even 5'10
what? said on 9/Mar/09
i'm 5'11 and taller than almost all the girls i know but alot of the guys too. i dont really mind. i couldnt change my height even if i wanted to so why wish for the impossible. i kinda like being tall. the short guys dont bother you. i think your height is what you make it. if you feel comfortable than nobody will even think about how tall you are. im in college and all the people i know just say they dont think about me being really tall until they have to stand right next to me. we just laugh about it and move on. i dont even think about being tall anymore. i guess getting older just helps you not care what people think.
Monkey said on 9/Mar/09
It seems that most girls are concerned about what GUYS think of their height. As long as you're happy with yourself that's all that matters. I think if you're tall or small, inner confidence is the key!
Nick said on 8/Mar/09
ugh, tall girls are such a turn off. There is no reason for a girl to be pushing 6 feet, thats very manly and unfeminine and they usually lack curves and are very gangly. Any girl over 5'10 just looks ridiculous in my eyes
Me said on 8/Mar/09
People here keep saying tall girls are better looking than shorter girls, but surely that is a ridiculous generalisation? Taylor Swift, for example, is in fact strikingly beautiful at 5ft11, but so is Alyssa Milano at 5ft2. People shouldn't assume that their height will be the only thing people notice about them.
158cm said on 7/Mar/09
She really isn't 5-11, more like 5-9 or close, but it could be her body structure makin her look tall.
edhardyy13 said on 7/Mar/09
im almost 15 and im 172cm (5'9".. i think) and i live in australia. im taller than nearly all the girls in my year and one of the tallest in my school . the average here in australia is around 5'5" / 5'6" .

ive always been taller than girls my age and to know that taylor is 5'11" is really comfortingg . i like being tall but compared to my friend i look like a gianttt ! i agree with Billie 100% . all my close friends are a lot short than me and i can neverrrr wear heels when we go out .
Antonio said on 7/Mar/09
Did anyone else see her on CSI Friday night? I think she did a fine job.

It's interesting ... she looked a couple of inches shorter than Eads, who is rated at 5'9.75" on this site. She was probably in flats (I don't recall ... she may not have been), so if 5'11" were correct, she would have stood at 5'11.5" at the very least. I realize Eads is probably heightening, but he would have to be adding 3". They did show his footwear last night, but they didn't seem to be extreme. To me, perhaps they gave him an extra 1" or so.
guyy said on 6/Mar/09
i read some comment earlier saying that tall girls think there beautiful, when judging by the comments on this they are actually way more conscious about their appearance than the shorter girls, which is silly because in my opinion out of a good looking short girl and a good looking tall girl the tall girl always looks more striking , yum.
Anonymous 2 said on 5/Mar/09
Makes sense, Phil. I desperately want to be taller (at least 5'10"), but not because I'm concerned about finding a date. I just don't want to be caled short anymore.
Phil said on 5/Mar/09
Anonymous 2, it's tall "girls" that usually want to be shorter. Tall "guys" are usually happy with their height.
gill said on 5/Mar/09
wow..some girls really grow that tall? and some doesnt like it..gosh i always wanted to be only 5'4 which is considered tall or average here in the philippines..who wants bone transplant..hahaha..gosh i wanna be taller
:) said on 5/Mar/09
i'm 5 ft 11 and lovvee it. i get scouted for modeling all the time and guys actually really like my height, plus all the amazing looking guys are 6ft + anyway, plus girls look better taller than shorter, maybe depending on there weight
Anonymous 2 said on 4/Mar/09
Sofia, you didn't say anything offensive, really, but I just have a hard time getting why tall people want to be short-but what you just said makes a lot of sense.
heather from england said on 4/Mar/09
im 13, 5'8 and one of the tallest in my year but some of my friends are about5'5 and im always getting comments like yours sofia-like 'hows the weather up there' it really pisses me off! but hopefully when im older the guys will catch up a bit and i can wear heels!
sofia from sweden said on 4/Mar/09
to A2; I guess, being tall makes me want to be shorter, and you being short wants to be taller. It's all in our nature, wanting the opposite. I'm sorry if I said something that might've offended you, but here in sweden everyone is short. It's like, supermodels are tall, but not even those girls or those who plays basketball are THAT tall, they're around 5'8 maybe. So being short is being normal in sweden.
But anyway, I think it all depends wheter you like your height or not if you were bullied for it or not. If you weren't, then all comments are probably possetive. But for those of us who were/are bullied because of our height, we take it as a bad thing.
Anonymous 2 said on 3/Mar/09
Well, Sofia, long years of being called short can imprint that kind of stereotype onto one's psyche. I mean-I dream of being tall and cannot fathom how that can be anywhere near an insult. Maybe it's because I'm a guy, maybe it's just me, but being way taller than everybody else is awesome to me.
charlie said on 3/Mar/09
i love my height, im 16 and 5'8", im the tallest chick in my school but thats probly because i live in china =]
Phil said on 2/Mar/09
"I'm 5'10 and nobody should be ashamed of being tall. The average guy is like 5'11."

That makes things difficult because for tall girls, only a few guys will have a significant height difference over them.

"A 5'11" girl is beautiful. I'm 5'10 1/2" and I really want to be 5 11 so HAH"

Sure, they are beautiful, but for many guys, that would be too tall for them to date, so you can kind of see how tall girls have it difficult.
Anonymous 2 said on 1/Mar/09
Billie-you were bullied because you were tall? That's something I haven't heard of before-heck, one of the main reasons I want to be taller is because I think that would give people less reason to pick on me.
Allie said on 1/Mar/09
I'm 5'10 and nobody should be ashamed of being tall. The average guy is like 5'11. anonymous should shut up! It's not the truth! U rock 4 being tall Taylor!
Isla said on 1/Mar/09
im a tall girl too. im 5,10-5,11. i always thought it was awful, especially concerning boys. but its something to be proud of.
Tall Person said on 1/Mar/09
I disagree with anonymous. A 5'11" girl is beautiful. I'm 5'10 1/2" and I really want to be 5 11 so HAH
kristy said on 27/Feb/09
im short and i love it. 5' 1". [17] its kick ass i fit right where i need to
Jamie said on 26/Feb/09
Yeah, 5'11" really is a whole lot taller than the average female... I'm sorry too. But 6' or up for a female is even more outrageous! O_o I'm sorry if that's your height, I'm not trying to be mean...
Anonymous said on 26/Feb/09
5'9" - 5'9.5"
5'11" is outrageous. I'm sorry but it's the truth.
candy said on 25/Feb/09
I'm 5'11 and i dont sonsider me really tall. I'm the shortes in my family. Ang guys average i think is about 5'11 and taller.
2002 said on 22/Feb/09
She looks more 5-9, maybe 5-11 in shoes.
Jamie said on 22/Feb/09
Being 5'4", I'm one of the medium-heighted girls at my middle school, but one of the tallest girls in my grade.

If you think 5'4" for a 13 year old girl is "short", you should see the girls at my middle school... their average height is like 5'1" or 5'2". I'm only in grade 7, but I'm taller than 1/4 of the girls in grade 8 and 9. And even if they are taller than me, most of them are only like half an inch or an inch taller. The tallest girl at my middle school is only like 5'7" or 5'8" (which is tall, but there's no girl over 5'8" at my school). I guess I've always been around short people... =)
Camila said on 22/Feb/09
Well, im 17 and im 5'8"... I live in Guatemala so obviously my height is beyond average cuz most of the guys here are...well short. I'm a tall girl, with a tall family (my bro is about 6'7" or sumthing) and yep, I used to hate being a tall girl... but you know what? now I absolutely love it... its like the perfect height! And to feel comfortable in your own skin is always a plus.

I totally agree with Lily: "used to hate being 5'9" because i'm one of the tallest girls/people at my high school but out in the rest of the world i love it! i always feel like the creepy guys that whistle at me and my friends are less likely to try something because i'm as nearly as tall as them."

yep... every height has it's advantages.
amanda said on 22/Feb/09
i'm 5ft8 and im loving my height.. its perfect.. not too tall not too short.. im dreaming of being a model but i think i need to be alittle taller.. im 18 and if im not wrong, i grew half an inch last since last year.. maybe im still growing.. xD
lily said on 22/Feb/09
i used to hate being 5'9" because i'm one of the tallest girls/people at my high school but out in the rest of the world i love it! i always feel like the creepy guys that whistle at me and my friends are less likely to try something because i'm as nearly as tall as them. plus, it sounds like alot of you on here are even taller!

every height has it's advantages
Mark D. said on 21/Feb/09
Wow, I had no idea that she was this tall. Her voice and youthful appearance made me think she was shorter than that. Not that I'm complaining, I think a
tall lady rocks as almost 6'5" myself. I was just totally surprised by this.
Jamie said on 21/Feb/09
Well, for me, being 13 at 5'4", I'm one of the tallest girls in my grade... so you see why I think I'm tall. I'm around a lot of short people. There's this girl in my grade who's almost 13, but only like 4'5" or 4'6"-ish! There are girls in my grade who are 5'6", but most of the girls are shorter than me. Plus, everyone says I'm tall... if I wasn't would they be saying that?

Let me get this straight. 5'4" for a 13 year old girl is NOT SHORT. You can say it's not tall, but it isn't short at all. I've never been called short in my life, I've only been told I'm tall.

Christina, I never said it was strange. And I never said 5'10" is too tall for a guy. I said it's a LITTLE on the tall side. LISTEN!! My dad is 5'8", and he's like what, 40? =/

Wow, there are so many tall girls on this page... go to Vanessa Hudgen's page on celebheights, and 70% of teenage girls there are 5'2" or under...

Anyways, I wouldn't like to be too tall... sorry to all of you who are like 5'9" and are girls. Like I said, the tallest I would want to be is 5'7"...
Phil said on 21/Feb/09
Jamie: Yes, 5'5" and 5'6" are considered average in Caucasian standards.

For guys, I would consider 5'11' average. For me personally, I think you have to be above the 6'0" mark to be considered tall, but I guess it's subjective anyway.

I don't think anyone mentioned anything about 5'9"-5'10" being strange for a girl, but those really aren't common heights compared to 5'3"-5'6". I'm in college and at my school, the most common heights for girls are 5'1"-5'7". Sometimes I'll see 5'0" or 5'8" girls, but anything over 5'8" is something I'll only see every once in a while. Elsewhere, girls are probably a half inch taller as a whole.
Anonymous 2 said on 21/Feb/09
I somewhat agree with Christina. 5'10" is a very average height for men IMO, and I ave little trouble believing that in the Western world girls of 5'9" or even 5'10" might not be that uncommon. Now why does that pressure me into having to grow even taller if I am not concerned about datiung whatsoever?

On another point, Christina might be the first person on this topic that actually is proud of her height. Good job.
Danni said on 21/Feb/09
Im 5'10 and to know that Taylor Swift is 5'11 is kind of comforting, because I've never really liked my height, i'm only 15, so to have someone like Taylor swift be that height is quite cool. It might sound weird to you but i can look up to her now, sort of.
Christina said on 21/Feb/09
I'm 19 and 5'9. When I was growing up I was always tall and it was kinda annoying. But now I love it. Its a part of who I am. Being tall gets you noticed more. Not that I have anything against anyone of a different height. I love people of all height!

To the Jamie girl, being 5'9-5'10 for a girl is NOT strange. Look at all the girls who have said they were that tall in these comments alone. And 5'10 being too tall for a guy? No way! That may be true for middle schoolers, but thats definitely not how it is in the real world. I don't even know any guys shorter than 5'10 unless they're like 15.
Anonymous 2 said on 21/Feb/09
Well, I have no idea about dating Phil, but I see your point. Frankly the main reason I hate being short is because I have been called short for years and I am sick of it.
Jamie said on 20/Feb/09
Plus, my mom said 5'3" to 5'6" is the perfect height for a women to be. It's better for your health when you get old or something like that... from what I've heard, if you're really tall, you have higher chances of getting chronic illness that could shorten your lifespan.

The tallest I want to be is 5'7", sorry, I wouldn't want to be any taller than that. But I think I'll only reach 5'5" (an inch taller than I am now)... because my dad isn't tall (he's only 5'8"), I got my period when I was only ten (3 years ago), and I'm Chinese.
Jamie said on 20/Feb/09
I guess 5'4" for an adult female is considered petite in Caucasian standards, but in Asia that would be average. =) Is 5'5" or 5'6" considered average in Caucasian standards? But I don't think 5'4" for a 13 year old girl would be considered short in ANY standard. When I went to China for a visit this year, everyone marveled at how tall I am. I guess in China 5'4" is a lot taller than the average 13 year old girl, but in Canada and the U.S. it would be average, but slightly to the tall side.

This is what I think:
For girls:
5'2" and under- short
5'3" to 5'6"- average
5'7" and up- tall

For guys:
5'7" and under- short
5'8" to 5'10"- average
5'11" and up- tall
Ian said on 20/Feb/09
well i am done growing cause i'm 25 but i am 5"11 but i am short compared to my father and brothers my oldest bro is 6"6 my father is 6"2 and my other brother is 6"1 but being 5"11 i am still taller then most of my friends they mostly are an inch or two shorter.

my idea of womens height
Under 5 feet=short
between 5" and 5"6=average
between 5"7 and 5"10= above average
5"11 and above for a woman is really tall but that is just my opinion
erin said on 19/Feb/09
im 14 and 5'9 -i hated hated hated being tall, but i guess im just going to have to live with it ! i never knew taylor swift was 5'11, i saw her on mtv beside some guy and i was like :0
Phil said on 19/Feb/09
cherie says on 18/Feb/09
i'm 18 and asian, and i'm 5'4". am i considered petite in caucasian standards?

- Yes, that would be correct.
Phil said on 18/Feb/09
"I honestly can't grasp why some tall people don't like their height. Maybe I'm not offering an accurate opinion on this because I'm short and I'm a guy, but those who are lucky enough to be tall should be proud of their height, or at least not resent it."

Anonymous 2, these opinions are greatly affected by what sex you are. It's not simply a matter of being a tall "person"; it's a matter of being a tall "male" versus being a tall "female". For example, it's easy for a tall man to date women of any height, but tall women are only limited to dating tall or above average men, generally speaking.
cherie said on 18/Feb/09
i'm 18 and asian, and i'm 5'4". am i considered petite in caucasian standards? cos i see magazines where they stated tips for petite and tall women and i don't know which category i fall into. can anyone enlighten me? :D

i never knew taylor is soooo tall, i thought she was maybe about 1.75m, never guessed she's taller than misha barton and even tyra banks. wow! i love her songs :)
kate said on 18/Feb/09
taylor is definately 5'11"
That's why she never wears heels.
Also she mentions on her profile that she's really tall.
Anonymous 2 said on 17/Feb/09
And if you're a girl, being shorter than most guys is good because?

I honestly can't grasp why some tall people don't like their height. Maybe I'm not offering an accurate opinion on this because I'm short and I'm a guy, but those who are lucky enough to be tall should be proud of their height, or at least not resent it.
Jamie said on 16/Feb/09
See, Lora? Even Phil doesn't think I'm short... I'd say 5'4" is average for an adult female, but sort of tall for a 13 year old girl like me.

Taylor D, I think you're average for your age... 5'2" isn't at all short for a 12 year old. I think I was only about an inch taller than you when I was your age (last year). I know a 12 year old girl who is about 4'5" or 4'6". =)
Taylor D, said on 16/Feb/09
I think that Taylor Swift is really pretty, and she doesn't let her hieght get in the way of her dreams. I'm only 12 and I'm 5'2, all of my friends say that I'm really tall but they're almost as tall as me. And it sucks because I'm not supposed to get any taller, and pretty soon they're all going to be taller than me. My friend Stephen is only a year older than me and he's 5'11, and he makes fun of me for being so short. I like my height because I think that it just perfect for me but some times I wish that I was taller. That's why I love Taylor Swift, she has an amazing voice and embraces her hieght. I think that she's just absolutely amazing.
laferty said on 15/Feb/09
is there any thing that we can do to be more taller?i mean?medicines or something?or techniques?im only 5'7 and i want to be more taller at least 5'9 is that possible?
Phil said on 14/Feb/09
Anonymous 2 says on 10/Feb/09
Also-why do some people around here want to be shorter?

- It's better to be shorter when you're a girl because a greater number of guys are taller when you're a shorter girl.

Here's my opinion on what's short, average, and tall for girls:

Below 5'2 1/2" - short
5'2 1/2"-5'6 1/2" - average
Above 5'6 1/2" - tall
Hannah said on 13/Feb/09
My friend is 5'10 and is a huge Taylor fan. She says 5'11 is quite fair for her, because when she met her she was about an inch taller than her.
Allnew2009 said on 12/Feb/09
I'm guessing Taylor is more like 5"9.75.
Bornin1986 said on 12/Feb/09
I've heard that people who are extremely tall will be prone to chronic illnesses later in life and even shorten their lifespan.
m said on 11/Feb/09
wow some of you are tall. I am 14 and 5'7. I wish I was like 5'8 or 5'9. Hopefully I will get a little taller.
Jamie said on 11/Feb/09
Anonymous 2, since my mom is 5'6" and my dad is 5'8", height predictors are saying I should be around 5'5" or 5'6". I can only hope... all my aunts/uncles on my mom's side of the family are tall (my aunt is 5'7", my other aunt is 5'4 1/2, and my uncle is 5'11") but all my uncles on my dad's family is short (both my uncles are only 5'7". My dad was the tallest in his family, at 5'8").

So because of my dad's height (5'8" is kinda short for a guy), no one thought I would be very tall... but since my mom is tall (at 5'6") I think I'll be about 5'5" or 5'6"... well, we'll just have to wait and see! =)
Anonymous 2 said on 10/Feb/09
Also-why do some people around here want to be shorter? They're the ones lucky enough to be tall (unlike me, who can only excercise and hope) so why do they resent their height? They should be proud of it.
Anonymous 2 said on 10/Feb/09
Hope you're right, Jamie. However, height predictors are saying I'll be around 5'7" or 5'8", and I want to be at least 5'10". However, my mom's brothers (i.e my uncles) are 5'10.5" and 5'11" respectively, and my mom's parents are of comparable height to my mom and dad. I wonder if that can help.
Jamie said on 10/Feb/09
Bryan, I agree. Those people who say girls who're shorter than 5'6" aren't beautiful are IDIOTS. Height doesn't make you ugly or beautiful! It's your personality and your face and body that does... there are a lot of girls who are short and a lot of girls who are tall. Get used to that fact!

Plus, 5'4" for a 13 year old girl ISN'T short. I just want to get that fact straight... 5'4" for an adult female is sorta in the middle. 5'4" is a great height for a 13 year old girl, I must say. =) It's not too tall, and not too short, but just right.
Jenny said on 10/Feb/09
Im 15 and im just a bit over 5'7" and i used to hate my height cus i was always the tallest in my class even from the guys but now everyones grown and the guys r all taller then me and most girls r like 5'5" or 5'6". I dont think its bad if ur tall or short. Im tall and i wear heels and im bout 5'10" with them on and i dont mind. And someone who says a girl who is over 5'6" is not sexy well thats just stupid cus i think u can look gd at any height. My bf is 6'1" which i find a really nice height on guys and i can wear heels with him without towering over him which is awesome! Cus i think its akward when the girls taller then the guy (just my opinion. And if Taylor swift is 5'10" then thats fine shes still seen as beautiful by everyone which she is and she just proves that u can b over 5'6" and b "sexy" or gd looking..
Lila said on 9/Feb/09
Miley mentioned on the Grammy red carpet that Taylor's 5'10 and that she (Miley) is about 5'4.
Is she way off?
Jamie said on 9/Feb/09
Plus, Lora, if I'm so "short", why am I the same height as A LOT of adults already, or even taller than some? I know the truth... 5'4" for a 13 year old girl is a bit on the tall side, but not exactly VERY tall. It's the best height...
Jamie said on 9/Feb/09
Lora, no 5'4" ISN'T short. Plus, I'm only 13. 5'4" isn't short at all for someone who's 13. YOU need to get over it. I'd say the average for adult women is 5'4"-5'6". 5'7" is TALL. Your comment made me laugh.

Wow, everyone here has different opinions on what is tall/short. Some are saying 5'3" is average, while others are insisting 5'4" short... plus, I said 5'10" is a LITTLE tall for a guy, but not exactly too tall. 5'10" for a guy is like 5'6" for a woman, so get what I mean?

And Anonymous 2? I'm also Chinese... my mom is 5'6" but my dad is only 5'8", so it's not likely I'll be very tall either... I think I'm going to be about 5'5" or 5'6" when I stop growing, but that's a very good height. =) Plus, you'll get your growth spurt soon! Girls just get it earlier.
JJ said on 9/Feb/09
You're actually more like 6'1. Taylor is 180.

Why do you hate hour height?
Anonymous said on 9/Feb/09
she has almost my height.
im like ... 185 i think its 6' i have no idea,
well hate my height. but i have such long legs so sometimes its positiv thoo.. :D
Anonymous 2 said on 8/Feb/09
Um-Jamie? 5'4" is a fairly decent height for someone who's 13, and a fairly average height for adult women. I'm only like, 4'10" or 4'11". Maybe it's because I'm a guy and guys have their growth spurts later. I have been the shortest person in my class for years and it SUCKS. Still, it doesn't seem likely I'll be that tall-my mom's 5'3" and my dad's 5'7". Plus, I'm Chinese. Sigh.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.