How tall is Taylor Swift - Page 6

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Average Guess (969 Votes)
5ft 9.25in (175.9cm)
grizz said on 31/Aug/15
no way there is only 1in or so of difference between taylor and 5ft10.75 scott eastwood in her newest music video. nothing above 5ft9 and that may be generous.
fray said on 30/Aug/15
gigi98 - I never said I measured her - read my comment. The anger here is pretty nuts. No photos were allowed @video shoot and everyone had to sign a form. Everyone has a right to an opinion and what they choose to believe. I'm sticking to my guns - less than 5'11" (barefoot) but taller than 5'9". I don't comment on anyone's height unless I've worked with them or in the same project.
heelshealheight said on 30/Aug/15
Looking at nickname's photo suggestions below, the height difference between Kim and her sister Khloe is greater than that of Kim and Taylor. Khloe is listed here as 5'9". If that's the case, then Taylor is no more than 5'8". It's not Taylor who is super tall but those ladies who are surprisingly very small. Next to models, Taylor is just another slender pretty girl-nothing more, nothing less.
Liusu said on 30/Aug/15
she is taller than harry?that is so not true although she might look tall but she's not actually that tall as people think
gigi98 said on 30/Aug/15
@nickkname how tall is s rita ora? I mean, she looks pretty tall to me! she has to be at least 5'7" if tay is 5.9 .But i think her legs are very short for her height.
JohnB said on 29/Aug/15
Harry styles is quite clearly taller than Taylor Swift although you have them the other way around. Either need to bump Harry an extra inch or downside Taylor an inch!
nickkname said on 27/Aug/15
Also here's taylor with kim kardashian both in heels

Click Here
nickkname said on 27/Aug/15
here's tay swift with lisa kudrow aka pheobe buffay from FRIENDS

Click Here

Click Here

and taylor is wearing some seriously high heels while lisa appears to have regular shoes on
heelshealheight said on 27/Aug/15
Thought she was 6' until I saw her next to Karlie Kloss. Taylor wears high heels and Karlie's in flats and there's still a very noticeable height difference. If Karlie is around 6'2", Taylor is no more than 5'8".
vfpswiftie said on 27/Aug/15
Rob, do you think Taylor has a chance of being 5ft9.75?
Editor Rob
you could certainly argue at times she looks above/below her listing.
gigi98 said on 27/Aug/15
Click Here
with Justin Timberlake, so she is 5.9 MAX
Curly said on 26/Aug/15
I'm posting not to dispute that Taylor is tall, but to agree with the posters who have observed she actually has a relatively long torso and short legs regardless of her height.

Most of the time she dresses to give the illusion that she is all legs, and why shouldn't she do that. Yet when she wears flats, it's clear that she is not very leggy in terms of overall proportion. 5' Kylie has longer legs relative to her overall height, she has a tiny torso and a great deal of her small height is taken up by her legs. The same cannot be said of Taylor, whose torso is long and takes up much of her height.
184.3cm (Night) said on 26/Aug/15
She isnt listed at 5'10 Tiger, she is listed in the 5'9 range because she is.
If any of those young guys come out with a 5'11 measurement barefoot i will eat my hat.
vfpswiftie said on 24/Aug/15
Rob, how much do you think is the height difference between karlie and taylor in general?
Editor Rob
I think if Karlie stands tall she can look near 4 inches taller than Taylor.
184.3cm (Night) said on 24/Aug/15

I think her listing is pretty close although i would say 176cm. She is G'ing it up though height wise.
Guy said on 24/Aug/15
I think this is a good listing. Before I saw it I suspected somewhere around a solid 5'9"
Tiger said on 22/Aug/15
its silly that u list her at 5'10 and list harry at 5'9
harry is 5'10-11 thats for sure time for upgrade And put Zayn to 5'10 as he claimed it back in 2011 in twitter and put liam at 5'11 and louis at 5'9 and Niall at 5'8.5 Just saying My Suggestion
Maryanne said on 22/Aug/15
This listing is correct imo. It doesnt matter what her height is, she has a golden heart
dat said on 21/Aug/15
no doubt, she is tall. probably 177cm is right for her.
Allie said on 20/Aug/15
still a flat 5'9. Her pictures with Karlie prove it. You could argue sometimes she looks like a 176 or 174 but anything below or above that is reaching imo.
gigi98 said on 18/Aug/15
@Fray Why do you measure her ? for what? she is not model!!!
vfpswiftie said on 18/Aug/15
Rob did you once have Taylor Swift listed as 5ft 10 here?
Editor Rob
for a period maybe, she's held this 9.5 mark for a good number of years now.
Bishop said on 18/Aug/15
Still don't have the link to this video, nor proof of this guy being measured 5'11".
grizz said on 17/Aug/15
@Fray, you do realize that with no video or picture your claim is as worthless as me claiming that I have seen Sylvester Stallone being measured at 5'11 barefoot? Say whatever you want, I have seen it and I know it.
Fray said on 16/Aug/15
By "hate" I mean people talking about her skills/talent, and then throwing the height issue.
@Balrog, Bishop, & Yo - the filming of her video was done in Van Nuys, and she had sneakers on at one point next to one of the art guys who is 5'11". No, I did not measure her, but he has been. They were eye to eye, head to head. Granted, she had sneakers on, so I too doubt the 5'11" claim, but I can def say she is not 5'8"-5'9".
As for filming/video of measuring people - yeah, I'm sure a lot of people/celebs would LOVE to have videos taken and shared of them with no make-up and in their skivvies.
zack. said on 15/Aug/15
Definitely 5'11", maybe 5'11 and a half.
grizz said on 15/Aug/15
@Johann23, her face is really eerie in that picture. :D And the way she "forces" her legs to look as long as possible is ridiculous - she kinda looks like she lacks half the torso.
abhishek said on 14/Aug/15
@anonymouspeach do you have the link to the video where she was measured 5'11?
mariam1 said on 13/Aug/15
She makes her own height confusing and questionable. Sometimes she looks like a giant, but sometimes she's not much taller than average...Well, once she towered over Cara, but difference between their shoe size was pretty noticeable. Cara had 1cm sneakers when Taylor was standing on 10cm heels. Taylor always uses bigger shoes than any other celeb, Bad Blood BTS video proved it well, difference between her and Cara was 7-8cm but same here Cara was wearing 5-6cm heels while Taylor was standing on 10-12cms. She looks like 2cm shorter than Kendall at 1989 tour in London but Tay had bigger heels on..But it's pretty clear that she's taller than Lily Aldridge (5'8") and other celebs between 5'6"-5'8" listing. It proves that your downgrades are ridiculous but Taylor's upgrades are also funny. 5'11" is good modeling height and we all know very well how much she tries to look like a model. So she uses extremely huge shoes and tries to be skinny which makes her look taller...She's between 5'8"-5'9" no less, no more but my guess is 5'8"5 (174cm)
Johann23 said on 12/Aug/15
Here is proof Tay is 5'9 flat, look:
Click Here
She's with Genie Bouchard, who's 5'9 (even rumoured to be 5'8) Looks about 3 and a half inches taller! However... She is wearing GIANT platform heels which give her over 4 inches of height. Genie is wearing plain sneakers, which give her an inch.
Taylor: 5'9+4.5=6'1.5
Genie: 5'9+1=5'10
they're equal tbh.
an anonymous peach said on 12/Aug/15
Fray said on 6/Aug/15
Why is there so much hatred in Taylor's page?
Trying to make someone "shorter" will not make you grow "taller." Last year, during the "Shake it Off" shoot, she measured 5'11" in sneakers. Anything under 5'9.75" is pretty ridiculous.

How exactly does downgrading her = hatred? People downgrade her because they genuinely think she is shorter than the current listing, not because they hate her. (although there is the occaisional troll who will say something like: "Taylor Swift is about 5ft 6 if she's lucky")

Taylor Swift can actually look as low as 5ft 8 sometimes, although I don't think she is quite that short. I think she is comfortably in the 176-177cm range with good posture.
Allie said on 11/Aug/15
175cm. I could argue slightly under that mark but nothing more than that.
Lola said on 9/Aug/15
5 ft 6. Some people here make me laugh. Miley cyrus is 5'5; Katy Perry is 5'7. Like christ to put Taylor below Katy os just wrong lol height wise there is like a height gap betweeb taylor and Katy. Also weight wise it is possible to be 54kg and that tall. Like its kind of offensive to every skinny person out there who cant get fat. Like dude im 5ft8 and 50kg. In certain parts of Asia most female artists are like 50 and below kilos at like 5'7. Taylor has a very Asian type of bone structure, fine boned and lean, so I honestly dont see why 54kg is impossible. Also artists tend to shave down their weights? You point is moot tbh.
Balrog said on 9/Aug/15
Sorry Fray, but can't see her taller than current listing. She wears big heels constantly and has really long legs which help her to look taller, but she doesn't strike me as a girl over 5'9''.
Superman said on 9/Aug/15
She can look like she's 9'7" on stage though.
Mia said on 9/Aug/15
she always looks 6'1" barefeet to me. Definitely over 5'10".
Josh1 said on 8/Aug/15
Not much taller than Cara Delevigne once again she´s 5'8. No one is trying to make her shorter, she´s talented and beautiful but she´s not 5'10, she´s not taller than 5'9 Lucas Till or taller than Harry Styles , she looks almost the same as Taylor Lautner , sorry I can´t buy anything over 5'8.5.
Height183 said on 8/Aug/15
Rob, would you ever take her down a Cm? Considering the pictures with Harry?
Editor Rob
183, it's more a 1/4 inch really, it's not much, but 5ft 9-9.5 is a range I think you could argue she can appear.
Bishop said on 8/Aug/15
Source of her being measured 5'11" in sneakers?
Yo said on 7/Aug/15
@Fray where is your proof that you measured her?
Superman said on 7/Aug/15
@Bishop, you also have to factor in how many men lie about their height (cuz if the average is like 5'9.4" or w/e it's probably in the 5'7"-5'8" range too)

P.S. I like wearing lifts at 6'2" and telling other guys that are 6'2" i'm 6'2" when I'm standing at 6'4" for lolz. I'm a dick, I know.
grizz said on 7/Aug/15
@Fray, video?
Emily said on 7/Aug/15
Fray@ she is a singer, so height doesn't matter. be shorter does'nt mean to be less popular and successful
bih said on 6/Aug/15
She's 5'8, there are pictures with ed sheeran, both with he flat shoes and they have the same height, and with the exactly same heels that lily aldrigde in vs fashion show and they also have the same height, and both ed sheeran and lily are 5'8
Balrog said on 6/Aug/15
Rob, she honestly think she grew an inch after 24? That's completely absurd, jeez. Show you how unaccurate are her claims. Anyway, she looks 5'9" to me.
Editor Rob
Balrog, I believe she thinks she may just be she measured on a 'Big G Supertape'.

There's always a few explanations as to how someone could get a different measurement. They may have stood differently, measured late in the day and then earlier in the day. Misread the markings on the tape. Had footwear for one measurement etc.
Fray said on 6/Aug/15
Why is there so much hatred in Taylor's page?
Trying to make someone "shorter" will not make you grow "taller." Last year, during the "Shake it Off" shoot, she measured 5'11" in sneakers. Anything under 5'9.75" is pretty ridiculous.
grizz said on 6/Aug/15
@Yo, can't see their footwear on this newest video.
However, Selena's outfit - w o w
Emily said on 6/Aug/15
Click Here with cara d. She is 5.9.
wtf said on 6/Aug/15
jack, about your claimings that she's shorter than ed ??? dude wtf, seriously. Can't you see that he has stepped on something. Probably the ground level is inclined or some... but seriously, she isn't shorter than 1.76 period!
Taylor NOT TALL said on 6/Aug/15
Taylor Swift is not tall at all she is just really skinny and wears like 4inch high heels which make her look about 5ft 9, and also her weight is 54kg, if you put her height and weight on the BMI calculator it will say that she is anourexic which I highly doubt, although she is probbobly abit skiny for her height but if you put into the calculator that she is 5ft 6 it said that she is just a healthy weight, which I think is most likely.
Andred said on 6/Aug/15
She's 5'9. Almost spot on listing
Brad said on 6/Aug/15
As listed at the very least.
Bishop said on 6/Aug/15
The average height in the U.S. is 5'9.4" for men and 5'3.8" for women if you want to be exact.
Yo said on 4/Aug/15
Something needs to be fixed Click Here
Emily said on 4/Aug/15
Mouse22@ its funny becouse 1cm difference doesn't matter)
Height183 said on 4/Aug/15
A flat 5'8'' is just too low. I can see why people would think that though. I used to think that myself. I really think she is more 5'8.5'' - 5'9''
Josh1 said on 3/Aug/15
@Mouse22 Well who cares she can say she´s 5'11 or 6'0 and some people will buy it , to me she is 5'8.
grizz said on 3/Aug/15
@Mouse22, do tell what's the average height for men in the U.S.A.? 5'9 range give or take? Women are like 5'4? Not a tall nation to begin with. And she stands 5'9-of course she'll be taller than most men and women in America, especially given her fetish for stilettos. I dare her to visit Dalmatia (region in Croatia) and Montenegro-she'd be a tallish woman, but she'd feel small next to most men there.
hector said on 3/Aug/15
only 170 cm,she is shorter than Ed Sheeran.such a liar and dwarf.
Mouse22 said on 3/Aug/15
I'm surprised how this thread has developed, but I had a good laugh. For somebody like me who's been playing and teaching guitar for a living it's an amazing revelation to discover (see below) Taylor Swift can't play because she uses a capo. OMG, that means I can't either! The most amazing thing is, however, that I seem to be using a capo and bar chords at the same time - I must have got it all wrong! It's funny how people want Taylor to be smaller all the time while she looks like a giraffe everywhere you see her. 5'10" or 5'9.5"? - Why not somewhere in between? It's like asking if Katy Perry is 170 or 169 cm, I bet she simply doesn't know, and if Taylor is a tiny fraction taller or shorter she won't have any idea if you ask her either. And it depends if she just got out of bed or is going to bed after a long day - yes, that can make more than half an inch of a difference! In any case, she's tall lady, and, no, nobody's actually going to downgrade her to even 5'8".
Josh1 said on 2/Aug/15
@YO All I see in the video is 6'1 (185cm) Karlie Kloss Towering over Taylor so I agree with Superman.
Josh1 said on 2/Aug/15
Hahahaha goog one @Alex 6'0
Yo said on 2/Aug/15
She is taller than 5'8" nico sereba with power posture and less footwear... Click Here
Yo said on 2/Aug/15
I think it makes her look more 5'9 or 5'10. She's not getting totally towered over.
Superman said on 2/Aug/15
@Yo, I think that video actually supports 5'8" claims.............
Genie said on 1/Aug/15
Tbh I think Taylor is definitely 5'9 at the very least? I'm 5'7 myself and have a friend who is about 5'9, tall and thin built who looks close to Taylor's own build and when we ran into Taylor once they looked to be about the same height. I saw her from a distance, and I was in a low heel and Taylor definitely seemed taller than me. 5'7 is way too short for people to remark her as 'really tall'. 5'8 seems a little on the short side and not quite right either. I would peg Taylor at 5'9 to a low 5'10. 5'11 is a bit of a stretch but plausible nonetheless when you compare her with many models; its common industry practice to scale down their heights to match industry standards towards 5'10. Karlie is a giant at 6'1, but Behati might be slightly more. Candice is a small 5'10 by industry standards, probably an actual high 5'10 or 5'11. And Taylor is the same height in the same heels here:
grizz said on 1/Aug/15
@Yo, TBH, she looks 5'9 range at best on that video. Some even doubt Karlie is as tall as 6'1.5, so I'm being generous with my estimate.
Height183 said on 31/Jul/15
I can see why you would think that Alex, but I really reallyyyy doubt she is actually tall as that Lol.
Emily said on 31/Jul/15
louise2002@ I am agreed with you. she is really pretty.
I like her style, but she's always looked 5'9 to me
Yo said on 31/Jul/15
Alex 6'0 said on 31/Jul/15
Only 5'8.5 for Taylor? I've always thought she looked 5'10 range lol
Height183 said on 30/Jul/15
I'd peg her at exactly 5'8.5'' on the stadiometer a good couple of hours after waking up. 5'8.75'' - 5'9'' for Harry.
Josh1 said on 29/Jul/15
I still don´t buy it Harry Styles is taller than her , she´s very skinny so she can look taller but to me she is 5'8.5 at best. It´s true @ches.
Mgames said on 29/Jul/15
I watched an interview where she said she was 5'10". Also, if you watch her in any videos or see her with fans she towers above them. She is clearly as tall as she says she is.
ches said on 28/Jul/15
@Yo You do understand that they intentionally pick short guy to support her obnoxious 5'10 claim
louise2002 said on 26/Jul/15
she is tall 176-177cm. her fece is unusual and pretty. good for modeling SERIOUSLY. but I dont like her as a singer. her music for under 14 year old children.
mini-mini said on 25/Jul/15
@Yo males in this vid. tooks preaty short I'd say shortenr then 5.7.
mini-mini said on 25/Jul/15
@ches She is definitely not 5.10. But tay is a tall girl she's can't be shorter then 5.8. She looks around average Male height 5.8 - 5.9.
Yo said on 24/Jul/15
There is no way a girl like this is 5'8. Click Here
Allie said on 24/Jul/15
Strong 5'9 girl. No way she's 5'10.. Behati's a strong 5'10 and was listed as 5'10 until recently.. and look..

Click Here

They're both bending their legs a little and their roughly the same height.. and if you look, I think Taylor's heels have a small platform. Behati's don't.
vfpswiftie said on 24/Jul/15
Rob, do you ever think she could be less than 5'9? Tbh, I think 5'9 flat is the lowest for her
Editor Rob
I wouldn't want to try arguing under 5ft 9, I think 5ft 9, 9.5 or 10 are all arguable at times.
jack said on 24/Jul/15
So let me get this straight..certain people are saying still that taylor is taller than ed sheeren? I think @supdups pic here

Click Here

makes it very clear that taylor is shorter than ed sheeren unless she is wearing her stilts she loves so much haha!..and yes im sure ed lied for taylor all he ever does is defend her..its kinda ridiculous at this point.

so lets show the whole class shall we..

ed sheeren with taylor swift in her heels..

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

and now taylor siwft in regular shoes showing her TRUE height.. shorter than ed sheeren.and btw ed always wears the same almost no sole kicks

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

oh taylor swift..such a liar you are!!
ches said on 23/Jul/15
Here is a picture of Ed and Taylor, Taylor is shorter than Ed (5'8), so she has the be shorter than 5'8.

I am starting to think that the people here that are persistent on 5'10 claim are from Taylor's group. 5'10 is a ridiculous claim, especially when she is next to him in this pic and shorter. Everyone else she is wearing 5 or 6 inch heels...obviously she will be a good 4 or 5 inches taller than him when she wears 5' or 6' heels.

Click Here
Anonymouse said on 22/Jul/15
My sister is as thin as tay and is 5'10. She's not more fit than average, just has a good metabolism. I'm thirteen years old, 5'4 with an iseam of 33 inches. I 100% believe that height. My mother is at least six feet tall, and at 25 she was skinny like Tay as well.
Andred said on 22/Jul/15
@G how would you explain her being shorter or same height as 5'9 women then?
grizz said on 22/Jul/15
@G, I agree that 5'6, 5'7 claims are ridiculous, but there's no way she's 5'10 or 5'11. BTW, a 5'8 girl is pretty tall. Add to that if she's slim, you'd think she's much taller. I, for one, thought that one legit 5'8 girl, with a similar build like Taylor, was 5'10 or even 5'11 tall!
Ed can claim she's too tall for him -she's around an inch above him. I can understand his position- I know one girl who's 6'1 (very attractive and all), but I'd never date her, especially since she appreciates high heels, to add injury to the insult.

Imagine Taylor being built like a tank, erm, Nicky Minaj -there's no way she could get away with claiming 5'11. Queen Latifah is almost 5'10, but you'll never see her claim 6'1 or other people claiming 6'1 as her height-all thanks to her body type.
G said on 22/Jul/15
Well, as I can see, there are still people who continue claiming 5'7 and 5'8 for Taylor Swift, which is out of the question is ridiculous. Here are reports of people actually saw it in person. Click Here Click Here They say she is 5'10 or 5'11. Now see this comment. Click Here The interviewer praises the Taylor's height saying, "You're so tall." Has anyone ever seen a woman 5'7 receive a compliment like this? How a woman 5'7 receive a compliment like this? If she really was 5'7 or 5'8, he would not say it to her. A woman 5'7 never receive this compliment about his height. See this video. Click Here Ed Sheeran says Taylor is too tall for him. She was the same height as him, I do not know for what reason he'd say she's too tall for him and compare them with characters in "The Hobbit". Therefore, Taylor is taller than Ed (he's 5'8). This just shows how ridiculous and crazy are these downgrades. Rob himself did not agree with the claims 5'6, 5'7 and 5'8 for her, because if he agreed, would have lowered their height. Taylor Swift is not under what is listed here. Here is a picture with Karlie Kloss 6'1- 6'1.5 ( Both are wearing heels of same size ). Click Here This photo is all we need to prove that she is not under what is listed here. Taylor is 7 cm shorter than Karlie. C'mon people! 5'8, 5'7 and 5'6 for Taylor Swift? Why not 5'5 or 5'4? At about your height, my final guess is: Taylor is 5'10 or 5'11, depending on the Karlie's height (6'1 or 6'1.5 "). Case closed.
jack said on 21/Jul/15
@ches..thanks more proof awesome work!! agreed!! so funny!

@supdup..totally right on with that pick awesome..agreed!! funny how ed sheeren said in an interview that taylor is so tall and towers over him ..unbelievable how celebrities lie for each other..but when you lie will always get caught sooner or later!

any way you look at it ..she will never be even 5'9" im still at 5'8" tops probably less!
jack said on 21/Jul/15
@You're all way off..IM RIGHT IN AGREEMENT WITH YOU TOTALLY!probably 5'7".5 not a human tape measure like I said I could be a little off but yes way shes even 5'9''but we will have to agree to disagree which is cool. just another infamous taylor swift really seems like taylor swift just says what ever she wants and then has her little "reputation managers" run around defending her lies and attacking anyone who calls her out on them .TAYLOR SWIFT i.e.,from what I saw 5'8" tops ..short legs, long torso, massive heals, pants and dresses pulled up to her chest to try and make herself look like she is long legs and short torso.major major liar and story
wdd said on 21/Jul/15
I bet she is 1.79 in a right mood. 1.78 at night. but nore more than 1.79 and no less than 1.78
Andred said on 21/Jul/15
Click Here
With 5'8 Lily Aldridge... Rob, there's enough proof for her to be 5'9 flat ot even 5'8.5. How can a 5'9.5 be shorter than a 5'9? Nonsense
Confused said on 21/Jul/15
@supdup Ed was actually standing on the box then.
Bishop said on 21/Jul/15
Thank you for responding peacefully. I acted a bit rude. Well, I guess you have a point there. Cameras do have tricks. So they might be the same height but I wouldn't say Taylor is shorter. I saw that pic too but Taylor was wearing flats (for once) at that place which I think was in South Africa and Katie is more than likely in heels. I one time remember seeing an interview a few months ago from 2012 or 2013 where Taylor said something like "I think I'm still growing" but I'll link it if I do find it. Total BS.
vfpswiftie said on 20/Jul/15
I both agree with Just and Bishop. Their guesses for taylor's height are pretty accurate. :)
Just said on 19/Jul/15
@ Bishop, I guess it depends on the camera angle. Because in these pics Katie looks a little taller than Taylor. Click Here Click Here
And in this pic Katie is even 2 or 3 inches taller than Taylor. Click Here

@ Jack I believe that your girlfriend and you have seen Taylor and that she not as tall as you'd expected. I too don't believe she's taller than 5'9 because she's shorter than real 5'9 Gwyneth, Katie and Doutzen. But I won't go as low as 5'8 flat for Taylor.
just a comment said on 19/Jul/15
That picture of Taylor with Katie Holmes is really great and I'd like to offer another one from the same event: Click Here
1. They're both wearing similar heels, no platforms to figure into the issue
2. They're both known for slouchy posture so they likely cancel each other out
3. Looking through pics from this even they're about the same height. In this one my photo editing program actually has Taylor 0.75" shorter than Katie! And that's from the top of Katie's head, not her bun.

Whatever height Katie Holmes is I'd say Taylor is the same or up to 0.5" less.
NahBro said on 18/Jul/15
Now it doesn't even matter. But she is in 176-178 range, she is tall, but not too tall.
You're all way off said on 17/Jul/15
She's 5'7 1/2", maybe 5'11 1/2"-6'0" in heels
Jewel said on 17/Jul/15
Rob have you met Taylor?
Editor Rob
I've never seen her
Confused said on 16/Jul/15
Any ideas about the growing one inch thing?
Supdup said on 16/Jul/15
You have ed Sheeran listed as 5'8. If Ed is 5'8, then Taylor is definitely under 5'8.

Click Here
ches said on 16/Jul/15
@jack, you are right.

Here is Taylor with Rita Ora (5'5). There is no way that is a 5 inch height difference. That is about 3 inches.

Click Here
This is so funny :D said on 16/Jul/15
@jack Okay okay!!! You're right, everything you say is the absolute truth, everything else is a lie. It's very kind of you to share your knowledge. You're the best.
But you said Taylor is 5'8" (I don't believe it but it doesn't matter), and then you said "when I saw her in real life she was short". Do you consider 5'8" short for a woman? The average height for women is like 5'4" or 5'5", I don't understand why you say she's short.
Now tell me, are you a troll or do you dedicate yourself to stalking Taylor because you're too bored? Do you do the same with other celebrities or she's your one and only? Do you see Taylor's employees anywhere? It's so sad, it must be horrible to feel like this: Click Here
Peace and love!
mini-mini said on 16/Jul/15
5.9 for taylor, not 5.10. jack this is a show bizy haha)people lie all the time
Bishop said on 16/Jul/15
Calm down, kid. I know you're scared of me, which is why you refuse to reply to me as you know what happened last time we discussed. I know very well that post was directed to me and I know how much you're heart rapidly beats within every comment you type. It's okay. Let the hate fume inside of you. You're petty and childish insults don't affect me in the slightest. I will not walk on eggshells because of what you say. You get paid well in your field by what? The allowance your parents give you? I'm pretty sure someone who can't even type English properly does not get paid a lot in their field. You appear to be very new in this site. It's against the rules here to have multiple accounts. If you do, Rob can simply check their IP address to enforce this. Do you know what an IP address is? If anyone here has multiple accounts, they would have already been Banned.

I don't how tall she is, nor do I honestly care. But you have proven yourself to be no better than she is. You've lied about a ton of things like how you act like an adult even though you're most likely like 13ish and probably even lied about having a girlfriend and it's really you're mom that says these things and you most likely lied about "getting paid very well in your fields" seeing how horrible your grammar is, how sensitive you are and how immature you act. I could be wrong since I don't know you in real life. But I'm just making assumptions which are most likely true. But why are you so mad, jack? It's just height. Learn to calm down. I'm trying to help you become a better person, I'm not attacking you. Nobody is. You just need to learn from adults to get a better understanding of how things work, and that includes learning to take criticism. Don't be a stalker, jack. Don't obsess over celebrities and their lives. Learn to live your own life, your own dreams and be happy for it. And don't lie to people all the time like Taylor does. Someone like you is very young and will not realize this yet, but you will in the future. I would also think it would be better if you typed in proper grammar as people will just see you as more educated then. Hopefully, in the next 6 years when you have a fully developed brain you will realize this and know how much I attempted to help you and you will wish to thank me. The truth will set you free. Good bye for now, friend :)
ben said on 15/Jul/15
178cm in the morning when she wakes up.
Nicole said on 15/Jul/15
Yeah yeah @jack keep talking. It'll do you all the good stuff. Haha
jack said on 14/Jul/15
taylor swift 5'8".. period.... saw her in person despite what her "reputation mangers" are saying with their fake accounts on here..while they attack me, and try and put words in my mouth like saying I hate her etc ..which I never said all because I am exposing taylor swifts lies.the rude people in here are the fakes attacking other posters which I have not done ONCE in here. ..BTW I get paid very well in my field thank you very much. I only defended myself and proved other cases in which taylor lies to prove my point. but taylors "reputation manager" flunkies attack me and anyone in here who exposes her lies..funny right...the reason taylor is shorter that paltro, holmes etc and they are 5'9'' is because taylor is about 5'8'' just like I said when I saw her, no matter how they try and spin it there is endless proof that she is only 5'8''.And saying I have an agenda when it is clear who really has an agenda in here is bogus..all I did was state that when I saw her in real life she was short..and I started getting attacked, if you look back in the board, so I started proving my point..then I realized that taylors employees are in here under fake accounts like they are everywhere and started letting people know.. I am a really cool guy and I dont hate on people ..but I dont like being lied to and manipulated either..and its not hate to say that taylor is lying ..that is called exposing the TRUTH; exposing a LIAR!
Lissa98 said on 13/Jul/15
5.9 it's supper tall, it's average male height in US.
184.3cm (Night) said on 13/Jul/15
Thats quite laughable isnt it? Katie claims 5'8 when she is 5'9 and Taylor claims 5'11 when she is also 5'9 range. Would be interesting to ask the height question with both present for a few laughs.
Yo said on 13/Jul/15
This one -> link: Click Here
Yo said on 13/Jul/15
This gallery should eliminate 5'10. Karlie is still taller than Taylor in flats, while Taylor has platforms.
Bishop said on 13/Jul/15
@This is so funny :D
ikr? He's so obsessed with her. Not just her height, but with her whole life. He searches the internet for lies that she made and tries to add them to his terrible argument even they are not the least bit relevant to the topic. Seriously, jack, nobody cares about her life, what your girlfriend thinks or what she lies about. This is about her height, try staying on topic. I think he's just an insecure tween kid looking for attention on these sites. It matches with the way he speaks, thinking everybody who agrees with Rob's listing is an employee. He'll probably say Rob himself is an employee soon lol. Clearly doesn't know how the world or the internet works.

Really, jack, how does it feel to be a creepy internet stalker? I kind of feel bad for you, since this is all you do for a living. Not my problem, though. I think Taylor would be really flattered that someone is stalking her.

Wot, m8? Click Here
Looks a fraction taller than Katie. Certainly doesn't look shorter.
vfpswiftie said on 13/Jul/15
Rob, what is your guess for Taylor's morning height??
Editor Rob
5ft 10.25 range
jack said on 12/Jul/15
taylor swift ....whole career bought and paid for..buys everything to make you believe she has more fans and more everything..I mean she has millions of twitter followers ..she must be great right? if you think she must be great because of all of her fans on twitter maybe you will be a fan too hunh..she definitely wants to fool you into thinking that and take your money..

but what if everyone found out taylor buys most of her twitter followers to make it seem as if she has more fans than you think?to make it seem as if she was more popular than she actually is? what if they are fake followers she paid for to fool you lie to you ? would you think she is a great person? or a greedy liar who only cares about fame and money? someone who manipulates everything and is a complete lie?

other guilty parties, katy perry, justin beiber, but none as much as ms crooked liar herself "taylor swift"
well here you go and very this ones very recent.

Click Here

no conspiracies ..just the truth sorry to tell you ..wake up people.
grizz said on 12/Jul/15
Click Here
You can just go from 3:55 onwards. 6'0.75 Letterman doesn't seem to have a full inch of advantage over Taylor (my guess -0,75in). David is wearing some shoes that don't seem to give him much of height - I guess 2 cm (0,75in). Taylor's got heels that give her 3,5in of height gain.
Roughly she comes out between 175,5 and 176,5 cm - so 5'9.25 or 5'9.5.
Again, I still think 5'9.25 is more fair for her, but 5'9.5 is not wrong by much.
J.Lee said on 12/Jul/15
Rob what do you think about this pic with Katie Holmes and Taylor Swift?
Click Here
Height183 said on 12/Jul/15
Lets all calm down Lol. It's only height end of the day. I used to get into pointless arguments on here too with people. Looking back now, it makes me realise how silly and stupid I was.

I think Taylor is 5'8.5'' - 5'9''. a flat 5'8'' is just too low for her. By the way I think she is very talented. But personally, I find her music very dull and boring. I'm surprised by the amount music she actually sells. It's not for everyone, like me.
vfpswiftie said on 12/Jul/15
Oh boy @jack this is supposed to be a celebheight website. HAHA. Why do you even have to say she's an amateur artist when it's just supposed to be about her height haha. Well a lot of us are now seeing how you pathetically try to bring taylor down. You clearly have an anti-Taylor agenda up in your sleeves. That's all and good day :P
joey1 said on 11/Jul/15
There is an image of her with taylor lautner and she looked about the same height. Lautner is 174 cm so I would guess she is 175cm tall.
Just said on 11/Jul/15
Taylor is absolutely 5’9”5 or 5’10, IN SHOES, but barefoot she’s 5’8”5. If you google pictures of Taylor with Katie Holmes or with Doutzen Kroes, even when Taylor has more footwear advantage, she is still shorter than them both. Both Doutzen and Katie are listed at 5’9 here, so there is no way Taylor is taller than 5’9 barefoot.
That she lives in platform high heels, is because she’s very height aware. Katie is height aware too, but Katie tries to look shorter (very bad posture) and claims to be shorter (she claimed 5’8) while Taylor tries to look taller (with ridiculous gigantic footwear) and claims to be taller (she claimed 5’11, then 5’10 and then 5’11 again).
Lissa98 said on 11/Jul/15
This is so funny :D
how much you care about taylor, real fan)
LouLou said on 11/Jul/15
sorry but she is 5.9.5 not 5.10
This is so funny :D said on 11/Jul/15
OMG this page is so ****ing funny, every time I visit it there are long new comments about conspiracy theories :O. I can't even believe you (@jack) spend so much time and energy trying to prove that Taylor is this or that. I mean, what the ****? Has she threatened your family or something and now you're trying to get revenge? It's just unbelievable how much you care about Taylor's height and abominable lies xD. If you hate her and you think she's such a horrible person and everything, why are you here? Why do you waste your time on a person you're supposed to hate? You say "so your not a taylor fan but your going to take time out of your day to attack me", but don't you realize YOU'RE DOING THE SAME THING?!
But don't take me wrong, keep going with your comments!! I'm having the best time reading your awesome comments! Come on, now say that I am a new fake account, that I am a Taylor Swift (aka the most evil person in the world) employee and blah blah blah :D Let's have more fun! ^^
Sienna said on 11/Jul/15
Taylor is no less than 5'10" for certain, met her twice and I am 5'9" myself.
jack said on 10/Jul/15
ahh more new fake @mousse22,your attacking me and claiming your actually a katy perry fan hmm? so your not a taylor fan but your going to take time out of your day to attack me and defend taylors lies while promoting how talented she is,(btw someone like taylor who after ten years of playing guitar and still cant play more than a few chords, and has to use a capo because they cant even play a barre chord isnt a skilled musician thats called an amateur..and someone like taylor who is known to not be able to sing live period or even stay in tune obviously cant sing beautifully-and might I mention again someone like you @mouse22 sure knows an awful lot about someone who your not a fan its pretty clear your a liar and fraud as well.. PEOPLE!!!.. this is why I say taylor is a horrible person..employing these kind of tactics..the whole goal this employee is trying to accomplish is to tell you how great taylor is, how much money she has, and why its ok for taylor to lie to you and be a fraud..all the while trying to attack me for telling the truth and try and discredit me and who ever owns this site.this person is also trying to make you feel sorry for taylor and act as if she is the victim and has good reason to lie and make you the reader feel sorry for taylor and feel that she is a great person, etc..another swift employee FRAUD!!!!ALERT!!!.Did I not just post about taylors crooked reputation managers? they start out by telling you they are "not a fan but"nice twist tho claiming to be a fan of taylors main "rival" if you dont know what "celebrity reputation management" is people look it up, google it..better yet ill get you started..

check this link and share it with your friends.

Click Here

these are techniques not only taylor, but other celebrities and other public figures use to fool you ..this is only just the tip of how crooked her and her family is a dark hat marketing technique that swifts team uses 24/7.I want to educate those of you who dont know all the brainwashing techniques taylor swift and her team use to try and manipulate you..its not right..and im not going to let her employees do this on this site, if i can help it.spread the word about miss swift! I want all to recognize when a poster is one of hers or another celebs employees..i know a lot of you will be furious that she does this but thats why you need to know and tell all of your friends!

and @mon another new account...

so @mouse22 and @mon..say high to your boss taylor for us all!and btw when you create 2 new fake accounts at once at least keep the names from both starting with "mo" I know it is typical for the brain to use similar names when creating several at once ..its how the brain thinks by letter and name association. ..but really..and yes im going to call you swift employees out.

taylor swift proven 5'8" ignore @mon and @mousee22 they are obviously taylor swift employees
Height183 said on 10/Jul/15
Rob, I just want to know your opinion. Who is measuring taller on the Stadiometer with good posture, Taylor or Big Harry?
Editor Rob
they might turn out to be quite similar.
Mon said on 7/Jul/15
Taylor's purported 5 inch heels will an upgrade now. I won't be bothering to argue. Everyone will be able to see she is 5'10'' beside Calvin Harris.
Yo said on 6/Jul/15
Still don't understand why she hasn't been downgraded. She is clearly shorter than Harry.
vfpswiftie said on 6/Jul/15
Rob, which height do you think Taylor is at often: 5ft9 or 5ft9.5??
jack said on 5/Jul/15
@grizz I may have seen that article ..but im not sure..i checked out the one you linked.thats hilarious.I guess taylor pulls all of these stunts to take attention away from the fact that she cant sing and is a musical fraud..she has also been said to threaten websites like this one or bloggers with legal action if they write about her and expose her lies..she tries to put legal pressure on them like she did to her old guitar teacher for exposing her lies, or pay them to take her side and defend her lies, so you cant always trust sites either..her height is what I said it was when I saw her and I have proved it over and over again SHE IS 5'8'' TOPS..yet her employees/flunkies like the at least 3 fake accounts on celeb heights in here, will keep trying to get the last word and say "she said she was 5'11" ..when anyone with any intelligence can see taylor is lying...I dont know a celebrity that goes to the PR lengths as miss swift..

heres a little piece of advice for any who read this..most of taylors employees like to start out with lines like"im not a fan of hers, but" or "I dont listen to her music but" and then they go to extreme lengths to defend her lies and attack people who expose her person would take so much time to defend taylor swift and attack someone who exposes her as a liar unless they are on her payroll, especially when they start their defense with"im not a fan of hers but" you know they are an employee..Taylor swift will never be over 5'8'' and those pics @andred and @JKE168cm with Gweneth paltro (Paltro are is a true 5'9'' which is why taylor looks shorter than her) a prefect example besides the mountains of proof ive shown..most of the people are just like us ..they see the proof and know taylor is a liar and not over 5'8'' ..then there are the fake accounts in here working for her to keep her lies will find them all over the web in comment sections.they do the exact same thing..attack them crazy..and try and discredit them for exposing taylors lies. soooo sad! taylor says she loves her fans..but does nothing but lie to them about everything and try and squeeze every dime out of them that she can..what a phony!
Bishop said on 5/Jul/15
You mean this interview?:

Click Here

It's so weird. Why do you need to wear heels in a disguise? That's really unnecessary. And she's not even that tall barefoot. 5'9-9.5" is quite tall, but nothing out of the ordinary that someone would point out "OMG u so tall so u must be taylor swift!." Makes me wonder if she's very height aware. Could explain why she lives in heels.
abhishek said on 4/Jul/15
@bishop as far as i remember, she said she is 5'11 on Chelsea and 5'10 on another interview a couple of years ago. That's it!
vfpswiftie said on 4/Jul/15
So it's like she's 6'1 or 6'1.5 in 4 inch heels??
Editor Rob
around that range, she sometimes wears 5-inch or even 5.5 inch style heels which give her 4-4.5 inches of height.
Allie said on 3/Jul/15
@Bishop - Oh my haha. What if she did like Gisele and Karolina? She does a back to back comparison with Uma or a model whose 5'11?
vfpswiftie said on 3/Jul/15
Rob, who is taller Taylor or Blake Lively?
Editor Rob
I believe Taylor would measure taller than Blake.
vfpswiftie said on 3/Jul/15
Rob, do you think she could reach 6ft2 in 4 inch heels??
Editor Rob
no, I think she comes in under that mark..
JKE168cm said on 3/Jul/15
Jessie j is listed here at 5 ft 8.25
Click Here
Just said on 3/Jul/15
@ Mon Jessie J is not listed at 5'9 here. She was wearing 3" heels but Taylor was wearing 5" platform high heels then.
vfpswiftie said on 2/Jul/15
Do you think she could hit 5ft10 barefoot
Editor Rob
at times she could pass for it, other times she just looks a 5ft 9 girl.
jack said on 2/Jul/15
@andred,@JKE168 those pictures with Gwyneth are right person when we saw her that is the size she seemed..she is very thin and petite..and not over 5'8'' which makes since because Gwyneth is a true 5'9'' woman so those pics are a spot on example of what taylor looks like next to a real 5'9'' person

@nahbro..honestly she goes to extreme lengths to look as tall as she can..but 5'8'' really is tops for me..when I saw her she reminded me of that girl in high school that was kind of awkward.a little taller than the other girls you know, but no where near like model tall....bad goofy.she had on tons of she always does..they even joke about how she wont leave the gym until she has full makeup on and her hair done..she also does her makeup and hair etc before she gets off a plane....its amazing because with the massive heals and makeup people she looks 100 percent different heightwise etc then she actually does in real life. I would not have noticed her if not for her security ..when I researched her and found out about the real story of all of her lies and her parents paying her way into the music business..and paying for her first record and all the radio promo etc..I started looking deeper..and not to be rude..but she seems to be a very deceitful,delusional person..even tho she has a lot of money I actually feel bad for her..its seems as tho she has some serious mental issues.
NahBro said on 2/Jul/15
@grizz, Could be ;) Then again KK plus high heels means she would have a problem with some doors :)
JKE168cm said on 1/Jul/15
Another photo with Gwyneth where she looks shorter
Click Here
grizz said on 1/Jul/15
@NahBro,perhaps KK is her lover. Hence,she wears heels and KK quits on wearing them in free time for an eye-to-eye kissing level? XD I'm not trolling,there are rumors about the nature of their relationship :D
miko said on 1/Jul/15
Her height is a real weird one, barefoot she seems to look around the 5'9 mark, but when she pulls them heels out she can look huge.
Just said on 1/Jul/15
@ mariam1 You're off by 1". Cara is not 5'8, she's 5'7. Gigi is not 5'10"5, she's 5'9"5. Taylor is not 5'9"5, she's 5'8"5. Still pretty tall though.
Owen said on 30/Jun/15
any chance she will be downgraded?
I think of her being between 5ft8 to 5ft9, but I think this could be because of her posture
since she dated a lot of shorter guys, maybe she got used not to stand tall.
do you agree rob?
NahBro said on 30/Jun/15
@jack, 173cm? Nah bro, her height is in 175cm to 177cm range (based on lots of her photos). There is a photo of her going to a gym in NYC and she is near a garbage dumpster I think it's a standard height dumpster, around 155cm. I can't be sure, but I do think she's over 173cm, but not 180cm tall, she is somewhere in between. And that almost "skin and bones" body weight can make her look taller then she really is. Now I don't get it, that taller then average girl, almost always wears a high heel platform shoes, probably because she spends time with those tall models,e.g. KK, so now she wants to "fit better" or whatever with them, I'm not saying that taller then average girls should only wear flats,far from that, but TS is wearing some really high heels, that can't be comfortable.
jack said on 30/Jun/15
like i said, I could go 5'8'' but that is absolutely the top end..she just is not tall period..but i will agree she may be 5'8'' TOPS! it would be great if taylor would just stop lying about everything and come clean about her height and all her other lies..but I understand why she won't.. if she comes clean about everything she lies about her career would be over.unfortunately for her too many people are speaking out about her and her family and their lies and manipulation they use and what they really are I think she is gunna sink anyway.its all over the net and its only a matter of time..
Andred said on 30/Jun/15
Here she is shorter than 5'9 Gwyneth. She has posed some times with her and never looked taller... Click Here
Bishop said on 30/Jun/15
I'm curious as to what she will claim now that she believes she's grown. Will she go back to her previous 5'11" claim? She seems to bring up her height a lot in interviews and stuff, acting like she's a giant or something even though there are numerous celebrity women who are taller than she is. She's still above average height, but not that tall for someone to refer to it so many times. I would just love for her to claim 5'11" in front of a woman who is really that stature like Uma Thurman or Kristanna Loken.
mariam1 said on 29/Jun/15
No way, she's not 5'11. She looks taller next to cara Delevingne when they are both on heels, so Cara is 5'8 but Taylor looks little bit shorter than Martha Hunt and Gigi Hadid. Martha is 5'10 and Gigi is about 5'10.5 or 5'11 so I think She's 5'9.3 or 5'9.5 but it's also pretty tall for girl.
Natasha said on 29/Jun/15
5.9 for me
Calvin Harris Fan said on 29/Jun/15
She's 6'0" in heels, 5'8 1/2" no shoes. Want to know more about her?
Yo said on 28/Jun/15
She is 5'8.
vfpswiftie said on 28/Jun/15
And @jack please ask Rob how many inches of height the heels she's wearing give her. It's a 5.5 inch heels so I'd say it's giving her almost 4 inches of extra height which means she's not below 5ft8. And remember the guys had shoes on. Kevin is surely an inch taller in those shoes.
Editor Rob
they were a pretty high angle and she won't have small feet, so maybe close to 4.
vfpswiftie said on 28/Jun/15
@jack okay so she's 5'8 tops to you. That's okay, I just don't see the 5'6 thing
Just said on 28/Jun/15
@ Andred Wow, can't see Karlie's footwear but probably not as high as Taylor's platform high heels and the top of Taylor's head is not only under Karlie's eyelevel but even under Karlie's nose! Taylor is NOT 5'9"5!
jack said on 28/Jun/15
on the other graham norton show mentioned with john cleese...#1 clesse is stated at 6'5" but clearly inst that tall anymore since kevin peterson is clearly taller than him in this video and kevin is stated to be 6'4" ..taylor once again has an at least inch and a half sole under her toes to begin with (she is also wearing her platform heals she loves so much, not regular heals)and massive...massive heels on the backs of those shoes..however even with them she is clearly standing about 6 foot with them since she is still easily 4 inches shorter than 6 foot four take away six inches from 6 foot and she is five six..i will say she may have five inches of height with those shoes making her yet again five foot sevenish..if she had flats on she would be right in line with norton who is actually said to be 5'7'' not 5'8''.

just as importantly,for sure,let me also point out that if you pause the video when they are all standing together taylor is the only one trying to stand as straight as possible to give herself all the height she can get..where as norton, cleese,and pieterson are all slouching.

no matter how you try and argue..she is the height i said she was when me and my girl saw her ..thats all there is too it..she can try every trick she wants to make her legs look long and her torso short by pulling her pants so high she looks foolish, wear the biggest heals she can find..but she will never be over five foot eight and that is all there is too it..all the evidence proves what i saw in person over and over again..why people ague I dont get later
grizz said on 28/Jun/15
@6'0"Man, you're really bad at handling with your money
NahBro said on 28/Jun/15
@6'0'' Man, How much money are we talking about?
Andred said on 28/Jun/15
Click Here
Look, Taylor is SAME HEIGHT as Serena Williams. She is wearing platform heels while Williams is wearing regular high heels. Downgrade to 5'9.
vfpswiftie said on 27/Jun/15
@jack I thought you went to check the video to check her height. She did not perform in the episode Im telling you to watch, it's the episode with John Cleese(full episode). Sorry to disappoint but Taylor doesn't lip sync. You can hear the raspiness and imperfectness of the live vocals. Again, no hate
6'0" Man said on 27/Jun/15
I'm willing to put money on 5'7.75"-5'8"
NahBro said on 27/Jun/15
Maybe it's save to say that TS is 176-177 cm tall and case closed?
Height183 said on 27/Jun/15
5'9'' is not a bad guess at all. But I do think she is just a tad under it.
jack said on 27/Jun/15
interesting I watched the grahm norton show thing.someon mentioned ill put the link here.she is wearing monster heals..looks like lifts in them ..but what really struck me as hilarious is watch it at right after 1:00/one minute in right at about one minute 2 seconds when she says "shame on me " you can hear the vocal warble of either the live auto tune she always uses or they are using a fly in vocal track of prerecorded vocals and it had a glitch it is defiantly one or the other..but if you watch the whole song im gunna go with a fly in vocal track because is seems like she is definitely lip syncing... her mouth is too off from the vocal track. yep lip syncing.. vocal track had a glip right on the word "on" when she says shame "on"me at one minute and two seconds. just an observation..wish people could actually just be able to sing..heres the link..and I know Im an overly observant person.
Click Here
jack said on 27/Jun/15
@just im pretty sure there are a few people in this comment forum on swifts payroll and its pretty obvious who they are..not only that but accusing people (like me) of things, attacking them and being rude is ridiculous.funny thing if you look at pic with karlie, taylor, and cara delivine it proves it again..even on this sight it says cara delevingne claims to be 5'7'' or 5'8'' so she is probably 5'7'' and check out these pics taylor clearly again wearing her massive heals.. but you can tell they are the same height if they were both barefoot.

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

now taylor with her typical big heels delevingne in flatts (probably cus taylor made her as she usually deso so she looks taller).it is obvious cara is slouching bad ..again but if taylor had on flats they would again be the same height.
Click Here

Click Here

i also found this which is hilarious as you can tell by the people who answer the yahoo question who ever posted it, posted it like 6 years taylor would have been at leat 18 or 19 and done not the only one ..this person said the exact same thing!
Click Here
now check her out next to justin beiber..the last link willl be to the whole video..he is rumored to be about 5'7'' even on this site tops! and taylor is in flats..

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

here is the video check out there foot wear

Click Here

now both of them at the awards oh look taylor grew like 6 inches ..oh no wait shes wearing her massive heals..shocker!

Click Here

and ellen degeneres again listed everywhere and on this site as 5'7''

now..taylor and ellen without taylors heels (taylors real height)

Click Here

again both hunched taylor no heels

Click Here

now ellen and taylor now taylor wearing her heals..

Click Here

Click Here

Ahh what a difference thoes massive heals of hers make hunh?
NYCgirl said on 27/Jun/15
For all the short guys who think they're going to date Taylor Swift one day..
Shes about 5'7.314159265359"
Are you happy?
vfpswiftie said on 26/Jun/15
To have a better view of her height, watch the full episode of graham norton show where she guested alongside John Cleese and Kevin Pietersen. She definitely was like 6'1-6'2 in those heels
vfpswiftie said on 26/Jun/15
I'm pretty sure Taylor doesn't want us bickering at each other over her height. Let's just say that 5ft8 is her lowest and 5ft9.5 is her highest. Cause personally I can't see her below 5ft9 flat. 💋💋
Just said on 26/Jun/15
@ Height183 Exactly what I think: 5'8"5 is Taylor's height and 5'9 is her morningheight!
Bishop said on 25/Jun/15
Rob, this girl claims to stand 5'4" on Tumblr:

Click Here

What do you think? She also wasn't wearing heels:

Click Here
Editor Rob
visually taylor looks aroun 5ft 9...but with higher up camera and taylor nearer, that can actually add height to the shorter person if the photographer is 6ft or over!
Bishop said on 25/Jun/15
I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to prove with those pictures, jack. She actually looks no more than 3.5-4 inches shorter than Karlie in those pics. 5 inches means below her eye level and she isn't in any of them. Otherwise, you're just a really bad judge of height. One of those pictures is even photoshopped (I'll let you figure out which one). I love how you try so hard to downgrade her yet fail miserably at it. And please, don't try replying to me with a big post or else I will have to reply with an even bigger one and it will just make a mess,

"this is what happens when you lie..and people can prove it just dont lie."

How ironic, as you lied about meeting her and I proved you wrong ;)
Just said on 25/Jun/15
I'm going to believe Jack and Grizz are right: G's on Taylor Swift's payrol. G's claims are more and more unbelievable and ridiculous. If Taylor is 5'11 then Karlie is 6'3. And if Karlie is 6'3 then Ireland Baldwin, Toni Garrn and (therefore) Leonardo and everyone else need a big upgrade LOL!
Natasha said on 25/Jun/15
haha she is not 5.11
5.9.5 good for her
jack said on 25/Jun/15
what a 5'8" taylor really looks like next to 6'1" karlie kloss

saw the pic with karlie in the I the only one who can see or are certain people on here seeing what they want..not only is taylor much shorter and her waste still no where near as height as karlie , but taylor again has her heals on and looks to have lifts in them as well where karlie is yet again in flats like always seen when taylor is with someone who is actually tall. im starting to wonder if taylor actually demands the other girls wear flats when she is out with them because none of her tall friends ever have flats on unless they are with taylor.there is literally at least six inches of difference between taylors shoulders and karlies ..karlie is not only much taller but a much bigger woman all around than taylor.

see pics
Click Here

both in similar heals but taylor actually has some thicker front soles that karlie.karlie is actually slouching while taylor is standing as straight as she can other than her neck.yet taylor still much much shorter

Click Here

and hear taylor had massive heals on at this awards check other photos..again karlie slouching taylor standing as straight as she can..but still towered by karlie

Click Here

in these next photos look and see..and i will say it now over and over again ..taylor in heals karlie in flats ..taylor in heals..karlie in flats. over and over again..and she still is way shorter..

Click Here

taylor/massive spike platform heals..karlie ..yep flatss..

Click Here

in this one its obvious not only once again karlie flats taylor heals..but how much smaller taylor is as a person than karlie...and once again they are side by side..taylor massive heals

Click Here

Click Here

again both in heals taylor still much much shorter

and finally another both in heals by the look of taylors angled foort she is wearing her monster spikes yet again..and sorry no where near karlies height.karlie once again has taylor by at least 5 to 6 inches, and shows how much smaller taylor is body wise as karlie is 6'1" what is 6'1" minus 5 at the least...? hmm oh wait 5'8" lol taylor swift about 5'8" anyway you shake it she is only about 5'8"
Click Here

my girfreind said that taylor pulling her pants up so high to hide her belly button is a two fold it is to make her seem as innocent as she can for her fans and also to give the impression that she has longer legs and a shorter torso...but my girlfriend also said that taylor isnt fooling any adult women with that trick.its an old trick many actresses use.but when taylor is in flats we can see her real proportions..long torso short legs..just google taylor swift in flats people.. and btw in the victoria secret thing taylor had massive heals on compared to the models..same looking shoe but massive heals version..

anyway you shake it she is only about 5'8"
Click Here
this is what happens when you lie..and people can prove it just dont lie.
jack said on 25/Jun/15
harry styles 5/9.5 taylor swift 5/8 tops
Height183 said on 24/Jun/15
So Taylor swift is 5'11'' now is she? I guess Joe Jonas is pushing for 6'0'' then..

Click Here
NahBro said on 24/Jun/15
G, Only way to know it for sure is for Rob to do his magic. As for that shot with KK, TS is wearing platform heels, in fact on most events she wears platform heels,VS is one of those events, so forget about those photos, she could be a 5'10, but I never saw her in person, so what the heck I know ...
grizz said on 24/Jun/15
Lol,G,you seem like a part of Swiftie PR team. There's no way she's 5'11. The reason why she insists on that figure is because she's a big fat liar. Do a bit of research: she lied or greatly altered her bio,how she started all the way to hiding her parents' wealth,even though she's constantly promoting herself as an underdog .

So lying about her height is a white lie next to all other lies.
Iggy is not 5'10,many give her strong 5'9. Photo does not perfectly represent their heights since they lean on each other.

Harry does not wear that big lifts XD,maybe some Jimmy--Fallon-sized at best.
All your other comparisons are even more ridiculous,I have no intention to argue over such claims.
G said on 23/Jun/15
Well, let's put an end to this case. Starting with this photo of Taylor with Iggy. Click Here Both are using the same shoe size. Your heels. Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Iggy is listed as 5'10 by most sites, but the lowest it can go is 5'9. Anyway, with these pictures we can eliminate any claim under 5'10 or 5'9.5 for Taylor. Go to minute 2:20 of this video. Click Here Here she is with Rihanna who is 5'8. There is one detail: Ri is closer to the camera, giving it an advantage over Taylor. Even though more distant, she looks 1 inch taller than Rihanna, another evidence that it is nothing below what is listed here. Some photos with Harry Styles. Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Many say he is taller than Taylor actually is not. The shoes that Harry uses appear to be flat, but are not. They have elevators inside, which adds 3 inches to him (or even more ). In a previous comment, I posted an example of shoes like this. Taylor is very close to Hozier with your heels. Which raises one question: how a woman 5'7 or 5'8 be so close will a man 6'5 with heels? She It is much taller than Madonna. See photos with her. .How a woman 5'7 or 5'8 can look at this on a woman 5'3.5? These lowering taxes to Taylor are useless, ridiculous and unfounded. 5'7? 5'8? 5'8.5? Not the cows come home. These tags are out of the question for her. With Selena Gomez: Click Here If Taylor really was 5'7 or 5'8, she I would not look on Selena. Go to the minute 15:40 of this video. Click Here Ed Sheeran who is 5'8 - 5'9, says Taylor is too tall for him, making the comparison of characters in "The Hobbit". The character represented by Taylor is taller than that represented by Sheeran. This proves that she is taller than him. People who really found her, recognized her height and said she is tall. Here are some examples: Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here This comment caught my attention: Click Here This person really found her, said even though the 5'10 list, found her taller than expected. In other words, this means that Taylor is taller than 5'10. And finally I found a perfect shot with Karlie Kloss. The photo has good angle camera, neither is closer, are side by side and both are using the same size heels. Here, remember that Karlie is 6'1.5. Click Here There is no way contradict any of this evidence posted by me. There are no excuses. She is as tall as claims. About their height, or she is a strong 5'11 or 5'11 legitimate. Many celebrities can not look at what is really due to bad camera angles, but with better photos, we can get the correct one. The verdict is: Taylor Swift is nothing less than a legitimate 5'11. This case is closed. My work is finished here on this page.
G said on 21/Jun/15
Her legs are not long? Only I laugh. It's an argument without foundation to lower it. Taylor's legs are not short, or medium, are long. See photo below. Click Here Compare with the legs of Karlie. If you ignore her shoes, you will see that your legs has a structure similar to those of Kloss. So Taylor has long legs. I discovered the reason for her to wear skirt above her waist: she does not like to show your navel.
an anonymous peach said on 20/Jun/15
Height183 says on 16/Jun/15
LOL at glennotape. Maybe even 5'11.5'' on the Stadio'G'ter!

I like knowing that I can make people laugh ;D
sasser221 said on 20/Jun/15
That would be great,but it probably wont happen for a lot of reasons,and if Rob does get to take a picture with her,she would need to be in flats,and not heels,for an even better comparison.
vfpswiftie said on 18/Jun/15
I think we can settle all these disputes once Rob gets to have a picture with her. As for my personal opinion, 5'9.5 is spot on
Bishop said on 17/Jun/15
With Cara or Mariska? Hard to say from that angle, but I can see 3 inches with Cara but Taylor had .5-1 inch footwear advantage in that performance, so she could still be 5'9-9.5" range. Although Cara looks noticeably taller than Mariska....

Well, they have gone from claiming 5'8" to 5'7" and even 5'6"! I'm just waiting for them to say 5'5". Some people are just plain ignorant.

People not caring about whether I believe you or not, is exactly what people don't care what she lies about or who taught her guitar. In case you haven't noticed, this is a height site. I never said she was 5'10-11", but claiming 5'7" and even 5'6" is just laughable. I'm sorry if I was rude, but you are not going to get a lot of support from statements like that. Even the ones who want to downgrade her here don't agree with you on 5'7". And telling people who disagree with you that they're fans or on her payroll is a poor excuse for an argument. But Whatever. I can't change your opinion. So good day to you ;)
Height183 said on 17/Jun/15
I think 5'8.5'' is actual her height. 5'9'' is probably her morning height.
Ron said on 17/Jun/15
5'9 I reckon, but it's really hard to judge as she seems to go up and down and when pictured with someone in her range (Harry Styles for example) they're lift wearers so you can't tell!
She seems too adamant on 5'11 though - the fact that she started at -11, went to 10 then back to 11 suggests that she's fabricating something, or that she was at least originally interested in talking up her height. She has really long legs and a slender upper body which clearly work in her favour, but I don't really believe anything above 5'9.5 just because there are too many reasons to suggest this is not the case. She does not look as tall as Karen Gillan for example, and speaking as a 5'11 guy I just get the feeling looking at pictures of her that she's not actually as tall, doesn't look so big next to common everyday objects like cars etc, than I do, it's only when she uses her legs that she shoots up.
Good listing Robb, I think you've probably hit the nail on the head there. We'll have to watch out in case she ever stands next to Tom Hardy, that will be very telling.
jack said on 17/Jun/15 may be right.. like i commented to @vfpswiftie ill give her the inch and say maybe 5'8'' im human and i could be a little off ..but 5'8'' is tops..I mean like I said lol I dont know what else to say..people are going to believe what they want..some people could see her in person and still be in denial ..I guess some people just want to believe shes like 5'10'' or 5'11''.. its not true..but oh well lol..I know when I saw her ..her and my gf were the same height..I am over 5'11'' im not super tall and im not short either..and I looked down to else can I say..peace
jack said on 17/Jun/15
@vfpswiftie thanks for being mature and polite..we will agree to disagree..ill even give her an inch and say maybe 5'8'' and meet you half way..
jack said on 17/Jun/15
@bishop, ps, and I hope rob sees this ..i did see your whole rant attacking me personally..which im wondering if Rob bishop keep making comments acting as if I said them..and referring to things or celebrities I never even mentioned..unfortunately for you @bishop it is pretty obvious you are a fan or one of her employees..the anger and hate you are throwing at me is ridiculous..all I did was state the are taking it to another level..and if rob wants to let you keep ripping me fine its not my site..but its a little sad and ridiculous. and no im not responding to you at all anymore..good luck
jack said on 17/Jun/15
@bishop your just a rude person looking for an argument and im not going to respond to you anymore..I already said I dont ask celebrities for pictures, but if you had read my post instead of being dead set on attacking me might have seen I said I dont care whether you believe me or not..I just posted on here to let people know how tall she really is because I did see her in person and i proved my point and then need to stop attacking me and let it go..if you dont believe that I saw her that's your problem..but why you keep saying that you dont believe me over and over again I dont get it..we all saw your post dont believe me ..we get it already and I dont think we care.
jack said on 17/Jun/15
@az thanks and you are totally right..shes lucky if she hits 5'8'' just another of her and her teams many many lies and embellishments ..
dat said on 16/Jun/15
i think this is right, 177cm.
Height183 said on 16/Jun/15
LOL at glennotape. Maybe even 5'11.5'' on the Stadio'G'ter!
Jerome said on 16/Jun/15
Click Here
I know Taylor is closer to the camera in the picture with adriana, but still...
Jerome said on 16/Jun/15
Click Here
@Allie check the third last picture, how is behati "several inches" taller than Taylor?
sasser221 said on 15/Jun/15
Hey man,just curious,how big do you think the difference is between them in this picture,and also I don't think there is a picture taken which shows their footwear.
Click Here
grizz said on 15/Jun/15
@Bishop, kudos for your efforts, but I think it's pointless when these trolls have an iron-clad agenda against Taylor, regardless of her real height.
an anonymous peach said on 15/Jun/15
She probably measured 5' 11" on the glennotape.
Allie said on 15/Jun/15
Um.. how is she 5'6-5'7? I'd say 5'8.75/5'9 is the lowest I'd go. And 5'9.5 on a very very good day. This girl shows that she's several inches taller than 5'4 S. Gomez.

Also, the 5'10-5'11 rulings are out imo. I saw her video performance at the 2013 VS Fashion Show when she did I Knew You Were Trouble. When Behati stands beside Taylor for a split second, she looks several inches taller. And I'd say Behati is probably about 179, given how she barley edges Adriana and is constantly listed as 5'10 by other sites. Search up T-Swift's snow angels performance 2013 on youtube. Now before you point out the footwear, bear in mind it would take about 2 inches to add one inch of height and I don't think Behati's heels were that much bigger than Taylor's.
mene:-) said on 31/Aug/12
I thought she was 5'11
Chiara said on 30/Aug/12
I think she´s a flat 5´9.
ehit said on 29/Aug/12
I believe that if she was really 5ft11inch she would probably said that “i`m 6ft in height”so she is within 5ft 9
amanda said on 22/Aug/12
My dad is 5'11 and I met her and my dad was with me so they were the same height so 5'10-5'11
Chameleon said on 21/Aug/12
She is 5'7 - 5'8.
Hmm said on 20/Aug/12
She probably is around 5'10". Maybe 5'11" like she says.
Click Here
This is assuming Taylor Lautner's height is actually 5'10".
Shaun said on 20/Aug/12
I remember thinking she looked about 6 ft (in heels) next to Joe Elliot who I think is 6'2" as he claims. I've seen Def Leppard live and he towers above Phil Collen the guitarist who I think is 5'7"ish.
Shaun said on 20/Aug/12
I remember thinking she looked about 6 ft next to Joe Elliot who I think is 6'2" as he claims. I've seen Def Leppard live and he towers above Phil Collen the guitarist who I think is 5'7"ish.
Shaun said on 20/Aug/12
I think he's a musician, Connor Kennedy. Its funny but I actually though he was short in the first pic and thought, mm he looks quite different from the John Mayer types she's been out with but then the lower pictures I thought hang on if she's near 5'10" he has to be easily 6'2" !
Shaun said on 20/Aug/12
Rob how tall does the boy look that she's with Click Here
Editor Rob
maybe near 6ft 3, I don't know him
tony t. said on 17/Aug/12
This girl that I know who's 5'9 met Taylor a couple years back at one of her concerts. She had a picture she took with her on her wall. When I saw it i was like that girl looks like taylor swift, and she said it is taylor swift. I was like ahh how tall do you think she was, and my friend was like i'm gunna say 5'10 cuz well we were both in cowboy boots but as you can see she looks a bit taller. So I looked at the pic a little, and she did by maybe about a half inch to an inch. I can't get the pic to post it but ever since i saw that pic i've never thought anything less than 5'9.5 for taylor swift. My best guess would actually be 5'9.75. My friend is a legit 5'9 there is no doubt about it. Just posting my experience. You can take it or leave it.
Kat said on 14/Aug/12
I love to hear someone as gorgeous, and talented as taylor swift is tall! Awesome confident booster to all the tall girls out there!
Dude said on 13/Aug/12
After reading all of this and looking at all the evidence, I'm inclined to say 5'7 - 5'8 at the very most. I don't know what it is with celebrities and their heights.... the men are usually at least 2-3 inches shorter than their official listings, so now the women try to compensate by adjusting their heights as well? In the process they have shifted everything and created a new measurement system. :/
Chameleon said on 5/Aug/12
Justin Bieber is 5'6 max, so Swift is 5'8 MAX.
A.J. said on 5/Aug/12
I'm not sure she's 177.
I mean if justin Bieber is 5'7 then she can only be 5'8 max.
Click Here
J.Lee said on 31/Jul/12
Rob, don't you find it a little bit peculiar how a 5 ft 9.5 girl actually believes she is 5 ft 11? And she even said on chelsea lately, that the doctors measured her at that height.
Editor Rob
it is possible she had shoes of some sort on? Or the doc rounded up?
J.Lee said on 31/Jul/12
Wow, swift has been exposed! The 5 ft 11 self listed height turned out to be a myth. Rob I take great comfort now in the fact that I am taller than this tall drink of water.
J.Lee said on 30/Jul/12
rob, how did you change her height to 5 foot 9 and a half all of a sudden? she is listed at 5 ft 11
Editor Rob
I think it is nearer the mark than 5ft 10 or 11 for her.
bill said on 30/Jul/12
8cm taller,not shorter sorry
Chameleon said on 30/Jul/12
Lol yeah Swift is 5'8 range..
Pannama said on 30/Jul/12
look at her next to selena gomez (Click Here) practically same heel height and taylor is like 2-3 inches taller than selena. If we say selena is 5'6 that makes taylor 5'8 5'9?
Although Selena is listed as 5'4 here so that makes taylor swift 5'7?
Either Selena needs to get upgraded or Taylor downgraded.
bill said on 29/Jul/12
She is 8cm shorter Bieber who is 168cm so she is 176cm .
Ac said on 29/Jul/12
Her and 5'6 Emma Stone

Click Here

Click Here

Can't believe people buy her 5'11 claim...
Stoodnext2 said on 26/Jul/12
Rob, if you wouldn't mind, would you leave your remarks about the footage I posted on June 6th 2012 on this page. I think you might believe Taylor is ready for a downgrade. I trust your opinion and would love to compare with you, "the editor" on this one. I think I found the proof necessary.

Here it is again
Stoodnext2 says on 6/Jun/12
Click Here
Click Here
She walks out with Zac Efron at 5:25. Here she is CLEARLY shorter than Zac Efron. I think he may have had a footwear advantage, but this shows me she's not 5'11. Heck her and Ellen are the same height on her
Editor Rob
I do think she's a little taller than him, with the footwear disadvantage. It's not impossible she's somewhere in 5ft 9.5 range
bill said on 26/Jul/12
she's 177cm exactly
Stoodnext2 said on 25/Jul/12
I was surprised myself since I honestly thought she'd be taller, but the footage doesn't lie. I agree - close or at 170cm
BigT said on 24/Jul/12
Nothing over 170 cm, same height as Ellen and shorter than Zac Efron.
Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 16/Jun/12
She's 5'9. In ballerina shoes she's the same height as Zac Efron in shoes, and barely taller than Degeneres in shoes.
Effy said on 16/Jun/12
I agree with her height at 5'10". I met her during her speak now tour. I am 5'11.5" and we were both wearing flat shoes. I was definitely at least an inch taller than her.
Stoodnext2 said on 12/Jun/12
dontneedtoknow says on 8/Jun/12
she is obviously taller than zac efron!!!!! Haven't you people seen the pics?

dontneedtoknow, normally I would agree with you, but again watch the footage I posted on June 6th 2012. a couple of comments below yours. Taylor doesn't even look taller than Ellen here. She comes out at 5:25. Watch it. Zac looks taller than her, and when she hugs and stand right next to Ellen she looks the EXACT same height as Ellen
Cole Valero said on 11/Jun/12
lets just say she is 5'10 because thats between 5'9 and 5'11 either way she is still beautiful.
Pauline. said on 10/Jun/12
I would agree with 5'10 a few months ago, but since i know that Joe Jonas is about 173cm, that doesnt make any sense. here Click Here she can't be more than 1 inch taller than him. She's in total flats, I cant remeber his shoes,cant find picture with them.
And in punk'd she's not that taller than Justin Bieber, and aparentlly she suppose to be like 10cm taller than him.
Girl said on 9/Jun/12
All of you who thinks Taylor is short. You're wrong. I think she's now 5'11 . YEar 2012. I AGREE WITH ANA
Girl said on 9/Jun/12
All of you who thinks Taylor is short. You're wrong. I think she's now 5'11 . YEar 2012
dontneedtoknow said on 8/Jun/12
she is obviously taller than zac efron!!!!! Haven't you people seen the pics?
lol93 said on 8/Jun/12
I think she can be 176cm
Stoodnext2 said on 6/Jun/12
Click Here
She walks out with Zac Efron at 5:25. Here she is CLEARLY shorter than Zac Efron. I think he may have had a footwear advantage, but this shows me she's not 5'11. Heck her and Ellen are the same height on here
fantasia said on 5/Jun/12
I thought taylor swift's height was like 8'15 or something... She looks tall!!!
I'm Impressed!
truth said on 5/Jun/12
2 inch rule... She's 5'9. She does look attractive in that photo. Looks almost a bit fake, but I would dig her.
Patrik said on 4/Jun/12
She is 1.76-1.77m, its the only height that makes sense for present day Taylor's height.
Thats about 5'9.25" to 5'9.75" in ft. I dont think she is 5'10 or above, that wouldnt make sense, since I've seened her standing next to genuine 6'1 guys thats wearing dress shoes and they are way above her in height.
Peyman(182.3cm-184.2cm) said on 14/Feb/12
neither 180cm nor 174cm ,she is blond & skinny that why most of people buy her 5ft 11in claim,I guess she is 178.5 cm out of bed & 176.5cm when going to sleep so 177cm is her exact height & I see her mostly with 3 inches heels so she is 184-185cm on them & obviously not 6ft 2in.
Chameleon said on 13/Feb/12
Cheers Patty, she is NOT 5'10. The pics with Efron, Lautner, Jake and Maggie also proved this.
Patty said on 13/Feb/12
Greetings everyone. Taylor Swift is at the most 5'8". She is still shorter than 5'9" Gwyneth Paltrow in these pictures of them together from the 54th Annual Grammy Awards. I'm not sure how to add links here but you can look for their pictures together on the internet.
Click Here
ana said on 13/Feb/12
Taylor heels: Click Here

Rihanna heels: Click Here

Taylor and Ri together: Click Here

I'd say Talor is 5'9 to 5'9.5
Jay said on 12/Feb/12
She's not under 5'9-5'10 people.
Haily said on 12/Feb/12
oh no if she was five eleven she would be as tall as my dad not way. she is not that tall. she and Selena are like best friends now and Selena is about 5ft 4in or something like that and Selena is NOT like half a foot shorter than Taylor. i mean i like Taylor and i know she is pretty tall but i gotta say she is at min 5ft 7in and max 5ft 9in
CK said on 7/Feb/12
Taylor Swift in heels next to 6'1" LL Cool J Click Here If she was really 5'11", she'd be as tall as him but she isn't. In fact, she's a few inches shorter, she's 5'9".
Clara said on 6/Feb/12
I reaaally like Taylor, such a sweet girl, but I'd say 5'9-5'9.5

On Chelsea Lately she looks about 2inc taller than 5'6 Chelsea (at least for me) but Chelsea shoes look 1inc higher than Taylor's.
So I would give a 3 inches difference between them

Click Here

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.