Jkiller said on 8/Feb/20
Honestly looked 5'8 in equilibrium.
Rebellious Q said on 28/Oct/19
He always look 5'7, on All American, next to Morris Chestnut, everywhere. Him & Eminem never look 5'8
c-mo said on 5/Aug/19
good looking man . he is also one of the proofs that 5'8 despite not being a perfect height at all ...that it is still an okay height for a man and not bad
Darnell said on 2/Sep/17
Judging by him next to Morris Chestnut and Terrence Howard who are about 5'11-6'. I'd say he's about 5'8" maybe 5'8 1/2" they towered him. Especially when Morris Chestnut was pouncing him in the Best Man lol
Jae said on 27/Aug/17
I am 5'8". I met taye Diggs a few years ago. He was my height.
hi said on 31/Jul/17
he looks more like 5"7 than 5"8
Josh Jeffords said on 26/Nov/16
Love this guy so underrated plays a villain well especially for a small man.
He can look around 5 9 but usually with cowboy boots.
Can't see him at 5 6 I'd guess he would edge out little Scottish dude..macavoy.
Lj said on 31/Aug/16
Taye diggs is nowhere near 5'10. Saw him in person and had to look down lol. I'm 5'7 so He's 5'6 tops
MD said on 8/Jun/15
Is he really 5'8"? Here he is with 5'9" Jamie Foxx:
Click Here
Angles and posture aside, that's still more than an inch difference.

Editor Rob
it's hard to tell shooting wide angle quite close like that just how much height might be lost, half inch, an inch or more?
MA said on 4/Jun/15
I don't believe his 5'8 more like 5'7 or a strong 5'6
SAMMY DERRICK said on 6/Jan/15
So tall,dark and handsome is only 5'8!!!!
I'm 5'8!!
Jantine said on 28/Jan/13
Diffidently 5'8. Here he is with Busy Philipps, who is 5'6 most likely in heels making her 5'9
Click Here
leonari said on 20/Jan/12
Weak 5'8" guy. With the face he got he could be 5'5" it wouldn't matter. Chicks love this guy.
Mr. R said on 20/Jan/12
Taye is between 5-7 and 5-8.
Asqueegeable said on 19/Jan/12
A few years back I served him breakfast at a hotel I worked at. I think 5'8 is probably being a bit generous. He's more like 5'7, but he's built and in impeccable shape so he appears taller. I agree with everyone else: he's a legitimately nice guy, no ego, down to earth.
The A Man said on 13/Nov/11
I would definitely say around 5'7. I just saw Equilibrium and he is shorter compared to 5'11 Christian Bale.
Claes said on 6/Nov/11
I will say 5'7, because Taye Diggs never looks average height in any films or photos. He always looks to be between 5'6 to 5'8. The only average height he can pull off is 5'8. No one should ever feel the need to lie about their height, but if you are going to lie, do not go more than a inch above or below your true height. 2 inches in height is a noticeable difference in height than 1 inch, it becomes very obvious that you are being untruthful.
Ketsy said on 26/Oct/11
Nae, he's about 5'5". I was standing next to him on a line at the airport and I was about 3" taller than him. I am 5'6" and was wearing flats. I actually told him he was shorter than I thought, he said he gets that all the time. Very nice guy, by the way.
Anon said on 21/May/11
Id say 5'7, compare him closely to 6ft Terence Howard and 5'10.5 Morris Chesnut in the 'Best Man'
Shukky Duck said on 22/Feb/11
Met him in Hollywood while he was out for the All-Star game. He's short enough for you to take notice. I'd say 5'-7" at best.
glenn said on 28/Apr/09
saw him last month again.5-8.5 morning if he is lucky.so yeah,5-8.
Leung said on 27/Apr/09
To me he looks 5
Anonymous said on 26/Apr/09
Saw him in NY - no way he is anything close to 5ft 8. 5"7' would be generous.
Anonymous said on 5/Apr/09
Also in "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" he is barely taller than Angela Bassett, who is said to be 5'4.
Anonymous said on 5/Apr/09
He is no taller than 5'8, I would say 5'7- 5'7 1/2 tops but could be just above 5'6. I am 5'8 1/2 approximately and when I met him he was definitely an inch or two shorter than me. Around the same height as Rosario Dawson was. I would go with 5'7 on the dot.
Mr. R said on 3/Apr/09
He is listed at 5-9 in the May 2001 issue of People.
random dude said on 23/Nov/08
I played basketball with him in the gym today. I didn't bust out a tape measure, but he's definitely about 5'8''
Anonymous said on 13/Sep/08
he's deefinitely 5'8''
Mr. R said on 3/Aug/08
Taye is 5-7. He walked past me in Hollywood, and even with his big hat, he was not very tall.
Marcustheswede said on 31/Jul/08
To Leonari: Yeh youre right my mistake comment was not meant here.Noticed after ive added comment sorry hope you dont feel bad no more.Have a nice day.
Lmeister said on 4/Jul/08
They made a great job making him look almost as tall as Christian Bale in Equilibrium and rather average looking in other tv shows. Take a look at this pic. It shows he is closer to 5ft7 than to 5ft10. I'd give him a weak 5ft8.
Click Here
Viper said on 24/Jun/08
He looks 5-7 to me.
Alex said on 23/Jun/08
He still gets listed at 5'10. He looks 5'8-5'9 to me.
leonari said on 1/May/08
Marcus the Swede: Why put your question on the Taye Diggs site...why?? There is a general area for that!!
You don't even mention Taye. Please stop that.
Marcus the Swede. said on 30/Apr/08
First.Thanks for great site.Its cool Glenn meets so many famous people.My question is...Glenn have you ever met a famous guy that was more nice then you ever thought?Is Brad Pitt a genuine nice guy for example?I mean I met Justin Timberlake here in Sweden last summer or I never met him but saw hit from distance and he was an arswhole his whole stay here to both young girls to other fans that hade really done nothing..just make me think..is Justin that big of a diva?Brad Pitt seems nice or is he not?Thanks for great site.sorry if my questions dont really belong here but had to ask.Thanks.
Slh said on 27/Dec/07
in base to this pic
Click Herehe looks 5-9 but kristen bell is pratically barefoot
leonari said on 27/Nov/07
5'6" is off. Could be below 5'8" but only 0.5 inch.
MrCreamJeans said on 26/Nov/07
Believe me, he's quite wee. 5'6" at most. I know because I went to university with him. He is indeed very handsome, and in perfect proportion, just shrunken. And I do recall him being a genuinely nice guy. I'm glad he's done so well.
Georgy said on 25/Sep/07
I dont think being 5'8" matters,he's probably one of the most good looking men on the planet
anna said on 14/Sep/07
saw him shopping at fred segal on melrose the other day...he's about 5'7.5 - 5'8.
Anonymous said on 20/Aug/07
he never stuck me as a tall person. I think hes around 5'9 orlower.
glenn said on 17/Jun/07
thanks mr-r.my writing is funny cause this is a pocket pc im typing on.can never figure out the caps,as stupid as it sounds.i think its malfunctioned or i have to install a program.i dont know.anyway,im sure between you and alex,there are qualities,luxeries and situations you guys experience i would envy.just cause i have these pics,doesnt mean my life was rosy.but hey,im not complaining.im very lucky.it balances out the hardships in my life.same goes for anyone in life or on this site.we all have something to offer.well,most of us do.every picture tells a story.i never let a piece of history go down the tubes.i have to capture the moment.thats not to say,that is right for others.to each his own.i respect mr-r immensely the little time im getting to know him.frank2 was arrogant straight off the bat.not to say i didnt admire the ass to a point.he met real legends.not the clowns i meet.
Mr. R said on 17/Jun/07
Alex, I went to college at New Yoek University, and eventually found my way to LA and Hollywood. I came here as an actor-singer, but like most, never found my fame nor my fortune. I teach college now, but still spend a lot of time at Hollywood events. I LOVE the fact that Glenn gets pics though.
Alex said on 16/Jun/07
Glenn and Mr R, its amazing how you guys meet and see that many celebrities up close in person. I wish I could.
Mr. R said on 16/Jun/07
Glenn, thanks for your good thoughts. I hold to my eyewitness accounts, but I also cannot deny the photo evidence that you provide. However, in one movie, Liotta admits to wearing built up shoes , I think it was Narc. Is it possible that either Liotta or Stallone may have had a little heel help?
Alex said on 15/Jun/07
Stallone isn't more than 5'9 I don't think. He wears mega lifts we all heard of.
glenn said on 15/Jun/07
6ft for sure.5-11 is the smallest possible.
Anthony said on 14/Jun/07
I always thought Liotta was at least 6'.
Viper said on 14/Jun/07
I figured Liotta was 5-11 minimum as well.
glenn said on 14/Jun/07
i like you mr.r. your fair,intelligent and make alot of sense.on another post somewhere i cant find,i wished you well.though i dont know you,or your situation,i know tough times.real tough.so i hope you pull through.you seem like a nice guy.unlike other clowns here.in copland liotta was 3 or 4 inches taller than stallone.liotta in my opinion is at least 5-11.cause stallone is between 5-9 and 5-10.5,depending on what part of his life we are gauging at.i used to go by the 2 inch rule.not anymore.im a stallone height expert.not a taye diggs or liotta expert.
Mr. R said on 14/Jun/07
Also Glenn, most of the male celebs that I have met do tend to follow the "2 inch rule". Whatever height they give, subtract two inches. I am not sure what you mean when you refer to the Stallone/Liotta situation.
Mr. R said on 14/Jun/07
Glenn, certainly Taye COULD be 5-9, but my experience with him showed 5-7. My point is that in the same way that folks on here look at the same pics and see different things, I also believe that even those of us see these folks may expereince different things that may BOTH be true. Maybe there were lifts, maybe the sidewalk was slanted, or something else. My point is that you and I both could be right depedning on the circumstance or the particular time of day, or anything else. Simultaneously, we could both be wrong, or one of us could be wrong and the other right. I just urge for the acceptance of different perspectives.
Bombay Rocker said on 13/Jun/07
I think he looks about 174 in the pic with glenn but that maybe due to slope and footwear or maybe posture so i think rob has him right, i think he is 5 feet 8 - 5 feet 8.5 give or take 1 cm.
Alex said on 12/Jun/07
He looked 5'8 in the movie "Go".
glenn said on 12/Jun/07
is there any possibilty he is 5-9? is that hard to believe? or does he always look shorter? i know nothing about the man.true mr.r. very true.and an itelligent fair response.but liotta must be at least 5-11.that would make stallone 5-6,5-7, no?
Mr. R said on 12/Jun/07
In response to Glenn, there is no question that numerous eyewitness accounts differ. Sometimes it could be angles, sometimes shoes, sometimes lifts, and sometimes people just guestimate incorrectly.
Viper said on 11/Jun/07
The tallest hes ever looked on film is 5-9.
antron said on 11/Jun/07
brown eyes, im not glenn obviously, but he has dark eyes every other time ive seen him
glenn said on 11/Jun/07
anthony anderson might be 5-10.its his weight that made me think 5-9.my 5-11 friend looks 5-9ish to me with his weight.
G-unit said on 11/Jun/07
5'8 sounds right
btw, does he have blue eyes or is it the picture?
Derek said on 11/Jun/07
I saw Malibu's Most Wanted today and Taye is clearly shorter than Anthony Anderson, who is 5'9" at the absolute most. 5'7 1/2"-5'8" sounds right.
glenn said on 10/Jun/07
says it right on top.ill settle with barely 5-9.
noone said on 10/Jun/07
WOW thats strange, i never would have guessed him to be so much shorter than expected, from other movies i thought him to be atleast 6, 6'1"
glenn said on 10/Jun/07
i didnt see him in person? gee,funny i have a pic with him.he was 5-9.whether he wears lifts or not i dont know.i doubt it.all i know is ray liotta is obviouly not 5-10 cause that would make stallone 5-6.and dmx isnt 5-8.that was prooven too.
Alex said on 10/Jun/07
5'7 I could believe but he can look 5'8 too but its not easy telling the difference between the 2 height on TV but Mr R saw him in person where its easier to get a good estimate.
Mr. R said on 10/Jun/07
Viper, you are right. Taye is 5'7". I saw him in Hollywood one night. Also, he ALWAYS wears a hat, so he seems taller than he really is!
Viper said on 9/Jun/07
Could be lifts.
Alex said on 9/Jun/07
Puts his head up and he still doesn't look anymore than 5'8.

Editor Rob
this looks closeup shot + glenn face slightly closer and lean...it appears at least 1.5 inch lean. I'd wonder if the pavement was even though...
Cat Stevens said on 9/Jun/07
He looks really angry
glenn said on 22/May/07
that sucks about rose cause i scanned it.ill redo it this weekend.i heard 5-9 for diggs and thats what he looked.had casuals.maybe it was an illusion.
glenn said on 22/May/07
got him last week.seemed 5-9 actually.strange.

Editor Rob
but I thought you were meant to be only 5ft 7? No wait, I shall put up your sean astin pic today...and then upgrade you!
I don't know, maybe taye really isn't as short as imagined, did he have trainers on?
oh, and rose, I didn't see that one in what you had sent me, next time you have a chance...if you can, remember that hotti!, unless you wanna hold her back.
Mark said on 21/May/07
I was on set when he was shooting an epsiode of his tv series and he was short. I would have said 5'5 or 5'6. All the guys in the shot over 5'8 were sitting in any shots with him. They always shoot him on an up angle to make him seem taller. 5'5 or 5'6 no more than that
antron said on 4/May/07
I think 5'6" would be too short for him. He appeared at least as tall as Anthony Rapp (who is about 5'7.5"). I think 5'8" is pretty accurate.
UNK said on 27/Apr/07
You can't see is footwear clearly on the regis clip, but he is taller then regis... at least an inch. Probably a weak 5'8", or maybe 5'7.5".
A downgrade to 5'7.75" could be possible if we could find enough photos.
Viper said on 22/Mar/07
I think hes 5-7.
Nadia said on 20/Mar/07
This sight is making a mistake with this guy. Watch him on the Kelly and Rippa show (Youtube is so good for this) and you will see he is not more than 5'6...maybe 5'6 1/2 to be nice. He is exactly Regis's height and we know that Regis is no taller han 5'6. Yet another celeb who boosted his height by 2 inches.
Franco said on 15/Dec/06
keep in mind when u say I SAW HIM at airport...or mall....or supermarket....
remember that day he had shoes on, and if he was 5'8 he'd look 5'9 or more.
lets make this clear. :) yes he is 5'8 without shoes and 5'10 with shoes.
K said on 12/Dec/06
Click Here
Video of him in an interview as Quoted as being "barely 5'9"
Leung said on 6/Dec/06
I agree with 5’8”. In ‘Cake’ he is the same height as 5’8” Heather Graham, and in ‘New Best Friend’ he is 1 inch shorter than 5’9” Dominique Swain.
Even though he is a bit short this guy keeps himself in great shape and would be a chick magnet.
Derek said on 6/Dec/06
5'8" tops. Clearly shorter than Anthony Anderson in Malibu's Most Wanted.
the nick said on 30/Nov/06
he even said that hes pushing 5'9 on jimmy kimmel

Editor Rob
he's entitled to say this, he IS pushing 5ft 9, but this is after a 14 hour sleep and straight out of bed.
Franco said on 19/Nov/06
ok i have watched carefully DAY BREAK (new tv series) and he looks 5'8 on the inch!
if you look carefully he got some nice boots on, these boots give you 1 inch but keep in mind these ones got an elevator inside made of something similar to a sponge which is about 2 cm...so in DAY BREAK he is 1.78cm, take off the shoes and voila' he is exactly 1.73cm. perfect! ;)
(i know about these shoes cause i have an exact pair).
this gotta be the most exact human being on Celebheight ever, no doubt at all. excellent job to Celebheights.
Anonymous said on 16/Nov/06
Padgraig, can you have Rob look at this one, as well?
Viper652 said on 16/Nov/06
I actually beleived his 5-9 listing back in the day beleive it or not. I cant beleive he is now officially up to 5-10.
mike said on 16/Nov/06
I walked right next to Taye shopping at Topanga Mall in Woodland Hills, CA. I am 5'11 and the top of his head was at my shoulder. He is more like 5'6 maybe 5'7-but doubt it.
dmeyer said on 1/Nov/06
in that new tv show he loks bigger than he is
Viper652 said on 1/Nov/06
I agree with Leonari. Taye looks nothing more than 5-7 more times than not, especially in most of his movies.
leonari said on 31/Oct/06
sorry can't agree --the guy looks below 5'8"
Anonymous said on 22/Jun/06
hes five 8.5 i met him at the airport i think you should give him the .5 inch
Alex said on 8/Feb/06
Looks about 5'8 with Owens.
CoolJ said on 14/Nov/05
Depending on shoes.. Diggs looks as if he may be slightly above 5'8 in that pic with Owens.

Editor Rob
depends on how much lean takes away...always hard to tell, but under 5ft 8 is harder to argue...
Mr. R said on 19/Aug/05
I stick with my 5-7 sighting.
Sticks said on 19/Aug/05
"So I saw Taye Diggs saturday afternoon. He is really really short, but he looks just like he does on the movies." http://wonderchild.blog-city.com/celeb_sightings_and_other_tidbits.htm
J. said on 19/Aug/05
A picture in which Diggs look all of 5'7": http://www.digitalhit.com/fest/tiff/1999/5/d5c-0291.jpg
Note: The guy in the middle of him and Nia Long is Malcolm Lee, director of 'The Best Man' and cousin of Spike. Guess he got the height in the Lee family! ;)
Anonymous said on 12/Aug/05
I stood right next to Taye at a play on Broadway and there is NO way he is taller than 5'7". I'm 5'10" and was much taller than him. He's very small.
Mr. R said on 29/Jun/05
I saw him on the street - he is all of 5-7, not the 5-9 he claims!
J. said on 28/Jun/05
An intresting comment from Taye (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,133879,00.html):
"I didn't think I was a short person, until after 'Stella.' But then lots of women who approached me would say 'Oh, my God, you're so short, you looked so much bigger in the movies,'" Diggs sighs.
Lmeister said on 29/May/05
I watched half of the movie How Stella Got Her Groove Back just to compare Taye to Angela Bassett (5'3.5'') Now I am really convinced that he isn't more than 5'7''. 5'8'' is seriously rounding up. There is a lot of full body shots and Taye looks shortish. I wouln'd have thought that he'd be this short after seeing Equilibrium...my first guess would have been 5'9.5'', but in reality he is 5'7'' like Mr.R said = )
Lmeister said on 27/May/05
Interesting comment about Tayes height..."I find Eva refreshing. Sure she's no Sanaa Lathan. But she's very natural to me and she has good chemistry with Taye (maybe because she's the same height)." Eva Pigford is 5'7''
Mr. R said on 26/May/05
Thanks for the love Lmeister and Viper. This is one height that I am positive about. Taye will be reprising his role in the movie Rent next year, so check to see if he magically grows!
Lmeister said on 25/May/05
Here is some rather interestin pics of Taye especially the one with Mario Van Peebles
BTW in The Way of the Gun he is wearing rather "interesting" looking shoes and still is shorter than Ryan Philippe...The more I see pics of him the more I believe Mr.R
Viper652 said on 24/May/05
I cant beleive they are listing this dude at 5-10 now!!!! He was always listed as being 5-9, which he sometimes looks in movies. But I guess he got more popular and then his height went up a majestic 5-10, which is just crazy. I beleive Mr R. on his 5-7 estimate
Mr. R said on 24/May/05
Thanks Lmeister. These pictures confirm what I said. If he said 5-8, then he is probably closer to 5-7. I stand by my personal encounter.
Mr. R said on 7/May/05
But USMC, if he was about your height with big boots on, doesn't that confirm my 5-7 sighting?
USMC said on 6/May/05
He's roughly around 5'8" I met him at the Elite Model Look pre-reception dinner in Miami Beach. He was wearing some big boots and we were eye to eye. I'm 5'8" as measured by about three different Navy Docs during my MECEP processing.
Mr. R said on 14/Mar/05
Sorry, it should have said 5 foot eleven and a half. I wrote it incorrectly. Again, he walked right past me, and he is 5'7".
Smoke said on 12/Mar/05
Mr. R exactly how tall is 5'11.05"? What does .05 of an inch equal to in centimetres and why is to so important to put in your height? Taye definately looks 5'8"-5'9", possibly shorter but probably not.
Mr. R said on 11/Mar/05
Taye Diggs walked right by me last year in Hollwood. I was standing on the sidewalk waiting for a friend. When I saw him, I stood straight up (5'11.05"), and when he passed me, i was stunned at how small 5'9" seemed. Even wearing a hat, he was short. I told my friend that night, that Taye was 5'7". I think this is absolutely correct.
J. said on 11/Mar/05
Watch the movie "Brown Sugar" and you'll see that in certain scenes Sanaa Lathan in heels is taller than Diggs. And I also remember him saying that he was 5'8" on Leno a while back. And he looks dead on 5'8".
sean said on 11/Mar/05
5'8" - check his earlier appearance on leno a few years ago, he said, "Jay, I'm only but 5'8"
paul said on 7/Mar/05
Look at the DVD cover for Malibu's Most Wanted....Jamie Kennedy 6'0? Anthony Anderson 5'10? Taye Diggs 5'8? Something is not right here.
dre said on 4/Mar/05
I'm 5'6" I passed by Taye Diggs when they were filming the movie "Brown Sugar" in fort greene park in brooklyn, he's about 5'7" give or take.
cantstop25 said on 1/Mar/05
i think he is much shorter then that looks more around 5'7"-5'8"