Hyper said on 18/Sep/23
Kobe Bryant looked taller than that other 6’4.75”, next to Boris. Even Bryant had a footwear disadvantage.
Andrea said on 12/Apr/23
Here he is with a 6'4.75 MEASURED guy (who funnily insists he is 6'6):
Click Here
Not only does that put a solid nail in the coffin of sub 6'4 talks, but as I've always said, 6'4+ is far away from being unlikely... I mean, is the footwear really enough to make up for even a 0.75 inch difference, Rob?

Editor Rob
Boris might have 1cm extra in footwear, but not sure exactly which model the other guy has. They look very close in the shot.
Canson said on 25/Jan/23
@Berta: after seeing more, 192ish is likely but 193 looks too high
berta said on 24/Jan/23
i really think he look close to 6´4. he made wenthworth miller look almost 6 foot flat. average guess of 191 deostn seem possbile. 192 cm is. at worst 191 at best 193 is my guess.
ChristianAnthonyPerkins said on 7/Jun/22
Click Here
Canson said on 23/Apr/22
@Ice: I can buy 6’3.5” but not any higher. I don’t think he’s as tall as Tom Brady or a peak Liam Neeson or any of those other legit 6’4 guys here.
IceCold said on 29/Mar/22
192 cm or 6'3.5 is fine. He can look 6'3-6'4
Canson said on 25/Mar/22
@Hyper: that’s the max I can see.
Hyper said on 24/Mar/22
I think I can see 6’3.5” range now.
Canson said on 4/Dec/21
@Celebheights 6’1.5: I could also see 6’3 flat. That’s how he looks near his brother who I estimate to be in the 6’5-6’6 range but probably mid range or slightly lower. His brother was listed 6’7” when he played ball
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 3/Dec/21
He looks nowhere near 6’4” by Jamie Foxx:
Click Here
I see about six inches between them at the absolute max.
Canson said on 9/Nov/21
@Celebheights 6’1.5: that’s a good estimate for him. Strong 6’3 range
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 2/Nov/21
He’s 6’3.25”-6’3.5”. He looks it by Kobe Bryant, who is 1/2” of an inch shorter than Peyton Manning.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Oct/21
Can see 192cm at worst, wouldn't go lower though
recapa said on 24/Sep/21
190.5-191 before bed and 192.5-193 out of bed.
Canson said on 5/Sep/21
@Rampage: I doubt he’s 6’2 but 6’3 is possible or 6’3.25 but so is 6’3.5”. His brother was listed 6’7” in college on VCU’s basketball team. They’re never listed barefoot. His brother is over 2” taller. Having played ball the standard for a 6’7 listing is usually around 6’5 1/2” barefoot. That could mean 6’5 flat or even 6’6”. I’ve seen some that have been 6’4 range listed 6’7”. But even if his brother is 6’6” that’s putting Boris at 6’3.5-6’3.75 tops. His brother doesn’t look 6’6” to me. Looks a 6’5 and change guy imho
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Sep/21
A fraction under 6ft4 is possible but 6ft2 is a joke
ChaosControl said on 24/Aug/21
I’m thinking it’s Option 2. He’s probably 192cm in the morning (which is where his google listing comes from and his claim is rounded up from that) and 190 at his low (hence the listings at it) so all the bases are covered
Canson said on 23/Aug/21
@Chaos: or option 4: could be a solid 6’3 guy claiming shoes or a strong 6’3” that measures in shoes. You covered the others though if strong 6’3”. It could’ve been earlier morning closer to 6’4”.
Andrea said on 23/Aug/21
It's well known that sometimes agencies downplay height when it comes to particularly tall people. Clearly, he is WELL OVER 190cm.
Canson said on 22/Aug/21
@Chaos: the only places I’ve seen refer to Boris as 190 or 6’2” were his modeling agency and his website listing him at 6’2.5”. He’s claimed 6’4”. But I doubt it would be an out of bed that he’s specifically using for a claim even though he has a good chance at that range if not 6’4 flat. Instead, I would lean toward a shoe height. Then again, it could be an early morning measurement maybe an hour out of bed or less at an early morning practice and he could’ve been the range you described. He played tennis in college so he was more than likely listed at that height then
ChaosControl said on 22/Aug/21
Andrea said on 21/Aug/21
Of course the "1.90" is in reference to his son, not himself.
Boris himself has been listed at 190cm too though
Andrea said on 21/Aug/21
Of course the "1.90" is in reference to his son, not himself.
ChaosControl said on 21/Aug/21
There’s 3 possible options
1. He can’t convert units correctly and was told that 190cm is 6’4 (interestingly if an inch was 2.5cm flat then 190cm would be 6’4)
2. He measured 6’3.5-6’3.75 out of bed and rounds it to 6’4 and gets 190 at his low
3. He’s a flat out liar and another weak 6’3 guy claiming 6’4
viper said on 20/Aug/21
He says he's 190cm and 6-4
Makes no sense
Andrea said on 20/Aug/21
His 14 yo son does look pretty tall:
Click Here
Interestingly, when someone asks how tall he is Boris answers he's "1.90" and that he's the same height he was at 18!
Andrea said on 20/Aug/21
A 6'4.25 listing would at least be more consistent with the others.
Canson said on 14/Aug/21
@Chaos: Yea I don’t remember him claiming 6’2”. I think his agency listed him at that because 6’3 or 4 is tall for a model. But I’ll leave the door open like Bruno Mars said for 190cm. I will say this. His wife said there was 3” between he and his brother. His brother claims 6’7 but that’s a shoe height for sure. Physically he can look strong 6’5 like Christian also said. If 2.5 between them it puts him at worst case190. If only 2” between them then maybe best case 6’3.5”. Now there is no uniformity in how college basketball players are measured but most guys listed 6’7 are around 6’5-6’6 range. There are deviations but I could see him as the status quo. I will say that I have a difficult time seeing Boris as 6’4”. I would rule it out but others said 6’3.5 That’s the high end but I can see it remotely. I think he’s closer to 6’3” than 6’4” tho. How much over is debatable
ChaosControl said on 9/Aug/21
@Canson why would a 6’3.5 guy claim 6’2 though?
Canson said on 8/Aug/21
@Chaos: I used to think he was that low maybe even 6’2.5, but I’d say he’s 6’3” at least but def not 6’4”. His brother was a college ball player at VCU. I’m from Virginia myself and have been to the campus but not when he was there. I don’t know of anyone who can confirm his height either. But his brother was listed 6’7” in college ball and in the pic he doesn’t look like he’s a legit 6’6” guy either, at least not proportionately. College ball players are almost always listed in shoes and I know this first hand as I’ve mentioned I was. Christian suspected from the pic maybe 6’5.25 and that’s possible but I’ll be fair and say he can look 6’5.5” possibly. Boris looks minimum 2” shorter. More like 2 and a fraction at times. Maybe Boris is a strong 6’3” from the looks although he can look taller or shorter in other pics. His wife said that they’re 3” apart when they were on the radio at Essence but I think she is using both of their shoe heights. That’s not 3” between them. I don’t doubt Boris could be 6’4” out of bed and slot right in between us at exactly an inch shorter than me and an inch taller than you but I have a hard time seeing much higher. 6’3.5 is possible but a stretch with all I’ve seen. Some have Patrick favored but not the one in the middle. One thing I’ve noticed with Boris is that he is well proportioned so he can give a taller impression based on that.
Click Here
In this pic Boris even has more footwear than him
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Canson said on 8/Aug/21
@Chaos: I used to think he was that low maybe even 6’2.5, but I’d say he’s 6’3” at least but def not 6’4”. His brother was a college ball player at VCU. I’m from Virginia myself and have been to the campus but not when he was there. I don’t know of anyone who can confirm his height either. But his brother was listed 6’7” in college ball and in the pic he doesn’t look like he’s a legit 6’6” guy either, at least not proportionately. College ball players are almost always listed in shoes and I know this first hand as I’ve mentioned I was. Christian suspected from the pic maybe 6’5.25 and that’s possible but I’ll be fair and say he can look 6’5.5” possibly. Boris looks minimum 2” shorter. More like 2 and a fraction at times. Maybe Boris is a strong 6’3” from the looks although he can look taller or shorter in other pics. His wife said that they’re 3” apart when they were on the radio at Essence but I think she is using both of their shoe heights. That’s not 3” between them. I don’t doubt Boris could be 6’4” out of bed and slot right in between us at exactly an inch shorter than me and an inch taller than you but I have a hard time seeing much higher. 6’3.5 is possible but a stretch with all I’ve seen. Some have Patrick favored but not the one in the middle
Click Here
In this pic Boris even has more footwear than him
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 29/Jun/21
He’s been listed as 190cm and 6’3, means he’s probably in the 6’2.75-6’3 range, and I’d pick 6’2.75 over 6’3 because then the 6’2 could be a round down
Canson said on 22/Apr/21
@Vincent: agreed. Idris could be 6’2.25 or .5 while Boris 6’3.5 max imho
Vincent Caleb said on 10/Feb/21
An inch over Idris Elba at most IMO.
Andrea said on 25/Dec/20
Rob, you said that Colton is near 5'8.5 in person. Isn't 6'4 a bit too low for Boris, if that's really the case?
Click Here Click Here To be honest, it looks a bigger difference than that of many pics of you and celebrities that you list at 6'4... and Colton is supposed to be even taller, according to you!
I take him because you recently him, but of course he's just one of the many examples...

Editor Rob
I'd still say 6ft 4 and 5ft 8.5 looks ok for them.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Dec/20
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Canson said on 23/Dec/20
@Viper: he doesn’t look anything like Tom Brady or a peak Liam Neeson or Hasselhoff, Etc. he has very good posture which makes him look taller. If you see him with Jordan or Kobe, he isn’t as tall next to them as Brady. And I’ve said all along that Jordan isn’t as tall as Kobe but even if we go with the listed heights for both Boris is not just .75” shorter than Jordan. That’s clear as day. And with Kobe that’s at least an 1/8” footwear advantage. Even then Kobe has at least a 3cm difference with Boris. Kobe is in a canvas shoe while Rob estimates Boris’s shoe to be .7-.8” range. I’m not sure it’s not 7/8” really but .7-.8 is fine vs .6. So Take 1.3” (minimum) maybe 1.4” off Kobe’s height and that’s a best case for Boris. So if Kobe is listed 6’4.75, a good case for Boris is 6’3 3/8 to 1/2” range. I think a 6’3.5” listing is a good start for him. I don’t Rule out 6’3.5 but I also don’t rule 6’3” but I doubt he’s any less and I do rule out anything above 6’3.5” however being he looked too short with Jordan too. Neither of the pics was great but either way, it’s too much height difference to be a legit 6’4”. You could see someone like Danny Ainge or Latrell Sprewell, the latter looks a legit 6’4 and the former was very possibly that. Jordan didn’t have as much height on Sprewell or Ainge. In fact, it was about 1/2” maybe 1/2-3/4 (ainge). Also see his brother who was a listed 6’7” basketball player in college a VCU. You know sports as well as I do that they don’t list players barefoot at that size in this day and age. I was listed 6’5 earlier on then 6’6”. Maybe a 7 footer will be close to their barefoot height but not a forward. He doesn’t have 6’7” proportions either. He looks what Christian said, somewhere around his height. I don’t rule out 6’5.5” or slightly into the 197 range. but proportionately he looks what he said. And it’s easily a 6cm difference between them, minimum. Rob suggested 2.5” in one pic. So if he is 197 Boris is 191. If around Christian’s height, Boris is 6’3”, and if maybe 198 (he doesn’t look it but I’ll leave the door open), then he’s 192. Boris would only be 6’4 if his brother really is 199cm range which he doesn’t look. He clearly isn’t as tall as Daniel Cudmore seeing his pics.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Dec/20
I'll say this much, Boris is slimmer than someone like Gonzalez, so the former may have an advantage in appearing taller.
viper said on 23/Dec/20
Boris has never looked as physically tall as "weak 6-4" Tony Gonzales to me.
Tony was in the latest
Vin Diesel XXX movie for a brief scene.
Mickie said on 21/Dec/20
I'd say he's over 6'3", but under 6'4". And maybe 6'3.5" would be about as high as I'd give him, if I were listing him.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Dec/20
I agree
viper said on 18/Dec/20
He just isn't a legit 6-4 like Cress Williams or David Hasselhoff
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 18/Dec/20
I agree with you that Conan would likely have the edge.
Canson said on 17/Dec/20
@Vincent: at best they’re the same height. That’s if Boris wound up 6’3.5” which I don’t completely rule out but that’s as high as I could see him. But going off everything else, Conan imho being he gives off a more genuine 6’3.5 imho.
Vincent Caleb said on 17/Dec/20
Barkley may be 194 currently. Boris looks about 6’3” with Barkley.
Canson said on 17/Dec/20
@Vincent and Christian:
He can look 191 here. Barkley likely isn’t at his peak height of 6’4 5/8” or 6’4.5” anymore. Barkley may have a slight advantage in footwear. See the video of Barkley with 6’7” Clark Kellogg
Click Here
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Click Here
Vincent Caleb said on 16/Dec/20
@Christian 6’5 3/8”:
Who do you think is taller, Boris or Conan? I’d be willing to bet quite a lot on Conan.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Dec/20
Canson said on 2/Dec/20
@Editor Rob: the guesses are all over the map which is good, but it’s clear he isn’t less than 1” shorter than Kobe or Jordan, both of which are listed 6’4.75 now. If anything, maybe 6’3.5 or .75 would be more appropriate? Looks closer to the former (best case) with Kobe if we consider footwear 1/8” in Boris’s favor if .7-.8 vs a canvas shoe and the overall height difference which looks no less than 3cm. I’m not certain how much it gives either but Kobe’s is around 5/8”
Canson said on 30/Nov/20
@Christian: I’m just talking 5’11.25 in shoes who claims 6’0”, meaning they could be 5’9.75 out of bed in some cases if the shoe is thicker or 5’10”. That equates to a solid 5’9 or strong 5’9” afternoon height
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 29/Nov/20
How can one get 6'0" from 5'9" barefoot though? Even if it's a straight out of bed measurement with shoes on, chances are that the person may not measure more than 5'11". I suppose only with cowboy or logger type boots they can. But I'm sure the vast majority who inflate 3", pull it out of thin air instead of measuring it.
Canson said on 24/Nov/20
@Christian: that’s the American way lol. You see guys who measure in shoes at 5’11.25 (regardless of time of day) claim 6’0” and they may be as low as 5’9” barefoot in the afternoon depending on what they have in their shoes and how thick they are on the outside. And these are people who received an actual measurement and not the ones who pull it out of thin air
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 22/Nov/20
Shoes + rounding and you get 6'7" from 6'5.5" barefoot.
Canson said on 21/Nov/20
@Vincent: 191 fits with his brother if he’s a typical 6’7 in shoe listing (around 6’5,5 barefoot)
Vincent Caleb said on 19/Nov/20
I don’t even think 192. 191 cm for me.
Canson said on 17/Nov/20
@Christian: yea I’m open to 6’3.5 but absolutely no higher if considering an afternoon height. It took a lot of comparing and pics to get that. Really if it’s 2.25, maybe 6’3.25 for an afternoon may be the better fit while 6’5.5 could be for his brother. I can’t see less than 2 between them though which is why I have a hard time seeing 6’3.75 or 6’4”. I still don’t rule the initial estimate of 6’3 out.
viper said on 17/Nov/20
I'd have Boris listed here as 6-3.5
He can look all over the place. But I don't think he's quite 6-4
Andrea said on 17/Nov/20
Here's a much more realistic representation of Boris and Crews' heights:
Click Here 🙂
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 16/Nov/20
I've mentioned it before, but 2.25" would be the sweet spot. If Boris' 6'3" flat, then I can see 6'5.25" for Patrick. If Boris' something like 6'3.5", which is less likely IMO but I'm still open to it, he'd be 6'5.75"
Canson said on 16/Nov/20
@Christian: I would say on average 2.5” or 2.25”
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Nov/20
TBH, his brother's height is much more of a mystery than Boris'. I still stand by my belief that Boris' 6'3"-ish (even though a fraction over is definitely possible), but Patrick could be anywhere from 6'5" to 6'6", as in some pics, they can look barely 1.5" apart, and at times an easy 2.5"
Canson said on 14/Nov/20
@Christian: also with his brother who was a listed 6’7” basketball player in college in the 90s. He physically doesn’t look much taller than you would (imho). A guy who is listed at 6’7” in college basketball isn’t more than 6’5-6’6” range on average. Occasionally you will get a 6’6.25 or so but you can look at him and tell it’s not likely
Click Here
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Remember I mentioned back in 2019 that he and his wife and brother were all at Essence Fest on Sirius XM And his wife said something about their heights and how they looked. She said that Patrick was 3” taller than Boris. I don’t see a full 3 (maybe 2.5 like Rob said or even 2.25) so Of course she’s using their listed heights of 6’7” and 6’4” but it’s rare that a college basketball player is listed at his barefoot height. Not to mention, compare Patrick to someone like Lebrun James or Carmelo Anthony. Lebron is 6’7” and looks taller than Patrick physically. Even Melo looks taller physically and he’s 6’6” range
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 13/Nov/20
Maybe not the best pic, but Boris' looking nowhere near 6'4" with 6'2" Terry Crews.
Click Here
Andrea said on 13/Nov/20
I think a good inch in this pic
Click Here , but more 0.5 inch or so in this one
Click Here . Either way clearly taller than Haysbert (who, in any case, I doubt has ever been much over 6'4).
A TV show where they measure celebrities under the stadio (not like they did with
Jake Gyllenhaal) would be interesting for sure, but a bit of an utopia, just like people always being honest about their height.
Tunman said on 12/Nov/20
Well,in that pic you posted Boris looks like 0.75-1" taller.But Yeah always a chance they're very close possibly within 0.25 though the odds are still Boris having the edge,at least today...I hope some TV hosts will think one day of bringing a stadiometer so that at least some claims could be checked.I wonder what someone like Bieber would claim if he knew he was to be measured.
The main question remains:Why the hell most agencies feel the need to inflate/downgrade heights to suit the image of an allegedly "perfect body"?It's as if one can't be handsome if he's only 5'7 or too enormous to be attractive if he's over 6'3.Hey,beauty comes in all heights,shapes an styles,take a James Dean or a Brock O'Hurn among other examples...
Canson said on 11/Nov/20
@Tunman: I’m not so sure Boris is really even taller than Haysbert. If both stood straight we are uncertain. They could be similar or even the opposite.
Click Here
Andrea said on 11/Nov/20
Yep, and that's being conservative, Tunman. I have no doubt some of them already have generous listings, but even with those that Rob has met (so whose height is more "official" than others), I really struggle to see him any less than 6'4.
Tunman said on 11/Nov/20
That's exactly what I meant.If Boris is only 6'3.5 what does that make Haysbert?6'3 flat?Colton MAX 5'8 and so on.The problem is that in most cases we're estimating the heights in comparison to people whose heights are themselves not official,I mean except Rob or some guys whose height is undisputable (like Kobe,but also Jamie Foxx and few others),although I'm pretty sure 99%of them will be within half an inch
Canson said on 11/Nov/20
@Tunman: I would go with the 6’4.75 being a normal for Kobe. If Boris has 0.7-.8” footwear it’s a slight edge over Kobe (.6) but about 1/8” since we are talking a canvas shoe. The difference can be argued at 1.25” to 1 3/8” based on what you all said though. That also aligns with what you said about Damian Woody. That would make him 6’3 3/8 or 6’3.5”. To me looking at it again I could also see 6’3.25 as a possibility but I definitely do not see 6’4” or 6’3.75
Andrea said on 11/Nov/20
Yeah, Kobe at 6'4.75 could definitely make a lot of celebrities look under their listings, including measured ones, even if his relatively high eyelevel I'm sure could accentuate the difference and make it seem more than it really was at times.
Just from that pic with him, I agree that 192 doesn't seem impossible for Boris, but the funny thing is that even Boris at 6'4 makes a lot of celebrities look under their listings! And that's my point... If he is 192, they should all get a major downgrade.
Tunman said on 10/Nov/20
If we knew whether Kobe is 6'4.75 in a normal or extreme low would have been very helpful.That he said he's not 6'5 is certainly very modest as most wouldn't have raised an eyebrow if he claimed that.The thing is...even if he was as tall as 6'5 on a normal low that still makes Boris and not only him under his current mark(Obama,O'Brien,Bolt and others clearly look smaller than their listing next to him).I'm sure he measured the 6'4 he claims but the question is when.After all it's very possible he wakes up at 6'4.75 and drops to 6'3.75 at night time.My bet is still Boris being a Webster/Pace like guy,near enough 6'4 but a chance for being slightly under it.
Andrea said on 7/Nov/20
Yeah, Tunman, that's what I'm talking about when I say that many celebrities need a downgrade... No way a Haysbert is 6'4
Click Here or Tyler Perry 6'4.25
Click Here , if Boris is only 6'4 flat himself!
Tunman said on 2/Nov/20
yeah,Andrea,looks also a good 6cm taller than Boris Becker,6'3.75-4 must be the most likely range in the end,with 6'3.5 and 4.25 as the extremes (but weaker chances imo)
Tunman said on 2/Nov/20
Even if he falls to 6'2.75 that still makes Boris no less than 6'3.5 but as I said we don't know if that man isn't advantaged by the camera.While that figure isn't completely impossible with some people I previously mentioned,with some others I don't think he drops that much under 6'4.I mean even if Colton turns 5'8.25"I fail to see anything under 6'3.75,actually more a solid 6'4 imho.With Haysbert he looks even 6'4.5 although I'm pretty sure Dennis has already said goodbye to 6'4 range.
Andrea said on 2/Nov/20
Btw, here he is with another NFL player, Michael Irvin, listed at 6'2 on here:
Click Here
Andrea said on 2/Nov/20
I doubt any less than a solid 8 inches with Moon (all things considered). Of course she could well be a weak 5'8 herself, from seeing her with Rob, but that would still make him very close to 6'4, at worst.
The other guy is an NFL player, Damien Woody. 6'3 1/8 is his draft measurement, so always a chance he drops a bit under that for sure. Just from the pic, I agree that it's probably not much more than 3/4 of an inch, but then Boris is standing a bit further away, so I can easily see at least an inch between them, which again puts him right around 6'4.
Canson said on 1/Nov/20
@Tunman: I doubt Woody is 6’3 1/8 at a low. That’s a combine measurement which is usually early morning. If that’s a 3/4” difference that puts Boris at 6’3 3/8 or 6’3.5”
Tunman said on 31/Oct/20
Looks 8" taller than Moon assuming they have same footwear height and lose the same amount with their respective posture but...is she the full 5'8?Certainly very close but never rule out a fraction under.
With that 6'3 1/8 guy (at his lowest?)I see no more than 3/4 so is 6'3 7/8 or even 6'3.75 possible?certainly,that said I can't rule out the possibility that the camera favored a little that dude (an athlete I guess?).Everything over or under the mark is just debatable
Andrea said on 31/Oct/20
Well, Colton's pic (amongst others I've posted) I actually think is a reliable enough pic. Certainly, if Colton is 5'8.5, I would safely rule out anything below 6'4 for Boris, but I can maybe see a chance of 6'3.75-6'4, if he's more 5'8.25 (which I guess is his worst case scenario, from Rob's words).
Also, I haven't posted it on this page, but see him beside another celebrity that Rob has met and listed at 5'8 (Moon Bloodgood):
Click Here
Or again, speaking of measurements, with a 6'3 1/8 measured guy:
Click Here
In conclusion, I agree that 6'4 is probably the best shout (since I wouldn't rule out a fraction over nor under), but many celebrities do need a downgrade.
Tunman said on 31/Oct/20
Yeah,that would be interesting if Rob met him,or at least if we find a pic as reliable as those of the HC(same distance from cam,people standing tall,camera right between the top of the head of shorter and taller person,so that height difference doesn't get inhanced like with HC 15 and so on).You can definitely spot as small as 0,5cm a difference in a reliable pic.6'4 is quite fair in the end,the only debate is whether he might turn bang on that mark,slightly over or slightly under.Ultimately we can also hope that he gets measured barefeet on TV
Andrea said on 30/Oct/20
There's some tilt in Colton's favor though, Tunman, so you can't really just trace a line like that. If you straighten it, he doesn't look above his mouth, DESPITE Colton being closer to the camera:
Click Here Whereas in the first pic he actually is well below his mouth, even if I think he's dropping a bit more height there:
Click Here So if not 8 inches, I'd have said quite close to that!
Anyway, me too, I hope Rob will meet him one day (possibly before any height loss comes into play), even if I wouldn't bet on it... Surely there have been a few celebrities that surprisingly ended up with a higher listing, after Rob met them (like Colton). In Boris' case, let's just say that it wouldn't come as a surprise to me.
Canson said on 30/Oct/20
I would personally guess Jared taller than Boris. Jared did claim 6’4 and change but seeing him against others he looks a classic 6’4 afternoon height. Rob also guessed a solid 6’4” in his brief interaction. Possible the 6’4 and change was earlier in the day. Despite his height looking “different” from pic to pic, I wouldn’t be surprised if Boris wound up 6’3.5 but I would be very surprised if he’s more than that. Still, my curiosity is high here as to how tall his brother is being he’s clearly a good 6 cm taller than Boris. That would mean he would have to be nearer his claim of 6’7 (or 6’6 and change) Boris to be 6’4” flat

Editor Rob
I've no doubt he probably measured 10-11am a decent fraction over 6ft 4.
Tunman said on 30/Oct/20
Well in the 2nd pic Colton is clearly above his mouth if you draw a line no more than 7" but indeed closer to the camera and looks clearly taller than Serena which isn't the case obviously,also Azarenka doesn't look more than 3.5" smaller which again isn't the case.In the first pic Colton reaches his mouth which could mean 7.5 or possibly 7.75 if his head is bigger than average.So 6'4 since Colton is definitely 5'8.25-8.5.But too many variables imo.In the end the pic in which he's 2-2,5cm taller than 190-90,5 Boateng could be very reliable 6'3.75 is a very possible range.Now with someone like Fox I fail to see anything under 6'4 even if the latter is under his 6'6 listing,that said I doubt he's over 6'4.I hope Rob will meet him one day,surprises are always possible,after all Welling was certainly seen by most people over 190.
Andrea said on 29/Oct/20
Well, Tunman, in the second pic Colton is a bit closer to the camera and still not above Boris' mouth. Top of head to mouth level is generally 7.5 inches, yeah, but given Boris' bigger than average head, I would have said even more than that... Besides the fact that he also looks more than just 7 inches taller than 5'9 listed Serena Williams!
Of course there are also a few instances where you could argue 192 isn't impossible (like with Kobe), but if he's as low as that, that would be bad news for nearly every celebrity he has met (especially those who already look shorter than listed with him being only 6'4 flat, which are a lot)!
Certainly, I have a much easier time believing he's a full 6'4 than the majority of celebrities that are listed at that mark (like those you mentioned).
Tunman said on 29/Oct/20
Since he reaches up to the middle of his mouth that's indeed 7.5" difference now is Haynes 5'8.5?Surely since Rob said he's no less than 5'8.25 6'4 for Boris is quite believable,yet I feel there's always a small chance for a fraction under that tbh.I mean,mostly with people who won't dip under their Celebheights listing.Take Jamie Foxx whose 5'9 claim is among the most legit,I bet there's a chance for Boris to be just under 6'4 with him.Still I wouldn't be shocked if he turns the full 6'4 mark,6'3 flat would definitely surprise me though.I rewatched the Van Dien video and I still wonder.If only it's possible to find the magic moment to stop and judge,it could be helpful,that's the main reason why I still don't completely rule out a solid 192.Remember that with Kobe(whom no one thinks he's under 195) he could look a solid 3cm smaller,that same difference with 6'4 Conan O'Brien...
In the end,I would say Boris has a strong chance to be right between guys like Parrack/Momoa(probably 6'3.5-6'3 5/8 range) and Padalecki/Pietersen(6'4-6'4 1/8 range).I could put a coin for him being exactly the same as Lee pace or Victor Webster,in other words near enough 6'4 but a chance for being a hair under it.That's just my opinion of course.
Andrea said on 28/Oct/20
Tunman, I think that everyone is entitled to their "opinions", but discussing with some people on this site is like discussing with flat earth believers for sure: at the end of the day they will only see what they want to see and it just a waste of time.
As for Boris, I'd still be surprised if he was any shorter than Jared (be it even a 1/4 inch). I've already posted it, but you can see both beside the same guy:
Click Here Click Here
Overall I really struggle to see him any less than 6'4, and a fraction over actually wouldn't surprise me at all...
Look at how huge he looks with Colton Haynes, that Rob guessed 174 in person:
Click Here Click Here
Canson said on 28/Oct/20
@Tunman: there are a couple others where he looks closer to 6’3” though such as with Jordan and with Kobe. Maybe we could argue 191 with Kobe. Then with Jamie Foxx he looks under that actually. Also with Barkley he looks 6’3 range. Of course some people here have Barkley taller than he was actually measured at 6’4 5/8 peak. I posted a video with Clark Kellogg who was a peak 6’7” and is in his 50s and Barkley looked closer to 6’4” with him but that’s an aged Barkley. Still means he was likely no taller than he measured in his prime being most people in the league claimed he was 6’4-6’5”. But then there are cases when Boris can look 6’4” or taller. I don’t necessarily think Bobby is “ignoring facts” if he really has met him. Of course we don’t know for sure but if he has met him, then he’s got a different perspective. He’s probably not looking at the other stuff posted. That’s his estimate for him for better or worse. But of course, him being only 6’3” isn’t definite on the other hand since there are pics of him looking taller. I personally feel that 191.5-192 would be the absolute most going off an afternoon measurement (6’3.5) for reasons below, But I wish someone would meet him and get a pic with him. Perhaps Rob Could if he’s ever in the States so we can clear this all up.
More importantly, If we had a reliable estimate or firm knowledge of his brother’s height that would also do it. His brother, Patrick Kodjoe, was listed 6’7” as a college basketball player, but it is rarely the case that that is their barefoot height. I can probably count on my hands how many times and they all looked much taller physically than him. A 6’7” listed basketball player is typically 6’5-6’6 barefoot range (on average) and some under that and his brother had over 2” on him in height. I remember Byron Houston was listed 6’7” and measured 6’4 range in the pros. Then Larry Johnson and Draymond Green are both 6’5 range guys listed 6’7 or even 6’8 for LJ in college at one stage. Boris’s wife claimed it was 3” between them but not sure about that. That seems more like her using both of their claimed heights since his brother still claims 6’7”. But He also, proportionately, looks somewhere in that 6’5-6’6 range in pics. I don’t get the impression of someone like Carmelo Anthony or Fred Dryer or Spencer Wilding, Mark Labatt from his brother but If somehow his brother is close to 6’6 (6’5.75 or above) then 6’3.5 is arguable. The pictures with his brother are the best evidence here.
Canson said on 28/Oct/20
@Tunman: there are a couple others where he looks closer to 6’3” though such as with Jordan and with Kobe. Maybe we could argue 191 with Kobe. Then with Jamie Foxx he looks under that actually. Also with Barkley he looks 6’3 range. But then there are cases when he can look 6’4” or taller. But I don’t think Bobby is ignoring anything there. That’s his estimate for him for better or worse. But of course, him being only 6’3” isn’t definite on the other hand. I wish someone would meet him and get a pic with him. Perhaps Rob if he’s ever in the States so we can clear this all up
Tunman said on 28/Oct/20
Andrea said on 25/Oct/20
"bobbyh3342 said on 5/Sep/20
if you guys want boris to be 6'4 barefoot you can wish and hope and pray all you want but the fact is if measured this guy wont be over 6'3 , ive seen him several times and hes tall but not 6'4 tall,,, guys that are a legit 6'4 will be told they are 6'6 all day or at least 6'5ish this guy is the classic case of a fake 6'4 guy in shoes he will be 6'4 but shoes are not part of the body are they. stop with the lies its time for truth"
What a flawless and convincing argument... especially when you also claimed you met Kim Coates and guessed him at 6'0.5. Biggest 2.5 inches difference ever: Click Here
Kind of pointless to argue with someone who refuses the truth.As I said yesterday on Yao Ming's page it's really toxic and not helpful to the site,so why insisting?Some just feel better when they post such BS,Rob simply ignores them.
Regardless to that,192-92,5 aren't impossible marks with some guys like Boateng,Kobe and Van Dien(who can be near enough to his 5'9.25 claim)and surely some names already need downgrades when comparing to him at the current mark.I would still bet Padalecki might edge him by a fraction though (no more than 1cm for sure)
Andrea said on 25/Oct/20
"bobbyh3342 said on 5/Sep/20
if you guys want boris to be 6'4 barefoot you can wish and hope and pray all you want but the fact is if measured this guy wont be over 6'3 , ive seen him several times and hes tall but not 6'4 tall,,, guys that are a legit 6'4 will be told they are 6'6 all day or at least 6'5ish this guy is the classic case of a fake 6'4 guy in shoes he will be 6'4 but shoes are not part of the body are they. stop with the lies its time for truth"
What a flawless and convincing argument... especially when you also claimed you met Kim Coates and guessed him at 6'0.5. Biggest 2.5 inches difference ever:
Click Here 😅
Canson said on 2/Oct/20
@Christian: but that’s just a “start”. Really, I don’t think he’s as high as 6’3.5”. His brother doesn’t look as tall as 6’6 or 6’5.75” imho. More 6’5.25 or 6’5.5”
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 30/Sep/20
Canson said on 29/Sep/20
@Christian: I think if Merriman’s height were able to be determined accurately by Rob, Boris’s would be reduced. Merriman should get his combine measurement or maybe 6’2.5” at best. But Even 6’3.5 for Boris would be a good start.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 27/Sep/20
You're entitled to your opinion.
Canson said on 25/Sep/20
@184 guy: maybe he’s over the mark but he isn’t 6’4”. I agree with Christian and Bobby. His brother was listed at 6’7” as a college basketball player. More likely 6’5-6’6” and There’s a 2-2.5” difference between them.
184guy2 said on 24/Sep/20
Kodjoe at 6'3 is ridiculous
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 22/Sep/20
I can't even see an inch between the two. They looked around 1cm apart TBH (or 1/2" at best), but we couldn't see footwear.
Kodjoe 6'3"
Merriman 6'2.25"-6'2.5"
Canson said on 21/Sep/20
@Christian: my guess is Merriman is the full 6’2”. I couldn’t see him as low as 6’1.75 from a distance but then again it was too far away. Based on how he looks with Kodjoe 6’2” range is ok as there is probably an inch between them. Boris could be as low as 6’3” imho but something like 191 may be appropriate. The funny part is if Bobby had claimed Boris were 6’4.5 or 6’4” flat, there would be no speculation and no questions asked
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Sep/20
You have Merriman at only 6'1.75" but Kodjoe at 6'3.5"? They certainly didn't look almost 2" apart when they met.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Sep/20
Canson said on 13/Sep/20
bobbyh3342 said on 5/Sep/20
if you guys want boris to be 6'4 barefoot you can wish and hope and pray all you want but the fact is if measured this guy wont be over 6'3 , ive seen him several times and hes tall but not 6'4 tall,,, guys that are a legit 6'4 will be told they are 6'6 all day or at least 6'5ish this guy is the classic case of a fake 6'4 guy in shoes he will be 6'4 but shoes are not part of the body are they. stop with the lies its time for truth
I have him in the 6’3 range. I agree with Viper that 6’3.5 is possible but he’s not any higher than that. I don’t think under 6’3” anymore though
viper said on 7/Sep/20
Not 6-4 but he could be as high as 6-3.5
Think he's in the 6-3.25-6-3.5 zone
Canson said on 18/May/20
@Christian: I could see something like that too. Could be around your height or perhaps even a weak 6’6”
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 16/May/20
I'd estimate him at a strong 6'5" or so.
Andrea said on 14/May/20
At least 6'4, Junior.
Canson said on 14/May/20
@Rampage: the more I see of him I would put him into the 6’3” range but not 6’4”. I’d like to know how tall his brother actually is. He was listed 6’7” in college playing basketball so what does that make him barefoot is the next question? The average for that guy in that range is 6’5.5 some as low as 6’5 some as high as 6’6”. Of course there are outliers meaning 6’6.5 or 6’4.5 to be listed at 6’7”
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Mar/20
Taller than aged James Avery?
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 30/Mar/20
@Andrea What is your initial thought for Boris height? More 6'3 range or 6'4?
Andrea said on 23/Dec/19
"What is even there to "answer", Christian? As I said, you're talking nonsense at its finest."
Btw, you're not fragile, yet you regularly keep crying over me telling you that you have no clue about height differences, LOL!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Dec/19
No thank you. If you try to help me "recover", just based on your track record here, you'll end up doing more harm than good, lol. Not that I need any help "recovering", just because someone happens to disagree with me on a celeb's height. I'm not fragile, unlike some posters on this site. There, I answered your deal. Now what about mine? Or are you so scared to answer, that you're gonna keep deflecting?
Andrea said on 22/Dec/19
What is even there to "answer", Christian? As I said, you're talking nonsense at its finest.
If you really want to make a deal, here's a much more realistic one. You'll stop crying and finally accept your lack of knowledge about height differences and Boris being taller than what you want him to be, and I'll help you to recover from that. What about it? And hey, let it not be said that I'm not merciful! :-)
viper said on 21/Dec/19
I'm being called a blind sheep upgrader on the Arnold page.
What a plot twist
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Dec/19
What's so difficult about answering my question? Why do you keep trying to dodge it?
Canson said on 18/Dec/19
Christian is using perfect “logic” and making perfect sense here in that while there may be no “proof” of the other guys meeting Shawne or Boris and the estimates not carrying any weight as a result of the lack of proof, it is also not a universal “fact” nor is there any “proof” that Christian has no “clue” about height differences. That is simply one poster’s own opinion on Celebheights. Only one person has ever said that about him on this site.
Canson said on 17/Dec/19
@Christian: I should call you Danny Roman or Chris Sabian from the Negotiator lol!
Andrea said on 17/Dec/19
And what's funnier is that you even claim to use logic, Christian! LOL
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 17/Dec/19
It should be a simple yes or no answer. Deal or no deal?
Andrea said on 15/Dec/19
What do I say, Christian? I say that your comment is definitely a good candidate for being one of the most nonsensical comments of Celebheights ever, LMFAO!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Dec/19
It's not "crying", it's calling out on your hypocritical BS double standard. Let's make a deal. I'll accept the title of "the guy who has no clue about height differences", only if you accept that Bobby and Viper meeting Boris and Shawne and guessing them at 6'2.75" and 6'2" respectively, is proof that Boris and Shawne are the heights they were guessed at, and that you'll forever shut up about Boris being 6'4" and Shawne being nearly 6'4". What do you say?
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Dec/19
Andrea said on 12/Dec/19
And like it always happens every time you get cornered, Christian, you can't do anything but come out with another straw man argument of yours (and cry over your lack of knowledge about height differences yet again, LOL)!
Canson said on 12/Dec/19
@Christian: just shows that his height really does look all over the place in pics. I’ve seen one or two where he could appear 6’5 or maybe a little taller, then most where he could appear to be 6’3 or 6’3-6’4, and some where he looks a full 6’4”.
Canson said on 12/Dec/19
@Christian: just shows that his height really does look all over the place in pics
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Dec/19
Wow, I didn't know that there's a maximum requirement of how many times I bring up something, until it becomes proof. I guess by that same logic, it's proof that I have no clue about height differences apparently, because you often like to claim that whenever you run out of arguments. If it's proof that I have no clue about height differences, then it's also proof that Boris' 6'3" and Shawne's 6'2", because of how often I apparently bring up about Bobby and Viper allegedly meeting them and guessing them as that. What's fair is fair.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Dec/19
Not saying that Boris' only 6'2", but he looks it with 5'2"-ish
Kevin Hart in this pic.
Click Here
Andrea said on 10/Dec/19
As I said, if you really didn't use them as proof, you wouldn't bring them up as often as you do, Christian. The fact that you even start a discussion about a possible footwear/posture difference just reinforces that idea, actually.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 6/Dec/19
What part of "I've never once used posters supposedly meeting celebs as evidence that a celeb is a certain height, I simply use them as clues and hints" don't you understand? Again, I didn't use Bobby's or Viper's words as proof. If I did, I wouldn't have also said to Viper than he may have had a footwear advantage over Merriman, and/or that Merriman's posture was looser than his.
Andrea said on 5/Dec/19
Bringing it up just to disagree with it, Christian, is a bit different than bringing it up as if they proved anything, like you often do whenever they fit your narrative. Speaking of Junior's cousin, in fact, it's emblematic how you promptly claimed that "that depends on how well he was able to gauge Ryan's height properly", which is something you never mentioned in those other cases (putting aside the fact that we don't even know if any of them really met those celebrities, of course)...
Btw, even if both Conan and Neeson acknowledged it, it still all depends on their perception of height. And the fact that when they confront each other, unlike Conan (who already has a quite low eyelevel on his own), Neeson raises his eyes up, certainly doesn't help that.
Canson said on 5/Dec/19
@Christian: not only did both guys admit it but a year or so ago, you would see several posters say that Liam was over 6’4 and that Conan was 6’3.75 or that Liam was a full 6’4 and Conan 6’3.75”. That 1/4” difference wouldn’t have been seen that easily. It was always to keep Conan 6’4”. At least If they said 6’3.5 it would be believable. We were able to see it in the pic and on TV. Conan has never struck me as a legit 6’4” and that’s based on his pics with others as well as his inflations of others due to him thinking he’s 6’4/6’4.5”. Rising has said before he believed 6’4.5 to be a shoe height and that he was 6’3.5” which is what I also believe. I believe he was 6’3.5 peak. Not sure if still exactly 191.8 today but he may be. Worst case still likely 191-192 range imho.
As for Boris, I think he and Conan are similar but Conan May edge him by 1/4” maybe half. Still wonder how tall Boris’s brother actually is. That would be a clue for me. It’s crazy they went to college in the state I live in
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Dec/19
Good point, it was also acknowledged by both parties, whereas it wasn't the case with either Lillard/Shepard or Smith/Phillips.
That's false. I've brought up about how Junior's cousin allegedly meeting Ryan Reynolds and guessing him at 6'2.75" before, despite me disagreeing that he's that tall. Bobbyh3342 guessing Boris at 6'3"-ish or Viper guessing Merriman at 6'2", isn't any more proof that Boris' 6'3" or Merriman's 6'2", than Reynolds' 6'2.75" just because Junior's cousin guessed him at that.
Andrea said on 4/Dec/19
Evidence or "clues", Christian, that still doesn't change the fact that you often bring up posters supposedly meeting celebs, ONLY WHEN you like what they have to say...
As for the pics, again, you can google them yourself. Not pics where they "confront" (which is an excuse you obviously just came up with, although you could have done better than that in over a month...), but pics where they're standing next to each other. And as I said, since I'm sure they spent a lot of time together, if anything, they should have a better idea about those people's height than Conan about Neeson's. Does that mean that Shepard could be 6'4.5 and Phillips 6'+ though? Of course not. Just like Conan guessing Neeson taller doesn't mean he really was!
Canson said on 3/Dec/19
@Christian: for Neeson and Conan, Neeson edged him slightly. Both acknowledged it. Possible Neeson was over the mark by 1/8” which I’ve never completely ruled out. In his prime he looked one of the most legit 6’4” guys listed on the site along with Hasselhoff Dolph Lundgren and a few others. I think he would’ve edged Boris In his prime but maybe not someone like Jeff Golblum or even a peak Dennis Haysbert who may have been more my height in his prime too
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Dec/19
I've never once used posters supposedly meeting celebs as evidence that a celeb is a certain height, I simply use them as clues and hints, just as a detective wouldn't use a witness' words as proof either, but rather as clues. Unlike that situation, the Conan/Neeson situation is proof because there's a clip of them confronting close face to face, which is the best height perception once can have when guessing height. Btw, I'm still waiting on those pics. Are you scared to show them or what?
Andrea said on 30/Nov/19
Oh, now I see... So that's your new excuse then, Christian? LMAO
"Confronting" or not doesn't change a single thing, when the bottom line is that height guesses TOTALLY depend on people's perception of height!
Also, it's funny that you NOW focus on that point, when you previously mentioned posters "meeting" celebrities, which goes to show that you're just grasping at straws, once again. I mean, do you really believe that all those posters would "confront" celebrities face to face, "in the same manner that Conan/Neeson did"? ROFL
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Nov/19
Show me the pics then (even though that's still not 100% proof of them confronting each other face to face, because you don't face the person when a photo is taken, you face the camera lens)
Andrea said on 23/Nov/19
The spiritual retreat apparently didn't do you any good at all, Christian, did it?
What's so hard to understand about "also proven by pics where they're standing next to each other" (which I REPEAT AND CONFIRM you would acknowledge, if you sometimes got your facts straight before running your mouth)? If you really need "evidence", just google them. The whole argument is so foolish that I won't even bother to post it.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Nov/19
I've never said that Lillard/Shepard or Smith/Phillips didn't work together. I've even said in my previous post that "Were you there with them in person when they were colleagues and filming a movie/show?", which confirmed that I already knew they worked together. All I'm saying is that you have no evidence that Lillard/Shepard or Smith/Phillips confronted each other face to face while standing, in the same manner that Conan/Neeson did.
Canson said on 20/Nov/19
That was the perfect fit to play OJ
Click Here
Canson said on 9/Oct/19
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 29/Sep/19
What about when Conan guessed Liam as taller than him? If they were the same height as you're implying, then why did Conan ever make that comment in the first place? As for Johnson, I'm not saying that he necessarily intentionally inflated athletes. He could've genuinely believed that almost every athlete grew. All I know is that he's certainly not the best candidate to launch a height site. Unlike Johnson, I use logic when I believe that an athlete has been mismeasured or that the measurement was an error.
Of course nobody is perfect but now we see that Johnson had Derrick Rose at 189 and that he grew since being drafted. He was just measured again and is now listed 6’1” here by Rob as opposed to 6’1.5” so no chance he was any higher than that, like I said all along now. Chances are he’s either 6’1 flat, sub 6’1” or 6’1.25” at a low. Also he said at one point that there was only a 4” difference between Rose and Melo which is false or that Rose is as tall as Hinrich when he’s not. It’s minimum 5” with Melo as I said all along. It does show that all this excessive “growing” is ridiculous tho
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 8/Oct/19
How do you know for sure though that Lillard exactly knows Shepard's height, or that Smith exactly knows Phillips', or vice versa? Were you there with them in person when they were colleagues and filming a movie/show? If not, then you have no evidence, and it proves nothing. I'm using your same logic, in that you disregard any poster claiming to have met a celeb as no evidence whatsoever.
And it doesn't matter whether Rob met Boris/Patrick or not, my point with my argument is that you take Rob's estimates (whether the estimate is based on him meeting a celeb or based on pics) as gospel only when it's convenient.
Canson said on 4/Oct/19
So if Rob has that good of a perception of height, then his assessment of 2-3” between Boris and Patrick Kodjoe must be an accurate assessment!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Oct/19
If it doesn't prove anything, then by the same token, neither is Rob meeting a celeb. After all, it only depends on Rob's perception, apparently. Yet you've used listings of celebs who Rob met (like Wentworth Miller and Casper Van Dien), whom stood next to Boris, as evidence that Boris is 6'4". Going by your logic, who's to say that Miller's 6'0.5", or that Casper's 5'9.25"? They could be 5'11.5" or 5'8", because apparently, Rob's perception is the only thing that matters. See, you can't conveniently pick and choose when you want it to matter and when you don't.
Andrea said on 1/Oct/19
And we've already been there too, Christian... Why do we always have to discuss about the same things? The fact that Conan guessed Liam as taller than him doesn't prove anything because it all depends on Conan's perception of height. Otherwise, going by the same logic, just to give you a couple of examples, Dax Shepard should be 6'4.5 (just because Matthew Lillard once claimed that Shepard is an inch taller than him) and Lou Diamond Phillips 6'+ (just because Brian J. Smith once claimed that Phillips is a bit taller than him), which is laughable, to say the least.
As for Johnson, again, he could easily say the exact same thing about you... As you can see, "logic" can be quite subjective and questionable.
Canson said on 30/Sep/19
@Christian: Liam also acknowledged that he’s taller than Conan when he nodded
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 29/Sep/19
What about when Conan guessed Liam as taller than him? If they were the same height as you're implying, then why did Conan ever make that comment in the first place? As for Johnson, I'm not saying that he necessarily intentionally inflated athletes. He could've genuinely believed that almost every athlete grew. All I know is that he's certainly not the best candidate to launch a height site. Unlike Johnson, I use logic when I believe that an athlete has been mismeasured or that the measurement was an error.
Canson said on 21/Sep/19
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Sep/19
I will say that Conan at times can look 191 flat, but I have him at 191.5.192 at the max but no more.
@Christian: I think that’s a fair range for him. 191-192 range is what I have him at. 191.5 is probably reasonable considering that Levi May only be 190. But being told “ I have already told you” sounds to me like a contradiction to facts/opinions at your convenience especially being it’s an opinion. The only “fact” is that both men acknowledged Liam being taller than conan. Maybe it’s half inch but it’s clear he’s not quite as tall
Andrea said on 21/Sep/19
And just as I feared, Christian, you're really using that clip to "prove" that Neeson was 0.75 inches taller than Conan, LOL. Again. I don't know whether you have memory problems or something else, but here's what I have already told you about that on Conan's page:
"Considering that the camera is clearly on Liam's side, that's a pretty bad clip to draw any conclusion from, Christian, but if anything, I would say that Conan doesn't look much different than him when Liam isn't raising his eyelevel, DESPITE the camera disadvantage:
Click Here "
As for Johnson, again, by the same logic, you have no evidence to show that he really "inflates" measured athletes, considering that he can always say that they have grown (if measured around a certain age) or they were mismeasured (like you did with certain athletes). As I said, things can't be facts or opinions at your convenience!
viper said on 20/Sep/19
The Fox-Levi pic is one of the oddest things.
Fox looking 3 inches taller with a terrible slouch.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Sep/19
I will say that Conan at times can look 191 flat, but I have him at 191.5.192 at the max but no more.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Sep/19
It's a fact, because Johnson showed that he's not knowledgeable enough, otherwise he wouldn't have inflated nearly every measured athlete here. I've even seen a few posters here before say that shoes should be included as part of your height, which is even worse than Johnson. Obviously people like them aren't knowledgeable either. What Joe and Junior said about you wasn't a fact, but rather just an opinion. Neither you or they have no evidence to show that you're one of the best estimators on this site.
Canson said on 19/Sep/19
While the angles are bad in the video, Conan only looks as tall as Jared or taller when Jared first stands up and he is clearly not standing as straight as he is at the end of the video when he’s clearly taller than Conan after he does the keg stand. Again, angles being that it looks more than it probably is at the end of the video as well. That said, i still would give Jared the edge of minimum half inch and I don’t rule out 191 cm based on that for Conan. Jared being 193cm is very much believable but Conan at the Mark looks suspect
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 18/Sep/19
Neeson has a bit of camera advantage, but he's still noticeably taller than Conan. It could be just 1/2" as well, but no less.
Click Here Btw, I put Conan at 191.5, not 191 flat. Check out my comment from Zachary Levi's page.
Andrea said on 18/Sep/19
That's the same thing, Christian. And if it's like you say, by the same logic, I could easily say that what Joe and Junior said is a fact too... or that you aren't knowledgeable enough about height to launch a height site either, and call it a fact.
Btw, LOL at the "PROBABLY" thing. How desperate can you be to grasp at something like that? LMFAO
Canson said on 18/Sep/19
Click Here
6’7/6’7.5 Magic Johnson with Conan
Canson said on 18/Sep/19
Neeson at his peak was taller than Conan. How much is debatable though. but both Conan and Neeson saw a difference. Hasselhoff also edged Conan (when Conan got on his tip toes) and so did Selleck (albeit maybe with a footwear advantage) when Conan asked him if he was 6’4/6’5”, so they could be the same being Selleck also admitted he’s 6’3.5”. Either way, Conan wouldn’t have been over 6’3.5” at his peak since that’s when most of those comparisons occurred and Kobe Bryant also had more than just a solid inch inch on him. 6’3.5” is a very reasonable estimate for Conan. It’s even debatable as to whether he’s even lost height and if he has probably nothing negligible. 6’3.25-.5 is even reasonable
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 17/Sep/19
I've never said that there's no such thing as a good or bad poster. That has nothing to do with what I said about this site shouldn't being competition. As for Johnson, he isn't knowledgeable enough about height to launch a height site, and that's not just my opinion, that's a fact. Comparing that to Joe and Junior complimenting you, is like comparing apples to oranges. Btw, Joe and Junior didn't say that you're PROBABLY one of the best estimators, they simply said that you are, so it's not the same as me saying (even though I don't really remember it) that I PROBABLY have a bit more knowledge than most posters.
Andrea said on 17/Sep/19
@Christian: agreed. Very well said. Excellent points. I couldn't have said it any better. Astonishing post!!!
Anyway... You're letting your imagination run away with you, Christian! First of all, I've never claimed that Conan is the full 6'4 for sure, but that if Zach (and Jared) is near his listing, he can't possibly be as low as 191. And that's very inconsistent, other than delusional, of YOU to guess Conan at 191 AND Zach at 190, or even more so Conan at 191 AND Jared at 193. Second of all, as for Neeson, I thought we had already been there, but maybe I'm wrong. Based on what Neeson was SUPPOSEDLY 0.75 inches taller than Conan? Hmm...
Canson said on 17/Sep/19
@Christian: I would have an easier time believing Levi is 6’2.75 before I believed he was 6’3.25. Baldwin said that he’s an inch shorter and even though Rob didn’t say it plainly, he did leave the door open for Baldwin to perhaps dip a hair under the mark. He only said that if he stood his best he sees 6’4” range. It’s very feasible for a guy who looks 6’4 range to hit 6’3 7/8” at a low and I could only tell if the person comparing him to is a hair over 6’3” or a hair over 6’4”. I do trust Rob as he met him in person but that doesn’t mean he can’t dip below the 6’3” mark. The video with Levi and Conan at times it appeared more of a difference but then at times it could even look slightly under an inch or at best an inch. I stand firm with a 1” difference and there is a clear (minimum) 3/8” difference with footwear as Levi is in a canvas shoe. So if we went with 190 cm then Conan would be 191.5. But back to Conan and Liam or Boris and Liam. If anyone is taller it’s Liam on both fronts (in their respective peaks).
I would give Liam a chance at over 6’4” more than I would the other two. I’ve never ruled out 193-193.5 for Neeson and even 193-194 is a remote possibility peak. I stick with probably the former or a solid 6’4” but I struggle to see Liam dipping below the 6’4” Mark except maybe at an extreme low and even that is a big question mark. As for Conan, Liam was clearly the taller of the two and not only did Conan acknowledge that he thought it was an inch but Neeson also acknowledged it when he nodded his head. I’m still not sure it was a full inch, but 2cm I could see between them and in no way less than half inch. This was (of course) a peak Neeson. People forget that Selleck also edged Conan and Conan admitted that when he guessed him 6’4/6’5” and Conan said “I’m 6’4 but I’m not”. Now Rising pointed out the boots Selleck was wearing but even if he had a slight a height advantage, it would mean Conan is at best 6’3.5 like Selleck (assuming Selleck really has as much as half inch on him in footwear). Selleck not only claimed 6’3.5 twice as Rising pointed out but he looked it with 6’2.5 Ted Danson and 6’5” Darryl Strawberry. Conan also claimed to be 6’4 1/2” before which he’s only that in shoes. Now a good comparison would be Conan and Boris. I’ve never seen the two together but I bet they would be hard to tell apart without standing back to back as the absolute highest I could see Boris having seen pics of him with Jordan Barkley and Kobe who have been measured is 6’3.5”
As for the pics with Rick Fox. I need better pics for both. With Levi despite the lean it isn’t as much as 4-5” as Viper suggested. Fox would likely have a little less than 3” on Levi. As for Boris, again, I don’t see Fox standing straight as if you look at the top of their heads it appears as much as it was with Kobe (at Best) and I know beyond reasonable doubt that Fox is taller than Kobe (Rob alluded to that before when someone else asked him to upgrade Kobe) and Rob said he met Fox and that he’s not the full 6’6”. Kobe also has at minimum 3cm on Boris in the pic even with slight disadvantage in footwear (minimum 1/8” difference perhaps more).
Canson said on 17/Sep/19
@Christian: I would have an easier time believing Levi is 6’2.75 before I believed he was 6’3.25. I do trust Rob as he met him in person but that doesn’t mean he can’t dip below the 6’3” mark. The video with Levi and Conan at times it appeared more of a difference but then at times it could even look slightly under an inch or at best an inch. I stand firm with a 1” difference and there is a clear (minimum) 3/8” difference with footwear as Levi is in a canvas shoe. So if we went with 190 cm then Conan would be 191.5. But back to Conan and Liam or Boris and Liam. If anyone is taller it’s Liam on both fronts (in their respective peaks).
I would give Liam a chance at over 6’4” more than I would the other two. I’ve never ruled out 193-193.5 for Neeson and even 193-194 is a remote possibility peak. I stick with probably the former or a solid 6’4” but I struggle to see Liam dipping below the 6’4” Mark except maybe at an extreme low and even that is a big question mark. As for Conan, Liam was clearly the taller of the two and not only did Conan acknowledge that he thought it was an inch but Neeson also acknowledged it when he nodded his head. I’m still not sure it was a full inch, but 2cm I could see between them and in no way less than half inch. This was (of course) a peak Neeson. Not today though. Conan also claimed to be 6’4 1/2” before which he’s only that in shoes. Now a good comparison would be Conan and Boris. I’ve never seen the two together but I bet they would be hard to tell apart without standing back to back.
Canson said on 16/Sep/19
@Viper: with Boris, it’s possible he isn’t either. He appears to have around the same amount of height on him in the pic (aside from his shoulders not being straight) as Kobe has on Boris. Fox has always been taller than Kobe and Rob even said Fox wasn’t 6’6” in person
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 16/Sep/19
Very true, this is the pot calling the kettle black once again. Andrea said that Junior was inconsistent for guessing Zachary Levi at 6'3.25" and Boris at 6'3.25", because of that pic where Boris looked taller next to Rick Fox compared to Zachary, yet here he is guessing Conan at 6'4" and at the same time saying that Boris could be taller than a peak Neeson, when a peak Neeson looked close to an inch taller than Conan. So does that mean peak Neeson's 6'4.75" and Boris' 6'5"? Because that's what's implied, based on Andrea's own logic.
viper said on 16/Sep/19
Canson you're right it's closer to 3 the more I look at it.
Even then Fox isn't standing straight. Still strange
Andrea said on 15/Sep/19
When did you ever "call out" viper, Christian? And more importantly, what can he be braggadocious about? LOL
And again, NOBODY ever said that this site is a competition, so why you keep mentioning that? As I said, if you truly believed that there are no good or bad posters, estimate-wise, why did you feel the need to say that Johnson is not knowledgeable enough to open a height site in the first place? That's no different than Joe saying I am one of the best height estimators... Btw, I did quote you claiming to have more knowledge about height than the majority of people on here (see the quotation marks), so you said it indeed (go check it yourself). And the fact that you said "PROBABLY" doesn't exonerate you from claiming that, so don't even try to grasp at that.
Canson said on 14/Sep/19
The only reason that Viper even said that he was better than anyone is because his name was, once again, brought up in a discussion in a negative way for no reason.otherwise the topic would’ve never even come up
Andrea said on 14/Sep/19
As I said on his page, I have not seen enough of a peak Neeson to tell with certainty, but in movies like Taken he never struck me as being a big 6'4 guy. So yes, Christian, unless he had already lost a noticeable fraction by then, I think there's a better chance of Boris being taller than a peak Neeson. I don't see what's so funny about it.
If you want to talk about funny things, what about you thinking that Boris is only 6'3 AND someone like Tyler Perry 6'4.25?
P.S. Looks like the usual spammers have implemented a new way to flood the pages... As if the classic double comment (on a good day) wasn't enough. Nice! 😅
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Sep/19
Actually, I did call out Viper when he was being a bit braggadocious. I didn't remember what I said exactly, but I believe it was similar to what I've said recently about this site shouldn't being a competition.
Secondly, I don't remember ever saying that I probably have a bit more knowledge than most visitors, but even if I did say that, the key word is PROBABLY, which means it's merely a possibility.
Thirdly, I've even told Rob that banning you temporarily wasn't right, let alone permanently. So this isn't me trying to make you owe me a favor or anything, it's just me being me, which is speaking out against injustice where I see it, regardless of whether I like a poster or not.
Canson said on 13/Sep/19
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Sep/19
You really think that there's a better chance of Boris being taller than a peak Neeson? LOL
Yep and That’s a contradiction and very inconsistent, as well, because if you recall we got all types of hell about Conan being 6’3.25”. If Neeson really had a chance of being sub 6’4” then the 6’3.25” guesses you and I gave for Conan on Levi’s page have some merit and are more than fair. Hell 6’2.75 or 6’3” would become fair game for Conan then. Conan admitted Neeson was taller which he clearly was, and he thought it was by an inch. “I’m 6’4 so you must be 6’5”. Maybe it was less but it was a difference and Liam even knew that much. So, if anything, Neeson has a better chance of not even dropping all the way down to 6’4” as Johan said. I actually have thought at times maybe 6’4 1/8” and even the 1/4” is possible but solid 6’4” is worst case for Neeson in his prime. If Boris really is taller than Neeson or if Neeson had any chance in his prime of dipping under 6’4” at a “normal low”, it means that Conan is not even close to his listing. We Can’t have it both ways here (Boris taller than Neeson and Conan being close to 6’4 or even over 6’3.25 or 6’3). Something has got to give.
Boris, I would put money, dips below 6’4” even if it’s only to maybe 192cm. If Boris were really a solid 6’4” the difference with Kobe would also be marginal (more difficult to see in a picture) especially being he had a slight footwear advantage on him and he would also look closer to Michael jordan and he’s noticeably shorter than both. Ditto for an aged Charles Barkley. In fact there is a pic of Barkley and Conan that I posted where it looks as low as 2cm between them. If Boris is taller than Neeson it would mean Boris and Barkley would be identical when they are not. Barkley has more than 2 on Boris even when we take into account he has more footwear. Kobe clearly has a minimum of 3cm on Boris (if not more), which everyone here alluded to and it was even said by some who believe Boris is 6’4” that Boris looks only as low as 192 and it’s only with Kobe. Neeson is taller than Conan so there is no chance he was under 6’4” at his peak.
I mean we can go back to Zach Levi’s page and see the logic used there as well as a post that was mentioned to me on this page. It’s a contradiction and I can use the same logic here.
Canson said on 13/Sep/19
viper said on 12/Sep/19
Rick Fox is looking 6-7-6-8 with Levi.
Very strange
@Viper: that doesn’t look 4-5” with Levi. Even with Fox and Boris, Fox doesn’t appear to be standing completely straight.
Andrea said on 13/Sep/19
What's so controversial is your cringeworthy inconsistency and hypocrisy, Christian. Again. As I said, you didn't say a thing when viper claimed to be better than me, yet for some reason, Joe's and Junior's comments annoyed you to the point that you had to answer to both of them with your typical hypocrisy, by even putting, in Junior's case, words in their mouth (he NEVER said that this site is about competition). Besides, you are the first one who put himself on a pedestal in the past, by claiming something like "I probably have a bit more knowledge about heights and height differences than the majority of visitors here" (LOL at that), which is in total contradiction with what you're trying to say now.
Btw, I never asked you to defend me, much less against someone like Greg, whose words are just a waste of time. So don't even try to rub it in my face (like you already did in the past), as if I owed you something!
viper said on 12/Sep/19
Rick Fox is looking 6-7-6-8 with Levi.
Very strange
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Sep/19
You really think that there's a better chance of Boris being taller than a peak Neeson? LOL
Canson said on 12/Sep/19
Johan 185 cm said on 10/Sep/19
Canson said on 9/Sep/19
Questioner said on 7/Sep/19
@johan 185cm seems you have a habit of upgrading everyone though I will admit some are justified
He didn’t upgrade anyone here
Not agreeing with their listing = upgrading apparently.
I will say this, through the years I was a voice asking for 5'9.25" Taylor Swift, 6'2.5" Dwayne Johnson, 6'1.5" Triple H, 5'9" Kendall jenner, who all got downgraded. I also think merriman is at best 6'3" but more 6'2.75" and that Hogan was absolute peak 6'5.5". There are alot more but the only times I have asked for an upgrade was
1. Liam neeson
2. Jared Padalecki.
I felt they both deserved 6'4.25", especially Neeson at peak.
As for Boris I can see why people at times think 6'3" range but next to guys like Kim Coates who Rob has met in person he does look his listing.
I can relate. At times that I have guessed below Rob’s listing, I’ve been called a downgrader and other times I’ve seen others called that for the same reason. This includes athletes who Rob even said before that “most” of their measured heights will not be their normal low let alone extreme low. I consider my “normal” low (not even extreme low) to be my true height both here on the site and outside of it. I can also agree with Rob regarding the approximate height after 5 hours of being (the apparent standard here) awake as I’ve always seen that it puts me only around 1/8” above a normal afternoon height. Of course I tend to preface mine with normal low but even then a normal low is closer to the 5 hours awake than a morning height.
I’ve also seen where people “consistently” guess every celeb 2” or 3” shorter than their perceived height or an inch or two or three taller than their claim or measured height, both of which fall into the category you mentioned. But the common sense approach, as it is most prevalent in society, most people will end up shorter than they claim than taller. I’ve really seen maybe 3-4 men over a lifetime claim shorter than they actually are and by shorter I mean an inch or more. Rounding down from 6’1.5 or 6’1.75” to 6’1” isn’t that extreme if we can accept someone else rounding up to 6’2” from 6’1.25 at a low all because they hit 6’2” or near it out of bed in the morning or in footwear. It’s viewed in more of a negative light when they round down though which to me is ridiculous because it’s no different than a guy who is closer to 6’1” claiming 6’2”. However the ones I’ve seen truly downplay are guys that are several inches over 6’1” like 6’6+ or women who may hit 6’0 or 6’1 at a low and claim 5’11” or 5’10”. The latter is a real downplay (and just as bad as inflating 2”) in my opinion but if you’re within the same range (5’11-5’11 3/4 perhaps) I don’t see the issue with it.
Canson said on 12/Sep/19
Johan 185 cm said on 10/Sep/19
Canson said on 9/Sep/19
Questioner said on 7/Sep/19
@johan 185cm seems you have a habit of upgrading everyone though I will admit some are justified
He didn’t upgrade anyone here
Not agreeing with their listing = upgrading apparently.
I will say this, through the years I was a voice asking for 5'9.25" Taylor Swift, 6'2.5" Dwayne Johnson, 6'1.5" Triple H, 5'9" Kendall jenner, who all got downgraded. I also think merriman is at best 6'3" but more 6'2.75" and that Hogan was absolute peak 6'5.5". There are alot more but the only times I have asked for an upgrade was
1. Liam neeson
2. Jared Padalecki.
I felt they both deserved 6'4.25", especially Neeson at peak.
As for Boris I can see why people at times think 6'3" range but next to guys like Kim Coates who Rob has met in person he does look his listing.
I can relate. At times that I have guessed below Rob’s listing, I’ve been called a downgrader and other times I’ve seen others called that for the same reason. This includes athletes who Rob even said before that “most” of their measured heights will not be their normal low let alone extreme low. I consider my “normal” low (not even extreme low) to be my true height both here on the site and outside of it. I can also agree with Rob regarding the approximate height after 5 hours of being (the apparent standard here) awake as I’ve always seen that it puts me only around 1/8” above a normal afternoon height. Of course I tend to preface mine with normal low but even then a normal low is closer to the 5 hours awake than a morning height.
I’ve also seen where people “consistently” guess every celeb 2” or 3” shorter than their perceived height or an inch or two or three taller than their claim or measured height, both of which fall into the category you mentioned. But the common sense approach, as it is most prevalent in society, most people will end up shorter than they claim than taller. I’ve really seen maybe 3-4 men over a lifetime claim shorter than they actually are and by shorter I mean an inch or more. Rounding down from 6’1.5 or 6’1.75” to 6’1” isn’t that extreme if we can accept someone else rounding up to 6’2” from 6’1.25 at a low all because they hit 6’2” or near it out of bed in the morning. It’s viewed in more of a negative light when they round down though which to me is ridiculous because it’s no different than a guy who is closer to 6’1” claiming 6’2”. However the ones I’ve seen truly downplay are guys that are several inches over 6’1” like 6’6+ or women who may hit 6’0 or 6’1 at a low and claim 5’11” or 5’10”. The latter is a real downplay (and just as bad as inflating 2”) in my opinion but if you’re within the same range (5’11-5’11 3/4 perhaps) I don’t see the issue with it.
Canson said on 11/Sep/19
@Christian: well said on both posts! Excellent!
Canson said on 11/Sep/19
@Christian: there was nothing controversial about the statement you made
Andrea said on 11/Sep/19
Unfortunately, Johan, that's how many people STUPIDLY think on this site (not agreeing with their listing = downgrading or upgrading). I myself have been accused of downgrading celebrities more than once in the past, but in the end, that's just a pointless accusation, especially if you consider that I always back up what I say. That being said, there's no doubt there are some people who really like to downgrade/upgrade celebrities on here, though, needless to say, I'm pretty sure you aren't one of them.
As for Boris, Coates isn't the only person that both Rob and Boris have met. Here he is with (amongst others):
- 5'9.25 listed Casper Van Dien:
Click Here
- 6'0.5 listed Wentworth Miller:
Click Here
- 5'8 listed Moon Bloodgood:
Click Here
Or with someone like Damien Woody, who was MEASURED at 6'3 1/8:
Click Here
And since you mentioned them, I'd be less surprised if someone like Neeson dipped under 6'4 (at peak) than Boris. On the other hand, I think he could be very similar to someone like Jared (whom I could certainly see at 6'4.25 too). Speaking of which, here is Boris and Jared with the same guy:
Click Here Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Sep/19
Yeah, what Questioner said to Johan wasn't right. Johan claimed that only two of his estimates for celebs are higher than what Rob lists them as (Padalecki and Neeson). I'm certainly not gonna lose any sleep over Johan believing that Boris is a legit 6'4". I don't care if he believes Boris is 6'4.5" or even 6'5". As long as we can peacefully and politely disagree, that's all that matters.
If the under 6'3.5" estimates are "deluded", then why don't you apply the same standards to the 6'4.5"+ estimates? I've never seen you call out the 6'4.5"+ estimates but only the under 6'3.5" ones.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Sep/19
Are we really gonna go over this again? Rob deleted our recent comments toward each other for a reason. What part of my previous comment about how it's not a competition to see who's the best estimator is so controversial? I even defended you multiple times when Greg said that you should be
Banned permanently, and this is how you repay me?
Excellent reply! Whether who's the best/worst estimator is all subjective, so it shouldn't be about competition. I don't mind people complimenting others on how good they believe they estimate heights, but all I'm saying is that don't make it a bigger deal than it is. Yet we have someone here (we all know who) who wants to twist my words out of context and resort to calling me names.
Andrea said on 10/Sep/19
I'm not sure Junior really thinks Boris is 6'3.25, Christian, but if he does, then yeah.
Even more so if you consider that, if I'm not mistaken, he thinks that Levi is at least 6'3.25 himself, when even a blind man could tell that there is a NOTICEABLE difference between them, next to someone like Rick Fox:
Click Here Click Here
Canson said on 10/Sep/19
@Christian: I meant for Johan that he didn’t upgrade Boris or anyone on this page. I wasn’t clear though but I wasn’t attacking Questioner either. Just stating that he didn’t upgrade anyone. But yea I agree I don’t see Johan as an upgrader. Junior used to guess Boris 6’3.25, you’re right. But if it is said anything under 6’3.5 is deluded (even after Rob said “I can appreciate how he can look 6’3 at times”) then it means that The guesses of under 6’3.5 aren’t all that deluded. If that’s the case, then It can also be said that guesses of over that mark and especially over 6’4” are since he’s noticeably shorter than guys like Kobe Jordan joe brother etc. you Junior Viper and I aren’t the only ones who guessed him below that. Celebheights 6’1.5 and Dream also did and others who commented on the page.
Johan 185 cm said on 10/Sep/19
Canson said on 9/Sep/19
Questioner said on 7/Sep/19
@johan 185cm seems you have a habit of upgrading everyone though I will admit some are justified
He didn’t upgrade anyone here
Not agreeing with their listing = upgrading apparently.
I will say this, through the years I was a voice asking for 5'9.25" Taylor Swift, 6'2.5" Dwayne Johnson, 6'1.5" Triple H, 5'9" Kendall jenner, who all got downgraded. I also think merriman is at best 6'3" but more 6'2.75" and that Hogan was absolute peak 6'5.5". There are alot more but the only times I have asked for an upgrade was
1. Liam neeson
2. Jared Padalecki.
I felt they both deserved 6'4.25", especially Neeson at peak.
As for Boris I can see why people at times think 6'3" range but next to guys like Kim Coates who Rob has met in person he does look his listing.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Sep/19
I think what Questioner meant is that he believes Johan guesses celebs taller than what he guesses them as. I wouldn't call Johan an upgrader myself though. I've seen plenty of posters who do actually upgrade a lot of celebs.
So Junior's deluded for thinking that Boris is 6'3.25" then? Anyone who thinks Boris is anything under 6'3.5" is deluded, apparently.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Sep/19
Excellent reply! Whether who's the best/worst estimator is all subjective, so it shouldn't be about competition. I don't mind people complimenting others on how good they believe they estimate heights, but all I'm saying is that don't make it a bigger deal than it is. Yet we have someone here (not mentioning his name) who wants to twist my words out of context and call me names.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Sep/19
Are we really gonna go over this again? Rob deleted our recent comments toward each other for a reason. What part of my previous comment about how it's not a competition to see who's the best estimator is so controversial? I even defended you multiple times when Greg said that you should be
Banned permanently, and this is how you repay me?
Canson said on 9/Sep/19
His brother would have to be close to 6’7” for him to be “over 6’4” his brother is likely just 6’5-6’6 range to get a 6’7” basketball listing and that’s 2-3” between them as Rob said. Saying he’s 6’4 1/4” is just as deluded
Canson said on 9/Sep/19
His brother would have to be close to 6’7” for him to be “over 6’4” his brother is likely just 6’5-6’6 range to get a 6’7” basketball listing and that’s 2-3” between them as Rob said
Canson said on 9/Sep/19
Questioner said on 7/Sep/19
@johan 185cm seems you have a habit of upgrading everyone though I will admit some are justified
He didn’t upgrade anyone here
Canson said on 8/Sep/19
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 7/Sep/19
No offense, but this site isn't about competition to see who's the best estimator is.
@Christian: The opinion will also vary from one person to the next and a lot of times it’s based on all of the wrong reasons. It’s usually if that person agrees with the person’s estimates. I agree with many of your estimates and think you’re one of the best here and then there are some where we differ in opinion. Then again I agree with many of Rising’s estimates and disagree with some of the athletes but I still think he’s one of the best here. Berta also is a good poster like Junior says, even if I don’t agree with a some of Berta’s estimates. But my reasons are not just for your estimates. It’s the methods you both use in arriving at them. You use height charts and other details to back it up. Also, you and Rising will both admit when a picture is not the best even if it goes against your argument. But As I mentioned once, you all may not see it that way. You have both said before that you don’t strive to be that and that you don’t believe that you’re any better than anyone else nor do you believe in such a thing. And it’s also hard for many to say better or worse simply because we have all made good estimates and been right on the money but also have made questionable judgments before and been way out in left. At the end of the day, all three of you are humble about it.
Andrea said on 8/Sep/19
To say the least, Johan.
If you take a look at all the pics and clips I've posted, he constantly looks AT LEAST 6'4, with just about every celebrity. In fact, I'd say there's more chance he's 6'4 1/4 than 6'3 1/2. And useless to say, anyone who thinks he's even under 6'3.5... is just deluded!
Andrea said on 8/Sep/19
I don't think Junior ever said that, Christian. Though viper certainly implied that, when he said that he's better than me (LOL). And you didn't say a thing, of course. See what I mean when I say that you're one of the most inconsistent and hypocritical posters on here?
And the same goes for Joe, who just offered his very humble opinion. Just like you think that Johnson is not knowledgeable enough to open a height site, Joe thinks I'm one one of the best height estimators (btw, thanks Joe). I guess that things are an "opinion", only when it's convenient for you, huh?
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 7/Sep/19
No offense, but this site isn't about competition to see who's the best estimator is.
Questioner said on 7/Sep/19
@johan 185cm seems you have a habit of upgrading everyone though I will admit some are justified
Johan 185 cm said on 6/Sep/19
Definetly looks 6'4" next to Kim Coates and Bill Duke. 6'3.5" is maybe selling him short.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Sep/19
@Joe*** said on 24/Aug/19
Andrea is one of the best height estimators here on the site
Somehow i agree with you. Also Berta was one of the best.
Sotiris Gravas said on 31/Aug/19
I see my Kodjoe pics didn't go through... Guess I'll try again.
Here are pics where he looks closer to 6'4" than 6'3" (I won't bother including the Chi McBride pic):
W/ 6'7"(listed 6'7.5") Magic (2005)...
Click Here
W/ maybe 6'5" (listed 6'5.5") Omar Benson Miller (2018)...
Click Here
W/ listed 6'5" Dustin Browne (2017)...
Click Here
W/ 6'4" Tyler Perry (2006)...
Click Here
W/ 6'4" Bill Duke (2012)...
Click Here
W/ listed 6'3" Flula Borg (2017)...
Click Here
W/ 6'2" JB Smoove (2018)...
Click Here
W/ 6'2" Cameron Mathison (2019)...
Click Here ,
Click Here
W/ 6'1" Oded Fehr (2012)...
Click Here ,
Click Here
W/ maybe 6'1" (listed 6'1.5") in 2013 Boris Becker...
Click Here ,
Click Here
W/ maybe 6'0" (listed 6'0.5") Michael Jai White (2019)...
Click Here
W/ maybe 5'11.5" (listed 6'0") Kim Coates...
Click Here
Maybe he's only 6'3.5"... I still say Henry Simmons was peak 6'4", though maybe under now; not sure. I don't think Simmons was standing as straight as Kodjoe in that pic...
Anyways, here's to Kodjoe!
Click Here
Johan 185 cm said on 28/Aug/19
Looks 6'3.5" to me. Only 3 inches on Michael J White and 2 inches on Djimon. Doesn't seem to stand tall alot however.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 26/Aug/19
No taller than Henry Simmons, who's under 6'4" IMO and whom Mr. R claimed to have met and said looked 6'3"
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Aug/19
One of the best estimators by who's standards? Andrea's no different than most other posters here when it comes to estimating.
I know, I cringe at Andrea's hypocrisy. Never seen this much hypocrisy coming from a poster on CH in my life.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Aug/19
Do you see me or Viper going around inflating measured athletes' heights like Johnson did? No. Btw, I'm not "crying" about you accusing me of having no clue about height differences, I'm just pointing it out because you always pull that card whenever you disagree with me on height. It's just a meaningless accusation.
Joe*** said on 24/Aug/19
Andrea is one of the best height estimators here on the site
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Aug/19
Funny pic of Boris joking about two guy's heights
Click Here
viper said on 24/Aug/19
The Kodjoe brothers on video.
Click Here
viper said on 24/Aug/19
What absurd estimates would that be Andrea?
We both know I'm better than you
Public Enemy said on 23/Aug/19
The guy next to Boris is listed at 190.5 cm and Cena is listed as 184 cm.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Aug/19
Boris and 6'1.5" listed Djimon with height lines
Click Here The height lines show around a 2"-2.5" difference, but Boris has a clear camera advantage which makes him look 6'3.5" max, and that's assuming Djimon's 6'1.5" as listed.
Questioner said on 22/Aug/19
@viper not to sound like a buttwhole but thats the first time you have talked in a pleasant tone with an estimate that is significantly off of robs or the majoritys. and it makes it a lot easier to take your estimates seriously. also I dont trust model agencies theyve listed 5'9" people at 6 foot and 6'1" people at 5'11.5"
Questioner said on 22/Aug/19
@canson another thing we arent arguing the same thing I literally said its very unlikely hes a legit 6'4" or over like andrea implied but I also said you guys took it to far to suggest anything under 6'3"
Questioner said on 22/Aug/19
@canson I didnt say you or christian were disrespectful I dont think I called anyone disrespectful I said andrea is a bit aggressive and could be interpreted as disrespectful at the same time it seems you were making a lot of questionable differences on pics. and I was moreso agreeing with andreas estimates than yours in this case. in the kobe pic I said its an inch an and half tops meaning moreso 1.25 just from what I see from the pic that means if what your saying is true we can stretch it to 1.5-75 but not 2. I think 6'3" flat is to low and below is impossible I think hes .25 min and .75 max definitely not 6'4" though he doesnt have that long look like a 6'4"+ does
Questioner said on 22/Aug/19
@canson I didnt say you or christian were disrespectful I dont think I called anyone disrespectful I said andrea is a bit aggressive and could be interpreted as disrespectful at the same time it seems you were making a lot of questionable differences on pics. and I was moreso agreeing with andreas estimates than yours in this case. in the kobe pic I said its an inch an and half tops meaning moreso 1.25 just from what I see from the pic that means if what your saying is true we can stretch it to 1.5-75 but not 2. I think 6'3" flat is to low and below is impossible I think hes .25 min and .75 max definitely not 6'4" though he doesnt have that long look like a 6'4"+ does
Canson said on 22/Aug/19
@Viper: they listed him 6’2”. His own website listed him at 6’2.5. I can agree that 6’2” is too low and 6’2.5 in a lot of pics looks too low. He looks 6’3” to be honest. He doesn’t physically even look 6’4” in pictures. An example is the pic with his brother. my 6’6” friend doesn’t have that much height on me much less my 6’5.25 friend and he doesn’t physically look 6’4”. His brother looks more a strong 6’5” guy like Christian said. I can look at someone like a prime Liam Neeson or prime Hasselhoff or Padalecki and Boris does not look as tall they do. He looks more in line with someone like Zach Levi. His posture is very good compared to other guys his size though and he has favorable proportions which make him look taller. But Boris claiming to be 6’4” shouldn’t come as much of a surprise to any of us being most celebrities claim shoe heights and then some. He’s just claiming his shoes no extra at least. That should add up when his brother is also claiming to be 6’7” and that was his listed height in basketball and has 2-3” on Boris
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 22/Aug/19
That wasn't my point though. I understand that a few basketball athletes may gain a bit of height since measuring, but Johnson inflated just about every measured basketball player under the guise of growth. And I bet he did that just to be consistent with the other celebs that he inflated. He has a right to his opinions at the end of the day, but someone like that shouldn't be taken seriously in the height community. If you're gonna launch your own height site, then at least be more knowledgeable about height, that's my point.

Editor Rob
Well, I do understand what you are saying, it's not like basketball players are being measured late afternoon or anything like that, so even some I'm giving a more positive listing if it's within 2-3 hours of wakening.
Andrea said on 22/Aug/19
"Public Enemy said on 21/Aug/19
Click Here
Looks 6’4"
Even more than that, if Cena and Borg are as tall as lited.
Andrea said on 22/Aug/19
Questioner, I wasn't aware of that video! 😮 Maybe Boris really is under 6'4...
Keep up the good work! 😉👍
Canson said on 22/Aug/19
He has a slight footwear advantage on Cena and still isn’t 4” taller
Canson said on 21/Aug/19
@Rob: the heights that Curry and some of the others measured are already morning heights. Beyond that is inflation. Like saying Curry is 189. Curry measured 6’2” early morning. Rose measured 6’1.5 so he wouldn’t be 189 unless directly out of bed
Public Enemy said on 21/Aug/19
Click Here
Looks 6’4
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 20/Aug/19
His brother Patrick was in that video, not Boris.
While it's true that some people consider morning heights to be the true height, or even with shoes to be the true height (as dumb as that is) that's not the case with Johnson though. He claimed that basketball players and other athletes grew since being measured, and we all know that they're just excuses in order to justify inflating celebs. A person like that shouldn't be starting up their own height website IMO. Of course, Johnson has the right to do what he wants, but no one is gonna take him seriously.

Editor Rob
With NFL it would be more rare given average age of combine attendee, but with basketball, that measurement age is on average younger I believe, so maybe there is a small proportion who do put on height in 19-21 range.
viper said on 20/Aug/19
His modeling agency listed him at 6-2 so the sub 6-3 guesses arnt too outlandish.
He's obviously taller than 6-2 and we know modeling agencies downgrade height.
Canson said on 20/Aug/19
@Questioner: for the difference between Kobe and Boris, you’re right in that it may not be 2” in the pic at least. But I said it might be 3-3.5cm (minimum) before we account for the footwear. Kobe has on a 5/8” sneaker while Boris obviously has more footwear on. It may be as high as 4cm but if you look the picture isn’t the best. Christian pointed out the leg, also the hat. And I threw out 6’2.75 as a possibility if his brother is only 6’5” flat or 6’5.25 which him being a 6’7” listed college basketball player is entirely possible. I guess 192 is possible but that’s a bit shaky being you even just said Kobe was at most 1.5” taller. Kobe is only 6’4.75 and has a footwear disadvantage. Even if it’s only 1/8” as Rob suggests (he said Boris has on .7-.8”), that still puts Boris 6’3 1/8” or even if we said it’s only 1.25” as opposed to 1.5” difference with Kobe that’s 6’3 3/8” which is 191.5 cm roughly. I really see more than just 1.25 as does Christian, but it will vary from person to person of course. But assuming it’s max 1.5” that you implied, that likely means you even acknowledge that it’s in excess of 1” which is about the only way that Boris would still be 192cm once the footwear is accounted for. Rob said that the footwear is .7-.8” but it is difficult to see exactly what type of footwear he has on in the pic. Judging by the thickness of it, it appears to be 1”. But while we are on this topic, it was said to both Christian and me that “Rob said it was .7-.8 and that he knows more about footwear than we do” yet now Rob is “human” which is (verbatim) what Christian and I both said when we looked at the Boris/Kobe pic close to 2 years ago. My whole point is it can’t just be when it’s convenient. Thats an example of what Christian mentioned in his post to me a couple days ago below. We have never met Boris so we won’t know until we do. But from three others who claim to have 1st or 3rd party interactions we saw 190 from Bobby3342, 191 from Mr R, and 192 from Junior’s friend then an outlier at 188 (6’2) though I am not sure if that estimate or even interaction is as credible but then again we don’t know if the others have either.
I brought up the part about his brother around the 4th of July because he was on the radio with Boris and his wife; and his wife said that his brother, Patrick, is 3” taller than Boris. Now surely that doesn’t mean it’s a full 3” or even close, but looking at pics, it is possible and it’s at least 2” as it generally looks 2-3” like Rob also said. I’m going to assume that his wife was talking about their listed heights because his brother still claims 6’7” as he posted online that he is 6’7” 205 on his Instagram I believe. Having played basketball myself I know that a legit 6’7” guy at a low is not getting a 6’7” listing in the program. He’s at least gonna get listed 6’8” but more than likely 6’9” especially if the guy measures 6’7.5 or so earlier in the day. He’d be 6’9” in basketball sneaks at that stage. No different from me measuring 6’4.5-.75 in the morning and getting a 6’6” listing when I played. Im only about 6’4.25 in the afternoon and round down to 6’4” since I no longer play. Hell, Kevin Love is listed 6’10” and is said to be closer to 6’7” than 6’8” himself and he really at times looks no taller than Lebron. Not saying his brother isn’t maybe 6’6” but he doesn’t look it. He doesn’t look more than a strong 6’5” in terms of appearance, just like Christian estimated. Boris doesn’t look 6’4” in terms of appearance in my opinion. But for Patrick, a strong or even solid 6’5 at a low is the norm for a guy who measures 6’6” when they wake up and 6’5.5-.75 in the first 2-3hours of the day meaning he’d get to around 6’7” in shoes
Canson said on 20/Aug/19
@Questioner: you have been a very respectful poster I agree
Questioner said on 20/Aug/19
@canson did you even read what I have said?
Canson said on 20/Aug/19
@Questioner: I have him right at 6’3” just as Christian does. I threw 6’2.75 out there just as I did 6’3.25”. And I do agree that you are a very respectful poster. In the last few posts that I’ve made here, I actually have never even mentioned anybody’s name nor did I say anything about Andrea being disrespectful? Andrea is a He by the way, not a she. But look at his argument with Christian below. As far as respectful and disrespectful, I’m not going to comment on whether that is or not but I surely wouldn’t just tell someone that they do not know about height differences as has been told to me in the past as well, just because the poster doesn’t agree with me. You can judge the rest from there. Currently I’m not even arguing with Andrea as far as I see it
Canson said on 19/Aug/19
@Rob: height knowledge as far as differences is one thing but when you estimate someone else based on a guy who you think is 5’8” and is really 5’7” is another. I mean Derrick Rose at 189? Melo at 200? Lebron at 203? Kobe at 196.5? Jordan 196.5? All of those guys measured less than that and there’s a fair chance that some of the measurements were not even at their normal lows. Kobe I believe and Rose probably 186-186.5 Lebron probably is near enough 6’7”

Editor Rob
I am sure there are some people who are thinking of heights as morning, or shoes at times, but on this site I'm trying to think barefoot and having been up a few hours at least.
Canson said on 19/Aug/19
@Rob: yea but when all of his estimates are above pre drafts (which are already in the morning) and he insists every player grew, something is wrong. He’s entitled to his opinion but that doesn’t mean he makes good guesses. He even insisted Carmelo Anthony and Derrick Rose grew when two of us here have met them and they look the same as they were (at best) when they drafted. There are plenty of others too
Canson said on 19/Aug/19
Lol the excuses some people make.
Questioner said on 18/Aug/19
@canson While I cant read your mind I do think I have been a very respectful poster to you in the bit over a month I have been on this site. I looked through your arguments with andrea and while andrea is frankly way to aggressive im not sure I would call her disrespectful. these are all just estimates (though I do have to say in the kobe pic specifically no way that is 2 inches thats 1.5 tops) he does look 4 or near than magic though. I doubt boris is the full 6'4" after seeing this video on his instagram:
Click Here
I think hes only 192 and I can see the argument for 191. but im sorry the sub 6'3" guesses are ridiculous and I think ive shown im not an inflator as pretty much all my posts if anything have downgraded a lot of people significantly even in comparison to your estimates.
Andrea said on 17/Aug/19
Always on the ball, Rob! 😉
Even though... I respect you a lot but just because you have a good knowledge about footwear doesn't mean you're always right, you are human, not perfect (I respect you though)!!! 😊

Editor Rob
Yeah, I am always attempting to improve knowledge for this site and reduce errors! And on the odd occasion impart a little knowledge now and again, for instance about angles...those are tricky subjects.
Sometimes it is not obvious in a photo that a photographer is standing on one side because the background is uniform...check out a recent
Full Length photo with an actress.
If it was landscape or 3/4 portrait length, I doubt many could tell the photographer wasn't standing centrally. The photographer is more on actress side and so when pointing the camera at us the backdrop and cross marks run at a bit of an angle, showing the camera is on the right side (as it looks at us) of the subjects.
Here is another full length shot
With Gemma Whelan, in which the photographer (different person) is facing us a bit more straight on....and there's 3 inches in height difference between those 2 ladies in person.
Andrea said on 17/Aug/19
Footwear only matters when there is a footwear difference, Christian. And IF Boris is the one who has the advantage, I have no problem to "admit" it.
And the same goes for camera angles. But then again, at this stage, I doubt it is something you will ever grasp. Trying to explain them to you is like trying to explain colors to a blind man. Obviously.
Canson said on 17/Aug/19
@Rob: i agree with you that the appearance and also the depth or thickness of the footwear will vary from one person to the next. All I was saying is that there seems to be inconsistencies. In the case that you brought up below in your example with the Vans about a different poster, I think that’s lack of knowledge on his part or more knowledge on yours as the estimates for that poster are not usually very good (they’re often times inflated).

Editor Rob
To be fair, Johnson is a long-term fan, enough of a height enthusiast that he made his own site a couple of years back so he does have height knowledge, maybe not quite on new vans/well-worn sb though 😊...
I'm sure there are at least 5 visitors over the years who took inspiration from celebheights to make their own type of measurement site 👍 Arjen (Poker Portal) was probably the first, who after posting on CelebHeights for a couple of yearse made TheTallestMan in 2009, it lasted 10 years which is a good run for a website.
This site hits 15 end of September, and I'm still learning about height, and footwear 😎
In fact, watch out for a Vans video measurement on youtube today (this comment I'm typing on Monday morning). I picked up a pair, made a clip, then actually wore them in 2 photos. Talk about fresh 😄
Canson said on 16/Aug/19
@Christian: We have both brought up footwear differences in the past that actually do exist and we have been told that there is no advantage/disadvantage or that “Rob said there is no footwear difference” or “Rob said that the shoes are similar” and we are always reminded that Rob knows more about footwear than we do and that Rob knows more about height differences than we do. It’s always been the case when it’s advantageous but it wasn’t this time so Rob was even being challenged here about his opinion/assessment on Patrick/Boris.

Editor Rob
It's true some footwear can be seen at different thicknesses by various people and in many cases you or I would be offering an opinion, which is no guarantee of correctness.
But if you build up enough knowledge, you'd hope to at least narrow the range of an estimate on footwear you haven't measured. That's something I'm always trying to improve on for this site, adding to my knowledge of footwear, especially since a lot of the time we're discussing or arguing 1/4 inch differences.
I'm sure you have a fair amount of knowledge as do many readers on footwear, but we all can improve.
For instance, I remember on Richard Rankin's page you said "rob’s Footwear advantage gives some of that back", and Johnson (another Height Webmaster like myself): "he [richard] is wearing Vans with disadvantage possibly of 0.5 cm"
I replied on September 16th to Johnson saying my Nikes are 1.3-1.4cm and that vans when reasonably new give 1.6cm range. It was well over a decade since I last wore Vans, but I remember after a fair bit of wear I measured them near 1.5cm. They might in fact give close to 1.7cm out the box, but I will go out today and buy another pair of classic slip-ons and double check 😂
Anyway, I uploaded that old
Nike SB measurement taken on September 16th, just to show that when I give figures like that, I'm speaking from knowledge, having just measured them that day to double check their height.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Aug/19
I agree with you a 1000 percent. Footwear only matters to Andrea when it goes against his narrative, just like camera angles.
Are you honestly comparing the Merriman and Jones pic with the Boris and Patrick pic, as if both are equally bad camera wise? The latter pic is WAY worse than the former. And it's not about "mathematical procedures". You can estimate camera advantages by eyesight alone. If you picture in your mind that Merriman and Jones stood equidistant from the camera, Merriman would look only roughly a half inch taller. But all that is negated by Jones' poorer posture anyway.
Canson said on 12/Aug/19
@Christian: two more pics of he and his brother. Even seeing these a bit differently the difference remains the same as it was in other pics
Click Here
Click Here
Andrea said on 11/Aug/19
So you're aware of how camera advantages/disadvantages work, yet not only you compare two different kind of shots, but you also say that "there's nothing "low" about that Merriman/Jones pic"? LOL, Christian. As I said, the camera is lower AND on Jones' side, so there's a big difference between the two pics. Also, would you mind explaining the mathematical procedure that leads you to say that "that doesn't give Jon more than a half inch advantage"? LMFAO
Speaking of camera advantages, here's a photo where Boris looks taller than Patrick:
Click Here . Of course, unlike you, I would never post a photo like that to prove anything because I'm well aware that the camera being totally on the left side gives Boris a noticeable advantage. And certainly more than just half an inch... :-)
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Aug/19
Of course I'm aware that camera advantages/disadvantages aren't only about distance. But there's nothing "low" about that Merriman/Jones pic, at least not to the degree to where it affects how they look. I'm aware that Jones is a bit closer to the camera than Merriman is, but that doesn't give Jon more than a half inch advantage. Not to mention, Jones has looser posture, so that pretty much negates any camera advantage Jones has on Merriman.
Click Here
As for Patrick, at least I'm glad that we can both agree on him being 6'5.5" range, although we have different reasons for why we believe that he is.
viper said on 10/Aug/19
Since his brother looks 2-3 inches taller, Id say his brother is 6-5.5 and Boris is 6-3
viper said on 10/Aug/19
For some reason 6-1 3/8 measured Marcus Allen can look taller than Eric Dickerson
Canson said on 10/Aug/19
Based on the 6’7” listing he had playing Basketball, I wouldn’t put Patrick over 6’6” barefoot and really he looks 6’5” range in terms of proportions. Maybe 6’3.25 vs 6’5.5 but not any higher. In fact, Bobby3342’s estimate of 6’2.75 I still don’t completely rule out
Andrea said on 9/Aug/19
Oh God, Christian! If you knew something about camera advantages (and just the fact that you compare Jones' pic with Djimon's clearly proves you don't), you would know that they're not all about being closer/further. The camera position also plays a fundamental role. Unlike that picture with Djimon, in fact, in Jones' case, the camera is lower AND on Jones' side, so he's going to get a noticeable advantage over Merriman there.
As for Patrick, I agree that he can look 2-2.5 inches taller than Boris in that pic (albeit with more footwear). Maybe Boris at 6'3 and Patrick at 6'5.25 isn't that impossible... if we're going to lower just about every celebrity Boris has appeared with by AT LEAST one inch, of course! 🙂
Canson said on 9/Aug/19
@Christian: while this doesn’t carry a lot of weight, Patrick is speculated to be 6’5” here on this site. He was listed 6’7” but we can all agree that he clearly isn’t that tall and he was a basketball player so I doubt he actually is his listed height
Click Here
Canson said on 9/Aug/19
@Christian: it’s the same thing with the pic with Boris/Djimon and Boris/Patrick. Patrick, at least, appears to have slightly more height on Boris than Boris has on Djimon. I have seen pics where it’s less than 2” between Boris and Patrick but those pics aren’t nearly as good as the two I posted as one of them always has their head tilted in the pics where the difference was less, and especially the one you just posted which is clear as day a 6cm difference between the two whereas Boris has a solid 2” on Djimon. Looking at the pics, Boris does not physically look like a 6’4” guy but his brother looks like he’s 6’5” range not 6’6 or 6’7
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Aug/19
I agree more with Rob and Canson than I do with Andrea. While 3" is too much, Patrick may be anywhere from 2"-2.5" taller than Boris, but 2.25" may be the sweet spot, as suggested by this pic
Click Here I see Boris at 6'3" and Patrick at 6'5.25"
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 7/Aug/19
Yet on Merriman's page, you were making it seem as if camera advantages are such a big deal, when you were responding to my comment about the Merriman/Jon Jones pics. Yet you seem to downplay the camera advantage that Boris has in the pic with Djimon, when clearly Boris had more advantage with Djimon, than Jones did with Shawne. So I guess camera advantages are only a big deal when it's convenient for you.
Public Enemy said on 7/Aug/19
Current 192 cm
Andrea said on 6/Aug/19
The camera isn't low there, Christian, (why do you think Michael Jai White still looks shorter than Djimon, despite being, in his case, way much closer to the camera???), so I can't see how "Djimon has a disadvantage.". All thing considered (which includes some clear tilt in Djimon's favor), it certainly doesn't look any less than 2.5 inches between them.
As for his brother, I have yet to see a picture where he looks anything more than 2 inches taller, so I'd be surprised if he was more than 6'6 (let alone his 6'7 claim), IF Boris is only 6'4 flat.
Canson said on 6/Aug/19
@Christian: with an aged Eric Dickerson who may still be 6’2 at this stage or not (combine was only 6’2.25), Boris looked around 6’3” . If Dickerson measured 6’2.25 at the combine not sure how tall he actually is at a low or what he is today
Click Here
Canson said on 6/Aug/19
@Christian: with an aged Eric Dickerson who may still be 6’2 at this stage or not (combine was only 6’2.25), Boris looked around 6’3”
Click Here
Canson said on 5/Aug/19
@Christian: yet there are some people here that tell others that they can’t estimate height differences when they have no room to talk
Canson said on 5/Aug/19
@Rob: In this pic it’s 2-3” like you said
Click Here

Editor Rob
There are a few he looks more than 2 inches taller
Canson said on 5/Aug/19
No. Rob just said 2-3”, so that is what he “means”. If he were implying or thought 1-2”, he would’ve said 1-2” then. Rob doesn’t need an interpreter. He is the site master after all is what has been said in the past at least when it’s convenient it is