burby said on 4/Oct/18
Prepare for some serious custom wedged cowboy boot action for Rambo 5...
Rising - 174 cm said on 28/Sep/18
@Robby: There still were times as recent as Expendables 3 that he didn't look any shorter than his peak. For instance, here's the 2014 Cannes premiere with
Mel Gibson:
Click Here You get some good footage from around the 0:55 timestamp through about 1:40 or so and Sly does not look any shorter than Mel, whom I think is and was 5'9". I still think it's likely Sly had dropped 1/4", but it's also possible he lost all of that half inch from late 2014 through 2015. I do think he's been at his current height since 2015 and I don't think it's more than a half inch either way, but I personally wouldn't say less. I agree that there's evidence to put him more a weak 5'9". I've mentioned Ben Gazzara being a weak 5'10" and at least around an inch taller and Armand Assante being taller and I do believe he is/was around 5'9.5" himself. The 176 guesses are understandable, but I'm fairly certain he wasn't that or taller than around 175 as you said. I'd agree Rob As Rob said, Michael Douglas and
Mel Gibson were probably similar and also claimed 5'10". Remember, guys like Jeremy Piven and
Mark Wahlberg have tried claiming 5'10"! The 5'10.75" is probably getting close to the 2 inch rule if it's not already. As for height loss, Sly could have gone either way between injuries and his excellent shape and posture, but I think it's largely the latter that has won out. There are other examples. Carl Weathers is 70 himself and is certainly in that half inch or less height loss, Joe Mantegna is also 70 and Rob gives him a half inch loss from 1/4" over to 1/4" under and you could argue Joe was always a flat 5'11" yet Rob still said 179 would be the lowest he'd guess Joe today. Then there's a 5'8.5" Chuck Norris and he was still at least a solid 5'8" at 72 when the Expendables 2 premiered and maybe still near 5'8" today at 78 and Charles Bronson was still looking noticeably taller than Sean Penn when he was just 6 months shy of his 70th birthday and had looked noticeably taller than Chuck Norris when he was 65. I believe Bronson was 5'9" flat and held onto most, if not all of that through that time, but if he was only 5'8.5" as Rob lists him then that proves the point even better. Kurt Russell is now 67 and still looking the solid 5'9" he always was and look at John Amos and Billy Dee Williams, whom Rob determined had lost only 2 cm after meeting them at 73 and 76, respectively. How old was Morgan Freeman before he started looking below 6'2"? Interestingly, Kirk Douglas could still look as tall or taller than Michael at some events when he was around 70 or so in the mid to late 80's and seemed to have maintained most of his height before the helicopter crash. There are definitely some exceptions. I do think age finally knocked a half inch off Sly as I said, but height loss often shows in the back and due to spinal curvature and Sly's spine doesn't seem the least bit curved and his posture remains better than most young men.
I have seen a few old school bodybuilders look incredible at an older age and Frank Zane was not surprisingly one of them, but Sly has indeed surprised me. I think he'll be in great shape for Rambo 5 because he had even taken a year off to recover not long ago. He was ridiculously lean and shredded for the first Expendables. I had forgotten just how much until I saw a few pics again a while back. I actually think Sly would have looked better overall had he not tried to resist the aging process facially. If you see him around 2003-2004ish, he looked much younger than his mid to late 50's. I'd give Leo about 5'11" with a decent chance of 181. Sly definitely still looks taller than Wahlberg did with Leo during The Departed, but a bit shorter than Tom Hardy did.
Robby Harris said on 27/Sep/18
@Rising: It's definitely possible Sly lost a half inch over the last few years, but I'd say a 1/4 loss is just about as likely, considering he could look a weak 5'9" in his prime at times, such as with Mr. T. However, he still appears to hold 5'8.5" well with normal footwear, as your photos clearly indicate - so he probably lost between 1/4-1/2 inch. Very impressive for a 72-year old guy! I wonder if he'll still hold up well this time next year, or around the time Rambo V premieres. I've never seen a man his age maintain such a great physique and I'm sure he's doing better than most men even do in their 40s and 50s.
If we consider him a flat 5'9" at his peak (afternoon), then it's arguable he could measure at least a weak 5'10" out of bed in his heyday, although I'd wager he was bang on 5'9.5" straight out of bed. This would still make his 5'10" claim fair, but 5'10.5" was a little overboard, and he went way over the line when he tried claiming 5'10.75" lol. 5'10" still is a height most guys who don't drop much under 5'9" at their low would probably claim.
Leonardo DiCaprio looked about 2.5" taller than Sly back in 2016, and if Leonardo is 5'11" flat then that would make Sly 5'8.5" at the time. If he's his listed 181 cm, then Sly was likely a weak 5'9". I'd stick with 174 cm for him as for the last few years and 175 at his peak. 176 is understandable for a peak, seeing he could occasionally look taller than expected at times back in the day, but I seriously doubt he was ever over a legit 175:
Click Here
Click Here
Bradley said on 27/Sep/18
With Weathers at the '17 Golden Globes thatsa solid 5-8.
Rising - 174 cm said on 26/Sep/18
@Robby and Parker: I was actually thinking 5'8" flat to 5'8.25" a few years ago, but after seeing a lot of comparisons, I'd give him 5'8.5" today and I'll show why using only 2017 and 2018 comparisons where footwear is known and Rob's other listings as references.
Video of Sly and 6'1" listed Carl Weathers at the 2017 Golden Globes:
Click Here This might shed some light on why a relatively area height Sly gets called short. I've actually seen people use this as an example of Sly being 5'7", which seems to show people are surprised to see Sly without lifts actually looking his natural 5'8" range. This comparison the poster loka made to Rob's photo shows Sly doesn't measure up badly:
Click Here If Sly is even 1 cm taller than Rob, then he's 174 and imo, he doesn't look less there. This is true on video as well as full pics:
Click Here The comparison used a shot of both standing tall and Sly looks 4"-4.5" taller. I don't see it as much of a stretch to guess Sly in the same range today as Jeremy Renner and I'd guess he's perhaps a tiny bit taller.
Here's Sly and 5'10.5" listed brother Frank at those same Golden Globes:
Click Here and a few months later at the GOTG2 premiere with Sly in at least 2" footwear and Frank in low heeled loafers:
Click Here Sly looks only 1"-1.5" shorter max in similar footwear and can still look taller in lifts.
Sly with 5'9" listed Michael Rooker at the GOTG2 press conference and footwear showing Sly wearing similar boots/hi tops to what he wore to the premiere and Rooker in a typical 1"-1.2" range dress boot:
Click Here Sly can look more than an inch taller.
Sly and 5'8.75" listed
Jason Statham at The Meg premiere:
Click Here Sly again has at least 2" footwear, possibly 2.5" range while Statham has what look to me like 1"-1.2" range dress boots, but you can see he's going up on one foot for just about every pic. Here's video showing Sly was standing a good 1.5" taller that day:
Click Here
Sly recently in fairly flat looking shoes with his 5'9"-5'9.5" listed wife Jennifer Flavin in heels:
Click Here I'm not ruling out a small lift at all, but Sly is measuring up better than I'd have expected there.
Just to clarify, Frank Stallone, Rooker and Weathers could all be at the point where they've lost half an inch, though I'd probably give Carl still 6'0.75" or a weak 6'1" and I'd give Jennifer 5'9" flat peak and possibly a small fraction under now and Statham 5'8.5", but no shorter. A lot of height loss occurs in the spine and some of it is a curvature. Sly looks like he's done exceptionally well in this regard and he's in exceptional shape. My best guess is he lost about 1/4" around 2013-2014 and another 1/4" around 2015.
Rising - 174 cm said on 26/Sep/18
@Parker: I forgot about those team pics in Victory. It's been a while since this scene from Rocky 3 was posted:
Click Here That's a wide shot of Sly in normal slippers with a legit 6'1" man. You can see Sly's entire foot in the slippers and sneakers as Weathers is wearing might add a bit more. There's a tilt in Sly's favor, which can be fixed pretty easily by taking a screenshot and correcting the image based on the references in the background so you're left with Weathers slouching. No doubt Weathers is dropping more height, but you you can compare their frames and tell me if Weathers could be 6" taller. Even 5'8" flat is too low, imo. I'd give him just about the full 5'9" or maybe a mm or 2 below and probably around 5'8.75" at his low.
@Robby: Yeah, he's definitely taller than Chan, much like he still has a good inch on Michael Douglas, who is probably in the same range as Chan today. Here's another example of Sly wearing low cut shoes so you can see his ankle is at a normal height:
Click Here That really wasn't uncommon from around 2009 through early 2017.
@Bradley: I've heard Stern say he hates being tall many times. Rock Hudson wasn't too crazy about it either even though he had the looks and build. Sly did have his elevator sneakers on when he bumped into De Niro in 2011:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Those might be a different brand than the Hogans since I can't make out the logo on the side, but probably similar with the thick sole and extra insole/wedge.
@Kyuss: He can look tall when he wears those black heeled boots, but not as much in Converse or boxing footwear. With that said, Joe Frazier in 70's heeled boots only looks about an inch or so taller than Sly in flat boxing footwear. I'd guess Frazier and Sly would have been pretty close in height barefoot.
Parker said on 26/Sep/18
Rising - 174 cm said on 23/Sep/18
Imo, it is impossible for this to be a 5'7" man
Rising, I absolutely agree.In fact I'd even say I would not be surprised if he measured 5'9 even today. I've posted this many times before, Mike Summerbee the ex Manchester City footballer who I've seen many times, and dozens of pictures, at 75, still looks the 5'10 he was listed in his playing days.
On the right of Stallone in this pic
Click Here
The guy on the left of Stallone is John Wark, listed at 5'11 in his playing days.
5'7 for Stallone is ludicrous.
Kyuss101 said on 25/Sep/18
Watching the 1st rocky film and I always thought he looked a legit 6-0 until I knew better
Robby Harris said on 25/Sep/18
@Bradley: Sly was easily 5'9" back in the 70s and 80s. Certainly not more, but it's nowhere near as unreasonable as your trying to make it. Imo, he was most likely just a weak 5'9" at his peak and somewhere in the 5'8"-5'8.5" zone today.
@Kevin Brands: 5'7" is utter bogus. He could pull off a good 5'11", if not a little more with some of his bigger lifts back in the day. That would mean he'd need shoes that gave at least 5" over his barefoot standing height - which isn't possible to comfortably do without walking and looking like a clown! To top it off, as Rising pointed out, with enough knowledge about lifts you'd be able to spot how much ones footwear gives. Lifts aren't as complicating as companies would want to have you believe.
Sly in clearly normal footwear had a good inch on Jackie Chan, who probably by this time already fell to 172 cm from his 174 peak in 2016:
Click Here
Click Here (check out Sly's shoes. There's no room for a lift in a shoe like that. If there was there would be an unnatural slope at the front, and a fairly chunky heel area around the back, coupled with a higher-than-normal-positioned ankle, depending on how big a lift one has.)
@Rising: I agree there's a higher chance Sly is more 174 cm than 173. He's doing about as well as Bush the first did when it comes to age-related height loss! Many people I know personally In that 70-75 age range have already lost at LEAST 1.5"-2"! Some of it is lost through hunching of course, but it's amazing comparing Sly's physique and posture to other men of his age. The 5'7" and under stuff is always going to be a joke to me. He's somewhat sensitive about his height, and that imo is what led to the exaggeration of how "little" he actually was. A lot of people I know picture him as a husky tall guy, directly as a result of the impression he gave in films, although 5'9" isn't short by any means. Either way, anywhere from 5'8"-5'10" should comfortably blend in well as being neutral when it comes to Western men. Anything below and above that range would, imo, start being seen as noticeably below or above average.
Rising - 174 cm said on 23/Sep/18
@Kevin Brands: The problem is you're assuming that I'm a novice when it comes to lifts and elevators. In fact, I've worn lifts myself for a decade and have discussed them on this page for much of that time. The editor of this site has bought and tested many elevator shoes. You're assuming elevator shoes give as much height as they advertise online, but so far without any exception I'm aware of, they just measure the highest point at the back of the lift/heel and advertise that rather than the actual height gained. Let me give you an example from about the time of my last comparison with De Niro:
Click Here When the ankle is exposed like that, there's simply no way to hide a lift. Your foot has to be on top of something to gain height, which is why elevator shoes tend to be designed with more material above the sole to conceal this and so your foot isn't almost falling out. This is another example from that time:
Click Here You mentioned Tom Cruise and he's a perfect example of the high ankle and the extra material above the sole:
Click Here His ankle is about an inch higher than it should be. That's about a 2" elevator Cruise has there and shoes like that will have a pronounced angle at the laces:
Click Here What Sly is wearing on the couch is nothing like that. Elevators are not designed to fool the tiny segment of the population on celebheights that looks for them or other lift wearers themselves. They're designed to look as normal as they can to the general public, most of whom would never suspect a thing about Cruise's shoes.
Imo, it is impossible for this to be a 5'7" man if Letterman was anywhere near the 6'1"-6'1.5" he's supposed to be:
Click Here That's a particularly good example because I know the brand of shoes Sly wore there. They're called Hogan Interactive sneakers and they come with a 3.5 sole and 2 cm insole, which would give a good 2" or 5 cm of actual height. Here's a brown pair much like the ones Sly wore on Letterman:
Click Here You can see the logo here:
Click Here and here:
Click Here Here's a tan/beige pair pretty close to what Sly wore to the Laker game:
Click Here and here's a black pair like the ones Sly wore with Matt Lauer:
Click Here Based on how high his angle is at the game, I'll concede that Sly may have even put a 4 cm insole in there instead of the standard 2 cm, but even that would still give him "only" 2.5" or so of actual height, which is actually very big. Any more than that and he'd be falling out of those because they're too low cut. That's one reason the biggest elevators are usually boots. Actually, there's some question over whether a 4 cm lift can even work in those, but I'll assume they can for the time being. If you mean the Carolina logger style work boots, then that style can add near 2" because of the thick sole and heel. That's why
Vin Diesel wears logger-type boots all the time. If you want to see Sly wearing some really big elevator boots, this is it:
Click Here That's the type of design that could add 3" or so with the lift inside.
As for Cop Land, Sly wore flat sandals in the opening scene of the film so it doesn't seem like he was too worried about height in that. In fact, I remember an interview Sly did when the film came out where he spoke about letting go of his vanity to work with De Niro and Keitel and not worrying about being shot from his "good side." I've since seen and read many subsequent interviews and what comes across is that Sly was relatively insecure about how his films were viewed by actors like De Niro. What do you think is more important to Sly, being in shape or being a couple of inches taller? And Sly didn't "only" claim 5'9". He's always claimed 5'10"-5'10.5" except for the time he tried claiming 5'10.75". Hulk Hogan wasn't that far off when he said 5'8", but the later 5'6"-5'7" is nonsense. As I've said, Sly's ex-wife Brigitte Nielsen is in the best position to know and she said 5'9" or 174-175 cm. Sly is still at least 5'8" today and much more likely 5'8.5", imo.
Rising - 174 cm said on 14/Sep/18
At least he was wearing dress shoes during the time he did both films with De Niro. I thought they might even have been the same due to some photos on set with loose posture, but they're standing better here in costume for Cop Land and Sly looks taller, albeit less than an inch:
Click Here I did think he was slightly taller at the end of the film as well and here at Cannes:
Click Here It looked like he was wearing dress shoes to that festival and seemed proportionately more low average:
Click Here Btw, is Anabella Sciorra really a solid 5'3"/near 161 cm?
Click Here Even considering a slight camera/tilt advantage, Sly looks a good 5" taller than her in heels and while I won't say Rob's listing is definitely too high based on just my impression, she did always strike me as short and closer to 5'2"/158 cm, possibly less. De Niro was 53 during this time and probably still close to his peak height while Sly was 50.
The difference was much bigger by Grudge Match:
Click Here Click Here Click Here A few more pics:
Click Here and a short video:
Click Here You could see Sly wearing low cut dress shoes when they appeared on Graham Norton and the difference didn't vary much. I don't think Sly had lost more than maybe 1/4" by this time at 67, but De Niro had probably lost at least an inch by this time when he was 70. I'd say he was still 5'7.5", but not over 172 cm. Sly looked 1"-1.5" taller and seemed a bit taller than 5'8.5" listed Graham Norton to me, but really not much taller than now 5'8" listed Alan Arkin, maybe 1 cm. I don't know if Norton is closer to 5'8" flat now or if Arkin was closer to 5'8.5" 5 years ago and has lost another cm since.
Bradley said on 13/Sep/18
Huge wedge inside the boots. At 5-8 looking 5-10.5 he's back to the slope.
Rising - 174 cm said on 10/Sep/18
Sly is wearing these a lot these days:
Click Here Those might be these:
Click Here or possibly these:
Click Here And these "high top hiker boot inspired trainers" feature a "removable inner wedge"
Click Here And these look like something Sly would wear:
Click Here Higher cut than what he favored between 2003-2008, but the sole looks pretty much the same. That would explain how he's suddenly looking 5'10"-5'10.5" again at premieres for GOTG2 and The Meg as well as the GOTG2 press conference.
Bradley said on 31/Aug/18
Hey, he's taller than The Gippah! (NYC accent). Burt always supported his friends so he invested in their garbage and did the car and gun stuff over the real deal Jack and Dustin stuff of great scripts.
Rising - 174 cm said on 31/Aug/18
@Tod Charming: I agree with you, although he's too much closer to the camera with Reagan. There's little doubt he was standing shorter that day. He does still look as tall as Statham, though and noticeably taller when he wears thick footwear. Here are a few better examples of Stallone legitimately looking tall or taller than he should.
Wide shot with 5'11.5" John Amos:
Click Here (Rob saw Amos close to 5'11" in his 70's so there's not much doubt about his height)
With 6' Joe Calzaghe:
Click Here Click Here Joe would still be taller in the 2nd pic if he weren't leaning, but probably like the first pic where he's standing straight and only about an inch, maybe 3 cm taller. Rob said the absolute shortest Calzaghe could be is 5'11.5".
If he looks 6' or 6'1" then it's likely camera tricks, but it seems he could genuinely pass for 5'11". In fact, Rob use to have a note at the top to that effect. With this in mind, 5'7" is impossible, imo and even 5'8" flat is too low for his prime, imo. I'm sticking to the 5'8.5"-5'9" range Brigitte Nielsen gave and nothing shorter or taller than that in his prime. Goldman was probably a case of confirmation bias, but you can see Sly was at least an inch shorter than weak 5'10" Ben Gazzara in 1975 and slightly shorter than 5'9.5" Armand Assante in '78. He still looks 5'8.5" to me, but he can't be taller than that anymore.
Rising - 174 cm said on 30/Aug/18
This '96 photo is one where Sly winds up looking quite short:
Click Here Mostly an unfortunate angle for him as he doesn't look that short in others:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here but still looks to have forgotten his lifts that day either way. It's almost hard to believe that's the same man in the photo I posted a while back from Italy taken a decade later. But the Daily Mail annoys me with a lot of their footwear commentary. They used this photo referring to Sly's shoes and the low angle:
Click Here Sly's shoes have a pretty good heel and could be a subtle elevator, but they're flat enough around the laces that they'd only add slightly more than Arnie's cowboy boots, which the DM seems to forget he's even wearing. As for the angle, they make it sound like Sly can choose how he's photographed at events. He'll have his photo taken from a variety of angles while in public, some of which he'd undoubtedly be unhappy with like the one I posted from '96.
@Brad: Yeah, I've heard a lot about the bad investments. Understandably, Burt thought City Heat failed in part because he was in so much pain during the filming. Granted, I didn't think Burt's performance was the problem with the film, but he couldn't have been at his best. Not only bad investments, but bad film choices as well. Turned down some good roles when he was younger and blew his comeback opportunity after Boogie Nights.
burby said on 29/Aug/18
All this talk about Burt is reminding me of the Sly and Burt movie, Driven. Sly actually had to jump up in order to push Kip Pardue in the argument scene. Still good for a laugh.
Bradley said on 23/Aug/18
"City Heat" should have been much sunshine and location shooting...it smelled Warner Bros. backlot, dark. He got creamed on investing into friends' stuff, very dumb. His license plate was cool, something like FSU and his old jersey number, tinted to the max.
Rising - 174 cm said on 22/Aug/18
@Brad: I think part of it was Burt's early perception of actors as sissies and he idolized his WW2 vet/police chief father as a tough guy. I got most of these impressions from reading Burt's first autobiography years ago. But finishing the film with a broken jaw is pretty amazing, especially when you consider the infection he got later that caused him to lose so much weight. Unfortunately, his career was never really the same and the billing of Clint and Burt didn't meet expectations. That pairing was the equivalent of what a Stallone/Schwarzenegger film would have been a decade later.
Bradley said on 20/Aug/18
That chair to the jaw filming "City Heat" is something I've never figured out as he returned to the shoot days later. He must have had intense discussions with the brass to complete the film just jacked on pills, pain killers, reset jaw etc.....anybody else would have been out for a long time. Big Warner Bros. money at a big potential loss. Every stunt guy in Hollywood got a part on "Hooper". I met Jan Michael-Vincent at a celebrity show, real bad shape after draining Jack with Coors chasers for decades.
Rising - 174 cm said on 19/Aug/18
Sly actually doesn't look as short as you'd expect with Jennifer in heels for her 50th birthday recently:
Click Here You can't say for sure from that angle, but his shoes don't appear to have the type of angle that would make lifts immediately obvious. Doesn't mean he doesn't have any and his shoes aren't that thin, but nowhere near Jennifer's heels. I don't think the difference between them has grown that much.
@Brad: I really liked Hooper. Of course, Burt isn't the only star from that film to dramatically decline. He did well compared to Jan-Michael Vincent. Burt's college football career was also ended by a serious knee injury. There was a tabloid report in the early 90's that said Burt had little cartilage in his knee from old football injuries and was apparently upset to learn he had shrunk an inch, though I'm not sure he had lost much height by then. Of course, the broken jaw during City Heat certainly contributed to his painkiller addiction, not that it's difficult to become addicted in the first place. You can see Burt was still able to stand straight for cast photos during the Deliverance 40th anniversary, but had declined dramatically by the time Marky Mark presented him with the award a year later.
Bradley said on 15/Aug/18
If you watch Smokey of Hooper you'll see he walked with a kinda pain in the hip walk. He was overdue to implode through all the horse falls, running in massive custom footwear, pain pills, etc. Beatty never abused himself onscreen like Burt, he's looking great near Reynolds' age.
Rising - 174 cm said on 15/Aug/18
@Robby Harris: And yeah, I had read he had a contract for another Rambo or two shortly after the 4th, but you didn't hear much after the success of the first two Expendables and I figured Sly's age made it unlikely. But seeing the shape he's still in the last year, I don't doubt he can pull it off and I'm very excited to see. Btw, I do believe Rourke is about 5'10.5" now at 65-66 and the height difference hasn't grown between him and Sly leading me to believe both have lost about half an inch since the first Expendables:
Click Here Click Here There's also video of that day. I think these are pretty representative photos of the Expendables premiere:
Click Here Click Here I can see a solid 175 cm there and it's impressive Sly is strong enough to maintain his height with Mickey's arm around his shoulder lol. One more reason to stay in shape! Then I figure Sly might get a 1 cm posture advantage for some photos like this where he looks 5'9.5":
Click Here I actually think Mickey's heel looks similar size so it's more Bruce who is at the disadvantage wearing loafers without much heel, which may be why Mickey looks slightly taller to me on the video.
@Rich Paul: Burt was admittedly vain and claimed it was due to short legs and a long torso, but it also seems to me that the way he talked about his father's apparent 6'3.5" height, he'd have liked to be a towering figure like that. I get that. My father use to be a solid 6'0"-6'0.25" and the fact I fell well short is probably a reason I wear lifts. I'm also a fan of Burt's films and sad to see his health decline like this. With that said, I see zero chance Burt was only 5'9" peak:
Click Here That's Burt in 1980 with 6'1" Bill Murray and here he is in '93 with 6'1" Jonathan Ross:
Click Here Then you can see him taller than 6'1" Roger Moore at the end of Cannonball Run(1981). He is the king of lifts as Brad says, but he'd need Mariah Carey's shoes to be 5'9" and look like that.
Bradley said on 14/Aug/18
Reynolds is the king of lifts for decades and today. Massive heeled and wedged monster boots in "Hooper" in '78. I met him in '84 at his ranch in Jupiter and saw him a few times in Martin County where I lived in '84, he was ALWAYS in heeled footwear, custom of course. Burt is the king of lifts.
Rich Paul said on 14/Aug/18
I believe in Reynold’s case he wore huge lifts so he’d tower over everyone. Ego? Maybe. He wasn’t exactly tall. I’d peg his peak height at 5’9’’. He didn’t seem much taller than Darren McGavin in the old Riverboat tv series. McGavin wasn’t exactly tall. Today poor Burt looks shriveled. He walks with the aid of a cane. Tragic how bad he appears. I always enjoyed his movies.
Rising - 174 cm said on 13/Aug/18
@Robby Harris: Yeah, I think it's more a case of Douglas being shorter than people thought(many bought him as a legit 5'10") and not realizing Douglas was a lift guy too and in fact, a DiFabrizio client just like Sly. I remember those 2010 Guys Choice Awards pics and could swear I saw video too and I also remember Arnie being taller, but by less than usual. I'd agree Arnie was still at least 5'11.5" in 2010 and Sly had peak height of a weak to flat 5'9". I think it's a moderate lift plus posture and camera advantage with Brody because I actually think Sly had more of a dress shoe than boot. It's probably similar to Sly pulling off a good height at the 2010 Arnold classic:
Click Here Click Here You can see footwear in the second video and it's subtle, but from the side, I can see enough of an angle to believe there's a lift. I learned a long time ago to take with a grain of salt photos where Sly looks taller than he should if we can't see their feet. The best example is Sly looking eye to eye with 6'1" Tom Arnold! In reality, he was about the same height as Bruce Willis at that event. Speaking of Bruce, if he was ever 5'11.5", I think he was 5'11" flat by around 2004 or 2006-2007 at the latest, but Mickey was still the full 5'11" until around 2011-2013 judging by how he looked with Joe Calzaghe. Imo, Sly has normal 2.5 to 3 cm dress shoes at the Expendables premiere while Bruce and Mickey look to not much heel and maybe no more than 2 cm. I think a fraction more footwear and posture was enough. Here's video:
Click Here The angle gets better around 28 seconds.
@Rich Paul: Sly was definitely never 5'10", but it's not true that only short guys rely on elevators. Burt Reynolds was definitely not short, but wore huge lifts almost 24/7. In fact, he still wears them! People don't expect a 5'8.5"-5'9" Rambo and with a roughly 5'9" wife who wears heels, much less a 6 foot ex-wife, it's easy to see why he'd wear them. Kane Hodder is a 6 footer, but wears the most ridiculous platform boots and that's probably to live up to his image as Jason. I use to see a commercial for lifts and the example they used was a 5'9" man becoming only 6'. I also saw an elevator shoemaker say in an article that many men who aren't short buy elevators because of women wearing heels and the ideal image of a man being comfortably taller than his wife/girlfriend. I wear lifts and cowboy/cuban boots with heels between 1.75" to 2.75" myself and am similar to Sly's height.
Bradley said on 13/Aug/18
Correct about Stern. He doesn't like being at Hampton functions etc. getting gawked at. I laughed my ass off when he once said he felt like being a "Sesame Street Jewish Big Bird" walking into high profile get togethers.
Robby Harris said on 13/Aug/18
I forgot to add; I doubt Sly's lifts gave him much more than an 1" with Willis and Rourke. 1.5" would be pushing it based on how his footwear looks. 2" doesn't seem plausible at all. There's clearly a lift in there regardless.
MJKoP said on 12/Aug/18
Bradley said on 10/Aug/18
Stern hates being 6' 5", he's always rants about it. "I don't wanna stand out, especially in places I don't wanna be".
Lots of men are 6'5" or taller. I'll see plenty of dudes in that range on a daily basis, and nobody's gawking at them. Howard's always been self-conscious and at this point people stare because he's Howard Stern...not because of his height.
Rich Paul said on 11/Aug/18
My personal feeling is only short guys rely on elevator shoes. If Stallone was truly 5’10’ then with his lifts he’d always appear to be over six feet and that just ain’t the case. My own view is he’s never been taller than 5’8’’. Now in his seventies he’s most likely lost some height. But he sure gained a lot of hair!😂
Robby Harris said on 11/Aug/18
@Rising: Yes, I'd say Sly and Douglas were pretty much level in height at their peaks, however, its plausible Sly would have had the edge on him, as the 2004 golf pics you posted clearly indicate, though as you said, Douglas might have dropped a fraction by then. Sly would have been closer to 5'9" than Douglas back in the 90s, imo. I seriously doubt there's lifts in those golf shoes, but its not exactly out of the realm of possibility with Sly. He looks to be at least a solid 5'9" there nonetheless. Definitely good pics!
He looked pretty close to Arnie at this awards event in 2010, obviously with the help of lifts, but I can't find a solid picture showing his footwear from the particular event, but I'd assume they were boots:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
At this point I don't think Arnie was any less than about 5'11.5" at the very minimum. Sly was obviously still at his peak at that point, or about 5'9" flat and so could be appearing at least 5'11" there, though he looks to have an edge on the first couple photos. I can recall seeing a video of them at that particular event where they looked pretty much dead-on, though if memory serves correct, I could've sworn Arnie looked to have a slight edge on him by perhaps a cm at times, presumably as a result of posture differences.
However, have a look at him beside 6' Adrien Brody at the same event:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
He looks very similar in height to him there, and I don't think Brody is any less than 6' flat, though its arguable he's anything between 5'11.5"-6'0.5".
Sly with 5'11.5" Bruce Willis and 5'11" Mickey Rourke at the Expendables premiere in 2010:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Its arguable Willis was already leaning towards a flat 5'11" by that point, but Sly looks to appear at least 5'10" with both guys, while in surprisingly normal looking footwear. Depending on the photo and angle, he could appear even taller than that! Rourke, I believe, might have still been the full 5'11" at the time, but its arguable he's lost height now considering he's 65. He turned 58 in 2010, and a lot of men barely lose anything at that age. All said, Sly was most likely a solid 175 cm at his peak, and about 173-174 at best today. On a side note, I'm looking forward to Rambo V! I heard he retired from playing Rambo some few years ago, so the announcement for the new film definitely came as a surprise!
Bradley said on 10/Aug/18
Stern hates being 6' 5", he's always rants about it. "I don't wanna stand out, especially in places I don't wanna be".
Rising - 174 cm said on 10/Aug/18
@MJKoP: I don't know, in that scenario it seems like Glenn prooved Colin wrong. Bet Colin feels like an idiot now for saying he's only 5'10"! And as someone with a good amount of Irish heritage who lived in Brooklyn(and apparently has the accent), no offense taken. On a different note, it's ironic that Glenn of all people regularly said other people didn't know their height. The best example is the Gary Sinise page.
glenn said on 8/Feb/08
like i said,he always seemed 5-9.but now i wonder if that was posture.this night he was 5-10 with dress boots on.no joke.and him mel were of similiar height in ransom.mel looks 5-10 in alot of movies.are they both lift wearers? why would gary say he was 5-8? mocking me? did he reconize me from this site? is he 5-8 and slipped,forgetting his lift advantage? i asked him about mels height.not his.he said "mel is my height,5-8".i then replied "your 5-8?,im 5-8 and you look taller".he didnt respond.
Interesting comment by Rob on 8/Feb/08
[Editor Rob: was this, or did it look a flat pavement you were on, to be fair sinise looks 5ft 9.5 if he has worse posture than you here!]
So Gary looked 5'9.5" with 5'8" Glenn ;) Anyone want to guess what Gary was thinking when he didn't respond?
Rising - 174 cm said on 10/Aug/18
@Robby Harris: I agree. I don't know if you saw the comparison I posted about a year ago when Sly and Statham went to lunch. Sly had dress shoes and Statham looked to have 3 cm type boots and Sly was still at least as tall, but I think they must be the same and Sly's posture gives him the edge since I don't see him above 174, but I can't see Statham below that. I'm not that surprised Sly looks to have only lost about 1 cm, I mean he sure doesn't stand anything like most 72 year olds. He's getting in shape for Rambo 5 at the moment. I'd keep anything autographed by Sly as well, but the funny thing is I've considered buying a pair of Hogans anyway. Btw, I found another interesting comparison of Sly and Michael Douglas in their primes and recently I tried to post a few days ago, but it didn't go through.
Click Here
Click Here Click Here
Click Here (Scroll down for footwear)
There aren't real clear photos of footwear at the '91 event, but it looks like Sly has some kind of heeled footwear. There's a decent chance both men were wearing lifts, but I believe Sly had footwear advantage, which is why he looks clearly taller. But nowadays, Sly looks a good inch taller and both appear to have normal footwear. Normally, I wouldn't put much stock in a photo where we can't see feet, but it's the previously posted 2004 golf photos of the two that support this:
Click Here There's 3 good full photos and even if Sly has a small lift in his golf shoes, I'd say he was still likely slightly taller by 2004 when he was 58 and Michael was 60. Like Don Johnson, I just don't buy Michael being taller than Sly after seeing them together over decades. Imo, Michael was maybe a flat 5'9" until around the early 2000's, 5'8.5" by 2004 and only 5'7.5" these days. De Niro is similar as he's just 3 years older than Sly himself and was only slightly shorter at the time of Cop Land, but looked about 1.5" shorter by Grudge Match. This shows how well Sly has retained his height.
Bradley said on 10/Aug/18
It is called a curb, you step off it you are on the street. Minus 5" easy. Watch for traffic. It STINKS being 6' 6". 6-2 is perfect.
MJKoP said on 9/Aug/18
Rising - 174 cm said on 9/Aug/18
@Robby Harris: It would be funny to see Glenn argue with Colin himself that he's 5'11" and not the 5'10" he's always claimed to be.
G: Yow...Hah tawl ahw yuh Cawlinn?
C: Ehm feev fute tin, meet!
G: Naw fawv fuhd uhluvunn!!!
C: Dooot...Ehh meeshurrd meesilv meeny tooms! Eh thenk ehd knoo, bedddy!
G: Naw, Awm fawv fuhd ayt! Yawh uh guhd thruh unchuz tawluh...
C: Noooh, minn...yooor likk feev fute sex, noot evinn feev sivinn!!!
G: *WW3 Commences*
I extend my sincere apologies to all Brooklyn residents and Irishmen alike. 😩😅
Robby Harris said on 9/Aug/18
@Canson: That's very understandable. I can definitely see why some guys wouldn't like excessive extra height on them, especially if its coupled with a thin, lanky type of build. Some men like to tower over other men though, but most might say that's where the 6'2"-6'4" range is usually seen as an ideal. Overall, anything from 5'11"-6'2" seems ideal enough to most guys. But as I've mentioned in the past, a lot of it comes down to build. A person's body type can have a significant effect on their height. That's why some shorter guys happen to give off "tallish" impressions and vice versa, but a larger-boned build and slightly stronger toned muscles can look pretty good on taller heights, imo. Howard Stern is certainly a great example of a guy who hates being 6'5"! But he's got a very lanky body type which accentuates his height in a perhaps negative way.
Robby Harris said on 9/Aug/18
@Rising: That would be comedy gold! Don't forget Glenn's adamant 5'10" claim for Nas, despite Nas' own claim of 5'8" and his NYPD record listing him at just that - which Glenn initially dismissed as "he probably just doesn't know his height". That one had me nearly falling out my chair in laughter! Surely that one had posters taking time to second guess on Glenn's honesty of his own height, as the idea of Nas wearing lifts is almost as ridiculous as Sly going barefoot to an awards ceremony!
I'd say Sly looks as though he'd have a slight edge on Statham today, as he appeared marginally taller than Statham at the Expendables 3 premiere in 2014. Worst case scenario he's the same height as Statham. I don't see Sly as being any more than 174 cm today anyway. 175 peak. He's doing pretty good in the height department, considering most men his age would have already lost a fairly noticeable amount. Many would have lost an inch, or sometimes more! As for the Hogan sneakers, I'd have kept them for myself had he signed me a pair. $500!?! That's pretty cheap if its truly autographed! You never know how much one of those things could be worth in the distant future!
@Brad: Lol, did you just say you walk on the Vegas strip to lose 4-5 inches?! Is that even remotely possible? The only causations of height loss pertaining to humans are wear-and-tear with age, scoliosis or arthritic disorders and bone loss due to osteoporosis. These "height-stealing hurdles" would amount to a truly terrifying NIGHTMARE had they dare crept up on Sly, or the famous Big G! 😲
@Rob: A 6'2.5" fellow sporting lifts to appear 6'3"-6'4" is certainly extremely difficult to fathom in any case! Not unless a guy that tall would wear them simply for fun! But Steven Seagal (a legit 6'3.5"-6'4" guy) and lifts just don't mix! 😂 In fact lifts and Seagal in the same discussion come off as an utter joke in itself. That's a piece of G-comedy gold right there! No doubt did he have more than just 6.5" on you in your pic with him!
Canson said on 9/Aug/18
@Robby Harris: to be fair he isn’t even 6’6. He’s 6’5 1/2 from what he mentioned. I can understand the 6’5 claim to be honest. As for Brad, I wouldn’t want to be 6’6” either. I’m 6’4.25” at a low and wouldn’t want to be anything more than I am now to be honest. You get to a point where it’s just not necessary if you aren’t playing pro Ball. 6’4 is an ideal height imho. If I anything taller, 6’5 is about as good as it gets, but I’d take the flat 6’4” (193cm) at a low as the most ideal tall height
Rising - 174 cm said on 9/Aug/18
@Robby Harris: It would be funny to see Glenn argue with Colin himself that he's 5'11" and not the 5'10" he's always claimed to be. As Glenn said on the Kevin Spacey page "I don't care what he says". We definitely agree on Sly's height, though. He's actually wearing big footwear again 2 days ago with Statham:
Click Here Click Here Click Here And a little video footage:
Click Here Sly does look a good 1.5" taller and you can at least see Statham going up on one foot in the first 2 pics, but I'd need to see a good closeup of Sly's shoes from the side to see if those are the black Hogan sneakers or some sort of unknown boot. I bet they're the same height barefoot these days so I'd give both 5'8.5". On a side note, I actually came across a pair of Hogan sneakers autographed by Sly selling for $500.
Bradley said on 9/Aug/18
I Hate it with a big H. On the Vegas strip I walk on the strip itself to lose 4-5 inches. It stinks. I want to be 6-2. Corey was a hard to judge at a Ray Courts celebrity show years ago, he had boots, possibly ramped. G with Corey was a kill shot for G being 5' 6.5".
ABD said on 9/Aug/18
I think he was 5'10 when he was a young actor....and now he is 5'8
anywhy he is one of the greatest actors in history of humans !
Robby Harris said on 9/Aug/18
@MJKoP: I guess anything was possible in the mind of G...even himself at 5'8"!
What always cracks me up is the fact he thought Corey Feldman was only 5'3"-5'4" after having met him in person, and getting a photo taken with him. Then Rob does just the same...except Feldman turned out to be around 5'5"! 😂 Besides, Glenn barely even looked a full 2" taller than Feldman in the pic he provided, in which he also clearly had better posture. I really wonder what Feldman did to appear 5'1.5"-5'2.5" max (in comparison to a legit 5'6.5" fella) in G's eyes that day! One would think the G would have upgraded him to a weak 5'7"!

Editor Rob
To be fair, I think Feldman is a guy who he thought had big 3 inch boots, so without them could be a 5ft 3 guy.
But then, Glenn once said to me "seagal,who might be 6-2.5 sans lifts".
That was in 2006, first time I heard of the idea of 6ft 3 or 4 guys wearing lifts!
MJKoP said on 8/Aug/18
Robby Harris said on 4/Aug/18
Glenn did that a lot. He would sometimes let slip a ridiculously broad range for nearly every celebrity he met (well, maybe not "nearly every", but many of them). He was an absolute joke and hard to take serious! 5'10.5" minimum and 6'1" max after meeting Willis in person?
He even said here - right in the midst of his "Sly is 5'10.75" streak: anything is possible. even Sly at 5-7. but one thing's for sure. Farrell is not 5-10 or less.(I'm pretty sure that's what his post read verbatim; I have an almost photographic memory. He was of course defending his 5'11" claim for Colin).
Robby Harris said on 8/Aug/18
@Rising: Yes, I can even recall G saying someone (can't remember who) could have been anywhere from 5'7" to 5'10"/11", and a "confused caught-off-guard Frank2" pointing the absurdity of it out to him! If memory serves correct, I think BOTH Glenn and Frank had met that particular celeb and had significant differing estimates too! 😂 I'll have to however agree that street sightings are obviously more tricky considering the uneven pavements and such, but there's even a limit of comprehension to that! As far as Sly's height, IF he gets a mugshot taken, I wonder about the potential height listing he'd be given...and whether he'd decide to pack on some chunky lifts inside a pair of big boots again...but I admittedly don't really know much about the case, as there's really not much information out there on it. Anyway, he's certainly in the low-to-mid 5'8" zone today, but no more. 5'9" peak, or possibly just shy of it, but I wouldn't think much less than that at a minimum. As a side note, I wouldn't *actually* want to see Sly get a mugshot taken! 😐
@Brad: Do you REALLY actually hate being 6'6" THAT badly?? You've been pointing it out constantly for over 10 years now...
Bradley said on 6/Aug/18
I have 50,000 albums maybe I could pack some on my back like the U.S. Army heroes going up hills to kill Taliban with their gear. I'd love to lose a few inches.
Bradley said on 4/Aug/18
G upped everybody to get his Celebrity Heights height nailed solid. G was 5' 6.5" 6 hours after wake-up in the photos coming in the from the Bronx on the elevated with a bag of stuff to get signed to make a living. I have no idea what he does now, I think he offers anything cheap to the big guy in Queens and the Toddster. Burbs with an astronaut or Volvo bed meal post would make my day.

Editor Rob
I was reading an article a few years ago about some kind of Iron Man competition that put lots of stress on the spine and one guy said he shrunk 2 inches in height after doing it.
I'm sure if our old friend Glenn read that, it might give him hope - carrying a stack of Vinyl on his back for 6 hours may well have shrunk him more than normal...I suppose it sounds optimistic!
Here is a link to that article
Click Here and the quote from the guy
"I started out being 5-foot-9 on Friday and ended up being 5-foot-7 on Sunday....With all the heavy lifting I did, it compressed my spine to where I shrunk 2 inches. Taller guys shrunk even more"
Rising - 174 cm said on 4/Aug/18
I initially thought Brad and burby might be the same person because of the similarities, but I came across burby's earlier posts and they're much more like a typical poster here than Brad so I believe they're different. I think they just share a similar sense of humor. If Bruce really was 6'0" then he'd likely be close to 6'1" in the morning and Glenn estimated from the perspective of morning height(while at least rounding his own morning height up a half inch as it turned out). This is an example of how confusing the morning height stuff gets and while I went with it back then, I'm glad it's rarely mentioned now. Actually, if you subtract 1.5" from Glenn's old estimates for Sly and Bruce you do get Rob's peak listings for both. I say old estimates because Glenn doesn't say 5'10.5" or 5'10.75" anymore, but now gives Sly the full 5'11" last I saw, much just like he upped Tom Cruise to 5'9" and
Mel Gibson to 5'11". I assume he stuck to the 6'1" for Bruce.
Back to Sly's height, could he be barefoot or in something like slippers here with Sharon Stone?
Click Here Considering the scene, the fact he's shirtless and the height difference between them looks smaller than usual, it seemed a possibility that's close to the actual difference between them. Sharon is or was a solid 5'8" and Sly a weak 5'9", imo.

Editor Rob
Sly will happily go shirtless, but shoeless I think is rare for him. A 'closed set' even!
Robby Harris said on 4/Aug/18
Glenn did that a lot. He would sometimes let slip a ridiculously broad range for nearly every celebrity he met (well, maybe not "nearly every", but many of them). He was an absolute joke and hard to take serious! 5'10.5" minimum and 6'1" max after meeting Willis in person? What kind of help does that do Rob and and the rest of the Celebheight-posters in trying to pin down his true height, especially considering he met the guy! Glenn actually said the shortest Willis can be is 5'10" at one point, and also claimed to have seen him look as tall as 6'2" in sneakers! Hilarious indeed.

Editor Rob
On the street it's certainly a trickier business trying to guess height.
I think a lot of short estimates probably come from the other person standing on the higher side of a sidewalk/road or seeing a celebrity with their head down in movement, while the estimator is standing stationery.
MJKoP said on 3/Aug/18
Bradley said on 1/Aug/18
G never said 5' 10.5" then 6' 1"...
You're right...he said it at the same time. He was talking the lowest possible estimate. I think he was responding to some guy who claimed 5'8" or 5'9" for Bruce. Glenn is funny.
Bradley said on 1/Aug/18
G never said 5' 10.5" then 6' 1"...he met him 20 times, and I met my John Glenn. I'm not Burby. I don't know about roasts but I do know that the Burbs knows about the Volvo bed and Sal getting the napkins. Chaskey and G ought to be a wrestling team: The 570 Combined Brotherhood. Queens and The Bronx boppahs....sponser: Nathan's....(Sal: mustad).
Robby Harris said on 31/Jul/18
Bradley said on 24/Jul/18
Maybe Willis 6 flat in '85, age and weight has locked in a weak 5-11 for years. I hate cm, I like inches.
burby said on 26/Jul/18
Brad, are you prepping material for the C.C. Roast of Bruce Willis this Sunday with that maybe 6 flat in '85 line? Astronaut stuff....
....Brad needs to improve on his "masking skills" lol.
Rising - 174 cm said on 31/Jul/18
@Rob: I agree he can look at least 176 a fair amount since he looked almost identical to Colin Farrell and not much shorter than McConaughey. Nowhere near 5'11", though, otherwise he'd look pretty tall with his build.
MJKoP said on 31/Jul/18
Bradley said on 24/Jul/18
Maybe Willis 6 flat in '85, age and weight has locked in a weak 5-11 for years. I hate cm, I like inches.
So, according to you, he could've been six foot in his prime, yet Glenn's 6'1" estimate is "laughing gas"??? Glenn even once said Bruce could've been 5'10.5" at his very lowest.
If B and G did a joint comedy tour, I'd purchase every ticket available...as even Madison Square Garden would need to be vacant in order to contain my laughter.
Bradley said on 30/Jul/18
A few hundred million banked can get great hair for anybody.
Rising - 174 cm said on 30/Jul/18
Sly is actually still close to Jared Leto's height:
Click Here You can see in some photos Sly looks taller while in others Jared does, which probably means they were about the same that day, but if you scroll down to the last 2 photos you see the shoes and while Sly has flat dress shoes with only a small heel, Leto is wearing loafers, which add even less. If Leto is 5'9" then I still see Sly around 5'8.5", but he better watch the 100 pound weighted pull-ups if he wants to keep that height ; Makes for an impressive instagram video, though.

Editor Rob
I've not ruled out 176 for Leto, I think he has pulled that mark off a fair bit, though his 5ft 11 claim is a bit much to swallow!
burby said on 26/Jul/18
Brad, are you prepping material for the C.C. Roast of Bruce Willis this Sunday with that maybe 6 flat in '85 line? Astronaut stuff....
Bradley said on 24/Jul/18
Maybe Willis 6 flat in '85, age and weight has locked in a weak 5-11 for years. I hate cm, I like inches.
Rising - 174 cm said on 23/Jul/18
Interestingly, I found out the Hogan sneakers Sly has worn a lot have a 3.5 cm sole and a 2 cm removable insole:
Click Here I don't know if I've seen Sly wear that color, but they're the same type of sneaker he wore regularly from around 2003-2008 and it looked to me like he was wearing a black pair as recently as the GOTG2 premiere last year. In Sly's case, making the 2 cm insole removable was superfluous unless he wanted to substitute a 3 cm insole for it!
Btw, I'm shocked Sly didn't wear lifts with Wilder and Lewis. You would think he was legitimately short if you didn't know Lewis was 6'4.75" and Wilder 6'6.5". On the other hand, this pic made me laugh:
Click Here You would think Sly was well over 6 feet there if you didn't know any better! As for Willis, quite a few think he was 5'11.25" or 5'11.5", though others think he was always 5'11" flat. I think both positions are reasonable since I'm pretty sure he was 5'11" flat by 2006-2007 when he was only 51-52, but a 1 cm loss by then isn't unusual. A 1" loss by then wouldn't make sense so I doubt many actually think he reached it, but you could argue he pulled off around 6' on Miami Vice in '85 since he was about 3" taller than Don Johnson and 2" taller than Philip Michael Thomas.
MJKoP said on 23/Jul/18
MJKoP said on 20/Jul/18
Not on topic, but is this who I think it is? :D
Click Here
Editor Rob
The Hair probably throws you off, but that is a rare sighting caught on camera.
LOL, the hair! 'Guess it was more on topic than I had originally thought!
viper said on 22/Jul/18
I thought Willis was suppose to be about 6-0 peak
viper said on 22/Jul/18
I don't see the hair loss picture
Rising - 174 cm said on 22/Jul/18
@Rob and MJKoP: A rare sighting indeed, almost as rare as a Big Foot sighting!
@Brad: That Affleck/Leno thing was years ago while this was a year or two ago. And photos with Willis wouldn't help you argue with Glenn since Glenn was just as convinced Willis is 6'1". Funny thing is, if you do subtract 1.5" from Glenn's estimates, you actually get Rob's listings for both. That is if you use the 5'10.5" Glenn argued Sly was while he was still posting here, but he's since upgraded Sly to a full 5'11". The steroid use is no big deal. I wish it wasn't so scandalous for actors to admit it. We all know many do it and we celebrate them for their results, but then act outraged when we find out part of how they achieved them. Remember the hit Hulk Hogan took when he was forced to admit it during McMahon's trial? I can't figure out whose opinion of Hulk could have possibly been changed by that.
@Canson: Yeah, I figure Brigitte Nielsen had to coordinate her height quite a bit with Sly when they were married so I'm assuming she'd know his height within 1 cm. He wore lifts constantly from 2003-2008 and virtually always looked 5'10.5"-5'11" in them and had the right proportions to pull this off. He could look 5'11" at times in the 80's and early 90's, but it's easier to see he's really 5'9" max and wearing lifts. He still wears lifts on occasion and can look 5'10"+ with them, but he's been liftless enough since around 2009 to see his real height. His most recent film Escape Plan 2: Hades used a lot of angles, especially to mask his height with Bautista, but there's a few scenes where you can see he's definitely shorter than Xiaoming Huang(who gets listed 179-180 cm) and Wes Chatham(he has 180-183 cm listings). He's standing closer to the camera in the ending scene than Jesse Metcalfe(listed 176 cm here) and it looks to me like Metcalfe would probably be taller if he stood right next to Sly, though they made Sly look taller in their early scene together, but I think they even tilted the camera in Sly's favor in that shot.
Canson said on 22/Jul/18
@MJKoP: I just saw the comment about rationalizing a more ideal height to yourself!!!! G in reverse!! 😂 I was crackin up!
tree said on 22/Jul/18
MJKoP said on 20/Jul/18
Not on topic, but is this who I think it is? :D
Click Here
Editor Rob
The Hair probably throws you off, but that is a rare sighting caught on camera.
Who is it Rob?

Editor Rob
A young Glenn
Robby Harris said on 22/Jul/18
Lol. That's gotta be Mr. G! He's Mr. New Yorker after all! 😄 😂 🤣
McMurphy said on 21/Jul/18
Heavyweight champs Lennox Lewis and Deontay Wilder with Stallone:
Click Here
burby said on 21/Jul/18
viper said on 19/Jul/18
A widow's peak isn't losing your hair
Whatever you want to call it, he's losing his hair.
Click Here
Bradley said on 21/Jul/18
Affleck came on Leno once and put away the rug rumours...Jay yanked his hair hard, it stayed on. Gotta be on Youtube, I remember it well. Sly's hair is a mystery more so than his height...and steroid use.
Canson said on 21/Jul/18
I agree with your estimate Rising. footwear with Stallone is never a given. He does wear lifts at times
Canson said on 21/Jul/18
@Brad: so if you dip to 6’5.5 at a low then I was right that Peyton Manning is not 6’5 1/2, he’s really more like 6’5” which is how he looks and that
Michael Jordan is more like 6’4 1/2”. That’s what I figured is that you measured earlier in the day and got 6’6” if the other guys are that tall to you. As far as your footwear, the worn out chucks will make you look shorter in person. You would likely appear 6’5 to most people if wearing those and if gauging height you would essentially be 6’5 next to a person in thicker footwear. But 6’5.5 next to a person in Flats. So when you assess height, you really are not 6’6”. You’re 6’5 1/2 if that’s your low
MJKoP said on 20/Jul/18
Not on topic, but is this who I think it is? :D
Click Here

Editor Rob
The Hair probably throws you off, but that is a rare sighting caught on camera.
Bradley said on 20/Jul/18
Sly with Willis is proof positive he was 5' 8.5". Willis is 5' 11". Even if only 1.5" gain in Sly footwear he's getting piled on by Willis in sandals. Amazing photo, wish I had it in '06 for the astronaut I met.
viper said on 19/Jul/18
Taylor Lautner with short hair, the hair up front is goin' AWOL like vintage Sly widow's peak.
A widow's peak isn't losing your hair
Rising - 174 cm said on 19/Jul/18
@Rob: Yeah, I thought they were typical Converse at first glance, but the heel area is clearly thicker and different. Sly definitely has a lift, but whether they're custom elevators or not is this what I'm not sure about for the reason you mention. Why wouldn't it conceal the ankle more?
Dmeyer said on 19/Jul/18
To me his shoes look normal 1,3in maybe à small insole but the foot pose seems normal enaugh , so max 1,5in that gives him 2cm over Willis maybe 1cm over arnie , but he looks close to 5'10,5 shoes on as barely under willis whi is near 6'0 sleeper on and arnie 6'2-2,25 in footwear
Bradley said on 19/Jul/18
Worn out Chucks for me (standard I hate my height footwear). Elway in dress shoes and posture that beats mine (I sluncheroo). Okay 6' 2 and a 1/2 if you want plus great erect posture. 6' 6" to 6' 5.5" is a Canson correct for me. I had Manning by a nudge, he's a big dude, Lou easy.
Rising - 174 cm said on 19/Jul/18
Check this out. 1995 Planet Hollywood Opening:
Click Here As you can see from the third pic, Sly's ankle is high enough in those boots to indicate a 1" internal lift and perhaps a 2"-2.25" gain overall. Despite this, he winds up looking near 2" shorter than Bruce Willis in sandals in the first pic! I'm not sure if Bruce was always more 5'11" flat or if he was 5'11.5" as Rob gives him, but even if we give him 5'11.5" + about 1 cm sandals, Sly only looks 5'10" in footwear compared to him. Although the lower angle might be favoring the taller person and I think the photo is favoring left to right because Rob lists Demi at 5'4.5" so she'd be about 5'7.5" in heels yet Sly looks about 3.5" taller in that first pic or 3" minimum. Then in the second pic, Sly looks almost as tall as Bruce -- perhaps a half inch shorter -- but in that case the higher angle might minimize the difference. I only included the fourth pic because you can see Sly going up on one foot. Despite that, he doesn't seem to be
Busting a Gut for every last mm like he did constantly a decade after this, but doesn't look more than around 5'11" in those elevator boots as we know he's shorter than Willis in sandals. Arnie was always much taller than both in those days. But what's also crazy is there's a video of Sly, Arnie and Bruce from the early 90's where Sly looks close to Bruce's height and maybe 2" or so shorter than Arnold. I can't find it on YouTube anymore, but I did take a screenshot:
Click Here Sly seemed to always have cowboy boots from '91-'93. It's weird, there are periods where Sly looks considerably taller or shorter even accounting for footwear. As for these days, I still think Sly looks about 5'8.5" or at least 5'8" since we've seen him in normal shoes, including Converse recently, but there are times when even a young Sly gave a shorter impression. Farewell, my Lovely(1975) was the shortest I've ever seen him, at least as far as impression.
As for hair, I did notice what I thought was a rug even in the theater during the first Expendables and I think he might have gotten a facelift around that time, but he did look cool overall in the film and was in phenomenal shape. He looked much better dropping down to a shredded 180 as opposed to the 213-215 he was for the last Rambo. Travolta is among the worst with hair. Whether the Dracula piece or one time he looked to try spray on hair that was a much lighter shade of brown than the rest. Lebron's double headband thing was funny, but Carlos Boozer was the worst that season with the Bulls when he looked like he filled in hair with a sharpie. Lautner is really young too, but he's apparently an elevator shoe customer as well. I've heard from people who have seen
Ben Affleck in person that his rug is extremely obvious. But
Mel Gibson(another guy who wears a piece) is not 5'8". I'm surprised you've stuck to that figure all these years. He does love cowboy boots and I've seen him with hiking boots that appear to have lifts, but he's pulled off looking 5'10"-5'11" range. He's 5'9" as Sigourney Weaver said. 5'8.5" is the absolute lowest I can see for Mel.

Editor Rob
There's a high probability he has a custom boot, the top of his ankle should be hidden away there under the material, but it seems like it isn't. What Arnie is wearing I don't know, some hybrid Converse style.
Canson said on 19/Jul/18
@Viper: it wouldn’t surprise me if Elway actually measured the 6’2.5 earlier in the day and were maybe 6’2 or 6’2.25 in his prime. I’ve seen countless pics of him and he never looks 6’3” you’re absolutely right. Brad may be off on this one. To be fair Brad may assess at a morning height instead of the way Rob and the majority of CH like you me etc do. Like in your case you said you wake up to 6’3.5 earlier and get down to 6’2.75 which is typical for a guy who’s around 6’3”. Similar to me where I am 6’5-6’5 1/8 out of bed and 6’4 1/4-3/8 (top end) a low. Brad likely wakes up to 6’6 and is more like 6’5.5 at a low based on how he has assessed some half inch or so over like Peyton Manning Jordan and Lou Ferrigno
viper said on 18/Jul/18
Elway looks shorter than 6-2 a lot. Pretty surprised Brad saw him at 6-3
burby said on 18/Jul/18
I highly doubt Sly has a "hair system thing", that would be John Travolta (25 plus years) and LeBron James territory stuff. I just saw a pic of Taylor Lautner with short hair, the hair up front is goin' AWOL like vintage Sly widow's peak.
Jim hoppa said on 16/Jul/18
@burby Yeah he has had extensive hair restoration. I think now hes wearing a hair system thing. The hair line is almost 2" lower now than in the 90s.
Bradley said on 16/Jul/18
1/4 off on Elway, okay, we have lives. Gibson has you fooled, he loves built up mountain boots. Chimp in astronaut gear, head and down (I met my astronaut Bingo). Sly has ace hair people.
Canson said on 16/Jul/18
@Viper: Elway was actually measured 6’2 1/2 not 6’2 3/4. Today he looks 6’2” tops
burby said on 14/Jul/18
I've written it before, go watch Cliffhanger in HD to see Sly's hair thinning on the top/back. He had really good work done fixing it. Anyone see Jon Hamm without his wig? Yikes. Yeah, I've met Willis 20+ times, awl kindsa footware!!!! Can you run Three Stooges defense in a space suit? Soitenly!!!
Jim hoppa said on 14/Jul/18
My friend had just to been to an evening with sly event and has a picture pretty much next to him. My friend is 5-4" and around 5-7" in her heels. Sly is just taller about an inch. !!! I was shocked!! So its almost a fact hes only 5-8 in shoes which she said are dress shoes. Food for thought.
Canson said on 14/Jul/18
@Brad: Elway was 6’2.5 when he was drafted. Not sure if that’s morning or afternoon measurement but that would mean he’s likely not 6’3” and 6’2” flat is not out of the question at his age if he’s shrunken 1/2” or maybe less of that weren’t an afternoon height
Click Here
Canson said on 14/Jul/18
@Brad: Elway wasn’t even 6’3” barefoot when he played. He’s probably even lower today. Keep in mind his hair is longer than Manning’s as well. He was around 6’2” when he played and still about that back a few years ago.
I agree on Jordan 6’4.5 barefoot and in a pair of basketball shoes 6’5.5-6’6 which is why he got a 6’6” listing. He would be 6’5” or a hair over out of bed. I only know because of the quotes I’ve seen such as him measuring 6’4.5 when drafted, how he looks with Larry Bird who was a legit 6’9 or very close to it, and how people that have met him perceived his height (“roughly my height”) is what I’ve heard and I myself am 6’4.25 (6’5 out of bed). I’ve also met someone who described Manning 6’6 (this guy claims 6’5 and is the same as me if not a hair shorter and inflates everyone’s heights) and then someone else who is more honest and said Manning was 6’5”ish
Click Here
Canson said on 14/Jul/18
@Brad: Elway wasn’t even 6’3” barefoot when he played. He’s probably even lower today. Keep in mind his hair is longer than Manning’s as well. He was around 6’2” when he played and still about that back a few years ago
Click Here
Canson said on 14/Jul/18
@Brad: Elway wasn’t even 6’3” barefoot when he played. He’s probably even lower today
MrFish said on 14/Jul/18
Rob, is it possible that Sly fell a fraction under 5ft 9 at his peak, like me?

Editor Rob
I'm happy to stick with about 5ft9 for him as a peak. I can still see the arguments for a fraction over or below it.
MJKoP said on 14/Jul/18
Jax walked right by me in a court of law....he ain't 5-7, F2 just hates the 1958 brother Jackson.
F2 also hates
Mel Gibson. Iirc, he spoke out about that here...very shortly after Gibson's first public outburst. Therefore - according to your logic - 5'8" for
Mel Gibson is just as much nonsense as 5'7"-5'8" for Michael. In fact, Frank2 was probably in even closer proximity to Mel than you were to 'Jax'. AND he was 5'11", as opposed your towering 6'6"...making him by default a far better judge of guys in the 5'7"-5'10" range. ;)
viper said on 13/Jul/18
Elway is not actually 6-3. He was measured at 6-2 3/4
viper said on 13/Jul/18
So MJ's costume designer was just flat out off on his height by 2 inches.
I guess. I mean I've been guessed as low as 6-1 before at 6-3.
Rising - 174 cm said on 13/Jul/18
Deborah Landis actually said Michael was "not even 5-foot-7" and also said he was 99 pounds with a 27 inch waist here:
Click Here She does say a 26" waist other times and even 27-28" so she's not completely consistent except with the 99 pound figure, but Michael looked bigger than 99 pounds back then and if he was only 99 pounds, his waist would be even smaller so take that for what it's worth. She also said Michael was the exact same height and weight as Fred Astaire on another occasion. Michael's makeup artist Karen Faye said he was about 5'8" and said she knew this because she was 5'8" range and they were about the same height so you have a wide range. I'm sure with loafers and a hunch he'd look under 5'8" to some even if he were the full 5'9" while even a 5'8" flat Michael might look fairly tall when he wore cowboy boots or cuban heels and stood straight, especially with his build, but I can't see him over 5'9" barefoot or under 5'8". But the point is not Frank2's estimate, but that it shifted from 5'9" to 5'8" and 5'7". The only point I'm making is about his certainty. I think a lot of Frank2's estimates are plausible, but like anyone else, he'll be right on some and wrong on others. I don't think his estimates were typically motivated by personal feelings, though it was obvious he didn't like Michael from some comments he made unrelated to height.
Barry Fl said on 13/Jul/18
@ Lapinux
It is pretty amazing. I'm 5'10 and look it - when I stand up straight!! But more often than not my posture, whether standing or sitting, is lazy and far too relaxed. I lose a couple of inches this way. I'm going to have to learn from our Sly, though he's probably been doing it most of his life. Whatever it is, it works. I don't think he even bends his knees when he walks! ;-)
Warren said on 13/Jul/18
Wow, are you lying?
Bradley said on 12/Jul/18
Think I care about my height: here it is: I hate it Inc. Hey, we're fighting over Stallone's height, think we are sane? Jax walked right by me in a court of law....he ain't 5-7, F2 just hates the 1958 brother Jackson. I'm sure 5-10 Vin is in Munsters with the Slyster...he hates being 5-10. Canson is probably right: 6-6 early. Jordan is still a weak 6-5. Lou at 6-2 is about right in '18. I ran into Elway the other week eating nearby, he's still 6-3. I still say that young guy at QB in Kay-Cee is going to be the star of the NFL in '18.
MJKoP said on 12/Jul/18
viper said on 11/Jul/18
Michael Jackson's costume designer said 5-7 and some change, so Frank2 saying it isn't that crazy
His longer-time costumer said 5'10".
viper said on 11/Jul/18
Michael Jackson's costume designer said 5-7 and some change, so Frank2 saying it isn't that crazy
Bradley said on 11/Jul/18
Burbs with a stone cold Rickles rippah, wish I met my astronaut and met Willis 20 times. Sly's plugs are a mystery, are they or are they not....more of mystery than his height. I wonder if you asked him and the reply, maybe a long string of filthy New Yawk swear words. Sly has on rampers with Jones, really well made stealth jobs...the old time cobblah must still live. Viva grande zapatos.
Rising - 174 cm said on 11/Jul/18
@Real Anonymous: Thanks, appreciate that. I actually don't SEE much with the shoes, but I assumed they were probably a subtle 1.8"-2" elevator because he's basically looking similar height to what
Mel Gibson looked that night in 1.7" type cowboy boots and Mel was at least as tall or slightly taller barefoot. A more subtle elevator will basically give you a cowboy type boost without looking like you're wearing heels. As for hair, I'd say it was a good piece back in 2014, but it's become conspicuous in the Canelo commercial, White House appearance, Guardians premiere, Golden Globes etc. so I think it looks more like a possible transplant since 2016. I was back to leaning towards the full 5'9" because of these posts with subtle footwear, but then I think back to Sly being shorter than 5'9.5" max Armand Assante in Paradise Alley, his eye level more than an inch below 5'10" max Ben Gazzara's eye level in Capone and Sly was shorter than 5'9.5" max Janice Dickinson, which also suggests to me that Jennifer is more 5'9" flat because she looks closer to Sly's height. So I'd agree it's still a coin toss for me in that 5'8.5"-5'9" range, perhaps just below 5'9". Btw, the one pic I've seen of Sly with
Vin Diesel:
Click Here I believe Vin is 3" taller barefoot these days, but it's too bad we can't see their shoes.
Lapinux said on 11/Jul/18
I'd still go a solid 5'9" for Sly's peak. Although 5'9.5" - 5'10" seems to much for a peak Sly.
Yeah I've noticed it too. His posture is always straight, looks height aware or maybe he is used to just doing it throughout all these years. Basically Sly will look near his measured height with his posture compared to the others who slouch thats probably why he looks taller at times.
Canson said on 11/Jul/18
@MJKOP: to be fair, Brad has also given higher estimates for a few people he’s met such as Peyton Manning (he guessed him 6’5.5), he’s closer to 6’5 as he measured 6’5.25 and it could’ve been an early measurement to be fair, Jordan he guessed a strong 6’5) that is an early measurement as Jordan has also measured 6’4.5 and looks that as opposed to 6’5”. Then Ferrigno he guessed 6’3 and he’s 6’2 range. It is possible that Brad is 6’6” morning height and only 6’5.5 later in the day since he’s been half inch off on a couple others
Barry Fl said on 11/Jul/18
As for his hair, you could see it thinning at the sides but it is still much lower than it used to be - so I'd say transplant there. But the front part was unbelievably dense, and for that I'd have to go with hairpiece.
burby said on 10/Jul/18
Bruce Willis 6'1" barefoot....someone please pass me the freeze dried astronaut ice cream I had in the 80s.
Barry Fl said on 10/Jul/18
I was front row at one of Sly's recent UK events. I've seen him in person before, but too far away to really judge. This time I could have swore I saw his height change throughout the evening. He was standing for most of the event, and at first was clearly shorter than the host (Charlie Webster) who had on low heels. Then later on he looked very slightly taller. Then I realised what it was - his posture never changes. He is always ramrod-straight. Whereas other people can lose or gain inches if they slouch or stand tall, our Sly remains upright. This perhaps goes partway to explaining why his height relative to others seems to vary so much (but I also suspect his magic footwear helps). On that night he seemed to be wearing regular dress shoes and I'd place him at 5'8, but wouldn't be surprised if he was a little more or a little less.
THE REAL ANNONYMOUS said on 9/Jul/18
hey Rising 174, I always look forward to your posts, because you put good thoughts and do the research where you uncover great information and pics.
The pic you posted with Sly and Jones looks like Sly's shoes are built up. Its very subtle. Who is ever making his shoes the last couple of years is an excellent craftsman.
What are your thoughts on Sly's hair. Im thinking it must be a really good hair piece. I go back and forth thiking it could be a hair transplant, but jesus thats alot of hair density there.
Im still thinking his peak height was between 5'8.5-5'9
Rising - 174 cm said on 9/Jul/18
@MJKoP: I knew there was something I liked about this Robby Harris guy. ;) But seriously, if I ever get to the point of having conversations with myself using an alias then I think it's time to give me the Old Yeller treatment!
Rising - 174 cm said on 8/Jul/18
The Kimmel comparison reminded me of two events I posted a few years both from 2014. Sly looks taller than he probably should in shoes that at least look normal. Could he have still been at or very close to his peak height in 2014?
With 5'11"-5'11.5" Arnold
Click Here
Click Here Click Here
Photos favor Sly a bit and he clearly has better posture, but the difference in the video still looks quite a bit less than the 2.5"-3" difference between them at the Terminator Genisys premiere just a year later. Ironically, Ronda Rousey says "glad I wore heels" when referring to the height of the podium and Sly jokingly asks if he can borrow them early(about 35 seconds) in this video:
Click Here
With 5'10" listed Tom Jones:
Click Here Sly looks very close to Jones, perhaps a bit shorter if you weigh the second pic more than the first. Jones had probably shrunk to somewhere in the 5'9"-5'9.5" range, but he still looked close to a roughly 5'9"
Mel Gibson(who was wearing cowboy boots) that same day. As Warner Wolf would say, let's go to the video tape.
Click Here High angle throughout, but decent comparison around 45 seconds.
MJKoP said on 8/Jul/18
Robby Harris said on 7/Jul/18
I'm sure I've seen a few posts from a fellow under the name of "James" that sort of mirrored Frank2/Steve/Tom/KnowItAll...not sure of any others though. He was pretty easy to spot imo.
JAMES - Yes, that's the pseudonym I missed!
Jtm said on 7/Jul/18
Bradley said on 5/Jul/18
He's rockin' with Randy in customs. Probably falling over. Frank2 got or gets if he still posts (old school Hollywood people are my guess) on hatred spews like Stallone at 5' 7" etc..
Brad said on 3/Aug/06
His ring footwear in the Rocky films makes him look like he is on a steep slope. Massive lifts in them. Okay, I'm 6'5" (and hate it) and met him once at the old MGM lot (Sony). 5' 7" plus lifts. All his goomba's were shorter. Guess he felt tall around them.
please explain this
Man, Brad must be *really* regretting wishing Rob would bring back the old comments! To be fair, he's also upgraded himself since then!
MJKoP said on 8/Jul/18
Robby Harris said on 5/Jul/18
I'd agree that Frank2 was one of the most entertaining, insightful and intriguing posters on the site, but he, as you said, wasn't always as accurate with his estimates as he thought he was. I agree that his variations on Michael Jackson raise a big red flag to his credibility. A 5'9" guy would only be a couple of inches shorter than him, while he'd basically tower over a 5'7" guy. How could he have mixed that up? How did this not raise suspicions to his reliability, and most importantly, how do we know this doesn't apply for the other celebrities he claimed to have met, or stood next to? In other words, this implies that he could have literally claimed ANYONE as being an inch or two below or above what their genuine heights were, or what he had supposedly seen in person...The idea that a barefoot Sly was 5'8.5" and may have stood with looser posture after taking his boots off, making him appear nearer 5'8" flat in comparison to a 6' man in shoes is very plausible and may provide a much better explanation. A 5'8.75" man could appear to be barely over 5'8" with a poor stance. For all we know he could've hovered around 5'8 1/4" (which would appear barely over 5'7" if Frank didn't take his own footwear into account) with a loose stance that day, and would've presumably measured about 5'8 3/4" upright. He obviously didn't (in my opinion, as is yours) consider this. He of course later did say Sly could have been 5'8" at the absolute max, but still thought 5'7" was more likely. His Jackson claims pretty much prove he wasn't as good a source for height as we initially thought him to be. He was pretty stubborn too, funny enough. Wish someone would have mentioned this to him when he was still on the site, at least as KnowItAll in 2012-13...he would have had no choice but to explain himself (but then again, he denied being Frank2, even though he CLEARLY was the same guy. Same stories, same estimates, same...just about everything).
Why do I have a peculiar intuition that Robby Harris is Rising communicating with himself? :P I'm actually only semi-kidding.
But that's irrelevant for when it comes to Frank2.
To answer the concerns raised, yes, I *did* call Frank2 out multiple times as "KnowItAll", "Steve", and possibly when he went by "Tom"...and you said it yourself when you noted that it was futile to call out his glaring blunders when he'd remain so strongly in denial, even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
Kinda made my wonder about his mental state, or whether or not it was just some bored kid
trolling us all along.
I also find it rather humorous that Bradley would repeatedly cite Frank2's alleged up-close encounter with and subsequent claim regarding
Mel Gibson as reason to believe Mel was actually 5'8". Yet the exact same pattern of logic was somehow voided when it came to Michael Jackson. LOL
Rising - 174 cm said on 8/Jul/18
@Robby Harris: I think that James is different. I believe the most recent post on the Michael Douglas page by "Mark Harrison" is that James. As for Frank, I just don't get the aliases and denials. If he changed his mind and wanted to come back then he should have just done so, imo. Both he and Glenn used the same trump card, which was basically that they met the celeb in question and we didn't therefore we should defer to their judgement. But from our perspectives, why believe them instead of Brigitte Nielsen? She regularly saw Sly barefoot and her 174-175 cm estimate also happens to sound the most plausible, imo. I'm not saying Frank, Glenn or anyone else should change their minds, but it should at least be understandable that they're not the only source and maybe not even the best source for everyone. Mamun was much better in this regard. I disagree with him on Sly, but he did say it was a brief encounter and he wouldn't fall into the "I'm right, you're wrong." thing, much less call people losers like Glenn would.
In fairness to Brad, he was right about a lot of things and was a decent guy to me even though I had sided with Glenn against him. I had thought he was just claiming Glenn was 5'6.5" to downgrade celebrities, but he was right about Glenn's 5'8" claim distorting the site. Just one example is how many even aside from Glenn and myself were in the "Sly is 5-10 camp" compared to now when virtually nobody believes that anymore. Similarly, I had thought Bruce Willis was 182 cm range before Glenn's insistence he was 6'1" made me think Bruce was a solid 6 footer. Glenn would sort of consider it a part of friendship if you back him up on his claims. The environment on this site was far less pleasant than what currently exists despite Glenn's great photo collection. I certainly wasn't without blame myself and it wasn't just one person to blame for everything, but the site was basically divided along those lines. I was in a habit of being a bit rude and dismissive towards claims I perceived as ridiculous and made this mistake at times even long after Glenn was gone on this page as well as the Brad Pitt page and a few others, which is really a ridiculous thing to do when you think about it.
Bradley said on 7/Jul/18
5' 7"....that's laughable, that would make Munsters like bricks. Meeting him? You must be joking. His posse is old Italian ex New Yorkers.His bud Chuck Zito makes him look short and he's 5' 9". Goombas not "goomba's". I hate being 6' 5" or 6 with a rose.
Robby Harris said on 7/Jul/18
I'm sure I've seen a few posts from a fellow under the name of "James" that sort of mirrored Frank2/Steve/Tom/KnowItAll...not sure of any others though. He was pretty easy to spot imo.
Bradley said on 7/Jul/18
When you have Stallone in "NYC sandals" owning the listed under the photo "Glenn 5' 8"" easy you know the site was wrecked by the G. Stallone at 5' 8.5" was in customs, G at 5' 6.5". Wish I had those sandals to sell online to height wanters.
Jtm said on 7/Jul/18
Bradley said on 5/Jul/18
He's rockin' with Randy in customs. Probably falling over. Frank2 got or gets if he still posts (old school Hollywood people are my guess) on hatred spews like Stallone at 5' 7" etc..
Brad said on 3/Aug/06
His ring footwear in the Rocky films makes him look like he is on a steep slope. Massive lifts in them. Okay, I'm 6'5" (and hate it) and met him once at the old MGM lot (Sony). 5' 7" plus lifts. All his goomba's were shorter. Guess he felt tall around them.
please explain this
Robby Harris said on 7/Jul/18
@MJKoP: I could sort of grasp why Glenn's stubborn, argumentative behaviour may have propelled Frank2 to leave, though I find it a bit childish, considering not everyone is going to agree with each other on someone's height. It was really no big deal, but Rising is right in saying that he took everything to heart and as if though disagreeing with him were personal attacks, when they usually clearly weren't. I really didn't get why he left after he returned as KnowItAll though. I, admittedly, got into a lot of disagreements with him, perhaps disagreements that got a little heated at times, but they weren't vicious arguments. It ultimately came down to the fact that we weren't on the same page on a few things, but he got pretty angry. Second time around, it was because a lot of people told him he was wrong on Michael Jackson I think, circa late 2013-14. I think as Steve, he became a lot more low-key, and only posted every now and then...until he completely disappeared into thin air. I also think he went by "Tom" on occasion later on. I still can't get over the fact Glenn insisted he could measure 5'8" out of bed, or at least very close to it, and by evening, could shrink right down to about 5'6.5" on a bad day! Well, only after he was caught out by Rob on his New York visit anyway. He was completely useless as any sort of credible source by that point, and still continued to post and proclaim himself as "5'8". What a joke...
MJKoP said on 5/Jul/18
Rising - 174 cm said on 3/Jul/18
Yeah, Frank was definitely KnowItAll and I think Steve
Also "Tom" at least one other I can't remember right now. He'd get bothered and then leave in a huff, threatening to never return...but would want to remain a man of his word, so his next thinly-veiled alter-ego would appear, vehemently denying any knowledge of any of his past selves, even when it was so obviously him.
I'm honestly surprised that nobody ever openly recognized me as ACG when I made my resurgence.
Robby Harris said on 5/Jul/18
@Rising: I'd say its still not quite clear what Flavin's exact height is, but anywhere from 5'9"-5'9.5" is a safe range to go by, though a flat 5'9" might be more plausible.
I'd agree that Frank2 was one of the most entertaining, insightful and intriguing posters on the site, but he, as you said, wasn't always as accurate with his estimates as he thought he was. I agree that his variations on Michael Jackson raise a big red flag to his credibility. A 5'9" guy would only be a couple of inches shorter than him, while he'd basically tower over a 5'7" guy. How could he have mixed that up? How did this not raise suspicions to his reliability, and most importantly, how do we know this doesn't apply for the other celebrities he claimed to have met, or stood next to? In other words, this implies that he could have literally claimed ANYONE as being an inch or two below or above what their genuine heights were, or what he had supposedly seen in person...The idea that a barefoot Sly was 5'8.5" and may have stood with looser posture after taking his boots off, making him appear nearer 5'8" flat in comparison to a 6' man in shoes is very plausible and may provide a much better explanation. A 5'8.75" man could appear to be barely over 5'8" with a poor stance. For all we know he could've hovered around 5'8 1/4" (which would appear barely over 5'7" if Frank didn't take his own footwear into account) with a loose stance that day, and would've presumably measured about 5'8 3/4" upright. He obviously didn't (in my opinion, as is yours) consider this. He of course later did say Sly could have been 5'8" at the absolute max, but still thought 5'7" was more likely. His Jackson claims pretty much prove he wasn't as good a source for height as we initially thought him to be. He was pretty stubborn too, funny enough. Wish someone would have mentioned this to him when he was still on the site, at least as KnowItAll in 2012-13...he would have had no choice but to explain himself (but then again, he denied being Frank2, even though he CLEARLY was the same guy. Same stories, same estimates, same...just about everything).
The photos you posted of Sly with Jimmy Kimmel are rather shocking! He looks at least the same height, if not slightly taller in footwear that appears quite normal! Strange...it looks as though Stallone appears about 5'11.5" there...which I don't find practical at all given his footwear. Interesting indeed. All I can say is, Sly could on occasion look unusually tall in regards to what we'd normally expect, even with footwear taken into account. Probably one of the best comparisons that put a 5'7"-5'8" claim for Sly to shame.
Rising - 174 cm said on 5/Jul/18
@Brad: Those look more like Hogan sneakers I showed in my post on 1/Jul/18, particularly the black pair he's wearing in that Matt Lauer interview. He did clearly stuff an extra inch lift into those, but they're not custom elevator shoes. Anyone can buy them for a few hundred. I actually recently found a pic of Robert Downey Jr. wearing Hogan sneakers.
I do know Frank2 was legitimately in the entertainment industry for years and many of his stories are plausible, but his estimates varied more than he'd lead you to believe. He said Kurt Russell was 5'9" for years and I do believe he was right on that, but he suddenly started saying Kurt was 5'10" more recently. Despite this, he was always as certain as if he had measured the celeb in question. That's really the only problem I saw with Frank. Like Glenn, he could seem to take it personally if you disagreed. I do regret openly questioning whether he was being truthful when I first encountered him and did apologize to him for that upon his return, but there have been plenty of studies on memory and eye witness testimony to explain the change in Frank's recollections. That's not to say he wasn't right on quite a few and I think he was generally good on stars around his height and taller men.
Bradley said on 5/Jul/18
He's rockin' with Randy in customs. Probably falling over. Frank2 got or gets if he still posts (old school Hollywood people are my guess) on hatred spews like Stallone at 5' 7" etc.. He knew The G was a farce and that's all I cared about to get rid of the 5' 8" Glenn garbage when he was 5' 6.5" (non Porty) at signing times 6 hours after the Bronx wake-up to the elevated.
Rising - 174 cm said on 4/Jul/18
@Rob: Yeah, I don't think he had really lost anything by 2010. After all, he was only 64 and your father maintained his peak at that age. He just stopped wearing lifts a lot of the time so he suddenly looked 5'9" instead of 5'11". He looks as tall as ever here:
Click Here Click Here He's obviously in lifts to look as tall as Randy, but those don't look ridiculous and couldn't possibly be giving him more than 5-6 cm max, though Couture looks like he might have a 1.5 cm type sneaker similar to Converse. They look similar on video as well:
Click Here If Randy is 5'11.5" then he's still easily 6'0"-6'0.25" in footwear so Sly looks like a 179-180 cm guy would in normal footwear.
tree said on 4/Jul/18
Here he is barefoot with 180cm Cludia Schifeer
Click Here
Lapinux said on 4/Jul/18
Frank2 was crazy. Claiming Alec Guinness was only 5'7" at his peak, and that he saw Sly once and that he seemed 5'7" at best. I think the man made up a lot fake stories, but they were good. Now I'm not sure either when Frank2 posted last time. I've seen a couple of names just "Frank" but I'm not sure it's him. He was dedicated though.
Rising - 174 cm said on 3/Jul/18
Yeah, Frank was definitely KnowItAll and I think Steve, but I don't know for sure about others. In fairness, he didn't vary much on Sly, but his other variations do suggest his 20, 30 year recollections may not be perfectly precise and that would probably be the case with almost anyone else.
@Robby Harris: I agree with you on Snipes(5'8.5"-5'8.75") and Gibson(5'9"), but you won't convince Brad with that one because he actually has argued Mel is also only 5'8" for years. They were close in height at Cannes 2014 with Mel 1-2 cm taller in 1.25"
New Balance than Snipes was in 0.6" Converse. Mel can go from looking around 5'11" to struggling with 5'9" so some variation is normal, but I've never understood the 5'8" flat stuff with him. Actually, Frank2 also said Mel was 5'8". Snipes doesn't vary as much, but he definitely wore built up footwear for the Blade films.
Btw, I don't know if anyone remembers Sly promoting The Expendables on Jimmy Kimmel's show in 2010, but I remember them looking surprisingly close in height. Here's a photo of the two and Sly's shoes:
Click Here Kimmel is leaning more in the photo, but you can see Sly's shoes aren't that big and wouldn't be more than maybe 2" elevators. Kimmel's 6'1" claim is a complete joke and makes a 5'10" Sly look modest in comparison.

Editor Rob
His shoes seem quite normal with Jimmy, I think he was still holding close to his peak even then.
Bradley said on 2/Jul/18
Frank2 was all over the place in heights, however; he nailed the wild one to be totally unfit to be the height expert on this site. I saw that day one on here.
Robby Harris said on 2/Jul/18
@Brad: I don't think Snipes is anything below 174 cm. He was similar in height (perhaps a smidge less) to Gibson, who had a footwear advantage over Snipes. Gibson is certainly not a weak 5'8"! Wesley was also about the same height as
Jason Statham.
Rising - 174 cm said on 1/Jul/18
@Robby Harris: My mistake, I meant to post these photos of Jennifer with Travolta and Kelly Preston:
Click Here
Here's a few pics of Sly wearing the Hogan sneakers in three different colors:
Click Here You can see quite easily from his ankle that he added at least a 1" lift, especially the first two pics. He also wore a different color on Letterman in 2003, but surprisingly didn't look much more than 2" shorter. These are the same sneakers for sale online:
Click Here However, these are obvious elevator boots that could accommodate a 3"+ boost:
Click Here These are a different pair of elevator boots, more of a dress-type boot that he wore at the Rocky Balboa premiere:
Click Here But he does look shockingly tall in them if host Thomas Gottschalk is really around 192 cm:
Click Here
Here's a couple of more barefoot candid shots, albeit not full photos:
Click Here
Rising - 174 cm said on 1/Jul/18
@Robby Harris: To answer your question. Perhaps the best comparison involving Flavin would be with Travolta and Kelly Preston in 1997:
Click Here All 4 posed together at the Golden Globes last year. Other than that, here's Jennifer with Jean-Claude Van Damme from the Expendables 2 premiere in 2012:
Click Here There was a brief comparison from the 2016 Santa Barbara International Film Festival of Jennifer and Carl Weathers on one video, but I can't find it right now. If Travolta was a solid 6'0"-6'0.25" and 186 cm or so in footwear then Jennifer looks to easily clear the 6' mark in heels. People try to argue JCVD was 176 cm, but he's never been taller than Sly even when they both have similar dress shoes like that photo and while Jennifer is farther from the camera and crossing her legs, she's still noticeably taller in heels than Van Damme in dress shoes. The difficult thing is finding her where she's not dropping much height.
I think Sly looks 1.5" taller than De Niro there. I don't think he had lost anything noticeable by 2013 or 2014, perhaps a 1/4", but nothing more. I'd say he lost a half inch by 2015 or somewhere between 1-2 cm, but I don't think he's gotten shorter since then. He usually still looks 174 cm to me and can look 178-179 cm when he brings the lifts out of retirement such as with Michael Rooker and his brother Frank when he was promoting Guardians of the Galaxy. So I'd change my guess slightly to perhaps just scraping 5'9" or just under at 175 cm on the nose. He almost always looked 5'10.5"-5'11" from 2003-2008 even in full pics and video and perhaps his favorite shoes during this time were not custom elevator boots, but Hogan Sneakers. Granted, they were particularly thick sneakers and Sly often put at least 1" lifts inside, but they were too low cut for more than maybe a 2.5"-2.75" boost, so I guess posture did the rest on the occasions he looked 5'11"+. There is an early 90's Planet Hollywood video where Sly(undoubtedly in custom cowboy boots) looks minimum 5'11" with Arnie and Bruce as well so he sometimes looks taller than he should even with his footwear. Sly's weight ranged from 190 up to 215 from 2003-2008 so I think the added bulk to his already long torso along with the lifts making his legs look in proportion allowed him to look naturally tall without looking like he was standing on a box like
Vin Diesel does for instance. When he slimmed down to his usual 180 for the Expendables, he also stopped wearing lifts a lot of the time so I think these two things combined to make him seem significantly smaller, much like he did at times in the late 90's. Sly did also have elevator boots that could give 3" or so during that 2003-2008 period, but he seemed to prefer the Hogans, which anyone can buy for themselves if they have a few hundred dollars.
As for Frank2, I think he was(is?) a great guy to have on this site, but his estimates have changed over the years. You can spot him saying Michael Jackson was 5'9" around 2006, yet he subsequently argued Jackson was no more than 5'8" and eventually even 5'7" and cited meeting Jackson personally back in the 80's as the reason each time. I don't think he's any different than any other eye witness, especially over time. Your memory can be influenced and you can rethink things. You're right that Sly didn't slouch, but Frank's story was that he met Sly during Nighthawks and Sly was initially his height while wearing cowboy boots, which would be 6' in footwear, but Frank said Sly's boots were bothering him and he removed them, which is when he saw him look 5'7"-5'8" in socks. If he removed his boots because they were bothering him then he may have not been standing as straight as usual, making the contrast all the more striking having seen Sly shrink from his height to much shorter before his eyes. It's also very possible Frank remembers Sly measuring up similarly to him as 5'7"-5'8" men do, but didn't factor in that he'd be the equivalent of a 6' man next to Sly at that moment. I'm sure Frank would be certain he didn't make any errors, but the thing is, he was no less sure about Jackson. A 5'7"-5'8" barefoot man doesn't really add up with 6' in cowboy boots either. With a normal cowboy heel, you'd need a 2" lift minimum inside to even get near 3.5" and you'd need it built for that purpose to even get that much height. As for Mamun, well he probably remembers being more or less eye to eye with Sly and if they were even 5-10 feet apart, it'd be tough to tell who was taller between a 5'8" man and a 5'8.5"-5'9" man unless both men made a point of comparing. I'm just speculating of course because I do think both were honest, but I don't think Sly could have been any less than 5'8.5" peak. I still think Brigitte Nielsen's claim Sly was 174-175 cm is the best source we have.
I also use to hear Sly was short back then. I even had one friend in the 90's who tried to convince me Sly was "only 5 feet tall" and they used angles to make him look tall LOL. I use to hear Arnold was only 5'10" all the time back then as well with even the occasional 5'6"-5'8" and this was at a time Arnold was still 6'1"+.

Editor Rob
Frank did go through a couple of name changes, though I'm not sure when he last posted.
MJKoP said on 1/Jul/18
Bradly said on 21/Jun/18
No booking photo. Actors and sports figures are worth up to a few hundred million, a one million dollar settlement is like nothing. He'd be like in heeled Rambo wedgers if he had to do one. Weak 5-8, still, in '18 or as listed is okay in posture.
You keep saying "in posture", but a weak 5'8" guy is going to be classified as a weak 5'8" regardless of posture. Rob's criteria for a listed height - as basically every legit system of calculating one's stature - takes into account the tallest possible stance a subject is capable of. Why do you think they always say "Stand up straight!" at the doctor's office? No one's true height is counted with posture lost.
Robby Harris said on 30/Jun/18
Even if Weathers is more of a 6'0.5" guy, Sly still couldn't have been less than 174 cm at that point, last year. I really think Weathers looking below 185 cm has more to do with posture, as I doubt he'd really dip much below it if measured properly, a small fraction maybe. Sly still, in normal footwear, looked a solid inch taller than 172 cm Jackie Chan in 2016. Its arguable Chan was still at least 173 cm at the time, but then again, Sly surely dropped below his 175 cm peak, so Chan was probably already more 172 cm by then.
Robby Harris said on 30/Jun/18
@Rising: Yeah, he certainly only looked about 4" shorter than Carl Weathers, who I think is more of a weak 6'1" nowadays. But yes, a minimum of 6' and a half to 6'1" is a realistic range for him. Sly appears at least 5'8.5", if not closer to a flat 5'9" with that premise in mind. Easily looked taller than Rob did beside him, and Rob never drops below a solid 5'8" himself.
Sly beside Weathers, Golden Globes 2017, Video:
Click Here
Sly beside 5'7.5" Robert De Niro, Grudge Match premiere, 2013:
Click Here Click Here
Worth reminding folks, he looked no less than 174 cm beside him back then, and at times, in other photos looked more 175 cm. He also sure held his own with a 5'10.5" Michael B. Jordan in normal footwear back in 2015. Surely more of a 5'8.5" guy than 5'8" back then. Brigitte Nielson seems to be such a good source for nailing down height to such precise figures...wish she'd have given out her estimations on a long list of other celebrities she may have come across. She nailed Murphy and Sly down perfectly. Still, 174-175 cm is my estimate for Sly's peak, but I'm leaning more towards 175 again. 5'8.75" might be more likely than 5'9", but its also more likely than 5'8.5". 174.5 cm would be my precise guess. 5'8" flat today, likely a little over. I'll always be puzzled on how Frank2 saw him at just 5'7" shoeless, and Mamum 5'7"-5'8"...Sly just never seems the type to ever slouch either. They were certainly reasonable guys with a lot of insight, but 5'7" range for Sly is practically impossible, no matter how much I tried to see/understand their point of view. On the flip side, in retrospect, despite the famous stigma of suspicions attached to his footwear, as a kid I always pictured him to be a tall guy. It shocked me to find out he was under 5'10" when I stumbled on this site. Besides his obvious usage of lifts, It had a lot to do with the impression he gave. Big, deep-commanding voice and roles, muscular body type. Its amazing how much his height could vary. Lifts can only do so much, one would think...I can still remember him being referred to as "short" as far back as the early 90's, a couple of years or so after Rocky V came out. Many people have different ideas of what they consider short. Some people consider 5'9" short - which is obviously silly, considering its merely average, but I think that comes from a lot of people lying about their own height, skewing the perception up in the process. The national average height (for both men and women) for the US and UK is surely at least a half inch higher than it was back then, imo.
By the way, I asked you a question on 20/June, asking whether there's any good comparisons of Flavin next to anyone, besides Sly, of known height, considering she's been reported as anything from 5'9"-5'9.5". She's often in heels which will obviously make estimating tougher, but upon research, I'm not finding any good comparison pictures of her next to anyone else...
MAD SAM said on 29/Jun/18
Peak might had been 175 cm at 5’8.75” approximately, right now he’s 5’8” ; could call him 5’9” at his peak
Bradley said on 28/Jun/18
Snipes is a weak 5' 8".....Sly even owns him side by side in similar footwear.
Rising - 174 cm said on 23/Jun/18
@Robby Harris: He did look very similar to Ford in The Expendables 3:
Click Here However, Sly clearly wore lifts in that film since he could look 2"-3" taller than Antonio Banderas in wide shots, such as here:
Click Here Of course, even with normal shoes at Cannes, Sly looked 2" max shorter than Ford. Stallone is clearly taller than Banderas and always has been. Antonio is likely a weak 5'8" guy these days and maybe a flat to solid 5'8" in his prime and the shortest of the Expendables:
Click Here Sly wore normal shoes that time as did the rest of the cast with the possible exception of Antonio, who may have a 1.8"-2" elevator looking at the heel area of his shoes. Sly is even standing more casually than Antonio. Snipes is probably a weak 5'9" or 5'8.75" range and the same height as Sly at that point while Statham doesn't look above 174 cm to me. Legit 6 footer Lutz towers over his 5'8"-5'9" co-stars and to add insult to injury, he's going up on one foot for an extra half inch! Snipes did this in some photos, but doesn't seem to be doing it there, though as you can see Lutz did this in more than one photo!
Click Here Bck to Sly and Banderas, Sly can actually look taller in dress shoes than Antonio in cowboy type heels:
Click Here Click Here Perhaps more revealing is how Antonio doesn't look much taller in heels than Snipes in Converse!
I believe Sly was still within a fraction of his peak height at worst by Expendables 3 era in 2013-14 and may have lost that fraction due to another injury during the filming, much like the first. But it was only by the time of Creed in 2015 that Sly really looked noticeably shorter as in half an inch to possibly 2 cm and I don't think he's gotten much, if any shorter since 2015 since he still looked at least 5'8.5" with 6'0.5" minimum Carl Weathers at the Golden Globes and you can see in this video from around the last year, he's still as tall as Statham:
Click Here I timestamped it because they're walking down a ramp before that, though you can still get somewhat of an idea. As for footwear, Statham has boots that would add at least 3 cm so not less than Sly's dress shoes:
Click Here Click Here You can see Sly's shoes are flat in the front while Statham has boots that seem similar to Blundstones. Either Statham is 5'8.5" max, or Sly is still at least 5'8.5" himself. Personally, I think it's more the latter, though they could both be that height because as I said, Sly is listed in the middle of the possible range I see nowadays, though he's listed for his peak at the highest I can see. I also understand the 176 cm stuff, even up to at least the first Expendables, but I chalk it up to Sly looking 1 cm taller than he is. If you see him slightly shorter than Armand Assante(probably 176 cm himself) in Paradise Alley and looking 174-175 cm range with a 177-178 cm Ben Gazzara in Capone then this seems the most likely answer. Especially since Brigitte Nielsen gave 174-175 cm for him and I have no doubt she could narrow Sly's height down to within 1 cm and she may have very well known his exact height.
Robby Harris said on 22/Jun/18
Never looked below a solid 5'9 with Harrison Ford, while seemingly liftless. He was very close to Ford's height in "Extendables 3" in 2014, if memory serves correct. Anything below 174 is a joke, and anything above 175 I just can't buy, though I can understand why some might see him at more 176 cm.
Bradly said on 21/Jun/18
No booking photo. Actors and sports figures are worth up to a few hundred million, a one million dollar settlement is like nothing. He'd be like in heeled Rambo wedgers if he had to do one. Weak 5-8, still, in '18 or as listed is okay in posture.
Rising - 174 cm said on 21/Jun/18
Looks similar to JCVD recently:
Click Here Of course, footwear is unknown, but Van Damme isn't known to wear lifts and when Sly does have more footwear he looks noticeably taller than Van Damme so I'd guess this likely comes down more to how much Sly's hair adds vs Van Damme's hat. I think both were the same height peak as well and were still that height or within 1/4" of it as of Expendables 2, but have shrunk more since.
I'd be somewhat surprised if Sly winds up indicted considering the statute of limitations appears to be up as the allegation is from the 90's and even that aside, in a he said, she said case, the witnesses Sly's lawyers are claiming to have would likely be enough for reasonable doubt. I'd expect there to be some damage control with all of his upcoming films if there were something more concrete like we saw with Spacey and a few others. If there's any truth to any of this, then legal trouble would be more likely to come in new names coming forward with more recent allegations.
burby said on 21/Jun/18
Weak 5'8" 2018. The question is, are we going to get an indictment and booking photo? Better call Sal....
Robby Harris said on 20/Jun/18
@Rising: I was unaware she was reported as being 5'9.5" by the sources you mentioned. You're right in saying the barefoot shots aren't exactly conclusive in that case. They do look very close in height in the pics you posted. Hard to decipher what the exact difference in height would genuinely be...174-175 cm is undoubtedly on the money, but it wouldn't come as a surprise to me if he was more 174 than 175. I must say, he did look at least 6' or close to 6'1" next to Dwayne Johnson in 2005 I believe. His footwear was huge, but it certainly seems impossible for a 174 guy to comfortably pull such a height off in them. Depending on who he's standing with, I can shift between him being more 175 than 174. He certainly looked 175 cm minimum with Mike Tyson in regular shoes several years ago, so I might be getting fooled by some of the pics with Flavin.
Are there any good comparisons of Flavin next to anyone (besides Sly of course) of known height? She's a common heel-wearer, which skews things up a bit...
Robby Harris said on 19/Jun/18
Yeah Brad, the barefoot shots with his wife are pretty much killer. Makes his weak 5'11" claim look to be an utter joke. 5'10.75" is too specific to ring true to me in any case. Most would simply round up. But to be 2" below that, in addition to being such a precise claim is laughable. Still "honest" to a degree though, afterall it's basically his lift height. The 2" rule worked in his favor. Trump should take that regime and call up Sly's special Italian shoe maker. He'll be the 6'3" he so badly wants to be in no time.
Robby Harris said on 19/Jun/18
5'8.5"-5'9" max at his peak & 5'8" flat today (maybe slightly over, but I doubt more). Same height as Mr. Bieber a couple years ago. I'll admit footwear is unseen, but Bieber usually wears flats (vans/converse), so it's unlikely Sly was at any real disadvantage.
I'd say Sly may take the "height enigma crown". Looking 5'7" to multiple reputable people, but somehow easily managing to clear six feet in lifts... obviously impossible for both to be compatible. He didn't look less than about 5'9" with John Travolta, while presumably liftless. Never really pulled off looking much more than about 5'11" with him when he wore lifts though.
Mister lennon said on 19/Jun/18
Solid 5'9 peak.
Rising - 174 cm said on 18/Jun/18
@Robby Harris: I agree he was a weak 5'9" or 5'8.5" minimum and 5'9" max, but I don't view the photos with his wife as conclusive for his exact height for several reasons. One being we don't really know her height. A '93 NY Times profile had her 5'9.5" and 123 lbs, but then a '95 newspaper had her as a flat 5'9" while her official modeling height on fashion model directory is 5'9.5". Some 5'9" flat models do add a half inch like Cindy Crawford so I tend to agree 5'9" is most plausible, but playing Devil's Advocate, she could be as short 5'8.5" for all we know.
The other reason is their heights vary together. Here they are barefoot.
Click Here
Click Here
There doesn't look to be much of a difference in either. Both have their heads down in the first and while I believe Jennifer is dropping more height, Sly's legs don't look nearly as short as you'd expect compared to hers. She's slouching in the other photo, but he looks like he might be arching his back. Here's 2 more candids from 2013 where you can see Sly isn't wearing lifts or even socks for that matter, but his sneakers clearly give him an advantage over her flats:
Click Here Click Here Sly has more relaxed posture than usual in the first pic, but if he's taller than her there, it's probably less than the difference between their footwear. I suspect she's slightly taller because she might make herself shorter with him even in candids out of habit, but it's tough to tell.
Robby Harris said on 18/Jun/18
I wonder who more of the bigger height enigma is: Charles Bronson, Sly Stallone, Michael Jackson or Tony Danza - you hear and see everything from 5'7" to 5'10" for these guys. My estimates have varied on them more than any other celeb. But of course I end up sticking with a "most reasonable range". There are others too, but these four always baffled me.
What's hilarious is the amount of people that believed he had leg-lengthening surgery a while ago. Ridiculous if we see him liftless in more recent pics, but as I said...he could look a good bit taller than usual in fairly comfortable looking footwear at times which could be quite puzzling, so it's not hard to understand why some would be fooled to have suspected that.
Bradley said on 18/Jun/18
He's a magician with height indeed. G was a magician, we still don't know about Portmans, tip-toe action etc. with celebs. Barefoot with his 5-9 wife are pretty much the best proof.
Kyuss101 said on 17/Jun/18
Totally impossible to say. Pictures with Seagal and he looks legit 6-0. Then pictures with Cruise and he looks 5-8 in shoes. The guy is a magician
Rising - 174 cm said on 17/Jun/18
He's still at least a solid 5'8", maybe 5'8.5". Clearly taller than Canelo Alvarez:
Click Here Click Here I'd guess Canelo at about 5'7.5".
I have to question Sly casting short as well unless Brad means extras because a lot of Sly's co-stars have easily cleared the 6' mark.
Robby Harris said on 16/Jun/18
It's possible Sly was never over 5'8.5" in his prime. He was CLEARLY shorter than his 5'9" wife in full body pics years back, even with better posture and at times, a slight footwear advantage.
He generally does look like he was closer to 5'9", admittedly, but I'd say 5'8.5" is closer to the truth. Mr. T had at least 2" on him, and I'm not certain T was ever taller than his 5'10.5" listing. The King of lifts has certainly never been over 5'9", but luckily still has his classic impressive physique and has maintained a good cm more height than most men do by their early 70s! His robot-like posture is a plus!
5'7" peak is still an absolute joke to me, and 5'8", though more reasonable, seems a little low, considering he could comfortably look OVER 5'11" in lifts back in the day. He's even oddly looked a decent six footer on occasion.... Five nine max though!
HonestSlovene said on 16/Jun/18
He was a strong 5'8"/weak 5'9" peak that reached 5'11" in lifts. Now he's 5'8" flat.
Bradley said on 13/Jun/18
Stern has used the Big Bird line for years, never heard the pelican line. G looks like Jon Lovitz. MJ is a strong 6-5 today and back in the day. 6-2 is purrfect Batman. Sly is still a weak 5-8...his brother is the real fibber, I mean fibbah (NYC accent).
Canson said on 12/Jun/18
@Christian: my 6’6 and 6’7” friends would take your height over theirs. Even my friend your size doesn’t hate his but just said he’d rather be 6’4 over 6’5 while the others actually hate theirs. Your height isn’t bad really. I’d say if I were to be any taller I wouldn’t want to be over 6’5” tho. Perfect for me would be 6’4” flat or 6’3 7/8 at a low. About a cm less than I am now as that would keep me at or under a flat 6’5” in shoes
Canson said on 12/Jun/18
@Bradley: I can believe MJ being a weak 6’5” peak. But that would correlate to 6’5.25 out of bed and 6’4.5 at a low at least in my opinion based on how he looks, how he measured, and how most people describe him that have met him 6’4/6’5. Reggie miller also said that about him as did George Gervin. Gervin was actually at most 6’7” barefoot and in the video that’s easily 2-3” difference. I mean it is always possible MJ grew but it’s also possible that he had a footwear advantage on you if you are actually a full 6’6” at a normal low and not earlier in the day. Any of the factors mentioned play a part. Say you’re only 6’5.75 at a low instead of 6’6” that could make the difference there as it would be 1.25”
Click Here
Click Here
MJKoP said on 12/Jun/18
Bradley said on 11/Jun/18
6' 2" is a perfect height. MJ is a strong 6' 5" peak, had him by an inch 30+ years ago. He appears 6' 6" cause he is erect in public and heeled. Stern refers to himself as Jewish Big Bird. Funny stuff.
ikr? He's commented that he looks like a Pelican in wig! :D
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 11/Jun/18
My dream height when I was a child was to grow to 6'3", but I don't hate my height or anything like that. I'm completely fine being 6'5" and a fraction, although 6'3" would be most ideal IMO.
Bradley said on 11/Jun/18
6' 2" is a perfect height. MJ is a strong 6' 5" peak, had him by an inch 30+ years ago. He appears 6' 6" cause he is erect in public and heeled. Stern refers to himself as Jewish Big Bird. Funny stuff.
Canson said on 10/Jun/18
5’8” today prob
@Brad: walking on a downward slope won’t necessarily make you lose height. It’ll appear that way maybe. But It’s harder when you’re that tall to slouch. If it makes you feel better, I have a 6’5, 6’6”, and 6’7” friends who are in the same boat. Two of the three hate it and the 6’5 says he wishes he were my height. Then a guy in the 6’5.5-.75 range (weak 6’6) barefoot that is my ex teammate that claims 6’7”. The 6’6” friend slouches noticeably unless we are all together. Even then it’s still a bit. But the 6’7” has proclaimed that he hates his height and he has almost as good a posture as I have. Mine is perfect given back issues I have and have broad shoulders. However with my 6’6 and 6’5 friend both slouch some. The 6’5 doesn’t mind his height as much but he has said before that he wishes he were my height and the other two wish they were 6’3”
Like another buddy that hangs with us. I used to want to be 6’6” when I was growing up because I wanted what I perceived to be MJ’s height when I played ball. Low and behold he’s really 6’4 and change like me and marginally taller like 1/4” prob. I’m 6’4.25 at a low and 6’5-6’5 1/8 out of bed and if I had to choose today between 6’6 and 6’2 I would take 6’2 all day. But I’d take 6’4 over 6’2 as it to me is good. Ideal for me would be to lose the change and just be solid 6’4” or maybe 6’3 7/8 at a low but since we’re talking about a cm I’m good with it as is
Canson said on 10/Jun/18
5’8” today prob
Canson said on 8/Jun/18
@Rising: LOL! Wow! I lost respect for Imus years back actually with the comments he made.
I agree on Someone like Stern too. It’s hard to build a body up at 6’4 and a wee bit let alone the 6’5 Stern is.
Bradley said on 8/Jun/18
I was going to respond to Braley but it was me without the D. Wish I could be Brad again. I walk on the downward slope of sidewalks, sometimes in the street to lose height, it STINKS being so tall, ask Stern.
Bradley said on 6/Jun/18
That irish bar at 30 Rock was where I saw him, O'Hurleys or something like that, I think Bruce Willis bartended there. I like how Soupy Sales left the studio a mess for Stern. Cousin Brucie at WABC was, still is (on Serius), a class guy. Stern hates being noticed.
Braley said on 6/Jun/18
Stern hates being so tall, he slouches on purpose as he has said numerous times. Sly does everything to be taller...casting is the key.
Rising - 174 cm said on 6/Jun/18
@Canson: That's what I've said for years as well. You wouldn't want to look lanky and awkward, but good proportions and an impressive build can make 6'5"-6'6" fine. A slouch at that height will also be more noticeable so you're better off standing tall. That can make an enormous difference in how you're perceived.
As for Don Imus, my uncle was a lawyer at NBC back then and everyone had an Imus horror story. I know on one occasion, Imus was drunk as usual and was angry about something(I believe his contract or something similar) and protested by opening the door and urinating into the hallway. It's kind of funny to me how millions are invested in these loose cannons and it's assumed they won't go off the rails, whether Imus, Roseanne or anyone else.
Canson said on 4/Jun/18
@Bradley: Stern slouches at 6’5” and hates it. But it’s all about the body type and how you make it look. If you’re that tall you would need to build your body up that much more
Bradley said on 1/Jun/18
Anybody can get a Beyoncé wig and look fine, that lady had a horrible doo.I don't own a TV so I can't watch anything. Imus was a drunk for years, I saw him face down at Times Square Irish watering holes decades ago.W-nnnnnn bee ceee. 6' 2" is great, 6-6 is horrible....even Howud Stern does the slouch. 5' 8" looking like Don Johnson 1987 would be okay with me.
Canson said on 31/May/18
@Bradley: I can see 6’6” being a burden but if I had to choose between that and 5’6” it’s much better. But yea 6’2” it would be if it were that vs 6’6”
MJKoP said on 31/May/18
Bradley said on 21/May/18
Beyoncé has beautiful flowing hair much like a Vogue model....you have to kidding me with that hair...grab a wig.
What are you, Don Imus?
Beyoncé is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and can afford the most expensive wigs, extensions, and perms.
Sorry to hear about the cancellation of Roseanne, btw.
Bradley said on 29/May/18
Probably 6-6, I haven't measured in years. It sucks. I want to be 6-1, maybe 6-2...anything over is a Snoopy crying soundbite.
Rising - 174 cm said on 26/May/18
@Sean95: True, he was still shredded in a photo I saw last year. Sly admitted to using Testosterone and HGH over a decade ago so it's no mystery and still impressive. A lot more men are doing this as they reach middle age and beyond and it can greatly increase one's quality of life so why not? Arnold's size was always going to be tougher to maintain as he aged while Sly has generally only been in the 165-180 range, though Arnold's arms are impressive for his age.
Rising - 174 cm said on 25/May/18
Yeah, you can see his shoes in the photos:
Click Here
Even if you couldn't, the fact Rob has a picture above of a 68 year old Sly back to back still looking shorter than a 64 year old Frank would tell us the only way a 70 year old Sly could pull off as tall or taller than a 66 year old Frank. I doubt Frank was still 5'10.5" by the time of either premiere, though. Back in the 80's when both brothers wore cowboy-type boots, Frank was more than an inch taller than Sly. I'd guess Frank is more of a weak 5'10" guy at best in recent years, around 177 cm.
And 6'1" sounds good to me, but I wouldn't particularly want to be as tall as 6'6" unless I was an NBA player. Depends on how you're built, though. A Clint Walker 6'6" would be cool.
Robby Harris said on 24/May/18
@Bradley: How tall are you really? I recall you mentioning 6'5", 6'6" and 6'7" on different occasions...if your of a thin-lanky sort of build I can understand it, however a muscular/toned frame can look great at heights between, say, 6'2"-6'6" imo.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 24/May/18
How tall are you really though?
Bradley said on 22/May/18
I hate being tall. I wish I was 6 feet 1 which is not "gee yer tall" stuff. If Sly is rockin' past brother Franky then he's back to the big slope and heel.
Bradley said on 21/May/18
Beyoncé has beautiful flowing hair much like a Vogue model....you have to kidding me with that hair...grab a wig.
Rising - 174 cm said on 21/May/18
Sly wore Converse in some training scenes for the early Rocky films. I'm somewhat surprised because it's a particularly thin shoe, but not entirely because I've seen him wear flat dress shoes with barely any heels adding maybe 0.8" to some events the past few years, but after seeing him wearing lifts again to promote GUardians of the Galaxy 2 and looking taller than brother Frank and noticeably taller than Michael Rooker, I'm somewhat surprised he's gone with such a variation. 0.6" Converse will make him about 2" shorter than he was in the footwear he wore to the Guardians' premiere. All that said, he still always looks upwards of 5'8" to me and was still looking as tall as
Jason Statham and around 5'8.5" with Carl Weathers within the last year or two. He'll probably wear lifts at least occasionally when the next Rambo film comes out in 2019. On a different note, I recently rewatched Nighthawks(one of Sly's better movies) and was surprised Sly looked close in height to Billy Dee Williams for maybe the first half of the film, but then looked at least 1"-1.5" shorter in the later scenes. Both wore heeled boots, as did Rutger Hauer at times, but it's far more likely Sly would get the advantage than anyone else as their footwear changed in different scenes, but at least one pair of heeled boots reminded me of how Sly looked in the scenes he wore heeled boots in Rocky 3. Even when he looked close to Billy Dee's height, Billy Dee seemed to have a longer frame and not stand quite as straight as Sly did, or at least that's the impression I got.
I would guess more a weak 5'9" prime rather than a strong one simply because you can see Sly look that occasionally and the taller appearances can more easily be explained by a guy who wants to look taller having a tendency to look taller than he is. On the other hand, he really does still look at least like a strong 5'8" guy to me, possibly 5'8.5" and while I'd guess he's shrunk less than most men his age, I'd think he's lost at least a half inch so if he was 5'8.75" then it'd be tough to guess him over 5'8.25" today and same goes for 5'9" or 5'8.5" peak. But I'd also bet he's lost less than an inch in height. Rob has met actors older than Sly who had shrunk less than an inch without being in anywhere near the shape Sly is still in or maintaining as good posture.
Canson said on 21/May/18
@Bradly: you hate being tall?
MJKoP said on 19/May/18
Bradly said on 7/May/18
I thought I only wore Chuck Taylors. I hate being tall so anything flat helps. Sly has given up. The guy on the left must be 5-4.
LOL, that's a woman!
Mitch said on 18/May/18
Sly is 5-6 on a good day. He was wearing a robe and bath slippers and was walking to the Spa elevator in the FourSeasons NYC 10 years ago. I walked along side him and was shocked. I'm 6-1. He was a little munchkin.
mohammed said on 16/May/18
sly was 5ft9 and now 5ft8.25
Heighliker said on 12/May/18
Rob as I also told you you upgrade a lot I tell you know this one is a perfect list. Peak and current height are just perfect 2 cm lost in his case. From 175'5 to 173'5.
Paul NS (6ft0.5) said on 11/May/18
He isn't Italian. He was born in the U.S., and his mother is an American by birth too.
Gracian said on 10/May/18
Rob, I think Stallone still deserves two new categories. He is Italian, so you should give him the categories of "Italian actors". In addition, you should also add he to the category "Martial artist".
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 9/May/18
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 9/May/18
Wearing 0.6" Converse defeats the purpose when you're trying to look taller IMO.

Editor Rob
Sly's thrown in the white towel on his height...all tape measures
Banned from his house, lifts retired, elevators donated to museums.
Gonzalo said on 9/May/18
I saw him up close back in 2008 and he was two inches taller than me and I am 1`74. I have no idea of what he had in his shoes but he was 1`78-79 that day.
Lawrence said on 8/May/18
I think sly is 5'9". 5'8" just too short for him imo
Bradly said on 8/May/18
He has on his cover-up the lifts pants with the Chuck Taylors. I doubt he has lifts in Cee-Tees, that would be sick, but; Sly is sly.
miko said on 8/May/18
Converse with a cheeky 0.25' lift for old times sake
Bradly said on 7/May/18
I thought I only wore Chuck Taylors. I hate being tall so anything flat helps. Sly has given up. The guy on the left must be 5-4.
Nolifts81 said on 7/May/18
Loka- 100% sure that he has lifts in those Converse. Look how the pants fall on the ankle!!! And i know something about lifts.........
MJKoP said on 6/May/18
In the 70s: strong 5'9"
In HIS 70s: strong 5'8"
haxxx said on 6/May/18
@Mike Toreno
He is old so obviously doesn't care that much anymore, but I'm pretty sure he is still wearing lifts pretty often? Although not as much as before
Loka said on 4/May/18
This is the Pic I'm talking about.
Click Here
Where are the lifts ? lol
Mike Toreno said on 4/May/18
Click Here
Cant see 5ft9 nowadays. More likely to be 5ft8 tops at the moment.
I dont know why he stopped wearing lifts after his 70's .
haxxx said on 3/May/18
Sly is wearing lifts casually and daily.
Loka said on 2/May/18
Sly just posted a video on instagram. He's in flat running shoes, à la Rocky, and he looks 176 cm IMO. I'm tired of people downgrading his height here just for the pleasure of it. I'm not saying that hé is 176 cm in reality. I don't know but he doesnt look like a 5.8 Guy either. He manager all trough the years to still healthy and strong. He took HGH. All of these have helped him to keep his 5.9 +/- height IMO.
EthanCouch said on 23/Apr/18
What about 5’7.5 Rob? He looks short in person.
Dmeyer said on 23/Apr/18
Sly can look smaller than Rob near Lundgren and weathers
EthanCouch said on 23/Apr/18
I’d say 5’7 even. He wears 4 inch lifts I heard.
Bradly said on 23/Apr/18
Tip toe Sly with double S. The other double S needed to. Pitt is a strong 5-10. Custom boot-man. Bat-Man Clooney is not really a boot guy cept on the old cycles.
MJKoP said on 21/Apr/18
No, not less than 5'9" peak. Visitors here would take freeze frames from that Sharon Stone scene as "proof" of Sly being barely 5'8" or less, since he was "obviously" shorter in the shower. Watch the whole scene...when bending down and leaning forward during a passionate make-out session, OF COURSE he could look shorter than a woman he's likely only a inch taller than naturally if you select the right 1/24th of second as reference.
Similar to the unclothed shots of Pitt and Paltrow that some guys here love cite as "more proof" that Pitt's under 5'10"....you really think he's standing at his straightest??
Bradly said on 17/Apr/18
You can count on Sly NOT to be shorter with Stone on camera. He was probably in full tip-toe. Moonlighting should have called "Bare-footin'" with Willis.
Nolifts81 said on 14/Apr/18
Shower scene with Sharon Stone . He was clearly 1.25 inch taller than her .Sharon is 5'8" .Sly should be a hair over 5'9". That's Why i think at 176cm prime.Now he can be 173cm.
Stephano187cm said on 13/Apr/18
he was 5'9 more 175 . No more a good posture since his prime and perfect posture also heel user that's why some few say he was 176
viper said on 12/Apr/18
Sorry Brad, he was never taller than 5-7 range. Even Mamun saw him at 5-7-5-8.
Bradly said on 12/Apr/18
I've always considered the training footage of Sly and Weathers important to his peak height of 5 foot 8 and a half. He was in standard boxing footwear. The footage on film he's in ramped up customs with camera fooling. He is falling over in Rambo boots with wedge and heel Madonna uses.
AAAA said on 11/Apr/18
Old school footage of him and weathers doing choreography for the first rocky. They were both in boxing shoes here, so virtually no heel height. The diff looks almost identical to that award show they were at a year or 2 ago (I'm getting older so it may be 4-5 and it only seems like a year). Award photo is 2nd link, video is 1st link.
Click Here
Click Here
Bradly said on 9/Apr/18
Burbs has it nailed. Sal, I'm due upstairs with Rob in an hour....I lost my comb getting out of the Volvo bed..need another.
MJKoP said on 9/Apr/18
Oh, please...anything less than a strong 5'9" peak is out of the question. Just because he's not the 5'10.75" he claimed or the 5'11 a one-lettered dude claimed for him, it doesn't mean he was legit short(5'7" range) during his prime.
Nolifts81 said on 9/Apr/18
Today he is 5'8.25 but he is still wearing lifts in the shoes. Just look at his shoes in his last video on his official Instagram account. At last one inch inside the shoe.
burby said on 7/Apr/18
5'8.5" peak, 5'7.5" when he hits 75.
Bradly said on 6/Apr/18
5-7 peak...even I agree with da G that is laughing gas. Telly and Sly cancel out with custom Munsters for Telly in '75 and ramped boots for the sly Sly.
viper said on 5/Apr/18
5-7-5-7.5 peak. Look at the Columbo episode with 5-10-5-10.5 Telly Savales. He's got 3 inches on him
MJKoP said on 2/Apr/18
And at 75(if he reaches that age), he'll still have friends vowing that he can look 5'9" or 5'10" in person. :P
Bradly said on 31/Mar/18
The G: Five Eight at age 75. He could sell Nathan's dogs outside Yankee Stadium this year in a Stallone "Y0-I'm Five Feet 10" shirt.
Ben said on 31/Mar/18
Aye Rob I might be alive by 2100, maybe I'll go back and read some comments for nostalgia and giggles.

Editor Rob
Who knows what technology will be available to help with longevity. Maybe even help retain height, you might be age 90 and still 5ft 10 range.
MJKoP said on 31/Mar/18
Bradly said on 30/Mar/18
Sure wish the Viper was here 10 years ago getting barked at by the G.
What did Viper do for you to wish relentless abuse upon him? :P
Alistair said on 30/Mar/18
Hey Rob, do you think G will start claiming Five seven by the time he'll be 65 or 70. At what age do you think he'll drop under five six?

Editor Rob
I'd be surprised if he deviated, in fact I'm sure he already has his gravestone etched 'Always and Forever 5 foot 8'.
As for Sly...I wonder what future generations will make of him. Can you imagine somebody in 2100 going back into archives and reading pages upon pages of comments about his height.
Bradly said on 30/Mar/18
Sure wish the Viper was here 10 years ago getting barked at by the G. Off by an inch. He was 5' 8.5" peak. 5-11 flat in custom lifts back in '76.Rambo boots ramped he might have edged a bit more.
viper said on 29/Mar/18
5-10 in lifts, 5-7.5 barefoot in the 70s
jtm said on 29/Mar/18
f it’s true (which I have no reason to doubt) - how do we know she wasn’t just referring to a quarter inch difference between herself and Sly? 174 cm is the lowest i’m willing to accept as a possibility, certainly no less - though 175-176 cm generally seems closer imo.
she wouldn't be so sure she was taller if it was just a quarter inch difference.
Mr. FiveEight said on 29/Mar/18
@viper: 5'7.5" is literally impossible for a peak Sly. If that were the case he’d need a pair of FOUR inch lifts inside his footwear to be able pull off a strong 5'11"! He was clearly at least an inch taller than De Niro a few years ago in liftless-looking footwear, taller than Chan throughout the years, could easily look to have a good 2" on Sugar Ray (with stacked footwear), I could go on and on...
Mr. FiveEight said on 29/Mar/18
@viper: 5'7.5" is literally impossible for a peak Sly. If that were the case he’d need a pair of FOUR inch lifts inside his footwear to be able pull off a strong 5'11"! He was clearly at least an inch taller than De Niro a few years ago in lifeless-looking footwear, taller than Chan throughout the years, could easily look to have a good 2" on Sugar Ray (with stacked footwear), I could go on and on...
Smiles03 said on 28/Mar/18
Younger days 5'10 ,middle age 5'9,now 5'8
Bradly said on 28/Mar/18
Sis Stallone is correct.
viper said on 27/Mar/18
Absolute most I can buy him at peak is 5-7.5
Mr. FiveEight said on 27/Mar/18
It’s very difficult for me to picture Sly being much less than 5'9" in his prime...even 5'8.5" seems a little low, though maybe not exactly impossible - at the extreme low guess. One thing is for sure though - and that is Sly was never a flat 5'8" (or below) at his peak!
I’d like to see this article that Mr. R brought up (not saying he was making it up, ‘cos he was easily one of the most reliable contributors on the site). If it’s true (which I have no reason to doubt) - how do we know she wasn’t just referring to a quarter inch difference between herself and Sly? 174 cm is the lowest i’m willing to accept as a possibility, certainly no less - though 175-176 cm generally seems closer imo.
jtm said on 27/Mar/18
Mr. R said on 10/Mar/05
Also, there was a story that ran in Parade Magazine, where Stallone's own sister commented on his lack of height, and she laughed off his claims to be 5'10". She stated that she was 5'9" in her stocking feet, and Sly was clearly shorter than her.
another evidence he wasn't 5'9 or taller.
Lkk said on 26/Mar/18
Strong 5'9 in his prime at worst
M58 said on 26/Mar/18
176 cm is arguable for a peak Sly, but I’d still say 175 cm is more likely. Anything below 5'8.5" for him in the 70s-80s is taking the pi$$ IMO. However as far as today, it’s hard to tell whether he’s dipped to just a flat 5'8" or a little over as listed....it’s not a big deal though, especially considering that quarter inches are not the easiest thing to detect (especially with an enigmatic lift-wearer...though he doesn’t wear lifts anywhere near as often as he used to back in the day!)

Editor Rob
To change to Mr. FiveEight, clear your browser cookies so you can enter a new name.
Nolifts81 said on 23/Mar/18
Yuval- Franco Columbu Was never 5'5" he was more 5'4" and a hair taller. Sly was 5'9.25 (176cm). That's Why you see 5 inches of difference
Yuval said on 21/Mar/18
He looks really tall next to Franco colombu(Arnold's training partner) who is 5'5. Like 5 inches taller..and not so towered by Arnold.
Gracian said on 14/Mar/18
Rob, who do you think, who in his youth had the best chance to achieve a strong range of 5'9"(5'9.25")? Sylvester Stallone,
Jean Claude Van Damme, Michael Keaton or Ian McDiarmid? Personally, I'd give Van Damme the best chance, and in Stallone's case I think it's the most debatable... What's your opinion Rob?

Editor Rob
I can see how 5ft 9.25 estimates for all these men might be possible...it would be interesting to go back in time and measure each of them, I suppose the odds are that some of them could have been a little over 5ft 9, maybe a greater chance than falling a 1/4 inch under it.
James B 170.8cm said on 13/Mar/18
Rob probably weighing near 196 pounds is one reason why he has lost a bit of height?

Editor Rob
More the general ageing and wear&tear from his lifestyle and training for 40 years.
Matt99 said on 12/Mar/18
Rob what do you think Slys peak extreme low be?

Editor Rob
After a hard day filming Rambo I'm sure he might drop to 5ft 8.75.
berta said on 11/Mar/18
rob doesnt reaally stallone feel like a guy that was 176 at peak. 175 is a fraction to short for him peak. he was not shorter than kurt russell barefoor. i can believe he is weak 174 strong 173 range today and have lost 2-2,5 cm at over 70

Editor Rob
That figure of 176 was always arguable for him. His shoe issue always threw spanners in the works.
Jamie L said on 11/Mar/18
Rob, I've noticed you recovered a lot of old comments, however they only go as far back as 2015 on here. Is this all of what's left?

Editor Rob
Yes, as I mentioned in previous comment, I have been unable to recover them.
Daniel G Holschauer said on 10/Mar/18
I met Sly when I took my friend to audition for the movie Cobra. I'm 5'9, and he was at least an inch shorter than me.
Matt99 said on 9/Mar/18
Rob what’s the chance of sly being 5’8.5 peak?

Editor Rob
I can't see him that low, minimum 5ft 9 I'd go with. He held his height well to 60's but by 70 he succumbed to some losses.
ethan couch said on 8/Mar/18
I think 5'7.5
Jim Hopper said on 2/Mar/18
I think hes 5-8-1/2. I met Mr T in London twice and stood pretty much next to him near the London eye,hes 5-10" imo. Sly looked around 2" shorter approx. In lifts he will pass as a 5-10-11" guy defo.
The Shredder said on 2/Mar/18
I have never ruled out a little over 5'9 peak , but it was the very most he'd be , Mr.T and Weathers destroyed his 5'10 + claims but on the other hand he was tall enough to reach looking minimum 5'11. So " around " 5'9 minimum in any case.
M58 said on 26/Feb/18
Sly looked no less than a flat 5'9" with legitimate 5'10" Mike Tyson in normal looking footwear back in 2011, and there’s plenty more occasions he looked no less than 5'9" in the last couple decades (sans lifts). But I don’t rule out a weaker 5'9" or even 5'8.5" at the lowest for his prime, but even at 174 cm - he would have probably woken up at more 176 cm...the average daily height loss is about 3/4". He could look 174 cm at times though I must admit...but generally speaking, he did seem near enough what Rob has him listed at most of the time.
M58 said on 26/Feb/18
Sly looked no less than a flat 5'9" with legitimate 5'10" Mike Tyson in normal looking footwear back in 2011, and there’s plenty more occasions he looked no less than 5'9" in the last couple decades. But I don’t rule out a weaker 5'9" or even 5'8.5" at the lowest for his prime, but even at 174 cm - he would have probably woken up at more 176 cm...the average daily height loss is about 3/4". He could look 174 cm at times though I must admit...but generally speaking, he did seem near enough what Rob has him listed at most of the time.
Bradly said on 26/Feb/18
The guy is short, Sly could own him large in sandals 4 gawds sake. Sal, napkins.
Danimal said on 26/Feb/18
M58 said on 24/Feb/18
I don’t see how Sly can be anything below 5'8" today, as he can still pull off looking over it in normal footwear. As for his peak, anywhere from 5'8.5"-5'9" is possible imo, in fact i’d say Rob’s listings are as close to reality as one can get, but I can understand the 5'9.25" estimates too (as far as peak). Sly hasn’t lost much height for his age, half inch or so is pretty good for a 70+ guy. Sly is living proof that being in good shape is certain to pay off in later life!
He was likely 177 cm range out of bed in his prime, which arguably makes his 5'10" claim from 1991 pretty reasonable. He should stop wearing lifts as everyone knows he’s not as tall as he tries to make himself appear though! But then again, he doesn’t really give me the impression of being overly insecure about his height, or having any sort of obvious napoleon complex, given he’s made jokes about his height in the past...so maybe he just enjoys fooling people who maybe aren’t aware of his real height!?
I've been on this site since 2004 and there have been many pics of Sly's 5'9" wife in sandals and poor posture taller than Sly in dress shoes and military posture and these pics are a good dozen years old. So even back then, Sly was nowhere near your 5'10" out of bed. He's NEVER been any taller than maybe a flat 5'9" out of bed and 5'8.5" during the day in his YOUTH.
Danimal said on 26/Feb/18
lol said on 4/Feb/18
The guy on the right says he's 5.8... What kind of shoes and lifts could explain that Sly is so tall ?
Click Here
No way is that guy 5'8". He was probably measured 5'7" and change WITH shoes in his younger days, so 5'6" barefoot and maybe 5'5" today and might be wearing sandals/flip flops considering he has on shorts and Sly is wearing his 3" monsters heels/insoles. When you're worth $400 million you can afford the best type of shoe lifts out there. Just ask Justin Bieber and Tom Cruise all about it.
nolifts81 said on 26/Feb/18
peak 176 cm , without any doubt
berta said on 25/Feb/18
i believe 176 peak and 174 now.