Sotiris Gravas said on 15/Mar/19
I was looking online and realized that maybe every old-school bodybuilder is listed at an inflated height. Maybe this was done to accommodate the myth of Arnold Schwarzenegger's fabled height.
Here's our good friend, Mick Souza next to 5'7" peak height Joe Gold...
Click Here Clearly, Souza isn't the 5'10" I saw him listed on some sites...
Arnie, Souza, and little Franco Columbu, who's obviously shorter than the 5'5" he wants you to believe:
Click Here
Compare w/ around 5'7" (not 5'9") Frank Zane (far right) and Columbu...
Click Here
Zane and 5'7" (not 5'8") Mike Mentzer...
Click Here
Funny how online, Tom Platz is 5'7" and 5'8"...
Click Here
Now, compare the vertically challenged Columbu w/ Sly Stallone...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Sly looks VERY short here next to Columbu...
Click Here ,
Click Here ,
Click Here
Here, he looks taller...
Click Here ,
Click Here I'm guessing a footwear advantage.
I don't think Sly's peak was ever more than 5'8" barefoot, 5'9" in regular shoes.
Mister lennon said on 14/Mar/19
I stil think solid 5'9 peak. 176.
Today about a strong 5'8. 174.
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/Mar/19
I seriously doubt Sly's peak was ever more than 5'8". He looks to be around 5'7" now -- the pics I posted of Sly w/ 5'5" Manny Pacquiao are incontrovertible. That being said, here's a cool pic of Sly and Big John Studd from the early '80s...
Click Here
Sly would have had an easier go w/ Nick Bockwinkel (listed 5'10")...
Click Here than he did Hulk Hogan...
Click Here Hogan big-heeled footwear...
Click Here And yes, Hogan was standing on a box at one point in "Rocky III" (1982)...
Click Here for this shot...
Click Here
Big John Studd was not as tall as ppl think. Here he is w/ 5'11" Jeff Everson and his wife, Cory:
Click Here
W/ Jimmy Garvin (billed 5'10")...
Click Here
W/ 5'9" Ricky Steamboat (billed 5'10")...
Click Here
Was Sly in lifts in that pic w/ Studd...? Probably.
A barefoot Jennifer Flavin appears to be 5'8" if standing straight next to a barefoot 5'7" Sly (2014)...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Here she is w/ 5'7" Jerry Bruckheimer...
Click Here...
which fits in w/ how 6'0" Carl Weathers towers over her when she's in heels...
Click Here Footwear...
Click Here
Again, Carl Weathers towers over her (2016)...
Click Here
Supposedly, 61-year-old Leeza Gibbons was 5'8" peak height, seen here w/ Flavin:
Click Here
Jtm said on 9/Mar/19
a weak 5'8 peak at best
Bradley said on 8/Mar/19
Sly was a strong 5' 8.5" peak. I wonder what he would say today as his '19 height? Probably 5 foot 9 and a half. Kyler Murray pulled a 2 day stretch and on his back for his 5' 10" 5' 9.5" he'd wouldn't be a potential #1 pick....shades of a Volvo bed with a Nathan's dog for the Grapple. Sal, napkins.
burby said on 7/Mar/19
So you think strong 5'8" peak now, Brad?
Bradley said on 6/Mar/19
He's a weak 5' 8" today, only lost 1/2" since peak. His '78 5' 10.75" figure is the biggest laugh on this site.
Pierre said on 6/Mar/19
Click Here Click Here = Sylvester's football shoes are not particularly low in the scene of the match,then it's easy to insert a good lift in these,and one more time =in the movie Sylvester wear massive heels even when he play football with his partners =then the probability his shoes are not advantageous only in the scene of the match...For me the not sense is there.In the pics behind the scènes Pelé is not standing always at the same place then the probability he's standing each time on an advantageous ground is slim too.
Burt Young in your pic slouch a lot,you can not even see his chin.And Sylvester wear a hat .I know the angle is not the best in the pic i posted but for one time Burt is really standing straight.
Frankie68 said on 5/Mar/19
Idk how anyone can dispute that Burt is taller than Sly - and Sly’s sneakers look chunky on top of looking him looking shorter — and again I will say IDK what has happened to Burt with age he has shrunk miserably but in there youth Burt was clearly taller
RolyFlo said on 5/Mar/19
Rob I guarantee you are taller than him. He is 5'8 barefoot or 5'7.75 nowdays. He was 5'8.75 175 cm peak. Noway Stallone taller than you he always always wears advantage on his shoes.

Editor Rob
Barefoot I don't think he's any less than 5ft 8 even today.
Bradley said on 4/Mar/19
Kauf must have seen a picture of G alone.
Rising174cm said on 4/Mar/19
@Pierre: That doesn't make any sense. We know the field isn't reliably solid ground and we can't see the ground nor Sly and Pele's feet yet in the scene I posted we can see the ground, footwear and their entire bodies, plus it's video, not a still pic so it should be quite obvious what's more probable. Sly looks easily 1.5"-2" taller than Pele in that scene and their shoes look the exact same. Those shoes are low cut and could only conceal a small insole and anything more than the most minimal insole would be obvious in the action scenes I posted. For Pele to be Sly's height, Sly would need to have fit an extra 1.5"-2" in shoes just like the same ones Pele is wearing and that's impossible. Even a small insole would still mean Sly was at least an inch taller than Pele and there's no evidence of any insole in the match scene so a 1.5" difference seems even more likely.
And Burt has a very obvious camera advantage there. As I've posted before, Sly with half an inch less footwear was still an inch taller in that scene when equal distance from the camera:
Click Here Actually, Burt is still slightly closer there. Here's another scene which includes a wide shot with the same footwear:
Click Here Once again, Sly is quite clearly taller by what looks like an inch or so and with half an inch less footwear. Imo, much like with Pele, these side by side full pics and video show pretty conclusively that Sly was taller than Burt by at least an inch and when footwear is taken into account, the scenes suggest more like 1.5" between just like Rob lists them.
George Kaufman said on 2/Mar/19
He's only 5'6 now.
Bradley said on 1/Mar/19
Sly in Chuck Taylor's means he is 5' 8.5" with Burt.
Frankie68 said on 1/Mar/19
@ pierre —YES — and if you zoom in on Sly’s sneaker they even look like theres something inside - Burt Young always said he was taller — now go watch Rocky 2 when he gives paulie his trsns am ,, in that scene he looks way taller than Burt — crazy what lifts & camera angles can do —
Pierre said on 1/Mar/19
@Frankie68 = maybe this pic =
Click Here
Frankie68 said on 28/Feb/19
There is a picture posted on Burt Youngs instagram site “burtyoungofficial” in the meat house with Sly from rocky 1 - and he is much taller than Sly - please if someone can post it — 5’8 or 5’9 goes right out the window from this pic — IDK what has happened to burt young but he has shrunk alot with age — by this pic you would never think Sly can look 3 inches taller than Burt by the Rocky movies except massive footwear & camera angles & a big dose of PRE FAME !! 5’7 for Sly !!
Pierre said on 23/Feb/19
@Rising = Sylvester wear massive heels(and maybe something in his shoes) even when he has to play football with his partners = the probability Pelé is always standing on an advantageous ground in both pics behind the scènes is slimer than the probability Sylvester wear regular football shoes with classic insole just in this scene of the match
Bradley said on 22/Feb/19
He's the same height as Caine in that scene!! He must be in massive wedged monsters. At 5' 8.5" he can't do such things. He must love it.
Rising174cm said on 22/Feb/19
@Pierre: The camera is high in the second picture, which can also make it so the person closer doesn't get an advantage and I'd bet money Pele is on higher ground there. Just look at how high his waist is compared to Sly's waist. Ground outside and especially grass and dirt is often very uneven. Rob posted an example of how easily a couple of inches can be lost on grass. Sly was wearing 2" heels in the scene where he argues with Michael Caine, but that still doesn't explain how a weak to flat 5'9" Stallone looks as tall/taller than a 6'2"(or 6'1.5" minimum) Michael Caine. This can only be explained by uneven ground on the field.
But again, my point is why speculate when we have a good wide shot to compare them side by side? That scene leaves no real doubt that Sly was over an inch taller than Pele back then. Certainly not less than an inch since it looked at least 1.5". And it doesn't appear Sly had any lifts for this scene:
Click Here Watch again, the shoes they play in are low cut and not bulky. They look just the ones Pele is wearing. This still is unfortunately comes out low quality, but notice the shoes they're wearing:
Click Here Now we can see higher quality shots of the same shoes:
Click Here Click Here It looks like he wasn't wearing lifts and he definitely wasn't wearing big lifts. We'd likely see it in shots like that. Sly probably wore the 2" heels early in the movie because he likes being taller, but he was already wearing them before he started playing. The characters were dressed casually early in the film, but Sly no longer wore big heels once they got uniforms. The fact is, he was not wearing heels in the scene I posted and he was not wearing shoes any different than Pele or anyone else in the scene I posted. This makes sense because the difference between Sly and Michael Caine was clearly bigger when they play the match at the end compared to earlier in the film when Sly wore heeled boots.
Pierre said on 21/Feb/19
@Rising =
Click Here Click Here in the pics i posted if Pelé had an advantage with the ground i have to say Pelé imo is lucky because he's not always standing at the same place in the pics i posted.In the first pic pelé slouch a lot then of course he looks shorter than Sylvester and in both pics Pelé is standing more distant to the camera which logically give an advantage to Sylvester (and the camera is not very high) .In the scène you posted Michael Caine looks around the same height as Sylvester but Michael slouch a long time here and Sly always is wearing his massive heels(since 18:10 to 18:15).And when you look at the ground just before Michael is standing on this ground,since 18:10 to 18:15 you can see the floor is regular .Sly even when he play football with his partners in the movie and so when he run fast wear massive heels then there is imo a very big probability he wear lifts in the scene you posted =
Click Here
Rising174cm said on 20/Feb/19
@Pierre: Sly still looks at least an inch taller in that first pic, the angle is too high in the 2nd photo and we can't see ground or feet in either. For an example of how uneven grass and ground outside can be, just look at Sly with Michael Caine shortly after the scene you timestamped:
Click Here Suddenly, Sly looks as tall/taller than Caine so I wouldn't trust the ground where they're playing. And we can see high angle shots minimize height differences:
Click Here The behind the scenes pics are superfluous because we have a much better scene to compare Sly and Pele:
Click Here That's about as good of a scene for comparing as you can hope for. They're on solid ground and we can see very clearly that Sly is not wearing heels and in fact looks to be wearing the same shoes Pele is wearing.n Unlike the behind the scenes pics, we don't have to guess because we can see these things and the camera is pretty level as opposed to high or low. That's a wide shot on video and Sly looks about 2" taller or 1.5" absolute minimum. For Sly to be so clearly taller in a wide shot, he must have been at least a solid inch taller than Pele. If Pele was 172 cm like Rob lists him then I wouldn't guess Sly any shorter than 175 cm next to Pele. I don't know about Steve Martin because I haven't looked at him enough and I won't go into him here because I've never seen him standing with Sly. I will say that if Max von Sydow was 191 cm then Caine could look just 186-187 range with him, but I think that may have been outdoors on grass as well. Even if Caine was only 6'1" peak, Sly still would have looked 5'9"+ the entire film, but I seriously doubt Caine was 6'1" flat because even a 60 year old Caine over a dozen years after Victory looked a solid inch taller than 6'1" listed John C. McGinley and only 2" shorter than 6'4" Steven Seagal, maybe 2.5" max. Also, I'd be surprised if Rob was a full inch off on Caine's peak height.
Bradley said on 20/Feb/19
Sly must have a hard time falling over in those wedged heeled monsters wearing the beret.
Pierre said on 19/Feb/19
Click Here Click Here But the pics i posted are made behind the scènes .Then i think both have the same heels this time.If not how explain both are looking around the same height this time ? Sly during many times in the movie is wearing this type of shoes =
Click Here = massive heels( plus maybe something in this) .Even when he play football (the training with his partners not the match),there is a scene in the movie inwhich he puts one of his partners down (on the ground)and then we can see his heels which are massive heels
Click Here = at around 18:10 and 18:15 =then one of the priority of the movie in my opinion was = make Sylvester look taller than his real height because this is not logical to play football in massive heels .His football shoes during the match are high shoes then it's not hard for me to guess a lift in this.Why would he wear massive heels in other scenes and not here.This is not logical.If not how explain Pelé is looking about the same height as Sylvester in pics behind the scenes.
Rising174cm said on 18/Feb/19
This should settle the Sly/Pele thing.
Click Here There's a wide shot of them side by side with footwear visible and Sly is very clearly taller. If Pele was 5'7.75" as Rob listshim then Sly looked over 5'9" with him in the film. Also, as I said, the difference between Sly and 6'2" listed Michael Caine often looked much smaller than you'd expect. Here's one example taken indoors:
Click Here Here's a more believable one, albeit taken outside:
Click Here Still, Sly doesn't look more than 3" shorter max there. Obviously, I'm not saying Sly was nearly as tall as he looked with Caine, but my point is, Sly pulled off 5'10"+ through much of the film, even 5'11"+ at times with Caine so it's certainly not a film that supports a 5'7"-5'8" Sly. I had some doubts about Caine being a full 6'2", especially since solid 6'3" Max von Sydow didn't look less than 1.5" taller in Victory, but I'm glad John C. McGinley was brought up because if McGinley is 6'1" as Rob lists him then even a 60 year old Michael Caine looked a full 6'2" with him:
Click Here Click Here Caine was also only 2", maybe 2.5" max shorter than 6'4" Steven Seagal in that film so clearly 6'1.5" at worst, especially considering he could have shrunk a bit by 60. And Parker is right that Bobby Moore did look at least 5'11" with Caine in the film.
@Real Anonymous: That sounds like a cool job. I'd love to meet Rod since I'm a big fan of his early work with the Jeff Beck Group. You would definitely be in position to judge his height then so I'd go with about 5'10", maybe 5'10.5" peak. Rod also seemed to stay 5'10"+ at least into his 60's so this lends credence to your estimate.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 10/Feb/19
Hey Rising!....further to that pic of Sly and Srewart toghether. Ive met and been around Rod Stewart.Actually drove him in a golf cart as part of a security detail and he is betweeen 5'10-11
Stood right beside him.
There is just no way he could be 5'7
As always I enjoy reading your comments and good info you post in here
Pierre said on 10/Feb/19
(And Geoff Hurst and Eusebio)=
Click Here
Pierre said on 10/Feb/19
(In addition to my first comment on 10/Feb ) = Bobby Moore next to Geoff Hurst =
Click Here .Now Rob and Geoff Hurst listed 5"11' here in 2013 =
Click Here (go in Geoff's page to read the comments)
Pierre said on 10/Feb/19
@Parker =Comparisons Michael Caine/Bobby Moore =
Click Here = Michael caine here in 1996 looks around the same height as John C Mc Ginley (listed 6"1') .With Steve Martin listed 5"11.5' in 1988 =
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here next to Pelé listed 5"7.75' = 1980 =
Click Here .Looks 6"1' max imo
Rising174cm said on 9/Feb/19
@Parker: Thanks and same to you. I was actually going to say I remember you're familiar with the soccer players next to Sly in the team photos:
Click Here Click Here I agree he looked 5'9"-5'10" range in those scenes. Of course, he wasn't taller than 5'9" flat in reality, but the fact he wore 2" heeled boots in some scenes doesn't suggest he was shorter than 5'8.5"-5'9" range because he pulled off looking much taller when he wore them. Here's a couple of examples of how he could look with Michael Caine:
Click Here Click Here Caine was 6'2" or at the very least 6'1.5". Sly is just one of many famous men whose apparent lack of height has been exaggerated to some extent. Two other examples I know you've commented on are Tom Cruise and Rod Stewart. In fact, Stewart is especially puzzling because he is or was likely a legit 5'10"! In fact, there's a couple of pretty good full pics of Stallone and Stewart:
Click Here Click Here Sly at about 5'9" and Stewart at about 5'10" makes sense in the photos with Sly in dress shoes and Stewart some kind of boot, but not with heels much bigger than dress shoes. All 3 men married and dated tall women and in Cruise and especially Stallone's case, they were action stars so all of these things may have influenced the perception about their height. Countless other examples include
Mel Gibson and even Arnold Schwarzenegger. This sort of thing goes back to Napoleon, who was apparently average height for the time, but British political cartoons cemented the public perception that he was short.
Back to Pacquiao, here's a different angle of Sly/Algieri with a little more footage for about a minute of them together:
Click Here and here's Sly just a few years ago with Miguel Cotto:
Click Here Cotto is leaning more than Sly, but he's obviously not close to Sly's height. Considering Sly's shoes were flat with just a small heel and no real angle, I'd personally rule out lifts and I think they might be the type of dress shoes that add a bit less than a full inch:
Click Here Click Here If anything, I'd guess Cotto's shoes add a fraction more:
Click Here This gives us an idea of how Sly would currently look with Pacquiao because Cotto is definitely taller than Pacquiao:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Obviously Cotto is nowhere near the 5'8" he's been listed at and I don't even think he's a full 5'7", but a mere inch taller than Pacquiao would put him 5'6.5" and that sounds about right, imo.
Parker said on 8/Feb/19
I recall Bobby Moore always listed at 5'11, and he looks at least that next to 6'2 listed Michael Caine. I thought Stallone pulled off 5'9/5'10 in most still shots I;ve seen from that film, including the team photo where he is stood next to 5'10 Mike Summerbee.
I'll never understand where these 5'7 Stallone suggestions come from. Impossible IMO.
Keep up the great posts
Rising - 174 cm said on 7/Feb/19
@Sotiris: I don't think that second photo casts much doubt on whether Sly was sitting in the first because of how much Sly is leaning over in it on top of being seated. In fact, he's leaning so much anyway that I can't imagine using that photo to show anything as far as height is concerned.
I don't recall seeing a good photo of Sly and Pacquiao, but I'd expect Sly at least 3" taller. Here's one reason. Some good video footage showing not much difference between Sly and Manny's opponent Chris Algieri in late 2014:
Click Here Why is this significant? Algieri himself is much taller than Manny:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here I've seen Sly with other opponents of Pacquiao's, but this is a good example to start.
I'm afraid I don't know what you're seeing in the group shot. Pele winds up so far from Sly's height that I see no chance of less than an inch between them:
Click Here Even that other pic you posted showed at least an inch. Rob lists Pele 5'7.75" peak, but even if he were 1/4" less then I'd have still guessed Sly more than 5'9" in that group shot. I don't think Sly actually was more than 5'9" and if anything, I'd guess 1/4" under before 1/4" over, but just in that group shot, he looks taller than 5'9" flat.
Sotiris Gravas said on 7/Feb/19
@Rising I had a feeling you would have a rebuttal at the ready. Good catch, and great pics, but unfortunately, I'm not sold on your syllogism of Sly sitting in that first photo. Here's why: Sly is only leaning back, not altogether sitting, as there's only a slight depression being made and his trousers are not as bunched up in the front as in the second pic (but that's small-potatoes sleuthing)...
Your argument falls apart in that when Sly is clearly seated in that 2nd pic, Manny looks like a GIANT next to him, as well he should. If Sly were seated for both pics, Manny's height would be consistent, only... it's not. Sly is actually 2" taller in the pic you claim is from a seated Sly, which is a physical impossibility. Clearly, Sly can't be sitting in both pics. He just can't. That's sound reasoning, as far as I'm concerned and quite irrefutable, mind you. Another counter-argument, though less substantive would be this pic I posted...
Click Here Sly is obviously not sitting down here... yes, he's dipping his body, but you can see from the height of his shoulders that he's not dipping a substantial amount. Your pics actually help bear out my assertion that Sly is, in fact, around 5'7", b/c he clearly isn't sitting in the 1st photo, which is abundantly demonstrable.
I had noticed those Sly/Young pics from 2014 were from the same event b/c they were wearing the same clothes... w/ the exception of Young's hat in one pic, but not the other. Sly did look taller in one pic I posted, and then not in another... perhaps it was only due to poor posture and not some form of footwear enhancement... perhaps not. He was definitely wearing elevator shoes in that pic from 2006, as Young was taller in 2014.
As for the "Victory" group shot, Sly is closer to the camera... I see Pele and him being very close in height. I actually consider this group shot to be a very compelling photo which backs up my standpoint; Sly doesn't look 5'9" there next to a 5'7.5" Pele, at least IMHO. I'm pretty sure I haven't convinced you to the contrary, but I did my best. W/ that said, the debate rages on, good sir.
As for Mourning/Magic, I think those pics pretty much speak for themselves. Again, agree to disagree...
Bradley said on 6/Feb/19
Barefoot in the trunks is a kill shot, okay Sly we think yer 5' 10.75" bro.
Rising - 174 cm said on 6/Feb/19
@Sotiris: Sly is sitting with Manny and Freddie Roach in that pic. Someone else actually noticed that before I did when it was first posted a few years ago. Here's a bigger, clearer version of the 1st photo you posted where you can clearly see it behind them between Sly and Manny:
Click Here You can see it clearly in this photo as well:
Click Here When you're too eager to find pics of Sly looking short, you can miss things like this, especially when you jump to conclusions without enough of their bodies visible and immediately post a half dozen other photos immediately after, the photo can be lost without it being looked into enough. I don't mean this critique as an insult either. I appreciate that same enthusiasm that often leads you to post good, rare photos, but if there had been a compelling photo showing Sly around 5'7", I can guarantee you it would have been discussed extensively and would still be cited in debates today. But really, there remains a complete lack of any visual evidence showing Sly 5'7".
I don't think Sly is wearing elevator shoes in either of the 2014 pics with Burt. In fact, they're both from the same event(on March 13th) I posted the full pic along with others on 18/Jan/19. You're being rather careless saying when Sly does and doesn't have elevator shoes, often without his shoes even visible.
Btw, good find of that full group shot with Pele. Just look at the clear height difference between Sly and Pele there and notice Sly appears to be wearing the same type of soccer shoes as everyone else. Even if Sly was hiding an extra inch lift in there, it'd still be obvious he was an inch or more taller. Again, this sort of thing has me sort of puzzled since a shot like that proves my point. Of course, Sly wore big 2" heels in earlier scenes as Pierre showed, but if you watch the film, Sly can oddly look just a couple of inches shorter than Caine at times earlier in the film and even then the difference is only 3"-4" max most of the film. It's only in the final scene for the soccer match that we probably see more of the actual difference between the 5'8.5"-5'9" Sly and 6'1.5"-6'2" Caine, though I don't remember the difference actually looking as much as 5" in the film.
But there's no way I'm getting into Alonzo Mourning with you on this page lol. Mourning is taller than 6'8", but we have our hands full discussing Sly! I'll be more than happy to debate that with you on another page, though.
Sotiris Gravas said on 5/Feb/19
Here's 5'7" Sly not wearing elevator shoes w/ 100% 5'5" (not 5'5.5") Manny Pacquiao (2015):
Click Here ,
Click Here
From all the pics I've seen of Manny, he has NEVER tried to tiptoe w/ anyone. Sly is 100% exposed here as 5'7". Sly footwear that day...
Click Here
Sly, now in elevator shoes w/ Manny (2016)...
Click Here
Sly looking like a giant w/ Manny thanks to elevator shoes, along w/ Arnie:
Click Here
Sly, Pele, Caine group shot from "Victory"...
Click Here
Sly (elevator shoes) next to 6'2" Caine...
Click Here
@Frankie68 Here's Sly (BIG elevator shoes) and Burt Young in 2006...
Click Here
Sly (smaller elevator shoes) and Young in 2014...
Click Here
Sly (bigger elevator shoes) and Young from 2014...
Click Here
@Pierre Nice pic of Sly's boots in "Victory." I should've said boots, not cowboy boots in my previous post; I'm just so used to saying that w/ guys like Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant...
@Rising I respect you opinion, dude, and I appreciate your dedication to CelebHeights, regardless of our different take on Sly. While we're here, I recall you saying that Alonzo Mourning is around 6'9"... Here's 6'8" Mourning w/ 6'7" Magic...
Click Here For confirmation, here's 6'7" Magic next to 6'5.75" Paul Pierce (2017)...
Click Here
And finally, this is how Sly never wants you to see him...
Click Here
Frankie68 said on 5/Feb/19
Just a sidenote : Burt Young has aged horribly & has shrunk or lost a ton of height in his old age but was every bit as tall as Sly in there primes particularly in the first Rocky b4 Sly was famous and Burt has said he was taller than Sly — also google some Kojak videos of Sly pre fame & see how short he was next to Savalas -mind boggling
Pierre said on 4/Feb/19
Comparisons Sylvester/Frank =now Frank Stallone and Tom Sizemore(listed 5"10.25' =
Click Here ) = here the shoes= Tom classic heel Frank Cow Boy boots =
Click Here Click Here .Frank very straight =
Click Here .Another event(don't know the shoes but i have never seen Tom in big heels) =
Click Here (Imo Tom slouch a little bit more than Frank here too)
Rising174cm said on 4/Feb/19
@Sotiris: Fair enough if that was just a typo about the stairs. I don't know where they were standing on the stairs(because their feet aren't visible) but that's my point. Why rely on a photo of the two slouching on stairs where feet aren't visible when we have both full still photos of them standing in the same footwear AND multiple wide shots on video? And you don't need to apologize to anyone for your estimates, but my point is you're arguing with strawmen. NOBODY is denying Sly wears elevator shoes and NOBODY is saying you should believe Sly's height claim. Nor is anyone saying Sly should be anywhere near Lee Canalito's height whether he's 5'7", 5'8", 5'9" or 5'10". In fact, I've posted that same shot of his Over the Top boots to show how big they are. There's probably nobody active on this page who posts more photos of Sly's footwear than I do. But again, these things don't tell us whether Sly is 5'7" or 5'9" and it seems you're conflating them at times. You're right that he wore 2" heels for earlier scenes in Victory, but then he looked much taller than he should have in some of those scenes and pulled off 5'10"+ in some scenes in that film just as he does in most of his films. However, Sly appeared to wear normal soccer shoes later in the film for the match.
Bradley said on 4/Feb/19
The "some other factor" with Sly at 5' 8.5" is box work for publicity with T. Bieber and Vin boards are common with taller people. He's in custom wedged up boxing shoes in every film.
Pierre said on 4/Feb/19
In escape to victory i don't know what were his sneakers but he was wearing sometimes this shoes =
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 4/Feb/19
@Rising Sly and Burt were indeed on a "flight of stairs," that can't be disputed. What I unintentionally said was "stairs" rather than a stair or stairstep. If Burt was on a higher step, there would be an 8" increase, as per the hight of the step's riser. (I like how the word riser lends itself to your username, but I digress.) I don't think my 5'7" claim is a... flight of fancy, as it were. If I'm wrong about his height, then my apologies to Mr. Stallone, but as it stands, I really don't think I'm wrong, and there are countless others who share in this sentiment. It's fairly difficult to ascribe a determinative height to an individual who wore lifts for the greater part of his life, and continues to do so. Again, if I'm wrong... mea culpa.
Just a reminder of Sly in cowboy boots w/ a big heel in "Victory"...
Click Here
Sly with BIG heels in "Over the Top," God knows what size lift is hiding in there:
Click Here When a movie wants to make a man look taller, they find a way, that goes for scenes w/ Pele if need be.
Here's 6'5" Lee Canalito next to 5'10.5" Frank Stallone...
Click Here Canalito is TOWERING over him. I needn't remind you that Frank is TALLER than Sly. Frank likes to tell ppl that he's 6'1". Should I believe that, too? You'll forgive me if I don't. Here's Frank next to Sly...
Click Here
This is what Sly wants you to think...
Click Here LOL!
But the reality is this...
Click Here
Again, my aim was never to deceive ppl by saying Burt wasn't on stairs. As for Sly's height... we'll just have to agree to disagree, dude.
Here's one more pic of Sly looking short as usual w/ Canalito from the movie "Paradise Alley":
Click Here
Rising174cm said on 4/Feb/19
There's no great mystery regarding Mr. T and Sly. Mr. T was anywhere from 1.5" minimum to 2" max taller at their peaks with Mr. T 5'10.5"-5'11" and Sly 5'8.5"-5'9", imo. There will always be pics that are anomalies, especially when you can't see feet. For instance, here's a Rocky 3 behind the scenes pic where Sly looks taller than Mr. T:
Click Here In that case, it's probably Sly in big heels and perhaps some other factor. But in the pic with yellow and blue trunks, there's a pretty good chance Mr. T was standing on a small box considering how much higher T's waist and knees are compared to Sly's. I do know Sly lost weight for Rocky 3 in part to enhance the "David vs Goliath" imagery for the fight with Mr. T so it wouldn't be the least bit surprising to find out. At the very least, it seems Mr. T was made to look closer to Carl Weathers height at times than he really was. But some of this other stuff is getting silly. The "reality" pic with Lee Canalito shows Sly well over 5'7". Otherwise, his head would be right at or below Lee's chin. Same thing with the Klitschko brothers. Similarly, Sly is clearly TALLER in that pic with Pele. I don't know why Sotiris proclaimed the opposite. Hoping nobody would actually check the picture? Just as Sly was clearly taller throughout the entire film Victory/Escape to Victory. Typically by a couple of inches in the film. I'll post links to whatever scenes of them I can find online when I have a chance, but then I'm starting to wonder whether there's any point because I posted the scene on 16/Jan/19 clearly showing Sly and Burt on stairs(you can see them move up and down stairs several times) and incredibly, Sotiris is denying this. I'm not sure what this new photo is supposed to prove either with Burt closer to the camera and much of Sly
blocked off by the meat, which he may also be leaning on. Again, this is a clear, full shot of those two in that scene:
Click Here Sly also looks comfortably over 5'7" with Talia, but they're on the beach anyway and you'd be hard-pressed to find less solid ground for comparing than sand.
If you rest your case(with a bunch of pics showing Sly much taller than 5'7") then I'm sure a jury would unanimously find Sly much closer to 5'9" than 5'7" without even needing to break for lunch.
Pierre said on 3/Feb/19
@Sotiris = Waouw,there is something curious between your pic and Duhon's pic(pics with Mister T)!Are they the same shoes here...
Talia Shire 5"3'hum...My mother is a real 5"3' her legs seems to me longer than Tallia's legs by your pic.Here Talia and Julian Sands listed 5"11' peak(
Click Here pic from 2013 he was 55 years old Rob had 1/4 inch more heel ) =
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 3/Feb/19
@Duhon Don't forget about this...
Click Here (Maybe they had T standing on something the way they did Hogan and Lundgren.)
Sly (footwear advantage) and 5'3" Tali Shire...
Click Here
Fiction... (Sly and 6'6" Gerry Cooney in 1982)...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Click Here ,
Click Here (The other boxer is 6'5" Lee Canalito.)
Here's 6'5" Canalito w/ Sly in 1978...
Click Here
Compare w/ Hulk Hogan in 1991...
Click Here
Sly w/ the Klitschko bros(2011), Vitali at 6'6.5", Wladimir at 6'5.25....
Click Here
Here's why some may call Sly a "box-er"...
Click Here
And finally, Sly (in elevator shoes towering over w/ 5'7.5" Pele, alongside 6'2" Michale Caine(1980):
Click Here
Proof that Sly is around 5'7"... here he is w/o elevator shoes looking SHORTER than Pele, who was never more than 5'7.5" peak height...
Click Here I rest my case.
Also, that pic of Sly and 5'7.5" Burt Young I posted... Young was not standing on stairs, he would have towered over Stallone if that were the case. Here's another pic taken from behind:
Click Here
Does Sly look around 5'9" today...? Sure, it's called elevator shoes or lifts in shoes.
Duhon said on 1/Feb/19
Rocky 3 promotional with Mr. T
Click Here
Rising - 174 cm said on 29/Jan/19
@Pierre: I think Johnson probably WAS 5'9", but now maybe 5'8.5". Who knows? He might have really been a weak 5'9" and wore lifts. As I said, I'm not sure he was taller than Stallone seeing them together.
Pierre said on 27/Jan/19
@Rising=i ask me if Don Johnson is/was in 5"9' range = here next to James Corden(i know the angle isn't the best but)=
Click Here .And now James Corden and Liam Payne listed 5"9' =
Click Here Click Here
Parker said on 26/Jan/19
Rising - 174 cm
Btw, pretty good pic of Sly at the Bullet to the Head premiere in 2013 with 6'0" listed Sung Kang: Click Here I don't see more than 3" max, but I think this is an example of Sly's posture making him look like a solid 5'9" instead of a weak 5'9" even when he didn't have lifts
Must admit I'm always rather sceptical of height charts in films, but the one Sly showed at the start of that movie (Bullet to the head) looked very realistic vs what has been posted over the years. Looked 5'9, but couldn't see feet.
Canson said on 26/Jan/19
@Mickie: I agree. That’s the same type of estimate Rising gave as well. That’s kinda where I have him around maybe 1.5cm taller than Rob or weak 5’9”
Rising - 174 cm said on 25/Jan/19
@Pierre: I think you underestimate what cameras can do, especially with movie stills. An imperfect angle plus posture is the answer, imo. The premiere pic is by far the best I've seen of the two, though one pic is never enough to say with certainty. I'll have to see the film they were in, though any thing more on this probably belongs on Cage's page since Cage has never been pictured with Stallone or appeared in a film with him. I factored in Sly's hat with Burt too. The difference would be more than an inch if we counted the top of Sly's hat and Sly has loose posture himself there, but Burt is also closer to the camera. I also posted the two scenes showing the entire video of Sly in Converse with Burt in boots so the still is just one example. Sly is very clearly taller. Not a lot taller, but about an inch without considering footwear. If it were less, it'd be tough to tell. But it's possible the difference would be smaller with absolute equal posture because I think Burt could have been 5'8" peak while Sly himself was not taller than 5'9" flat so with a half inch footwear difference, a half inch height difference would make more sense if Burt were really 5'8". Otherwise, Burt would be 5'7.5" and Sly 5'9" as Rob lists them. Still, watching the scenes, I still don't see less than an inch without considering footwear.
Btw, pretty good pic of Sly at the Bullet to the Head premiere in 2013 with 6'0" listed Sung Kang:
Click Here I don't see more than 3" max, but I think this is an example of Sly's posture making him look like a solid 5'9" instead of a weak 5'9" even when he didn't have lifts. I also think this shows Sly had lost little to no height by this time at 66 years old.
Mickie said on 25/Jan/19
Peak height, 174 - 175 cm range.
Rising - 174 cm said on 25/Jan/19
@Canson: Yeah, I'd guess Don Johnson was pretty much bang on 5'9" at his peak, possibly 5'9.25" and Sly more 5'8.75"-5'9". Though DJ could look 5'9.5"-5'10" later on, he really didn't look over 5'9" flat on Miami Vice and occasionally looked under it. Had I not seen them together, I'd have guessed DJ a more solid 5'9" than Sly, but it's interesting that in 30 years, DJ never appeared taller than Sly even once, which makes me hesitate to say DJ was or is taller.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here Click Here Click Here
Mid 90's:
Click Here Click Here
Click Here
Click Here Click Here Both wore dress shoes that night:
Click Here Click Here
Also, I'd guess Edward James Olmos was more of a weak 5'9" peak as well and DJ didn't look taller than him either. I'd guess both Sly and DJ 5'8.5" nowadays, though.
Pierre said on 24/Jan/19
@Rising=imo the camera a little bit low can not explain only this very little bit difference between Tom and Nicolas at the top of their heads ,plus they're standing about the same distance to the camera in this pic (
Click Here ),a complete inch is the max i can see betwen us by all this pics.
In the second pic you posted on 20/Januar Sylvester wear a hat which give him an advantage and one more time Burt slouch a lot imo
Canson said on 23/Jan/19
@Rising: too bad there isn’t a good pic with Don Johnson at his peak or Wesley Snipes although his height is more debatable than Johnson’s. But to me Johnson looked 5’9” legit in his prime. But I think with what you provided that equates to weak 5’9” I’d say
Bradley said on 22/Jan/19
Where is Mamun? Where is Frank2. I miss 2006...well the G 5' 8" stuff I don't and Sly 5-10. Astronaut meetings and a Nathan's dog in the Volvo, good posts.
Rising - 174 cm said on 22/Jan/19
@burby: Fair enough. It's plausible since Dennehy was 6'2"-6'3" range back in the early 80's.
@Pierre: I agree, Burt's boots probably didn't add more than 1.2" so 0.5"-0.6" footwear advantage for Burt. I wasn't saying Burt had a 1" footwear advantage there, I was saying Sly is about an inch taller in the scene, but Burt's footwear advantage has to be added to the height difference so I'd think there's a 1.5" difference barefoot difference based on those scenes. I think that's a combination of posture and camera in those two movie stills of Sizemore and Cage. In the first one, Cage's posture looks clearly worse to me and then Sizemore is closer to the camera in the second, plus I believe the side angle is less reliable than the straight angle. Tom does have more casual posture in the premiere photo I posted, but as I said, Cage winds up looking near 2.5" taller so do you believe Sizemore is dropping 1.5" in posture at the premiere? I don't. Perhaps half an inch to an inch tops. So imo, Cage is/was about 6'0 and Sizemore was maybe 5'10.5" peak. If they were measured barefoot back in the 90's, I'd expect Cage to be anywhere from 1.5"-2" taller.
Also, if Sly's flip flops in the Rocky 3 scene are twice as thick as regular flip flops then that's still only about an inch or so. If Weathers' sneakers are a bit thinner than average then they were probably about 0.75" so a fraction advantage, but Sly with good posture didn't look much kore than 2" shorter with Weathers in loose posture so I'd still struggle to see more than 4" between them based on that scene. Imo, Sly looks a solid 5'9" in the Rocky 3 flip flop scene, but a weak 5'9" in the first Rocky training footage.
Pierre said on 21/Jan/19
@Rising= Converse give you around 0.6 inch and Burt's boots don't give you the same heel than Cow Boy boots.Cow boys boots give you 1.6/1.75 inches then Burt has something like 1.2 inches boots for me so clearly not 1 inch of advantage,more something like 0.6 inch ,no more imo.
Comparisons Nicolas Cage/tom Sizemore=for me only his poor posture can explain why Tom is looking as short next to Nicolas who is very very straight in your pic and even looks upward.When both are standing face to face in the pics i posted and standing in about the same posture i can not see even one complete inch
Click Here .In the same scene when Tom is standing a little bit back to the camera you can see how many he slouch =
Click Here =more than nicolas imo but the difference seems to me not very important between the top of their heads
Rising - 174 cm said on 20/Jan/19
@Pierre: Even without hair, Burton is at best Sly's height in that Rocky 4 photo:
Click Here Of course, Burton was taller in real life by probably about 2", but that's my point about the photo favoring left to right, aside from Burt being much closer to the camera in that one. As for the meat scene, Sly is definitely about an inch taller:
Click Here but Sly's Converse will give at least about an inch less than Burt's boots. Converse are 0.6" while Burt's boots will be at least an inch and very likely 1.1"-1.2" range. As for Sizemore and Cage, I have no doubt Cage was over an inch taller. Cage looks noticeably taller in that first pic, but they're both slouching a lot and outdoors so I don't think that one is good for comparing. In the 2nd and 3rd pics, the difference isn't more than 2 cm to an inch, but Sizemore has a camera advantage in the 2nd and Cage is hunched in the 3rd while Sizemore is upright. Sizemore then has a big camera advantage in the 4th, which was actually taken at the same event as the premiere picture I posted. Yes, Sizemore is slouching more, but look how much taller Cage winds up:
Click Here Cage can look near 2.5" taller there or certainly over 2". So is Sizemore dropping 1.5" more in posture? I don't think so.
@Sotiris: I don't know why you post pics like the Globes one since they actually destroy your own argument and support mine:
Click Here I started the line at the top of Carl's heel(which also shows his heels are at least as big as Sly's) and then count in pixels to the top of their heads. Carl comes in at 811 pixels tall while Sly is 767 pixels or 94.6% of Carl's height. if we give Carl the 6'0.5" you estimate him at, then Sly's height will be 94.6% of 6'0.5", which is 5'8.57". This is also how it looks since Sly is clearly above Carl's eyes so that's again a 4" difference. That picture perfectly illustrates what I've been arguing and pretty much rules out 5'7" range entirely, even today. Also, I'm not even sure Carl is only 6'0.5" today since Rob has just kept him listed 6'1" after meeting him 3 times so it seems Rob wouldn't go lower than 6'0.75", but I'll concede the 6'0.5" for now since it still puts Sly at a solid 5'8.5" in a full pic with similar footwear and posture.
burby said on 19/Jan/19
I don't want to give too much away. I have some contacts regarding that, I trust them because I know the importance of their last names (If you catch my drift). Their estimates on Sly were same as Mamun, 5'8".
Pierre said on 19/Jan/19
Click Here = but if you imagine sylvester without his big hairs in this famous pic imo Tony Burton always looks taller than him a little bit.Plus i think tony slouch a little bit on his right side in this pic because when you compare the shoulders of Sylvester /Tallia /Tony which are standing very close to each others this time Tony's right shoulder is looking the same height as Sylvester.And in reality when Tony is standing straight his shoulders are clearly a little bit higher than Sylvester's shoulders imo =
Click Here .
in the pics you posted Sylvester/Burt promo Rocky(2006)Burt is always in a poor posture and his shoes are looking slim compared to Sylvester's shoes plus maybe Burt with his weight lost more height than Sylvester by the years too
Burt Young in Rocky seems to me lots of time in poor posture.By this pics"behind the scènes"When young Burt and Sly both are slouching =
Click Here When Burt is standing straight =
Click Here apparently Burt wear a little bit more advantageous heels,but not a lot like he was wearing cowboy boots.
For Tom Sizemore/Nicolas Cage comparison i find them very similar by this pics i posted,with Nicolas probably one hair taller than Tom,and then would give me Nicolas max 5"11' and then John Travolta around this height too.In the pic you found imo Nicolas is standing very straight and Tom slouch a lot because in all the other pics the difference betwen them seems to me very slim like max 1 inch =
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here
I don't know for Brian Dennehy/Sylvester Rising(i have no dissert on that for the moment) i probably will search another day
Frankie68 said on 19/Jan/19
@sotiris —golden globes pic spot on bro & if u zoom in Sly’s shoes look very thick in the heel for dress shoes & sidenote : all these rocky 4 pics with Paulie were Sly looks basically the same height & ,Sly is in lifts & Paulie is lucky if he’s 5’8 & I mean lucky ! Rocky 1 pics by the meathouse paulie appears to be taller - 5’7 for Sly
Sotiris Gravas said on 18/Jan/19
All I know is that Tiny Sly should've played the diminutive and all-too-feisty Wolverine and Dolph... Colossus.
Rising - 174 cm said on 18/Jan/19
@Pierre: The difference did vary, but in those Rocky 4 pics, Burt is closer to the camera, quite a bit closer in the first, but Sly still looks taller, especially in the 2nd and those pictures are favored from left(Burt's side) from left to right, which you can see by looking at Tony Burton on the far right. Sly winds up looking taller than Tony Burton and Burt even looks at least as tall as Burton there. In reality, Burton was taller than both:
Click Here and Burton didn't measure up badly to Carl Weathers so he was not a short man at all. I just posted the meat scenes showing wide shots and posted stills, all of which show Sly was definitely about an inch taller in those scenes when equal distance from the camera and as you can see, Sly had Converse, which add at least 1 cm less than Burt's boots. I don't think there was a big difference between them, though. Not less than an inch, but not more than an inch and a half peak. I give Sly about 175 cm or a weak 5'9" peak and Burt about 172 cm or a weak 5'8" peak. But Burt has lost a lot more height than Sly. Here they are almost 5 years ago when Sly was 67 and Burt was 73, almost 74:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here The angle is a bit high, but that would usually minimize rather than enhance differences. Sly has lost about 1 cm, imo, but Burt has shrunk at least 4 cm. As for Cage and Travolta, I agree both were extremely close peak. Solid 6'0", imo. Travolta was probably the 6'0.25" Rob lists him and Cage could have been too, but he's a little trickier because he slouches, but he also wears big heels a fair amount so he could look shorter or taller than he is. You can see he wore 1.75" or 2" Cuban-type boots in Face Off:
Click Here As for Sizemore, I think solid 5'10" range peak as Rob lists him, maybe 5'10.5", but I don't think he was close to Cage's height. There's not a lot of good photos of them, but here's Cage looking a lot taller in this premiere photo:
Click Here
And I never heard about Dennehy standing in a ditch for First Blood. Is that confirmed? What's the source for that?
Bradley said on 18/Jan/19
Hey Pierre, he's in his custom wedged up boxing shoes. Null and void to validate height. At 5' 8.5" he needs help to look fight worthy against a 6' 1.5" bopper. The training footage of him in standards is laughter...sorta like that 5' 8" Oklahoma fella thinking he can do something in the NFL listed at 5-10.
Pierre said on 17/Jan/19
Sylvester Stallone /Burt Young =here i know the angle is not very good but sometimes the difference of height between them is not always looking the same to my eyes =
Click Here .Here better angle imo =
Click Here .Here =
Click Here Burt more distant to the camera and slouching a lot.In this scène =
Click Here the angle of the camera seems to me special ,the floor/the decor is looking inclined like the cameraman wanted to advantage Sylvester height and Burt slouch sometimes a lot imo
Bradley said on 17/Jan/19
Ditch Dug. Like Dig Dug with noise 5-8.5 5-8.5 5-8.5 as it rolls around. G looks like he doesn't need chicken in the photo inside the Springsteen issue of Esquire trying to get a Born In The USA album signed. Fonz: "Whoah!". Telly lollipop out with a smile. Sly is still holding out at 5-8 in '19, Carl hasn't lost much at all.
Rising - 174 cm said on 16/Jan/19
Go to 1:22:12 here and you'll see the scene that still with Burt Young was taken from and you can see they're on stairs:
Click Here I would have posted the scene earlier except I didn't have the time to find it online. You can see another wide shot of them at 1:22:55, but I can show that with a still to make it easier:
Click Here Again, that still looks like an inch difference despite Sly being at a Converse to boot disadvantage. I'm guessing Burt's boots aren't much more than an inch, but Converse add just 0.6". Also, regarding the training footage, it depends when you take the still. Weathers is leaning and Sly kind of moving around when he puts his hands up. Here Weathers is still leaning to rest his hand on the ropes, but Sly is stationary and the difference is more like 2.5", maybe 3":
Click Here Of course, Weathers is dropping at least an inch, but this just shows the difference between pics(stills) and video. I'm still not completely sure of where Sly was between 5'8.5"-5'9" back then, but there was never a 5", much less a 6" difference between Sly and Carl, especially since it's only 4" today and Rob doesn't think Carl has lost much height.
Rising - 174 cm said on 16/Jan/19
@Sotiris: Um, that recent photo shows just a 4" difference meaning Sly is still 5'8.5". Truly gigantic sandals would be these Cary Tagawa wore when Rob met him:
Click Here
burby said on 16/Jan/19
Brian Dennehy was standing in a ditch in First Blood for a reason, a 5'8.5" reason. Lemme pop the head outta the limo..."Hey Sal, the sesame chicken!" Sly is a weak 5'8" 2019. Who loves ya, bay-bee!!!!!
Bradley said on 16/Jan/19
Sly must be on a Bieber Board or Vin versus Rock board with Weathers in the USA head gear. 5' 8.5" versus 6-1.5 both in boxing footwear would be obvious in that shot but Sly got his way.
Sotiris Gravas said on 15/Jan/19
@THE REAL ANONYMOUS I'll answer that for you. The reason is Weathers (poor posture) has on sneaks with thin soles, whereas Tiny Sly has on flip-flops w/ THICK soles and GIGANTIC heels. Here's a close-up (Weathers is lifting up his left foot slightly)...
Click Here
Click Here vs. reality...
Click Here
Bradley said on 15/Jan/19
Gravas with a Telly lollipop out of the mouth smile kill shot with Burt. Catch Sly in the Chuck Taylors and he is dead on 5' 8.5" iced barefoot. Anthony Quinn Zorba dance after that one....lots of clapping and plate hits on the ground. Burby, chime in with a clap.
Rising - 174 cm said on 15/Jan/19
@Sotiris: If you watch the film, Burt Young was standing on a higher step in that scene outside Shamrock Meats before Rocky goes in to punch the meat. There's a wide shot at about 1 minute:
Click Here Sly has about half an inch less footwear with Converse compared to Burt's boots yet still looks an inch taller. Also, I think Burt may have been 5'8" back then. He was taller than Ralph Macchio in 1986:
Click Here He also wasn't that much shorter than 5'9.5" listed Jack Nicholson in Chinatown despite bad posture as usual:
Click Here and here's Burt with wore posture, further from the camera and less footwear looking no more than 3 cm shorter than 5'9" De Niro:
Click Here and he didn't look more than about 5" shorter than 6'1" Carl Weathers in Rocky 3:
Click Here If Burt corrected his posture back then, he might have been 5'8", but he was always shorter than Sly regardless.
Sotiris Gravas said on 14/Jan/19
Here's Tiny Sly w/ 5'7.5" peak height Burt Young (1976)...
Click Here Guess he forgot to wear his lifts that day... LOL.
Bradley said on 14/Jan/19
That's right Real A, 4-4.5" inches then the legendary doorway height in F-F's, a divion of G NYC Sandals Inc.
Rising - 174 cm said on 14/Jan/19
@Real Anonymous: Mostly posture, imo, but maybe the different angles used as well. Sly is standing pretty straight in the doorway just with his head down while Carl has loose posture and I'd say he's dropping at least an inch in the doorway in Rocky 3.
Pierre said on 14/Jan/19
@Rising = Comparisons Jennifer Flavin/John Travolta = Here John Travolta next to Nicolas Cage =
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here =very similar imo = and now Nicolas Cage and Tom Sizemore (
Click Here = pic with Rob listed 5"10.25') =
Click Here Click Here ,not a big difference apparently,which could explain why Sly is not looking a lot shorter than John Travolta in your pic.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 13/Jan/19
I have never seen that training clip of Sly and weathers!
There is for sure a 4-4.5 difference in height.If Weathers stood up straight the difference could be slightly greater.
Rising how is it possible Sly and Carl are closer in height in the door way where Sly is wearing flip flops...
Rising - 174 cm said on 13/Jan/19
@Pierre: I agree Sly and Jennifer looked very close in barefoot photos around 2013-2014, but I think she probably is or was 5'9", especially seeing how tall she looked with 6'0.25" John Travolta and 5'5.5" Kelly Preston is 1997:
Click Here She towered over Kelly recently as well:
Click Here I always thought Jennifer seemed more of a full 5'9" than someone like Katie Holmes. Imo, the shortest she could be is 5'8.5", but a flat 5'9" who rounded up to 5'9.5" in her modeling days makes sense. I'm kind of surprised she's never gotten a page here.
Rising - 174 cm said on 11/Jan/19
@Canson: That's certainly reasonable and can't be far wrong. I do think Sly is still my height and perhaps 1 cm taller than Rob. At least he looked it with Weathers:
Click Here Don't know if you've seen that comparison, but here's another full pic with both standing straight about the same distance from the camera with similar dress shoes:
Click Here I can see up to 4" there, but not more otherwise Sly wouldn't be above Carl's eyes. For the sake of this comparison, I'm assuming Carl is 6'0.5" now since that's what he looks in Rob's photo. This is why I have about 175 peak and 174 current, but we're so close I certainly wouldn't argue with your estimate. Much like I don't argue with Brad's 5'8.5" peak and 5'8" current. It's within my range anyway. No lower or higher than these figures, though, imo.
Pierre said on 11/Jan/19
Comparisons Sylvester/Jennifer Flavin = Sylvester looks around the same height as Jennifer like here
Click Here but i guess Jennifer shorter than 5"9' barefoot = here are the proportions of Lindsay Wagner listed 5"9' =
Click Here and here are the proportions of Jennifer=
Click Here .
Canson said on 10/Jan/19
@Rising: I agree peak. Current I could also see the listing Rob has. Actually a strong or solid 5’8” Today. But perhaps a hair over 5’8” as opposed to on the dot. Meaning 5’8-5’8.25. I don’t rule out a bit stronger of that tho 5’8.25- 3/8. I think he’s no less than Rob and we could possibly argue small fractions higher
Rising - 174 cm said on 10/Jan/19
@Rob: Yeah, unfortunately it wasn't very good. Certainly nowhere near as good as the first. The bar scene with Sly and Bautista was cool, but pretty forgettable other than that. There was a scene early in the film where they made Sly look taller than 176 cm Jesse Metcalfe, though I think they tilted the camera. Here's one posed photo of the two on set, though Sly is favored:
Click Here and a still, though this time Metcalfe is closer:
Click Here
Bradley said on 9/Jan/19
Any training shots are kill shots for anything over 5' 8.5" or G/Sly 5' 10" claims that are laughter.
Rising - 174 cm said on 8/Jan/19
Also, that training still shows basically the same thing:
Click Here That's 4", maybe 4.5" max since Carl is tilting his head down, but Sly is reaching his eyebrows and Carl had the taller hairstyle at the time. Definitely didn't look his 5'10" claim there, but not less than 174-175 cm. But Sotiris does do a great job digging up rare pics.
Rising - 174 cm said on 8/Jan/19
@Canson: Yeah, I agree with peak. Basically a weak 5'9", imo. The Olympic Torch video with Sly running in shorts and sneakers did make me think maybe he was the full 5'9" flat since he didn't look more than 4" max shorter than roughly 6'1" former L Mayor Jim Hahn(who claims 6'2" and Mr. R actually thought he was that in person). Now Sly looks like a 5'8.5" guy to me, though Rob's listing is also a good guess. I still have a very hard time seeing him shorter than Statham having seen them together in various footwear the last couple of years.
Also, I always wonder if a weak 5'9" (now no more than 5'8.5") guy is supposed to look anywhere near a once solid 6'1" (still 6'0.5" minimum) Carl Weathers. Nonetheless, Sly didn't look "tiny" in slippers with Weathers even considering Carl is dropping height:
Click Here You can see his entire feet so no kind of elevator slipper. Also, Dolph looks more like 6'6" there with Carl so it's likely that was a case of Dolph being made to look taller since we know he was more like 6'4" peak.
Bradley said on 8/Jan/19
Typical Sly press shot customs with Huang, NYC sandal footwear. Spano owning him is reality.

Editor Rob
In Escape Plan 2, I can't be totally sure as it wasn't a good movie, but Sly enters the Prison and is wearing footwear that looked different from the other cast...there was a full body shot of him. In the promo shot it looks like he actually has the prison footwear the other cast had though.
Canson said on 7/Jan/19
@Rising: yea with Nielsen that definitely helps! I’ll admit that I could give a guess for him but wouldn’t know whether he’s in lifts or not. That 174-175 range looks good for him tho. Maybe peak a weak 5’9” 5’8.5-.75 and today strong 5’8”
Rising - 174 cm said on 7/Jan/19
Here's a full still that's pretty representative of how Sly looked in Oscar with 6'0.5" Vincent Spano:
Click Here As in that pic, Sly appeared about 2" shorter in the film. He definitely wore lifts, but I don't believe for a second those shoes you see in the pic gave 3.5"-4". Perhaps more interesting is this recent pic with 5'10" Huang Xiaoming:
Click Here I remembered thinking Sly was shorter in some scenes in Escape Plan 2, but he appears taller in that pic.
K.A 188 said on 6/Jan/19
This guy is a magician! at times he looks up to 5ft11 ,at times 5f9 then back to 5ft11 again. It's hard to guess his height am sure it took Rob a lot of researches to guess is real height, LOL! !
Rising - 174 cm said on 5/Jan/19
@Canson: Yes, but Brigitte Nielsen solved the mystery for me. She was in the best position to know, I see no reason for her to lie at that point and her 5'9"-5'9.5" estimate for Eddie Murphy shows a pretty good eye for height, imo so I trust her. She did lie when they were married and said he was 5'10"-5'10.5" back then, but the lower figure of 174-175 cm she gave in 2000's decades after the divorce and apparently 5'9" at other times seems completely believable. It's sort of a middle ground that explains some of the taller and shorter figures. Brad Pitt is more of a mystery to me.
@James Keffer: I disagree. I think his advantage is less in some of the full photos, but still there to make his head almost as long as Hogan's. All things considered, I think he looked about 5'11" with Hogan give or take. Certainly no less than 5'10.5" to not be towered by Hogan even then, but I can't believe he was actually passing for over 6 feet.
James Keffer (185 cm) said on 4/Jan/19
@Rising I agree that Hogan was 6'3.5 when that photo was taken but Hogan wasn't more than 3" taller in those pics and it's not camera advantage.
@Robby Harris Mr.T is closer to the camera in that photo so him being taller than Sly there is questionable.
Click Here Click Here: Stallone with 175 cm MJ and 172 cm Sophia Loren. Now, in the second photo, Jackson and Loren have bad postures and in the first photo, MJ's posture is still bad so it's hard to tell how tall he is here but Loren has a better posture and looks .5" shorter than Stallone. Was Loren wearing heels in his photo?
Canson said on 4/Jan/19
@Rising: I will say that (in response to your post to Sotiris) that Stallone is one of the most difficult heights to determine here on this site. People who wear lifts make it like that lol
Rising - 174 cm said on 2/Jan/19
@Sotiris: Nah, he doesn't look as short as 5'7" or even 5'8" flat in any of those pics. Willis really never had more than about 2" on Sly and Arnie was still 6'1" in the 90's. The birthday photo has Sly considerably farther from the camera. His shoes were normal with Weathers at the Golden Globes and he looked just 4" shorter(slightly taller than Rob did with Weathers):
Click Here Click Here Very similar posture in both those shots and similar dress shoes and Sly still looks 5'8.5"-5'8.75" there. When he does wear his lifts, he can look 5'11":
Click Here Here's 67 year old Sly barefoot with his 5'9" wife:
Click Here Both have their heads down, but you can even see his legs are not nearly as short as many would think. Here's a full shot of Sly with 182 cm Arnie in 2010:
Click Here Speaking of Brigitte Nielsen, she's said herself that Sly was 5'9" or 174-175 cm. As she said "I would know, I was married to him." I certainly agree with that. Not 5'9.5"-5'10" or 5'7"-5'8".
Canson said on 2/Jan/19
@Rising: well said. He actually can look 6’1” range because of the posture but I Believe he’s 6’2” still
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Jan/19
@Jason crouch "Rocky" is my second favorite film of all time ("Superman: The Movie" being my #1 fave). That being said, I definitely noticed the heels he had on in the movie, which he obviously had on for a reason, given he was playing an enforcer type who needs to look intimidating. I think 5'6" is too low, but I do think he was as low as 5'7", and almost always wears elevator shoes/lifts. Though, he might not have been wearing them at the 2017 Golden Globes, here w/ now 6'0.5" Carl Weathers:
Click Here
Here's sly in obvious elevator shoes, looking TALLER than Arnie and Bruce Willis, LOL:
Click Here Here's sly looking like his 5'7" self, shorter than Willis and Arnie:
Click Here
Keep in mind that Arnie was never 6'2", or even close to that. Here's 6'1" peak height (6'2" in shoes) Jeff Bridges next to a barefoot Arnie from "Stay Hungry" (1976)...
Click Here
Here's Arnie w/ 6'0" peak height Brigitte Nielsen (1985)...
Click Here Arnie is closer to the camera and still looks shorter. Speaking of short... Here's Arnie looking more like Danny DeVito from "Twins" next to now 6'5" Rolf Moeller...
Click Here
burby said on 1/Jan/19
How was the Sly one managing to walk with the Mule and Debbie Downer? Must be those "sandals" at work again...
Rising - 174 cm said on 31/Dec/18
@Sotiris: Thanks and same to you. As for Mr. T, I think he had to be at least 5'10.5" in the 80's, but I think 5'11". I have Peppard at 6'0" back then since Hogan had cowboy boots when he was on the A-Team and didn't look taller with Peppard than he did with a supposedly 6'1" Richard Belzer when he didn't have cowboy boots. It's possible Maher was under 5'8", but then Mr. T(in Converse) looks more than just 3" taller in that scene so even a 5'7.5" Maher would put Mr. T closer to 5'11" than 5'10" at least in that scene. Btw, if Maher isn't even 5'8" then Mario Lopez REALLY needs a downgrade to at least the 5'8.5" I've always guessed him at rather than 5'9" because Mario was barely(an inch max) taller on video and Maher may have lost a fraction by then.
@Canson: I don't know, Rock was taller than Brandon Routh and held up quite well in sandals with Kane Hodder(in boots) and Arnold Vosloo, plus he was very close to Hogan in the early 2000's. He looked a solid 6'3" to me then. I'd say 190 cm peak is possible, but he pulled off taller. He looks 6'2" a lot nowadays, but has bad posture. His list of surgeries and injuries is enough for me to believe he shrunk, but it's sort of besides the point when it comes to Stallone. I don't believe Stallone could actually pull off just a few inches shorter as he looks in the photo whether Rock was a full 6'3" or just under. I understand Pierre's point on Seagal, but all I'm saying is I wouldn't personally downgrade others based on photos with Sly where feet aren't shown. Here's Sly looking every bit as tall as 6'1" Tom Arnold in 2007:
Click Here and here they are the year before with Sly looking not even an inch shorter:
Click Here But here's a full shot of them in 2014 with Sly in dress shoes and finally Arnold looks a few inches taller:
Click Here Maybe Tom shrunk to 6'0.5" by then too, but if you take those first two photos at face value, then there's no making sense of them. Of course even in another 2014 photo, the difference looks just 3", maybe 3.5" max rather than 4":
Click Here but as I said, maybe Arnold shrunk or is dropping some height.
Bradley said on 31/Dec/18
If this were '06 you'd hear the G: See, that lady prooves, er, proves he's at least 5' 10". Reality: he's in custom wedge with heel. With The Big O, The Rock is a stone 6-2. Prime, I'm sure 6' 3". Age and the pounding his body has taken, operations?, drops the inch.
Sotiris Gravas said on 30/Dec/18
@Rising Nice pics. You make a good argument, but I put George Peppard at 5'11.5" and Mr. T at 5'10":
Click Here ,
Click Here Also, I don't think Maher was really 5'8". Maybe I'm wrong... Who knows...?
Canson said on 30/Dec/18
@Rising: I actually don’t think Rock has shrunken that much to be honest. Maybe 1/2” or 2cm. I doubt he maintained a full 6’3” all day even earlier in his prime. I agree with Danimal and Viper when they said that. Maybe like 190cm or even 6’2.5 then but a solid 6’2” today is how he looks. Brad believes weak 6’2 today but he looks a full 6’2 still unless he wears lifts regularly
Jason crouch said on 30/Dec/18
I worked on his house and met him face to face, I am 5'10" and I was wearing work boots so I was at 6' even. He is 5'6" at best ,my wife is 5'7" and he was shorter than her and he was wearing Adidas flip flops. I watched Rocky after and focused on his shoes he is wearing 3-4" heels and who knows what was inside them. This was 20 years ago BTW

Editor Rob
I saw this post the other day
Click Here - a woman who said she's 5ft 1/2 and met Stallone 12 years and he looked between 5ft 10 and 6ft.
Rising - 174 cm said on 29/Dec/18
@James Keffer: Milo is listed 5'8.5" here and Hogan was never 6'6.5". Maybe 6'5.5". Hulk more recently said he went from 6'7" to 6'4.5". He says his mother measured him 6'7", which I suspect was in the cowboy boots he often wore in the 80's while the 6'4.5" was probably in more normal footwear. I can buy 6'3.5" for Hulk in his early 50's. Some of those photos are due to a camera advantage with Hulk.
@Robby Harris: Yeah, those pics with Morrison surprised me when I first saw them a few months ago. Morrison is still taller than Jay Leno and I have Leno currently around 5'10" so 5'10.5" is fair, but even so, that's one more reason I think Sly still holds on to about 5'8.5" to this day. Kravitz has always been known to wear heeled boots so that doesn't surprise me. I think that's more a camera advantage for Mr. T there since I think he had lost height by then and was in Converse. You can see him on stage with Hogan that night and he was still a lot shorter. But Vince McMahon was probably still at least 6'0.5" at 59 and Sly pulled off 1.5" max shorter:
Click Here but at Hogan's WWE HOF induction, I think Sly was a minimum 4" shorter in the video:
Click Here Maybe more, but when they greet Sly goes behind Hulk and farther from the camera so it's tough to say exactly, but I think you see the difference better on video. That Stunt Awards pic if a pretty good one, though. Sly only looks about 3.5" shorter there, but in that case, I think he's getting a camera advantage since his head shouldn't look as long as Hulk's so I'd think he's gaining about an inch, albeit much less than Mr. T is gaining over both of them. Here's Mr. T and Hulk on stage:
Click Here Click Here Here's Mr. T and Hulk in their primes with similar footwear:
Click Here Mr. T's height loss must have at least somewhat kept pace with Hulk's otherwise you'd expect him a lot closer to Hulk's height by 2005 since there was usually more like 6" between them. It was only 7"+ when Hulk had at least an inch footwear advantage and a camera advantage:
Click Here
@Pierre: The Rock has shrunk due to many injuries and surgeries and looked much taller in his early 30's than in his 40's. Nowadays, The Rock can look just 6'2"(imo due to posture), but probably isn't over the 6'2.5" Rob lists him. The reason Rock only looks about half an inch taller in the first pic is because the camera is on Obama's side and he's positioned closer. That's why Obama's head looks as long or slightly longer there even though his head isn't longer than average. Rob has estimated Obama has a 9.25"-9.5" head and closer to 10" for Rock. So in this case, the camera is probably adding half an inch to 2 cm to Obama. Here's a pretty much confirmed 6'2.5" Brandon Routh with Obama:
Click Here Brandon is favored by the camera, but there's no doubt he's noticeably taller. Now look at Brandon with The Rock in 2007:
Click Here
Bradley said on 29/Dec/18
Amazing photo of The Rock with Obama. So much for 6' 3", that's done. Weak 6-2.
Jtm said on 29/Dec/18
sticking with my suspicion that 5'7 now and peak is closer to his real height. lifts ,camera angles, military posture, and ground advantage make him look taller.
Robby Harris said on 28/Dec/18
@Rising: Yes, I meant to say Sly appeared to have a marginal edge on Gibson, though the last pic is tilted in his favour. But nonetheless, they appear to be around the same height in those photos. Perhaps a flat 5'9" would be the fairest estimate for both, though I'd still lean towards Sly being a weak 5'9", possibly more like 5'8.75" or 174.5 cm to 175 cm. Considering both wore cowboy boots there, it's safe to say they were both probably dead-on the same height.
Sly looked at least the same height as 174 cm Lenny Kravitz at the Hollywood Palladium in 2016:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Sly's footwear:
Click Here
Lenny's footwear:
Click Here
If anything Sly appeared to have a slight edge on Lenny, but they were very close in height there. Sly's shoes clearly look to be normal dress shoes, while Lenny has on boots with quite a solid heel.
Sly also didn't look more than about an inch or so shorter than 5'11" listed Matthew Morrison in 2016. I can't quite see there being 1.5" between them. Sly also wore shoes that looked normal and liftless, although I'd have pegged Matthew at no more than 5'10.5", given 5'11.5" Justin Timberlake had a good inch on him. Even if we were to go with a figure of 5'10" for Matthew, which I think is too low, that would still make Sly no less than a weak 5'9" in these photos:
Click Here Click Here
Click Here Click Here
@James Keffer: It's possible he had a small lift with Ali, because I think he really did pull off looking at least 5'10"-5'10.5" there. He also looked that range with Ali in 1977, in dress shoes, but it's obviously not impossible the heel of the boots he might have been wearing gave him enough advantage to look 5'10" range later.
As far as the Hogan pic, well, I'm not exactly sure on Hogan's exact height, and how much he'd really lost by 2005, but he claimed he went from 6'7" down to 6'4" due to knee, neck and back surgeries, and that photo was taken a couple months after he said that. Even if we go with 6'3" for around then, Sly indeed didn't look much under 6' with Hogan at that event. He certainly couldn't have appeared below 5'11.5" there anyway. Here's more pics of Sly with Hogan at the WWE Hall of Fame with Hogan in 2005:
Click Here Click Here
Click Here Click Here
Click Here
He looked a bit shorter than 5'10.5" listed Mr. T, but certainly nothing more than 4" shorter than Hogan at the Taurus World Stunt Awards in 2005:
Click Here
Rising - 174 cm said on 28/Dec/18
@Robby Harris: Sly looks to me like he edges Gibson in most of those pics, but some of those are due to clear advantage, but not the first you posted since Gibson's head still looks at least as big or even slightly bigger there. The second pic I posted of them is '93 is the one I see Gibson edging Sly, although just barely and part of that depends on how much extra hair each has. I think those are all the '93 London opening. The dates are mixed up on some of these old pics, but '93 would add because Planet Hollywood launched in late 1991 I believe. There's a few pics of Sly with Jennifer that show him in cowboy boots and there's short video of Mel entering on Getty where you can see he has cowboy boots as well. That's what both of them wore to most events around the early to mid 90's. Not as much after '94ish for Sly and '96ish for Gibson, iirc.
Rising - 174 cm said on 28/Dec/18
@Sotiris: Except Mr. T was taller than 5'10" in the early 80's. Here's Mr. T(in Converse) with 5'8" Bill Maher:
Click Here Notice Maher is noticeably shorter with Mr. T than Sly ever was. Mr. T with 6'2" Gene Hackman:
Click Here Hackman was wearing cowboy boots too:
Click Here Mr. T in cowboy boots with 6'1" Carl Weathers:
Click Here Click Here Mr. T with 6'4" Adam Baldwin:
Click Here and Mr. T was in Converse while Baldwin was in cowboy boots:
Click Here Sly has never looked 5'7". He was probably about 2" shorter than Mr. T at their peaks, but the 5'10.5" peak Rob lists Mr. T at is about the lowest he could have been, but really he looked the full 5'11" is almost every 80's comparison. Otherwise, Maher, Weathers, Baldwin and Hackman are all much shorter than thought. Same for Hulk Hogan.
@Pierre: I don't think we should lower others just because Sly looks taller than he should in photos where he can't see feet. Otherwise, how tall would that make The Rock in 2005?
Click Here Remember, The Rock was still taller than Brandon Routh in full pics a year after this. That combined with Clint's posture makes Clint look shorter and Sly look taller, but as I said, Clint in '93 was still taller than Freeman and more than an inch taller than Hackman. Here's Clint in 1995 with 6'1.5" listed Jim Carrey:
Click Here
James Keffer (185 cm) said on 28/Dec/18
@Robby Harris He looks closer to 5'10 with Ali because his posture is better as you mentioned. Either way, he's likely wearing boots there.
He looks about 1.5" taller than 5'8.75 Milo Ventimiglia:
Click Here Click Here
He looks really shockingly tall with Hulk Hogan who was 6'6.5 peak but lost 2-3 inches from surgeries:
Click Here
Now, I'm not sure if Hogan had all his surgeries by the time that photo was taken but either way, Sly is over 6'0 there which makes me wonder how he managed to pull off looking so tall there.
Sotiris Gravas said on 27/Dec/18
Pic I've never seen before: 5'10" Mr. T and Sly...
Click Here
From the movie...
Click Here
Nowadays: Sly w/ a footwear advantage over T... LOL...
Click Here
If T was 5'10", which he was, that puts Sly at around 5'7" peak height. Anytime he looks taller, it's w/ the help of elevator shoes and movie magic.
Pierre said on 27/Dec/18
@Rising= Here in 1995 =
Click Here Click Here = Clint 6"3' would give Sylvester at around 6"0.5'
Click Here = here always 1995 = next to Gerard Depardieu listed 5"10 3/4"=difference = something like 2 inches imo
Robby Harris said on 27/Dec/18
@Rising: Yes, I agree with Clint at 190 cm in 1993. Clearly taller than Freeman, and it seems more a 1/2" than 1/4". Clint's posture isn't as good as Freeman's in that pic either, so 6'2.5" is the absolute lowest for him around then, and even that's pushing it, given I think Freeman was nearer 6'2.5" himself back in the day. Sly was probably 1/4" shorter than Gibson and I think Gibson was a solid 5'9". Sly more like a weak 5'9", though I don't rule out 5'9" flat. They were both definitely in the same range.
I can't find any photos of Gibson's footwear at this particular event, but all I know is that he appeared to mildly edge Sly at Planet Hollywood in 1990:
Click Here Click Here Click Here
Sly's footwear that day (appears to be a possible boot, but I obviously can't see the back, so I can't be sure, unless there's a better pic of his shoes):
Click Here
Sly at Planet Hollywood, circa 1990, with 6'2.5" Mohammad Ali:
Click Here
His shoes look they could be a possible boot again, but it's unclear. Doesn't appear too clunky, but all I know is he looks no less than 5'10" there. Arguably more like 5'10.5", although his posture is better than Ali's.
Robby Harris said on 27/Dec/18
It's possible Eastwood was 6'2.5" at the time, but I doubt less. Weak 6'3" in '93 is reasonable. Still makes Sly no less than near 5'11" there, with the footwear advantage.
Rising - 174 cm said on 27/Dec/18
@Timson: Sly never looked 5'7" next to Travolta. Travolta was a solid 6 feet in his prime or 6'0.25" as listed here and Sly could look a good 3", maybe 3.5" shorter when he didn't have an obvious heel advantage, but I don't think ever 4", much less 5". Who knows about the Seagal pic, though. When Sly looks over 6' in a pic where we can't see feet, I just assume something is up there. Aside from the obvious lifts and a slight camera advantage, I suspect the rest is Sly standing perfectly and Seagal dropping more height than realized.
@Pierre: You can't tell height from a picture like that. Clint is standing behind Travolta and the angle is quite low. Not to get too off track, but Clint still edged 6'2.25" listed Morgan Freeman in 1993 even while further from the camera:
Click Here Clint was also still more than an inch taller than 6'2" Gene Hackman:
Click Here Hackman may have shrunk a bit himself by 63, but he'd still be over 6'1". Maybe not a full 6'3" anymore, but definitely around a weak 6'3" or 190 cm.
Bradley said on 26/Dec/18
Burbs with a great ripper. Yes, just another elbow nudge to Sly "I'm with you bud" for a gig. Monster wedged customs with Clint. Those bad boys might be Munster approved. At 5' 8.5" barefoot he'd be looking up huge with 6-3 Clint with tootsies on the floor. A 6 foot Travolta will eat up a 3.5" less Sly. Sly is 5-8 today, Rob height.
Frankie68 said on 26/Dec/18
Why would 5’8 Melinda Dillon say she is taller than Sly, why would Hulk Hogan say Sly is 5’6 -5’7 - why was Sly shorter than 5’8 Serena Williams in her flats why ? Why was Sly way shorter than Carl weathers at the golden globes - why ? I guess cause he’s taller than 5’8 — I dont need 10 paragraphs!
Rising - 174 cm said on 26/Dec/18
@Robby Harris: Good post. I never really looked much at the Eastwood comparison to be honest. I think Clint was 190 cm or 6'2.75" in 1993, though his posture could probably make him look 6'2" at times, but then he also looks to have a camera advantage with the possible exception of the last pic. In Gibson's case, I think I remember him wearing cowboy boots to that event, which he almost always did around that time and I think he was often putting lifts in them by '92-'93. It's what I call his Lethal Weapon 3 growth spurt. He really looked 5'9" max much of the 80's such as Tequila Sunrise when he was a good inch shorter than Kurt Russell and he was only looking 5'9.5"-5'10" with cowboy boots in the first 2 Lethal Weapons, but suddenly looked 5'10.5", pushing 5'11" at times by the 3rd LW. It's very difficult to imagine Sly looking an inch shorter than Kurt back when Tango and Cash was made. You can see them at the '93 PLanet Hollywood Opening in London where they both had black cowboy boots:
Click Here Click Here There's very little between them, but I tend to agree. Mel a flat 5'9" and Sly maybe 1/8" to 1/4" under. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they had both been 5'9" flat, though. Especially seeing Sly looking at least as tall at the Expendables 3 premiere @ Cannes. There's this other 2014 event as well, but I haven't been able to find shots of their footwear:
Click Here Click Here As for Gibson and Snipes, here's some good video footage of them promoting Expendables 3:
Click Here Watch from timestamp through around 4:10. Note, Mel was wearing 1.25"
New Balance sneakers and Snipes just 0.6" Converse. I'm not sure the height difference is much bigger than the footwear difference, if at all. All of these guys are really close in height and it's mostly the footwear, angles and posture that make them vary.
The Showest event is interesting because I think it's one of those events where Sly didn't have obvious lifts, but he also wasn't wearing shoes that looked so blatantly normal as his dress shoes in recent years. That was probably the case more often in the 90's. But even to this day it's pretty obvious when Sly wears his big footwear, imo:
Click Here Sly was looking 1.5"-2" at that event in full pics and video and Statham is going up on his toes and one foot. I just can't see Statham 1/2" taller even now. Imo, both are 5'8.5". Sometimes Statham can pull off 5'8.75"-5'9", but he was shorter than Robert Knepper. Actually, I think Sly would have been pretty much identical to Knepper.
Pierre said on 26/Dec/18
The story of dolph on a box maybe want to say =lifts in his boxing shoes?=that could explain why i see his shoes so big in the pic of Duhon(20 Dec 18).Because it's hard for me to imagine a box under his feet in the boxing scènes
Timson said on 26/Dec/18
Utterly impossible to gauge. In a picture with John Travolta he looks 5-7 seriously and then you see a picture with Seagal and he looks 3” shorter. Guys a morphing dude haha.
Pierre said on 26/Dec/18
@Robbie Harris=Clint 6"3' in 1993?=At around the same date (1994) next to bruce Willis and John Travolta =
Click Here .....6"3' in 1993 is questionable imo
burby said on 25/Dec/18
"He's 5'10" or around there" is a nice way of Dolph to ask for another Sly movie gig. Who woulda thought Dolph would be in two hit movies right now in 2018?
Robby Harris said on 25/Dec/18
@Rising: Frankie is probably
trolling or at least has a clear bias against Sly. If he were honest with his estimates, he'd at least acknowledge some of his previous errors. To say Sly appeared just 5'7" next to 5'10" Ted Cruz, despite his eye-level coming slightly ABOVE the bottom of his nose, and his footwear likely being low-heeled dress shoes and STILL maintain Sly was under 5'8" there and *probably* wearing lifts is not only unreasonable, but clearly demonstrates his obvious bias to make Sly as short as possible. I lost my patience in arguing with him a long time ago, as he never seems to consider objectivity.
Sly looked less than 4" shorter than Clint Eastwood back in 1993 at ShoWest. This was when Clint was arguably still close to 6'3". He likely lost a little height, but nothing major at that point. Sly doesn't appear anything under 5'11" at the minimum in these photos, with an obvious lift advantage:
Click Here Click Here
Click Here Click Here
Footwear (a bit unclear, but Sly's shoes surprisingly don't look too bulky from what can be seen):
Click Here
Sly also looked a bit taller than 5'9" listed Wesley Snipes that day, although the difference doesn't look as much as 2", which may be a result of camera position, but it's still quite unclear to some degree:
Click Here Click Here
Click Here Click Here
Click Here
But he looked shorter than 5'9.5" listed
Mel Gibson there, which is most inevitably attributed to lifts, considering Gibson shouldn't really be looking much taller, if much at all, than a 5'8.5"-5'9" Snipes. Gibson must have had a good pair of lifts, since he could look under 5'10", and more like 5'9" at times. He never really looked much taller than Sly at other events either. Maybe 1/4". In any case, Sly was definitely the weaker 5'9" out of the two, imo:
Click Here
Although these aren't full body shots, a supposed 5'7" peak (I'm looking at you, Frankie) Sly looking about the same height as 6' John Travolta at ShoWest in 1993 certainly indicates he appeared no less than a strong 5'11" range, possibly even 5'11.5". I've never seen him really looking a legitimate 6' range in a full body pic with elevator/lift shoes, which is why I'd be hesitant to fully conclude he genuinely appeared at least 6'. His shoes definitely appeared to be normal dress shoes, surprisingly! But if we assume he appeared nearer 5'11", 5'9" would make sense as he appeared around that next to Travolta back in the early 80s, presumably liftless. No 5'7"-5'8" guy can pull off looking 5'11" in the shoes Sly often wore back in the day. Guys in that range, certainly 5'7", would need STILETTO'S to be able to do that! Remain objective, guys! He was also about 4" shorter than a legit 6'0.5" Carl Weathers back in 2017, as pictures by Rising below show. Rob, a legit 5'8" guy, was more like 4.5" shorter than him in the photo displayed on his page. Sly's shoes were clearly normal, so it would be extremely unreasonable and silly to claim lifts were involved. Take ALL the photos, videos and films we've seen of Sly next to others (lifts and liftless) to arrive to a reasonable estimate. We know a 5'7" guy can't pull off looking anywhere near as tall as Sly did in the footwear he did, and considering we've never really seen him look below 174 in his prime, or 173 today - it makes sense to believe no lifts are involved in those instances, and with a moderate heel/wedge/bulk around his shoes, we can estimate how much they give, and more often than not, he appears around the estimated figure. Yes, Sly's height is enigmatic due to the lifts, but it's not exactly rocket science here. Anyway, I's some photos of Sly with Travolta in 1993 at ShoWest:
Click Here Click Here
Click Here Click Here
Click Here Click Here
Click Here
Sly and Travolta in 1983:
Click Here
Bradley said on 24/Dec/18
5-10 "or around there" is G '06 laughable stuff. Sorry Dolph, try 5' 8.5" plus wedged in customs with you bud.
Rising - 174 cm said on 24/Dec/18
@Frankie: I was actually responding to Pierre who was saying Dolph's shoes looked thicker to him since as I said a while back I see no point in discussing this with you further. But here's an interview from just last month
'Rocky IV is peak Rocky in terms of the character's training and physicality, and Stallone urged Lundgren to be as imposing as possible when it came Rocky's turn to face Drago.
"He wasn't against me getting bigger and stronger, and I would wear lifts in some of the scenes to make me even taller. I also stood on a box for a couple of shots, depending on where the camera was," says Lundgren.'
Click Here
"I'm 6-foot-6," he says.
And Stallone?
"He's 5-foot-10. I don't know exactly, but around there."
Not quite 5-foot-10?
"That's what you say. I didn't say it, did I? Whatever it is, there's a big difference between us. But still, to make the difference seem even greater, he had me stand on a box sometimes."
-- Dolph Lundgren, Bismark Tribune, 1986 (Rob quotes this at the top of Dolph's page, this was reprinted in numerous papers in 1985/86)
So there you have it, Dolph stood on a box or wore lifts depending on where the camera was. If you want to call Dolph a liar then that's your business. But while we're at it, Dolph is not the same height at 60+ with both hips replaced that he was in 1985. He's admitted this for years now. Here's what a prime Dolph looked like with 5'9" Charlie Sheen:
Click Here Even with Charlie's hat and Dolph's wide stance, there's still a 7"+ difference. Of course, Dolph playing a lifeguard might even be barefoot or in sandals. You want to see how a 5'6" man looks? Watch Dark Angel/I Come in Peace. Dolph's co-star is 5'6" Brian Benben and he's literally a full head shorter than Dolph:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Quite obviously, Stallone looks similar to Sheen and more than an just an inch taller than Benben compared to Dolph.
And while we're at it, Dolph WAS at least 6'4" in the 80's and 90's. Saying his current height as his peak height is wildly misleading. It's like saying Hulk Hogan was 6'3" in Rocky 3 because that's how tall he is now. Funny enough, we've all seen the photo of Hogan standing on a box in Rocky 3 so you'd think that would have been enough for you to do your homework before calling me a liar. But like I said, you believe what you want and if you don't reply to me or refer to me then I won't reply or refer to you.
Frankie68 said on 24/Dec/18
@Barry fl — in the pick I was commenting on there is no box & the height difference looks the same as the infamous toe to toe pic — plus Dolph head is looking down he would appear even taller if his head was straight that all im saying
Barry Fl said on 24/Dec/18
Frankie68 said on 20/Dec/18 "I love some of the folks in here who swear Dolph stood on a box to create the huge height difference in the movie — I dont see any box"
Dolph has stated this himself in numerous interviews - that in certain shots he was on a small box to look even more towering with Stallone.
RichardSpain said on 23/Dec/18
Stallone was not taller than 177cm and nowadays 174cm
Stallone an actor that his best movie was Rocky casually his first serious movie....
Frankie68 said on 23/Dec/18
Dolph Lungren never ever admitted to wearing lifts in his shoes or wore lifts in his shoes in Rocky 4 & I would like to see a video posted of him admitting that - I know the pic by Duhon clearly shows Sly is nowhere near 5’9 without lifts , being that Dolph truly is only 6’3 plus the fact that Dolph is clearly looking down at Sly & if his head where straight Sly would look even shorter so im waiting for a certain person to post favorable pics of Sly to redeem his image of Sly looking tall —
Rising - 174 cm said on 21/Dec/18
Both Sly and Dolph have actually admitted to wearing lifts for that film so it's anyone's guess who had the advantage there. And by recent, I meant the last 2-3 months. You can still notice it if you look, but sometimes it's not so immediately apparent.
Frankie68 said on 20/Dec/18
@Duhon , nice pic !! And Sly got lifts in his boxing shoes LOL !! I love some of the folks in here who swear Dolph stood on a box to create the huge height difference in the movie — I dont see any box - Furthermore - Dolph is only like 6’3 — not 6’5 as claimed or 6’6 by Sly’s words — Dolph is clearly shorter than 6’4 Florian in Creed 2 — so 6’3 is about right for Dolph — and as always 5’7 for Sly with those boxing shoes off !!!
Rising - 174 cm said on 20/Dec/18
@Barry Fl: I'm going to watch the film as soon as I get a chance, but yeah it's pretty conspicuous in the stills and trailer.
@Duhon: Sly looks a weak 5'9" at best there with 6'4" Dolph assuming Dolph isn't getting a camera advantage.
Pierre said on 20/Dec/18
Picture of Duhon on 20/Dec/2018=With the zoom i say to myself Dolph's shoes have something special or Dolph has a very strong foot...(in comparison with Sylvester shoes)
Pierre said on 20/Dec/18
When you search in web "Stallone barefoot 1979 "you find some old pictures of Sylvester in bathing suit in 1979.I doubt he was 5"9'at his peak
Barry Fl said on 20/Dec/18
Rising - 174 cm said on 17/Dec/18
"I think his hairline looks a little more subtle recently than a year or two ago maybe the way he's styling it now"
Ha ha.... Rising, take a look at 'Backtrace', which I think Sly filmed earlier this year. The hairline is crazier than ever in that one! It deserves its own billing in the credits.
Duhon said on 20/Dec/18
Behind the scenes with Dolph from Rocky 4
Click Here
Rising - 174 cm said on 17/Dec/18
Sly always seemed to have more of a long torso and long arms with relatively short legs, which is why I think lifts work so well for him, though his legs aren't nearly as short as I used to think. Btw, Sly looks to be in great shape in the recent pics of him in LA taking a break filming Rambo. Looks leaner than he's been in a while. I think his hairline looks a little more subtle recently than a year or two ago maybe the way he's styling it now.
Imamsocoollikereallycoool said on 15/Dec/18
Has some pretty thin and long legs. Especially for a 5-9 - 5-8 guy. He can still look 5-9 at times. I think 5-8 barefoot is a good listing
Bradley said on 14/Dec/18
I've stood by Amos at a convention...there's no question a 5 foot eight and a half Sly was in ramped customs with him.
Rising - 174 cm said on 14/Dec/18
Yeah, Sly is almost as tall as John Amos in that wide shot in the end. If Amos was 5'11.5" then Sly pulls off 5'11" with him, though I think he looked around the same height as 5'10"-5'10.5" Tom Sizemore. He doesn't give as tall of an impression in Victory and solid 6'3" Max von Sydow seemed to tower Sly(in 2" heels), but Sly surprisingly looked pretty close to 6'2" listed Michael Caine's height at times. Within a couple of inches or so at times, mostly earlier in the film and then 3" or 4" the rest of the film. I think it's more when they play the match and Sly isn't in heels any more that you can see more of the real difference. I'd say he looked about 5'10" in that film, maybe taller in most scenes next to Caine except towards the end, but he was also at his lightest on screen weight at 159 pounds. But it's not uncommon for Sly to wear lifts for virtually an entire film. Certainly he had them for all of Cobra.
tree said on 12/Dec/18
Rob u saw the movie Lock up?
Sly was not too far from 182cm John Amos height.
Click Here
Simply looking at him alone he gave a taller impresion than usually,he had some lifts in the whole movie.
How uncomfortable are lifts?

Editor Rob
Yeah, he pulled off near 5ft 10 in that film at times.
When you are earning a few million per film, I think lifts are but a minor inconvenience to some actors (like Downey Jr for instance). You can get used to them, but the high angle will increase risk of issues, like how women can suffer feet issues with years of high-heel wear.
Rising - 174 cm said on 11/Dec/18
Also, on the subject of 2014, this clip even had me wondering if Sly had lost anything by 2014:
Click Here Watch through about 1:32. There's some good footage of Sly and
Mel Gibson. I don't buy Mel being 5'9.5", but I do think he was the full 5'9" and may still be or very close to it at worst. Both appeared to wear dress shoes:
Click Here Click Here But here's an Expendables 3 era photo I'd never seen before:
Click Here Sly in dress shoes looking as tall as Banderas in big cowboy boots even further from the camera. Sly and Statham at the same event:
Click Here Sly had probably shrunk a very small amount by then, but it really wasn't noticeable yet.
Rising - 174 cm said on 11/Dec/18
@Robby Harris: Here's a shot of Sly's shoes with Tyson at the Boxing HOF:
Click Here You're right, they look like normal dress shoes. This makes sense because Sly looked taller than Tyson on the Rocky Balboa set when he had lifts in his boxing shoes. That was actually 2017 with Jackie Chan, but Sly did consistently look at least 2 cm taller. It was 2014 when he had at least an inch on Michael Douglas in dress shoes, though I don't think Douglas is taller than Chan these days. Sly can still look at least as tall as 5'9" listed Anthony Anderson:
Click Here Granted, I like to see more than just a side angle like that, but imagine Anderson without the camera advantage:
Click Here It's difficult to see Sly any shorter, imo since his eye level is higher, his chin is noticeably higher and his shoulders are higher. His shoes look like normal dress shoes to me:
Click Here and from the side angle:
Click Here Flat with no kind of bulge or angle. Maybe Anderson is a little below 5'9" himself or 5'8.5" and obviously, we agree on Sly currently being 5'8.5". And even considering shoes, it is tough to see Sly less than 5'9" with Ali as well. He probably did have some kind of lift because he looks too tall there for just that heel. Doesn't mean he was every mm of 5'9", but I think there's a bit better chance of it than I did a year ago.
Bradley said on 10/Dec/18
He's rockin' in custom lifts with The Champ. Heel and wedge. He was 5' 8.5" in 40+ years ago.
Robby Harris said on 10/Dec/18
He didn't look under 5'10" with 6'2.5" Muhammad Ali at the 1977 Oscars:
Click Here Still from video:
Click Here Footwear:
Click Here His shoes had quite a solid heel, and it's possible he has a small lift in there. 174.5 cm or a weak to solid 5'9" is as close as we'll get to his peak, imo.
Robby Harris said on 9/Dec/18
@Rising: Yes, I agree Sly is taller than Bandares and Statham, and I'd even lean towards Sly having a slight edge on Snipes, as the photos indicate. Sly still seemed to be close to his peak around that time, and in the last few years has been looking 5'8.5" a lot more than 5'9", which wasn't the case 5+ years ago. He's lucky to have maintained the range he has, as many men around his age would have lost close to an inch - which more often than not is more health-related than age-related, though one could argue both go hand in hand.
Sly certainly looked no shorter than 5'9" with Mike Tyson at the Boxing Hall of Fame Induction back in 2011:
Click Here Click Here Video:
Click Here from the beginning of the clip to 20 second mark and then from 11 min to end of clip. I remember Sly's shoes looking pretty flat and clearly liftless at that event, though I can't find pics of it anymore. He was obviously still at his peak height at that time.
I know he had a solid inch on Jackie Chan back in 2014, when Chan had fell to 172 cm or so from his 174 peak, making Sly no shorter than 174 cm bare minimum at the time in low-heeled, liftless shoes, and also had some considerable height on Chan, looking at least 5'11"-5'11.5" in lifts, arguably no less than the latter in this shot from 2001:
Click Here but I don't think I recall seeing a good gauge of their genuine height difference while both at their peak heights, or at least as far back as the 90's. My memory might be a bit off, as I haven't watched the films they starred in together in a long time.
Rising - 174 cm said on 4/Dec/18
@Robby Harris: I'm actually not even certain Banderas is liftless there either:
Click Here I'm not saying they can't be normal dress shoes, but I wouldn't rule out a small elevator. On the other hand, Sly being liftless isn't hard for me to believe considering this shot from that same year pretty much confirms he went without lifts at times:
Click Here I'm certain Sly was and probably still is taller than Banderas. This wide shot from the Expendables 3 makes it impossible for me to believe otherwise:
Click Here Same thing with this one from Assassins even considering posture:
Click Here Sly just looks physically bigger and taller. I do believe Banderas is more 5'8" flat, but I agree that Sly and Snipes were probably around 5'8.75" in 2014 or 5'8.5" minimum. I think both edged Statham who is looking more and more like just a 5'8.5" guy, especially since as I posted a few months back, Sly in big footwear looked a good 1.5" taller than Statham just a few months ago:
Click Here Click Here and you can see Statham is actually going on his toes on one foot. The difference didn't look any smaller on video either:
Click Here and that adds up with this 2017 video:
Click Here You can probably compare them for a few seconds around 13 seconds in when they're basically side by side before they get too far down the ramp and the angle gets too low, but you can compare them for a few seconds again around 45 seconds when they're off the ramp. And these photos show Sly was wearing dress shoes and Statham wearing boots:
Click Here Click Here Those 2 comparisons together make it difficult to believe Sly is shorter than Statham even today. No doubt the lifts make it tougher, but at least for me and probably you as well, when you see Sly enough with someone in different footwear, I think you can get an idea of whether he's at least as tall as them or not.
Robby Harris said on 3/Dec/18
Sly, Wesley Snipes, Antonio Bandares and
Jason Statham at the Expendables 3 premiere in 2014:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
They're all of similar height there. I'd estimate Snipes at 5'8.5" to maybe 5'9" max, ditto Statham. Bandares is listed here at 5'8.5" and Sly appears to edge him by at least a fraction, though its arguable Bandares is more 5'8" flat, which would still make Sly near 174 cm in comparison. Imo, he also has an edge on Snipes and Statham, both whom are most likely 5'8.5" guys, possibly a little over, with Snipes having a somewhat fair chance of 5'9". This would make Sly at LEAST 5'8.5", and possibly a 1/4" over that in '14. His shoes are clearly liftless here, and they appear to be normal low-heeled dress shoes. Its arguable Sly is the tallest out of all the guys, though they are all fairly close. Sly has never been 5'7". If you even assume he was, then you'd have to explain his ability to pull off a strong 5'11" with a good pair of lifts/elevator shoes back when he regularly wore bigger footwear. Remember, 5'7" + 4" over standard 1" shoes = 6'. Its ridiculous and impossible for Sly to have been that short, or under 5'8.5" to be able to pull off the height he did in the observable footwear we've seen him in over the years. His shoes should have looked like stilts and he should have walked like a clown had that been the case! Again, remain objective and leave personal bias out the way!
To retract to my last paragraph in my last post in regards to Frank2, I forgot to add that he claimed he first met Sly, who had apparently been wearing leather boots, looking 5'11" - or the same height as him (F2). Think about it. It doesn't add up with Sly looking 4" shorter (or 5" shorter than his shoe standing height) without extreme difficulty, plus his footwear would have looked absolutely ridiculous had that been the case. However, according to F2, if memory serves correct, his shoes happened to look like regular heeled leather boots, not stilts. As I already stated, you can't give Frank2 full credibility as some of his estimates/claims have been a little "shaky". Frank claiming he saw Michael Jackson at 5'8" and then 5'9" and later down to 5'7" based on just ONE meeting is a little odd, imo. Someone explain that one for me. Did his memory just bounce from time to time? Get to your senses, people! Sly was never under 5'8", and there's a good chance he's still 174 cm today. Easily a solid 175 cm peak, but no more than that. Perhaps 1/8" shy of the 5'9" mark peak. 173 cm minimum today, and that's pushing it.
Rising - 174 cm said on 3/Dec/18
@Robby Harris: Yeah, Serena can look a solid 5'9" or 176 cm to me, but in any case, Sly looks how I'd expect a 5'8.5" man to look with a solid 5'9" woman in flats:
Click Here Her shoes are only a 1/4" and she's not shorter than him considering posture, but Sly's shoes look flat with a small heel not even an inch, imo. So those shoes could be just 2 cm. Also, we can see Sly was noticeably taller at that event with this man:
Click Here than 5'7.5" Don Cheadle was:
Click Here and at the same event with Miguel Cotto(listed at 5'7" and 5'8" in his boxing career)
Click Here but Cotto is probably closer to 5'6.5", imo as 5'7" Mayweather edged him:
Click Here
I'm certain whatever height Sly is, he's taller than a guy like Cheadle or
Mark Wahlberg and we do at least have photos of Sly with the latter:
Click Here Click Here Lifts in golf shoes are possible, but Sly looks about the same with James Caan as he did in the video I posted on 11/Oct/18 when he had golf shoes and a broken foot, so imo, that's probably not the case there.
Robby Harris said on 29/Nov/18
Sly is still easily over 5'8" and likely closer to 5'8.5" or a little under. Closer to 5'9" peak. 5'7" is an absolute joke! No evidence to support that. Serena Williams is at least 5'9", if not a little over. Carl Weathers is at least 6'0.5" and had a good 4" on Sly making Sly 5'8.5" in early '17. To say he's anything below 5'8" even today is absurd! Rising has posted some great irrefutable pics that clearly indicate Sly stood taller than Rob did beside Weathers. 174 cm is the absolute lowest that can be argued for peak, imo. It's extremely difficult to see him below that if you see him next to guys like Harrison Ford, Mike Tyson or Arnold (lifts and liftless) + many others I won't bother mentioning. 5-8.5-5-9 peak. 5-8-5-8.5 current. Lol, Frankie68 - I'm pretty sure you WANT Sly to be 5'7" as you've managed to dismiss EVERY single photo that tears that claim to shreds! But I'll leave it at that.
As for anyone who wants to bring up Frank2's estimate as some sort of "proof" for Sly being 5'7", you must remember he claimed he saw Sly barefoot and estimated him about 4" shorter than his (F2's) 5'11" (6' in shoes). Frank had his shoes on while Sly walked past him in his stocking feet - making Sly more 5'8" with that premise - however, a half inch could easily be obscured simply from walking, posture-wise. His posture may have been fairly loose to begin with as he'd apparently just taken his shoes off since they were apparently hurting him! Plus, Frank2 wasn't always as reliable when it came to height anyways. He claimed Michael Jackson was 5'7"-5'9" (obviously not at the same time, but at different stages) based on ONE meeting. So why should we be so certain on his 5'7" citing of Sly - which his story has way too many holes in to begin with. Let's remain objective here!
Rising - 174 cm said on 28/Nov/18
His hair does look remarkably real, but if it is just a rug then I think it's a mistake to go with a hairline so conspicuously low since it makes it less believable. Still much better than what others do like Steven Seagal who seems to have drawn in his hair with a sharpie. @Michael: He lies for the same reason many men do, except he also has the Rocky/Rambo/action star image to maintain. I agree not more than 5'9" peak and possibly slightly under, but he hasn't shrunk that much. Jordan is listed 5'10.5" here(but also lies and claims 6 feet) and when shoes are comparable, he's about 2" taller than Sly:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here The one area I disagree on is height loss. I can't see a full inch loss for Sly yet let alone two. About 5'8.5" today. Not more, but not much less.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 28/Nov/18
I dont agree with you Brad regarding Slys hair transplant. Hair transplants give you an illusion of more hair.You only have so much donor hair. Thats a wig!
Frankie68 said on 27/Nov/18
@Michael 5’10 — I agree with you - there is also a pic from his new movie with 5’8 1/2 Lydia Hull who is clearly taller than him with his lifts on for the movie & how can we forget last years pic with Serena Williams clearly taller than him in her flattest of shoes & she’s 5’8 — also theres a video of Sly & Dolph interview for Creed 2 & there talking about how Sly discovered Dolph for Rocky 4 & Sly goes on to lie about Dolph’s height to make himself seem taller -stateing how they were looking for a guy 6’6 — Dolph isnt 6’6 & he is clearly shorter than 6’4 Florian Munteanu in the movie !! He definitely under 5’8 IMO plus with his famous 3-4 inche boots you can really change eye level of people who meet you and think your taller than you really are — but he dont fool me lol
Bradley said on 27/Nov/18
Transplants, really good ones. Wigs are easy to see, David Lee Roth 1986 is obvious. Gene Simmons for decades. 5' 8" is his 2018 height.
Michael, 5'10" 178 cm said on 26/Nov/18
Sylvester Stallone was never 5’10” or 5’11”. He was 5’9” tops for his peak height. Why does he insist on lying about his height? In Creed, he looked shorter than Michael B. Jordan who isn’t even that tall, I know that Stallone has shrunk, but he is definitely under 5’9” today, either 5’7” or 5’8” is my guess.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 26/Nov/18
Im pretty sure thats a wig Sly is wearing! There is way to much coverage there for a transplant.
Rising - 174 cm said on 26/Nov/18
@Jim hoppers: That's what we've all been wondering lol. I said transplant, but most others seemed to go with rug. They could be right, but I think he was wearing a toupee before that.
Jim hoppers said on 25/Nov/18
His peak no more than 5-9. Now 5-8 tops . His hair? Is it transplant or a wig?
Nik said on 24/Nov/18
@ Rob - Have you ever seen Sylvester Stallone in the flesh?

Editor Rob
Paying £300-£400 for a guaranteed photo would have been something I considered 10 years ago, but I couldn't justify it the last few times he was doing an event. I have seen friends who paid out big money for their photos with Sly and generally he looked 5ft 8.5-9 in them.
Rising - 174 cm said on 24/Nov/18
This is a pretty good shot of Sly and Jennifer from the recent premiere:
Click Here He looks maybe 2 cm shorter in some kind of thick sneakers/boots(which probably have a pretty big insole) than Jennifer in high heels. Here's a good shot of her heels:
Click Here I'd think those would have to be at least 3", possibly a bit over and I personally wouldn't guess Sly's shoes adding that much myself.
Nik said on 23/Nov/18
@ Rob - How long has he been 5'8.25"?

Editor Rob
Current height hasn't been on that mark for that long, he will probably lose 1/4 every few years.
ET said on 22/Nov/18
Wow, always thought the man was 6'4, just by watching Rambo alone, shocked when you check out full body pics and google searches.
Nik said on 21/Nov/18
@ Rob - Has he ever been given a higher listing than the current one?

Editor Rob
He's been sitting on that peak for a while, but above 9.25 I can't remember.
Rising - 174 cm said on 21/Nov/18
@Brad: Yes, 1/4" off, but in the other direction, imo. See my post on 12/Nov/18 of Sly and that "Glee" guy.
Frankie68 said on 21/Nov/18
I saw CREED 2 (which sucked) theres a scene at the end when he goes to see his son Milo Ventimiglia & Sly has his boots on (lol) they hug each other & there the same size —Milo maybe 5’9 — Sly in his boots being that size is certainly under 5’8 without them on !! 5’7 max
viper said on 20/Nov/18
Danimal, Shawne Merriman is listed 2 inches above his real height here.
Bradley said on 19/Nov/18
"Mountain of shoe" is reality at Creed Duece. The guy has issues with 5-8...not as bad as Vin at 5-10 wearing monsters 24/7/365. Sly's hair work is second to none. 1/4" off on the 5' 8" reality on Celebrity Heights.
Canson said on 18/Nov/18
@Danimal: you think he began losing height 40 years ago?
Rising - 174 cm said on 18/Nov/18
@Danimal: I know you're not biased against anyone so I hope you didn't interpret me as suggesting you were. We tend to disagree on height loss questions in general, which is our main disagreement on Sly and Arnold for that matter. Granted, I lean slightly higher on Sly's peak(more 5'8.75"-5'9") but 5'8.5" is entirely possible too. I just don't think he's lost more than half an inch. My point is just that if Sly really is just over 5'7" these days, he LOOKS more like 5'8.5" there as he measures up slightly better to Carl than Rob does. I don't THINK he had lifts at the Golden Globes, but imo, that's what has to be argued for Sly to be 5'7" range with Carl. But seriously, it's good to hear from you and see a familiar name whenever you do decide to post and I respect your opinion. Hope all is well with you.
Danimal 5'9 3/4" said on 18/Nov/18
Rising - 174 cm said on 7/Nov/18
@Danimal: I guess you're ignoring most of what gets posted here because I literally posted that same exact second photo you posted on 2/Nov/18, along with this comparison to tell us more objectively how tall Sly and Weathers looked at the Golden Globes: Click Here Did you even look at where the top of Sly's head reaches on Carl in the pictures you posted? Sly is comfortably 5'8.5" in those two full photos and still around that in the other. These are the three photos you just posted: Click Here I'm really confused at why you posted that first one in particular because Sly reaches Carl's eyebrows in it! If anything, he looks 5'9" reaching his eyebrows, but I'll say that's Carl's posture.
Rising, I assure you, I'm not ignoring your posts, or anyone's for that matter. I rarely come on to this site anymore. I only saw those pics of Sly and Weathers recently by chance and decided to post them on here. I think you know that I am not a biased contributor to this site. I've posted quite consistently for the last 14 years of my life and I always like to be proven wrong, but guys like Stallone, Arnold, Will Smith, Tom Cruise, Justin Bieber and several others on this site are listed as being at least 1" above their actual present day height. That's not because I'm a hater, or want to lower their heights. I've never been about that. I'm a huge fan of Stallone, Arnold, Tom Cruise and Will Smith. I just call it as I see it. I don't think Stallone was only 5'7" during his prime. He could have been as high as 5'8.5", but I don't see him much over the 5'7" mark today. Arnold was at least 6'1.5" in his younger years, but is at best 5'10.5" today. People do lose height and some a lot more than others (as you are well aware) and some actors wear lifts to act as if they are taller than they actually are (as you are well aware as well). Don't take my not having replied to you sooner as anything other than my having become a casual contributor in my old age (I just turned 41) ;-). This site is no longer a place I feel the need to post on every day of my life anymore. I've put in 14 years and I think I've earned my place in it's history. Take care old friend. Dan
Danimal 5'9 3/4" said on 18/Nov/18
Parker said on 7/Nov/18
Looks 5'8.5 to me with Weathers. Fantastic hair piece as well.
That's how tall you WANT him to be, so he will look that height to your eyes. That's not how tall he actually is though. In fact, that was at best his PEAK height 40 years ago.
Frankie68 said on 16/Nov/18
The Creed 2 premiere proves he wears lifts & proves he stands on a mountain of shoe to still be clearly shorter than Michael B Jordan was isnt tall at all — I’ll give Michael B Jordan 5’10 max
Bradley said on 16/Nov/18
Big lifts at Creed II....Jennifer in heels with a 5' 8"er. He's rockin' in the big ones.
Rising - 174 cm said on 16/Nov/18
@Pierre: Fair enough. That's your belief and what you base it on. I wouldn't call that evidence of lifts myself, but if you're convinced of that, we can agree to disagree.
Rising - 174 cm said on 15/Nov/18
Not the best angle, but video of Sly at the Creed premiere yesterday:
Click Here Sly is at the very beginning of the video for the first 40 seconds. You can tell he's wearing some sort of thick footwear or lifts again because he's measuring up better to Jordan than he did at the first Creed events 2-3 years ago and better to Jennifer than he normally would when she's in high heels. He still had dress shoes at that film festival in Egypt about a month ago so he probably wanted some of that height back for his big premiere. This will likely be the case when Rambo 5 premieres as well.
Pierre said on 15/Nov/18
@Rising=you write="maybe not conclusive proof,but usually some evidence is presented before considering someone wear lifts".
This is what i guess(i have explain why i guess this in my comment on 12 /Nov =Carl next to Rob)
Junis said on 15/Nov/18
Hey folks, I'm from Germany
What does peak height mean?

Editor Rob
The height someone was in their 20's or 30's, before they start to shrink.
Rising - 174 cm said on 14/Nov/18
@Pierre: Maybe not conclusive proof, but usually some evidence is presented before considering someone wears lifts. Many do wear lifts, but the vast majority do not. Usually a lift wearer's height will vary more than most. Carl's head looks noticeably shorter than the 5'10" man in that pic while the 5'10" man's head doesn't look much different than Biehn. In reality, I don't believe Carl's head is much, if any shorter than Biehn, that's why I mention the camera. I don't think the camera difference is any less than a posture difference, which I'm not even sure about because the 5'10" man may be doing what you mention with his neck, but Carl is leaning. The point is Carl is noticeably taller and much more than Michael Biehn is with the same man.
Pierre said on 14/Nov/18
@Rising=It will be very hard for me to give you an absolute proof his shoes have sometimes an internal heel,i'm not going to ask him to remove his shoes :).The fact he's always looking around the same height next to Philip Winchester is not a proof he never wear lifts too.The 5"10' guy is not a lot closer to the camera than Carl and the camera is standing as high as their heads with about zero angle then there is not a real advantage for him imo.Carl only tilts a little bit on his right side,his left eye is always approximately as high as in a classic posture.
Rising - 174 cm said on 13/Nov/18
@Pierre: Carl is leaning with the 5'10" guy as well and may be slightly farther from the camera judging by how their heads look. I don't believe Carl wears lifts if that's what you mean since I've never seen any evidence of it. If that had been the case, I don't think he'd have looked about the same height each of the 3 times Rob saw him. You can see his shoes in many photos with 6'1" listed Philip Winchester:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Those two remain pretty consistently close with one or the other looking slightly taller depending on the photo, but they same the exact same height to me. If Carl wore lifts, I'd expect to see more variation.
Pierre said on 13/Nov/18
@Rising=The 5"10' guy break his posture next to Carl=he break his neck and his back.I talk about internal heels not external heel,then you can not really see them
Rising - 174 cm said on 12/Nov/18
@Pierre: Rob said it wasn't a case of footwear difference or big heels and said that height can be gained or lost in photos with Mike Tyson the opposite example as he looks taller in the photo than in person. That seemed to be what he implied since he posted another photo of Carl at that same event with a man he says is 5'10" in person and said this is closer to how Carl looked that day:
Click Here Don't know if that will work so here's a different link to try:
Click Here You can see how that man looks with Michael Biehn and then with Carl. Considering Rob was there when the photo was taken I have no problem taking his word for it. Especially since I haven't seen Carl wear big heels since the 70's and 80's when they were in style. I don't know that Carl's posture was the same in 2010 and 2015 since we can see more of his body in the recent one. Either way, I think Rob would tell you the recent pic is better for showing Carl's height.
@Canson: I appreciate your support, but best to let this go at this point. It's a case where two people don't see eye to eye and as you know, sometimes not much will change that, especially online.
Nik said on 12/Nov/18
It would be great to see him pictured with Rob!
Canson said on 12/Nov/18
@Frankie68: fair enough
@Rising: agreed. The site itself was intended for this. I’ve seen you post for several other celebs so it’s just in keeping with the customary on this site
Pierre said on 12/Nov/18
@Rising=About Carl/Rob= The camera is about the same angle and they have about the same postures,and imo can not explain this difference.I can not explain to me otherwise than Carl wear sometimes advantageous shoes with a classic external heel.
Zach said on 12/Nov/18
5'8 1/4? Interesting...
Rising - 174 cm said on 12/Nov/18
I don't remember this being posted, but interesting recent comparison with Matthew Morrison(listed at 5'11" here) Full pics:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Short video:
Click Here Imo, Sly's dress shoes don't look any more suspicious than Leno's or Morrison's:
Click Here Granted, the average guess for Morrison is 5'10.55" and Rob said 5'10.5"-5'11" range is possible, but even if Morrison is just 5'10.5", I struggle to see Sly below 5'8.5".
Honestly, I didn't even know who Morrison was before I stumbled on these pics so I don't have a strong opinion on his height, but he did look slightly taller than 5'10.5" listed Jay Leno:
Click Here Personally, I think Leno is closer to a flat 5'10" now, maybe 1/4" over.
Frankie68 said on 11/Nov/18
@canson —- no you dont think so —— I do
Pierre said on 11/Nov/18
@Rising=Yes interesting interview
Rising - 174 cm said on 11/Nov/18
@Pierre: That's because Carl was slouching more in that earlier pic and maybe something to do with the camera position. I can't remember for sure, but I remember Rob posting photos of Carl that day with others including a 5'10" man. Certainly, Carl was no shorter in 2010 than he was in 2015. The pic loka used for the comparison is a good one because the camera seems a pretty good height and both were standing pretty straight at the moment. Here's another image taken from a good height I pulled off Google:
Click Here Unless Sly's head is barely over his [unnaturally low] hairline, I don't see him less than 5'8.5" there.
@Canson: I think many who wouldn't post on a site like this would find us regularly posting, discussing all things height(e.g., morning vs midday vs low etc.) and debating the heights kind of odd. But as Rob has said, it's a niche site and that will be the case with other niche sites.
Canson said on 11/Nov/18
@Frankie68: to be fair, I don’t think Rising has a “fascination” with anyone’s height. This is a height related site though
Pierre said on 10/Nov/18
Comparisons Sylvester /Carl Weathers=but in the first pic next to Rob Carl looks at least one inch shorter than in the second pic next to Rob both in about the same posture...
Click Here Click Here
Rising - 174 cm said on 10/Nov/18
@Pierre: Yes, he wears big shoes/boots in most films. He had heeled boots on at the beginning of Victory/Escape to Victory, which we can probably assume was for height since those heels wouldn't be typical for the 1940's when the film was set though not for the end scene during the actual match:
Click Here or the team photo:
Click Here when he wore shoes more typical of soccer. I don't think you can see where his foot is inside a boot from such a distance. Up close, the actual motorcycle boot looks like the same one Winkler has, imo:
Click Here I don't know how available insert lifts were in the early 70's when it was filmed. Lords of Flatbush had a low budget and problems funding(which delayed the release) so if Sly wanted lifts that early, he might have needed to go to a custom shoemaker if he had the money. Even with Rocky, Sly said they had almost no budget for wardrobe and that he already had the coat(from when he was 19) along with the boots and hat. It's the final question at the bottom of this interview about Rocky's wardrobe:
Click Here Btw, it's probably an interview any Sly fan would enjoy reading.
Rising - 174 cm said on 10/Nov/18
@Frankie: Did you take exception to me using the word fascination? Fine, I'll reword that. I don't see the big deal about the Rocky boots, at least not for them to be brought up this much. It's just one of many examples of Sly wearing big heels. That's all I'm saying. And it's old news Dolph stood on a box for some close ups. No idea what Melinda Dillon has to do with this either or if she's 5'8" since Rob hasn't given her a page to my knowledge. I'm not denying Sly has made himself taller for movies. I don't know how you want me to "ease up" since I'm just posting my opinion on topic and trying to support it. If there's a point I want to disagree with then I will, but when someone just posts their opinion as viper did, I didn't reply to him or tell him he's wrong. I don't think your characterization of me is accurate and I don't see how you want me to "ease up" other than by not posting here at all or agreeing with you. But if you really have such a problem with how I post, I'll tell you what. If you prefer, we can just ignore each other here. You don't reply to me and I won't reply to you. No hard feelings. You can have your say and I'll have mine and we can stick to the topic that way because frankly, I don't want to discuss myself here or have to defend myself personally. That takes the fun out of it for me.
@Brad: Your height isn't typical. You're in something like the 99.7 percentile. 6 foot is more than 2.5" above the average American male. That's as tall as 5'7" is short. It probably does seem funny to look down on the head of a man considered tall, but imo, 2.5" above the average qualifies as tall.
Pierre said on 10/Nov/18
I think Sylvester had sometimes advantageous shoes in movies=In "Escape to Victory" he had this shoes =
Click Here
In "the Lords of Flatbush",he wear Cowboy shoe like the others,but sometimes i ask me if he had an internal heel in this movie,because it seems to me his boots do not maintain very well his feet when he walk as here =
Click Here ,as his feet was very high in his boots
Bradley said on 9/Nov/18
Those Rocky 3 heel jobs are hilarious. I wonder what other stealth footwear he's worn through the years. Please post the heeled monsters.I was 6 foot in 1971, in the U.S. 6 foot is not "tall".
Frankie68 said on 9/Nov/18
@rising —-with all due respect -we don’t get your “fascination “ with Sly’s height — I remember b4 Editor Rob Downgraded him you would argue that height —now you argue this current height for SLY — there is a difference between arguing or having a discussion about his height as opposed to wanting people to only see your point of view or want you choose to believe — I got a point for you (i seen this pic very recently) A pic of Apollo & Drago in there toe to toe stare down & there both looking towards the camera 🎥 as its probably a promo pic & the size difference looks as much as when Drago went toe to toe with Rocky & rocky is 5 inches shorter than Carl now how is that possible — you know how —camera angles to favor Stallone as many actors have stated —- 5’8 Melinds Dillon said Sly didnt like being shorter than her on camera — requested that she be in flats in there scenes will he’s in elevators — cmon man !! Ease up — this isnt that important
Rising - 174 cm said on 8/Nov/18
@Hijo: That's not his boxing footwear. It's no more relevant to his boxing footwear than pointing out he wore flat Converse in most of the training scenes:
Click Here or slippers before the final Rocky 3 fight as I showed on 5/Nov/18. And the heels in the first Rocky were about as "massive" as a typical cowboy boot and not unusual for the time. For just one example, almost the entire cast of D.C. Cab wore heels at least that big including 6'4" Adam Baldwin. I don't get the fascination at all. He wore bigger in heels in Rocky 3:
Click Here @Brad: Calling a 6 footer tall is not laughable, it's factually correct in most parts of the world and Weathers is still taller than a flat 6' now, much less back in 2003 so I don't get that comment unless I misinterpreted something.
Bradley said on 8/Nov/18
The custom heeled boots he wore sitting on the steps in Rocky 1 might be the biggest add in any Rocky film. He was in custom wedged boxing shoes in the ring in every film, the training video is worth many laughs leaping off the canvas in regular boxing footwear. He's never been over 5' 8.5" in his life.
Frankie68 said on 8/Nov/18
@viper —-I couldn’t agree more !!!
Hijoputamos said on 8/Nov/18
@Frankie, I agree. Look at the high heel boots Sly wore in Rocky 1. Massive heels!
Rising - 174 cm said on 8/Nov/18
@Frankie68: He looks 5'8.5" next to Weathers as Parker said. He's above his eyes and slightly taller than Rob so no less than that. I said he looked 5'9" in that one pic because he was at least at his eye brows, but that was due to posture. I was just making a point. I really don't know what you're talking about with the boxing shoes, though. His boxing shoes in Rocky Balboa looked way different:
Click Here but then he was taller than Mike Tyson and measured up pretty well to 6'2.5" billed Antonio Tarver:
Click Here Those shoes are far different than the flat ones he wore in the first 3 films:
Click Here This is Sly in dress shoes with Tyson in 2011:
Click Here Considering, he's an inch shorter at most, it makes sense he could appear taller with his Rocky Balboa boxing shoes and these dress shoes look flat and completely normal:
Click Here Even if he somehow managed a sizable lift in there without the slightest angle or bulge then he's still over 5'8" with Tyson as he pulls off a solid 176 cm. I remember Rob thought those shoes looked normal as well. If Sly was somehow in 3" footwear there(which imo, is completely impossible) then that doesn't explain why he looks a good 5'11" at other times. 5" footwear? No chance. But at least we both seem to agree Sly hasn't lost much height.
@Parker: It looks like real hair to me. The only thing I'll say is his hair line draws attention to the fact that it's a piece or transplant so what he was wearing before was less noticeable. And agreed 100% on Sly. 0% chance he was just 5'7" flat peak or probably even now.
viper said on 7/Nov/18
He may look 5-8, but he's never been taller than 5-7 peak
Frankie68 said on 7/Nov/18
I respect everybody’s opinion cause it makes for good conversation BUT @rising - Sorry Sly does not look 5’9 next to weathers & sly has worn lifts in all the ROCKY movies & in all the boxing shoes he wore - it wasn’t just ROCKY 4 — actually it was more noticable in ROCKY 2 & 3 — &!in ROCKY BALBOA — ROCKY 1 not as much prob cause he wasn’t famous at that point in time - but from ROCKY 2 and on The big gassed up shoes came out !!
Rising - 174 cm said on 7/Nov/18
@Danimal: I guess you're ignoring most of what gets posted here because I literally posted that same exact second photo you posted on 2/Nov/18, along with this comparison to tell us more objectively how tall Sly and Weathers looked at the Golden Globes:
Click Here Did you even look at where the top of Sly's head reaches on Carl in the pictures you posted? Sly is comfortably 5'8.5" in those two full photos and still around that in the other. These are the three photos you just posted:
Click Here I'm really confused at why you posted that first one in particular because Sly reaches Carl's eyebrows in it! If anything, he looks 5'9" reaching his eyebrows, but I'll say that's Carl's posture.
Parker said on 7/Nov/18
Looks 5'8.5 to me with Weathers. Fantastic hair piece as well.
Danimal 5'9 3/4 said on 6/Nov/18
How are people ignoring Stallone being dwarfed next to Carl Weathers last year at the Golden Globes???? Rob, how could you ignore those pictures?
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
I don't think he looks less than 5ft 8 there.
Rising - 174 cm said on 6/Nov/18
@Jamz: Kurt is closer to 5'9" than 5'10" or 5'9.5" max. He can pass for 5'10" at times, but there's absolutely no way Kurt had close to 2" on Stallone or even a full inch in their primes. Look at them in this interview:
Click Here You can also see them standing around the 10 minute mark. Look at this wide shot in the film:
Click Here Actually, you wouldn't think Russell was taller at all from the Tango and Cash era, but in general, I don't see Sly over 5'9" and possibly as short as 5'8.5" while I doubt Kurt was under 5'9" and could have been a bit over so I'll say somehow Sly pulled off looking as much as 1.5"-2" taller at times due to footwear and posture. You can see Sly with at least 2", possibly 2.5" heels at the beginning of the film and I have no doubt he was wearing his lifts, but Kurt wore cowboy boots himself for the scenes outside of the prison and Kurt wore at least standard 1.75" cowboy heels, possibly 2" back then. On the subject of heels, Sly actually seemed to wear bigger heels in the 80's than the 70's. Other examples would be around Rhinestone and Staying Alive.
Jamz said on 6/Nov/18
5'8 Since Kurt Russell is nearly 5'10
Bradley said on 5/Nov/18
He wore wedged footwear in all the Rocky films. His Rambo boots were customs. Look at that heeled crap Mel was wearing, that's incredible, he's worse than Stallone. These guys all hate being under 6 feet and calling somebody "tall" at 6 feet is laughable.
Rising - 174 cm said on 5/Nov/18
I'm pretty sure Sly didn't wear lifts in the ring before Rocky 4 otherwise why remark about having to do it to fight Dolph? Weathers had a good 4" on Sly in reality, but that difference is manageable with camera angles. We can see Sly's feet so we know he didn't have lifts in this Rocky 3 scene:
Click Here Even considering Weathers must be dropping more than an inch posture, it's tough to see Sly much less than 5'9" there. If Sly had big lifts at the Oscars then it's even more impressive he didn't fall because he got pretty drunk that night. But if he really was 6'+ in boots w/ Ali then that would also suggest he's at least near 5'9" because those don't look like 3.5"-4" boots. I'd assume the 5" platforms comment was exaggerating for effect, but Sly did not have platforms in Rocky 5. Heels were a good 2", though and probably more inside:
Click Here Click Here Pretty similar to what
Mel Gibson wore in Lethal Weapon 3:
Click Here Click Here You can get around 3" with that design, but imo, Sly would need a platform, bulkier front or more room above the toe to get him closer to 4". If you want to see a design like I'm describing, watch when Burt Reynolds puts on his boots at the beginning of Hooper or this photoshoot:
Click Here Click Here I don't know if Burt did get near 4" for sure, but I can see the possibility for 3.5"-4" actual height with that design. These heels RDJ wore are perhaps even more likely:
Click Here Click Here Notice the platform on the front and at least 3" external heels.
Frankie68 said on 4/Nov/18
@peter181cm— Sly wore like 5 inch platforms in Rocky 5 - bad pic for a reference -sorry !
Bradley said on 4/Nov/18
Look at Sly with Ali. At 5' 8.5" and those monsters he's 6 foot easy, probably more.
Rising - 174 cm said on 4/Nov/18
@Peter: I agree on current height and that he wasn't short, but 175 cm is still not really short, much less for Sly's generation. If his ex-wife said he was 174-175 then he wasn't 176-177. You're posting a pic where he's dressed in black with 2" heeled boots so of course he'll look taller. Watch Paradise Alley, 5'9.5" Armand Assante was a bit taller than Sly. Or watch Capone, Ben Gazzara was "barely" 5'10" by his own admission and definitely had at least an inch on Sly. Sly also hasn't lost 3 cm. He's lost 1, MAYBE 2 cm tops.
@Brad: You're exaggerating:
Click Here His heels are not that big for the era. He could have big lifts inside the boots, but the external heels are like a cowboy heel. The elevator boots he was wearing around late '08 and early '09 were bigger:
Click Here Click Here
Bradley said on 3/Nov/18
At 5' 8.5" in the first Rocky he's in custom wedged boxing footwear. The training footage with Weathers is priceless. He looks like a small guy goin' "put em up, put em up" like The Riddler in 1966 with Batman dancing in the ring. Camera angle and big added he can look like a "contendah in da ring". Look at the heeled monsters he was wearing with Ali in '76. How did he even walk up the staircase?
Peter181cm said on 3/Nov/18
Peak: 176-177cm
Now: 173-174cm
When he was young he wasn't 175cm tall..
He look tall..
Look at this:
Click Here
Does he look here like 175cm tall guy?
Yeah, he's not tall guy, but short he wasn't!
Frankie68 said on 2/Nov/18
@robby harris - if you think Sly is 5’8 or taller that’s fine & your entitled to your opinion - - if you think 5’7 is such a joke but 5’8 isn’t that fine — a person that wears shoes as ridiculous as he has 5’7 makes sense to me & isnt far fetched at all , particularly when he looks very short at times — remember you cant make a tall person look short but you can make a short person look taller !!
Rising - 174 cm said on 2/Nov/18
@Frankie: Honestly, I don't see Sly anything under 5'8.5" with Wilder and Lewis:
Click Here and with Lewis, he looks pretty much as tall as he should(i.e., 8" shorter) in some pics:
Click Here but in other pics, he actually measures up taller than 5'8.5":
Click Here I'm glad you brought up the Golden Globes because that's one of the main reasons I give Sly 5'8.5" today instead of 5'8" flat or 5'8.25". He was about 4" or 4.5" shorter, but regardless of Weathers exact height, Sly looked a bit taller than Rob did with Carl:
Click Here Rob is 5'8 1/8" at worst so if Sly is a mere 3/8" taller, he's 5'8.5". That's part of what convinced me anyway. And his shoes don't really look different than Carl's shoes:
Click Here I think once you get over the shock of seeing Sly in normal shoes looking 5'8" range next to a man undoubtedly over 6' and judge the actual difference, he still generally looks 5'8.5". Remember, Sly use to make himself look like this for photos with tall men:
Click Here so seeing him 4" shorter is a shock itself, but I just don't buy lifts in this case because Sly's height was pretty consistent with Carl at the major events such as the Santa Barbara Film Festival:
Click Here and same thing at the Creed premiere:
Click Here Click Here Always right around 4". Here's Sly probably in lifts recently with Carl:
Click Here Notice how much better he measures up even with a camera disadvantage? I doubt we're going to agree on this one, but I give you credit for arguing your view and I think you're adding to the discussion by bringing up new comparisons.
@Robby: Obviously, I don't see the argument for a 5'7" Sly at all, but after seeing Frankie argue it this long, I'll take him at his word that he believes it. My reaction was initially like yours, but I don't think he's trying to
troll. To me, it's pretty clear at this point that Sly was 5'9" or 174-175 cm just as Brigitte Nielsen said and could look 5'11" or so with lifts and posture and now he's about a half inch shorter than peak so maybe pulls off strong 5'10" range with his brother and Statham. That's the only thing that I think makes sense with all the evidence, but I guess Frankie must be seeing something different than we are.
Frankie68 said on 2/Nov/18
One last point id like to make regarding the Golden Globes with Carl Weathers is —I remember tuning in for the show when I learned they were presenting an award & when they walked out I remember really noticing the height difference & my wife saying “ I Never knew Sly was so short” next to Apollo !!
Robby Harris said on 2/Nov/18
If he's 5'7" then he must have the best lifts imaginable. 174-175 is a reasonable range for a prime Sly, while 173-174 is where the evidence seems to point towards today. I may have come off a little harsh in my post, Frankie - and I apologise if I hit a nerve, but I assumed you weren't being genuine with your estimate, but I may have been mistaken. Sly actually looks a bit OVER 5'8" in the pic with Ted Cruz, and his knee also looks a little bent to me too, but to each their own. Btw, whenever Sly happens to look his 5'8" range today, his footwear always happens to look normal, so it's our best bet to assume he's probably wearing low-heeled dress shoes in the pic with Cruz. It's only when Sly happens to look taller than 5'9", like 5'10"-5'10.5" range or so does his footwear start looking questionable. Food for thought! Btw, I do respect every posters opinion on here, but I got the impression you were somewhat "trolling" or at least disingenuous to some degree, as you dismissed every single rational argument against the photos you've referenced in the last few years - but I definitely went a little over the top and exaggerated my expression of opposition in my last post, admittedly. The only way I'd take a 5'7" guess at least somewhat seriously is if someone posts a pic of Sly ACTUALLY legitimately looking that short next to someone. Not a 5'8"-5'8.5" range-looking Sly with no pics of footwear, and just assuming he's wearing lifts to fit the idea of a 5'7" Sly - without any real evidence to back it up.
viper said on 1/Nov/18
I think Sly is 5-7. Posters like Frank2 and Mamun saw him at that in person.
Rising - 174 cm said on 1/Nov/18
@Frankie: You're entitled to your opinion and good find, btw. It's a good pic for comparing other than feet not being visible. I obviously disagree in that I don't think it proves or even suggests a less than 5'8" Stallone since Sly looks only an inch shorter next to Cruz than Kimmel did in the side by side pic I posted and a good 2" taller than Shapiro did with Cruz You have a roughly 2" difference, but as I said, I don't think you can assume footwear because Cruz wears cowboy boots in many public appearances:
Click Here and Sly still often wears lifts, but appeared to have dress shoes the next day. I'll say that it doesn't disprove a 5'7" Stallone either because Sly COULD have lifts and Cruz could be without his cowboy boots and I'm not arguing Sly is currently 5'9". I have him 5'8.5" in 2018 and anywhere from 5'8"-5'8.5" fairly likely, imo.
Bradley said on 1/Nov/18
Looking a real weak 5' 8" with the Tedster.
burby said on 1/Nov/18
Sly better watch out standing so close to the Zodiac killer.
Canson said on 31/Oct/18
@Robby Harris: Stallone’s height is one of the hardest to pin down on this site due to the lifts that he wore
Frankie68 said on 31/Oct/18
Another point I’d like to make in reference to the pic with Ted Cruz ( again id like to than rising for) If Sly was 5’8 or 5’9 or even 5’8 1/2 - he wouldn’t look that short next to a 5’10 guy or that if one argues that Sly does look 5’8 next to Cruz & that Sly ISN’T wearing lifts - than if he looks 5’8 next to Cruz in normal shoes than he must be shorter than 5’8!flat —- you cant have it both ways —@robby harris —- again , im more inclined to believe Sly is closer to 5’7 than 5’10 anyday — and the pic with Cruz puts to bed 5’8 or 5’9 for the Very Sly Stallone 🥊🥊🥊
Rising - 174 cm said on 31/Oct/18
@Robby Harris: If he scraped 5'9" flat around noon and was more like 5'8.75" at his low then probably at least 5'9.5" out of bed in his prime, maybe 5'9.75". I'd guess he could have probably shrunk a whole inch when he was training hardest. The tons of espresso he drank training for Rocky 3 may have made him dehydrated at times, but good posture would help. Typically, adding about 3/4" to his low will get you close, but height loss varies.
Frankie68 said on 31/Oct/18
I respect everybody’s opinion so please respect mine - in the pic I mentioned with Ted Cruz (that rising was nice enough to post) there is 2+ inches in difference PLUS - what about Sly’s Footwear ? This pic also proves he is nowhere near 5’81/2 or 5’9 - Plus I’m sure Sly has nice thick shoes on 5’7 for me ! Agree or disagree IDC !!
Rising - 174 cm said on 30/Oct/18
Nvm, I found it:
Click Here That's not 3". More like 2" max. Remember, eye to bottom of nose is about 2" and Sly's eye level is slightly above the bottom of Ted's nose:
Click Here All things being equal, Rob's figures of 5'10" for Ted and 5'8.25" for Sly add up perfectly in that pic. For reference, this is what a roughly 5'7" man looks like with Cruz:
Click Here Ted with 5'11.25" listed Jimmy Kimmel:
Click Here Ted is known for wearing cowboy boots so we'd have to know what he and Sly were wearing in their pic. We all know Sly is fond of big footwear himself, but that was actually during his trip to Washington for Jack Johnson's posthumous pardon and considering Sly wore flat dress shoes with giant boxers like 6'6.5" Deontay Wilder and 6'4.75" Lennox Lewis to the actual White House:
Click Here We can't assume he wore big footwear to the restaurant the night before without seeing it. Incidentally, Sly is about a head shorter than Wilder and comes up to Lewis' mouth so he looks 5'8.5" with them at least.
Rising - 174 cm said on 30/Oct/18
@Frankie: I looked for it and couldn't find it. The way you post pictures is to copy the image address and post it to tinyurl and then copy the tinyurl address and paste it here.
Robby Harris said on 30/Oct/18
@Frankie68: You must be joking if you STILL think Sly was never over 5'7"! I can't find the pic your referring to, but there's more than enough sufficient evidence to support a solid 5'9" peak figure for Sly, and its already been demonstrated why 5'7" is absolutely ludicrous and impossible. Look at photos of him next to Mike Tyson, Ford Harrison, Bruce Willis,
Mel Gibson, Dwayne Johnson, Michael B Jordan, Arnold Schwarzenegger etc; perhaps have a look at my last few posts, or better yet, more suitably Rising's posts and tell me he's 5'7"!
You've been arguing Sly at 5'7" for YEARS now, but as I've said in the past, you never post evidence, and when you have, he's never looked that short. Certainly not when taking all factors into consideration. Rising has posted so much conclusive evidence on here for years over and over, and you somehow manage to dismiss it all. Btw, to post a pic - grab a URL link from a website or photo and get the link shortened by pasting it into and bam, you've got a new shortened link to simply post. I also find it funny you don't even think of 5'8" as being a possibility for Sly. Better chance of 5'10" than 5'7"!
@Rising: What do you reckon Sly's tallest out-of-bed height was? One thing I noticed about this site for years is how some people go by their morning heights, while others (such as Rob) go by their afternoon or even evening heights. It can obviously cause some confusion among certain individuals, despite Rob addressing it many times. Glenn abused that rule, and added at LEAST a 1/2 inch to his morning height, and that's being generous, considering Rob measured him at his low of just 5'6.5". Most shorter to average guys hardly lose an entire inch over the course of a day! Sly, imo, probably didn't drop below 5'8.75" at his low pre-height loss. Anything below 174 cm is irrational, especially considering how tall he looked beside Jimmy Kimmel not too long ago!
Robby Harris said on 30/Oct/18
@Frankie68: You must be joking if you STILL think Sly was never over 5'7"! I can't find the pic your referring to, but there's more than enough sufficient evidence to support a solid 5'9" peak figure for Sly, and its already been demonstrated why 5'7" is absolutely ludicrous and impossible. Look at photos of him next to Mike Tyson, Ford Harrison, Bruce Willis,
Mel Gibson, Dwayne Johnson, Michael B Jordan, etc; perhaps have a look at my last few posts, or better yet, more suitably Rising's posts and tell me he's 5'7"!
You've been arguing Sly at 5'7" for YEARS now, but as I've said in the past, you never post evidence, and when you have, he's never looked that short. Certainly not when taking all factors into consideration. Rising has posted so much conclusive evidence on here for years over and over, and you somehow manage to dismiss it all. Btw, to post a pic - grab a URL link from a website or photo and get the link shortened by pasting it into and bam, you've got a new shortened link to simply post. I also find it funny you don't even think of 5'8" as being a possibility for Sly. Better chance of 5'10" than 5'7"!
@Rising: What do you reckon Sly's tallest out-of-bed height was? One thing I noticed about this site for years is how some people go by their morning heights, while others (such as Rob) go by their afternoon or even evening heights. It can obviously cause some confusion among certain individuals, despite Rob addressing it many times. Glenn abused that rule, and added at LEAST a 1/2 inch to his morning height, and that's being generous, considering Rob measured him at his low of just 5'6.5". Most shorter to average guys hardly lose an entire inch over the course of a day! Sly, imo, probably didn't drop below 5'8.75" at his low pre-height loss. Anything below 174 cm is irrational, especially considering how tall he looked beside Jimmy Kimmel not too long ago!
Frankie68 said on 28/Oct/18
There is a picture of Sly (I dont know how to load pics here) with 5’10 Ted Cruz & Sly looks every bit of the 5’7 I claim he is .. The picture is called “knockout beto “ — Can someone please post it here - No way Sly is 5’8 - 5’9 — no way
Rising - 174 cm said on 24/Oct/18
@Hijo: Fair enough, but I think we're talking about different things. By experimenting, I just meant those were the days when guys were willing to experiment more with stacking, different combos, longer cycles, higher dosage etc. Sly had a wealth of knowledge available with Franco. Considering how accepted it was in the 80's with very little restrictions and that Sly often overtrained back then and went to diet extremes like starving himself to lose body fat, I'd be interested in what his regimen was. Partially because he got great results and I'd find this info very useful, but you rarely hear such details admitted.
Rising - 174 cm said on 23/Oct/18
@Real Annonymous: Yeah, I thought the street fight was cool and I do like a few other things such as Richard Gant as George Washington Duke and especially when Rocky finally hits him after the street fight. I did like the Burgess Meredith cameo and some of the Sly/Sage storyline, but Sly has said Rocky was supposed to die and the film didn't make sense once that didn't happen. I always thought Zane was the type of pro bodybuilder Sly was emulating more because of the much greater emphasis on proportions, aesthetics and staying very lean without too much bulk. I'm sure you're right that Franco offered a lot of expertise through his own trial and error since I never recall seeing Sly with gyno and after '81 Olympia, Franco would know how to avoid that, blockers etc. Seemed like Sly really knew what he was doing with such a transformation. A lot of action stars were training with bodybuilders back then like Dolph with Ferrigno and Ralf Moeller and Chuck Norris trained with Lou towards the late 80's. Some details of the next Rambo plot are available online. I think having Rambo back at his family's ranch in Arizona will be a great beginning. His friend's granddaughter is kidnapped and he winds up teaming up with a journalist uncovering a human/sex trafficking ring. Some casting has been announced, but I think some major characters still unknown. Like I said, I'm by no means certain it's a transplant, but his hair looks 100% real while he definitely looked to have a rug to me in the past. His hairline now gives me that impression as well, but he has the money for the best regardless of what he did. If it is a transplant, it's a really good one or if it is a rug it looks as real as any I've seen.
Btw, here's Sly earlier this year with the great (and roughly 5'6") Vasyl Lomachenko:
Click Here Click Here It's not a great comparison for obvious reasons such as Sly having a major advantage with at least 2" footwear to Lomachenko's loafers, but Sly also at a disadvantage dropping so much posture.
THE REAL ANNONYMOUS said on 22/Oct/18
Good points Rising!I wasn't a huge fan of Rocky V, I thought maybe that would have been a good time to have maybe done the final Rocky Movie, the final street fight was my favorite part actually.
Im pretty sure Franco gave him good advice in supplementation. The bodybuilders in the 80's were in razor shop condition. Zane, Samir, etc.. I think Sly followed that trend.
I wonder what the next Rambo will be about??
You could be right about the hair Transplant Rising...I just think there's to much coverage.
Rising - 174 cm said on 20/Oct/18
@Real Annonymous: Thanks, I enjoy your posts as well. I actually only started noticing that the last time I watched Rocky 5, but I can see what you mean compared to the 4th when he had added enough size to his upper body, but it's not so noticeable with a shirt on. I watch the 5th less than the others, though I still revisit it at times, especially as a fan of Tommy Morrison's fighting style and ability when young. Although nowhere near as heavy as actual heavyweights in most films, he looked like he had enough size when peaking during a shoot. I'm sure many casual fans would guess his weight considerably heavier even knowing he was no taller than 5'9". And yeah, as soon as I saw the last Rambo I thought that was the biggest I had ever seen him overall. More mass anyway, but not as lean. He says he was about 215 for the film in this interview:
Click Here Btw, short but good read. I tend to think of those Rocky and Rambo sequels as the best shape he was in and the evolution from the super lean look in Rocky 3 to adding the 10-15 pounds of muscle between Rambo 2 and 3 while remaining shredded is interesting. I can't help but wonder about the gear he was on in those days as well since those were still pretty experimental days. I also wonder about the type of stunts in this film. I actually thought 2016 to present had been a transplant, but maybe I'm wrong.
THE REAL ANNONYMOUS said on 17/Oct/18
Hey Rising, Sly was pretty big in the last Rambo. I didnt no he was in the 215 lb range?
He was pretty big in Rocky 5! I actually thought he was to big, as his upper body looked a little more cartoonish more like a bodybuilder
He was in amazing shape for Rambo 2 and 3. I would say he is a good responder, his forearms blow up when hes on the gas.
The hair system he is using is excellent. The coverage is to good for it to be a hair transplant!
Peek height 5'9.
I enjoy reading your posts Rising!
Rising - 174 cm said on 17/Oct/18
@Real Annonymous: Good hearing from you. I can't wait for the next and final Rambo myself. Yeah, I can still see him dropping below 5'9" in his prime at night, but I tend to think of him now as a 5'9" flat guy in his prime. Partially because he still looks 5'8.5" to me. And I've wondered that too because you may remember the pic from last year where Sly seemed pretty shredded still:
Click Here but when he did the weighted pull-up video earlier in the year, he had mentioned taking a year off from training, so I guessed that must have literally been just about a year between that pic and video. But he looked in good shape to me when I saw this pic from a few weeks ago:
Click Here I thought the last Rambo was great(best since First blood, imo even though the 2nd is a sentimental favorite for straight up action I can watch over and over) and Sly's uncharacteristic 213-215 pound frame did suit the dark film, but I know he said he'd never do that again and considering how the last Rambo ended, I could see him back more like the lean Rambo everyone remembers weighing around 178-180ish as he did in Rambo 3 or the Expendables more recently. His forearms were pretty massive for him in the 2008 film, but I know some reviewers noted at the time Rambo was no longer shirtless and I think that may be why Sly wanted to get in such good shape for the first Expendables. I'd also imagine he'd want to be in the absolute best shape he can still get in, even more than films like Creed and Grudge Match. And I think you're right about hair since you can see how he looked around '97 with Trump:
Click Here or Cannes:
Click Here But then there's some variation around Get Carter and Driven and his hair didn't seem thin after that. Probably around '99-'00. I think there was some thinning around Tango and Cash and Oscar in that late 80's/early 90's period. Sly was smart because he never let it get so far before wearing a piece. We may notice it only as big fans of his, but the general public didn't seem to.
THE REAL ANNONYMOUS said on 15/Oct/18
Hey Rising thats some great video footage of Sly!! Probably the best I have seen that that confirms for me that he was a legit 5'9. There are no lifts in those sneakers!!
Im really looking forward to seeing what kind of shape he is going to be in the next Rambo! Im thinking he is going to be in amazing shape as it will most likely be his last one.
In that footage with the olympic torch it looks like he started wearing a hair piece just before then as his hair was noticebly thinner in the mid to late 90's
Kyuss101 said on 15/Oct/18
Look people,hes impossible to guess!! I see pictures of him looking almost 6-0 then in other pictures almost 5-7! Sly is officially the hardest peron on this site to guess their height. Congrats Sly.
Rising - 174 cm said on 11/Oct/18
Video of Sly with former Los Angeles Mayor James Hahn back in 2004:
Click Here Sly wore thick sneakers, but it really doesn't look like he has any lifts:
Click Here I don't see any way to hide a significant lift running in low cut sneakers and shorts like that and he doesn't seem more than 3.5"-4" shorter, imo. Btw, Hahn claimed 6'2" himself and Mr. R did say he thought he was at least that tall in person. I'm not saying Hahn was that tall myself, but I wouldn't guess he was any less than 6'1" minimum. Here he is with Arnold in '02:
Click Here Again with Arnold in 2008:
Click Here and here's a couple of '03 photos:
Click Here Click Here Arnold was around 6'0" during this time, but the '02 photo was apparently 4 months before his hip replacement so it's possible he was a bit taller. Here's Hahn with 6'7"-6'7.5" Magic Johnson:
Click Here
Here's a short video from 2005 where you can see Sly has a broken foot and golf shoes making lifts unlikely:
Click Here I doubt James Caan was still 5'9.5" at the time, but he was probably 5'9". Sly is a bit closer to the camera in that video, so here's another with Caan closer to the camera:
Click Here Even though they're outdoors, I bet they'd have measured within a fraction of each other back then, if not the same height.
Bradley said on 9/Oct/18
With Dolly he's rockin' in 3"+ added. Big custom wedge inside like Rambo boots.
andre oliveira said on 7/Oct/18
I feel stallone as of today is around 171cm 172cm barefoot at night
Rising - 174 cm said on 7/Oct/18
Sorry about my last post. I didn't intend it to be that long. Funny enough, Sly measures up well to the other men in Rhinestone yet you'd think he was 5'7" if you thought the difference with Dolly Parton in closeups was the actual difference, but you can see it's much bigger in the wide shots even before considering Dolly's trademark wig and platform heels:
Click Here Click Here Sly had at least solid 2" heels on his cowboy boots and very possibly bigger, but consistently looked about eye to eye the same height as 6'0" Richard Farnsworth, but a bit shorter than 5'11" Tim Thomerson, who had cowboy boots himself while I'm not sure Farnsworth did and he could have lost height by 62-63.
@Brad: Solid 5'8" could be his height now, but he definitely looked 5'8.5" at the Golden Globes as he was taller than Rob with Weathers. And I actually thought Sly's boots got thicker with each Rambo film since he looked taller in each film, though there weren't really scenes to compare him to anyone else in the 4th film, but he didn't look over 5'10" to me in First Blood, yet looked at least 5'11" in Rambo 3. But Sly continued to wear lifts in most films even when he wasn't wearing them that much offscreen so I assumed he'd have a decent pair of boots in Rambo 5.
Bradley said on 5/Oct/18
He was falling over in the first Rambo with ski slope wedge inside. He wanted Rambo to be shooting at 6 feet up.