How tall is Sylvester Stallone - Page 29

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Average Guess (610 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 8.89in (175cm)
Current: 5ft 8.02in (172.8cm)
Ziggy said on 9/Feb/06
I am 5-7 in the daytime; Wearing 4" lifts, if can be 5-11, then Sly can be 5-11!
By the way, has anyone see one his later flicks, "Avenging Angelo", with Madeline Stowe? Here we go again, getting nowhere: She's listed at a height ranging from 5-6 1/2 to 5-8. At the final scene she and Sly are walking side by side; Sly looks a clear 2-3" taller than her (she was wearing 2" heels, I'd say). His footwear looked 100% normal, low heel dress shoes, and walks normal. Let's say she's the 5-6 1/2" and with heels, 5-8 1/2". Sly would HAVE to be wearing elevators to achieve this illusion. This one clearly has me stumped.

Here's another comparison, probably easier. In "Nighthawks", one of my all-time favorites, Billy Dee Williams is listed at 6-0; I know for a fact Sly was wearing his telltale big heel DiFabrizio boots for that flick and is not 1" taller than Williams. I think my and his old bootmaker, Pasquale DiFabrizio, got it right; his height 5-8.
Brett said on 9/Feb/06
If hes been made 4.5 inches taller for 16 years, he surely isnt 5'10" haha as that would have made him 6'2.5" = dream on. No duobt he is 5'7" and 5'11" in heels. It would explain Glenns pic.
Anonymous said on 8/Feb/06
nolifts81, i mean no disrespect to you or anyone in here. This is a great site, i just like to stir the pot to have some fun in here sometimes. I believe you are 5'10 and why you where lifts sometimes. I have dual Canadian/Italian citizenship, and i think it is great to have somebody from Italy posting in here. My family is from Calabria, near the Province of Catanzaro. Sly 5'8-5'9
Glenn said on 8/Feb/06
there is such a theory that he is 5-7, and with this photo Im trying to proove to you he can look 5-11.
Mr. R said on 8/Feb/06
The Frank-Sly pics are hilarious! For years, Frank always bragged about the fact that he was taller than his more famous boxing brother. There was even a show in the 90's when Frank, Patrick Swayze's brother, and other nonfamous brothers bragged about being taller than their famous siblings. Does anyone else remember this?
Zach said on 8/Feb/06
Rob/Glenn - which filmset was that pic taken with sly? If we can know that then maybe we can pinpoint what shoes he's wearing there.

nolifts/6' & 18/tgri - none of you have still been able to say how Sly - if 5'10 - is exactly the same height or even perhaps a little less than 5'8.5 DeNiro?

We all know he's the king of elevators and they can be used to explain some of the absurd heights he's reached by everyones admissions - but how do you explain his 'short' sightings? Does he crouch at times, maybe bends his knees a little?
6' & 18 said on 8/Feb/06
From looking at the large pic of Glenn and Sly, Sly doesn't look 5' 10", but actually 5' 11" in that pic. He's a comfortable 3 inches taller, there's a considerable difference in height between them.

I think you should give Stallone his 5' 10", especially as you saw his footwear and it didn't seem suspicious.
nolifts81 said on 8/Feb/06
Anonymous I am 5'10" and 180 pounds. I wear lifts because my girl is 5'10" too, and when he uses high heels I have to wear elevator shoes. You have not to be 5'7" or 5'8" for wear lifts. There are a lot of reasons for to wear elevator shoes or lifts.I know that I am in the average but my girl is as tall as me and I would not show to peoples that my girl is taller than me. That's all.I answer to you: I have the same body structure of Sly Stallone in his best times: (Rocky 4 ; Rambo 3 or the Specialist). I work very hard in the Gym.P.S. I not make wrong suppositions on you because I respect you and all people in general, so try to do the same with me.
tgri said on 8/Feb/06
rob , has he even been under or over 5'9 on here? ive been here nearly a year and have always seen him at 5'9.

Editor Rob
Anonymous said on 8/Feb/06
Nolifts, you are really 5'7 and that is why you wear lifts. Sly is 5'8 max. Which body structure do you share with Sly? Does it look like the body structure in the movies, Death Race 2000, Rocky 1,2,3,4,5,6,FirstBlood,Rambo1,2,3 how about copland.You both share the shortness structure. Rumour has it in hollywood that sly's taylor says that Sly has the longest pant leg length of any 5'8 client he has. When asked if he has ever measured Sly in barefeet,Tomasso Bruni exclaimed"Neva, i only measure heem witha thosa bigga shoes"
nolifts81 said on 8/Feb/06
Why he should be a liar? He claims to be 5'10" and often he appears to be 6'0"; 6'1", or a little more with his special shoes on. I think that a man who wears elevator shoes, like myself,and can appears, with these shoes on, 3 or 4 inches taller than he really is claims to be at least 2 inches taller than his real height. My real height is 5'10" but I often wear 3 inches elevator shoes, so when people ask me:- how tall are you? I say that I am 6'0" because with shoes on I am 6'1". Consider that the exterior heel of the shoe is 1 inch so I claim to be 6'0" and they believe me. I think, instead, that Stallone is honests. We all know that with his shoes on he can reach the 6'1" or in certain case a little more than that(see the pictures of the Hogan Hall of fame induction),so he could claim to be 6'0" but he tells the truth: I am 5'10" and weights 177 pounds, I'm pleased with my body now. I believe him, he is really 5'10". He has my same body structure.P.S.My nick is a joke cause I Often wear elevator shoes.
TheMan said on 8/Feb/06
It's just a joke he's shorter than MR T and he isnt even that tall so thats what im going to remember he just looks like a 5,8 5,9. WIthout the lifts he's struggling with 5,9. With the lifts he's 6,8.........
Tubbs said on 7/Feb/06
The pic of Sly with Frank still gets me! Slys' face just suggests a hint of smugness, as if to say " i'm taller than you Frank", how does he think he can get away with looking 6'0, and no one picking up on it. Just imagine what Frank was thinking, personally I reckon that Sly is around the 5'10 mark, but if I was to suddenly appear to tower over my brothers, who are both taller than me, I would never get away with it, or live it down.
tgri said on 7/Feb/06
ok , when people lie about their height they always say- IAM About or I Think . sly said * i'm 5'10 * i'm pleased with my body now. what iam getting out of that is that he like himself for what he sees . maybe? sly sounds like hes honest about him self , but who knows. rob, i most ask if you would be a legit 5'10 , would you wear lifts ?
6' and 18 said on 7/Feb/06
Another thing, nobody can wear 3" + lifts and get away with it in real life, that is. Sorry, it just doesn't happen. 2" is pushing it, certainly. I think 1" lift is the best and safest option. So Sly is 5' 10", I'm confident of it. Given how paranoid Glenn and the others are about height etc., the fact Glenn feels Sly was probably wearing normal shoes means he's 5' 10".

I remember when I was 5' 10" - I don't think Stallone was less than that, serious.
Ziggy said on 7/Feb/06
Anonymous - That's funny - but Sly's probably got the elevator shoe walk down pat, so I doubt I could give him any pointers. Actually, with all the foam padding and extra cushion built into the soles themselves, they're not too bad; at least not for the first 4-5 hours standing in them, then after that, the party's over as one of my friends-in-the-know says. Over the years, you do develop a tolerance for them. If women can wear 3-4 " heels and not have problems, then why not men using hidden "heels" (as long as they're not overweight)??
Zach said on 6/Feb/06
Sly must feel like a right idiot, knowing very well that his brother is taller than him but still insisting on putting his platforms on. Must have even made Frank cringe inside as to how self conscience Sly is about his height.
Anonymous said on 6/Feb/06
tgri,Sly is 5'8-5'9 max. Ziggy, when you get your shoes to make you a legit 4 inches taller, call Sly up as i am sure he could give you some pointers on how to walk in those things.
tgri said on 4/Feb/06
hey rob and all the users . check this out and tell me sly does not look well over the 6'0 mark. this is unreal.
Buster said on 4/Feb/06
I think if anyone was going to try and opt for 4" elevators you need to think long and hard before doing so. I imagine even custom ones take an unbelievable amount of time to master walking in. Then there's the chance your cover will be blown. Obviously, all your friends and family will notice if you suddenly grow 4" overnight. But even if you increase your shoe height gradually, what happens if you're ever in a situation where you have to remove your shoes, or need to run?
TheMan said on 4/Feb/06
Oh rocky is sopposed to be 5,11 said that in the game so im gathering thats the height he's sopposed to be in the movie. The Game said all their stats i think creed was 6,2.
Ziggy said on 4/Feb/06
nolifts81 - It is difficult to say if any of these assembly-line models can give you the same exact height they advertise. I'm not saying it's impossible, although. My guess is that the height they are touting is the measurement between the very bottom of the heel to the top of the insert which looks very possible based on the photos, but is clearly NOT going to give you that in actual height since the measurement they advertise is most likely in the rear and not at the axis point which is really where the true measurement of height is. I suggest emailing the company and asking them exactly WHERE they take that measurement. Let us know what you find out.

As for my footwear, everything is one-off, custom-made just for me, thus, they probably wouldn't fit anyone else comfortably. They were made from a last which is like an exact replica of the contours of both my own feet. If you're really serious about doing it right, as I always say, custom is THE only way to achieve near perfection. I consider it the "gold standard" of elevator footwear or footwear in general. I'm sure there are plenty of very talented cobblers in Italy that could make custom footwear. You need to ask around. It may take many interviews before finding the one who will go the distance with making the inserts as well as the boots. If you can't get anywhere with that, let me know and I'll think of something. I really wasn't prepared to go into production on these, but nothing's impossible given someone's time and expense.

Editor Rob
Ziggy, it is correct that for those companies I've checked, the measurement is taken from the rear of the shoe to the highest point in the elevated insole portion. Yet to see one state the measurement in relation to the axis point...
tgri said on 4/Feb/06
does anyone know how tall rocky is supose to be ? iam talking about rocky , not sly himself . iam guessing rocky is supose to be about 5'10 to 6'0 . the same with creed.
William Foe said on 3/Feb/06
I need to get 4 -5 inch lifts like Stallone's . Anyone know where I can get a Hollywood shoe ?
Zach said on 3/Feb/06
Danimal,the first pic there is of frank stallone, used to be 5'9 on this site but then became 5'10 as Rob decided sly had a growth spurt in his late 50's.

The second pic is of sugar ray and I quote Rob from the mike tyson page on this website: 'I remember that Sugar Ray Leonard got listed at 5ft 10 in the past and these days (ain't that old at 50 odd) he looks to be struggling with 5ft 7'

Editor Rob
both stallones had slight readjustments...As for sugar, maybe I underestimated a I removed that mention...although with chris o'donnell...]
nolifts81 said on 3/Feb/06
Ziggy have you ever looked at Bugarri you think that their model "Orca" make people taller of 10.00cm, 3.94 inches? Give me an advice. I should buy them? How many time I have to wait for buying your boots?
leonari said on 3/Feb/06
Guys the Stallone file should be closed. So far nobody has brought up evidence nor any seriuous indication that this guy is short. He is plain average and siince he is uite buff especially these days he looks smaller than a thin 5'10 person.
Danimal said on 3/Feb/06
Who is this actor and how tall is he?:

Check out this pic:

Sylvester Stallone and race car driver Patrick Carpentier:

and another one:

Stallone and Mr.T (Rocky III):

Stallone and 6'4" John Lithgow:

A CRAZY pic of Stallone, Hogan (Looking SHORTER than EVER) and Mr. T.:

Stallone and Mr. T:

Stallone and John Secada:

Mike said on 2/Feb/06
So buster n tgri how do u explain pics of Sly looking exactly the same height as DeNiro in the pic below?

N check out pics of Sly in his training gear (not the massive boots he wearz in every film -theres ur explanation 4 him looking 5'10 tgri) next to 5'6/7 Burt Young,almost exactly the same height.
tgri said on 2/Feb/06
i agree with buster and brigitte before hogan and his sister . he has never looked under 5'9 . ive tried so hard to see him at 5'7/5'8 , but just can see it .even rob said once that in his movies he does not look under 5'9/5'10. after looking at that barefoot pic - 5'9 min 5'10 max

Anonymous said on 2/Feb/06
Buster, Sly is 5'11.... in elevator shoes, military posture and hair.
tgri said on 2/Feb/06
well he is the same height as eddie murphy.
Anonymous said on 1/Feb/06
If you go to Bridgot Neilson site, there is a pic of her and Sly standing toghether. Sly has the shoes, hair and military posture on red alert, and it does not help because she is trying to crouch down and make him appear taller. Sly is max 5'8 in barefeet.
Height Tracker said on 31/Jan/06
Brigitte said herself that Sly is 5'9". That picture, though it is hard to judge anything from it, certainly does not disprove Brigitte's claim.
nolifts81 said on 31/Jan/06
Brigitte is 6'0" and Sly is max 2 inches shorter than her. So he is 5'10".
Anonymous said on 31/Jan/06
Hahaha yeah, he's standing in his toes...if she's 5'11 so he's 5'9
Ziggy said on 31/Jan/06
From this photo, we can make a fairly accurate measurement of Sly's real height - if only we knew what her true height is. Various sites on the net list her height at 6'1", but we all know he ain't no 5'11", so how can that be?

Editor Rob
hard to one of his feet on half-tip toes, she's slinking a bit...?
ss said on 30/Jan/06
NO...perhaps only one inch of difference !!
ss said on 30/Jan/06
here's a pic of sly barefoot next to brigit nielsen...

she's not very taller than him only 2 inch max !
Ziggy said on 27/Jan/06
nolifts81 - It's nice to get these comments on my boots after having worked painstakingly on this particular project with my current bootmaker for almost 3 years now. I am a perfectionist all the way. If anyone will tell you that, he will! There is still a bit of work to do on these since they are only prototypes and not yet ready for production. Now that I've exceeded the height goal and beat everyone else on that, I must further perfect them so that they meet the comfort test (as much as is possible for mega-elevated footwear) as well as appear totally normal-looking even when you cross your legs and see the upper body of the boot. The only marked difference between my boots and normal is the instep angle; it is very steep because your foot is up on its tip due to the inner "heel" which measures almost 5" from the bottom of the heel to the top of the insert. There is no way to hide this structural necessity.

Like I mentioned previously, I would very much like to find a way to market my designs and concept and believe it would be a worldwide market if I could find a way to do it cost effectively - at least for men under 5-9. If you've ever had a pair of shoes or boots custom-made or know anyone who has, you already know the issue at hand is that these boots are hand-made, unlike any other elevated footwear online, and, as such, one needs to have a last made from measurements of your foot, as is the case with any custom shoe or boot. Also, they are expensive because of the manual craftsmanship involved; not like Richlee or Shirline/Bertulli assembly-line crap. Just like with anything, you get whay you pay for.

I will speak with my cobbler on this further. I have mentioned it to him before and about opening up a shop (I reside in Las Vegas where a lot of the entertainment industry is - 2nd to Hollywood, and he is in Southern California). In any case, you or anyone else can email me if you wish to discuss this further at: Mille Grazie!

are time-consuming
Zach said on 27/Jan/06
Theres a thought - if someone like Ziggy can achieve discrete 4inch boots, how much can height concscious Sly (reportedly worth $800m) achieve?

And barring that obsure Hogan picture (who knows what the Hulks real height is these days) Sly has never looked 6'1 as some have claimed. Next to Denzel, Scwarzenegger, even Agassi - even with his mega shoes on he's always shorter. He has looked the same height/slightly shorter than DeNiro though. Explain that.

So thats...

Sly's sister: Laughs at Sly's claim of him being 5'10, says he's shorter than her 5'9.
Hulk Hogan: 'Sly's max 5'8'
Brigittel Nielson: '5'9, I should know, I was married to him'
Goldman: 67inches
and now Ziggy whom diFibrizio told Sly is 5'8.

All of whom of have known Stallone for years. Ofcourse they dont compare to some of the gettyimage experts on here.
nolifts81 said on 27/Jan/06
Ziggy great job.You have reached a height of 4 inches with your boot.The most important thing is that the stile is not compromised, they appeared stilish and the outside heels are not high.Congratulation!!! I hope that the market will be open for you. Are you thinking at opening a online store? If you do this you will be the only store that sell REAL 4" inches elevator shoes. The others sell 4"inches elevator shoes but is a bluff because when you wear them you are only no more than 3.25 tall.You are the only that can make stilish boots with an increase of 4"inches in height. I am from Italy and here elevator shoes don't exists but a lot of peoples want to be taller. I think that Italy could be a good market for you.I could help you for the italian market.Give me your e -mail I would like to buy a pair of your boots. Great job!
dmeyer said on 27/Jan/06
no shoes can add nore than 2" because evrybody wears 1" heel or 1.25" s o if you wear 2" heel inside a shoe who has already 1" hells on the outside
anonymous said on 27/Jan/06
in a book once, hulk hogan mentioned that it was funny that people saw his friend stallone as being a larger than life figure when "In real life he was only 5'8" and 150 pounds".
Ziggy said on 26/Jan/06
nolifts81 - you hit the nail on the head with the dynamics and physics involved with hidden lifts. I should know, having hired Stallone's bootmaker in the past and working with inserts and custom footwear for over 25 years now. I have, what I consider, to be the ultimate in elevator footwear in fit, finish, style, and most importantly height. Bottom line: 3.75" MAX without resorting to exterior thickening of the sole and higher heel which would make a men's dress boot look obvious. The only exception - cowboy boots, which is next on my production schedule.
William said on 26/Jan/06
Stallone wears 4 inch lifts in his boots and shoes. So a 5'7 or 5'6 man will look 5'10 -5'11 easily. He has a height complex .. his ex-wife and current wife are both tall so he can make up for those deficiencies.
I need to get me some of those boots so I can look like 6'3 .
nolifts81 said on 26/Jan/06
Anonymous you are saying a lot of stupid things. Sharon Stone is not 5'6" but 5'8" if not 5'8.5 as she says. In the shower scene Sly was more than 1 inches taller than Sharon Stone, I think 1.25. There isn't a UK webstore that sell shoes that adds 4.5 inches. There is a Uk webstore"Shirlina limited by Bertulli" that sell shoes that add height of 4 inches, but isn't the truth because I've bought last mount a pair from their webstore and when I wear them I'm taller of about 3.25 inches not 4 inches. This just because is impossible to be 4 inches taller with elevator or lifts,Ziggy please explain it again to anonymous.Only with platform you can be 4 inches taller(woman shoes).
Anonymous said on 26/Jan/06
lou the paper was the mirror news paper on the 25 may 2005 he stats 5ft 7 look it up.

Editor Rob
the quote is by Justine, the journalist:

"He is leaner and shorter than his movie persona suggests - and self-conscious about his 5ft 7ins height, for his shoes are artfully fitted with invisible stack heels"
Ziggy said on 26/Jan/06
Anonymous - is the UK store you're referring to Bertulli?
Anonymous said on 25/Jan/06
Hey Elio, the funniest thing i ever read was by tgri saying Sly looks 6'1-6'2 in his best elevator shoes. Gates will donate 2 million dollars.
Anonymous said on 25/Jan/06
sly wears a type of boot that is sold in UK webstore and adds 4.5 inches; I know the shoe. If you look at the movie with Sharon stone where they have a sex scene in the shower and are both barefoot, they are looking eye to eye. She is 5'6".
elio said on 24/Jan/06
LOL Anonymous, that's the funniest thing i've read in ages.
maddy said on 24/Jan/06

nobody didn't car about this info but it's simply the most reliable source of all this Page !

5ft 9'', a Fan Of Sly saw or heard an interview with Brigette Nielsen on Terry Wogan This Week. Wogan didn't believe her so she said ''well I should know I was married to him''
Anonymous said on 24/Jan/06
tgri, it looks like more people are saying he is in the 5'7-5-8 than those who say he is 5'10. Who knows, maybe they should have a charity event where Sly gets measured barefoot on national T.V.. Bill Gates could give cancer a million dollars for every half inch Sly is over 5'7.
Tubbs said on 24/Jan/06
Another picture where Sly is up in the 5'11/6'0" range, this time next to Ray Liotta,
dmeyer said on 23/Jan/06
in dtox he looks the same or slightly taller than 5'9 or 9.5 duton an 1 inch smaler than robert patrick so 5'9.5" or 10 looks right for sly i think stalonne is around 5'9 or 9.25 but alwais managed to look aleast 5'10 since he is in the 60s almost he might have been 5'10 when he was younger
Mike said on 23/Jan/06
Sly is between 5'8 n 5'9, in almost every film n public outing he's wearing elevators. All the rockys, tango n cash,demolition man,cobra,judge dredd, u name it and more likely than not he's wearing elevators

N tgri man u must be the most annoying person on this entire website. You've made ur same point again n again bout how u think Sly is tall n all a million times with no pics or anything. Just stop repeating urself and give everyone a break.y d'u think Rob ignores u most of the time? u think he's 5'10. fine. now shut up.
END OF STORY !!!! said on 22/Jan/06
5ft 9'', aFan Of Sly saw an interview with Brigette Nielsen on Terry Wogan This Week. Wogan didn't believe her so she said ''well I should know I was married to him''
Slugger said on 21/Jan/06
Have to say that sly looks to be 5.10 barefoot.There has been to much speculating about his height.With so called "elevator" shoes he looks to be over 6 foot tall.No way he is smaller than 5.10.
Glenn said on 20/Jan/06
yes,stallone can look tall.most people get to see him without his lifts.I catch him in lifts.
snap said on 20/Jan/06
he looks like hes about 5'10.5" - 5'11"
Height Detective said on 20/Jan/06
I think with this photo we can find his definitely and true height :
Sylvester Stallone being measured for the bronze sculpture portraying the movie role that made him famous, Rocky.
So go and find the statue and measure it , and volila ! his real height!
maddy said on 20/Jan/06
A Fan saw him in person
Danimal said on 20/Jan/06
His best elevator shoes gave him enough height to compete with Vince McMahon (6'1"-6'2") and Hulk Hogan (6'3"-6'4"). I don't think he is ONLY 5'11" in his BEST shoes. The man is clearly at least 6'1" with his best shoes. He was the same height as Denzel Washington (6'0"-6'1") 3" heels and 2" lifts and VOILA!!

Funny enough, without lifts, he is the same exact height as Robert Deniro, who is at tallest, just shy of 5'9" today.
Glenn said on 20/Jan/06
he got me good that day if he is 5-7,5-8.lifts.
Anonymous said on 19/Jan/06
Sly is 5'8 and wears 3" elevator shoes to fool people he is 5'11". His shoes are too chunky( 1.5" heel & 1.5" hidden lift - 3" total). There is a picture of Sly & his chunky elevator shoes with wife at the Lakers game.
SLy you are not fooling me b/c I met you and I am 5'11" and you are not!
dmeyer said on 19/Jan/06
it is incredible i have a friend that has workrd on rocky 6 as an extra and told that stallone stands no more than 5'7" my friend wouldnt lie because he is a big sly fan but steel i can see sly under 5'9 but many people that met him tell me he is 5'7 or 8
Anonymous said on 19/Jan/06
Amjed,i agree with you. Stallone is 5'10 max 5'11 in his elevator shoes. Rob, make us all happy and put Stallone at 5'10.5 with his best elevator shoes.
Mr. Awesome said on 18/Jan/06
jeez that picture startled me when jacko's mug popped up...ok on a serious note, jacko is known for having very poor posture...he even looks to be slouchinga bit in that pic...add lifts to stallone, and he can easilly appear taller than a hunching jacko
Height Detective said on 17/Jan/06
Ok so in this picture he was wearing lifts ?
Zach said on 17/Jan/06
Rob, before you capitulate to tgri's incessant postings of 'he definitely 5'10', 'Rob when u put his height up' 'I watch rocky today he look so big' etc and actually put his height up as u suggested below, I think you should provide an explanation of his and deniro's pic

And the many other countless sightings of him hovering around the 5'8 mark. All the 'tall' sightings can more or less be explained by his 3 decades or so of plunging money into expert elevators (would the average guy really suspect the trainers he's wearing with Hogan to be elevators? Not really, yet they take him upto within a few inches of the 6'4 hulkster), yet the pictures where he's evidently 5'8? How can they be explained? Everyone else wearing elevators?

Editor Rob
yes, elevator trainers is what he appears to sometimes wear. On getty type stallone basketball (or nba) and there's pics of his one of them his ankle bone is showing and I think that kind of gives away - not only that, the size of the backpiece of his trainers looks more than normal trainers, maybe another sign.
Ziggy said on 17/Jan/06
How tall is actor Kurt Russell? In Tango & Cash, there is a scene of them walking barefoot, stark naked, with their back turned to the camera; their heights are identical.
nolifts81 said on 17/Jan/06
No way De Niro is less than 5'9". Sly in each photo is always a little bit taller(about 2 cm). The famous photo in Copland where they appeared to be the same height is not fair because de Niro was on a taller streetzone.
Danimal said on 17/Jan/06
Kam, Deniro is NOT 5'7"!! the man is over 5'8".
Anonymous said on 16/Jan/06
I do not hate Sly, I admire him as an actor. I have met him in person and I am 5'10" barefooted and I stand 5'11.5 in shoes.I was alot taller and would put him in 5'9.5 or 5'10" rang and I am sure he was wearing lifts at least 2"(heel included) which would put him as 5'8" barefooted. Ray Liotta, co-star in Copland is 5'11" and Sly was alot shorter than he is.So, I do not understand why people say is 5'11". Wake up people he wears lifts for a reason b/c he is short!
Mr. Awesome said on 16/Jan/06
sorry, i forgot to add this...He did stand a very strong 5'8'', and i would bet that he may have been 5'8.5'' when he was younger.
Mr. Awesome said on 16/Jan/06
maddy, i was within a foot of stallone when i asw him; easilly close enough to gague his height with my own. therefore, i completely rule out 5'9''...compared to the numerous other men around, he just didn't seem to be of average height; definitely a bit below, but not short like several of the 5'7'' sightings. true, nolifts, the guy's in good shape, well cut, and muscular, but he's a far cry from what I and most people would consider a "body-builder", especially at his age. and if you're going by that argument, Arnold is reportedly under 6 feet, and he's never looked short in his life.
nolifts81 said on 16/Jan/06
A lot of people here hate Sylvester Stallone. He is close to 5'10" but you don't look at the evidence. When you have a body like Stallone is normal to appear shorter than you really are.Mr Olimpia Colemann said in an interwiew that if a bodybuilder is not at least 6ft tall he appeares always short for peoples, also if he is 5'10" or 5'11". In each photo I've seen, Sly doesn't look under 5'10". Often he appears to be 6ft because he wears elevator shoes or lifts.I'm sure that barefeet he is close to 5'10"(177cm).Sharon Stone said to be 5'8.5 (I believe her) and Stallone in the shower scene is about 3 cm taller: so he is 177cm.
maddy said on 16/Jan/06
to Mr Awesome :

you said : "He's also very stocky, which I believe works against him in the fact that people think he's shorter because of it."

I Think You're right !

were you close enough to Sly to compare height ?

can he still 5.9 according to you ? or is it impossible ?

Chris said on 15/Jan/06
Yes, Rob it
Anonymous said on 15/Jan/06
Thanx for that update Mr. Awesome. Rob, to much information is coming through here that he is under 5'9. The man is 5'8 without his magic shoes.
Mr. Awesome said on 15/Jan/06
Yesterday I saw Stallone in person. He made an appearance at the Philadelphia Flyers game at the Wachovia Center. The interesting thing was that he was wearing a flyers jersey with Balboa 06 on the back, jeans, and what appeared to be trainers. I saw him in the tunnel where the Zamboni comes out. I was able to get access to this area (closed off to the public) because, as I've said before, my uncle is an NHL official. There were approximately 20 other men around (venue workers, reporters, camera-men, Flyers/NHL employees, and possibly some disguised bodyguards), and of the group he was noticably one of the shorter men around. 5'8'' is right on with this guy, without shoes. While his shoes didn't look dubious, I can't rule out the possibility that they gave him an inch or so of extra height, but i suspect them to be legit. That's why I stand firm that he's 5'8'' barefoot, 5'9'' in normal shoes. I was wearing boots with 1.5 inch lifts in them, which made me about 5'10'', and he was a bit shorter; 5'9''ish. He's also very stocky, which I believe works against him in the fact that people think he's shorter because of it. What I couldn't get over was that he looks REALLY old in person; wrinkled and everything. I don't reckon Sly was expecting anyone to be scrutinizing his height then, otherwise he might have worn his magic shoes!
Glenn said on 15/Jan/06
yeah,but again all this talk,and you never see him here in NYC where he's 5-11!
316 said on 13/Jan/06
Time for one more pic here. Herz Stallone standing next to 6'5 Dolph Lundgren(Not a pic from Rocky4).
Dolphs posture is kinda funny in that pic but stallone as usual is in his military posture. Not knowing what kinda footwear both are wearing, I estimate stallone is atleast 5-5.5" shorter than Dolph, putting stallone at 5"11.5 with shoes on. Maybe, he was wearing one of his magic shoes that day.
Jim said on 13/Jan/06
If Sly is 5-11 he sure does not look like it when standing next to Jack Nickson(5'9'), (5'9")Depp, (5'9")De Niro,if at all about an .05" taller and I know he is wearing lifts. I bet Glenn is 5'8" with shoes.
Glenn said on 12/Jan/06
anything is possible with this guy.all I know is I saw him as recent as a few months ago,and he looked 5-11,5-11 1/2.I sized hom up by standing next to him,and people confirmed my guess was right.good lifts I guess.
nolifts81 said on 12/Jan/06
Anyone knows how tall is Jennifer Flavin (Wife of sly)? I've seen a pic where they are wearing the same shoes (Nike Shox)and they are exactly the same height.
nolifts81 said on 12/Jan/06
Ziggy,I am from Italy and I would like to know how I could buy Boots like those you posted. On Internet Is impossible to find boots like those. I would ask to you another thing: Do you think that custom made elevator shoes could make people taller of 4 or more inches? Do you think that Sly in the past weared elevator shoes that make him taller of 4.5 inches? Personally I think that is impossible being taller than 3.75 with elevaton shoes on. Compliments great boots.
Anonymous said on 12/Jan/06
I do not think Sly is 5'7" more like 5'8" barefoot. Sly shoes do not look normal on Tango and Cash. Kurt wore 2" heel boots and Sly wore 3" heel shoes so to appear alot taller than Kurt which are both pretty much the same height. I beleive now Sly knows everyone knows he were lifts to appear taller so, heels are not as large 1.5" and his hidden lifts 1" to try to fool people his shoes are normal.But he doesn't fool me.
Have you seen the pictures of Sly shoes and his wife sitting at the Lakers game.Those tennis do not look noraml(to large) compare his wifes high heels not to much difference.
Anonymous said on 12/Jan/06
I am 5'10 measured by my doctor with no shoes on and when I met stallone I was taller then him. Have you seen pictures of Sly(5'8")with 2"heel boots which will make him 5'10" and Travolta (6'), if he was close to 5'11" there would not be such a big difference in height also Sly's body frame looks small as well.So there is no way Sly is close to 5'11"! Even with Jonny Depp(5'9) he is not towering over him.
elio said on 12/Jan/06
I can see we're not going to agree on this.

First of all, just cause someone stands 5'11.5" in shoes does not mean that people will think they're nearly 6 foot. They'll be considered about 5'10". Look at him standing no more than an inch shorter next to Denzel Washington, who must be around 6'0" - 6'1" in shoes.

If you want to think that it's feasible for Stallone to walk around with 3.5" - 4.5" lifts in public for the last 20 years then fair enough. Personally, when i've seen pictures of his shoes looking 'unusual' they look as if they're adding no more than 2 1/2 inches of height. I'm pretty sure Glenn would have noticed something odd if sly was wearing shoes that add over a third of a foot!

Also, I wouldn't go so far as to call Sly my hero. I liked the Rocky films, but If every actor who was in a movie I liked was my hero, I'd have a hell of a lot of heroes.
Ziggy said on 12/Jan/06
elio - go to this link and tell me what you think of these boots: (username: BOOTMAN pw: fkoff)

Bear in mind these are custom protoypes and are always worn with slacks covering them all the way to the heel.
Glenn said on 12/Jan/06
his shoes always looked normal.hard to tell what his height is.5-8 min.5-10 max in bare feet.
vaj said on 11/Jan/06
Glenn might be 5'8 with shoes on , just look at Stallone's wife which I think is around 5'6-5'7 when she wears (3")high heels she is a little taller than he is.
If he was so tall as 5'11.5 why would most people be surprised how short he is in person and why would celeb's also make fun of his height so much? If he was 5'10 barefoot and we all know he wears lifts for a reason, he would be 6'or 6'1" which I really doubt it.Someone who is 5'8" can appear to be 5'10" easily with on lifts.
So Elio I am sorry to let you know that your hero Sly is short!
dmeyer said on 11/Jan/06
i think the best guess for stallone is 5'9.5" and can look taller with lifts in a movie he looks the same as robert patrick it means he can look near 6 feet so sly is in the 176 177 cm range
elio said on 11/Jan/06
Sorry to break it to you vaj, but 5'8 is just impossible.

Your assumption seems to be based on hoping that EVERYONE ELSE is barefoot.

If Glenn is 5'8, then he would be standing roughly at the 5'9 mark in that pic, assuming he was wearing standard shoes.

To me, the top of Stallone's head looks AT MINIMUM 2 1/2 inches higher up than Glenn's.

So Stallone would have been standing around the 5'11.5" mark in whatever shoes he's wearing. For him to be 5'8", he would have needed to wear shoes that give 3.5" of extra height.

That's an unbelievably sized elevator shoe! The wearer of any non-boot shoe that gives more than 2.5" suffers from immediate 'Herman Munster Syndrome' (HMS for short). an elevator shoe that gave a legimate 3.5" gain in height would be practically unwalkable in and instantly recognisable even if the person has enough money to have it custom made.
vaj said on 10/Jan/06
He is 5'8, we all know he wears elevator shoes and to make himself look 5'10 all he needs is 2" elevators shoes(1" heel 1"hidden insole or 5'11 3" elevators shoes (1.5" heel 1.5" hidden insole.
Someone who is 5'9 or 5'10 barefooted would not be short with regular shoes on and Sly is short that is why he wears chunky elevator shoes.He is 5'8 that is why he can give the illusion of being taller so well.
Anonymous said on 9/Jan/06
Yes i saw that pic Cyclops, i also noticed the military posture and hair teased up as well. Hey guys, can you ell me if anybody has seen that pic of Sly with Denzel Washington in it's full lenghth form where you can actually see their feet. Sly looks like he may be standind on his tip toes, the way he looks to be hanging on to Denzel.
Cycklops said on 9/Jan/06
My favorite photo is the one of him shooting "Stayin' Alive," where he has on those massive Prince-style high-heeled boots next to Travolta.
dmeyer said on 8/Jan/06
i have seen pics from the 80's were arnie looks 7 inches taller than stallone
Anonymous said on 7/Jan/06
TGRI, i was not aware of Hogan and Sly's sisters remarks until i started coming to this forum. Just going on what so many people have said regarding his shorter stature and his foot wear, i believe he is shorter than 5'10, prolly 5'8. I suppose we will never know the truth unless we stand side by side with him in his barefeet.
Cycklops said on 5/Jan/06',%20'',%20'width=640,height=500,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=no,titlebar=no,toolbar=no

Don't know if that's been posted yet. Sly in his fishy shoes with 5'10" Jay Leno. He looks about 5'9.25" there...and he's working those lifts hard to get it...
ahuat said on 5/Jan/06
in the picture together with Wepner and DeNiro, Sly looks slightly taller than DeNiro.
Danimal said on 5/Jan/06
That pic with Glen is clearly not an accurate depcition of Sly's height, seeing that Deniro was slightly taller than Glenn and the EXACT same height as Sly in Copland, YET, here we see Sly a good 1.5"-2" taller than Glen. Something is off.
Anonymous said on 4/Jan/06
TGRI, those platform shoes that Sly was wearing in Rocky were about 3 inches. 5-8
elio said on 3/Jan/06
I think 5'9" is spot on.
Chris said on 2/Jan/06
Zach is right. Well done. Sly is about 5-8 and no more.
elio said on 2/Jan/06
sly walks around on his tiptoes eh? :) And to think, he's been getting away with it for 30 years!!

Perhaps he should take up ballet?
Anonymous said on 2/Jan/06
I agree with you Zack, i would put Sly in the 5'8 mark. Years ago i was at Planet Hollwood in the Mall of America. It was shortly after they had their grand opening. I asked our waiter about Stallones height and he commented that he was very short and his head appeared to be fairly large. I asked him how short was short and he said about 5'5. I think the 5'5 mark is way off, but i will say 5'7 to 5'81/2 is very possible. TGRI, i was just having some fun with you, Sly has been one of my favorite actors since i was a kid, in fact he inspired me to start working out.
Zach said on 2/Jan/06
I really wonder when people will wake up to the fact that Sly constantly wears lifts and will use every trick in the book to 'gain' height (military posture, lean forwards/back, tiptoes).

Regarding Glenn pics - look at him and De Niro:

That shows DeNiro to be 5'8 - 5'8.5.

Now compare DeNiro to Sly the one film in which Sly didnt appear to wear lifts/elevator shoes (although its so easy to slip an inch lift in pretty much any pair of shoes), Copland:

Stallone is no taller than DeNiro, if anything is half an inch shorter.

Both pictures above were taken in late 90s. If you watch Copland closely both DeNiro and Sly appeared to wear regular shoes, maybe they both had an agreement not to who knows, but I think these pics clearly show Sly to be below 5'9.

I dont think Sly's 5'7, more likely somewhere in the 5'8 range.

A final pic with 5'8.5 DeNiro and who knows what his real height is, a leaning back Harvy Keitel:

Sly is the same height as DeNiro, around 5'8.
dmeyer said on 2/Jan/06
he looks a strong 5'10 in that pic
Parker said on 2/Jan/06
Rob - Accepting their are opinions that you can get 4 inch lifts and walk and run, I've seen nothing in either films or photographs or even words coming out of Sly's mouth that suggest he is less than 176/177......are you on that page yet?

Editor Rob
I think Glenn met him on a movie set (is that right Glenn?)....

the only thing I'm left with Stallone, is if he is wearing lifts...his trainers still to me look like elevator trainers, but if they're not and they don't have lifts then I can buy 5ft 10.

I will say in the escape to victory photos, the heights are right. John Wark is about 5ft 11, and sly beside him looks 5ft 10...
Joseph said on 1/Jan/06
I have seen a photo of him together with Michael jackson... Michael jackson is 5ft9" and sly looks like being 5ft10" - 5ft11".
elio said on 1/Jan/06
he's absolutely over the 5'8 mark.

If Glenn is 5'8, the top of Glenn's head must be around 5'9" to account for normal shoes.

Sly looks just over 2 inches taller than Glenn there, so WITH SHOES the top of his head must be around the 5'11 and a half mark.

I can't see his footwear adding anymore than 3 1/2". Probably closer to 2 1/2". Which would make sly around 5'9".

For sly to be 5'7, he'd have to be wearing shoes that add about 4 1/2" of height! Impossible! No matter what the alleged shoemaker says.
Anonymous said on 1/Jan/06
hey tgri, Stallone is 5'7. Are you Stallone??? If not please put the crack pipe down.
Parker said on 1/Jan/06
Forget about the hair being teased up - look at the eyes, Sly has a clear 2 inches on Glenn. Glenn is in shoes, which means he's standing 5'9 and Sly 5'11. I've said in earlier posts Sly looks the same height as Mike Summerbee (5'10) in Escape to Victory team photos (in trainers). I don't think Sly is less than 5'9 and not more than 5'10. About 2 inches taller than Cruise.
Anonymous said on 1/Jan/06
So Glen is 5'8 and Sly appears"5'10" beside him. Sly has the good old military post happening, hair is teased up abit and could be wearing 3- 3.5 lifts. That could make Sly 5'7. It is possible for a 5'7 man to appear 5'10 in most pics if he is wears the right foot wear. Could editor Rob be on Sly's payroll? Prolly not but he should be.
JUSTMATT said on 1/Jan/06
I don't know which kind of shoes Sly has on but looking Gleen photos I think he could be 5.9
Viper652 said on 31/Dec/05
I beleive Sly is 5-7, but these 5-5 estimates are crazy.
Anonymous said on 30/Dec/05
Recently met a contractor who did jobs for Hollywood stars (installs custom putting greens in backyards). I asked him what star looked the most different in person. He replied Sly Stallone...said he was no taller than 5'5". He meet him on several ocassions..this guy is not a liar.

Editor Rob
I've got a photo coming soon for this page with Glenn and Sly...if Sly is 5ft 5 I'm 5ft 3.5!
Zach said on 30/Dec/05
So where is this alleged barefooted pic of sly and van damme?
TheMan said on 30/Dec/05
Umm well van dammes short probably only about 5,7 talk of him being 5,10 is nonsense aswell lol. Stallone possibly 5,9 maybe a odd floor giving stallone the height advantage anyway. But pictures can be dieciving in one he's nearly astall as Hogan and taller than 6,2 vince mcman lol.
Sylvester is Definately 6'1 said on 30/Dec/05
Explain to me how Van Damme and Sly can stand at a pool barefoot/flatfood and stallone tower over him?
Jerricette said on 29/Dec/05
No way!! This man is shorter than 5,10FT. I am 5. ft 10 and i think he is a bit shorter than this. I have seen silvester at the opening of Planet HOllywood in Amsterdam, but he is shorter. He look much smaller in reallife than on screen.
Anonymous said on 29/Dec/05
US weekly listed Stallone at 5'7. I am a big fan of Stallone, and have enjoyed many of his movies. I find it amazing how an actor of his height has been able to pull off the role of Rocky ,Rambo and a few of his other movies. If you watch some of the new footage of Stallone and Tarver in the latest Rocky, Stallone is very careful with the camera angles of him and Tarver when they are in the ring toghether. You will never see them standing side to side. You will always see Stallone closer to the camera. The man is amazing. For him to be able to pull off what he has at a height of 5'7, he deserves an Oscar for special effects.
TheMan said on 29/Dec/05
Lol that picture was very funny gramps if he had bigshow next to him he'd simply wear 14 inch lifts just to appear tall. Fact is slys nowhere near 6,0 and when it's all said and done and the lifts are tucked back away in the cuboard he's probably only about 5,8 5,9 tops pointless lying about it.
Chris said on 29/Dec/05
Yes MD2. Sly is 5-10 or 5-11 with boots & lifts! He is not 5'9''. 5'7''-5'8' is more convincing.

TheMan said on 28/Dec/05
Stallones no more than 5,8 5,9 tops he's dreaming if he thinks he's 5,10 i mean mr ts not even that tall and he seemed much bigger than stallone. Id say 5,8s he's height. Love to meet him to see. I mean he could well be 5,10 but i doubt it just doesnt seem or even look that tall at all.
Anonymous said on 28/Dec/05
MD2, you can get sandals with lifts in them. I have seen them. The front of the toe is exposed and the heel is not. I very much doubt that Stallone would do a movie without lifts. 
Gramps said on 28/Dec/05
Guys, you've GOTTA see this picture of Sly - - it's beyond belief!
Parker said on 26/Dec/05
I really don#'t see Stallone shorter than 5'9 - The Escape to Vicory photograph displayed by Tubbs below confirms it for me.

As tubbs mentioned below, Mike Summerbee was listed at 5'10 by Man City in the late 60's. I do think that height is genuine for Summerbee - I've seen plenty of photographs with him and George Best (5'9) and Summerbee always had a minimum of an inch on him.

In summary Sly no shorter than 5'9 - more like 5'10 as he himself says.

Anonymous said on 26/Dec/05
I really don't see buddy having an inch on Sly. Sly is in his military pose and i am pretty sure he has something happening in his shoes.Sly is no shorter than 5'8 and no taller than 5'9.
Zach said on 26/Dec/05
Sorry, I didnt comment properly on my earlier posting ( when he emailed me back he said he was wearing thick tennis shoes and that Sly appeared to wear boxing ones. Appeared being the operative word with Sly I suppose given his tendency for elevator footwear.

I'm not going to argue blindly though, if he's wearing regular shoes here then it really does appear he's 5'9 at least. Just perplexes me as to how this height fits in with all the other countless comments of him being less than 5'9.

My logic is that if someone genuinely appears within a range of heights then its likely that he's using elevators to go up (since almost everyone on this site is not at a growing age anymore) and that that person is probably at the bottom of the range. But who knows.
Zach said on 25/Dec/05
This painter (and long time stallone fan) met with Sly recently, I emailed him asking how tall he was he said he was 5'8.5 and that Sly easily had an inch on him.
Cobra said on 24/Dec/05
Look at this photo:
The guy on the right is someone who I know through a Stallone-Board, he flew to Las Vegas for Rocky VI.
He is 174 cm.

Editor Rob
Stallone 'appearing' close to 5ft 10...he's got an annoying habit of looking 5ft 10 an awful lot!
ahuat said on 21/Dec/05
i think if somebody wear lifts and jump into the ring, his movement will not be good, but after i have a look on rocky 6 photoshots, i can say that stallone really looks like 5.10", also don't forget about the photo with James Caan ( 5.9" ), Stallone has broken foot, and he wear a sandal, he still taller than Caan about 1 inch.
Gramps said on 21/Dec/05
Zach: those "elevator trainers" look more like typical skate shoes you'd buy at Vann's.
Zach said on 20/Dec/05
Rob - I wouldnt be so sure. Of course, no regular guy would be expected to jump about in a ring with lifts on, but this is sylvester stallone we're talking about.

Here's one of many examples of him sparring with his much publicised elevator trainers ON:

He's sported different types of footwear in his fights in the various rocky's. In the ones against Drago (dolph lundgren) and Hulk Hogan where he had no chance of coming close to their heights he appeared to wear regular sneakers (although what DocAlt mentioned below is very interesting) and those two towered over him by at least a good 8-10inches.

Against Apollo (Carl Weathers) however, and the ones closest in similarity to the ones he's wearing at the moment with Tarver he wore these:

Take a close look at them and tell me its not impossible to put lifts in those. Not that Sly would be likely to do something like that to try and fool everyone that he's a 5'9+ guy.

Editor Rob
cancel my bet ;)

yes, it is possible he could...actually those boots could hide and the crease on them suggest it is possible they could have built-up innards. I just personally would find it unlikely he'd risk jumping about with them on - but then, if they were expertly hand-made then I guess so...maybe the insurance company charges Sly bigger premiums, I can just imagine clause 175 - 'elevator accidents'
Ziggy said on 20/Dec/05
DocAtl, is it possible to give us the links to those old Muscle & Fitness mag photos of Sly?
Ziggy said on 20/Dec/05

Here's a link to his Rocky site of a live video of him sparring with 6'-2" Antonio Tarver. In the video clip, Sly looks a solid 5-10, 5-11, I'd say. But - you can't really tell if his running shoes have lifts. I speculate that they do not have lifts since he'd have to wear hi-tops to get any significant height which running shoes cannot accomplish. Unless Tarver's real height is less than 6-2, I'd say I'f might have to change my height assessment of Sly from 5-8 to perhaps 5-10. Let's hear it from the "experts". Enjoy the link:

Editor Rob
Antonio Tarver's official site actually lists him as 6ft 2.5! The half-inch must be important ;)

it's hard to say, but one thing I would bet on is that he wouldn't be jumping about a boxing ring with lifts!
Anonymous said on 19/Dec/05
Zach, I love that picture. Obviously Hogan is 6'10" and Stallone 5'2". LOL
Zach said on 19/Dec/05
Stallone and Hogan, both with trainers on in R3...

Plus slys got his military posture.
Glenn said on 18/Dec/05
stewart is 5-10.I have seen him in slippers coming out of a van,after concert.
Zach said on 17/Dec/05
Rob - maybe if you contact these guys they'll tell you what his real height is.

Editor Rob
I doubt they'd tell :)
Gramps said on 17/Dec/05
I don't know guys, check out this pic of Stallone with Hulk Hogan. If Stallone was wearing the tallest lifts in the world he still shouldn't look this close to Hogan, even granting that Hogan has shrunk down to around 6'3.5" today.
Viper652 said on 17/Dec/05
The funny thing is, nobody can pin down Rod Stewarts height either. Is he really 5-10??

Editor Rob
he wants people to believe he's 5ft 11...actually I really do not think he's anywhere under 5ft 10. The fact some papers continually described him as diminutive and '5ft 5' means many folk probably think he's short...maybe they had it in for him!
dmeyer said on 16/Dec/05
i have a friend who around 6 feet who has worked on rocky 6 and told me stallone was average 5 ft 9 or 10 he is almost 60
Mr. R said on 15/Dec/05
Steve, I have been in Hollywood for five years, and actors DO NOT have to be 5-10. The main issue is the screen tests - how do they look on camera. This is why we have so many actors of average or below average height. Looks can only be altered so much, but height can always be manipulated or changed.
FASULO said on 15/Dec/05
Dear friends in good tgri photo there is a 173(Depp obviously)VS a 170 cm with lifts(Stallone).Otherwise there are not explanations.
jonny5 said on 14/Dec/05
when contender was on they had an interview in a uk news paper and he stated 5t7
John said on 13/Dec/05
Then how come he looked about a foot taller than Sly in "Rocky III"?
Anonymous said on 11/Dec/05
Joh, you are aware that Hulk Hogan is not 6'7" today and it is debatable if he ever was that height...He has stated 6'6" and 6'7" in his prime and today, he states that he is 6'4"...I don't see him at 6'4"...Maybe 6'3" and change and if Sly can look as tall as 6'0" with his stilts, and Hogan is wearing flats, then the height difference between the two of them makes a lot more sense...
John said on 11/Dec/05
How the hell did he look as tall as 6'7" Hulk Hogan? Sly must have been on stilts!
Mario Nariano said on 10/Dec/05
Stallone wanted too look fat in the movie ( it's probably is best role).
At the beginning we see him in his sandals and he looks 2 inches shorter than Ray Liotta. If you have Sly at 5 ft 7, you Viper think that Ray Liotta is 5 ft 9 (?), Harvey Keitel 5 ft 6 (?) and De Niro as 5 ft 7? I think that those heighs don't make sense at all, we have seen Sly barefoot and his legs aren't that short and he definitly doesn't look 5 ft 7 next to his co-stars.
Viper652 said on 10/Dec/05
I remember old Sly was quite fat in Copland. :) He did look 5-7 in that movie to me.
Danimal said on 9/Dec/05
Actually, 196 pounds is quite heavy for Stallone. This is a man who weighed between 161 and 177 pounds. The one exception was in 1996, when he starred in Copland, where he apparently went up to 212 pounds...
Zach said on 9/Dec/05
nolifts81 - read Ziggy's comments below on the 18 Nov. Ziggy obviously knows what he's talking about and has also says DiFabrizio personally told him that Sly's height is/was 5'8.

Also at his and Briggites wedding...firstly Sly was the one wearing heels in that relationship whilst she obviously didnt. Given that he's prob 5'8 + on the 3.75 lift advantage and he's close to 6'. And if you look carefully the pictures were very carefully crafted, she's always swaying/tilting one way or another, making them more or less the same height. They obviously put a lot of effort into those pics. Check out any other countless pics of the two of them and she's always towering over him.
nolifts81 said on 9/Dec/05
David, Sharon Stone is 5'8" (She says 5'8.5")and Sylvester Stallone was about 1.5 taller.In each occasion where he is barefoot he appeared always close to 5'10" (177cm). Be more realistic.
Cobra said on 9/Dec/05
"196lb!! ....that would make him no more than 5'6" in body weight to height ratio!!"
That`s bulls***.
Sly is always ripped and not that muscular, also he don`t have Bodybuilder legs.
4.5 inche shoes? Of course, and he is walking in them.
nolifts81 is right.
nolifts81 said on 8/Dec/05
I am reading a lot of stupid things. Dear Richard. Pasquale Di Fabrizio (the specialist shoemaker)never said the height of Sylvester Stallone, he said only that he added about 4.5 inches to his height for 16 years. Believe me I have a brother that use elevator shoes or shoe lifts sometimes and I could assure you that there is no way to appear more than 3.75 taller. The top of the lift could be also at 4.5 or at 5 inches but when you wear them you are max 3.75 taller if you not wear a zeppa shoes. Only with a Zeppa you could be taller and Stallone didn't wear Zeppa shoes. They are only for women and are ridicoluos. This was said to me from a specialist shoemaker more techical than Pasquale di Fabrizio. So I think that for 16 years he made for Stallone 4.5 elevator shoes but Stallone appeared only 3.75 taller no more!!!.If he was 5'7" or 5'8" how could appears the same height of Brigitte Nielsen (184cm barefoot)at their marriage? In other occasions:the hall of fame for Hulk Hogan where he appeared only 3-4 inches shorter than Hogan. How is possible if the elevator shoes could only influence your height by about 3.75 inches? I think that is time to look at Sylvester Stallone with more obiettivity. I am not a fan of Stallone but I think that he isn't a liar and he is close to 5'10"(about 177cm). Look at the shower scene with Stone(5'8")where he is about 1.5 inches taller or with Russell(5'9")where he is a little bit taller. Please don't say stupid things but look with obiettivity.
Glenn said on 6/Dec/05
my friend in vegas has been running into him alot lately and he is reporting the 5-7 5-8 most people see.I see a lot taller has this same friend,so Im not nuts.
CoolJ said on 4/Dec/05
BoxRec has Hatton at 5'6.. I say he's 5'6. He was shorter than 5'7 Tszyu when they fought
Zach said on 4/Dec/05
Recent pic of Sly and Burt Young...

Cobra said on 4/Dec/05
Rob, I think it is time to give him at least 177 cm. :)
cendrin rovini said on 4/Dec/05
No way Rambo is any smaller than 181cm. He was the hero of my childhood and in some German magazine they wrote 181cm (and wrote, that's small ;-(.
TJ said on 4/Dec/05
CoolJ, Ricky Hatton is 5'7, not 5'6. Stallone looks about 3 inches taller in that pic, which would make him 5'10 if not wearing special shoes. I think it unlikely that Sly doesn't have some kind of shoe advantage though, even if only an inch.
Ziggy said on 3/Dec/05
By the way, Tarver is 6"2". See how much shorter Sly is.
Ziggy said on 3/Dec/05
If you can make it to Vegas, here's where you can sign up to be in the actual fight scenes between Sly and Antonio "Magic Man" Tarver in Rocky 6:
Ziggy said on 3/Dec/05
If you want to put this to rest once and for all, Sly will be in Vegas filming Rocky 6 Dec. 5-8. Bring your digital!
CoolJ said on 3/Dec/05
Stallone with 5'6" boxer Ricky Hatton
Danimal said on 2/Dec/05
MCFLy, are you looking at the same picture as all of us are?? You honestly see a 9 inch height difference in height between Hogan and Stallone in that recent pic? No way!!
Ron said on 2/Dec/05
I lived near Sly as a teen in Philadelphia, and was in class with his brother Frank at Pollack school on Welsh Rd.I remember they lived on the 2700 block of Mower St. He is definately shorter than my 5'9" height.
Glenn said on 1/Dec/05
he is also bare foot in tango and cash.the guy is 5-9,5-10.looking as big as 5-11,6 feet in his magic shoes.
Zombie King said on 1/Dec/05
He stood in front of me at the DMV in Santa Monica (which was across the street from what was then his gym.) He 5 foot 6 maybe...but all muscle.
Tubbs said on 1/Dec/05
I wonder if Sly has ever had any embarrasing moments at airports, or with security and been asked to remove his shoes? We dont have that problem in the UK, but I know a guy who went to New York some time ago, and he had to remove his shoes to get into a shop. Is this a problem in America for the lift wearing population?
Zach said on 30/Nov/05
Rare situation where Sly is barefooted...any idea how tall this guy from Lock Up is Rob?

Also in demolition man when Sly is being led to the freezer by two security guards he's barefooted..if you knew their heights maybe Sly's could be pinpointed too.

Also, Sly's prob unlikely to be wearing lifts here...
Mr. R said on 30/Nov/05
I am probably the only one who remembers when The Hulkster started. For the Rocky movies, and his early WWF career, when he was a bad guy, he was always listed as the "7 foot Hulk Hogan", making Stallone look even smaller!
dmeyer said on 30/Nov/05
most site list him at 5 ft 9 or 10
dmeyer said on 30/Nov/05
rob i think you right is no shorter than 5'9 maybe 177
Danimal said on 29/Nov/05
I have to clear this up for ALL OF YOU!!! Hogan has not just lost height due to age and bodyweight, etc....The man began losing height in 1990, after his first major back operation, whereby they fused an inch and a qarter of his spinal discs. From that point onward he had numerous more back operations, 2 knee operations and an entire hip replacement.The man has stated himself to lost 3 inches due to this and now being 6'4" from his 6'7" peak height...He may have been 6'6" and change and is now only 6'3" and change, but the evidence is there for all to see with recent pics, compared to his pics taken in the 80's next to men like Donald Trump, Muhammed Ali, Jesse Ventura, Vince McMahon, and Sylvester Stallone, who he towered over....
HeightFind said on 29/Nov/05
It's no use using the Hogan/Stallone comparison - Hulk Hogan,being a very tall man, has shrunk a good couple of inches,perhaps even more,due to his age,training regime and weight.It is a known medical fact that tall men(6 feet plus)carrying excess weight can shrink alarmingly as they advance in years.Stallone,being 5'9" barefoot is probably STILL the same height as he was in his youth.That is the advantage that men of average height enjoy.They lose very little,if any height at all due to age,so long as they are fit and healthy.
Jason said on 29/Nov/05
Hogan isn't 6'4'' today, 6'3'' is being optimistic. In all honesty, Hogan has got around 4 inches on Stallone even in his big lifts. There's other pics of this event at different angles and Stallone doesn't look quite as tall next to Hogan as he does there ... I can see Stallone being only in the 5'7'' - 5'8'' region in bare feet.
anony said on 29/Nov/05

nuf' said. he has short legs, he's 5 7 max. 5 '11 with the special shoes
Danimal said on 28/Nov/05
Being an avid bodybuilder myself for over 16 years now, I know that Joe Weider, hailing from my hometown of Montreal, Canada was a legit 5'10" and weighed between 160-165 during his competitions...Arnold S. was between 6'1" and 6'2"...Hogan I believe was around 6'7" at his peak. He has had NUMEROUS back operations, whereby they removed and fused some of his discs together, as well as severalm knee replacements and hip replacements...There goes a few inches immediately and it's noticeable...Superstar Billy Graham was at one point 6'3"-6'4", but after going through the same surgeries as Hogan, he looks to be have lost AT LEAST half a foot. In fact, there was a pic of Hogan and Graham, standing side by side and there was MAX 2-4 inches between them and then there is another photo taken several years later, whereby Billy is below Hogan's shoulders...Now, Hogan is at the other end of the spectrum...In regards to Stallone, I'm really not sure...He was shorter than Mr.T in the eighties, but as was mentioned in Copland, he stood the exact same height as Deniro, who is between 5'9" and 5'10", so it's hard to tell. My question is, how much has Hogan shrunk? He stated this year that he has lost a total of 3 inches, but I dare say that he has lost more...
Zach said on 27/Nov/05
Weider - another one involved in this Sly height PR bs. They'd already met early in the 80s in Sly's own gym.

Schwarzenegger always had a good 3-4inches on Weider atleast, heres a recent pic:

Which makes Weider what 5'9? Possibly less if, as this site claims, Arnie is only 6'0.

And Weider easily has atleast an inch on Sly, despite Sly's military pose attempts:

Editor Rob
weider's in his 80's now, but don't think he's lost that much height though...
Anonymous said on 27/Nov/05
a friend of my who is about 174 cm met stallone for a meating and told me that sly was a good inch over him he described him as 178
Glenn said on 27/Nov/05
sly can look 5'11, 6 feet.Ive met him many times.cant say whats in the shoes.Im betting he really is 5'10''.I agree with the few of you that say that.minimum is 5'9''.laura prepon said 5'3''.and so do people who havnt seen him.they have this theory he is 5'3''-5'5'',the general public that is.he is for sure the tallest supposed short person I ever met.mel gibson is the biggets liar,and tom cruise is for sure 5'7'' and not hiding it.
Tubbs said on 26/Nov/05
In that second picture from tgri of Sly with Hogan, you can tell by the look on his face that he's thinking ' hey, i'm nearly as tall as Hulk Hogan'. To be honest he does, and even if hulk is only 6'3 these days, Sly has got to be 5'10.

Editor Rob
I thought I was going to catch Sly on the course beside a legit heighted guy...anyway on this page you can see sly in golf shoes (carrying big bag aswell) near kevin sorbo, but alas Sly has moved a bit closer to camera than kevin. Also note the pics of sorbo and kevin james on that page...

to remind, here is sorbo with a slight lean beside me link
Jason said on 26/Nov/05
It's because Hogan is only around 6'3'' these days. He was never 6'7'' ... wrestling stats are (and even a lot of stats wrestlers give ''out of character'') are bs.
Ziggy said on 26/Nov/05
Regarding Copland, if you see the scene at the very end in which Sly is walking opposite DeNiro, they are exactly the same height; Sly was wearing black police loafers that may have lifts. DeNiro is consistently listed at 5-9, although he has been known to wear lifts as well. To back this data up, in GoodFellas, Deniro walks opposite Liotta, and there is a marked difference of at least 2.5", so I believe Liotta to 5-11.5 and DeNiro at 5-9.
Chris said on 25/Nov/05
In Copland when Sly and Ray Liotta is running after "superboy" and then turn back, you can see that Sly is wearing joggingshoes, he probabley has lifts in them maybe 1.25 inch. He always has some kind of lifts in his shoes, minimum 1.25 inch. Ray Liotta wears flat shoes. Ray Liotta who has stated his height as 5'11
Zach said on 24/Nov/05
This is prob a good pic to gauge Hahn's height, compared with Arnie
Zach said on 24/Nov/05
That's a good point, if we can pinpoint Hahn's exact height then maybe we can do the same with Sly although he does use every trick in the book...military posture, tip toes, elevator trainers, though like I said, doubt he'd be using lifts whilst running (is that possible?)

Though if this site claims Arnie is 6'0...Hahn looks the same height in that pic Rob posted, difficult to see Hahn being 6'3. Or maybe both he and Arnie are in the 6'2 range and like Rob said that baseball player, 2-3inches shorter than the Arnie and Hahn, is 6ft.
nolifts81 said on 23/Nov/05
I was sure that Sly was 5'9" barefeet but after his photo's with the major Hahn that is for sure 6'3"(in a article of L.A.Times he was described as a solid 6'3")I am sure that Sly is 5'10" because Hahn is exactly 5 inches taller than him and Sly cannot wears lifts in that tipe of shoes.
Chris said on 23/Nov/05
In Rocky, Sly wears lifts in most scenes which makes him at lest 3
Mr. R said on 22/Nov/05
I have met the ex mayor of LA several times, Jim Hahn, and he is a straight up 6-2, and maybe a little over that. In that pic, Sly looks like he is standing on his toes, and not flatfooted, which gives the impression of 5-10.
Mr. R said on 21/Nov/05
I chatted with Carl Weathers twice at two celebrity funerals - Carroll O'Connor and Robert Urich. He was taller than I expected, but no taller than 6-1 now.
Anonymous said on 21/Nov/05
rob you are totaly right in sneakers or casual shoes you can wear 1" or 1.25" lift at best only in boots you can put 2" lift
leonari said on 20/Nov/05
Stallone is without any doubt between 5'9" and 5'10". Claims he is smaller are a joke. He wears lifts and since he is quite big the lifts help his appearence of a tall man while he is totally average. He was named body of the 80's by the bodybuilding federation and is a great actor.
Cobra said on 20/Nov/05
What do you say about this pic:

Ralf M
Ziggy said on 19/Nov/05
Rob - I only wear the boots when I'm out on the town and in the social spotlight. I also have some modified hi-top basketball shoes that add a good 3.25" to my height if I want to dress more casual but still want to be seen. I wear normal casual footwear w/ no lifts for running errands. That is when I'm on the "down low".
Ziggy said on 19/Nov/05
Thank God I never have to worry about going to Sweden...or Asia, for that matter. Even if I didn't wear lifts, I would never wear just socks in someone else's house. Even in my house I wear my "indoor" shoes. But that's just me.
Charles said on 19/Nov/05
Ziggy those boots would never hide your true height if you lived in Sweden. Here we take off our shoes when we visit each other and go into peoles houses. I've really never understood why people walk around with their shoes on in so many countries. I mean, doesn't it get dirty in peoples homes? And I think it's hot to wear shoes when you go out, I can only imagine how it would be to wear them all day long. Yikes :D
Viper652 said on 13/Nov/05
Interesting, Eddie Murphey is a legit 5-8
Chris said on 13/Nov/05
Sly and (5'8''-5'10'')Wesley Snipes
Chris said on 13/Nov/05
Millitary-posture Sly and 5'10''Sugar Ray leonard.

Chris said on 13/Nov/05
Look at this pic... some lifts there Sly!
mick said on 12/Nov/05
clearly Sly does not appear 5, 10" it's incredible how he can look like a big guy, i think his workout helps mhim to look like a thin and tall guy.
Mr. R said on 9/Nov/05
Sly certainly does look 5'10" in this pic with the Escape to Victory team, but never underestimate the power of lifts! They have many sneakers, or trainers for the UK folks, that have 2 to 3 inch heels in them!
Mr. R said on 9/Nov/05
Several years ago in Parade magazine, Sly's sister laughed at his claims to be 5'10". She said something along the line of the fact that she was 5'9" in her stocking feet, and that she was still taller than Sly!
Zach said on 9/Nov/05
Apparently she (sly's sis) laughed/mocked his claim of being 5'10.
vaj said on 8/Nov/05
I am 5'8 with out shoes on and 5'9 1/4 with shoes on. When I met him we were the same height.
Tubbs said on 8/Nov/05
his is a better picture of the Escape to Victory team - Here he looks taller than 5'10 Summerbee, and nearly as tall as 5'11 Wark,Sly looks 5'10 here.
Anonymous said on 8/Nov/05
I disagree, he's on that pic definitely 5.9 if she is 5'11.25!!!
Tubbs said on 7/Nov/05
Sly in the team photo for Escape To Victory. He does look a genuine 5'10 on this, Mike Summerbee is on his right, officially listed at 5'10, and John Wark is on his left, officially listed as 5'11. There is a slight slant in favour of Summerbee, which makes him look taller, but I think 5'10 is feasable for Sly. Theres no way he could have worn lifts in the old style boots, he would've ended up breaking his ankles! Anyway, team photos are pretty accuarate height indicators, i've been in plenty of them!
CelebHeights Editor said on 4/Nov/05
From a comicbook forum: "As a member of the Vertically Challenged Members of Male Society (V-ChaMMS) and hovering danged close to 5-8 myself I can pretty much guarantee that someone listed at 5-8 is probably a lot closer to 5-6" I met Sly Stallone once who's supposedly 8" over five foot and he made me feel tall"
CoolJ said on 2/Nov/05
Mighty impressive lifts Stallone has on here!!!

Fernando Vargas is a weak 5'10".. Stallone is TOWERING over him.
TJ said on 1/Nov/05
Zach, are you saying Stallone is only two inches shorter than Travolta? Look at the first pic of the two posted in this thread, where you see a full body shot of both. Stallone is a good two inches (probably more) shorter even when wearing large heels that give him anything from 1-1.5 extra inches. He's 3-4 inches shorter than Travolta, not two.
Mr. R said on 1/Nov/05
Rob, I actually remember when this pic came out during the press junket for their horrible film "Staying Alive", the sequel to Saturday Night Fever. Somewhere their is a pic of their shoes, and Sly was wearing at least three inch heels!
Zach said on 1/Nov/05
tgri - if Sly himself claimed to be 5'10 (and this was nearly 15 years ago, now he's almost 60 and undoubtedly shorter) and you reckon he's 6'0 then I think you're the one 'trapped' in this unreality!

Travolta is 6' even, and Sly has at least 2" inch heels there, I mean you can't even see how high they go upto...and even then he's still a couple of inches shy of Travolta (take into account his afro). Go figure.

Anyway, have you met Sly? No, neither have I. Hulk Hogan - his friend - has and he says Sly is no more than 5'8 - a height he observed 23 years ago during Rocky III.

See reference below, somebody posted the page number of Hogan's book this is stated in.

I'm in agreement with CoolJ, he's max 5'8.
CoolJ said on 1/Nov/05
Of course, thats my opinion on Leno.. he may be 5'10.5 or so.. I think Stallone is at the most a weak 5'9
Zach said on 1/Nov/05
tgri, this article may answer your (and the editor's) questions as to how Stallone looks 'huge'..

""Sylvester Stallone (5-7) has done a brilliant job of portraying himself to the viewing public as a big guy," said Ralph Keyes, author of "The Height of Your Life."

Stallone has gone to great lengths to hide his height, casting shorter co-stars and wearing platform shoes with trousers that hide them, said Keyes. Why go through all the trouble?

"We so associate size with power, that's the whole issue," said Keyes."

Taken from:
Brett said on 31/Oct/05
I met a guy the other night from the states who claims to work around stallone, he was 5'9" and told me that Sly was convincingly smaller then him, he said like 5'6" or 5'7" and that he has seriously intricut elevator shoes that he wears. Now my friend who claims to be 5'9 I reckon could be under this as I could see easily over his head, and Im 6'1" so it makes you wonder just how short sly would be, as this guy was probably more 5'8" making Sly more like 5'6".
Mario Nariano said on 30/Oct/05
I don't think that 177 pounds is low for 5 ft 10 or 5 ft 9 guy.
I'm 5 ft 11 and I weight 170 pounds, and i'm not skini. According to my doctor i'm even overweight... So I don't consider it good argument too downgrade a star, and how tall do you then that James Caan is, also 5 ft 7 viper?

I'm sure that stallone is between 174 and 176 cm
CoolJ said on 30/Oct/05
tgri: check the difference here.. and height, also notice the footwear. He is NOT close to 5'10".. Although I will say he's taller than 5'7"{caad432b-a3bc-4129-b893-2daa136f599f}|{ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff}&qsPageNo=1&fdid=&Area=Search&TotalCount=7&CurrentPos=1&WinID={caad432b-a3bc-4129-b893-2daa136f599f}
Zach said on 29/Oct/05
Hey Mario, why dont u read the other posts before posting...I already explained the denzel pic below and even the pro-slyistall editor agreed with me. But here you again...

If Denzel is 6ft, he's still clear of Sly by at least a clear inch. So Sly = 5'11

Assuming Denzel's got normal trainers on, Sly's got half an inch advantage minimum just on the heel. Sly = 5'10.5.

Lets say for arguments sake his internal lifts are 1.5inch. Sly = 5'9.

Now consider the fact that he's pretty much slung himself on to Denzel, forcing his 'excellent posture'...thats easily another inch.

So Sly = 5'8 bare feet.

And thats giving him the benefit of the doubt, even you said he could have 2 inch lifts, which would put him clearly in the 5'7 category.
CoolJ said on 28/Oct/05{caad432b-a3bc-4129-b893-2daa136f599f}|{ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff}&qsPageNo=1&fdid=&Area=Search&TotalCount=7&CurrentPos=1&WinID={caad432b-a3bc-4129-b893-2daa136f599f}

Wow, look at the difference there.. Travolta at 6'.. MAYBE 6'0.5 at that point in time.. Check out the difference in torso height.. my god.

I'd say Stallone has an easy 2" advantage in shoes.. and I think the camera is even in Stallone's favor slightly... Not to mention Travolta appears to have 2" advantage in height.

At that point... in that picture, I'd say Stallone is 5'8. Has he lost a half-inch since then?? Not sure.. but after looking at that.. I still think 5'9 might be a ludicrous assumption. I'll accept 174cm as a possible maximum peak height.. which I doubt he is still at..
Cobra said on 28/Oct/05
Think 177 cm is correct, which means very close to 5 ft10 instead of 5ft9.
compliment to Sly, he always managed to have a big look.
And also he isn`t small, he`s on an average height.
Mr.Fister said on 27/Oct/05
Jackie Chan was once quoted as saying GQ "look at Sly, he's 5'2" but looks tall", "posture is everything"
sf said on 27/Oct/05
tgri - even "flat golf shoes" can have lifts in them. They make lifts in all kinds of shoes. The heel means nothing - it's what's hidden in the shoes that makes the difference.
ahuat said on 25/Oct/05
5.10 is how many .... cm?
check on, sly with broken foot is definitely taller than Caan.
and i remembered few years ago i have a picture of Sly an Chan together when Chan visit him in his home, and it looks that Sly is about an inch plus taller than Chan.

nolifts81 said on 14/Oct/05
I think that sly is 5'9" barefoot. He is 2 inches shorter then Shiffer who is 5'11" and in the shower scene with Sharon Stone he is about 1.3(3cm) inches taller that her; in the shower scene with Kurt Russell he is 0.5 inches taller than Kurt or at least at the same height. I think that these proofs are the only credibles because he cannot wear lifts in these situations. He is 5'9" that's the truth. But I belive that sly when weares his shoes could reach any kind of heights : also 6'2"(look at the pictures of the hall of fame induction for Hogan or at the pictures with her ex wife Brigitte Nielsen(6'1")where him in certain situation appears even a little bit taller than her.But after a lot of time I'm sure that he is 5'9".
Viper452 said on 13/Oct/05
Sly is 5-10 with lifts I think. 5-7 barefoot.
trueheight said on 15/Sep/05
I'm not gonna make a definitive guess but the pictures say it all. We need to discredti the pic w/ schiffer as it is a publicity pick and no doubt been tampered with. If it was possible for LOTR to do it on MOTION picture, think of how easy it is to shrink SHiffer against Stallone. It doesn't prove anything cuz there is no reference(ie, the two are not touching). The best Picture is the one posted earlier:

Look carefully, Stallone as expected is in his trademark posture, while Arnie is bending substantially and its obvious that willis is above sly.
Height Detective said on 2/Sep/05
Look at the "BIG" stars:
mcFan said on 1/Sep/05
Sly isn't short at all like people claim. He is very close to 5'9, but the reason he attracts attention to his height is he can look as tall as 5'11 because he's obviously wearing lifts.
CoolJ said on 1/Sep/05
Zach, check out Stallone's shoes.. Those are thick heels even still!

Arnold's shoes don't really looks suspect either. Stallone looks closer to 5'8" here.
Zach said on 31/Aug/05
Very rare instance where Sly appears NOT to wear elevators, and Arnold, even with a slight bend, towers over him. If Arnold is really 6'0 as this site claims, then this shows again that no way is Stallone 5'9
Nino said on 25/Aug/05
There is a sistem to see if anyone is wearing elevator shoes or lifts inside:the eye level.If the top of the heads of two peoples is on the same height but the eyes of one of the two are significatively up than the other person this one wears elevator shoes or lifts inside. Look at the pictures of sly near his brother Frank (2.5 inches taller than him barefoot)or near Denzel Washington.I am sure that Sly is 175 cm barefoot but when he weares his trainer shoes he is 184,5 cm. A specialist shoemaker told me that a normal shoes without zeppa or platform could make people taller of 9,5 cm max.
CelebHeights Editor said on 24/Aug/05
On showbiz newsgroup: "We visited Las Vegas last year and went to Madame Tussaud's wax museum. An employee there assured us that all wax models of celebrities were cut to their precise true body measurements--all except Sly Stallone, who insisted they make him taller by some three inches or so."
BillyWhizz said on 23/Aug/05
Take a look at this one though. Has Stallone grown?
Parker said on 22/Aug/05
I would put Stallone minimum 2, maximum 3 inches shorter than Schiffer - So if Shiffer is 5'11 Stallone 5'8/5'9....
CelebHeights Editor said on 22/Aug/05
Someone mentioned a few months back about the 'famous' photo of him and Claudia Schiffer (regularly described as 5ft 11) by Rich Avalon. Well, their modesty is protected, but here they are Barefooted, Stallone is in a poorer stance.
Bleemo said on 21/Aug/05
If he was 5ft10 why would Madame Tussaud's have him at 5ft8.5 ???? Don't you think that he would ask them to change it, they have the stars in for fittings and such.

Incidentally they had Sam Jackson listed at 6ft2 not 6ft3, Travolta, and Ford at 6ft, Billy connelly at 5ft11 and Bogart at 5ft8.5 which all seem fairly accurate to me. I just wish I could remember what height they had Arnie at because he was there and I remember saying to my mate, "so he's not 6ft2 then?"
Zach said on 20/Aug/05
From NMBD - Tracking the Entire World:

"Stallone is only five feet, eight inches tall, and wears "elevator shoes" to appear taller. He sells his paintings on-line, and has recently started a new magazine called Sly, targeting men over 40."
BillyWhizz said on 20/Aug/05
What does this link suggest?

I'm sure Hogan looks taller than this in Rocky III
CelebHeights Editor said on 20/Aug/05
Keith Emerson (English Keyboard Player) mentioned Sly's height in a 1997 interview Here

Keith Emerson: "Sly walked in, and I was amazed. I had only seen him in the Rocky films and I expected this huge guy to walk in. He wasn't much taller than myself"
Interviewer 'Harris': "I've heard a lot of people say that. He's only about 5'9", isn't he?"
Emerson: "Well, he's a bit taller than me and I'm about 5'10", but a helluva nice guy."
supes78 said on 17/Aug/05
The following quote is taken from page 78 of Hulk Hogan's 2002 autobiography about his first meeting with Stallone: "Funny thing, in the American public's eyes, Stallone was 700 feet tall. In reality, he was only five feet eight and one hundred sixty pounds." So, there's a height confirmation from someone that's been around Stallone repeatedly over the years and not just seen him in passing.
Heightfind said on 17/Aug/05
O.K. - Sticks - I'm taking your word for it! Stallone is now 5'7" barefoot! But when he's out and about,his feet must be killing him.Surely wearing those huge assed heels and lifts must be extremely uncomfortable? His footwear,including lifts,must surely be equivocal to a woman's 4 inch high heel shoes! Pheww, makes me glad that I am 5'10" barefoot.OK,I'm not a giant,but the likes of Stallone and Cruise would pay millions to be my height barefoot,I''m sure.That's one thing I have that they will never have,and that all their millions can't buy - HA HA!!! lol. Cheers, Sticks - I now formally ask the moderator to officially class Stallone as 5'7" - FOR THE LOVE OF GOD,PLEASE??
Heightfind said on 16/Aug/05
I'm quite willing to believe now that Stallone is 5'9" barefoot.Photos of him with other celebs can often be very misleading,especially when their feet are hidden.Another factor to take into account is that he is clever enough to "engineer" certain photo opportunities,to show himself off in the best possible way.I'm convinced that Stallone is a master at this.But then again,consider the film "The Specialist". There is a scene,about halfway through the film,when Stallone walks along the Wharf andthen into the warehouse: he is wearing flat soled plimsoles,which definitely do not contain any lifts,and his height looks quite respectable;certainly not under 5'9" - perhaps as much as 5'9.5" - I dunno - it's very,very hard trying to pinpoint his true height barefoot.And when he wears all the heels and lifts,well that just knocks you for six, cause he will now look more or less 6 feet tall.We need eyewitness accounts of him barefoot.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.