mike said on 24/Mar/06
stallone and arnie have wigs or transplants???? i knew arnie had a genioplasty but his hair is usually looks the same. stallone's face is always lookin different but his hair usually looks the same and travolta used to have thick hair back in the day hes lossing alot in the front,anyways in that pic with glenn stallone is almost "looking" closer to 5'11 then 5'10, but i garauntee his shoewear is "bigger/better" then glenn's, i really believe hes like 5'9 barefoot, not 5'7 or 5'10 5'11, if hes 5'11 barefoot with his shoewear hed be taller then arnold/willis and be lookin eye to eye with gene hackman,david letterman an other that r 6'1 to 6'2. i like the pic that Frank2 put up with that big guy thats 6'3 with arnold, stallone, and banderas. arnold looks 3 inches shorter then that dude puttin him at 6 even stallone looks like 5-6 inches shorter then him. i also believe bridgette that she said stallones 5'9. did she ever say how tall arnold was, they were dating before stallone and her???
Glenn said on 24/Mar/06
I beg to differ,DEATHRACE was a great movie! bad movies can begood fun!
Frank2 said on 24/Mar/06
If you people could be on a film set and watch how they routinely cheat a scene so actors appear taller or shorter you'd be amazed. Next time you're watching a movie, notice that in wide shots where two actors are standing and one is taller, when the close up's cut in, suddenly the two are closer to the same height. This is done mainly to keep the actors within the wide horizontal frame. They'd do this when love scenes were shots where the actor and actress are standing. In the past most actresses were much shorter than their leading men so they'd stick them on a box for the close up's. Today with so many female behemoths it's the other way around.
Chris said on 24/Mar/06
If I sould wear 4 inches lift, I would also be 5'11''. Theese pictures Zach posted when Sly and Sharon Stone are in the shower clearly show that Stallone is no more than 5'7'', max 5'8''. What so difficult to understand. He wears elevatorshoes!!!
vaj said on 24/Mar/06
Great pic's Zach!
I have been saying it all along that he is 5'8" and those picture prove my point again. Standing next to Sharon Stone in shower scene he does not look 5'10 or 6'1 barfooted but more like his real height 5'8". Yes he can look close to 6' b/c we all know he wears lifts to appear 5'11".
Now, if people still want to remain fooled like nolifts81 that is your choice.
Glenn said on 24/Mar/06
To me in Death race he looked 6ft.but up against winkler isnt much,cause winkler is 5-6.in Lords,he looked 5-10 to me actually.thanks for being on my side.
sf said on 24/Mar/06
6'2" in his prime! Hilarious! And, what the hell are you doing watching, "Deathrace 2000"? That is one BAD movie...gotta love David Carradine, though...
Frank2 said on 23/Mar/06
It's an expensive transplant job. That and a lot of dye. Arnold also has one. On the other hand Travolta now wears a full-frontal hairpiece. So for that matter does Steven Seagal. In Seagal's early films you could easily see he was losing all his hair on top. And Sly is no more than 5'7" barefoot.

Editor Rob
Glenn said on 23/Mar/06
I agree.he has to be 5-10.but alot people still think he is 5-8,which is very difficult toreach 6-2.
Anonymous said on 23/Mar/06
He was 6'2 in his prime. Watch Death Race 2000 he was huge. In fact he towered a couple of inches over Henry Winkler in the Lords of Flatbush. The Real Anonynous
Zach said on 23/Mar/06
Rob - please dont stop these going up, I purposely took these so that no 'bits' are showing.
Ok guys explain these. When I first came onto this board a couple of years back I made a mention for this being part of the basis that Sly is no more than 5'8 but I think some of you actually need visual convincing. Sharon Stone is surprisingly 5'8 on this website but do a google search and you'll see almost all of the stats coming up at 5'7. But even if she is 5'8 Sly is SHORTER in the shower scene, no joke. I know some of you might find this as comfortable to swallow as Sly experiences wearing his monster elevators but take a look:
Click HereAnother angle:
Click HereAnd another:
Click HereI have not 'handpicked' these shots, go watch the film yourself she's taller throughout the whole, erm, activity that they're participating in. If you watch the full scene you can clearly see both are barefeet.
As I mentioned in my previous post in the next scene where they're scrubbing up Sly appears to have half an inch:
Click Here But you cant see their feet and I'd bet any amount Sly is on some sort of platform given that she was taller than him for a good few minutes in the preceding scenes.
Rob, I suppose this means Sharon Stone's height goes up, just like Frank Stallones and Sugar Ray's did right? ;) Cos of course, Sly's 5'9 height is unlowerable.
Sylvester Stallone is, as Hulk Hogan confirmed, maximum 5'8.
Zach said on 23/Mar/06
I've considered Sly being more than 5'8 having read all the comments. However I think we all agree that there is a huge question mark over Sly's footwear and the only true way of analysing his height is on the once in a bluemoon occasion he's barefeet.
Guys - go and watch specialist where he is barefeet with Stone (and concentrated on height nothing else ;). Sly is actually shorter than Stone. I've got some screenshots and I'll post them up soon but from whichever angle you look at it Sharon superfit Stone has got a cm or two on him. In the next scene where you cant see their feet surprise suprise Sly is slightly taller, I'd be willing to bet money that he's standing on some platform.
Anyway I'll get the pics up soon.
vaj said on 23/Mar/06
he is struggling with 5'11", 6'1" dream on what a joke!
Leung said on 23/Mar/06
yep, nolifts81 has got it spot on, 5'10", no more no less
Anonymous said on 23/Mar/06
since he is almost sixty he might have been taller in his prime
nolifts81 said on 23/Mar/06
Glenn- Is not strange for him to appear 6'1": He is 5'10" barefeet + 3 inches shoes=6'1". In certain situation he appeared to be 6'2" with shoes on. But for to appear 6'1" or 6'2" he has to be for sure 5'10" barefeet.
Glenn said on 23/Mar/06
Its strange that he can go from 5-8 to 6-1 on rare occassion,dont you think?
Brett said on 23/Mar/06
Sly has a wig? I thought that was one thing he just was lucky enough not to worry about?
Brett said on 22/Mar/06
Rob that pic you put up with him and his wife at the basketball I presume, proves the guy is a lift wearer. Not only can you see his ankle is high out of the shoe (very high out for that matter), but look at the distance between his ankle and his knee, it is particularily short, its so obvious the guy wears big shoes, I mean, hes famous for being short, so why are we bothering to carry on here. My good friend Clark is 199-200cm (like 6'6.5" tall, and the top of my head is just above his eye level close to his eyebrows, now if you consider the 6'6" hulk whoes dwarfing Stallone, he could no doubt, if he stood up, put his chin on stallones botox overdosed head. So if im 6'1", and theres say a 5.5 inch gap between the bottom of that guys chin to near his eyebrows, and that guy is probably half an inch shorter then my friend, Sly could be 5-6 inches shorter then me, and could be a good 10 inches shorter then the big guy, so it makes perfect sense that Sly is looking 5'8" or 5'9" max in the shot, and we still dont know what footwear he has on.
Anonymous said on 22/Mar/06
Glenn, next time you see Sly, tell him to take off his shoes and jump on your shoulder so that you can take a pic with him. Maybe ask him who is the great shoemaker who makes his lifts. If he comes at you take the fight to the ground as he is better on his feet because of some of the boxing training he has had. Put him in a triangle and choke him out, then take off his shoes and take pics of the lifts. I bet the national Enquier will pay big bucs for those ones, don't forget the wig. tgri, Sly is five eight barefoot, Vaj talk some sence into this boy.
mike said on 22/Mar/06
stallones gotta be 5'9 i mean he has to wear the biggest lifts money can buy. He can be taller by an inch or 4 inches shorter then 6'1??? carl weathers. In the hogan vince mcmahon pic he "looks" taller then mcmahon whose at least 6 if not 6'1 to 6'2. If they went barefoot i gaurantee vince is taller. The pic where the 6'3 guy is with him, banderas, and arnold stallone looks 5'9 to 510 tops. but with his lifts well never know his true height
vaj said on 22/Mar/06
The photo with Sly and Claudia is altered in my opionion and I am not comparing him to 6'4" Hogan or 5'11" Claudia just his wife who is around 5'8" or 5'9". When she wears her 3" heels (as shown in the pic's) she is taller than him even in his magic trainers. Now use your common sense. Sorry to disapoint you Sly is not tall.
tgri said on 22/Mar/06
lol glenn , you should have pushed him back . it would have been funny if he would fall out his lifts and you would be taller then him lol. all jokes aside ....that barefoot pic with him and clauida proves that he really is between 5'9 and 5'10 . ok , say hulk hogan is 6'4 in flats and a little under barefoot? sly's 5'9-5'10 plus 1.5 trainers plus 2-2.5 inch lifts inside them ....you get a 6'1-6'2 guy next to a nearly 6'4 guy. the only way he is 5'8 is if the pic with him and clauida is fake or if he was standing on a box next to hulk hogan? ill give him 5'9.5 untill i see a barefoot pic where he looks 5'8 . btw after glenn's story ....i can care less if i ever met him or not .
Jason said on 22/Mar/06
I think (for now) Stallone's 5'8'', though I know he can appear 5'11'' with those mysterious shoes of his.
Anonymous said on 22/Mar/06
Put 5'8 Glenn in the same shoes Sly is wearing and they will be very very close in height. Sly will never ever leave home without some type of lift.Cmon guys, look at those trainers,just imagine what he is packing in his boots and other footwear. Once again Vaj, you have done a commendable job proving Sly can be 5'8. The Real Anonynous. How do i get my name to be The Real Anonynous, i am getting tired of some of the other anonynouses riding my coattails. :)
vaj said on 22/Mar/06
Compare Sly's trainers to his wife's 3" heel shoes in the first picture.In the second picture they are standing up and if she staightens her head she is taller than Sly.
If you think Sly is not wearing his ridiculous trainers in pictures with Agassi you are fooling yourself. What does Sly think on one game I wear my 3" trainers and the next game I won't. Why do you think he has the pair in so many differnt colors,wouldn't that defeat the purpose of wearing elevator shoes one day your tall next game short, espesially if he is going to the game with 5'11" Agassi.
I am certain Sly is 5'8" or 5'8.5", I know for a fact that Agassi is 5'11.5" in shoes I met him face to face and he was an 1" taller than me like I already said. Unlike Leung I do not wear elevator shoes and if I would of worn Sly's trainers I would have been taller than Agassi.
I think I will stick to the sources that know him best(his family) all claim he is 5'8" or 5'9".
Sly is exposed with his trainers(sole 1.5" hidden lift 1.5" =3" trainers)!
Click HereClick Here
Editor Rob
sly usually wears different colours of those type of trainers. I doubt with Agassi he wasn't in a similar pair...he actually wears them an awful lot...heck, I could do with a pair ;-)
nolifts81 said on 22/Mar/06
Only for to be Honest: Agassi is a solid 5'11". When Stallone wears very normal dress shoes he appear to be a real 5'10" man.(It means that with this shoes on he is 5'11"). He is not a short man!.
Glenn said on 22/Mar/06
True Leung.except in boots with heels and lifts.but he will be walking mighty funny.
Anonymous said on 22/Mar/06
Last night I had a terrible dream! I dreamt that Sylvester Stallone called a Press Conference and had himself measured by Medical Doctors for his correct, accurate, pure and pristine barefoot height! Oh NOOOO!!! There goes my fun, my Celebheights, Glenn! Rob!....then I woke up......whew! Only a dream.....
Glenn said on 22/Mar/06
True for the most part that lifts dont always add 4.5 inches.but in rare cases,yes.and in stallones case,he might be liftless here,since he can look a ridiculous 6ft sometimes.
Leung said on 21/Mar/06
Lots of people here are constantly stating lifts as the reasoning for someone being taller, but the reality is that in comparison to regular shoes they will only give an additional 2
Leung said on 21/Mar/06
vaj, firstly Agassi measures 5
Glenn said on 21/Mar/06
That was 1997.finally decided to go for him again last summer.these celebs have no memory.
Chris said on 21/Mar/06
Rob-Have you ever thought of Stallone as 5'8'' or are you still convinced about 5'9''?

Editor Rob
yes, at one time I thought that might be possible, but looking at it as a whole I would be surprised if he was this height barefoot now...one thing Sly has managed is to consistantly appear like a 5ft 10 guy
Zach said on 21/Mar/06
In those agassi pictures, Stallone's obviously got his elevator trainers again and yet he still falls over an inch short than 5'11 Andre. 5'10-2inch elevators = 5'8. As shown by pics next to DeNiro and Burt Young.
Anonymous said on 21/Mar/06
Thankyou for sharing that Glenn. Next time he does that just push him back, his balance can't be all that great. The Real Anonynous. I will give him 5'7 now, just for being a jerk to you.
Frank2 said on 21/Mar/06
"Lifts aren't going to help you baby":
Click HereAnd here:
Click Here
Editor Rob
that guy says he's 6ft 6...
vaj said on 21/Mar/06
Agassi is 5'10" barefooted and 5'11" with shoes.I know b/c I am 5'9" barefooted and 5'10 in shoes and he was an 1" taller than me when I met him.
That is why I am convinced Sly is 5'8" and with his 3" lifts expains him 5'11" and his short sightings without shoes.
Leung if his trainers still does not answer the questions about his height
than you can still remain fooled about his height.
nolifts81 said on 21/Mar/06
Anonymous- Look at her biography at:www.geocities.com/jenniferflavin/index_JennBiography.html
She is 5'9". I have also a book of elite model's agency with all the measure of the 80'-90' models that describes her as 5'9" and weight 121 lbs.
Glenn said on 21/Mar/06
Oh,as you probably know,thats the historical moment above in pic.you can see we had a chin wag.
Glenn said on 21/Mar/06
The week Princess Diana died,My friends and I driving down park ave around 6pm,when we see Sly walking the streets with 2 suit and tie guys.not a shock being he just taped letterman,but we wernt looking for him.me and one other guy jump out and sort of run up to sly from behind.he turns around as if he knew and calls us "vultures".I get mad and say "you make 20 million per movie,what do you care what we make?" he then storms over to me and shoves me!!! And proceeds to say "do I f***ing bother you?" as his execs pull him back.words are exchanged between us I dont remember except him asking "what is it the f*** you want?" and I say just a photo with.then he says"alright,lets do it" then I try to shake his hand in truce and slaps mine with his fingertips like OCD germaphobes do.in other words,didnt leave me hanging but didnt want to touch me either.strange but true.I hope I dont get in any trouble for that story.another coming not that crazy.

Editor Rob
did he ever remember you any other time you saw him? I guess the look on both your faces explains the encounter!
dmeyer said on 21/Mar/06
he looks close to agassi height
Maverick said on 21/Mar/06
I have seen Agassi listed in two places at 5ft 10in, his height could be inflated by an inch?
trueheight said on 21/Mar/06
Those trainer pics posted are incriminating. His knees are 2in over his wife's who is already wearing 2in heels. And his wife is already 5'9, right?
btw, how tall is Agassi?

Editor Rob
a legit 5ft 11er, with nearly as good posture as Stallone
trueheight said on 21/Mar/06
good point height tracker, His brother always said he was taller
Leung said on 20/Mar/06
Vaj, I have noticed that you have a tendency to understand people
Anonymous said on 20/Mar/06
Nolifts81, i still can't seem to find any info on Jennifer Flavin that she is 5'9. Could you please post it when you find it? Glen, how about sharing some stories about some of your encounters with Sly. Vaj, check out the Stallone posture sitting beside his wife while wearing his special trainers.
tgri said on 20/Mar/06
rob, by looking at burt young next to 5'9 de niro how tall would you give him?
Click Herei give him about 5'8 .

Editor Rob
yeah, maybe in his peak around that, didn't Glenn also think he was 5ft 8? Actually, I'll add this geezer now, there is a pic of him with another 5ft 8 actor on the burt young page...
Frank2 said on 20/Mar/06
And this one for those who still cling to the silly notion that Eddie Murphy is 5'10":
Click HereSly before and after recent plastic surgery:
Click HereSly after even more plastic surgery:
Click Here
Frank2 said on 20/Mar/06
With 5'11" Mickey Roarke:
Click HereActually this photo proves that Jack Nicholson is only 5'4":
Click Here
Frank2 said on 20/Mar/06
Here's Stallone with Arnold, Bruce Willis and Demi:
Click Here The shoes Sly is wearing are boosting him by about three inches. As you can see, Willis is clearly wearing flip-flops and isn't that much shorter than 6'2" Arnold. I've met Willis and he's exactly my height which is 5'11". Demi is really tiny in person. I'd say no more than 5'3". Sly is closest to the camera so if he were to be right next to Willis he'd still be shorter.

Editor Rob
sometimes sites block directly linking to an image...I think these are the shot you mean:
Frank2 said on 20/Mar/06
Well, here's a recent shot with Frank and Sly is still shorter:
Click HereHere's Sly with 6'3" Mark Hanson:
Click HereAnd to give you a reference, here's Hanson with Arnold:
Click HereAnd Mark with Bandaras:
Click Here
Height Tracker said on 20/Mar/06
I also think it's hilarious how many pictures of Sly and his brother in the past show Sly to be noticeably shorter. However, nowadays many pictures show him the same height or taller. Did he miraculously grow or is he getting "lifted?"
vaj said on 20/Mar/06
Rob, thanks for the picture of Sly & Agassi.
I never met Sly,but I have met Agassi, I stand 5'9" barefooted 5'10.5" in shoes. I met Agassi at a resturant and he was 1" taller than me I know now for a fact Sly is 5-8 b/c in those trainer shoes with sole and lift 3" (5'8" + 3"=5'11").
Just look at the picture with his trainers on. Look how far up his ankle bone is from the floor. His trainers are higher than his wife's high heels.
To me Sly can not fool me b/c if I would of worn Sly's riduclous trainers when I met Agassi I would have been taller than him.
Anonymous said on 20/Mar/06
Frank2, i see him looking near 5'9 rather than 5'7, but who knows, those trainers look like they are giving him an extra 3 inches. Sly's foot to knee length seems kind of longer than it should be. The Real Anonynous
Frank2 said on 20/Mar/06
I saw him without them on. He was no more than 5'7". I'm not the only one either. Many qwho work in the biz know this to be true. In Capone he's two to three inches shorter than 5'10" Ben Gazara.
Amomynous said on 20/Mar/06
One things is for sure for Sly, long after he has faded as a movie star, people will still be talking about the incredible range of heights (and lows) he has achieved and the amount of chats he has generated because of his height and not his acting. Now THAT is an achievement in itself!
Glenn said on 20/Mar/06
There is room for elevators in any kind of shoe,shockingly included are sandles! Yes, they have sandles with a back piece that covers the lift.go on richlee shoe company and see for yourself.I saw stallone in sandles 15 years ago look 5-11.dont know if it that concealing heel piece.if the man was 5-7,which is still a possibility due to the numerous sightings at that height,he would walk funny.5-10 makes more sense,since he can look 6 foot and on rarer occasions 6-1.
Anonymous said on 19/Mar/06
Frank2, we all know he wears the best custom elevator shoes that money can buy, but i think 5'7 would be all but impossible to pull off even for him. I am curious to know if you have some inside info that could prove your theory. How do you account for the height difference between 5'8 Glenn and Sly? No problem nolifts, i understand.
nolifts81 said on 19/Mar/06
Frank2 - 5'7" for Stallone is out of any kind of imagination. The guy is in the 5'9.5/5'10" range. I am agree with Elio when he says that is impossible wearing shoes bigger than 4" without being pointed at and laughed at.I know this for my experience with lifts and elevator shoes. Is impossible to walk with shoes that put your feet up to 4.5/5 inches, because for having a real height increase of 4 inches you have to wear shoes that put your feet at almost 5 inches(4.75), because is necessary for create the right axis point.However, I think that Sly has used this kind of shoes but in very rare occasions , where he had not to walk a lot: ceremonies(Hogan Hall of fame),marriages(with Brigitte Nielsen) and in other very rare occasion. Sometimes he wears dress shoes: I've seen a lot of time his dress shoes(are very stilish) and I don't think there are rooms in them for accomodate lifts.When he wears this kind of normal dress shoes he appears to be a solid 5'11" with shoes on, without them he is very close to 5'10".
Leung said on 19/Mar/06
I am so glad to see that recently there have been some excellent contributions from tgri, nolift81, Glenn and elio that provide good reasoning that Sly stands a legitimate 5
tgri said on 19/Mar/06
5'9 even ? maybe. i say 177cm or just about 5'10.
Frank2 said on 19/Mar/06
Trust me. Without the aid of his custom-made shoes and boots, Sly is a shade over 5'7". End of story.
elio said on 19/Mar/06
My opinion is that he is 5'9" and wears shoes ranging from 2" - 4" , which would explain why (in shoes) he seems to vary between 5'11" and 6'1".
The idea of the guy wearing shoes any bigger than 4" and being able to walk in them without being pointed at and laughed at is impossible in my mind.
As for Carl Weathers appearing about 4 inches taller than him, I suspect Carl is around the 6'1" mark and wore some decent shoes himself on that occasion (2"+), leaving a 5'11" - 6'0" (in shoes) Stallone appearing noticeably shorter than the 6'3" - 6'4" (in shoes) Carl Weathers. Just my guess.
Notice I always make sure I state 'in shoes' now, because the moment I forget people flame me, thinking that I mean barefoot.
myself said on 19/Mar/06
Bridgit Nelsen recently said that he was 5.9 on a radio station.
end of story.
5.9 is a good height (especially for an italo american born in the 40's !) and the man can look short for some people because he's massive...but he's 5.9 at least.
for me it's evidence...if he uses Lifts, they only give 2 inch (with shoes) so he can appear 5.11...
nolifts81 said on 19/Mar/06
Anonymous I understand you, you are in the right spirit of this blog. I was referring not to you in particular but to all here in general. Excuse me for my esternation"someone is forcing his mind". Was not referred to you.
dmeyer said on 19/Mar/06
5'9.5 is my guess
trueheight said on 19/Mar/06
no joke; someone care to explain the Weathers/Stallone pick that I posted earlier? any 'theories'?
Glenn said on 19/Mar/06
Once it seemed everyone was against me on this,now more people are on my side.Ive heard 5-3 from laura prepon and someone I worked with.coworker never met him.laura did.she was obviously exaggerating.Ive heard 5-7 from his hotel doorman and one friend who also witnessed the 5-11 version.most peers I know,thankfully witnessed a 6 footer.could he be 5-7? sure.but most evidence has him at 5-10, including his own mouth.as with all mysteries,we may never know.unless we whip out the measuring tape or he admits his near 5 inch shoe lifts.could someone bless me with a pair?
Dave said on 18/Mar/06
I Stood within a few feet of Stallone on the set of Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot back in early 1991. I am a solid 5'10 without shoes, and i was wearing dress shoes that day. My shoes had about a 1/2" to 3/4" heel. Stallone surprisingly was 1.5 inches or so taller than me wearing a "Timerland" type of work boot. That would put him at 6'0" maybe 6'0 1/2" in work boots. If Stallone wasnt wearing lifts on that movie set, then id say he is around 5'10 1/2 - 5'11 inches tall with no shoes on. Taller than I and most people would think,,,,Unless he was wearing lifts on that set,,,,,,,,If he was, then id say he is more like 5'9-5'9 1/2 without shoes on.
nolifts81 said on 18/Mar/06
What are you talking about? Weak up!!! Jennifer Flavin (sly's wife) is 5'9". She is listed at 5'9" everywhere. She was a famous model and on internet and in all model's magazines of the 90'she was listed at 5'9". You are forcing your mind to think that Sylvester Stallone is less than 5'10". This guy is very close to 5'10".Is evident, what else do you want to see. Personally I think that Glenn is a fair man. He is one of them that have really seen Stallone in person. Why he should lie about Stallone's height? Very often you are agree with him when he posts comments about the height of other actors, but, when he posts comments about Stallone you are disagree. I'm starting to think that you have something against this Guy (SLY Stallone). P.S. Tgri you're right, don't be influenced by what other peoples here say. You think that Stallone is close to 5'10", why you are downgrading him at 5'9"+? My bet is always 5'9.75.(177cm).
Glenn said on 18/Mar/06
What do you mean,that stallone looks tall or short with weathers?
Glenn said on 18/Mar/06
Stallone was so tall I thought he was 5-11 in barefeet! And I know this should be on the Willis page,but I saw him once 5 years ago in shorts and sneakers looking 6-2! I want those sneakers!
elio said on 18/Mar/06
Perhaps Carl Weathers stopped by at Stallone's house before the event, and stumbled into Stallone's shoe cupboard?
Carl: 'Holy crap... Sly , these are great, you've got to let me borrow a pair!!
Sly : 'Er... sure, but I'd prefer it if you picked one that's under 4"'
END RESULT : stallone 5'11", Weathers 6'4". :)
Anonymous said on 18/Mar/06
Okay, lets say that Sly's wife is 5'7 and she is wearing 3 inch heels., the pics that Vaj has posted have her abit taller than Sly. Why is this so. In one of the pics it looks like she is actually slouching so she does not appear taller than him.I t looks like Sly is not wearing his 4 inchers that day, but i bet he has a minimum of a 2.5 in lift in height with those dress shoes on. I don't think he would ever go to a premier in anything but a 2-3 inch enhancement of some kind. So you take his 5'7 wife and ad 3 inch heels, that takes her to 5'10 or just abit under. Why is he not 2 inches taller than her if he is 5'9? Glen, in the new pics with Carl Weathers, there is a pretty big difference in height there, and i don't think Sly is wearing his flats or sandals in that pic either.
tgri said on 18/Mar/06
aleast i got you on my side glenn. in my eyes hes a 5'9 + guy and always will be .
Glenn said on 18/Mar/06
And furthermore,for those who dont believe me about bruce willis,look at how he towers over 5-9.5 mos def in 16 blocks by 4 or so!
Glenn said on 18/Mar/06
Im on your side TGRI.Ive been laughed at for years by people who never even saw him in the flesh.if you do,and I subjected a few people to meeting him,your in for a 6 foot shock! king nick,you have a good point,but sometimes there is more to it.like bruce willis constantly mentioned at 5-10,5-11.I see 6-1,6-2!

Editor Rob
no doubt Bruce can look 6ft -6ft 1, actually sometimes I see in pics he wears cowboy type footwear, maybe I'm short changing him...although Frank2 thought he is 5ft 11ish range.
speaking of Stallone - his impecabble posture might have been 'enhanced' by his time with bridget. You can see in many pics of him and bridget he looks like he's going to snap his back trying to force himself as tall as possible
KingNick said on 17/Mar/06
I really want to give an opinion on Sly's height but I just can't figure it out. One thing I will say though is it is very possible to stretch yourself out and stand up straight to APPEAR taller. Some people just look taller than they are. For example, I'm 5'10", but most people who meet me think I'm about 6'1". When I remember to stand up straight I appear taller, so I think it has to do with that. I think this info will also help you guys out when I'm famous, no fighting :>)
Glenn said on 17/Mar/06
yeah,Vaj but you forget we are comparing him to 6-2 carl weathers and 6-3 to 6-5 hulk hogan.
tgri said on 17/Mar/06
besides glenn and rob and just a few others , you guys have no clue what iam talking about . iam sorry but, you guys most have a i.q. of 25 of you don't know what iam talking about . tell them rob. by the way i really think the main reason you don't upgrade sly's height is cuz you don't want to get bitched by all these fools .
Glenn said on 17/Mar/06
I agree.the guy could be 5-10.he looked it in his first movie BANANAS in 1973.
vaj said on 17/Mar/06
Listen nolifts81,
Some of the woman claim to be 5'10" or 5'11" usually are counting their high heels like Anna Nickole Smith. She claims to be 5'11" but as we can all see in her mug shot she only stands 5'7". Just look at Sly's wife, she does not seem short maybe 5'6-5'7 but when she wears her high heels she is taller than Sly and in every picture he is stretching a pose to try to keep up her height.
It is so funny how insecure Sly is about his height!
nolifts81 said on 17/Mar/06
vaj- I've said that in certain occasion he looked 6'1" or 6'2" not always. Situation like: Hogan induction in the Hall of Fame; open of Planet Hollywood when he was with Angie everhart; marriage with Brigitte Nielsen. Sometimes he wears normal dress shoes with 1 inch heel that put him at 5'11", like in the pic with Glenn.
Anonymous said on 17/Mar/06
You can count me in there as well Vaj. Maybe 5'8 could be just under 5'9, it is amazing how he can appear to make himself 6'.If Glen were to where sly's shoes he could possibly hit that mark as well. The Real Anonynous
trueheight said on 17/Mar/06
Hey if Glenn wore 4in cowboy heels, he would be taller than stallone. The ones that dog the bounty hunter wears. If he can afford them custom made, then Stallone definately can, and by the best shoemaker
trueheight said on 17/Mar/06
claudia shiffer pic doesn't change anything imo. Theres a difference b/t a publicity pic and a candid pic; publicity pics are STAGED whereas candid pics are not. Hes 5'11 in candid pics, never looked taller. he's 5'11 w/ shoes posing w/ denzel as well. He's 5'8 maybe 5'8.5 w/ outstanding posture
nolifts81 said on 17/Mar/06
A lot of people here haven't seen pics where Stallone with his shoes on stands at almost 6'2". On the net there are pics of Sly with Angie Everhart(5'10"-178cm) with 4/5 inches shoes on(that makes her about 6'2") where Stallone was her same height. There are pics with Hogan etc etc. I know better than most of people here,with an exeption for Ziggy, lifts and elevator shoes, and I can assure you that there is no way with lifts or elevator shoes to appear taller than 4 inches. Maybe that the top of the lift inside could stand at 4.5(like said Pasquale Di Fabrizio) or even 5 but the effective height increase is almost 4 inches. So saying that Stallone is 5'7" or 5'8" is ridicoulus. This guy is for sure around the 5'10".
Glenn said on 17/Mar/06
Once again you are right TGRI. I knew what you meant by brain surgeons Brett.I enjoyed it.
Brett said on 17/Mar/06
Ok you guys misunderstood what I meant by " brain surgeons", its a saying used in Australia which is a subtle way of calling someone an idiot , or hinting at their lack of intelligence by using sarcasm. I wasn't enquiring about whether he had surgery on his legs, Im sure he is still the same short person hes always been, with a better shoe maker.
trueheight said on 16/Mar/06
assuming glenn is 5'9 w/ shoes in this pic, STallone is about 5'11 w/shoes. 1.5in sole + at least 1in in liifts = 5'8.5 in real life. I mean have you guys seen his early films? He didn't have lifts in Rocky 1 he had platform heels!
trueheight said on 16/Mar/06
tgri: the top of Glenn's head is not 'slightly over sly's eyes', its about 1.5inches over sly's eyes!
tgri said on 16/Mar/06
well that *barefoot* pic with 5'11.25 claudia schiffer proves that sly is indeed a 5'9+ guy .... even do to the fact that he has bad posture and his nees are slightly bent.
Click Hereif sly stands up right , then he has got to be in the 5'10 range. the only way on this earth that sly is 5'8 max , is if if that pic is fake (which i do doubt) and if he stands on a ice box next to hulk hogan. after all that ive posted , if anyone sees that 5'10 is not right on ..you need bifocillos.
Glenn said on 16/Mar/06
Next case in point is how tall is kurt russel.never met him.he looked 2 inches bigger than mel gibson in a photo I saw,which would put gibson at 5-7! My friends agree kurt looks 5-8,5-9.instead of the 5-10 he is listed at.in ESCAPE FROM L.A. a character mentions how short kurts character SNAKE is.stallone is an enigma.
Glenn said on 16/Mar/06
I see your point Vaj,but as youve been reading and hopefully seeing,he can look an astonishing 6 feet or more.
vaj said on 16/Mar/06
I agree I think he is 5-10 or 5-11, but with lifts. Did he look 6'1"-6'2" next to Kurt Russell(5-9)in Tango & Cash when he wore 3"-4" heels? I do not think so.
Why do people who know him best like Hogan, ex-wife Bridgette Nelson, Sly sister and brother all claim he is between 5-8 and 5-9.
I know why b/c they have seen Sly barefooted, I am sorry to tell everyone without his lifts Sly is not tall.
Anonymous said on 16/Mar/06
Glenn, you have got to tell us about the roid raging. He always seeems to come off so well in his interviews, that it would be hard to imagine him having roid rage. It is interesting to see how his body changes from movie to movie In the latest Rocky he is looking much bigger than he ever has, and i don't think it is frome his Stone vitamin regimen.I don't know any other celebrity that seems to have gotten taller with age. Maybe there is something to the leg extension operation, i tell you if the tabloids ever got concrete information about this, it would be interesting to see how he could weather a storm like that. Tell us some stories regarding Sly, and thanx again Glenn. The Real Anonynous.

Editor Rob
Sly's stayed the same, its everyone else that's shrinking!
Glenn said on 16/Mar/06
Ive been trying to tell people this stuff for years TGRI.I think he really is 5-10.but Ive heard actors joke that he is 5-3.then the 5-7 sightings.I never saw him short.
leonari said on 16/Mar/06
This absolut bulls***: Height increase surgery even with GUICHET is highly risky,painful and takes a year to recover(even after a year one is not 100 %) and the outcome is still uncertain. SLY would never jeopardize his health,career for a lousy 2.3 inches. Please stop this argument. SLY IS 5'9.5".Average guy with lifts can look tall . And he does.
Glenn said on 16/Mar/06
Oh yeah,he is usually roid raging.I still dont have time to finish that fight I had with him in that very photo.study our faces of anger!
Glenn said on 16/Mar/06
Thanks Brett.no I wasnt kidding about height sugery.I heard those rumors for at least 6 years.read the guy backing me up.Im glad im upgraded to 5-8.any chance guys that stallone really is 5-10? It sure appears that way.the problem with those pics Vaj is that liotta and willis both can look as tall as 6-1 to me in public.
tgri said on 16/Mar/06
ok something is not right . hogan was well over 6'5 at his peak and now looks as low as 6'3 today . just take one look at how small sly was with hogan in rocky 3 .... and do to the fact that hogan has lost height and the fact that sly's trainers are only giving him about 1.5 inches they still should not have such a little bit of height between sly and hogan . theres only 2 things i can think of .... hogan has lost about 6 inches of height? or , sly is atleast the 5'10 that hes claming? by the way , the pics that ive been posting proves that he can look min 6'0 in lifts .. now sly really does look an easy 5'10 next to 5'7 3/4 glenn . this does sound funny . but, really i think glenn saw sly short (out lifts) cuz the top of glenn's head goes slighly over sly's eyes . if sly had lifts on glenn's head would only go up to about sly's lips . people , what iam trying to say is that people think sly is 5'7-5'8 barefoot and 5'10-5'11 in lifts . no , what i see is a guy that * can * be an easy 5'10 and look an easy 6'0+ atleast in lifts. if you ask me i think the glenn and sly pic is about right .... but, on the other hand something really is not right with sly in hogan 's height today. maybe theres 2 hogan's and one is only 5'10 lol.
trueheight said on 16/Mar/06
Stallone cannot look over 5'10. check out jackie chan's(5'8) page for a similar photo to sly/glenn, pretty much validates glenn's 5'8
elio said on 15/Mar/06
Indeed Brett. My point is that for him to get so tall with lifts... it rules out him being 5'7.5" or lower. Also this is if he's wearing 4.5" mega shoes... rather than say... 3" shoes (which would also be VERY big and tricky to walk in).
Brett said on 15/Mar/06
It is possible for him to appear 6ft, you take his 5'8" odd frame ( maybe more maybe less), and add 4.5 inches, which that specialist shoe maker claims to have helped him achieve through the use of lifts, and voila, you get 6'0.5". Glenn , Id just ignore the brain surgeons on this site, what ever they say just gets ignored anyhow mate.
elio said on 15/Mar/06
I'd say Stallone is standing around the 6'1" mark in those shoes with Hogan. Which would give him the impression of being a 5'11" - 6'0" guy.
Of course, we all know the guy wears big shoes... but the real question is 'how big?'
Could he really get a pair of walkable shoes that add 6" (half a foot!) to a 5'7" frame?
Personally I can't see him getting away with wearing shoes any larger than 4.5" . So I find it very hard to believe he is shorter than 5'8".
tgri said on 15/Mar/06
rob, by looking at him next to hulk hogan in both pics small and tall ....how tall would you say he is in both pics? the first one i say 6'2 , the other one i say 5'9 roughly.

Editor Rob
I think he's got his black elevator trainers on with Hulk, but I don't think they could add more than 1.5 inches...
Hogan could be struggling with his current height now, although he still looks for the most part near it
nolifts81 said on 15/Mar/06
Anonymous- I Live in Italy. My aunt Grace lives in Los Angeles from 1985. She said to me a lot of times that Sly Stallone in the early 90, in France,had a leg extension operation by Dr Guichet.I've not believed her but she said that to me a lot of times.A friend of my aunt had a leg extension in France at that time by Dr Guichet and he said to her that this doctor did the same operation to Sylvester Stallone. I don't believe her but all is possible.
Anonymous said on 15/Mar/06
Glen, were you just kidding about the height extension? That could explain things, but i could not see him doing such a crazy thing like that. Hair transplant,lifts and facelifts he has done, but leg extensions seem far out even for him. Glen does he seeem like a pretty good guy when you have met him? Glen, i am giving you 5'8 again. The Real Anonynous!
Height Tracker said on 15/Mar/06
That is a great pic you showed us. And FYI for everybody on this site, I have seen the full length version of that Sly, Arnie, Bruce, and Demi picture. In that picture, Stallone is wearing his regular shoes (which probably have a small lift) and Bruce is wearing flip flop sandals. I'll show you guys the picture if I find it.
Glenn said on 15/Mar/06
Now do doubters believe Im 5-8? Stallone looks 6-1 to me here! He is one tall 5-7 guy!
nolifts81 said on 15/Mar/06
We all know that Stallone wears Huge lifts (than makes him 4 inches taller),but when he wears them he can look 6'1" to 6'2" with shoes on. So I think is evident that without his special shoes he is about 5'10". I know that 5'10" for normal people is a good height,but,for an action hero like Stallone is not a good height.This is the reason because Sly wears huge lifts.
vaj said on 15/Mar/06
Scroll down the pictures and you will find where Sly is looking 5'8" or 5'9" next to Bruce Wills 5'11", Arnold 6" Demi Moore 5'4.5".
Like I have said many times, look at the movie (Cop Land) where Sly is clearly in sandles looking 5'8 or 5'9" next to Ray Liotta 5'11".
Click Here
Glenn said on 15/Mar/06
Oh, I forgot to mention my friend was at the first day of filming on the new rocky about 4 months back,and he looked 5-8.strange.
Glenn said on 15/Mar/06
Further proof on what Ive been saying all along.and I have heard he had this height extension too.
elio said on 14/Mar/06
I think Carl Weather's is around the 6'1" mark. Stallone looks to be an inch or so shorter than him in one of the pics tgri posted. It's another Denzel moment. Where, with the help of some hefty shoes, a man of average height (5'8"-5'10") appears to stand around the 6 foot mark. Or Perhaps Sly has taken a year off work at some point and got a 2 inch leg extension operation? Regular people are having this done these days, so why not a movie star who seems to have tried everything else to appear taller?
This idea of Sly standing around the 6 foot mark (IN SHOES) is also supported with him standing only around 4" shorter than the 6'3"-6'4" Hulk Hogan in Editor Rob's posted pic.
Funny, isn't it? If Stallone had worn his v.large elevators for more of his career and there hadn't been so many sightings of him appearing shorter and barefoot, we'd be arguing whether or not he was 6 feet tall. Instead we're arguing whether or not he's 5'7".
tgri said on 14/Mar/06
damm in the pic i posted with hogan proves he can look as tall as about 6'2 . now in the pic from rocky 3 he looks about 5'7 .maybe his footwear is something like gene simmons would wear on stage when kiss was around? the shoes iam talking about add atleast 6-8 inches of height to your body ...i should know cuz i saw a pare of them in the mall and tried them on as a joke just to see how tall i was . now get this ...after i tried them on i was not that much shorter then my 6'3 friend lol which is very funny cuz iam really only 5'6.
Anonymous said on 14/Mar/06
tgri, it looks like Sly could be standing on some type of platform or stage. How the hell does a 5'8-5'10 guy look taller than a shrunken 6'4 Hogan? The Real Anonynous.
Glenn said on 14/Mar/06
I really appreciate that.I just felt it certain comments wernt needed,then again Im being too sensitive.and your right,in a sense I am a celebrity,and I better cool it with my temper and scare important people to the site or Rob.my anger was understandable too.but I also understand,unlike most celebs,I know without you guys Im nothing.so lets treat each other better. Much love, Glenn
trueheight said on 14/Mar/06
go to the jackie chan's board for proof(as if 300pics werent enough) supporting 5'8 Glenn
Chris said on 14/Mar/06
Sly and Arnie, not much of a diffirence there.
Click Here Sly looks not quite 5'11''
Stallone wears huge heels...sometimes 4.5 inches. Of theese pictures he is 5'10
Anonymous said on 14/Mar/06
No problem Glen. I crossed the line as well.Thankyou for everything that you do in herefor us, it really is appreciated even though some of us including me do not show it enough. These are some really interesting pics. I mean look at the pics with Burt Young and then look at theses pics. It seems just to crazy. Tgri i don't think Carl Weathers is a legit 6'2, but hell Sly looks taller than Hogan and Vince. By the way this is the real Anonymous
tgri said on 14/Mar/06
lol .. how the hell is he taller then hulk hogan in this pic?
Click Herethis is sick.

Editor Rob
well, he's not really taller, the angle is beneficial...but this pic showed there wasn't that much between them. Hogan sometimes wears cowboy boots at events, that day with stallone he didn't
Other Angle. Imagine the image on the right was actually the true difference back in the day, I'd be wondering how many discs they yanked out of hulks back ;-)
tgri said on 14/Mar/06
check out these pics where sly is taller then 6'2 carl weathers . this is tooooo funny ...
Click Hereno 5'7 person will ever looks this tall unless his standing on a kitchen chair.
Click Here
Glenn said on 13/Mar/06
Sorry for my anger everyone.just had a rough month and at least Brett sees it as a form of picking on me.thanks Brett and Zach.this was stallone walking down the block.and a fight ensued which Ill get into another time.you guys rule!
Zach said on 13/Mar/06
GLENN, I appreciate what you've done for this site, one question - where was that picture of you and Sly taken? Rob mentioned it was possibly on a film set?

Editor Rob
I thought it might have been a set, but correct me if wrong Glenn, I think you'd said you just saw him on the street the day of that picture?
Glenn said on 13/Mar/06
Thanks for defending me!
Frank2 said on 13/Mar/06
"how about we give him 5'10 with a an elevator shoe clause in quotations beside his name?" Should we call his elevators Otis or Janus or ThyssenKrupp or Stanley? I'm up or down to any suggestions.
Anonymous said on 12/Mar/06
tgri,how about we give him 5'10 with a an elevator shoe clause in quotations beside his name? Okay i am off to watch the Sopranos now.
Anonymous said on 12/Mar/06
You can't say Glenn looks 5' 6" if you have no clue how tall Stallone is due to his unknown lifts/elevator shoes height, hence most of us guessing. So leave Glenn alone and stop talking crap. BTW, your height at night isn't your real height, it's a shorter and compressed version. Your height when your back is straight is your true height i.e.) Morning. I might as well arch my back and call that my real height using some people's ideas.
Anonymous said on 12/Mar/06
elio, take a look at Sly's in ring footwear from a few of the pics they have released from the latest Rocky. He is wearing lifts in those boots. They are not your everyday type boxing boot. That may account for him being 3 inches taller than the 5'7-5'8 Burt Young. Parker, thanx for that pic of Sly in Victory, but i don't see his feet in that pic. When i can't see Sly's feet in a pic, i am very skeptical judging how tall he is compared to somebody else. Glen, i call it as i see it. In the pic you are standing with Stallone you seem abit heavy set, and your hair looks like it has receded, thus making you appear 5'6 in that shot. The lighting is not great in that pic and maybe that is why you appear this way to me. I won't kiss your ass or anybody elses in hear. If you want to post pics on the internet,then you should be able to understand that people are going to notice things about you or the celebreties you have pics with. In a strange way i guess you have become a celebrity as well.
Mike said on 12/Mar/06
Elio you need your eyes testing,Sly prob looks 16 to you. I'm with Zach here,those are great pics, where high heels cant help him out of his short stature.
Burt is 5'6 and Sly is barely an inch taller.
tgri said on 12/Mar/06
i think 5'9-5'10 is a pretty fair barefoot height for sly. that really what he looks next to 5'8ish burt young and 5'4ish talia shrine. rob , i say just give him 5'9.5 and call it quits . just for now.
elio said on 12/Mar/06
I don't see the problem.
To me, Sly looks about 2 1/2 inches taller than Burt in those pics (taking into account sly tilting slightly and Burt's hat in the first pic , and the low camera angle of the second pic).
So 5'9" - 5'10" seems plausible judging from those pics. Obviously, in public his footwear has proved generous enough to bump him up a couple more inches.
Zach said on 12/Mar/06
By the way Glenn I dont think anyone is doubting the fact that Sly can LOOK tall, what with his mega elevators and all, its just that most of us are on here to discuss his real height not his apparent one.
Zach said on 12/Mar/06
And not many people would argue that this guy wears monster elevators wherever he goes.
I watched Rocky again, 5'7 Burt is NOT standing on a 'higher platform' (you think sly would let that happen?) in the pic I posted earlier
Click HereOh, and sorry, has Burt found another pavement to stand on here?
Click HereWake up guys.
Glenn said on 11/Mar/06
it doesnt make sense considering 250 other photos.you picked the stallone to say Im 5-6 cause you cant accept the fact he can look tall.read more people backing my claim.furthermore,you or some else were taking subtle shots at my weight and suppossed hair loss.stop playing games.
Anonymous said on 11/Mar/06
Glen, if someone suggests you look 5'6, it means to them that you look 5'6. If someone suggests you look 5'2, then by all means call them a jerkoff. There are quite a few pics where you do look 5'6. I have nothing to gain in here by pissing you off, when i say you can look 5'6. I do think it is awesome that you post the pics you do and meet the celebreties that you do.
Parker said on 11/Mar/06
Glenn - There is no doubt in my mind that Stallone is 5'10. I base that on the Film Escape To Victory, where he appeared with Mike Summerbee who also was a legit 5'10 - There is no difference in their heights in the promotional pics.
nolifts81 said on 11/Mar/06
Anonymous- You're right, in the movie "Oscar" he weared lifts in his shoes is evident. I recognize when a shoe has lifts inside. In those shoes he had about 2 inches inside. But in the movie "Capone" the shoes are very normal:there is no room for accomodate lifts.For what I know, Sly started to use lifts or elevator shoes after the movie Rocky. "Capone" was filming in 1974-1975. I am agree with Glenn and TGRI Stallone with his lifts or elevator shoes can look tall.He reached the 6'2" with his shoes on at the Hall OF Fame induction for Hogan.
Glenn said on 11/Mar/06
Why were some people being jerkoffs claiming Im 5-6.TGRI is another of only a few that back my claim that stallone can look tall.
Anonymous said on 10/Mar/06
nolifts81, you were sayig that Sly was not wearing elevators in the movie Capone because it was set in the 30's and he appeared to be shorter than the "5'10" Ben Gazzara. What about the movie Oscar, that was set in the 30's as well. Did you see Sly's footwear in that movie. Thanx for the interesting pic Zack. I thought i would never see what Sly looks like without the lifts and camera angles.
tgri said on 10/Mar/06
zach, burt is on a higher ground level, but its really not that much higher at all . in sly's youth? mm 5'10 maybe , sly's rocky days? 5'9-5'9.5 indeed , sly nowdays ?who the hell knows lol. he just needs to put the damm shoes away. ive seen him look as tall as 6'2 in some pics . does the hogan , frank stallone,and johnny depp pic come to mind?
nolifts81 said on 10/Mar/06
Maybe Burt is on a taller streetzone in that pic. Burt is 5'7" and Stallone look always 3 inches taller than him in the movie and in any other pics on the net. No way Sly is Shorter than Burt, he has 3 inches on him.
Zach said on 10/Mar/06
Another one of those rare instances where Sly's real height is exposed.
Click Here5'10? What a joke.
tgri said on 10/Mar/06
felix, i do say in that scene of the movie that sly really was not that much taller then burt young (paulie) . like 1.5 inches roughly . one thing is that burt young is not as short as people say or think , but he is on the short side . people are saying hes only 5'6 , but he really does look more 5'8ish to me and he can sometimes look as tall 5'9 , but 5'8ish is a good height for burt becuase talia shrine is around the 5'4 mark and burt really is more then 2 inches taller more like 4' 4.5' ,but also when sly is in flats burt is just a bit shorter . theres a pic on gettyimages with burt young and 6'0.5 james gandolfini and burt comes to his eyes .
Felix said on 10/Mar/06
There's a scene in Rocky 1 just before he is punching the meet at the factory and being filmed. The scene: He is standing with his Converse shoes and is talking to Paulie which isn't that tall, maybe 5'7 or something and if I can recall Sly looks even shorter than Paulie in that scene!
Glenn said on 10/Mar/06
Thanks guys! I wouldnt be here if you guys wernt interested.I do it for guys like elio,no lifts and chris.for all of you who dont hate on me.this site is for fun,not snide ass remarks.when Im near a computer,its the first thing I do too.hope to get more photos up this weekend.special thanks to all Rob has done!
Glenn said on 10/Mar/06
I heard frank was 6 feet.
tgri said on 9/Mar/06
rob, is frank stallone really only 5'10? he really is taller then sly ..how i think is or was the 5'10 that he clamed.

Editor Rob
I would say he can look a bit taller, yes. His claim is 6ft.
Zach said on 9/Mar/06
Just to add to what nolifts and elios comments and despite what may seem 'harsh critism' at times, you've both - Rob and Glenn- done a really great job. Really like the bright easy to read set up of this site, beats a dark messy forum any day.
Rob - just one suggestion! If you could make hyperlinking possible (and not just on links you post ;) it would make this site top notch, would save everyone copying and pasting every time a link is posted especially since the gettyimages ones turn out to be massive ones!

Editor Rob
you'd think someone with a First Class Honours in Computer Science would have done the link thing by now ;-) I kept forgetting to do it...
it should work now on future comments. Just make sure a space is before/after the link you are including in a comment...yes, its a total pain in the fingers copying/pasting those links.
nolifts81 said on 9/Mar/06
Glenn All here appreciate what you do for this site. I would say to the editor Rob that this is a great site. You had a great idea to open a blog where to discuss the celebs heights. I am from Italy and when I come back home from work, the first thing I do is to go at celebheights.com for reading some comments and searching 20 minutes of relax. Thank you Rob and Glenn, you are doing a great job.
elio said on 8/Mar/06
Glenn, sorry to hear about all the negative comments people have been throwing at you. I've noticed many of them myself.
Just want you to know that there's a large group of us on here that respect your unbiased opinions and really appreciate the time you've spent meeting these celebs, getting the photos developed and transferring them. Keep up the good work!
nolifts81 said on 8/Mar/06
Anonymous- Sly, in that movie, was wearing 30'dress shoes,very stylish I don't think there was room for accomodate lifts in them.However my bet for the height of this guy is 177 cm(5'9.75). Maybe I'm wrong, all is possible.
Anonymous said on 8/Mar/06
nolifts81, did you see the footwear that Sly was wearing in that movie? Sly will not do a movie,public appearance,without them.Sly wears lifts, and that is how you get the 0.5 inch difference.
Frank2 said on 8/Mar/06
I think some people on this forum need glasses. Sly is two inches shorter.
nolifts81 said on 8/Mar/06
Two Inches Shorter than Ben Gazzara in the movie "Capone"? Frank2- you are dreaming wake up!!! At that time Ben Gazzara was a good 5'10"(178cm):I know well italian actor Ben Gazzara, he is one of my favourite actors. In that movie Stallone appeared only 0.5 inch shorter than him, they are almost the same height.
Anonymous said on 7/Mar/06
Here is a picture of Sly looking short next to Bruce,Demi,Arnold.
vaj said on 7/Mar/06
I am sorry if I upset you Glenn, I am just trying to set a point that Sly is not as tall without his lifts.
tgri said on 7/Mar/06
who is mr.r , just an avid user or some guy that met alot of celebs?
Frank2 said on 7/Mar/06
Stallone is no more tha five-eight. He goes to bed wearing lifts. He was working at Universal in the next room to mine when he did the film Nighthawks. We spoke a couple of times and I noticed he was my height with his cowboy boots on. One day he had them off and I was shocked to see how short he was. Back then I had always thought of him as being at least my height. Take a look at him in the film Capone and you'll clearly see he's at least two inches shorter than Ben Gazzara.
Anonymous said on 7/Mar/06
Take it easy Glen,i'm just telling you how i see it bro. You really do look 5'6 especially in your recent pics. There are some pics of you taken in the late eighties and early ninties where your hair was not thinning and you were not so husky, that i might give you 5'7-5'7.5 The extra weight and less coverage on the head appears to make you shorter.
nolifts81 said on 7/Mar/06
Look At that pic with Claudia Schiffer. Claudia is for sure 182cm (5'11.75) and Sly looks clearly 2 inches shorter. Is evident Sly is 177cm(5'9.75). P.S. I have a book with all the measures of the 80'-90' top models and Claudia Schiffer is listed at 182cm and 128lbs.
vaj said on 7/Mar/06
the only person that is ignorant is you thinking he is 5'11".Compared to 5'11" Ray Liotta in Cop Land. He clearly looks 5'8" or 5'9" max in sandles, in the picture with you and Sly, all you have to do is add 2" lifts to be the same height.
Know, quit being naive in thinking Sly is not wearing his lifts in the picture.
Jason said on 7/Mar/06
you are not the only one who has ever met Sly.I am 5'10" barefooted and 5'11.5" in shoes and I was clearly alot taller when I met him. That is how I know for fact that Sly is not 5'10".

Editor Rob
this isn't Jason, and this 'sighting' is erm...oh, I can't be bothered - anybody can figure out from the post below this one...
Clive said on 7/Mar/06
I'm relly surprised !!! I knew he was listed as 5'10 but 5'9's short for a strong "Rocky" :-) But you said that he looked 5'9 but are you sure of that ???
Mike said on 6/Mar/06
Some of u need to watch that shower scene with sly and stone again. when you could clearly see both their feet Sharon Stone actually looked taller.
yes in the next scene where you could only see their faces Sly appeared an inch taller, but there's no knowing whether Sly was standing on a platform of sum sort. But like I said where you can see their feet you can see how short sly is.
Go watch it. Sly is 5'8 max.
Zach said on 6/Mar/06
Glenn may well be 5'8, its just a case of Sly having a 2inch+ advantage over him because of footwear. Come on guys wake up, you can get a 2-3" lifts over the net for barely
Anonymous said on 6/Mar/06
tgri, Sly's sister laughed when she heardsome people thought he was 5'9, because she is 5'9 and taller than Sly. Vaj, you are to generous with Glen's height. He can be 5'8 in shoes, but his pics are proving a solid 5'6 barefeet.
Glenn said on 6/Mar/06
I actually dont guess cm well.Im 5-7 1-2 at night.
Glenn said on 6/Mar/06
What Gets Me Is That You Have The Balls To Think I Look 5-6 In All 250 Photos,when Most People Will Agree That The Pics Have Me At 5-8 To 5-10.and You Never Met Sly! If He Is Wearing Lifts Here,then I Look 5-8.your Ignorant.HE CAN LOOK TALL.shoes can be 2 inch height for your info,without lifts or big heels.even some sneakers have half inch insoles.
vaj said on 6/Mar/06
Okay you may be 5'8" barefooted( I think 5'7.5") and 5'9" with shoes, but if you said 5'10", must be either with boots or lifts. You claim him to look 5'11" but when standing next to 5'11" Ray Liotta in (Cop Land) he looked more like 5'8" or 5'9". When he wants to appear taller he wears his lifts.
His shoes may look normal knowing about his insecurities about his height I am sure he still wears lifts. Have you seen the pictures when he and his wife are at court side Lakers game. I hope you do not think they look like normal shoes. His shoes look to oversized and chuncky compared to the man sitting next to him with regular shoes.Including heel it looks to boost him up 3" to make him appear 5'11".
I can not understand why you all do not get that Sly is not a tall man and that he uses lifts to make himself to appear 5'10" or 5'11". That is not TOP SECRET!
tgri said on 6/Mar/06
does anyone know what sly's sister said about his height?

Editor Rob
I think it was that he wasn't taller than her, Mr R would know the jist of the quote...
Anonymous said on 6/Mar/06
6 & 18, I would be willing to bet that Sly is on his tiptoes when standing with Denzel. Look at that pic again, it looks like he is throwing himself on Denzel. Glen,you do really look only 5'6, until you prove otherwise thats where some of us in here will have your height at. Glen, most of us in here do have lives, and this is just a place to escape and have some fun. No hard feelings bro, but you do look 5'6 and Sly is prolly 5'8 max.

Editor Rob
maybe one day I'll get a pic with Glenn...
Mario said on 6/Mar/06
It look more like 2 inch boots Chris. ;-)
To me he looks in Rocky 5 ft 9-10. His peak height was probably 5 ft 9.5, a height what he looked next to a barefoot (and naked) Sharon Stone in The Specialist (1994). Do the people who think that Sly is really 5-7 also think that Stone is 5 ft 5.5?
Chris said on 6/Mar/06
Yes, and you can clearly see the diffirence, or am I right?
Chris said on 6/Mar/06
In Rocky he wore thoose big 4 inches boots. The height-diffirence is so clear. When he had the boots on, he looked like 5'10-5'11'', but it is hard to tell with cameraangels etc, but when he was out running or trained in the factory he looked like 5'8''.

Editor Rob
dmeyer said on 6/Mar/06
that pics with claudia proves he is not under 5'9
tgri said on 5/Mar/06
rob, what was the comment that sly's sister said about his height? by the way .... if sly's height ever gets updated on here , would you update frank's height? frank really is taller then sly.
chad said on 5/Mar/06
I agree with him being conscioyus of his height, i;de even agree with him boosting it usin elevator shoes and lift(even at the same time!)but i wont agree with him beein less than 5'9 at the very least.
Prood: the scene from the woody allen movie where sly is in the subway,(just as an extra ofcourse)he was like a gangmember, but he wasconsidered big nexct to the fellow gangmember who was short,i'de say he is a definite 5'9.5 and has shtunk an inch increasing his efforts to look tall at any price.
M1ghty said on 5/Mar/06
ah ah ah ...
Stallone is never 5'10
Look at him on this pic next to 5'11'1/2 Claudia Schiffer
Don't think there's a 1.5inch difference ...
nolifts81 said on 5/Mar/06
Glenn you are 173cm in the evening?
Glenn said on 4/Mar/06
5-9,5-10 in shoes.thanks to 6 & 18 for backing me that stallone can look tall.
6' & 18 said on 4/Mar/06
Clearly Sly can look 6'. There's a pic of him with Denzel in a link below and Sly is the exact same height as Denzel. And Denzel is 6' barefoot, 6'1" with shoes. So somehow Sly is 6' 1" with shoes in that pic. 5' 10" + 3 inch footwear = ...
vaj said on 4/Mar/06
Are you 5'8" barefooted or eith shoes?
Glenn said on 4/Mar/06
Again,you Need To Get A Life If Think Im 5-6.people Just Cant Accept Fact That Stallone CAN lifts or not look tall.
Glenn said on 4/Mar/06
anyone who thinks Im 5-6 is obviously not looking at the other photos.and what Ive been telling all of you is that photos are never accurate cause of posture,footwear,and street levels.females I tend to lean into them and bend.
Anonymous said on 3/Mar/06
tgri, Sly will never ever agree to taking a pic with Glen in barefeet. He might do it with the 5' Danny Devito, but he would never do it with a 5'6 Glen. Sly is one of my all time favorite actors, and just because he is prolly 5'8 is not going to change that. It is amazing he is able to do what he has done in movies, he sort of has his own Rocky story.
vaj said on 3/Mar/06
listen it sounds that you can not come to accept that Sly is not 5'10".I am sorry to disappoint you but Sly never looked 6' to me. However, he can appear to look 5'10.5" with lifts.You just do not get it that somone who is 5'8" can easy look 5'10" with lifts. I have seen a picture of him next to 6' John Trovalta when he was directing him in Staying Alive and Sly had 2" boots on and John 1" heel boots and Sly was clearly 3" shorter.
tgri said on 3/Mar/06
the next time glenn sees sly he needs to ask him to take a pic with him in barefeet. if sly says yes and the pic comes back and sly is still 2-3 inches taller then glenn , then i would say give him 5'10 . know on the other hand .... if sly says no or looks at glenn like a fool.... THEN U KNOW SOMTHING IS UP . the thing i don't get is that sly only clamed 5'10 , but sometimes looks 6'0.
Zach said on 3/Mar/06
I'm sure Glenn has mentioned somewhere on this website that at times he can be 5'7.5. Either way, like I said I dont think anyone can blame him for not noticing Sly's elevators with the way they are disguised.
Rob - if you get a chance to see Tango and Cash, watch carefully the first scene when Sly shoots at the truck and the two guys come flying out. Pause it. And just have a look at the size of those heels, they go so high you cant even see where they end. And yet he's still the same height as Kurt Russel throughout the film.
Also with regards to the shower pic, there were a lot of reports at the time of Sly having a body double (you cant see his face and the guy distinctly lacks Sly's muscularity). Even if it is genuinely Sly it proves beyond doubt that there is no way he is taller than Kurt, who's own height is debatable, in the 5'8-9 range.
vaj said on 3/Mar/06
I also agree with Anonymous that Glenn is 5'7" barefooted and 5'8" with shoes on.
vaj said on 3/Mar/06
Yes you are right, Sly is 1" taller than Kurt like I said he had at least 3" heels on his shoes. So, if Kurt wore 2" cowboy boots Sly wore 3" heels on his shoes to appear taller than Kurt.By the way Kurt is 5'9" with shoes.
Sly does not wear normal shoes,
in his early films as well as Tango & Cash he wore 3" heels shoes.Now he wears shoes that appear to be normal to look 5'10" with lifts hidden inside so his shoes will not look so obvious.
Think about it, if you met someone who is a legit 5'10" you would not consider him short.So why are so many people so surprised by Sly's height when they see him in person.
nolifts81 said on 3/Mar/06
With very normal shoes on Stallone is almost 1 inch taller than Kurt Russell.Vaj- I am agree with you, Sly is not a legit 5'10",but, he is very close to 5'10".
vaj said on 3/Mar/06
dream on to think sly is legit 5'10". Why don't you use your common sense, watch the movie (Tango & Cash). Sly wore 3" heels shoes and if he was 5'10" barefoot that would had made him 6'1" and he did not look that much taller than 5'9" Kurt Russell. So think about it, yes he is 5'10" with lifts on.
tgri said on 2/Mar/06
sly is legit 5'10 and arnold is strong 6'1.
vaj said on 2/Mar/06
If Glenn had 2" lifts on he would be the same height as Sly.
InTheZone said on 2/Mar/06
The reason that the studio cast Sly as the lead to play Rocky was that Sly used the script (he wrote and owned the copyright) as the bargain to play the lead role. The studio desired the script, but wanted a major star like Robert Redford or Burt Reynolds to play the lead. Sly turned down half a million dollars for his script, stood his ground, and finally the studio relinguished and agreed to cast Sly for the movie lead. That's how Sly got his breakthrough playing heroic characters. Like what "The Graduate" did to Dustin Hoffman (only 5'5.5" tall), the huge success of "Rocky" made Sly a super star, and he was able to play the subsequent heroic characters that he created (Sly also created Rambo characters and co-wrote the scripts). That's how short actors like Sly got his break -- Sly and Hoffman's stories have been well known in the Hollywood community.
Anonymous said on 1/Mar/06
InTheZone, i agree with what you have to say. In fact tgri says i will swear on my grave that Sly is really 5'8.
InTheZone said on 28/Feb/06
Stallone's real height is definately shorter than 5'9" as Kurt Russell's height listed here. They both star in the movie "Tango and Cash," and Kurt Russell is taller than Sly throughout the film. If Kurt Russell is really only 5'9", then real Sly is no way taller than 5'8".
Anonymous said on 28/Feb/06
nolifts81,tgri,leung and nc, you all bring up interesting points. Sly could very well be a weak 5'9. Glen has got me curious, until i see some solid information, i will downgrade him to 5'6. Just to many pics in here showing him to be at the 5'6 mark.
nolifts81 said on 28/Feb/06
Yesterday In Italy was the TV prime of the movie "D-TOX". In the first 15 minutes of the movies, Stallone wears very normal dress shoes and he appeared to be close to 5'10". During the scenes in the "detox center", where he wears boots, Sly appeares to be at least 5'11".It's obvious: had lifts in those boots.My conclusion is that maybe Sly is not a solid 5'10" but he is close to 5'10" (177cm).I'm sure that Sly doesn't use lifts in dress shoes. I've seen very well his dress shoes(he weares them in very rare occasions) and there's no room for accomodate lifts. I am very expert about elevator shoes or lifts because I use them from about 7 years.

Editor Rob
he's not afraid to run about in big heels - check escape to victory to see in the first 30 minutes there's a few shots of him jumping about with 2-inch heels on...there's also some shots inside the cabin on flatter ground beside Michael Caine...
I don't think 5ft 9.5 is unrealistic...beside Schaeffer and Stone, both barefoot, this can be possible.
Stallone's height is probably one of the widest 'estimated', people saying 5ft 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11!!!
elio said on 28/Feb/06
Elevator man,
provided I haven't scared you off for good, I just want you to know that it was nothing personal. It's just that I think there's a hell of a lot of people who would/do make 'downgrade stories' up. Obviously, celebrities see everyday people on a day to day basis so there must be plenty of genuine stories out there. Yours may well be one of them.
The nature of my reply was perhaps more of a test to see how you'd react, just in case your response might give more away. Your laid back reply means either you were telling the truth, but you're just a laid back guy and are too sensible to get caught in an argument so trivial, or that you were making it up and are withdrawing gracefully. Personally, I'm inclined to believe it was the former.
Either way, hope there's no hard feelings, as these days I seem to be unwittingly offending people a lot on here and want to break out of the pattern. :)
tgri said on 27/Feb/06
leung, its about freaking time that someone like you comes to this page . its mainly anonymous and zach that swear on there grave hes 5'8 max. the only people on this site i even agree with is people like you , glenn , and at most rob . even if glenn took a pic with sly barefoot and sly looks legit 5'10 , they will still think hes 5'8 max .. lol , what would yall say next? barefoot lifts lol lol lol .
Leung said on 27/Feb/06
props to tgri and 6' & 18 and nc. Everyone else, it's time to accept that Stallone is a legit 5'10". If Sly was only 5'7" then the Rambo and Rocky movies would have never seen the day of light.
Height Tracker said on 27/Feb/06
I agree with Anonymous. Glenn seems in the 5'7" range to me. If you want further evidence, check out George Clooney's website. Glenn makes Clooney look almost like a six footer, which he is clearly not.
Anonymous said on 27/Feb/06
nc, no way is he 5'9.5. He is struggleing to make 5'9 barefoot. Alot of us in here have him pegged at 5'8. Glen, on review of all the pics you have been kind enough to offer to this site, Rob should lower your height to 5'6. There is just way to much evidence in those pics that prove this. Shania Twain, Dustin Hoffman, Woody Allen are a few of the pics that make me think you are sub 5'8.You really do look 5'6.
nc said on 27/Feb/06
recently watched copland - get off the lift bull people! sly wearing flipflops next to liotta- about 2 inches shorter - guy is 5ft 9 1/2
tgri said on 26/Feb/06
i 100 % agree with 6'&18 . it is ridiculous to not give sly 5'10 , by the way that is the lowest he looks in pics . like i said before .. who really knows what sly's height is today , but at his peak.. i can't see him being under 5'9.5 . rob , has sly ever clamed any other height that you know of?

Editor Rob
I've never heard of him claiming anything except 5ft 10.
you can still go back to Richard Avedon's photo of him and claudia schaeffer for showing he wasn't under 5ft 9...unless anybody actually believes that a renowned figure like Avedon would have photographed them separately and spliced them together...you could recreate Stallone's stance and Schaeffer's stance and come to a good conclusion
6' & 18 said on 25/Feb/06
Also it's interesting...whenever judging an actor's height when looking at a photo of him next to another actor or celeb (the majority of sightings are only this), people always assume that the other celeb is wearing normal shoes and the actor is wearing huge lifts. The short sightings are with the other celeb wearing big lifts (or another of the many factors only/as well) and vice versa for surprisingly tall sightings? Think.
6' & 18 said on 25/Feb/06
Look at the pic with Glenn. 5' 10" is a very fair height for stallone, as I said. Glenn noticed nothing weird about his shoes, so to not give him 5' 10" is ridiculous. Yes, people generally have a feeling of a 5' 7" - 5'8" for Stallone, but that's not when looking at such a clear-cut picture as above with someone who judged his shoes as well...come on now guys! 5' 10" all the way.
ElevatorMan said on 25/Feb/06
Well I realize it was my first post and everything, but it does actually happen to be true. I would wildly rush to my own defense and everything, but I don't really remember why I ended up here to begin with. It's not like I'm trying to elect myself Pope, I'm just telling you what happened: In 1991 I was on the elevator in the then nearly bankrupt Carolco Pictures on much more boring business than making movies. Stallone walks on with some other guy. We give the "hey, you're Stallone" nod, and he gives the "hey, I'm Stallone" nod, and then he gets off the elevator a few floors down. Very much like I'm getting off this one, thanks to the friendly reception I recieved.

Editor Rob
your post just happened to be at the wrong time...when the 'typical' encounter that some people make up was being discussed...
with many encounters, some are true, others not.
elio said on 25/Feb/06
ElevatorMan. Reckon anyone will buy your fake sighting?

Editor Rob
it ticks all the boxes of the 'fake sighting' list!
ElevatorMan said on 25/Feb/06
Okay folks, here's my contribution. I have actually stood in an elevator next to Sylvester Stallone at Carolco Pictures. I didn't notice shoes, as in lifts or no lifts, but this wasn't a press day or anything, he was just there to work. What I did notice is that there is *no way,* as in *zero way* he is over 5'8". In that picture in the link, if Denzel is really six feet tall then Stallone is standing on something (his assistant?), or wearing the largest cowboy boot lifts ever. Sorry if that changes anything for anybody (it shouldn't, he's still the nicest guy ever) but there is no way that shoes + legs + torso + head in that particular elevator on that particular day added up to more than 5'8"
TheMan said on 23/Feb/06
Yeah he's heights probably about right now. He probably is 5,11 maybe even 6,0 in lifts who knows what he's preferred height is but i have no problem beliving he's 5,9 though at max. 5,10 is just to much to belive.
tgri said on 23/Feb/06
rob, are you and the celebheights editor user name the same person?

Editor Rob
Anonymous said on 23/Feb/06
tgri, you want Sly to be 5'10 or taller so bad that you are starting to see things.I watched First Blood as well, and in the scenes that he is standing with other actors, he is wearing heavy boots. They seem very high at the top of the foot area .Why do those boots look so high? You know and we all know that he has a minimum 3 inches hidden in there. Those were big ass boots. 5'8 max
tgri said on 22/Feb/06
ok i was watching first blood last night on amc and he really did look a eazy legit 5'10 without any off the wall footwear . also it was like beyone impossble that he had lifts inside those shoes . i don't know what sly's height is today , but at his peak (which i think all celebheights should be talking at there peak) theres no way humanly possble that he was under 5'9.5 .
Anonymous said on 22/Feb/06
I still can not beleive so many people are fooled by Sly's height.He is obviously taller than Glenn, but we all know he wears lifts and not just 1" at least 2". I am positive he never leaves the house without his lifts.I am sorry to tell everyone that I am not fooled, he is 5'8" or 5'9" barefooted max.If he is 5'11" why is he shorter than Ray Liatta who is 5'11" and John Travolta 6'.His height is closer to De Niro 5'9" or Jack Nickson 5'9, Wesly Snipes 5'9"or Kurt Russel.He may appear 1" taller but keep in mind he does not go anywhere without his lifts.So people stop being fooled by Sly's fake height!
tgri said on 21/Feb/06
sly is 5'10 . 5 feet of lifts , 10 inches of body lol.
zadeh79 said on 20/Feb/06
From that picture I can easily see 5'10" - Easily taller than glenn. If he was only 5'9" like you've posted there is probably no way you'd be able to tell a height difference from the pic. Assuming shoes don't give him any sort of advantage.
dmeyer said on 20/Feb/06
in pics he looks a legit 5'10+ but i dont think he is taller that wath he is claming

Editor Rob
the thing with Stallone...he stands in most photos at what looks like 'measurable height'. Elevator shoes, to a certain extent, can force or maximise a posture. Sly, like Cruise, is rarely caught short in photos with a Giammati or Billy Bob Thornton type posture. There's no doubting Sly can sometimes look 5ft 11 tall...
sf said on 20/Feb/06
Long lets don't mean anything. Some people have shorter torsos, or longer torsos. Vice Verca - some people have longer legs or shorter legs. You can have shorter legs than someone else and still be as tall as they are. Or, if you have longer legs and a relatively taller torso, you can be taller. We're not all built proportionately the same.
Anonymous said on 19/Feb/06
I have an idea, why don't you buy a pair of 2" lifts and next time you run into Sly take a picture and you will see you will be the same height, or tell him about the debate about his height on this forum and if he could take a picture with you, both without shoes on to end all rumors of his height.
He is so vain I know he would not do it because he does not want everyone to know that he is only 5'8".
I the picture of you and Sly if he removed his lifts he would be the same height as you Glenn, but we all know he does not go anywhere without them!
dmeyer said on 19/Feb/06
he looks up to 5'11 in getty images from wath is see of his shoes the best advantage he can have is 1 to 1.25" so he gotta be 5'9.5" to 5'10 to look 5'11 but since he is almost 60 i wonder how come he havent loose height
Glenn said on 18/Feb/06
I see your point,but his legs seemed longer than mine,but you did say something I forgot about I discussed with my friends.when I was skinnier and had tighter metal head pants 16 years ago,my legs looked longer too,possibly giving me the appearence of being taller.your right,the pants too.wow,that went over my head.
Simon said on 18/Feb/06
Wait a second, if that Italian shoemaker that claims that he made Stallone 4 - 5 inches taller, then by the laws of subtraction , Stallone at 5'10 - 5'11 is actually only 5'6 - 5'7 without those shoes.
Zach said on 16/Feb/06
What do you mean Sly's legs look abnormally long! Thats absurd! He's a comfortable 5'9!
He looks like he's hiding stilts under his jeans in this pic. Still, it fools everyone.
Anonymous said on 16/Feb/06
Glen all you need to do is put on a pair of Sly's "shoes", alter your pants and you will have long legs as compared to torso like Sly has. Glen, if you were to wear a pair of handcrafted 31/2 inch elevator shoes from the very best shoemaker in California, how tall would you be?
Glenn said on 15/Feb/06
the strange thing is his legs look longer than mine.
ahuat said on 15/Feb/06
anybody has a picture of Sly in barefoot? except the one with his ex wife, ...
well i have seen him taller a bit than De Niro.
tgri said on 14/Feb/06
i think the main reason we all try to pin his height down is cuz he goes over the top with his footwear. one thing i can say .. if i was a legit 5'10 i would have no reason to wear lifts . i can understand if he was only 5'4 .
Zach said on 13/Feb/06
Rob Rob Rob, your memory fails you! I am 100% sure Sly was 173cm 5'8 at one point here! Possibly 18 months ago, but he was I even quoted this website saying he was 5'8 on another forum.
tgri, Sly went up to 176 I believe when an actor claiming to be from Avenging Angelo posted here and said he saw Sly being measured at 5'10, turned out to be bogus though apparently.
Q for you Rob...what happens to posts from a while ago? Do they like just disappear off at the end of this long page lol? i.e. get deleted? It would've been nice if we could have seen how discussions have developed since the site started.

Editor Rob
it is possible back at the very beginning...for a few weeks he was 173 aswell. I have so many heights floating about my mind he might even have been 177 for a week ;-)
I do remember 174 for a while, then 175, then 174, then back to the 176, which was part of the security guy 'actor' joke...
older posts still exist, but I've not yet got around to providing a link to such pages with those posts. On my 'to do' list at some point
tgri said on 13/Feb/06
rob, what was the reason he was 176cm at once? at that time did you think he was close to 5'10?
Mike said on 13/Feb/06
I think v few people really think Sly's height is 5'7. Most people are aware his genuine height is around the 5'8 maybe fractionally less.
Others just continue 2 be fooled by Sly's footwear.
tgri said on 12/Feb/06
yes mario i agree with you . sly can look shorter than ussual , but never no 5'7 .
TheMan said on 12/Feb/06
stallone has no reason to lie about he's hieght but they stll do like in real life and this is a classic case IMO. In he's comment he's says he's 5,10 and 177 pounds im happy now it's almost like he's trying to self belive he's 5,10 when he's probably struggling with 5.9. With lifts he's 5,11 he's prefered height without is 5,9. Floors also change perspectives allowing certain people to appear taller than others even the same height or taller like by 3 inchesor something.
tgri said on 12/Feb/06
i don't think rob will ever put sly under 5'9 on here anymore . by the way .. why was he 174cm in the first place?

Editor Rob
I forget, but the 174, possibly I gave early credence to some of the estimates I was reading and the stuff about his footwear.
Mario said on 11/Feb/06
I agree that Sly looked shorter than ussual in Cop Land, but there no way that he is shorter than 5 ft 9. De Niro was in 1997 still at his peak wich was 5 ft 9, Liotta is 5 ft 11, and Keitel was 5 ft 7.5 to 5 ft 8 in the 90s.
People who think that Sly is 5 ft 7, should remove 2 inches of the actors that I have mentioned here above, and let be honest? Does Keitel look 5 ft 5.5 or does Liotta look 5 ft 9?
Anonymous said on 11/Feb/06
I agree with you Mike, he did look short in Copland. Sly will never where his regular shoes in public, without some type of lift.
Mike said on 11/Feb/06
I'm in agreement Sly in regular shoes looked v.short in copland. max 5'8. no way was he taller than deniro maybe even slightly shorter.
Viper652 said on 10/Feb/06
I thought Sly looked 5-7 in Copland.
nolifts81 said on 10/Feb/06
Zach if you see more accurately that famous picture of Sly and De Niro in Copland you will see that De Niro is on a taller street zone. Personally I've seen De Niro in Milan some years ago and I was very close to him: he was about 1 inch shorter than me. I am 5'10" so I think he is 5'9".On Internet there are fews pics of Stallone besides De Niro(Cannes film festival 1997) but If you look at those you'll see that Stallone is always 1 inch taller than him.At Cannes Film Festival 1997 Sly was clearly 1 inch taller than De Niro wearing very normal dress shoes with no room for accomodate lifts. I think Sly is really 5'10".
tgri said on 10/Feb/06
funny zach . i think your funnier then me. now there really is a few photos online when sly is about 1' to 2' inches taller then de niro , but i think de niro was aways back in them . at de niro's peak .. i do think he was a soild 5'9er . now at sly's peak (with out the dumb shoes ) i would say he was 5'9/5'10 or over . maybe he was 177cm at his peak and now 174/175cm ?
Zach said on 9/Feb/06
Well we all wanted to really know your rockylimited life story tgri, thanks for enlightening us all.
Go to DeNiro's page - his pic with Glenn was taken in late 90s, same time copland was made. And sly looked 2" taller than DeNiro?! You're a funny guy I'll give you that much.
tgri said on 9/Feb/06
rob , why don't you have your own page like glenn?

Editor Rob
glenn is a special case...I don't really need a page ;-)
Anonymous said on 9/Feb/06
Vag, i agree with you. 5'8.is about right. The comparison with Glen is right, i don't think Sly goes anywhere in public without the lifts.
TGRI said on 9/Feb/06
vaj said on 9/Feb/06
I do think he is 5'8" or 5'9" barefooted max.That could explain him 5'11" or 6' with lifts.He is not 5'10" barefoote because many people would not be so surprised by his height in person. Sly standing next to Glenn I know he is wearing his lifts because when Glenn is standing next to other celebs like Wesley Snipes,Robert Denior,
Mel Gibson who are all in similar height they have mabe a 1"-2" on Glenn. Now,if you add 2" lifts to Glenn Voila! the same height as Sly.
I still can not beleive Sly has so many people fooled?
nolifts81 said on 9/Feb/06
Anonymous I understand you,excuse me. I'm agree with you. Thank you for what you have wrote to me.I am from Italy, Puglia (Bari).I've been last summer in Calabria (Scalea). Calabria is fantastic. I've been, years ago, also in Catanzaro.Excuse me but I still think that Stallone is 5'10".