Glenn said on 7/Feb/07
What does being barefoot have to do with lifts?
kenjie said on 6/Feb/07
This guy doesn't wear lifts. I saw him doing aikido demonstrations and he was barefoot as required.
hb45 said on 6/Feb/07
Next to Glenn, Mr Seagal is obviously over 6'3" (190cm), 6'4" sems correct.
Mr Mayfair said on 10/Jan/07
My first thought is Glenn really 5.8?!
With Mr Seagal height is secondry to overall size, he is not small...
ed said on 20/Dec/06
His son Kentaro Seagal is listed at 6'2'' is this right?
Click Here
He looks like 6'3'' or 6'4'' in this picture if his son is really 6'2''.
Height Tracker said on 14/Dec/06
Watch this video of Seagal on SNL. In it, he looks about 6" taller than 5'10" Phil Hartman and almost a foot taller than Rob Schneider. I say he looked all of 6'4" in the early 90's and has now shrunk down to about 6'3" due to his excessive weight.
Click Here
Glenn said on 30/Nov/06
I think it was the boots that made him 6-5.
ed said on 30/Nov/06
I compared the picture of Seagal and Barbara Farris (6'3'') and they are the same height. Maybe Seagal looks 1 inch taller. You can also compare the photo of Seagal with the one of Novoselic.

Editor Rob
you can't compare exactly the seagal photo because he is further away. The Farris pic (both in sneakers I assume) appears a good, near ideal photo.
Same with Novoselic, tall people who have stood tall for a photo.
Glenn said on 13/Nov/06
Yeah,I was trying to figure out for years why DMX and other actors didnt look like a joke next to my pic he is wearing heels.
Glenn said on 12/Nov/06
I was fooled by this guy for years.I always thought he was 6-5.thats in heels.
Bob H. said on 11/Nov/06
Just watched "Exit Wounds". At closing of picture Seagal stands next to 6'4" Bill Duke who hulks over him. Hard to believe, but Seagal seems shorter than 6'4".
Height Tracker said on 11/Nov/06
I agree with 6'3" now and close to 6'4" at peak.
ed said on 6/Nov/06
I think he is at least 6'3'' nowadays and peak height was probably 6'3.5''. But I can't believe that he is 6'2.5''.
Glenn said on 6/Nov/06
I always heard,read and saw 6-5 for this guy.but this site had the rare knack for making me change my opinion on a tall celeb.cause in the movies he looks tall,but not 6-5.and next to DMX he looks 6-2.and someone here mentioned 6-2.5.and Im starting to believe it.
Derek said on 4/Nov/06
He was about 2 inches taller than Jerry Orbach in Out For Justice(which I watched earlier this afternoon). Orbach I believe is 6'1", so that would make Seagal 6'3".
Glenn said on 6/Oct/06
Agree.and DMX.
Viper652 said on 6/Oct/06
His footwear.
cantstop25 said on 6/Oct/06
"Ive changed my mind on Seagal. I think hes 6-2 1/2 to 6-3 Max."
and what made you change your mind?
Viper652 said on 2/Oct/06
Danimal, the man's footware is huge.
Viper652 said on 28/Sep/06
Ive changed my mind on Seagal. I think hes 6-2 1/2 to 6-3 Max.
dmeyer said on 25/Sep/06
seagal is 193 looks 194 195 since he wears 4 cm heels most of the time possibly 194 in his 20s
thelasttiger said on 24/Sep/06
He might have been about 6'4" in his 20's and 30's but now that he is 55 years old, he's probably an inch or two smaller.
ed said on 20/Sep/06
His big frame makes him look taller.
Viper652 said on 20/Sep/06
6-3 could be his real height.
Alex said on 18/Sep/06
Met Seagal randomly in Thailand during 2003 when he was filming Belly of the beast (was the movie title in reference to his expanding waistline?). He was barefoot and in a massage parlour, I was barefoot aswell, I am 5ft 11, he is dead on 6ft 3.

Editor Rob
that's why he wears big keep the bulging beast at bay
dmeyer said on 6/Sep/06
dont forget that steven wears 1.5 to 2 inches heels most of the times but i steel think he is 193
Height Tracker said on 18/Aug/06
Hey Rob, the movie you're referring to isn't called Nico. It's actually called Above the Law.

Editor Rob
gets called Nico over here ;-)
Brad said on 8/Aug/06
Like Gene Simmons, tall to begin with and adds more height. One bad hombre to mess with.
Anonymous said on 23/Jun/06
I remember him being about 75 lbs thinner. What happened to him. It can't al be metabolic...

Editor Rob
Darren said on 11/Jun/06
Seriously, Seagal appears a lot taller than 6 ft 4 :/ maybe he's one of those guys who are very tall and still wear lifts/boots. Sometimes he seems around this height, sometimes even 2 inches taller, now when he's gained some weight he seems like a giant compared to some other people.
MaxB said on 29/May/06
I believe that Michael Cain wore lifts in that movie because in many scenes he appeared taller than 6ft2 John C McGinley. Steven Seagal probably is, or at least he was in his peak time, the height listed here.
dmeyer said on 19/May/06
in a french making of of exit wouds he is described as 194 cm
bart said on 6/May/06
On this picture he looks the same height as Keenen Ivory Wayans.
Click HereAnd on this picture you can compare him with Michael Caine.
Click Here
Height Tracker said on 3/May/06
Yeah Jason I totally agree. Above the Law and Out for Justice were two of my favorite movies. It's also pretty interesting to watch how Seagal went from being extremely skinny in his first film (Above the Law) and how he seemed to fill out with every movie he made.
Jason said on 30/Apr/06
He's overweight now (has been for like the last decade). It's a shame he just does these endless straight to video movies now as some of his older stuff was awesome.
Glenn said on 29/Apr/06
Yeah,Jason,I havnt seen the guy in 13 years,so for a goof,Id like to.
pena said on 19/Apr/06
Here's Steven Seagal with Wyclef Jean:
Click Here
In many pictures taken from different occasions Seagal is wearing the same shoes, as seen in this picture:
Click Here
Could they be elevator shoes? Has anybody seen those shoes anywhere else? Seagal sure likes them, he's wearing them everywhere.
oz bob said on 17/Apr/06
By looking at that picture he is 6'1 at the most and all you Americans lie about your height.
Jason said on 5/Apr/06
Glenn, it sounds like it. Where did the fairly exact figure of 6'2 1/2'' come from for Seagal? Are you gonna get another photo with him in June?
Glenn said on 30/Mar/06
Jason- so you agree,something is fishy with DMX? Gonzalo- some rumors are going around Seagle is heels and lifts are possible.I think he really is 6-5. Ill be seeing him in June!
Gonzalo said on 30/Mar/06
He looks very big, that`s a fact. I remember I read in a Spanish newspaper that he was 6`10! Well, it is clear that he is not that tall but next to Glenn he looks close to 6`5.
However I remeber him in a movie with Michale Caine and he didn`t look three inches taller. What´s going on? Someone was wearing lifts? Is my memory too weak?
Jason said on 29/Mar/06
Thank you too, Height Tracker. Exit Wounds, yep that's it! DMX must wear lifts on occasion. Weird he could come within a few inches even so. Maybe Seagal wasn't wearing his customary big boots? I don't think there was a sequel. Romeo must die is a different movie starring Jet Li that came out the year before Exit Wounds - great movie, though - you should check it out if you haven't seen it.
Tom Selleck is taller than Seagal? Are there any pics around of them together?
Johnny G said on 24/Mar/06
I don't think there has been anyone more in pics then Tom Selleck in the past 26 years and he was a legit 6'4''Seagal is a tall guy, but I bet most of your readers agree he is not as tall as Magnum P.I.Tom Selleck
Glenn said on 24/Mar/06
Thanks height tracker.was there a sequel? in these photos I wish I could dig up,DMX looked a few inches shorter,no more.maybe he is standing on something.
Glenn said on 23/Mar/06
Well actually,I now that I remember,it was publicity photos from movie I cant remember name of either.and movie premiere photos.wasnt there a sequel ? Romeo must die?
Height Tracker said on 23/Mar/06
That movie was called Exit Wounds, and yes Seagal towered DMX by at least 6 inches or more.
Jason said on 23/Mar/06
When'd he look that tall next to him? I saw that film at the movies that DMX and Seagal starred in in 2001 ... what was it called ... ah s***, I forgot ... but anyway, from memory I think DMX definitely looked sub-6'0'' next to Seagal. Could be wrong because I only saw the movie the once 5 years ago, but I don't think he appeared very tall next to Seagal there.
Glenn said on 23/Mar/06
Possible.but what I dont understand is how DMX who is 5-9,looks 6-1 next to Seagle sometimes.
Jason said on 22/Mar/06
I still think Segal is a tall guy (6'3'') who wears large footware to appear even taller.
Marc said on 19/Mar/06
Glenn is closer to the camera so he appears about 2 inches taller. I'd say 6'4"-6'5" is right. If Glenn was standing directly next to him, Seagal would be about a head taller than him.
Anonymous said on 19/Mar/06
Robbins looks taller then seagel next to glenn, i'd put seagal at 2nd.
Frank2 said on 7/Mar/06
He wears a rug. In his earlier films it's clear he was severely losing his hair. And yes, he's a big guy. I'd say at least six-four.
Brett said on 6/Mar/06
He looks an easy 6'5"
cantstop25 said on 1/Feb/06
so far. with the exception of brad garrett seagal looks like the tallest guy next to glenn. 2nd robbins 3rd christopher reeves 4th neeson 5th goldblum
andy said on 28/Jan/06
hey nobu... the seiling at most homes is at 2.50m , Steven is 194 cm and the door has about 200 cm (2 m ) ... so.. he does look very close to the top of the door in your pics...sry but he is definetely not 6'(184cm) ... i am 188cm (6' 2") and i know
Glenn said on 20/Jan/06
yes,he is 6-5.
J-Dog said on 19/Jan/06
Looks 6'5" in that picture.
Glenn said on 17/Jan/06
he's a giant!
CoolJ said on 12/Jan/06
Seagal is looking 6'4-6'5 in that pic with Glenn
SH said on 11/Jan/06
Seagal is a tall guy 6'4'' - 6'5''. In all his films, especially the old ones, he really did look huge compared to the other actors who varied in heights (no 6'1'' guy or 6'2'' guy would do that). Could he be wearing lifts, I dont think so. The guy is big and does not need lifts to make people look tiny (I am 6'1.5'' and my 6'4'' and 6'5'' friends make me look tiny). As for the 6'6'' and 6'7'' stories, they probably just serve to give him good publicity and make him seem like some kind of lethal giant. I wonder who would win in a fight Seagal or Lundgren in their primes?

Editor Rob
I put a pic of Glenn and SEagal up here, Glenn is further forward to the camera.
Johnny said on 22/Dec/05
I see Seagal 4 years ago.I'm 6 ft 4.5 in(194cm) and he is same maybe even taller than me.My guess Seagal is 195cm,but he is a taller than 6'4'' looks
closer to 6'5'' than 6'4''
Codex said on 14/Dec/05
Steven Seagal is a classic case of a guy wanting to appear a little taller than he really is.
Quite clearly he is not 6 ft 4.5, hes 6 ft 4 MAX. When taking into account the boots/lifts he obviously always wears even 6 ft 3 isn't out of the question.
dmeyer said on 19/Nov/05
seagal is 6 foot 4 but wears 1.5 inches boots so he looks a litel taller
316 said on 4/Nov/05
Hey SS dude, u travel around with a measuring tape or something. Ralph's official site states him at 196cms. So either they have measured it wrong or ur tape gives the most accurate measurements.
SS said on 25/Sep/05
Ralph Moeller 201cm ; Dolph Lundgren 198cm ; Steven Seagal 195cm ; Danny Glover
192cm ; Michael Madsen 188cm ; Kevin Costner 185-6cm ; Ving Rhames 182cm!
james said on 5/Sep/05
Anyone who claims his under 6"4 is seriously dillusional, Ive seen him a couple times, and hes probably 6"5 and hes just big in everyway, I dont know how people could come up with him being 6"0 haha, im 185cm and I felt small when I saw him, I can only imagine his size and the amount of inertia he could generate would make it so much easier for him to be as good at Aikido as he is.
Jason said on 5/Jun/05
More like 6'7'' would be my guess, Rob. I'd say Vince is actually 6'4'' & he's standing further back from the camera. Of course that's just my .02.
Anonymous said on 25/May/05
Anonymouse, there is about a 2.5-3" difference in theire eye levels. Even if Duncan was standing straight he wouldn't be taller than Seagal. He doesn't look like he's slouching from being an inch taller than Seagal to being 2 or 3 inches shorter.
irishman05 said on 23/May/05
I really believe Seagal is more like 6 foot 3 because of comparing him to other actors he has stood beside. e.g. he is basically the same height as Keenen Wayans in the Glimmer Man (who is 6'2" or at most 6'3") and he is smaller than Bill Duke in a few scenes by 1-2 inches in On Deadly Ground (Bill is listed with different heights ranging from 6'4" to 6'6", more likely to be 6'4")
Smoke said on 12/Apr/05
Very possible, Seagal's ego has a reputation that can very well rival it's own size. I still think that he's atleast 6'4" without shoes, and obviously taller if he does wear lifts. Mr. R you have a better idea of Isaiah's footwear than I do, and I fully agree with you that he really does seam 6'1". Posture/footwear played a large role in Seagal towering over Washington.
Smoke said on 11/Apr/05
Dmeyer I totally agree, posture plays a big role in the way people come off as being tall/short, but it can only account for so much of adding or taking away from out apperance. If I judged by that pic of him with Isaiah alone, I would assume that either Washington wasn't 6'1", or Seagal was taller than 6'4". Of course I know better than to judge from one pic, and I think that it's very believable that Isaiah is indeed 6'1", and that Seagal is really closer to 6'4" than 6'5". All I can say, is that if Seagal's has size 12 feet, he has small feet fot a guy who's really 6'4". I'm on the 6'1" mark and wear size 12 shoes.
Mr. R said on 10/Apr/05
Seagal is the one who when asked to place his feet in cement at Grauman's Chinese Theater, instructed his aide to go and but him a pair of boots, I think 14, so his feet would seem bigger than usual, I think size 12. If he went through all this trouble for his feet, what do you think he would do for his height?
dmeyer said on 10/Apr/05
i dont think we can see peoples height from pics i am 182 cm and one of my friends is 186 cm and when i took a picture with him i looked taller because i have a big head and i was standing tall
Jon said on 10/Apr/05
In that final photo with the 6'8" actor, I would say Segal does certainly look 6'4". From my experience, the eye level of someone who is 6'7" is about level with the top of the head of someone who is 6'2". The 6'8" actor has an eye level about 1" below the top of Segals head, which would make Segal around 6'4" in my view.